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Terms and Conditions

The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the
creation o this report! not"ithstandin# the act that he does not "arrant or
represent at an$ time that the contents "ithin are accurate due to the
rapidl$ chan#in# nature o the Internet%
&hile all attempts have been made to veri$ inormation provided in this
publication! the Publisher assumes no responsibilit$ or errors! omissions!
or contrar$ interpretation o the sub'ect matter herein% An$ perceived
sli#hts o speciic persons! peoples! or or#ani(ations are unintentional%
In practical advice boo)s! li)e an$thin# else in lie! there are no #uarantees
o income made% *eaders are cautioned to repl$ on their o"n 'ud#ment
about their individual circumstances to act accordin#l$%
This boo) is not intended or use as a source o le#al! business! accountin#
or inancial advice% All readers are advised to see) services o competent
proessionals in le#al! business! accountin# and inance ields%
+ou are encoura#ed to print this boo) or eas$ readin#%
Table o Contents
Chapter , - &h$ .aceboo)/
0 .aceboo) Is 1iral
0 Tappin# Into The Global 2ar)et
0 *eachin# Their Tar#et Audience 3irectl$
0 .indin# 2ore Inormation About Their Tar#et Audience
0 3rivin# Traic To Their &ebsite
Chapter 4 - The .an Pa#e Cra(e
0 Ever$one 5as A .an Pa#e6
0 The Po"er O 7Li)e8
0 5o" To Create An Irresistible .an pa#e
0 &hat To Publish On +our .aceboo) .an pa#e
Chapter 9 - .aceboo) Advertisin#
0 5o" To :etup .aceboo) Ads
0 Tar#et +our Advertisement
0 Create .aceboo) Compliant Ads
0 Trac)in# The Pro#ress O +our .aceboo) Ad Campai#n
0 &hen Is The ;est Time To Post Ads On .aceboo)/
0 :ettin# the 2a<imum ;id
0 CPC vs% CP2= &hich is ;etter/
Chapter > - Go .urther &ith .aceboo) Connect
0 Add The 7Li)e8 ;utton To +our :ite
0 Ensure That The 7Li)e8 ;utton Also Enables Comments
0 5i#her CT* .or 7Li)e8 ;utton &ith Photos
0 Put The 7Li)e8 ;utton At The *i#ht Location
0 Addin# Activit$ .eed To +our :ite
0 Allo"in# 2embers To Lo# In To +our :ite &ith .aceboo)
Chapter ? - Other .aceboo) 2ar)etin# :trate#ies
0 Create .aceboo) Groups
0 5ostin# .aceboo) Events
0 .aceboo) 2ar)etplace
0 .aceboo) Apps
0 .aceboo) Contest
0 Conclusion
Chapter ,
&h$ .aceboo)/
Ima#e= .ree3i#italPhotos%net
7&h$ should I mar)et on .aceboo)/8 This @uestion is oten as)ed b$ online
mar)eters "ho are unconvinced or undecided about the proitabilit$ o this
social net"or)in# "ebsite as a mar)etin# tool% 7Ater all!8 the$ sa$!
7.aceboo) is nothin# more than 'ust a "ebsite "here amil$ and old riends
can reAconnect! ri#ht/8 This )ind o thin)in# is not onl$ dan#erous! it can
be costl$ as "ell! especiall$ considerin# 'ust ho" much po"er .aceboo)
"ields in the consumerist "orld toda$%
In the past $ears! .aceboo) has @uic)l$ #ro"n rom bein# a social
net"or)in# "ebsite or colle#e students in the Bnited :tates to bein# the
most popular site! surpassin# even Goo#le in terms o visitor hits% In act!
people users spend a total o C billion minutes on this "ebsite on a dail$
basis! "hich is t"ice as much time that the$ spend usin# the search en#ine%
Toda$! there are over ?DD million users on the "ebsite! comprisin# a lar#e
chun) o the population that is read$ and "illin# to pa$ or an$ #oods and
services the$ perceive to be "orth the price% In act! more than hal o the
people "ho do online shoppin# actuall$ have .aceboo) accounts% .ar rom
slo"in# do"n! this number is pro'ected to rise even more in the comin#
$ears! especiall$ i the developers o the social net"or)in# "ebsite continue
to ma)e innovations to the "ebsite that "ill ma)e people )eep comin# bac)
or more% Li)e it or not! .aceboo) is no" here to sta$%
The act that a lar#e percenta#e o their tar#et audience is no" on .aceboo)
has not been lost on online mar)eters% *eco#ni(in# the potential o this
"ebsite to boost their sales! a lot o mar)eters are no" usin# this "ebsite
not onl$ to drive traic to their "ebsite! but also to increase brand
a"areness% This is because .aceboo) allo"s them to do the ollo"in#%
.aceboo) Is 1iral
1iruses arenFt all that un in real lie! but the stor$ is dierent "hen it
comes to the Internet% &hat ma)es usin# .aceboo) as a launchin# pad or
mar)etin# campai#ns so eective is that it ma)es it easier or the stories
and the ads to #o viral! since the "ebsite ma)es it so much easier or people
to share inormation "ith the other individuals in their net"or)% &ith
literall$ 'ust one clic) o a button! one person can send the ne"s article
$ouFve penned about $our product to thousands o people "ith little "aitin#
time! and these individuals can in turn send that stor$ to those in their
net"or)% .aceboo) essentiall$ puts a dierent t"ist to "ordAoAmouth
Tappin# Into the Global 2ar)et
&ith .aceboo)! $ou "ill not onl$ be able to reach the people in a small
nei#hborhood! but also to individuals rom all over the "orld% .aceboo) is
#lobal! "hich means that usin# this as a mar)etin# tool can actuall$ lead to
a lot o sales! because $ou "ill be tal)in# to a #lobal mar)et instead o 'ust
to a tin$ chun) o the population%
*eachin# Their Tar#et Audience 3irectl$
No matter ho" appealin# $our ads on billboards! T1 and radio spots! or
ma#a(ines and ne"spapers ma$ be these ma$ not actuall$ clic) "ith $our
audience! or the simple reason that these are impersonal% The person
model on the billboard "onFt be able to pr$ himsel or hersel rom the
advertisin# space to tal) "ith people about 'ust ho" appealin# the product
he or she is sellin# is Gima#ine the mass panic that "ill ensue i this is
actuall$ possible6H .aceboo) actuall$ allo"s companies and mar)eters to
have direct communication "ith their tar#et mar)et% This in turn builds the
audienceFs interest in "hat mar)eters and companies "ill sa$ "hich can
then lead on to more sales% :impl$ put! the interaction bet"een compan$
and consumer throu#h .aceboo) can potentiall$ boost $our sales! because
it ma)es people more a"are about "hat the seller and its products are all
.indin# 2ore Inormation about Their Tar#et Audience
&hat ma)es a lot o ad campai#ns unsuccessul is the act that these are not
desi#ned to appeal to the demo#raphics that is bein# tar#eted% Not onl$
does .aceboo) allo" them to reach their tar#et mar)et! it actuall$ provides
them "ith inormation the$ need about their audience in the irst place%
.aceboo) actuall$ contains vital inormation about members o dierent
demo#raphics that $ou can use in mar)etin#% ;ecause $ou have more
inormation about $our tar#et audience! $ou "ill be able to come up "ith
more eective ad campai#ns that "ill dra" their interest%
3rivin# Traic to Their &ebsite
A lot o online mar)eters donFt use .aceboo) or its o"n sa)e% Instead! the$
use this social mar)etin# "ebsite as a tool to brin# traic to their o"n
"ebsites! "hich in turn can result in hi#her revenue%
Chapter 4
The .an Pa#e
Ima#e= .ree3i#italPhotos%net
Ever$one 5as A .an Pa#e6
&hen it comes to online mar)etin# throu#h .aceboo)! havin# $our o"n
proile pa#e isnFt enou#h i $ou "ant to be successul in sellin# the products
and services that $ouFre oerin#% Instead o creatin# a proile pa#e that has
a lot o limitations! opt instead or a an pa#e%
A lot o people on .aceboo) have created their o"n an pa#es ever since
Pa#es "as launched b$ the "ebsite developers in November 4DDI% Just
about ever$one! rom businesses to celebrities to even the avera#e Joe has
created their o"n an pa#es in order to interact more "ith people% ItFs
actuall$ eas$ to see "h$! considerin# that these an pa#es oer the ollo"in#
0 The possibilit$ o #oin# viral% One reason "h$ .aceboo) allo"s $ou to
#et a lot o milea#e throu#h viral mar)etin# is because o an pa#es% A
person "ho 7Li)es8 a an pa#e "ill automaticall$ ma)e all o the
people in his or her net"or) )no" that he or she has become a an o
a certain pa#e! "hich can then entice them to chec) such pa#e out!
