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GE Selection Process Consists 3 sections

GE Hiring Process includes

1.Written Test (Aptitude & Technical) (On line written Test)
a) Aptitude
b) Technical

2. Technical Interview (elimination)

3.HR Interview

GE Written Test consists both Technical and Aptitude
GE Written Test
No of Questions 60
Time Limit-45
a)GE Aptitude Test consists 50 Question
Areas to concentrate
Number Series
Age Average
Ratio Variation Proportion
Cock Calendar
Area of Triangle ,Menstruation
Simple and Compound Interest etc..,
boats and streams, revolutions of wheel, figure guessing, to find odd one out. Coding and
decoding, probability.
b)GE Technical Written Test
Questions on Testing mainly-10 Questions
Basic concepts of C and C++

Other streams
STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. shear stress. principal stresses, hoop stress, load buckling, matrix based
calculation of stress.
whole test based on numerical which are not complex ones, displacement based,

Heat Transfer and thermal: 10 questions in 20 min
1.Dimensionless numbers, thermal diffusivity,convection,conduction,fuels.
Try to go for solving numericals .
In Technical paper, as name suggests that it was completely on stress calculations. Simple numericals on
hoop stress, formula for equavalent bending moment, principle stress diagram was given that
sigma2=-100Mpa and find pricipal strain?(E=250Mpa,nu=0.25). One diagram was given which was
having steel and copper and options were given to choose which material will be subjected to tension
and compression.
Simple question on springs, spring has stiffness ok, if the spring was cut into 2 pieces what about the

2 GE Technical Interview

Technical Interview is an elimination round
Almost all Technical Questions

3 GE HR Interview

As unusual HR Questions
About Thesis
About company etc...,

GE Latest HR Interview Questions
GE HR Inteview questios
1 Tell me about yourself.
2 Harder code exapmples about memory leaking.
3.How did I react in a group setting when one of the group members was not cooperating?
Very quick, got a call on Monday to interview on Wednesday. After going to the interview,
that same day they gave me an offer. After that, I didn't hear back from them until
December. Pretty easy interview, interviewed with someone in a high position and I didn't
even know it, it was a great experience.
4.Conflict in team
5.What is the the next line of smart phones
6.Why are you looking for a job?
7.Describe your graduate work (software) flowchart, objects, dataflow...
8.What are your strengths and weaknesses?
9.Describe some of your most important career accomplishments.
10 What are your short-term/long-term goals?
11What do you know about our company?
12 What motivates you? How do you motivate others?
13Why are you a fit for this position with this company?
14 Will you be available 24/7?

GE Campus Recruitment Experience in MGM College Mumbai
GE Latest Placement papers Written Test pattern and selection Process
Hi...Everyone here is Jayawant from MGM College of Engineering and Technology.

GE yesterday conducted off campus in Mumbai region.

There are basically 3 rounds .

1 .Aptitude test

2.Tecnical Interviews


I appeared for the first round today i.e.Aptitude test.

It consists of 2 sections:

1:Quantitative aptitude and

2:Technical aptitude

60 questions and 45 minutes to solve(online)

Quantitative aptitude is easy one and logic and formula based qs like


2:simple interest problem

3:problems on ages and ratios

4:what is the day 15aug 1947?

5:area of triangle inscribed inside a circle

6:x+y+z=0 then x2/yy.z....find like that

2:Technical section:
1:qs on Testing mainly(10 qs)
2:basic concepts of c and c++
2.Technical and HR Interview
As usual Questions
About your dream
common Tech nicl Questions

GE Written Test -Aptitude questions
1. A man said to a lady, "Your mother's husband's sister is my aunt". How is the lady related to the man?
A) Daughter
B) Grand daughter
C) Mother
D) Sister

2) In a row of 60, if Ram is standing at 17th from the first, what is his position from the last?
A) 25
B) 43
D) 45
Ans: C

3 A man is facing northwest. He turns 90 degrees in the clockwise direction and then 135degrees in the
anti-clockwise direction. Which direction is he facing now?
A) East
B) West
C) North
D) South
Ans: B

Directions for Questions Each row of letters or numbers has a rule connecting them. Write the next
number or letter
in the brackets.
4 K , A , J , B , I , C , H , (_ _ _) Ans: D

5 N , O , M , P , L , Q , K , R , (_ _ _) Ans:J

6124 , 62 , 60 , 30 , 28 , 14 , (_ _ _)Ans: 12

7 .1 , 4 , 9 , 16 , 25 , 36 , (_ _ _)Ans: 49

8) A box contains 90 mts each of 100 gms and 100 bolts each of 150 gms. If the entire box weighs 35.5
kg., then the weight of the empty box is :
A.10 kg
B.10.5 kg
C.11 kg
D.11.5 kg
E.None of the above
Ans : D

9) In a group of 8 semifinalists, all but 2 will advance to the final round. If in the final round only the top
3 will be awarded medals, then how many groups of medal winners are possible?

10) The product of two positive numbers is p. If each of the numbers is increased by 2, the new product
is how much greater than twice the sum of the two original numbers?

