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8551 February 25, 1998

S!"#o$ 1. Title. This Ac sha!! be "#o$# as he %Phi!i&&i#e Naio#a! Po!ice Re'or( a#)
Reor*a#i+aio# Ac o' 1998%.
S!"#o$ %. Declaration of Policy and Principles. I is hereby )ec!are) he &o!icy o' he
,ae o esab!ish a hi*h!y e''icie# a#) co(&ee# &o!ice 'orce $hich is #aio#a! i#
sco&e a#) ci-i!ia# i# characer a)(i#isere) a#) co#ro!!e) by a #aio#a! &o!ice
The Phi!i&&i#e Naio#a! Po!ice .PNP/ sha!! be a co((u#iy a#) ser-ice orie#e)
a*e#cy res&o#sib!e 'or he (ai#e#a#ce o' &eace a#) or)er a#) &ub!ic sa'ey.
The PNP sha!! be so or*a#i+e) o e#sure accou#abi!iy a#) u&ri*h#ess i# &o!ice
e0ercise o' )iscreio# as $e!! as o achie-e e''icie#cy a#) e''eci-e#ess o' is (e(bers
a#) u#is i# he &er'or(a#ce o' heir 'u#cio#s.
S!"#o$ &. ,ecio# 12 o' Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925 is hereby a(e#)e) o rea) as 'o!!o$s3
%,EC. 12. Re!aio#shi& o' he 4e&ar(e# $ih he 4e&ar(e# o' Naio#a! 4e'e#se. The
4e&ar(e# o' he I#erior a#) Loca! 5o-er#(e# sha!! be re!ie-e) o' he &ri(ary
res&o#sibi!iy o# (aers i#-o!-i#* he su&&ressio# o' i#sur*e#cy a#) oher serious
hreas o #aio#a! securiy. The Phi!i&&i#e Naio#a! Po!ice sha!!, hrou*h i#'or(aio#
*aheri#* a#) &er'or(a#ce o' is or)i#ary &o!ice 'u#cio#s, su&&or he Ar(e) Forces o'
he Phi!i&&i#es o# (aers i#-o!-i#* su&&ressio# o' i#sur*e#cy, e0ce& i# cases $here
he Presi)e# sha!! ca!! o# he PNP o su&&or he AFP i# co(ba o&eraio#s.
%I# i(es o' #aio#a! e(er*e#cy, he PNP, he Bureau o' Fire Proecio#, a#) he
Bureau o' 6ai! 7a#a*e(e# a#) Pe#o!o*y sha!!, u&o# he )irecio# o' he Presi)e#,
assis he ar(e) 'orces i# (eei#* he #aio#a! e(er*e#cy.%
S!"#o$ '. ,ecio# 18 o' Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925 is hereby a(e#)e) o rea) as 'o!!o$s3
%,EC. 18. Creaio# a#) Co(&osiio#. A Naio#a! Po!ice Co((issio#, herei#a'er
re'erre) o as he Co((issio#, is hereby creae) 'or he &ur&ose o' e''eci-e!y
)ischar*i#* he 'u#cio#s &rescribe) i# he Co#siuio# a#) &ro-i)e) i# his Ac. The
Co((issio# sha!! be a# a*e#cy aache) o he 4e&ar(e# 'or &o!icy a#) &ro*ra(
coor)i#aio#. I sha!! be co(&ose) o' a Chair&erso#, 'our .9/ re*u!ar Co((issio#ers,
a#) he Chie' o' PNP as e0:o''icio (e(ber. Three .8/ o' he re*u!ar co((issio#ers sha!!
co(e 'ro( he ci-i!ia# secor $ho are #eiher aci-e #or 'or(er (e(bers o' he &o!ice or
(i!iary, o#e .1/ o' $ho( sha!! be )esi*#ae) as -ice chair&erso# by he Presi)e#. The
'ourh re*u!ar co((issio#er sha!! co(e 'ro( he !a$ e#'orce(e# secor eiher aci-e or
reire)3 Pro-i)e), Tha a# aci-e (e(ber o' a !a$ e#'orce(e# a*e#cy sha!! be
co#si)ere) resi*#e) 'ro( sai) a*e#cy o#ce a&&oi#e) o he Co((issio#3 Pro-i)e),
'urher, Tha a !eas o#e .1/ o' he Co((issio#ers sha!! be a $o(a#. The ,ecreary o'
he 4e&ar(e# sha!! be he e0:o''icio Chair&erso# o' he Co((issio#, $hi!e he ;ice
Chair&erso# sha!! ac as he e0ecui-e o''icer o' he Co((issio#.%
S!"#o$ 5. ,ecio# 19 o' Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925 is hereby a(e#)e) o rea) as 'o!!o$s3
%,EC. 19. Po$ers a#) Fu#cio#s o' he Co((issio#. The Co((issio# sha!! e0ercise
he 'o!!o$i#* &o$ers a#) 'u#cio#s3
%.a/ E0ercise a)(i#israi-e co#ro! a#) o&eraio#a! su&er-isio# o-er he
Phi!i&&i#e Naio#a! Po!ice $hich sha!! (ea# he &o$er o3
%1/ 4e-e!o& &o!icies a#) &ro(u!*ae a &o!ice (a#ua! &rescribi#* ru!es a#)
re*u!aio#s 'or e''icie# or*a#i+aio#, a)(i#israio#, a#) o&eraio#,
i#c!u)i#* crieria 'or (a#&o$er a!!ocaio#, )isribuio# a#) )e&!oy(e#,
recrui(e#, se!ecio#, &ro(oio#, a#) reire(e# o' &erso##e! a#) he
co#)uc o' <ua!i'yi#* e#ra#ce a#) &ro(oio#a! e0a(i#aio#s 'or
u#i'or(e) (e(bers=
%2/ E0a(i#e a#) au)i, a#) herea'er esab!ish he sa#)ar)s 'or such
&ur&oses o# a co#i#ui#* basis, he &er'or(a#ce, aci-iies, a#) 'aci!iies
o' a!! &o!ice a*e#cies hrou*hou he cou#ry=
%8/ Esab!ish a syse( o' u#i'or( cri(e re&ori#*=
%9/ Co#)uc a# a##ua! se!':re&or sur-ey a#) co(&i!e saisica! )aa 'or
he accurae assess(e# o' he cri(e siuaio# a#) he &ro&er e-a!uaio#
o' he e''icie#cy a#) e''eci-e#ess o' a!! &o!ice u#is i# he cou#ry=
%5/ A&&ro-e or (o)i'y &!a#s a#) &ro*ra(s o# e)ucaio# a#) rai#i#*,
!o*isica! re<uire(e#s, co((u#icaio#s, recor)s, i#'or(aio# syse(s,
cri(e !aboraory, cri(e &re-e#io# a#) cri(e re&ori#*=
%1/ A''ir(, re-erse or (o)i'y, hrou*h he Naio#a! A&&e!!ae Boar),
&erso##e! )isci&!i#ary acio#s i#-o!-i#* )e(oio# or )is(issa! 'ro( he
ser-ice i(&ose) u&o# (e(bers o' he Phi!i&&i#e Naio#a! Po!ice by he
Chie' o' he Phi!i&&i#e Naio#a! Po!ice=
%2/ E0ercise a&&e!!ae >uris)icio# hrou*h he re*io#a! a&&e!!ae boar)s
o-er a)(i#israi-e cases a*ai#s &o!ice(e# a#) o-er )ecisio#s o# c!ai(s
'or &o!ice be#e'is=
%8/ Prescribe (i#i(u( sa#)ar)s 'or ar(s, e<ui&(e#, a#) u#i'or(s a#),
a'er co#su!aio# $ih he Phi!i&&i#e ?era!)ry Co((issio#, 'or i#si*#ia o'
ra#"s, a$ar)s, a#) (e)a!s o' ho#or. @ihi# #i#ey .9A/ )ays 'ro( he
e''eci-iy o' his Ac, he sa#)ar)s o' he u#i'or(e) &erso##e! o' he PNP
(us be re-ise) $hich shou!) be c!ear!y )isi#c 'ro( he (i!iary a#)
re'!eci-e o' he ci-i!ia# characer o' he &o!ice=
%9/ Issue sub&oe#a a#) sub&oe#a )uces ecu( i# (aers &erai#i#* o
he )ischar*e o' is o$# &o$ers a#) )uies, a#) )esi*#ae $ho a(o#* is
&erso##e! ca# issue such &rocesses a#) a)(i#iser oahs i# co##ecio#
%1A/ I#s&ec a#) assess he co(&!ia#ce o' he PNP o# he esab!ishe)
crieria 'or (a#&o$er a!!ocaio#, )isribuio#, a#) )e&!oy(e# a#) heir
i(&ac o# he co((u#iy a#) he cri(e siuaio#, a#) herea'er 'or(u!ae
a&&ro&riae *ui)e!i#es 'or (a0i(i+aio# o' resources a#) e''eci-e
ui!i+aio# o' he PNP &erso##e!=
%11/ 7o#ior he &er'or(a#ce o' he !oca! chie' e0ecui-es as )e&uies o'
he Co((issio#= a#)
%12/ 7o#ior a#) i#-esi*ae &o!ice a#o(a!ies a#) irre*u!ariies.
%b/ A)-ise he Presi)e# o# a!! (aers i#-o!-i#* &o!ice 'u#cio#s a#)
%c/ Re#)er o he Presi)e# a#) o he Co#*ress a# a##ua! re&or o# is aci-iies
a#) acco(&!ish(e#s )uri#* he hiry .8A/ )ays a'er he e#) o' he ca!e#)ar
year, $hich sha!! i#c!u)e a# a&&raisa! o' he co#)iio#s obai#i#* i# he
or*a#i+aio# a#) a)(i#israio# o' &o!ice a*e#cies i# he (u#ici&a!iies, ciies a#)
&ro-i#ces hrou*hou he cou#ry, a#) reco((e#)aio#s 'or a&&ro&riae re(e)ia!
%)/ Reco((e#) o he Presi)e#, hrou*h he ,ecreary, $ihi# si0y .1A/ )ays
be'ore he co((e#ce(e# o' each ca!e#)ar year, a cri(e &re-e#io# &ro*ra(=
%e/ Per'or( such oher 'u#cio#s #ecessary o carry ou he &ro-isio#s o' his Ac
a#) as he Presi)e# (ay )irec.%
S!"#o$ (. ,ecio# 15 o' Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925 is hereby a(e#)e) o rea) as 'o!!o$s3
%,EC. 15. Bua!i'icaio#s. No &erso# sha!! be a&&oi#e) re*u!ar (e(ber o' he
Co((issio# u#!ess3
%.a/ ?e or she is a cii+e# o' he Phi!i&&i#es=
%.b/ A (e(ber o' he Phi!i&&i#e Bar $ih a !eas 'i-e .5/ years e0&erie#ce i#
ha#)!i#* cri(i#a! or hu(a# ri*hs cases or a ho!)er o' a (aserCs )e*ree bu
&re'erab!y a )ocorae )e*ree i# &ub!ic a)(i#israio#, socio!o*y, cri(i#o!o*y,
cri(i#a! >usice, !a$ e#'orce(e#, a#) oher re!ae) )isci&!i#es= a#)
%.c/ The re*u!ar (e(ber co(i#* 'ro( he !a$ e#'orce(e# secor shou!) ha-e
&racica! e0&erie#ce i# !a$ e#'orce(e# $or" 'or a !eas 'i-e .5/ years $hi!e he
hree .8/ oher re*u!ar co((issio#ers (us ha-e )o#e e0e#si-e research $or"
or &ro>ecs o# !a$ e#'orce(e#, cri(i#o!o*y or cri(i#a! >usice or (e(bers o' a
)u!y re*isere) #o#:*o-er#(e# or*a#i+aio# i#-o!-e) i# he &ro(oio# o' &eace
a#) or)er.%
S!"#o$ ). ,ecio# 11 o' Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925 is hereby a(e#)e) o rea) as 'o!!o$s3
%,EC. 11. Ter( o' D''ice. The 'our .9/ re*u!ar a#) 'u!!:i(e Co((issio#ers sha!! be
a&&oi#e) by he Presi)e# 'or a er( o' si0 .1/ years $ihou re:a&&oi#(e# or
S!"#o$ 8. Expiration of the Terms of Office of Current Commissioners. U&o# he
e''eci-iy o' his Ac he er(s o' o''ice o' he curre# Co((issio#ers are )ee(e)
e0&ire) $hich sha!! co#siue a bar o heir rea&&oi#(e# or a# e0e#sio# o' heir er(s
i# he Co((issio# e0ce& 'or curre# Co((issio#ers $ho ha-e ser-e) !ess ha# $o .2/
years o' heir er(s o' o''ice $ho (ay be a&&oi#e) by he Presi)e# 'or a (a0i(u(
er( o' $o .2/ years.
