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By Roland Palmer-Jones, Penspen Integrity, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK

Intelligent pigs are used extensively or inspecting pipelines! T"eir use "as #een increasing
rapidly due to t"eir proven #eneits, expanding capa#ilities, and legislative re$uirements!
T"e result o an intelligent pig inspection is an inspection report wit" a list o deects! To gain
t"e ull #eneit rom an inspection t"e pipeline operator must understand t"e inspection
process, and w"at t"e list o deects means or t"e immediate and t"e uture integrity o t"e
T"e Inspection Process
Running an intelligent pig in a pipeline is a signiicant pro%ect wit" potential saety and
operational implications! &ny pigging operation s"ould #e careully planned to ensure t"at t"e
correct tool is used, t"at appropriate pipeline cleaning is carried out, t"e pig will not get stuc',
contingency measures are in place to locate and remove a stuc' pig, and t"at sae
procedures or pig launc", receive, and "andling are ollowed! (uidance on managing an
intelligent pig inspection is availa#le
&ssessing +eects
T"ere are a num#er o recognised deect-acceptance ,or -itness-or-purpose./ met"ods
availa#le or assessing t"ese deects ,or example &012 B34(, and &PI 567/, #ut t"ese
met"ods are simply calculation met"odologies8 t"ere are many issues related to t"e input
data and t"e engineering assessment t"at also need to #e resolved in order to "ave a ull
understanding o t"e pipeline condition! T"ese include tolerances on pig data, t"e age o t"e
pipeline, t"e product transported, t"e operation o t"e pipeline ,cyclic pressures/, t"ermal
expansion loads, ground movement loads, and t"e type and cause o t"e deect!
9onse$uently, it is good practice to approac" deect assessments "olistically! T"is means
t"at all aspects o t"e pipeline:s integrity are ta'en into account, and it is not viewed simply
as an exercise o inputting smart pig data into an e$uation and simply o#taining a predicted
ailure pressure or t"e deect!
T"is paper provides a process or reviewing any set o inspection data, and gives some
simple guidance on understanding t"e results o an intelligent pig inspection, #ased on
examples or calliper, magnetic lux lea'age ,1;</, ultrasonic ,UT/ metal loss, and UT crac'
detection inspections!
>"en t"e results o an inspection o a pipeline are received a staged process o review and
assessment is recommended! T"is process is outlined in ;igure 4!
Copyright 2006, Pigging Products and Services Association.
Level 2 Integrity
To fully understand the
problem and consider
whether pipeline is
safe to operate in
damaged condition.
Preliminary Assessment
Evaluation of inspection
data and pipeline condition.
Consider implications for
future integrity.
Level 1 Integrity
condition of line
is satisfactory and
set future
Immediate !pert
"efine re#uirements for shut
down$ or pressure reduction.
External inspection to
confirm condition.
%urther Assessment and
repairs&rehabilitation or
replacement as re#uired
Confirm defect
identification, and sizing
with inspection vendor.
Severe defects
nsatisfactory performance
Some or no defects
Evidence of a
potential pro!lem
Everything loo"s #$
#perator and
Level 2 Integrity
To fully understand the
problem and consider
whether pipeline is
safe to operate in
damaged condition.
Preliminary Assessment
Evaluation of inspection
data and pipeline condition.
Consider implications for
future integrity.
Level 1 Integrity
condition of line
is satisfactory and
set future
Immediate !pert
"efine re#uirements for shut
down$ or pressure reduction.
External inspection to
confirm condition.
%urther Assessment and
repairs&rehabilitation or
replacement as re#uired
Confirm defect
identification, and sizing
with inspection vendor.
Severe defects
nsatisfactory performance
Some or no defects
Evidence of a
potential pro!lem
Everything loo"s #$
#perator and
;igure 4 &ssessing Intelligent Pig +ata
T"ere are now pu#lis"ed standards t"at "elp operators t"roug" t"e intelligent pig inspection
process N&92 RP ?4?@-@??@
8 &PI 44A3
8 and &0NT I<I-PB-@??5
! In addition t"ere are
standards suc" as &PI 44A?
and &012 B34!C0
t"at provide guidance on t"e selection o
pigs or detecting particular types o deects!
Preliminary &ssessment
T"e irst stage o assessing t"e results o an intelligent pig inspection is a review o t"e
results #y t"e pipeline operator, or t"eir representative! T"is review "as t"e ollowing
a/ To identiy any potentially severe deects re$uiring immediate action!
#/ To ensure t"at t"e inspection was successul, t"at is to ensure t"at data was
collected or t"e re$uired percentage o t"e line, and in particular t"at data "as
#een collected or any locations t"at may previously "ave #een identiied as
critical! It may #e t"at t"e perormance was not satisactory or did not meet t"e
Page 2of 18 Copyright 2006, Pigging Products and Services Association.
standards re$uired #y t"e contract! I t"is it t"e case, a re-inspection may #e
c/ To conirm t"at t"ere is no am#iguity over t"e deects reported, or example due
to terminology suc" as -crac' li'e. used to reer to deects!
d/ To conirm t"at t"e deects reported are credi#le! T"at is, t"ey are expected or
t"ere is a reasona#le explanation or t"eir presence! ;or example, numerous -roc'
dents. are common in large diameter t"in wall ons"ore pipelines8 "owever, small
diameter t"ic' wall os"ore pipelines s"ould not contain a large num#er o dents!
e/ (ive a $ualitative assessment o t"e condition o t"e pipelineD &re t"ere many
deects or %ust a ewE
T"is initial review does not re$uire a "ig" level o expertise in pipeline deect assessment or
a detailed understanding o t"e inspection tec"nology! It does re$uire an appreciation o
pipeline deects, w"at causes t"em and t"eir signiicance! It also re$uires an appreciation o
t"e capa#ilities and limitations o t"e inspection tec"nology! T"is review s"ould not #e carried
out #y someone wit" limited experience o pipeline integrity management!