11) A father is three times as old as his son. After fifteen years the father will be twice as old as his son's
age at that time. Hence the father's present age is
E.None of the above
Ans : C

12 ) If .2t = 2.2 - .6s and .5s = .2t + 1.1, then s =
Ans : B

13) At 10 a.m. two trains started traveling toward each other from stations 287 miles apart. They passed
each other at 1:30 p.m. the same day. If the average speed of the faster train exceeded the average
speed of the slower train by 6 miles per hour, which of the following represents the speed of the faster
train, in miles per hour?
Ans :C

14.on Thursday, Friday and Saturday was 240. If the temperature on Saturday was 270, what was the
temperature on Wednesday?
Ans : D

15 .What will Rs.1500 amount to in three years if it is invested in 20% p.a. compound interest, interest
being compounded annually?
Ans : B

16 If the diagonal and the area of a rectangle are 25 m and 168 m2, what is the length of the rectangle?
A.17 m
B.31 m
C.12 m
D.24 m
Ans : D

17 The proportion of milk and water in 3 samples is 2:1, 3:2 and 5:3. A mixture comprising of equal
quantities of all 3 samples is made. The proportion of milk and water in the mixture is

18Three friends divided some bullets equally. After all of them shot 4 bullets the total number of bullets
remaining is equal to the bullets each had after division. Find the original number divided.

19 .Three men - Sam, Cam and Laurie - are married to Carrie, Billy and Tina, but not necessarily in the
same order. Sams wife and Billys Husband play Carrie and Tinas husband at bridge. No wife partners
her husband and Cam does not play bridge. Who is married to Cam?
Ansr: Carrie is married to Cam.

20 At 6o a clock ticks 6 times. The time between first and last ticks is 30 seconds. How long does it tick
at 12o.
Ans: 66 seconds

21 If you take a marker & start from a corner on a cube, what is the maximum number of edges you can
trace across if you never trace across the same edge twice, never remove the marker from the cube, &
never trace anywhere on the cube, except for the corners & edges?
Ans: 9

22 If the radius of a circle is increased by 20% then the area is increased by :
E.None of the above
Ans : A

23. If 3/p = 6 and 3/q = 15 then p - q = ?
E.None of the above
Ans : C

24 If x, y, and z are consecutive negative integers, and if x > y > z, which of the following must be a
positive odd integer?
B.(x - y) (y - z)
C.x - yz
D.x(y + z)
E.x + y + z
Ans : B

25 If p and q are integers, such that p<0<="" be="" must="" following="" the="" of="" which="">
I. 2p<2q
II. p2<q2< font=""></q2<>
III. p+q=0
A.I only
B.II only
CI and II only
D.I and III only
E.I, II and III

26 A certain street has 1000 buildings. A sign-maker is contracted to number the houses from 1 to 1000.
How many zeroes will he need?
Ans: The sign-maker will need 192 zeroes.

27 Re: If + means * and * means / and / means %. what is the value of 2+3*5/7?

28. Look at this series: 53, 53, 40, 40, 27, 27, ... What number should come next?
In this series, each number is repeated, then 13 is subtracted to arrive at the next number.

29.There is 60% increase in an amount in 6 years at simple interest. What will be the compound interest
of Rs. 12,000 after 3 years at the same rate?
A.Rs. 2160
B.Rs. 3120
C.Rs. 3972-Ans
D.Rs. 6240
E.None of these

30.The salaries A, B, C are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 5. If the increments of 15%, 10% and 20% are allowed
respectively in their salaries, then what will be new ratio of their salaries?

A.3 : 3 : 10
B.10 : 11 : 20
C.23 : 33 : 60-Answer
D.Cannot be determined


1What is the difference between diffusion and radiation heat transfer ?
Diffusion heat transfer is due to random molecular motion. Neighboring molecules move randomly and
transfer energy between one another - however there is no bulk motion. Radiation heat transfer, on the
other hand, is the transport of heat energy by electromagnetic waves. All bodies emit thermal radiation.
In particular, notice that unlike diffusion, radiation heat transfer does not require a medium and is thus
the only mode of heat transfer in space. The time scale for radiative heat transfer is much smaller than
diffusive heat transfer.

2.How is natural convection different from forced convection ?
In natural convection, the movement of the fluid is due entirely to density gradients within the fluid (e.g.
hot air rises over cold air). There is no external device or phenomenon which causes fluid motion. In
forced convection, the fluid is forced to flow by an external factor - e.g. wind in the atmosphere, a fan
blowing air, water being pumped through a pipe. Typically heat transfer under forced convection
conditions is higher than natural convection for the same fluid.

3.Define a black surface
A black surface is defined by three criteria: it absorbs all radiation that is incident on it it emits the
maximum energy possible for a given temperature and wavelength of radiation (according to Planck's
law)the radiation emitted by a blackbody is not directional (it is a diffuse emitter)
A black surface is the perfect emitter and absorber of radiation. It is an idealized concept (no surface is
exactly a black surface), and the characteristics of real surfaces are compared to that of an ideal black

4.What is the range of values for the emissivity of a surface ?
The emissivity e ranges between 0 and 1.

5.What are the conditions to be satisfied for the application of a thermal circuit ?
The problem must be a steady state, one-dimensional heat transfer problem.