S!"#o$ *. ,ecio# 12 o' Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925 is hereby a(e#)e) o rea) as 'o!!o$s3
%,EC. 12. Te(&orary or Per(a#e# I#ca&aciy o' he Chair&erso#. I# case o'
abse#ce )ue o he e(&orary i#ca&aciy o' he chair&erso#, he ;ice chair sha!! ser-e
as Chair&erso# u#i! he Chair&erso# is &rese# or re*ai#s ca&aciy o ser-e. I# case o'
)eah or &er(a#e# i#ca&aciy or )is<ua!i'icaio# o' he chair&erso#, he aci#*
chair&erso# sha!! a!so ac as such u#i! a #e$ chair&erso# sha!! ha-e bee# a&&oi#e) by
he Presi)e# a#) <ua!i'ie).%
S!"#o$ 1+. ,ecio# 2A o' Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925 is hereby a(e#)e) o rea) as 'o!!o$s3
%,EC. 2A. Dr*a#i+aio#a! ,rucure. The Co((issio# sha!! co#sis o' he
'o!!o$i#* u#is3
%.a/ Co((issio# Pro&er. This is co(&ose) o' he o''ices o' he Chair(a# a#)
'our .9/ Co((issio#ers.
%.b/ ,a'' ,er-ices. The sa'' ser-ices o' he Co((issio# sha!! be as 'o!!o$s3
%.1/ The P!a##i#* a#) Research ,er-ice, $hich sha!! &ro-i)e ech#ica!
ser-ices o he Co((issio# i# areas o' o-era!! &o!icy 'or(u!aio#, srae*ic
a#) o&eraio#a! &!a##i#*, (a#a*e(e# syse(s or &roce)ures, e-a!uaio#
a#) (o#iori#* o' he Co((issio#Cs &ro*ra(s, &ro>ecs a#) i#er#a!
o&eraio#s= a#) sha!! co#)uc horou*h research a#) a#a!ysis o# socia!
a#) eco#o(ic co#)iio#s a''eci#* &eace a#) or)er i# he cou#ry=
%.2/ The Le*a! A''airs ,er-ice, $hich sha!! &ro-i)e he Co((issio# $ih
e''icie# a#) e''eci-e ser-ice as !e*a! cou#se! o' he Co((issio#= )ra' or
su)y co#racs a''eci#* he Co((issio# a#) sub(i a&&ro&riae
reco((e#)aio#s &erai#i#* hereo= a#) re#)er !e*a! o&i#io#s arisi#*
'ro( he a)(i#israio# a#) o&eraio# o' he Phi!i&&i#e Naio#a! Po!ice a#)
he Co((issio#=
%.8/ The Cri(e Pre-e#io# a#) Coor)i#aio# ,er-ice, $hich sha!!
u#)era"e cri(i#o!o*ica! researches a#) su)ies= 'or(u!ae a #aio#a!
cri(e &re-e#io# &!a#= )e-e!o& a cri(e &re-e#io# a#) i#'or(aio#
&ro*ra( a#) &ro-i)e e)ioria! )irecio# 'or a!! cri(i#o!o*y research a#)
cri(e &re-e#io# &ub!icaio#s=
%.9/ The Perso##e! a#) A)(i#israi-e ,er-ice, $hich sha!! &er'or(
&erso##e! 'u#cio#s 'or he Co((issio#, a)(i#iser he e#ra#ce a#)
&ro(oio#a! e0a(i#aio#s 'or &o!ice(e#, &ro-i)e he #ecessary ser-ices
re!ai#* o recor)s, corres&o#)e#ce, su&&!ies, &ro&ery a#) e<ui&(e#,
securiy a#) *e#era! ser-ices, a#) he (ai#e#a#ce a#) ui!i+aio# o'
'aci!iies, a#) &ro-i)e ser-ices re!ai#* o (a#&o$er, career &!a##i#* a#)
)e-e!o&(e#, &erso##e! ra#sacio#s a#) e(&!oyee $e!'are=
%.5/ The I#s&ecio#, 7o#iori#* a#) I#-esi*aio# ,er-ice, $hich sha!!
co#)uc co#i#uous i#s&ecio# a#) (a#a*e(e# au)i o' &erso##e!,
'aci!iies a#) o&eraio#s a a!! !e-e!s o' co((a#) o' he PNP, (o#ior he
i(&!e(e#aio# o' he Co((issio#Cs &ro*ra(s a#) &ro>ecs re!ai-e o !a$
e#'orce(e#= a#) (o#ior a#) i#-esi*ae &o!ice a#o(a!ies a#)
%.1/ The I#sa!!aio#s a#) Lo*isics ,er-ice, $hich sha!! re-ie$ he
Co((issio#Cs &!a#s a#) &ro*ra(s a#) 'or(u!ae &o!icies a#) &roce)ures
re*ar)i#* ac<uisiio#, i#-e#ory, co#ro!, )isribuio#, (ai#e#a#ce a#)
)is&osa! o' su&&!ies a#) sha!! o-ersee he i(&!e(e#aio# o' &ro*ra(s o#
ra#s&oraio# 'aci!iies a#) i#sa!!aio#s a#) he &rocure(e# a#)
(ai#e#a#ce o' su&&!ies a#) e<ui&(e#= a#)
%.2/ The Fi#a#cia! ,er-ice, $hich sha!! &ro-i)e he Co((issio# $ih sa''
a)-ice a#) assisa#ce o# bu)*eary a#) 'i#a#cia! (aers, i#c!u)i#* he
o-erseei#* o' he &rocessi#* a#) )isburse(e# o' 'u#)s &erai#i#* o he
scho!arshi& &ro*ra( a#) sur-i-i#* chi!)re# o' )ecease) a#)Eor
&er(a#e#!y i#ca&aciae) PNP &erso##e!.
%.c/ 4isci&!i#ary A&&e!!ae Boar)s. The Co((issio# sha!! esab!ish a 'or(a!
a)(i#israi-e )isci&!i#ary a&&e!!ae (achi#ery co#sisi#* o' he Naio#a!
A&&e!!ae Boar) a#) he re*io#a! a&&e!!ae boar)s.
%The Naio#a! A&&e!!ae Boar) sha!! )eci)e cases o# a&&ea! 'ro( )ecisio#s
re#)ere) by he PNP chie', $hi!e he re*io#a! a&&e!!ae boar)s sha!! )eci)e cases o#
a&&ea! 'ro( )ecisio#s re#)ere) by o''icers oher ha# he PNP chie', he (ayor, a#) he
Peo&!eCs La$ E#'orce(e# Boar) .PLEB/ creae) hereu#)er.%
S!"#o$ 11. ,ecio# 22 o' Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925 is hereby a(e#)e) o rea) as 'o!!o$s3
%,EC. 22. Bua!i'icaio#s o' Re*io#a! 4irecors. No &erso# sha!! be a&&oi#e)
re*io#a! )irecor u#!ess3
%.a/ ?e or she is a cii+e# o' he Phi!i&&i#es= a#)
%.b/ A ho!)er o' a (aserCs )e*ree a#) a&&ro&riae ci-i! ser-ice e!i*ibi!iy.%
S!"#o$ 1%. Qualifications Upgrading Program. The Co((issio# sha!! )esi*# a#)
esab!ish a <ua!i'icaio#s u&*ra)i#* &ro*ra( 'or he (e(bers o' he Co((issio# i#
coor)i#aio# $ih he Ci-i! ,er-ice Co((issio#, he 4e&ar(e# o' E)ucaio#, Cu!ure
a#) ,&ors a#) he Co((issio# o# ?i*her E)ucaio# hrou*h a )isa#ce e)ucaio#
&ro*ra( a#)Eor a# i#:ser-ice e)ucaio# &ro*ra( or si(i!ar &ro*ra(s $ihi# #i#ey .9A/
)ays 'ro( he e''eci-iy o' his Ac3 Pro-i)e), Tha hose $ho are a!rea)y i# he ser-ice
'ro( he e''eci-iy o' his Ac sha!! ha-e 'i-e .5/ years o obai# he re<uire) )e*ree or
<ua!i'icaio# cou#e) 'ro( he i(&!e(e#aio# o' he <ua!i'icaio#s u&*ra)i#* &ro*ra(.
S!"#o$ 1&. Authority of the Commission to Reorganie the P!P. No$ihsa#)i#* he
&ro-isio#s o' Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925 o# he or*a#i+aio#a! srucure a#) ra#"
c!assi'icaio# o' he PNP, he Co((issio# sha!! co#)uc a (a#a*e(e# au)i, a#)
&re&are a#) sub(i o Co#*ress a &ro&ose) reor*a#i+aio# &!a# o' he PNP #o !aer
ha# 4ece(ber 81, 1998, sub>ec o he !i(iaio#s &ro-i)e) u#)er his Ac a#) base)
o# he 'o!!o$i#* crieria3 a/ i#crease) &o!ice -isibi!iy hrou*h )is&ersa! o' &erso##e! 'ro(
he hea)<uarers o he 'ie!) o''ices a#) by he a&&oi#(e# a#) assi*#(e# o' #o#:
u#i'or(e) &erso##e! o &osiio#s $hich are &ure!y a)(i#israi-e, ech#ica!, c!erica! or
(e#ia! i# #aure a#) oher &osiio#s $hich are #o acua!!y a#) )irec!y re!ae) o &o!ice
o&eraio#= a#) b/ e''icie# a#) o&i(i+e) )e!i-ery o' &o!ice ser-ices o he co((u#iies.
The PNP reor*a#i+aio# &ro*ra( sha!! be a&&ro-e) by Co#*ress hrou*h a >oi#
S!"#o$ 1'. ,ecio# 8A o' Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925 is hereby a(e#)e) o rea) as 'o!!o$s3
%,EC. 8A. 5e#era! Bua!i'icaio#s 'or A&&oi#(e#. No &erso# sha!! be a&&oi#e)
as o''icer or (e(ber o' he PNP u#!ess he or she &ossesses he 'o!!o$i#* (i#i(u(
%a/ A cii+e# o' he Phi!i&&i#es=
%b/ A &erso# o' *oo) (ora! co#)uc=
%c/ 7us ha-e &asse) he &sychiaricE&sycho!o*ica!, )ru* a#) &hysica! ess o be
a)(i#isere) by he PNP or by a#y NAPDLCD7 accre)ie) *o-er#(e# hos&ia!
