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Images-There are numerous images being used on the contents page, each

image is provided with a page number and annotation to provide context

tot eh image and anchor the image to the contents of the magazine. The
main image is presented at the top of the magazine, it is the largest image
and its annotation text is yellow, this coincides with the magazine house
style and presents the image as the most important to readers as it more
noticeable. In all images there is a direct address to the reader creating a
personal feel.
Date/issue no. -
Kerrang! have
displayed their
date and issue
no.along the top
of the page, the
use of black sans
serif font
coincides with
the existing
house style, it
also follows the
code and
conventions of
magazines by
including a date
and issue no.-
this is also
helpful to
readers who
may collect
Main Heading/Title- The contents heading is in
the same font as the Kerrang! masthead which
reinforces a house style., there is a sub heading
beneath in bold of white text against a red
background- this differentiates it from the main
heading and rest of the contents page to highlight
the imporatance of the content to readers.
Rule of Thirds- The layout of the contents page
follows the rule of thirds, splitting off into three
columns, the far right column handles information on
the magazine and organises it in a manner easy to
find. The other columns focus on the features of the
magazine, splitting them off with subheadings in black
boxes in yellow text coinciding with the house style.
Certain features can be found in the rule of thirds hot
Letter From the editor-
Kerrang! provide a letter
from the editor, the text
starts off with Hello
readers this immediately
addresses the audience
and draws the attention
of the audience, it is
emphasised in bold black
font to be especially eye
catching. At the end of
the letter there is a
signature to provide
authenticity and
professionalism to the
magazine. There is an
image of the editor
looking directly into the
camera creating a strong
address between the
actual editior and the
reader, creating a
personal atmosphere to
the magazine.
Mode of address- Kerrang! has used
informal language to directly address the
reader in a familiar manner , similar to the
way a friend may talk to them, this may
encourage the reader to the buy the
magazine as they are being involved and
addressed in the text. This is shown
particularly when the readers are
addressed Hello Readers, and You me
at page six, the use of pronouns is
particularly personal and friendly.
Layout/ Mise-en-scene-
there is little to no white
space, page is crowded
similar to how a tour or
concert would be, images
of pumpkins and spooky
font create a mise-en-
scene of halloween, this is
consistent with the front
Issue information-
The text is in a
different, bright
colour yellow so that
it will be noticed on
the page by the target
audience, it is in a
separate box from
other pieces of
information on the
page, lit uses the
name of certain
bands such as led
appeal to target
audiences, (rock
music genre),small
images have also
been used graphic
design and a grey box
to attract notice to
this particular part of
the contents page.

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