6.Will the thermal resistance of a rectangular slab be increased or decreased if:
the thermal conductivity is increased ?
the cross sectional area is increased ?
the thickness of the slab is increased ?
resistance will decrease
resistance will decrease
resistance will increase

7.State the condition which must be satisfied to treat the temperature distribution in a fin as one-
When ht/k <<1 where h is the convective heat transfer coefficient, t is the thickness of the fin and k is
the thermal conductivity of the fin, one can consider that the temperature gradient in the thickness
direction is very small and the analysis can be considered as one-dimensional.

8.Define and state the physical interpretation of the Biot number.
The Biot number is given by:
Bi = hL/k
h = convective heat transfer coefficient,
k = thermal conductivity
L = characteristic length.
It is a ratio of the temperature drop in the solid material and the temperature dropthe solid and the
fluid. So when the Bi <<1 , most of the temperature drop is in the fluid and the solid may be considered

9.What is a lumped system ?
A lumped system is one in which the dependence of temperature on position (spatial dependence) is
disregarded. That is, temperature is modeled as a function of time only .

10.When can the unsteady temperature in a spatial body be considered uniform ?

11When the Biot number is small (Bi << 0.1).

12 What is the Fourier number ?
The Fourier number is defined as: Fo = at/L2 where a = thermal diffusivity, t = time L = characterisitic
The Fourier number is a dimensionless measure of time used in transient conduction problems.

13What is internal energy generation ? Give examples where internal energy generation occurs.
Internal energy generation is the generation of heat within a body by a chemical, electrical or nuclear
process. Examples are the heating of a nuclear fuel rod (due to fission within the rod), the heating of
electrical wires (due to the conversion of electrical to heat energy), microwave heating and the
generation of heat within the Earth. The heat generated in each case is being converted from some
other form of energy.

14 What do you understand by stability criterion for the solution of transient problems ?
When solving transient problems using finite-difference methods, it is possible that the solution
undergoes numerically induced oscillations and becomes unstable i.e. the temperature values diverge.
The stability criterion is a restriction on the values of Dt and Dx which ensures that the solution remains
stable and converges. The criterion is usually expressed as a function of Fourier's number. For example,
for an interior node in a two dimensional system the stability criterion is :
Fo < 1/4 or
aDt/(Dx)2 < 1/4
Both the Nusselt number and the Biot number have the same form. What are the differences between
them in terms of the variables employed and their physical significance ?
Both the Biot number and the Nusselt number are of the form (hL/k). However, for the Biot number, the
thermal conductivity k used is that for the solid; for calculating Nusselt number the k value as that of the
fluid. The Biot number is a measure of the ratio of the temnperature drop in the solid material and the
temperature drop between the solid and the fluid. The Nusselt number is a dimensionless version of the
temperature gradient at the surface between the fluid and the solid, and it thus provides a measure of
the convection occurring from the surface.

15. What is the effect of the Prandtl number of a fluid on the relative thicknesses of velocity and
temperature boundary layers when the fluid flow is parallel to a flat plate ?
For laminar flow, the ratio of the boundary layer thickness d to that of the thermal boundary layer, dt, is
given by:
d/dt Prn
The higher the Prandtl number, the larger is the ratio.

16. Two fluids, with different properties, flow with equal free stream velocities parallel to a flat plate.
What property of the fluid determines whether the velocity boundary layer of one is thicker than the
other ?
The thickness of the boundary layer depends on the Reynolds number:

17. What do you understand by the terms fully developed velocity and temperature profile regions in
internal flow ?
In the fully developed region, the cross-sectional velocity/temperature profile is of a constant shape at
any axial location. Thus the profile has ceased to change. Also there is no radial component of velocity
i.e. every particle of fluid is flowing purely in the axial direction.

18. Do you expect the convective heat transfer coefficient in the thermally developing region to be
higher or lower than the convective heat transfer coefficient in the fully developed temperature profile
region ? Support your answer with qualitative logic.
We should expect that the convective heat transfer coefficient is higher in the thermally developing
region. Near the tube entrance, the thickness of the boundary layer is very small, and the temperature
gradients at the surface will be high, implying high rates of convective heat transfer. As the flow
develops, the thickness of the boundary layer increases and the temperature gradients decreases,
decreasing h. In the fully developed region, the temperature gradients are constant and h is also a

19. Explain why the temperature boundary layer grows much more rapidly than the velocity boundary
layer in liquid metals.
Liquid metals are characterised by very low Prandtl numbers since their thermal conductivity is high,
hence the heat diffusion is much faster than momentum diffusion.

20. You are told that in a particulat case of fluid flow over a flat plate the temperature boundary layer
thickness is much smaller than the velocity boundary layer thickness. What can you conclude about the
nature of the fluid ?
You can conclude that the fluid is a high Prandtl number fluid e.g.oil.

21. What is a gray surface ?
A gray surface is defined as one for which the emissivity (e) and the absorptivity (a) are independent of
wavelength (l).

22. What is a diffuse surface ?
A diffuse surface is defined as one for which the emissivity (e) and the absorptivity (a) are independent
of direction (q).