'or he &ur&ose o' )eer(i#i#* &hysica! a#) (e#a! hea!h=
%)/ 7us &ossess a 'or(a! bacca!aureae )e*ree 'ro( a reco*#i+e) i#siuio# o'
%e/ 7us be e!i*ib!e i# accor)a#ce $ih he sa#)ar)s se by he Co((issio#=
%'/ 7us #o ha-e bee# )isho#orab!y )ischar*e) 'ro( (i!iary e(&!oy(e# or
)is(isse) 'or cause 'ro( a#y ci-i!ia# &osiio# i# he 5o-er#(e#=
%*/ 7us #o ha-e bee# co#-ice) by 'i#a! >u)*(e# o' a# o''e#se or cri(e
i#-o!-i#* (ora! ur&iu)e=
%h/ 7us be a !eas o#e (eer a#) si0y:$o ce#i(eers .1.12 (./ i# hei*h 'or
(a!e a#) o#e (eer a#) 'i'y:se-e# ce#i(eers .1.52 (./ 'or 'e(a!e=
%i/ 7us $ei*h #o (ore or !ess ha# 'i-e "i!o*ra(s .5 "*s./ 'ro( he sa#)ar)
$ei*h corres&o#)i#* o his or her hei*h, a*e, a#) se0= a#)
%>/ For a #e$ a&&!ica#, (us #o be !ess ha# $e#y:o#e .21/ #or (ore ha#
hiry .8A/ years o' a*e3 e0ce& 'or he !as <ua!i'icaio#, he abo-e:e#u(erae)
<ua!i'icaio#s sha!! be co#i#ui#* i# characer a#) a# abse#ce o' a#y o#e o' he(
a a#y *i-e# i(e sha!! be a *rou#) 'or se&araio# or reire(e# 'ro( he ser-ice3
Pro-i)e), Tha PNP (e(bers $ho are a!rea)y i# he ser-ice u&o# he e''eci-iy
o' his Ac sha!! be *i-e# a !eas $o .2/ (ore years o obai# he (i#i(u(
e)ucaio#a! <ua!i'icaio# a#) o#e .1/ year o sais'y he $ei*h re<uire(e#.
%For he &ur&ose o' )eer(i#i#* co(&!ia#ce $ih he re<uire(e#s o# &hysica!
a#) (e#a! hea!h, as $e!! as he #o#:use o' &rohibie) )ru*s, he PNP by ise!' or
hrou*h a NAPDLCD7 accre)ie) *o-er#(e# hos&ia! sha!! co#)uc re*u!ar
&sychiaric, &sycho!o*ica! )ru* a#) &hysica! ess ra#)o(!y a#) $ihou #oice.
%A'er he !a&se o' he i(e &erio) 'or he sais'acio# o' a s&eci'ic re<uire(e#,
curre# (e(bers o' he PNP $ho $i!! 'ai! o sais'y a#y o' he re<uire(e#s e#u(erae)
u#)er his ,ecio# sha!! be se&arae) 'ro( he ser-ice i' hey are be!o$ 'i'y .5A/ years
o' a*e a#) ha-e ser-e) i# 5o-er#(e# 'or !ess ha# $e#y .2A/ years or reire) i' hey
are 'ro( he a*e o' 'i'y .5A/ a#) abo-e a#) ha-e ser-e) he 5o-er#(e# 'or a !eas
$e#y .2A/ years $ihou &re>u)ice i# eiher case o he &ay(e# o' be#e'is hey (ay
be e#i!e) o u#)er e0isi#* !a$s.%
S!"#o$ 15. "ai#ers for $nitial Appointments to the P!P. The a*e, hei*h, $ei*h, a#)
e)ucaio#a! re<uire(e#s 'or i#iia! a&&oi#(e# o he PNP (ay be $ai-e) o#!y $he#
he #u(ber o' <ua!i'ie) a&&!ica#s 'a!! be!o$ he (i#i(u( a##ua! <uoa3 Pro-i)e), Tha
a# a&&!ica# sha!! #o be be!o$ $e#y .2A/ #or o-er hiry:'i-e .85/ years o' a*e3
Pro-i)e), 'urher, Tha a#y a&&!ica# #o (eei#* he $ei*h re<uire(e# sha!! be *i-e#
reaso#ab!e i(e bu #o e0cee)i#* si0 .1/ (o#hs $ihi# $hich o co(&!y $ih he sai)
re<uire(e#3 Pro-i)e), 'urher(ore, Tha o#!y a&&!ica#s $ho ha-e 'i#ishe) seco#)
year co!!e*e or ha-e ear#e) a !eas se-e#y:$o .22/ co!!e*iae u#is !ea)i#* o a
bache!orCs )ecree sha!! be e!i*ib!e 'or a&&oi#(e#3 Pro-i)e), 'urher(ore, Tha
a#ybo)y $ho $i!! e#er he ser-ice $ihou a bacca!aureae )e*ree sha!! be *i-e# a
(a0i(u( o' 'our .9/ years o obai# he re<uire) e)ucaio#a! <ua!i'icaio#3 Pro-i)e),
'i#a!!y, Tha a $ai-er 'or hei*h re<uire(e# sha!! be auo(aica!!y *ra#e) o a&&!ica#s
be!o#*i#* o he cu!ura! co((u#iies.
S!"#o$ 1(. %election Criteria Under the "ai#er Program. The se!ecio# o' a&&!ica#s
u#)er he @ai-er Pro*ra( sha!! be sub>ec o he 'o!!o$i#* (i#i(u( crieria3
a/ A&&!ica#s $ho &ossess he !eas )is<ua!i'icaio# sha!! a"e &rece)e#ce o-er
hose $ho &ossess (ore )is<ua!i'icaio#s.
b/ The re<uire(e#s sha!! be $ai-e) i# he 'o!!o$i#* or)er3 .a/ a*e, .b/ hei*h, .c/
$ei*h, a#) .)/ e)ucaio#.
The Co((issio# sha!! &ro(u!*ae ru!es a#) re*u!aio#s o a))ress oher siuaio#s
arisi#* 'ro( he $ai-er o' he e#ry re<uire(e#s.
S!"#o$ 1). !ature of Appointment Under a "ai#er Program. A#y PNP u#i'or(e)
&erso##e! $ho is a)(ie) )ue o he $ai-er o' he e)ucaio#a! or $ei*h re<uire(e#s
sha!! be issue) a e(&orary a&&oi#(e# &e#)i#* he sais'acio# o' he re<uire(e#
$ai-e). A#y (e(ber $ho $i!! 'ai! o sais'y a#y o' he $ai-e) re<uire(e#s $ihi# he
s&eci'ie) i(e &erio)s u#)er ,ecio# 18 o' his Ac sha!! be )is(isse) 'ro( he ser-ice.
S!"#o$ 18. Re&application of Dismissed P!P 'em(ers Under a "ai#er Program. A#y
PNP (e(ber $ho sha!! be )is(isse) u#)er a $ai-er &ro*ra( sha!! be e!i*ib!e o re:
a&&!y 'or a&&oi#(e# o he PNP3 Pro-i)e), Tha he or she &ossesses he (i#i(u(
<ua!i'icaio#s u#)er ,ecio# 19 o' his Ac a#) his or her rea&&oi#(e# is #o by -irue
o' a#oher $ai-er &ro*ra(.
S!"#o$ 1*. The )ield Training Program. A!! u#i'or(e) (e(bers o' he PNP sha!!
u#)er*o a Fie!) Trai#i#* Pro*ra( 'or $e!-e .12/ (o#hs i#-o!-i#* acua! e0&erie#ce
a#) assi*#(e# i# &aro!, ra''ic, a#) i#-esi*aio# as a re<uire(e# 'or &er(a#e#cy o'
heir a&&oi#(e#.
S!"#o$ %+. $ncreased Qualifications for Pro#incial Directors. No &erso# (ay be
a&&oi#e) 4irecor o' a Pro-i#cia! Po!ice D''ice u#!ess3
a/ he or she ho!)s a (aserCs )e*ree i# &ub!ic a)(i#israio#, socio!o*y,
cri(i#o!o*y, cri(i#a! >usice, !a$ e#'orce(e#, #aio#a! securiy a)(i#israio#,
)e'e#se su)ies, or oher re!ae) )isci&!i#e 'ro( a reco*#i+e) i#siuio# o'
!ear#i#*= a#)
b/ has sais'acori!y &asse) he re<uire) rai#i#* a#) career courses #ecessary
'or he &osiio# as (ay be esab!ishe) by he Co((issio#.
A#y PNP &erso##e! $ho is curre#!y occu&yi#* he &osiio# bu !ac"s a#y o' he
<ua!i'icaio#s (e#io#e) abo-e sha!! be *i-e# hree .8/ years u&o# he e''eci-iy o' his
Ac o co(&!y $ih he re<uire(e#s= oher$ise he or she sha!! be re!ie-e) 'ro( he
S!"#o$ %1. ,ecio# 82 o' Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925 is hereby a(e#)e) o rea) as 'o!!o$s3
%,EC. 82. E0a(i#aio#s o' Po!ice(e#. The Naio#a! Po!ice Co((issio# sha!! a)(i#iser
he e#ra#ce a#) &ro(oio#a! e0a(i#aio#s 'or &o!ice(e# o# he basis o' he sa#)ar)s
se by he Co((issio#.%
S!"#o$ %%. ,ecio# 89 o' Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925 is hereby a(e#)e) o rea) as 'o!!o$s3
%,EC. 89. Bua!i'icaio#s o' Chie' o' Ciy a#) 7u#ici&a! Po!ice ,aio#s. No &erso# sha!!
be a&&oi#e) chie' o' a ciy &o!ice saio# u#!ess heEshe is a *ra)uae o' Bache!or o'
La$s or has 'i#ishe) a!! he re<uire) courses o' a (aserCs )e*ree &ro*ra( i# &ub!ic
a)(i#israio#, cri(i#o!o*y, cri(i#a! >usice, !a$ e#'orce(e#, #aio#a! securiy
a)(i#israio#, )e'e#se su)ies, a#) oher re!ae) )isci&!i#es 'ro( a reco*#i+e)
i#siuio# o' !ear#i#*. No &erso# sha!! be a&&oi#e) chie' o' a (u#ici&a! &o!ice saio#
u#!ess he or she has 'i#ishe) a !eas seco#) year Bache!or o' La$s or has ear#e) a
!eas $e!-e .12/ u#is i# a (aserCs )e*ree &ro*ra( i# &ub!ic a)(i#israio#,
cri(i#o!o*y, cri(i#a! >usice, !a$ e#'orce(e#, #aio#a! securiy a)(i#israio#, a#)
oher re!ae) )isci&!i#es 'ro( a reco*#i+e) i#siuio# o' !ear#i#*3 Pro-i)e), Tha
(e(bers o' he Bar $ih a !eas 'i-e .5/ years o' !a$ &racice, !ice#se) cri(i#o!o*iss or
*ra)uaes o' he Phi!i&&i#e Naio#a! Po!ice Aca)e(y a#) $ho &ossess he *e#era!
<ua!i'icaio#s 'or i#iia! a&&oi#(e# o he PNP sha!! be <ua!i'ie) 'or a&&oi#(e# as
chie' o' a ciy or (u#ici&a! &o!ice saio#3 Pro-i)e), 'urher, Tha he a&&oi#ee has
success'u!!y &asse) he re<uire) 'ie!) rai#i#* &ro*ra( a#) has co(&!ie) $ih oher
re<uire(e#s as (ay be esab!ishe) by he Co((issio#3 Pro-i)e), 'urher(ore, Tha
he chie' o' &o!ice sha!! be a&&oi#e) i# accor)a#ce $ih he &ro-isio#s o' ,ecio# 51,
&ara*ra&h .b/, sub&ara*ra&h 9.i/ o' his Ac.%
S!"#o$ %&. Qualifications Upgrading Program. The Co((issio# sha!! )esi*# a#)
esab!ish a <ua!i'icaio#s u&*ra)i#* &ro*ra( 'or he Phi!i&&i#e Naio#a! Po!ice o''icers
a#) (e(bers i# coor)i#aio# $ih he Ci-i! ,er-ice Co((issio#, a#) he Co((issio#
o# ?i*her E)ucaio# hrou*h a )isa#ce e)ucaio# &ro*ra( a#)Eor a# i#:ser-ice
e)ucaio# &ro*ra( or oher si(i!ar &ro*ra(s $ihi# #i#ey .9A/ )ays 'ro( he e''eci-iy
o' his Ac.