I severe deects are reported, t"en immediate action will #e re$uired! T"is may #e an
immediate s"utdown or pressure reduction, or rapid expert evaluation to consider t"e need
or s"utdown or pressure reduction! T"e signiicance o deects will depend on t"e pipeline
design, materials and operation!
0evere deects includeD
9orrosion ,or any metal loss/ more t"an C?F t"roug" t"e pipe wall!
+ents ,or #ore reductions/ greater t"an AF o t"e pipe diameter!
+ents wit" associated gouging ,metal loss/, or crac'ing!
+ents on seam or girt" welds o poor $uality!
T"e results o t"is review will dictate t"e need or urt"er assessment! = course wit" some
pipelines t"ere are 'nown pro#lems and t"e re$uirement or expert assessment o t"e
deects will #e o#vious #eore t"e inspection is carried out!
I t"e inspection "as not #een satisactory t"en a re-inspection may #e re$uired!
2xpert &ssessment
;ollowing t"e preliminary assessment, some urt"er assessment will #e re$uired! T"is may
i/ & #asic assessment limited to conirming t"at t"ere are no signiicant pro#lems,
and setting t"e proposed date o t"e next inspection #ased on t"e predicted
operating conditions!
ii/ &n integrity evaluation t"at provides an assessment o t"e overall condition o t"e
pipeline, give recommendations or uture repairs, estimates t"e potential growt"
or degradation rate o t"e deects and provided recommendations or uture
inspection to ensure deects can #e repaired #eore t"ey #ecome critical!
iii/ & detailed urgent deect assessment to evaluate t"e need or continued s"utdown
or pressure reduction and identiy appropriate repair met"ods!
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;itness or Purpose
& -itness-or-purpose. assessment ,#etter descri#ed as an -engineering critical assessment.
/, calculates t"e ailure condition o a structural deect and compares it wit" t"e operating
condition o t"e structure!
T"e itness or purpose o a pipeline containing a deect may #e estimated #y a variety o
met"ods ranging rom previous relevant experience, to model testing, or analytically! T"ese
latter assessments can #e #yD
(eneric met"ods
Traditional pipeline industry met"ods
Recognised pipeline codes developed using t"e traditional met"ods
Pu#lications rom pipeline researc" groups
-Best practice. pu#lications emerging rom Joint Industry Pro%ects
Key 9onsiderations
&ny operator conducting a itness or purpose calculation s"ould consider t"e ollowing
), , *
Understand t"e deect G w"at caused it, "ow it may #e"ave!
T"e engineer doing t"e assessment - experience, training, independence, overview,
&ssessment met"ods G use #est practice!
T"e conse$uences o t"e deect ailing!
;urt"er details o t"ese considerations are given in Reerence !
Input +ata
T"e type and level o detail o inormation t"at is re$uired in any assessment depends on t"e
dept" and scope o t"e assessment! T"e issues t"at typically s"ould #e considered include
4! T"e pipeline G geometry, materials, operation, environment, "istory, etc!!
@! 0tresses G all loads acting, uture c"anges, cyclic loads, construction, residual, etc!!
3! Inspection met"od G capa#ility, relia#ility and accuracy!
H! +eect G cause, dimensions, type, location, growt", etc!!
5! 9onse$uences G lea', ignition, pollution, etc!!
;urt"er details are given in Reerence !
9onsiderations w"en Using Intelligent Pig +ata!
T"e ollowing points s"ould #e considered w"en using intelligent pig data to aid a itness-or-
purpose assessment
'e use (fitness for purpose) in the pipeline integrity !usiness as (a failure condition will not !e reached during
the operation life of the pipeline). *ote that fitness for purpose also has a +different, legal meaning, particularly
in the construction !usiness, with differing lia!ility.
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Pigs cannot detect all deects, all o t"e time!
Pigs measurements "ave associated errors!
Pigs cannot discriminate #etween all deects!
Treat simple deect assessments #y pigging companies ,e!g! t"e -2R;./ wit" care G
t"ey may not #e appropriate or all deects and all pipelines!
Use all availa#le inspection data G e!g! past inspection reports!
<ocation G deect location accuracies o pigs vary and "ave errors!
=rigin G always #e a#le to explain t"e presence o a reported deect!
9onirmatory InspectionIJeriication!
&lt"oug" continuous improvements are #eing made to t"e accuracy o intelligent pigs t"e
deects are sometimes under or over reported in siKe! T"is may #e or a variety o reasons!
T"ereore in ons"ore applications conirmatory dig and inspection o deects is always
recommended irrespective o w"et"er repairs are re$uired!
