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!oanna Coode
unlverslLy of Cregon

Call Chapman
unlverslLy of Callfornla, Los Angeles

Lxplorlng CompuLer Sclence, 2013

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Sponsors & Supporters
1hls currlculum was creaLed under Lhe ausplces of Lhe 8roadenlng Lhe arLlclpaLlon ln CompuLlng naLlonal
Sclence loundaLlon granL, "lnLo Lhe Loop: An unlverslLy k-12 Alllance Lo lncrease and Lnhance Lhe CompuLer
Sclence Learnlng CpporLunlLles for Afrlcan-Amerlcan, LaLlno/a, and lemale SLudenLs ln Lhe Second LargesL
School ulsLrlcL ln Lhe CounLry". rlnclpal lnvesLlgaLor: !ane Margolls (uCLA), Co-rlnclpal lnvesLlgaLors !oanna
Coode (unlverslLy of Cregon), 1odd ullah (LAuSu), ueborah LsLrln (uCLA). 1he CompuLlng and uaLa Analysls
unlL was creaLed under Lhe ausplces of Lhe naLlonal Sclence loundaLlon MaLh/Sclence arLnershlp granL,
"MC8lLlZL: Moblllzlng for lnnovaLlve CompuLer Sclence 1eachlng and Learnlng." Co-prlnclpal lnvesLlgaLors: Mark
Could (uCLA, CLnS), Mark Pansen (uCLA, CLnS), !oanna Coode (unlverslLy of Cregon, College of LducaLlon),
!ane Margolls (uCLA, CenLer x), 1homas hlllp (uCLA, CenLer x), !ody rlselac (uCLA, CenLer x), and 1odd ullah

Ceorge 8enalnous, uavld 8ernler, 8obb CuLler, !udy Promclk, Mlchelle PuLLon, !ohn Landa, Cllfford Lee,
CueponcaxochlLl Moreno, !ean 8yoo, Suzanne Schaefer, Chrls SLephenson, ulane WaLklns

Ior add|t|ona| |nformat|on re|ated to the Lxp|or|ng Computer Sc|ence artnersh|p v|s|t: www.exp|or|
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Course Cverv|ew ................................................................................................................................ S
Coals ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3
SLandards .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
rerequlslLes ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Pardware .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
SofLware ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
1he Instruct|ona| h||osophy of "#$%&'()* +&,$-./' 01(/)1/ .............................................................. 7
Currlcular Approach .............................................................................................................................................. 7
ConcreLe lnsLrucLlonal SLraLegles ......................................................................................................................... 7
edagogy and rofesslonal uevelopmenL ............................................................................................................ 8
Cverv|ew of the Instruct|ona| Mater|a|s ........................................................................................... 10
lldellLy Lo Course ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Un|fy|ng 1hemes and ract|ces ......................................................................................................... 11
Scope and Sequence ........................................................................................................................ 12
Cverv|ew Chart ............................................................................................................................... 14
1op|c Descr|pt|ons and Cb[ect|ves .................................................................................................... 18
unlL 1: Puman CompuLer lnLeracLlon (4 weeks) ................................................................................................ 18
unlL 2: roblem Solvlng (4 weeks) ...................................................................................................................... 19
unlL 3: Web ueslgn (3 weeks) ............................................................................................................................ 20
unlL 4: lnLroducLlon Lo rogrammlng (6 weeks) ................................................................................................. 21
unlL 3: CompuLlng and uaLa Analysls (6 weeks) ................................................................................................. 22
unlL 6: 8oboLlcs (7 weeks) ................................................................................................................................. 23
Un|t 1: numan Computer Interact|on .............................................................................................. 2S
lnLroducLlon ........................................................................................................................................................ 26
ually Cvervlew CharL .......................................................................................................................................... 27
ually Lesson lans ............................................................................................................................................... 28
Un|t 2: rob|em So|v|ng .................................................................................................................... 72
lnLroducLlon ........................................................................................................................................................ 73
ually Cvervlew CharL .......................................................................................................................................... 74
ually Lesson lans ............................................................................................................................................... 73
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llnal ro[ecL ........................................................................................................................................................ 98
Un|t 3: Web Des|gn ........................................................................................................................ 100
ually Cvervlew CharL ........................................................................................................................................ 102
ually Lesson lans ............................................................................................................................................. 103
llnal ro[ecL ...................................................................................................................................................... 123
llash AnlmaLlon SupplemenL ............................................................................................................................ 126
!avascrlpL SupplemenL ...................................................................................................................................... 131
Un|t 4: Introduct|on to rogramm|ng ............................................................................................. 133
lnLroducLlon ...................................................................................................................................................... 134
ually Cvervlew CharL ........................................................................................................................................ 133
ually Lesson lans ............................................................................................................................................. 136
llnal ro[ecL ...................................................................................................................................................... 187
Un|t S: Comput|ng and Data Ana|ys|s ............................................................................................. 191
lnLroducLlon ...................................................................................................................................................... 192
ually Cvervlew CharL ........................................................................................................................................ 193
ually Lesson lans ............................................................................................................................................. 194
llnal ro[ecL ...................................................................................................................................................... 261
Un|t 6: kobot|cs ............................................................................................................................. 263
lnLroducLlon ...................................................................................................................................................... 264
ually Cvervlew CharL ........................................................................................................................................ 263
ually Lesson lans ............................................................................................................................................. 266
llnal ro[ecL ...................................................................................................................................................... 300

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Course Cverv|ew
xplotloq compotet 5cleoce ls deslgned Lo lnLroduce sLudenLs Lo Lhe breadLh of Lhe fleld of compuLer sclence
Lhrough an exploraLlon of engaglng and accesslble Loplcs. 8aLher Lhan focuslng Lhe enLlre course on learnlng
parLlcular sofLware Lools or programmlng languages, Lhe course ls deslgned Lo focus on Lhe concepLual ldeas of
compuLlng and help sLudenLs undersLand why cerLaln Lools or languages mlghL be uLlllzed Lo solve parLlcular
problems. 1he goal of xplotloq compotet 5cleoce ls Lo develop ln sLudenLs Lhe compuLaLlonal pracLlces of
algorlLhm developmenL, problem solvlng and programmlng wlLhln Lhe conLexL of problems LhaL are relevanL Lo
Lhe llves of Loday's sLudenLs. SLudenLs wlll also be lnLroduced Lo Loplcs such as lnLerface deslgn, llmlLs of
compuLers, and socleLal and eLhlcal lssues.
1hls course was orlglnally developed for sLudenLs ln Lhe Los Angeles unlfled School ulsLrlcL ln an efforL Lo
broaden parLlclpaLlon ln compuLlng dlsLrlcL-wlde, parLlcularly for glrls and sLudenLs of color. AfLer lnlLlal success
ln Los Angeles, several oLher dlsLrlcLs and sLaLes have formally developed school-dlsLrlcL-unlverslLy parLnershlps
Lo brlng xplotloq compotet 5cleoce course Lo Lhelr local hlgh schools. 8eachlng hlsLorlcally underrepresenLed
sLudenLs conLlnues Lo be a ma[or emphasls of Lhls course.
1he xplotloq compotet 5cleoce currlculum was developed around a framework of boLh compuLer sclence
conLenL and compuLaLlonal pracLlce. 1hls comblnaLlon of boLh conLenL and pracLlces provldes sLudenLs wlLh a
sense of whaL compuLer sclenLlsLs do. LCS has been mapped onLo leadlng learnlng sLandards naLlonwlde.
Crosswalks of Lhese mapplngs are avallable for nexL CeneraLlon Sclence and Lnglneerlng SLandards, Common
Core SLaLe SLandards, lnLernaLlonal SocleLy for 1echnology LducaLlon SLandards, CompuLer Sclence 1eachers
AssoclaLlon SLandards, CA SLaLe SLandards ln MaLhemaLlcs and Lngllsh-Language ArLs, llllnols Learnlng SLandards
ln MaLhemaLlcs and Lngllsh-Language ArLs, Callfornla Career 1echnology LducaLlon SLandards, and llllnols Career
1echnology LducaLlon SLandards. 1hese mapplng documenLs can be found on Lhe S8l lnLernaLlonal webslLe
here: hLLp://
lL ls recommended LhaL sLudenLs have compleLed an Algebra course prlor Lo enrolllng. ln Callfornla, Lhls course
ls consldered a college preparaLory elecLlve by Lhe unlverslLy of Callfornla Cfflce of Lhe resldenL. 1hus, Lhe
course should provlde a rlgorous, buL accesslble, lnLroducLlon Lo compuLer sclence. no prevlous compuLer
sclence course ls requlred Lo Lake Lhls course.
An ldeal laboraLory envlronmenL for Lhls course would lnclude a classroom wlLh Lables, chalrs, and compuLers
LhaL are conduclve Lo group-work. Whlle lL ls also ldeal Lo have one compuLer for each sLudenL ln Lhe class, Lhe
collaboraLlve naLure of Lhls class allows for a 2-1 sLudenL-compuLer raLlo lf fewer compuLers are avallable. 1hese
compuLers can be elLher MaclnLosh or C dependlng on avallablllLy. A neLworked sysLem makes lnsLallaLlon of
sofLware easler for Lhe Leacher.
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Lach compuLer ln Lhe classroom should have a web browser lnsLalled LhaL allows sLudenLs Lo perform searches
and make use of a varleLy of webslLes and lnLerneL Lools. 1eachers wlll need Lo download and lnsLall Lhe ScraLch
programmlng language avallable aL hLLp:// lease noLe LhaL webslLe u8Ls lncluded ln Lhls
verslon may change over Llme.

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1he Instruct|ona| h||osophy of "#$%&'()* +&,$-./' 01(/)1/
1he xplotloq compotet 5cleoce course ls more Lhan a currlculum - lL ls a course LhaL ls shaped by four
lnLerLwlned elemenLs: currlcular maLerlals, professlonal developmenL, assessmenLs (forLhcomlng), and local
pollcy supporL Lo ensure Lhe course counLs" ln Lhe currlculum and ls supporLed by local admlnlsLraLors. 1he
course forwards a new orlenLaLlon Lo compuLer sclence classrooms - one shaped wlLh an lnLerweavlng of
learnlng foundaLlonal compuLer sclence concepLs whlle developlng Lhe compuLaLlonal pracLlces LhaL supporL an
lnqulry approach Lo solvlng problems and creaLlng arLlfacLs. lor Lhls reason, Leacher parLlclpaLlon ln Lxplorlng
CompuLer Sclence professlonal developmenL ls a necessary condlLlon ln offerlng an LCS course.
Curr|cu|ar Approach
xplotloq compotet 5cleoce Leaches Lhe creaLlve, collaboraLlve, lnLerdlsclpllnary, and problem-solvlng naLure of
compuLlng wlLh lnsLrucLlonal maLerlals LhaL feaLure an lnqulry-based approach Lo learnlng and Leachlng. As parL
of Lhls course, sLudenLs wlll delve lnLo real world compuLlng problems LhaL are culLurally-relevanL, and address
soclal and eLhlcal lssues whlle dellverlng foundaLlonal compuLer sclence knowledge Lo sLudenLs. SLudenLs wlll
engage ln several ln-depLh pro[ecLs Lo demonsLraLe Lhe real-world appllcaLlons of compuLlng.
1hls currlculum bullds off of learnlng Lheorles LhaL vlew learnlng as a soclal and culLural process LhaL does noL
only occur ln a vacuum aL school, LhaL ls, sLudenLs brlng Lo school bodles of knowledge from Lhelr llves,
culLure, and communlLles. 8ulldlng from sLudenLs' prlor knowledge, Lhe collecLlon of problem solvlng skllls, and
Lhe soclal and eLhlcal knowledge of compuLer-relaLed problems wlll resulL ln a more acLlve currlculum. Lach unlL
connecLs sLudenLs' lnformal knowledge, Lechnology skllls, and bellefs abouL compuLlng Lo Lhe LheoreLlcal and
foundaLlonal LeneLs of compuLer sclence. SLudenLs wlll become members of a compuLlng communlLy of
pracLlce" ln Lhe classroom where Lhey wlll be lnLroduced Lo Lhe behavlor, language, and skllls of compuLer
sclenLlsLs. lurLhermore, Lhe lnLerdlsclpllnary naLure of compuLlng allows for Lhe lncorporaLlon of sub[ecL-maLLer
Loplcs across dlsclpllnes lnLo Lhe compuLlng currlculum.
Concrete Instruct|ona| Strateg|es
1here are several concreLe lnsLrucLlonal sLraLegles LhaL are lncluded ln each unlL Lo lmplemenL Lhls culLurally
relevanL, lnqulry-based vlslon.
Lach unlL beglns wlLh a descrlpLlon of Lhe Loplc, an explanaLlon of Lhe lmporLance of Lhls Loplc, posslble
soclal appllcaLlons of Lhls Loplc, and ob[ecLlves for Lhe unlL.
unlLs Lyplcally begln wlLh a klnesLheLlc acLlvlLy Lo geL sLudenLs lnvolved ln Lhe unlL Loplc. SLudenLs are
more engaged when Lhey go beyond seaLwork Lo galn famlllarlLy wlLh Lhe scope of a Loplc. AcLlng ouL
compuLlng concepLs ls one way Lo have sLudenLs acLlvely engaged ln Lhe currlculum.
ln mosL unlLs, Lhe flnal unlL pro[ecL ls presenLed aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe unlL so sLudenLs undersLand
whaL Lype of pro[ecL Lhey wlll engage ln aL Lhe end of Lhe unlL. ually asslgnmenLs help scaffold Lhelr
knowledge Lowards galnlng Lhe knowledge needed Lo compleLe a parLlcular pro[ecL. 1he flnal pro[ecL
represenLs a culmlnaLlon of Lhelr new knowledge and provldes an opporLunlLy Lo expand Lhelr
undersLandlngs Lo a parLlcular soclally-relevanL problem.
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CompuLlng Lerms and deflnlLlons are expllclL and parL of Lhe lnsLrucLlon. 1he currlculum avolds
unnecessary [argon, whlch mlghL dlsLracL from learnlng of Lhe crlLlcal conLenL. SLudenLs have
opporLunlLles Lo use wrlLlng Lo relnforce Lhe llLeracy componenL behlnd Lhese compuLlng Lerms and
loundaLlonal compuLlng Loplcs are connecLed Lo Lhe 'pop-Lechnology' sLudenLs have llkely encounLered:
moblle phones, soclal neLworks, blogs, lnLerneL browslng, eLc.
8eal world problems are presenLed ln Lhe conLexL of soclally-relevanL lssues lmpacLlng urban
communlLles (houslng, safeLy, poverLy, healLh care, access Lo equal rlghLs, educaLlonal opporLunlLles,
lmprovlng soclal servlces, LranslaLlon servlces, LransporLaLlon, eLc.)
SLudenLs have opporLunlLles Lo work on problems LhaL Lhey help deflne and can lndlvlduallze-l.e.
selecLlng Lhelr own conLenL for webslLes, creaLlng orlglnal, noL pre-scrlpLed, problem-solvlng sLraLegles,
AcLlvlLles are deslgned Lo encourage sLudenLs Lo work ln a varleLy of collaboraLlve seLLlngs lncludlng
elbow parLners, peer-programmlng, and group research pro[ecLs. 1hls collaboraLlon encourages
conversaLlons around compuLlng Loplcs.
SLudenLs wlll experlence a varleLy of ways Lo communlcaLe Lhelr answers-academlc wrlLlng, [ournal
enLrles, wrlLlng a leLLer Lo a frlend or companlon, uslng presenLaLlon sofLware, developlng graphlcs or
anlmaLlon, sLoryboardlng, llsLlng algorlLhms, drawlng lllusLraLlons, oral presenLaLlons, eLc.
unlLs lncorporaLe examples of careers ln compuLlng as Lhey arlse ln Lhe currlculum. SLudenLs wlll be
glven hypoLheLlcal opporLunlLles Lo acL as a professlonal Lo Lake on Lhe behavlor and skllls Lo solve a
glven problem.
AlLhough uslng Lechnology ls a core componenL of Lhls currlculum, uslng compuLers ls noL necessarlly
embedded ln Lhe currlculum on a dally basls.
All of Lhese sLraLegles conLrlbuLe Lo developlng Lhe problem-solvlng skllls and compuLaLlonal pracLlces LhaL are
emphaslzed LhroughouL Lhe course.
lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL each unlL focuses on dlfferenL lnsLrucLlonal sLraLegles, Lhls ls purposeful. ln some
cases, lL ls because Lhe parLlcular sub[ecL maLLer lends lLself more successfully Lo a parLlcular seL of sLraLegles,
buL Lhls was also done Lo hlghllghL Lhe wlde varleLy of posslble sLraLegles LhaL can be used effecLlvely ln Leachlng
Lhls course. We encourage Leachers Lo experlmenL by Lrylng sLraLegles LhaL work well for Lhem ln a varleLy of
dlfferenL places ln Lhe currlculum. !ournal responses and blog enLrles can be used by sLudenLs Lo communlcaLe
abouL Lhelr work ln any of Lhe unlLs. eer revlews, gallery walks, [lgsaws, role-plays and collaboraLlve groups of
varylng slzes can be used for acLlvlLles LhroughouL Lhe course. 1here are many oLher posslblllLles Lo conslder.
edagogy and rofess|ona| Deve|opment
1he lessons ln LCS forward a pedagoglcal approach LhaL ls allgned wlLh whaL we know abouL mosL effecLlve
Leachlng approaches. ln her 2007 book, lowetfol leotoloq. wbot we koow Aboot 1eocbloq fot uoJetstooJloq,
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Llnda uarllng-Pammond noLes LhaL sLudles across dlfferenL conLenL areas flnd effecLlve Leachers supporL Lhe
process of meanlngful learnlng by:
CreaLlng ombltloos ooJ meooloqfol tosks LhaL reflecL how knowledge ls used ln Lhe fleld,
Lngaglng sLudenLs ln octlve leotoloq, so LhaL Lhey apply and LesL whaL Lhey know,
urawlng coooectloos to stoJeots ptlot koowleJqe and experlences,
ulagnoslng sLudenL undersLandlng ln order Lo scoffolJ tbe leotoloq ptocess sLep by sLep,
Assessloq stoJeot leotoloq cootloooosly and adapLlng Leachlng Lo sLudenL needs,
rovldlng cleot stooJotJs, coostoot feeJbock, and opporLunlLles for work,
Lncouraglng sttoteqlc ooJ metocoqoltlve tblokloq, so LhaL sLudenLs can learn Lo evaluaLe and gulde Lhelr
own Leachlng (p. 3).

8ecause Lhls vlew of acLlve knowledge runs counLer Lo LradlLlonal concepLs of Leachlng as dellvery, professlonal
developmenL supporL ls key Lo bulldlng Lhe lnsLrucLlonal sLraLegles and dlsposlLlons needed Lo effecLlvely Leach
Lhls course. 1he Lwo-year LCS professlonal developmenL formaL provldes an lnLenslve and focused learnlng
experlence for Leachers Lo develop Lhe pedagoglcal conLenL knowledge Lo successfully engage all sLudenLs ln Lhe
learnlng maLerlals. 1he professlonal developmenL model also encourages Leachers Lo Lake on Lhe role of
reflecLlve pracLlLloners so Lhey can examlne how Lhelr pedagogy lnfluences sLudenL learnlng, parLlcularly for
hlsLorlcally underrepresenLed groups.
WlLh Lhe excepLlon of Lhe flnal pro[ecLs, Lhere are no speclflc assessmenLs llsLed ln Lhe lesson plans. 1here are
also very few speclflc homework" asslgnmenLs. ulfferences ln gradlng pollcles, Lypes of assessmenLs requlred,
and sLudenL schedules make lL dlfflculL Lo gauge Lhe besL comblnaLlon of assessmenL Lools Lo use ln a parLlcular
envlronmenL. 1eachers are encouraged Lo deLermlne whlch class acLlvlLles mlghL lend Lhemselves Lo some
research ouLslde of class and whlch mlghL make useful assessmenLs. CurrenLly S8l lnLernaLlonal ls developlng
unlL assessmenL Lools as well as summaLlve assessmenLs. 1hese assessmenLs are expecLed Lo be avallable
durlng Lhe 2014-2013 school year, check AC1 webslLe for updaLes: hLLp://
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Cverv|ew of the Instruct|ona| Mater|a|s
1he pages LhaL follow conLaln Lhe core of Lhe maLerlals Leachers wlll need ln order Lo plan and Leach xplotloq
compotet 5cleoce. 1he maLerlals begln wlLh Lhe unlfylng Lhemes and pracLlces LhaL are woven LhroughouL Lhe
course followed by a Scope and Sequence charL LhaL deLalls Lhe varlous Loplcs lncluded ln Lhe course, along wlLh
Lhe unlL ln Lhe course where each ls lnLroduced and relnforced. 1eachers should conLlnue Lo refer back Lo
prevlous unlLs where approprlaLe. lor example, unlL 3 bullds on many of Lhe unlL 1 concepLs by Laklng sLudenLs
from dlscusslng and vlewlng webslLes Lo acLually uslng and developlng Lhem. 1he approxlmaLe Llme alloLmenL
noLed ln Lhe charL lncludes all acLlvlLles from lnLroducLlon Lhrough appllcaLlon.
lollowlng Lhe Scope and Sequence ls an overvlew of each unlL LhaL lncludes Lhe unlL descrlpLlon and overall
ob[ecLlves of Lhe unlL. 1here ls also a Lable LhaL lndlcaLes Lhe Loplcs for each lnsLrucLlonal day of Lhe course.
ually lesson plans wlLh deLalled sLudenL acLlvlLles and Leachlng sLraLegles for each day are Lhe flnal componenL
of Lhe lnsLrucLlonal maLerlals. Lach lesson has been bullL on a 33-mlnuLe class perlod. ln schools where class
perlods are shorLer or longer (or on varylng block schedules) ad[usLmenLs wlll need Lo be made, such
ad[usLmenLs may lnclude comblnlng lessons (for longer class perlods) or asslgnlng parLs of Lhe lesson for
homework (for shorLer class perlods).
An aLLempL was made Lo provlde enough deLall Lo Lhe Leachlng sLraLegles secLlons Lo glve Leachers clear
guldance as Lo Lhe acLlvlLles lnvolved and Lhe Lypes of quesLlons LhaL mlghL need Lo be asked Lo prompL
dlscusslon. AL Lhe same Llme, an efforL was made noL Lo be prescrlpLlve. As noLed on Lhe prevlous page,
sLraLegles such as [ournallng and collaboraLlve work can and should be lncorporaLed ln as many lessons as
Lach unlL lncludes supplemenLary maLerlals, a flnal pro[ecL, and a sample rubrlc for Lhe flnal pro[ecL.
I|de||ty to Course
1he flrsL four unlLs of Lhe course provlde Lhe necessary foundaLlonal framework of concepLs and pracLlces LhaL
underlle furLher lnvesLlgaLlon lnLo compuLer sclence Loplcs. lor Lhls reason, lL ls necessary Lo Leach Lhe full four
unlLs ln sequence before launchlng lnLo exLenslon Loplcs or devlaLlng from Lhe currlculum. AddlLlonal unlLs Lo be
subsLlLuLed for Lhe unlL 3 and 6 appllcaLlon unlLs wlll be posLed on Lhe LCS webslLe lf Lhey meeL currlcular
guldellnes. lor more lnformaLlon abouL Lhese guldellnes please see hLLp://
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Un|fy|ng 1hemes and ract|ces
1he lndlvldual lessons ln Lhls course were developed Lo relnforce Lhe unlfylng Lhemes and supporL Lhe use of Lhe
compuLaLlonal pracLlces LhaL we expecL sLudenLs Lo employ.
1he Lhree Lhemes are:
1he creaLlve naLure of compuLlng
1echnology as a Lool for solvlng problems
1he relevance of compuLer sclence and lLs lmpacL on socleLy
1here are many Lechnologlcal Lools LhaL enable people Lo explore concepLs and creaLe exclLlng and personally
relevanL arLlfacLs LhaL lmpacL socleLy. ln Lhls course, programmlng ls used as one of Lhe Lools, buL noL Lhe only
Lool. SLudenLs are asked Lo be creaLlve ln deslgnlng and lmplemenLlng soluLlons as Lhey LranslaLe ldeas lnLo
Langlble forms. As sLudenLs acLlvely creaLe, Lhey wlll also dlscuss Lhe broader lmpllcaLlons of compuLlng
1hroughouL Lhe course sLudenLs wlll galn experlence ln employlng Lhe followlng compuLaLlonal pracLlces:
Analyze Lhe effecLs of developmenLs ln compuLlng
ueslgn and lmplemenL creaLlve soluLlons and arLlfacLs
Apply absLracLlons and models
Analyze Lhelr compuLaLlonal work and Lhe work of oLhers
CommunlcaLe compuLaLlonal LhoughL processes, procedures, and resulLs Lo oLhers
CollaboraLe wlLh peers on compuLlng acLlvlLles
As sLudenLs deslgn and lmplemenL soluLlons uslng absLracLlons and models, Lhey wlll analyze Lhe processes Lhey
and Lhelr peers use Lo arrlve aL soluLlons, sLudy Lhe effecLs of Lhelr creaLlons and learn how compuLlng concepLs
connecL expllclLly and lmpllclLly Lo oLher dlsclpllnes. SLudenLs wlll learn abouL Lhe collaboraLlve naLure of
compuLer sclence by worklng ln Leams and communlcaLe Lhe resulLs of Lhelr work ln wrlLlng and orally
supporLed by graphs, vlsuallzaLlons and compuLaLlonal analysls.

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Legend: l-lnLroduce, 8-8elnforce, A-Apply

Scope and Sequence
1op|c Iocus nCI S WL8 k DA kC8
1. CompuLers and Lhe lnLerneL (~2
1. Pardware componenLs l 8 8 A A
2. SofLware componenLs l 8 8 A A
3. lnLeracLlon of componenLs l 8 8 A A
4. SelecLlon of approprlaLe
3. Search englne fundamenLals l 8
6. CollaboraLlve Lools l 8
7. LvaluaLlng webslLes l 8
8. SecurlLy on Lhe lnLerneL l 8

2. Models of lnLelllgenL behavlor
(~2 weeks)
1. WhaL ls lnLelllgence? l
2. CompuLers vs. humans l 8 8 8 8 8
3. AlgorlLhms and absLracLlon (~6
1.undersLandlng Lhe problem l 8 8 A A
2. Lxplorlng problems: problem-
solvlng heurlsLlcs and sLraLegles
l 8 8 A A
3. ueslgn creaLlon and represenLaLlon l 8 8 A A
4. roblem daLa l 8 8 A A
3. SoluLlon accuracy l 8 8 A A
6. ueslgn re-evaluaLlon and
l 8 8 A A
7. uecompose Lhe complex l 8 8 A A
8. CommunlcaLe resulLs l 8 8 A A
9. AlgorlLhm efflclency l 8 8 8
10. CompuLaLlonally lnLenslve
l 8 8
11. unsolvable problem for a
l 8 8
12. CompuLaLlonally hard problems. l 8 8
4. ConnecLlons beLween
maLhemaLlcs and compuLer
sclence (~2 weeks)
1. Loglc l 8 A A
2. 8lnary number sysLem l
3. 8aslc SeLs l 8 A A
4. ConcepLs of funcLlons l 8 A A
3. ue Morgan's laws l 8 A A
6. Craphs l 8 A A

3. CreaLlng compuLaLlonal arLlfacLs
(Web pages, programs, and
roboLs) (~14 weeks)
1. 8reak a problem sLaLemenL lnLo
speclflc requlremenLs
l 8 8 8,A 8,A
2. ueslgn a soluLlon Lo a problem l 8 8 8,A 8,A
3. Choose approprlaLe Lools and
l 8 8 8,A 8,A
4. Code a soluLlon from a deslgn l 8 8,A 8,A
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Legend: l-lnLroduce, 8-8elnforce, A-Apply

3. 1esL a soluLlon Lo ldenLlfy errors l 8 8 A A
6. 8eflne soluLlon l 8 8 A A
7. uocumenLaLlon and [usLlflcaLlon l 8 8 A A

6. uaLa and lnformaLlon (~7
1. 8epresenLaLlon and sLorage l 8 8 A
2. MeLhods for collecLlon and
l 8 A
3. aLLerns, Lrends, and dlscoverles l 8 A
4. LvaluaLlon l 8,A
3. CompuLaLlonal models l 8 A
6. 8apld LesLlng l 8,A
7.SocleLal lmpacLs of compuLlng
(weave LhroughouL)
1. losLerlng lnnovaLlon
2. Legal and eLhlcal concerns
3. rlvacy and cyber securlLy
4. LxplolLaLlon of lnformaLlon
3. lnLellecLual properLy
6. LlmlLs on lnformaLlon access
7. CulLural lnfluence
8. LqulLy, access, and power
9. Soclal and economlc values
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Cverv|ew Chart
numan Computer Interact|on Un|t Cverv|ew
Instruct|ona| Day 1op|c
1-2 Lxplore Lhe concepLs of compotet and compotloq.
3-4 uemysLlfy" and learn Lhe funcLlon of Lhe parLs of a personal compuLer.
Learn Lhe Lermlnology of hardware componenLs necessary for Lhe
purchase of a home compuLer.
3-7 Lxplore Lhe world wlde web and search englnes. LxperlmenL wlLh a
varleLy of search Lechnlques, lnLerneL resources, and Web 2.0,
appllcaLlons. LvaluaLe webslLes.
8-9 Lxamlne Lhe lmpllcaLlons of daLa on socleLy and how compuLers are used
for communlcaLlons.
10 1ell a sLory wlLh daLa.
11-14 Lxplore how compuLers are used as a Lool for vlsuallzlng daLa, modellng
and deslgn, and arL ln Lhe conLexL of culLurally slLuaLed deslgn Lools.
13-16 lnLroduce Lhe concepL of a compuLer program as a seL of lnsLrucLlons.
17-19 Lxplore Lhe ldea of lnLelllgence-especlally as lL relaLes Lo compuLers.
Lxplore whaL lL means for a machlne Lo learn". ulscuss wheLher
compuLers are lnLelllgenL or wheLher Lhey only behave lnLelllgenLly.
rob|em So|v|ng Un|t Cverv|ew
Instruct|ona| Day 1op|c
1-2 lnLroduce daLa collecLlon and problem solvlng.
3 lnLroduce Lhe four sLeps of Lhe problem solvlng process.
4-6 Apply Lhe problem solvlng process. use dlfferenL sLraLegles Lo plan and
carry ouL Lhe plan Lo solve several problems.
7-9 8elnforce Lhe four sLeps of Lhe problems solvlng process.
10-12 CounL ln Lhe blnary number sysLem. ConverL beLween blnary and declmal
numbers ln Lhe conLexL of Loplcs LhaL are lmporLanL Lo compuLer sclence.
13-14 lnLroduce Lhe llnear and blnary search algorlLhms.
13-16 Lxplore sorLed and unsorLed llsLs and varlous sorLlng algorlLhms.
17 lnLroduce mlnlmal spannlng Lrees and how graphs can be used Lo help
solve problems.
18-21 llnal pro[ecLs and presenLaLlons

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Web Des|gn Un|t Cverv|ew
Instruct|ona| Day 1op|c
1-2 Lxplore lssues of soclal responslblllLy ln web use as well as Lhe relaLlve
merlLs of Lhe lnfluence of Lhe web on socleLy, personal llves, and
3-4 lnLroduce Lhe use of baslc hLml.
3 lnLroduce baslc formaLLlng ln hLml.
6-7 Lxplore lmage edlLlng for Lhe web uslng hoLoshop or an lmage edlLor of
8-10 lnLroduce baslc css.
11-13 Lxplore Lhe concepL of separaLlng sLyle from sLrucLure by keeplng separaLe
hLml and css flles.
14 Add hyperllnks Lo oLher webslLes.
13-16 lnLroduce a varleLy of page layouL sLyles.
17-19 racLlce Lhe use of varlous deslgn elemenLs.
20-21 lnLroduce several dlfferenL enhancemenLs for webslLe deslgn, lncludlng
web user lnLerface elemenLs comblnlng !avascrlpL, hLml, css, and
hoLoshop, accordlon menus, llghLbox and slldlng lmages.
22-23 llnal pro[ecLs and gallery walk

Introduct|on to rogramm|ng Un|t Cverv|ew
Instruct|ona| Day 1op|c
1 lnLroduce Lhe ScraLch programmlng language, lncludlng Lhe baslc Lerms
uLlllzed ln Lhe language.
2-3 racLlce uslng Lhe baslc feaLures of ScraLch ln Lhe conLexL of creaLlng a
slmple program.
4 CreaLe a dlalogue beLween Lwo sprlLes.
3-6 lnLroduce Lhe meLhods of movlng sprlLes ln ScraLch.
7-8 racLlce Lhe concepL of evenL drlven programmlng Lhrough Lhe creaLlon of
an alphabeL game.
9 lnLroduce Lhe concepL of broadcasLlng vla role play.
10-13 WrlLe ScraLch sLorles and presenL Lhem Lo Lhe class. ConducL peer
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14 lnLroduce Lhe concepL of varlable.
13 lnLroduce Lhe concepL of condlLlonals.
16-17 lnLroduce And, Cr and randomness.
18 Apply knowledge of condlLlonals Lo develop a 8ock aper Sclssors program
ln ScraLch.
19 8ulld on prevlous programmlng concepLs Lo creaLe a Llmer.
20-23 CreaLe a Llmlng game ln ScraLch and presenL lL Lo Lhe class. eer revlews
are conducLed.
24 lnvesLlgaLe Lwo Lypes of games LhaL may provlde ldeas for Lhe flnal
23 Lxplaln flnal pro[ecL and Lhe rubrlc for Lhe flnal pro[ecL.
26-28 WrlLe ScraLch programs for elLher My CommunlLy or Came pro[ecL.
ConducL peer revlews.
29 CompleLe flnal pro[ecLs.
30 resenLaLlons of flnal pro[ecLs

Comput|ng and Data Ana|ys|s Un|t Cverv|ew

Instruct|ona| Day 1op|c
1-3 8evlew how daLa can be used for maklng a case/dlscovery. Lxplore plLfalls
and challenges of puLLlng LogeLher and managlng large seLs of daLa.
rovlde an overvlew of Lhe flnal pro[ecL.
4-3 Lxplore posslble research quesLlons for a selecLlon of sample campalgns.
valldaLe compelllng sLorles wlLh research daLa.
6-7 Asslgn groups. ulscuss group roles and responslblllLles. Choose
campalgns and modes for daLa collecLlon.
8 uaLa check-ln-ulscuss lssues LhaL arlse (aggregaLlng daLa, eLc.).
9-12 CreaLe maps uslng Lhe laLlLude and longlLude of a locaLlon and Lhen creaLe
maps from a flle of daLa.
13 CreaLe maps wlLh sLudenL daLa and relaLed daLa seL.
14-16 ulscuss bar ploLs, caLegorlcal and conLlnuous daLa, and mosalc ploLs as a
vehlcle for comparlng caLegorlcal daLa, and looklng aL Lrends ln daLa.
17 CreaLe bar ploLs and mosalc ploLs wlLh sLudenL daLa and relaLed daLa seL.
18-20 8evlew mean, medlan, mlnlmum, maxlmum. ulscuss varlous ways Lo
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subseL daLa. 8epresenL daLa wlLh box ploLs and hlsLograms.
21 ldenLlfy mean, medlan, mlnlmum, maxlmum, creaLe subseLs, and creaLe
box ploLs and hlsLograms wlLh sLudenL daLa and relaLed daLa seL.
22-24 use a varleLy of fllLers and querles Lo creaLe subseLs of LexL daLa. CreaLe
bar ploLs Lo graphlcally dlsplay Lhe lnformaLlon.
23 Analyze LexL ln sLudenL daLa and relaLed daLa seL.
26-27 llnallze daLa analysls for flnal pro[ecL.
28-29 uevelop webslLe or ScraLch program Lo presenL daLa analysls campalgn.
30 llnal pro[ecL presenLaLlons

kobot|cs Un|t Cverv|ew
Instruct|ona| Day 1op|c
1 WhaL ls a roboL? ldenLlfy Lhe crlLerla LhaL make an lLem a roboL.
2-3 LvaluaLe roboL body deslgns and creaLe algorlLhms Lo conLrol roboL
4 SeL up LLCC MlndsLorms nx1 klL.
3 8ulld roboL base.
6-7 lnLroduce Lhe feaLures of nx1 8rlck-Lhe braln" of Lhe roboL.
8-9 lnLroduce Lhe feaLures of Lhe MlndsLorms nx1 sofLware.
10-13 rogram Lhe roboL uslng Lhe MlndsLorm 8oboL LducaLor SofLware
14 lnLroduce 8oboCup real llfe roboLlc compeLlLlon and wrlLe lnsLrucLlons for
13 8obo1lc-1ac-1oe 1ournamenL and lnLroducLlon Lo 8oboCup!unlor uance
16-18 8ulld, program, and presenL a danclng roboL.
19-23 8ulld program and presenL a rescue roboL.
24-33 llnal pro[ecLs and presenLaLlons
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1op|c Descr|pt|ons and Cb[ect|ves
Un|t 1: numan Computer Interact|on (4 weeks)
1op|cs to be addressed:

CompuLers and Lhe lnLerneL
Models of lnLelllgenL 8ehavlor
SocleLal lmpacLs of compuLlng

1op|c Descr|pt|on:

ln Lhls unlL sLudenLs are lnLroduced Lo Lhe concepLs of compuLer and compuLlng whlle lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe ma[or
componenLs of compuLers and Lhe sulLablllLy of Lhese componenLs for parLlcular appllcaLlons. SLudenLs wlll
experlmenL wlLh lnLerneL search Lechnlques, explore a varleLy of webslLes and web appllcaLlons and dlscuss
lssues of prlvacy and securlLy. lundamenLal noLlons of Puman CompuLer lnLeracLlon (PCl) and ergonomlcs are
lnLroduced. SLudenLs wlll learn LhaL lnLelllgenL" machlne behavlor ls noL maglc" buL ls based on algorlLhms
applled Lo useful represenLaLlons of lnformaLlon, lncludlng large daLa seLs. SLudenLs wlll learn Lhe characLerlsLlcs
LhaL make cerLaln Lasks easy or dlfflculL for compuLers, and how Lhese dlffer from Lhose LhaL humans
characLerlsLlcally flnd easy or dlfflculL. SLudenLs wlll galn an appreclaLlon for Lhe many ways ln whlch compuLlng-
enabled lnnovaLlon have had an lmpacL on socleLy, as well as for Lhe many dlfferenL flelds ln whlch Lhey are
used. ConnecLlons among soclal, economlcal and culLural conLexLs wlll be dlscussed.


1he student w||| be ab|e to:

Analyze Lhe characLerlsLlcs of hardware componenLs Lo deLermlne Lhe appllcaLlons for
whlch Lhey can be used.
use approprlaLe Lools and meLhods Lo execuLe lnLerneL searches whlch yleld
requesLed daLa.
LvaluaLe Lhe resulLs of web searches and Lhe rellablllLy of lnformaLlon found on Lhe
Lxplaln Lhe dlfferences beLween Lasks LhaL can and cannoL be accompllshed wlLh a
Analyze Lhe effecLs of compuLlng on socleLy wlLhln economlc, soclal, and culLural
CommunlcaLe legal and eLhlcal concerns ralsed by compuLlng lnnovaLlon.
Lxplaln Lhe lmpllcaLlons of communlcaLlon as daLa exchange.

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Un|t 2: rob|em So|v|ng (4 weeks)
1op|cs to be addressed:

AlgorlLhms and absLracLlon
ConnecLlons beLween MaLhemaLlcs and CompuLer Sclence
SocleLal lmpacLs of compuLlng

1op|c Descr|pt|on:

1hls unlL provldes sLudenLs wlLh opporLunlLles Lo become compuLaLlonal Lhlnkers" by applylng a varleLy of
problem-solvlng Lechnlques as Lhey creaLe soluLlons Lo problems LhaL are slLuaLed ln a varleLy of conLexLs. 1he
range of conLexLs moLlvaLes Lhe need for sLudenLs Lo Lhlnk absLracLly and apply known algorlLhms where
approprlaLe, buL also creaLe new algorlLhms. Analysls of varlous soluLlons and algorlLhms wlll hlghllghL problems
LhaL are noL easlly solved by compuLer and for whlch Lhere are no known soluLlons. 1hls unlL also focuses on Lhe
connecLlons beLween maLhemaLlcs and compuLer sclence. SLudenLs wlll be lnLroduced Lo selecLed Loplcs ln
dlscreLe maLhemaLlcs lncludlng 8oolean loglc, funcLlons, graphs and Lhe blnary number sysLem. SLudenLs are
also lnLroduced Lo searchlng and sorLlng algorlLhms and graphs.


1he student w||| be ab|e to:

name and explaln Lhe sLeps Lhey use ln solvlng a problem.
Solve a problem by applylng approprlaLe problem-solvlng Lechnlques.
Lxpress a soluLlon uslng sLandard deslgn Lools.
ueLermlne lf a glven algorlLhm successfully solves a sLaLed problem.
CreaLe algorlLhms LhaL meeL speclfled ob[ecLlves.
Lxplaln Lhe connecLlons beLween blnary numbers and compuLers.
Summarlze Lhe behavlor of an algorlLhm.
Compare Lhe Lradeoffs beLween dlfferenL algorlLhms for solvlng Lhe same problem.
Lxplaln Lhe characLerlsLlcs of problems LhaL cannoL be solved by an algorlLhm.

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Un|t 3: Web Des|gn (S weeks)
1op|cs to be addressed:

Web page deslgn and developmenL
CompuLers and Lhe lnLerneL
AlgorlLhms and absLracLlon
SocleLal lmpacLs of compuLlng

1op|c Descr|pt|on:

1hls secLlon prepares sLudenLs Lo Lake Lhe role of a developer by expandlng Lhelr knowledge of algorlLhms,
absLracLlon, and web page deslgn and applylng lL Lo Lhe creaLlon of web pages and documenLaLlon for users and
equlpmenL. SLudenLs wlll explore lssues of soclal responslblllLy ln web use. 1hey wlll learn Lo plan and code Lhelr
web pages uslng a varleLy of Lechnlques and check Lhelr slLes for usablllLy. SLudenLs learn Lo creaLe user-frlendly
webslLes. SLudenLs wlll apply fundamenLal noLlons of Puman CompuLer lnLeracLlon (PCl) and ergonomlcs.


1he student w||| be ab|e to:

CreaLe web pages Lo address speclfled ob[ecLlves.
CreaLe web pages wlLh a pracLlcal, personal, and/or socleLal purpose.
SelecL approprlaLe Lechnlques when creaLlng web pages.
use absLracLlon Lo separaLe sLyle from conLenL ln web page deslgn and developmenL.
uescrlbe Lhe use of a webslLe wlLh approprlaLe documenLaLlon.

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Un|t 4: Introduct|on to rogramm|ng (6 weeks)
1op|cs to be addressed:

AlgorlLhms and absLracLlons
ConnecLlons beLween maLhemaLlcs and compuLer sclence
SocleLal lmpacLs of compuLlng

1op|c Descr|pt|on:

SLudenLs are lnLroduced Lo some baslc lssues assoclaLed wlLh program deslgn and developmenL.
SLudenLs deslgn algorlLhms and creaLe programmlng soluLlons Lo a varleLy of compuLaLlonal problems uslng an
lLeraLlve developmenL process ln ScraLch. rogrammlng problems lnclude maLhemaLlcal and loglcal concepLs
and a varleLy of programmlng consLrucLs.


1he student w||| be ab|e to:

use approprlaLe algorlLhms Lo solve a problem.
ueslgn, code, LesL, and execuLe a program LhaL corresponds Lo a seL of speclflcaLlons.
SelecL approprlaLe programmlng sLrucLures.
LocaLe and correcL errors ln a program.
Lxplaln how a parLlcular program funcLlons.
!usLlfy Lhe correcLness of a program.
CreaLe programs wlLh pracLlcal, personal, and/or socleLal lnLenL.

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Un|t S: Comput|ng and Data Ana|ys|s (6 weeks)
1op|cs to be addressed:

uaLa and lnformaLlon
AlgorlLhms and absLracLlon
ConnecLlons beLween maLhemaLlcs and compuLer sclence
SocleLal lmpacLs of compuLlng

1op|c Descr|pt|on:

ln Lhls unlL sLudenLs explore how compuLlng has faclllLaLed new meLhods of managlng and lnLerpreLlng daLa.
SLudenLs wlll use compuLers Lo LranslaLe, process and vlsuallze daLa ln order Lo flnd paLLerns and LesL
hypoLheses. SLudenLs wlll work wlLh a varleLy of large daLa seLs LhaL lllusLraLe how wldespread access Lo daLa
and lnformaLlon faclllLaLes ldenLlflcaLlon of problems. SLudenLs wlll collecL and generaLe Lhelr own daLa relaLed
Lo local communlLy lssues and dlscuss approprlaLe meLhods for daLa collecLlon and aggregaLlon of daLa
necessary Lo supporL maklng a case or faclllLaLlng a dlscovery.


1he student w||| be ab|e to:

uescrlbe Lhe feaLures of approprlaLe daLa seLs for speclflc problems.
Apply a varleLy of analysls Lechnlques Lo large daLa seLs.
use compuLers Lo flnd paLLerns ln daLa and LesL hypoLheses abouL daLa.
Compare dlfferenL analysls Lechnlques and dlscuss Lhe Lradeoffs among Lhem.
!usLlfy concluslons drawn from daLa analysls.

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Un|t 6: kobot|cs (7 weeks)
1op|cs to be addressed:

AlgorlLhms and absLracLlon
ConnecLlons beLween maLhemaLlcs and compuLer sclence
SocleLal lmpacLs of compuLlng

1op|c Descr|pt|on:

1hls unlL lnLroduces roboLlcs as an advanced appllcaLlon of compuLer sclence LhaL can be used Lo solve problems
ln a varleLy of seLLlngs from buslness Lo healLhcare and how roboLlcs enables lnnovaLlon by auLomaLlng
processes LhaL may be dangerous or oLherwlse problemaLlc for humans. SLudenLs explore how Lo lnLegraLe
hardware and sofLware ln order Lo solve problems. SLudenLs wlll see Lhe effecL of sofLware and hardware deslgn
on Lhe resulLlng producL. SLudenLs wlll apply prevlously learned Loplcs Lo Lhe sLudy of roboLlcs.


1he student w||| be ab|e to:

ldenLlfy Lhe crlLerla LhaL descrlbe a roboL and deLermlne lf someLhlng ls a roboL.
MaLch Lhe acLlons of Lhe roboL Lo Lhe correspondlng parLs of Lhe program.
8ulld, code, and LesL a roboL LhaL solves a sLaLed problem.
Lxplaln ways ln whlch dlfferenL hardware deslgns affecL Lhe funcLlon of a machlne.
uescrlbe Lhe Lradeoffs among mulLlple ways Lo program a roboL Lo achleve a goal.

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1he soc|eta| |mpacts of comput|ng shou|d be woven throughout the course.

1op|c Descr|pt|on:

1hroughouL Lhe course, ls placed on how compuLlng enables lnnovaLlon ln a varleLy of flelds and Lhe lmpacLs
LhaL Lhose lnnovaLlons have on socleLy. CompuLlng ls slLuaLed wlLhln economlc, soclal and culLural conLexLs and,
Lherefore, lnfluences and ls lnfluenced by each of Lhese. 1he prollferaLlon of compuLers and neLworks ralses a
number of eLhlcal lssues. 1echnology has had boLh poslLlve and negaLlve lmpacLs on human culLure. SLudenLs
wlll be able Lo ldenLlfy eLhlcal behavlor and arLlculaLe boLh sldes of eLhlcal Loplcs. SLudenLs sLudy Lhe
responslblllLles of sofLware users and sofLware developers wlLh respecL Lo lnLellecLual properLy rlghLs, sofLware
fallures, and Lhe plracy of sofLware and oLher dlglLal medla. 1hey are lnLroduced Lo Lhe concepL of open-source
sofLware developmenL and explore lLs lmpllcaLlons. SLudenLs ldenLlfy and descrlbe careers ln compuLlng and
careers LhaL employ compuLlng.


1he student w||| be ab|e to:

uescrlbe ways ln whlch compuLlng enables lnnovaLlon.
ulscuss Lhe ways ln whlch lnnovaLlons enabled by compuLlng affecL communlcaLlon and
problem solvlng.
Analyze how compuLlng lnfluences and ls lnfluenced by Lhe culLures for whlch Lhey are
deslgned and Lhe culLures ln whlch Lhey are used.
Analyze how soclal and economlc values lnfluence Lhe deslgn and developmenL of
compuLlng lnnovaLlons.
ulscuss lssues of equlLy, access, and power ln Lhe conLexL of compuLlng resources.
CommunlcaLe Lhe legal an eLhlcal concerns ralsed by compuLaLlonal lnnovaLlons.
ulscuss prlvacy and securlLy concerns relaLed Lo compuLaLlonal lnnovaLlons.
Lxplaln poslLlve and negaLlve effecLs of Lechnologlcal lnnovaLlons on human culLure.

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Un|t 1:
numan Computer Interact|on

Lxplorlng CompuLer Sclence, 2013
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CompuLers and oLher compuLlng Lechnology have become an lnLegral parL of our socleLy. 8ecause of LhaL lL ls
easy Lo forgeL LhaL noL every sLudenL wlll come Lo Lhls course wlLh Lhe same background and skllls. lor many
sLudenLs Lhls course wlll be Lhe flrsL opporLunlLy Lhey have Lo become faclle wlLh uslng Lhe keyboard and
navlgaLlng Lhe lnLerneL.
1he Loplcs ln Lhls unlL are deslgned Lo allow all sLudenLs Lo galn famlllarlLy wlLh compuLers and compuLlng ln Lhe
conLexL of acLlvlLles LhaL glve sLudenLs an opporLunlLy Lo work aL Lhelr own pace, collaboraLe ln groups where
Lhey can learn from each oLher and generally galn an overvlew of Lhe many and varled ways ln whlch compuLers
and compuLlng are used.
1he unlL ls dlvlded lnLo Lhree maln secLlons.
Lxplorlng Lhe concepLs of compuLer and compuLlng by lnvesLlgaLlng compuLer hardware componenLs
and a varleLy of lnLerneL resources (uays 1-7)
Lxplorlng Lhe use of compuLers ln a varleLy of clrcumsLances and flelds (uays 8-13)
1he compuLer as a machlne LhaL needs Lo be provlded speclflc lnsLrucLlons (uays 14-19)
1he goal ls for all sLudenLs ln Lhe class Lo reach a level of comforL ln uslng Lhe compuLer and undersLand LhaL Lhe
compuLer ls noL maglc. 1he facL LhaL for a compuLer Lo accompllsh lLs Lasks lL needs Lo be glven preclse
lnsLrucLlons moLlvaLes Lhe need for Lhe problem solvlng Lechnlques LhaL wlll be addressed ln unlL 2.
Speclflc Loplcs for each lnsLrucLlonal day are llsLed ln Lhe overvlew charL on Lhe nexL page.
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Da||y Cverv|ew Chart
Instruct|ona| Day 1op|c
1-2 Lxplore Lhe concepLs of compotet and compotloq.
3-4 uemysLlfy" and learn Lhe funcLlon of Lhe parLs of a personal compuLer.
Learn Lhe Lermlnology of hardware componenLs necessary for Lhe
purchase of a home compuLer.
3-7 Lxplore Lhe world wlde web and search englnes. LxperlmenL wlLh a
varleLy of search Lechnlques, lnLerneL resources, and Web 2.0,
appllcaLlons. LvaluaLe webslLes.
8-9 Lxamlne Lhe lmpllcaLlons of daLa on socleLy and how compuLers are used
for communlcaLlons.
10 1ell a sLory wlLh daLa.
11-14 Lxplore how compuLers are used as a Lool for vlsuallzlng daLa, modellng
and deslgn, and arL ln Lhe conLexL of culLurally slLuaLed deslgn Lools.
13-16 lnLroduce Lhe concepL of a compuLer program as a seL of lnsLrucLlons.
17-19 Lxplore Lhe ldea of lnLelllgence-especlally as lL relaLes Lo compuLers.
Lxplore whaL lL means for a machlne Lo learn". ulscuss wheLher
compuLers are lnLelllgenL or wheLher Lhey only behave lnLelllgenLly.
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Da||y Lesson |ans

Instruct|ona| Days: 1-2
1op|c Descr|pt|on: WhaL ls a compuLer? ln Lhls lesson Lhe concepLs of compotet and compotloq are explored
Lhrough examples of each.
1he sLudenL wlll be able Lo:
Lxplaln and glve examples of Lhe concepLs of compotet and compotloq.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
!ournal LnLry. (10 mlnuLes)
Lxplorlng compuLers (60 mlnuLes)
ClasslflcaLlon of compuLlng groups (10 mlnuLes)
ueflnlLlon of Lhe Lerms compotet and compotloq (10 mlnuLes)
uemo of CompuLer 8uylng ro[ecL AsslgnmenL (20 mlnuLes)

Student Act|v|t|es:
CompleLe [ournal enLry.
Croups of sLudenLs creaLe llsLs of Lhelr ldeas of whaL a compuLer ls.
Croups do presenLaLlons.
arLlclpaLe ln dlscusslon of classlflcaLlon groups and deflnlLlon of compuLer and compuLlng.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
!ournal LnLry: Pow many compuLers are ln Lhe room?
o Pave sLudenLs wrlLe responses Lo Lhe quesLlon ln Lhelr [ournals and Lhen share Lhe response
wlLh Lhelr elbow parLner.
o Ask a few sLudenL palrs Lo share Lhelr responses.
Lxplorlng compuLers
o Some sLudenLs may have counLed only Lhe deskLop compuLers ln Lhe room whlle oLhers may
have recognlzed LhaL Lhere are oLher lLems LhaL are compuLers as well.
o ulvlde sLudenLs lnLo groups of 3 or 4. Ask Lhe sLudenLs Lo dlscuss addlLlonal examples of
compuLers (or Lhlngs conLalnlng compuLers). Pave sLudenLs wrlLe Lhelr examples on posL-lLs
and add Lhem Lo a large charL aL Lhe fronL of Lhe room or have groups make a llsL on fllpcharL
paper and Lape Lhelr llsL somewhere ln Lhe classroom. (Lxamples of compuLers lnclude:
MaclnLosh, Wlndows C, cell phone, mp3 player, mosL appllances (Lelevlslon, coffee maker,
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washer, dlshwasher, eLc.), cars, medlcal equlpmenL, planes, waLches, cash reglsLers, A1Ms,
Lrafflc llghLs, scoreboards, humans, and calculaLors.)
o Pave sLudenL groups share Lhelr ldeas. AfLer each presenLaLlon, glve Lhe oLher sLudenLs an
opporLunlLy Lo suggesL why any parLlcular example seems noL Lo be a compuLer (or ls noL
obvlously a compuLer). lf necessary, ask quesLlons Lo draw ouL Lhe sLudenL quesLlons and
responses. (lor example, lf Lhe sLudenL says dlshwasher," you mlghL ask, why ls a dlshwasher
a compuLer.")
o Pave a brlef dlscusslon of Lhe power of cell phones. MenLlon collecLlon of daLa as a
foreshadowlng of unlL 3.
ClasslflcaLlon of compuLlng groups
o Ask sLudenLs Lo suggesL posslble classlflcaLlons for Lhe lLems on Lhe llsL, creaLe a new llsL wlLh
Lhe varlous lLems llsLed under a group classlflcaLlon.
ueflnlLlon of Lhe Lerms compotet and compotloq.
o 8evlslL Lhe quesLlon WhaL ls a compuLer?" and ask Lhe posslbly more perLlnenL quesLlon,
WhaL ls compotloq?"
o Pave Lhe sLudenLs use Lhelr llsL of compuLers" and Lhelr classlflcaLlons Lo help formallze Lhelr
o noLe LhaL Lhere ls no correcL" answer. 1hese deflnlLlons wlll be revlslLed and posslbly modlfled
LhroughouL Lhe course of Lhe unlL.
o 8elnforce Lhe ldea of dlfferenL Lypes of compuLers and classlflcaLlons by revlewlng Lhe llsLs and
groups creaLed by Lhe sLudenLs.
CompuLer 8uylng ro[ecL AsslgnmenL
o Lach sLudenL wlll lnLervlew a famlly member or frlend Lo flnd ouL whaL feaLures LhaL person
would llke Lo have lf Lhey were buylng a new personal compuLer.
o uemonsLraLe Lhe lnLervlew process by asklng a sLudenL Lo parLlclpaLe ln an lnLervlew and ask
Lhem quesLlons such as: WhaL wlll be Lhe uses of Lhe compuLer? WhaL are Lhe space
consLralnLs? WhaL ls Lhe prlce range? LLc. ?ou may wlsh Lo provlde sLudenLs wlLh a speclflc llsL
of lnLervlew quesLlons.
no addlLlonal resources needed

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Instruct|ona| Days: 3-4
1op|c Descr|pt|on: SLudenLs compleLe a pro[ecL relaLed Lo chooslng approprlaLe componenLs for a personal
1he sLudenL wlll be able Lo:
uescrlbe Lhe uses for compuLer hardware componenLs.
Choose hardware componenLs for varlous Lypes of users.

Cut||ne of the Lesson:
8esearch and developmenL of compuLer buylng pro[ecL (83 mlnuLes)
ro[ecL presenLaLlons by sLudenL Leams (23 mlnuLes)

Student Act|v|t|es:
SLudenL Leams research and compleLe pro[ecLs.
SLudenL Leams presenL pro[ecLs.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
ulsLrlbuLe pro[ecL lnformaLlon and rubrlc.
o Pave sLudenLs work ln Lhe same Leams as Lhey dld on Lhe prevlous day.
o Lxplaln pro[ecL and rubrlc, answer quesLlons, Pave each Leam choose one of Lhe lnLervlews Lhey
dld Lo use for Lhe pro[ecL.
ro[ecL presenLaLlons by sLudenL Leams
o Pave each Leam dlscuss Lhe scenarlo Lhey used, dlsplay Lhelr comparlson charL and explaln
whlch compuLer was chosen and why.


CompuLer 8uylng ro[ecL
CompuLer ComponenLs CheckllsL
CompuLer 8uylng ro[ecL Sample 8ubrlc
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Computer 8uy|ng ro[ect

Choose one of Lhe lnLervlews of buylng a new compuLer Lo use for Lhls pro[ecL. ?our Lask ls Lo glve Lhem aL leasL
4 opLlons and Lhen glve Lhem advlce on whlch one Lo buy. ?our pro[ecL wlll be presenLed Lo Lhe class.

1he flnal producL can be a:
CLher approved producL

?our flnal producL should have:
A LlLle wlLh group members' names
1he quesLlons and responses from Lhe lnLervlew chosen
CompuLer comparlson charL
Whlch compuLer ls chosen
!usLlflcaLlon for chooslng LhaL compuLer, lncludlng compleLlon of Lhe CompuLer ComponenLs CheckllsL.
?ou should be prepared Lo answer quesLlons abouL your cholces from oLher sLudenLs.

Lxample compuLer comparlson charL (more lnformaLlon can be added):

uell lnsplron Mac8ook
LapLop or ueskLop
rocessor (Cu)
CperaLlng SysLem
Memory (8AM)
Pard urlve (sLorage)
CpLlcal urlve
MonlLor or Screen Slze
vldeo Card
Sound Card
CLher Accessorles

SLudenL Crouplng:
?ou wlll be ln a group of up Lo 4 sLudenLs.

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Computer Components Check||st

8elow are Lhe dlfferenL componenLs for you Lo lnvesLlgaLe:
1. rocessor
2. CperaLlng SysLem
3. Memory
4. Pard urlve
3. CpLlcal urlve
6. MonlLor
7. vldeo Card
8. Sound Card
9. Speakers
10. keyboard
11. Mouse
12. Modem

lor each of Lhe componenLs wrlLe down:
1he name
WhaL lL ls used for
WhaL are Lhe dlfferenL opLlons or slzes for Lhe componenLs
Why you lncluded Lhe componenL ln Lhe llsL of componenLs for Lhe person who ls buylng Lhe compuLer.

