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Social capital not only embodies the foundational freedoms of democracy but also fortifies the very

structure of an efficient democratic society; it promotes more of the public to be directly involved in
policy making through associations instead of being immersed in individual concerns, and through these
associations balance between the individual and the power of the state is created-thus making social
capital essential to a healthy democracy.
increased political productivity-associations can be more directly involved in policy making than
individuals; more people able to participate (Galston, Journal of Democracy pp 64-70)
embodies foundation of democracy- freedom of speech and freedom of assembly (Gaslton,
Journal of Democracy pp 64-70)
protection from excessive individualism; prevents political apathy associated with individualism
and promotes collective action necessary to a healthy democracy (Tocqueville, Democracy In
America ch. 7)
seeks to provide balance to political structure; individuals are protected from states power while
also curbing it through presenting different interests of different associations (Tocqueville, ch. 7)
counterweight to concentrations of political power and the tyranny of the majority through
multiple associations (Tocqueville, ch, 7)

The face of democracy and its application to various nations is ever-evolving on a globalized stage,
signaling that it is not becoming irrelevant but developing to the sound of an era of global
interconnectedness; these very relationships promote action and growth towards democratic forms of
governance unique to each countrys needs.
favorable international climate- knowledge of political events transmitted from nation to nation
may trigger similar events; democracies hold more legitimacy on global stage (ex-Arab spring)
(Globalization and Democracy, Schwarzmann, pp. 166)
different forms of democracy will evolve to fit different nations needs on a globalized stage; not
all democracies are the same ( Fulcher, pp.42)
democracy is a broad term; some nations will have hybrid forms of governance that may include
democratic elements (Crick, 94)
global governance does not signal decline of democracy (Steger, pp. 73)
global economic growth provides global democratization through changes in social structure and
values (Globalization and Democracy, Schwarzmann , pp. 164)

The way in which capitalism is applied to various nations economic systems is through context-
capitalism in each country is tailored to each states political, social, and economic status as well as
historical and cultural context-different types of capitalism not only depend on these factors but also can
be traced to the influences of globalization.
forms of capitalism implemented unique to each nations culture, history, economic resources,
etc-capitalism in each country must differ from one another because of these factors (Fulcher,
different in not only applied context, but also in types of capitalism- industrial, mercantilism,
financial (Fulcher, ch. 3)
varying aspects of capitalism emphasized in each nation depending on economic, political, and
social status (the corporation, the family, the individual (Fulcher, ch. 4)
globalization requires various countries to adopt capitalist ideals tailored to each nations needs-
free trade, free, markets, etc. (Steger ch. 3)

dis: tyranny of the majority, what the people want might not be good (not fully aware), can
promote apathy, less power of the individual ( more power to associations and groups),
representatives can take own interests into account instead of people, leaders have short-term
focus, power of factions,

The term democracy retains numerous definitions- it has been refined, edited and given
structure in various theories throughout history. It also encompasses the connotations
individuals and societies bestow upon it-incredibly broad in itself, as varying perspectives
furnishes the term into different shapes from

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