T"e dig s"ould also #e used as an opportunity to gat"er additional inormation w"ic" eeds
#ac' into t"e overall assessment, particularly w"en inspecting external corrosion deects
w"ere t"e corrosion mec"anism is not ully understood! T"is inormation includesD
+eect siKe and orientation
9oating condition
0oil type, moisture content etc
0oil resistivity
9P potentials
Bacterial enumeration i #acteria are suspected
Inspection is more diicult in os"ore applications #ut external deects can #e inspected
visually #y R=J i t"e pipeline is not #uried and diver inspection o risers can "elp to conirm
t"e measurements!
Beneits o t"e Integrity &ssessment
&n integrity assessment t"at ta'es into account t"e issues outlined a#ove willD
Provide t"e operator wit" #est possi#le understanding o t"e current condition o t"e
pipeline, and w"et"er it is sae to continue to operate it!
Identiy degradation mec"anisms and give conservative estimates o t"e rate o
Identiy ot"er issues t"at may aect t"e easi#ility o repair or re"a#ilitation ,e!g!
T"e rest o t"is paper provides some guidance to assist wit" t"e preliminary assessment on
w"at may #e reported #y dierent types o inspection, and w"at t"e reported eatures may
indicate or t"e overall condition o t"e pipeline!
(eometry Pig
(eometry pigs ,calliper pigs/ are intended to identiy c"anges in t"e pipe internal #ore, in
particular eatures suc" as ovality and dents! T"ey may also identiy restrictions due to
de#ris, partially closed valves, etc! Typically geometry pig run speciications s"ould re$uire
t"e reporting o any #ore reduction greater t"an 4 F or @ F o t"e pipe external diameter!
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T"ere are two #asic types o calliper pig, single c"annel and multi c"annel! 0ingle c"annel
pigs will report t"e c"ange in #ore and t"e location on t"e pipeline! >"at t"ey will not identiy
is t"e orientation o t"e dent!
=vality is generally not a pro#lem or pipeline integrity, unless t"ere are signiicant
over#urden loads! =n a new pipeline8 "owever, ovality in excess o code limits may #e an
indication o poor construction, and s"ould #e rectiied #y t"e construction contractor! Note
t"at excess ovality may #e ound at ield #ends and can result in "ig" stress concentrations,
possi#ly leading to t"e development o atigue crac's, i t"e pipeline is su#%ect to signiicant
pressure or temperature cycles!
+ents are potentially signiicant deects and re$uire careul evaluation! 2ven a smoot" dent
,wit" no associated metal loss/ may "ave a s"ort atigue lie, and dents wit" gouges in or t"at
aect a weld may "ave low #urst pressures and s"ort atigue lives! +ents may #e co-incident
wit" ovality, #ot" t"e ovality and dent s"ould #e considered in any assessment, as t"e
com#ination will lead to a "ig"er stress concentration! T"e critical parameters re$uired to
assess t"e signiicance o a dent areD
+ept" ,percentage o external diameter/
9urvature G 'in'ed dents, or s"arp dents, "ave "ig" strains, "ig" stress
concentrations, and are more li'ely to "ave crac's associated wit" t"em t"an smoot"
=rientation G dents at t"e top o t"e pipe, in ons"ore pipelines, are unli'ely to #e
constrained ,see #elow/, and are more li'ely to #e due to external intererence, and
more li'ely to "ave associated metal loss t"an dents at t"e #ottom o t"e pipeline!
+ents at t"e #ottom o t"e pipeline are generally constrained ,t"e weig"t o t"e pipe
and cover restrict movement due to c"anges in internal pressure/ and are "ence less
li'ely to develop atigue crac's!
<engt" ,t"is can #e an indicator o t"e curvature/!
Pressure in t"e line during t"e inspection G t"e dent dept" will c"ange wit" t"e
internal pressure! &ssessment met"ods are oten #ased on t"e dent dept" measured
at Kero internal pressure!
T"e presence o metal loss ,a gouge/ in t"e dent! & dent and gouge is a severe orm
o damage t"at usually re$uires repair!
T"e presence o a weld in t"e dents! +ents on welds are severe damage t"at are
li'ely to re$uire repair!
& typical calliper report will give t"e dent location, t"e dent dept", and may give t"e dent
orientation! (eometry pigs cannot detect external metal loss, alt"oug" t"e presence o a
seam or girt" weld may #e identiied! Lence, assessing t"e results re$uires t"e consideration
o ot"er inormation!
(eometry Pigging - =ns"ore
>"at to loo' or in a geometry pig report o a dent in an ons"ore pipelineD
4! & dent is near t"e top o t"e pipe ,#etween C o.cloc' and H o.cloc'/ may #e
mec"anical damage, and may "ave an associated gouge not reported #y t"e
geometry pig! 9onversely, a dent near t"e #ottom o t"e pipe is li'ely to #e a roc'
dent, and "ence less signiicant!
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@! I t"e dent "as a dept" o more t"an @F o diameter it is li'ely to #e eit"er a
constrained roc' dent ,not serious/ or in service damage ,possi#ly serious/!
9onstruction dents due to "andling, etc!, will usually #e -pus"ed out. #y t"e "ydrotest!
+ents less t"an @F o diameter are generally accepta#le, provided t"ere is no
gouging or weld associated!
3! I t"e dent a dept" o more t"an AF o diameter, it may exceed code limits! 9odes
limit dent dept" to AF o diameter, #ut note t"at t"is is due primarily to t"e potential
restriction o pig passage!