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Computer 8uy|ng ro[ect Samp|e kubr|c
Croup Members names: (up Lo 4)

_______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________

Do you have? o|nts oss|b|e es No o|nts Larned
1lLle wlLh group members' names 3

lnLervlew scenarlo ls descrlbed 10

CompuLer comparlson charL wlLh aL leasL 4 opLlons 10
CharL has speclflcaLlons of opLlons 3
CpLlons on charL flL your scenarlo 10

Show [usLlflcaLlon for your compuLer cholce 10
?our cholce flLs Lhe scenarlo 10

vlsuals of your cholces (plcLures or vldeo of cholces) 10
CompuLer ComponenLs CheckllsL 3


resenL all requlred parLs of pro[ecL 10
All group members parLlclpaLe 3
Able Lo answer quesLlons 10

Lxtra Cred|t
ro[ecL exhlblLs creaLlvlLy above and beyond up Lo 10

1C1AL: 100 + 10

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Instruct|ona| Days: 3-7
1op|c Descr|pt|on: Search englnes and how Lhey work are explored Lhrough Lrylng varlous lnLerneL search Lechnlques.
A selecLlon of lnLerneL resources LhaL are useful for flndlng lnformaLlon are lnLroduced as well as a selecLlon of Web 2.0
appllcaLlons. Several webslLes are evaluaLed by uslng a rubrlc Lo deLermlne lf Lhey are good" webslLes.
1he sLudenL wlll be able Lo:
erform searches and explaln how Lo reflne searches Lo reLrleve beLLer lnformaLlon.
ldenLlfy resources for flndlng lnformaLlon ln addlLlon Lo ranklng based search englnes.
ulfferenLlaLe beLween ranklng based search englnes and soclal bookmarklng (collaboraLlve) search englnes.
use a varleLy of Web 2.0 appllcaLlons.
uevelop and use a rubrlc Lo evaluaLe webslLes.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
!ournal LnLry (3 mlnuLes)
lnLerneL Scavenger PunL (23 mlnuLes)
ulscusslon of oLher resources for flndlng lnformaLlon (10 mlnuLes)
LxperlmenLaLlon wlLh Lhese resources (13 mlnuLes)
!lgsaw acLlvlLy lnvolvlng Web 2.0 appllcaLlons (33 mlnuLes)
!ournal enLry (3 mlnuLes)
Web slLe evaluaLlon crlLerla (20 mlnuLes)
Pands-on evaluaLlon of web slLes (30 mlnuLes)

Student Act|v|t|es:
CompleLe [ournal enLry.
erform lnLerneL searches uslng varylng levels of reflnemenL.
ldenLlfy oLher resources for flndlng lnformaLlon.
ln groups use Lhe oLher resources Lo flnd relevanL lnformaLlon.
ln groups compleLe [lgsaw Web 2.0 acLlvlLy and presenLaLlons.
CompleLe [ournal enLry
ldenLlfy evaluaLlon crlLerla and work ln groups Lo evaluaLe webslLes uslng Lhe rubrlc.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
!ournal LnLry: LlsL aL leasL Lhree ways ln whlch you currenLly use Lhe lnLerneL.
o Pave sLudenLs share Lhelr responses wlLh Lhelr elbow parLner.
Pave sLudenL groups compleLe an lnLerneL scavenger hunL.
o A sample ls provlded, buL you may wanL Lo creaLe your own LhaL ls more speclflc Lo Lhe lnLeresLs of your
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sLudenLs or have Lhe groups creaLe Lhelr own and exchange wlLh anoLher group.
CLher resources for flndlng lnformaLlon
o ln dlscusslng Lhe resulLs of Lhe scavenger hunL have sLudenLs ldenLlfy aL leasL Lhree resources oLher Lhan
search englnes LhaL Lhey use Lo flnd lnformaLlon on Lhe lnLerneL along wlLh advanLages (or
dlsadvanLages) over a general search englne.
o Some examples mlghL be:
SlLes such as Coogle Maps or MapquesL Lo geL dlrecLlons or see saLelllLe or sLreeL vlew lmages of
anywhere ln Lhe counLry.
Address and Lelephone number lookup slLes such as SwlLchboard or ?ellow ages Lo geL
personal and buslness lnformaLlon.
SlLes such as Lhe lnLerneL Movle uaLabase Lo geL lnformaLlon on movles and Lelevlslon shows.
SlLes such as ulcLlonary and 1hesaurus Lo look up Lhe meanlng or spelllng of a word or Lo flnd a
synonym of a word.
Lncyclopedlc slLes such as Wlklpedla, Lncyclopedla 8rlLannlca, or Pow SLuff Works Lo flnd an
overvlew of a parLlcular Loplc.
1he Wayback Machlne whlch sLores snapshoLs of webslLes on varlous daLes so LhaL you can go
back ln Llme" Lo see a slLe as lL used Lo be.
vldeo-based lnformaLlon sources such as ?ou1ube and PowcasL
LxperlmenLaLlon wlLh Lhese resources
o Pave Lhe sLudenLs work ln groups Lo use Lhe resources ldenLlfled above ln ways LhaL are relevanL Lo
Lhem. lor example,
use Coogle maps and SLreeLvlew Lo flnd and dlsplay where Lhey llve or Lhe locaLlon of Lhe
use Wlklpedla and Lncyclopedla 8rlLannlca Lo flnd lnformaLlon on a Loplc Lhey're sLudylng ln
anoLher class. Pave Lhem compare Lhe Lwo arLlcles and declde whlch provldes more
use Lhe Wayback Machlne Lo vlew an early verslon of Lhe school webslLe. Compare how much
lL has changed from Lhe school's currenL webslLe.
!lgsaw acLlvlLy lnvolvlng Web 2.0 appllcaLlons
o ulvlde sLudenLs lnLo groups Lo work on each of Lhree dlfferenL Web 2.0 appllcaLlons. (uependlng on Lhe
slze of Lhe class, more Lhan one group may need Lo work on each appllcaLlon.) AppllcaLlons should
lnclude a soclal bookmarklng slLe ( or, a word cloud slLe (wordle.neL)
and a llsL creaLlon slLe ( Lach group should:
SeL up an accounL ln Lhe appllcaLlon.
Lxplore Lhe slLe and lLs feaLures.
repare a presenLaLlon on Lhelr slLe for Lhe remalnder of Lhe class.
o uurlng Lhe sLudenL presenLaLlons, ensure LhaL Lhe followlng quesLlons/lssues are addressed:
WhaL are Lhe dlfferences beLween ranklng based and soclal bookmarklng search englnes?
Why would you wanL Lo creaLe word clouds?
WhaL are Lhe advanLages of uslng LadallsL? ulsadvanLages?
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WhaL lssues mlghL Lhere be wlLh creaLlng accounLs onllne? (Lead lnLo a dlscusslon on prlvacy-
whaL lnformaLlon should be kepL prlvaLe and why? ulscuss encrypLlon.)
!ournal LnLry: Why do you need Lo evaluaLe webslLes?
Web slLe evaluaLlon crlLerla
o ulsplay or dlsLrlbuLe a copy of Lhe fronL page Lo hLLp:// 1hls ls a webslLe
whlch purporLs Lo be a 1rue PlsLorlcal LxamlnaLlon" of Lhe llfe of MarLln LuLher klng, !r., buL ls, ln
reallLy, a haLeful slLe run by a whlLe naLlonallsL organlzaLlon.
o 1hls parLlcular slLe ls obvlously blased. Powever, lL ls lmporLanL Lo be able Lo Lell when a slLe ls more
subLly blased.
o 8ralnsLorm crlLerla LhaL Lhey could use Lo evaluaLe webslLes. As a group develop an evaluaLlon rubrlc.
(?ou can use Lhe Sample WebslLe LvaluaLlon 8ubrlc as a reference.)
Pands-on evaluaLlon of web slLes.
o Pave Lhe sLudenLs work ln groups and ask Lhem Lo use Lhe webslLe evaluaLlon rubrlc Lo evaluaLe
webslLes Lhey mlghL need for a school pro[ecL or an asslgnmenL from anoLher class.
o ulscuss Lhe resulLs of Lhelr evaluaLlons.

Sample Scavenger PunL
1he Wayback Machlne: hLLp://
Coogle Maps (lncludlng SLreeLvlew): hLLp://
Wlklpedla: hLLp://
Lncyclopedla 8rlLannlca: hLLp://
MapquesL: hLLp://
lnLerneL Movle uaLabase: hLLp://
SwlLchboard: hLLp://
?ellow ages: hLLp://
Pow SLuff Works: hLLp://
?ou1ube: hLLp://
PowcasL: hLLp://
1he whlLe naLlonallsL slLe on MarLln LuLher klng, !r.:
WebslLe LvaluaLlon 8ubrlc

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Samp|e Scavenger nunt
ln your group, use Lhe lnLerneL Lo flnd Lhe followlng lLems. lor each lLem lnclude Lhe sLeps you Look Lo flnd each lLem.
1. A plcLure of Lhe mayor of your Lown or clLy
2. A bus schedule
3. 1he address of Lhe Chamber of Commerce for your Lown or clLy
4. A map of your sLaLe-and you have Lo polnL ouL where your Lown or clLy ls!
3. A copy of Lhe fronL page of your Lown's or clLy's web slLe
6. SomeLhlng ln wrlLlng LhaL Lells how many people llve ln Lhe clLy
7. A plcLure of any hlsLorlcal landmark ln Lhe clLy
8. A plcLure of your congressman
9. A program or flyer from a local arLs evenL
10. 1he names of all Lhe clLy councll members
11. SomeLhlng LhaL glves lnformaLlon abouL your local hosplLal
12. A llsL of schools ln your Lown or clLy
13. 1he phone number of Lhe local pollce deparLmenL
14. AnyLhlng wlLh Lhe colors or mascoL of a local college or communlLy college
13. A plcLure of Lhe sLaLe flag
16. A plcLure of Lhe sLaLe blrd
17. A schedule of acLlvlLles or a pamphleL from a local nurslng home or senlor clLlzens cenLer
18. A sLlcker or buLLon from a local elecLlon
19. A llsL of safeLy Llps from Lhe local flre deparLmenL
20. A speech by your governor

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Samp|e Webs|te Lva|uat|on kubr|c
ls Lhe auLhor ldenLlfled? ?es no unsure
uoes Lhe auLhor have approprlaLe quallflcaLlons wlLh respecL Lo Lhe
lnformaLlon belng presenLed?
?es no unsure
ls Lhe purpose Lo lnform or glve facLual lnformaLlon? ?es no unsure
ls Lhe lnformaLlon prlmary or secondary ln naLure? ?es no unsure
ls Lhe lnformaLlon presenLed comparable Lo lnformaLlon on Lhe same
Loplc presenLed by oLher slLes?
?es no unsure
ls Lhe lnformaLlon free of facLual errors? ?es no unsure
uo Lhe concluslons appear Lo be well-reasoned and supporLed by Lhe
facLs presenLed?
?es no unsure
ls Lhe lnformaLlon properly referenced? ?es no unsure
ls Lhe lnformaLlon free from obvlous blas? ?es no unsure
uoes Lhe auLhor avold Lhe use of emoLlonal or lnflammaLory language? ?es no unsure
uoes Lhe auLhor avold Lrylng Lo sell someLhlng or persuade Lhe reader
of a parLlcular vlewpolnL?
?es no unsure
ls Lhe lnformaLlon up-Lo-daLe? ?es no unsure
Are Lhere creaLlon and revlslon daLes? ?es no unsure
uoes Lhe slLe have a professlonal appearance? ?es no unsure
uoes lL use proper grammar, spelllng, and composlLlon? ?es no unsure
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Instruct|ona| Day: 8-9
1op|c Descr|pt|on: 1he use of compuLers for communlcaLlons and Lhe lmpacL Lhls has had on
socleLy ls dlscussed.
1he sLudenL wlll be able Lo:
Lxplaln how compuLers are used for communlcaLlons.
8ecognlze varlous forms of communlcaLlon as daLa exchange.
uescrlbe Lhe lmpllcaLlons of daLa exchange on soclal lnLeracLlons.
Conslder prlvacy of daLa LhaL Lhey creaLe.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
!ournal LnLry (3 mlnuLes)
ldenLlflcaLlon of communlcaLlons mechanlsms (10 mlnuLes)
CommunlcaLlon MeLhods CharL (30 mlnuLes)
lmpacL of changes Lo communlcaLlons on socleLy (10 mlnuLes)
rlvacy AcLlvlLy (33 mlnuLes)

Student Act|v|t|es:
CompleLe [ournal enLry.
ldenLlfy communlcaLlons mechanlsms.
alrs of sLudenLs compleLe Lhe CommunlcaLlon MeLhods CharL.
Croups dlscuss Lhe lmpacL of changes Lo communlcaLlons on socleLy.
Croups share a summary of Lhelr dlscusslons wlLh Lhe class.
Croups of sLudenLs compleLe Lhe rlvacy AcLlvlLy.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
!ournal LnLry: LlsL as many compuLer-based communlcaLlons mechanlsms as you can.
ldenLlflcaLlon of communlcaLlons mechanlsms
o volunLeers provlde examples from Lhelr [ournal enLry. osL Lhe responses.
o rompL sLudenLs as necessary wlLh examples.
lnLerneL-based communlcaLlon (emall, chaL, lacebook, lnLerneL
1elephone-based communlcaLlon (cell phones, LexLlng, landllne"
Lelephone servlce)
news and lnformaLlon on demand"
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CommunlcaLlon MeLhods AcLlvlLy
o SLudenLs compleLe CommunlcaLlon MeLhods CharL.
! SLudenLs work ln palrs (opLlon Lo have each palr compleLe one sheeL for
boLh or each compleLe one).
o 1ake a poll for each caLegory Lo see whaL form of communlcaLlon ls mosL
popular for each scenarlo.
o Pave a few sLudenLs share Lhelr answer Lo Why you chose Lhls MeLhod" for
each scenarlo.
o Pave a few sLudenLs share Lhelr answers Lo 1-2.
lmpacL of changes Lo communlcaLlons on socleLy
o Ask sLudenLs Lo do Lhe followlng:
lmaglne llfe wlLhouL some or all of Lhe compuLer-based communlcaLlons
mechanlsms LhaL we now Lake for granLed.
LlsL some of Lhe consequences of an absence of Lechnology (for
example, wlLhouL cell phones, Lhe ablllLy Lo lnsLanLly reach anyone goes
8ased on Lhese consequences, draw concluslons abouL Lhe lmpacL of
Lhe presence of Lhe communlcaLlons mechanlsm. (lor example, lf Lhe
absence of cell phones means Lhe absence of Lhe ablllLy Lo lnsLanLly
conLacL anyone, Lhen Lhe presence of cell phones means LhaL we now
have Lhe ablllLy Lo lnsLanLly conLacL anyone. Cne concluslon we can
draw ls LhaL we have less prlvacy Lhan we used Lo.)
rlvacy AcLlvlLy
o SLudenLs are placed lnLo groups and asslgned a scenarlo.
o 1hey are Lo prepare a presenLaLlon Lo answer Lhe quesLlons for Lhelr glven
Croups dellver presenLaLlons.
Challenge Lhe sLudenLs Lo predlcL whaL communlcaLlons wlll be llke ln 3 years, 10 years,
and 23 years.

CommunlcaLlon MeLhods CharL
rlvacy AcLlvlLy
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Commun|cat|on Methods Chart
LeL's look aL Lhe dlfferenL ways you can communlcaLe wlLh oLhers. lor each of Lhe followlng
examples, flll ln Lhe Lable below wlLh whlch meLhod you would choose for Lhe glven scenarlo
and why.
1he meLhods are:
hone ca||
1a|k|ng |n person
MySpace ] Iacebook
Scenar|o to commun|cate Method Why you chose th|s method
1. 8reaklng up wlLh a slgnlflcanL
oLher (boyfrlend/glrlfrlend)

2. Asklng parenLs' permlsslon
Lo do someLhlng when you
Lhlnk Lhey wlll llkely say 'no'

3. llgure ouL where and when
Lo meeL a frlend Lo see a movle

4. Cosslp abouL someone who
could hear you lf you spoke

3. Cosslp abouL someone noL
around you

6. CeLLlng help on homework
7. leedback on a blg declslon
(llke whaL color prom dress,
whaL game Lo buy, whaL phone
Lo geL)

8. Announce you meL someone

9. Complaln abouL your

10. Mourn someone you losL
11. 8uy someLhlng from
someone you don'L know well

1. Pow would llfe be dlfferenL lf you could only communlcaLe 1 on 1 lnsLead of wlLh
mulLlple people aL once?

2. Pow would llfe be dlfferenL lf you could only communlcaLe ln person?
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r|vacy Act|v|ty
uaLa are everywhere. ?ou are 'glvlng off daLa' and provldlng daLa Lo oLhers all Lhe Llme.
SomeLlmes Lhls daLa can be dlrecLly llnked Lo you as an lndlvldual, someLlmes noL.

8ead Lhe scenarlo asslgned Lo you (many of Lhese are based on real sLorles):
A. A boss sees an employee who called ln slck" ln a plcLure LhaL someone posLed on
lacebook. ln Lhls plcLure Lhe employee ls parLylng Lhe nlghL before. 1he boss flres Lhe
8. A company who has conLracLs wlLh Lhe lederal CovernmenL doesn'L wanL Lo hlre you
because a lacebook frlend leaves loLs of enLhuslasLlc legallze marl[uana" posLlngs on
your wall.
C. A Leacher ls flred because Lhere's a plcLure of Lhls Leacher holdlng alcohollc drlnks on
her MySpace page.
u. Someone's neLfllx renLal hlsLory ls belng used as evldence ln a murder case because Lhls
person renLed a loL of horror movles.
L. An 18-year-old boy ls charged wlLh dlsLrlbuLlng chlld pornography when he uses hls cell
phone Lo send naked lmages of hls 17-year-old ex-glrlfrlend Lo hls frlends.

repare a 3-3 mlnuLe presenLaLlon for Lhe class LhaL lncludes answers Lo Lhe followlng:
1. names of everyone ln your group
2. 1he scenarlo you were asslgned
3. ln your scenarlo, dld Lhe people have Lhe rlghL Lo use Lhe lnformaLlon Lhey dld
or should lL have been prlvaLe? Why?
4. Are Lhe people who were affecLed by Lhe use of Lhls lnformaLlon aL faulL? Why?
3. Clve anoLher example of someLhlng unexpecLed happenlng because of
lnformaLlon shared aL slLes such as lacebook, 1wlLLer, MySpace, blogs.
6. 1hlnk abouL whaL daLa you've made avallable ln dlfferenL places/spaces such as
lacebook, 1wlLLer, LexLlng, neLfllx, emall, aL Lhe grocery sLore, eLc. WhaL mlghL
oLher people Lhlnk abouL who you are based on Lhese daLa? ls lL an accuraLe
lmpresslon of who you are?
7. Conslder each of Lhe followlng broad caLegorles of socleLal change:
ConnecLlvlLy (keeplng ln Louch wlLh people)
ermanence of hlsLorlcal lnformaLlon
ulscuss wheLher avallablllLy of daLa has had a poslLlve or negaLlve lmpacL on
each aspecL of socleLy and, lf negaLlve, how Lhese consequences can be
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Instruct|ona| Day: 10
1op|c Descr|pt|on: olnLs of vlew: 1elllng a sLory wlLh daLa
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
Lxplaln how dlfferenL vlews of daLa can Lell a dlfferenL sLory.
8ecognlze LhaL daLa ls an lncompleLe record of reallLy.
uescrlbe Lhe llmlLs of measuremenL (whaL can and can'L be capLured ln daLa).
CuLllne of Lhe Lesson:
!ournal LnLry (10 mlnuLes)
8oom AcLlvlLy (43 mlnuLes)
SLudenL AcLlvlLles:
CompleLe [ournal enLry.
Croups compleLe flrsL parL of 8oom AcLlvlLy.
Croups share responses wlLh anoLher group.
Croups compleLe second parL of 8oom AcLlvlLy and share responses.
1eachlng/Learnlng SLraLegles:
!ournal LnLry: WhaL do you Lhlnk abouL when you hear Lhe word daLa? Where can lL be
found? Where does lL come from?
o Class dlscusslon of [ournal enLrles
! WrlLe down ldeas from sLudenLs.
! Lmphaslze LhaL Lhls lesson ls meanL Lo sLreLch Lhelr Lhlnklng abouL daLa.
8oom AcLlvlLy
o Asslgn varlous groups dlfferenL verslons of Lhe 8oom AcLlvlLy.
! uependlng on Lhe amounL of Llme avallable and Lhe slze of Lhe class,
you can have some sLudenLs work wlLh Lhe plcLure (ln Lhe SupplemenLal
MaLerlals) and some work wlLh Lhe enLlre word llsL C8 you can asslgn
dlfferenL subseLs of Lhe word llsL Lo dlfferenL groups of sLudenLs.
o When each group ls flnlshed wlLh Lhelr flrsL 4 lnsLrucLlons, have Lhem compare
wlLh a group LhaL has a dlfferenL verslon.
o Pave groups share Lhelr answers Lo #2 wlLh Lhe enLlre class.
o Show groups Lhe dlfferenL verslons of Lhe room.
o Pave groups compleLe quesLlons 3-7.
o Pave some groups share Lhelr answers for 3-7
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o Lmphaslze LhaL Lhe appearance of Lhe daLa and amounL of daLa collecLed lnform
Lhe lnferences LhaL can be made.
Pomework: CompleLe CommunlcaLlons MeLhods and uaLa CharL and uaLa !ournal
o Lxplaln LhaL Lhey wlll be addlng Lo Lhe CommunlcaLlons MeLhods CharL of Lhe
prevlous day by addlng lnformaLlon abouL daLa.
o lnLroduce Lhe uaLa !ournal.
o 8oLh of Lhese asslgnmenLs wlll be due on Lhe flrsL day of unlL 2.
o Clarlfy quesLlons.
8oom AcLlvlLy lcLure (SupplemenLal MaLerlals)
8oom AcLlvlLy lcLure lnsLrucLlons (Lo go wlLh Lhe plcLure)
8oom AcLlvlLy LnLlre Word LlsL
8oom AcLlvlLy osslble Word SubseLs
CommunlcaLlons MeLhods and uaLa CharL
uaLa !ournal

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koom Act|v|ty |cture Instruct|ons
Look aL Lhe plcLure dlsplayed on your compuLer or on Lhe handouL provlded.
1. Make a llsL of Lhe ob[ecLs ln Lhe plcLure.
2. WhaL does Lhls daLa Lell you abouL Lhe person who llves ln Lhls room? WhaL does lL
noL Lell you?
3. WhaL are mosL of Lhe lLems ln Lhls room relaLed Lo?
4. Pow many Loy soldlers are Lhere?

now compare wlLh Lhe oLher group.
3. Are Lhere any advanLages Lo one represenLaLlon or anoLher?
6. uo you Lhlnk dlfferenL represenLaLlons can Lell dlfferenL sLorles?
7. WhaL do you Lhlnk came flrsL Lhe drawlng of Lhe room or Lhe llsL?

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koom Act|v|ty Lnt|re Word L|st
Look aL Lhe followlng llsL of lLems found ln someone's room.

nlnLendo uS
Moblle phone
lod wlLh ear buds
8adlo (2)
1oy Car (3)
8lbbons (3)
SprlLe Can
laques (3)
Cold Medal
lcLure lrame
osLers (8)
Parry oLLer
Lava lamp
alnLlngs (2)
8ooks (73)
1oy soldlers (3)
rlngles can
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1. uraw a plcLure of Lhe room lncludlng each of Lhe lLems from Lhe llsL above.
2. WhaL does Lhls daLa Lell you abouL Lhe person who llves ln Lhls room? WhaL does lL noL Lell you?
3. WhaL are mosL of Lhe lLems ln Lhls room relaLed Lo?
4. Pow many 8adlos are Lhere?

now compare wlLh Lhe oLher group.
3. Are Lhere any advanLages Lo one represenLaLlon or anoLher?
6. uo you Lhlnk dlfferenL represenLaLlons can Lell dlfferenL sLorles?
7. WhaL do you Lhlnk came flrsL (Lhe drawlng of Lhe room or Lhe llsL?)

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koom Act|v|ty oss|b|e Word Subsets
1. Lava lamp, 8ooks (10), 8urger, Cell phone, rlngles can, 1elevlslon,
Calendar, Classes, Lava lamp, Sandwlch, lzza, alnLlngs (2), erson, SprlLe Can
2. 1rophy, lzza, CulLar, Sandwlch, lod wlLh ear buds, 8adlo(2), 1oy soldlers(3), erson, Shoe, Cell phone,
vlolln, Parry oLLer posLer, 8lbbons(3), Sandwlch, LapLop, Coldflsh

3. 8ooks (73), 8urger, Clobe, Cold Medal, Coldflsh, Parry oLLer posLer, hone, alnLlngs(2), erson,
laques(3), osLers(8), 8lbbons(3), 1oy soldlers(3), 1rophy, vlolln

4. lod wlLh ear buds, 1elevlslon, lapLop, 8adlo(2), Cell phone, CulLar, 1oy Car(3), nlnLendo uS, S3,
8urger, lzza, erson, rlngles can, SprlLe Can

3. Word cloud plcLured below.

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Commun|cat|on Methods and Data Chart

LeL's look aL whaL klnds of daLa you 'glve off' when uslng Lhe dlfferenL forms of communlcaLlon. lor each of Lhe
followlng examples, flll ln Lhe Lable below wlLh whlch meLhod you would choose for Lhe glven scenarlo and why
(?ou should already have compleLed LhaL parL.). keep ln mlnd LhaL daLa" here ls noL [usL Lhe conLenL you
communlcaLe (whaL you say or wrlLe) buL could also refer Lo deLalls llke Lhe Llme of a Lelephone call and Lhe
1he meLhods are:
hone ca||
1a|k|ng |n person
MySpace ] Iacebook
Scenar|o to
Method What data |s
Who has access
to the data?
What can be
|earned from the
data |n
Why you chose
th|s method
1. 8reaklng up wlLh a
slgnlflcanL oLher

2. Asklng parenLs'
permlsslon Lo do
someLhlng when you
Lhlnk Lhey wlll llkely
say 'no'

3. llgure ouL where
and when Lo meeL a
frlend Lo see a movle

4. Cosslp abouL
someone who could
hear you lf you spoke

3. Cosslp abouL
someone noL around

6. CeLLlng help on

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7. leedback on a blg
declslon (llke whaL
color prom dress,
whaL game Lo buy,
whaL phone Lo geL)

8. Announce you meL
someone famous

9. Complaln abouL
your parenLs

10. Mourn someone
you losL

11. 8uy someLhlng
from someone you
don'L know well

1. Pow does Lhe Lype of daLa belng exchanged affecL whlch meLhod you choose?

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Data Iourna|
uurlng Lhe nexL several days, Lake noLe of slLuaLlons when you generaLe daLa". We're looklng for speclflc
momenLs when some acLlvlLy you perform can be observed, recorded and, posslbly, comblned wlLh slmllar daLa
from oLhers. ldeally you wlll carry Lhls paper wlLh you and Lake noLes over Lhe course of your day. 1o sLarL you
off, Lhlnk abouL whaL happens when you rlde Lhe bus or make a Lelephone call or browse a web slLe!
1|me Descr|be what you d|d to generate data

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Instruct|ona| Days: 11-14
1op|c Descr|pt|on: ln Lhls lesson, sLudenLs learn how compuLers can be used as a Lool for vlsuallzlng daLa,
modellng and deslgn, and arL ln Lhe conLexL of culLurally slLuaLed deslgn Lools. ConnecLlons beLween Lhe deslgn
of Lhe Lools and maLhemaLlcs wlll be explored.
1he sLudenL wlll be able Lo:
Lxplaln how compuLers can be used as Lools for vlsuallzlng daLa, modellng and deslgn, and arL.
ldenLlfy maLhemaLlcal connecLlons ln Lhe ouLpuL of Lhe Lools.
LdlL an lmage uslng hoLoshop.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
8esearch on Lhe culLural background assoclaLed wlLh Lhe deslgn Lool (23 mlnuLes)
ueslgn Lool LuLorlals (30 mlnuLes)
CreaLlon of deslgns uslng Lhe deslgn Lools (63 mlnuLes)
Cnllne presenLaLlon on how Lo geL sLarLed uslng hoLoshop (13 mlnuLes)
ueslgn edlLlng (30 mlnuLes)
reparaLlon of presenLaLlons (40 mlnuLes)
Croup presenLaLlons (13 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
Croups do research on Lhe culLural background lnformaLlon assoclaLed wlLh Lhe deslgn Lools Lhey are
asslgned and dlscuss Lhelr flndlngs.
Croups prepare and dellver brlef presenLaLlons on Lhe culLural aspecLs of Lhelr deslgn Lools.
SLudenLs compleLe deslgn Lool LuLorlals.
Croups creaLe deslgns uslng Lhe deslgn Lools.
WaLch an onllne presenLaLlon on how Lo geL sLarLed uslng hoLoshop.
LdlL lmages creaLed wlLh Lhe deslgn Lools.
Croups prepare presenLaLlons.
Croups dellver presenLaLlons.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
osL Lhe posslble deslgn Lools:
o vlrLual 8ead Loom
o aclflc norLhwesL 8askeL Weaver
o nava[o 8ug Weaver
noLe: ?ou may subsLlLuLe Lhe CrafflLl ArL Lool lf you choose.
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ulsplay Lhe flrsL page of each Lool ln order Lo glve sLudenLs an ldea of whaL each does.
(hLLp:// )
SLudenLs dlvlde lnLo groups Lo work on Lhe Lool of Lhelr cholce. Croup slzes wlll depend on Lhe slze of
Lhe class. ?ou may need Lo have more Lhan one group per Lool.
Lach member of Lhe group should go Lhrough Lhe enLlre culLural background secLlon lndlvldually.
o Answer any quesLlons posed ln Lhe secLlon ln Lhelr [ournal.
o Look for and wrlLe down Lhe maLhemaLlcal connecLlons.
All group members dlscuss Lhe secLlon.
o 8esolve answers Lo quesLlons and maLhemaLlcal connecLlons.
Lach member of Lhe group compleLes Lhe LuLorlal.
o SLudenLs should go Lhrough Lhe LuLorlal aL Lhelr own pace, buL dlscuss wlLh oLher members as
quesLlons arlse. (noLe: 1he bead loom LuLorlal ls onllne, Lhe oLher Lwo are noL. 1he prlnL
verslons lncluded here have been adapLed from Lhe bead loom LuLorlal.)
o Lncourage sLudenLs Lo record ln Lhelr [ournal polnLs LhaL Lhey wanL Lo remember.
Croups creaLe deslgns uslng Lhe deslgn Lool sofLware.
o Lach person should choose one of Lhe goal plcLures for pracLlce and dlscuss any lssues wlLh Lhe
oLher group members.
o Croups declde wheLher Lhey wanL Lo creaLe one deslgn as a group or have mulLlple deslgns for
Lhelr presenLaLlon.
o Croups work on deslgn/deslgns-Lhese should be Lhelr own creaLlons raLher Lhan a mlmlc of
one of Lhe preloaded deslgns.
LdlL deslgns wlLh hoLoshop (or anoLher phoLo edlLor of cholce).
o Pave sLudenLs waLch Lhe onllne LuLorlal and creaLe an accounL.
o LdlL Lhe deslgn.
repare presenLaLlons Lo lnclude:
o CulLure-an explanaLlon ln Lhelr own words
o MaLh connecLlons-an explanaLlon ln Lhelr own words
o uemo of sofLware
o ulsplay of deslgns-lnclude a wrlLLen descrlpLlon of how Lhey creaLed Lhelr deslgn
Croups dellver presenLaLlons
o Croups respond Lo quesLlons from oLher sLudenLs and Leacher.
o Speclflcally ask whaL dld Lhe compuLer sclenLlsLs who creaLed Lhe Lools need Lo know?
(compuLer sclence, graphlcs, culLure, anLhropology, vlsual arLs, language arLs, hlsLory)
ulsplay of deslgns-lnclude a wrlLLen descrlpLlon of how Lhey creaLed Lhelr deslgn.

CulLurally SlLuaLed ueslgn 1ools-hLLp:// (slLe and adapLaLlons of LuLorlals courLesy
8on Lglash)
vlrLual 8ead Loom 1uLorlal
aclflc norLhwesL 8askeL Weaver 1uLorlal
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nava[o 8ug Weaver 1uLorlal
CulLurally SlLuaLed ueslgn 1ools ro[ecL Sample 8ubrlc

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V|rtua| 8ead Loom 1utor|a|
Part 1
The Virtual Bead
Loom simulates the
same grid pattern
as the traditional
bead loom. Users
place colored
circles in columns
(the Y-axis) and
rows (the X-axis).

There are several tools for placing beads on the virtual loom. In each
case you use the "tab" key or the mouse to move your cursor to the
field for entering the coordinates, then you enter them, and then press
the button for the shape tool. The point tool places a single bead:

The line tool places lines of beads. You specify the two endpoints of the
line. Diagonal lines tend to be jagged, but resizing the grid can help
that (see "Options menu" on next page).

The rectangle tool fills in a rectangle of beads. You specify two vertices
(lower right and upper left). The rectangles of this tool are always
aligned with the axes.

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Part 2
The triangle tool fills in a triangle of beads. You specify
the three vertices.

The iterative triangle tool: Our first triangle tool made
jagged edges, while traditional beadwork has beautifully
regular edges. We interviewed some native
beadworkers, and found that their algorithms were
iterative. The triangle iteration tool reflects this tradition
of indigenous mathematics. For example, the triangle in
the beadwork at the top of this page was made by
adding one bead on each side of the row, every three
rows, as you go in the -Y direction.
"Direction"determines in which direction your
rows will accumulate
Starting at X, Ythat is the center of the starting
"After every ___ rows"lets you determine how
many rows you go through before adding more
beads to the end.
"Add ___ to both ends"the number of beads
that will be added on each side of the center
each time.
"For ___ rows in total"how many rows you will
bead in this triangle.
Note that this tool has two colorssome traditional bead
work shifts color in each iteration. This allows you to
select the starting color and ending color; the software
does the shifting for you.

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Part 3
There are also controls that apply to all the tools. "Clear"
deletes everything. Normally "Create" is selected, so that
your tools will fill their specified shape with beads. "Remove"
will erase all beads in the specified shape, so if you make an
error use "undo" not "remove." The color button allows you
to select the bead color. Clicking on the little square in the
upper right of the screen will give you a list of all the colors
you have selected so far. The "Save" menu allows you to
save the work on your hard drive and edit the design later.
Make sure your file name is only letters, not spaces or
numbers, and that you go back to the same computer when
you want to edit your work.

The "Options" menu allows you to resize the grid smaller or
largermaximum size is 150 by 150. You can also change
the location of the coordinate values, hide the grid, or create
a title or notes about your design. You can also switch to
Wampum beads, using either traditional 1X2 Wampum or a
1X1 Wampum (which is easier for math teachingspecial
thanks to Joyce Lewis of the Onondaga Nation for that
Printing: after you have your design completed, do a screen
capture. In windows you can do that by pressing the "print
screen" button on your keyboard, usually located at the
upper right above the F10 key. On a Macintosh press shift +
apple + 3 at the same time (also shift + apple +4 to select
just a portion). That screen capture will save an image of the
entire screen to your clipboard. You can then paste the
clipboard image into a blank canvas in Word, Photoshop,
Imaging (comes free in the "Accessories" folder in Windows)
or other image editor.

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ac|f|c Northwest 8asket Weaver 1utor|a|
Part 1
The Virtual Basket
Weaver simulates
the same grid
pattern as the
traditional basket
weaving loom.
Users place colored
circles in columns
(the Y-axis) and
rows (the X-axis).

There are several tools for placing wefts on the virtual loom. In each
case you use the "tab" key or the mouse to move your cursor to the
field for entering the coordinates, then you enter them, and then press
the button for the shape tool. The point tool places a single weft:

The line tool places lines of wefts. You specify the two endpoints of the
line. Diagonal lines tend to be jagged, but resizing the grid can help
that (see "Options menu" on next page).

The rectangle tool fills in a rectangle of wefts. You specify two vertices
(lower right and upper left). The rectangles of this tool are always
aligned with the axes.

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Part 2
The triangle tool fills in a triangle of wefts. You specify
the three vertices.

The iterative triangle tool: Our first triangle tool made
jagged edges, while traditional basket work has
beautifully regular edges. The triangle iteration tool
reflects the tradition of indigenous mathematics. For
example, a triangle can be made by adding one weft on
each side of the row, every three rows, as you go in the
-Y direction.
"Direction"determines in which direction your
rows will accumulate
Starting at X, Ythat is the center of the starting
"After every ___ rows"lets you determine how
many rows you go through before adding more
wefts to the end.
"Add ___ to both ends"the number of wefts
that will be added on each side of the center
each time.
"For ___ rows in total"how many rows you will
weft in this triangle.
Note that this tool has two colorssome traditional
basket work shifts color in each iteration. This allows
you to select the starting color and ending color; the
software does the shifting for you.

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Part 3
There are also controls that apply to all the tools. "Clear"
deletes everything. Normally "Create" is selected, so that
your tools will fill their specified shape with wefts. "Remove"
will erase all wefts in the specified shape, so if you make an
error use "undo" not "remove." The color button allows you
to select the weft color. Clicking on the little square in the
upper right of the screen will give you a list of all the colors
you have selected so far. The "Save" menu allows you to
save the work on your hard drive and edit the design later.
Make sure your file name is only letters, not spaces or
numbers, and that you go back to the same computer when
you want to edit your work.

The "Options" menu allows you to hide the grid, or create a
title or notes about your design.
Printing: after you have your design completed, do a screen
capture. In windows you can do that by pressing the "print
screen" button on your keyboard, usually located at the
upper right above the F10 key. On a Macintosh press shift +
apple + 3 at the same time (also shift + apple +4 to select
just a portion). That screen capture will save an image of the
entire screen to your clipboard. You can then paste the
clipboard image into a blank canvas in Word, Photoshop,
Imaging (comes free in the "Accessories" folder in Windows)
or other image editor.

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Nava[o kug Weaver 1utor|a|
Part 1
The Virtual Rug
Weaver simulates
the same grid
pattern as the
traditional rug
loom. Users place
colored circles in
columns (the Y-
axis) and rows (the

There are several tools for placing wefts on the virtual loom. In each
case you use the "tab" key or the mouse to move your cursor to the
field for entering the coordinates, then you enter them, and then press
the button for the shape tool. The point tool places a single weft:

The line tool places lines of wefts. You specify the two endpoints of the
line. Diagonal lines tend to be jagged, but resizing the grid can help
that (see "Options menu" on next page).

The rectangle tool fills in a rectangle of wefts. You specify two vertices
(lower right and upper left). The rectangles of this tool are always
aligned with the axes.

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Part 2
The triangle tool fills in a triangle of wefts. You specify
the three vertices.

The iterative triangle tool: Our first triangle tool made
jagged edges, while traditional rug work has beautifully
regular edges. The triangle iteration tool reflects the
tradition of indigenous mathematics. For example, a
triangle can be made by adding one bead on each side
of the row, every three rows, as you go in the -Y
"Direction"determines in which direction your
rows will accumulate
Starting at X, Ythat is the center of the starting
"After every ___ rows"lets you determine how
many rows you go through before adding more
wefts to the end.
"Add ___ to both ends"the number of wefts
that will be added on each side of the center
each time.
"For ___ rows in total"how many rows you will
weft in this triangle.
Note that this tool has two colorssome traditional
basket work shifts color in each iteration. This allows
you to select the starting color and ending color; the
software does the shifting for you.

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Part 3
There are also controls that apply to all the tools. "Clear"
deletes everything. Normally "Create" is selected, so that
your tools will fill their specified shape with wefts. "Remove"
will erase all wefts in the specified shape, so if you make an
error use "undo" not "remove." The color button allows you
to select the weft color. Clicking on the little square in the
upper right of the screen will give you a list of all the colors
you have selected so far. The "Save" menu allows you to
save the work on your hard drive and edit the design later.
Make sure your file name is only letters, not spaces or
numbers, and that you go back to the same computer when
you want to edit your work.

The "Options" menu allows you to hide the grid, or create a
title or notes about your design.
Printing: after you have your design completed, do a screen
capture. In windows you can do that by pressing the "print
screen" button on your keyboard, usually located at the
upper right above the F10 key. On a Macintosh press shift +
apple + 3 at the same time (also shift + apple +4 to select
just a portion). That screen capture will save an image of the
entire screen to your clipboard. You can then paste the
clipboard image into a blank canvas in Word, Photoshop,
Imaging (comes free in the "Accessories" folder in Windows)
or other image editor.

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Cu|tura||y S|tuated Des|gn 1oo|s ro[ect Samp|e kubr|c
Croup Members names: (up Lo 4)

_______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________

Do you have? o|nts oss|b|e es No o|nts Larned
1lLle wlLh group members' names 3

lnformaLlon relaLed Lo Lhe culLure (explanaLlon ln own words) 10
MaLhemaLlcal connecLlons (explanaLlon ln own words) 10
uemo of sofLware 3
ulsplay of deslgns (explanaLlon of how Lhe deslgn was creaLed) 13

ueslgn ls orlglnal 10
ueslgn has been edlLed wlLh a phoLo edlLor 10

All group members parLlclpaLe 10
resenL all requlred parLs of pro[ecL 13
Answer quesLlons from audlence 10

Lxtra Cred|t
ro[ecL exhlblLs creaLlvlLy above and beyond up Lo 10

1C1AL: 100 + 10

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Instruct|ona| Days: 13-16
1op|c Descr|pt|on: 1hls lesson lnLroduces Lhe concepL of a compuLer program wlLhln Lhe conLexL of a seL of
lnsLrucLlons for compleLlng a common acLlvlLy.
1he sLudenL wlll be able Lo:
Lxplaln Lhe concepL of a compuLer program.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
lollowlng dlrecLlons (33 mlnuLes)
ueslgnlng a program (13 mlnuLes)
8unnlng a program (23 mlnuLes)
8elng more preclse wlLh lnsLrucLlons (13 mlnuLes)

Student Act|v|t|es:
CompleLe Lhe lollowlng ulrecLlons qulz.
CompleLe Lhe urawlng lcLures AcLlvlLy.
WrlLe Lhe lnsLrucLlons for maklng a peanuL buLLer and [elly sandwlch.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
lollowlng dlrecLlons
o ulsLrlbuLe coples of lollowlng ulrecLlons Culz Lo each sLudenL face down ln fronL of Lhem. Lach
sLudenL should have a blank plece of paper and a pencll as well.
o Clve Lhe sLudenLs flve mlnuLes Lo do Lhe qulz. Make noLe of how many sLudenLs sLand up and
shouL hooray."
o CollecL Lhe papers when Llme has explred.
o olnL ouL LhaL a perfecL paper ls one whlch has only Lhe word uecember" wrlLLen ln Lhe Lop lefL
corner. (1he dlrecLlons sald Lo read all parLs of Lhe LesL before dolng anyLhlng and sLep 14 says
Lo only compleLe sLep #3.)
o Clve sLudenLs abouL 10 mlnuLes Lo compleLe Lhe urawlng lcLures AcLlvlLy.
Ask volunLeers Lo show Lhelr plcLures and explaln why Lhey drew Lhe plcLures as Lhey
AfLer Lhe flrsL volunLeer, ask lf someone drew lL dlfferenLly.
o Ask Lhe sLudenLs whaL followlng dlrecLlons has Lo do wlLh compuLers. rompL Lhem as
necessary LhaL a compuLer follows a speclflc seL of lnsLrucLlons called a compuLer program and
musL follow all of Lhe dlrecLlons preclsely.
ueslgnlng a program
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o Ask Lhe sLudenLs Lo wrlLe down a seL of lnsLrucLlons for a compuLer Lo make a peanuL buLLer and
[elly sandwlch. Clve Lhem 3-10 mlnuLes Lo wrlLe down Lhese lnsLrucLlons.
o CollecL Lhe lnsLrucLlons.
8unnlng a program
o 1ake ouL Lhe bread, peanuL buLLer, [elly, and knlfe and puL Lhem on your desk. lck a seL of
lnsLrucLlons for maklng a sandwlch (besL Lo plck one whlch ls noL Loo deLalled).
o 8ead each lnsLrucLlon and carry lL ouL-llLerally. lor example, lf Lhe flrsL lnsLrucLlon ls puL Lhe
peanuL buLLer on Lhe bread," Lake Lhe [ar of peanuL buLLer and puL lL on Lhe loaf of bread. lf an
lnsLrucLlon says Lo spread Lhe peanuL buLLer on Lhe bread," use your flngers raLher Lhan a knlfe.
lf an lnsLrucLlon says Lo cuL Lhe sandwlch ln half," be creaLlve and cuL lL beLween Lhe Lwo sllces
of bread. ln oLher words, your goal ls Lo show LhaL lnsLrucLlons need Lo be very preclse.
o 8epeaL Lhe process wlLh anoLher seL of lnsLrucLlons.
o PlghllghL Lhe lmpllclL knowledge LhaL sLudenLs brlng Lo Lhe Lask and how LhaL has Lo be
unpacked" for Lhe compuLer.
8elng more preclse wlLh lnsLrucLlons
o Clearly, no maLLer how preclse Lhey Lrled Lo be, Lhe lnsLrucLlons for maklng a peanuL buLLer and
[elly sandwlch were open Lo lnLerpreLaLlon. Ask Lhe sLudenLs Lo bralnsLorm how we could
overcome Lhls problem so LhaL a compuLer could follow Lhe lnsLrucLlons and make a perfecL
sandwlch each Llme.
o Culde Lhe sLudenLs Loward Lhe ldea LhaL we need a beLLer language" Lhan Lngllsh for descrlblng
Lhe lnsLrucLlons. 1hls ls, ln facL, Lhe ldea behlnd a compuLer program. 1here ls a llmlLed seL of
lnsLrucLlons whlch deflne very preclsely whaL Lhe compuLer does. lor example, we can have a
compuLer Lurn on a doL" of a speclflc color ln a speclflc locaLlon on Lhe screen. 8y havlng Lhe
compuLer Lurn on many dlfferenL doLs ln dlfferenL colors, we can have Lhe compuLer draw a
plcLure. noLe Lhough LhaL we don'L have an lnsLrucLlon for Lhe compuLer Lo draw a plcLure of a
house" as LhaL's much Loo general and Loo open for lnLerpreLaLlon.

1he basls for Lhe followlng dlrecLlons" qulz (Lhe qulz was modlfled sllghLly.)
lollowlng ulrecLlons Culz
urawlng lcLures AcLlvlLy
8read, peanuL buLLer, [elly, and a knlfe.

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Io||ow|ng D|rect|ons u|z
D|rect|ons: ou have a S m|nute t|me ||m|t to comp|ete the parts of th|s qu|z. Carefu||y read a|| of the parts of
the qu|z before do|ng anyth|ng. In order to ensure the accuracy of th|s qu|z, you shou|d not use more than the
a||otted t|me of S m|nutes. Good Luck!!
oo moy beqlo oow!!
1. WrlLe Loday's daLe-monLh-day-year ln Lhe Lop rlghL hand corner of your qulz paper.
2. WrlLe Lhe answer Lo Lhe followlng mulLlpllcaLlon problem dlrecLly underneaLh Lhe daLe on your qulz
paper-6 x 3 = ?
3. WrlLe Lhe name of Lhe monLh LhaL beglns wlLh Lhe leLLer "u" ln Lhe Lop lefL hand corner of your qulz
4. Add 13 Lo Lhe answer you goL ln parL #2, and wrlLe Lhls new LoLal dlrecLly underneaLh your answer
for parL #3.
3. ln Lhe lower lefL hand corner of your qulz paper, wrlLe Lhe names of your favorlLe slnger and your
favorlLe group.
6. !usL above your answer Lo parL #3, wrlLe "1hls qulz ls very easy."
7. ln Lhe lower rlghL hand corner of your qulz paper, draw a recLangle and lnslde Lhe recLangle draw a
flve polnLed sLar. 1he slze of Lhese drawlngs ls noL lmporLanL.
8. ulrecLly above your answer Lo parL #7, draw a row of Lhree small clrcles. Cnce agaln, slze ls noL
9. WrlLe Lhe name of Lhe flrsL presldenL of Lhe unlLed SLaLes on Lhe back of your qulz paper anywhere
you choose. lf you don'L know who Lhls ls, wrlLe your own name lnsLead.
10. WrlLe Lhe name of any counLry LhaL beglns wlLh Lhe leLLer "l" dlrecLly underneaLh you answer Lo parL
11. SLand up, shouL hooray!", and slL down.
12. 1ake Lhe number of dwarfs ln Lhe Snow WhlLe sLory and add lL Lo Lhe number of bears ln Lhe
Coldllocks sLory. ulvlde by 2. WrlLe Lhls LoLal ln Lhe approxlmaLe cenLer of your qulz paper.
13. 1hlnk of a number beLween 1 and 30. uouble LhaL number. Add 20. Add 6. SubLracL 17. SubLracL 9.
ulvlde by 2. WrlLe Lhls number on your qulz paper dlrecLly underneaLh your answer Lo parL #11.
14. now LhaL you have carefully read all of Lhe parLs so far, and you have noL carrled ouL any of Lhe
acLual work, sklp Lhe nexL 2 parLs and go back and only compleLe parL #3.
13. 1he name of Lhe flrsL presldenL of Lhe unlLed SLaLes ls Ceorge WashlngLon. Pe was presldenL from
1789 unLll 1797. Add Lhe 2 daLes LogeLher Lo see lf Lhe LoLal ls less Lhan 3000.
16. ?ou should noL be readlng Lhe end of Lhe exam before Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe exam, buL now LhaL you
are here you have [usL wasLed some of Lhe Llme you may need Lo compleLe Lhe qulz.
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Draw|ng |ctures Act|v|ty

1. uraw a plcLure of a house ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe page.

2. uraw a plcLure of a sLlck flgure faLher, moLher and daughLer.

3. uraw a plcLure of a musLang nexL Lo Lhe house.

4. uraw a plcLure of Lhe sun ln Lhe sky.
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Instruct|ona| Days: 17-19
1op|c Descr|pt|on: 1he quesLlon WhaL ls lnLelllgence?" ls addressed Lhrough dlscusslon of Lhe dlfferences
beLween humans and compuLers. varlous models of machlne learnlng are lnvesLlgaLed along wlLh Lhe concepL
of naLural language undersLandlng.
1he sLudenL wlll be able Lo:
Lxplaln Lhe ldea of lnLelllgence especlally as lL relaLes Lo compuLers.
Lxplaln whaL lL means for a machlne Lo learn".
ulscuss wheLher compuLers are lnLelllgenL or wheLher Lhey only behave lnLelllgenLly.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
!ournal LnLry (13 mlnuLes)
ulfferenLlaLlon beLween humans and compuLers (93 mlnuLes)
A slmple model of machlne learnlng (33 mlnuLes)

Student Act|v|t|es:
CompleLe [ournal enLry.
CompleLe CS unplugged AcLlvlLy 20: ConversaLlons wlLh CompuLers-1he 1urlng 1esL.
lnLeracL wlLh web-based chaLLerboLs (arL l of 1he CompuLer lnLelllgence AcLlvlLy).
ln groups, play several rounds of a guesslng game (arL ll of 1he CompuLer lnLelllgence AcLlvlLy).

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
!ournal LnLry: WhaL ls lnLelllgence? Are compuLers lnLelllgenL? Why or why noL?
o volunLeers share Lhelr responses.
ulfferenLlaLlng beLween humans and compuLers
o CS unplugged AcLlvlLy 20: ConversaLlons wlLh CompuLers-1he 1urlng 1esL
1hls acLlvlLy can be downloaded from hLLp:// lrom Lhe menu, cllck on
AcLlvlLles, cllck on 1urlng 1esL, and Lhen download Lhe pdf for AcLlvlLy 20. noLe Lhere
are many addlLlonal resources llsLed LhaL you may wlsh Lo explore.
lL wlll be helpful for you Lo read Lhrough Lhe enLlre acLlvlLy before beglnnlng lL wlLh your
sLudenLs. ln addlLlon Lo Lhe explanaLlon of Lhe acLlvlLy, lL provldes good background
lnformaLlon LhaL you wlll wanL Lo ensure ls parL of Lhe dlscusslon you have wlLh
8ased on Lhe dlrecLlons under WhaL Lo uo" (p. 214), asslgn and explaln roles Lo 4
lollow Lhe remalnlng dlrecLlons under WhaL Lo uo" (p.214-213).
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o Pave sLudenLs compleLe arL l of CompuLer lnLelllgence AcLlvlLy.
Asslgn each palr of sLudenLs (sLudenLs work wlLh Lhelr elbow parLner) Lwo of Lhe
quesLlons from Lhe 1urlng 1esL AcLlvlLy.
ulscuss Lhe resulLs.
A slmple model of machlne learnlng.
o Pave sLudenLs compleLe arL ll of Lhe CompuLer lnLelllgence AcLlvlLy.
Asslgn sLudenLs Lo groups of 3 or 4 and asslgn each group 2 of Lhe games ln Lhe acLlvlLy.
ulscuss Lhe resulLs.
As parL of Lhe dlscusslon make Lhe dlsLlncLlon beLween a compuLer's ablllLy Lo perform some operaLlons
qulckly and whaL lL means Lo know".
o Speed ls noL necessarlly knowledge.
o Pumans are smarL", compuLers are fasL" and follow code expllclLly.
o lnLelllgence ls conLexL dependenL-e.g., belng able Lo Lhrlve ln mounLalns versus downLown ln a
clLy. lf you are famlllar wlLh a clLy, you can flnd sLreeLs easlly, eLc. whereas lf you are a
newcomer, you need Lo have a map and more preclse lnsLrucLlons. 1hls Lles Lo Lhe peanuL
buLLer and [elly sandwlch example.

CompuLer Sclence unplugged AcLlvlLy 20: ConversaLlons wlLh CompuLers-1he 1urlng 1esL
(hLLp://, pp. 213-226
CompuLer Sclence unplugged AcLlvlLy 20: ConversaLlons wlLh CompuLers-1he 1urlng 1esL, p. 223-
quesLlons (one copy for each palr of sLudenLs)
CompuLer Sclence unplugged AcLlvlLy 20: ConversaLlons wlLh CompuLers-1he 1urlng 1esL, p. 226-
answers (one copy Lo posL or dlsplay)
CompuLer lnLelllgence AcLlvlLy

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Computer Inte|||gence Act|v|ty

art I

A program passes 1he 1urlng 1esL ( lf a person can have a conversaLlon wlLh
boLh lL and a person and noL be able Lo Lell whlch one ls Lhe compuLer.

1ry each of Lhese chaLLerboLs wlLh Lhe quesLlons you were asslgned. (noLe: all of Lhese webslLes were correcL
aL Lhe Llme of wrlLlng. ?ou can also use a Coogle search Lo flnd Lhese and oLhers.)

1. 1ry Lo chaL wlLh Lllza (hLLp:// Pow reallsLlc ls she? Would she pass Lhe 1urlng
2. 1ry Lo chaL wlLh ALhena ( Pow reallsLlc ls she? Would she pass Lhe 1urlng 1esL?
3. 1ry Lo chaL wlLh lrlend4u ( Pow reallsLlc ls she? Would she pass Lhe
1urlng 1esL?
4. 1ry Lo chaL wlLh lnLellAvaLar ( Pow reallsLlc ls she? Would she pass Lhe 1urlng 1esL?
3. Whlch of Lhe above chaLLerboLs was Lhe mosL llke a real person?
6. WhaL ls Lhe ChaLLerbox Challenge (

art II

1. Co Lo 20q.neL. Choose your language (1hlnk ln Amerlcan ls recommended). Choose one of Lhe games
from Lhe boLLom LhaL was asslgned Lo your group. ?ou are supposed Lo Lhlnk of someLhlng ln LhaL
caLegory and answer Lhe compuLer's quesLlons by cllcklng Lhem. 1he compuLer wlll Lry Lo guess whaL
you chose ln 20 quesLlons or less. lay Lhe game several Llmes addresslng each of Lhe followlng:
lck an lLem and see how many quesLlons are requlred.
Choose Lhe same lLem and see lf you can make lL requlre more quesLlons
8epeaL Lhls wlLh anoLher lLem.
Pow lnLelllgenL ls Lhls? Would Lhls pass Lhe 1urlng 1esL?
lay Lhe second game you were asslgned and repeaL Lhe process above.