23. Define a view factor.
A view factor is defined in the context of two surfaces A and B. It is defined as the fraction of radiation
leaving A which is incident directly on surface B. A view factor must be defined in terms of surface A to
surface B (FAB).

24. If a surface emits 200 W at a temperature of T, how much energy will it emit at a temperature of 2T
Since E T4, a 2-fold increase of temperature brings a (24) = 16-fold increase in energy. Thus the surface
will emit (16)(200) = 3200 W.

25. You might have observed early morning frost on a clear day even when the minimum air
temperature during the night was above 0 C. On a clear day, the effective sky temperature can be as
low as -45 C. Explain how such frost formulation takes place.
The frost is created because of radiative losses to the sky

26. A greenhouse has an enclosure that has a high transmissivity at short wavelengths and a very low
transmissivity (almost opaque) for high wavelengths. Why does a greenhouse get warmer than the
surrounding air during clear days ? Will it have a similar effect during clear nights ?
Solar radiation is skewed towards shorter wavelengths. On a clear day the glass of the greenhouse
admits a large proportion of the incident radiation. Inside the greenhouse, the various surfaces (plants
etc.) reflect the radiation; but the reflected radiation is spectrally different, having more of a high
wavelength contribution. Thus the reflected radiation is not transmitted well by the glass, and is
reflected back into the greenhouse. The interior heats up due to this 'trapped' radiation. The same
effect will not be seen on a clear night, since there is no solar radiation.

27. Define overall heat transfer coefficient.

The overall heat transfer coefficient is defined in terms of the total thermal resistance between two
fluids. If there are a number of thermal resistances between the two fluids, the overall heat transfer
coefficient is given by:
U = 1/SR
28. Your friend asserts that, in a heat exchanger, it is impossible for the exit temperature of the cold
fluid to be greater than the exit temperature of the hot fluid when both fluids are single phase fluids.
What is your response ?
The statement is true for a parallel flow heat exchanger. However, in a counterflow heat exchanger the
outlet temperature of the cold fluid can in fact exceed the outlet temperature of the hot fluid.

GE Strength of Materials Frequently Asked Questions and answers

1 Why do we have to make the assumption that plane sections plane?

In order to make calculation of stresses due to torsion easy, we need to make certain simplifying
assumptions on the deformation pattern which is realistic. It is has been found from the rigorous
solution procedure (elasticity solution) and from the experiments that the circular cross section
members subjected to pure torsion in the elastic range satisfy very closely this condition of plane
sections remain plane and rigid. By making this assumption, the solution procedure becomes simple as
shown in the basic concepts section in the derivation for torsional stresses.

2 How about bars with non-axis symmetric cross section?
For bars with non-ax symmetric cross section, the assumption of plane section remain plane is not
satisfied. Regions of the cross-section undergo deformations in the axial direction leading to warping of
the section. There are again certain simplifying assumptions which are relaxation of the ax symmetric
bar assumption that can be used to find stresses in a non-ax symmetric bar.

3 The formulae derived look very similar to beam and axial deformation formulae?
The formulae derived look very similar to beam and axial deformation formulae?
Yes, thats true. In all the three derivations pertaining to axial, beam and torsional deformations, the
assumption of plane section remains plane is used and it leads to very similar formulae for these three
types of structural members.

4Is the derivation for composite axis symmetric bar subjected to torsion similar to the composite beam
Yes. Since plane sections remain plane assumption holds good for composite bar subjected to torsion,
similar principle as derivation for composite beam can be used to solve for stresses in a composite bar
subjected to torsion.

5 What if material is non-isotropic?
If the material is non-isotropic (i.e. anisotropic), then the elastic modulii will vary and thus the problem
will be completely different with additional stresses appearing since there is a coupling between shear
stresses and normal stresses for an anisotropic material.

6 What if material goes to plastic range?
Even, if the material goes to plastic range, plane sections remain plane assumption is assumed to hold.
Therefore, the strains can be found out from which distribution of stresses can be derived from
equilibrium principles.

7 What about non-linear elastic materials?
8 Why is the variation of shear strain with radius linear?
For non-linear elastic materials again, the elastic modulii are different and are functions of the strains.
Therefore, while solving for stresses, appropriate constitutive law should be used before applying the
equilibrium conditions.

9 What do we do for stepped shafts?

10 Why do they have a tapering change in c.s. for stepped shafts?
For stepped shafts, away from the abrupt change in the cross-section, the stresses can be computed
using the same formulae derived taking appropriate diameter of the shaft portion in to consideration.
(See: Worked out Examples: Stepped Shafts). At the region of change in geometry, stress concentrations
can occur due to abrupt change radius. (refer to 'stress concentration' section of "Advanced Topics")

11 Why deal with torsion of an axis symmetric bar?

12 How do I solve for stresses in the case of impact torque on an axis symmetric bar?
13 Why is the variation of shear strain with radius linear?

14 This emanates from the fact that the cross-section rotates as a rigid body because of axis symmetry
condition of the cross-sectional geometry and the anti-axis symmetry of the torque. Since the cross-
section rotates as a rigid body, the amount of rotation is linear with respect to the variation in radius.

15 deal with torsion of an axis symmetric bar?

