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Canada is not a gun culture

by Daniel J Towsey
(Please be sure to read my responses to commentaries below)
Do not miss this article;
!udio "ideo "ersion.$%&t'is(wT-)
*anada has ne$er been a un culture and ne$er well be.
+ecause the creation o, *anada was built on solid $irtues.
+uilt on 'olid "alues.
*anada will be 'olid to the end.
-nly i, you .now how *anada was built.
-nly i, you share our history with the youn people.
1/01 was a $ery special celebration o, the hundredth anni$ersary
o, the creation o, The *on,ederation o, *anada.
23po01 in 4ontreal was a $ery special e$ent hihlihtin the human spirit o, beauty and creati$ity.
23po01 had no corporate sponsorship.
There were no corporations in *anada in 1/01.
23po01 was an e$ent to celebrate the 5oodness6 inenuity and creati$ity o, *ommon people.
! time when we all had somethin in *ommon.
There has ne$er been another 7orld 23position since the one in 4ontreal.
*anada was not born in 1801.
8t was born closer to the year 1101.
9ali,a3 came into e3istence around 1002.
The *ommonwealth o, *anada was born at the same place that the 9ali,a3 *ommons e3ists.
*ommon :aw.
*ommon 'ense.
*ommon 5ood.
*ommon 7ealth.
! time when we all had somethin in *ommon.
The -ldest ;epresentati$e <arliament was then built in the *ity o, 9ali,a3
on the 4i.=ma> nati$e lands .nown as ?o$a 'cotia.
Then the e3pansion o, humanity mo$ed onto the nati$e lands .nown as *anada.
@uebec *ity in the <ro$ince o, @uebec e3isted ,i,ty years be,ore the *ity o, 9ali,a3 was created.
-ther *ities rew across the lands o, *anada.
*harlottetown6 't. Johns6 -ttawa6 Toronto6 7innipe6 'as.atoon6 "ancou$er6 "ictoria and many more.
Then the <ro$inces came to be ?ew,oundland6 ?o$a 'cotia6 ?ew +runswic.6 <rince 2dward 8sland6
@uebec6 -ntario6 'as.atchewan6 4anitoba6 !lberta6 +ritish *olumbia and the ?orthwest Territories and Au.on.
Then the idea o, *ommon :aw rew across the lands
and an areement was reached with all the pro$inces to create a unity o, *ommon :aw6
a *ommonwealth ,or the *ommon ood.
Then The 9ouse o, *ommons was built o$er the -ttawa ri$er.,-commons/
! house that all *ommon peoples were ,reely welcome to enter.
This house then became .nown as The <arliament o, *anada.
7here we the *ommon people o, *anada elected *ommon people to create our law o, the land.
The only law in *anada is *ommon :aw.
:aw built on *ommon sense.
! time when all the people had somethin in common.
*ommon sense is built o, pure truth.
! time when people understood and $alued truth.
!n honorable time.
! time when the *ommon people honored truth,ul common people.
'o we elected these honorable people and called them members o, <arliament.
*ommon people who were i$en the duty o, ministerin the peoples common laws.
'o then we called them 4inisters.
The honorable duties were to care ,or the common ood o, our house and nati$e land.
Their duties were to .eep order in our 9ouse o, *ommons.
7hich is why they are named 9onorable 4inisters.
'ome people were led to belie$e that the @ueen o, 2nland created the *ommon 7ealth o, *anada.
That is and has ne$er been true.
*anada was created by and ,or the *ommon people.
:on ao )ust li.e lon ao here in *anada6
2nland also had honorable people in the +ritish <arliament.
Bn,ortunately 2nland=s <arliament is now controlled by the 2uropean Bnion
that was created by *orporate +an.sters.
The 2nland o, lon ao in a time when the *ommon :aw *ity o, 9ali,a3
was created no loner e3ists under common sense.
7e ha$e lost e$erythin that we once held in *ommon.
There are no loner any honorable people in our house.
The corporate criminals ha$e stolen our house and nati$e lands.
