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67 King Edwards Road, Ascot

Berkshire, SL5 8NY
Mobile Number : +447799685775


A dedicated and motivated graduate who has achieved a Masters Degree in Engineering
Mathematics. Adaptable to many situations, both professional and personal, and can mix
easily with all types of people. Accommodating, patient and a good listener, and have a
natural tendency to help others, especially in a team situation. A logical thinker, and good at
pointing out flaws in plans and working to rectify them. Always willing to take part in new
opportunities and develop a diverse skills set.


University of Bristol
MEng (Hons) 2:1 (Upper) - Engineering Mathematics with Study Abroad
September 2010 - June 2014
Completed several MATLAB modelling projects such as modelling the dynamics of a
protein inside a bacterial cell, a network model of the London Underground to test
attack robustness, a large scale truck delivery optimisation problem using machine
learning, handwritten character recognition and the blowback of lime particles when
admixture travels down a chute.
Skills in C and C++ programming, including 3D graphical projection and the
construction of some simple games with analysis of the prisoners dilemma.
Studied applications of many areas of mechanical engineering and computer science.
Studied statistical pattern analysis, dynamics of networks, control theory, learning in
autonomous systems, optimisation theory and continuum mechanics.
Displayed innovative ideas and developed leadership skills as part of a team
entrepreneurial assignment in which a business plan was formulated.
Adapted skills to model a variety of situations outside my comfort zone, including
final year technical project: Protein Mobility in Bacterial Cells. Required to undertake
extensive research on the biological processes, and then work on translating them
into a mathematical model with a high degree of complexity under the guidance of a
supervisor. Website created using HTML/CSS as part of the submission.

Study Abroad - Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)
Integrated into a new society, overcoming the issues faced when first living abroad.
Gained communication skills with non-native English speakers while developing a
large and diverse social group in which many friends for life were made.
Intrigued by other cultures and developed a thirst to become increasingly globally

Studied beginners Hungarian for the duration of time spent abroad in an effort to
acclimatise further and increase confidence in foreign language communication.

Burnham Grammar School, Buckinghamshire
A Level September 2008 - July 2010
Media Studies: A
Maths: A*
Further Maths: B
GCSE September 2003 July 2008
9 and a half GCSEs Including A* in Maths, A in English (double award), A in Science
(double award), A in French and A in Physical Education.


Food Service Assistant - August 2013 December 2013
Employer Windsor Racecourse
Succeeded in organising tasks of varying levels of urgency.
Integrated quickly as part of the team and was hospitable to guests of the restaurant.

Leisure Safety Officer (LSO) - October 2009 August 2010
Employer Slough Community Leisure
Co-operated with other lifeguards to ensure the safety of swimmers.
Had a high level of responsibility and learnt to stay focused in key situations.


Target Jobs National Student Challenge Finalist 2013
Placed 47
on the challenge out of 4332 students from many different universities.
Attended final at The Crystal in London which consisted of six challenges set by
event sponsors. Each challenge was designed to display different skills in
professional situations.
Allowed recognition of strengths and weaknesses and what could be done to improve.
Thrived in the competitive environment from experiences outside of my comfort zone.


Played for the engineering society rugby team while at Bristol. Enjoyed a role as part
of the committee during 2
year. Tasks included recruiting new players at the
freshers fair, aiding the organisation of acquiring kit and leading certain areas in
training sessions.
Learning web development and Java programming in my free time.
Self-taught piano player.
Enjoy travelling and living abroad and would be open to opportunities to do so again.

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