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Date: August 2, 2014

Grade level: 2
Subject: Science
Topic: Germination
Time: 60 mins.
Cognitive domain
Students should be able to:
Define germination
Identif the ste!s in the germination !rocess

Affective domain
A!!reciate the need to ha"e the sun, #ater and air$carbon dio%ide& as im!ortant
b !redicting #hat #ould ha!!en in their absence.
Psychomotor domain
'reate a chart based on the germination !rocess
Materials: 'om!uters, !encils, !ictures
Teaching Strategies : Discussion, coo!erati"e learning, (uestioning
Process Skills: obser"ing, communicating, inferring, !redicting, mani!ulating, recording
Germination is a !rocess b #hich a seed de"elo!s into a oung !lant $seedling&. )he
embro in the seed de"elo!s into a !lant. In order for germination to ta*e !lace the seed
needs sunlight $tem!erature+#armth&, #ater $moisture& and air $o%gen&. If an of these
conditions are missing then the seed #ill not de"elo! !ro!erl or at all.
In the !rocess of germination first, the seed coats brea* and the first root gro#s
do#n#ard. Secondl, the main stem comes out and gro#s in the o!!osite direction
$u!#ards&. )hirdl, the first leaf a!!ears and the !rocess of !hotosnthesis begins.
,ourthl, since !hotosnthesis has began the lea"es get greener and the !lant continues to
Students #ill be told the to!ic and ob-ecti"es of the lesson. )he #ill then com!lete a
./0 chart b saing #hat the *no#, #hat the #ant to learn and #hat the ha"e learnt.
Students #ill then "ie# a simulating "ideo of the gro#th of a !lant from the seed to the
shoot $htt!"2!34ASd403b5& or
1. A short discussion #ill be held on information from ./0
2. 'ontents of "ideo #ill be discussed b teacher and students.
8. Students #ill then "ie# a 9o#er9oint !resentation to assist them in their
understanding of the !rocess of germination and its related terms
4. 9u!ils #ill then be !laced into !airs and engaged in acti"it #here the !lace the
ste!s of germination in the correct order. )eacher #ill guide as needed.
9u!ils #ill !ut !ictures of the germination ste!s in order using as #ell
as matching terms to their correct meaning.
/or*sheet #ill be gi"en htt!;:4400+:48<4+!lant=
Students #ill com!lete an online (ui> on germination.
5ui> 0in*: Germination $htt!:++###.classmar*
!ollo" #p $ctivit%
Students #ill dra# and colour a !icture of a !lant that #as missing one of the conditions
and one #ith all conditions !resent and com!are the t#o.
Tools used:
Aou)ube #as to share a "ideo on the !rocess in"ol"ed in the germination of a seed #ith
students. )his "ideo !ro"ided a "isual re!resentation of ho# a seed de"elo!s into a !lant.
)his caters for "isual learners. Also, b seeing the actual !rocess it #ill hel! students to
understand #hat #as taught as #ell as retain #hat #as learnt.
It #as use to reinforce the conce!t of germination. 3 cementing the conce!t in this #a
students #ill be able to recall #hat #as learnt thereb being efficient in com!leting tas*s
relating to the conce!t of germination.
)his resource #as used in the creation of an online (ui>. )his (ui> #ill be use to test
studentsB understanding of the conce!t of germination. )he results #ill ser"e as an
indication as to #hether students ha"e learnt or #hether reteaching is needed.
)he (uestions used in the online test are as follo#s:
1. /hich of the follo#ing in not true about germination1
a. the !lant ma*es its o#n food
b. a ne# !lant de"elo!s from a seed
c. the seed dies
d. the !lant dies
2. /hen a seed begins to s!rout and lea"es and a stem a!!ears, it is called
a. !hotosnthesis
b. germination
c. re!roduction
d. e%cretion
8. /hen a seed germinates it ma*es a
a. a seed
b. roots
c. flo#er
d. seedling
4. /hat do !lants need to germinate1
a. moisture, o%gen and the right tem!erature
b. moisture, o%gen and lo# tem!erature
c. moisture, o%gen and high tem!erature
d. moisture carbon dio%ide and the right tem!erature
?. /hat is inside of a seed1
a. food
b. a small seed
c. nutrients
d. an embro

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