H! Is t"e dent at a location w"ere t"ird party damage is credi#le ,e!g! near a road
5! &re t"ere any records o recent excavation wor' in t"e vicinity o t"e dentE
A! Is t"ere an explanation t"at could #e used to s"ow t"at mec"anical damage is
unli'ely G e!g! t"e dent may #e on a ield #end and "ave #een caused #y t"e #ending
6! Is t"ere any evidence o coating damage in t"e area o t"e dent rom a recent coating
survey! ;or in service mec"anical damage to result in a gouge, t"e coating would
"ave to #e damaged!
It s"ould #e noted t"at or ons"ore pipelines w"ic" tend to "ave a relatively t"in wall, dents
due to roc's in t"e trenc" or "andling damage during construction are common, #ut are
generally not a signiicant pro#lem or pipeline integrity!
(eometry Pigging - =s"ore
=s"ore pipelines tend to "ave t"ic'er walls t"an ons"ore lines, and oten "ave a concrete
coating to provide sta#ility! 9onse$uently, dents are muc" less common t"an or ons"ore
& dent reported in an os"ore pipeline may #e residual construction damageD sometimes
during pipelay in #ad weat"er t"e pipe will impact t"e rollers on t"e lay #arge stinger, or may
#e #ent over t"e end o t"e stinger! T"is type o damage s"ould #e identiied #y a pre
commissioning survey! It s"ould #e noted t"at t"e damage may not #e at t"e #ottom o t"e
pipe, as some twisting o t"e pipe as it goes rom t"e #arge to t"e sea #ed is possi#le! I t"e
damage was caused during construction t"en it will "ave #een su#%ect to a "ydrotest, and
conse$uently may #e accepta#le even i it exceeds standard code limits!
&lternatively t"e dent may #e due to impact #y a s"ip anc"or, trawl gear, a dropped o#%ect
,e!g! a sta#ilisation #loc'/, or, in s"allow water, #y a s"ip!
>"at to loo' or in a geometry pig report o a dent in an os"ore pipelineD
4! +ept" G t"e dent dept" provides a primary indication o t"e potential severity!
-. 0"ape - t"e s"ape o t"e dent may provide an indication o t"e cause o t"e damage,
or example i t"e dent is due to an anc"or snag t"ere may #e denting to #ot" sides o
t"e pipe ,see ;igure @/! T"e s"ape o t"e dent may also give some indication o t"e
possi#ility o associated metal loss!
3! <ocation G t"e location o t"e dent will provide some indication o t"e possi#le cause!
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H! 0ea#ed scars G sonar survey data can provide clear evidence o scars on t"e sea#ed
caused #y o#%ects #eing dragged across it!
5! 0"ipping incidents G I a s"ip drags an anc"or, etc!, t"e details s"ould #e reported!
T"ese reports can provide an indication o t"e cause o t"e incident, t"e siKe and
mass o t"e anc"or, etc!!
x y , xz , + ,
;igure @ 1odel o +enting 9aused #y &n &nc"or 0nagging & Pipeline
&s stated previously, dents on os"ore pipelines are unusual and i one is reported t"en
external inspection is prudent! T"is s"ould conirm t"e presence or ot"erwise o any weig"t
coat damage, anti corrosion coating damage, gouging, or t"e presence o welds!
1apping Pig
1apping pigs are designed to plot t"e route o t"e pipeline! T"ey tend to #e used i t"e as
laid inormation is poor, i t"ere is concern over possi#le ground movement, i up"eaval or
lateral #uc'ling is suspected, or i it "as proved diicult to locate deects reported #y ot"er
I t"e intention is to loo' into pro#lems associated wit" movement, t"e data can #e used to
estimate t"e #ending strains in t"e pipe! It is a common misconception t"at multiple
inspection sets are needed to asses t"e condition o t"e pipeline! 1ultiple data sets are
needed to monitor movement8 "owever, t"e #ending strains can #e estimated using t"e pipe
curvature given #y one set o data! T"e strains can t"en #e compared wit" allowa#le limits!
T"e #ending strain associated wit" eatures suc" as ield #ends and t"e curves due to laying
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pipe on an uneven sea #ed s"ould #e wit"in t"e strain limits o t"e material or design
>"en assessing t"e total strain in t"e pipe it is necessary to consider not only t"e #ending
#ut also any strains due to8 pipe lay8 extension ,or example w"ere a pipe "as #een dragged
#y an anc"or/8 internal pressure8 and t"ermal expansion!
1;< Inspection
Intelligent pigs t"at use t"e principle o 1agnetic ;lux <ea'age ,1;</ to detect anomalies in
pipelines are now in widespread use! T"e primary purpose o 1;< pigs is to detect corrosion
deects and give an estimate o t"e siKe o t"e deect! 2arly tools were only a#le to detect
signiicant deects and would not discriminate #etween internal and external eatures! T"e
latest tools are a#le to detect deects o less t"at 5F o t"e pipe wall t"ic'ness, t"ese very
s"allow deects may #e diicult to see on visual inspection! T"e tec"nology moved orward
rapidly in t"e 47C?s and 477?s8 one o t"e driving orces or t"e improvement was t"e
involvement o Britis" (as in developing tools or t"e UK gas pipeline networ'! T"is section
provides an overview o t"e types o deects t"at may #e reported #y an 1;< inspection and
w"at t"ese may mean or t"e integrity o a pipeline!
