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to suffer is to live ,to survive is to find meaning in that suffering.

Viktor Frankl's,auther and phycatrist, family died in the concentration camps of his novel Man's search for meaning he expalaind how even in extreme
hunger, cold and brutality one can survive and can achive spritual freedom.
man's search for meaning is a story that could excuse a person's belief about li
fe being meaningless and suicide a reasonable option. with minemum of humanity,
Frankl keept an optimist. he proved that even in the most terrible circumstannc
es, one still can choose to how to take their circumstances and create meaning o
ut of find a meaning in their sufferings .
this book has two secotins in frst one is all about frankl's ecperince in conce
ntration camp wich starts with the "delusion of reprieve".
Frankl and nearly every member imprisoned with him experienced the "delusion of
reprieve" - a psychiatric term referring to the state of mind of condemned men
who intensely hold to the notion that they will be reprieved immediately before
execution. Even though he and other prisoners saw many others die from malnour
ishment, lack of medical care, and frequent torture, there was still a prevailin
g thought that they would somehow be saved. When reality began to eliminate the
delusion of reprieve, suicide was common thought of nearly everyone given the br
utality and hopelessness of situation.
Frankl's,through Nietzsche's qute 'He who has a why to live can bear with almos
t any how'tells us how the Mental images of his wife provided strenthend him in
dark days of the concentration camp, He lost every physical belonging on his fir
st day in the camps,yet maneged to collect such experences that led him to the d
iscovery of revolutionary theory in terms of phycaity i.e the logotherapy . He u
sed to imagine,during tournments of concentration camp, himself after liberation
in lecture halls, telling people about what must never happen again.such though
ts about life after liberation keepet him off the edeg of loosing him self and g
iving up .
one sholud not take life according to what we expected from it but sholud inst
ed ask what life expects of him. life has set some specific taks for us,realisin
g that we shold be responsible enought to fullfill our taskes ,those wich no one
else could do except from us as nither us nor the situation is replaceble ,repe
Frankl writes that joy and suffering are relative concepts, with meaning determi
ned by individuals in reference to their experiences and expectations. Similarly
, he mentions that people have the ability to choose what will become of them me
ntally and spiritually.
Due to this ability of individuals to make such psychological choices, meaning c
an be found even in grave circumstances. Frankl also provided examples that sh
owd how people who lost hope could not find meaning in the suffering of the conc
entration camp, and ultimately atempted suicide or gave in to death. The biggest
source of psychological stress was of the unknown, particularly how long the im
prisonment and abuse will go on,
Frankl identifies three significant periods for a prisoner: following admission
into the camp; when well entrenched in camp routine; and following release and l
After discussing the liberation of the concentration camp prisoners, Frankl begi
ns the second section of this book, Logotherapy in a Nutshell. Here he outlines
a theory of Logotherapy as a psychological technique for helping people. In this
section, Frankl discusses the basics of this approach to therapy and supports i

t by referring to some work with patients and again his own experiences in the c
oncentration camps.
logotherpy acording to frankl is not to listen to what a person(patient) has to
say rather to listening what his soundings trying to tell him i.e Whereas psycho
analysis requires a person's introspection and self-centredness to reveal the ba
sis of their neurosis, logotherapy tries to take the person out of themselves an
d see their life in a broader perspective.logos in greek is 'meaning'.

this provided the basis for the development of a new school of psychotherapy, L
ogotherapy. Where psychoanalysis focuses on the 'will to pleasure', logotherap
y sees the prime motivating force in human beings to be a will to meaning.
in an example about some American diplomat who had spent five years in psychoan
alysis. Discontented with his job and uncomfortable about implementing U.S. fore
ign policy, his analyst had laid the blame with the relationship with his father
, the United States government represented the father and therefore the superfic
ial object of his angst, but the real issue was his feelings towards his real fa
ther. Frankl, however, simply analysed a lack of purpose in that man's job and s
uggested him to change his career . The man took his advice and never looked bac
k. one sould ony concentrate on his work responibilities not on the profits lik
e money ,fame name etc, such luxiries should come out as suprises only then they
have a meaning.chaceing for profits inted of concentated on work is meaningless
.acording to frnkl there are three sources of meaning as
Logotherapy sees mental health in the tension between what one is and what one c
ould become and we are yet to identify what we could become?
1. Creating a work or doing a deed;
2. Experiencing something or encountering someone (love);
3. The attitude we take to unavoidable suffering.
Essential concepts to Logotherapy are "hyper-intention" and "hyper-reflection."
Hyper-intention is the idea that trying to force something will make it impossib
le to achieve, and hyper-reflection is the idea that too much focus on a particu
lar thought or behavior will lead to unhealthy outcomes.
The main goal of this book is to provide perspective and techniques for a person
to use to find meaning in his or her life.

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