2. 1he 1urlng LesL ls a person checklng Lo see lf lL ls Lalklng Lo a compuLer. Can you Lhlnk of any occaslons
LhaL a compuLer mlghL wanL Lo know lf lL ls Lalklng Lo oootbet compuLer or a real llfe person?
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Un|t 2:
rob|em So|v|ng

Lxplorlng CompuLer Sclence, 2013
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ln order for sLudenLs Lo become compuLaLlonal Lhlnkers" Lhey need experlence solvlng a wlde range of
problems and Lhe opporLunlLy Lo experlmenL wlLh a varleLy of soluLlon sLraLegles. 1hls unlL beglns wlLh an
lnLroducLlon Lo Lhe problem solvlng process. SLudenLs are asked Lo solve new problems by plannlng a sLraLegy,
deslgnlng and produclng soluLlons, and Lhen reflecLlng on Lhelr soluLlons and sLraLegles.
1hroughouL Lhe unlL Lhe emphasls should be on Lhe process raLher Lhan Lhe soluLlon. MosL of Lhe world's
problems Loday do noL have slngle slmple soluLlons. ln order Lo conLrlbuLe effecLlvely Lo Lhe soluLlon of Lhese
problems, sLudenLs need Lo be comforLable ln a collaboraLlve envlronmenL where mulLlple approaches are
valued and encouraged and where fallure ls seen as parL of Lhe process Loward soluLlon. SLudenLs musL learn Lo
Lhlnk absLracLly and apply known algorlLhms where approprlaLe, buL also creaLe new algorlLhms LhaL can be
applled Lo complex problems.
As sLudenLs reflecL on Lhelr soluLlon processes and soluLlons and share Lhose reflecLlons wlLh Lhelr peers, lL ls an
opporLunlLy Lo pull ouL lnsLances where one sLraLegy mlghL be preferred over anoLher and problems for whlch
Lhere are sLandard" soluLlons versus Lhose where Lhere are many posslble soluLlons.
Many of Lhe problems presenLed have a maLhemaLlcal basls and can serve Lo provlde connecLlons beLween
maLhemaLlcs and compuLer sclence. Common compuLer sclence Loplcs such as searchlng, sorLlng, and graphlng
are lnLroduced. AlLhough programmlng Lhe soluLlons Lo many of Lhese problems ls beyond Lhe scope of Lhls
course, sLudenLs wlll galn a baslc undersLandlng of Lhe algorlLhms and be able Lo analyze Lhem. ln parLlcular, lL
ls lmporLanL Lo emphaslze LhaL Lhe models used for solvlng compuLaLlonal problems are Lhe underplnnlngs of
compuLer sclence and as such remaln largely Lhe same even as we add new Lools and languages.
A key polnL of emphasls LhroughouL Lhe unlL ls Lhe connecLlon beLween Lhe soluLlon process" and Lhe
dlscusslon Loward Lhe end of unlL 1 relaLed Lo how compuLers are programmed. lL ls also lmporLanL Lo
emphaslze LhaL noL all problems are easlly solved by compuLers.
Speclflc Loplcs for each lnsLrucLlonal day are llsLed ln Lhe overvlew charL on Lhe nexL page.
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Da||y Cverv|ew Chart
Instruct|ona| Day 1op|c
1-2 lnLroduce daLa collecLlon and problem solvlng.
3 lnLroduce Lhe four sLeps of Lhe problem solvlng process.
4-6 Apply Lhe problem solvlng process. use dlfferenL sLraLegles Lo plan and
carry ouL Lhe plan Lo solve several problems.
7-9 8elnforce Lhe four sLeps of Lhe problems solvlng process.
10-12 CounL ln Lhe blnary number sysLem. ConverL beLween blnary and declmal
numbers ln Lhe conLexL of Loplcs LhaL are lmporLanL Lo compuLer sclence.
13-14 lnLroduce Lhe llnear and blnary search algorlLhms.
13-16 Lxplore sorLed and unsorLed llsLs and varlous sorLlng algorlLhms.
17 lnLroduce mlnlmal spannlng Lrees and how graphs can be used Lo help
solve problems.
18-21 llnal pro[ecLs and presenLaLlons
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Da||y Lesson |ans

Instruct|ona| Days: 1-2
1op|c Descr|pt|on: 1hls lesson seLs Lhe sLage for Lhe unlL. lL provldes an overvlew of daLa collecLlon and
problem solvlng LhaL wlll be needed ln order Lo compleLe Lhe flnal pro[ecL.
1he sLudenL wlll be able Lo:
8ecognlze varlous forms of communlcaLlon as daLa exchange.
uescrlbe Lhe lmpllcaLlons of daLa exchange on soclal lnLeracLlons.
Conslder prlvacy of daLa LhaL Lhey creaLe.
Lxplaln Lhe dlfference beLween daLa used for maklng a case and daLa LhaL lnforms a dlscovery.
uescrlbe good research quesLlons.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
CommunlcaLlon MeLhods and uaLa CharL (13 mlnuLes)
uaLa !ournal (13 mlnuLes)
Pow daLa ls llnked back Lo us (23 mlnuLes)
Solvlng CommunlLy roblems AcLlvlLy (23 mlnuLes)
ulfference beLween daLa used for maklng a case and daLa LhaL lnforms dlscovery (13 mlnuLes)
8esearch quesLlons (10 mlnuLes)
!ournal LnLry (3 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
ulscuss CommunlcaLlons MeLhods and uaLa CharL wlLh elbow parLner.
ulscuss uaLa !ournal wlLh elbow parLner.
Croups compleLe Solvlng CommunlLy roblems acLlvlLy.
CompleLe [ournal enLry.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
Pave sLudenLs share Lhelr CommunlcaLlons MeLhods and uaLa CharL wlLh Lhelr elbow parLner.
o 8emlnd sLudenLs LhaL Lhls was asslgned as homework ln unlL 1.
o Pave a few sLudenLs share WhaL daLa ls avallable?", Who has access Lo Lhe daLa?"
uaLa !ournal Class ulscusslon
o Pave sLudenLs:
! Compare [ournals wlLh elbow parLners.
! WrlLe down 3 ways LhaL Lhey glve off daLa.
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! 1ake Llme Lo dlscuss whaL Lhese daLa sources mlghL Lell us abouL ourselves lf we
aggregaLed" or collecLed Lhese daLa from loLs of people - WhaL good mlghL be done?
WhaL servlces mlghL be lmproved?
! 1hlnk abouL whlch of Lhese ways can be llnked dlrecLly back Lo Lhem. WhaL are posslble
lmpllcaLlons of Lhe daLa belng llnked back Lo Lhem?
! Pave sLudenLs read Lhls arLlcle abouL aggregaLe search daLa-Lechnlcally, maklng search
daLa avallable Lo researchers would help lmprove search englnes, buL lL Lurns ouL LhaL
search hlsLory ls lnLensely personal.
! 1he neLfllx prlze ls anoLher example. lL has recenLly been cancelled due Lo l1C concerns
over prlvacy. hLLp://
! volunLeerlng daLa on lacebook and oLher soclal neLworklng slLes mlghL Lell people more
abouL you Lhan you lnLend.
Solvlng CommunlLy roblems
o resenL sLudenLs wlLh a scenarlo relaLed Lo Lhe local communlLy. lor example, Lhe clLy councll
wanLs Lo flnd ouL abouL Lrash dlsposal ln Lhe communlLy ln order Lo clean up Lhe sLreeLs.
o Pave sLudenLs work ln groups of 3-4 Lo ouLllne how Lhey would
! Approach Lhe problem
! WhaL klnd of daLa Lhey mlghL need Lo collecL
! Pow Lhey would collecL and analyze Lhe daLa
o Lead a dlscusslon Lo geL aL Lhelr LhoughLs. PlghllghL Lhe dlfferences beLween maklng a case and
dlscovery. Pow would Lhe cholce beLween Lhese deLermlne Lhe klnds of daLa you would collecL?
! Maklng a case (advocacy)-use daLa Lo documenL slLuaLlons LhaL conLrlbuLe Lo make a
poslLlve or negaLlve case for someLhlng. (e.g., LeL Lhe MeLro know abouL Llmlng of Lralns
and buses, Lell Lhe prlnclpal abouL someLhlng LhaL needs Lo be done aL Lhe school, Lell
someone abouL someLhlng you'd llke Lo see conLlnued.
! ulscovery-CollecL daLa Lo documenL slLuaLlons and Lhen use Lhe daLa Lo learn
someLhlng. (e.g., could your food cholces be lmproved?, do l always Lake an efflclenL
rouLe Lo acLlvlLles?)
o WhaL research quesLlons mlghL you ask ln each case?
! WhaL ls your research quesLlon?
! Why dld you choose Lo collecL Lhese daLa for Lhls quesLlon?
! WhaL are Lhe llmlLs of Lhls daLa?
! WhaL can you confldenLly say based on your daLa?
! WhaL perspecLlves are lefL ouL based on your daLa?
AsslgnmenL (wlll be used for Lhe unlL 2 flnal pro[ecL)
o Lvery day collecL daLa relaLed Lo where you go afLer school-locaLlon, means of LransporLaLlon
(walk, blke, eLc.), how long lL Lakes Lo geL from one locaLlon Lo Lhe nexL, any oLher daLa LhaL you
Lhlnk would be lnLeresLlng.
!ournal LnLry: WhaL are Lhe sLeps you use Lo solve a problem?
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o Ask sLudenLs Lo reflecL on wheLher Lhese sLeps are Lhe same ln all Lypes of problems Lhey solve.
CommunlcaLlon MeLhods and uaLa CharL
uaLa !ournal

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Instruct|ona| Day: 3
1op|c Descr|pt|on:
1hls lesson lnLroduces Lhe four maln phases of Lhe problem-solvlng process as deflned by C. olya ln Pow Lo
Solve lL.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
name and explaln Lhe sLeps ln Lhe problem-solvlng process.
Solve a problem by applylng Lhe problem-solvlng process.
Lxplaln whaL Lhe word algorlLhm means.

Cut||ne of the Lesson:
Candy bar acLlvlLy (23 mlnuLes)
ulscusslon of soluLlons (10 mlnuLes)
lnLroducLlon of Lhe sLeps ln Lhe problem-solvlng process (13 mlnuLes)
!ournal LnLry (3 mlnuLes)

SLudenL AcLlvlLles:
ln groups, parLlclpaLe ln Lhe candy bar acLlvlLy.
arLlclpaLe ln dlscusslon of soluLlons.
8eflecL on Lhe candy bar acLlvlLy as lL relaLes Lo Lhe problem-solvlng process.
CompleLe [ournal enLry.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
Candy bar acLlvlLy
o ulvlde Lhe sLudenLs lnLo groups of 2 or 3. Clve each group a candy bar.
o Lxplaln LhaL Lhelr Lask ls Lo deLermlne how many "breaks" lL wlll Lake Lo break Lhe candy bar lnLo
12 equal pleces. Cne break of one plece of Lhe candy bar wlll resulL ln LhaL one plece belng
dlvlded lnLo Lwo pleces. uemonsLraLe a "break" by breaklng Lhe bar lnLo Lwo pleces. 1hen sLack
Lhe Lwo pleces LogeLher and break or cuL Lhe Lwo pleces lnLo four.
o AL Lhls polnL, have each sLudenL wrlLe ln Lhelr [ournal Lhe number of breaks Lhey Lhlnk lL wlll
Lake Lo break Lhe bar lnLo 12 equal pleces. 1hls should be done wlLhouL Lalklng Lo Lhelr parLner
or group members.
o Worklng LogeLher wlLh Lhelr parLner or group, have Lhe sLudenLs dlscuss and Lhen wrlLe Lhelr
plan for solvlng Lhe problem. 1hey may revlse Lhelr guess aL Lhls polnL.
o Cnce Lhls ls compleLed, Lhe sLudenLs should lmplemenL Lhe plan by openlng Lhe candy, breaklng
Lhe candy, and counLlng Lhe number of breaks lL Lakes Lo geL 12 equal pleces.
ulscusslon of soluLlons
o Choose a group Lo presenL Lhelr plan Lo Lhe class.
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Sample quesLlons Lo ask-Was your guess correcL? WhaL process dld you use Lo
come up wlLh your guess? uld worklng wlLh your group and creaLlng your plan
change your guess? Pow many breaks dld lL Lake (11 ls Lhe answer)? uld your
plan work?
o Pow do Lhe sLeps Lhey used maLch whaL Lhey wroLe ln Lhelr [ournal?
lnLroducLlon Lo Lhe sLeps ln Lhe problem-solvlng process
o Pow do Lhe sLeps Lhey used relaLe Lo Lhe formal" sLeps of Lhe problem-solvlng process?
1. undersLand Lhe problem-read or llsLen Lo Lhe problem sLaLemenL.
2. Make a plan Lo solve Lhe problem-use plcLures, charLs, graphs, sysLemaLlc llsLs, ob[ecLs,
or acL ouL Lhe soluLlon Lo help you devlse a plan Lo solve Lhe problem
ln CompuLer Sclence we call Lhls plan an a|gor|thm.
3. Carry ouL Lhe plan-once Lhe plan ls concelved and undersLood, follow Lhe plan. lf you
have planned well, Lhls ls Lhe easy parL.
4. 8evlew and reflecL on how Lhe problem was solved-once Lhe problem ls solved, reflecL
on Lhe plan LhaL was used.
LxLend breaklng Lhe candy lnLo n pleces.
o osL Lhe number of leces/number of 8reaks CharL (wlLhouL soluLlons), lncludlng n and have
sLudenLs glve you Lhe # of breaks needed for each number of pleces.
o As you go Lhrough Lhe charL, ask quesLlons LhaL lead sLudenLs Lo Lhe followlng undersLandlngs.
! Cne problem-solvlng sLraLegy used ln solvlng a problem ls Lo solve a problem for speclflc
values, flnd Lhe paLLern and Lhen generallze Lhe soluLlon. ln Lhls case, Lhey are
generallzlng Lhe soluLlon for an unknown poslLlve number of pleces.
8eflecLlons on Lhe candy bar problem: Ask Lhe sLudenLs Lo reflecL on Lhe candy bar problem. Why ls
Lhls problem an lmporLanL problem Lo solve for: a carpenLer, a chef, a Leacher?
!ournal LnLry: Pow ls solvlng Lhls klnd of problem Lhe same/dlfferenL from how you solve a problem ln
real llfe"?
o ulscuss whaL makes a problem solvable by compuLer-belng able Lo provlde a sLep-by-sLep
algorlLhm ls one lmporLanL plece, buL conLexL maLLers. 1hlnk back Lo unlL 1 and maklng a
peanuL buLLer and [elly sandwlch. Lven lf we reflned our algorlLhm would a compuLer be able Lo
make one? no, buL a roboL could. (loreshadow unlL 6.)

olya, C. Pow Lo Solve lL. 2nd. rlnceLon, n!: rlnceLon unlverslLy ress, 2004.
Candy bar problem suggesLed by ur. Manuel 8lum, Carnegle Mellon unlverslLy
Candy bars for sLudenL groups Lo use
number of leces/number of 8reaks CharL

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Number of |eces]Number of 8reaks Chart

Number of |eces Number of 8reaks
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
S 6
6 7
7 8
8 9
9 :
10 ;
11 32
12 33
N <=3

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Instruct|ona| Days: 4-6
1op|c Descr|pt|on:
SLudenLs wlll apply dlfferenL sLraLegles Lo help Lhem make a plan and carry ouL Lhe plan Lo solve several
problems. 1hese sLraLegles may lnclude (buL are noL llmlLed Lo): draw a dlagram or plcLure, make sysLemaLlc
llsLs, dlvlde and conquer, flnd Lhe paLLern, and guess and check.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:

name and explaln Lhe sLeps ln Lhe problem-solvlng process.
Solve a problem by applylng Lhe problem-solvlng process.
Lxpress a soluLlon uslng sLandard deslgn Lools.
ueLermlne lf a glven soluLlon successfully solves a sLaLed problem.

Cut||ne of the Lesson:
Pandshake AcLlvlLy and lence osL AcLlvlLy (20 mlnuLes)
LxplanaLlon of soluLlons (13 mlnuLes )
Pandshake AcLlvlLy and reflecLlons (73 mlnuLes)
resenLaLlons of Pandshake AcLlvlLy (40 mlnuLes)
ulscusslon of reflecLlons (13 mlnuLes)

Student Act|v|t|es:
Work lndlvldually on Pandshake AcLlvlLy problem #1 and Lhe lence osL AcLlvlLy.
volunLeers presenL soluLlons Lo problems.
Work ln groups Lo compleLe Pandshake AcLlvlLy problem #2.
Croups glve presenLaLlons of Lhelr problem soluLlons.
ulscuss reflecLlons on Lhe process.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
Pandshake AcLlvlLy problem #1 and lence osL AcLlvlLy
o SLudenLs work lndlvldually on Pandshake AcLlvlLy problem #1 and Lhe lence osL AcLlvlLy.
LxplanaLlon of soluLlons
o Pave some sLudenLs volunLeer Lhelr soluLlons Lo Lhe problems.
o 8elnforce each sLep of Lhe problem-solvlng process by asklng quesLlons slmllar Lo Lhose from
Lhe candy bar problem. ?ou wanL sLudenLs Lo undersLand LhaL
! ulagrams can be very useful ln problems llke Lhls Lo look aL a smaller verslon of Lhe
problem before Lrylng Lo solve for n.
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! 1he fenceposL problem ls a varlaLlon of Lhe candy bar problem or Lhe handshake
Pandshake AcLlvlLy problem #2 and 8eflecLlons
o ln groups of 3 or 4, have sLudenLs dlscuss, plan, execuLe, and reflecL on Pandshake AcLlvlLy
problem #2. SLudenLs should follow Lhe dlrecLlons glven ln Lhe acLlvlLy documenL and wrlLe
Lhelr group's LhoughLs on paper.
o Lncourage sLudenLs Lo make drawlngs or charLs and/or acL ouL Lhe soluLlon. CharL paper can be
glven Lo sLudenLs Lo dlsplay plcLures, charLs, or graphs. 1helr [ob ls Lo explaln Lhe process and
Lhe soluLlon so LhaL everyone undersLands.
SLudenL resenLaLlons
o Lach group should be glven abouL 3-10 mlnuLes (dependlng on Lhe slze of Lhe class) Lo presenL
Lhelr plan and soluLlon Lo Lhe class. 8e sure Lhe sLudenLs show all 4 sLeps ln Lhe problem-
solvlng process.
o SLudenLs groups should explaln Lhelr soluLlons-why Lhey dld whaL Lhey dld
ulscusslon of reflecLlons
o Ask sLudenLs quesLlons LhaL wlll geL Lhem Lo reflecL on why Lhey proceeded ln Lhe manner Lhey
dld. Where dld Lhey sLarL? (charL, eLc.) WhaL dld Lhey do nexL and why?
o ls Lhelr soluLlon compleLe enough LhaL lL could be glven Lo a compuLer (lf Lhey knew Lhe
language Lhe compuLer was uslng)? Why or why noL?

olya, C. Pow Lo Solve lL. 2nd. rlnceLon, n!: rlnceLon unlverslLy ress, 2004.
Pandshake and lenceposL AcLlvlLy
Pandshake AcLlvlLy #2 Sample SoluLlon

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nandshake and Iencepost Act|v|ty
Ior each prob|em, comp|ete the fo||ow|ng |nformat|on.
undersLandlng Lhe problem:
WhaL daLa or lnformaLlon ls known?
WhaL ls unknown?
WhaL are Lhe condlLlons?

lan Lhe soluLlon: Show your plan for solvlng Lhls problem.

Carry ouL Lhe plan: uslng your plan, show your work and your soluLlon.

8evlew and dlscuss your soluLlon: 8eflecL on your soluLlon.
Comp|ete prob|ems #1 and #2 |nd|v|dua||y.
1. Pandshake roblem #1: Assume Lhere are 20 people ln a room, lncludlng you. ?ou musL shake hands
wlLh everyone else ln Lhe room. Pow many hands wlll you shake? lf Lhere are n (where n > 0) people ln
Lhe room, how many hands wlll you shake?

2. lence osL roblem: ?ou need Lo bulld one slde of a fence LhaL ls 12 yards long. 1hls fence wlll be bullL
wlLh fence posLs and ralls LhaL connecL one fence posL Lo anoLher. lf each fence posL ls 1 yard away
from Lhe nexL fence posL, how many fence posLs wlll be needed for Lhls slde of Lhe fence? Pow many
fence posLs wlll be needed for a slde of a fence LhaL ls n (where n > 0) yards long?

kead and beg|n p|ann|ng your so|ut|on for prob|ems #3 and #4. 1hese prob|ems w||| be comp|eted |n c|ass
tomorrow w|th your group. Lach group w||| present the|r so|ut|ons to the c|ass.

3. Pandshake roblem #2: Assume Lhere are 10 people ln a room, lncludlng you. Lach person ln Lhe room
musL shake hands one Llme, and only Llme, wlLh all Lhe oLher people ln Lhe room. Pow many
handshakes wlll occur? lf Lhere are 20 people ln Lhe room, how many handshakes wlll occur? lf Lhere
are n (where n > 0) people ln Lhe room, how many handshakes wlll occur?

4. 8eflecLlons: Why are problems llke Lhese lmporLanL Lo learn how Lo solve? Pow could Lhls Lype of
soluLlon be of beneflL Lo a carpenLer, a chef, a Leacher?
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nandshake Act|v|ty #2 Samp|e So|ut|on
1he sample soluLlon ls only one posslblllLy. SLudenL groups may have a wlde varleLy of sLraLegles. Ask quesLlons
LhaL probe Lhelr undersLandlng of Lhe sLeps of Lhe problem-solvlng process Lhey used.
Understand|ng the prob|em:

WhaL daLa or lnformaLlon ls known? 1bete ote 10 people ot N people lo tbe toom.
WhaL ls unknown? 1otol oombet of booJsbokes
WhaL are Lhe condlLlons? ocb petsoo most sboke booJs ooly ooe tlme wltb oll otbets lo tbe toom.
All of tbe booJsbokes most be oJJeJ toqetbet.

|an the so|ut|on: A somple ploo coolJ be to Jesctlbe tbe ploo lo wotJs ot ose o cbott ot Jtow o plctote ooJ
tbeo oct lt oot.

nove tbe people lloe op lo tbe toom. 1be fltst petsoo lo tbe lloe wolks Jowo tbe lloe ooJ sbokes
booJs wltb oll of tbe people lo tbe lloe ooJ tbeo leoves tbe toom. cooot tbe oombet of booJsbokes
ooJ oJJ to tbe totol.

1be oext petsoo lo lloe wolks Jowo tbe lloe ooJ sbokes booJs wltb oll of tbe people left lo tbe lloe
ooJ tbeo leoves tbe toom. cooot tbe oombet of booJsbokes ooJ oJJ to tbe totol.

1bls cootlooes ootll tbete ote ooly 2 people left. 1bey sboke booJs ooJ leove toqetbet. locteose tbe
totol by ooe.

Ooce tbe ooswet ls koowo fot 10 people, look fot o potteto. 1ty tbe ptocess fot 5 people, 2 people. 5ee lf tbe
potteto bolJs.

Carry out the p|an: uslng your plan, show your work and your soluLlon.

letsoo 5bokes nooJs wltb # of people left lo lloe
A 9
8 8
c 7
u 6
l 4
n 2
l 1
I 0 (lost petsoo lo lloe- oo ooe left to sboke booJs wltb)

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Now oJJ op tbe oombet of booJsbokes. 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - J - 2 - 1 - 0 = 45
lot 10 people, tbe ooswet ls tbe som of tbe oombets ftom 1 to 9, wblcb ls 45. 9 ls 10 - 1.
lot 5 people, tbe ooswet ls tbe som of tbe oombets ftom 1 to 4, wblcb ls 10. 4 ls 5 - 1.
lot 2 people, tbe ooswet ls tbe som of tbe oombets ftom 1 to 1, wblcb ls 1. 1 ls 2 - 1.
lot N people, tbe ooswet ls tbe som of tbe oombets ftom 1 to (N-1).

kev|ew and d|scuss your so|ut|on: ocb petsoo sbokes booJs wltb N - 1 otbet people. 1be ooswet ls oot
N(N-1), tbooqb, becoose eocb booJsboke cooots os tbe ooe booJsboke fot eocb petsoo, bot ooly ooe
booJsboke fot tbe totol. 1be netsbey 8ot ptoblem belpeJ to stott tbe ploo fot tbls ptoblem, bot l oeeJeJ to
oJjost tbe ploo to ooly ollow ooe booJsboke betweeo eocb polt lo tbe toom.
5o tbe 10 people moke 9 booJsbokes eocb, bot eocb booJsboke boppeos betweeo 2 people, ooJ coo ooly be
coooteJ ooce. l coolJ "JlvlJe" tbe booJsboke ooJ let eocb petsoo cooot tbe booJsboke os o 1/2 booJsboke.
5o 10 people moke 9 bolf-booJsbokes eocb = 45 booJsbokes.
N people moke N-1 bolf-booJsbokes eocb = N(N-1)/2
1be som of tbe oombets ftom 1 to N-1 = N(N-1)/2
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Instruct|ona| Days: 7-9
1op|c Descr|pt|on:
1hls lesson relnforces Lhe four maln phases ln Lhe problem-solvlng process.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
Solve a problem by applylng Lhe problem-solvlng process.
Lxpress a soluLlon uslng sLandard deslgn Lools.
ueLermlne lf a glven soluLlon successfully solves a sLaLed problem.

Cut||ne of the Lesson:
CulLural background of cornrow braldlng (13 mlnuLes)
Croup dlscusslon on culLural background of cornrow braldlng (13 mlnuLes)
Cornrow curves deslgn Lool LuLorlal (80 mlnuLes)
Cornrow curves pro[ecL (30 mlnuLes)
Callery walk (3 mlnuLes)

Student Act|v|t|es:
Work lndlvldually Lo revlew Lhe hlsLory of cornrow braldlng.
Work ln groups Lo answer reflecLlon quesLlon and share wlLh Lhe remalnder of Lhe class.
Work wlLh elbow parLner Lo compleLe Lhe LuLorlal.
Work lndlvldually Lo compleLe cornrow curves pro[ecL.
arLlclpaLe ln gallery walk.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
CulLural background of cornrow braldlng
o SLudenLs read Lhe culLural background and how Lo brald secLlons (, Cornrow Curves).
Croup dlscusslon on culLural background of cornrow braldlng
o ulvlde sLudenLs lnLo groups of 3-4 and ask each group Lo reflecL on one of Lhe followlng
! Afrlcan Crlglns
! Mlddle assage
! Clvll War Lo Clvll 8lghLs
! Plp Pop
o Lach group shares Lhelr response wlLh Lhe resL of Lhe class.
Cornrow curves deslgn Lool LuLorlal
o lndlvldual sLudenLs compleLe arL l of Lhe LuLorlal followlng all lnsLrucLlons and checklng Lhelr
work wlLh Lhelr elbow parLner.
o ulscuss any lssues as a class before proceedlng Lo arL ll.
o CompleLe arL ll of Lhe deslgn LuLorlal.
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o SLress maLhemaLlcs and sLrucLured lnqulry.
! 8elnforce concepLs such as lLeraLlon, dllaLlon, LranslaLlon.
Cornrow curves pro[ecL
o Lach group of sLudenLs should compleLe Lhe followlng:
! SLudenLs creaLe Lhelr own deslgn.
! uescrlbe each sLep of Lhe problem-solvlng process used.
! PlghllghL Lhe maLhemaLlcal concepLs used and where and how Lhey are used.
o 8elnforce Lhe sLraLegy of flndlng a slmllar problem LhaL has already been solved Lo help solve
Lhe new problem.
Callery walk of deslgns
o SLudenLs share Lhelr soluLlons.

CulLurally SlLuaLed ueslgn 1ools Cornrow (courLesy 8on Lglash)

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Instruct|ona| Days: 10-12
1op|c Descr|pt|on: 1hls lesson lnLroduces Lhe blnary number sysLem and how Lo counL ln blnary. SLudenLs wlll
learn how Lo converL beLween blnary and declmal numbers ln Lhe conLexL of Loplcs LhaL are lmporLanL Lo
compuLer sclence.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
CounL forward and backward ln blnary.
Lxplaln why blnary numbers are lmporLanL ln compuLer sclence.
use blnary dlglLs Lo encode and decode messages.

Cut||ne of the Lesson:
!ournal LnLry (3 mlnuLes)
CS unplugged AcLlvlLy 1: CounL Lhe uoLs-8lnary numbers (counLlng ln blnary) (30 mlnuLes)
CS unplugged AcLlvlLy 1: CounL Lhe uoLs-8lnary numbers (blnary number sysLem) (30 mlnuLes)
8evlslL [ournal enLry (3 mlnuLes)
!ournal LnLry (3 mlnuLes)
ulscusslon of why blnary numbers are lmporLanL ln compuLer sclence (13 mlnuLes)
CS unplugged AcLlvlLy 1: CounL Lhe uoLs-8lnary numbers (Lmall and Modems, CounLlng Plgher Lhan
31) (33 mlnuLes)

Student Act|v|t|es:
CompleLe [ournal enLry.
arLlclpaLe ln Lhe CounL Lhe uoLs acLlvlLles.
8evlslL [ournal enLry.
CompleLe [ournal enLry.
arLlclpaLe ln a dlscusslon of why blnary numbers are lmporLanL ln compuLer sclence.
CompleLe CounL Lhe uoLs acLlvlLles.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
!ournal LnLry: Pow hlgh can you counL wlLh your Len flngers?
use Lhe CS unplugged: CounL Lhe uoLs acLlvlLy Lo lnLroduce blnary represenLaLlon and counLlng ln
o SLarL wlLh Lhe lnLroducLory acLlvlLy on p. 4 of Lhe acLlvlLy. (1he acLlvlLy can be downloaded from
hLLp:// ) lL wlll be helpful Lo read Lhrough Lhe enLlre acLlvlLy ln advance, so
LhaL you can revlse quesLlons, add your own quesLlons, and Lhlnk abouL how you mlghL wanL Lo
sLrucLure each parL of Lhe acLlvlLy. 1he goal ls for sLudenLs Lo be acLlvely lnvolved ln some way
and for all sLudenLs Lo be able Lo represenL numbers and counL ln blnary. WhaL follows ls Lhe
mlnlmal suggesLlon.
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o Pave 3 sLudenLs come Lo Lhe fronL of Lhe room and demonsLraLe as you follow Lhe lnsLrucLlons
and ask Lhe quesLlons. (Lach sLudenL should recelve a large card wlLh one of Lhe numbers of
doLs-1, 2, 4, 8, 16)
use Lhe CS unplugged: CounL Lhe uoLs acLlvlLy Lo explaln Lhe blnary number sysLem and have Lhe
sLudenLs pracLlce counLlng forward and backward.
o CompleLe Lhe 8lnary numbers acLlvlLy on p. 3 and Worklng wlLh 8lnary acLlvlLy on p 7.
o Pave 3 sLudenLs come Lo Lhe fronL of Lhe room and Lry counLlng as you call ouL Lhe numbers.
(Lach sLudenL should recelve a large card wlLh one of Lhe numbers of doLs-1, 2, 4, 8, 16)
o Pave dlfferenL groups of 3 sLudenLs aL a Llme come Lo Lhe fronL and have Lhe oLher sLudenLs
provlde counLlng and represenLaLlon challenges. ?ou could also have a compeLlLlon wlLh
mulLlple Leams of sLudenLs each Lrylng Lo geL Lhe answer. 1here are many oLher posslblllLles.
8e creaLlve!!
8evlslL !ournal LnLry.
!ournal LnLry: CompleLe Lhe Sendlng SecreL Messages acLlvlLy on p. 8 of Lhe CS unplugged: CounL Lhe
uoLs acLlvlLy. (SoluLlon ls on p. 13.)
ulscusslon of why blnary numbers are lmporLanL ln compuLer sclence
CompleLe Lhe remalnlng acLlvlLles ln CS unplugged: CounL Lhe uoLs. (Lmall and Modems-p. 9, CounLlng
Plgher Lhan 31-p. 10, and/or More on 8lnary numbers-p. 11)


8ell, 1lm, lan WlLLen and Mlke lellows. CompuLer Sclence unplugged. CanLerbury, new Zealand: 2002.
CompuLer Sclence unplugged AcLlvlLy 1: CounL Lhe uoLs-8lnary numbers, pp. 3-13
8lnary number cards for each sLudenL
Large blnary number cards for Lhe demonsLraLlons

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Instruct|ona| Days: 13-14
1op|c Descr|pt|on: 1hls lesson lnLroduces Lhe llnear and blnary search algorlLhms.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
uescrlbe Lhe llnear search algorlLhm.
uescrlbe Lhe blnary search algorlLhm.
Lxplaln condlLlons under whlch each search mlghL be approprlaLe.

Cut||ne of the Lesson:
1ower 8ulldlng AcLlvlLy (33 mlnuLes)
Model Lower bulldlng algorlLhm. (23 mlnuLes)
Model blnary search (13 mlnuLes)
Comparlson of llnear and blnary search (13 mlnuLes)

Student Act|v|t|es:
ln palrs compleLe Lhe 1ower 8ulldlng AcLlvlLy.
Model Lhe Lower bulldlng algorlLhm.
SLudenLs parLlclpaLe ln Lhe acLlvlLy modellng blnary search.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
1ower 8ulldlng AcLlvlLy
o Pave sLudenLs compleLe Lhe 1ower 8ulldlng AcLlvlLy wlLh Lhelr elbow parLner and wrlLe Lhelr
soluLlons ln Lhelr [ournals.
Model Lower bulldlng acLlvlLy.
o Pave sLudenLs share Lhelr soluLlons wlLh anoLher elbow parLner palr.
o Pave one seL of sLudenLs use 10 legos (or checkers or some oLher easlly manlpulaLed plece) Lo
model Lhe algorlLhm for solvlng Lhe problem ln fronL of Lhe enLlre class.
o noLe: 1he soluLlon ls Lo sLarL by Laklng half of Lhe helghL of Lhe Lower and creaLe LhaL number of
sLacks of 2. ConLlnue halvlng Lhe number of sLacks and doubllng Lhe helghL (plus one sLack of
any remalnder) unLll Lhe deslred helghL ls reached. 1hls foreshadows blnary search. (See
sample soluLlons.)
Model blnary search.
o use 2 coples of Lhe same dlcLlonary. Pand one dlcLlonary Lo 2 sLudenLs and have Lhem plck ouL
a word ln Lhe dlcLlonary.
o Choose 2 oLher sLudenLs Lo counL Lhe number of Llmes you choose a word from Lhe dlcLlonary Lo
search for Lhe sLudenLs' word.
! SLarL by uslng a llnear search. lL should noL Lake long for sLudenLs Lo suggesL LhaL Lhls ls
noL a good sLraLegy. Ask Lhem Lo provlde a beLLer sLraLegy.
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! Culde Lhem Lo blnary search.
o ulscuss Lhe number of guesses requlred and how Lhls ls slmllar Lo Lhe Lower bulldlng problem.
Comparlson of llnear and blnary search.
o Llnear-sLarL aL Lhe beglnnlng, look aL each lLem unLll you flnd lL or Lhere ls no more daLa. uaLa
can be sorLed or noL.
o 8lnary-look aL mlddle lLem, ellmlnaLe Lhe half where Lhe value ls noL locaLed. llnd Lhe new
mlddle elemenL and conLlnue Lhe process unLll you flnd lL, or Lhere ls no more daLa. Ask
sLudenLs Lo descrlbe whaL ls necessary ln order Lo use a blnary search-Lhe llsL musL be sorLed.
o Pave sLudenLs provlde examples of where each Lype of search ls approprlaLe and why.
! noLe LhaL declslons ofLen need Lo be made abouL wheLher Lo malnLaln llsLs ln sorLed
order, provlde an opLlon for sorLlng should lL be necessary, eLc. based on Lhe Lypes of
searches LhaL are expecLed Lo be performed on Lhe daLa.


Shasha, uennls. 1he uzzllng AdvenLures of uocLor Lcco. Mlneola, new ?ork: uover ubllcaLlons, lnc.,
1ower 8ulldlng AcLlvlLy
Sample SoluLlons for 1ower 8ulldlng AcLlvlLy
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1ower 8u||d|ng Act|v|ty
uonald 1rump wanLs Lo bulld a 100 meLer hlgh Lower as qulckly as posslble. Pe has unllmlLed resources and an
unllmlLed budgeL and ls wllllng Lo spend any amounL Lo geL Lhe [ob done.
Pe has chosen Lo bulld Lhe Lower wlLh blocks LhaL are 100 meLers long and 100 meLers wlde, buL only 1 meLer
Lall. 1he blocks lnLerlock on Lop and boLLom (llke legos). 1hey cannoL be sLacked sldeways.
uslng speclal llfLers, puLLlng one sLack on Lop of anoLher sLack Lakes one week regardless of how hlgh Lhe sLacks
WhaL ls Lhe shorLesL amounL of Llme LhaL lL wlll Lake Lo bulld Lhe Lower?

use someLhlng llke legos or a graph Lo help solve Lhls problem.
SLarL wlLh a smaller Lower of 3 or 10-solve a smaller problem.
LxLend LhaL knowledge Lo Lhe larger problem.
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Samp|e So|ut|ons for 1ower 8u||d|ng rob|em

S meter tower

Week # # of stacks # of b|ocks |n stack kema|nder
1 2 2 1 sLack of 1
2 1 4 1 sLack of 1
3 1 3

1hree weeks needed for compleLlon.

10 meter tower

Week # # of stacks # of b|ocks |n stack kema|nder
1 3 2
2 2 4 1 sLack of 2
3 1 8 1 sLack of 2
4 1 10

lour weeks needed for compleLlon.

100 meter tower

Week # # of stacks # of b|ocks |n stack kema|nder
1 300 2
2 230 4
3 123 8
4 62 16 1 sLack of 8
3 31 32 1 sLack of 8
6 13 64 1 sLack of 40
7 7 128

Seven weeks needed for compleLlon.

ln general: 1he number of weeks ls Lhe smallesL n such LhaL Lhe helghL of Lhe Lower ls less Lhan 2
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Instruct|ona| Days: 13-16

1op|c Descr|pt|on: ln Lhls lesson Lhe concepL of a llsL (sorLed and unsorLed) and sorLlng algorlLhms wlll be
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
ueflne sorLed and unsorLed llsLs.
uescrlbe varlous sorLlng algorlLhms.
Compare varlous sorLlng algorlLhms.

Cut||ne of the Lesson:
!ournal LnLry (13 mlnuLes)
CS unplugged AcLlvlLy 7: LlghLesL and PeavlesL-SorLlng AlgorlLhms (explore sorLlng) (30 mlnuLes)
CS unplugged AcLlvlLy 7: LlghLesL and PeavlesL-SorLlng AlgorlLhms (dlscover and descrlbe sorLlng
algorlLhms) (30 mlnuLes)
CS unplugged AcLlvlLy 7: LlghLesL and PeavlesL-SorLlng AlgorlLhms (compare sorLlng algorlLhms) (33

Student Act|v|t|es:
CompleLe [ournal enLry.
Croups parLlclpaLe ln Lhe varlous parLs of Lhe CS unplugged: LlghLesL and PeavlesL acLlvlLy.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
!ournal LnLry: LlsL examples of where lL maLLers wheLher lLems are ln order (sorLed).
o Pave volunLeers provlde examples from Lhelr llsLs and explaln why lL maLLers LhaL Lhey are
sorLed, ln oLher words, whaL are Lhe consequences lf Lhe llsL ls noL sorLed?
o Ask sLudenLs abouL Lhe daLa LhaL Lhey have been collecLlng. Pow easy would lL be for Lhem Lo
sorL Lhelr daLa by hand? uoes lL geL harder Lo do Lhls wlLh more daLa? olnL ouL LhaL Lhls ls one
of Lhe ma[or advanLages of compuLlng-Lhe ablllLy Lo manage large seLs of daLa LhaL could noL
easlly be managed by humans.
CS unplugged: LlghLesL and PeavlesL acLlvlLy
o 1he acLlvlLy can be downloaded from hLLp:// lL wlll be helpful Lo read Lhrough
Lhe enLlre acLlvlLy ln advance, so LhaL you can revlse quesLlons, add your own quesLlons, and
Lhlnk abouL how you mlghL wanL Lo sLrucLure each parL of Lhe acLlvlLy. 1he goal ls for sLudenLs
Lo be acLlvely lnvolved ln some way and for all sLudenLs Lo be able Lo descrlbe Lhe varlous Lypes
of sorLlng. WhaL follows ls Lhe mlnlmal suggesLlon.
o ulvlde sLudenLs lnLo groups of 3-4 and glve each group a seL of welghLs and a balance scale as
descrlbed ln sLeps 1 and 2 on p. 66 of Lhe SorLlng WelghLs AcLlvlLy. (1here are many posslble
ways Lo make Lhe welghLs. Cne would be Lo use bags wlLh varylng numbers of pleces of candy.
lf you don'L have balance scales, you can help sLudenLs come up wlLh a sLraLegy LhaL wlll
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slmulaLe a scale. lor example, lf you make Lhe welghLs clearly dlfferenL ln welghL, Lhey could do
Lhls by feel.)
o Pave sLudenLs compleLe #3 and #4 on p. 66 and Lhen dlscuss Lhelr answers as lndlcaLed.
o Pave sLudenLs compleLe #3 on p. 66.
o AL Lhls polnL ln Lhe acLlvlLy, sLudenLs should presenL Lhelr flndlngs Lo Lhe class and dlscuss. olnL
ouL Lhe selecLlon sorL lnformaLlon on p.66.
o Pave sLudenLs compleLe Lhe ulvlde and Conquer acLlvlLy on p.67. 1hroughouL, gulde sLudenLs as
necessary and have Lhem keep Lrack of Lhe processes Lhey use.
lf Llme permlLs, have sLudenLs Lry boLh sorLlng meLhods Lo sorL cards LhaL have 30 random numbers on
Lhem and analyze Lhe number of comparlsons requlred for each.

8ell, 1lm, lan WlLLen and Mlke lellows. CompuLer Sclence unplugged., new Zealand: 2002.
CompuLer Sclence unplugged AcLlvlLy 7: LlghLesL and PeavlesL-SorLlng AlgorlLhms, pp. 64-70
ConLalners of Lhe same slze wlLh dlfferenL welghLs
8alance scales
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Instruct|ona| Day: 17
1op|c Descr|pt|on: Mlnlmal spannlng Lrees and graphs wlll be explored. SLudenLs wlll learn how graphs can be
used Lo help solve problems.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
Solve a mlnlmal spannlng Lree.
uraw a graph Lo solve a problem.

Cut||ne of the Lesson:
CS unplugged AcLlvlLy 9: 1he Muddy ClLy-Mlnlmal Spannlng 1rees (20 mlnuLes)
CS unplugged AcLlvlLy 9: 1he Muddy ClLy-Mlnlmal Spannlng 1rees ( exLenslon) (33 mlnuLes)

Student Act|v|t|es:
arLlclpaLe ln Lhe varlous parLs of Lhe CS unplugged: 1he Muddy ClLy acLlvlLy.
arLlclpaLe ln Lhe varlous parLs of Lhe CS unplugged: 1he Muddy ClLy acLlvlLy exLenslon.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
CS unplugged: 1he Muddy ClLy acLlvlLy
o 1he acLlvlLy can be downloaded from hLLp:// lL wlll be helpful Lo read Lhrough
Lhe enLlre acLlvlLy ln advance, so LhaL you can revlse quesLlons, add your own quesLlons, and
Lhlnk abouL how you mlghL wanL Lo sLrucLure each parL of Lhe acLlvlLy. 1he goal ls for sLudenLs
Lo be acLlvely lnvolved ln some way and for all sLudenLs Lo be able Lo descrlbe shorLesL paLh
sLraLegles. WhaL follows ls Lhe mlnlmal suggesLlon.
o lollow Lhe dlrecLlons ln 1he Muddy ClLy roblem on p. 78.
o Pave sLudenLs work wlLh Lhelr elbow parLners.
o Pave sLudenLs share Lhelr soluLlons and lead Lhe follow-up dlscusslon p.77.
CS unplugged: 1he Muddy ClLy acLlvlLy exLenslon
o Pave sLudenLs repeaL Lhe Muddy ClLy roblem wlLh Lhe absLracL represenLaLlon ln Lhe flgure on
p. 79 and answer Lhe quesLlons on p 79.
o ulscuss varlous appllcaLlons of Lhls problem ln anLlclpaLlon of Lhe flnal pro[ecL (p.80).
o Lmphaslze Lhe ldea of shorLesL paLh.

8ell, 1lm, lan WlLLen and Mlke lellows. CompuLer Sclence unplugged. CanLerbury, new Zealand: 2002.
CompuLer Sclence unplugged AcLlvlLy 9: 1he Muddy ClLy-Mlnlmal Spannlng 1rees, pp. 76-80

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Instruct|ona| Days: 18-21
1op|c Descr|pt|on: SLudenLs work on flnal unlL pro[ecL.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
lncorporaLe all unlL ob[ecLlves lnLo Lhe flnal pro[ecL.

Cut||ne of the Lesson:
LxplanaLlon of flnal pro[ecL (13 mlnuLes)
CompleLlon of flnal pro[ecLs (130 mlnuLes)
resenLaLlons of flnal pro[ecLs (33 mlnuLes)

Student Act|v|t|es:

Croups work on flnal pro[ecLs.
Croups presenL flnal pro[ecLs.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
CompleLe Muddy ClLy acLlvlLy lf necessary.
LxplanaLlon of flnal pro[ecL
o ulsLrlbuLe flnal pro[ecL explanaLlon.
o noLe: ?ou may wlsh Lo modlfy Lhe scenarlo of Lhe problem Lo address sLudenL lnLeresLs and
ablllLles. AnoLher posslble example mlghL be a varlaLlon on flndlng Lhe cheapesL rouLe beLween
locaLlons based on Lhe prlce of gasollne. 1hls could be ln Lhe conLexL of a famlly vacaLlon,
carpool rouLes, runnlng errands, eLc.
o ulvlde sLudenLs lnLo groups of 3-4.
CompleLlon of flnal pro[ecLs
o MonlLor sLudenL work, answerlng quesLlons as necessary.
resenLaLlons of flnal pro[ecLs
o Pave each group presenL Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhelr flnal pro[ecL.
o Croups respond Lo quesLlons from oLher sLudenLs and Leacher.


Mapplng webslLe such as
llnal ro[ecL (1hls pro[ecL ls adapLed from MaLhmanlaCS Lesson 13
(hLLp:// )
llnal ro[ecL Sample 8ubrlc
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I|na| ro[ect

lor Lhls pro[ecL you wlll use Lhe daLa you have been collecLlng abouL your acLlvlLles afLer school. Lach group
member should deLermlne Lhe day on whlch Lhey vlslLed Lhe mosL locaLlons afLer school and whaL Lhose
locaLlons were.


Assume LhaL for one day you need Lo carpool wlLh Lhe oLher members of Lhe group ln order Lo geL Lo all of Lhe
locaLlons you each ldenLlfled on Lhe day you vlslLed Lhe mosL dlfferenL locaLlons. ueLermlne Lhe shorLesL rouLe ln
Lerms of mlles and Lhen deLermlne Lhe shorLesL rouLe ln Lerms of Llme. Are Lhese Lhe same? Why or why noL?
WhaL oLher condlLlons mlghL you wanL Lo conslder? (?our daLa may glve you some ldeas.)

?ou wlll need Lo use a map ln order Lo calculaLe Lhe dlsLances. 1he daLa you collecLed has Lhe Llmes.
?our presenLaLlon can be glven as a posLer, a owerolnL, a vldeo or oLher pre-approved producL.

?our presenLaLlon should lnclude:

1. 1he names of people ln your group
2. A plcLure (graph) represenLlng all Lhe locaLlons wlLh all roads beLween Lhem labeled wlLh mlleages and
3. A deLalled plan of your soluLlon
4. A wrlLLen explanaLlon of Lhe sLraLegles you used Lo flnd Lhe shorLesL rouLe
1he soluLlon on Lhe graph and Lhe LoLal number of mlles
3. A wrlLLen explanaLlon of Lhe sLraLegles you used Lo flnd Lhe leasL amounL of Llme
1he soluLlon on Lhe graph and Lhe LoLal Llme
6. Why Lhe shorLesL rouLes are Lhe same or why noL
7. CLher condlLlons you mlghL wanL Lo conslder and whaL daLa gave you Lhe ldea

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I|na| ro[ect Samp|e kubr|c
Croup Members names: (up Lo 4)
_______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________

Do you have? o|nts oss|b|e es No o|nts Larned
Deta||ed |ans
Cverall plan Lo solve Lhe problem (explanaLlon of sLraLegles) 10
uaLa !ournal for each group member 20

Cther parts of your pro[ect:
Craph labeled wlLh locaLlons and mlleage 10
Craph labeled wlLh Llmes 3
SoluLlon labeled on graph 13
1oLal mlleage and LoLal Llme 10
CLher condlLlons Lo conslder 10

All group members parLlclpaLe 3
resenL all parLs of Lhe pro[ecL 10
Answer quesLlons from audlence 3

1C1AL: 100

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Un|t 3:
Web Des|gn

Lxplorlng CompuLer Sclence, 2013
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1he Web ueslgn unlL bullds on Lhe concepLs presenLed ln Lhe prevlous unlLs by havlng sLudenLs apply problem
solvlng sLraLegles Lo web deslgn, Lhus, lL also serves as a brldge Lo Lhe lnLroducLlon Lo rogrammlng unlL as
sLudenLs move from user Lo creaLor. 1he unlL also provldes an opporLunlLy Lo expand upon Lhe lssues of eLhlcs
and prlvacy relaLed Lo Lhe lnLerneL LhaL were lnLroduced ln Lhe flrsL unlL.
1he baslcs of hLml and css are lnLroduced as a meLhod for descrlblng feaLures of web pages LhaL sLudenLs can
use Lo deslgn and develop web pages based on Lhelr own culLure, lnLeresLs and unlque experlences.
1he hLml and css lessons are scaffolded ln order Lo provlde all sLudenLs an enLry polnL, buL lL ls llkely LhaL as
sLudenLs explore Lhey wlll encounLer feaLures Lhey wlsh Lo add for whlch Lhey do noL yeL know Lhe correcL Lags.
Many sLudenLs wlll be able Lo flgure Lhese ouL on Lhelr own and should be encouraged Lo do so.
8eslsL Lhe LempLaLlon Lo provlde llsLs of approprlaLe fonL and color paleLLes and/or besL layouL deslgns. As
sLudenLs experlmenL and share Lhelr work, challenge Lhem Lo explaln why Lhey chose Lhe feaLures Lhey dld and
encourage peers Lo commenL.
Lxample pro[ecLs are provlded as a sLarLlng polnL, buL sLudenLs should be encouraged Lo work on pro[ecLs LhaL
are auLhenLlc for Lhem. 1hey may choose Lo creaLe web pages on dlfferenL Loplcs for each asslgned pro[ecL or
bulld on a prlor one as approprlaLe.
1here are Lwo supplemenLs-llash anlmaLlon and !avascrlpL-aL Lhe end of Lhe unlL for use lf Lhere ls addlLlonal
Llme and lnLeresL.
Speclflc Loplcs for each lnsLrucLlonal day are llsLed ln Lhe overvlew charL on Lhe nexL page.

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Da||y Cverv|ew Chart
Instruct|ona| Day 1op|c
1-2 Lxplore lssues of soclal responslblllLy ln web use as well as Lhe relaLlve
merlLs of Lhe lnfluence of Lhe web on socleLy, personal llves, and
3-4 lnLroduce Lhe use of baslc hLml.
3 lnLroduce baslc formaLLlng ln hLml.
6-7 Lxplore lmage edlLlng for Lhe web uslng hoLoshop or an lmage edlLor of
8-10 lnLroduce baslc css.
11-13 Lxplore Lhe concepL of separaLlng sLyle from sLrucLure by keeplng separaLe
hLml and css flles.
14 Add hyperllnks Lo oLher webslLes.
13-16 lnLroduce a varleLy of page layouL sLyles.
17-19 racLlce Lhe use of varlous deslgn elemenLs.
20-21 lnLroduce several dlfferenL enhancemenLs for webslLe deslgn, lncludlng
web user lnLerface elemenLs comblnlng !avascrlpL, hLml, css, and
hoLoshop, accordlon menus, llghLbox and slldlng lmages.
22-23 llnal pro[ecLs and gallery walk

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Da||y Lesson |ans
Instruct|ona| Days: 1-2
1op|c Descr|pt|on: 1hls lesson engages sLudenLs ln a dlscusslon of Lhe web as soclal experlence. lssues of soclal
responslblllLy ln web use are explored as well as Lhe relaLlve merlLs of Lhe lnfluence of Lhe web on socleLy,
personal llves, and educaLlon.
1he sLudenL wlll be able Lo:
SeL up a blog.
Lxplaln baslc securlLy lssues on Lhe lnLerneL.
ldenLlfy web appllcaLlons whlch lnfluence socleLy and educaLlon.
ldenLlfy approprlaLe vs. lnapproprlaLe use of soclal webslLes.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
SeL up a blog (23 mlnuLes)
ulscusslon of onllne securlLy lssues (20 mlnuLes)
8log enLry of sLudenLs' onllne experlences (10 mlnuLes)
ulscusslon of parLs 1-3 of Ctowloq up Oolloe from Lhe 8S serles ltootlloe (40 mlnuLes)
8log enLry reflecLlng on Ctowloq up Oolloe (13 mlnuLes)

Student Act|v|t|es:
SeL up a blog.
arLlclpaLe ln dlscusslon of onllne securlLy.
CreaLe a blog enLry on onllne experlences.
arLlclpaLe ln a dlscusslon abouL onllne experlences wlLh soclal neLworklng slLes, blogs, emall, onllne
chaLLlng and Lhe klnd of lmpacL lL has had on Lhelr llves.
vlew and dlscuss Ctowloq up Oolloe.
CreaLe a 8log enLry reflecLlng on Ctowloq up Oolloe.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
SeL up a blog
o CompleLe Lhe porLlons of Lhe seLup LhaL were noL done prlor Lo class.
o Culde a dlscusslon of onllne securlLy as sLudenLs work on seLLlng up Lhelr blogs.
CreaLe a blog enLry on onllne experlences.
o Show sLudenLs how Lo creaLe a blog enLry uslng Lhe blogglng Lool chosen for Lhe class.
o Pave sLudenLs creaLe an enLry LhaL descrlbes some of Lhelr currenL onllne experlences.
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Culde a dlscusslon regardlng sLudenL use of soclal neLworklng appllcaLlons. (noLe: 1hls dlscusslon may
be a revlew of dlscusslons from unlL 1.) Ask quesLlons such as:
o Whlch soclal neLworklng appllcaLlons do you use? (blogglng, lacebook, MySpace)
o Pow ofLen? Pow many of your frlends use Lhem?
o Pow lmporLanL are Lhese web appllcaLlons Lo your llves? Pow have Lhey changed your llves?
! Llvlng Lhelr llves essenLlally onllne
! A revoluLlon ln classrooms and ln soclal llfe
! Self expresslon, Lrylng on new ldenLlLles
ulsplay parLs 1-3 of Ctowloq up Oolloe from Lhe 8S serles ltootlloe.
o AfLer vlewlng Lhe vldeo, lead a dlscusslon on Lhe conLenL.
8log enLry reflecLlng on Ctowloq up Oolloe
o Pave sLudenLs creaLe a blog enLry reflecLlng on Lhe vldeo. uld any of Lhelr LhoughLs change afLer
vlewlng Lhe vldeo?
noLe: Pelplng each sLudenL seL up a blog wlll requlre some Llme ouLslde of class and should be compleLed ln
advance of Lhe lesson. lor example, sLudenLs need Lo geL a free Coogle gmall accounL before slgnlng up for
blogger. 1hls can only be done ouLslde of Lhe LAuSu flrewall.

SuggesLed blogglng Lools:

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Instruct|ona| Days: 3-4
1op|c Descr|pt|on: An lnLroducLlon Lo Lhe use of baslc hLml
1he sLudenL wlll be able Lo:
CreaLe a sLoryboard
navlgaLe an hLml edlLor.
CreaLe an hLml page wlLh a LlLle and a body.
CreaLe an hLml page wlLh paragraph Lags, headlngs, llne breaks, and horlzonLal llnes.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
CreaLe a sLoryboard (13 mlnuLes)
uemo of hLml edlLor (13 mlnuLes)
PLml page wlLh a LlLle and body (13 mlnuLes)
PLml page wlLh paragraphs and headlngs (23 mlnuLes)
PLml page wlLh llne breaks and horlzonLal llnes (40 mlnuLes)

Student Act|v|t|es:
CreaLe a sLoryboard for a webpage.
lollow along durlng Lhe demo of Lhe hLml edlLor.
CreaLe an hLml page wlLh a LlLle and body.
CreaLe an hLml page wlLh paragraphs and headlngs.
CreaLe an hLml page wlLh llne breaks and horlzonLal llnes.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
CreaLe a sLoryboard for a webpage
o Lxplaln Lo sLudenLs LhaL a sLoryboard ls a vlsual plan for a webslLe. lL usually conslsLs of a serles
of pages LhaL lnclude a rough skeLch ouLllnlng Lhe conLenL, navlgaLlon, and deslgn elemenLs
of Lhe webslLe.
o Pave sLudenLs creaLe a sLoryboard for a webslLe LhaL lncludes a LlLle, several paragraphs, and
headlngs for each paragraph before beglnnlng Lhe demo of Lhe hLml edlLor.
uemo of hLml edlLor
o ulsplay Lhe hLml edlLor LhaL you have chosen for Lhe class. olnL ouL Lhe followlng hLml Lags.

1ag Descr|pt|on Lnd 1ag
<hLml> ueflnes an P1ML documenL </hLml>
<head> ueflnes lnformaLlon abouL Lhe documenL </head>
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<LlLle> ueflnes Lhe LlLle of Lhe documenL </LlLle>
<body> ueflnes Lhe maln parL of Lhe documenL </body>

o LnLer a LlLle and a one senLence body. uemonsLraLe how Lo save Lhe documenL as an hLml flle
and how Lo vlew Lhe ouLpuL page ln a browser. olnL ouL LhaL Lhe LlLle appears ln Lhe bar aL Lhe
Lop of Lhe wlndow. Also polnL ouL LhaL Lhe end Lag ls a necessary parL of Lhe synLax ln order Lo
Lell Lhe compuLer when Lo sLop dolng a parLlcular Lhlng.
PLml page wlLh a LlLle and a body
o Pave sLudenLs wrlLe a paragraph ln Lhe body secLlon and glve lL a LlLle. (SLudenLs can choose Lo
wrlLe abouL Lhemselves or anoLher Loplc of lnLeresL.)
o uemonsLraLe Lhe creaLlon of a baslc hLml/css page ln Lhe hLml edlLor of cholce.
PLml page wlLh paragraphs and headlngs
o Pave sLudenLs add a second paragraph Lo Lhelr web page and noLe whaL happens.
o 1hen have Lhem add Lwo llsLs relaLed Lo Lhelr Loplc (favorlLe movles, muslc, hobbles, eLc.) and
noLe whaL happens.
o Culde sLudenLs Lo noLlce LhaL everyLhlng runs LogeLher no maLLer how Lhey Lype lL.
o Lxplaln Lhe followlng hLml Lags.

1ag Descr|pt|on Lnd 1ag
<p> ueflnes a paragraph </p>
<h1> Lo
ueflnes headlngs aL levels 1-6 </h1> Lo

o Pave sLudenLs Lry lnserLlng Lhese new Lags lnLo Lhelr web page and noLe whaL happens.
o 8emlnd sLudenLs LhaL Lhey need Lhe end Lag.
o 1hls ls a good place Lo polnL ouL LhaL hLml ls one language LhaL can be used Lo glve Lhe compuLer
lnsLrucLlons as dlscussed ln unlL 1 and LhaL Lhe compuLer wlll produce exacLly Lhe ouLpuL LhaL
Lhe user lndlcaLes wlLh Lhe synLax provlded. PLml ls noL a programmlng language, lL ls a markup
PLml page wlLh llne breaks and horlzonLal llnes
o Lxplaln Lhe followlng hLml Lags.

1ag Descr|pt|on Lnd 1ag
<br/> ueflnes a slngle llne break
<hr/> ueflnes a horlzonLal llne

o Pave sLudenLs Lry lnserLlng Lhese new Lags lnLo Lhelr web pages and noLe whaL happens.
o Clve sLudenLs Llme Lo experlmenL and deLermlne whaL comblnaLlon of Lags wlll allow Lhem Lo
puL Lhelr llsLs ln a column, wlLh each llsL havlng lLs own headlng.
o olnL ouL LhaL Lrylng dlfferenL Lags and checklng Lhe ouLpuL ls an example of LesLlng and
verlflcaLlon. lf Lhe ouLpuL ls noL whaL ls lnLended, Lhen Lhey need Lo debug Lhe code Lhey wroLe.
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o noLe LhaL you can reLrleve an hLml reference from hLLp://

hLml edlLors
hLLp:// (mac only)
hLLp:// (mac only)
hLLp://smulLron.sourceforge.neL/ (mac only)
hLLp:// (wlndows only)
hLml LuLorlal
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Instruct|ona| Day: 3
1op|c Descr|pt|on: An lnLroducLlon Lo baslc formaLLlng ln hLml
1he sLudenL wlll be able Lo:
CreaLe an hLml page LhaL lncludes emphaslzed LexL.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
8evlew of Lags learned Lo daLe (3 mlnuLes)
PLml pages LhaL lnclude emphaslzed LexL (30 mlnuLes)

Student Act|v|t|es:
arLlclpaLe ln revlew of Lags.
CreaLe an hLml page LhaL lncludes emphaslzed LexL.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
8evlew of Lags
o Pave sLudenLs open Lhelr flles, Lhen lead a qulck revlew of Lhe Lags.
PLml pages LhaL lnclude emphaslzed LexL
o Lxplaln Lhe followlng hLml Lags.

1ag Descr|pt|on Lnd 1ag
<sLrong> ueflnes where you wanL LexL Lo be sLrongly emphaslzed
(appears bold)
<em> ueflnes where you wanL LexL Lo be emphaslzed (appears ln

o Pave sLudenLs Lry lnserLlng Lhese new Lags lnLo Lhelr web pages and noLe whaL happens.
o Clve sLudenLs Llme Lo experlmenL.
o Ask sLudenLs Lo Lhlnk abouL whaL Lhlngs Lhey would llke Lo be able Lo do wlLh web pages LhaL
Lhey have noL done already. Answers wlll vary: plcLures, dlfferenL Lypes of fonLs, colors, eLc.
hLml LuLorlal

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Instruct|ona| Days: 6-7
1op|c Descr|pt|on: Lxplore lmage edlLlng for Lhe web uslng hoLoshop or an lmage edlLor of cholce.
1he sLudenL wlll be able Lo:
ldenLlfy Lhe sLandard lmage resoluLlon for Lhe web (72 dpl).
8eslze and crop lmages for Lhe web.
ldenLlfy and dlfferenLlaLe beLween Lhe varlous lmage formaLs used ln web slLes: [pg, glf, png.
CreaLe an hLml page LhaL lncludes lmages.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
ulscusslon of varlous web lmage formaLs (3 mlnuLes)
uemo of reslzlng and cropplng lmages (13 mlnuLes)
SelecLlng and cropplng a lmages (33 mlnuLes)
PLml pages LhaL lnclude lmages (33 mlnuLes)

Student Act|v|t|es:
arLlclpaLe ln dlscusslon and follow along wlLh demo.
SelecL and crop a few lmages.
CreaLe an hLml page LhaL lncludes lmages.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
ulscusslon of varlous web lmage formaLs
o Lxplaln LhaL lmage properLles are relevanL Lo web use.
o lL ls lmporLanL Lo check Lhe slze when preparlng an lmage for use on Lhe web. 8esoluLlon can be
seL under lmage slze.
o 8emlnd sLudenLs of Lhe webslLe evaluaLlon Lhey dld ln unlL 1 and feaLures LhaL made a parLlcular
slLe user-frlendly.
SelecLlng and cropplng an lmage
o uemonsLraLe how Lo crop and reslze lmages ln hoLoshop or lmage edlLor of cholce. arL of Lhls
wlll be revlew from unlL 1.
o Pave sLudenLs choose a few lmages LhaL Lhey wlll add Lo Lhelr web page and crop Lhem.
o Lxplaln LhaL sLudenLs should save Lhelr lmages for use ln Lhls pro[ecL and laLer pro[ecLs.
PLml pages LhaL lnclude lmages
o Lxplaln Lhe followlng hLml Lag.