"hich can lead to them becomin# ollo"ers o the pa#e themselves%
There is no limit to the number o ans a an pa#e can #et Gas opposed
to a personal proile pa#eH! "hich means $ou can literall$ have
millions o people ollo"in# $ou%
0 Eas$ "a$ o sharin# inormation% The an pa#e allo"s $ou to send
inormation to literall$ thousands o people "ith 'ust a clic) o a
button% +ou can #ive them inormation about ne" products! special
events! and other such inormation to ma)e $our brand more
appealin# to $our audience%
0 Provides a ield "here the compan$ and the consumers can interact%
As mar)etin# e<perts )no"! the )e$ to #ettin# people to purchase a
product is not onl$ to ma)e them see 'ust ho" it can help them and
ma)e their lives better! but also to build a relationship "ith $our
audience so the$ "ill )no" that $ou as the manuacturer or a
mar)eter is someone "ho is trust"orth$ and reliable "ho "onFt ool
them into bu$in# duds% .aceboo) allo"s $ou to do this b$ providin#
$ou "ith an avenue to interact "ith $our audience! #ivin# both parties
the option to as) @uestions and #et ans"ers%
0 Adds le#itimac$% :adl$! there are no" a lot o shad$ companies that
attempt to sell bo#us products to tr$ to ma)e a @uic) buc)%
Than)ull$! consumers are becomin# smarter and more careul! "ith
a lot o them no" doin# research about a product and its
manuacturer beore purchasin# the said item% .aceboo) an pa#es
add le#itimac$ to $our compan$! as it can provide $our audience "ith
more inormation about "hat $our compan$ and $our products are all
about% .urthermore! the possibilit$ o seein# their ac@uaintances
actuall$ ollo"in# $our an pa#e can ma)e people more inclined to be
ollo"ers themselves! since someone the$ )no" and trust is
eectivel$ promotin# the pa#e to them%
0 Customi(abilit$% A .aceboo) an pa#e can be customi(ed to ma)e it
loo) more appealin# and stand out rom all o the other pa#es on the
social net"or)in# "ebsite%
0 CostAeective% Gettin# a an pa#e "onFt actuall$ cost $ou a cent! but it
can lead $ou to increasin# $our revenue i used correctl$%
The Po"er O 7Li)e8
The )e$ to the eectiveness o .aceboo) an pa#es is the 7Li)e8 button! "ith
the thumbsAup icon prett$ much becomin# s$non$mous "ith .aceboo)
itsel% This little button that depicts a hand in a thumbsAup position holds a
lot o po"er! simpl$ because it sho"s not onl$ the number o people "ho
are actuall$ interested in "hat $ou have posted! but also because 7Li)in#8 a
pa#e or a status automaticall$ puts it on their o"n timelines! ma)in# it
visible to those in their o"n net"or) and #ivin# them the opportunit$ to see
"hat the uss is about% This eectivel$ saves mar)eters time and eort!
since the$ donFt have to tr$ to #rab the attention o these people themselves!
as their o"n ollo"ers can actuall$ do this or them%
The brilliance o the 7Li)e8 button is that itFs actuall$ eas$ to use% +ou
literall$ 'ust clic) on that small button and thatFs it% ThereFs no need or $ou
to create $our o"n personal messa#e beore postin# this on $our o"n
.aceboo) &all% &ith a sin#le clic)! $ou can actuall$ broadcast to other
people in $our net"or) ne"s and inormation that cau#ht $our e$e%
.or companies! the 7Li)e8 button also holds certain appeal! because it
actuall$ #ives them an idea "hat their customers are loo)in# or! based on
"hat updates receive the most number o 7Li)es8% .urthermore! the 7Li)es8
on updates can also be used as a #au#e to see 'ust ho" eective $our
current mar)etin# eorts are% The more 7Li)es8 $ou #et! the more li)el$ it is
that the mar)etin# route that $ou too) appealed to $our audience%
5o"to Create an Irresistible .an pa#e
No" that $ouFve seen 'ust "hat a .aceboo) an pa#e can do or $ou! itFs no"
time to come up "ith a .an pa#e o $our o"n that "ill appeal to $our
Creatin# a an pa#e is actuall$ simple% Once $ou lo# in to $our account! head
over to the 7Pa#e 2ana#er8 application and then ill up the online orm in
order to #enerate $our o"n an pa#e% The actual creation o the an pa#e!
ho"ever! is not the issue! but ho" to ma)e a )iller one that "ill entice
people to become ollo"ers o it% :ome tips that $ou can use in order to
ma)e a an pa#e more appealin# to $our audience are=
0 Choose a #ood name or $our an pa#e% 2a)e sure that $ou name $our
an pa#e "ell% This doesnFt 'ust reer to "hat "ill appear on the
banner o the pa#e! but also to the actual B*L o the an pa#e% Choose
a name that is eas$ to remember so that $our readers "onFt have a
diicult time in rememberin# "hat the address is i the$ "ant to visit
0 :et an e$eAcatchin# landin# pa#e% The landin# pa#e "ill be the irst
thin# that visitors "ill see "hen the$ drop b$ $our an pa#e! so ma)e
sure that itFs done reall$ "ell to hoo) the attention o $our tar#et
mar)et% Ater all! humans are visual creatures! so $ou "ill "ant to set
up a desi#n that "ill surel$ dra" their interest% &hatFs #reat about the
an pa#es is that these are ull$ customi(able! allo"in# $ou to t"ea)
"ith it so that it loo)s 'ust the "a$ $ou "ant it% 2a)e sure to put a
#ood proile picture as "ell% As chees$ as it ma$ sound! a picture does
paint a thousand "ords! and it "ill also #ive visitors an idea about
"hat the pa#e is about even "ithout havin# to read throu#h mounds
o te<t%
0 2a)e $our an pa#e inormative% There is a reason "h$ an pa#es are
built "ith multiple tabs% 2a)e sure that $ou put in all o the relevant
inormation about $our business on to $our an pa#e% :ome acts
about $our compan$ that $ou can put on $our an pa#e include the
histor$ o $our business! "hat products $ouFre sellin#! and "h$ $our
tar#et audience should choose $ou instead o $our competitors%
.aceboo) users "ill read this ver$ careull$ to see "hether or not
$ouFre reliable and trust"orth$! so ma)e sure that $ou put a lot o
eort "hen "ritin# do"n the inormation that $ou "ill be postin# on
$our an pa#e%
0 Put in #reat content% Content doesnFt 'ust mean ne"s and inormation
Galthou#h those are certainl$ importantH% It also includes photos!
videos! and other such iles that "ill help $ou dra" the attention o
$our tar#et audience%
0 Bpdate it re#ularl$% 2a)e sure to post updates re#ularl$ on to $our
an pa#e Gsu##estions on "hat content to post on $our an pa#e "ill be
discussed in the ne<t sectionH%
Once $ouFve created $our an pa#e! be prepared to manuall$ invite people to
become ollo"ers o $our pa#e! at least! at the be#innin#% Ater all! no one
)no"s "ho $ou are $et! so it is important that $ou ta)e the initial steps to
reach out to $our tar#et mar)et% Loo) or people "ho belon# to the
demo#raphics that $ou "ant to tap into% The beaut$ about .aceboo) is that
it allo"s $ou to ind these people @uite easil$% :end them an invitation to
7li)e8 $our an pa#e% +ou ma$ also "ant to #et $our amil$ and riends
involved in helpin# $ou mar)et the pa#e at the be#innin# so $ou can
steadil$ build the number o ollo"ers $ou have%
&hat to Publish on +our .aceboo) .an pa#e/
As those "ho are involved in online mar)etin# )no"! content is )in#! and
this is true even on .aceboo)% A lot o people ma)e the mista)e o puttin# a
lot o eort in the desi#n o their an pa#e and then disre#ardin# content
completel$! since the$ assume that the visual eects "ill be enou#h to dra"
&hile itFs true that there are a lot o visitors "ho li)e seein# beautiul
#raphics and can be enticed to loo) at "hat $ou have to sa$ i $ou oer a
#oodAloo)in# an pa#e! the appearance o the pa#e isnFt enou#h to ma)e
them sta$% The presentation o the .aceboo) an pa#e is onl$ the icin# that
"ill ma)e $our pa#e appealin# to them% &hat "ill ultimatel$ ma)e them
sta$ is i $ou actuall$ continue to #ive them inormation that the$ are
loo)in# or! as "ell as some tidbits that "ill hold their interest% I $ou donFt
)eep $our an pa#e updated! the ollo"ers $ou have painsta)in#l$ collected
can and "ill unsubscribe rom $our pa#e! "hich means "asted eort and
the possibilit$ o $ou startin# rom scratch all over a#ain%
Given all o these! "hat t$pe o content should $ou post on $our .aceboo)
an pa#e/ O course! itFs a #iven that $ou should post content about $our
compan$ and $our products% Ater all! the reason "h$ $ouFre on .aceboo) is
to mar)et "hat $ouFre sellin#! ri#ht/ 5o"ever! $ou shouldnFt 'ust ocus on
postin# about "hat $ou have to oer% Not onl$ "ill $ou run the ris) o
runnin# out o thin#s to sa$ GthereFs onl$ so much $ou can sa$ about a
toaster! no matter ho" a"esome it ma$ beH! $ou ma$ also end up borin#
$our audience% The$ ma$ be interested in $our product! but probabl$ not so
much that the$ "ant to be bombarded "ith praises about it on a dail$ basis%
Aside rom 'ust postin# about "hat $our brand is all about! consider postin#
other thin#s as "ell% :ome su##estions $ou ma$ "ant to loo) into "hen
postin# content on $our .aceboo) an pa#e are=
0 Bse teasers% 3onFt 'ust cop$ and paste the content $ou put on $our
"ebsite on to $our .aceboo) an pa#e% Not onl$ is this redundant! it
can also mean potentiall$ losin# traic to $our o"n "ebsite% &hat $ou
can do instead is to post a teaser that "ill dra" the attention o $our
ollo"ers and then include a lin) to the pa#e on $our "ebsite that
#ives inAdepth inormation about this% 2a)e the teaser catch$% I
possible! include an e$eAcatchin# photo that "ill increase the
li)elihood o $our ollo"ers clic)in# the lin) that $ouFve posted% ItFs
also a #ood idea to use a shortened version o the actual B*L! as this
"ill help $ou avoid havin# a lon#! lon# lin) appearin# on $our update!
as "ell as to urther dis#uise "hat the actual post is about! thereb$
addin# more m$ster$ to it and #eneratin# even more interest on "hat
$ou have to sa$% There are "ebsites that allo" $ou to ma)e B*Ls
shorter or ree! so #ettin# this done shouldnFt be a problem%
0 Post creative content% Content on .aceboo) isnFt the same as "ritin#
droll! dull ne"s articles% In act! #oin# do"n the borin# route can
actuall$ mean losin# customers instead o "innin# them over% 2a)e
sure that the copies that $ou post are "ritten in a "a$ that "ill appeal
to $our audience% 3onFt be araid to use a casual tone "hen $ou "rite%
That "a$! $ou "ill be seen as more approachable b$ $our audience!
