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Job title: Library Assistant (part-time, 14 hours per week)
Department: Book Library
Location: Somerset House
Report to: Assistant Librarian (Serials and E-esour!es)
!ain "#tie an" reponibilitie
1" Administerin# the e$!han#e o% publi!ations pro#ramme by !ompilin# lists o% e$!han#e
material, liaisin# with e$!han#e partners, sendin#, re&uestin#'re!ei(in#'a!!essionin#
e$!han#e items" )sin# the e$!han#es bud#et to pur!hase *ourtauld e$hibition
!atalo#ues %or e$!han#e and #enerally monitorin# the e$!han#es bud#et"
+" ,n !o-ordination with the Serials Librarian, !he!kin# in'pro!essin# newly-re!ei(ed
-ournal issues, !laimin# non-re!ei(ed -ournal issues (both e$!han#e and subs!ription
material) and maintainin# and !he!kin# e--ournals links"
." Assistin# the Serials Librarian with the bindin# o% library items (identi%yin# material in
need o% (re-)bindin#, preparin# !onsi#nments to be sent to bookbinders, monitorin#
bindin# bud#et et!")"
4" /aintainin# stationery sto!k %or the Library and monitorin# the stationery bud#et"
0" Liaisin# with the A!&uisitions Librarian about publi!ations %or e$!han#e"
1" 2rodu!in# library do!umentation as re&uired, in!ludin# the desi#n'
produ!tion'photo!opyin# o% %orms, tables and !harts %or Library use and other
stationery (!ompliments slips, business !ards, thank you !ards, book marks et!")
3" *he!kin#'updatin# links, to online -ournals'resour!es in parti!ular, on the Book Library
website, in !o-ordination with the Serials Librarian"
Uer S#pport
4" e#ular issue'en&uiry and re!eption desk duties"
Librar$ S#pport
5" 6ther shared and routine daily duties su!h as !losed a!!ess !olle!tion and return,
se!urity and en(ironmental !he!ks"
4" 7o !arry out the duties and responsibilities o% the post at all times in !omplian!e with
the E&ual 6pportunities, Health and Sa%ety and all other *ourtauld poli!ies"
11" 7o !omplete any other duties and responsibilities when re&uested whi!h are
!ommensurate with this role"
8uly +914
Job title: Library Assistant (p't, 14 hours per week)
Department: Book Library
1" A %irst de#ree or e&ui(alent"
(no)le"*e an" E+perience
+" :amiliarity with library work" E$perien!e with serials and'or a!&uisitions work would
be an ad(anta#e"
." E$perien!e in the use o% an automated library mana#ement system"
4" ;ood ,7 skills, in!ludin# /i!roso%t 6%%i!e (in parti!ular /S <ord, /S E$!el and /S
6utlook) and online sear!hin# skills"
0" A!ademi! ba!k#round or demonstrable interest in the History o% Art"
1" Lan#ua#e !ompeten!e in one or more o% :ren!h, ;erman or ,talian"
S,ill an" abilitie
3" E$!ellent interpersonal skills with the ability to deal pro%essionally with a wide ran#e
o% people at all le(els"
4" E$!ellent written and (erbal !ommuni!ation skills"
5" 7he ability to work independently and e%%e!ti(ely as part o% a team"
19" ;ood or#anisational skills, with the ability to mana#e workload and work with minimal
11 A %le$ible approa!h to duties in a !han#in# library en(ironment"
8uly +914

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