S!"#o$ %'. Attrition %ystem. There sha!! be esab!ishe) a syse( o' ariio# $ihi# he
u#i'or(e) (e(bers o' he PNP $ihi# o#e .1/ year 'ro( he e''eci-iy o' his Ac o be
sub(ie) by he PNP o he Co((issio# 'or a&&ro-a!. ,uch ariio# syse( sha!!
i#c!u)e bu is #o !i(ie) o he &ro-isio#s o' he 'o!!o$i#* secio#s.
S!"#o$ %5. Attrition (y Attainment of 'aximum Tenure in Position. The (a0i(u(
e#ure o' PNP (e(bers ho!)i#* "ey &osiio#s is hereby &rescribe) as 'o!!o$s3
Chie' Four .9/ years
4e&uy Chie' Four .9/ years
4irecor o' he ,a'' ,er-ices Four .9/ years
Re*io#a! 4irecors si0 .1/ years
Pro-i#cia!ECiy 4irecors #i#e .9/ years
Dher &osiio#s hi*her ha# Pro-i#cia! 4irecor sha!! ha-e he (a0i(u( e#ure o'
si0 .1/ years. U#!ess ear!ier se&arae), reire) or &ro(oe) o a hi*her &osiio# i#
accor)a#ce $ih he PNP ,a''i#* Paer#, &o!ice o''icers ho!)i#* he abo-e:(e#io#e)
&osiio#s sha!! be co(&u!sori!y reire) a he (a0i(u( e#ure i# &osiio# herei#
&rescribe), or a a*e 'i'y:si0 .51/, $hiche-er is ear!ier3 Pro-i)e), Tha i# i(es o' $ar or
oher #aio#a! e(er*e#cy )ec!are) by Co#*ress, he Presi)e# (ay e0e#) he PNP
Chie'Cs our o' )uy3 Pro-i)e), 'urher, Tha PNP (e(bers $ho ha-e a!rea)y reache)
heir (a0i(u( e#ure u&o# he e''eci-iy o' his Ac (ay be a!!o$e) o#e .1/ year (ore
o' e#ure i# heir &osiio#s be'ore he (a0i(u( e#ure &ro-i)e) i# his ,ecio# sha!! be
a&&!ie) o he(, u#!ess hey sha!! ha-e a!rea)y reache) he co(&u!sory reire(e# a*e
o' 'i'y:si0 .51/, i# $hich case he co(&u!sory reire(e# a*e sha!! &re-ai!.
E0ce& 'or he Chie', PNP, #o PNP (e(ber $ho has !ess ha# o#e .1/ year o'
ser-ice be'ore reachi#* he co(&u!sory reire(e# a*e sha!! be &ro(oe) o a hi*her
ra#" or a&&oi#e) o a#y oher &osiio#.
S!"#o$ %(. Attrition (y Relief. A PNP u#i'or(e) &erso##e! $ho has bee# re!ie-e) 'or
>us cause a#) has #o bee# *i-e# a# assi*#(e# $ihi# $o .2/ years a'er such re!ie'
sha!! be reire) or se&arae).
S!"#o$ %). Attrition (y Demotion in Position or Ran*. A#y PNP &erso##e!, ci-i!ia# or
u#i'or(e), $ho is re!ie-e) a#) assi*#e) o a &osiio# !o$er ha# $ha is esab!ishe) 'or
his or her *ra)e i# he PNP sa''i#* &aer# a#) $ho sha!! #o be assi*#e) o a &osiio#
co((e#surae o his or her *ra)e $ihi# ei*hee# .18/ (o#hs a'er such )e(oio# i#
&osiio# sha!! be reire) or se&arae).
S!"#o$ %8. Attrition (y !on&promotion. A#y PNP &erso##e! $ho has #o bee#
&ro(oe) 'or a co#i#uous &erio) o' e# .1A/ years sha!! be reire) or se&arae).
S!"#o$ %*. Attrition (y Other 'eans. A PNP (e(ber or o''icer $ih a !eas 'i-e .5/
years o' accu(u!ae) aci-e ser-ice sha!! be se&arae) base) o# a#y o' he 'o!!o$i#*
a/ i#e''icie#cy base) o# &oor &er'or(a#ce )uri#* he !as $o .2/ successi-e
a##ua! rai#* &erio)s=
b/ i#e''icie#cy base) o# &oor &er'or(a#ce 'or hree .8/ cu(u!ai-e a##ua! rai#*
c/ &hysica! a#)Eor (e#a! i#ca&aciy o &er'or( &o!ice 'u#cio#s a#) )uies= or
)/ 'ai!ure o &ass he re<uire) e#ra#ce e0a(i#aio#s $ice a#)Eor 'i#ish he
re<uire) career courses e0ce& 'or >usi'iab!e reaso#s.
S!"#o$ &+. Retirement or %eparation Under the Preceding %ections. A#y &erso##e!
$ho is )is(isse) 'ro( he PNP &ursua# o ,ecio#s 25, 21, 22, 28 a#) 29 hereo' sha!!
be reire) i' he or she has re#)ere) a !eas $e#y .2A/ years o' ser-ice a#) se&arae)
i' he or she has re#)ere) !ess ha# $e#y .2A/ years o' ser-ice u#!ess he &erso##e! is
)is<ua!i'ie) by !a$ o recei-e such be#e'is.
S!"#o$ &1. Rationalied Promotion %ystem. @ihi# si0 .1/ (o#hs a'er he e''eci-iy o'
his Ac, he Co((issio# sha!! esab!ish a syse( o' &ro(oio# 'or u#i'or(e) a#) #o#:
u#i'or(e) &erso##e! o' he PNP $hich sha!! be base) o# (eris a#) o# he a-ai!abi!iy
o' -aca# &osiio#s i# he PNP sa''i#* &aer#. ,uch syse( sha!! be *e#)er 'air a#)
sha!! e#sure ha $o(e# (e(bers o' he PNP sha!! e#>oy e<ua! o&&oru#iy 'or
&ro(oio# as ha o' (e#.
S!"#o$ &%. Promotion (y +irtue of Position. A#y PNP &erso##e! )esi*#ae) o a#y "ey
&osiio# $hose ra#" is !o$er ha# ha $hich is re<uire) 'or such &osiio# sha!!, a'er si0
.1/ (o#hs o' occu&yi#* he sa(e, be e#i!e) o a ra#" a)>us(e# corres&o#)i#* o he
&osiio#3 Pro-i)e), Tha he &erso##e! sha!! #o be reassi*#e) o a &osiio# ca!!i#* 'or a
hi*her ra#" u#i! a'er $o .2/ years 'ro( he )ae o' such ra#" a)>us(e#3 Pro-i)e),
'urher, Tha a#y &erso##e! )esi*#ae) o he &osiio# $ho )oes #o &ossess he
esab!ishe) (i#i(u( <ua!i'icaio#s here'or sha!! occu&y he sa(e e(&orari!y 'or #o
(ore ha# si0 .1/ (o#hs $ihou rea&&oi#(e# or e0e#sio#.
S!"#o$ &&. ,ecio# 88 .a/ a#) .b/ o' Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925 is hereby a(e#)e) o rea)
as 'o!!o$s3
%,EC. 88. Pro(oio#s. .a/ A u#i'or(e) (e(ber o' he PNP sha!! #o be e!i*ib!e
'or &ro(oio# o a hi*her &osiio# or ra#" u#!ess he or she has success'u!!y &asse) he
corres&o#)i#* &ro(oio#a! e0a(i#aio# *i-e# by he Co((issio#, or he Bar, or he
corres&o#)i#* boar) e0a(i#aio#s 'or ech#ica! ser-ices a#) oher &ro'essio#s, has
sais'acori!y co(&!ee) he a&&ro&riae a#) accre)ie) course i# he PNPA or
e<ui-a!e# rai#i#* i#siuio#s, a#) has sais'acori!y &asse) he re<uire)
&sychiaricE&sycho!o*ica! a#) )ru* ess. I# a))iio#, #o u#i'or(e) (e(ber o' he PNP
sha!! be e!i*ib!e 'or &ro(oio# )uri#* he &e#)e#cy o' his or her a)(i#israi-e a#)Eor
cri(i#a! case or u#!ess he or she has bee# c!eare) by he Peo&!eCs La$ E#'orce(e#
Boar) .PLEB/, a#) he D''ice o' he D(bu)s(a# o' a#y co(&!ai#s &ro''ere) a*ai#s
hi( or her, i' a#y.
%.b/ A#y u#i'or(e) (e(ber o' he PNP $ho has e0hibie) acs o' co#s&icuous
coura*e a#) *a!!a#ry a he ris" o' hisEher !i'e abo-e a#) beyo#) he ca!! o' )uy,
sha!! be &ro(oe) o he #e0 hi*her ra#"3 Pro-i)e), Tha such acs sha!! be
-a!i)ae) by he Co((issio# base) o# esab!ishe) crieria.%
S!"#o$ &'. ,ecio# 25 o' he sa(e Ac is hereby a(e#)e) o rea) as 'o!!o$s3
%,EC. 25. Reire(e# Be#e'is. 7o#h!y reire(e# &ay sha!! be 'i'y &erce#
.5AG/ o' he base &ay a#) !o#*e-iy &ay o' he reire) *ra)e i# case o' $e#y .2A/
years o' aci-e ser-ice, i#creasi#* by $o a#) o#e:ha!' &erce# .2.5G/ 'or e-ery year o'
aci-e ser-ice re#)ere) beyo#) $e#y .2A/ years o a (a0i(u( o' #i#ey &erce#
.9AG/ 'or hiry:si0 .81/ years o' aci-e ser-ice a#) o-er3 Pro-i)e), Tha, he u#i'or(e)
&erso##e! sha!! ha-e he o&io# o recei-e i# a)-a#ce a#) i# !u(& su( his reire(e#
&ay 'or he 'irs 'i-e .5/ years3 Pro-i)e), 'urher, Tha &ay(e# o' he reire(e# be#e'is
i# !u(& su( sha!! be (a)e $ihi# si0 .1/ (o#hs 'ro( e''eci-iy )ae o' reire(e#
a#)Eor co(&!eio#3 Pro-i)e), 'i#a!!y, Tha reire(e# &ay o' he o''icersE#o#:o''icers o'
he PNP sha!! be sub>ec o a)>us(e#s base) o# he &re-ai!i#* sca!e o' base &ay o'
&o!ice &erso##e! i# he aci-e ser-ice.%
S!"#o$ &5. ,ecio# 28 o' he sa(e Ac is hereby a(e#)e) o rea) as 'o!!o$s3
H,EC. 28. Per(a#e# Physica! 4isabi!iy. A# o''icer or #o#:o''icer $ho is
&er(a#e#!y a#) oa!!y )isab!e) as a resu! o' i#>uries su''ere) or sic"#ess co#race) i#
he &er'or(a#ce o' his )uy as )u!y ceri'ie) by he Naio#a! Po!ice Co((issio#, u&o#
'i#)i#* a#) ceri'icaio# by he a&&ro&riae (e)ica! o''icer, ha he e0e# o' he
)isabi!iy or sic"#ess re#)ers such (e(ber u#'i or u#ab!e o 'urher &er'or( he )uies
o' his &osiio#, sha!! be e#i!e) o o#e yearCs sa!ary a#) o !i'ei(e &e#sio# e<ui-a!e# o
ei*hy &erce# .8AG/ o' his !as sa!ary, i# a))iio# o oher be#e'is as &ro-i)e) u#)er
e0isi#* !a$s.