"hich can do "onders or consumer relationship% +ou can even use
humor! not onl$ because unn$ thin#s easil$ catch the e$e o people!
but also because it can ma)e $ou more li)eable%
0 Post a call to action% 3onFt 'ust post bland inormation% Invite $our
ollo"ers to ta)e action! even i the action is as simple as as)in# them
to 7Li)e8 the post $ouFve 'ust put up%
0 Post photos! videos! and sound clips alon#side the te<t% One #reat "a$
or $ou to increase the amount o interest people have in "hat $ou
have to sa$ is to add multimedia iles such as photos! video clips! and
audio clips that "ill #o "ith the te<t% This "ill ma)e $our audience
become even more intri#ued "ith "hat the te<t sa$s%
0 &rite about other relevant inormation related to $our niche! not 'ust
about "hat $our compan$ and $our products are about% A#ain! there
is onl$ so much $ou can sa$ about $our products% 3onFt be araid to
branch out and post ne"s and inormation about thin#s that are
related to $our topic% .or e<ample! i $ouFre sellin# #uitars! $ou can
post ne"s about musicians and artists% I $ouFre sellin# coo)"are!
post recipes% ;$ postin# relevant content! $ou "ill be able to retain the
attention o $our ollo"ers and )eep them interested in "hat $ou have
to sa$ to them%
0 As) @uestions% +ou can also post @uestions on $our an pa#e directed
to $our ollo"ers to #et them involved% The beaut$ about .aceboo) is
that it allo"s people to interact "ith each other! so ta)e advanta#e o
that6 As) @uestions that are meant to #enerate personal responses
rom them% .or e<ample! i $ouFre in the music industr$! $ou can as)
them to name the top ? musicians o all time or them% +ou can also
as) holida$Athemed @uestions such as 7&hatFs $our avorite
Christmas son#/8 or 7&hatFs $our avorite holida$/8 As) @uestions
that "ill #enerate interest and incite responses rom them%
0 Oer e<clusive deals% One reason "h$ a lot o people are "illin# to
ollo" .aceboo) an pa#es is because the$ )no" that there is
somethin# in it or them% In e<chan#e or havin# them ollo" $our an
pa#e! $ou can also post deals that "ill be e<clusivel$ available to
them! such as price cuts on some products that $ouFre sellin#!
reebies! and other such #oodies% +ou can even oer re"ards to $our
lo$al ollo"ers% These oer several beneits! includin# creatin# an
ima#e o #enerosit$ to $our audience base Gresultin# in them trustin#
in $our brand even moreH! a hi#her chance o #oin# viral as $our
ollo"ers "ill "ant to share these #reat deals "ith the people in their
net"or)! and an increased number o sales! since the discounts "ill
ma)e $our products more aordable to bu$ers%
The important thin# about an pa#es is that $ou need to ma)e sure that $ou
constantl$ post updates% 3onFt become so involved in all o $our other
mar)etin# eorts that $ou i#nore $our an pa#eK other"ise! $ou ma$ end up
indin# $our pa#e a #host to"n "hen $ou return to it% Tr$ to post updates
dail$ or at least a e" times in a "ee)% Not updatin# can be $our bi##est
mista)e! since this can lead to $our ollo"ers losin# interest and
unsubscribin# rom $our an pa#e! "hich means all o $our eort "ill end
up "asted%
O course! $ou need to ma)e sure that $ou donFt end up spammin# in the
process% &hile itFs important that $ou )eep $our an pa#e updated! donFt
ma)e the mista)e o postin# 'ust about an$thin# that pops in $our head 'ust
to provide content to $our "ebsite% 3onFt post meanin#less #ibberish! or
$ouFll end up turnin# o a lot o ollo"ers% 2a)e sure that the content $ou
post are inormative! stimulatin#! and "ill leave $our ollo"ers as)in# or
more% Also! donFt or#et to respond to an$ messa#es thro"n $our "a$ b$
$our ollo"ers% +ou can even drop b$ and leave them messa#es on their
"alls rom time to time to let them )no" that $ouFre still around% That "a$!
$ou "ill be able to establish $our presence "ith them so $ou "ill become
relevant to these individuals% Thin) o all o these eorts as $ou buildin# a
virtual communit$% +ou "ill "ant to do "hat $ou can in order to ma)e the
communit$ rich and interactive%
Chapter 9
Ima#e= .ree3i#italPhotos%net
Another reason "h$ $ou should consider mar)etin# on .aceboo) is because
o .aceboo) Ads! "hich are deemed to be serious competition to Goo#le Ad
&ords Gas i trumpin# Goo#le as the most visited "ebsite isnFt enou#h6H At
this point! .aceboo) Ads have an ed#e over Goo#le Ad &ords! not onl$
because it oers more eective tar#etin# G"hich "ill be discussed later onH!
but also because $our ads "ill have a hi#her chance o bein# sho"n "hen
$ouFre usin# .aceboo) ads versus Goo#le Ad &ords% :ome have even
reported #ettin# their ads displa$ed over ,DD!DDD times in a sin#le da$!
"hich is a lot more compared to the number o times $our ads "ill appear
on Ad &ords! "hich avera#es to onl$ about ?DD per da$%
There are t"o )inds o .aceboo) Ads! the .aceboo) Ad and the :ocial Ad%
.aceboo) Ads "or) prett$ much in the same "a$ as other online ads! and
"hat $ou t$picall$ see on the ri#ht sidebar "hen $ouFre lo##ed in to
.aceboo)% Advertisers can ma)e these ads lin) bac) to their .aceboo) an
pa#e! application! or their o"n "ebsite in order to #enerate traic% :ocial
Ads! on the other hand! are intimatel$ tied to#ether "ith the activities o a
.aceboo) user on the "ebsite! as "ell as those o the people in their
net"or)% There are three )inds o :ocial Ads=
0 .an st$le ads% These are tied to#ether "ith .aceboo) an pa#es% Once
users 7Li)e8 an ad! the$ "ill automaticall$ become ollo"ers o the
brandFs an pa#e! allo"in# them to receive updates about the brand%
This is a popular choice amon# established businesses! since their
mar)et alread$ )no" "ho the$ are%
0 Comment st$le ads% These ads allo" users to actuall$ leave comments
about it! similar to ho" the$ can ma)e "all posts%
0 1irtual Gits ads% Bsuall$ ound on .aceboo) apps! this t$pe o ad
allo"s users to share virtual items Gthat bear the name o the brandH
to other users%
3o note! ho"ever! that unli)e .aceboo) .an pa#es! .aceboo) Ads are paid
services! "hich means $ou "onFt be able to avail o these services unless
$ouFre "illin# to shell out the mone$% 5o"ever! this investment ma$ be
"orth it! provided that $ou handle $our advertisin# campai#n eectivel$%
5avin# .aceboo) post $our ad "onFt automaticall$ incur costs% Instead!
$our ees "ill be based either on the number o clic)s $ou #et GCPCH or the
number o impressions o $our ad GCP2H% +ou "ill be able to control 'ust
ho" much $ou "ill be pa$in# b$ settin# a bud#et Gdail$ or lietimeH so that
$ou donFt end up pa$in# more than $ou can aord% +ou can ad'ust the
bud#et at an$ point in time%
5o"to :etup .aceboo) Ads
:ettin# up a .aceboo) Ad is prett$ strai#htor"ard! althou#h the process
ta)es several steps% The irst thin# $ou "ill need to do is to si#n in to $our
.aceboo) account% :croll to the bottom o the pa#e% +ou should see
7Advertisin#8 on the bottom ri#ht portion% Clic) on this! and then clic) on
the 7Create an Add8 button! "hich can be ound on the upper ri#ht section
o the pa#e% This "ill brin# $ou to the pa#e "here $ou can customi(e "hat
ad "ill be appearin#% The items that $ou can customi(e include=
0 The destination B*L% +ou "ill be able to speci$ "hat pa#e $ou "ant
users to be brou#ht to "hen the$ clic) the ad% +ou can either lin) bac)
to an internal .aceboo) lin) Gsuch as $our an pa#e! an events pa#e!
or an application $ou have developedH or to $our o"n "ebsite%
0 Te<t% .aceboo) Ads come "ith a title and a bod$% Personali(e the title
o the ad to ma)e it appealin# to $our audience% As "ith the updates
in .aceboo) an pa#es! tr$ to ma)e the te<t on $our ads as creative as
possible! even i $ou are onl$ allotted a limited amount o space% +ou
are #iven 4? characters or $our ad title! so ma)e it short! appealin#!