They did that when in 1/0/ the corporate criminals started usin computers
to tally and control our $ote countin results.
Aes they did.
<lease read my Corrupt Canadian lections !"ote #i$ing%& article6$ote-,i3in/
to better understand that when the eyewitnesses that hand counted the $otes in the ballot bo3es
departed the pollin stations and too. their eyes o, the ballot bo3es.
They did so without bein i$en any documentation that they could use to later
$eri,y that the $otes were properly represented.
'o that means that the $otes meant nothin the second they too. their eyes o,, the ballot bo3es
and departed ,rom the pollin stations.
That is how e$er since we ha$e ne$er aain elected an honorable minister.
The proo, is this.
9ere is what *rime 4inister <ierre 2lliot Trudeau did to destroy and steal our *ommon 7ealth.
9e shut down the ,unction o, the +an. o, *anada.
The common peoples ban. that we used to build *anada with.
! +an. that created money Cin,lationD when we needed it to build our public in,rastructure.
This money was ta3 ,ree and interest ,ree.
7hen Trudeau ot ,raudulently elected there was not one *ity6 <ro$incial
or other o$ernment institution in *anada that had any debt.
The 5o$ernment o, *anada had a E12F60006000 million dollar surplus on the boo.s.
7e the common people then owned all our public utilities and we owned our country.
Bntil the corporate criminals stole e$erythin.
9ere is how Trudeau made this possible.
8n 1/1F when Trudeau shut down the ,unction o, the +an. o, *anada.
Then a,ter this corporate o$ernment o, *anada no loner held people accountable to the commonwealth.
Then a,ter all corporate ban.sters then were able to now ,reely create unlimited diital money on a computer screen.
They then used this ,a.e money to buy o,, e$eryone and buy up e$erythin that we once had in common.
*ommon sense bit by bit started disappearin.
The less common sense a person has6 the straner they et.
?ow we ha$e a world o, straners.
! world where the people ,ind truth,ul honorable people to be $ery strane.
That is what happens when you i$e up truth ,or reed.
'o today most o, our society is now inhabited by insane people6
who do insane thins to this country and planet all ,or pro,it.
'ruth is absolute and the (urther )ou go (rom truth
the sooner )ou arri*e at the opposite absolute.
'hat being insanit)
?o society based on lies and deceptions will sur$i$e.
Bn,ortunately that society with unlimited corporate money is also destroyin this planet we call 2arth.
*anada is not a culture that was built on uns.
5uns that were used to .ill6 destroy and steal.
8nstead the corporate criminals used the power o, ,a.e money to con>uer and destroy our *ommon 'ense society.
They e$en made us belie$e that *orporation ha$e property rihts.
There are no property rihts under common law.
There is only deeds to a sta.ed claim..
Deeds do not i$e any property rihts.
+ecause this country is a common wealth and all land is held under common law ,or the common ood.
!ll this brainwashin6 where truth was remo$ed ,rom the peoples minds throuh daily proramin
and social enineerin in the public schools.
<lease read my related article entitled.
The one dimensional mind of today!"/!#/!$/the%one%dimensional%mind%of%today/
Bntil today where e$eryone is now an unreal ,ictitious bein.
'ee what unlimited out o, control spendin and creation o, ,a.e money has done.
8t has destroyed common sense.
The 9ouse o, *ommons today -ctober 22 2014 was in$aded
by those ,ictitious beins that are now named Crisis +ctors&
The ,ictitious un culture has mo$ed into The 9ouse o, *ommons.
Today The 9ouse o, *ommons also li$es by that diital de$ice.
There is now a real li,e diital proramin de$ice in e$ery li$in room.
The li$in room o, The 9ouse o, *ommons has now been in$aded
with shoot ups acted in real time by G*risis !ctorsH
The *orporate 5un culture has completely in$aded and remo$ed all truth and reality ,rom *anada.
They now use the un culture to ta.e o$er and destroy our once ,ree and sane country.