1anuacturing +eects
1;< pigs will identiy local c"anges in t"e pipe wall t"ic'ness! T"e manuacture o line pipe
will oten result in many small areas w"ere t"e pipe is t"inner, or example w"ere a "ard spot
"as #een ground out in t"e pipe mill! T"ese variations are expected and are relected in
codes suc" as &PI 5< w"ic" allows isolated reductions in wall t"ic'ness o up to 4@!5F o t"e
pipe wall t"ic'ness
! T"e standards also oten allow an under tolerance on t"e nominal pipe
wall t"ic'ness! 2xperienced data analysts can identiy particular attri#utes o t"e 1;< signal
associated wit" a manuacturing deect t"at mean t"ey can conidently classiy t"e deect as
manuacturing-related! >"ere t"ere is any uncertainty t"e analyst s"ould classiy t"e deect
as metal loss!
1odern 1;< inspections will oten report many t"ousands o manuacturing deects! In
general manuacturing deects are not considered to #e signiicant as t"ey, are generally
s"allow, will "ave #een su#%ect to a "ydrotest, and are unli'ely to #e growing! T"ere are
certain cases w"ere a manuacturing related metal loss deect may #e signiicant, or
1anuacturing deect in a dent G t"is is a dent wit" associated metal loss and is
potentially a severe deect t"at will need repair!
1anuacturing deect close to corrosion deects G deects t"at are close toget"er may
interact and result in a lower com#ined ailure pressure! T"e com#ined corrosion and
manuacturing deect will not "ave #een su#%ect to t"e pre commissioning "ydrotest!
In some cases relatively deep manuacturing deects are reported! T"ese can usually #e
s"own to #e accepta#le #y conirming t"at t"ere is no credi#le cause ot"er t"an
manuacturing, t"e deect "as #een su#%ect to a "ydrotest, and t"e pro#a#ility o growt" due
to corrosion is low ,or example #y s"owing t"at t"e coating condition is good/! In addition,
manuacturing deects reported to #e deep may simply #e a result o t"e tolerances o t"e
inspection system w"ere sometimes deects will #e oversiKed!
1;< pigs will not detect all manuacturing-related deects - or example, t"ey are unli'ely to
detect eatures suc" as laminations! <aminations, "owever, are rarely a signiicant concern
or pipeline integrity, unless t"e pipeline carries a sour product!
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1;< inspections generally report corrosion as -metal loss.! T"ere may #e a comment t"at it is
-possi#ly corrosion., or t"at it is -not manuacturing-related.! To ma'e an assessment, an
understanding o t"e cause o t"e corrosion is critical! 2xternal corrosion may "ave #een
caused #eore t"e pipe was coated, particularly or pipelines t"at were coated -over t"e
ditc".! Internal corrosion may "ave occurred w"ile t"e pipe was in transit to t"e construction
site, or w"ile it was in storage at site ,see ;igure 3/!
;igure 3 Pipe in 0torage >it" 0urace Internal 9orrosion
Jarious evidence rom t"e inspection, com#ined wit" #asic inormation on t"e pipeline
construction and operation, can #e used to identiy t"e pro#a#le cause o t"e corrosion!
Internal 9orrosion
&ctive internal corrosion is li'ely to #e extensive, t"at is, it occurs in more t"an one location!
It also tends to occur at t"e #ottom o t"e pipe w"ere water and de#ris can collect! 2rosion
corrosion can result in metal loss at t"e outside o #ends, and top-o-line corrosion results in
deects at t"e top o t"e pipe, w"ere water condenses due to t"e cooling eect o water
outside t"e pipe, alt"oug" it s"ould #e noted t"at condensing conditions also cause corrosion
in t"e lower $uadrant o t"e pipe as well!
+ierent patterns o internal corrosion t"at may #e seen in intelligent pig data are considered
Isolated internal corrosion at random orientation! T"is may #e manuacturing or pre-
construction damage!
0"allow lines o internal corrosion t"at do not run across girt" welds ,see ;igure H/,
and w"ic" c"ange orientation rom one pipe to t"e next! T"is may #e corrosion
caused during transport or storage!
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0"allow general internal corrosion at low points on t"e route, and at t"e #ottom o t"e
pipe! T"is may #e -operational. corrosion! It could also #e corrosion caused #y
allowing untreated water to enter t"e pipeline during construction! T"e possi#ility t"at
t"is is active corrosion s"ould #e considered, or example, i t"e pipeline transports
waxy crude oil and cleaning pigs are run wee'ly t"en it is unli'ely to #e active
Numerous deep internal corrosion pits at t"e #ottom o t"e pipeline at low points on a
crude oil pipeline t"at is not used continuously and is only rarely cleaned! T"is is
li'ely to #e active micro#ially assisted internal corrosion!
Numerous deep internal corrosion pits at t"e #ottom o t"e pipe and close to girt"
welds! T"ere are li'ely to #e active preerential weld corrosion! T"ere may #e more
severe deects actually in t"e weld t"at it is diicult to detect or siKe rom t"e pig data!