16 How do I solve for stresses in the case of impact torque on an axis symmetric bar?

GE Stress of Material Questions
1Which type of shaft is preferred for power transmission, solid or hollow one?
Hollow shaft utilize material strength more efficiently, so hollow shaft used if you concerned about
weight. But, when weight is not a concern, solid shaft is better (stronger, of course), easy to fabricate.

2.What is structurally stronger, solid steel or hollow steel?
If a solid and hollow shape have the same outside dimensions, the solid one is clearly stronger. The
reason you see so many hollow sections is that they have an incredibly higher strength/weight ratio and
can resist the same load with much less material used.

3.What will be the difference in torsional strength of hollow shaft & solid shaft of same outer diameter
at equal load.
Compare the polar moment of inertia of the solid cross section to the hollow cross section. Youll find
that the difference between the two is equal to the polar moment of inertia of the portion removed
from the hollow section.
The deflection of the shaft under a torsional load would be the product of the torsional load and the
length of the shaft divided by the product of Polar Moment of inertia and modulus of rigidity of the
shaft: theta=TL/JG.

4.What are the units for Poissons ratio?
It is a unit less quantity. Because it is one quantity divided by another quantity of the same units. In fact,
even the parent quantities that define Poissons ratio are unit less. Strain has no units.

5.What is the difference between Stress and Pressure?
Stress=Resistive force/Area.
Stress is pull force and Pressure is push force.
.Heat Treatment Process HRC Stands for
2.Material OHNS Stands for HRC Stands for Rockwell Hardness C scale
3.OHNS Stands for Oil Hardenable Non Shrinkage steel

6.Function of Fly wheel
Flywheel stores the Kinetic Energy during the idle portion of the work cycle,and delivers this Kinetic
Energy during peak-load.

7.Bullet Proof Glass is made up of which material?
Bulletproof glass is usually constructed using a strong but transparent material such as polycarbonate
thermoplastic or by using layers of laminated glass. The desired result is a material with an appearance
and light-transmitting behavior of standard glass but offers varying degrees of protection from small
arms fire. The polycarbonate layer, usually consisting of products such as Cyrolon, Lexan and Tuffak, is
often sandwiched between layers of regular glass. The use of plastic in the laminate provides impact-
resistance, such as physical assault with a hammer, an axe, etc. The plastic provides little in the way of
bullet-resistance. The glass, which is much harder than plastic, flattens the bullet and thereby prevents
penetration. This type of bullet-resistant glass is usually 70-75 mm thick.

8.Difference between Performance and Efficiency?
Performance is the measure of quality of the work done by any machine. better the quality better will
be the performance of that machine. while efficiency is the ratio of desired output to the required input
for any machine.
Performance is about the quality that a machine or plant is producing suppose there are two machines,
first produces the job of accuracy .002mm and the second one produce product of the accuracy
.001mm. then the second one will have higher performance. while efficiency is the ratio of the o/p to
the i/p. if same machines are producing 200 and 100 product per day respectively for the same i/p,then
the eff. of the first machine will be high.

9 What are the causes of main engine black smoke?
There is many cause of black smoke.
1. Its improper mixture of fuel supply by carburetor like very rich mixture so the fuel improper burn.
2. Its when piston or piston ring is fail so back side cooling oil release in combustion chamber it cause
black smoke.
3. Improper ignition system like not sufficient time of pressure rise delay period .

GE was on our campus on 30-JULY-2007. Recruitment was done for both HTC (Hyderabad technological
centre, Hyderabad) and JFWTC (John F.Welch technological center, Bangalore). Pay scale 3.6L P.A for
B.Tech and 4.75L P.A for M.Tech guys.Thanks to Freshers world which helped me a lot in getting into
my dream company. I hope my experience may help you a lot.

Paper pattern

For Electrical 10 Aptitude and 10 Technical questions.
For Civil 10 Aptitude and 10 Technical questions.
For Mechanical 10 Aptitude and 10 Technical questions.
For Electronics 10 Aptitude questions.
For Computer Science 10 Aptitude and 10 Technical questions in C.
Duration of test 30 minutes. Each correct answers carries 1mk .

Note: Negative marking of mk exists for each wrong answer.
Getting through the written test is quite easy. Then we had Technical interview followed by HR

This paper is for Electrical students. Hope aptitude is almost same for all branches, only technical paper
is different.

Aptitude paper
1. The time taken by boat to row upstream 2km and downstream 6km is same. Calculate
the speed of boat in still water.
a) 4kmph b) 8kmph c) 2kmph
Ans a

2. A, B, C can finish a piece of work in 12 days. A alone can finish the same work in 20
days. B alone can finish the same work in 18 days. In how days C alone can complete
the same work.( numbers are not accurate but question is of this type).

3. The fungus in a vessel doubles for every 3.00 P.M the fungus in the vessel
is 120. at what time the fungus rate is 960.
Ans 3.15 P.M

4. The size of the room is 120x80 and the size of each tile is 2.4x1.8. Find minimum
number of tiles required to cover the floor (number are not accurate)

5. A triangle inscribed in a circle is given and asked to find out the angle. (A bit tough
question among all the questions)

6. AB and CD are two chords of a circle. AB=2*CD. The perpendicular distance of
chords AB and CD from the center of the circle are a, b respectively. Express AB in
terms of a, b.

