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Soft Kill

by A Truth Soldier
Okay I think it is now time that I introduce you to this most morbid and horrible truth
and how it applies to the New World Order Masters idea for the future of man kind.
irst please understand that I !et no pleasure on writin! about the e"ils of some
humans and their acti"ities. I write to inform you so that you can inform others# there
by makin! it possible for mankind to wake up and put a stop to the insanity that is
and has always been secretly underminin! humanity and this planet and especially
the future.
I am a kind and lo"in! person and this is why I need to inform you of these e"ents by
what I call the Shadow !o"ernment.
$ou will soon understand that e"erythin! I write is all horribly true.
%a"e you heard of &O'() Alimentarious from the *nited Nations World %ealth
&heck it out and you will soon disco"er that it is a eu!enics pro!ram to depopulate
the world. Once you reali+e that this is their intention you well understand what they
secretly termed SOT -ill and if you read my Modern Food and Tap Water Will
Kill. and my article about the patents for HIV AIDS, $ou.ll soon understand why they
are !enetically modifyin! food and why the new Obama health bill has death panels.
These death panels are the same idea as %itler had. Where they will determine that
the elderly# handicapped and e"en the mentally challen!ed will be forcibly !i"en
in/ections to soft kill them.
If you read mt 0Are you ready for the truth. article you will soon understand that this
has always been their plan and that %itler was actually put into power by this NWO
secret shadow !o"ernment.
If you want more understandin! on how all this is possible# lease read my Creation
of frst corporation (Worst crime in human history) article.
Then !o read my recent article entitled They ant you dead ritten in stone
Then you can read my article 0Why !et a 1u shot,2 article in where you should
understand that "accines are harmful and e"en deady and that they are not natural
as immuni+ations are..The two are "ery di3erent.
So I think that by the time you ha"e read all my indicated articles you will reali+e that
the insane truly are runnin! this world and will understand why I say that 0If our
future is not !uided by truth then we are a doomed to a New 'ark A!es and that
bein! eternal darkness si4 feet under.2
5lease do not tink that I am e"il for writin! these thin!s..'o not attack the messen!er
of truth for truth is always more ba++ar then any 6ction you will e"er read. I am /ust
writin! what the insane are doin!.
They are able to do this because !ood kind hearted people absolutely can not belie"e
and refuse to belie"e that there really is such e"il in this world and as lon! as you
a"oid this horrible truth they will continue to be able to do their e"il..
So be A Truth Soldier and arm yourself with the truth and !o out and arm others.
7od is the truth and that is why I am one of his Truth Soldiers..
7od help us all..
A Truth Soldier Copyright Notice
$ou are free to republish Truth Soldier and or 'aniel 8 Towsey
articles in whole form only.
$ou may take 9uotes from it as lon! as you pro"ide a link back
to the ori!inal article and you !i"e attribution to the writer
bein! a Truth Soldier
$ou are also free to print or email it in whole
only acception bein! corporations not allowed
If you do not use your freedoms
If you do not protect your freedoms
Then they will freely
take your freedoms from you
and will ne"er freely !i"e them back to you:
When the seeds of truth are sown
The !rassroots truth re"olution
blossom from the enli!htenment

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