;igure H <ig"t Internal 9orrosion In a 0piral >ound Pipe
2xternal 9orrosion
&ctive external corrosion re$uires some damage to t"e coating and or t"e cat"odic
protection ,9P/ system to #e ineective! &ctive external corrosion may #e isolated due to a
com#ination o a small coating deect and a localised pro#lem wit" t"e 9P system, or it may
#e extensive due to widespread coating degradation and poor cat"odic protection! In
attempting to understand t"e cause o external corrosion deects an understanding o coating
types, soil conditions and 9P system perormance is needed! 2xternal corrosion is relatively
common in ons"ore pipelines as t"e soil conditions and any local inrastructure can com#ine
to damage t"e coating and ma'e eective 9P diicult! ;or os"ore pipeline external
corrosion is relatively unusual as t"e seawater is an ideal medium or t"e 9P system,
alt"oug" external corrosion can occur on t"e riser, particularly in t"e splas" Kone, and on t"e
topside pipewor'!
+ierent patterns o external corrosion t"at may #e reported on an ons"ore pipeline are
considered #elowD
Page 11of 18 Copyright 2006, Pigging Products and Services Association.
Isolated pits at any orientation on a pipeline wit" a good $uality coating ,e!g! usion
#onded epoxy/! T"ese may #e active corrosion sites and could #e related to eects
suc" as &9 intererence! T"e corrosion growt" rate may #e relatively "ig"!
0"allow general corrosion at ar#itrary orientations! I t"e pipe was coated over t"e
ditc" t"is may #e corrosion caused w"ile t"e pipe was in transit or storage!
(eneral corrosion towards t"e #ottom o t"e pipe ,see ;igure 5/, at low points on t"e
pipeline route! T"is is t"e typical pattern o external corrosion w"ere t"e coating "as
#ecome degraded! T"e corrosion tends to t"e #ottom o t"e pipe due to dierential
aeration and to low points on t"e route as t"ese tend to #e wetter t"an "ig" ground!
(eneral corrosion close to t"e girt" weld! T"ese may #e active corrosion deects and
are li'ely to #e a result o pro#lems wit" t"e application o t"e ield %oint coating, w"ic"
as a ield-applied coating may not #e as good as a actory-applied coating actory!
T"e growt" rate may #e low unless t"e pipeline is operated at elevated temperature
,e!g! M3?deg 9/
9orrosion along t"e seam weld! T"ese may #e active and could #e related to -tenting.
o a tape wrap type o coating ,see ;igure A/
1ultiple deep corrosion pits ,see ;igure 6/! T"ese are may #e active and may #e
related to micro#ially assisted corrosion! T"e growt" rate is li'ely to #e "ig"!
<ines o corrosion around t"e H o.cloc' or C o.cloc' position! T"is may #e active
corrosion due to t"e -ruc'ing. o a tape wrap coating t"at may occur due to "ig" soil
s"ear stress ,see ;igure C/!
Tape wrap coatings are oten pro#lematic as t"ey can #ecome dis#onded rom t"e pipe,
allowing water into contact wit" t"e steel, #ut will s"ield t"e pipe surace rom t"e 9P system!
;igure 5 (eneral 9orrosion at t"e Bottom o t"e Pipe
Page 12of 18 Copyright 2006, Pigging Products and Services Association.
;igure A :Tenting: = & Tape >rap 9oating
;igure 6 1ultiple +eep Pits
Page 13of 18 Copyright 2006, Pigging Products and Services Association.
;igure C Ruc'ing o a Tape 9oating
+amage suc" as a gouge may #e reported as a -metal loss. anomaly! I t"e damage is
towards t"e top o t"e pipe, in an ons"ore pipeline, andIor appears long and narrow t"en it
may #e a gouge ,see ;igure 7/! T"ere may #e some evidence o denting w"ic" can #e
identiied in t"e inspection data, or t"e metal loss may #e at a location w"ere excavations are
'nown to "ave ta'en place!
Page 14of 18 Copyright 2006, Pigging Products and Services Association.
;igure 7 (ouges
Ultrasonic 1etal <oss Inspection
Ultrasonic inspections intended to detect metal loss will tend to report very similar patterns o
internal and external corrosion to t"ose reported #y 1;< pigs! T"ey will also identiy
manuacturing deects suc" as laminations, #ut as stated previously, laminations are not
usually a pro#lem or pipeline integrity as t"ey do not signiicantly reduce t"e strengt" o t"e
pipe and t"ey will "ave #een present w"en t"e pipeline was "ydrotested! Under certain
circumstances laminations can #e an issue, or example laminations can lead to #listering, i
t"e pipeline carries "ig" levels o "ydrogen! Inclined or sloping laminations may also #e a
source o atigue crac'ing in pipelines su#%ect to severe cyclic loading!
9rac' +etection, T;I and 21&T Tools
T"ere are a num#er o ot"er types o intelligent pig availa#le! T"ese tend to #e specialist
inspections re$uired under speciic circumstances! T"e crac' detection and 21&T tools in
particular are under continuous development! &s wit" all intelligent pig tools, t"eir accuracy is
increasing wit" experience and development! T"is is not %ust #ecause o tec"nological
improvements to t"e pig #ut also #ecause t"e data#ase o deects and corresponding signal
response increases! >"ilst t"e UT crac' detection tools "ave #een s"own to accurately
locate and siKe stress corrosion crac'ing t"ere are many ot"er types o crac's ,or example
seam weld crac's/ and eatures t"at may appear similar to crac's to t"e inspection data
analyst! Until a tool "as #een used on a particular crac' type t"e a#ility o t"e analysts to
accurately siKe t"at particular type o crac' s"ould #e treated wit" some caution! T"e
assessment s"ould consider t"e li'ely accuracy o measurement #y as'ing or t"e num#er o
Page 15of 18 Copyright 2006, Pigging Products and Services Association.