and direct to the point% The bod$! on the other hand! contains a
ma<imum o ,9? characters! so donFt e<pect to "rite a novel or $our
adFs bod$% Li)e the title! ma)e it concise but appealin# so that $our
audience "ill be interested in clic)in# the ad to see "hat else $ou have
to sa$% Bse active "ords that "ill emphasi(e $our call to action% +ou
ma$ also "ant to consider usin# loaded "ords that are sure to tri##er
emotions to increase interest% I $ou are currentl$ oerin# special
deals to customers! be sure to put this in $our ads to increase the
possibilit$ o $our vie"ers clic)in# the ad and bu$in# "hat $ouFre
oerin# to them%
Another important thin# that $ou need to )no" about the te<t that
$ou "ill be puttin# is that the "ords $ou choose "ill be used b$
.aceboo) in order to match the ad "ith the user% As such! ma)e sure
that $ou choose $our "ords careull$% Choose "ords that are actuall$
relevant not onl$ to the ad $ouFre postin#! but also to $our niche% The
"ron# choice o "ords can mean $our ad landin# on the pa#e o
someone "ho isnFt remotel$ interested in "hat $ou have to sa$! so
ma)e sure that $ou choose the ri#ht )e$"ords% There are a lot o tools
that $ou can use to help $ou determine "hat )e$"ords to use or an
eective ad! so $ou can use these to help $ou in "ritin# a cop$%
0 The photo that comes "ith the ad% 2a)e sure to include a photo that
is not onl$ relevant to the content o the te<t! but is also an ima#e that
"ill be appealin# to $our tar#et audience% 3o note that the ima#e on
.aceboo) Ads has to be ,,D < LD and less than ? mb in si(e% The ima#e
should be static! so donFt bother developin# #raphics in .lash or a
GI.! since the animation "onFt actuall$ be displa$ed on the ad% Bse a
photo that is meant to #rab attention - and not in a bad "a$% Choose
a picture that is e$eAcatchin# and #ood on the e$es to enhance the
possibilit$ o $our tar#et audience clic)in# on the ad%
2a)e sure to previe" and test the ad beore $ou submit it to .aceboo) or
approval% Testin# is crucial "hen it comes to .aceboo) Ads% It ma$ not loo)
the "a$ $ou "ant it! or there ma$ be bu#s "ith the ad that $ou have made%
2a)e sure to test the ad to see i itFs "or)in# as it should% It "ouldnFt do to
deplo$ an ad that actuall$ "onFt brin# people to the pa#e that $ou "ant
them to see%
Once $ou are satisied "ith the ad $ou have made! $ou can then submit it to
.aceboo) or approval% +ou "ill be brou#ht to a secure pa#e "here $ou "ill
need in order to enter $our credit card inormation% This inormation "ill
be used b$ .aceboo) to bill $ou in e<chan#e or the advertisin# space% The
credit card inormation "ill also be stored in the account that $ouFve used
to create the ad G$ou can modi$ the details on the settin#sH% +our ad ma$ be
posted in as short as 4> hours ater .aceboo) approves it%
Bsers can post multiple .aceboo) ads% O course! each ad has its o"n set o
ees! bud#et! and schedule% Bsers are also allo"ed to create an advertisin#
campai#n usin# .aceboo) ads% This can be speciied on the same pa#e
"here $ou can customi(e the ad that $ou "ill be submittin# to .aceboo)%
3o note that it is possible or .aceboo) to re'ect the ad that $ou submitted
to them% The social net"or)in# site has prett$ strin#ent rules "hen it comes
to ads Gthese rules "ill be discussed in a later sectionH% As such! ma)e sure
to have bac)up copies and ima#es or $our ad that $ou can turn to should
.aceboo) re'ect "hat $ou ori#inall$ submitted%
Tar#et +our Advertisement
&hat ma)es .aceboo) Ads so appealin# to mar)eters is that it allo"s them
to tar#et speciic #roups amon# the .aceboo) users% &hen people si#n up
or .aceboo)! the$ can ill up their proile pa#e to put in "here the$Fre rom!
"hat schools the$ have attended! "hat their hobbies and interests are! and
other such details% &hat .aceboo) essentiall$ does is that it uses the
inormation that people post on their proile pa#es to match the ri#ht ads
or them% As such! it comes as no surprise "h$ a music lover "ill receive
musicArelated ads! "hile someone "ho loves ood "ill #et ads on
restaurants! coee shops! and other such establishments%
This is "here the po"er o .aceboo) Ads trul$ lies% Instead o creatin# ads
directed to the #eneral public in the hope that some members o the
population "ill be interested in "hat $ou have to sa$! $our ads on .aceboo)
can be directed to tar#et a speciic demo#raphic% A case stud$ posted on
.aceboo) itsel sho"s the successul advertisin# campai#n o a photo#raph$
compan$ on .aceboo)% Its tar#et demo#raphic is actuall$ prett$ speciic=
$oun# adult "omen bet"een the a#es o 4> and 9D "ho are en#a#ed to be
married% ;$ usin# .aceboo) ads! the photo#raph$ compan$ #enerated
M>D!DDD in revenue solel$ than)s to their ad campai#n on .aceboo) Ga
si#niicant amount! especiall$ considerin# that the compan$ invested MCDD
in the campai#nH! and thatFs not even countin# their @ualiied leads "ho are
interested in doin# business "ith the compan$ in the uture%
+ou can actuall$ see ho" man$ .aceboo) users belon# to the demo#raphics
$ou plan on tar#etin#% +ou can vie" this b$ speci$in# the demo#raphics%
.aceboo) "ill then #ive $ou the number o users "ho it the criteria $ou
have speciied% +ou can mi< and match the criteria i $ou "ant to reach a
broader audience%
&hat e<actl$ can $ou speci$ "hen tar#etin# $our demo#raphics on
.aceboo) Ads/ Prett$ much 'ust about an$thin#! includin# location Geven
the state and cit$H! a#e! #ender! se<ual orientation! proession! and
relationship status% An advertisement that is directed or the #eneral public
is )ind o similar to cold calls% :ure! there is that possibilit$ that someone
ma$ ta)e the bait! but there is a hi#her possibilit$ that $ou ma$ end up
#ettin# re'ected! primaril$ because the people $ou are tal)in# "ith arenFt
actuall$ interested in "hat $ou have to sa$ and "hat $ou are oerin# to
them% .or e<ample! a .aceboo) ad about a barber shop in 5ouston! Te<as
"onFt reall$ hold an$ appeal to someone "hoFs based in :in#apore% ;$
speci$in# all o the nitt$A#ritt$ details! $ou "ill be able to ensure that $our
tar#et audience "ill actuall$ be the #roup that "ill receive the ads that $ou
have developed% :ure! $ou "ill be addressin# a smaller #roup! but this
#roup is more li)el$ to lead to #ood leads compared to addressin# the
#eneral population% Tar#etin# allo"s $ou to ma)e copies that are "ritten to
speciicall$ address this demo#raphic in order to ma)e $our products and
services more appealin#% This in turn can lead to hi#her revenue! especiall$
since the people "ho "ill be seein# $our ads are those "ho are actuall$
interested in "hat $ou have to sa$%
A note= "hile microAtar#etin# is all "ell and #ood! donFt become so speciic
that onl$ a handul o people "ill end up ittin# into the criteria $ouFve set%
Tr$ to balance bet"een the #eneral and speciic so that $ou "ill be able to
come up "ith a niche mar)et that belon# to the same demo#raphics "ithout
bein# so speciic that $ou practicall$ identi$ the names o the people "ho
"ill onl$ be able to it in the criteria $ouFve speciied%
Create .aceboo) Compliant Ads
O course! $ou canFt 'ust create an$ ad that $ou "ant% .aceboo) has
established a set o advertisin# #uidelines that $ou "ill need to conorm
"ith i $ou "ant $our ads to be approved and displa$ed on the social
net"or)in# site%
The advertisin# #uidelines o .aceboo) include rules in=
0 Privac$% Ads that are posted on .aceboo) should not contain user
data! even i the person consents to its use% .urthermore! data
collection and user data inormation should be used ollo"in#
.aceboo)Fs privac$ polic$! as "ell as the privac$ polic$ o the sites
directl$ connected to the advertisement% Ads should not violate the
ri#hts o an$ third parties%
0 Content% All o the components in the ad! rom the te<t to the ima#es!
should be relevant to the product or service bein# promoted% The ads
should neither contain audio nor animation that pla$s automaticall$%
The te<t should ollo" proper #rammar% The ads should not be
presented in such a "a$ that "ould oend users% These should not
contain spam as "ell%
0 Accurac$% The ads that are posted should not deliberatel$ mislead the
audience or su##est alse relevanc$ to an$ oers% The cop$ advertisin#
the products andNor services should be clearl$ seen in the proposed
landin# pa#e%
0 Landin# pa#e% The destination site o the ad should not prevent a user
rom navi#atin# a"a$ rom said pa#e% Ads that lin) to landin# pa#es
that are deemed b$ .aceboo) to contain mal"are or lead to similar
t$pes o sot"are "ill not be allo"ed b$ .aceboo)%
0 :ubscription services% Ads or subscription services ma$ be allo"ed
on .aceboo)! provided that the cop$ clearl$ stipulates the billin#
aspect o the service% Also! the landin# pa#e should clearl$ stipulate
ho" much the subscription ees "ill be! come "ith an unchec)ed
chec) bo< or subscription! and provide users inormation on ho"
the$ can opt out o the service%
0 Prohibited content% The ad should neither contain inormation nor
tar#et people "hose personal characteristics all "ithin the ollo"in#
cate#ories= reli#ion or philosophical belie! race or ethnic ori#in! a#e!
se<ual orientationN #ender identit$! medical condition Gincludin# an$
disabilitiesH! inancial status! membership to trade unions! or criminal
0 Provocative topics% An$ ads that promote products or services related
to re#ulated #oods and services Ge<% alcohol! #amblin#! and tobaccoH
and topics deemed b$ societ$ as sensitive Ge<% datin# services!