They use crisis actors to ma.e us belie$e that they need to i$e *'8' more power.
The power to spy on Truthers and arrest them to inde,initely imprison them or e$en shoot them.
The criminals in The 9ouse o, *ommons are $ery a,raid.
They are a,raid o, the world wide awa.enin happenin on the 7orld 7ide 7eb.
The 7orld 7ide Truth ;e$olution is the only thin that will sa$e this planet.
'o the 5un culture thin.s they can )ust shoot to .ill truth.
Truth can ne$er be .illed i, you ha$e and share common sense.
8t is time ,or you to ha$e some sense and spread those seeds o, truth.
8t is time to clean our house o, all the pests.
7e need to ta.e corporations out o, our society and o bac. to *ompanies based on *ommon 'ense.
&n "#$# we 'ot into a $# position and 'ot screwed from both ends.
(ne end was because we buried our heads in the 'round while
bein' screwed with the crap cumin' out of their corporate mouths.
Readers Comments
8 be to to di,,er with you.
This country is de,initely a un culture.
The pioneers had to use uns to sur$i$e the bra$e new world.
The +ritish were at war with the Irench.
Then we had the war o, 1812.
!nd 2 world wars plus *anadians were in$ol$ed in the !merica ci$il war and many other world con,licts.
ThatJs some o, our history.
<lus *anadians lo$e our ri,les and hand uns6.
7e hunt we taret shoot and many other un sports.
'o 8 canJt aree with youb$on this one.
7ar is not is terrorism....
The *ommon *anadian people ha$e ne$er condoned or areed with war..
The 8mperialist state are the ones that created war...
*ommon people is what 8 spea. o,.
*anada was built by peace,ul *ommon people.
7e the common people built a society o, )ustice6 peace lo$e and truth...
8t is the the reedy criminals that ha$e undermined our *ommon law country..
<lease understand the di,,erence between *ultured *ommon people and the uncultured insane criminals...
Aes there is much history about uns and .illin..
+ut the *ommon people o, *anada ne$er appro$ed o, it6
nor did the common people create a culture based on a structure achie$ed at the end o, a un barrel...
7e the *ommon people did not war moner to o out and .ill6
steal and destroy other cultures to ma.e our culture more prosperous...
that has always been the e,,orts o, the reedy...
'o The *ommon 7ealth o, *anada was ne$er strutured to be uncultured.
Try to understand what the past enerations o, *ommon 'ense people created...
They created a country based o, lo$e truth and )ustice ,or all *ommon people..
marc danarc
*anada has always been a un culture.
This was brouht about by settlers needin tools ,or sel, de,ense.
Iirearms are an important part o, our culture and history.
'o-called Kproressi$esK in our society ha$e ta.en to misin,ormation in order to demoniLe uns and those who use them.
The reason ,or this is simple6 the totalitarian socialist society that Kproressi$esK
so desperately desire will re>uire a disarmed population.
5uns do not and ha$e ne$er created culture.
5uns create the $ery opposite.
5uns are part o, our history but not part o, *ommon law culture.
*ulture is created $ery much in the absence o, uns and weapons.
7hen a society becomes peace,ul and cultured is when it ceases to use weapons o, death and destruction.
That is what our ancestors did when they created the *ommon 7ealth o, *anada.
They created a peace,ul society o, *ommon :aw Justice that did not re>uire the use o, uns and weapons.
8 understand the ,ear some ha$e that a disarmed society well lead to totalitarianism..
Totalitarianism e3ists because the people li$e by ,ear and ,ollow orders o, the pyramid scheme o, the 8lluminati.
8, people used common sense and common law..there would be no totalitarianism.
'o please understand that *ommon :aw 'ociety is the only answer.
! society o, *ommon law6 is a society that achie$es peace without the use o, uns..
5uns and weapons are $ery much the problem that is destroyin *ommon 'ense.
Ior 5uns and weapons are the only thins that destroy a peace,ul cultured *ommon law society.
5uns well ne$er protect you ,rom the insanity o, corporatism that is now destroyin this planet.
