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Theories of motivation text simple present tense

That seemsto say it.but before we go any further.lets stop and think for a moment
Psycologists vary in their definitions of motivation,but almost all the definitions
embody Two components,energy and direction so motivation includes the operations
that energyzeBehavior toward some goal.for example,the motivation behind any
theory of motivation is the Operation of describing and explaining why people,including
students,behave in certain waysPersist in those waysand change their ways.

2. difficult words seems, embody, Behavior toward,

2. instructions

Bahwa tampak untuk mengatakan itu,tetapi sebelum kita pergi lebih jauh mari kita berhenti dan
berpikir sejenak.variasi Psycologists dalam definisi motivasi mereka, tapi hampir semua definisi
mewujudkan Dua komponen, energi dan arah sehingga motivasi meliputi operasi yang memberi
energy Perilaku terhadap beberapa tujuan untuk contoh motivasi di balik teori motivasi adalah
operasi menggambarkan dan menjelaskan mengapa orang yag termasuk siswa berperilaku
dengan cara tertentu Bertahan dalam cara mereka dan mengubah dengan cara mereka.

Questions 1: who is characteristics of the text above?
Answer : the characteristics is people and students
Questions 2: what is two components produced by the motivation definition?
Answer : the components is energy and direction so motivation includes the operations
that energyze.
Questions 3: what is the title of the text above?
Answer : the title is Theories of motivation
Questions 4 : what is the purpose of the text above?
Answer : the purpose is students to behave in certain ways Persist in those ways
and change their ways.
Questions 5 : what is discussed of the text above?
Answer : the discussed is about Psycologists vary
Questions 6 : what is action people do in the text above?
Answer: the action students is behave in certain ways Persist in those ways and change
their ways.
Questions 7 : What is type of text above?
Answer : the type is simple present tense.

Questions 8 : example,the motivation in the text above?
Answer : for example is the motivation behind any theory of motivation is the
Operation of describing and explaining why people,including students,behave
in certain ways
Questions 9 : what is the relationship between two components of the energy and direction?
Answer : the relationship is the operations that energyze Behavior toward some goal
Questions 10 : What is writer step to people on the motivation theory?
Answer : the writer step to invite a people before go any further .lets stop and think
for a moment Psycologists vary in their definitions of motivation


Di Susun Oleh:
Nama: Ida Ayu Utami Wulan Sari
Prodi: PGSD Paralel.A

Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Universitas Lampung Tahun Ajaran

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