%,hou!) such (e(ber $ho has bee# reire) u#)er &er(a#e# oa! )isabi!iy
u#)er his secio# )ie $ihi# 'i-e .5/ years 'ro( his reire(e#, his sur-i-i#* !e*a! s&ouse
or i' here be #o#e, he sur-i-i#* )e&e#)e# !e*ii(ae chi!)re# sha!! be e#i!e) o he
&e#sio# 'or he re(ai#)er o' he 'i-e .5/ years *uara#ee) &erio).%
S!"#o$ &(. ,ecio# 81 o' Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925 is hereby a(e#)e) o rea) as 'o!!o$s3
%,EC. 81. ,aus o' 7e(bers o' he Phi!i&&i#e Naio#a! Po!ice. The u#i'or(e)
(e(bers o' he PNP sha!! be co#si)ere) e(&!oyees o' he Naio#a! 5o-er#(e# a#)
sha!! )ra$ heir sa!aries here'ro(. They sha!! ha-e he sa(e sa!ary *ra)e !e-e! as ha
o' &ub!ic schoo! eachers3 Pro-i)e), Tha PNP (e(bers assi*#e) i# 7ero&o!ia#
7a#i!a, charere) ciies a#) 'irs c!ass (u#ici&a!iies (ay be &ai) 'i#a#cia! i#ce#i-e by
he !oca! *o-er#(e# u#i co#cer#e) sub>ec o he a-ai!abi!iy o' 'u#)s.%
S!"#o$ &). Early Retirement Program. @ihi# hree .8/ years a'er he e''eci-iy o' his
Ac, a#y PNP o''icer or #o#:co((issio#e) o''icer (ay reire a#) be &ai) se&araio#
be#e'is corres&o#)i#* o a &osiio# $o .2/ ra#"s hi*her ha# his or her &rese# ra#"
sub>ec o he 'o!!o$i#* co#)iio#s3
a/ ha a he i(e he or she a&&!ies 'or reire(e#, he or she has a!rea)y
re#)ere) a !eas e# .1A/ years o' co#i#uous *o-er#(e# ser-ice=
b/ he a&&!ica# is #o sche)u!e) 'or se&araio# or reire(e# 'ro( he ser-ice
)ue o he ariio# syse( or se&araio# 'or cause=
c/ he or she has #o &e#)i#* a)(i#israi-e or cri(i#a! case= a#)
)/ he or she has a !eas hree .8/ (ore years i# he ser-ice be'ore reachi#* he
co(&u!sory reire(e# a*e a#) a !eas a year be'ore his or her (a0i(u( e#ure
i# &osiio#.
S!"#o$ &8. Rationaliation of Retirement and %eparation ,enefits. The Co((issio#
sha!! 'or(u!ae a raio#a!i+e) reire(e# a#) se&araio# be#e'is sche)u!e a#) &ro*ra(
$ihi# o#e .1/ year 'ro( he e''eci-iy o' his Ac 'or a&&ro-a! by Co#*ress3 Pro-i)e),
Tha he a&&ro-e) sche)u!e a#) &ro*ra( sha!! ha-e reroaci-e e''ec i# 'a-or o' PNP
(e(bers a#) o''icers reire) or se&arae) 'ro( he i(e s&eci'ie) i# he !a$, u#!ess he
reire(e# or se&araio# is 'or cause a#) he )ecisio# )e#ies he *ra# o' be#e'is.
S!"#o$ &*. Creation- Po.ers- and )unctions. A# I#er#a! A''airs ,er-ice .IA,/ o' he
PNP is hereby creae) $hich sha!!3
a/ &ro:aci-e!y co#)uc i#s&ecio#s a#) au)is o# PNP &erso##e! a#) u#is=
b/ i#-esi*ae co(&!ai#s a#) *aher e-i)e#ce i# su&&or o' a# o&e#
c/ co#)uc su((ary heari#*s o# PNP (e(bers 'aci#* a)(i#israi-e char*es=
)/ sub(i a &erio)ic re&or o# he assess(e#, a#a!ysis, a#) e-a!uaio# o' he
characer a#) beha-ior o' PNP &erso##e! a#) u#is o he Chie' PNP a#) he
e/ 'i!e a&&ro&riae cri(i#a! cases a*ai#s PNP (e(bers be'ore he cour as
e-i)e#ce $arra#s a#) assis i# he &rosecuio# o' he case=
'/ &ro-i)e assisa#ce o he D''ice o' he D(bu)s(a# i# cases i#-o!-i#* he
&erso##e! o' he PNP.
The IA, sha!! a!so co#)uc, (ou &ro&rio, auo(aic i#-esi*aio# o' he 'o!!o$i#* cases3
a/ i#ci)e#s $here a &o!ice &erso##e! )ischar*es a 'irear(=
b/ i#ci)e#s $here )eah, serious &hysica! i#>ury, or a#y -io!aio# o' hu(a# ri*hs
occurre) i# he co#)uc o' a &o!ice o&eraio#=
c/ i#ci)e#s $here e-i)e#ce $as co(&ro(ise), a(&ere) $ih, ob!ierae), or
!os $hi!e i# he cuso)y o' &o!ice &erso##e!=
)/ i#ci)e#s $here a sus&ec i# he cuso)y o' he &o!ice $as serious!y i#>ure)=
e/ i#ci)e#s $here he esab!ishe) ru!es o' e#*a*e(e# ha-e bee# -io!ae).
Fi#a!!y, he IA, sha!! &ro-i)e )ocu(e#s or reco((e#)aio#s as re*ar)s o he
&ro(oio# o' he (e(bers o' he PNP or he assi*#(e# o' PNP &erso##e! o a#y "ey
S!"#o$ '+. Organiation. Naio#a!, re*io#a!, a#) &ro-i#cia! o''ices o' he I#er#a! A''airs
sha!! be esab!ishe). I#er#a! A''airs ,er-ice sha!! be hea)e) by a# I#s&ecor 5e#era!
$ho sha!! be assise) by a 4e&uy I#s&ecor 5e#era!. The area o''ices sha!! be hea)e)
by a 4irecor $hi!e he &ro-i#cia! o''ices sha!! be hea)e) by a ,u&eri#e#)e#3 Pro-i)e),
Tha he hea) o' he I#er#a! A''airs ,er-ice sha!! be a ci-i!ia# $ho sha!! (ee he
<ua!i'icaio# re<uire(e#s &ro-i)e) herei#.
The co((issio# sha!! esab!ish a raio#a!i+e) sa''i#* &aer# i# he
Reor*a#i+aio# P!a# as &ro-i)e) 'or i# ,ecio# 18 hereo'.
S!"#o$ '1. Appointments. The I#s&ecor 5e#era! sha!! be a&&oi#e) by he Presi)e#
u&o# he reco((e#)aio# o' he 4irecor 5e#era! a#) )u!y e#)orse) by he
Co((issio#. A&&oi#(e#s o' &erso##e! $ho sha!! occu&y -arious &osiio#s sha!! be
(a)e by he I#s&ecor 5e#era! a#) sha!! be base) o# a# esab!ishe) career &aer# a#)
crieria o be &ro(u!*ae) by he Co((issio#.
S!"#o$ '%. Entry Qualifications to $A%. E#ry o he I#er#a! A''airs ,er-ice sha!! be
-o!u#ary a#) sub>ec o ri*i) scree#i#* $here o#!y PNP &erso##e! $ho ha-e a !eas
'i-e .5/ years e0&erie#ce i# !a$ e#'orce(e# a#) $ho ha-e #o )ero*aory ser-ice
recor)s sha!! be co#si)ere) 'or a&&oi#(e#3 Pro-i)e), Tha (e(bers o' he Bar (ay
e#er he ser-ice !aera!!y.
S!"#o$ '&. $nitial Appointments to the !ational- Directorial- and Pro#incial $nternal
Affairs %er#ice Offices. I#iia! a&&oi#(e#s o' he hea)s o' he o''ices i# he I#er#a!
A''airs ,er-ice sha!! be (a)e by he Presi)e# u&o# reco((e#)aio# by he
Co((issio#. Therea'er, a&&oi#(e#s a#) &ro(oio#s o he ,er-ice sha!! 'o!!o$ he
esab!ishe) re<uire(e#s a#) &roce)ures.
S!"#o$ ''. Promotions. The Co((issio# sha!! esab!ish he &ro(oio# syse( $ihi#
he IA, $hich sha!! 'o!!o$ he *e#era! &ri#ci&!es o' he &ro(oio# syse( i# he PNP.
S!"#o$ '5. Prohi(itions. A#y &erso##e! $ho >oi#s he IA, (ay #o herea'er >oi# a#y
oher u#i o' he PNP. Neiher sha!! a#y &erso##e! o' he IA, be a!!o$e) o si i# a
co((iee )e!iberai#* o# he a&&oi#(e#, &ro(oio#, or assi*#(e# o' a#y PNP
S!"#o$ '(. Career De#elopment and $ncenti#es. .1/ Perso##e! o' he I#er#a! A''airs
,er-ice sha!! i# a))iio# o oher a!!o$a#ces auhori+e) u#)er e0isi#* !a$s be *ra#e)
occu&aio#a! s&ecia!y &ay $hich sha!! #o e0cee) 'i'y &erce# .5AG/ o' heir basic &ay.
This &ay sha!! #o be co#si)ere) a 'or'eiure o' oher re(u#eraio# a#) a!!o$a#ces
$hich are a!!o$e) u#)er e0isi#* !a$s.
.2/ IA, (e(bers sha!! a!so ha-e &rioriies i# he <uoa a!!ocaio# 'or rai#i#* a#)
S!"#o$ '). Records 'anagement of the $A%. Loca! I#er#a! A''airs D''ices sha!! be
res&o#sib!e 'or he (ai#e#a#ce a#) u&)ae o' he recor)s o' he (e(bers o' he PNP
$ihi# heir >uris)icio#.
@he# a PNP &erso##e! is reassi*#e) or ra#s'erre) o a#oher !ocaio# or u#i
ousi)e he >uris)icio# o' he curre# I#er#a! A''airs D''ice, he ori*i#a! recor)s o' such
&erso##e! sha!! be ra#s'erre) o-er o he I#er#a! A''airs D''ice ha $i!! ac<uire
>uris)icio# o-er he ra#s'erre) &erso##e! $hi!e co&ies $i!! be reai#e) by he 'or(er
I#er#a! A''airs D''ice. I# cases $here a PNP &erso##e! has bee# re!ie-e) o' hisEher
&osiio# a#) has #o bee# *i-e# a# assi*#(e#, he I#er#a! A''airs D''ice $here he
&erso# has bee# assi*#e) !as sha!! co#i#ue o ha-e >uris)icio# o-er his or her recor)s
u#i! such i(e ha he o''icer or (e(ber sha!! ha-e bee# *i-e# a #e$ assi*#(e#
$here he recor)s $i!! be 'or$ar)e) o he I#er#a! A''airs D''ice ac<uiri#* >uris)icio#
o-er he PNP &erso##e!.
S!"#o$ '8. $nclusion of %uper#isors and %uperiors in $A% $n#estigations. The
i((e)iae su&erior or su&er-isor o' he &erso##e! or u#is bei#* i#-esi*ae) u#)er he
&rece)i#* secio# sha!! be auo(aica!!y i#c!u)e) i# he i#-esi*aio# o' he IA o
e0c!usi-e!y )eer(i#e !a&ses i# a)(i#israio# or su&er-isio#.