'preadin truth6 which is6 or was once *ommon sense is the only solution.
;emember that Truth and :o$e are one and the same. -ne does not e3ist without the other.
'o it is time to lo$e truth and not uns and weapons.
-nly ,ear one thin. they needs uns.
The problem is you ,ear e$erythin and in particular6 you ,ear pure truth.
8t is time to lo$e the natural world and use common sense to sa$e our planet ,rom the un lo$in insanity...
*ommon :aw is based on peace and lo$e...and not ,rom the end o, a barrel..
8, the totalitarian state e$er achie$es a complete ta.e o$er o, society.
5uns and weapons well be the $ery reason that it did.
5uns well ne$er protect you ,rom it.
-nly the spreadin o, truth is oin to pre$ent totalitarianism and oppression.
Truth is the only thin that empowers the indi$idual.
-ublished on #eb 2./ 2014
! *!:: T- !*T8-? - !:: *!?!D8!?'
7hether you ad$ocate un control or not the,t o, pri$ate property is wron...
Today the *anadian 5o$ernment +anned 'wiss !rms ;i,les and *arbines - 4ade them <rohibited *lassi,ication. These are
mechanically 'emi-!uto -?:A. 7ho will be impacted ne3t# Aou# 4e# 7hat will they be taretin ,or prohibition ne3t and
This witch hunt has to end and the letter writin campain has to bein. *all6 write and meet your local 4< and educate
To Iind your 4ember o, <arliament<arlin,o/*ompilations/9ouseo,*ommons/4ember+y<ostal*ode.asp3#4enu%9-*
4y :etter to the <46 4y ridin 4< and the 4inister o, <ublic 'a,ety. Ieel ,ree to use my letter and chane as you see
Iebruary 21th 2014
;e: ;eclassi,ication o, the 'wiss !rms ;i,les under the Iirearms !ct
8t has come to my attention that there are multiple ,irearms re$iews and potential reclassi,ications currently underway by the
,irearms lab.
The Iirearms !ct is allowin the persecution o, law abidin *anadians and the,t o, their property. *anadians re>uire that
the Iirearms !ct be amended so that the leislation does not punish law abidin *anadians.
The Iirearms Iorensics :ab has reclassi,ied the 'wiss !rms series o, ,irearms ,rom non-restricted Cri,lesD and restricted
CcarbinesD to <;-98+8T2D under the Iirearms !ct6 a Iederal !ct that the *onser$ati$e 5o$ernment promised to amend
but hasnJt. This reclassi,ication has turned thousands o, law-abidin owners o, these ri,les into criminals as o, Iebruary 21th
2014 and will concei$ably cost the public treasury a 2iht 4illion dollars CE860006000D in a$oidable buy bac.s6 public
awareness education6 ,ront line <olicin6 con,iscation implementation and destruction o, this property.
This 5o$ernment is allowin this reclassi,ication to occur by not amendin the bro.en Iirearms !ct into sensible leislation
that sense.
I8;'T: ;emo$al o, the Iirearms !ct ,rom the *riminal *ode is necessary6 alon with the remo$al o, mandatory minimum
sentencin ,or licensed ,irearms owners.
'2*-?D: The terms K$ariantK and Kcon$erted automaticK could concei$ably be applied to any semi-auto only ,irearm and
these terms must either be clearly N law,ully de,ined or they must be remo$ed entirely ,rom the Iirearms !ct.
8t is illeal to con$ert a semi-auto ri,le to ,ully automatic and it is the act o, con$ertin or bein in possession o, a ,ully
automatic ri,le that should be criminally punished ?-T because the ri,le has the capacity to be con$erted.
The 5o$ernment o, *anada is allowin the ;*4< Iirearms :ab to interpret poorly written and subse>uently un)ust
leislation. +y not amendin the Iirearms !ct into sensible leislation the 5o$ernment o, *anada is6 by de,ault6 allowin
the continued criminaliLation and prosecution o, law abidin *anadians and is sponsorin the the,t o, property.