times t"is particular tool "as #een used to detect t"is particular type o crac' and "ow many
conirmatory inspections were carried out i!e! "ow #ig is t"e data#ase o deects t"at t"e
analyst is usingE
Intelligent pigging is a costly and disruptive activity! Lowever, it provides a "uge $uantity o
very useul inormation on t"e pipeline! & 'nowledge o pipeline integrity issues, pipeline
operation and inspection tec"nology can #e com#ined to optimise t"e assessment o t"e
& preliminary assessment o t"e results o an intelligent pig inspection is a critical step in
ensuring t"at t"e correct action is ta'en regarding pressure reductions, repair, and urt"er
assessment! T"is preliminary assessment must #e carried out #y someone w"oD
Knows t"e pipeline design, construction and operation!
Understands t"e inspection tec"nology
Is aware o t"e signiicance o dierent types o pipeline deect!
T"e ollowing 'ey points s"ould always #e considered w"en reviewing an inspection report!
4! 9an t"e cause o any deects reported #e identiied and are t"ey credi#leE
@! Is it possi#le t"at t"e deects may #e growing, and w"at mec"anisms are t"ere or
3! >"at is t"e growt" rateE
H! +oes t"e data suggest an unexpected type o deect and i so was t"e tool suita#le
or measuring t"is deect or does a dierent tool need to #e runE
5! T"e assessment s"ould use as #uilt and operational records and previous inspection
and monitoring data to esta#lis" as clear a picture as possi#le!
A! 2ven i no deects re$uire repair w"ic" deects re$uire conirmatory inspectionE
Page 16of 18 Copyright 2006, Pigging Products and Services Association.
&. &non, NIn-<ine Inspection 0ystems Bualiication 0tandardO, &merican Petroleum Institute
0tandard &PI 44A3 2dition 4 &ugust @??5!
-. &non, N0tandard Recommended Practice, In-<ine Inspection o PipelinesO, National
&ssociation o 9orrosion 2ngineers, Recommended Practice, N&92 RP?4?@-@??@,
.. &non, NIn-<ine Inspection Personnel Bualiication and 9ertiicationO, &merican 0ociety or
Non-+estructive Testing 0tandard, &N0II&0NT I<I-PB-@??5!
/. &non!, -1anaging 0ystem Integrity or LaKardous <i$uid <ines., 4st 2d!, &N0II&012
0tandard 44A?-@??4, Novem#er @??4!
0. &non!, -1anaging 0ystem Integrity o (as Pipelines., &012 B34!C0 @??4! 0upplement to
&012 B34!C, &012 International, New Por', U0&! 0ee also K <eewis, -Integrity
1anagement o Pipelines., International Pipeline 9ongress, 1Qrida, PucatRn, 1exico, 4H-
4A Novem#er @??4!
1. Palmer-Jones, R, Lop'ins, P!, N1anaging I<I Pro%ects To (et T"e Results Pou NeedO,
Pigging Products and 0ervices Tec"nical 0eminar, &#erdeen @??5!
2. Paisley, +!, Barratt, N!, >ilson, =!, NPipeline ailure, t"e roles played #y corrosion, low
and 1etallurgyO, N&92 Paper 77?4C! N&92 .77 0an &ntonio Texas 4777!
3. Palmer-Jones, R!, Paisley, +!, NRepairing Internal 9orrosion +eects G & 9ase 0tudyO, H
International Pipeline Re"a#ilitation and 1aintenance 9onerence, Prague, @???!
4. +owner, J!, 9onder, R!, <illie, R!, +o#son, R!, NRe"a#ilitation =ptions or Internally
9orroded =il Pipelines in a Lig"ly 2nvironmentally 0ensitive &reaO, 5
Pipeline Re"a#ilitation and 1aintenance 9onerence, Ba"rain, @??@!
&5. Pople, &!, N1agnetic ;lux <ea'age Pigs or Ultrasonic PigsE T"e 9ase or 9om#ined
Intelligent Pig InspectionsO, A
International 9onerence, Pipeline Re"a#ilitation and
1aintenance, =cto#er A-4?, @??3, Berlin, (ermany! www!penspenintegrity!com
&&. Lop'ins, P!, NPipeline IntegrityD 0ome <essons <earntO, >elding Tec"nology Institute o
&ustralia, >TI& International Pipeline Integrity S Repairs 9onerence, 0ydney, &ustralia,
1arc" @??H! www!penspenintegrity!com
4@! &non!, 1anual or +etermining t"e Remaining 0trengt" o 9orroded Pipelines, &
0upplement to &012 B34 9ode or Pressure Piping, &012 B34(-4774 ,Revision o
&N0II&012 B34(-47CH/, T"e &merican 0ociety o 1ec"anical 2ngineers, New Por',
U0&, 4774!
43! &non!, +NJ-RP-;4?4, 9orroded Pipelines, +et Nors'e Jeritas, 4777!
&/. &non!, :(uidance on 1et"ods or t"e +erivation o +eect &cceptance <evels in ;usion
>elds:, B0I 674?, Britis" 0tandards Institution, <ondon, 4777!