7. A pipe can fill tank in 3 hrs. A hole a bottom of tank can empty the tank in 6 hrs. After
hr the hole at the bottom of tank is opened. Find the time taken to fill the tank
completely. (Numbers are not accurate. Problem of this model is given)

8. Problem on figures is given. Some sequence of figures (around 5) are given and asked
to find the next figure that comes in sequence.

Technical paper
1. In dc motor the motion of conductor is given by
a) Flemmings right hand rule b) Flemings left hand rule
c) Cork screw rule d) Ans b.

2. The resistance of conductor is R. If the conductor length gets doubled and cross section
is reduced by half a times then the resistance of conductor is
a).R remains same b) R gets reduced by 2
c) R increases by 2 d) R increases by 4 Ans d.

3. Two plates of cross section 2mm2 are separated by a distance of 1cm. the capacitance
between these plates is
( I dont remember exact figures, question of this to compute the value of capacitance
C = A/d)

4. No of poles, speed of the alternator, etc are given and asked to find the voltage induced
in the rotor ckt of the alternator.

5. In parallel circuit under resonance
a) current is maximum b) impedance is minimum
c) voltage magnification takes place d) current magnification takes place

6. 3 resistances of R/2 are connected in star , the magnitude of resistances when
connected in delta is
Ans 3R/2

7. Problem on dual networks
Sorry I could not recall remaining questions. For aptitude R.S.Agarwal aptitude
R.S.Agarwal verbal and non verbal reasoning are more than enough. For technical just
prepare basic concepts in networks and machines.

Technical interview
This is the basic elimination round. My interview lasted for about 45 to 50min.
Before attending the interview just have a very good brush up in all the electrical subjects especially
power systems protection, machines, power system operation and control, power electronics and
Answer all questions with great confidence . Be cool. GE people are very friendly. Dont give up any
question quite easily Try till last they will help you at most of times. Try to answer all the questions.
Once you get through this round they will ask you to stay back for next round.

HR interview.
This is very very cool round among all the rounds.95% its not elimination round. Here they test your
communication skills and your problem handling capability. For me it was just 30-40min.For one of my
friend it lasted for about 1and hr.
Here they asked me quite general questions like
Tell me about urself.
Hobbies and interests.
Areas of interest.
Tell me about GE.
Ur dream company other than GE.
How many days you will be in GE
Some more questions of this type were asked.

At last results were announced. Only 6 got selected and Im very happy to say that Im one among them.

1. If 2 boxes are selected at random , what is the probability that 2 boxes at side by side?
2. if a number is P457102Q divided by 18 then P&Q are?
3. 1050,510,216,106,24,16,5(find out error number)?
4. 1,3,5,11,21,(fill this series)?
5. if G, S, N are done the work in 34,50,74 days . if they are combined to do the work G left 8 days
before and S left 4days before then how many days N works?
6. box contains 700/- . box with equal 0.5, 1, 2/- coins then how many one rupee coins in box?
7. x+y+z=0, then X^2/yz + y^2/xz +z^2/xy=?
8. one circle is in-cribbed in a square with area 9pi then area of square ?
9. in a book SPAIN represented by 17598 and NARESH with 052314 then ASIN with?
10. how many triangles are there in above fig?

About GE test for .net software Engg.
Hi friends i took the GE test on 2 Feb 2008 at Mumbai
The test time was 8:30 but start at 9:20 but atleast be on time
The test is for .NET, JAVA and testing ( seperate for each category)
The test consist of 3 sections
1) general aptitude
2)technical aptitude
3)your technology section (ie. .NET or JAVA depend upon for who u applied for)

for 1)general aptitude 60 question
for 2)technical aptitude 60 question
for 3) technology section 30 question

general aptitude section was beat lengthy and critical (most of from R S aggarawal) do it
technical aptitude was easy cover up all the basic knowledge (engineering concept) like
OS concepts, database, network etc.
technology section was very easy if u r much familiar with it

No negative marking for the answers
Total 150 question 90 min. time, after test they release us and told that they inform us by
email if anybody selected

There are total 4 rounds
1. Test
2. Tech interview round1
3. Tech interview round2
4. HR

Test (30mins)
1.what is the probabilty of person not sharing the same birth day (ignoring leap year)
a. 90% B.97.3% c.93% d.96% ans b.

2. What is the probality of getting same nos in two dies
a 1/6 b.1/3 c.1/4 d.1/2 ans .a

3. What is the angle <xoy
if <axo=20deg
Ans :160

4.if 2x=7y=14z write z in terms of x and y
A. (X-y)/xy b.(x+y)/ xy c.(y-x)/xy d. Xy /.(x+y) ans d

5. There r some ingreients for a perfume like m,n,o,p,q
a. If m is there n shoud be there
b. If q is ther when o is there
c. P should more then the others.
4 Choices r given.......

