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CRM Template
[ Your Name ]
Name Company Work
Phone Email Estimated
Next Action Next
Jameson, Bill XYZ Plumbing Owner 444-555-6666 $ 45,000 1/10/2013 1/29/2013 Cold Referral
Anderson, Jane ABC Corp Sales Manager 222-656-7890 $ 10,000 1/25/2013 2/5/2013 Warm Website
Smithers, Joe ACME Business Dev. 111-234-5678 $ 4,500 1/27/2013 2/15/2013 Active Email Loves chocolate
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[ Your Name ]
Customer Purpose Method Notes
1/18/2013 Smithers, Joe Phone
This is an example of a note that wraps to a second line. For really
long notes, you could use cell comments.
1/18/2013 Anderson, Jane Email
[OPTIONAL] This worksheet provides an
example of what you might use for a more
detailed contact log. You can include
important notes as cell comments in the
main CRM worksheet if keeping this
detailed log is not necessary.
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[ Your Name ]
Insert Copied Columns to the Left
Date of
Customer Amount Item / Product / Service Invoice # Notes
1/18/2013 Smithers, Joe $ 4,500 Product ABC 2342
2/4/2013 Anderson, Jane $ 2,500 Installation 2343
[OPTIONAL] This worksheet could be used to
keep a history of completed sales.

[IDEAS for CUSTOMIZATION]: Sales reports
could be generated by creating a Pivot
Table based on this sales log. The SUMIF
formula could be used to calculate the total
sales for a specific customer.
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[ Your Name ]
Name Company Work
Phone Work Email Mobile
Personal Email Address City ST Zip Notes
Anderson, Jane ABC Corp 222-656-7890 111-111-1111 18119 Shireoak Dr. Canton MI 84765 Loves chocolate
[OPTIONAL] This worksheet is for storing more detailed contact
information about your clients.

[IDEAS for CUSTOMIZATION]: Some of the columns in the CRM
worksheet could be automatically filled by referring to this data
table using VLOOKUP.
Lead Status Lead Source Date Formats
Active Email Days Since Last Contact (<=)
Won Facebook 2
Loss LinkedIn 5
Cold Referral > 5
Warm Website
Newsletter Days Until Next Action (>=)
< 5
Update the Lead Status and Lead Source
lists to change what shows up in the drop
down lists in the CRM worksheet.

Edit the values in the green and yellow cells
to change the settings used to conditionally
format the Last Contact and Next Contact
columns in the CRM worksheet.
Update the Lead Status and Lead Source
lists to change what shows up in the drop-
down lists in the CRM worksheet.
Edit the values in the green and yellow cells
to change the settings used to conditionally
format the Last Contact and Next Contact
columns in the CRM worksheet.
Terms of Use
2013 Vertex42 LLC. All rights reserved.
This template is considered a copyrighted work under the Unites States and other copyright
laws and is the property of Vertex42 LLC. The items listed below are additional points to help
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You may make archival copies and customize this template only for your personal use or
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You may not remove or alter any logo, trademark, copyright, disclaimer, brand, terms
of use, attribution, or other proprietary notices or marks within this template.
This template and any customized or modified version of this template may NOT be
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public server.
Limited Private Sharing
Provided that you observe the above terms, you may share your edited version of this
template *privately* with those specific people who **require** access to it within your
immediate family, organization, or company.
* "Privately" means only accessible to those few people who you expressively give permission
to view or edit your file. It is your responsibility to ensure that adequate security measures are
used so that your file is not available to the public.
** Examples of acceptable private sharing with people who "require access" may include (a)
sharing a budget spreadsheet with a spouse, (b) sharing a project schedule with your project
team, or (c) sharing a timesheet with your employee or manager.
See the following page on for the complete license agreement and examples of
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This template is provided for informational or educational use only and is not intended to be
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