contraceptivesH should ollo" applicable la"s and re#ulations! as "ell
as industr$ codes% .or e<ample! .aceboo) ads promotin# alcohol "ill
not be displa$ed in countries such as A#hanistan! Pa)istan! :audi
Arabia! E#$pt! Ou"ait! Lib$a! +emen! Nor"a$! ;an#ladesh! BAE! and
an$ other countries that ban such t$pe o advertisement% Ads that
promote ille#al products or services are not allo"ed% Ads promotin#
adult products and services are prohibited as "ell% Ads promotin#
datin# sites are allo"ed! provided that these ollo" the datin#
tar#etin# re@uirements% Ads promotin# adult riend inders and
related sites are not allo"ed% Pharmaceutical ads are not allo"ed!
e<cept or advertisements or certiied pharmacies Gprior approval
should be #otten rom .aceboo)H% Ads depictin# violence "ill also not
be allo"ed b$ the site%
0 Others% An$ ad that is deemed b$ .aceboo) to be contrar$ to the
"ebsiteFs advertisin# philosoph$! an$ la"s or re#ulations! communit$
standards! and the li)e "ill not be approved% .urthermore! ads should
not impl$ that .aceboo) endorses the products and services bein#
promoted b$ the advertisement% Ads should also not contain an$ o
the cop$ri#hted material o .aceboo)%
Accordin# to .aceboo)! these #uidelines are sub'ect to chan#e at an$ time!
so be sure to chec) the "ebsite re#ularl$ to )eep $oursel updated on the
rules established b$ the social net"or)in# "ebsite "hen it comes to ads%
Trac)in# The Pro#ress O +our .aceboo) Ad Campai#n
+ou "ill need to )eep trac) o the pro#ress o $our ad campai#n so $ou "ill
be able to determine "hether or not $our mar)etin# eorts have been
successul% Than)ull$! .aceboo) allo"s $ou to trac) ho" $our ads have
been doin#% ;$ lo##in# in to .aceboo) Ad 2ana#er or .aceboo) Insi#ht and
then #oin# to the 7*eports8 section! $ou "ill be able to #et the relevant
statistics about $our ad campai#n% These report sites #ive three )inds o
reports that $ou can chec) in order to see ho" $our ad campai#ns are
doin#% 7Advertisin# Perormance8 anal$(es the number o clic)s that $our
ad #ets! allo"in# $ou to see 'ust ho" eective the ad $ou made is in pullin#
peopleFs attention to"ard $our landin# pa#e%
7*esponder 3emo#raphics8 provides $ou "ith inormation on the
demo#raphics o the people "ho clic) on the adGsH $ou post on .aceboo)!
allo"in# $ou to compare the population o people clic)in# $our ads vs% $our
actual tar#et audience Gdo note that 7*esponder 3emo#raphics8 does not
provide speciic inormation about each .aceboo) user "ho clic)s on $our
ads% Instead! it "ill #ive a more #eneral picture on the demo#raphics o
those clic)in# the adsH% +ou can also use the inormation that $ou #et rom
the 7*esponder 3emo#raphics8 report to ma)e a ne" ad campai#n based
on "hat $ou see "ill appeal to the audience $ouFre #ettin#% 7Conversions b$
Impression Time8 reports the avera#e time it ta)es .aceboo) users to
convert into leads ater the$ clic) on $our ads%
O course! itFs one thin# to "ant to )no" the statistics involvin# $our ad
campai#n! and itFs another to actuall$ tr$ to decipher a bunch o #raphs
"ithout actuall$ )no"in# "hat the elements are% :ome o the elements $ou
"ill "ant to )eep an e$e out on are=
0 Total impressions% 7Impressions8 reers to the number o times $our
ad "as displa$ed on pa#es o .aceboo) users%
0 Bni@ue impressions% 7Bni@ue impressions8 reers to the number o
times $our ad appeared on the pa#es o uni@ue .aceboo) users% This
eliminates the possibilit$ o the ad appearin# t"o or more times on
the pa#es o a sin#le user%
0 Total clic)s% 7Total clic)s8 reer to the number o clic)s $our .aceboo)
ads #ot%
0 Bni@ue clic)s% 7Bni@ue clic)s8 reers to the number o times uni@ue
users have clic)ed on $our ads% This eliminates the number o times
the same person clic)ed on $our ad t"o or more times that is reported
in 7Total clic)s8%
0 Total clic) throu#h rate GCT*H% Clic) throu#h rate GCT*H reers to the
number o clic)s that an ad #ets divided b$ the number o
impressions "ithin a certain time rame%
0 Bni@ue total clic) throu#h rate Bni@ue CT* reers to the number o
uni@ue clic)s that $ou #et divided b$ the number o uni@ue
0 Total spent% 7Total spent8 reers to the amount $ou "ill be pa$in#
based on "hat $ou a#reed upon at the be#innin# "hen $ou si#ned up
to create a .aceboo) ad%
+ou can #et "ee)l$ or monthl$ reports! dependin# on $our preerence%
&ee)l$ reports "ill start on the :unda$ that starts the "ee) that $ou "ant
to #et the report on! "hile monthl$ reports start on the irst o the month%
&hen Is The ;est Time To Post Ads On .aceboo)/
Just because $ou can ma)e ads doesnFt mean that $ou should% There are
some instances "herein itFs better to hold o in postin# ads and "aitin# or
the ri#ht moment beore $ou have these deplo$ed in order to #et a #ood
return on investment% :ome #uidelines to help $ou determine the best time
to post ads to increase *OI are=
0 Puttin# $oursel in the shoes o $our tar#et audience% &hen e<actl$ do
members o $our tar#et audience use .aceboo)/ This "onFt be that
much o a concern i $our tar#et mar)et is comprised o students or
other demo#raphics that can have .aceboo) access 'ust about
an$time the$ "ant% 5o"ever! or those "ho are tar#etin# the "or)in#
set! chances are! itFs a better idea to have $our ads appearin# on
.aceboo) over the "ee)end! since this is the time "hen $our most
members o $our mar)et are online! as "ee)da$s are mostl$ devoted
to "or)%
I $ouFre not @uite sure "hen the ma'orit$ o $our tar#et mar)et uses
.aceboo)! ta)e a pee) at the statistics #enerated on .aceboo) Insi#ht
or .aceboo) .an 2ana#er% The reports should #ive $ou inormation
on "hen most o $our tar#et mar)et #o online% ;$ chec)in# out the
schedule o their online activities! $ou "ill be able to schedule "hen
$our ads "ill appear on the social net"or)in# "ebsite to increase $our
chances o $our tar#ets clic)in# on these to see "hat $ou have to sa$%
To increase accurac$! $ou ma$ "ant to monitor these reports or a e"
"ee)s to see i a pattern emer#es "ith re#ard to $our tar#et mar)etFs
schedule "ith re#ard to .aceboo) use% Oeep an e$e on traic spi)es
since these can #ive $ou an idea about "hen to post $our ads%
O course! itFs not 'ust a @uestion o the da$ thatFs important% Online
mar)eters have noticed that in a lot o cases! members o their tar#et
mar)et have a i<ed pattern "hen it comes to the time that the$ lo# in
to .aceboo)% A#ain! $ou can use the reports on .aceboo) Insi#ht or
.an 2ana#er to see "hether patterns emer#e% Alternativel$! $ou can
manuall$ chec) the "alls o at least a e" o $our tar#et audience to
chec) out "hat time the$ usuall$ post updates so $ou can #et an idea
on "hat time the$ are usuall$ online% Once $ou ind out their schedule
in usin# .aceboo)! $ou can then schedule $our ads to appear at the
same time and da$ that most o $our tar#et mar)et "ill be online%
0 3o $our research% I $our ads are relativel$ ne" or i $ou eel that the
statistical reports that $ou are #ettin# are not providin# $ou "ith
enou#h inormation to #au#e the best schedule in "hen to post
.aceboo) ads! $ou can also ta)e a loo) at the pa#es and ads o $our
competitors to see i the$ ollo" a schedule on "hen their ads "ill
appear% A#ain! it mi#ht be a #ood idea to monitor this or at least a
e" "ee)s to chec) or patterns instead o 'ust 'umpin# in ater a e"
da$sF "orth o observations so $ou "ill actuall$ be able to see i there
reall$ is an emer#ent pattern or i those irst instances "ere 'ust a
:ome other tips $ou can also ollo" "hen it comes to postin# .aceboo) ads
0 Chan#in# ads re@uentl$% Even i $ou have the bud#et to have $our
ads appear on the site or a lon# time! people ma$ become
disinterested in clic)in# $our ads 'ust because the$ see the same
advertisement over and over a#ain% Chan#in# ads re@uentl$ Gas "ell
as chan#in# $our landin# pa#es or $our adsH "ill mean that people
"ill continue to be interested in "hat $ou have to sa$! because $ou are
oerin# them somethin# ne" ever$ time%
0 *ec$cle ads% I $ouFre not a an o creatin# multiple ads! $ou can
actuall$ pause ads and then reactivate these later on in order to )eep
$our ad rom becomin# old Gas "ell as to save mone$H% :ome e<perts
su##est pausin# $our ads "hen these tire to 4?P or less o the CT*
$ou ori#inall$ #ot rom these! and then reactivatin# these later on%
0 Chan#in# $our tar#et mar)et% This mi#ht seem li)e a hu#e ris) at irst!
but ta)in# this leap can actuall$ lead to #reat re"ards! especiall$ i it
actuall$ turns out that $ou "ere tar#etin# the "ron# demo#raphics in
the be#innin#% I $ou can aord it! tr$ to e<periment and see "hich
demo#raphics respond to the dierent ads that $ou ma)e%
0 Tr$ out GeoAtar#etin#% GeoAtar#etin# simpl$ means settin# a tar#et
mar)et that is rom the same location% This allo"s $ou to create an
advertisin# campai#n that is speciicall$ tailored or them to increase
the chances o lead conversion%
0 Launchin# ad campai#ns% Instead o 'ust deplo$in# one ad at a time!
"hat $ou can do instead is to create an ad campai#n "herein $ou "ill
be releasin# dierent ads at rou#hl$ the same time% This "ill not onl$
#enerate more interest in "hat $ouFre promotin#! but "ill also #ive
$ou an idea on "hat t$pes o ads #enerates more responses Gas seen in
the number o clic)s and even lead conversionsH% That "a$! $ou "ill
be able to desi#n $our mar)etin# eorts to ollo" "hat $our audience
is actuall$ loo)in# or%
As "ith other t$pes o advertisements! the perormance o .aceboo) ad
campai#ns "ill de#rade over time! no matter ho" "ellA"ritten the cop$ is
or ho" oten people have clic)ed it at the be#innin#% This is because as time
passes! the novelt$ o $our ad "ill "ane! since most o the people "ho are
interested in the advertisement "ill have alread$ seen the ad and sho"n it
to other people the$ )no" "ho mi#ht be interested in "hat $ou have to sa$%
As such! "hile it ma$ be possible or $ou to len#then the duration in "hich
$our ads "ill be available or displa$ to .aceboo) users! this ma$ not be the
most costAeective "a$ o advertisin#% ;$ choosin# the ri#ht schedule or
$our ads to appear! $ou "ill not onl$ be able to save mone$ in the process!