S!"#o$ '*. Disciplinary Recommendations of the $A%. .a/ A#y u#i'or(e) PNP
&erso##e! 'ou#) *ui!y o' a#y o' he cases (e#io#e) i# ,ecio# 89 o' his Ac a#) a#y
i((e)iae su&erior or su&er-isor 'ou#) #e*!i*e# u#)er ,ecio# 98 sha!! be
reco((e#)e) auo(aica!!y 'or )is(issa! or )e(oio#, as he case (ay be.
.b/ Reco((e#)aio#s by he IA, 'or he i(&osiio# o' )isci&!i#ary (easures
a*ai#s a# erri#* PNP &erso##e!, o#ce 'i#a!, ca##o be re-ise), se:asi)e, or
u#)u!y )e!aye) by a#y )isci&!i#i#* auhoriy $ihou >us cause. A#y )isci&!i#i#*
auhoriy $ho 'ai!s o ac or $ho acs $ih abuse o' )iscreio# o# he
reco((e#)aio# o' he IA, sha!! be (a)e !iab!e 'or *ross #e*!ec o' )uy. The
case o' erri#* )isci&!i#ary auhoriy sha!! be sub(ie) o he 4irecor 5e#era! 'or
&ro&er )is&osiio#.
S!"#o$ 5+. Appeals. 4ecisio#s re#)ere) by he &ro-i#cia! i#s&ecors sha!! be
'or$ar)e) o he area i#er#a! a''airs o''ice 'or re-ie$ $ihi# e# .1A/ $or"i#* )ays u&o#
he recei& hereo'. 4ecisio#s o' he area o''ice (ay be a&&ea!e) o he #aio#a! o''ice
hrou*h he D''ice o' I#s&ecor 5e#era!. 4ecisio#s re#)ere) by he Naio#a! IA, sha!!
be a&&ea!e) o he Naio#a! A&&e!!ae Boar) or o he cour as (ay be a&&ro&riae3
Pro-i)e), Tha he su((ary )is(issa! &o$ers o' he 4irecor 5e#era! a#) Re*io#a!
4irecors as &ro-i)e) i# ,ecio# 92 o' Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925 sha!! re(ai# -a!i)3
Pro-i)e), 'urher, Tha he e0isi#* >uris)icio# o-er o''e#ses as &ro-i)e) u#)er Re&ub!ic
Ac No. 1925 sha!! #o be a''ece).
S!"#o$ 51. Complaints Against the $A%. A co(&!ai# a*ai#s a#y &erso##e! or o''ice o'
IA, sha!! be brou*h o he I#s&ecor 5e#era!Cs D''ice or o he Co((issio# as (ay be
S!"#o$ 5%. ,ecio# 91 o' Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925 is hereby a(e#)e) o rea) as 'o!!o$s3
%,EC. 91.a/. Cii+e#Cs Co(&!ai#s. A#y co(&!ai# by a #aura! or >uri)ica! &erso#
a*ai#s a#y (e(ber o' he PNP sha!! be brou*h be'ore he 'o!!o$i#*3
%.1/ Chie's o' Po!ice, $here he o''e#se is &u#ishab!e by $ihho!)i#* o'
&ri-i!e*es, resricio# o s&eci'ie) !i(is, sus&e#sio# or 'or'eiure o' sa!ary,
or a#y co(bi#aio# hereo', 'or a &erio) #o e0cee)i#* 'i'ee# .15/ )ays=
%.2/ 7ayors o' ciies a#) (u#ici&a!iies, $here he o''e#se is &u#ishab!e by
$ihho!)i#* o' &ri-i!e*es, resricio# o s&eci'ie) !i(is, sus&e#sio# or
'or'eiure o' sa!ary, or a#y co(bi#aio# hereo', 'or a &erio) o' #o !ess
ha# si0ee# .11/ )ays bu #o e0cee)i#* hiry .8A/ )ays=
%.8/ Peo&!eCs La$ E#'orce(e# Boar), as creae) u#)er ,ecio# 98
hereo', $here he o''e#se is &u#ishab!e by $ihho!)i#* o' &ri-i!e*es,
resricio# o s&eci'ie) !i(is, sus&e#sio# or 'or'eiure o' sa!ary, or a#y
co(bi#aio# hereo', 'or a &erio) e0cee)i#* hiry .8A/ )ays= or by
%The Co((issio# sha!! &ro-i)e i# is i(&!e(e#i#* ru!es a#) re*u!aio#s a sca!e
o' &e#a!ies o be i(&ose) u&o# a#y (e(ber o' he PNP u#)er his ,ecio#.
%.b/ I#er#a! 4isci&!i#e. D# )ea!i#* $ih (i#or o''e#ses i#-o!-i#* i#er#a!
)isci&!i#e 'ou#) o ha-e bee# co((ie) by a#y re*u!ar (e(ber o' heir
res&eci-e co((a#)s, he )u!y )esi*#ae) su&er-isors a#) e<ui-a!e# o''icers o'
he PNP sha!!, a'er )ue #oice a#) su((ary heari#*, e0ercise )isci&!i#ary
&o$ers as 'o!!o$s3
%.1/ Chie's o' &o!ice or e<ui-a!e# su&er-isors (ay su((ari!y i(&ose he
a)(i#israi-e &u#ish(e# o' a)(o#iio# or re&ri(a#)= resricio# o
s&eci'ie) !i(is= $ihho!)i#* o' &ri-i!e*es= 'or'eiure o' sa!ary or
sus&e#sio#= or a#y o' he co(bi#aio# o' he 'ore*oi#*3 Pro-i)e), Tha, i#
a!! cases, he oa! &erio) sha!! #o e0cee) 'i'ee# .15/ )ays=
%.2/ Pro-i#cia! )irecors or e<ui-a!e# su&er-isors (ay su((ari!y i(&ose
a)(i#israi-e &u#ish(e# o' a)(o#iio# or re&ri(a#)= resrici-e cuso)y=
$ihho!)i#* o' &ri-i!e*es= 'or'eiure o' sa!ary or sus&e#sio#, or a#y
co(bi#aio# o' he 'ore*oi#*3 Pro-i)e), Tha, i# a!! cases, he oa! &erio)
sha!! #o e0cee) hiry .8A/ )ays=
%.8/ Po!ice re*io#a! )irecors or e<ui-a!e# su&er-isors sha!! ha-e he
&o$er o i(&ose u&o# a#y (e(ber he )isci&!i#ary &u#ish(e# o'
)is(issa! 'ro( he ser-ice. ?e (ay a!so i(&ose he a)(i#israi-e
&u#ish(e# o' a)(o#iio# or re&ri(a#)= resrici-e cuso)y= $ihho!)i#* o'
&ri-i!e*es= sus&e#sio# or 'or'eiure o' sa!ary= )e(oio#= or a#y co(bi#aio#
o' he 'ore*oi#*3 Pro-i)e), Tha, i# a!! cases, he oa! &erio) sha!! #o
e0cee) si0y .1A/ )ays=
%.9/ The Chie' o' he PNP sha!! ha-e he &o$er o i(&ose he )isci&!i#ary
&u#ish(e# o' )is(issa! 'ro( he ser-ice= sus&e#sio# or 'or'eiure o'
sa!ary= or a#y co(bi#aio# hereo' 'or a &erio) #o e0cee)i#* o#e hu#)re)
ei*hy .18A/ )ays3 Pro-i)e), 'urher, Tha he chie' o' he PNP sha!! ha-e
he auhoriy o &!ace &o!ice &erso##e! u#)er resrici-e cuso)y )uri#* he
&e#)e#cy o' a *ra-e a)(i#israi-e case 'i!e) a*ai#s hi( or e-e# a'er he
'i!i#* o' a cri(i#a! co(&!ai#, *ra-e i# #aure, a*ai#s such &o!ice
%.c/ E0c!usi-e 6uris)icio#. A co(&!ai# or a char*e 'i!e) a*ai#s a PNP (e(ber
sha!! be hear) a#) )eci)e) e0c!usi-e!y by he )isci&!i#i#* auhoriy $ho has
ac<uire) ori*i#a! >uris)icio# o-er he case a#) #o$ihsa#)i#* he e0ise#ce o'
co#curre# >uris)icio# as re*ar)s he o''e#se3 Pro-i)e), Tha o''e#ses $hich
carry hi*her &e#a!ies re'erre) o a )isci&!i#i#* auhoriy sha!! be re'erre) o he
a&&ro&riae auhoriy $hich has >uris)icio# o-er he o''e#se.
%For &ur&oses o' his Ac, a C(i#or o''e#seC sha!! re'er o a#y ac or o(issio# #o
i#-o!-i#* (ora! ur&iu)e, bu a''eci#* he i#er#a! )isci&!i#e o' he PNP, a#) sha!!
i#c!u)e, bu #o !i(ie) o3
%.1/ ,i(&!e (isco#)uc or #e*!i*e#ce=
%.2/ I#subor)i#aio#=
%.8/ Fre<ue# abse#ces a#) ar)i#ess=
%.9/ ?abiua! )ru#"e##ess= a#)
%.5/ 5a(b!i#* &rohibie) by !a$.
%.)/ Foru( sho&&i#* o' (u!i&!e 'i!i#* o' co(&!ai#s. I @he# a# a)(i#israi-e
co(&!ai# is 'i!e) $ih a &o!ice )isci&!i#ary auhoriy, such as he Peo&!eCs La$
E#'orce(e# Boar) .PLEB/, #o oher case i#-o!-i#* he sa(e cause o' acio#
sha!! be 'i!e) $ih a#y oher )isci&!i#ary auhoriy.
%I# or)er o &re-e# 'oru( sho&&i#* or (u!i&!e 'i!i#* o' co(&!ai#s, he
co(&!ai#a# or &ary see"i#* re!ie' i# he co(&!ai# sha!! ceri'y u#)er oah i#
such &!ea)i#*, or i# a s$or# ceri'icaio# a##e0e) hereo a#) si(u!a#eous!y
'i!e) here$ih, o he ruh o' he 'o!!o$i#* 'acs a#) u#)era"i#*3
%.a/ ha he has #o hereo'ore co((e#ce) a#y oher acio# or &rocee)i#*
i#-o!-i#* he sa(e issues i# oher )isci&!i#ary 'oru(=
%.b/ ha o he bes o' his "#o$!e)*e, #o such acio# or &rocee)i#* is
&e#)i#* i# oher &o!ice a)(i#israi-e )isci&!i#ary (achi#ery or auhoriy=
%.c/ ha i' here is a#y such acio# or &rocee)i#* $hich is eiher &e#)i#*
or (ay ha-e bee# er(i#ae), he (us sae he saus hereo'= a#)
%.)/ ha i' he shou!) herea'er !ear# ha a si(i!ar acio# or &rocee)i#*
has bee# 'i!e) or is &e#)i#* be'ore a#y oher &o!ice )isci&!i#ary auhoriy,
he (us u#)era"e o re&or ha 'ac $ihi# 'i-e .5/ )ays here'ro( o he
)isci&!i#ary auhoriy $here he ori*i#a! co(&!ai# or &!ea)i#* has bee#
S!"#o$ 5&. ,ecio# 92 o' Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925 is hereby a(e#)e) o rea) as 'o!!o$s3
%,EC. 92. ,u((ary 4is(issa! Po$ers o' he Naio#a! Po!ice Co((issio#, PNP Chie'
a#) PNP Re*io#a! 4irecors. The Naio#a! Po!ice Co((issio#, he chie' o' he PNP a#)
PNP re*io#a! )irecors, a'er )ue #oice a#) su((ary heari#*s, (ay i((e)iae!y
re(o-e or )is(iss a#y res&o#)e# PNP (e(ber i# a#y o' he 'o!!o$i#* cases3
%.a/ @he# he char*e is serious a#) he e-i)e#ce o' *ui! is sro#*=
%.b/ @he# he res&o#)e# is a reci)i-is or has bee# re&eae)!y char*e) a#)
here are reaso#ab!e *rou#)s o be!ie-e ha he is *ui!y o' he char*es= a#)
%.c/ @he# he res&o#)e# is *ui!y o' a serious o''e#se i#-o!-i#* co#)uc
u#beco(i#* o' a &o!ice o''icer.