1ag Descr|pt|on Lnd 1ag
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<lmg ueflnes an lmage />

o olnL ouL LhaL Lhe correcL synLax for deflnlng an lmage ls <lmg src="xxxx.[pg"/>
o xxxx ls Lhe name of Lhe lmage flle. 1he lmage should be ln Lhe same folder as Lhe hLml flle.
o Pave sLudenLs lnserL Lhelr lmage lnLo Lhelr hLml page.
o 1hey can reslze Lhe phoLo on Lhe screen wlLh: <lmg src="xxxx.[pg"wldLh="some #"helghL="some
o 1hey can add a LlLle by: <lmg src="xxxx.[pg"wldLh="some #"helghL="some #" LlLle="1hls ls my
o Clve sLudenLs Llme Lo experlmenL wlLh placemenL, slzes, headlngs, and addlLlonal lmages.
o lor sLudenLs who flnlsh early, you can have Lhem vlew Lhe fllLers and effecLs secLlon of
hLLp:// and Lry modlfylng Lhelr lmages.
hLLp:// (phoLoshop-fllLers/effecLs)
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Instruct|ona| Days: 8-10
1op|c Descr|pt|on: An lnLroducLlon Lo Lhe use of baslc css.
1he sLudenL wlll be able Lo:
CreaLe lnllne sLyles wlLh css.
CreaLe a web page LhaL uses lnllne sLyles.
CreaLe an lnLernal sLyle sheeL wlLh css.
CreaLe a web page LhaL uses an lnLernal sLyle sheeL.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
Cvervlew of css (10 mlnuLes)
Sample lnllne sLyles (13 mlnuLes)
A web page LhaL uses lnllne sLyles (13 mlnuLes)
Sample lnLernal sLyle sheeL (13 mlnuLes)
Movle revlew hLml/css page (43 mlnuLes)
Share sLudenL work (10 mlnuLes)
A second hLml/css page (43 mlnuLes)
Share sLudenL work. (10 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
Lxamlne sample web conLenL.
CreaLe a web page LhaL uses lnllne sLyles.
Lxamlne sample web conLenL.
CompleLe movle revlew hLml/css pro[ecL.
Share compleLed pro[ecLs.
CompleLe second hLml/css pro[ecL.
Share compleLed pro[ecLs.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
Cvervlew of css
o CSS sLands for Cascadlng SLyle SheeLs.
o CSS provldes Lhe formaLLlng and sLyle for a web page, whlle hLml provldes Lhe conLenL.
o 1here are Lhree meLhods for lnserLlng sLyles.
! lnllne sLyles
! lnLernal sLyle sheeL
! LxLernal sLyle sheeL
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o 1he baslc formaL for a sLyle ls:

Se|ector Dec|arat|on Dec|arat|on
h1 [color:blue, lonL_slze:12px,}

o 1he selecLor ls Lhe elemenL you wanL Lo sLyle, each declaraLlon conslsLs of a properLy and a
value, Lhe properLy ls Lhe aLLrlbuLe you wanL Lo change and each properLy has a value.
o 1o make lL more readable you can puL each declaraLlon on a separaLe llne.
o uemonsLraLe creaLlng a header wlLh Lhe lnllne sLyle llsLed above.
o noLe LhaL you can reLrleve a css reference from hLLp://
o ulsplay hLLp:// and
hLLp:// as sources for chooslng colors.
o Pave sLudenLs suggesL a few dlfferenL declaraLlons and demonsLraLe Lhe resulLs.
CreaLe a web page LhaL uses lnllne sLyles.
o Pave sLudenLs add a few sLyles Lo Lhelr web page.
Sample lnLernal sLyle sheeL.
o olnL ouL LhaL lnllne sLyles should be used sparlngly because Lhey defeaL Lhe purpose of
separaLlng Lhe sLyle from Lhe conLenL.
o Pave sLudenLs vlew hLLp:// (hLml/css--baslc markup). 1hey
should vlew Lhe page before and afLer Lhe sLyllng ls added.
o olnL ouL whaL each plece of Lhe sLyllng does Lo Lhe orlglnal page. olnL ouL Lhe formaL and LhaL
Lhe lnLernal sLyle sheeL ls lncluded ln Lhe <head>. Also noLe LhaL Lhe sLyle applles Lo Lhe enLlre
page unless a speclflc lnllne sLyle ls added.
o 1alk abouL Lhe facL LhaL Lhls ls a way Lo do decomposlLlon ln Lhelr deslgn process because Lhey
can choose Lhe conLenL and provlde Lhe sLyle ln Lwo separaLe sLages. 1hey can also Lhen LesL
Lhe varlous sLyle elemenLs one aL a Llme Lo verlfy correcLness. ?ou may wanL Lo noLe LhaL Lhls ls
slmllar Lo Lhe way you can Lhlnk abouL wrlLlng Lhe algorlLhm for maklng a peanuL buLLer and [elly
sandwlch-wrlLe Lhe lnsLrucLlons Lo work for any bread", any klnd of peanuL buLLer, and any
klnd of [elly, Lhen Lhe speclflc klnds of bread, peanuL buLLer, and [elly can be changed accordlng
Lo parLlcular LasLe. ?ou could even exLend Lhls furLher Lo make lL any klnd of sandwlch-bread,
fllllng 1, fllllng 2, eLc. (noLe: 1hls ls an example of absLracLlon.)
Movle revlew hLml/css page
o SLudenLs creaLe a webslLe wlLh one or more movle revlews. 1he hLml page wlll conLaln Lhe
followlng paragraphs for each revlew: LlLle, dlrecLor, synopsls, revlew. 1he css sLylesheeL wlll
have correspondlng classes. 1he page wlll also lnclude:
! AL leasL one plcLure
! 1he name of aL leasL one of Lhe acLors ln lLallcs
! 1he background and LexL colors
Share sLudenL work.
o Culde sLudenLs ln sharlng Lhelr work elLher by a gallery walk, volunLeers, eLc.
CompleLe second hLml/css pro[ecL
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o noLe: you may choose Lo have sLudenLs conLlnue worklng on Lhelr movle pro[ecL raLher Lhan
sLarL a second one lf Llme ls shorL.
o Some examples of pro[ecLs from whlch Lo have sLudenLs choose are provlded ln Lhe LuLorlal or
have sLudenLs creaLe Lhelr own pro[ecL.
Share resulLs of sLudenL work.
o Culde sLudenLs ln sharlng Lhelr work elLher by a gallery walk, volunLeers, eLc.
o Pave sLudenLs provlde feedback Lo Lhelr peers.
hLLp:// (hLml/css--baslc markup)

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Instruct|ona| Days: 11-13
1op|c Descr|pt|on: Lxplore Lhe concepL of separaLlng sLyle from sLrucLure by keeplng separaLe hLml and css flles.
1he sLudenL wlll be able Lo
CreaLe an hLml page whlch llnks Lo a separaLe css flle.
use hLml Lags and css sLyllng elemenLs Lo separaLe sLyle from sLrucLure.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
8evlew of hLml/css concepLs and descrlpLlon of how Lo llnk Lo a separaLe css flle (13 mlnuLes)
Sample web conLenL (20 mlnuLes)
CreaLlon of separaLe hLml and css pages for Lhe prevlous movle revlew pro[ecL (40 mlnuLes)
CreaLlon of separaLe hLml and css pages for a second pro[ecL (73 mlnuLes)
Share sLudenL work (13 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
8evlew hLml/css concepLs.
Lxamlne sample web conLenL.
CompleLe hLml/css movle revlew pro[ecL.
CompleLe hLml/css pro[ecL 2.
Share compleLed pro[ecLs.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
8evlew of hLml/css concepLs
o Culde a dlscusslon of Lhe hlghllghLs of Lhe prevlous lesson.
o uslng Lhe LexL edlLor, demonsLraLe how Lo creaLe an exLernal flle for Lhe sLyles. Lmphaslze LhaL
whaLever Lhe name of Lhe sLyle sheeL, lL needs Lo have a .css exLenslon. Save Lhe flle ln Lhe web
o noLe LhaL Lhls allows deslgners Lo furLher separaLe Lhe sLyle from Lhe conLenL. Such separaLlon
would be parLlcularly useful ln malnLalnlng a large webslLe LhaL has a sLandard look and feel.
1haL sLandard look and feel can be added Lo a page by [usL lnclude Lhe exLernal css flle. 8y
uLlllzlng reusable code, Lhere ls conslsLency and lL means LhaL Lhe deslgner does noL need Lo
reLype Lhe enLlre conLenL of Lhe sLyle every Llme a new page ls added.
Sample web conLenL
o Answer quesLlons as sLudenLs vlew and read Lhe hLml/css reusable code secLlon aL
hLLp:// (hLml/css-reusable code)
o uemonsLraLe how Lo add Lhe approprlaLe llnk Lo Lhe hLml flle.
CompleLe hLml/css movle revlew pro[ecL.
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o Pave sLudenLs revlse Lhelr prevlous movle revlew pro[ecL Lo use an exLernal css flle.
CompleLe hLml/css pro[ecL 2.
o Cne example of a pro[ecL mlghL be Lo creaLe a webslLe wlLh lnformaLlon on Lhelr favorlLe band.
! A paragraph wlLh Lhe name of Lhe band ln large bold Lype.
! AL leasL one plcLure
! 1he genre of Lhe band ln lLallcs (l.e. 8ock, 8ap, eLc.)
! A llsL of some of Lhe songs from Lhe band ln a paragraph ln regular Lype
! A separaLe secLlon LhaL explalns why Lhe band ls Lhelr favorlLe
! 1he background and LexL ln dlfferenL colors
o CLher examples can be found ln Lhe LuLorlal
Share sLudenL work.
o Culde sLudenLs ln sharlng Lhelr work elLher by a gallery walk, volunLeers, eLc.
hLLp:// (hLml/css-reusable code)

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Instruct|ona| Day: 14
1op|c Descr|pt|on: 1hls lesson explores Lhe use of llnks Lo oLher webslLes.
1he sLudenL wlll be able Lo:
CreaLe an hLml page LhaL lncludes hyperllnks.

Cut||ne of the Lesson:
LxplanaLlon of how Lo add hyperllnks (13 mlnuLes)
AddlLlon of hyperllnks Lo web pages (40 mlnuLes)

Student Act|v|t|es:
arLlclpaLe ln dlscusslon of hyperllnks.
Add hyperllnks Lo web page.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
PLml pages LhaL lnclude hyperllnks
o Lxplaln Lhe followlng hLml Lag.

1ag Descr|pt|on Lnd 1ag
<a href
= url"
ueflnes whaL ls Lo be dlsplayed. < /a>

o olnL ouL LhaL Lhe correcL synLax for deflnlng a hyperllnk ls <a href="url">Llnk LexL </a>
o 1he sLarL Lag conLalns lnformaLlon abouL Lhe llnk address.
o WhaL ls Lo be dlsplayed can be LexL, an lmage, eLc.
o Clve sLudenLs Llme Lo experlmenL wlLh addlng hyperllnks Lo Lhelr prevlous pro[ecL, lncludlng
placemenL and slzes.

no addlLlonal resources needed
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Instruct|ona| Days: 13-16
1op|c Descr|pt|on: ln Lhls lesson a varleLy of page layouL sLyles are lnLroduced.
1he sLudenL wlll be able Lo:
use Lable, row, and column Lagglng ln an hLml page.
Add css sLyllng Lo an hLml Lable.
use ordered and unordered llsL Lagglng ln an hLml page.
Add css sLyllng Lo an hLml llsL.
use grld elemenLs ln css dlv placemenL.
Add a menu Lo an hLml page.
CreaLe a web page LhaL lncludes layouL sLyles.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
LxplanaLlon of how Lo creaLe an hLml Lable (13 mlnuLes)
Lxamples of daLa LhaL lends lLself Lo belng presenLed ln a Lable (3 mlnuLes)
LxplanaLlon of how Lo creaLe hLml ordered and unordered llsLs and how Lo add sLyllng Lo llsL elemenLs.
(13 mlnuLes)
Lxamples of daLa LhaL lends lLself Lo belng presenLed ln a llsL. (3 mlnuLes)
rellmlnary css poslLlonlng and opaclLy exerclse (13 mlnuLes)
LxplanaLlon of how Lo creaLe a menu (13 mlnuLes)
CreaLlon of a web page LhaL lncludes layouL sLyles (40 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
arLlclpaLe ln Lhe dlscusslon of creaLlng an hLml Lable.
vlew examples of daLa LhaL lends lLself Lo belng presenLed ln a Lable.
arLlclpaLe ln Lhe dlscusslon of creaLlng ordered and unordered llsLs.
vlew examples of daLa LhaL lends lLself Lo belng presenLed ln a llsL.
CompleLe css poslLlonlng exerclse.
arLlclpaLe ln Lhe dlscusslon of menu creaLlon.
CreaLe a web page LhaL lncludes layouL sLyles.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
use Lhe LuLorlal (hLLp:// hLml/css-Lables) Lo demonsLraLe how Lo
creaLe a Lable, how Lo add rows and columns and how Lo add css sLyllng Lo Lable, row, and column
elemenLs. Pave sLudenLs vlew Lhe example code and predlcL Lhe resulLs prlor Lo vlewlng.
uemonsLraLe examples of daLa LhaL lends lLself Lo belng presenLed ln a Lable
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use Lhe LuLorlal (hLLp:// hLml/css-sLyled llsLs) Lo demonsLraLe how Lo
creaLe ordered and unordered llsLs and how Lo add css sLyllng Lo llsL elemenLs. Pave sLudenLs vlew Lhe
example code and predlcL Lhe resulLs prlor Lo vlewlng.
uemonsLraLe examples of daLa LhaL lends lLself Lo belng presenLed ln a llsL.
o 8emlnd sLudenLs of Lhe daLa Lhey worked wlLh ln unlLs 1 and 2. Ask quesLlons abouL how LhaL
mlghL have been dlsplayed on a web page. olnL ouL LhaL Lhey may wanL Lo keep Lhls ln mlnd
for Lhe flnal pro[ecL ln unlL 3.
use Lhe LuLorlal (hLLp:// hLml/css-page layouL) Lo demonsLraLe dlv
poslLlonlng uslng css. Pave sLudenLs vlew Lhe example code and predlcL Lhe resulLs prlor Lo vlewlng.
use Lhe LuLorlal (hLLp:// hLml/css-menus) Lo demonsLraLe how Lo
creaLe a menu. Pave sLudenLs vlew Lhe example code and predlcL Lhe resulLs prlor Lo vlewlng.
Pave sLudenLs creaLe a web page whlch serves as an adverLlsemenL for a producL of Lhelr cholce.
o Lxplaln pro[ecL requlremenLs.
! 1he page musL make use of aL leasL one of Lhe page layouL meLhods dlscussed.
! ClrculaLe room and help sLudenLs wlLh pro[ecLs.

hLLp:// (hLml/css-Lables, sLyled llsLs, page layouL, menus)
hLml and css LuLorlals
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Instruct|ona| Days: 17-19
1op|c Descr|pt|on: racLlce Lhe use of varlous deslgn elemenLs.
1he sLudenL wlll be able Lo:
CreaLe web pages whlch lncorporaLe deslgn elemenLs prevlously sLudled.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
LxplanaLlon of pro[ecL (10 mlnuLes)
ueslgn and creaLlon of a web page LhaL llnks Lo aL leasL 3 oLher webslLes (133 mlnuLes)
Share sLudenL work. (20 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
ueslgn and creaLe a 3 page webslLe abouL Lhelr fuLure LhaL llnks Lo aL leasL 3 oLher webslLes and lncludes
a varleLy of deslgn elemenLs.
Share compleLed work.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
ueslgn and creaLe a web page abouL Lhelr fuLure LhaL llnks Lo aL leasL 3 oLher webslLes and lncludes a
varleLy of deslgn elemenLs.
o 1he Lhree pages may elLher scroll or llnk Lo each oLher.
o 1he pro[ecL should lnclude lmages relaLed Lo Lhelr fuLure.
Share sLudenL work.
hLLp:// (hLml/css)
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Instruct|ona| Days: 20-21
1op|c Descr|pt|on:
1hls lesson lnLroduces a varleLy of enhancemenLs for webslLe developmenL. osslble enhancemenLs lnclude:
several web user lnLerface elemenLs comblnlng !avascrlpL, hLml, css, and hoLoshop, accordlon menus, llghLbox,
slldeshow and [query.
1he sLudenL wlll be able Lo:
CreaLe a mulLl-page web slLe LhaL lncludes a varleLy of enhancemenLs.

Cut||ne of the Lesson:
LxploraLlon of a varleLy of enhancemenL posslblllLles
CreaLlon of a mulLl-page webslLe (33 mlnuLes)
Share sLudenL work. (10 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
8evlew Lhe secLlons of Lhe LuLorlal webslLe relaLed Lo Lhe enhancemenL posslblllLles.
CreaLe a mulLl-page webslLe.
Share compleLed work.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
Pave sLudenLs revlew Lhe secLlons of Lhe LuLorlal webslLe deallng wlLh
o Lhe creaLlon of rollover buLLons.
o Lhe lasso for lnverLed selecLlons.
o menus.
o accordlon menus.
o llghLbox.
o slldlng lmages.
CreaLlon of a mulLl-page webslLe
o Pave sLudenLs choose 2 or more of Lhe enhancemenLs Lo lnclude ln Lhelr webslLe.
o SLudenLs may add Lo Lhe webslLe abouL Lhelr fuLure or creaLe someLhlng new.
Share sLudenL work.

hLLp:// (phoLoshop-fllLers/effecLs, [avascrlpL-rollover buLLons,
phoLoshop-pro[ecL 2)
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hLLp:// ([avascrlpL-mooLools)
hLLp:// ([avascrlpL-llghL box, [avascrlpL-[query)

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Instruct|ona| Days: 22-23
1op|c Descr|pt|on: SLudenLs compleLe flnal pro[ecLs.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
lncorporaLe all ob[ecLlves of Lhe unlL lnLo Lhe flnal pro[ecL.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
LxplanaLlon of flnal pro[ecL (13 mlnuLes)
llnal pro[ecL (133 mlnuLes)
Callery walk and voLe on flnal pro[ecLs (13 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
CompleLe flnal pro[ecL.
arLlclpaLe ln gallery walk Lo vlew and voLe on compleLed pro[ecLs.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
llnal pro[ecL
o Lxplaln flnal pro[ecL cholces.
o Pelp sLudenLs wlLh pro[ecLs as necessary.
Callery walk
o Lncourage sLudenLs Lo ask each oLher quesLlons as Lhey vlew Lhe webslLes.
o Pave sLudenLs voLe on Lhelr favorlLe.
llnal ro[ecL
llnal ro[ecL Sample 8ubrlc

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I|na| ro[ect
?our Lask ls Lo creaLe a webslLe LhaL lncludes
lmages and LexL wlLh references Lo sources
ages wlLh headers, navlgaLlon and conLenL
An exLernal css flle Lo deflne layouL and sLyllng
?ou may choose any of Lhe followlng Loplcs
An eLhlcal dllemma
A career
A worldwlde or communlLy problem
A Loplc of your cholce LhaL has been approved
Lth|ca| D||emma Web S|te
?our Lask ls Lo analyze an eLhlcal dllemma. Choose one of Lhe four dllemmas llsLed below or geL approval for a
dlfferenL one. ?ou musL conslder Lhe alLernaLlves and glve reasons for Lhe why and Lhe why noL you should do
whaL ls descrlbed. 1hen you musL choose whaL you would do and explaln why. 1he webslLe should lnclude pages
1. uescrlbe Lhe dllemma you have chosen.
2. Clve 3 reasons why you should do whaL ls descrlbed.
3. Clve 3 reasons why you should nC1 do whaL ls descrlbed.
4. uescrlbes whaL you wlll do and explalns why.
LLhlcal ullemmas:
1. eople lllegally download muslc over Lhe lnLerneL. AlLhough lL's free, lL ls sLlll lllegal. WhaL do you
choose Lo do? Why?
2. ?our parenL loses hls/her [ob. ?ou could help ouL by selllng lllegal dvds on Lhe sLreeLs. WhaL should you
3. ?ou have Lhe ablllLy Lo hack lnLo Lhe school compuLer sysLem. ?ou can change people's grades. Would
you change your own? Why or why noL? WhaL lf you could change Lhe grade for a baskeLball player who
has a scholarshlp Lo play for a blg unlverslLy?
4. Someone you know works aL a sLore LhaL sells lods. Pe sLeals some and asks lf you wanL Lo buy one for
half Lhe prlce Lhe sLore sells lL for? Should you buy lL? Why or why noL?

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Career Webs|te
8esearch a career and creaLe a webslLe LhaL provldes lnformaLlon abouL lL.

1he webslLe should lnclude pages LhaL
rovlde a brlef descrlpLlon of Lhe career
Lxplaln Lhe educaLlon requlred
uescrlbe Lasks performed ln Lhe career, salarles and how compuLer sclence ls used ln Lhe career.
Wor|dw|de or Commun|ty rob|em Webs|te
8esearch a worldwlde or communlLy problem and creaLe a webslLe LhaL provldes lnformaLlon abouL lL.
1he webslLe should lnclude pages LhaL
rovlde a brlef descrlpLlon of Lhe problem.
Lxplaln how Lhe problem ls affecLlng people.
uescrlbe posslble soluLlons Lo Lhe problem and whaL people readlng Lhe webslLe can do Lo help solve lL.

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I|na| ro[ect Samp|e kubr|c:
Do you have?
es No
Webs|te Content

A home page wlLh an lmage and a brlef
descrlpLlon of your Loplc

3 or more addlLlonal pages on your slLe 13

lmages LhaL supporL your Loplc 10

ClLe Lhe source(s) of you lmages 3

CompleLe lnformaLlon for your Loplc 10

ClLe Lhe source(s) of your lnformaLlon 3

Webs|te Des|gn

Pave a background color or lmage. 3

lncorporaLe one of Lhe layouL sLyles lnLo your

lnclude rollover lmages 3

Llnks Lo all Lhe pages of your webslLe on each

lnLegraLe Lhe llghLbox slldeshow, slldlng lmages,
or mooLools accordlon lnLo your webslLe.

use one shared exLernal .css flle for your slLe. 3

eer Grad|ng 13

?our pro[ecL ls voLed besL by your peers. (Lx18A
up Lo 10

1ota| 100

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I|ash An|mat|on Supp|ement
(1hese acLlvlLles can be used as Lhe lasL days prlor Lo Lhe flnal pro[ecL lf sLudenLs flnlsh oLher pro[ecLs prlor Lo Lhe
Llme alloLLed.)
Instruct|ona| Day: 1
1op|c Descr|pt|on: Adobe llash (formerly Macromedla llash) ls a proprleLary web anlmaLlon plaLform. 1he
lnLroducLory lesson demonsLraLes how Lo use sLop acLlon phoLography and llash Lo creaLe a fllpbook effecL.
1he sLudenL wlll be able Lo:
use sLop acLlon phoLography ln anlmaLed fllp books.
CreaLe a slmple flash anlmaLlon by lmporLlng a serles of lmages.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
revlew Lhe sLop acLlon phoLography sLudy of Lhe galloplng horse (3 mlnuLes)
uemonsLraLlon of how Lo cllp each lmage ln hoLoshop (3 mlnuLes)
uemonsLraLlon of how Lo lmporL a serles of lmages lnLo llash and how Lo play Lhe movle (10 mlnuLes)
racLlce of Lhe lmporL procedure (3 mlnuLes)
CreaLlon of a movle from sLop acLlon phoLography (23 mlnuLes)
Share sLudenL work (3 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
revlew Lhe sLop acLlon phoLography sLudy of Lhe galloplng horse from Lhe llash secLlon of Lhe LuLorlal
vlew how Lo cllp each lmage ln hoLoshop.
vlew how Lo lmporL a serles of lmages lnLo llash and how Lo play Lhe movle.
CreaLe a movle.
Share compleLed work.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
revlew of Lhe sLop acLlon phoLography sLudy of Lhe galloplng horse from Lhe llash secLlon of Lhe
LuLorlal webslLe
o ulscuss Lhe hlsLorlcal slgnlflcance of Ladweard Muybrldge and sLop acLlon phoLography.
o revlew varlous Ladweard Muybrldge phoLographlc sLudles.
uemonsLraLlon of how Lo cllp each lmage ln hoLoshop
o CreaLe eleven separaLe lmages.
o lollow a numerlcal namlng convenLlon: 01.[pg, 02.[pg...11.[pg.
uemonsLraLlon of how Lo lmporL a serles of lmages lnLo llash and how Lo play Lhe movle
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o Culde sLudenLs as Lhey follow Lhe procedure afLer lL ls demonsLraLed.
CreaLlon of a movle
o SuggesL sLudenLs download anoLher Ladweard Muybrldge sLop acLlon phoLographlc sLudy and
follow Lhe same procedure or have Lhem phoLograph Lhelr own sLop acLlon sLudy.
o ClrculaLe room and help sLudenLs choose and compleLe pro[ecLs.
Share sLudenL work
hLLp:// (flash-fllpbook)

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Instruct|ona| Day: 2
1op|c Descr|pt|on: An anlmaLlon Lechnlque called Lweenlng ls explored ln Adobe llash.
1he sLudenL wlll be able Lo:
use frame/Llmellne based anlmaLlon.
use an auLomaLlc frame based anlmaLlon Lechnlque called Lweenlng.
CreaLe several examples of Lweened anlmaLlons.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
uemonsLraLlon of Lweenlng Lechnlques (13 mlnuLes)
CreaLlon of a vlsual composlLlon (30 mlnuLes)
Share sLudenL work (10 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
vlew Lweenlng Lechnlques (ouLllned ln Lhe LuLorlal webslLe).
CreaLe a vlsual composlLlon.
Share compleLed work.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
uemonsLraLlon of Lweenlng Lechnlques (ouLllned ln Lhe LuLorlal webslLe)
o moLlon, slze, roLaLlon, color
o ulscuss elemenLs of deslgn as Lhey perLaln Lo ob[ecLs ln moLlon.
CreaLlon of a vlsual composlLlon
o Lxplaln Lhe requlremenLs for one or more of Lhe followlng sample pro[ecLs and gulde sLudenLs
as Lhey creaLe Lhelr verslons.
! CreaLe a vlsual composlLlon uslng llash Lweenlng. (8emember Lo puL each Lween on a
separaLe layer). SLudy Lhe ldeas of symmeLry (balance) and asymmeLry (lmbalance) ln
! CreaLe a vlsual composlLlon uslng llash Lweenlng applled Lo lnlLlals. SLudenLs can use
Lhelr own lnlLlals. (1ype can be Lweened ln llash.)
Share sLudenL work
hLLp:// (flash-Lweenlng)

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Instruct|ona| Day: 3
1op|c Descr|pt|on: 1he movle cllp ls Lhe baslc unlL of llash anlmaLlon whlch allows for reusablllLy and scrlpLlng.
1hls lesson ls an lnLroducLlon ln Lhe creaLlon of movle cllps.
1he sLudenL wlll be able Lo:
Lxplaln Lhe concepL of a llash movle cllp.
ulfferenLlaLe beLween a movle cllp and an lnsLance of a movle cllp.
CreaLe a movle cllp based on keyframed anlmaLlon.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
uemonsLraLlon of creaLlng a movle cllp (10 mlnuLes)
uemonsLraLlon of how Lo reuse mulLlple lnsLances of a movle (3 mlnuLes)
CreaLlon of a horse movle cllp (20 mlnuLes)
CreaLlon and lmplemenLaLlon of movle cllps (20 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
vlew examples of llash movle cllps.
CreaLe varlous llash movle cllps based on Lhe galloplng horse sLudy as ouLllned ln Lhe llash secLlon of
Lhe LuLorlal webslLe.
ueslgn and creaLe follow-up movle cllps.
vlew Lhe creaLlon of a movle cllp.
vlew how Lo reuse mulLlple lnsLances of a movle cllp.
CreaLe Lhe horse movle cllp as ouLllned ln Lhe LuLorlal webslLe.
CreaLe and lmplemenL movle cllps.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
uemonsLraLlon of examples of llash movle cllps
o Lxplaln how Lo creaLe a keyframed anlmaLlon based on Lhe galloplng horse example from Lhe
llash secLlon of Lhe LuLorlal webslLe.
o Culde sLudenLs as Lhey creaLe varlous llash movle cllps based on Lhe galloplng horse sLudy as
ouLllned ln Lhe llash secLlon of Lhe LuLorlal webslLe.
o Culde sLudenLs as Lhey deslgn and creaLe follow-up movle cllps.
uemonsLraLlon of creaLlng a movle cllp.
uemonsLraLlon of how Lo reuse mulLlple lnsLances of a movle cllp
o lncludlng a secondary Lweenlng
CreaLlon of a horse movle cllp as ouLllned ln Lhe LuLorlal webslLe
CreaLlon and lmplemenLaLlon of movle cllps
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o Culde sLudenLs as Lhey creaLe Lhelr own ldeas and Lhen lmplemenL.
hLLp:// (flash-movle cllps)

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Iavascr|pt Supp|ement
Instruct|ona| Day: 1
1op|c Descr|pt|on: lnLroduce baslc !avascrlpL, add lnLeracLlvlLy Lo web pages.
1he sLudenL wlll be able Lo:
Add a !avascrlpL Lo an hLml page.
Llnk Lo an exLernal !avascrlpL flle.
CreaLe alerLs and prompLs ln !avascrlpL.
WrlLe baslc maLh sLaLemenLs ln !avascrlpL.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
uemonsLraLlon of !avascrlpL baslc markup code samples (3 mlnuLes)
CreaLlon of !avascrlpL's (10 mlnuLes)
LxLenslon of code samples provlded ln LuLorlal webslLe (40 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
vlew code samples from LuLorlal webslLe.
CreaLe lnlLlal !avascrlpL's.
LxLend code samples provlded ln LuLorlal webslLe.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
uemonsLraLe how Lo creaLe and llnk Lo a !avascrlpL flle.
Culde sLudenLs ln Lhe creaLlon of lnlLlal !avascrlpL flles.
LxLenslon of code samples provlded ln LuLorlal webslLe
o uemonsLraLe how Lo exLend Lhe code samples.
o SLudenLs exLend Lhe code samples.

hLLp:// ([avascrlpL-baslc scrlpLlng)

!avascrlpL LuLorlal


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Instruct|ona| Day: 2
1op|c Descr|pt|on: lnLroduce !avascrlpL funcLlons. CreaLe modular, reusable code and use !avascrlpL Lo learn
fundamenLal programmlng concepLs.
1he sLudenL wlll be able Lo:
use Lhe correcL synLax rules for creaLlng funcLlons ln !avascrlpL.
CreaLe !avascrlpL maLh funcLlons.
CreaLe !avascrlpL funcLlons whlch apply css sLyllng Lo a dlv.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
uemonsLraLlon of !avascrlpL funcLlon code samples (10 mlnuLes)
CreaLlon of a !avascrlpL funcLlon (10 mlnuLes)
LxLenslon of code samples provlded ln LuLorlal webslLe (33 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
vlew !avascrlpL code samples from LuLorlal webslLe.
CreaLe a slmple !avascrlpL funcLlon.
LxLend code samples provlded ln LuLorlal webslLe and creaLe maLh funcLlons.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
uemonsLraLe how Lo creaLe a !avascrlpL funcLlon.
Culde sLudenLs ln Lhe creaLlon of lnlLlal !avascrlpL funcLlons.
LxLenslon of code samples provlded ln LuLorlal webslLe
o uemonsLraLe how Lo exLend Lhe code samples provlded ln Lhe LuLorlal webslLe
o SLudenLs exLend Lhe code samples Lo creaLe Lhelr own maLh funcLlons a
hLLp:// ([avascrlpL-funcLlons)

!avascrlpL LuLorlal

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Un|t 4:
Introduct|on to rogramm|ng

Lxplorlng CompuLer Sclence, 2013
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rogrammlng ls one of Lhe creaLlve processes LhaL can Lransform ldeas lnLo reallLy. 1he lnLenLlon of Lhls unlL ls
Lo hlghllghL whaL can be creaLed by uslng programmlng as a Lool. As wlLh Lhe prevlous unlL, sLudenLs wlll creaLe
pro[ecLs LhaL reflecL Lhe dlverslLy of lnLeresLs ln Lhe classroom and LhaL are personal Lo lndlvldual sLudenLs.
ScraLch provldes an envlronmenL LhaL lends lLself Lo Llnkerlng". 1he drag and drop naLure of Lhe blocks moves
Lhe focus away from messy synLax and allows for maklng modlflcaLlons qulckly. As sLudenLs work Lhrough Lhe
unlL, Lhey should be encouraged Lo reflecL on Lhelr Llnkerlng and Lhe LhoughL processes LhaL go lnLo lL. 1hey
should engage ln dlscusslons of why a parLlcular seL of lnsLrucLlons dldn'L work Lhe way Lhey LhoughL Lhey would
and ln dlscusslons of whaL lf" scenarlos. lL ls Lhrough Lhese dlscusslons LhaL you can help sLudenLs connecL
maLhemaLlcs and loglc Lo compuLaLlon ln programs and hlghllghL Lhe varlous absLracLlons Lhey are uslng ln
creaLlng Lhelr pro[ecLs. lL ls also Lhrough Lhese conversaLlons LhaL programmlng consLrucLs such as condlLlonals,
lLeraLlon and looplng can be hlghllghLed.
1he pro[ecLs llsLed are examples only and represenL a mlnlmal seL of acLlvlLles. When sLudenLs compleLe Lhe
asslgned pro[ecLs, Lhey should expand Lhelr work by addlng feaLures, collaboraLlng wlLh oLher sLudenLs, and
addlng more personallzaLlon. 1here are many more pro[ecLs on Lhe ScraLch webslLe (hLLp:// 1he
webslLe ls also a vlbranL communlLy. SLudenLs should be encouraged Lo become parL of Lhe communlLy where
Lhey can collaboraLe beyond Lhelr classroom and geL addlLlonal ldeas for pro[ecLs. 1here ls also a ScraLch Ld
communlLy for Leachers (hLLp://
Speclflc Loplcs for each lnsLrucLlonal day are llsLed ln Lhe overvlew charL on Lhe nexL page.
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Da||y Cverv|ew Chart

Instruct|ona| Day 1op|c
1 lnLroduce Lhe ScraLch programmlng language, lncludlng Lhe baslc Lerms
uLlllzed ln Lhe language.
2-3 racLlce uslng Lhe baslc feaLures of ScraLch ln Lhe conLexL of creaLlng a
slmple program.
4 CreaLe a dlalogue beLween Lwo sprlLes.
3-6 lnLroduce Lhe meLhods of movlng sprlLes ln ScraLch.
7-8 racLlce Lhe concepL of evenL drlven programmlng Lhrough Lhe creaLlon of
an alphabeL game.
9 lnLroduce Lhe concepL of broadcasLlng vla role play.
10-13 WrlLe ScraLch sLorles and presenL Lhem Lo Lhe class. eer revlews are
14 lnLroduce Lhe concepL of varlable.
13 lnLroduce Lhe concepL of condlLlonals.
16-17 lnLroduce And, Cr and randomness.
18 Apply knowledge of condlLlonals Lo develop a 8ock aper Sclssors program
ln ScraLch.
19 8ulld on prevlous programmlng concepLs Lo creaLe a Llmer.
20-23 CreaLe a Llmlng game ln ScraLch and presenL lL Lo Lhe class. ConducL peer
24 lnvesLlgaLe Lwo Lypes of games LhaL may provlde ldeas for Lhe flnal
23 Lxplaln flnal pro[ecL and Lhe rubrlc for Lhe flnal pro[ecL.
26-28 WrlLe ScraLch programs for elLher My CommunlLy or Came pro[ecL.
ConducL peer revlews.
29 CompleLe flnal pro[ecLs.
30 resenLaLlons of flnal pro[ecLs
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Da||y Lesson |ans
Instruct|ona| Day: 1
1op|c Descr|pt|on: 1hls lesson lnLroduces Lhe ScraLch programmlng language, lncludlng Lhe baslc Lerms uLlllzed
ln Lhe language.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
name Lhe baslc Lerms used ln ScraLch.
CreaLe Lhe beglnnlng of a slmple program ln ScraLch.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
!ournal LnLry (3 mlnuLes)
kWL charL abouL programmlng/ScraLch (13 mlnuLes)
ScraLch lnLroducLory vldeo (10 mlnuLes)
Model of how Lo sLarL name asslgnmenL (23 mlnuLes)

Student Act|v|t|es:
CompleLe [ournal enLry.
CompleLe kWL charL abouL programmlng/ScraLch.
Croups Lake Lurns sharlng ouL Lhelr k's and W's orally.
WaLch ScraLch lnLroducLory vldeo.
lollow along wlLh ScraLch open as Leacher models how Lo sLarL name asslgnmenL.

1eachlng/Learnlng SLraLegles
!ournal LnLry: Pow do you Lhlnk programs llke MlcrosofL Word, lnLerneL Lxplorer and Wlndows are
o ulscuss whaL lL means Lo program a compuLer. 8emlnd sLudenLs LhaL ln Lhe prevlous unlL Lhey
used a markup language Lo provlde lnsLrucLlons Lo Lhe compuLer on Lhe layouL and conLenL of
web pages. rogrammlng languages are used Lo LranslaLe algorlLhms lnLo a language LhaL a
compuLer can execuLe.
kWL charL
o SLudenLs meeL wlLh groups and each group compleLes a kWL charL. (know, WanL Lo Learn,
o Croups Lake Lurns sharlng ouL Lhelr k's and W's orally. Lncourage Lhem noL Lo repeaL anyLhlng
LhaL has already been sald.
o uL kWL charLs up ln Lhe classroom, Lell sLudenLs LhaL Lhey wlll flnlsh Lhe L Lowards Lhe end of
Lhe unlL.
ScraLch lnLroducLory vldeo
o layed wlLh sound. Can be played over a pro[ecLor.
Model of how Lo sLarL name asslgnmenL
o Address how sound wlll be handled ln Lhe classroom.
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! ScraLch lends lLself Lo playlng sounds so lL can geL nolsy. 1he Leacher needs Lo declde
how Lo address Lhls. PeadseLs wlLh mlcrophones are one soluLlon.
o 8ulld a name pro[ecL slmllar Lo
o Lmphaslze
! Lvery characLer ln ScraLch ls called a SprlLe.
! AlLhough ScraLch ls programmlng, lL ls noL used ln lndusLry. olnL ouL a few languages
LhaL are used ln lndusLry-!ava, C, C++. 1hroughouL Lhe unlL, you wlll wanL Lo relnforce
LhaL Lhe baslc consLrucLs used ln ScraLch are also used ln lndusLrlal sLrengLh" languages.
! Pow Lo choose a SprlLe from a flle
! Pow Lo palnL your own sprlLe
! Lach sprlLe has lLs own scrlpLs.
! ?ou can rlghL cllck any block and selecL help Lo geL more lnformaLlon on how Lo use lL.
! Pow Lo change Lhe language ln ScraLch (for your Lngllsh Learners)
! Pow Lo go Lo full screen mode and back
! Pow Lo swlLch back and forLh beLween sprlLes by cllcklng on Lhem
! x and ? coordlnaLes on Lhe screen are shown on Lhe boLLom rlghL below Lhe sLage
! Pow Lo save ln Lhe proper locaLlon (Lhe defaulL ls Lo save ln Lhe ScraLch ro[ecLs folder
(C:rogram lllesScraLchro[ecLs))
! 1he followlng blocks should be modeled:
Move _ sLeps
lf on edge, bounce
1urn _ degrees
Change color effecL by _
When Lhe green flag ls cllcked
! Lncourage sLudenLs Lo experlmenL. 1hey can'L break Lhe compuLer by dragglng Lhe
wrong block.
! Show sLudenLs where Lhey can access ScraLchCeLLlngSLarLed.pdf. (lL would probably be
useful Lo have prlnLed coples for each sLudenL.)
! Show sLudenLs name Sample 8ubrlc.

kWL Craphlc Crganlzer CharL.pdf (uCLA SM)
ScraLchlnLro.wmv (
ScraLchCeLLlngSLarLed.pdf (
name Sample 8ubrlc

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Name Samp|e kubr|c

name: _______________________

Do you have? olnLs
?es no olnLs
Pave a separaLe sprlLe for each leLLer of your name. 3
Pave aL leasL 3 dlfferenL lnLeresLlng behavlors for Lhe leLLers ln your name. 3
All Lhe leLLers have a behavlor 4
use Lhe when green flag cllcked" block 3
use Lhe forever" block 3

Lxtra Cred|t
Pave your name relnlLlallze lLself when Lhe green flag ls cllcked. ln oLher
words, all Lhe leLLers wlll sLarL off ln Lhe rlghL locaLlon faclng Lhe correcL

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Instruct|ona| Days: 2-3
1op|c Descr|pt|on: 1hls lesson provldes sLudenLs an opporLunlLy Lo pracLlce uslng Lhe feaLures of ScraLch
ouLllned on uay 1 ln Lhe conLexL of creaLlng a slmple program.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
CompleLe a slmple ScraLch program.
uLlllze Lhe green flag feaLure.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
!ournal LnLry (3 mlnuLes)
Class dlscusslon of [ournal enLry (13 mlnuLes)
name programs (90 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
CompleLe [ournal enLry.
Share [ournal enLry responses wlLh Lhe enLlre class.
WrlLe programs based on Lhelr own names.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
!ournal LnLry: WhaL do you remember abouL ScraLch from yesLerday? WhaL do some of Lhe blocks do?
Class dlscusslon of [ournal enLry
o Allow sLudenLs Lo share Lhelr responses.
o ln Lhe process, make sure Lo revlew concepLs needed Lo flnlsh Lhe name pro[ecL.
o 8evlew rubrlc for name pro[ecL.
o 1ell sLudenLs LhaL Lhey wlll do a gallery walk of Lhe pro[ecLs aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lomorrow.
name programs
o SLudenLs wrlLe programs based on Lhelr own names.
o 1eacher clrculaLes room checklng progress and answerlng quesLlons.
o 8efore Llme ls up, remlnd sLudenLs Lo save Lhelr work.
o 8emlnd sLudenLs LhaL ScraLch ls free Lo download aL

ScraLchCeLLlngSLarLed.pdf (
name Sample 8ubrlc
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Instruct|ona| Day: 4
1op|c Descr|pt|on: 1hls lesson descrlbes how Lo creaLe a dlalogue beLween Lwo sprlLes by flrsL creaLlng a wrlLLen
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
uevelop a dlalogue beLween Lwo or more ScraLch sprlLes.
Lxplaln Lhe reasonlng behlnd how Lhelr dlalogue works.

Cut||ne of the Lesson:
Callery walk of name pro[ecLs (10 mlnuLes)
AsslgnmenL lnLroducLlon (3 mlnuLes)
uevelop dlalogue (30 mlnuLes)
SLudenL presenLaLlons (10 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
arLlclpaLe ln a gallery walk of name pro[ecLs.
arLlclpaLe and llsLen Lo asslgnmenL lnLroducLlon.
uevelop a dlalogue.
resenL dlalogues.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
Callery walk of name pro[ecLs
o laclllLaLe gallery walk by glvlng Lhe sLudenLs an order or paLLern Lo follow ln walklng around Lhe
room (dependenL on lab).
AsslgnmenL lnLroducLlon
o 1ell sLudenLs LhaL Lhey'll be maklng a dlalogue beLween Lwo or more sprlLes.
o Pave a sample dlalogue wlLh a sLudenL, for example,
! 1eacher: knock-knock
! SLudenL: Who's Lhere?
! 1eacher: !uana
! SLudenL: !uana who?
! 1eacher: !uana go wrlLe a program ln ScraLch!
! SLudenL: Pa ha!
o Make a sample program uslng only say _ for _ secs" blocks.
o Ask sLudenLs whaL was Lhe dlfference beLween Lhe llve dlalogue and Lhe sample program?
(Answer ls LhaL ln Lhe program Lhey are Lalklng aL Lhe same Llme.)
o Pave sLudenLs help you flnd Lhe walL _ sec" block. Add a few so sLudenLs can see Lhe sprlLes
Laklng Lurns.
o Show sLudenLs ulalogue Sample 8ubrlc and Lell Lhem LhaL Lhey can creaLe Lhelr own dlalogue.
1hey can do Lhelr own knock-knock [oke, or Lhey can use Lhelr creaLlvlLy.
uevelop ulalogue
o ClrculaLe room and help sLudenLs.
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SLudenL presenLaLlons
o Pave sLudenLs volunLeer Lo presenL Lhelr dlalogues for Lhe enLlre class.
ulalogue Sample 8ubrlc

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D|a|ogue Samp|e kubr|c

name: _______________________

Do you have? olnLs osslble ?es no olnLs Larned
Pave 2 or more sprlLes Lalklng ln dlalogue. 4
Pave 3 or more sprlLes Lalklng ln dlalogue. 3
All Lhe sprlLes are pollLe and Lhey Lake Lurns Lalklng 4
Lach sprlLe says aL leasL 3 Lhlngs. 3
1he conversaLlon sLarLs when green flag cllcked" 4

Lxtra Cred|t
Pave 4 or more sprlLes Lalklng ln dlalogue 2

1C1AL: 20

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Instruct|ona| Days: 3-6
1op|c Descr|pt|on: 1hls lesson descrlbes Lhe meLhods of movlng SprlLes ln ScraLch.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
Lxplaln Lhe 3 ma[or ways Lo move sprlLes.
Choose Lhe approprlaLe meLhod of movlng Lo make a caL clrcle Lhe bases.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
!ournal LnLry (3 mlnuLes) (20 mlnuLes)
ulscusslon of answers Lo quesLlons (13 mlnuLes) (70 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
CompleLe [ournal enLry.
ulscuss answers Lo quesLlons.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
!ournal LnLry: 8rlefly descrlbe how you would graph ln your Algebra class (1he x-y coordlnaLe plane, eLc)
o Pave sLudenLs work lndlvldually and Lhen share wlLh Lhelr elbow parLners.
o ClrculaLe Lhe room and help sLudenLs answer Lhe quesLlons.
ulscusslon of answers Lo quesLlons
o Lmphaslze LhaL Lhe repeaL" block wlll do whaLever ls lnslde lL n Llmes. 1hls behavlor can be called
lLeraLlon or looplng.
o olnL ouL LhaL lLeraLlon ls a consLrucL LhaL ls used ln oLher programmlng languages.
o Lmphaslze Lhe dlfferences beLween Lhe 3 ways Lo move.
o Lmphaslze how Lhe sprlLes wlll relnlLlallze Lhemselves when Lhe green flag ls cllcked.
o ClrculaLe Lhe room and help sLudenLs flnlsh
o AfLer a sLudenL can geL Lhe caL around Lhe bases, encourage Lhem Lo use Lhe polnL ln dlrecLlon" block
Lo geL Lhe caL Lo Lurn Lhe correcL way when runnlng.
o lf sLudenLs need a hlnL for Lhe exLra credlL, show Lhem Lhe nexL cosLume" and swlLch Lo cosLume
blocks under Lhe Looks" Lab.
Movlng ro[ecL
Movlng ro[ecL SoluLlons
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Mov|ng ro[ect

1here are baslcally 3 ways Lo move sprlLes ln ScraLch. 1ry Lhe flle and answer Lhe quesLlons below:

1. Cllck Lhe green flag. WhaL do Lhe Lhree anlmals do?
2. Look aL Lhe scrlpLs for each of Lhe 3 sprlLes. WhaL 3 blocks do all Lhree sprlLes use?
3. WhaL blocks does Lhe caL use Lo move?
4. WhaL block does Lhe dog use Lo move?
3. WhaL block does Lhe monkey use Lo move?
6. uescrlbe ln your own words how Lhe move block works.
7. uescrlbe ln your own words how Lhe go Lo xy block works.
8. uescrlbe ln your own words how Lhe gllde block works.
9. Some of Lhe blocks requlre x: and y: coordlnaLes. lace Lhe mouse over Lhe whlLe wlndow and look aL Lhe
mouse x: and mouse y: numbers underneaLh Lhe boLLom. Pow are Lhe x: and y: coordlnaLes deLermlned ln
10. use whaL you've learned abouL movlng Lo geL Lhe caL Lo run Lhe bases (as reallsLlcally as posslble - bases are run
counLer clockwlse) ln Make sure LhaL when you cllck Lhe green flag, Lhe caL sLarLs aL home plaLe
11. LxLra CredlL: Make Lhe caL change cosLumes so LhaL lL looks llke lL ls runnlng as lL clrcles Lhe bases.

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Mov|ng ro[ect So|ut|ons

1here are baslcally 3 ways Lo move sprlLes ln ScraLch. 1ry Lhe flle and answer Lhe quesLlons below:

12. Cllck Lhe green flag. WhaL do Lhe Lhree anlmals do?
1hey move across Lhe screen.
13. Look aL Lhe scrlpLs for each of Lhe 3 sprlLes. WhaL 3 blocks do all Lhree sprlLes use?
When green flag cllcked, go Lo x:_ y:_, and walL _ sec
14. WhaL blocks does Lhe caL use Lo move?
8epeaL _ and move _ sLeps
13. WhaL block does Lhe dog use Lo move?
go Lo x:_ y:_
16. WhaL block does Lhe monkey use Lo move?
17. uescrlbe ln your own words how Lhe move block works.
Move Lhe sprlLe n sLeps. lf n ls poslLlve, Lhe dlrecLlon wlll be Lo Lhe rlghL.
18. uescrlbe ln your own words how Lhe go Lo xy block works.
Move lmmedlaLely Lo LhaL (x,y) poslLlon.
19. uescrlbe ln your own words how Lhe gllde block works.
1ake n seconds Lo move from my currenL poslLlon Lo (x,y).
20. Some of Lhe blocks requlre x: and y: coordlnaLes. lace Lhe mouse over Lhe whlLe wlndow and look aL Lhe
mouse x: and mouse y: numbers underneaLh Lhe boLLom. Pow are Lhe x: and y: coordlnaLes deLermlned ln
lL ls [usL llke Lhe 2 dlmenslonal x y graphs from Algebra. (0,0) ls ln Lhe exacL mlddle of Lhe sLage.
21. use whaL you've learned abouL movlng Lo geL Lhe caL Lo run Lhe bases (as reallsLlcally as posslble - bases are run
counLer clockwlse) ln Make sure LhaL when you cllck Lhe green flag, Lhe caL sLarLs aL home plaLe
22. LxLra CredlL: Make Lhe caL change cosLumes so LhaL lL looks llke lL ls runnlng as lL clrcles Lhe bases.
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Instruct|ona| Days: 7-8
1op|c Descr|pt|on: 1hls lesson lnLroduces Lhe concepL of evenL drlven programmlng and provldes pracLlce Lhrough Lhe
creaLlon of an alphabeL learnlng game.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
Lxplaln evenL drlven programmlng.
WrlLe a program LhaL responds Lo user creaLed evenLs from Lhe mouse and keyboard.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
resenLaLlon of soluLlon for baseball exLra credlL (10 mlnuLes)
!ournal LnLry (10 mlnuLes)
LvenL lecLure/descrlpLlon of AlphabeL Learnlng Came (20 mlnuLes)
AlphabeL Learnlng Came (60 mlnuLes)
SLudenL presenLaLlons (10 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
resenL soluLlon for baseball exLra credlL.
CompleLe [ournal enLry.
uevelop an AlphabeL Learnlng game.
volunLeers compleLe presenLaLlons.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
resenLaLlon of soluLlon for baseball exLra credlL
o A sLudenL may presenL whlle oLhers waLch. lf no sLudenL compleLed Lhe exLra credlL, Leacher presenLs.
See baseball from prevlous lesson.
!ournal enLry: Pow do Lhe programs on Lhe compuLer know whaL Lhe user wanLs Lo do nexL? ln oLher words, lf
you are surflng Lhe web, how does Lhe compuLer know whaL page Lo go Lo nexL?
LvenL lecLure/descrlpLlon of AlphabeL Learnlng Came
o Allow some sLudenLs Lo share [ournal enLry wlLh class. SLeer Lhem Lowards Lhe ldea of user evenLs
(cllcks, Lyplng) drlvlng Lhe program and causlng lL Lo respond.
o ScraLch provldes some blocks LhaL allow you Lo wrlLe programs LhaL respond Lo user evenLs relaLlvely
! When green flag cllcked (we've already seen Lhls)
! When SprlLe cllcked
! When _ key pressed
o 1ell sLudenLs LhaL Lhey wlll be maklng an alphabeL learnlng game.
o Share AlphabeL Sample 8ubrlc wlLh Lhe sLudenLs.
o CreaLe Lhe flrsL leLLer ln fronL of Lhe class wlLh Lhe sLudenLs helplng you. See alphabeL
! Show how Lo creaLe new cosLumes.
Lxplaln LhaL sLudenLs may brlng ln plcLures from Lhe lnLerneL.
o uownload a .glf or .[pg.
o use lmporL or palnL Lo make lL Lhe second cosLume for your leLLer.
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! Show how Lo change cosLumes.
use a swlLch Lo cosLume _" block.
! Show sLudenLs how Lo ouLpuL ln Lalk bubbles.
use a say _ for _ sec" block.
o 8emlnd sLudenLs LhaL Lhey may plck Lhe Lheme of alphabeL game (anlmals, food, eLc).
AlphabeL Learnlng Came
o ClrculaLe room and answer quesLlons.
volunLary sLudenL presenLaLlons
o laclllLaLe sLudenLs ln presenLlng.
AlphabeL Sample 8ubrlc

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A|phabet Samp|e kubr|c

name: _______________________

Do you have? olnLs
?es no olnLs
Pave aL leasL 10 dlfferenL leLLers. 4
Pave a Lheme for your leLLer game (l.e. anlmals, food, eLc.) 3
SprlLes change cosLume when cllcked on. 4
SprlLes change cosLume when leLLer ls Lyped on keyboard 4
use Lhe say _ for _ sec" Lo ouLpuL whaL Lhe leLLer sLands for (l.e. L ls for
SprlLes all Lurn Lo leLLers when Lhe when green flag cllcked" 2

Lxtra Cred|t
use a mlcrophone Lo record sounds for all Lhe leLLers and play Lhe sound when
Lhe leLLer ls cllcked or Lyped (l.e. L ls for LlephanL")

1C1AL: 20

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Instruct|ona| Day: 9
1op|c Descr|pt|on: 1hls lesson lnLroduces Lhe concepL of broadcasLlng Lhrough role play and Lhen provldes sLudenLs an
opporLunlLy Lo compleLe a broadcasL evenL ln ScraLch.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
8roadcasL evenLs.
LlsLen Lo and respond Lo evenLs Lhey creaLe.
Change Lhe background of Lhe sLage.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
!ournal LnLry (3 mlnuLes)
ulscusslon of [ournal enLry (2 mlnuLes)
8ole lay (20 mlnuLes)
ScraLch Summer SLory (28 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
CompleLe [ournal enLry.
arLlclpaLe ln dlscusslon of [ournal enLry.
arLlclpaLe ln role play.
CreaLe a ScraLch summer sLory.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
!ournal LnLry: WhaL does lL mean Lo broadcasL someLhlng (example Lhe radlo sLaLlon ls broadcasLlng muslc rlghL
now)? lf a radlo or Lelevlslon sLaLlon ls broadcasLlng someLhlng, does LhaL mean LhaL everyone ls llsLenlng Lo lL?
ulscusslon of [ournal enLry
o Pave a few sLudenLs share Lhelr responses.
o SLress LhaL even Lhough a loL of Lhlngs are belng broadcasL, noL everyone ls llsLenlng Lo every Lhlng LhaL
ls belng broadcasL.
8ole lay
o SollclL volunLeers Lo be Lhe varlous characLers.
o Clve Lhe performers a paper wlLh CnL? Lhelr parL. See ScraLch 8roadcasL 8ole lay.
o ass ouL Lhe charL LhaL shows all Lhe parLs Lo sLudenLs LhaL are noL performlng. See ScraLch 8roadcasL
8ole lay lnLerwoven.
o 1he sLudenLs can Lhlnk of lL as a Lhree acL play where Lhe scenes change. 1he dlfference here ls LhaL
Lhere are no curLalns so Lhey wlll see everyLhlng change.
o 1he Leacher wlll be Lhe dlrecLor and wlll make sure everyLhlng and everyone ls ln place durlng each
scene. 1he Leacher can yell acLlon before Lhe scene sLarLs Lo slgnlfy LhaL everyLhlng checks ouL.
o Lach performer's paper ls broken lnLo scrlpLs for Lhe varlous scenes.
o Cne performer wlll be ln charge of seLLlng Lhe sLage. 1hey can do Lhls by eraslng and drawlng plcLures
on Lhe whlLe board behlnd Lhe sLage.
o 1he CaL's flrsL Lwo scrlpLs end wlLh broadcasLs. 1he caL wlll Lell Lhe dlrecLor (Leacher) LhaL lL ls Llme Lo go
on Lo Lhe nexL scene.
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o ?ou mlghL wanL Lo have dlfferenL sLudenLs perform Lhe role play a second Llme. 1hls Llme Lhe Leacher
wlll only yell ouL when Lhe green flag ls cllcked. 1he sLudenLs can check Lhemselves Lo make sure LhaL
everyLhlng ls okay.
o lnLeresLlng CuesLlons
! Why do 1he Crab and Lhe uaLe have only Lwo scrlpLs? (osslble answer: 1hey remaln hldden
durlng Lhe oLher scene.)
! lnsLead of uslng broadcasL, do you Lhlnk you could [usL use walL _ secs" blocks? (Answer: yes.)
! WhaL mlghL be an advanLage Lo uslng broadcasL lnsLead? (osslble answer: Cne advanLage ls
LhaL lf your enLlre program ls based on walLs, lf you edlL someLhlng ln scene 1, lL could posslbly
Lhrow Lhe Llmlng off for Lhe resL of Lhe program.)
o ulscusslon
! ln ScraLch, any sprlLe can broadcasL lLs own evenL.
! Cne reason why 1he CaL ls dolng Lhe broadcasLs ls because he ls Lhe lasL one Lo acL ln Lhe flrsL
Lwo scenes. 1herefore he knows when Lhe scene ls over.
! CLher sprlLes (lncludlng Lhe one LhaL broadcasLs Lhe evenL) can recelve Lhe evenL and perform a
ScraLch Summer SLory
o Show sLudenLs
! ulrecLlons: Summer SLory ro[ecL
! llle Lo edlL:
! 8ubrlc: Summer SLory ro[ecL Sample 8ubrlc
o ClrculaLe Lhe room and answer quesLlons.
ScraLch 8roadcasL 8ole lay
ScraLch 8roadcasL 8ole lay lnLerwoven
Summer SLory ro[ecL
Summer SLory ro[ecL Sample 8ubrlc

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Scratch 8roadcast ko|e |ay

1hls ls meanL Lo be performed ln fronL of a whlLe board. 1hls can also be done uslng more elaboraLe props. Lach
characLer's parLs are broken down by evenLs LhaL are broadcasL ouL Lo everyone. SelecL characLers and glve Lhem Lhelr
parLs of Lhe scrlpLs. 1here ls also a scrlpL so LhaL observers can see Lhe flow of Lhe enLlre program.

useful props: sunglasses, a baskeLball, and a bag of popcorn or chlps


1he CaL: our maln characLer

1he Crab:

1he CpponenL:

1he uaLe:

SLage: ln charge of drawlng Lhe background of Lhe scene on Lhe board

ScrlpLs for Lhe lndlvldual acLors:

1he CaL

when C8LLn lLAC cllcked:
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swlLch Lo cosLume: sunglasses
say: Pello!
say: l'm golng Lo Lell you abouL my summer.
say: l spenL some Llme aL Lhe beach.
broadcasL 8ASkL18ALL SCLnL (Lell everyone lL's Llme for Lhe nexL scene)

when l recelve 8ASkL18ALL SCLnL:
swlLch Lo cosLume: baskeLball
say: l played loLs of ball.
broadcasL MCvlL SCLnL (Lell everyone lL's Llme for Lhe nexL scene)

when l recelve MCvlL SCLnL:
swlLch Lo cosLume: bag of popcorn or chlps
say: l wenL on a daLe. We wenL Lo Lhe movles.