$ou "ill also have a better chance o reachin# $our tar#et mar)et%
:ettin# the 2a<imum;id
+ou "ill essentiall$ be competin# "ith other advertisers or advertisin#
space% In order to determine "hat ads "ill be displa$ed! .aceboo) uses an
auction s$stem that is based on ad perormance as "ell as ho" much $ouFre
"illin# to pa$ or the space% Increasin# $our ma<imum bid can improve the
chances that it is $our ad that "ill be displa$ed on usersF pa#es and not $our
The ma<imum bid Gor simpl$ called 7bid8H reers to the ma<imum amount
o mone$ that $ou "ill be "illin# to pa$ or each clic) or CPC arran#ements
or or ever$ thousand impressions or CP2 arran#ements Gthe ne<t section
"ill provide more inormation about CPC and CP2H% Goin# alon#side the
ma<imum bid is the minimum bid! "hich! as the name su##ests! reers to
the minimum amount o mone$ $ou "ill need to pa$ in order to have $our
ads displa$ed at least once on .aceboo)% 3o note that even i $our bid
reaches the minimum re@uirement! it is still possible or $our ads to not
appear on the pa#es o .aceboo)! as the appearance o $our ad on .aceboo)
"ill also depend on ho" man$ advertisers are also competin# or that same
advertisin# space $ou "ant%
.aceboo) automaticall$ sets a ma< bid on $our account! and it also ma)es
some su##estions on ho" much $ou bid based on $our tar#etin# options as
"ell as the bids made b$ other advertisers belon#in# to the same niche as
$ou do% +ou can al"a$s bid hi#her or lo"er than "hat .aceboo) su##ests%
The hi#her the amount o mone$ $ou bid! the #reater the possibilit$ that
$our ads "ill be displa$ed on the pa#es o .aceboo) users% 2a)e sure to
choose ho" much $ou "ill be biddin# based not onl$ on "hat $our needs
are! but also on ho" much bud#et $ou have or .aceboo) mar)etin#% 3o
note! ho"ever! that .aceboo) "ill onl$ char#e $ou the amount that $ou "ill
need in order to "in the auction! so itFs possible that $ou ma$ end up
spendin# less than $our ma<imum bid% Even so! .aceboo) su##ests that $ou
enter $our true ma<imum "hen biddin# or ad space since this "ill sho"
ho" much $our capacit$ "ill be in pa$in# or advertisin# space%
:ome e<perts su##est that $ou bid as hi#h as $our bud#et allo"s in order to
#et more impressions and so $ou donFt miss out on clic)s and impressions
that $ou "ould other"ise "ould have received had $ou #iven a hi#her bid%
5o"ever! this ma$ not be the best option amon# mar)eters on a bud#et% A
easible alternative "ould be to ma)e a small bid in the be#innin# 'ust to
see ho" man$ impressions $ou are ma)in#! and then "or) $our "a$ up
rom there i needed%
&hatFs #reat about advertisin# on .aceboo) is that $ou "ill be able to
control 'ust ho" much mone$ $ou "ill be investin# on the ads! so $ou donFt
have to "orr$ about spendin# over $our bud#et 'ust because some
overenthusiastic .aceboo) users clic) $our ads several times% Aside rom
allo"in# $ou to control $our ma<imum bid! $ou "ill also be able to control
ho" much $our bud#et "ill be or advertisin# on .aceboo)% ;$ settin# a
dail$ or lietime bud#et! $ou "ill eectivel$ be alertin# .aceboo) to avoid
postin# $our ads once $ouFve reached $our bud#et limit% That "a$! $ou
donFt end up spendin# more mone$ than "hat $ou ori#inall$ planned%
CPC vs% CP2= &hich is ;etter/
The previous section tal)ed about biddin#! and ho" $our ma<imum bid
indicates ho" much $ouFre "illin# to pa$ or ever$ clic) GCPCH or or ever$
thousand impressions on $our ad GCP2H% This actuall$ reers to the pricin#
schemes oered b$ .aceboo) that users can choose rom% Cost per clic)
GCPCH! also )no"n as pa$AperAclic) GPPCH! reers to the pricin# scheme
"herein $ou "ill onl$ be char#ed or ever$ ad clic) made b$ users% Cost per
impression GCP2H! on the other hand! reers to the pricin# scheme "herein
$ou "ill be char#ed or ever$ ,!DDD times $our ad "ill be appearin# on a
.aceboo) userFs pa#e%
Even no"! there is #reat debate on "hich o these t"o pricin# schemes is
the better option or users% In truth! both CPC and CP2 have their o"n
share o advanta#es and disadvanta#es% CPC can potentiall$ lo"er the
amount o mone$ $ou "ill be spendin# on .aceboo) advertisin# since $ou
"onFt be char#ed automaticall$ each and ever$ time $our ad appears on a
userFs pa#e% +ou "ill onl$ be char#ed each time a user clic)s the ad% &hatFs
more! even i $our ads donFt #et clic)ed! $ou "ill still be #ettin# e<posure at
(ero cost% The do"nsides o a CPC arran#ement is the possibilit$ o
becomin# a victim o raud Gsome mar)eters are )no"n to clic) the ads o
their competitors to ma)e them pa$ more than "hat the$ plannedH and its
hi#her cost compared to CP2! "hich is @uite cheaper compared to CPC%
CP2 is also easier to implement% The do"nside o this is the possibilit$ o
losin# a lot o mone$ in the process! since $ou "ill end up pa$in# mone$
"henever $our ad pops up on someoneFs pa#e! "ithout even an$ #uarantees
that there are people "ho are actuall$ chec)in# out "hat $our ad is about%
Given all o these! "hich is actuall$ the better option! CPC or CP2/ The
ans"er is= it depends% Each advertiser "ill have a dierent set o needs!
"hich is "h$ some people are better suited or CPC "hile others "ill proit
more "ith CP2% .or e<ample! those "ho "ant to spread brand a"areness
ma$ be better suited or CP2! since the$ are more interested in ma)in#
people a"are about their compan$ andNor their products throu#h their ads
than on clic)s% On the other hand! those "ho are interested in chasin# ater
leads mi#ht be better suited or CPC! since the$ have more conidence that
the people "ho "ill be "illin# to clic) on their ads are also the same people
"ho "ill be "illin# to shell out mone$ in order to purchase the product that
the compan$ is sellin# to them%
:ome e<perts also recommend $our clic)Athrou#h rates GCT*H as basis to
determine "hich pa$ment scheme $ou should #o or% I $ou have an ad that
has a hi#h CT*! then CP2 mi#ht be a better option or $ou based on price!