8 respect,ully re>uest that you wor. towards re-dra,tin the Iirearms !ct prior to the ne3t election. 8 re>uest the amendment
remo$e the Iirearms !ct ,rom the *riminal *ode and balanced so as not to punish the law abidin ,irearms owner with
prison or con,iscation o, their property.
7ith the redra,tin o, the Iirearms !ct 8 re>uest that you remo$e the Iirearms :ab ,rom the control o, the ;*4< and place
control to an impartial *i$ilian lab with built in chec.s and balances6 secondary *i$ilian leislati$e interpretation o$ersiht
with the authority to o$er-ride decisions made by the Iirearms :ab and in$estiati$e personnel.
Iinally 8 re>uest that you ,irst ta.e immediate action to ensure current law,ul owners o, the ri,les that ha$e been reclassi,ied
et to:
1. Oeep their property and use it as they ha$e law,ully done ,or the past twel$e years
2. :i$e without ,ear o, con,iscation o, their propertyP
(. :i$e without ,ear o, the 5o$ernment pressin criminal chares
4. <ermission to sell ,irearms to other licensed ,irearms owners and pass it on to their heirs.
This can be implemented by introducin an -rder 8n *ouncil that the remo$es semi-auto only $ariants o, prohibited ri,les
Csuch as the '5-FF0 ri,le and '5-FF1 carbineD ,rom the prohibited ,irearms list. This would show that you are support
law,ul Iarmers6 9unters6 and 'port 'hooters and plan to mo$e ,orward with sensible Iirearms !ct re,orm in the ,uture.
Than. you ,or your time and consideration into this matter. 8 assure you that should you act on these matters you will
consolidate your <artyJs $otin base o, -ne 4illion 'e$en 9undred Thousand C1 100 000D licensed Iirearms owners and
assure their $otin support well into the ,uture.
K8t will be ,ound an un)ust and unwise )ealousy to depri$e a man o, his natural liberty upon the supposition he may abuse
it.K 5eore 7ashinton
;espect,ully yours6
A-B; ?!42
RCMP Police Ransack Homes Brutally - Massive Coveru
!"osed - Hi#$ River %un %ra&$%*nponm*QO94
-ublished on #eb 24/ 2014
;*4< <olice Oic. 8n Thousands o, Doors6 7ho the hell do the ;*4< <olice thin. they are# ;*4< <olice on 7ar <ath ,or
5uns - 9ih ;i$er 5un 5rab
Oudos to 'un ?ews and :orne 5unter ,or the documentary +ro.en Trust: 5un 5rab at 9ih ;i$er.
8t is re,reshin to see in$estiati$e )ournalism that re,uses to .owtow to le,t-win ambition.
The documentary demonstrates chapter and $erse that ;*4< o,,icers made some $ery bad decisions durin the 9ih ;i$er
,lood in late June. The source behind the orders that $iolated citiLenJs rihts remains unclear6 but there was ample e$idence
that police lapsed into a pac. mentality as they bro.e into pri$ate homes to con,iscate ,irearms.
2$ery *anadian should witness and weih the e$idence in the 'un ?ews $ideo. 'ee it here:$ideo/2/2(814/01001
;ead more:$er-canada-un-rab-documentary-,all-on-dea,-
8t appears police spun the natural disaster into a machismo-,est6 i$en that one house had two separate doors .ic.ed in.
*on$eniently6 the police-produced Ksel,ieK $ideo edited out their ,orced entries when the blac. boots were bustin door
loc.s6 hines and ,rames. 'ome doors were reported .noc.ed down entirely and homes le,t open to the elements.
8s this how *anadaJs national police ,orce secures pri$ate property now# 8t a concerted e,,ort to cause more than E(
million damae to 16/00 o, the F6(00 homes in the !lberta town.
;ead more:$er-canada-un-rab-documentary-,all-on-dea,-
Aou are ,ree to share any and all o, my Truth 'oldier !rticles.
recommended reading.

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