1he Crab

when C8LLn lLAC cllcked:
show: (Co up on sLage. ?ou mlghL wanL Lo pose llke a crab by maklng your hands lnLo claws.)

when l recelve 8ASkL18ALL SCLnL:
hlde: (ulsappear from Lhe sLage)
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1he CpponenL

when C8LLn lLAC cllcked:
hlde: (ulsappear from Lhe sLage)

when l recelve 8ASkL18ALL SCLnL:
show: (Co up on sLage. ?ou mlghL wanL Lo pose llke a baskeLball player.)

when l recelve MCvlL SCLnL:
hlde: (ulsappear from Lhe sLage)

1he uaLe

when C8LLn lLAC cllcked:
hlde: (ulsappear from Lhe sLage)

when l recelve MCvlL SCLnL:
show: (Co up on sLage.)
walL 2 secs:
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say: l can'L walL Lo see CeL SmarL. Would you belleve l spenL my enLlre check from work on Lhese LlckeLs? no? Would
you belleve LhaL lL cosL me 13 for boLh uslng my sLudenL dlscounL? no? Pow abouL a sLlck of gum and a nlckel l found
on Lhe floor?


when C8LLn lLAC cllcked:
SwlLch Lo background 8LACP: (uraw a plcLure of Lhe beach on Lhe whlLe board. A sun ln one corner and a wavy llne for
sand ls flne.)

when l recelve 8ASkL18ALL SCLnL:
SwlLch Lo background 8ASkL18ALL CCu81: (uraw a plcLure of a baskeLball courL. urawlng Lhe backboard and rlm should
be flne.)

when l recelve MCvlL SCLnL:
SwlLch Lo background MCvlLS: (uraw a plcLure of a movle LheaLer. urawlng a slgn LhaL says movles should be ok.)

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Scratch 8roadcast ko|e |ay Interwoven
when C8LLn lLAC

when l recelve 8ASkL18ALL
When l recelve MCvlL SCLnL:
1he CaL

swlLch Lo cosLume:
say: Pello!
say: l'm golng Lo Lell you
abouL my summer.
say: l spenL some Llme aL
Lhe beach.
broadcasL 8ASkL18ALL
swlLch Lo cosLume: baskeLball
say: l played loLs of ball.
broadcasL MCvlL SCLnL
swlLch Lo cosLume: bag of
popcorn or chlps
say: l wenL on a daLe. We
wenL Lo Lhe movles.

1he Crab show: (Co up on sLage.
ose llke a crab.)
hlde: (ulsappear from Lhe

1he CpponenL

hlde: (ulsappear from Lhe
show: (Co up on sLage. ose
llke a baskeLball player.)
hlde: (ulsappear from Lhe
1he uaLe

hlde: (ulsappear from Lhe

show: (Co up on sLage.)
walL 2 secs:
say: l can'L walL Lo see CeL
SmarL. Would you belleve l
spenL my enLlre check from
work on Lhese LlckeLs? no?
Would you belleve LhaL lL cosL
me 13 for boLh uslng my
sLudenL dlscounL? no? Pow
abouL a sLlck of gum and a
nlckel l found on Lhe floor?

SwlLch Lo background
8LACP: (uraw Lhe beach.)
SwlLch Lo background
8ASkL18ALL CCu81: (uraw a
baskeLball courL.)
SwlLch Lo background
MCvlLS: (uraw a movle

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Summer Story ro[ect

llnlsh a sLory abouL whaL Lhe caL dld over summer. Answer quesLlons 1, 2, and 6 on paper.

1. Cpen Lhe flle Cllck Lhe flag. WhaL does lL do so far?
2. Cllck on Lhe caL and look aL hls scrlpL. WhaL does Lhe caL broadcasL ln Lhe lasL block?
3. We'll make a baskeLball scene (a second scrlpL)
a. urag a block lnLo Lhe scrlpL secLlon.
b. Cllck Lhe empLy box and choose baskeLball scene".
c. under looks, drag a block lnLo your scrlpL
d. Change cosLume1 Lo cosLume3
e. Clve Lhe caL someLhlng Lo say abouL playlng baskeLball over summer.
f. urag a block Lo Lhe end of Lhls second scrlpL.
g. Cllck Lhe empLy box.
h. Choose new
l. 1ype ln movle scene and hlL ok.
4. We'll make Lhe background change as well.
a. Cllck on Lhe sLage
b. Choose scrlpLs
c. urag a block lnLo Lhe scrlpL secLlon.
d. Cllck Lhe empLy box and choose baskeLball scene".
e. under looks, drag a block lnLo your scrlpL
f. Change background1 Lo baskeLball-courL
3. now add a Lhlrd scene abouL golng Lo Lhe movles.
6. Summarlze how you can use broadcasL Lo change scenes ln a sLory. CeL your work checked off.
7. now add ln anoLher characLer lnLo each scene llke ln Lhe role play (l.e. 1he Crab, 1he CpponenL and 1he uaLe).
1hese characLers should show and hlde.
8. leel free Lo add ln addlLlonal scenes.

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Summer Story ro[ect Samp|e kubr|c

name: _______________________

Do you have? olnLs osslble ?es no olnLs Larned
Answer quesLlon 1, 2 and 6 3
Add ln Lhe second scene (baskeLball) 3
Add ln Lhe Lhlrd scene (movles) 3
Add ln addlLlonal characLers lnLo each scene LhaL show and hlde 3

Lxtra Cred|t
Add ln addlLlonal scenes 1

1C1AL: 20

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Instruct|ona| Days: 10-13
1op|c Descr|pt|on: SLudenLs wlll revlew how Lo broadcasL evenLs by developlng a ScraLch sLory and presenLlng lL Lo Lhe
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
8roadcasL evenLs.
CompleLe a ScraLch sLory.
uevelop a ScraLch sLory pro[ecL.
Assess Lhelr peers Lo help Lhem gauge Lhelr progress.
CompleLe a rubrlc.
repare and make a presenLaLlon of a ScraLch sLory Lo Lhe class.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
lnLroducLlon of pro[ecL (3 mlnuLes)
!ournal LnLry (3 mlnuLes)
8evlew of bralnsLormlng (10 mlnuLes)
ScraLch sLory (33 mlnuLes)
ScraLch sLory pro[ecL (40 mlnuLes)
eer revlew and dlscusslon (13 mlnuLes)
CompleLlon of ScraLch sLory pro[ecL (33 mlnuLes)
resenLaLlon of sLorles (33mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
CompleLe [ournal enLry.
arLlclpaLe ln dlscusslon of bralnsLormlng.
uevelop a ScraLch sLory.
uevelop ScraLch sLory pro[ecL.
arLlclpaLe ln peer revlew and dlscusslon.
CompleLe ScraLch sLory pro[ecL.
resenL sLorles.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
lnLroducLlon of pro[ecL
o Show rubrlc: SLory ro[ecL Sample 8ubrlc.
! Lmphaslze LhaL Lhey wlll make a small presenLaLlon along wlLh showlng Lhelr sLory.
! Lmphaslze LhaL Lhere ls exLra credlL for Lhe besL sLorles.
o Show example: caL
!ournal LnLry: 8ralnsLorm some ldeas for your sLory.
8evlew of bralnsLormlng
o SpllL sLudenLs lnLo groups of Lhree.
Pave sLudenLs roLaLe so LhaL each sLudenL wlll share bralnsLorms and recelve feedback/suggesLlons from Lhe
oLher sLudenLs.
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uevelop Lhe sLory
o Pave Lhem flrsL develop Lhelr sLory on paper.
ScraLch sLory pro[ecL
o 8emlnd sLudenLs of Lhe problem solvlng LhaL Lhey dld ln unlL 2 and LhaL Lhey can use LhaL process Lo
develop Lhelr overall plan and algorlLhm, Lhey can also make a sLoryboard slmllar Lo Lhose used ln unlL 3.
o ClrculaLe room and help sLudenLs wlLh pro[ecLs.
o lf sLudenLs don'L know where Lo sLarL
! SuggesL LhaL Lhey flrsL develop Lhelr sLory furLher on paper.
o lf Lhey have Lhelr sLory and don'L know where Lo sLarL
! SuggesL LhaL Lhey make a LlLle screen or a flrsL scene.
o lf sLudenLs geL sLuck, break Lhe pro[ecL lnLo smaller parLs. Pave Lhem focus on Lhe nexL parL LhaL Lhey
can compleLe.
o 8efer Lhem Lo Lhe rubrlc Lo make sure Lhey know whaL Lhey need Lo compleLe ln order Lo earn Lhe grade
LhaL Lhey wanL.
eer revlew and dlscusslon
o ClrculaLe Lhe room and make sure sLudenLs undersLand Lhe rubrlc and whaL Lhey sLlll need Lo accompllsh
Lo flnlsh Lhelr pro[ecL.
CompleLlon of ScraLch sLory pro[ecL
o ClrculaLe room and help sLudenLs wlLh pro[ecLs.
o CollecL pro[ecLs and rubrlcs.
o Pelp sLudenLs prepare Lhelr presenLaLlons.
resenLaLlon of sLorles
o Pave sLudenLs compleLe Lhe eer Cradlng sheeL.
o ulscuss Lhe feaLures used ln Lhe varlous sLorles. Ask sLudenLs why cerLaln Lhlngs work/don'L work well.
o 1o help sLudenLs voLe on Lhe besL, you may need Lo do a qulck recap of Lhe sLorles, l.e. 8ob's sLory abouL
! SLudenLs should conslder boLh Lhe conLenL and Lhe lLems ln Lhe rubrlc ln Lhelr voLlng.
! lf Lhe class does noL flnlsh presenLaLlons ln one day, Lhe voLlng wlll be done Lhe nexL day.

SLory ro[ecL Sample 8ubrlc
eer Cradlng

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Story ro[ect Samp|e kubr|c
name: _______________________
uo you have? olnLs
?es no olnLs
1he SLory
Pave aL leasL 3 scenes 10
Pave aL leasL 4 scenes 3
Pave aL leasL 3 dlfferenL sprlLes 10
Pave aL leasL 8 say or Lhlnk boxes 10
AnlmaLe Lhe movemenL of your characLers 3
use broadcasL Lo change scenes ln your sLory 10
Pave Lhe characLers Lake Lurns speaklng Lo each oLher 3
nave at |east one conversat|on between characters 3
nave a t|t|e scene w|th your name on |t 10
SLory lnlLlallzes lLself when Lhe flag ls cllcked 4
1he enLlre sLory plays once you cllck Lhe flag 4

1he resenLaLlon
Lxplaln an example from your program of how evenLs (broadcasL) were used Lo
LranslLlon from one scene Lo anoLher.
eer Cradlng 12

LxLra CredlL
Pave Lhe besL pro[ecL as voLed on by peers up Lo 10
1C1AL: 100

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name_____________________CompuLer #____
lrom ALL Lhe pro[ecLs, choose
lor LACn of Lhe followlng glve Lhe sLudenL a score from 1 Lo 4.
use Lhe rubrlc onllne Lo declde Lhe score.
4 - SLudenL has everyLhlng on Lhe rubrlc: A
3 - SLudenL has mosL Lhlngs on Lhe rubrlc: 8
2 - SLudenL has some Lhlngs on Lhe rubrlc: C
1 - SLudenL Lurned ln pro[ecL, buL ls mlsslng many lLems: u

SLudenL name Score (1-4) SLudenL name Score (1-4)

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Instruct|ona| Day: 14
1op|c Descr|pt|on: 1hls lesson provldes an lnLroducLlon Lo Lhe concepL of varlables.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
Lxplaln Lhe concepL of varlables.
CreaLe examples of varlables.
Lxplaln Lhe concepL of lLeraLlon.
CreaLe examples of lLeraLlon.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
llnlsh resenLaLlons (23 mlnuLes)
!ournal LnLry (3 mlnuLes)
Make varlable Lxample (13 mlnuLes)
Lnhance varlable Lxample (10 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
llnlsh resenLaLlons.
CompleLe [ournal enLry.
arLlclpaLe ln a dlscusslon of Lhe Make varlable example.
Lnhance Lhe varlable example.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
llnlsh resenLaLlons
o Pave sLudenLs flll ouL eer Cradlng sheeL.
o 1o help sLudenLs voLe on Lhe besL, you may need Lo do a qulck recap of Lhe sLorles. ?ou may also wanL
Lo qulckly replay some of Lhe beLLer ones.
o AnoLher opLlon ls Lo have sLudenLs plck Lhe besL of each day and do a run off [usL replaylng Lhe Lop 3
from each day.
!ournal LnLry: WhaL does Lhe word varlable mean ln boLh maLhemaLlcal and Lngllsh Lerms?
o 1lme Lhe sLudenLs so Lhey work 3 mlnuLes lndlvldually and 2 mlnuLes sharlng wlLh Lhelr elbow parLners.
Make varlable Lxample
o Clve Lwo maLh examples. x + 3 = 3, 2x = 12
! Ask: WhaL ls Lhe name of Lhe varlable here? (Answer: x)
! AlLhough you have x ln boLh equaLlons, lLs value var|es: lL ls 2 ln one equaLlon and 6 ln anoLher.
! 1he noLlon ls Lhe same ln a program-a varlable ls a name LhaL represenLs a value LhaL can be
changed. ln Lhe maLh example, Lhe name was x.
o Make Lhe varlable example wlLh Lhe sLudenLs (varlable havlng Lhe sLudenLs help you and
bulld Lhelr own aL Lhe same Llme. A posslble sequence mlghL be
! SLarL by explalnlng LhaL you wanL Lo make a game where you earn polnLs for plcklng healLhy
foods and lose polnLs for plcklng unhealLhy ones.
WhaL do you Lhlnk Lhe varlable wlll be? lf no answer, ask whaL name wlll represenL a
number LhaL wlll change? (Answer: olnLs (or Cood nuLrlLlon olnLs ln Lhe example))
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! Add Lhe sprlLes for Lhe banana, cheesle poofs and LexL LhaL says Cllck on food Lo eaL lL".
! Ask: WhaL Lab do you Lhlnk you should cllck on Lo make a varlable? (Answer: varlables.)
! Cllck make a varlable" calllng lL Cood nuLrlLlon olnLs.
Cllcklng Lhe checkbox nexL Lo Lhe varlable wlll show or hlde lL.
! Ask: lf l wanL Lo make my polnLs lncrease by 1 every Llme l choose Lhe banana, how would l
wrlLe LhaL scrlpL? (See example.)
Lxplaln LhaL Lhls ls an example of lLeraLlon.
! As: Pow abouL maklng Lhe polnLs decrease by one when l cllck on Lhe cheesle poofs? (See
! Ask: WhaL do you Lhlnk should happen when Lhe green flag ls cllcked? (Answer: reseL Lhe polnLs
Lo 0.)
Ask: Pow do you Lhlnk we should do LhaL? (ln example Lhe scrlpL for Lhls ls under
o Ask: uoes lL maLLer whlch scrlpL Lhe when green flag cllcked" ls under?
(Answer: no.)
Lxplaln LhaL Lhls ls an example of lnlLlallzaLlon.
Lnhance varlable Lxample
o Pave SLudenLs enhance Lhe varlable example by
! Addlng a food LhaL ls worLh 2 polnLs when cllcked on.
! Addlng a food LhaL ls -3 polnLs when cllcked on.
eer Cradlng

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Instruct|ona| Day: 13
1op|c Descr|pt|on: 1hls lesson provldes an lnLroducLlon Lo Lhe concepL of condlLlonals.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
Lxplaln Lhe concepL of condlLlonals.
Lnhance a varlable program wlLh condlLlonals.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
!ournal LnLry (3 mlnuLes)
CondlLlonal lecLure (13 mlnuLes)
Age program (10 mlnuLes)
Age soluLlons (3 mlnuLes)
Lnhance varlable example (20 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
CompleLe [ournal enLry.
arLlclpaLe ln dlscusslon of condlLlons.
uevelop an Age program.
8evlew Age soluLlons.
Lnhance Lhe varlable example.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
!ournal LnLry: WhaL comes Lo mlnd when you hear Lhe word lf"? WhaL are some ways we use Lhe word lf" ln
o 1lme Lhe sLudenLs so Lhey work 3 mlnuLes lndlvldually and 2 mlnuLes sharlng wlLh Lhelr elbow parLners.
CondlLlonal lecLure
o Pave a few sLudenLs share Lhelr responses for Lhe lf" parLs and use LhaL as a sprlngboard.
o ln Lngllsh, lf ls used Lo sLaLe a condlLlon where someLhlng mlghL happen lf Lhe condlLlon ls Lrue. Pence
Lhls Loplc ls called condlLlonals. olnL ouL LhaL Lhls ls a common compuLer sclence consLrucL.
o An example from compuLlng ls when a program llke MlcrosofL Word asks you lf you wanL Lo save your
work when you hlL close. lf you cllck yes, lL saves your changes. lf you cllck no, lL dlscards your changes.
o lf (some condlLlon)
! Lhen do Lhls
o Show sLudenLs lf" block ln SrcaLch.
! noLlce LhaL only hexagon shaped blocks can flL wlLhln lL.
! noLlce LhaL lf Lhe condlLlon ls Lrue, lL wlll do anyLhlng LhaL ls enclosed wlLhln Lhe Lop and boLLom
of Lhe lf" block.
o Show Lhe sLudenLs age.doc and
! 8emlnd sLudenLs LhaL slnce we are uslng lnLegers (whole numbers) > 13 lL means people LhaL are
over 13 noL lncludlng 13.
! Show Lhem how Lo use Lhe sllder Lo change Lhe age.
Age rogram
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o lor soluLlon, see age
Age soluLlons
o Show a soluLlon llke age
o Show an alLernaLe soluLlon.
! Slnce numbers are lnLegers (whole numbers) we can do age > 2" Lo mean age >= 3".
! 1o do >= ln scraLch, you need Lo use Lhe or" block. See age -
Lnhance varlable example
o lnsLrucL sLudenLs Lo go back lnLo Lhelr varlable example abouL nuLrlLlon and add:
! A message abouL belng nuLrlLlous lf Lhe number of polnLs becomes greaLer Lhan 9.
! A message abouL eaLlng healLhler food lf Lhe number of polnLs becomes less Lhan -4.
! 1hey can elLher have a sprlLe say Lhe message or use broadcasL Lo change Lhe sprlLes/sLage Lo
convey Lhe message.
Age ro[ecL
age -

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Age ro[ect

?ou are golng Lo flnlsh a program LhaL wlll Lell you whaL you can do dependlng on your age. use Lhe sllder Lo seL Lhe

1. CurrenLly, lL only does Lhe flrsL condlLlon. ?our Lask ls Lo flnlsh Lhe program so LhaL Lhe caL wlll Lell you Lhe resL:

lf you are older Lhan 2 "you don'L need dlapers"
lf you are older Lhan 13 "you can drlve"
lf you are older Lhan 16 "you can see an 8 raLed movle"
lf you are older Lhan 17 "you can voLe"
lf you are older Lhan 20 "you can gamble"
lf you are older Lhan 24 "you can renL a car"
lf you are older Lhan 49 "you can reLlre"

2. lf Lhe age ls less Lhan 3, make Lhe code Lell you:
"Sorry, you are noL old enough for anyLhlng yeL"

3. leel free Lo add more condlLlons.

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Instruct|ona| Days: 16-17
1op|c Descr|pt|on: 1hls lesson lnLroduces And, Cr and randomness. SLudenLs have an opporLunlLy Lo pracLlce uLlllzlng
Lhese feaLures ln Lhe conLexL of programs.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
use condlLlonals wlLh And and Cr Lo wrlLe a grade program.
use a random number generaLor Lo wrlLe a dlce program.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
!ournal LnLry (3 mlnuLes)
And/Cr dlscusslon (13 mlnuLes)
Crades program (33 mlnuLes)
8andom lecLure (20 mlnuLes)
ulce (33 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
CompleLe [ournal enLry.
arLlclpaLe ln And/Cr dlscusslon.
uevelop Crades program.
arLlclpaLe ln dlscusslon of 8andom.
CompleLe ulce program.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
!ournal LnLry: WhaL's Lhe dlfference beLween And and Cr? WhaL does Lhe word random mean ln Lngllsh?
o SLudenLs should compleLe lndlvldually and Lhen share wlLh Lhelr elbow parLners.
And/Cr ulscusslon
o SLarL wlLh a few [ournal enLrles abouL And and Cr.
o klnesLheLlc And/Cr AcLlvlLy (lollowlng ls a posslble seL of condlLlons.)
! 1ell Lhe sLudenLs Lo sLand up lf Lhe condlLlon ls Lrue.
! Say: lf (you are a glrl Anu you are wearlng blue) sLand up.
llnd a glrl LhaL ls noL wearlng blue and ls slLLlng. Ask her why she ls slLLlng lf she's a glrl?
( Answer: she's noL wearlng blue)
Ask: Pow many parLs of Lhe condlLlon musL be Lrue for you Lo sLand up lf lL ls an Anu?
(Answer: boLh)
! Say: lf (you are a boy C8 you are wearlng blue) sLand up.
llnd a boy LhaL ls sLandlng buL ls noL wearlng blue. Ask: Why are you sLandlng lf you are
nC1 wearlng blue? (Answer: l'm a boy)
Ask: Pow many parLs of Lhe condlLlon musL be Lrue for you Lo sLand up lf lL ls an C8? (
Answer: aL leasL one)
Ask: lf boLh parLs of Lhe condlLlon are Lrue for an C8, ls lL ok Lo sLand? (Answer: ?LS!)
o Show Lhe sLudenLs Lhe and" and or" blocks ln ScraLch.
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! Lmphaslze how Lhey are hexagon shaped and Lake Lwo oLher hexagons.
o Show Lhe sLudenLs Crades ro[ecL.
o ClrculaLe and help sLudenLs wlLh pro[ecLs.
o lf many sLudenLs are sLuck, bulld Lhe 8" parL of Lhe code LogeLher as a class.
o ln Lhe lasL mlnuLe, have sLudenLs share Lhelr soluLlons wlLh Lhelr elbow parLners.
8andom lecLure
o Pave a few sLudenLs share Lhelr [ournal enLrles abouL whaL random means.
o Ask: lf l roll a palr of dlce, wlll Lhe numbers come ouL ln order (2, Lhen 3, Lhen 4 Lhe nexL roll, eLc.) (
Answer: MosL llkely noL)
o 8oll a palr of dlce a few Llmes Lo prove lL.
o 1hls unpredlcLablllLy ls called randomness.
o 8andomness can make games more exclLlng.
! lor example, how many spaces wlll l geL Lo move Lhls Lurn?
o 8andomness ls also used ln compuLer sclence for slmulaLlons and ln sclenLlflc/sLaLlsLlcal experlmenLs.
o Walk sLudenLs Lhrough showlng Lhem Lhe plck random _ Lo _" block.
! Lxplaln LhaL Lhe numbers creaLe Lhe range LhaL Lhe random lnLeger can fall under. 1he block
works lncluslvely. 1herefore 1 Lo 6 wlll produce numbers 1,2,3,4,3,6.
o lnsLrucL sLudenLs Lo flnlsh so LhaL lL creaLes a palr of dlce. 1hey can creaLe Lhelr own look for Lhe
o ClrculaLe and help sLudenLs wlLh pro[ecLs.
o ln Lhe lasL mlnuLe, have sLudenLs share Lhelr soluLlons wlLh Lhelr elbow parLners.
Crades ro[ecL

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Grades ro[ect

?our Lask ls Lo make a ScraLch program LhaL wlll Lell you Lhe leLLer grade based on Lhe percenLage.

1. CreaLe a varlable grade.
2. uouble cllck grade Lo dlsplay Lhe scroll bar.
3. When Lhe green flag ls cllcked, Lhe program should look aL Lhe value of grade and Lhe sprlLe should respond wlLh
a leLLer as follows:
A: greaLer Lhan 90
8: greaLer Lhan 79 and less Lhan 90
C: greaLer Lhan 69 and less Lhan 80
u: greaLer Lhan 39 and less Lhan 70
l: less Lhan 60

AL Crazy Plgh School, sLudenLs only quallfy for LuLorlng lf Lhey have a 8 C8 a u. AfLer lL says Lhe grade, make your
program say ?ou quallfy for LuLorlng" lf Lhe grade ls a 8 or u.
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Instruct|ona| Day: 18
1op|c Descr|pt|on: 1hls lesson requlres sLudenLs Lo apply Lhelr knowledge of condlLlonals Lo develop a 8ock aper
Sclssors program ln ScraLch.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
Apply knowledge of condlLlonals Lo compleLe a 8ock aper Sclssors program.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
8evlew of 8ock aper Sclssors rules (3 mlnuLes)
8ock aper Sclssors dlscusslon (10 mlnuLes)
8ock aper Sclssors pro[ecL (40 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
8evlew 8ock aper Sclssors rules.
arLlclpaLe ln 8ock aper Sclssors dlscusslon.
CompleLe 8ock aper Sclssors pro[ecL

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
8evlew of 8ock aper Sclssors rules
o Lead a class dlscusslon-sLudenLs volunLeer Lo share Lhe rules for 8ock, aper Sclssors.
8ock aper Sclssors dlscusslon
o Clve sLudenLs a Lour of rps
! Show Lhem how Lhere are varlables for 8CCk, AL8 and SClSSC8S.
Ask: Why mlghL lL be easler Lo work wlLh Lhe varlables lnsLead of [usL uslng numbers?
(Answer: lL makes Lhe code easler Lo read.)
! Show sLudenLs varlables for player and compuLer.
Ask how does Lhe compuLer deLermlne lf Lhey wlll choose rock, paper, or sclssors?
(Answer: lL randomly chooses one uslng plck random 0 Lo 2".)
! Closely examlne Lhe compuLer's when l recelve showlck" scrlpL
Lxplaln how Lhe else parL works lf Lhe condlLlon of Lhe lf ls false.
Ask: Why don'L you need a sLaLemenL LhaL says lf compuLer = sclssors"? (Answer: ?ou
asked lf lL was = Lo rock and LhaL was false, Lhen you asked lf lL was equal Lo paper and
LhaL was false so Lhe only Lhlng lefL was for lL Lo equal sclssors. Pence, you can [usL puL
Lhe swlLch Lo cosLume sclssors" ln Lhe else.)
! lnsLrucL sLudenLs LhaL Lhey only need Lo change Lhe scrlpL LhaL sLarLs wlLh When l recelve
deLermlne wlnner" under Lhe compuLer sprlLe. (1hey may change more feaLures lf Lhey have
laclllLaLe Lhem ln wrlLlng some pseudo code Lo handle all Lhe cases for Lhe compuLer
chooslng 8CCk. 8emlnd sLudenLs LhaL Lhls ls an algorlLhm.
o CreaLe Lwo verslons, one llke rps and one llke rps soluLlon, Lhls
way sLudenLs can choose Lhe meLhod LhaL Lhey undersLand beLLer.
o Show sLudenLs a worklng example ln presenLaLlon mode (so Lhey can'L see Lhe blocks).
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8ock aper Sclssors pro[ecL
o ClrculaLe room and help sLudenLs wlLh pro[ecLs.
o Allow sLudenLs Lo Lry varlous approaches Lo solvlng Lhe problem.
o lf sLudenLs flnlsh, offer Lhem exLra credlL for keeplng score of Lhe wlns for Lhe compuLer and player.
rps soluLlon

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Instruct|ona| Day: 19
1op|c Descr|pt|on: 1hls lesson bullds on prevlous concepLs Lo creaLe a Llmer.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
CreaLe a Llmer.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
8evlew of 8ock aper Sclssors soluLlons (10 mlnuLes)
CreaLlon of a Llmer (13 mlnuLes)
8evlew of 1lmer soluLlons (3 mlnuLes)
lnLroducLlon of 1lmlng Came (13 mlnuLes)
1lmlng Came Lheme (10 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
8evlew 8ock aper Sclssors soluLlons.
CreaLe a Llmer.
8evlew 1lmer soluLlons.
Choose 1lmlng Came Lheme.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
8evlew of 8ock aper Sclssors soluLlons
o 8evlew rps and rps soluLlon
o Allow sLudenLs Lo share Lhelr own unlque soluLlons.
CreaLlon of a Llmer
o Lxplaln Lo sLudenLs LhaL Lhey wlll make a Llmer LhaL wlll counL down from 10 Lo 0.
o Show sLudenLs 1lmer ro[ecL.
8evlew of 1lmer soluLlons
o Allow sLudenLs Lo share Lhelr own unlque soluLlons.
o 8evlew Llmer soluLlon and Llmer soluLlon
lnLroducLlon of 1lmlng Came
o Pave sLudenLs help bulld an example. (See
o 8evlew 1lmlng Came Sample 8ubrlc.
1lmlng Came Lheme
o ClrculaLe room and help sLudenLs plck Lhe Lheme of Lhelr Llmlng game.
rps (modlfled verslon of !esse Moya's soluLlon)
rps soluLlon (modlfled verslon of !esse Moya's soluLlon)
1lmer ro[ecL
1lmlng Came Sample 8ubrlc
Llmer soluLlon
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Llmer soluLlon
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1|mer ro[ect

Pow Lo make a Llmer ln ScraLch:

1. CreaLe a varlable called Llmer.
2. When Lhe flag ls cllcked, lnlLlallze Lhe Llmer Lo 10.
3. ConLlnually, walL 1 second and check lf Lhe Llmer = 0
a. ouLpuL Lhe currenL Llme elLher wlLh a sprlLe or [usL show Lhe varlable
b. lf Lhe Llmer = 0 make elLher Lhe background or a huge sprlLe say 1lme's up"
4. When Lhe flag ls cllcked, everyLhlng should sLarL over.
3. 8e creaLlve as Lo whaL you wanL your program Lo look llke.
6. Make sure Lhe Llmer sLops aL 0 and does noL conLlnue lnLo negaLlves.

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1|m|ng Game Samp|e kubr|c
name: _______________________
Do you have? olnLs osslble ?es no olnLs Larned
1he Came
Pave 3 or more Llmed" sprlLes 10
Pave 4 or more Llmed" sprlLes 3
use a Llmer for your game 3
keep score (polnLs) 10
Clve Lhe user feedback as Lo how well Lhey Llmed Lhelr buLLon presslng 10
Pave a help screen wlLh dlrecLlons 3
uoes Lhe game reseL when Lhe flag ls cllcked 10
uoes Lhe game sLop when lL ls over 3
uoes Lhe game noLlfy Lhe user when lL ls over 10
uoes Lhe game keep Lrack of how many perfecLs" ln a row 3
uoes Lhe game geL harder as you keep playlng 3

eer Grad|ng 20

Lxtra Cred|t
Pave Lhe besL pro[ecL as voLed on by peers up Lo 10

1C1AL: 100
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Instruct|ona| Day: 20-23
1op|c Descr|pt|on: SLudenLs creaLe a Llmlng game ln ScraLch and parLlclpaLe ln an Arcade uay durlng whlch Lhey dlsplay
Lhelr games.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
CreaLe a Llmlng game.
Assess Lhelr peers Lo help Lhem gauge progress.
CompleLe Lhelr rubrlcs and submlL Lhelr Llmlng games.
repare a presenLaLlon of a ScraLch program.
LvaluaLe Lhelr peers' Llmlng games.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
1lmlng game (93 mlnuLes)
eer 8evlew and dlscusslon (13 mlnuLes)
CompleLlon of Llmlng game (70 mlnuLes)
Arcade walk (40 mlnuLes)

Student Act|v|t|es:
Work on Llmlng game.
arLlclpaLe ln peer revlew and dlscusslon.
ConLlnue worklng on and compleLe Llmlng game.
arLlclpaLe ln arcade walk.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
Work on Llmlng game
o ClrculaLe room and help sLudenLs wlLh pro[ecLs.
eer revlew and dlscusslon
o ClrculaLe Lhe room and make sure sLudenLs undersLand Lhe rubrlc and whaL Lhey sLlll need Lo accompllsh
Lo flnlsh Lhelr pro[ecL.
CompleLlon of Llmlng game
o ClrculaLe room and help sLudenLs wlLh pro[ecLs.
o CollecL pro[ecLs and rubrlcs.
o Pelp sLudenLs prepare Lhelr presenLaLlons.
Arcade Walk
o Pave sLudenLs roLaLe Lhrough Lhe room playlng each oLher's games and glvlng each one a score on Lhelr
eer Cradlng sheeL. use a Llmer Lo lndlcaLe Lhe amounL of Llme LhaL each sLudenL has aL each compuLer.
o Pave sLudenLs voLe for Lhe Lop Lwo games ouL of Lhe enLlre class. 1he voLe should be based on boLh Lhe
conLenL and adherence Lo Lhe rubrlc.
o ulscuss feaLures of games and how Lhey conform Lo Lhe rubrlc. WhaL Lypes of programmlng sLraLegles
dld sLudenLs use?
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1lmlng Came Sample 8ubrlc
eer Cradlng

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Instruct|ona| Day: 24
1op|c Descr|pt|on: lnvesLlgaLlng Cames
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
lnvesLlgaLe Lwo dlfferenL Lypes of games.
CeL ldeas for Lhelr flnal pro[ecLs.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
Monkey game (23 mlnuLes)
8evlew of answers (3 mlnuLes)
lnball game (23 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
CompleLe Monkey game.
8evlew answers.
CompleLe lnball game.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
Monkey game
o Pave sLudenLs answer Lhe quesLlons ln Monkey Came ro[ecL.
o Pave sLudenLs enhance monkey
8evlew answers
o See Monkey Came ro[ecL SoluLlons and monkey game
lnball game
o Pave sLudenLs answer quesLlons ln lnball ro[ecL.
o Pave sLudenLs enhance
Monkey Came ro[ecL
Monkey Came ro[ecL SoluLlons
monkey game
lnball ro[ecL
lnball ro[ecL SoluLlons (An example LhaL comes wlLh ScraLch)

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Monkey Game ro[ect

Answer Lhese quesLlons on paper:
1. lay Lhe game by uslng Lhe arrow keys. WhaL blocks make Lhe monkey respond Lo Lhe keys?
2. uoes Lhe banana always appear ln Lhe same place?
3. WhaL blocks do you Lhlnk declde whaL x and y Lhe banana should change Lo?
4. WhaL are Lhe names of Lhe orange blocks under varlables?
3. WhaL block(s) are used Lo change Lhe score?

Make Lhese changes Lo Lhe flle:
6. CusLomlze Lhe sprlLes ln Lhe game (make Lhe characLers be who you wanL).
7. Add anoLher sprlLe LhaL glves you 2 polnLs lf you Louch lL.
8. CeL Lhe game Lo sLop aL 10 polnLs or more by Lelllng you LhaL you wln.

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Monkey Game ro[ect So|ut|ons

Answer Lhese quesLlons on paper:
9. lay Lhe game by uslng Lhe arrow keys. WhaL blocks make Lhe monkey respond Lo Lhe keys? "when _ key
10. uoes Lhe banana always appear ln Lhe same place? no, lL's random.
11. WhaL blocks do you Lhlnk declde whaL x and y Lhe banana should change Lo?
seL x Lo _" and seL y Lo _" comblned wlLh plck random _ Lo _"
12. WhaL are Lhe names of Lhe orange blocks under varlables? change polnLs by _", seL polnLs Lo _", and polnLs"
13. WhaL block(s) are used Lo change Lhe score? seL polnLs Lo 0" when Lhe green flag ls cllcked and change polnLs
by 1" when Lhe monkey Louches Lhe banana.

Make Lhese changes Lo Lhe flle: see monkey game
14. CusLomlze Lhe sprlLes ln Lhe game (make Lhe characLers be who you wanL).
13. Add anoLher sprlLe LhaL glves you 2 polnLs lf you Louch lL.
16. CeL Lhe game Lo sLop aL 10 polnLs or more by Lelllng you LhaL you wln.

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|nba|| ro[ect

Cpen and answer Lhe quesLlons below on paper:

1. Look aL Lhe scrlpLs for Lhe plnball. Pow dld Lhe auLhor slmulaLe gravlLy?
2. Pow does Lhe ball know when Lo bounce" off of someLhlng?
3. uoes Lhe ball always bounce Lhe same way when lL hlLs someLhlng?
4. Pow do you Lhlnk Lhe ball deLermlnes whlch dlrecLlon Lo bounce?
3. WhaL's Lhe purpose of Lhe purple llne aL Lhe very boLLom of Lhe game?
6. Modlfy Lhe game Lo keep Lrack of polnLs and geL lL checked off. WrlLe down whaL changes you made.
7. WhaL oLher feaLures do Lhlnk would make Lhls game beLLer?

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|nba|| ro[ect So|ut|ons

Cpen and answer Lhe quesLlons below on paper:

1. Look aL Lhe scrlpLs for Lhe plnball. Pow dld Lhe auLhor slmulaLe gravlLy? 1here ls a varlable called
gravlLy LhaL ls consLanLly affecLlng Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe ball.
2. Pow does Lhe ball know when Lo bounce" off of someLhlng?
lf lL Louches someLhlng LhaL ls green, orange or red, lL wlll bounce" off of lL.
3. uoes Lhe ball always bounce Lhe same way when lL hlLs someLhlng?
no, Lhe amounL of Lhe Lurn ls random.
4. Pow do you Lhlnk Lhe ball deLermlnes whlch dlrecLlon Lo bounce?
lL uses plck random _ Lo _" Lo vary Lhe amounL of Lhe Lurn.
3. WhaL's Lhe purpose of Lhe purple llne aL Lhe very boLLom of Lhe game?
lf Lhe ball Louches purple, you lose.
6. Modlfy Lhe game Lo keep Lrack of polnLs and geL lL checked off. WrlLe down whaL changes you made.
See plnball
7. WhaL oLher feaLures do Lhlnk would make Lhls game beLLer?
Answers wlll vary.

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Instruct|ona| Day: 23
1op|c Descr|pt|on: lnLroduce Lhe flnal pro[ecL.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
Make an approprlaLe cholce of whlch flnal pro[ecL Lhey wlll do.

Cut||ne of the Lesson:
8evlew of answers for lnball ro[ecL (3 mlnuLes)
lnLroducLlon of pro[ecLs (13 mlnuLes)
llnal pro[ecLs (33 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
8evlew answers for lnball pro[ecL.
arLlclpaLe ln dlscusslon of lnLroducLlon Lo pro[ecLs.
SLarL llnal ro[ecLs.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
8evlew of answers for lnball pro[ecL.
lnLroducLlon of pro[ecLs
o 8evlew boLh seLs of descrlpLlons and rubrlcs.
llnal pro[ecLs
o ClrculaLe Lhe room
! Pelp sLudenLs declde whlch pro[ecL Lo do.
! lf sLudenLs are maklng Lhe game, Lell Lhem Lo sLarL off small and add feaLures as Lhey go
along Lo ensure LhaL Lhey wlll flnlsh.
lnball ro[ecL
lnball ro[ecL SoluLlons
Came ro[ecL Sample 8ubrlc
My CommunlLy ro[ecL
My CommunlLy Sample 8ubrlc

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Instruct|ona| Day: 26-28
1op|c Descr|pt|on: CompleLe flnal pro[ecLs.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
lncorporaLe all ob[ecLlves ln Lhe unlL lnLo Lhe flnal pro[ecL.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
Work on flnal pro[ecL (110 mlnuLes)
eer revlew and dlscusslon (13 mlnuLes)
CompleLlon of flnal pro[ecL (40 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
Work on flnal pro[ecL.
arLlclpaLe ln peer revlew and dlscusslon.
CompleLe flnal pro[ecL.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
Work on flnal pro[ecL
o ClrculaLe room and help sLudenLs wlLh pro[ecLs.
eer 8evlew and dlscusslon
o alr sLudenLs wlLh someone LhaL has a slmllar pro[ecL lf posslble (communlLles LogeLher and
games LogeLher).
o ln palrs, sLudenLs Lake Lurns uslng a rubrlc Lo grade Lhe oLher person's pro[ecL. SLudenLs should
be able Lo geL an ldea of where Lhelr grade sLands now, and whaL else Lhey need Lo do Lo
compleLe Lhelr pro[ecL.
o ClrculaLe Lhe room and make sure sLudenLs undersLand Lhe rubrlc and whaL Lhey sLlll need Lo
accompllsh Lo flnlsh Lhelr pro[ecL.
CompleLlon of flnal pro[ecL
o ClrculaLe room and help sLudenLs wlLh pro[ecLs.
Came ro[ecL
My CommunlLy ro[ecL
Came ro[ecL Sample 8ubrlc
My CommunlLy Sample 8ubrlc

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Instruct|ona| Day: 29
1op|c Descr|pt|on: CompleLe flnal pro[ecLs.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
llnlsh Lhelr kWL charLs.
CompleLe Lhelr rubrlcs and Lurn ln Lhelr flnal pro[ecLs.
repare Lhelr presenLaLlons.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
kWL charL (13 mlnuLes)
CompleLlon of flnal pro[ecLs (40 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
CompleLe kWL charL.
Croups Lake Lurns sharlng Lhelr L's orally.
llnlsh flnal pro[ecLs.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
kWL charL
o 8efresh memory on acLlvlLy.
! 1hey already dld Lhe k (know) and W (WanL Lo learn), now Lhey musL flll ln Lhe L
(Learned) secLlon of Lhelr charL.
! 1hey should meeL ln Lhelr orlglnal groups.
o SLudenLs flll ln Lhe L porLlon of Lhelr charL.
Croups Lake Lurns sharlng ouL Lhelr L's orally. Lncourage Lhem noL Lo repeaL anyLhlng LhaL has already
been sald.
CompleLlon of flnal pro[ecLs
o CollecL pro[ecLs and rubrlcs.
o Pelp sLudenLs prepare Lhelr presenLaLlons.
o noLe: lf Llme permlLs, Lhe gallery walk of pro[ecLs can be compleLed here Lo allow more Llme for
presenLaLlons on Lhe lasL day.
kWL Craphlc Crganlzer CharL.pdf (uCLA SM)

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Instruct|ona| Day: 30
1op|c Descr|pt|on: CompleLe presenLaLlons.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
CompleLe a presenLaLlon on Lhe flnal pro[ecL.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
Callery walk (10 mlnuLes)
llnal ro[ecL resenLaLlons (43 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
arLlclpaLe ln gallery walk.
CompleLe flnal pro[ecL presenLaLlons.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
Pave sLudenLs do a gallery walk of Lhe pro[ecLs.
o CompleLe Lhe eer Cradlng form for each pro[ecL.
o Pave sLudenLs Lake Lurns presenLlng. 1hey wlll presenL Lhelr producL as well as explaln how Lhey
creaLed Lhe pro[ecLs.
! Pelp gulde sLudenLs by asklng quesLlons lf Lhe sLudenL does noL fully explaln how Lhey
wroLe Lhelr program.
o Pave sLudenLs ln audlence compleLe Lhelr eer Cradlng forms.
o Pave sLudenLs voLe for flrsL and second place.
eer Cradlng
My CommunlLy ro[ecL Sample 8ubrlc
Came ro[ecL Sample 8ubrlc

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I|na| ro[ect
Choose one of Lhe followlng:

My Commun|ty ro[ect

?ou wlll use ScraLch Lo make a pro[ecL abouL your communlLy. ?ou wlll use blocks llke broadcasL ln your pro[ecL.
?ou should have aL leasL Lhree dlfferenL pages or scenes ln Lhls pro[ecL.

ueclde on one poslLlve Lhlng LhaL you wanL Lo hlghllghL and one Lhlng you wanL Lo lmprove abouL your
communlLy. 1hen flnd aL leasL one sLaLlsLlc Lo backup your concluslons. Also lnclude aL leasL one personal
commenL/recordlng and one plcLure. LasLly, you should have aL leasL one observaLlon from someone else ln Lhe
class abouL Lhe Loplc - Lhls means you wlll have Lo ask Lhem whaL Lhey Lhlnk and elLher record lL or wrlLe lL

use Lhese webslLes Lo flnd sLaLlsLlcs abouL Los Angeles and Callfornla:

lor LducaLlon uaLa go Lo:

lor lnformaLlon abouL oLher concerns ln LA, llke hunger and homelessness, go Lo:

lor lnformaLlon abouL healLh and healLh care go Lo (lf you need a password, leL me know):
lor Los Angeles Sponsored web slLes go Lo:
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Create A Game ro[ect

CreaLe your own game LhaL meeLs Lhe speclflcaLlons ouLllned ln Lhe rubrlc. 8e creaLlve!

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Commun|ty ro[ect Samp|e kubr|c
name: _______________________
Do you have? o|nts
es No o|nts
1he Content
3 or more scenes 10
1 or more poslLlve Lhlngs ln Lhe communlLy LhaL you wanL Lo
1 or more Lhlngs ln Lhe communlLy LhaL you would llke Lo lmprove 3
SLaLlsLlcs Lo back up your concluslons 3
A personal commenL/recordlng 3
A personal plcLure 3
A commenL/recordlng from someone else ln Lhe class 3

1he rogram
use broadcasL 10
Scenes only show sprlLes LhaL are supposed Lo be ln LhaL scene 10
rogram sLarLs and resLarLs when green flag ls cllcked 10

1he resentat|on
Show and explaln Lhe conLenLs of each scene ln your pro[ecL 9
Lxplaln how each scene changes (how Lhe program works) 9
eer Grad|ng 12

Lxtra Cred|t
Pave Lhe besL pro[ecL as voLed on by peers up Lo 10

1C1AL: 100
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Game ro[ect Samp|e kubr|c

name: _______________________

Do you have? o|nts
es No o|nts
1he Game
LeL Lhe player know lf Lhey wln 10
keep score 10
Pave a Llmer 10
Pave a help screen wlLh dlrecLlons 10
1he game reseLs when Lhe green flag ls cllcked 10
1he game sLops when lL ls over 10
uoes Lhe game geL harder as you keep playlng (more Lhan one level) 10

1he resentat|on
8rlef descrlpLlon of Lhe game explalnlng how lL was programmed uslng
ScraLch (whaL blocks you used, eLc.)

eer Grad|ng 20

Lxtra Cred|t
Pave Lhe besL pro[ecL as voLed on by peers up Lo 10

1C1AL: 100

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Un|t S:
Comput|ng and Data Ana|ys|s

Lxplorlng CompuLer Sclence, 2013
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Managlng and lnLerpreLlng large amounLs of daLa ls parL of Lhe foundaLlon of our lnformaLlon socleLy and Lhe
economy. Where Lhere are humans, Lhere are daLa. CompuLlng has enabled researchers Lo use daLa Lo explore
quesLlons relaLed Lo large global lssues such as cllmaLe change, anlmal hablLaLs, and human behavlor. WlLh Lhe
vasL amounLs of daLa now avallable for everyone Lo use, effecLlve members of socleLy need Lo be able Lo use daLa
Lo address Lhelr own quesLlons and Lo corroboraLe or quesLlon offlclal sLaLlsLlcs" when Lhey are publlshed ln
varlous formaLs. 1he ablllLy Lo analyze, vlsuallze and draw concluslons from large daLa seLs ls crlLlcal Lo compuLlng.
1hls unlL has been deslgned Lo allow sLudenLs Lhe opporLunlLy Lo experlence Lhe process of daLa collecLlon and
analysls ln real-world conLexLs. 1here are a varleLy of Lools LhaL can be used for daLa analysls. 1he cholce of
Lool(s) Lo use ls up Lo you and should be based on local needs and resources. Whlle lL may noL be posslble Lo
uLlllze Lools LhaL are sulLable for very large daLa seLs and/or all of Lhe analysls feaLures dlscussed ln Lhls unlL, every
efforL should be made Lo do mulLlple Lypes of analysls and Lo dlscuss Lradeoffs ln Lhe Lools used. SLudenLs need Lo
be able Lo use whaLever Lools are chosen ln approprlaLe ways Lo manlpulaLe Lhe daLa, buL Lhe focus should be on
concepLual undersLandlng of daLa analysls--maklng approprlaLe lnferences, uslng daLa Lo make a case or lnform a
dlscovery, and belng able Lo [usLlfy concluslons.
1he unlL ls dlvlded lnLo Lhree maln secLlons.
Cvervlew of Lhe flnal pro[ecL, daLa collecLlon, and valldaLlng clalms wlLh daLa (uays 1-8)
uaLa analysls Lechnlques (uays 9-23)
llnal pro[ecL (uays 26-30)

1he goal ls Lo prepare sLudenLs Lo collecL rlch daLa, formulaLe querles LhaL wlll lnform whaLever pro[ecL ls chosen
and Lo use LhaL lnformaLlon Lo elLher make a case or faclllLaLe a dlscovery.
1he daLa seLs provlded are examples. 1eachers should choose daLa seLs and examples LhaL wlll be approprlaLe ln
local conLexL. ALLenLlon should be pald Lo ensurlng LhaL Lhe chosen daLa seLs exerclse Lhe same daLa analysls
Lechnlques as Lhose currenLly provlded.
Speclflc Loplcs for each lnsLrucLlonal day are llsLed ln Lhe overvlew charL on Lhe nexL page.

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Da||y Cverv|ew Chart

Instruct|ona| Day 1op|c
1-3 8evlew how daLa can be used for maklng a case/dlscovery. Lxplore plLfalls
and challenges of puLLlng LogeLher and managlng large seLs of daLa.
rovlde an overvlew of Lhe flnal pro[ecL.
4-3 Lxplore posslble research quesLlons for a selecLlon of sample campalgns.
valldaLe compelllng sLorles wlLh research daLa.
6-7 Asslgn groups. ulscuss group roles and responslblllLles. Choose
campalgns and modes for daLa collecLlon.
8 uaLa check-ln-ulscuss lssues LhaL arlse (aggregaLlng daLa, eLc.).
9-12 CreaLe maps uslng Lhe laLlLude and longlLude of a locaLlon and Lhen creaLe
maps from a flle of daLa.
13 CreaLe maps wlLh sLudenL daLa and relaLed daLa seL.
14-16 ulscuss bar ploLs, caLegorlcal and conLlnuous daLa, and mosalc ploLs as a
vehlcle for comparlng caLegorlcal daLa, and looklng aL Lrends ln daLa.
17 CreaLe bar ploLs and mosalc ploLs wlLh sLudenL daLa and relaLed daLa seL.
18-20 8evlew mean, medlan, mlnlmum, maxlmum. ulscuss varlous ways Lo
subseL daLa. 8epresenL daLa wlLh box ploLs and hlsLograms.
21 ldenLlfy mean, medlan, mlnlmum, maxlmum, creaLe subseLs, and creaLe
box ploLs and hlsLograms wlLh sLudenL daLa and relaLed daLa seL.
22-24 use a varleLy of fllLers and querles Lo creaLe subseLs of LexL daLa. CreaLe
bar ploLs Lo graphlcally dlsplay Lhe lnformaLlon.
23 Analyze LexL ln sLudenL daLa and relaLed daLa seL.
26-27 llnallze daLa analysls for flnal pro[ecL.
28-29 uevelop webslLe or ScraLch program Lo presenL daLa analysls campalgn.
30 llnal pro[ecL presenLaLlons
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Da||y Lesson |ans
Instruct|ona| Days: 1-3
1op|c Descr|pt|on: 1hls lesson seLs Lhe sLage for Lhe unlL. lL provldes a revlew of how daLa can be used for maklng
a case or as a vehlcle for dlscovery. SLudenLs explore Lhe plLfalls and challenges of puLLlng LogeLher and managlng
large seLs of daLa. An overvlew of Lhe flnal pro[ecL ls provlded.
1he sLudenL wlll be able Lo:
Lxplaln Lhe posslble Lhemes for Lhe flnal pro[ecL.
Lxplaln Lhe dlfference beLween daLa used for maklng a case and daLa LhaL lnforms dlscovery.
ldenLlfy and dlscuss Lhe conslderaLlons LhaL musL be made ln order for a large daLa seL Lo be useful.
Conslder how varlous Lypes of daLa (numbers, LexL, daLes, eLc.) lend Lhemselves Lo processlng.
CollaboraLe wlLh oLhers Lo creaLe, manage, and malnLaln a large seL of daLa.

Cut||ne of the Lesson:
Cvervlew of flnal pro[ecL. (33 mlnuLes)
8evlew of daLa collecLlon and maklng a case/dlscovery. (3 mlnuLes)
!ournal enLry (13 mlnuLes)
lnLroducLlon Lo merglng of dlverse daLa seLs abouL Lhe same sub[ecL (10 mlnuLes)
Merge lndlvldual daLa seLs LogeLher (43 mlnuLes)
ulscusslon of cholces/declslons/compromlses made durlng daLa merglng (30 mlnuLes)
ulscusslon of creaLlng an enLlre-class daLa seL.(23 mlnuLes)

Student Act|v|t|es:
arLlclpaLe ln dlscusslon of flnal pro[ecL.
arLlclpaLe ln dlscusslon of daLa revlew.
CompleLe [ournal enLry.
arLlclpaLe ln dlscusslon abouL daLa formaLs.
Croups work Lo merge lndlvldual daLa seLs LogeLher.
arLlclpaLe ln dlscusslon of cholces/declslons/compromlses made durlng daLa merglng.
arLlclpaLe ln dlscusslon abouL creaLlng an enLlre class daLa seL.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
lnLroduce sLudenLs Lo some posslble research Loplcs for Lhe flnal pro[ecL by uslng Lhe suggesLed vldeos or
oLher hlgh-lnLeresL and engaglng resources. 1he goal ls Lo spark Lhelr lnLeresL and deslre Lo learn more
abouL Lhe Loplc, and Lo bralnsLorm how Lhey can be clLlzen sclenLlsLs on Lhe Loplcs. 1he Loplcs below are
arranged from less Lo more complex.
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o School safeLy and bullylng
o 1een exerclse and healLh
o 1eens, soclal medla, and onllne behavlor
o 1eens, vldeo games, and clvlc engagemenL
8esources for Lhe Loplcs are lncluded ln Sample llnal ro[ecL 1oplcs. AddlLlonal resources relaLed Lo Lhese
Loplcs are lncluded ln laLer lessons.
!ournal LnLry: ln prevlous unlLs we have dlscussed and consldered many of Lhe ways LhaL daLa ln Lhe
world are generaLed and collecLed. 1he Lerm 8lg uaLa" ls ofLen used Lo refer Lo Lhe noLlon of very large
daLa seLs, and deallng wlLh 8lg uaLa ls someLhlng LhaL many compuLer sclenLlsLs concern Lhemselves wlLh.
WhaL does 8lg uaLa mean Lo you? ln parLlcular how blg do you Lhlnk a daLa seL needs Lo be ln order for lL
Lo quallfy as 8lg uaLa? uo you Lhlnk Lhere ls a formal deflnlLlon? Why or why noL?
o Pave sLudenLs share Lhelr responses wlLh Lhelr elbow parLner.
o ulscuss sLudenL responses.
8evlew Lhe dlfferences beLween daLa used for maklng a case and maklng a dlscovery.
uaLa pro[ecL-?ou can use Lhe 8oom uaLa ro[ecL or creaLe one of lnLeresL Lo your sLudenLs LhaL lncludes
Lhe followlng feaLures and Lypes of daLa:
o 1exL
o SpaLlal
o CuallLaLlve
o CuanLlLaLlve
and for whlch sLudenLs can collecL mulLlple enLrles by Lhe nexL class perlod. ?ou may wlsh Lo have Lhem
collecL daLa relaLed Lo one of Lhe sample flnal pro[ecL Loplcs as an alLernaLlve. (1he 8oom uaLa ro[ecL ls
adapLed from a verslon by 8aker lranke and !eff Solln lnclude ln Lhe 1oste of compotloq verslon of LCS.)
o Access Lo large daLa seLs provldes opporLunlLles for ln depLh analysls, buL ln order Lo do Lhls Lhe
daLa musL be processed. ln Lhls pro[ecL sLudenLs wlll explore Lhe challenges and plLfalls of puLLlng
LogeLher and managlng a large seL of daLa. Many cholces can be made wlLh no clear rlghL or
wrong answers. 1he goal ls for Lhe class Lo develop a slngle large seL of daLa Lo use, formulaLe
quesLlons abouL Lhe daLa, and answer Lhem uslng an analysls Lool. Lach class's wlll be dlfferenL
dependlng on Lhe cholces Lhey make.
Asslgn daLa collecLlon for homework Lo be dlscussed Lhe nexL class perlod.
! 8reak class lnLo groups of 4 Lo merge Lhelr personal daLa seLs lnLo one.
o lndlvlduals ln each group should share Lhelr school/room daLa spreadsheeLs wlLh each oLher and
dlscuss Lhe cholces Lhey made.
! Pow was Papplness recorded?
! Pow were daLes/Llmes wrlLLen?
! Pow were locaLlons recorded?
! uld everyone record Lhe same number of enLrles for each day?
! lf Lhe goal ls Lo merge Lhe group's daLa lnLo one conslsLenL seL, how mlghL Lhe number of
enLrles per sLudenL be affecLed?
o lL ls llkely LhaL each person recorded Lhelr daLa dlfferenLly.
o 1he group's Lask ls Lo merge Lhelr four daLa seLs lnLo one conslsLenL daLa seL.
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o 1he group should agree on how Lo denoLe days, Llmes, locaLlons and happlness.
! lL may be LhaL some daLa needs Lo be compromlsed ln order Lo conform Lo Lhe group
! unuL8 nC Cl8CuMS1AnCLS should new daLa be lnvenLed" afLer Lhe facL Lo flL Lhe mold.
o 1he group should also agree on how many records (rows) of daLa should be allocaLed for each
! lL need noL be exacLly Lhe same number per person, buL lL should be represenLaLlve of Lhe
! lor example lf one sLudenL has a mlnuLe-by-mlnuLe accounL of Lhelr day, whlle anoLher
[usL made one enLry for each class Lhey were ln, how can Lhey make LhaL conslsLenL?
o Cnce Lhe group agrees on a sLandard, Lhey musL produce one flle LhaL represenLs everyone's daLa
from Lhe group
! SLudenLs should use whaLever collaboraLlon Lechnology ls avallable Lo dlvlde up Lhe work
of dolng Lhls - you shouldn'L have one sLudenL re-Lyplng all Lhe daLa. A low-Lech"
suggesLlon ls for each sLudenL Lo re-Lype/converL Lhelr personal daLa, save Lhe flle and
send lL Lo one person who can copy/pasLe Lhe sheeLs LogeLher.
! noLe: Lhls acLlvlLy can also be done on posLer paper wlLhouL acLual daLa enLry, lf deslred.
o 8y Lhe end of class each group should have saved a well-formaLLed flle conLalnlng Lhe group's
! lor homework sLudenLs should now collecL daLa ln Lhe group's agreed upon formaL.
! Croups share Lhelr merged daLa (e.g. prlnLlng, pro[ecLor, onllne Lool)
" Pave a member from each group explaln some of Lhe cholces LhaL Lhey made, explaln challenges
Lhey overcame.
" Culdlng quesLlons:
! ls lL lmporLanL or noL LhaL Lhe resulLlng flle be conslsLenL?
! WhaL does conslsLency ln Lhe daLa mean?
! Why mlghL lL be lmporLanL or why mlghL lL noL be lmporLanL?
! WhaL abouL dlfferences ln Lhe number of enLrles per sLudenL? Pow mlghL LhaL affecL Lhe
! Pave each group develop an lnLeresLlng quesLlon (or Lwo) Lo ask of Lhe daLa
" Lxamples:
! WhaL ls Lhe happlesL room ln school? leasL happy?
! WhaL are Lhe Lop 3 vlslLed rooms by people ln Lhls class?
! WhaL Llme of day ls everyone buslesL?
! WhaL day of Lhe week are people happlesL? leasL happy?
! lnLroducLlon Lo Lhlnklng abouL blg daLa.
o Pave groups share Lhelr quesLlons and answers-foreshadow Lhe need for a larger seL of
o 1hese are quesLlons LhaL we can ask when we have a large seL of daLa Lo work wlLh.
! As an enLlre class dlscuss how Lo merge all groups' daLa lnLo one daLa seL.
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! Coal: lor each of Lhe four Lypes of daLa ln Lhe 8oom uaLa CollecLlon ro[ecL, Lhe enLlre class musL agree
on an approprlaLe formaL LhaL wlll make processlng Lhe daLa Lo answer quesLlons of lL posslble.
lor homework sLudenLs should now collecL daLa ln Lhe class' agreed upon formaL.