6. A question on coding like if xhji= ferf then komj=?(not same)

7. There are 2 parallel chords ab & cd wer ab & cd r on opposite side of the center, where
ab=2(cd) the distance from these chord ab=a & cd=b if cd=x then write x interms of ab,cd
ans: 2sqrt( (b2-a2)/3)

8. Can u dived 1000 in to 2 parts where one part is a multiple of 47 and other part multiple
of 19
1.____________________ 2.________________________

9. A question on seating arranement with 5 people. some conditions r given

10 A problem on trains to find out length and bridge

they mainly asked questions from the Mechanical and Civil subjects like strength of
materials, heat transfer, thermodynamics etc.,
mainly on BTech and MTech project works. HR is some wat difficult


Hello ,
I have attended GE test, the test was damn easy, there were two sections, comprising of 50
questions off 60 minutes contains 20 aptitude questions and 30 Technical questions.
Aptitude section had Critical Reasoning 6 Q's, And General Reasoning 5-6 Q's and General
Aptitude. Two Q's from Time and Work and 2 Q's from Chain Rule and 2 Q's from Ratio and proportion
and 1 Q's from Time and Distance.
In the technical part 10 Q's from Data Stucutre, 10 Q's from C and 10 Q's from C++. And for your
information the test are not as per sheduled, mine was first bath it was shceduled to be at 8.30 but I
started to write the exam only after 9:15. So be cool and be prepared with these pattern.

There were three sections of which b/c was optional. section a is technical and is compulsory. technical
paper had 28 c++ questions(I gave c++ test).b is technical test and c is common aptitude test with 50
questions. the total time was 90 minutes. U really need to be very fast.

1 certain amount of cats decide to eat 9999919 mices . every cat eats more mices than the total
number of cats. how many cats are present.
920 999 1009

2 which company developed the first computer.

3which company is known as the big blue. a is 16 miles to the north of city b.c is 20 miles to the east of a.d is 20 miles to north of far is
d from a.

5. if in 30 litres of a solution 90%is alcohol then how much water needs to b added to make it 80%.

6.train is moving at takes 60 seconds to pass platform which is 500m.wat is the length of the
(two problems of this type were asked).

7.vendor:buyer advocate:?

8drill is the opposite of
Hollow hole untrained

9.students decide to gift principal 4200 rupees.if teachers give 50% more than the students and an
external person gives 3 times to that of much do teachers give.

10.1000 rupees is distributed among 3 people.if a gts 2/3 the amount b gets and c gets 1/3 amount of
b.then hw much did a get.

11.y = min{(x-2),(3-x)} then wat is the value y can take
2 2.5 0 1

12.sum of cube roots of the number is given and the relation between the numbers is given find the

13.if 1011 is passed through the not gate then wat is the output.

14.a circle is inscribed in a square and another circle is circumsiced on the square.wat is the ratio of the
areas of the two squares.

15.angle bisectors of a quadrilateral is drawn. the point were they intersect forms another quadrilateral.
the angle bisectors of this quadrilateral if drawn will be
Ans: Perpendicular to each other

16.b brought a pc for 25% discount. he then sold it for a profit of much more is the price of the
pc now from its original cost price.

This is all I remember..hope this would be help ful.wish u all the best.

The selection process is
1) Written test
2) Technical interview
3) HR interview

The first paper of the written test is of Aptitude (10 Questions) of 20 mins and the second one is based
upon you are background (Myself being a mechanical engg: I have selected Heat Transfer/CFD) and it
consists of 12 questions (20 mins).

There is no negative marking

These are the questions given to us
In Aptitude

1) First problem is related to ratio.(easy one)

2) The sum of 2 numbers is 24. If the twice of the square of the smaller one is 4 more than square of the
larger one. Find the numbrs?

3) Boat problem (Speed of boat in still water is given, for a same time distance of upstream and
downstream is given). Find the speed of the stream?

4th and 5th problem on angles
Sixth one is logarithm prblm (easy one)

7) 2^x= 7^y= 14^z ,z=? (in terms of x and y) ans if xy/(x-y)

8) A rectangle of 3780 m and 4800 m. What are the minium number of square tiles to fill the rectangle
of a given area.
Ans: Take HCF of two numbers, that is the minimum side of the square. Divide it you'll get the answer
Coming to the Technical section (among the options of Stress, (Heat Transfer) CFD, Chemical/CFD,
Electrical ), i have selected Heat Transfer (CFD)
Out of the 12 questions 6- 7 questions were very easy like

If pr>1
Which bl is greater
Thermal boundary layer or hydrodynamic bl
T increases How K varies for solids and gases
For a finite parallel the radiation will depend on

Some heat transfer problems and few CFD problems in central difference scheme what is the criteria for

I didn't got selected for the interview.
So i am sharing my experience.
All the best Guys

This is Sreedhar rao M.Tech (Structural Engg), IIT Guwahati. Here I am giving you brief discussion about

Question Paper

Part 1: Aptitude, 10 questions (10 marks) this is common for all branches.

Part 2: Stress, 10 Technical questions (10 marks) this is common for Civil/Mechanical. Don't expect
much about written test. It is very simple without preparation, you can clear written.