re#ardless o "hether or not $ou "ant to #et a lot o clic)s% 5o"ever! i $ou
have a lo" CT*! then CTC mi#ht be a better option or $ou! since CP2 "ill
end up "ith $ou losin# more mone$%
The bottom line is that $ou should "ei#h in "hat $our needs and $our
bud#et are in order to determine "hich o these pricin# schemes is the best
option or $ou% +ou ma$ "ant to test both schemes and then #o or the
choice that $ields the best results%
Chapter >
Go .urther &ith
.aceboo) Connect
Ima#e= .ree3i#italPhotos%net
;$ no"! $ou should have a .aceboo) an pa#e and some ads to #et $ou
started on .aceboo) mar)etin#% &hile these t"o comprise the bul) o usin#
.aceboo) as a mar)etin# tool! these arenFt the onl$ thin#s $ou can do "ith
the site% A common mista)e online mar)eters ma)e is that the$ onl$ stic) to
.aceboo) "hen desi#nin# and e<ecutin# mar)etin# campai#ns% &hile is all
"ell and #ood and allo"s $ou to #enerate interest about $our brand and
$our products! this isnFt nearl$ enou#h in order to unleash the ull
mar)etin# potential o .aceboo)% In act! $ou can actuall$ #o be$ond
.aceboo) as a "ebsite itsel and ocus on $our o"n "ebsite! b$ inte#ratin#
the eatures o the social net"or)in# "ebsite on to $our o"n site throu#h
.aceboo) Connect%
.aceboo) Connect allo"s $ou to brin# in the eatures o .aceboo) that
users have come to )no" and love and puttin# these in $our "ebsite to
create a "ebsite thatFs completel$ $ours but "ith all o the convenience and
interactivit$ oered b$ .aceboo)% :tudies toda$ have sho"n that
inte#ratin# .aceboo) to $our "ebsite can actuall$ lead to as much as 9DDP
increase in traic to $our o"n "ebsite% This is because the ollo"ers $ouFve
built on $our "ebsite can actuall$ transition rom solel$ rel$in# on the
updates rom $our .aceboo) an pa#e to ollo"in# $our o"n "ebsite in
order to #et more ne"s and inormation%
&hat some advertisers actuall$ do is that the$ combine the .aceboo) Ads
and an pa#e "ith .aceboo) Connect in order to #reatl$ increase the
amount o traic #oin# to $our "ebsite% The an pa#e and the ads are used
in order to dra" the interest o their tar#et audience% Once the$ have #otten
their attention! the$ "ill then #raduall$ reAdirect them to #o to $our
"ebsite! even as the$ decrease the amount o investment Gboth in terms o
mone$ and eortH in the Ads and an pa#e so as to encoura#e the readers to
become more involved in the activities in their o"n "ebsite%
Add the 7Li)e8 ;utton to +our :ite
The 7Li)e8 button is easil$ the "ellAloved eature on .aceboo)! so it ma)es
sense that $ou inte#rate it on to $our "ebsite% The beaut$ about addin# the
7Li)e8 button to $our o"n site is that not onl$ "ill $ou be able to )no" "hat
topics $our readers "ill be most interested in! $ou "ill also be able to
receive milea#e rom those "ho have 7Li)ed8 $our posts% 2uch li)e in
.aceboo) itsel! an$ 7Li)es8 made b$ people on $our posts "ill
automaticall$ be displa$ed on their "all! "hich means that people in their
net"or) can also be enticed into #oin# to $our "ebsite and readin# "hat
$ou have posted%
&hatFs #reat about addin# the 7Li)e8 button to $our "ebsite is actuall$ eas$
to inte#rate to $our "ebsite% In act! .aceboo) itsel has made these little
thumbsAup button available to 'ust about an$one and ever$one "ho o"ns
the "ebsite! b$ introducin# a plu#Ain that allo"s users to implement this
button to their o"n site%
There are actuall$ t"o 7Li)e8 button plu#Ains that $ou can choose rom%
;oth iArame and Java:cript Gor Q.;2LH allo" users to customi(e the
7Li)e8 button that "ill appear on their "ebsite to ma)e it loo) better "hen
put on their "ebsite% The dierence is that Java:cript oers more
versatilit$ Gthis "ill be discussed in #reater detail in the ne<t sectionH%
To #et the 7Li)e8 button! $ou "ill need to #o to .aceboo)Fs 7Li)e ;utton8
pa#e% This allo"s $ou to personali(e the 7Li)e8 button or $our "ebsite%
Once $ouFre done desi#nin# $our "ebsiteFs 7Li)e8 button! $ou can then #rab
the code and then paste it on to the 5T2L source o $our "eb post to have
this button inte#rated into this entr$% +ou can also t"ea) "ith $our
"ebsiteFs settin#s itsel so that the Li)e button "ill automaticall$ sho" up
on each post and pa#e on $our "ebsite% 5o"ever! this "ill mean chan#in#
the pro#rammin# code o $our "ebsite! so i $ouFre not amiliar about ho"
to do that! $ou can hire a pro#rammer to do this or $ou%
Ensure That the 7Li)e8 ;utton Also Enables Comments
A 7Li)e8 button can alread$ #o a lon# "a$ in #ivin# $ou milea#e! but puttin#
in .aceboo)Fs comments section "ill practicall$ ta)e it out o the ball par)%
One reason "h$ people love .aceboo) so much is that the "ebsite allo"s
them to interact "ith each other! re#ardless o "here their ph$sical
locations ma$ actuall$ be% ;$ inte#ratin# the comments section on to $our
"ebsite! not onl$ "ill the stor$ that the person has posted on $our post be
published to their .aceboo) "all! it "ill also provide a medium or users to
interact "ith each other! "hich in turn can #enerate even more interest to
$our "ebsite%
As mentioned earlier! there are t"o )inds o plu#Ains that allo" $ou to
inte#rate the 7Li)e8 button to $our "ebsite% I $ou "ant to enable comments
to $our "ebsite! be sure to choose the Java:cript GQ.;2LH version instead
o the iArame one% Not onl$ "ill the Java:cript option #ive $ou the option
to include a comments section directl$ lin)ed to .aceboo)! eectivel$
ma)in# each o $our blo# posts resemble a .aceboo) "all "here $ou and
$our site visitors can interact "ith each other! $ou "ill also be able to en'o$
other per)s! includin# #ivin# users the option to resi(e the button
Gimportant "hen there are pictures that "ill be postedH! allo"in# $ou to
receive an update ever$ time a site visitor 7Li)es8 one o $our posts! and
automaticall$ postin# thumbnail versions o the pictures o the people "ho
have 7Li)ed8 $our posts%
The iArame version o the 7Li)e8 button can also allo" comments rom
users! but onl$ i $ou are usin# .aceboo)Fs 7standard8 la$out "ith a pa#e
"idth o at least >DD pi<els%
5i#her CT* .or 7Li)e8 ;utton "ith Photos
Puttin# ima#es on $our posts can actuall$ increase the possibilit$ o #ettin#
more 7Li)es8! as "ell as #ettin# hi#her CT*% One reason "h$ photos are
popular is because these brea) up the monoton$% Ater all! not a lot o
people #et e<cited about seein# lar#e bloc)s o te<t! no matter ho"
interestin# the content o the "riteAup ma$ be% ;e sure to not overdo it "ith
the photos thou#h! or else $ou "ill end up losin# $our audience to the
ima#es% :tic) to one or t"o photos at most% An eective "a$! in "hich $ou
can add interest to $our posts! especiall$ "hen it comes to $our .aceboo)
an pa#e! is to 7ta#8 $our ollo"ers on photos $ou post! as this "ill ma)e
them even more curious to see "hat $ouFve posted% 2a)e sure to not overdo
it thou#h! as some people can #et anno$ed i $ou ta# them several times
"ithin a short period o time! even on thin#s that the$ are obviousl$ not
interested in%
:ome additional tips "hen it comes to photos= as @uir)$ as it ma$ sound!
studies have sho"n that photos o people Gespeciall$ those that sho" their
aces! and particularl$ those o "omenH have led to hi#her CT*! especiall$ i
the picture depicts someone "ho loo)s li)e a 7real8 person than someone
"ho is obviousl$ a model! so $ou ma$ "ant to ta)e this into consideration
"hen loo)in# or stoc) photos that $ou can use to complement the te<t
entr$ $ou "ill be postin# on $our "ebsite% +ou ma$ also "ant to choose
photos that eature bold! bri#ht colors such as red and $ello"! as these are
more e$eAcatchin# and more li)el$ to dra" the interest o $our audience
than plain pastels%
Put the 7Li)e8 ;utton at the *i#ht Location
&hen inte#ratin# the 7Li)e8 button to $our "ebsite! ma)e sure to position
it in a location that is prominent enou#h to be easil$ noticed but discreet
enou#h that it "onFt serve as a distraction "hile $our site visitors are
readin# throu#h $our entries% :ome su##estions on the best places or $ou
to place the 7Li)e8 button in are=
0 At the top o blo# posts% Puttin# the 7Li)e8 button ri#ht beside or
belo" the title o $our post can entice readers to share "hat the$ have
read on to their "all% Postin# it at the bottom isnFt that #reat an idea!
especiall$ i $our article is lon#% ;$ then! most readers "ould have
had enou#h and "onFt have the patience to share "hat $ouFve "ritten
do"n to the people in their net"or)% I the 7Li)e8 button is at the top
o the pa#e! itFs easier or users to share the post to others! and the$
donFt even have to scroll do"n to the bottom o the pa#e to do so%
0 Above the old% I $ouFre leer$ about puttin# the 7Li)e8 button at such
a prominent position on $our posts! the ne<t best thin# "ould be to
put it above the old% 7Above the old8 simpl$ reers to the area that
appears on $our screen "hen $ou load a pa#e! the section o the "eb
pa#e that $ou can access "ithout havin# to scroll do"n! up! or
side"a$s to see% The reason or doin# so is similar to the principle o
postin# the 7Li)e8 button at the top o blo# posts! "hich is to entice
readers into sharin# $our articles b$ ma)in# it easier or them to do
so! since the$ no lon#er have to navi#ate the pa#e to tr$ and loo) or
the 7Li)e8 button%
0 On sin#le pieces o content% I $ou donFt anc$ the idea o havin# the
7Li)e8 button appear on ever$ pa#e and post on $our "ebsite! $ou still
have the option o puttin# the 7Li)e8 button to speciic pa#es and
posts% This can indicate a #reater emphasis on the content that comes
"ith this button! since it hints to readers that $ou deem the post
important enou#h that $ou "ill "ant $our vie"ers to share it "ith
Addin# Activit$ .eed To +our :ite
The Activit$ .eed displa$s the most recent activities that happened on $our
"ebsite! and it essentiall$ s$ndicates the content $ou publish to $our
ollo"ers as "ell as the people in their net"or)! "hich means an incredibl$
hu#e potential o $ou #oin# viral% An$ and all activities "ill be displa$ed on
the eeds! includin# updates on "ho li)ed "hat content! the posts on $our
"ebsite users shared "ith others! and even i someone is actuall$ lo##ed in
to $our site% :hould a person be lo##ed in to .aceboo) "hile chec)in# out
$our "ebsite! the eeds "ill also sho" content about an$ activities done on
$our site b$ those in his or her circles%
Li)e the 7Li)e8 button! $ou can actuall$ #et the Activit$ .eed plu#in directl$
rom .aceboo) itsel% All $ou "ill need to do is to #et the code rom
.aceboo) and then paste it to $our o"n site% A#ain! $ou can also #et a
developer to inte#rate the Activit$ .eed to $our "ebsite i $ou donFt "ant to
bother "ith t"ea)in# "ith the content $oursel%
Allo"in# 2embers to Lo# In To +our :ite "ith .aceboo)
2embership "ebsites are a #reat option or advertisers and "ebsite o"ners
"ho "ant to oer e<clusive content to their members% Bnortunatel$! it can
be diicult to #et people to si#n up or "ebsites! primaril$ because most
individuals arenFt ans o illin# out orms% As a result! the$ end up 7lur)in#8
in these "ebsites! preerrin# to visit these "ebsites "ithout ma)in# their
o"n accounts! even i the$ end up missin# out on #ood deals%
.aceboo) and "ebsite o"ners have #otten around this diicult$ b$ allo"in#
users to lo# in to their site usin# their .aceboo) account% This is actuall$ a
ver$ simple $et eective solution to the problem! since a lar#e portion o the
population alread$ have their o"n .aceboo) accounts% This allo"s these
individuals to #ain access to e<clusive content "ithout havin# to #o throu#h
the process o illin# out an online re#istration orm all over a#ain%
Li)e the 7Li)e8 button and the Activit$ .eed! there is actuall$ a plu#in that
$ou can use on $our "ebsite that "ill allo" users to lo# in to $our site usin#
their .aceboo) account% The$ donFt even have to t$pe in their username and
pass"ord in order to enter $our site% Once the$ are alread$ lo##ed in to
their .aceboo) account! the$ "ill alread$ be able to #o to $our site and be
automaticall$ lo##ed in! allo"in# them to chec) out the e<clusive items
$ouFre oerin# to $our members "ithout havin# to #o throu#h the process
o t$pin# in their username and pass"ord%
Chapter ?