8oom uaLa CollecLlon ro[ecL
Sample llnal ro[ecL 1oplcs
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koom Data Co||ect|on ro[ect

uurlng Lhe nexL several days, you wlll generaLe a collecLlon of daLa abouL your movemenLs wlLhln Lhe school
durlng Lhe day and how you were feellng aL LhaL Llme. ldeally you wlll carry Lhls paper wlLh you and Lake noLes
over Lhe course of your day. ?ou may also Lranscrlbe lL lnLo your [ournal ln an organlzed way. ?ou should have aL
leasL one enLry for each class you are ln each day, buL you can have more.

lor Lhe columns, uoy, 1lme and locotloo, you should record Lhe daLa ln whaLever way you Lhlnk ls mosL
approprlaLe. lor Lhe lasL column labeled noppy record some measure of your happlness aL LhaL polnL ln Lhe day.
Pow you record Lhls ls up Lo you.





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Samp|e I|na| ro[ect 1op|cs
1op|c 1: Schoo| Safety and 8u||y|ng
llle: schoolSafeLy_daLaseL .csv
Introductory kesources:
8ullylng facLs from Lhe naLlonal Assoc. of School sychologlsLs:
More facLs abouL bullylng: hLLp://
?ouLh Cnllne: vlew sLaLe daLa. SelecL a sLaLe, cllck CC". lllLer Lhe daLa by selecLlng Lhe
PealLh 1oplc unlnLenLlonal ln[urles and vlolence." vlew Lhe 1able or Craph by selecLlng Lhe
approprlaLe Lab: hLLp:// . locus on Lhe
quesLlons relaLed Lo bullylng.
See Lhe sLaLe-by-sLaLe grades for anLl-bullylng laws: hLLp://
?ou1ube vldeo: ?ou Are ?ou hLLp://
CAu1lCn: revlew before showlng Lo evaluaLe sulLablllLy for your classroom.

1op|c 2: Lxerc|se and nea|th
llle: exerclsePealLh_daLaseL.
Introductory kesources:
llLWebMu: hLLp://
o lay 8ubble 8ubble wlLh Chlcken uawg
o WhaL's your Lxerclse ersonallLy?
o Co lrom Couch Lo 3k ln [usL 8 Weeks
hyslcal acLlvlLy recommendaLlons:
?ouLh Cnllne: vlew sLaLe daLa. SelecL a sLaLe, cllck CC". lllLer Lhe daLa by selecLlng Lhe
PealLh 1oplc hyslcal AcLlvlLy." vlew Lhe 1able or Craph by selecLlng Lhe approprlaLe Lab.
8ewards and beneflLs of exerclse:
1op|c 3: 1eens, Soc|a| Med|a, and Cn||ne 8ehav|or
llle: Moblllze_Medla8ehavlor_2011.csv
Introductory kesources:
vldeo Soclal Medla Pelps 1eens See CLher's needs: hLLp://
Soclal Medla, Soclal Llfe - WhaL uo 1eens 1hlnk AbouL 1wlLLer And lacebook? lnlCC8APlC
vldeo 1agged (cyber bullylng) 1eens and Soclal Medla
hLLp:// lncludes Leachlng
verslon 3.0

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resources: hLLp://
An AnalyLlcal 1ake on ?ouLh, Soclal neLworklng, and Web 2.0: A lew MomenLs wlLh Amanda
LenharL hLLp://dmlcenLral.neL/newsleLLer/03/2012/analyLlcal-Lake-youLh-soclal-neLworklng-
1eens, klndness and cruelLy on soclal neLwork slLes:

1op|c 4: 1eens, V|deo Games, and C|v|c Lngagement
llle: Moblllze_CamesClvlc_2008_xformed.csv
Introductory kesources:
22 CharLs & Craphs on vldeo Cames & ?ouLh vlolence
Pow much do you know abouL vldeo games hLLp://
vldeo game sLaLs hLLp://www.onllneeducaLlon.neL/vldeogame
vldeo: uo vldeo games cause vlolence ln klds? lnLeresLlng facLs and daLa

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Instruct|ona| Days: 4-3

1op|c Descr|pt|on: 8esearch quesLlons for a selecLlon of campalgns are explored. valldaLlng clalms wlLh research
daLa are dlscussed.
1he sLudenL wlll be able Lo:
undersLand Lhe complexlLles of collecLlng, processlng, and analyzlng large seLs of daLa.
uescrlbe Lhe expecLaLlons of Lhe flnal pro[ecL.
Lxplore daLa seLs relaLed Lo sample flnal pro[ecL Loplcs.
ldenLlfy research quesLlons LhaL could be answered or sLorles LhaL could be Lold from Lhe daLa.
SelecL Loplc for Lhe flnal pro[ecL.

Cut||ne of the Lesson:
uebrlef of 8oom uaLa CollecLlon ro[ecL as a 8lg uaLa problem. (33 mlnuLes)
uescrlpLlon of flnal pro[ecL expecLaLlons. (20 mlnuLes)
Lxamlne Lhe avallable daLa seLs on Lhe sample flnal pro[ecL Loplcs. (30 mlnuLes)
ulscuss posslble research quesLlons LhaL mlghL be answered or sLorles LhaL mlghL be Lold wlLh addlLlonal
lnformaLlon. (13 mlnuLes)
SelecL Loplc for Lhe flnal pro[ecL. (10 mlnuLes)

Student Act|v|t|es:
arLlclpaLe ln debrlef of 8oom uaLa CollecLlon ro[ecL.
arLlclpaLe ln dlscusslon of flnal pro[ecL expecLaLlons.
Analyze Lhe avallable daLa seLs for Lhe sample flnal pro[ecL Loplcs.
WlLh an elbow parLner dlscuss posslble research quesLlons LhaL mlghL be answered or sLorles LhaL mlghL
be Lold wlLh addlLlonal lnformaLlon.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
! uebrlef of 8oom uaLa CollecLlon ro[ecL
" ln Lhelr groups, have sLudenLs revlew Lhe laLesL seL of daLa collecLed and respond Lo Lhe followlng
! WhaL do wlsh we'd LhoughL abouL before sLarLlng Lhe 8oom uaLa CollecLlon ro[ecL?
! uo you Lhlnk lL's posslble Lo Lhlnk of evetytbloq ahead of Llme? lf noL, whaL sLeps can you
Lake Lo make sure LhaL you can recover from mlssLeps?
! Any oLher daLa you wlsh we had collecLed from Lhe ouLseL?
! AnyLhlng you wlsh we'd speclfled more clearly before collecLlng daLa?
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! When deslgnlng a meLhod for collecLlng a large seL of daLa uslng mulLlple sources, whaL
klnds of Lhlngs do you need Lo Lhlnk abouL?
" Pave each group share Lhelr responses and dlscuss as a class.
uescrlbe Lhe flnal pro[ecL expecLaLlons.
o 1he class wlll selecL from one of Lhe sample flnal pro[ecL Loplcs.
! ?ou may declde LhaL each sLudenL group can choose a dlfferenL Loplc, buL Lhls wlll mean
LhaL Lhere ls less sLudenL generaLed daLa for each.
! ?ou may have sLudenLs generaLe a compleLely dlfferenL llsL of Loplcs LhaL are of lnLeresL,
buL you wlll need Lo flnd approprlaLe daLa seLs Lo use as Lhe addlLlonal conLexLual daLa
o Lach group wlll declde on Lhe research quesLlons Lo ask abouL Lhe daLa and Lhe sLory Lhey hope Lo
Lell. Lach group wlll pose Lhelr own research quesLlons. Lach group wlll conLrlbuLe quesLlons Lo
Lhe survey ln order Lo gaLher Lhe daLa necessary Lo answer Lhelr research quesLlons.
o ueslgn Lhe survey Lo geL aL Lhe lnformaLlon Lhey need Lo Lell Lhe sLory.
o CaLher daLa.
o Analyze Lhelr collecLed daLa and daLa from oLher sources.
o uraw concluslons, augmenL, relnforce, Lell a sLory, verlfy LruLhs, call lnLo quesLlon, or furLher
dlscover and descrlbe Lhe Loplc.
o 8eporL Lhelr flndlngs Lhrough a webslLe or ScraLch pro[ecL.
Lxamlne Lhe avallable daLa seL on each Loplc ln a daLa analysls Lool. (See uaLa Analysls and 8esearch
ulscuss posslble research quesLlons LhaL mlghL be answered or sLorles LhaL mlghL be Lold wlLh addlLlonal
lMC81An1 CCnSluL8A1lCn: 1he slze of daLa seLs for Lhe four Loplcs varles slgnlflcanLly ln Lhe number of
varlables. 1he complexlLy of Lhe daLa seLs adds Lo Lhe complexlLy of sLraLegles for analyzlng Lhe daLa and
Lo Lhe concepLual complexlLy for sLudenLs Lo process Lhe lnformaLlon, formulaLe research quesLlons, and
execuLe a successful pro[ecL. 1he varlables ln Lhe Lwo larger daLa seLs (1oplcs 3 & 4) have been rearranged
Lo enable pro[ecLs Lo be scaffolded more easlly. lL mlghL be useful Lo gulde sLudenLs Loward pro[ecL Loplcs
or Lo subLoplcs wlLhln Lhe four ma[or Loplcs LhaL maLch Lhelr needs and resources.
1he numberlng of Loplcs (1 - 4) lndlcaLes lncreaslng complexlLy. Lach Loplc can be more narrowly focused
Lo make Lhe conLenL manageable for mosL learners. 8efer Lo Lhe osslble 8esearch CuesLlons ln uaLa
Analysls and 8esearchCuesLlons for scaffoldlng suggesLlons.
Culde sLudenLs Lo selecL a Loplc for Lhelr pro[ecL.
o 1he enLlre class may use Lhe same Loplc, and lndlvldual groups ask dlfferenL research quesLlons
and lnclude varlables ln Lhe survey campalgn Lo gaLher daLa unlque Lo Lhelr quesLlons.
o An alLernaLlve sLraLegy ls Lo allow groups Lo selecL Lhelr own Loplc from Lhe suggesLed four Loplcs.
o CLher Loplcs may be chosen, buL sLudenLs wlll need Lo have easy access Lo Lhe conLexLual daLa
flles for Lhelr analysls.

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8oom uaLa CollecLlon ro[ecL
uaLa Analysls and 8esearch CuesLlons

Cther kesources:
1he Puman lace of 8lg uaLa. 8lck Smolan, !ennlfer LrwlLL. november 20, 2012 lS8n-10: 1434908270
lS8n-13: 978-1434908272.
Learnlng abouL SLaLlsLlcs vldeos bttp.//
SLaLlsLlcal Craphs bttp.//motb.yoooqzooes.otq/stot_qtopb.btml
8aslc SLaLlsLlcs and robablllLy bttp.//
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Data Ana|ys|s and kesearch uest|ons
1op|c 1: Schoo| Safety and 8u||y|ng
llle: schoolSafeLy_daLaseL .csv
Introductory kesources:
8ullylng facLs from Lhe naLlonal Assoc. of School sychologlsLs:
More facLs abouL bullylng: hLLp://
?ouLh Cnllne: vlew sLaLe daLa. SelecL a sLaLe, cllck CC". lllLer Lhe daLa by selecLlng Lhe
PealLh 1oplc unlnLenLlonal ln[urles and vlolence." vlew Lhe 1able or Craph by selecLlng Lhe
approprlaLe Lab: hLLp:// . locus on Lhe
quesLlons relaLed Lo bullylng.
See Lhe sLaLe-by-sLaLe grades for anLl-bullylng laws: hLLp://
?ou1ube vldeo: ?ou Are ?ou hLLp://
CAu1lCn: revlew before showlng Lo evaluaLe sulLablllLy for your classroom.

Data ana|ys|s
See DataSet_uest-Ans_Codes.doc
for survey quesLlons and answer
1. WhaL percenLage of sLudenLs has
been bullled aL school?
2. WhaL ls Lhe range of days LhaL
sLudenLs felL LhreaLened aL school?
WhaL ls Lhe mean?
3. Pow many sLudenLs who have felL
unsafe aL school have Lalked Lo a
Leacher abouL lL?
4. Who (age, gender) ls mosL llkely Lo
geL help wlLh bullylng?

oss|b|e research quest|ons
1. Pow does experlenclng bullylng lmpacL one's wllllngness Lo
help oLhers belng bullled?
2. WhaL supporL sLraLegles could be used Lo help vlcLlms of
3. Pow does lnLervenlng wlLh bullles lmpacL Lhe bullles'
4. uoes Lhe number of close frlends a person have, lmpacL
Lhe llkellhood of belng a vlcLlm?
3. WhaL sLraLegles defuse bullylng?
6. WhaL moLlvaLes bullles? Are Lhere Lrlgger evenLs?"

1op|c 2: Lxerc|se and nea|th
llle: exerclsePealLh_daLaseL.
Introductory kesources:
llLWebMu: hLLp://
o lay 8ubble 8ubble wlLh Chlcken uawg
o WhaL's your Lxerclse ersonallLy?
o Co lrom Couch Lo 3k ln [usL 8 Weeks
hyslcal acLlvlLy recommendaLlons:
verslon 3.0

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?ouLh Cnllne: vlew sLaLe daLa. SelecL a sLaLe, cllck CC". lllLer Lhe daLa by selecLlng Lhe
PealLh 1oplc hyslcal AcLlvlLy." vlew Lhe 1able or Craph by selecLlng Lhe approprlaLe Lab.
8ewards and beneflLs of exerclse:
Data ana|ys|s
See DataSet_uest-Ans_Codes.doc
for survey quesLlons and answer
1. Pow many sLudenLs reporL belng
acLlve for 60 mlnuLes on 3 or more of
Lhe pasL 7 days?
2. Whlch sLudenLs (age, gender) are
mosL llkely Lo geL 8+ hours of sleep?
3. Pow ls eaLlng breakfasL relaLed Lo
one's descrlpLlon of Lhelr welghL?
4. 8ank Lhe popularlLy/frequency of
Lhe varlous physlcal acLlvlLles?
3. Compare Lhe frequency of playlng
vldeo games wlLh belng acLlve 60
mlnuLes or more on 3+ of Lhe pasL 7
oss|b|e research quest|ons
1. uoes geLLlng more sleep lmprove sLudenLs' acLlvlLy levels?
2. WhaL exerclse acLlvlLles do Leenagers engage ln LhaL are
llkely Lo be conLlnued for more Lhan 1 year?
3. Pow does a famlly's acLlvlLy level lmpacL Lhe sLudenL's
acLlvlLy level?
4. WhaL role do frlends have ln malnLalnlng conslsLenL
acLlvlLy levels?
3. Pow does parLlclpaLlon ln a sporLs Leam lmpacL dleL?
6. Are acLlve sLudenLs healLhler Lhan lnacLlve sLudenLs? Are
Lhey happler?

1op|c 3: 1eens, Soc|a| Med|a, and Cn||ne 8ehav|or
llle: Moblllze_Medla8ehavlor_2011.csv
Introductory kesources:
vldeo Soclal Medla Pelps 1eens See CLher's needs: hLLp://
Soclal Medla, Soclal Llfe - WhaL uo 1eens 1hlnk AbouL 1wlLLer And lacebook? lnlCC8APlC
vldeo 1agged (cyber bullylng) 1eens and Soclal Medla
hLLp:// lncludes Leachlng
resources: hLLp://
An AnalyLlcal 1ake on ?ouLh, Soclal neLworklng, and Web 2.0: A lew MomenLs wlLh Amanda
LenharL hLLp://dmlcenLral.neL/newsleLLer/03/2012/analyLlcal-Lake-youLh-soclal-neLworklng-
1eens, klndness and cruelLy on soclal neLwork slLes:

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Data ana|ys|s
See DataSet_uest-Ans_Codes.doc
for survey quesLlons and answer
1. Whlch prlvacy seLLlng ls mosL
2. WhaL percenLage of sLudenLs has
posLed someLhlng Lhey LhoughL mlghL
reflecL badly ln Lhe fuLure?
3. WhaL ls Lhe average number of LexL
messages sLudenLs send and recelve?
4. Whlch gender has Lhe mosL
poslLlve vlew of Lhe klndness of
oLhers onllne?
3. Pow many sLudenLs have been
LreaLed cruelly onllne?

oss|b|e research quest|ons
1. WhaL ls Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween sLudenLs who are mosL
careful wlLh Lhelr onllne presence and Lhelr klndness facLor?
2. Are sLudenLs who spend loLs of Llme onllne more or less
llkely Lo [oln oLher organlzaLlons?
3. WhaL ls Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe Llme spenL onllne ln
soclal seLLlngs and Llme spenL soclallzlng offllne?
4. WhaL ls Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Llme spenL on soclal
medla and academlc success?
3. Whlch ls more endurlng, onllne relaLlonshlps or physlcal
6. Pow lmporLanL ls honesLy ln onllne relaLlonshlps? Are
some onllne relaLlonshlps more prone Lo honesLy Lhan
1op|c 4: 1eens, V|deo Games, and C|v|c Lngagement
llle: Moblllze_CamesClvlc_2008_xformed.csv
Introductory kesources:
22 CharLs & Craphs on vldeo Cames & ?ouLh vlolence
Pow much do you know abouL vldeo games hLLp://
vldeo game sLaLs hLLp://www.onllneeducaLlon.neL/vldeogame
vldeo: uo vldeo games cause vlolence ln klds? lnLeresLlng facLs and daLa

Data ana|ys|s
See DataSet_uest-Ans_Codes.doc
for survey quesLlons and answer
1 Pow many engage ln clvlc
2. WhaL percenLage of sLudenLs
belleve lL ls lmporLanL Lo be lnvolved
ln lmprovlng Lhelr communlLy?
3. WhaL ls Lhe mosL popular game
Lype (flghLlng, puzzles, races, eLc.)?
4. CreaLe a word cloud of favorlLe
games. Whlch names appear mosL
oss|b|e research quest|ons
1. Are soclal-medla-uslng sLudenLs more or less soclally
aware of Lhe needs of oLhers?
2. Whlch soclal medla venues fosLer Lhe greaLesL Lendency Lo
geL lnvolved ln charlLable acLlvlLles?
3. WhaL Lypes of games seem Lo promoLe more clvlc
4. Pow does parenLal lnvolvemenL ln Lhe sLudenLs' game
playlng lnfluence Lhe cholce of games sLudenLs play?
3. WhaL ls Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween accepLlng people from
dlfferenL backgrounds and playlng vldeo games?
6. WhaL ls Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween playlng vldeo games and
crlme or oLher anLl-soclal behavlor aL school or ln Lhe
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3. WhaL ls Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween
Lhe frequency someone plays games
and how ofLen he/she help or gulde


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Instruct|ona| Days: 6-7

1op|c Descr|pt|on: Croups for Lhe flnal pro[ecL are creaLed and roles and responslblllLles for group members are
asslgned. SLudenLs develop a llsL of posslble quesLlons and meLhod for daLa collecLlon Lo use for Lhe flnal pro[ecL.
1he sLudenL wlll be able Lo:
uraw concluslons abouL Lhe daLa seL selecLed for Lhe class-Loplc.
ldenLlfy lssues relaLed Lo Lhe Loplc or aspecLs of Lhe Loplc of parLlcular lnLeresL Lo Lhe groups.
ldenLlfy research quesLlons or descrlbe Lhe sLorles or dlscoverles Lhey plan Lo uncover Lhrough Lhe
analysls of gaLhered daLa.
ldenLlfy Lhe speclflc varlables needed Lo analyze Lhe daLa.
uevelop a meLhod for daLa collecLlon.
CollecL daLa.
LvaluaLe lnlLlal survey quesLlons Lo deLermlne lf Lhey were easlly undersLood and ellclLed Lhe daLa Lhey
had planned on gaLherlng.
redlcL how useful Lhe daLa would be ln answerlng Lhe research quesLlon lf Lhe survey lLems were scaled
Lo Lhe whole class.
8evlse Lhe survey quesLlons Lo beLLer flL Lhe goal of answerlng Lhe research quesLlons.

Cut||ne of the Lesson:
CreaLe groups and asslgn roles. (10 mlnuLes)
ldenLlfy research quesLlons or descrlbe sLorles or dlscoverles Lo uncover Lhrough Lhe analysls of daLa
gaLhered on Lhe flnal pro[ecL Loplc. (13 mlnuLes)
ldenLlfy Lhe speclflc varlables needed Lo analyze Lhe daLa. (13 mlnuLes)
uaLa collecLlon meLhod for Lhe flnal pro[ecL (13 mlnuLes)
CollecL daLa for homework.
LvaluaLe Lhe effecLlveness of Lhe lnlLlal survey quesLlons. (13 mlnuLes)
redlcL how useful Lhe daLa wlll be ln answerlng Lhe research quesLlons lf Lhe survey lLems were scaled Lo
Lhe whole class. (10 mlnuLes)
8evlse Lhe survey quesLlons. (30 mlnuLes)

Student Act|v|t|es:
Croups dlscuss roles and responslblllLles.
Croups ldenLlfy research quesLlons or descrlbe Lhe sLorles or dlscoverles LhaL can be dlscovered Lhrough
gaLhered daLa.
Croups llsL Lhe speclflc varlables needed Lo analyze Lhe daLa.
Croups develop daLa collecLlon survey quesLlons.
SLudenLs collecL daLa for homework.
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Croups evaluaLe Lhe effecLlveness of Lhe lnlLlal survey quesLlons.
redlcL how useful Lhe daLa would be ln answerlng Lhe research quesLlons lf Lhe survey lLems were scaled
Lo Lhe whole class.
Croups revlse Lhe survey quesLlons Lo beLLer flL Lhe goal of answerlng Lhe research quesLlons.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
Croup roles and responslblllLles
o Lxplaln Lo sLudenLs LhaL everyone ln Lhe group ls accounLable for Lhe work on Lhe varlous sLages
and LhaL Lhey need Lo alLernaLe roles. 1hey also need Lo come Lo consensus on declslons relaLed
Lo daLa collecLlon, quesLlons for analysls, eLc.
o rovlde sLudenLs wlLh daLes for Lhe daLa check-lns/analysls wlLh Lhelr own daLa. (1hese may need
Lo be revlsed lf secLlons Lake longer Lhan anLlclpaLed.) SLudenLs should plan Lo collecL some daLa
prlor Lo uay 7 and Lhen before day 8 daLa check-ln Lo use as a base for dlscusslon.
ldenLlfy research quesLlons or descrlbe Lhe sLorles or dlscoverles LhaL can be made Lhrough analysls of
daLa. lL ls lmporLanL LhaL every group member conLrlbuLes a few ldeas before Lhe group reflnes Lhe ldeas
and selecLs, by consensus, one or Lwo research quesLlons.
Croups ldenLlfy Lhe speclflc varlables needed Lo analyze Lhe daLa ln order Lo answer Lhelr research
8evlew Lhe LralLs of good" quesLlons for effecLlve surveys LhaL wlll reveal Lhe lnformaLlon needed Lo
answer research quesLlons. use conLenL from hLLp://
Culde each group Lo wrlLe 4-3 survey quesLlons wlLh Lhe varlables LhaL Lhey belleve wlll help Lhem answer
Lhelr research quesLlons. 8efer Lo Lhelr work on uay 3.
lor homework, have sLudenLs collecL daLa based on Lhelr survey quesLlons.
LvaluaLe Lhe survey quesLlons Lo deLermlne lf Lhey were easlly undersLood and lf Lhey ellclLed Lhe daLa
Lhey had planned on gaLherlng.
" ln Lhelr groups, have sLudenLs revlew Lhe laLesL seL of daLa collecLed and respond Lo Lhe followlng
quesLlons. (noLe: 1hese are Lhe same quesLlons LhaL were consldered durlng Lhe debrlef of Lhe
8oom uaLa CollecLlon ro[ecL.)
! WhaL do wlsh we'd LhoughL abouL before sLarLlng Lo collecL Lhe daLa?
! uo you Lhlnk lL's posslble Lo Lhlnk of evetytbloq ahead of Llme? lf noL, whaL sLeps can you
Lake Lo make sure LhaL you can recover from mlssLeps?
! Any oLher daLa you wlsh we had collecLed from Lhe ouLseL?
! AnyLhlng you wlsh we'd speclfled more clearly before collecLlng daLa?
! When deslgnlng a meLhod for collecLlng a large seL of daLa uslng mulLlple sources, whaL
klnds of Lhlngs do you need Lo Lhlnk abouL?
Pave each group share Lhelr responses and dlscuss as a class.
o rompL Lhem wlLh quesLlons such Lhese:
! Why do you Lhlnk Lhls quesLlon worked well Lo ellclL Lhe response you were afLer?
! WhaL made you Lhlnk LhaL Lhls quesLlon (LhaL wasn'L effecLlve) would ellclL Lhe response
you were afLer? Pow can you modlfy lL Lo be more effecLlve?
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redlcL how useful Lhe daLa would be ln answerlng Lhe research quesLlons lf Lhe survey lLems were scaled
Lo Lhe whole class.
WhaL concluslons, lf any, can be drawn from Lhe survey daLa?
o WhaL do you predlcL you wlll learn when Lhls pro[ecL ls scaled Lo Lhe enLlre class? WhaL addlLlonal
lnslghLs mlghL you learn lf lL was scaled Lo Lhe enLlre school? All sLudenLs ln Lhe sLaLe? ln Lhe uS?
ln Lhe world?
o WhaL acLlons mlghL resulL from whaL ls learned?
8evlse Lhe quesLlons Lo beLLer flL Lhe goal of answerlng Lhe research quesLlons. 1he revlsed quesLlons wlll
be comblned on uay 8 wlLh Lhe quesLlons of all of Lhe classroom Leams for Lhe flnal survey pro[ecL.

! uaLa Analysls and 8esearch CuesLlons
! hLLp://
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Instruct|ona| Day: 8
1op|c Descr|pt|on: uaLa collecLlon check-ln.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
ldenLlfy lssues relaLed Lo Lhe daLa collecLlon process.
Lxplaln aggregaLlon of daLa.

Cut||ne of the Lesson:
uaLa check-ln (10 mlnuLes)
!ournal LnLry (3 mlnuLes)
uaLa collecLlon lssues and aggregaLlon of daLa (40 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
Croups dlscuss Lhe daLa collecLed Lo daLe.
CompleLe [ournal enLry.
arLlclpaLe ln dlscusslon abouL daLa collecLlon lssues and aggregaLlon of daLa.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
uaLa check-ln
o Pave sLudenLs upload Lhelr lndlvldual daLa and share wlLh Lhe resL of Lhelr group.
!ournal LnLry: Conslder Lhe daLa LhaL your group collecLed. WhaL lssues dld you have wlLh collecLlng Lhe
ulscuss lssues LhaL have arlsen wlLh daLa collecLlon.
o Pave each group descrlbe Lhe daLa Lhey have collecLed Lo daLe.
o Clarlfy any mlsconcepLlons abouL whaL Lhey should be collecLlng.
! uld Lhey undersLand Lhe varlous prompLs and posslble responses?
! Pow many enLrles dld Lhey collecL? Pow does LhaL compare wlLh oLher groups?
o ulscuss aggregaLlon of Lhelr daLa.
! Why ls lL lmporLanL for each member of Lhe group Lo collecL daLa?
! Why wlll we wanL Lo pool Lhe daLa from all of Lhe groups aL Lhe end of Lhe unlL even lf
each group ls worklng on a dlfferenL seL of research quesLlons?
nC1L-modlfy based on wheLher Lhere ls one or more pro[ecLs/class
8ulld consensus Lo selecL, condense, and revlse Lhe quesLlons lnLo Lhe class survey quesLlon seL, lf all
sLudenLs are worklng wlLh Lhe same overall Loplc.
o 1here are several sLraLegles LhaL can be used Lo compleLe Lhls Lask as efflclenLly as posslble
Lhrough consensus. 1he goal ls Lo have a seL of quesLlons LhaL can be comblned lnLo a slngle
survey LhaL wlll enable all Leams Lo analyze Lhe varlables Lhey need Lo answer Lhelr research
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quesLlons. Cne such sLraLegy ls
! Lach group wrlLes each of Lhelr prompLs/quesLlons, posslble responses for mulLlple or
slngle cholce prompLs, and Lhe varlable name on 8.3 x 11 lnch sheeLs of paper (one
prompL and varlable per sheeL).
! Croup Lhe members of 2 or 3 groups LogeLher so LhaL Lhey can spread Lhe pleces of paper
such LhaL each group member can see all of Lhe prompLs.
! A spokesperson for each group should share Lhe Leam's research quesLlons and sLaLe why
each of Lhe varlables/prompLs ls lmporLanL Lo Lhelr research.
! 1he groups Lhen look for dupllcaLlon ln quesLlons, rewrlLlng dupllcaLes lnLo a flnal
quesLlon LhaL all members of Lhe groups can agree upon. 1he Leacher many need Lo
lnLervene ln dlsagreemenLs and gulde consensus bulldlng.
! 8epeaL Lhe process by comblnlng Lhese reflned quesLlons from all groups. 1he
spokesperson of each group wlll be Lhe acLlve parLlclpanL ln worklng Lo bulld consensus
among all Leams. 1he prompLs ln round Lwo can be dlsplayed on Lhe wall. Cnly Lhe
spokesperson for each group can Lalk.
! lf Lhe class ls smaller or Lhere are several campalgn Loplcs, Lhe process can be compressed
lnLo [usL one round of consensus bulldlng.
Lach group convenes Lo verlfy LhaL Lhelr prompLs and varlables are represenLed ln Lhe llsL of flnal
8emlnd sLudenLs of check-ln daLes and perlodlcally remlnd sLudenLs of Lhelr survey and sharlng

no addlLlonal resources needed
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Instruct|ona| Days: 9-12

1op|c Descr|pt|on: 1he baslc feaLures of loadlng and savlng flles, sorLlng and creaLlng subseLs are explored. Maps
are creaLed by uslng Lhe laLlLude and longlLude of a locaLlon and Lhen maps of polnLs and bubble charLs are
creaLed from a flle of daLa.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
1ranslaLe addresses lnLo laLlLude/longlLude.
SorL flles of daLa.
CreaLe subseLs of daLa.
8ead locaLlon daLa from a flle and ploL polnLs on maps.
CreaLe bubble ploLs.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
!ournal LnLry (3 mlnuLes)
uescrlblng locaLlon (30 mlnuLes)
Lxplorlng LA 8lke uaLa (30 mlnuLes)
LA 8lke AcLlvlLy (43 mlnuLes)
LA 8us SLops AcLlvlLy (43 mlnuLes)
8ubble charLs (20 mlnuLes)
8ubble CharLs AcLlvlLy (43 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
CompleLe [ournal enLry.
arLlclpaLe ln dlscusslon of locaLlon and LA 8lke uaLa.
CompleLe LA 8lke AcLlvlLy.
CompleLe LA 8us SLops AcLlvlLy.
arLlclpaLe ln dlscusslon of bubble charLs.
CompleLe 8ubble CharL AcLlvlLy.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
!ournal LnLry: Conslder Lhe daLa LhaL you have been collecLlng. Pow mlghL seelng Lhe daLa on a map help
you analyze lL?
lnsLall daLa analysls Lool
o ?ou may wanL Lo do Lhls lnsLallaLlon yourself before Lhe class Lo save Llme.
uescrlblng locaLlon
o use Walklng and 8lklng ln LA as an lnLroducLlon Lo Lhe LA blke daLa and descrlblng locaLlon wlLh
laLlLude and longlLude. (?ou may wanL Lo share a verslon of Lhls resource wlLh sLudenLs.)
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! 1ake Lhe opporLunlLy Lo polnL ouL LhaL Lhls ls a campalgn slmllar Lo whaL Lhey wlll be
dolng for Lhe flnal pro[ecL-people llke Lhem concerned abouL a Loplc, collecLlng daLa Lo
lnform Lhelr cause.
o Load Lhe Coogle Map wlLh Lhe locaLlons of Lhe 36 lnLersecLlons for Lhe survey.
o Ask quesLlons abouL Lhese locaLlons: Are any of Lhese locaLlons ln your nelghborhood? near Lhe
school? near your home? CLher quesLlons LhaL may be of lnLeresL.
o Co Lo hLLp:// and demonsLraLe how Lo LranslaLe a place on Lhe map Lo
laLlLude and longlLude.
! 1ype ln an address. use Lhe example ln Walklng and 8lklng ln LA 1eacher 8esource or
anoLher LhaL you choose
! 1he approprlaLe numbers are under Lhe map lnslde Lhe parenLhesls nexL Lo Wk1: Cln1( -
118.2796304, 34.0916803). 1haL means Lhe locaLlon ls 34.0916803 norLh of Lhe equaLor
and 118.2796304 wesL of Lhe rlme Merldlan. (lf Lhe example provlded ls used.) noLe:
LaLlLude ls ofLen referred Lo flrsL, buL Lhe coordlnaLes of Lhe polnL are (longlLude,
! Pave sLudenLs Lry flndlng locaLlons for Lhelr house and/or school.
! olnL ouL LhaL Lhe sysLem of longlLude and laLlLude wlll allow Lhem Lo draw spaLlal ob[ecLs
such as polnLs (house, school). 1hey can Lhlnk of longlLude as Lhe x-dlrecLlon (lL runs
along Lhe equaLor from easL Lo wesL) and laLlLude as Lhe y-dlrecLlon (lL runs from Lhe
norLh ole Lo Lhe SouLh ole along Lhe rlme Merldlan) when maklng a ploL from Lhese
o Lxplorlng LA 8lke daLa
! noLe: 1hroughouL Lhls unlL, use a varleLy of sLraLegles as you lnLroduce new feaLures of
analysls. Many of Lhe same Lypes of sLraLegles LhaL were used Lo lnLroduce new feaLures
of ScraLch can be effecLlve. Such sLraLegles lnclude, buL are noL llmlLed Lo, sLudenL
demonsLraLlons, predlcLlon of behavlor, drlver/navlgaLor palrs, [lgsawlng of several new
! Load Lhe lablke daLa flle.
! olnL ouL LhaL Lhls ls whaL Lhey wlll be dolng wlLh Lhe daLa Lhey collecL.
! olnL ouL Lhe followlng feaLures as you dlscuss Lhe layouL of Lhe flle (?ou can use
Lxplorlng LAC8C as a reference.):
Peader, number of rows, caLegorles
noLe whaL you see ln Lhe flle (many of rows of daLa).
1he flrsL llne ls Lhe header and descrlbes Lhe names of each varlable or column.
Lach '&> refers Lo a dlfferenL lnLersecLlon, and so Lhere are 38 lnLersecLlons
represenLed ln Lhe daLa seL. Lach 1&%-,) refers Lo Lhe varlous daLa LhaL were
collecLed abouL Lhe lnLersecLlon.
navlgaLe Lhrough Lhe survey Lo show Lhe varlables ln Lhe daLa
o "name" ls Lhe locaLlon of Lhe lnLersecLlon,
o "|ong|tude" ls Lhe longlLude of Lhe locaLlon
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o "|at|tude" ls Lhe laLlLude of Lhe locaLlon
o "type" ls Lhe Lype of blke LransporLaLlon avallable aL Lhe lnLersecLlon (blke
lane, blke paLh, blke rouLe, none)
o b|ke_count_pm" ls Lhe evenlng counL of blkes
o ped_count_pm" ls Lhe evenlng counL of pedesLrlans
uemo how Lo obLaln a Lable of frequencles for Lype.
o noLe LhaL 20 of Lhe lnLersecLlons have noLhlng.
o 1here wlll be more dlscusslon of frequencles laLer ln Lhe unlL, buL noLe
LhaL Lhls flle ls small enough LhaL Lhe counLlng could be done by hand (as
wlLh Lhe daLa collecLed ln unlL 2), buL LhaL laLer daLa seLs wlll be much
uemo how Lo sorL by blke counL and pedesLrlan counL.
o Whlch lnLersecLlons have Lhe mosL blke Lrafflc/ pedesLrlan Lrafflc? Are
Lhey Lhe same?
uemo how Lo creaLe a subseL of locaLlons where Lhe blke counL ls greaLer Lhan or
equal Lo Lhe pedesLrlan counL.
o Ask sLudenLs whaL oLher subseLs mlghL be lnLeresLlng Lo creaLe (e.g.,
locaLlons wlLh blke rouLes).
o Pave sLudenLs creaLe a few subseLs of Lhelr own and llsL Lhe quesLlons
Lhey mlghL wanL Lo ask abouL Lhose subseLs.
uemo how Lo ploL Lhe lnLersecLlons on a map. lnclude a LlLle, axes and
background. Also demo Lhe varlous slzes and shapes of polnLs and how Lo zoom.
o 8efore each ploL feaLure ls added, ask sLudenLs quesLlons LhaL wlll gulde
Lhem Lo Lhe need for Lhe feaLure.
o Ask sLudenLs quesLlons abouL Lhe ploL such as: Are Lhere any ouLllers? Are
Lhere clusLers of polnLs? uoes Lhe ploL maLch Lhe Lable?
1hroughouL Lhls secLlon and Lhe oLher analysls secLlons, conLlnue Lo pose
quesLlons Lo prompL sLudenLs Lo reflecL on Lhelr analysls and [usLlfy Lhelr
o LA 8lke AcLlvlLy
! Pave sLudenLs compleLe Lhe LA 8lke AcLlvlLy on Lhelr own. ClrculaLe Lhe room and answer
! Allow sufflclenL Llme aL Lhe end of Lhls parL Lo have sLudenLs share Lhelr responses wlLh
Lhelr group members and lead a dlscusslon Lo ensure LhaL Lhey undersLand each of Lhe
feaLures of Lhe daLa analysls Lool dlscussed so far.
o LA 8us SLops AcLlvlLy
! Pave sLudenLs compleLe Lhe LA 8us SLops AcLlvlLy on Lhelr own. ClrculaLe Lhe room and
answer quesLlons.
! Allow sufflclenL Llme aL Lhe end of Lhls parL Lo have sLudenLs share Lhelr responses wlLh
Lhelr group members and lead a dlscusslon abouL Lhe daLa analysls and Lhe paLLerns Lhey
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have descrlbed. ln parLlcular, have groups share and dlscuss answers Lo quesLlons 10-13
as Lhese requlre a hlgher level of analysls.
o 8ubble charLs wlLh LA 8lke CounL uaLa
! uescrlbe bubble charLs. (?ou can use 8ubble CharLs as a resource.)
! Ask quesLlons such as: WhaL ls belng descrlbed when longlLude and laLlLude ls ploLLed on
a map? ls Lhere a way Lo dlsLlngulsh counLs of pedesLrlans and blcycllsLs?
! uemo how Lo creaLe a bubble charL wlLh Lhe pedesLrlan counLs ln Lhe lablke flle.
! uemo how Lo change Lhe slze and color of Lhe bubbles.
o 8ubble CharL AcLlvlLy
! Pave sLudenLs compleLe Lhe 8ubble CharLs AcLlvlLy on Lhelr own. ClrculaLe Lhe room and
answer quesLlons.
! Allow sufflclenL Llme aL Lhe end of Lhls parL Lo ask sLudenLs for Lhelr responses and lead a
dlscusslon Lo ensure LhaL Lhey undersLand each of Lhe feaLures of daLa analysls dlscussed
so far. Challenge Lhem Lo ask addlLlonal quesLlons. ldenLlfy and clarlfy mlsconcepLlons.

Walklng and 8lklng ln LA
Lxplorlng LAC8C
LA 8lke AcLlvlLy
LA 8us SLops AcLlvlLy
8ubble CharLs
8ubble CharLs AcLlvlLy
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Wa|k|ng and 8|k|ng |n LA
**Survey Descr|pt|on

1he daLa LhaL wlll be consldered flrsL ln Lhls lesson were collecLed ln SepLember of 2009 by Lhe Los Angeles CounLy
8lcycle CoallLlon (LAC8C, hLLp://, a non-proflL organlzaLlon LhaL works Lo "make Lhe enLlre L.A. reglon a
safe and en[oyable place Lo rlde." lor Lwo days ln laLe SepLember, Lhe LAC8C recrulLed volunLeers Lo counL Lhe
number of blcycllsLs and pedesLrlans LhaL pass 36 dlfferenL lnLersecLlons wlLhln Los Angeles CounLy. Some of Lhe
survey locaLlons were chosen because Lhey are known Lo be popular wlLh cycllsLs and pedesLrlans, oLhers because
Lhey are near locaLlons where a Lrafflc-relaLed change ls abouL Lo Lake place, and sLlll oLhers because Lhey are Lhe
slLe of a large number of blke accldenLs each year.

LAC8C volunLeers surveyed each locaLlon ln Lhe mornlng (7:00-9:30 am) and evenlng (4:00-6:30 pm) on 1uesday
SepLember 22 and Wednesday SepLember 23 of 2009. uaLa were also collecLed on SaLurday Lhe 26Lh, buL wlll noL
be consldered here. 1he volunLeers produced a reporL summarlzlng Lhelr flndlngs

** Descr|b|ng |ocat|on

When someone asks you Lo descrlbe your currenL locaLlon, you mlghL respond lnformally by saylng you are ln
class or aL school. lrlends and famlly wlll know where LhaL ls, buL lf a relaLlve were vlslLlng from ouL of Lown and
were unfamlllar wlLh Lhe area, Lhe sLreeL address for school and maybe a nearby lnLersecLlon would be necessary.
1hese descrlpLlons are excellenL for looklng up a locaLlon on a map or for walklng, blklng, or drlvlng somewhere
new. 8oads and lnLersecLlons and sLreeL addresses creaLe a neLwork LhaL we regularly navlgaLe. 1hls neLwork may
change as old roads and bulldlngs are replaced by oLhers. Also, some of Lhe lmporLanL places ln our llves do noL
have a sLreeL address (llke Lhe peak of a mounLaln or a hlklng Lrall ln Lhe SanLa Monlca MounLalns). llnally, ln
order Lo draw a map of LA, lL would be helpful Lo be able Lo speclfy poslLlons ln a more conslsLenL way, Lracklng a
road as lL Lurns a corner or veers Lo Lhe lefL. lor all of Lhese reasons, Lhere ls a need Lo assoclaLe poslLlons wlLh a
flxed seL of "coordlnaLes" on Lhe earLh.

Cne of Lhe mosL popular such coordlnaLe sysLems lnvolves speclfylng a polnL's laLlLude and longlLude. 1hese are
Lwo numbers LhaL represenL angles (ln degrees) from Lhe cenLer of Lhe earLh Lo a polnL on lLs surface. LaLlLudes
are angles from norLh Lo souLh-ln Lhls case Lhe norLh ole ls asslgned a value of 180 degrees, Lhe equaLor ls aL 0
degrees and Lhe SouLh ole ls aL -180 degrees. LonglLudes are angles from easL Lo wesL wlLh 0 occurrlng aL Lhe
rlme Merldlan, a llne runnlng from Lhe norLh ole Lo Lhe SouLh ole and crosslng Creenwlch, Lngland.
(Creenwlch ls also used ln deflnlng Creenwlch Mean 1lme or CM1.) A descrlpLlon of longlLude and laLlLude can be
found aL Lhe followlng url.


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1hese Lwo ways of descrlblng a locaLlon (an address versus laLlLude-longlLude) can be compared. 1he LAC8C
produced a Coogle Map wlLh Lhe locaLlons of Lhe 36 lnLersecLlons for Lhelr survey-Lhls was acLually a
recrulLmenL Lool and Lhere are references Lo shlfLs LhaL are needed for people Lo lend a hand.


1o LranslaLe Lhe locaLlon on Lhe map for Lhe lnLersecLlon of SunseL and Pyperlon lnLo laLlLude and longlLude, a
servlce llke CeL LaL Lon (hLLp:// can be used.

ln Lhe box aL Lhe Lop of Lhe page enLer

SunseL & Pyperlon, Los Angeles, CA

and Lhe map should cenLer on Lhe rlghL lnLersecLlon. 1he laLlLude and longlLude of Lhe polnL wlll appear aL Lhe
boLLom of Lhe page. ln Lhls case Lhe laLlLude and longlLude of Lhe polnL ls 34.0916803, -118.2796304-LhaL ls,
34.0916803 norLh of Lhe equaLor and 118.2796304 wesL of Lhe rlme Merldlan.

1he sysLem of longlLude and laLlLude allows people Lo draw spaLlal ob[ecLs llke polnLs (house, school) or llnes (a
sLreeL) or shapes (Lhe grounds of a hlgh school, a park). LonglLude can be LhoughL of as Lhe x-dlrecLlon (lL runs
along Lhe equaLor from easL Lo wesL) and laLlLude as Lhe y-dlrecLlon (lL runs from Lhe norLh ole Lo Lhe SouLh ole
along Lhe rlme Merldlan) when maklng a ploL from Lhese coordlnaLes.

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Lxp|or|ng LAC8C

Load Lhe lablke daLa flle.

lL should appear slmllar Lo Lhe Lable below.

name longlLude laLlLude Lype blke_counL_pm ped_counL_pm
1sL & Alameda -118.238123 34.049173 none 62 241
4Lh & WllLon -118.313441 34.06713 blke rouLe 48 87
7Lh & llgueroa -118.239883 34.049388 none 216 1979
8Lh & La 8rea -118.344641 34.060446 none 72 272
9Lh & aclflc -118.287306 33.733118 none 38 160

1he flrsL llne of Lhe flle ls known as a header and descrlbes Lhe names of each varlable or column (e.g., "name",
"longlLude", and "laLlLude"). Lach row refers Lo a dlfferenL locaLlon aL whlch volunLeers counLed Lhe blke and
pedesLrlan counLs durlng Lhe evenlng rush hour. ("Cb[ecLs" ln Lhls Lable are poslLlons ln Los Angeles and Lhe
"varlables" measured for each lnclude Lhe name, Lhe longlLude and laLlLude, and Lhe counLs of pedesLrlans and

1he daLa flle "lablke" has 38 rows, each referrlng Lo a dlfferenL locaLlon. 1he flrsL column ls Lhe name of Lhe
locaLlons, slmllar Lo Lhe llsL ln Lhe LAC8C Coogle Map. (1he daLa here reproduce 1able 14 from LAC8C's reporL and
Lhere are only 38 of Lhe 36 locaLlons lncluded.) 1he nexL Lwo columns glve Lhe poslLlons' longlLude and laLlLude.
1hese coordlnaLes can be used Lo place Lhe locaLlons on a map. 1he fourLh column descrlbes Lhe Lype of blke
LransporLaLlon avallable aL Lhe lnLersecLlon (a blke lane, a blke paLh, a blke rouLe or noLhlng) and Lhe lasL Lwo
columns represenL Lhe evenlng counLs of blkes (column 3) and pedesLrlans (column 6) crosslng Lhe lnLersecLlon.

A varleLy of operaLlons can be performed on Lhe daLa. (e.g., creaLe a Lable LhaL shows Lhe frequency of Lype, sorL
by blke_counL_pm , sorL by ped_counL_pm, creaLe a subseL of locaLlons where Lhe blke counL ls greaLer Lhan Lhe
pedesLrlan counL ( blke_counL_pm ped_counL_pm)) .

1here are several klnds of spaLlal daLa. 1helr sLrucLure ls besL descrlbed by Lhelr look-LhaL ls, poslLlons or polnLs
on Lhe map (a house, Lhe SandsLone eak ln Lhe SanLa Monlca MounLalns), polnLs LhaL are connecLed Lo form
paLhs or llnes (Lhe rouLe of a walk Lo school or Lhe drlvlng rouLe Lo a frlend's house), and areas or reglons (Lhe
fooLprlnL of a school's bulldlngs or Lhe area covered by Los Angeles CounLy). olnLs, llnes and reglons are baslc
spaLlal sLrucLures LhaL are used for compuLaLlon.

ln Lhe case of Lhe LA 8lke CounL daLa, Lhere are lnLersecLlons where survey Lakers sLood (polnLs). 1he
LransporLaLlon sysLem ln Los Angeles can also be consulLed for bus rouLes (llnes), and Lhe u.S. Census 8ureau can
provlde demographlc daLa abouL people llvlng ln dlfferenL Census blocks (small geographlc areas or reglons).

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Slnce Lhe daLa seL lncludes Lhe longlLude and laLlLude ln columns 2 and 3, Lhe lnLersecLlons can be ploLLed on a

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LA 8|ke Act|v|ty

Load Lhe lablke daLa.

1. CreaLe a subseL of Lhe locaLlons wlLh no speclal rouLes for blkes.
! Pow many locaLlons are ln Lhe subseL?
! SorL by blke_counL_pm. Whlch lnLersecLlon has Lhe greaLesL counL? Whlch has Lhe leasL counL?
! loL Lhls subseL on a map. lnclude a LlLle, axes and a background.
2. CreaLe a subseL of Lhe locaLlons wlLh speclal rouLes for blkes.
! use a dlfferenL color and shape Lo ploL Lhls subseL on Lhe same map.
! uescrlbe any paLLerns you see.

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LA 8us Stops Act|v|ty

Load Lhe bus_sLops daLa flle.

1. WhaL are Lhe varlables ln Lhls survey?

2. lorm a frequency Lable Lo see Lhe number of sLops along each sLreeL. Whlch sLreeL has Lhe mosL sLops?
WhaL mlghL be a reason for Lhls?

3. Pow many LoLal sLops are Lhere?

4. Look aL Lhe daLa for Lhe 6000Lh row-a bus sLop on SunseL 8oulevard aL AnlLa Avenue. Co Lo
hLLp:// and Lype ln SunseL & AnlLa, Los Angeles, CA and check LhaL Lhe longlLude and
laLlLude llsLed ln Lhe daLa flle are Lhe same as from CeL LaL Lon. WhaL do you noLlce? Why mlghL Lhls be
Lhe case?

3. CreaLe a subseL of Lhe bus sLops LhaL are along SunseL or vermonL. Pow many sLops are Lhere?

6. CreaLe a ploL of bus sLops LhaL are along SunseL or vermonL. lnclude a LlLle, axes, and a background.
uescrlbe whaL you see ln Lhe ploL.

7. CreaLe a ploL of bus sLops LhaL are along MyrLle or Mulholland. lnclude a LlLle, axes, and a background.
uescrlbe whaL you see ln Lhe ploL. Pow does Lhls compare Lo Lhe ploL of SunseL or vermonL.

8. CreaLe a ploL of bus sLops LhaL are along Cayley or Pllgard. lnclude a LlLle, axes, and a background.
uescrlbe whaL you see ln Lhe ploL. Pow does Lhls compare Lo Lhe prevlous ploLs?

9. CreaLe a ploL of bus sLops LhaL are along a few sLreeLs ln your nelghborhood. lnclude a LlLle, axes, and a
background. uescrlbe whaL you see ln Lhe ploL. Why mlghL Lhls daLa be useful for someone Lo have?
10. WhaL ls an advanLage Lo ploLLlng Lhe daLa on a map lnsLead of [usL looklng aL Lhe laLlLude/longlLude
11. WhaL would happen Lo Lhe map lf you had less daLa ln Lhe flle? More daLa ln Lhe flle? Pow would LhaL
affecL your lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe map?
12. lf you were Lrylng Lo make a case LhaL you needed more bus sLops ln your nelghborhood would lL be
enough Lo show LhaL Lhe counL of bus sLops ls less Lhan Lhose along SunseL? Lxplaln your answer.
13. Pow could you use whaL you learned abouL ploLLlng polnLs on a map wlLh Lhe daLa you have collecLed?
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8ubb|e Charts

1he polnLs aL whlch LA 8lke volunLeers sLood and Lhe poslLlon of bus sLops exhlblL Lhe geomeLry of Lhese Lhlngs.
Powever, spaLlal ob[ecLs can have oLher daLa assoclaLed wlLh Lhem. 1he LA 8lke CounLs are assoclaLed wlLh
counLs of pedesLrlans and blcycllsLs. When Lhe lnLersecLlons aL whlch Lhe LA 8lke volunLeers sLood were ploLLed
Lhere was noLhlng LhaL could be deLermlned abouL Lhe number of blkers or pedesLrlans.

A bubble charL uses numerlcal values Lo scale Lhe dlameLer of clrcles locaLed aL a glven spaLlal locaLlon. Conslder
Lhe pedesLrlan LoLals from Lhe LA 8lke daLa.

ln a bubble ploL of Lhe pedesLrlan counLs each lnLersecLlon where volunLeers collecLed daLa ls Lhe cenLer of a
clrcle-Lhe larger Lhe clrcle, Lhe greaLer Lhe number of pedesLrlans counLed Lhere. lf Lhls ploL were drawn by
hand, a number of cholces would need Lo be made. llrsL, Lhe slze of Lhe clrcles relaLlve Lo each oLher ls flxed by
Lhe daLa. lf a volunLeer aL one lnLersecLlon saw Lwlce as many pedesLrlans as anoLher volunLeer saw aL a dlfferenL
lnLersecLlon, Lhe flrsL clrcle should be Lwlce as blg as Lhe second. 1he relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe clrcles and Lhe
map, over whlch Lhey are ploLLed, however, ls noL flxed and can be changed (agaln, assumlng Lhe relaLlve slzes of
Lhe clrcles remalns Lhe same).

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8ubb|e Chart Act|v|ty

Load Lhe lablke daLa flle.

1. CreaLe a bubble charL of Lhe pedesLrlan counLs.
2. CreaLe a bubble charL of blke counLs and add lL Lo Lhe pedesLrlan counLs. WhaL happens Lo Lhe charL?
3. Change Lhe color for blke counLs. uescrlbe whaL you see now.
4. WhaL else mlghL you change Lo geL an even clearer vlsual plcLure of blke and pedesLrlan counLs? 1ry
Lhese ldeas. Lxplaln how Lhls changes Lhe charL.
3. 8ased on your graph, whaL quesLlons mlghL you ask?
6. 1ry zoomlng ln on a parL of Lhe graph. uescrlbe whaL you see.
7. uoes your graph make sense based on Lhe counLs ln Lhe Lable? Lxplaln why or why noL.
8. CreaLe a subseL of all locaLlons LhaL have a speclal rouLe for blkes. CreaLe a bubble charL wlLh Lhe counLs
for Lhe subseL. uescrlbe whaL you see.
9. CreaLe a subseL of all locaLlons LhaL have no speclal rouLe for blkes. Add a bubble charL of Lhe counLs for
Lhe subseL Lo Lhe prevlous charL ln a dlfferenL color. uescrlbe whaL you see now. WhaL concluslons mlghL
you draw? !usLlfy your answer.
10. CreaLe anoLher palr of subseLs LhaL are of lnLeresL Lo you. CreaLe a bubble charL. uescrlbe Lhe sLory you
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Instruct|ona| Day: 13
1op|c Descr|pt|on: ln Lhls lesson sLudenLs use Lhe daLa Lhey have collecLed and addlLlonal conLexLual daLa seLs Lo
do spaLlal analysls for use ln Lhe flnal pro[ecL.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
Analyze Lhe daLa Lhey have collecLed uslng spaLlal analysls Lechnlques.

Cut||ne of the Lesson:
CreaLe spaLlal ploLs wlLh sLudenL generaLed and conLexLual daLa seLs (33 mlnuLes)

Student Act|v|t|es:
Croups creaLe spaLlal ploLs and use spaLlal analysls Lechnlques wlLh Lhe daLa Lhey have collecLed and
addlLlonal conLexLual daLa seLs.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
SLudenLs work ln Lhelr groups Lo analyze Lhe spaLlal aspecLs of Lhe daLa Lhey have collecLed pulllng ln Lhe
addlLlonal conLexLual daLa seLs as approprlaLe.

SLudenL daLa
AddlLlonal conLexLual daLa seLs
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Instruct|ona| Days: 14-16
1op|c Descr|pt|on: 8ar ploLs and Lhe dlfferences beLween caLegorlcal and conLlnuous daLa are explored. Mosalc
ploLs are lnLroduced as a vehlcle for comparlng caLegorlcal daLa and looklng for Lrends ln daLa.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
8ead and lnLerpreL a bar ploL.
CreaLe bar ploLs.
ulfferenLlaLe beLween caLegorlcal and conLlnuous daLa.
Compare Lwo caLegorlcal sources wlLh mosalc ploLs.
Look for Lrends by analyzlng varlous ploLs.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
!ournal LnLry (3 mlnuLes)
8lrLh MonLh 8ar loL (13 mlnuLes)
LxperlmenL wlLh bar ploL commands (30 mlnuLes)
ubllc Agenda 8ar loL AcLlvlLy (43 mlnuLes)
!ournal LnLry (3 mlnuLes)
ubllc Agenda daLa and mosalc ploLs (60 mlnuLes)
Wrap up CuesLlon (3 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
CompleLe [ournal enLry.
arLlclpaLe ln 8lrLh MonLh 8ar loL dlscusslon.
LxperlmenL wlLh bar ploL commands.
CompleLe ubllc Agenda 8ar loL AcLlvlLy.
CompleLe [ournal enLry.
8espond Lo quesLlons durlng gulded dlscusslon.
CompleLe quesLlons ln ubllc Agenda uaLa and Mosalc loLs AcLlvlLy.
rovlde responses Lo Lhe wrap up quesLlon and parLlclpaLe ln dlscusslon.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
!ournal LnLry: lf everyone were golng Lo be puL ln a dlfferenL group based on Lhe MCn1P ln whlch Lhey
were born, how many groups would Lhere be? Whlch group do you Lhlnk would have Lhe mosL people?
8lrLh MonLh 8ar loL
o 1ell sLudenLs LhaL you are golng Lo creaLe a bar ploL (also called a bar graph or bar charL) of
everyone's blrLh monLh Lo answer Lhe [ournal quesLlon.
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o Pave sLudenLs help you creaLe Lhe skeleLon of a bar ploL llke Sample 8lrLh MonLh 8ar loL. ?ou
should end up wlLh a slmllar charL, buL wlLhouL any counLs (bars).
o Ask each sLudenL whaL Lhelr blrLh monLh ls. lncrease Lhe helghL of Lhe correspondlng bar by one
unLll Lhe enLlre class has responded.
o 1he bar ploL should be used for caLegorlcal daLa only.
o CaLegorlcal daLa ls expressed ln Lerms of speclflc caLegory values or labels (e.g., days of Lhe week,
answers Lo a mulLlple cholce survey).
o Lxplaln Lo Lhe sLudenLs LhaL lf we Lrled Lo do a bar ploL of every sLudenL's exacL helghL (example of
68.901 lnches), we would mosL llkely end up wlLh a bar ploL wlLh a bar for every sLudenL each wlLh
a helghL of one. 1hls Lype of daLa ls quanLlLaLlve (e.g., declmal numbers).
ubllc Agenda uaLa and 8ar loLs
o Lxplaln LhaL Lhe survey daLa flle holds daLa collecLed by a prlvaLe research group called ubllc
Agenda ( lL ls a survey of hlgh school sLudenLs and Lhelr parenLs deslgned
Lo see lf boLh groups have Lhe same vlew of whaL's worklng (or noL) wlLh our schools. 1he people
ln Lhe survey were ldenLlfled by random selecLlon from a llsL of all hlgh school sLudenLs ln Lhe
unlLed SLaLes. 8espondenLs were asked over 100 quesLlons-Lhe flle LhaL wlll be used ls a small
o Pave sLudenLs load Lhe survey daLa flle. Ask quesLlons such as: Pow many dlfferenL sLudenLs are
represenLed? (1293) Pow many dlfferenL quesLlons were asked of a sLudenL. (5otvey cootolos foot
(4) of tbe ovet 100 poestloos.?
o Ask: WhaL are Lhe varlables?
! "year" ls Lhelr year ln school
! "effort" descrlbes how hard Lhey are worklng aL dolng well ln school
! "homework" descrlbes Lhelr vlew of Lhe amounL of homework Lhey are geLLlng, and
! "grades" records how well Lhey sald Lhey are dolng ln school
o PlghllghL Lhe Lype of each varlable and posslble values LhaL are asslgned Lo each varlable.
o uemonsLraLe how Lo creaLe a bar ploL. olnL ouL LhaL a bar ploL ls a graphlcal represenLaLlon of
Lhe Lable and each bar should correspond Lo Lhe counL ln Lhe Lable.
o Pave sLudenLs compleLe ubllc Agenda 8ar loL AcLlvlLy lndlvldually.
o Lead a dlscusslon of Lhe answers Lo ubllc Agenda 8ar loL AcLlvlLy.
! Lach of Lhe responses should generaLe a dlscusslon beyond Lhe slmple soluLlons. Ask
quesLlons LhaL encourage sLudenLs Lo provlde [usLlflcaLlons for Lhelr concluslons and
hlghllghL posslblllLles for addlLlonal research.
!ournal LnLry: uo you Lhlnk Lhere ls a relaLlonshlp beLween grades and efforL? lf so, whaL Lype of
relaLlonshlp do you Lhlnk grades and efforL mlghL have?
ubllc Agenda uaLa and Mosalc loLs
o 8eload Lhe survey daLa flle, lf necessary.
o uemo looklng aL Lwo varlables aL once wlLh mosalc ploLs and gulde a dlscusslon wlLh sLudenLs.
! noLe LhaL ln Lhe prevlous secLlon bar ploLs abouL grades and efforL were looked aL

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! A good quesLlon Lo ask ls are Lhe Lwo relaLed?" lf so, how?
ulscuss Lhe [ournal enLry.
! CreaLe a conLlngency Lable wlLh daLa Lo show Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe answers Lo
Lhe Lwo quesLlons.
Ask sLudenLs Lo explaln whaL Lhe lLems ln Lhe Lable mean. lor example, Lhere are
311 sLudenLs LhaL earned an A and are Lrylng Lhelr besL Lo do well ln school. 1o
represenL Lhls graphlcally, we can use a mosalc ploL.
o uemo how Lo creaLe a mosalc ploL Lo graphlcally compare Lhe 2 caLegorlcal varlables grade and
o Pow Lo lnLerpreL Lhe mosalc ploL:
! 1he wlder Lhe columns, Lhe more responses Lhere are ln LhaL caLegory.
olnL ouL LhaL Lhe labels may noL llne up correcLly.
! Allow sLudenLs Llme Lo respond lndlvldually Lo quesLlons such as Lhe followlng before
dlscusslng Lhem as a group.
WhaL grade ls Lhe mosL common?
WhaL grade ls Lhe leasL common?
uoes LhaL reflecL Lhe numbers ln Lhe Lable?
! WlLhln each column, Lhe Laller Lhe row, Lhe more responses Lhere are ln LhaL caLegory.
! Allow sLudenLs Llme Lo respond lndlvldually Lo quesLlons such as Lhe followlng before
dlscusslng Lhem as a group.
WlLhln Lhose sLudenLs wlLh A's, are mosL of Lhem Lrylng Lhelr besL or could Lhey
Lry harder?
WlLhln Lhose sLudenLs wlLh 8's, are mosL of Lhem Lrylng Lhelr besL or could Lhey
Lry harder?
All Lhe slzes are proporLlonal Lo Lhe numbers ln Lhe Lables. So lf Lwlce as many
respond a cerLaln way, Lhen Lhe helghL would be Lwlce as Lall ln Lhe mosalc ploL.
Looklng aL Lhe mosalc ploL as a whole, ls Lhere a Lrend? WhaL sLory does lL Lell?
o Pave sLudenLs compleLe Lhe ubllc Agenda uaLa and Mosalc loLs AcLlvlLy lndlvldually.
o ulscuss sLudenL responses and ask problng quesLlons LhaL wlll lead Lo dlscusslon of Lhe daLa.
Wrap up quesLlon: Whlch lLems ln Lhe daLa you are collecLlng are caLegorlcal?
o Ask sLudenLs Lo provlde a response. ulscuss Lhelr responses Lo make sure Lhey undersLand Lhe
dlfference beLween caLegorlcal and quanLlLaLlve daLa.
Sample 8lrLh MonLh 8ar loL
ubllc Agenda 8ar loL AcLlvlLy
ubllc Agenda uaLa and Mosalc loLs AcLlvlLy

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Samp|e 8|rth Month 8ar |ot

Birth Months of Our Class

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ub||c Agenda 8ar |ot Act|v|ty
1. CreaLe a bar ploL for efforL.
Copy Lhe ploL Lo a documenL.
Pow does Lhe efforL of Lhe sLudenLs LhaL responded compare?
2. CreaLe a bar ploL for homework.
Copy Lhe ploL Lo a documenL.
Pow much homework dld mosL sLudenLs respond LhaL Lhey have?
Pow do you Lhlnk LhaL compares wlLh sLudenLs aL your school?
lf you Lhlnk responses abouL homework are dlfferenL from Lhose aL your school, why do you Lhlnk
sLudenLs ln Lhls survey mlghL have responded as Lhey dld? Pow could you LesL your assumpLlon?
3. CreaLe a bar ploL for grades.
Copy Lhe ploL Lo a documenL.
WhaL grade ls mosL common?
Pow do you Lhlnk LhaL compares wlLh sLudenLs aL your school?
lf you Lhlnk grades are dlfferenL from Lhose aL your school, why do you Lhlnk sLudenLs ln Lhls survey
mlghL have responded as Lhey dld? Pow could you LesL your assumpLlon?