In apptitude simple questions on flow chart based question, one question on numbers (just solving two
equations, you can get answer), one question on cost and price, questions on time and work, one
question on train (the length of train is 1.5 km and the time taken to cross 1km bridge is 10sec. If the
bridge is 2km. How much time the same train to cross the bridge?). Finaly all were numericals. One
more question:

Some of the reciprocals of two numbers is 1/12 and difference is 1/24 then find the smaller number of
them? Better look at R.S. Aggarwal once. No questions on English.

In tecnical paper, as name suggests that it was completely on stress calculations. Simple numericals on
hoop stress, formula for equavalent bending moment, principle stress diagram was given that
sigma1=200Mpa, sigma2=-100Mpa and find pricipal strain?(E=250Mpa,nu=0.25). One diagram was
given which was having steel and copper and options were given to choose which material will be
subjected to tension and compression. Simple question on springs, spring has stiffness ok, if the spring
was cut into 2 pieces what about the stiffness.

One question on ratios of solid and hollow shafts. See the text book once. One simple question on
natural frequency, A cantilever beam is having weight 10N at free end. Find the natural frequecy?

I got 6/10 in aptitude, 8/10 in tech. I went for the interview. He asked me about my thesis work. Some
simple questions on thesis work. I answered all expect one. I was thinking for that question. He asked
me to leave that question. Then he moved to ask questions on mechanics. I answered 50% of mechanics
questions. I was eliminated in techincal interview. Only two were placed in GE. One from mechanical
and one fron structure. Some of my friends were also eliminated in HR round also.

The persons, who are working in complete finite element anlaysis have better chances to get placed in
GE. My experience my help you in future. GE pay package was 6.35 lacs in hand.

All the best my friends.

In GE.there are three rounds
1.Written test
2.Technical round(elimination round)
3.HR interview.

In first round,there was a wriiten test which includes 3 SECTIONS EACH OF 20 minutes.
In APTITUTE GENERAL:10 questions
areas are:
boats and streams, revolutions of wheel,figure guessing, to find odd one out.Coding and decoding,
As I am a student of mechanical, we had other test papers of
STRESS:10 questions
STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. shear stress.principal streses, hoop stress, load buckling, matrix based
calculation of stress.
whole test based on numericals which are not complex ones, displacement based,

Heat Transfer and thermal: 10 questions in 20 min
1.Dimensionless numbers, thermall diffusivity,convection,conduction,fuels.
Try to go for solving numericals .


(1) W'itten test -----
(a) Aptitude test common fo' all b'anch.
(b) Five type of pape' in St'ess analysis, CFD, Chemical Engg, Elect'ical & Inst'umentation, C- language
I attended CFD ----- the'e we'e 10 questions in aptitude and 10 in Fluid and heat- - t'ansfe'.

Some questions a'e as follows based on my memo'y
(1) What is the p'obability of getting a two digit numbe' which is multiple of 2 and 3 both?
(2) One insect is t'ying to climb on a pole and in each second it goes fo' some height but it slips down fo'
some distance how much time it will get on the top? (I am missing some nume'ical values but.i
hope u have got my point)
(3) One helicopte' sta't to fly f'om Delhi at 2 pm with speed 600 kph fo' the distance 2400km but afte'
sta't of its jou'ney its on of engine got failed and then pilot 'educes its speed 400 kph .now he become
80min late.Find that at what time engine failed?
(4) Calculate the max a'ea of 'ectangle that is insc'ibed in a 14 cm 'adius ci'cle?
(5) One question fo'm BA' CHA'T?
(6) One question f'om wo'k and wages?
(7) Max numbe' that is devisable by th'ee consecutive even numbe's?
(8) ---
(9) ---
(10) --- The'mal & Fluid
(1) What is Ki'choffs law?
(2) What is the adiabatic flame tempe'atu'e?
(3) What is the analogy of G'asoffs numbe' in fo'ced convection (Ans P')?
(4) What is the Neumanns BC & D'ichlets BC?
(5) What is the wo'k that is obtained when the p'essu'e and volume changes f'om P1to P2 and V1 to V2?
(6) What is the max to ave'age velocity 'atio in tu'bulent tube flow?
(7) 'elation in viscous sub laye' .( Ans U+=y+)?
(8) 'aleigh Numbe's significance?
(9) ---
(10) ---
Afte' I got selected in w'itten .I appea'ed fo' Tech Inte'view and then H' inte'view
Tech inte'view is basically elimination p'ocess and questions we'e f'om the P'oject wo'k .
H' inte'view is 95% selective p'ocess

Finally I selected in GE Banglo'e.
Good lucksee u in GE Fo'm -
'AJEEV SHUKLA (M.Tech. in Mechanical Engg)

First section consisted of 10 aptitude questions
1. pipes and cistern problem
2. ratio and proportion problem find the angle ( triangles, circles)(2 questions)
4.non verbal reasoning
5.2^x = 7^y = 14^z ,then express z in terms of x and y and work
7.boat and stream
8. a simple coding problem
Technical-mechanical-stress analysis-10 questions
1.shear force diagram simply supported beam with an eccentric moment
2. failure theory for ductile materials
3.stress due to temperature change in free bar
4.where is the stress accurate in a finite element? ( options: node, interior, gauss point ,centroid)
5.hoop stress problem
6. mohr circle representation

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