&0. &non!, -Recommended Practice or ;itness or 0ervice., &merican Petroleum Institute,
U0&, &PI 567, @???!
&1. 1axey > &, Kiener J ;, 2i#er R J, +uy & R, -+uctile ;racture Initiation, Propagation
and &rrest in 9ylindrical Jessels., &0T1 0TP 54H, &merican 0ociety or Testing and
1aterials, P"iladelp"ia, 476@, pp! 6?-C4!
&2. Kiener J ;, 1axey > &, 2i#er R J, +uy & R, -;ailure 0tress <evels o ;laws in
Pressurised 9ylinders:, &merican 0ociety or Testing and 1aterials, P"iladelp"ia, &0T1
0TP 53A, 4763, pp HA4-HC4
&3. Pipeline Researc" 9ommittee o t"e &merican (as &ssociation! Proceedings o t"e
0ymposia on <ine Pipe Researc", U0&, 47A5 onwards! www!prci!com
Page 17of 18 Copyright 2006, Pigging Products and Services Association.
&4. Knau (, Lop'ins P, -T"e 2PR( (uidelines on t"e &ssessment o +eects in
Transmission Pipeline (irt" >elds., 3R International, 35, Ja"rgang, Let, 4?-44I477A, pp!
-5. Bood R, (alli 1, 1arews'i U, Roovers P, 0teiner 1, Tarea 1, -2PR( 1et"ods or
&ssessing t"e Tolerance and Resistance o Pipelines to 2xternal +amage ,Part @/., 3R
International, 4@I4777, pp! C?A-C44!
-&. Re (, Pistone J, Jogt (, +emoonti (, Jones + (, -2PR( Recommendation or 9rac'
&rrest Toug"ness or Lig" 0trengt" <ine Pipe 0teels., Paper @, Proceedings o t"e Ct"
0ymposium on <ine Pipe Researc", &merican (as &ssociation, Louston, Texas, @A-@7
0eptem#er 4773!
--. Lop'ins P!, 9os"am &! -Low To &ssess +eects In Pour Pipelines Using ;itness-;or-
Purpose 1et"ods. 9onerence on -&dvances in Pipeline Tec"nology -76., +u#ai, IB9,
0eptem#er 4776! www!penspenintegrity!com
-.. 9os"am &, Kir'wood 1, -Best Practice In Pipeline +eect &ssessment. Proceedings o
IP9 @???, International Pipeline 9onerence, =cto#er @???8 9algary, &l#erta, 9anada,
Paper IP9??-?@?5! www!penspenintegrity!com
-/. 9os"am &, Lop'ins P, -& New Industry +ocument +etailing Best Practices In Pipeline
+eect &ssessment., ;it" International =ns"ore Pipeline 9onerence &msterdam, T"e
Net"erlands, +ecem#er @??4! www!penspenintegrity!com
-0. 9os"am &, Lop'ins P, T"e Pipeline +eect &ssessment 1anual, IP9 @??@D International
Pipeline 9onerence, 9algary, &l#erta, 9anada, =cto#er @??@!
-1. Palmer-Jones, R!, et al! N<essons learnt rom itness-or-purpose assessment o deects
detected #y smart pigsO, 9larion Press, =ns"ore Pipelines 9onerence, Louston, June
@??@! www!penspenintegrity!com
@6! <eewis K, -Integrity 1anagement o Pipelines., 9ongreso Internacional de +uctos
,International Pipeline 9ongress/, 1Qrida, PucatRn, 1exico, 4H-4A Novem#er @??4!
-3. 9order, I!, Lop'ins, P!, -T"e Repair o Pipeline +eects using 2poxy ;illed 0leeve
Repair., &(& Ct" 0ymposium on <inepipe, 0eptem#er 4773, Louston U0&!
-4. +es%ardins (, -=ptimiKed Pipeline Repair and Inspection Planning Using In-<ine
Inspection +ata., T"e Journal o Pipeline Integrity, Jolume 4, Num#er @, &pril @??@!
.5. >estwood, 0!, Lop'ins, P!, N0mart pig deect tolerancesD $uantiying t"e #eneits o
standard and "ig" resolution pigsO, Paper ?54H, &012 International Pipeline 9onerence,
9algary, 9anada, @??H! www!penspenintegrity!com
.&. R=1&N=;;, 1, -Underground 9orrosion., National Bureau o 0tandard 9ircular 567,
+ata on 0oil 9orrosivity, 4756!
.-. 9=R+-RU>I09L, R!, -1I9 in Lydrocar#on Transportation 0ystems., 9orrosion and
Prevention, 4775, Paper 6!
... BP&R0, L!(!, N9orrosion 9ontrol in Petroleum ProductionO, N&92 TP9 Pu#lication No!
./. >aard 9! de, <otK U! and 1illiams +!2!, NPredictive model or 9=@ 9orrosion
2ngineering in >et Natural (as PipelinesU,9orrosion H6, 4@ ,4774/ p 76A
.0. Brongers, 1!, et al, -Tests, ield use support compression sleeve., =il S (as Journal,
June 44 @??4, p!A?-AA
3A! 0peciication or <ine Pipe, 2xploration and Production +epartment, &PI 0peciication 5<,
;orty ;irst 2dition, 4 &pril 4775!
Page 18of 18 Copyright 2006, Pigging Products and Services Association.

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