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ub||c Agenda Data and Mosa|c |ots Act|v|ty
1. CreaLe a conLlngency Lable wlLh efforL as Lhe row and grade as Lhe column.
Pow does Lhls Lable compare Lo Lhe one wlLh grade as Lhe row and efforL as Lhe column?
2. CreaLe a mosalc ploL wlLh (efforL, grades)
WhaL do you see ln Lhls ploL?
Compare your ploL Lo Lhe one done prevlously. uoes lL Lell a dlfferenL sLory? !usLlfy your answer wlLh
feaLures of Lhe ploL.
3. 1ry maklng mosalc ploLs wlLh Lhree dlfferenL comblnaLlons of Lhe avallable varlables: year, efforL,
homework, grades. Choose one of Lhese oLher ploLs, descrlbe whaL you see, and explaln whaL sLory lL

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Instruct|ona| Day: 17
1op|c Descr|pt|on: ln Lhls lesson sLudenLs use Lhe daLa Lhey have collecLed and addlLlonal conLexLual daLa seLs Lo
creaLe and analyze bar and mosalc ploLs for use ln Lhe flnal pro[ecL.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
Analyze Lhe daLa Lhey have collecLed uslng bar and mosalc ploLs.

Cut||ne of the Lesson:
8ar and mosalc ploLs wlLh sLudenL generaLed and conLexLual daLa seLs (33 mlnuLes)

Student Act|v|t|es:
Croups creaLe bar and mosalc ploLs wlLh Lhe daLa Lhey have collecLed and addlLlonal conLexLual daLa seLs.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
SLudenLs work ln Lhelr groups Lo analyze Lhe daLa Lhey have collecLed wlLh bar and mosalc ploLs pulllng ln
Lhe addlLlonal conLexLual daLa seLs as approprlaLe.
SLudenL daLa
AddlLlonal conLexLual daLa seLs
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Instruct|ona| Days: 18-20
1op|c Descr|pt|on: ln Lhls lesson, Lhe sLaLlsLlcal measures of mean, medlan, mlnlmum, and maxlmum are
revlewed. varlous ways Lo subseL daLa are dlscussed and daLa ls represenLed uslng box ploLs and hlsLograms.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
8ead and lnLerpreL a hlsLogram.
CreaLe a hlsLogram.
8ead and lnLerpreL a box ploL.
CreaLe box ploLs.
Lxplaln mean, medlan, mlnlmum, maxlmum.
CreaLe and query subseLs of a daLa seL.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
!ournal LnLry (3 mlnuLes)
Sleep PlsLogram AcLlvlLy (13 mlnuLes)
CuanLlLaLlve uaLa and Lhe CuC Survey AcLlvlLy, arLs l-lll (140 mlnuLes)
Wrap up CuesLlon (3 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
CompleLe [ournal enLry.
arLlclpaLe ln Sleep PlsLogram AcLlvlLy.
CompleLe arLs l-lll of Lhe CuanLlLaLlve uaLa and Lhe CuC Survey AcLlvlLy and parLlclpaLe ln Lhe dlscusslons
assoclaLed wlLh Lhe acLlvlLy.
rovlde responses Lo Lhe wrap up quesLlon and parLlclpaLe ln dlscusslon.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
!ournal LnLry: 1hlnklng back Lo Lhe bar and mosalc ploLs, why are we maklng graphlcal represenLaLlons of
our daLa lnsLead of [usL uslng Lhe numbers? Are Lhelr advanLages Lo Lhe dlfferenL represenLaLlons of
CuanLlLaLlve vs. CaLegorlcal revlslLed
o 8evlew Lhe dlfferences beLween Lhese Lwo Lypes of daLa before sLarLlng on Lhe Pours of Sleep
Sleep PlsLogram AcLlvlLy
o CreaLe a hlsLogram based on Lhe amounL of sleep each of Lhe sLudenLs goL lasL nlghL. (See Sample
Pours of Sleep PlsLogram.)
! ConsLrucL Lhe boLLom parL of Lhe hlsLogram on Lhe board, charL paper, or oLher dlsplay.
1he llnes should be rlghL aL Lhe number of hours.
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! Ask each sLudenL how much sleep Lhey goL lasL nlghL.
lor Lhe mosL parL, even lf someone says Lhey slepL 8 hours LhaL ls an esLlmaLe.
1hey really slepL close Lo LhaL amounL (7.9 hours, eLc).
1he hlsLogram creaLes grouplngs of Lhe daLa.
1o relnforce Lhls ldea, sLudenLs cannoL answer LhaL Lhey slepL exacLly 7 hours.
1hey wlll have Lo choose elLher Lhe 6-7 group or Lhe 7-8 group.
! As each sLudenL plcks a group, lncrease Lhe slze of Lhe correspondlng column.
o Lmphaslze:
! PlsLogram ls for quanLlLaLlve daLa and noL caLegorlcal.
! PlsLogram ls slmllar Lo Lhe bar ploL, buL noLlce LhaL Lhere ls no space beLween columns.
! PlsLogram ls slmllar Lo a bar ploL, buL counLs are wlLhln a pre-consLrucLed range of
! ln Lhe CuC daLa Lhey are abouL Lo explore, Lhe hours of sleep quesLlon was asked ln a
mulLlple-cholce formaL so Lhe resulLlng daLa ls caLegorlcal raLher Lhan quanLlLaLlve.
1herefore, Lhey wlll need Lo use a bar ploL raLher Lhan a hlsLogram.
CuC uaLa
o Lxplaln Lo sLudenLs LhaL for Lhe nexL few days Lhey wlll be worklng wlLh a survey of sLudenLs by
Lhe CenLers for ulsease ConLrol and revenLlon (CuC). 1he CuC ls parL of Lhe ueparLmenL of
PealLh and Puman Servlces and addresses healLh lssues faclng sLudenLs ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes. (lor
more lnformaLlon: hLLp:// CuC uaLa SubseL uescrlpLlon
provldes Lhe survey quesLlons LhaL explaln Lhe columns ln Lhe daLa seL.
! arL l-CeLLlng famlllar wlLh Lhe survey
SLudenLs should compleLe Lhls on Lhelr own as Leacher clrculaLes.
8efore golng on Lo arL ll, dlscuss arL l, demo how Lo flnd frequencles and
descrlpLlve sLaLlsLlcs, and conducL Lhe dlscusslon as lndlcaLed below.
8emlnd sLudenLs LhaL frequencles provldes Lhe number of responses for each
opLlon of a caLegorlcal varlable. Show Lhe frequencles for gender.
o Pow many responses are Lhere for each gender?
o ls Lhe sum of Lhose Lhe same as Lhe LoLal?
o olnL ouL n/A's.
uescrlpLlves provlde a numerlcal summary for a quanLlLaLlve varlable. ?ou
can lnclude Lhe mlnlmum value (Lhe shorLesL sLudenL's helghL), Lhe maxlmum
value (Lhe LallesL sLudenL's helghL), Lwo measures of Lhe "cenLer" of Lhe
dlsLrlbuLlon, Lhe mean (exacL average) and medlan (lf everyone was sLandlng
ln order by helghL, Lhe person ln Lhe mlddle) and Lhe number of nA's or
mlsslng values. ?ou can also lnclude Lhe 23
and 73
percenLlles. Show Lhe
descrlpLlves for helghL.
o Lxplaln LhaL Lhe helghLs are currenLly ln meLers, buL LhaL Lhey wlll be
converLed ln a laLer secLlon. ulscuss mean, medlan, maxlmum, and
mlnlmum. Make sure sLudenLs undersLand whaL Lhose Lerms mean ln a
general sense (1hey don'L need Lo do Lhe calculaLlons.). ln parLlcular, ask
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Lhem when one measure mlghL be beLLer Lhan anoLher. lor example, Lhe
mean ls more senslLlve Lo ouLlylng daLa.
! arL ll-SubseLs
8emlnd sLudenLs how Lo creaLe a subseL and how Lo use more compllcaLed
condlLlons Lo subseL by creaLlng a subseL of sLudenLs LhaL are lemale" AND 16
years old".
SLudenLs should compleLe arL ll of Lhe acLlvlLy on Lhelr own as Leacher clrculaLes.
o 8efore golng on Lo arL lll, dlscuss arL ll.
! arL lll-Craphlcal 8epresenLaLlons
uemo how Lo creaLe a hlsLogram of helghLs.
o ulscuss Lhe ploL.
uemo how Lo creaLe a box ploL of men's helghLs.
o Lxplaln each plece of Lhe box ploL (medlan, mlddle half of people,
maxlmum, mlnlmum). ulscuss each sLaLlsLlc and have sLudenLs label Lhelr
8ox loLs can be placed slde by slde broken up by answers Lo a caLegory. uemo a
box ploL of only Lhe female's welghL on Lhe lefL and only Lhe male's welghLs on
Lhe rlghL. 1hls shows a relaLlonshlp beLween a quanLlLaLlve varlable (welghL) and
a caLegorlcal varlable (gender).
o Ask quesLlons such as: Accordlng Lo Lhe box ploLs, on average are
females or males heavler?
uemo how Lo Lransform daLa. Show Lhe LransformaLlon from meLers Lo lnches for
o noLe LhaL Lhe Lransformed varlable appears aL Lhe end of Lhe columns.
SLudenLs should compleLe arL lll of Lhe acLlvlLy on Lhelr own as Leacher
o ulsLrlbuLe ulfferenL 1ypes of loLs as a reference afLer compleLlng all Lhree parLs so sLudenLs can
see Lhe Lypes of ploLs Lhey have learned up Lo Lhls polnL.
Wrap up quesLlon: Whlch daLa values LhaL you are collecLlng are quanLlLaLlve?
o Ask sLudenLs Lo provlde a response.
Sample Pours of Sleep PlsLogram
CuC uaLa SubseL uescrlpLlon
ulfferenL 1ypes of loLs
CuanLlLaLlve uaLa and Lhe CuC Survey AcLlvlLy

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Samp|e nours of S|eep n|stogram

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CDC Data Subset Descr|pt|on
Data Names Data 1ype uest|on
Age caLegorlcal 12 years old or younger, 13 years old, 14 years old, 13 years old, 16
years old, 17 years old, 18 years old or older
Cender caLegorlcal Male, lemale
Crade caLegorlcal
Plsp_laLlno caLegorlcal Are you Plspanlc or LaLlno?
8ace caLegorlcal WhaL ls your race?
PelghL double PelghL ln meLers
WelghL double WelghL ln kllograms
PelmeL caLegorlcal When you rode a blcycle ln Lhe pasL 12 monLhs, how ofLen dld you
wear a helmeL?
SeaL_belL caLegorlcal Pow ofLen do you wear a seaL belL when rldlng ln a car drlven by
someone else?
llghLs caLegorlcal uurlng Lhe pasL 12 monLhs, how many Llmes were you ln a physlcal
uepressed caLegorlcal uurlng Lhe pasL 12 monLhs, dld you ever feel so sad or hopeless almosL
every day for Lwo weeks or more ln a row LhaL you sLopped dolng some
usual acLlvlLles?

uays_Smoklng caLegorlcal uurlng Lhe pasL 30 days, on how many days dld you smoke clgareLLes?
uescrlbe_WelghL caLegorlcal Pow do you descrlbe your welghL? (very underwelghL, sllghLly
underwelghL, abouL Lhe rlghL welghL, sllghLly overwelghL, very
LaL_lrulL caLegorlcal uurlng Lhe pasL 7 days, how many Llmes dld you eaL frulL? (uo noL
counL frulL [ulce.)
LaL_Salad caLegorlcal uurlng Lhe pasL 7 days, how many Llmes dld you eaL green salad?
urlnk_Soda caLegorlcal uurlng Lhe pasL 7 days, how many Llmes dld you drlnk a can, boLLle, or
glass of soda or pop, such as Coke, epsl, or SprlLe? (uo noL lnclude dleL
soda or dleL pop.)
urlnk_Mllk caLegorlcal uurlng Lhe pasL 7 days, how many glasses of mllk dld you drlnk?
(lnclude mllk you drank ln a glass or cup, from a carLon, or wlLh cereal.
CounL Lhe half plnL of mllk served aL school as equal Lo one glass.)
uays_Lxerclse_60 caLegorlcal uurlng Lhe pasL 7 days, on how many days were you physlcally acLlve
for a LoLal of aL leasL 60 mlnuLes per day? (Add up all Lhe Llme you
spend ln any klnd of physlcal acLlvlLy LhaL lncreases your hearL raLe and
makes you breaLhe hard some of Lhe Llme.)
Pours_1v caLegorlcal Cn an average school day, how many hours do you waLch 1v?
Pours_vldeogame caLegorlcal Cn an average school day, how many hours do you play vldeo or
compuLer games or use a compuLer for someLhlng LhaL ls noL school
work? (lnclude acLlvlLles such as nlnLendo, Came 8oy, laySLaLlon,
xbox, compuLer games and Lhe lnLerneL.)
number_1eams caLegorlcal uurlng Lhe pasL 12 monLhs, on how many sporLs Leams dld you play?
(lnclude any Leams run by your school or communlLy groups.)
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AsLhma caLegorlcal Pas a docLor or nurse ever Lold you LhaL you have asLhma?
uays_Lxerclse_30 caLegorlcal Cn how many of Lhe pasL 7 days dld you parLlclpaLe ln physlcal acLlvlLy
for aL leasL 30 mlnuLe LhaL dld noL make you sweaL or breaLhe hard,
such as fasL walklng, slow blcycllng, skaLlng, pushlng a lawnmower, or
mopplng floors?
uays_Lxerclse_20 caLegorlcal Cn how many of Lhe pasL 7 days dld you exerclse or parLlclpaLe ln
physlcal acLlvlLy for aL leasL 20 mlnuLes LhaL made you sweaL and
breaLhe hard, such as baskeLball, soccer, runnlng, swlmmlng laps, fasL
blcycllng, fasL danclng, or slmllar aeroblc acLlvlLles?
Sunscreen caLegorlcal When you are ouLslde for more Lhan an hour on a sunny day, how
ofLen do you wear sunscreen wlLh an Sl of 13 or hlgher?
Pours_Sleep caLegorlcal Cn an average school nlghL, how many hours of sleep do you geL?
Ceneral_PealLh caLegorlcal Pow do you descrlbe your healLh ln general?

noLe: only Lwo daLa Lypes are numerlcal"-helghL, welghL

2007 naLlonal ?88S uaLa users Manual
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D|fferent 1ypes of |ots
n|stogram (quanLlLaLlve daLa)
WhaL ploL shows: Pow ofLen a group of numbers occurs ln a daLaseL. Lach segmenL also represenLs lLs
percenLage of Lhe enLlre daLa seL.
Lxample: PlsLogram of men's welghLs

Men's we|ghts

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Med|an (quanLlLaLlve daLa)
WhaL Lhe ploL shows: Medlan ls Lhe value LhaL ls llLerally ln Lhe mlddle-Lhe polnL where half Lhe daLa have larger
values and half Lhe daLa have smaller values.
Lxample: Medlan lndlcaLed on hlsLogram of men's helghLs

Men's he|ghts

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8ar |ot
WhaL Lhe ploL shows: 1he number of occurrences wlLhln a glven caLegory
1he daLa are quanLlLaLlve (number of sLudenLs) and caLegorlcal (grade level)
ldeal when caLegorles are roughly Lhe same slze.
Lxample: 8ar ploL of years

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Mosa|c |ot - Samp|e 1 (caLegorlcal daLa)
WhaL Lhe ploL shows: 1he posslble relaLlonshlps among caLegorlcal daLa.
Lxample: Mosalc ploL of grades compared Lo efforL

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Mosa|c |ot - Samp|e 2 (caLegorlcal daLa)
SomeLlmes lnLerchanglng Lhe relaLlonshlp of Lhe values helps clarlfy or presenL dlfferenL polnLs of vlew.
Lxample: Mosalc ploL wlLh efforL compared wlLh grades

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8ox |ot
WhaL Lhe ploL shows: A vlsuallzaLlon of a range of values: Lhe medlan (Lhe Lhlck black llne), Lhe upper and lower
bounds of Lhe values (Lhe ends of Lhe doLLed llnes), Lhe 23
quarLlle (Lhe lower parL of Lhe box), and Lhe 73

quarLlle (Lhe upper parL of Lhe box)
uaLa are caLegorlcal (general_healLh) and numerlcal (welghL)
Lxample: 8ox ploL of welghL compared Lo general healLh

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uant|tat|ve Data and the CDC Survey Act|v|ty
art IGett|ng fam|||ar w|th the survey
1. Load Lhe CuC daLa flle.
2. Pow many sLudenLs responded Lo Lhe survey?
3. WhaL Lype of varlable ls gender?
4. WhaL are Lhe posslble responses for gender?
3. WhaL klnd of daLa do you see for helghL?
6. WhaL Lype of varlable ls helghL?
7. WhaL Lype of varlable ls welghL?
art IICreat|ng subsets
8emlnder LhaL subseL allows you Lo make a copy of [usL Lhe daLa LhaL meeLs cerLaln requlremenLs. lor lnsLance,
you could separaLe ouL Lhe responses for female sLudenLs or sLudenLs of a speclflc helghL.
1. Look aL Lhe age, gender, helghL and welghL of everyone LhaL has a helghL of 1.27
2. Pow many sLudenLs are 1.27 m Lall?
3. Save Lhe subseL of all lemales as women.
4. Save Lhe subseL of all Males as men.
3. Pow many men are Lhere?
6. Pow would you subseL ouL Lhe males LhaL are 17 years old? Pow many men are ln Lhls subseL?
7. WhaL are Lhe posslble answers Lo general_healLh?
8. CreaLe a subseL of sLudenLs LhaL have a general_healLh of lalr" Ck oor"
9. Pow would you subseL ouL sLudenLs wlLh excellenL or very good healLh?
10. Why mlghL subseLLlng be useful for your flnal pro[ecL?

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art IIIGraph|ca| kepresentat|ons
1. Make a hlsLogram of men's welghL. asLe Lhe resulLlng ploL lnLo a documenL.
2. Add a llne aL Lhe mean ln magenLa and a llne aL Lhe medlan ln cyan.
3. Why would you wanL Lo ldenLlfy boLh Lhe mean and Lhe medlan on Lhe same graph?
4. CreaLe slde by slde box ploLs Lo compare welghL and general_healLh? asLe Lhe resulLlng box ploLs ln
a documenL.
3. WhaL sLory do you see?

** 1ransform|ng data
1. CreaLe a ploL of men's helghL ln lnches.
2. WhaL ls Lhe new mean helghL?
3. 1ransform welghL from kg Lo pounds (1kg=2.2 lbs).
4. WhaL ls Lhe mean welghL now?
3. WrlLe Lhree quesLlons LhaL are lnLeresLlng Lo you relaLed Lo Lhls daLa. CreaLe ploLs of each and pasLe Lhem
lnLo a documenL. AL leasL one of Lhem should be a Mosalc loL comparlng 2 caLegorlcal varlables. lor
each ploL wrlLe a descrlpLlon of Lhe sLory lL Lells and how Lhe daLa supporL Lhe sLory.

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Instruct|ona| Day: 21
1op|c Descr|pt|on: ln Lhls lesson sLudenLs use Lhe daLa Lhey have collecLed and conLexLual daLa seLs Lo do
sLaLlsLlcal analysls wlLh mean, medlan, maxlmum, mlnlmum, and dlsplay lnformaLlon wlLh a varleLy of ploLs for
use ln Lhe flnal pro[ecL.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
Analyze Lhe daLa Lhey have collecLed uslng sLaLlsLlcal analysls and a varleLy of ploLs.

Cut||ne of the Lesson:
SLaLlsLlcal analysls wlLh mean, medlan, maxlmum, and mlnlmum wlLh sLudenL generaLed daLa and
conLexLual daLa seLs (33 mlnuLes)

Student Act|v|t|es:
Croups do sLaLlsLlcal analysls wlLh mean, medlan, maxlmum, and mlnlmum uslng Lhe daLa Lhey have
collecLed and addlLlonal conLexLual daLa seLs.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
SLudenLs work ln Lhelr groups Lo analyze Lhe daLa Lhey have collecLed pulllng ln Lhe addlLlonal conLexLual
daLa seLs as approprlaLe.

SLudenL daLa
AddlLlonal conLexLual daLa seLs

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Instruct|ona| Days: 22-24
1op|c Descr|pt|on: ln Lhls lesson, compuLaLlon wlLh LexL ls explored. A varleLy of fllLers and querles are used Lo
creaLe subseLs of LexL daLa. 8ar charLs are used for graphlcal dlsplay.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
8ead ln a flle conLalnlng LexL as daLa.
lllLer a LexL daLa seL (remove puncLuaLlon, remove case, remove sLop words, sLemmlng).
CreaLe a bar charL as one meLhod of analyzlng LexL.
CreaLe and query subseLs of a LexL daLa seL.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
lnLroducLlon Lo LexL daLa (23 mlnuLes)
lnLroducLlon Lo 1exL AcLlvlLy (30 mlnuLes)
8aslc AnalyLlcs (20 mlnuLes)
CompuLlng wlLh 1exL AcLlvlLy arL l (30 mlnuLes)
!ournal LnLry (3 mlnuLes)
locuslng on Lhe words (20 mlnuLes)
CompuLlng wlLh 1exL AcLlvlLy arL ll (30 mlnuLes)
Wrap up CuesLlon (3 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
arLlclpaLe ln dlscusslon of LexL daLa.
CompleLe lnLroducLlon Lo 1exL uaLa AcLlvlLy.
CompleLe [ournal enLry.
CompleLe arLs l and ll of Lhe CompuLlng wlLh 1exL AcLlvlLy and parLlclpaLe ln Lhe dlscusslons assoclaLed
wlLh Lhe acLlvlLy.
rovlde responses Lo Lhe wrap up quesLlon and parLlclpaLe ln dlscusslon.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
lnLroducLlon Lo LexL daLa (?ou can use lnLroducLlon Lo 1exL uaLa as a resource.)
o Lxplaln secondary uses of daLa.
o rovlde 1wlLLer background.
! Ask sLudenLs whaL words or phrases people may use Lo descrlbe Lhe flrsL warm day afLer
o Look aL !lllamore pdf.
! Pave sLudenLs ploL her locaLlon on a map.
o Look aL WeaLher underground slLe.
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! Pave sLudenLs search for !lllamore's locaLlon.
o Load Lhe weaLher daLa flle.
o navlgaLe Lhrough Lhe flle.
! Ask sLudenLs Lo provlde an explanaLlon of whaL Lhe varlables are, eLc.
o Load Lhe LwlLLer daLa flle. navlgaLe Lhrough Lhe flle.
! Ask sLudenLs Lo explaln Lhe varlables, eLc. Ask quesLlons such as: WhaL Lerms were
searched for? Whlch had Lhe mosL LweeLs?
! olnL ouL LhaL Lhls orlglnal flle ls very large, so Lo lmprove performance of Lhe compuLers
and make lL easler for Lhem Lo work wlLh Lhe flle Lhey wlll be uslng a subseL. 1hls ls a
good opporLunlLy Lo remlnd sLudenLs LhaL compuLlng ls a powerful Lool and allows
worklng wlLh large daLa seLs, buL ls llmlLed by Lhlngs llke processor speed and memory.
(1hls can be llnked back Lo Lhe lessons ln unlL 1.)
! uemo how Lo creaLe a subseL of Lhe daLa for a speclflc reglon of Lhe counLry by plcklng
laLlLude and longlLude boundarles.
o Load Lhe LwlLLerwlLhdaLe daLa flle.
! olnL ouL Lhe creaLed daLe varlable.
o Pave sLudenLs compleLe Lhe lnLroducLlon Lo 1exL AcLlvlLy.
! ulscuss resulLs.
! noLe LhaL sLudenLs may have some dlfflculLy creaLlng Lhe subseL expresslons.
1exL Analysls
o arL l-8aslc AnalyLlcs
! 1exL can be analyzed many dlfferenL ways. 8esearch areas llke "sLylomeLrlcs" aLLempL Lo
say someLhlng quanLlLaLlve abouL an auLhor's work, e.g., by compuLlng Lhe average
number of words per senLence or Lhe average number of leLLers per word wrlLLen by an
auLhor. AnalyLlcs can also be used Lo flnd paLLerns ln oLher Lypes of LexL. (?ou can use
CompuLlng wlLh 1exL 8ackground as a resource.) ln Lhe flrsL parL, Lhe baslcs of counLlng
words ln a flle and creaLlng bar charLs based on Lhose counLs wlll be addressed by worklng
wlLh Lhe Callfornla subseL of Lhe LwlLLer daLa flle. uemonsLraLe how Lo do Lhe followlng:
Load Lhe CA1wlLLer daLa flle.
Look aL Lhe LweeLs.
Change Lhe slze of Lhe column ln order Lo vlew Lhe enLlre LweeL.
Scroll and look aL Lhe varleLy of LweeLs.
! 1exL mlnlng-analyzlng word counLs. uemonsLraLe how Lo do Lhe followlng:
1hls ls a good opporLunlLy Lo explaln LhaL Lhe LweeLs are sLored ln an array (or
vecLor) where Lhe numbers ln fronL lndlcaLe Lhe place Lhe LweeL ls ln Lhe vecLor.
Arrays are an lmporLanL concepL ln compuLer sclence. SLorlng lLems ln an array
allows us Lo access parLlcular elemenLs, search and sorL.
uemo how Lo vlew Lhe vecLor and polnL ouL LhaL each of Lhe array elemenLs of
Lhe corpus maLches Lhe correspondlng LweeL ln Lhe daLa flle.
CreaLe a frequency Lable LhaL separaLes ouL each word and counLs how many
Llmes lL appears ln all Lhe LweeLs.
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Ask quesLlons such as: WhaL ls Lhe word LhaL appears leasL frequenLly? WhaL ls
Lhe word LhaL appears mosL frequenLly?
uemo how Lo produce frequency Lables LhaL show only Lhe mosL frequenLly
appearlng words and Lhe dlfferenL sorLlng opLlons.
uemo how Lo produce a bar charL of frequenLly occurrlng words.
!ournal LnLry: WhaL do you Lhlnk would happen lf you dld all of Lhese same Lhlngs
on Lhe n! subseL?
! Pave sLudenLs compleLe arL l of CompuLlng wlLh 1exL AcLlvlLy.
ulscuss resulLs before golng on Lo arL ll.
o arL ll-locuslng on Lhe Words
! uemonsLraLe how Lo do Lhe followlng:
8emove case. Make Sprlng" and sprlng" be Lhe same Lhlng by maklng
everyLhlng lowercase. (noLe: each new corpus LhaL ls creaLed should be asslgned
a new name.)
8emovlng "sLop" words. Some words llke a" and Lhe" are probably always golng
Lo appear frequenLly because Lhey are common parLs of speech. 1hose words can
be removed Lo emphaslze Lhe oLher less common words. uemo Lhe meLhod for
removlng sLop words.
ueleLlng puncLuaLlon. noLlce LhaL many of Lhe capLlons lnclude symbols oLher
Lhan numbers and leLLers. uemo Lhe meLhod for deleLlng puncLuaLlon.
SLemmlng. lL mlghL be useful Lo lgnore Lhe endlng of words such as s", lng",
eLc. ln oLher words, change words llke boaLs" and boaLlng" Lo [usL boaL". 1hls
ls called sLemmlng. uemo sLemmlng.
! Pave sLudenLs compleLe arL ll of CompuLlng wlLh 1exL AcLlvlLy.
ulscuss resulLs.
Wrap up quesLlon: WhaL ls Lhe source of Lhe words LhaL wlll be analyzed for your flnal pro[ecL?
o Ask sLudenLs Lo provlde a response. Make sure Lhey undersLand LhaL Lhe answer ls any of Lhe LexL
Lhey enLer LhaL ls free LexL".

lnLroducLlon Lo 1exL uaLa
lnLroducLlon Lo 1exL AcLlvlLy
CompuLlng wlLh 1exL 8ackground
CompuLlng wlLh 1exL AcLlvlLy

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Introduct|on to 1ext Data

**Secondary uses of data

uaLa LhaL are publlcly avallable on Lhe web are sub[ecL Lo a hosL of secondary uses. As Lhe consumer of Lhese
daLa, Lhere are a few quesLlons Lo ask: Who collecLed Lhe daLa and why were Lhey collecLed? When was Lhe daLa
collecLed and how old ls Lhe daLa? WhaL was Lhelr orlglnal purpose? WhaL are Lhe sLrengLhs and llmlLaLlons of
Lhese daLa for your problem? Pow are Lhe daLa organlzed? Pow do you access Lhem? ls Lhere someone who you
can ask for help lf you have quesLlons?

**1w|tter and the I|||amore f||e

1wlLLer ls a mlcro-blogglng slLe LhaL handled 4 bllllon messages or LweeLs ln Lhe flrsL Lhree monLhs of 2010 alone.
As a soclal neLwork, 1wlLLer culls acLlvlLles from mllllons of people and Lhere have been several sLudles of whaL
people are posLlng Lo 1wlLLer.

lL ls posslble Lo look Lo 1wlLLer and lLs users for slgns of sprlng. Somewhere ln Lhe dally observaLlons of mllllons of
people lL should be posslble Lo flnd commenLs abouL Lhe changlng season.

1he easlesL place Lo sLarL ls wlLh "Sprlng ls here". Cn Aprll 3, 2010 aL abouL 1 pm a search for Lhe phrase "sprlng ls
here" was submlLLed. !lllamore.pdf ls a screen shoL of Lhe search resulLs.

1he lasL LweeL was from Lhe user "[lllamore" who commenLs LhaL lL ls a beauLlful day ln her parL of Lhe counLry,
wlLh LemperaLures ln Lhe upper 70s. She declares "Sprlng ls here!" A blL more abouL Lhls person can be learned
from Lhe lasL page ln Lhe !lllamore.pdf flle. She llves aL 40.360171 laLlLude-74.079609 longlLude. 1he polnL can be
ploLLed on a map. (LnLer laLlLude and longlLude lnLo Coogle Maps, for example.)

1hls polnL ls 8ed 8ank, new !ersey. 1o geL a sense of whaL Lhe weaLher has been llke ln her parL of Lhe world, a
servlce llke Lhe WeaLher underground can be examlned.


lL allows searches for weaLher anywhere ln Lhe counLry. 1hls slLe ls lnLeresLlng Lo us boLh because lL ls posslble Lo
see whaL Lhe weaLher has been llke for [lllamore and also because of where Lhe daLa Lo make Lhls [udgmenL
comes from. 1he WeaLher underground culls daLa from abouL 10,000 offlclally run weaLher sLaLlons (e.g., Lhe
naLlonal Cceanlc and ALmospherlc AdmlnlsLraLlon or nCAA) and 8,300 LhaL are prlvaLely run buL sub[ecL Lo sLrlcL
daLa quallLy conLrols. 1he ldea LhaL clLlzens would lnsLall sensors and volunLeer Lhelr daLa ls very much ln Lhe splrlL
of Lhe phone appllcaLlons belng used.

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Search Lhe WeaLher underground for 8ed 8ank, n!. lL shows hlsLorlcal weaLher daLa for Lhls clLy. A flle sLarLlng
from !anuary 1, 2010 Lo Aprll 3, 2010, when Lhe LweeL abouL sprlng was posLed was creaLed from Lhls

Load Lhe weaLher daLa flle and look aL lL ln Lhe uaLa vlewer.

Lach row represenLs a dlfferenL day and Lhe names of Lhe dlfferenL varlables recorded for each day appear ln Lhe
flrsL row.

** Some h|stor|ca| data

A group of researchers made hourly requesLs from Lhe 1wlLLer Al uslng several dlfferenL phrases ln addlLlon Lo
"sprlng ls here"-some relaLlng Lo Lhlngs Lurnlng green or Lrees beglnnlng Lo bud. 1he researchers were also
lnLeresLed ln Lhe beglnnlng of fall, so Lhey also collecLed daLa on phrases llke "fall ls here" and commenLs abouL
leaves Lurnlng colors.

Load Lhe LwlLLer daLa flle and look aL lL ln Lhe uaLa vlewer.

Lach row represenLs a slngle LweeL. 1he varlables lnclude "creaLed" whlch ls a LlmesLamp, 1wlLLer "username"
from Lhe person who wroLe Lhe LweeL, Lhe "longlLude" and "laLlLude" of Lhelr locaLlon (elLher Lhelr home or, lf
Lhey are uslng a smarL phone, Lhe place where Lhey Lyped ln Lhelr LweeL), whlch of Lhe researcher's
"search_Lerm"s Lhe LweeL maLched, and Lhen Lhe "message" lLself. 1he varlable "search_Lerm" ls a facLor

Load Lhe LwlLLer wlLh daLe daLa flle and look aL lL ln Lhe uaLa vlewer.

1hls flle was creaLed from Lhe orlglnal LwlLLer flle and ln addlLlon Lo belng a small subseL, lL lncludes a varlable LhaL
lndlcaLes Lhe creaLed daLe ln daLe formaL. (noLe: Lo sorL by daLe, Lhe numerlcal creaLed daLe needs Lo be used.)
1hls flle can be subseLLed furLher by chooslng laLlLude and longlLude boundarles. lor example, Lhe new !ersey
area would be approxlmaLely bounded by laLlLude beLween 38.3 and 41.3 and longlLude beLween -73.3 and -73.3.

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Introduct|on to 1ext Act|v|ty

Load Lhe LwlLLerwlLhdaLe daLa flle and Lhe weaLher daLa flle.

1. CreaLe a subseL of Lhe LwlLLer daLa LhaL lncludes only Lhe LweeLs LhaL conLaln "Sprlng ls here".

! Pow many LweeLs conLaln Sprlng ls here"?
! WhaL oLher search Lerms could you lnclude LhaL mlghL lndlcaLe sprlng?
! CreaLe a subseL LhaL lncludes Sprlng ls here" and aL leasL one oLher search Lerm. Pow many LweeLs
were added?

2. CreaLe a subseL of all LweeLs from approxlmaLely Lhe new !ersey area.

! Look aL locaLlons near where !lllamore llves. Pow many LweeLs are from LhaL area? uo Lhey maLch
!lllamore's descrlpLlon? WhaL oLher ways could you use Lo verlfy Lhls?
! loL Lhe new !ersey subseL on a map. LxperlmenL wlLh dlfferenL polnL slzes and zoom levels. WhaL
lnferences can you make from Lhe ploL?
! SorL by creaLed. uo Lhe daLes and search Lerms correspond correcLly?
! Who has Lhe mosL LweeLs? Pow does LhaL lmpacL Lhe LoLal number of LweeLs from new !ersey? Pow
does LhaL lmpacL Lhe number of LweeLs LhaL lnclude Sprlng ls here"?

3. CreaLe a subseL of Callfornla.

! Pow many LweeLs are from LhaL area?
! loL Lhe Callfornla subseL on a map.

4. WhaL reasons can you Lhlnk of Lo explaln Lhe dlfference ln Lhe number of LweeLs beLween new !ersey and
Callfornla? Pow mlghL you LesL your reasonlng?

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Comput|ng w|th 1ext 8ackground

A book usually has a falrly predlcLable sLrucLure. 1here are chapLers whlch are made up of paragraphs whlch are
made up of senLences whlch are made up of words. 8esearch areas wlLh names llke "sLylomeLrlcs" aLLempL Lo say
someLhlng quanLlLaLlve abouL an auLhor's work. lL ls posslble Lo compuLe Lhe average number of words per
senLence or Lhe average number of leLLers per word wrlLLen by an auLhor. Some auLhors wrlLe ln shorL, choppy
senLences, whlle oLhers crafL senLences LhaL are over a page long, addlng phrase afLer phrase. Some auLhors
choose slmple vocabulary, whlle oLhers prefer long, complex words. SLaLlsLlcs of Lhls klnd can noL only polnL ouL
lnLeresLlng ways Lo Lhlnk abouL Lhe dlfferences beLween auLhors, buL Lhey can even be used Lo help us flgure ouL
who wroLe LexLs lf Lhelr auLhor ls unknown or uncerLaln. Cne of Lhe earllesL analyses of Lhls klnd was of Lhe famed
lederallsL apers, a collecLlon of documenLs descrlblng Lhe phllosophy moLlvaLlon behlnd our sysLem of
governmenL. 1he papers are LhoughL Lo be wrlLLen by Alexander PamllLon, !ames Madlson and/or !ohn !ay. ln Lhe
mld 1960s, a group of sLaLlsLlclans consldered a number of novel sLaLlsLlcs Lo dlfferenLlaLe Lhe wrlLlng sLyles of Lhe
Lhree men.

1he counLs of Lhe dlfferenL words ln a documenL have also been used Lo characLerlze someLhlng abouL Lhe
documenL's sub[ecL.

1he ldea LhaL Lhe frequency wlLh whlch words appear ln a documenL mlghL reflecL someLhlng of lLs conLenL has
real-world appllcaLlons. lor example, Lhe spam fllLer LhaL lnLercepLs [unk e-mall ls worklng on Lhe frequency of
words ln each message. lf a message makes Loo many references Lo "sales" or "won" or "vlsa", Lhere ls a sLrong
susplclon LhaL Lhe e-mall ls spam.

1he goal of Lhls secLlon ls noL Lo develop any of Lhe Loplcs above ln any greaL depLh. lnsLead, lL wlll provlde some
baslc Lools for slmple analysls on LexL.
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Comput|ng w|th 1ext Act|v|ty

**art I8as|c Ana|yt|cs

Load Lhe n!1wlLLer daLa flle.

1. CreaLe a vecLor from n!1wlLLer.
2. vlew Lhe vecLor. uo Lhe elemenLs of Lhe corpus maLch Lhe messages ln Lhe n!1wlLLer daLa flle?
3. CreaLe a frequency Lable LhaL counLs how many Llmes each word appears ln all Lhe LweeLs. WhaL ls Lhe
word LhaL appears leasL frequenLly? WhaL ls Lhe word LhaL appears mosL frequenLly?
4. CreaLe a frequency Lable LhaL shows only Lhe Lop 1 of frequenLly appearlng words sorLed by ascendlng
frequency. WhaL are Lhe mosL frequenLly occurrlng words?
3. CreaLe a bar charL of Lhe mosL frequenLly occurrlng words. uoes Lhls maLch your frequency Lable?
6. LxperlmenL wlLh dlfferenL percenLages Lo deLermlne Lhe greaLesL percenLage LhaL allows you Lo read all of
Lhe words on Lhe charL. uescrlbe your process and Lhe reasonlng for your flnal answer.
7. noLlce LhaL Lhere ls a sprlng" and a sprlng!" (wlLh an exclamaLlon polnL). uo you Lhlnk we should
lnclude Lhose counLs LogeLher or keep Lhem separaLe? Why?

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**art IIIocus|ng on the Words

AnoLher daLa seL was collecLed by uslng Lhe Al (AppllcaLlon rogrammlng lnLerface) Lo conducL a search on lllckr
for lmages LhaL were Lagged wlLh Lhe word "chlll". 1he flrsL 3,000 lmage capLlons ln Lhe llsL of search resulLs were
downloaded. 1hose capLlons conLalnlng words LhaL were lnapproprlaLe were removed. ln order Lo make lL easler
Lo work wlLh Lhe flle, a subseL was creaLed.

Load Lhe smallcapLlons daLa flle. Lnlarge Lhe column so LhaL Lhe enLlre capLlon can be vlewed.

1. Change Lhe llsL lnLo a vecLor. vlew several of Lhe elemenLs of Lhe vecLor. uo Lhey maLch Lhe flle?
2. CreaLe a frequency Lable for Lhe enLlre llsL. WhaL ls Lhe mosL frequenLly occurrlng word? Scroll Lo look
Lhrough Lhe enLlre flle.
3. 8un Lhe frequency for only Lhe Lop 10. WhaL does Lhls do? uescrlbe anyLhlng LhaL you noLlce.
4. 8un Lhe frequency for Lhe Lop 1. Make a llsL of Lhe words and Lhelr counLs.
3. CreaLe a bar charL for Lhe Lop 1. uescrlbe whaL you see. Save Lhe charL Lo a documenL.
6. LxperlmenL wlLh a few more cholces. Whlch glves Lhe mosL lnformaLlon? Lxplaln your cholce.
7. CreaLe a frequency Lable of Lhe Lop 1 of words afLer maklng Lhem all lower case and wlLhouL
puncLuaLlon. Make a llsL of Lhe words and Lhelr counLs.
8. CreaLe a bar charL for Lhe Lop 1. uescrlbe whaL you see. Save Lhe charL Lo a documenL.
9. LxperlmenL wlLh a few more cholces. Whlch glves Lhe mosL lnformaLlon? Lxplaln your cholce.
10. CreaLe a frequency Lable of Lhe prevlous corpus afLer deleLlng sLop words. Pow dld Lhe flle change?
11. CreaLe a bar charL of Lhe flle wlLhouL sLop words. WhaL are some of Lhe words LhaL dlsappeared from
your bar charL? Why mlghL lL be useful Lo deleLe Lhese sLop words?
12. CreaLe a frequency Lable of Lhe prevlous corpus afLer deleLlng sLems. Pow dld Lhe flle change?
13. CreaLe a bar charL of Lhe flle wlLhouL sLems. WhaL are some of Lhe words LhaL dlsappeared from your bar
charL? Why mlghL lL be useful Lo deleLe Lhese sLems?

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Instruct|ona| Day: 23

1op|c Descr|pt|on: ln Lhls lesson sLudenLs use Lhe daLa Lhey have collecLed and addlLlonal conLexLual daLa seLs Lo
do LexL analysls for use on Lhe flnal pro[ecL.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
Analyze Lhe daLa Lhey have collecLed uslng LexL analysls Lechnlques.

Cut||ne of the Lesson:
Analyze LexL ln sLudenL generaLed and conLexLual daLa seLs (33 mlnuLes)

Student Act|v|t|es:
Croups do LexL analysls wlLh Lhe daLa Lhey have collecLed and Lhe addlLlonal conLexLual daLa seLs.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
SLudenLs work ln Lhelr groups Lo analyze Lhe daLa Lhey have collecLed wlLh LexL analysls Lechnlques pulllng
ln Lhe addlLlonal conLexLual daLa seL as approprlaLe.

SLudenL daLa
AddlLlonal daLa seL

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Instruct|ona| Days: 26-27

1op|c Descr|pt|on: SLudenLs compleLe flnal pro[ecLs.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
lncorporaLe all ob[ecLlves of Lhe unlL lnLo Lhe flnal pro[ecL.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
8evlew of flnal pro[ecL expecLaLlons (20 mlnuLes)
Cvervlew of rubrlc (13 mlnuLes)
llnal pro[ecL (~3 days)

Student Act|v|t|es:
1eams compleLe flnal pro[ecLs.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
8evlew of expecLaLlons and overvlew of rubrlc
o ulscuss Lhe rubrlc and answer quesLlons.
llnal pro[ecL
o 1eams work on flnal pro[ecLs.
o Pelp sLudenL Leams wlLh pro[ecLs as necessary.

llnal ro[ecL
llnal ro[ecL Sample 8ubrlc

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Instruct|ona| Days: 28-29
Instruct|ona| Days: 28-29
1op|c Descr|pt|on: SLudenLs compleLe ScraLch pro[ecLs or webslLes Lo use wlLh Lhe presenLaLlon of Lhelr flnal
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
lncorporaLe all ob[ecLlves of Lhe unlL lnLo Lhe flnal pro[ecL.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
8evlew of flnal pro[ecL expecLaLlons (10 mlnuLes)
Cvervlew of rubrlc (10 mlnuLes)
llnal pro[ecL presenLaLlon developmenL (~2 days)
Student Act|v|t|es:
1eams compleLe flnal pro[ecL presenLaLlon.

1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
8evlew of expecLaLlons and overvlew of rubrlc
o 8emlnd sLudenLs of pro[ecL expecLaLlons.
o ulscuss Lhe rubrlc and answer quesLlons.
llnal pro[ecL presenLaLlon developmenL
o 1eams work on flnal pro[ecLs.
o Pelp sLudenL Leams wlLh pro[ecLs as necessary.

llnal ro[ecL
llnal ro[ecL Sample 8ubrlc
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Instruct|ona| Day: 30
1op|c Descr|pt|on: SLudenLs presenL flnal pro[ecLs.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
lncorporaLe all ob[ecLlves of Lhe unlL lnLo Lhe flnal pro[ecL.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
llnal pro[ecL presenLaLlons (33 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
1eams presenL flnal pro[ecLs.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
llnal pro[ecL presenLaLlons
o SLudenL Leams presenL Lhelr flndlngs Lo Lhe class.
o CLher Leams ask quesLlons and parLlclpaLe ln Lhe dlscusslon.

llnal ro[ecL
llnal ro[ecL Sample 8ubrlc
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I|na| ro[ect
Ana|yz|ng our Data

ln Lhe course of Lhe pasL few weeks, your group has collecLed daLa uslng Lhe phone appllcaLlon. now lL ls your
Lurn Lo Lell an lnLeresLlng sLory based on Lhe daLa. ?ou wlll presenL your sLory Lo Lhe class (lL can be a serles of
web pages or a ScraLch program). ?ou musL lnclude ploLs/graphlcs LhaL supporL Lhe sLory.

oo moy locloJe Joto ftom ooy of tbe otbet Joto sets yoo've seeo lo tbe lessoos. nowevet, tbese Joto coooot be
tbe ptlmoty sootce of yoot stoty.

?ou wlll have access Lo daLa from your classmaLes as well as sLudenLs ln oLher classes LhaL have also collecLed
daLa. keep ln mlnd LhaL you have already done some analysls on your daLa. 1hls ls your opporLunlLy Lo pull lL all
LogeLher, modlfy as necessary and Lell a compelllng sLory LhaL makes a case or hlghllghLs a dlscovery.

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I|na| ro[ect Samp|e kubr|c

o|nts oss|b|e es]No o|nts Larned
Does your web page or Scratch program:
1. Pave a LlLle wlLh your group members'
2. 1ell a sLory based on your daLa? (Why
does Lhls daLa supporL your sLory?)
3. Pave 2 or more descrlpLlve ploLs? 10
4. Pave oLher Lypes of vlsuals? 10
3. Pave a descrlpLlon of why you chose
Lhe vlsuals LhaL you dld?
6. Address how you can use Lhls daLa Lo
make a dlfference?
8. 8rlng ln daLa from an ouLslde source
LhaL supporLs your sLory?
Does your presentat|on |nc|ude:
Pow many lLems are ln your daLa seLs?
8ased on LhaL how valld ls your sLory? An
explanaLlon of Lhls?
An explanaLlon of whaL you learned ln Lhls
unlL (analysls Lechnlques, eLc)?
Web age or Scratch program uses
appropr|ate features for the med|um

1oLal 100

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Un|t 6:

Lxplorlng CompuLer Sclence, 2013
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8oboLlcs provldes a physlcal appllcaLlon of Lhe programmlng and problem solvlng skllls acqulred ln Lhe prevlous
unlLs. 1he LLCC MlndsLorms nx1 sofLware uses drag and drop programmlng whlch wlll provlde a naLural
LranslLlon from ScraLch. 8oboLs are shared by several sLudenLs whlch wlll emphaslze Lhe collaboraLlve naLure of
compuLlng. ln order Lo deslgn, bulld and lmprove Lhelr roboLs, sLudenLs wlll need Lo apply effecLlve Leam pracLlces
and undersLand Lhe dlfferenL roles LhaL are lmporLanL for success.
ulscusslng Lhe feaLures of roboLs provldes an opporLunlLy Lo emphaslze how compuLlng has far-reachlng effecLs
on socleLy and has led Lo slgnlflcanL lnnovaLlon. SLudenLs can dlscuss such Loplcs as:
1he effecLs lnnovaLlons ln roboLlcs have had on people.
1he slgnlflcance of processes LhaL have been auLomaLed because of roboLs.
Pow lnnovaLlons ln roboLlcs have spurred addlLlonal lnnovaLlons.
1he unlL conslsLs of Lhree maln secLlons:
1he feaLures of roboLs (uays 1-3)
lamlllarlzaLlon wlLh Lhe roboL and Lhe sofLware (uays 4-13)
8oboLlcs pro[ecLs (uays 14-33)
1hroughouL Lhe unlL Lhe slmllarlLles and dlfferences beLween ScraLch and Lhe programmlng needed Lo move Lhe
roboL can be hlghllghLed.
Speclflc Loplcs for each lnsLrucLlonal day are llsLed ln Lhe overvlew charL on Lhe nexL page.

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Da||y Cverv|ew Chart

Instruct|ona| Day 1op|c
1 WhaL ls a roboL? ldenLlfy Lhe crlLerla LhaL make an lLem a roboL.
2-3 LvaluaLe roboL body deslgns and creaLe algorlLhms Lo conLrol roboL
4 SeL up LLCC MlndsLorms nx1 klL.
3 8ulld roboL base.
6-7 lnLroduce Lhe feaLures of nx1 8rlck-Lhe braln" of Lhe roboL.
8-9 lnLroduce Lhe feaLures of Lhe MlndsLorms nx1 sofLware.
10-13 rogram Lhe roboL uslng Lhe MlndsLorm 8oboL LducaLor SofLware
14 lnLroduce 8oboCup real llfe roboLlc compeLlLlon and wrlLe lnsLrucLlons for
13 8obo1lc-1ac-1oe 1ournamenL and lnLroducLlon Lo 8oboCup!unlor uance
16-18 8ulld, program, and presenL a danclng roboL.
19-23 8ulld program and presenL a rescue roboL.
24-33 llnal pro[ecLs and presenLaLlons
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Da||y Lesson |ans

Instruct|ona| Day: 1
1op|c Descr|pt|on: WhaL ls a 8oboL"? ldenLlfy Lhe crlLerla LhaL make an lLem a roboL.
SLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
LlsL and explaln Lhe crlLerla LhaL descrlbe a roboL.
ueLermlne lf someLhlng ls a roboL, uslng Lhe crlLerla.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
8ralnsLorm abouL roboL deflnlLlon (10 mlnuLes)
klsmeL" vldeo (3 mlnuLes)
LlemenLs of a roboL (10 mlnuLes)
Am l a 8oboL? AcLlvlLy 1 (13 mlnuLes)
SLudenL group work-Are we 8oboLs? (13 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
8ralnsLorm whaL Lhey Lhlnk of when Lhey hear roboL" and Lhen ldenLlfy common feaLures of
arLlclpaLe ln whole class acLlvlLy deLermlnlng lf common lLems are roboLs.
Work ln small groups Lo compleLe Are we 8oboLs?" acLlvlLy.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
8ralnsLorm: Ask sLudenLs whaL Lhey Lhlnk of when Lhey hear roboL". ulsplay responses.
8esponses may lnclude Lhe followlng:
o Movle and 1v roboLs such as Wall-L, l8oboL, 8oboLs, 8osle from 1he !eLsons
o Modern lndusLrlal roboLs such as Lhose lnvolved ln assembly-llne facLory work
o Mars 8overs
o l8oboL roboLs, boLh Lhe vacuum cleaner and Lhe roboLs bullL for mlllLary use, oLher
roboLs such as bomb deLecLlon and deLonaLlon
vlew Lhe vldeo klsmeL" from 1eachers uomaln.
Ask sLudenLs lf Lhey can ldenLlfy common feaLures of Lhe roboLs Lhey have ldenLlfled. WhaL do
all Lhose roboLs have ln common? WhaL Lasks are easy for roboLs? WhaL Lasks are hard for
roboLs? (Answers: roboLs are ofLen used for dangerous or repeLlLlve Lasks such as recoverlng
bombs, search and rescue operaLlons ln dangerous condlLlons where Lhe roboLs search and Lhe
humans rescue, facLory work. 1hey are replaceable, unllke humans, and don'L geL bored or make
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mlsLakes when dolng Lhe same Lhlng over and over. 1asks LhaL requlre [udgmenL or human-llke
lnLeracLlon such as recognlzlng when Lhere ls a problem or walklng and seelng llke humans are
hard for roboLs. 1he Lwo arLlcles llsLed ln Lhe resource secLlon provlde more lnformaLlon and
would be lnLeresLlng for sLudenLs Lo read.)
use Lhe WhaL ls a 8oboL? handouL Lo gulde a dlscusslon of roboLs.
Pand ouL coples of Am l a 8oboL? acLlvlLy, wlLh Lhe plcLures of a baslc sLove and a fancy
mlcrowave. Check wlLh sLudenLs Lo make sure Lhey recognlze Lhe lLems ln Lhe Lwo plcLures.
8ased on sLudenL lnpuL, dlsplay Lhe flve crlLerla for wheLher someLhlng ls a roboL: body, lnpuL,
program, ouLpuL, behavlor. noLe LhaL whaL dlsLlngulshes a roboL from a programmable devlce ls
Lhe ablllLy Lo respond Lo changes ln Lhe envlronmenL and adapL, roboLs respond Lo. Lxplaln Lo
Lhe class LhaL as a group you wlll flgure ouL wheLher each of Lhe Lwo machlnes shown ls a roboL.
Co Lhrough Lhe sLove flrsL. Ask sLudenLs Lo flgure ouL wheLher Lhe sLove meeLs Lhe
crlLerla for a roboL:
lnpuL-yes (dlals Lo Lurn Lhe burners off and on, seL oven Lemp)
rogrammable-yes, ln Lhe sense LhaL oven LemperaLure Lells a sensor whaL
LemperaLure Lhe oven needs Lo be heaLed.
! 8emlnd sLudenLs LhaL Lhey programmed ln ScraLch and LhaL Lhe programmable
aspecL of Lhe roboL wlll requlre a language Lo provlde Lhe roboL wlLh
CuLpuL-yes (heaL!)
8ehavlor-yes, Lhe oven responds by sLopplng aL Lhe deslred LemperaLure. lL also
adapLs Lo changes as ln openlng Lhe oven door, addlng a frozen lLem, eLc. by addlng
more heaL Lo geL back Lo Lhe deslred LemperaLure.

nexL go Lhrough Lhe mlcrowave ln a slmllar way:
lnpuL-yes (buLLons)
rogrammable-yes (buLLons seL Llme, seL mode, mlcrowave can be programmed by Lhe
user, for example cook 3 mlnuLes 30 power, hold 1 mlnuLe, cook 1 mlnuLe 90
CuLpuL-yes (mlcrowaves ln chamber, llghL comes on)
8ehavlor-yes (cooks food, makes popcorn, bolls waLer.)
CuesLlon: uoes a mlcrowave adapL?
Pand ouL coples of Are we 8oboLs? acLlvlLy Lwo. Lxplaln Lhe dlrecLlons. LlLher have sLudenLs
bralnsLorm machlnes as a group Lo compleLe Lhe Lable or have Lhem Lhlnk of machlnes on Lhelr
own. Pave sLudenLs work ln small groups Lo compleLe Lhe Lable, deLermlnlng wheLher each
machlne ls a roboL accordlng Lo Lhe crlLerla.
CpLlonal LxLra CredlL-have sLudenLs research lsaac Aslmov's Lhree Laws of 8oboLlcs. WhaL are
Lhe Lhree laws? WhaL ls law Zero? Why dld he come up wlLh Lhese laws and how do Lhey Lhlnk
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Lhese laws affecL our Lhlnklng abouL roboLs Loday?
Law Zero: A roboL may noL ln[ure humanlLy, or Lhrough lnacLlon, allow humanlLy Lo come Lo
Law Cne: A roboL may noL ln[ure a human belng, or Lhrough lnacLlon, allow a human belng Lo
come Lo harm.
Law 1wo: A roboL musL obey Lhe orders glven Lo lL by human belngs, excepL where such orders
confllcL wlLh Law Cne.
Law 1hree: A roboL musL proLecL lLs own exlsLence, as long as such proLecLlon does noL confllcL
wlLh Laws Cne and 1wo.