%A#y (e(ber or o''icer o' he PNP $ho sha!! *o o# abse#ce $ihou o''icia! !ea-e
.A@DL/ 'or a co#i#uous &erio) o' hiry .8A/ )ays or (ore sha!! be )is(isse)
i((e)iae!y 'ro( he ser-ice. ?is aci-iies a#) $hereabous )uri#* he &erio) sha!! be
i#-esi*ae) a#) i' 'ou#) o ha-e co((ie) a cri(e, he sha!! be &rosecue)
S!"#o$ 5'. ,ecio# 99 o' Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925 is hereby a(e#)e) o rea) as 'o!!o$s3
%,EC. 99. 4isci&!i#ary A&&e!!ae Boar)s. The 'or(a! a)(i#israi-e )isci&!i#ary
(achi#ery o' he PNP sha!! be he Naio#a! A&&e!!ae Boar) a#) he re*io#a! a&&e!!ae
%The Naio#a! A&&e!!ae Boar) sha!! be co(&ose) o' he 'our .9/ re*u!ar
co((issio#ers a#) sha!! be chaire) by he e0ecui-e o''icer. The Boar) sha!! co#si)er
a&&ea!s 'ro( )ecisio#s o' he Chie' o' he PNP.
%The Naio#a! A&&e!!ae Boar) (ay co#)uc is heari#*s or sessio#s i#
7ero&o!ia# 7a#i!a or a#y &ar o' he cou#ry as i (ay )ee( #ecessary.
%There sha!! be a !eas o#e .1/ re*io#a! a&&e!!ae boar) &er a)(i#israi-e re*io#
i# he cou#ry o be co(&ose) o' a se#ior o''icer o' he re*io#a! Co((issio# as
Chair(a# a#) o#e .1/ re&rese#ai-e each 'ro( he PNP, a#) he re*io#a! &eace a#)
or)er cou#ci! as (e(bers. I sha!! co#si)er a&&ea!s 'ro( )ecisio#s o' he re*io#a!
)irecors, oher o''icia!s, (ayors, a#) he PLEBs3 Pro-i)e), Tha he Co((issio# (ay
creae a))iio#a! re*io#a! a&&e!!ae boar)s as he #ee) arises.%
S!"#o$ 55. ,ecio# 92 o' Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925 is hereby a(e#)e) o rea) as 'o!!o$s3
%,ec. 92. Pre-e#i-e ,us&e#sio# Pe#)i#* Cri(i#a! Case. U&o# he 'i!i#* o' a
co(&!ai# or i#'or(aio# su''icie# i# 'or( a#) subsa#ce a*ai#s a (e(ber o' he PNP
'or *ra-e 'e!o#ies $here he &e#a!y i(&ose) by !a$ is si0 .1/ years a#) o#e .1/ )ay or
(ore, he cour sha!! i((e)iae!y sus&e#) he accuse) 'ro( o''ice 'or a &erio) #o
e0cee)i#* #i#ey .9A/ )ays 'ro( arrai*#(e#3 Pro-i)e), ho$e-er, Tha i' i ca# be
sho$# by e-i)e#ce ha he accuse) is harassi#* he co(&!ai#a# a#)Eor $i#esses, he
cour (ay or)er he &re-e#i-e sus&e#sio# o' he accuse) PNP (e(ber e-e# i' he
char*e is &u#ishab!e by a &e#a!y !o$er ha# si0 .1/ years a#) o#e .1/ )ay3 Pro-i)e),
'urher, Tha he &re-e#i-e sus&e#sio# sha!! #o be (ore ha# #i#ey .9A/ )ays e0ce& i'
he )e!ay i# he )is&osiio# o' he case is )ue o he 'au!, #e*!i*e#ce or &eiio#s o' he
res&o#)e#3 Pro-i)e), 'i#a!!y, Tha such &re-e#i-e sus&e#sio# (ay be soo#er !i'e) by
he cour i# he e0i*e#cy o' he ser-ice u&o# reco((e#)aio# o' he chie', PNP. ,uch
case sha!! be sub>ec o co#i#uous ria! a#) sha!! be er(i#ae) $ihi# #i#ey .9A/ )ays
'ro( arrai*#(e# o' he accuse).%
S!"#o$ 5(. ,ecio# 99 o' Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925 is hereby a(e#)e) o rea) as 'o!!o$s3
%,EC. 99. Le*a! Assisa#ce. The ,ecreary o' 6usice, he chair(a# o' he
Co((issio# or he Chie' o' he PNP (ay auhori+e !a$yers o' heir res&eci-e a*e#cies
o &ro-i)e !e*a! assisa#ce o a#y (e(ber o' he PNP $ho is 'aci#* be'ore he
&rosecuorCs o''ice, he cour or a#y co(&ee# bo)y, a char*e or char*es arisi#* 'ro(
a#y i#ci)e# $hich is re!ae) o he &er'or(a#ce o' his o''icia! )uy3 Pro-i)e), Tha
*o-er#(e# !a$yers so auhori+e) sha!! ha-e he &o$er o a)(i#iser oahs3 Pro-i)e),
'urher, Tha i# such cases, $he# #ecessary, as )eer(i#e) by he Co((issio#, a
&ri-ae cou#se! (ay be &ro-i)e) a he e0&e#se o' he 5o-er#(e#. The ,ecreary o'
6usice, he Chair(a# o' he Co((issio# a#) he Chie' o' he PNP sha!! >oi#!y
&ro(u!*ae ru!es a#) re*u!aio#s o i(&!e(e# he &ro-isio#s o' his ,ecio#.%
S!"#o$ 5). Creation and )unctions. The PNP sha!! esab!ish $o(e#Cs )es"s i# a!!
&o!ice saio#s hrou*hou he cou#ry o a)(i#iser a#) ae#) o cases i#-o!-i#*
cri(es a*ai#s chasiy, se0ua! harass(e#, abuses co((ie) a*ai#s $o(e# a#)
chi!)re# a#) oher si(i!ar o''e#ses3 Pro-i)e), Tha (u#ici&a!iies a#) ciies &rese#!y
$ihou &o!ice$o(e# $i!! ha-e $o .2/ years u&o# he e''eci-iy o' his Ac $ihi# $hich
o co(&!y $ih he re<uire(e# o' his &ro-isio#.
S!"#o$ 58. Prioritiation of "omen for Recruitment. @ihi# he #e0 'i-e .5/ years, he
PNP sha!! &riorii+e he recrui(e# a#) rai#i#* o' $o(e# $ho sha!! ser-e i# he
$o(e#Cs )es". Pursua# o his re<uire(e#, he PNP sha!! reser-e e# &erce# .1AG/ o'
is a##ua! recrui(e#, rai#i#*, a#) e)ucaio# <uoa 'or $o(e#
S!"#o$ 5*. /ender %ensiti#ity Program. The Co((issio# sha!! 'or(u!ae a *e#)er
se#sii-iy &ro*ra( $ihi# #i#ey .9A/ )ays 'ro( he e''eci-iy o' his Ac o i#c!u)e bu
#o !i(ie) o he esab!ish(e# o' e<ua! o&&oru#iies 'or $o(e# i# he PNP, he
&re-e#io# o' se0ua! harass(e# i# he $or"&!ace, a#) he &rohibiio# o' )iscri(i#aio#
o# he basis o' *e#)er or se0ua! orie#aio#.
S!"#o$ (+. Administrati#e 0ia(ility. A#y &erso##e! $ho sha!! -io!ae he esab!ishe)
ru!es a#) re*u!aio#s re*ar)i#* *e#)er se#sii-iy a#) *e#)er e<ua!iy sha!! be
sus&e#)e) $ihou &ay 'or #o !ess ha# hiry .8A/ )ays a#) sha!! u#)er*o *e#)er
se#sii-iy se(i#ar or rai#i#*3 Pro-i)e), Tha a#y &erso##e! $ho -io!aes he ru!es (ore
ha# $ice sha!! be reco((e#)e) 'or )e(oio# or )is(issa! 'ro( he PNP.
S!"#o$ (1. !on&prohi(ition for Promotion. I Nohi#* i# his i!e sha!! be co#srue) as a
resricio# o# he assi*#(e# o' &o!ice$o(e# o oher &osiio#s i# he PNP #or sha!! a#y
&ro-isio#s o' his i!e be use) 'or he #o#:&ro(oio# o' a PNP 'e(a!e &erso##e! o
hi*her &osiio#.
S!"#o$ (%. The &ro-isio#s o' he seco#), hir), 'ourh a#) 'i'h &ara*ra&hs o'
sub&ara*ra&h .b/ .1/, ,ecio# 51, Cha&er III:4 o' Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925 are hereby
a(e#)e) o rea) as 'o!!o$s3
%The er( Co&eraio#a! su&er-isio# a#) co#ro!C sha!! (ea# he &o$er o )irec,
su&eri#e#), a#) o-ersee he )ay:o:)ay 'u#cio#s o' &o!ice i#-esi*aio# o' cri(e, cri(e
&re-e#io# aci-iies, a#) ra''ic co#ro! i# accor)a#ce $ih he ru!es a#) re*u!aio#s
&ro(u!*ae) by he Co((issio#.
%I sha!! a!so i#c!u)e he &o$er o )irec he e(&!oy(e# a#) )e&!oy(e# o' u#is
or e!e(e#s o' he PNP, hrou*h he saio# co((a#)er, o e#sure &ub!ic sa'ey a#)
e''eci-e (ai#e#a#ce o' &eace a#) or)er $ihi# he !oca!iy. For his &ur&ose, he er(s
Ce(&!oy(e#C a#) C)e&!oy(e#C sha!! (ea# as 'o!!o$s3
%CE(&!oy(e#C re'ers o he ui!i+aio# o' u#is or e!e(e#s o' he PNP 'or
&ur&oses o' &roecio# o' !i-es a#) &ro&eries, e#'orce(e# o' !a$s, (ai#e#a#ce o'
&eace a#) or)er, &re-e#io# o' cri(es, arres o' cri(i#a! o''e#)ers a#) bri#*i#* he
o''e#)ers o >usice, a#) e#suri#* &ub!ic sa'ey, &aricu!ar!y i# he su&&ressio# o'
)isor)ers, rios, !a$!ess#ess, -io!e#ce, rebe!!ious a#) se)iious co#s&iracy, i#sur*e#cy,
sub-ersio# or oher re!ae) aci-iies.
%C4e&!oy(e#C sha!! (ea# he or)er!y a#) or*a#i+e) &hysica! (o-e(e# o'
e!e(e#s or u#is o' he PNP $ihi# he &ro-i#ce, ciy or (u#ici&a!iy 'or &ur&oses o'
e(&!oy(e# as herei# )e'i#e).%
S!"#o$ (&. ,ecio# 51 .b/ .9/ o' Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925 is hereby a(e#)e) o rea) as
%.9/ Dher Po$ers. I# a))iio# o he a'ore(e#io#e) &o$ers, ciy a#) (u#ici&a!