Other .aceboo)
Ima#e= .ree3i#italPhotos%net
Given all o the inormation mentioned in the past sections! $ou ma$
alread$ be thin)in# that ever$thin# that can be said about .aceboo)
mar)etin# has alread$ been said! but this is ar rom the truth! as there are
other .aceboo) strate#ies that $ou can use to #enerate traic and increase
lead conversion% The important thin# is or $ou to en#a#e $our communit$
and encoura#e them to participate in an$ events and activities that $ou plan
on hostin#! even i these events are onl$ online%
Create .aceboo) Groups
.aceboo) Groups is actuall$ the predecessor o the .aceboo) .an pa#es%
&hile itFs true that Groups does not provide as much interactivit$ and
le<ibilit$ compared to an pa#es! these still have a certain appeal! especiall$
i $ouFre interested in developin# a communit$ "ithin .aceboo)%
Li)e an pa#es! .aceboo) Groups allo" the #roup members to interact "ith
each other and discuss topics that the$ are interested in! share photos!
videos! and lin)s! and other such activities% Bnli)e an pa#es that onl$ allo"
the members themselves to become ollo"ers! .aceboo) Groups allo"
members to invite those in their net"or) to 'oin the #roup! than)s to
.aceboo) GroupsF builtAin 7Invite8 eature! and it even allo"s $ou to send
messa#es directl$ into the inbo< o the members o the #roup% Another per)
oered b$ .aceboo) Groups is that the #roups a person is a member o "ill
appear on his or her proile pa#e! providin# an opportunit$ or more clic)s!
since other individuals can clic) on the #roupFs lin) on the proile pa#e to
see "hat the #roup is about%
The do"nside o .; Groups is that it limits the number o members "ho
can be part o it% Currentl$! #roups are allo"ed to have a ma<imum o ,!?DD
members% :hould it surpass that number! .aceboo) "ill automaticall$
remove the #roup o"nerFs abilit$ to send messa#es to the #roup! practicall$
renderin# it unusable%
5ostin# .aceboo) Events
Another #reat eature o .aceboo) that $ou can use to $our advanta#e is
Events% &hen $ou create a .aceboo) event! "hat $ou "ill essentiall$ be
doin# is creatin# an interactive #uest list "here invited people can actuall$
tal) "ith each other! s"ap photos! videos! and lin)s! and 'ust about all o
the other eatures oered b$ .aceboo) Groups% This can be a ver$ #ood
mar)etin# tool i $ouFre plannin# on usin# this to promote a sponsored
part$! since this can create bu(( about the event and ma)e people e<cited
about "hat the$ can e<pect rom the part$ that $ou "ill be thro"in#%
.urthermore! it also allo"s them to interact even ater the event ta)es
place! "hich can provide #ood mar)etin# opportunities% .inall$! hostin# an
event can also provide $ou "ith the opportunit$ to meet $our client base
aceAtoAace! "hich can also open several doors "hen it comes to mar)etin#
.aceboo) 2ar)etplace
2ar)etplace is essentiall$ .aceboo)Fs version o classiieds listin#s% 2uch
li)e other classiieds! 2ar)etplace allo"s users to post ads in e<chan#e or a
small ee% &hatFs #reat about 2ar)etplace is that unli)e other classiieds
"ebsites! .aceboo) is prett$ strin#ent "ith their noAspammin# polic$! so
$ou are less li)el$ to become a victim o a scam should $ou be interested in
chec)in# out some o the oers in 2ar)etplace% .urthermore! since
2ar)etplace is tied "ith .aceboo)! $ou "ill actuall$ be able to see the
proile o the person oerin# the deal! allo"in# $ou to #et an idea about
"hether or not this individual is trust"orth$ enou#h to transact "ith%
.aceboo) Apps
O course! a discussion about .aceboo) "ouldnFt be complete "ithout
tal)in# about the apps! especiall$ .aceboo) #ames% Accordin# to 2ar)
Ruc)erber#! the man behind .aceboo)! one reason "h$ .aceboo) is such a
hit amon# people is because o the #ames on the "ebsite% In act! more than
hal o the user base o .aceboo) actuall$ pla$s these #ames! "ith a lar#e
percenta#e o them actuall$ pla$in# these #ames on a dail$ basis% There are
even users "ho are "illin# to shell out mone$ in order to #et the e<clusive
inA#ame items! silent testament o 'ust ho" inluential these apps have in
these peopleFs lives%
Given these! it comes as no surprise "h$ online mar)eters and
manuacturers are no" also tappin# into these apps and #ames in order to
advertise the products and services the$Fre sellin#% The$ can have apps
speciicall$ desi#ned or them or coordinate "ith publishers o e<istin#
apps and #ames to have them in'ect the compan$ in the application in some
orm or the other Gli)e the compan$Fs lo#o appearin# on an inA#ame
billboard! or an e<clusive inA#ame item that resembles a piece actuall$
desi#ned b$ the manuacturerH%
I $ou "ant to have a .aceboo) app made e<clusivel$ or $ou! be prepared
to hire a developer to build this% This "ill mean spendin# mone$ in order to
#et the app that $ou "ant% Even so! the pa$Ao that $ou can potentiall$ #et
is lucrative enou#h that other mar)eters and manuacturers are "illin# to
or) over the mone$ "ith little to no complaint%
.aceboo) Contest
I $ou donFt "ant to have to create an app but nonetheless "ant to #enerate
as much activit$ as "hat $ou can #et b$ launchin# an app! a #reat option
that $ou can ta)e "ould be to run a contest on .aceboo)% Luc)$ dra"s are
al"a$s a #ood choice! as are contests that allo" other members to vote on
"hich entr$ the$ eel deserves to be the "inner% These contests are eas$ to
hold and eas$ to mana#e! so $ou shouldnFt e<perience that much diicult$
in mana#in# these%
+ou donFt even have to spend a lot on the pri(es $ou "ill be oerin#% :mall
to)ens or #reat deals ma$ be all $ou need to #ive a"a$ as pri(es% In
e<chan#e! $ou can potentiall$ en'o$ several beneits! includin#! includin#
creatin# bu(( amon# $our tar#et audience re#ardin# $our compan$!
buildin# customer trust! and encoura#in# interaction bet"een $ou and $our
As the bi##est "ebsite toda$! .aceboo) oers a lot o mar)etin#
opportunities and beneits that $ou can ta)e advanta#e o and even have
un pursuin#% 5o"ever! "hile investin# $our time and mone$ on the social
net"or) site can lead to a #reat pa$Ao! do bear in mind that .aceboo) is
onl$ tool that $ou can use to obtain $our ob'ectives% 3onFt become so
ocused on this social net"or)in# "ebsite that $ou end up i#norin# all o
the other options available to $ou to drive traic to $our site! build a
communit$! and #enerate sales and conversions%
Also! do remember that it can ta)e time or these strate#ies to "or)% 3onFt
e<pect that $our eorts "ill pa$ o overni#ht% The process o buildin# a
#ood communit$ on .aceboo) can ta)e time! so e<ercise patience
throu#hout the process%
Clic) 5ere= http=NN#uideri#ht#roup%comN5$perA.aceA;oo)ATraic
Clic) 5ere= http=NN#uideri#ht#roup%comNGodadd$
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Clic) 5ere= http=NN#uideri#ht#roup%comNNameCheap
Clic) 5ere= http=NN#uideri#ht#roup%comN:ocialAdr
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Clic) 5ere= http=NN#uideri#ht#roup%comNRa((le&rappedCanvas:tore
Clic) 5ere= http=NN#uideri#ht#roup%comNRa((leGitCenter:tore
Clic) 5ere= http=NN#uideri#ht#roup%comNRa((le:hopAndCreateInB:A

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