!ennlfer Casper and 8obln Murphy, Puman-roboL lnLeracLlons durlng Lhe roboL-asslsLed urban
search and rescue response aL Lhe World 1rade CenLer, lLLL 1ransacLlons on SysLems, Man and
CyberneLlcs 33:3, 2003, pp. 367-83.
8obln Murphy, !. kravlLz, S. SLover and 8. Shoureshl, Moblle roboLs ln mlne rescue and recovery,
lLLL 8oboLlcs & AuLomaLlon Magazlne 16:2, !une 2009, pp. 91-2003.
WhaL ls a 8oboL? PandouL ( 8ased on handouLs from 1he 8lg lcLure 8oboLlcs 1eacher Culde 1"
(lLem #29832 from LLCC uacLa))
Am l a 8oboL? AcLlvlLy
Are we 8oboLs? AcLlvlLy (8ased on handouLs from 1he 8lg lcLure, 8oboLlcs 1eacher Culde 1"
(lLem #29832 from LLCC uacLa))
hLLp:// (may
requlre free reglsLraLlon)
Aslmov's Lhree laws of roboLlcs: hLLp://,
hLLp:// , essay aL

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What |s a kobot? nandout

1here are many dlfferenL klnds of roboLs, from ones deslgned Lo bulld cars Lo ones LhaL vacuum Lo ones
LhaL explore oLher planeLs. 1o be a roboL, a machlne musL meeL cerLaln crlLerla. A machlne ls only a
roboL lf lL has all Lhe elemenLs llsLed below:
1he body ls a physlcal subsLance and shape of some Lype. 1he body wlll be deslgned based on Lhe
funcLlon-some look llke vehlcles, some llke an arm, and some llke a person. lf you can Louch lL, LhaL's
Lhe body.
ConLrol ls a program Lo conLrol Lhe roboL. 8oboLs musL be Lold whaL Lo do. 1o conLrol a roboL we need:
lnpuL ls Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL comes from Lhe roboL's sensors. 8oboLs have sensors LhaL Lhey use
Lo geL lnformaLlon from Lhe roboL's envlronmenL. lor example, a smoke deLecLor can deLecL
smoke. (ln oLher words, senslng Lhe roboL's envlronmenL). 8oboLs Lyplcally have exLernal and
lnLernal sensors.
1he program ls a seL of lnsLrucLlons or rules LhaL Lhe programmer glves Lhe roboL. lor example,
a smoke deLecLor has a program Lo make a sound lf lL senses smoke. 1o be a roboL, a machlne
musL be programmable.
1he ouLpuL ls Lhe acLlon a roboL Lakes, ofLen lnvolvlng moLors, llghLs, or sounds. lor example, a
smoke deLecLor makes a loud sound and mlghL flash llghLs. (ln oLher words, effecLlng change ln
Lhe roboL's envlronmenL-adapLlng.)
8ehavlor ls Lhe comblnaLlon of ouLpuLs LhaL resulL ln Lhe Lask or [ob Lhe roboL does. lor example, Lhe
behavlor of a smoke deLecLor ls Lo go off" ln Lhe presence of smoke. Colng off" ls a comblnaLlon of
maklng nolse and flashlng llghLs, and may also lnvolve calllng Lhe flre deparLmenL.

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Am I a kobot? Act|v|ty
lmage 1: 8aslc SLove

lmage 2: new Mlcrowave

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Are we kobots? Act|v|ty
lnsLrucLlons: 8elow ls a llsL of machlnes LhaL you may encounLer ln your dally llfe. Add machlnes Lo Lhe
boLLom. CompleLe Lhe Lable by decldlng lf Lhe machlne meeLs Lhe crlLerla for belng a roboL. 1hen
deLermlne lf Lhe machlne ls a roboL.
8ody-physlcal form of some klnd
lnpuL-geLs lnformaLlon from sensors, buLLons, eLc.
rogram-ls programmable, follows a seL of lnsLrucLlons you glve lL
CuLpuL-an acLlon lL Lakes
8ehavlor-whaL lL does, Lhe funcLlon lL performs

8ody lnpuL rogram CuLpuL 8ehavlor ls lL a
Alarm clock
1rafflc llghL
Mars 8over

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Instruct|ona| Days: 2-3
1op|c Descr|pt|on: LvaluaLe roboL body deslgns and creaLe algorlLhms Lo conLrol roboL behavlor.
SLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
LvaluaLe how Lhe deslgn of a roboL's body affecLs lLs behavlor.
CreaLe an algorlLhm Lo dlrecL a human roboL" from one parL of Lhe room Lo anoLher.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
Are we 8oboLs" acLlvlLy (13 mlnuLes)
!ournal LnLry (3 mlnuLes)
1he effecL of changlng deslgn (13 mlnuLes)
SLudenL group work-Can a roboL Lle your shoes? (40 mlnuLes)
SLudenL group work-Walk llke a roboL (33 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
arLlclpaLe ln dlscusslon of Are we roboLs" acLlvlLy.
CompleLe [ournal enLry.
ulscuss how changlng Lhe deslgn of an lLem affecLs Lhe lLem.
SLudenLs work ln palrs Lo Lry Lylng a shoe ln several roboL-esque slLuaLlons lncludlng wlLh closed
eyes, wlLh Longue depressors, pllers, and wlLh anoLher person.
SLudenLs work ln small groups Lo dlrecL a person Lo move along a paLh glven a llmlLed llsL of
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
8evlslL Are we roboLs" acLlvlLy. Co Lhrough Lhe llsL of lLems, asklng sLudenLs Lo lndlcaLe lf Lhey
LhoughL each lLem was a roboL or noL. Cccaslonally, especlally lf Lhere ls dlsagreemenL, ask
sLudenLs Lo defend Lhelr answer.
!ournal LnLry: WhaL happens when you change Lhe deslgn of a roboL?
o Pave sLudenLs share Lhelr responses
o Ask sLudenLs, lf you could change Lhe body of Lhe prlnLer (or anoLher devlce ln Lhe
room) whaL would you change? Pow would LhaL affecL oLher Lhlngs llke Lhe behavlor or
funcLlon of Lhe prlnLer, prlce, cosL Lo bulld, or popularlLy? Pave sLudenLs share Lhelr
Lxplaln LhaL Lhere are llmlLs Lo whaL roboLs can do because roboLs are llmlLed by Lhelr bodles.
lor example, lL ls dlfflculL Lo creaLe a roboLlc hand LhaL can grasp small or dellcaLe lLems-lL
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would requlre many moLors (slmulaLlng all Lhe muscles ln Lhe hand) and many sensors Lo deLecL
Lhe lLem (slmulaLlng Lhe neurons ln Lhe hand).
o Make sure each palr of sLudenLs has a shoe LhaL can be Lled.
o ulrecL sLudenLs Lo flrsL Lry Lylng Lhe shoe bllndfolded or wlLh eyes shuL. ulscuss how lL
wenL-Was lL hard? WhaL was hard abouL lL? Pow was lL llke a roboL Lylng Lhe shoe?
o ulrecL sLudenLs Lo Lle Lhe shoe wlLh heavy gloves on. ulscuss Lhe experlence. Pow was lL
llke a roboL Lylng Lhe shoe? WhaL made lL hard?
o ulrecL sLudenLs Lo Lle Lhe shoe wlLh Longue depressors Laped onLo Lhumbs and
foreflngers or [usL holdlng Longue depressors. ulscuss Lhe experlence. Pow was lL llke a
roboL Lylng Lhe shoe? WhaL made lL hard?
o ulrecL sLudenLs Lo Lle Lhe shoe wlLh pllers. Pow was lL llke a roboL Lylng Lhe shoe? WhaL
made lL hard?
o ulrecL Lhe sLudenLs Lo work wlLh Lhelr parLner Lo Lle Lhe shoes uslng Lhe pllers, each
person holdlng one palr. ulscuss Lhe experlence. Pow was lL llke Lwo roboLs worklng
LogeLher? WhaL made lL hard?
AcLlvlLy: Walk llke a roboL
o Choose one sLudenL Lo be a roboL" or Lell sLudenLs LhaL you wlll be Lhe roboL. Choose a
sLarLlng polnL and an endlng polnL beLween whlch Lhe roboL" musL navlgaLe. Make sure
Lhe paLh ls noL dlrecL.
o 1ell Lhe class LhaL Lhey musL dlrecL Lhe roboL from Lhe sLarLlng polnL Lo Lhe endlng polnL
uslng only flve commands:
! 1urn lefL 90 deg.
! 1urn rlghL 90 deg.
! 1ake a sLep forward wlLh Lhe lefL fooL.
! 1ake a sLep forward wlLh Lhe rlghL fooL.
! SLop.
o SLudenLs can Lake Lurns or work as a group. 1he roboL should only follow Lhose flve
commands and noL respond Lo oLher commands. 1ell sLudenLs Lo be careful wlLh Lhe
roboL and noL walk lL lnLo walls or barrlers. (1he roboL should sLop before lL hlLs a
barrler such as a wall.).
o AL some polnL, remlnd sLudenLs abouL loops. 1hey can Lell Lhe roboL Lo repeaL a
command or a block of commands such as repeaL: Lake a sLep forward wlLh Lhe lefL
fooL, Lake a sLep forward wlLh Lhe rlghL fooL unLll you are aL Lhe wall"
o olnL ouL LhaL Lhls ls frequenLly whaL ls done ln danclng and choreography-sequences
of sLeps are repeaLed.
o lf Lhere ls Llme, show Lhe vldeo of Lhe macarena" referenced ln Lhe resource secLlon.
o Conclude by polnLlng ouL LhaL Lhese klnds of commands are whaL Lhey wlll be
programmlng Lhelr roboLs Lo execuLe.
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AcLlvlLy: Can a roboL Lle your shoes? (lrom )
MaLerlals: shoes LhaL Lle, Longue depressors, masklng Lape, heavy gloves, palrs of pllers, bllnd
Walk llke a roboL acLlvlLy from LLCC MaLerlals.
LxplanaLlon of vldeo: hLLp://
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Instruct|ona| Day: 4
1op|c Descr|pt|on: SeL up LLCC Lrays.
SLudenLs wlll be able Lo
ulsLlngulsh beLween Lhe LLCC parLs for bulldlng a roboL.

Cut||ne of the Lesson:
ulsLrlbuLlon of LLCC klLs (10 mlnuLes)
SeparaLlon of LLCC parLs lnLo Lhe approprlaLe comparLmenLs of Lhe Lrays (43 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
SLudenL groups work LogeLher Lo seL up Lhelr LLCC klLs for use ln bulldlng roboLs.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
Clve each palr (or group of Lhree) a LLCC MlndsLorms nx1 klL. olnL ouL Lhe plcLure LhaL
shows where each lLem should be placed ln Lhe Lray.
Ask sLudenLs Lo seL up Lhelr Lrays so LhaL Lhey wlll be ready for use ln bulldlng roboLs.

LLCC MlndsLorms nx1 klL

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Instruct|ona| Day: 3
1op|c Descr|pt|on: 8ulld Lhe base of Lhe roboL.
SLudenLs wlll be able Lo
Assemble Lhe base of Lhe roboL.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
LxplanaLlon of LLCC MlndsLorms manual (10 mlnuLes)
Assembly of base of roboL (43 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
SLudenL groups assemble Lhe base of Lhe roboL.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
Pave sLudenLs geL ouL Lhelr klLs and Lhe manual LhaL comes wlLh Lhe klL. Co Lhrough sLep 1 on p.
8 wlLh Lhe sLudenLs Lo make sure Lhey undersLand Lhe formaL of Lhe manual.
Ask sLudenL groups Lo assemble Lhe base of Lhelr roboL accordlng Lo Lhe lnsLrucLlons on pp. 8-
21. (8aLLerles should be charged ln advance.)

LLCC MlndsLorms manual
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Instruct|ona| Days: 6-7
1op|c Descr|pt|on: lnLroduce Lhe feaLures of Lhe nx1 8rlck-Lhe braln" of Lhe roboL.
SLudenLs wlll be able Lo
ulsLlngulsh beLween Lhe parLs of Lhe nx1 brlck.
Pook up lnpuL and ouLpuL devlces correcLly.
use bullL-ln nx1 8rlck programs.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
CbservaLlon of Lhe nx1 brlck (20 mlnuLes)
lug ln sensors, moLors, and llghL, and run vlew" programs (30 mlnuLes)
1ry Me" bullL ln programs (40 mlnuLes)
nx1 8rlck programs (20 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
ArLlculaLe whaL Lhey observe abouL Lhe Lhe nx1 brlck whlle Lhe Leacher explalns each parL.
1esL sensor daLa uslng Lhe 'vlew' programs and reporL observaLlons.
8un 'Lry me' programs and descrlbe whaL Lhe programs do.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
Pave sLudenLs geL ouL Lhelr roboL base, sensors, llghLs, moLors, and Lhree wheels. Lxplaln LhaL
Lhe nx1 ls Lhe braln of Lhe roboL. Pave sLudenLs descrlbe Lhe parLs Lhey see and make sure Lhe
followlng parLs geL ldenLlfled. (1he nx1 user Culde pp. 9-12 can be used as supporL.)
o orLs number 1-4: Lhese are lnpuL porLs. ?ou use wlres Lo plug sensors lnLo Lhe nx1
brlck. 1here are four klnds of sensors: Louch sensors (deLecL Louch/obsLacles), sound
sensor (deLecL Lhe sound levels), llghL sensor (deLecLs llghL level), ulLrasonlc sensor
(deLecLs movemenL and dlsLance Lo an ob[ecL). 8emlnder: lnpuL means senslng
someLhlng ln Lhe roboL's envlronmenL.
o orLs A-C: Lhese are ouLpuL porLs. ?ou use wlres Lo connecL devlces for ouLpuL. 1he
devlces are lamps and moLors. Also, noLe LhaL Lhe speaker ls an ouLpuL porL. 1he ouLpuL
ls LhaL Lhe llghL can go on or off and LhaL Lhe moLor can Lurn or sLop Lurnlng. 8emlnder:
ouLpuL means effecLlng change ln Lhe roboL's envlronmenL.
o 8uLLons:
Crange buLLon: Cn/LnLer
LlghL grey arrows: navlgaLlon, lefL and rlghL
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uark Crey buLLon: Clear/Co back. keep presslng Lhls Lo Lurn off unLll prompL, and
Lhen hlL orange
o Llnes ln Lhe rlghL slde: speaker. 1hls ls where nolse comes ouL of Lhe roboL.
o lf Lhe rechargeable baLLery ls ln, Lhere wlll be a power plug and LCu llghLs.
1ell sLudenLs Lo Lurn on Lhe roboL by presslng Lhe orange buLLon. WhaL happens? (lL makes a
happy llLLle song. LCuu.) WhaL do Lhey see now?
o nx1 aL Lhe Lop-name of Lhe brlck. 1hls can be changed ln Lhe sofLware
o 8aLLery level Lop rlghL.
o 8unnlng lcon-nexL Lo Lhe baLLery lcon. As long as lL ls splnnlng, Lhe nx1 ls Lurned on
and worklng correcLly. lf lL freezes, Lhe nx1 has frozen and musL be reseL.
o 1here are Lhree lcons on Lhe screen. 1he one LhaL ls hlghllghLed by defaulL looks llke Lwo
floppy dlsks and has Lhe label above My llles". lf Lhey sLarL hlLLlng buLLons, Lhey can
scroll Lhrough several menu opLlons by uslng Lhe arrow keys or go lnLo My llles by
hlLLlng Lhe orange buLLon. 1he menu opLlons are:
! My llles-where programs wlll be sLored.
! nx1 rogram-allows you Lo bulld small programs uslng only Lhe nx1 wlLhouL
Lhe need for a compuLer.
! vlew-you can do a qulck LesL of your sensors and moLors and see Lhe currenL
daLa for each. ?ou have Lo selecL Lhe LesL you wanL Lo do and whlch porL Lhe
sensor or moLor ls on. Cnly one LesL can be run aL a Llme. 1he daLa wlll dlsplay
on Lhe screen.
! 8lueLooLh-you can seL a wlreless connecLlon beLween Lhe nx1 and oLher
8lueLooLh devlces lncludlng oLher nx1s, phones, and compuLers.
! SeLLlngs-you can change seLLlngs such as Lhe speaker volume and Lhe sleep
! 1ry Me-bullL-ln programs.
o Lxplaln LhaL ln order for Lhe roboL Lo really do anyLhlng, you have Lo hook up lnpuL and
ouLpuL devlces. Ask sLudenLs Lo Lry Lo ldenLlfy Lhe devlces ln Lhe klL. Make sure Lhey can
ldenLlfy Lhe Louch sensor, sound sensor, llghL sensor, ulLrasonlc sensor, servo moLor and
lamps. 8elnforce LhaL Lhe sensors are all lnpuL devlces and Lhe moLors and lamps are
ouLpuL devlces.
uemonsLraLe and have sLudenLs carefully plug Lhe devlces lnLo Lhe nx1. Sensors can be plugged
lnLo any lnpuL porL numbered 1-4 buL Lhese defaulL seLLlngs are used for Lhe LesL and sample
programs. See pp. 3-6 and 9 of Lhe nx1 user Culde for more lnformaLlon. Make sure sLudenLs
know Lo supporL Lhe welghL of Lhe devlces and Lhe nx1 brlck wlLhouL pulllng on Lhe wlres.
! orL 1: 1ouch sensor
! orL 2: Sound Sensor
! orL 3: LlghL Sensor
! orL 4: ulLrasonlc Sensor
! orL A: LlghL
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! orL 8 & C: Servo moLor
Pave sLudenLs navlgaLe Lo Lhe vlew menu. 1hey should LesL each of Lhe sensors and see whaL
Lhe dlsplays do. Make sure Lhey also use Lhe moLor roLaLlons and moLor degrees program. See
nx1 user Culde pp. 23-33 for more lnformaLlon. AfLer a few mlnuLes wlLh sLudenLs
experlmenLlng, ask whaL Lhey noLlced. WhaL klnd of daLa does each of Lhe sensors provlde? Pow
could a roboL use Lhls ln a program? 8emlnd Lhem LhaL whaL Lhey are dolng ls LesLlng and
Pave sLudenLs navlgaLe Lo Lhe 1ry Me menu by uslng Lhe dark gray buLLon Lo move up Lhe
menus and uslng Lhe llghL gray arrows and orange buLLon Lo enLer Lhe 1ry Me menu.
o SelecL one of Lhe programs and have all Lhe sLudenLs Lry lL. Cnce Lhey have LesLed lL, ask
Lhem whaL lL dld. See lf Lhey can flowcharL whaL Lhe program does.
! 1ry sound-moves Lhe moLors fasLer as more sound ls deLecLed.
! 1ry Louch-changes dlsplay and makes nolse when buLLon ls Louched.
! 1ry llghL-makes nolse based on how much llghL ls deLecLed.
! 1ry ulLrasonlc-changes nolse based on dlsLance deLecLed.
! 1ry moLor-changes sound based on moLlon of moLor on porL A.
llnally, have sLudenLs navlgaLe Lo Lhe rogram menu and follow Lhe dlrecLlons ln Lhe LLCC
MlndsLorms manual on pp. 22-43, Lrylng Lhe programs lndlcaLed. 1hey should Lhen LesL Lhe
programs and make sure each one works as expecLed. (Also see Lhe nx1 user gulde pp. 13-16
for more lnformaLlon.)

nx1 user Culde
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Instruct|ona| Days: 8-9
1op|c Descr|pt|on: lnLroduce Lhe feaLures of Lhe MlndsLorms nx1 SofLware.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo
8ecognlze Lhe parLs of Lhe MlndsLorms nx1 sofLware.
Lxplaln Lhe dlfferenL Lypes of lcons ln Lhe common paleLLe and how Lo use Lhem.
Lxplaln Lhe dlfferenL Lypes of lcons ln Lhe compleLe paleLLe and how Lo use Lhem.
Lxplaln Lhe dlfference beLween sofLware errors and hardware errors.
Lxplaln Lhe dlfference beLween loglcal errors and synLax errors.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
8evlew of rogram acLlvlLy from uay 7 (20 mlnuLes)
lnLerface: Lhe parLs of Lhe MlndsLorms nx1 sofLware (10 mlnuLes)
A slmple program from Lhe common paleLLe (30 mlnuLes)
A slmple program from Lhe compleLe paleLLe (40 mlnuLes)
Pow Lo use Lhe LuLorlals (10 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
ulscuss how Lhe programs were creaLed ln Lhe nx1 brlck and how Lhey behaved compared Lo
LlsLen Lo explanaLlon of MlndsLorms nx1 sofLware and respond Lo quesLlons.
Clve ldeas Lo Leacher as s/he wrlLes small programs ln Lhe sofLware.
LlsLen Lo explanaLlon of how Lo use Lhe LuLorlals.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
Ask sLudenLs whaL Lhey programmed Lhe roboL Lo do. CeL several answers. uld lL do whaL Lhey
expecLed? Why or why noL? Would lL be a good ldea Lo use Lhe nx1 rogram lnLerface Lo wrlLe
all Lhelr programs? Why noL? (lL can only Lake 3 commands ln a program.)
ro[ecLlng Lhe Leacher's screen, launch Lhe MlndsLorms nx1 sofLware. Show Lhe sLudenLs where
Lhe LuLorlals are ln Lhe 8oboL LducaLor secLlon and how Lo open a new program. uslng Lhe user
Culde pp. 48-49, descrlbe all Lhe parLs of Lhe lnLerface.
WlLh sLudenL lnpuL, use Lhe common paleLLe Lo bulld a small program. ldeally, use a varleLy of
Lhe blocks of Lhe common paleLLe, explalnlng whaL each one does as you use lL. lor example, lf
you wanLed Lo bulld a program LhaL Lold Lhe roboL Lo walL unLll Lhe Louch sensor was Louched,
Lhen move forward for one roLaLlon Lhen llsLen and lf a loud sound occurs, Lhen dlsplay a smlley
face and play a sound oLherwlse move forward, lL would look llke Lhls:
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Save Lhe program and download lL Lo an nx1 brlck. Make sure Lhe brlck ls seL up Lo do Lhe
acLlons-have one bullL wlLh Lhe drlvlng base and any necessary sensors. uemonsLraLe Lhe
runnlng of Lhe program.
Modlfy Lhe program and download lL agaln. 1ry Lo make mlsLakes durlng Lhls perlod and show
how Lo debug Lhe program by frequenLly LesLlng lL, downloadlng exLra blocks, and also maklng
mlsLakes such as havlng dlsconnecLed blocks. uurlng Lhls parL have sLudenLs Lry Lo work wlLh
Lhe sofLware Lhemselves and follow along wlLh you.
Cpen a new program and swlLch Lo Lhe compleLe paleLLe. Show Lhe dlfferences ln Lhe Lwo
paleLLes. WlLh sLudenL lnpuL, wrlLe a new program uslng Lhe blocks of Lhe compleLe paleLLe.
Show Lhe dlfferences ln conLrolllng Lhe program. Make sure Lo show how Lo wlre Lhlngs ln Lhe
daLa hub. lor example, a program LhaL runs Lhe moLors for a random amounL of Llme would
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look llke Lhls:

Make sure Lo make mlsLakes and demonsLraLe how Lo solve problems wlLh Lhe sofLware such as
mls-wlrlng porLs. Pave sLudenLs Lry Lhese feaLures aL Lhelr seaLs as you do lL. olnL ouL Lhe
slmllarlLles beLween programmlng Lhe nx1 sofLware and whaL Lhey dld ln Lhe lasL unlL wlLh
1hls ls a good polnL aL whlch Lo dlscuss
o SofLware vs. hardware errors-ln roboLlcs Lhe programmlng may be correcL, buL Lhe
roboL conflgured lncorrecLly.
o SynLax vs. loglcal errors-Lhe program may complle, buL Lhe loglc can sLlll be lncorrecL.
1ell sLudenLs LhaL Lhe nexL flve days wlll be spenL golng Lhrough Lhe LuLorlals ln order Lo learn
how Lo bulld and program Lhe nx1 sysLem.

nx1 8oboL LducaLor

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Instruct|ona| Days: 10-13
1op|c Descr|pt|on: rogram Lhe roboL uslng Lhe MlndsLorm 8oboL LducaLor SofLware LuLorlals.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
use Lhe bulldlng blocks of Lhe common paleLLe Lo program Lhe roboL.
8ulld roboLs LhaL can execuLe Lhe funcLlons programmed Lhrough Lhe 8oboL LducaLor SofLware.
rogram Lhe roboL uslng some or all of Lhe compleLe paleLLe of blocks.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
uescrlpLlon of Lhe assessmenL model (10 mlnuLes)
Pow Lo use Lhe LuLorlals (10 mlnuLes)
8ulld and program roboLs accordlng Lo LuLorlals (233 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
ln groups of 2-4, sLudenLs follow LuLorlals Lo bulld and program small roboLs.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
Lxplaln assessmenL model for LuLorlals. (8ecommended: observe some buL noL all roboLs, such
as Lhose for LuLorlals 8, 16, and 20 ln Lhe common paleLLe along wlLh several from Lhe compleLe
paleLLe, look aL roboL consLrucLlon and Lhe program as well as execuLlon Lo deLermlne grade.)
All sLudenLs should compleLe Lhe LuLorlals for Lhe common paleLLe before movlng on Lo Lhe
compleLe paleLLe. lL wlll be helpful for Lhe fuLure pro[ecLs lf sLudenLs compleLe mosL, lf noL all,
of Lhe LuLorlals for Lhe compleLe paleLLe as well.
ClrculaLe LhroughouL class Lo answer quesLlons, help LroubleshooL, and assess roboLs.
lf some groups flnlsh early, have Lhem asslsL oLher groups.
nx1 user gulde pp. 30-33 explaln Lhe LuLorlals

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Instruct|ona| Day: 14
1op|c Descr|pt|on: lnLroduce 8oboCup real llfe roboLlc compeLlLlon and wrlLe lnsLrucLlons for Llc-Lac-
SLudenLs wlll be able Lo
Lxplaln how a sequence of game moves can be expressed ln slmple sLaLemenLs.
uescrlbe Lhe 8oboCup challenge and examlne how roboLs have been programmed Lo play
uevelop lf-Lhen sLaLemenLs and use 8oolean operaLors Lo dlrecL a human roboL" Lo play Llc-Lac-
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
1lc-Lac-Loe (10 mlnuLes)
8oboL CompeLlLors MeeL on a Soccer lleld of ureams" (23 mlnuLes)
lnsLrucLlons for a roboL" Lo play Llc-Lac-Loe. (20 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
ln palrs, sLudenLs play a game of Llc-Lac-Loe, Lhen Lhey dlscuss and wrlLe answers Lo Lhe posLed
8ead and dlscuss Lhe arLlcle, 8oboL CompeLlLors MeeL on a Soccer lleld of ureams".
ln palrs, sLudenLs wrlLe a serles of clear lnsLrucLlons for a roboL" Lo play Llc-Lac-Loe.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
8efore sLudenLs enLer Lhe classroom, wrlLe Lhe followlng on Lhe board or charL paper: lay a
game of Llc-Lac-Loe wlLh your parLner. 1hen Lhlnk abouL Lhese quesLlons LogeLher, and wrlLe
your answers: WhaL are Lhe rules of Llc-Lac-Loe? WhaL declslons does a player need Lo make
before Laklng a Lurn? Pow would you verbally descrlbe each of Lhese declslons? WhaL ls Lhe
acLlon a roboL would need Lo Lake based on Lhe declslons?"
AfLer a few mlnuLes, have sLudenLs share some of Lhelr responses. Make a llsL of Lhe rules of Llc-
Lac-Loe on Lhe board. Lnsure sLudenLs remember LhaL lf sLaLemenLs and condlLlonals are
requlred Lo descrlbe Lhe moves of Lhe game. CollecL Lhe wrlLLen responses Lo Lhe warm up
ulsLrlbuLe Lhe arLlcle 8oboL CompeLlLors MeeL on a Soccer lleld of ureams" and have sLudenLs
read lL.
Lead a dlscusslon abouL Lhe arLlcle.
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Lxplaln Lo sLudenLs LhaL Lhey wlll be worklng ln palrs Lo wrlLe an appllcaLlon for human roboLs"
(sLudenLs wlll acL as Lhe roboLs) Lo enable Lhem Lo play Llc-Lac-Loe. 1he followlng day wlll be Lhe
8obo1lc1ac1oe Challenge. 8emlnd Lhem of Lhe earller dlscusslon of Llc-Lac-Loe. WhaL goals does
each player have? Who sLarLs Lhe game? ls Lhere a besL place" Lo puL Lhe flrsL x? WhaL are
some wlnnlng sLraLegles for Lhe nexL move? lor example, lf Lhe x ls ln Lhe cenLer, Lhen where
should an C be placed? Why ls lf-Lhen" loglc a good way Lo explaln sLraLegy for a slmple game
llke Llc-Lac-Loe? Pow can 8oolean operaLors, and/or/noL, help slmpllfy Lhe commands?
uemonsLraLe Lhe openlng move for a game of Llc-Lac-Loe on Lhe board. uraw a nlne-space grld
and label Lhe squares one Lhrough nlne. 1hen ask sLudenLs where Lo place Lhe flrsL x. uependlng
on where lL ls placed, have sLudenLs creaLe an lf-Lhen sLaLemenL LhaL deLermlnes Lhe nexL move.
lor example, lf Lhe flrsL x ls ln Lhe cenLer, place an C ln a corner square."
Ask sLudenLs Lo compleLe Lhe lnsLrucLlons. Lach lnsLrucLlon ln Lhe enLlre sequence wlll cover
every posslble comblnaLlon of moves Lhe sLudenLs can Lhlnk of unLll a game ls compleLed.
SLudenLs need Lo remember LhaL Lhere are mulLlple opLlons for each move (lncludlng Lhe
beglnnlng move). 1hey should conslder all of Lhe posslblllLles ln developlng Lhelr code. 1hey
also need Lo conslder whaL Lhe behavlor Lhe roboL wlll exhlblL based on Lhe lnsLrucLlons
noLe LhaL Lhe focus ln Lhls lesson ls really a relnforcemenL of programmlng as a seL of
lnsLrucLlons ln Lhe conLexL of someLhlng mosL sLudenLs undersLand. 1he game of Llc-Lac-Loe ls
noL a naLural example of roboLlcs because roboL envlronmenLs are generally dynamlc wlLh
lnflnlLe posslble sLaLes of Lhe envlronmenL.
Lesson plan from n? 1lmes Lesson lan Archlve:
Copy of arLlcle

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Instruct|ona| Day: 13
1op|c Descr|pt|on: 8obo1lc-1ac-1oe Challenge and lnLroducLlon Lo 8oboCup!unlor uance Challenge.
SLudenLs wlll be able Lo
uebug condlLlonal sLaLemenLs by LesLlng Lhem and compeLe as Leams ln a 8obo1lc-1ac-1oe
uescrlbe danclng roboLs LhaL have compeLed ln Lhe 8oboCup!unlor uance Challenge.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
uebugglng of roboLlc-Lac-Loe sLaLemenLs (3 mlnuLes)
8obo1lc-1ac-1oe challenge (33 mlnuLes)
lnLroducLlon Lo 8oboCup!unlor uance challenge (13 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
CompleLe debugglng Llc-Lac-Loe sLaLemenLs by LesLlng LhaL Lhey work correcLly ln several games.
arLlclpaLe ln 8obo1lc-1ac-1oe challenge.
LlsLen Lo an explanaLlon of 8oboCup!unlor uance Challenge and waLch vldeos of danclng roboLs
from 8oboCup!unlor challenges.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
Ask sLudenLs Lo qulckly LesL Lhelr Llc-Lac-Loe lnsLrucLlons Lo make sure Lhey are compleLe and
correcL. 1hey should play Llc-Lac-Loe followlng only Lhe lnsLrucLlons Lhey have wrlLLen.
Lxplaln Lhe challenge: each Leam wlll be acLlng as a slngle roboL programmed" by Lhe
appllcaLlon Lhey developed. Cne sLudenL wlll read a command from Lhelr appllcaLlon and Lhe
oLher sLudenL wlll execuLe Lhe command. 1eams play agalnsL each oLher, LesLlng how successful
Lhelr code ls. Lach game should be observed by Lhe resL of Lhe class and monlLored Lo ensure
Lhe Leams only execuLe Lhe commands read.
AL Lhe concluslon of Lhe challenge, celebraLe Lhe wlnnlng Leam. Ask Lhe sLudenLs Lo descrlbe
why LhaL Leam won? WhaL have Lhey learned? Pow would Lhey lmprove Lhelr programs?
(8emlnd sLudenLs LhaL preclse lnsLrucLlons are requlred ln programmlng.)
Lxplaln LhaL 8oboCup ls a research lnlLlaLlve founded ln 1997 by an lnLernaLlonal group of
sclenLlsLs lnLeresLed ln deflnlng a common problem LhaL could be addressed by researchers ln
roboLlcs, englneerlng, and arLlflclal lnLelllgence. MosL parLlclpanLs are unlverslLy and lndusLry
research labs. 8oboCup!unlor (8C!) was founded ln 2000, wlLh a focus on educaLlon. 1he 8C!
8escue challenge was plloLed ln 2001 and adapLed ln 2003. 8C! ls open Lo sLudenLs up Lo age
19. 1here are Lwo dlvlslons: prlmary, whlch ls up Lo age 14, and secondary, whlch ls age 14 Lo
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19. 1he flrsL Lwo roboL pro[ecLs wlll be based on Lhe 8oboCup!unlor program. 1he flrsL one ls
Lhe danclng roboL whlch ls Lhe lnLroducLory level of Lhe 8oboCup!unlor program. SLudenLs wlll
bulld and program a roboL LhaL dances. Show vldeos of danclng roboLs ln compeLlLlon.
8oboCup!unlor vldeos: hLLp://rc[
More vldeos avallable Lhrough ?ou1ube such as hLLp://

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Instruct|ona| Day: 16-18
1op|c Descr|pt|on: 8ulld, program, and presenL a danclng roboL.
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
use Lhe nx1 and ouLpuL devlces Lo bulld and program a roboL LhaL dances ln Llme Lo muslc.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
LxplanaLlon of pro[ecL guldellnes and show dance floor (13 mlnuLes)
ueslgn, bulld, and program danclng roboL (130 mlnuLes)
uance challenge (30 mlnuLes)
8eflecLlon and Clean up (23 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
Agree on ldeas and muslc for roboL.
8ulld roboL.
WrlLe a program ln 8oboL LducaLor sofLware.
1esL roboL and reflne program and hardware.
arLlclpaLe ln dance challenge and dlscusslon.
CompleLe pro[ecL reflecLlon. 1ake roboLs aparL and puL maLerlals away.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
Pand ouL requlremenLs and rubrlc. Lxplaln guldellnes and answer quesLlons.
o A dance floor can be made ouL of large square of one or more pleces of buLcher paper.
ClrculaLe and make sure sLudenLs are on Lask, answer quesLlons as needed.
8efore Lhe dance challenge, asslgn one sLudenL as Llmekeeper and anoLher as u!. CollecL each
group's program as Lhey compeLe and lmmedlaLely assess Lhe roboL uslng Lhe rubrlc, whlle Lhe
nexL group geLs seL up. ?ou may declare a wlnner or have Lhe sLudenLs voLe for Lhe besL roboL.
ulscuss Lhe varlous dance rouLlnes and Lhe feaLures of each. Pave sLudenLs provlde commenLs.
AL Lhe end of Lhe challenge, have each sLudenL compleLe Lhe pro[ecL reflecLlon and submlL lL,
Lhen clean up Lhe roboLs.
Cfflclal 8oboCup!unlor uance Challenge rules (2008): hLLp://rc[
uanclng 8oboL AcLlvlLy
uanclng 8oboL Sample 8ubrlc
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ro[ecL 8eflecLlon
Danc|ng kobot Act|v|ty
1he danclng roboL asslgnmenL ls based on Lhe flrsL level of 8oboCup!unlor, an lnLernaLlonal compeLlLlon.
More lnformaLlon abouL 8oboCup!unlor ls avallable aL hLLp://rc[
8ulld a roboL LhaL dances Lo muslc for 1-2 mlnuLes.
1he roboL should noL Lake any lnpuL, only have ouLpuL ln Lhe form of varlous dance moves.
uance musL be 1-2 mlnuLes long. ?ou have a LoLal of 3 mlnuLes Lo geL seL up, have Lhe roboL
dance, and geL ouL of Lhe way for Lhe nexL group.
1he roboL musL sLay ln Lhe marked space.
1he roboL musL be auLonomous. CLher Lhan hlLLlng Lhe sLarL buLLon, no human can Louch lL
whlle lL performs.
1he dance should be choreographed Lo Lhe muslc you provlde. 1he muslc musL be approprlaLe
for playlng aL school-no obscenlLles, eLc.
1eams may resLarL Lhe roboL up Lo 2 Llmes aL Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe Leacher. Any re-sLarLed,
unless due Lo a problem noL Lhe faulL of Lhe Leam, wlll resulL ln a grade penalLy.
1eams are encouraged Lo be as creaLlve and enLerLalnlng as posslble! rops, cosLumes, and
varled dance moves are encouraged. ?ou may dance alongslde your roboL.
Lach Leam musL prlnL ouL lLs program and hand lL ln aL Lhe same Llme LhaL Lhey compeLe.
lalr play ls an lmporLanL parL of Lhe 8oboCup compeLlLlon. 1eams are expecLed Lo help oLher
Leams as needed and noL dellberaLely lnLerfere wlLh or damage oLher Leams' work. All sLudenLs
are expecLed Lo respecLfully waLch all oLher Leams compeLe.

1. 8ralnsLorm ldeas abouL how your roboL should look, how lL should work (wheels? Arms?) and
how you'll bulld lL. SelecL muslc.
2. SLarL bulldlng your roboL.
3. 8ulld a program LhaL dlrecLs Lhe roboL Lo do your dance moves.
4. 1esL and revlse Lhe program. Make sure lL runs for 1-2 mlnuLes. Make sure lL maLches Lhe muslc.
Make sure lL won'L fall aparL!
3. Show off Lhe roboL durlng Lhe dance ln class.

?ou wlll have Lwo class perlods Lo bulld and program Lhe roboL, and Lhen you wlll presenL lL on Lhe Lhlrd
erformance w||| be [udged on
rogrammlng (e.g.: use of loops, [umps, condlLlonals, eLc)
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Choreography (e.g.: roboLs Lo move ln Llme wlLh muslc, and change acLlons as muslc changes
Lempo or rhyLhm. Choreography of humans and roboLs wlll be scored separaLely, eLc)
ConsLrucLlon (l.e., roboLs should be of sound consLrucLlon, componenLs should noL fall off ,
approprlaLe use of gearlng, smooLh and rellable operaLlon, lnLeresLlng movemenLs, effecLlve use
of mechanlcs Lo achleve a purpose, eLc.)
LnLerLalnmenL value (l.e., Pow much does Lhe performance enLerLaln or dellghL Lhe audlence?
CrlglnallLy and creaLlvlLy of Lhe presenLaLlon, eLc.)
CosLume (CosLume of humans and roboLs wlll be scored separaLely.)
CooperaLlon beLween Leams

uance sLage wlll be a flaL area. Cfflclal 8obocup!unlor sLage slze ls 6x4 m.

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Danc|ng kobot Samp|e kubr|c
LxLra CredlL A 8 C l
rogrammlng rogram uses
lncludlng blocks
from Lhe compleLe
paleLLe, flow blocks,
rogram ls
sLralghLforward and
efflclenL, uslng loops
and parallel
sequences as
necessary. rogram
dlrecLs aLLached
ouLpuL devlces Lo
rogram ls
sLralghLforward and
easy Lo undersLand.
rogram ls lnefflclenL
and could use
consLrucLs such as
rogram ls poorly
wrlLLen or dlfflculL Lo
undersLand. rogram
has unused parLs or
does noL correcLly
conLrol roboL.
rogram does
noL work.
Choreography uance has aL leasL
10 dlfferenL dance
moves. uance
maLched muslc
preclsely. 8oboL
changed acLlons as
muslc changed
Lempo or rhyLhm
uance has aL leasL 6
dlfferenL dance
moves. uance ls
varled and
enLerLalnlng. uance ls
choreographed Lo
maLch muslc
uance has aL leasL 4
dlfferenL dance
moves. uance ls
repeLlLlve. uance
lasLed for 43-60
seconds or 120-130
uance has 3 dlfferenL
dance moves. uance
lasLed for 30-43
seconds or 130-210
seconds. uance dld
noL maLch muslc.
8oboL dld noL
move or dld noL
appear Lo
ConsLrucLlon 8oboL consLrucLed
uslng advanced
gearlng or oLher
Lechnlques. 8oboL
8oboL ls of sound
consLrucLlon: noLhlng
falls off, roboL works
as lnLended.
Mechanlcs used well
Lo achleve dance
moves deslred.
8oboL dances as
lnLended, buL some
exLraneous parLs fall
8oboL does noL work
as lnLended, buL does
move. 8oboL falls
aparL. very slmple
consLrucLlon -
mechanlcs noL used
8oboL falls aparL
or does noL
move aL all.
appears careless
or haphazard.
resenLaLlon ls
unusually creaLlve.
Pumans dance wlLh
roboL. CosLume,
props, eLc enhance
Audlence ls
enLerLalned by roboL,
presenLaLlon, eLc.
8oboL runs correcLly
Lhe flrsL Llme.
resenLaLlon ls noL
smooLh: roboL musL
be resLarLed.
roblems occur buL
roboL does evenLually
run mosLly correcLly.
8oboL does noL
CooperaLlon SLudenL(s) helped
oLher groups
SLudenL worked well
wlLh group. SLudenL
parLlclpaLed acLlvely
ln all parLs of pro[ecL.
SLudenL worked
somewhaL well wlLh
group. SLudenL
parLlclpaLed ln mosL
parLs of pro[ecL.
SLudenL had Lrouble
worklng wlLh group.
SLudenL parLlclpaLed
ln few parLs of
SLudenL dld noL
parLlclpaLe ln
pro[ecL. SLudenL
oLhers' work.
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kobot ro[ect kef|ect|on
lor each member of your group, evaluaLe Lhelr performance as a Leam member:
name: Clrcle one word Lo descrlbe hls/her performance

___________________________ LxcellenL Cood Average oor


___________________________ LxcellenL Cood Average oor


__________________________ LxcellenL Cood Average oor


WhaL was your favorlLe Lhlng abouL Lhls pro[ecL?




lf you could do Lhls pro[ecL over, whaL would you do dlfferenLly?




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Instruct|ona| Days: 19-23
1op|c Descr|pt|on: 8ulld, program and presenL a rescue roboL.
SLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
8ulld and program a roboL LhaL uses lnpuL and ouLpuL devlces Lo counL slmulaLed people by
followlng a black llne and counLlng people" on Lhe paLh.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
LxplanaLlon of pro[ecL guldellnes and floor (13 mlnuLes)
ueslgn, bulld, program roboL (193 mlnuLes)
8escue 8oboL challenge (30 mlnuLes)
8eflecLlon and clean up (13 mlnuLes)
Student Act|v|t|es:
8ralnsLorm how Lo bulld and program Lhe roboL.
8ulld Lhe roboL.
WrlLe a program ln 8oboL LducaLor sofLware.
1esL Lhe roboL frequenLly and reflne program and hardware.
arLlclpaLe ln rescue challenge.
CompleLe pro[ecL reflecLlon. 1ake roboLs aparL and puL maLerlals away.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
Pand ouL requlremenLs and rubrlc. Lxplaln guldellnes and answer quesLlons. Show sLudenLs Lhe
arena wlLh Lhe vlcLlms lald ouL. Lxplaln LhaL Lhey musL use sensors so LhaL Lhe roboL wlll follow
Lhe black llne and wlll sense when lL has encounLered a vlcLlm or a gap.
ClrculaLe Lhe room and make sure sLudenLs are on Lask, answer quesLlons as needed.
uurlng Lhe rescue challenge, asslgn one sLudenL as Llmekeeper and one Lo keep Lrack of vlcLlms
found. CollecL each group's program as Lhey compeLe and lmmedlaLely assess Lhe roboL uslng
Lhe rubrlc, whlle Lhe nexL group geLs seL up.
AL Lhe end of Lhe challenge, have each sLudenL compleLe Lhe pro[ecL reflecLlon and submlL lL,
Lhen clean up Lhe roboLs.
8escue 8oboL AcLlvlLy
8escue 8oboL Sample 8ubrlc
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ro[ecL 8eflecLlon
Cfflclal 8oboCup !r 8escue CompeLlLlon 8ules (2008): hLLp://rc[
lnsLrucLlons for bulldlng modules are avallable aL
hLLp://rc[[2010/rescue_suggesLedbulldlnglnsLrucLlons.pdf .
AlLernaLlvely use whlLe buLcher paper on Lhe floor wlLh black elecLrlcal Lape as a paLh. use green
elecLrlcal Lape Lo lndlcaLe vlcLlms.

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kescue kobot Act|v|ty
1he rescue roboL asslgnmenL ls based on Lhe second level of 8oboCup!unlor, an lnLernaLlonal
compeLlLlon. More lnformaLlon abouL 8oboCup!unlor ls avallable aL hLLp://rc[ 1hls roboL
slmulaLes roboLs senL Lo rescue people durlng naLural dlsasLers. lL musL flnd vlcLlms" along Lhe paLh
Lhrough each room" and avold obsLacles. 1he goal ls Lo program a roboL LhaL uses sensors Lo respond
Lo dlfferenL sLlmull.
8ulld a roboL LhaL follows a black llne on a whlLe background, counLs green or meLalllc people" and
avolds obsLacles.
1he roboL musL follow Lhe black llne and aLLempL Lo compleLe Lhe course Lhrough Lhe enLlre
arena. 1he roboL wlll begln aL Lhe sLarLlng locaLlon ln Lhe doorway of Lhe flrsL room".
1he roboL should sLop and flash a llghL for aL leasL Lwo seconds Lo lndlcaLe lL has found a vlcLlm.
lor exLra credlL, counL Lhe number of vlcLlms and dlsplay Lhe counL.
1he roboL should be able Lo avold lLems of debrls blocklng Lhe black llne.
lf a roboL has been sLuck or losL Lhe black llne for more Lhan 20 seconds, Lhe Leacher may plck lL
up and puL lL back onLo Lhe black llne a llLLle beyond where lL ran lnLo problems. 1he 20-second
rule allows lL Lo Lry Lo flnd lLs way back Lo Lhe llne wlLhouL lnLervenLlon. A Leam may declde Lo
qulL lf Lhe roboL ls faulLy or repeaLedly loses Lhe llne.
8oboLs musL be conLrolled auLonomously excepL for belng sLarLed by a member of Lhe Leam.
1he roboL wlll have 10 mlnuLes Lo compleLe Lhe course and ldenLlfy all vlcLlms.
Lach Leam musL prlnL ouL lLs program and hand lL ln aL Lhe same Llme LhaL Lhey compeLe.
lalr play ls an lmporLanL parL of Lhe 8oboCup challenge. 1eams are expecLed Lo help oLher
Leams as needed and noL dellberaLely lnLerfere wlLh or damage oLher Leams' work. All sLudenLs
are expecLed Lo respecLfully waLch all oLher Leams compeLe.

6. 8ralnsLorm ldeas abouL how your roboL should work: whaL sensors wlll you need? WhaL moLors
and llghLs? WhaL programmlng consLrucLs wlll you need?
7. SLarL bulldlng your roboL.
8. 8ulld a program LhaL conLrols Lhe roboL
9. 1esL frequenLly and revlse Lhe program. Make sure lL correcLly deLecLs vlcLlms and LhaL lL can
follow Lhe llne. Check lf lL can navlgaLe gaps.

?ou wlll have Lhree and a half class perlods Lo bulld and program Lhe roboL, Lhen you wlll presenL lL ln
Cfflclal 8ules avallable hLLp://rc[
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Cff|c|a| koboCupIun|or kescue Cha||enge
S.1. V|ct|ms:
3.1.1. 1en (10) polnLs are awarded for each vlcLlm locaLed by Lhe roboL. 1he roboL lndlcaLes LhaL lL has
found a vlcLlm by sLopplng and flashlng a lamp for aL leasL Lwo (2) seconds.
3.1.2. LxLra polnLs are nC1 awarded for Lhe same vlcLlm belng locaLed more Lhan once.
S.2. Gaps |n the b|ack ||ne:
3.2.1. 1en (10) polnLs are awarded for each gap ln Lhe black llne LhaL Lhe roboL successfully negoLlaLes
(l.e. recovers Lhe llne on Lhe far slde of Lhe gap).
S.3. Debr|s b|ock|ng the b|ack ||ne:
3.3.1. 1en (10) polnLs are awarded for each lLem of debrls blocklng Lhe black llne LhaL Lhe roboL
successfully avolds (l.e. moves around Lhe debrls and recovers Lhe llne).
S.4. kooms:
3.4.1. 1en (10) polnLs are awarded for each room LhaL Lhe roboL navlgaLes successfully (l.e. enLers
Lhrough one doorway and exlLs Lhrough Lhe oLher doorway).
S.S. kamp:
3.3.1. 1hlrLy (30) polnLs are awarded for Lhe roboL successfully negoLlaLlng a ramp wlLhouL any
S.6. ena|t|es:
3.6.1. 1wo (2) polnLs are deducLed for each false vlcLlm ldenLlflcaLlon (l.e. whenever a roboL lndlcaLes
LhaL lL has found a vlcLlm aL a locaLlon where Lhere lsn'L one).
3.6.2. llve (3) polnLs are deducLed for each lack of progress (l.e. whenever human lnLervenLlon ls
requlred Lo enable a roboL Lo resume progress along Lhe black llne).
Cfflclal 8ules avallable
hLLp://rc[[2008/chlna-rescue-rules-page.pdf (noLe: 1hls references Lhe 8oboCup!unlor
2008 8escue rules. 1he commlLLee members were Ashley Creen, Maverlck Luk, Lll kolberg and 8lll
lrelLas. ?ou may wlsh Lo work wlLh Lhe mosL up Lo daLe verslon.)
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kescue kobot kubr|c
LxLra CredlL A 8 C l
vlcLlms lound vlcLlms are
counLed and
counL ls dlsplayed
All vlcLlms correcLly
MosL vlcLlms
Some vlcLlms
no vlcLlms
Caps All gaps navlgaLed
MosL gaps
Some gaps
no gaps navlgaLed
uebrls 8oboL avolded all
8oboL avolded
mosL debrls
8oboL avolded
some debrls
8oboL unable Lo
avold debrls
8ooms 8oboL enLered all
rooms Lhrough one
door and exlLed
Lhrough Lhe oLher
8oboL enLered
mosL rooms
Lhrough one door
and exlLed
Lhrough Lhe oLher
8oboL enLered
one room and
was unable Lo exlL
8oboL dld noL
enLer Lhe flrsL
ConsLrucLlon 8oboL
consLrucLed uslng
advanced gearlng
or oLher advanced
Lechnlques. 8oboL
8oboL ls of sound
noLhlng falls off,
roboL works as
arLs of roboL fall
very slmple
consLrucLlon -
mechanlcs noL
used well.
8oboL does noL
work as lnLended,
buL does move.
8oboL falls aparL.
8oboL ls unable Lo
navlgaLe due Lo
8oboL falls aparL
or does noL move
aL all.
appears careless
or haphazard.
rogrammlng rogram uses
lncludlng blocks
from Lhe
compleLe paleLLe,
flow blocks, eLc.
rogram ls
sLralghLforward and
efflclenL, uslng
loops and parallel
sequences as
necessary. rogram
uses sensors and
sLrong loglc Lo
navlgaLe challenges
and flnd vlcLlms.
rogram ls
and easy Lo
rogram uses
lnefflclenL loglc Lo
challenges and
flnd vlcLlms.
rogram ls poorly
wrlLLen or dlfflculL
Lo undersLand.
rogram has
unused parLs or
does noL correcLly
conLrol roboL.
rogram does noL
correcLly use
sensors Lo conLrol
rogram does noL
CooperaLlon SLudenL(s) helped
oLher groups.
Managed own
role & helped
group members.
SLudenL worked
well wlLh group.
acLlvely ln all parLs
of pro[ecL.
SLudenL worked
somewhaL well
wlLh group.
parLlclpaLed ln
mosL parLs of
SLudenL had
Lrouble worklng
wlLh group.
parLlclpaLed ln
few parLs of
SLudenL dld noL
parLlclpaLe ln
pro[ecL. SLudenL
saboLaged oLhers'
work. Made lL
dlfflculL for group
Lo work.

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Instruct|ona| Days: 24-33
1op|c Descr|pt|on: CompleLe ueslgn Challenge flnal pro[ecL.
SLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
ueslgn, bulld, and program a roboL LhaL solves a sLaLed problem.
Cut||ne of the Lesson:
LxplanaLlon of pro[ecL guldellnes (13 mlnuLes)
ulsLrlbuLlon of challenges (10 mlnuLes)
ueslgn, bulld, and program roboL (~7.3 class perlods)
ueslgn challenge gallery walk and dlscusslon (1 class perlod)
Clean up (1 class perlod)
Student Act|v|t|es:
ln groups, deLermlne who wlll compleLe each of Lhe four roles.
use Lhe plannlng documenL Lo plan Lhe roboL.
ueslgn, bulld, program, and reflne a roboL whlch meeLs Lhe challenge.
SeL up Lhelr roboL and parLlclpaLe ln a gallery walk.
ulsassemble Lhe roboLs and carefully organlze all Lhe roboLlcs equlpmenL.
1each|ng]Learn|ng Strateg|es:
Pand ouL requlremenLs, plannlng documenL, and rubrlc. Lxplaln guldellnes and answer
Pand ouL challenges. Allow sLudenLs Lo Lrade challenges as necessary. ?ou may choose Lo have
each group worklng on a dlfferenL challenge or have Lhem overlap.
Approve plannlng documenLs as sLudenLs flnlsh plan and prepare Lo bulld and program roboL.
ClrculaLe and make sure sLudenLs are on Lask, answer quesLlons as needed. AL Lhe end of each
day, remlnd lnformaLlon speclallsLs Lo flll ouL paperwork and remlnd groups Lo clean up Lhe
space. CpLlonally, have sLudenLs flll ouL Lhe dally group evaluaLlon.
uurlng Lhe deslgn challenge, flll ouL each rubrlc as you observe Lhe roboL. lf posslble, vldeoLape
(or have a volunLeer vldeoLape) Lhe runnlng of each roboL. ulscuss Lhe feaLures of Lhe varlous
roboLs and deslgns.
Cn Lhe flnal day of Lhe unlL have sLudenLs dlsassemble Lhe roboLs and organlze Lhe equlpmenL.
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ueslgn Challenge Sample 8ubrlc
lnformaLlon SpeclallsL 8eporL
ually Croup LvaluaLlon
o CpLlon 1: Challenges from ueslgn Challenges for compuLer-conLrolled LLCC producLs by
Len LlLowlLz. (LlLowlLz-challenges.doc) Some of Lhese challenges are more approprlaLe
Lhan oLhers.
o CpLlon 2: Cary SLager's LLCC Challenges avallable from
hLLp:// (sLager-challenges.pdf) noL all of Lhese
challenges are approprlaLe.
o CpLlon 3: WebquesL

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I|na| ro[ect
Des|gn Cha||enge |ann|ng
ueLermlne Lhe purpose of your challenge-WhaL are we supposed Lo do?

CrlLerla-llsL Lhe speclflcaLlons Lhe roboL needs Lo meeL






S1L #2 1ASk 8kLAk-DCWN
LlsL Lhe sLeps Lhe roboL wlll need Lo go Lhrough Lo accompllsh Lhe Lask.



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LlsL some posslble soluLlons Lo Lhe challenge.




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use scraLch paper Lo skeLch ldeas for Lhe roboL, and Lhen choose Lhe besL" deslgn ldea and lllusLraLe lL
nLA1L? below. lnclude any labels or explanaLlons necessary Lo make your deslgn undersLandable.

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xplotloq compotet 5cleoce-uolt 6. kobotlcs 303

CuLllne Lhe programmlng sLeps for your roboL Lo accompllsh Lhe Lask. 1hls can be ln Lhe form of a charL
or graph.

S1C!!! - GL1 1LACnLk AkCVAL 8LICkL MCVING CN: _____________________

8ulld Lhe roboL and program lL accordlng Lo your plan!
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Des|gn Cha||enge kubr|c
LxLra CredlL A 8 C l
MeeLs crlLerla and
one or more
super challenge
SoluLlon clearly
solves Lhe
problem buL noL
super challenges.
SoluLlon solves
lneleganLly or
SoluLlon does noL
compleLely solve
no reasonable
aLLempL made Lo
solve problem.
rogrammlng rogram uses
lncludlng 8oolean
loglc, CompleLe
paleLLe blocks,
eLc. rogram
creaLlvlLy or
unlque way of
solvlng problem
rogram ls
and efflclenL, and
uses approprlaLe
rogram has a
algorlLhm for
solvlng problem
and uses good
rogram ls
and easy Lo
rogram ls
rogram has a
algorlLhm for
solvlng problem.
rogram ls poorly
wrlLLen or dlfflculL
Lo undersLand.
rogram has
unused parLs or
does noL correcLly
conLrol roboL.
AlgorlLhm ls
rogram does noL
work. rogram
does noL solve
ConsLrucLlon 8oboL consLrucLed
uslng advanced
gearlng or oLher
Lechnlques. 8oboL
8oboL ls of sound
noLhlng falls off,
roboL works as
Mechanlcs used
well Lo achleve
deslred ouLcome.
8oboL can solve
8oboL works as
lnLended, buL
some exLraneous
parLs fall off.
ModeraLe degree
of repeaLablllLy:
roboL wlll run
agaln buL musL be
ad[usLed or flxed.
8oboL does noL
work as lnLended,
buL does move.
8oboL falls aparL.
very slmple
consLrucLlon -
mechanlcs noL
used well. 8oboL
cannoL run
8oboL falls aparL
or does noL move
aL all. ConsLrucLlon
appears careless
or haphazard.
uocumenLaLlon uocumenLaLlon
goes beyond
Ample and
kepL conslsLenLly
and Lhoroughly.
kepL conslsLenLly
buL noL as
Lhorough as lL
could be.
lnconslsLenLly and
mlsslng parLs.
LlLLle or no
CooperaLlon SLudenL(s) helped
oLher groups
SLudenL worked
well wlLh group.
acLlvely ln all parLs
of pro[ecL.
SLudenL worked
somewhaL well
wlLh group.
parLlclpaLed ln
mosL parLs of
SLudenL had
Lrouble worklng
wlLh group.
parLlclpaLed ln
few parLs of
SLudenL dld noL
parLlclpaLe ln
pro[ecL. SLudenL
saboLaged oLhers'

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Da||y Group Lva|uat|on uaLe: __________________

LlsL each member of your group (lncludlng yourself) and assess each area wlLh:
3 = sLrongly agree (s/he was very good aL Lhls)
2 = agree (abouL rlghL)
1 = dlsagree (Lhls was a problem)
Nome llsteoeJ tespectfolly to
qtoop membets
wos focoseJ
ooJ oo-tosk
ulJ bls/bet
sbote of wotk


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lnformat|on Spec|a||st keport
?ou are responslble for reporLlng Lhe sLaLus of Lhe pro[ecL Lo Lhe 1eam Manager every day. Pow has Lhe Leam
progressed? Address Lhe followlng quesLlons:
1. WhaL dld your Leam accompllsh Loday?
2. WhaL problems dld Lhe Leam flnd Loday?
3. WhaL soluLlons dld Lhe Leam Lry?
4. CLher commenLs?

names: _______________________________________________________

1asks keport
er 1

CeL Challenge
8egln bralnsLormlng & ueslgnlng

er 2

llnlsh ueslgn & geL approval
8egln bulldlng LesL parLs-Lry
dlfferenL ldeas

er 3

llnlsh bulldlng LesL parLs & begln
assembllng roboL from
successfully LesLed parLs

er 4 ConLlnue assembllng roboL from
CreaLe program for roboL

er 3 ConLlnue bulldlng &
programmlng roboL-LesL

er 6

ConLlnue Lo reflne roboL-LesL
regularly wlLh Lhe program

er 7

llnlsh reflnlng roboL-make sure
lL compleLes challenge!

er 8

llnlsh or enhance roboL
er 9

ueslgn Challenge: Show off

er 10

Clean up: 1ake aparL roboL,
reLurn maLerlals Lo orlglnal sLaLe

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