(ayors sha!! ha-e he 'o!!o$i#* auhoriy o-er he PNP u#is i# heir res&eci-e
%.i/ Auhoriy o choose he chie' o' &o!ice 'ro( a !is o' 'i-e .5/ e!i*ib!es
reco((e#)e) by he &ro-i#cia! &o!ice )irecor, &re'erab!y 'ro( he sa(e
&ro-i#ce, ciy or (u#ici&a!iy3 Pro-i)e), ho$e-er, Tha i# #o case sha!! a# o''icer:
i#:char*e be )esi*#ae) 'or (ore ha# hiry .8A/ )ays3 Pro-i)e), 'urher, Tha he
!oca! &eace a#) or)er cou#ci! (ay, hrou*h he ciy or (u#ici&a! (ayor,
reco((e#) he reca!! or reassi*#(e# o' he chie' o' &o!ice $he#, i# is
&erce&io#, he !aer has bee# i#e''eci-e i# co(bai#* cri(e or (ai#ai#i#*
&eace a#) or)er i# he ciy or (u#ici&a!iy3 Pro-i)e), 'i#a!!y, Tha such re!ie' sha!!
be base) o# *ui)e!i#es esab!ishe) by he NAPDLCD7=
%.ii/ Auhoriy o reco((e#) o he &ro-i#cia! )irecor he ra#s'er, reassi*#(e#
or )eai! o' PNP (e(bers ousi)e o' heir res&eci-e ciy or o$# resi)e#ces= a#)
%.iii/ Auhoriy o reco((e#) 'ro( a !is o' e!i*ib!es &re-ious!y scree#e) by he
&eace a#) or)er cou#ci! he a&&oi#(e# o' #e$ (e(bers o' he PNP o be
assi*#e) o heir res&eci-e ciies or (u#ici&a!iies $ihou $hich #o such
a&&oi#(e#s sha!! be aese)3 Pro-i)e), Tha $he#e-er &racicab!e a#)
co#sise# $ih he re<uire(e#s o' he ser-ice, PNP (e(bers sha!! be assi*#e)
o he ciy or (u#ici&a!iy o' heir resi)e#ce.
%The co#ro! a#) su&er-isio# o' a#i:*a(b!i#* o&eraio#s sha!! be $ihi# he
>uris)icio# o' !oca! *o-er#(e# e0ecui-es.%
S!"#o$ ('. Automatic Deputation of 0ocal /o#ernment Executi#es as Commission
Representati#es. 5o-er#ors a#) (ayors, u&o# ha-i#* bee# e!ece) a#) !i-i#* <ua!i'ie)
as such, are auo(aica!!y )e&ui+e) as re&rese#ai-es o' he Naio#a! Po!ice
Co((issio# i# heir res&eci-e >uris)icio#. As )e&ui+e) a*e#s o' he Co((issio#,
!oca! *o-er#(e# e0ecui-es ca# i#s&ec &o!ice 'orces a#) u#is, co#)uc au)i, a#)
e0ercise oher 'u#cio#s as (ay be )u!y auhori+e) by he Co((issio#.
S!"#o$ (5. ,ecio# 52 o' Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925 is hereby a(e#)e) o rea) as 'o!!o$s3
%,EC. 52. ,us&e#sio# or @ih)ra$a! o' 4e&uaio#. U#!ess re-erse) by he
Presi)e#, he Co((issio# (ay, a'er co#su!aio# $ih he &ro-i#cia! *o-er#or a#)
co#*ress(a# co#cer#e), sus&e#) or $ih)ra$ he )e&uaio# o' a#y !oca! e0ecui-e 'or
a#y o' he 'o!!o$i#* *rou#)s3
%.a/ Fre<ue# u#auhori+e) abse#ces=
%.b/ Abuse o' auhoriy=
%.c/ Pro-i)i#* (aeria! su&&or o cri(i#a! e!e(e#s= or
%.)/ E#*a*i#* i# acs i#i(ica! o #aio#a! securiy or $hich #e*ae he
e''eci-e#ess o' he &eace a#) or)er ca(&ai*#.
%U&o# *oo) cause sho$#, he Presi)e# (ay, )irec!y or hrou*h he
Co((issio#, (ou &ro&rio resore such )e&uaio# $ih)ra$# 'ro( a#y !oca! e0ecui-e.%
S!"#o$ ((. Para*ra&h .a/, ,ecio# 98 o' Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925 is hereby a(e#)e) o
rea) as 'o!!o$s3
%,EC. 98. Peo&!eCs La$ E#'orce(e# Boar) .PLEB/. .a/ Creaio# a#)
Fu#cio#s I The sa#**u#ia#* &a#!u#*so)Ebaya# i# e-ery ciy a#) (u#ici&a!iy sha!!
creae such #u(ber o' Peo&!eCs La$ E#'orce(e# Boar)s .PLEBs/ as (ay be
#ecessary3 Pro-i)e), Tha here sha!! be a !eas o#e .1/ PLEB 'or e-ery 'i-e hu#)re)
.5AA/ ciy or (u#ici&a! &o!ice &erso##e! a#) 'or each o' he !e*is!ai-e )isrics i# a ciy.
%The PLEB sha!! be he ce#ra! recei-i#* e#iy 'or a#y cii+e#Cs co(&!ai# a*ai#s
he o''icers a#) (e(bers o' he PNP. ,ub>ec o he &ro-isio#s o' ,ecio# 91 o'
Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925, he PLEB sha!! a"e co*#i+a#ce o' or re'er he co(&!ai# o he
&ro&er )isci&!i#ary or a)>u)icaory auhoriy $ihi# hree .8/ )ays u&o# he 'i!i#* o' he
S!"#o$ (). Nu(ber .8/ o' Para*ra&h .b/, ,ecio# 98 o' Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925 is
hereby a(e#)e) o rea) as 'o!!o$s3
%.8/ Three .8/ oher (e(bers $ho are re(o-ab!e o#!y 'or cause o be chose# by he
!oca! &eace a#) or)er cou#ci! 'ro( a(o#* he res&ece) (e(bers o' he co((u#iy
"#o$# 'or heir &robiy a#) i#e*riy, o#e .1/ o' $ho( (us be a $o(a# a#) a#oher a
(e(ber o' he Bar, or, i# he abse#ce hereo', a co!!e*e *ra)uae, or he &ri#ci&a! o' he
ce#ra! e!e(e#ary schoo! i# he !oca!iy.%
S!"#o$ (8. The !as &ara*ra&h o' ,ecio# 98 .b/.8/ o' Re&ub!ic Ac No. 1925 sha!! be
a(e#)e) o rea) as 'o!!o$s3
%The Chair(a# o' he PLEB sha!! be e!ece) 'ro( a(o#* is (e(bers. The er(
o' o''ice o' he (e(bers o' he PLEB sha!! be 'or a &erio) o' hree .8/ years 'ro(
assu(&io# o' o''ice. ,uch (e(ber sha!! ho!) o''ice u#i! his successor sha!! ha-e bee#
chose# a#) <ua!i'ie).%
S!"#o$ (*. Compensation and ,enefits. Para*ra&h c, ,ecio# 98 o' Re&ub!ic Ac No.
1925 sha!! be a(e#)e) o rea) as 'o!!o$s3
%.c/ Co(&e#saio#. 7e(bershi& i# he PLEB is a ci-ic )uy. ?o$e-er, PLEB
(e(bers sha!! be &ai) &er )ie( a#) sha!! be &ro-i)e) $ih !i'e i#sura#ce co-era*e as
(ay be )eer(i#e) by he ciy or (u#ici&a! cou#ci! 'ro( ciy or (u#ici&a! 'u#)s. The
4IL5 sha!! &ro-i)e 'or he &er )ie( a#) i#sura#ce co-era*e o' PLEB (e(bers i#
cerai# !o$ i#co(e (u#ici&a!iies.%
S!"#o$ )+. ,udget Allocation. The a##ua! bu)*e o' he Loca! 5o-er#(e# U#is .L5U/
sha!! i#c!u)e a# ie( a#) he corres&o#)i#* a&&ro&riaio# 'or he (ai#e#a#ce a#)
o&eraio# o' heir !oca! PLEBs.
The ,ecreary sha!! sub(i a re&or o Co#*ress a#) he Presi)e# $ihi# 'i'ee#
.15/ )ays 'ro( he e''eci-iy o' his Ac o# he #u(ber o' PLEBs a!rea)y or*a#i+e) as
$e!! as he L5Us si!! $ihou PLEBs. 7u#ici&a!iies or ciies $ihou a PLEB or $ih a#
i#su''icie# #u(ber o' or*a#i+e) PLEBs sha!! ha-e hiry .8A/ (ore )ays o or*a#i+e
heir res&eci-e PLEBs. A'er such &erio), he 4IL5 a#) he 4e&ar(e# o' Bu)*e a#)
7a#a*e(e# sha!! $ihho!) he re!ease o' he L5UCs share i# he #aio#a! a0es i# ciies
a#) (u#ici&a!iies si!! $ihou PLEB.s/.
S!"#o$ )1. Re1uest for Pre#enti#e %uspension. The PLEB (ay as" a#y auhori+e)
su&erior o i(&ose &re-e#i-e sus&e#sio# a*ai#s a subor)i#ae &o!ice o''icer $ho is he
sub>ec o' a co(&!ai# !asi#* u& o a &erio) as (ay be a!!o$e) u#)er he !a$. A re<ues
'or &re-e#i-e sus&e#sio# sha!! #o be )e#ie) by he su&erior o''icer i# he 'o!!o$i#*
a/ $he# he res&o#)e# re'uses o hee) he PLEBCs su((o#s or sub&oe#a=
b/ $he# he PNP &erso##e! has bee# char*e) $ih o''e#ses i#-o!-i#* bo)i!y
har( or *ra-e hreas,
c/ $he# he res&o#)e# is i# a &osiio# o a(&er $ih he e-i)e#ce= a#)
)/ $he# he res&o#)e# is i# a &osiio# o u#)u!y i#'!ue#ce he $i#esses.
A#y su&erior $ho 'ai!s o ac o# a#y re<ues 'or sus&e#sio# $ihou -a!i) *rou#)s sha!!
be he!) a)(i#israi-e!y !iab!e 'or serious #e*!ec o' )uy.
S!"#o$ )%. Transition. The &ro-isio#s o# he reor*a#i+aio# a#) he ci-i!ia#i+aio# o'
he PNP a#) he )e-o!uio# o' &o!ice ca&abi!iies o he !oca! &o!ice 'orces sha!! be
e''ece) $ihi# hree .8/ years a'er he e''eci-iy o' his Ac.
S!"#o$ )&. Rules and Regulations. U#!ess oher$ise &ro-i)e) i# his Ac, he
Co((issio# i# coor)i#aio# $ih he Phi!i&&i#e Naio#a! Po!ice a#) he 4e&ar(e# o'
he I#erior a#) Loca! 5o-er#(e#, sha!! &ro(u!*ae ru!es a#) re*u!aio#s 'or he
e''eci-e i(&!e(e#aio# o' his Ac. ,uch ru!es a#) re*u!aio#s sha!! a"e e''ec u&o#
heir &ub!icaio# i# hree .8/ #e$s&a&ers o' *e#era! circu!aio#.
S!"#o$ )'. Appropriations. The a(ou# #ecessary o carry ou he &ro-isio#s o' his
Ac is hereby auhori+e) o be a&&ro&riae) i# he 5e#era! A&&ro&riaio#s Ac o' he
year 'o!!o$i#* is e#ac(e# i#o !a$ a#) herea'er.
S!"#o$ )5. Repealing Clause. A!! !a$s, &resi)e#ia! )ecrees, !eers o' i#srucio#s,
e0ecui-e or)ers, ru!es a#) re*u!aio#s i#so'ar as hey are i#co#sise# $ih his Ac, are
hereby re&ea!e) or a(e#)e) as he case (ay be.
S!"#o$ )(. %epara(ility Clause. I# case a#y &ro-isio# o' his Ac or a#y &orio# hereo'
is )ec!are) u#co#siuio#a! by a co(&ee# cour, oher &ro-isio#s sha!! #o be a''ece)
S!"#o$ )). Effecti#ity Clause. This Ac sha!! a"e e''ec a'er is co(&!ee &ub!icaio# i#
a !eas hree .8/ #e$s&a&ers o' *e#era! circu!aio#.
A&&ro-e)3 February 25, 1998

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