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Name of Teacher: Larisa Perera Lesson Number: 5/6

Subject: ENGLISH Topic: Propaganda

Year Level: 10 Time: 60 minutes

Rationale: Creation Students are to demonstrate their skills and
knowledge through a creative assessment task,
demonstrating their understanding of propaganda and
adhering to the types of literary conventions, i.e.
Persuasive language.

Intended Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to:

Understand what is to be expected of them and
needs to be demonstrated in their assessment
Demonstrate their knowledge and understanding
of propaganda concepts through a creative
presentation as part of their assessment.

AusVELS/VCE Standards: Evaluate the social, moral and ethical positions
represented in texts. (ACELT1812)
Analyse and evaluate how people, cultures,
places, events, objects and concepts are
represented in texts, including media texts,
through language, structural and/or visual
choices. (ACELY1749)
Identify and analyse implicit or explicit values,
beliefs and assumptions in texts and how
these are influenced by purposes and likely
audiences. (ACELY1752).

Key Learning Areas
Reading, Viewing, Listening, Speaking and Writing


Student Teacher
Note taking equipment
Video of propaganda (2mins)
Propaganda Assessment Task
Booklet (consisting of the
assessment task, rubric,
assessment planning sheet and
other scaffolding material to assist
students, i.e. different types of

Action Time
Activity & Resources
Introduction 2 Outlining to students what will be covered for the day.
1. An overview of propaganda
2. Going over the Propaganda Creation Assessment Task.
3. Outlining the rubric.
4. Students are to work independently, deciding on an
issue and begin researching.

! Provide them with the Propaganda Assessment Task

Hook 2 YouTube video example of propaganda.
Student Prior
15 The collaborative activity will involve students defining and
reiterating what propaganda is, the literary conventions used,
the different types of propaganda.

Through the implementation of the YouTube clip, stimulate
class discussion by asking students scaffolding questions, for
example; What form of propaganda could be seen, who is the
audience, what is the context, etc.

The table below will be drawn up on the board and students will
also have a copy of the table in their assessment booklets to fill
out while having a class discussion.

Definition of Propaganda
Purpose of Propaganda
! Definition
! The importance of

Audience and Tone
Literary Conventions
! Persuasive

Scaffolding of
the Task
15 Students will be given an Assessment Task Booklet. The
booklet will have included the table, as shown above, and the
assessment task, list of issues students can chose from, and
the rubric.

Students will be given explicit instruction on their assessment
task and what they are going to be assessed on according to
the rubric.
20 Students are to work on the their assessment tasks

They are to start working on the What is my Issue? sheet in
their booklet. Making sure students are on task by continuously
pacing around the classroom, discussing ideas with students
and answering any questions they may have.
Conclusion 5 Conclude lesson, by reiterating the assessment task and the
rubric. Students are to complete the homework sheet in the
Assessment Booklet, and bring it to the following lesson for
student conferencing. Students can also post on Edmodo under
the Propaganda Assessment Plan section.

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