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Social Marketing Simplified

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Social Marketing Simplified
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The *uli+her ha+ +tri,ed to e a+ accurate and complete a+ po++ile in the
creation of thi+ report- not.ith+tanding the fact that he doe+ not .arrant or
repre+ent at an/ time that the content+ .ithin are accurate due to the rapidl/
changing nature of the )nternet.
0hile all attempt+ ha,e een made to ,erif/ information pro,ided in thi+
pulication- the *uli+her a++ume+ no re+pon+iilit/ for error+- omi++ion+- or
contrar/ interpretation of the +u1ect matter herein. %n/ percei,ed +light+ of
+pecific per+on+- people+- or organi2ation+ are unintentional.
)n practical ad,ice ook+- like an/thing el+e in life- there are no guarantee+ of
income made. 3eader+ are cautioned to repl/ on their o.n 1udgment aout their
indi,idual circum+tance+ to act accordingl/.
Thi+ ook i+ not intended for u+e a+ a +ource of legal- u+ine++- accounting or
financial ad,ice. %ll reader+ are ad,i+ed to +eek +er,ice+ of competent
profe++ional+ in legal- u+ine++- accounting- and finance field.
4ou are encouraged to print thi+ ook for ea+/ reading.
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Social Marketing Simplified
T a l e o f
C o n t e n t +
0hat i+ Social 'et.orking6 7
0h/ Social 'et.orking Site+ are So *opular 8
*opular Social 'et.orking 0e+ite+ 9
M/Space: % *opular Social 'et.orking 0e+ite :
;aceook: %nother *opular Social 'et.orking 0e+ite !<
Creating 4our Social 'et.orking 0e+ite *rofile !!
0hat '(T to *ut in 4our Social 'et.ork *rofile !=
The %d,antage+ and >i+ad,antage+ to ?+ing Social 'et.orking Site+ to ;ind
>ate+ !@
?+ing Social 'et.orking 0e+ite+ to *romote 4our Alog !8
?+ing Social 'et.orking 0e+ite+ to *romote 4our Au+ine++ !9
?+ing Social 'et.orking 0e+ite+ to *romote 4our (nline 0e+ite !B
Should 4our Coin a Social 'et.orking 0e+ite6 5<
- = -
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Social Marketing Simplified
0hat i+ Social 'et.orking6
Social net.orking. 0e ha,e all likel/ heard of it efore- ut not e,er/one kno.+
.hat it mean+6 )f /ou .ere a+ked to define .hat +ocial net.orking .a+- .ould
/ou e ale to gi,e an accurate definition6 ?nfortunatel/- mo+t indi,idual+
cannot- e,en though it i+ likel/ that the/ participate in +ome form of +ocial
net.orking- e+peciall/ online.
Social net.orking i+ defined a+ the grouping of indi,idual+ together into to
+pecific group+- often like a +mall communit/ or a neighorhood. %lthough
+ocial net.orking i+ po++ile in per+on- e+peciall/ in +chool+ or in the .orkplace-
it i+ mo+t popular online. Thi+ i+ ecau+e unlike mo+t high +chool+- college+- or
.orkplace+- the )nternet i+ filled .ith million+- if not more- of indi,idual+ .ho are
looking to meet other )nternet u+er+ and de,elop friend+hip+.
0hen it come+ to +ocial net.orking online- .e+ite+ are u+ed. The+e .e+ite+
are kno.n a+ +ocial net.orking .e+ite+. Social net.orking .e+ite+ are- in a
.a/- like an online communit/ of )nternet u+er+. >epending on the +ocial
net.orking .e+ite in Due+tion- man/ of the+e online communit/ memer+ +hare
a common ond- .hether that ond e hoie+- religion- or politic+. (nce /ou
are granted acce++ to a +ocial net.orking .e+ite /ou can egin to +ociali2e
Social Marketing Simplified
Thi+ +ociali2ation ma/ include reading the profile+ or profile page+ of other
memer+ or e,en contacting them.
The friend+ that /ou can make are 1u+t one of the man/ enefit+ to +ocial
net.orking online. %nother one of tho+e enefit+ include+ di,er+it/. ?nlike in
mo+t +chool+ or .orkplace+- the )nternet gi,e+ indi,idual+- from all around the
.orld- acce++ to +ocial net.orking +tie+. Thi+ mean+ that although /ou are in the
?nited State+- /ou could de,elop an online friend+hip .ith +omeone in Capan.
'ot onl/ .ill /ou make a ne. friend- /ou ut ma/ al+o learn a thing or t.o aout
a ne. culture.
%+ pre,iou+l/ mentioned- +ocial net.orking often in,ol,e+ grouping +pecific
indi,idual+ or organi2ation+ together. 0hile there are a numer of +ocial
net.orking .e+ite+ that focu+ on particular )nternet+- there are other+ that do
not. The+e .e+ite+ are often deemed traditional +ocial net.orking .e+ite+.
The+e t/pe+ of .e+ite+ t/picall/ ha,e an open memer+hip. Thi+ mean+ that
an/one can ecome a memer- no matter .hat their hoie+- elief+- or ,ie.+
are. Ho.e,er- once /ou are in+ide thi+ online communit/- /ou can egin to
create /our o.n net.ork of friend+E thu+ eliminating other+ that do not meet /our
)f net.orking on the )nternet +ound+ like +omething /ou .ould e intere+ted in-
/ou are encouraged to learn more aout it- +uch a+ the danger+ of +ocial
net.orking. The+e danger+ often in,ol,e online predator+ or indi,idual+ .ho
claim to e +omeone that the/ are not. %lthough danger doe+ eFi+t .ith
net.orking online- it al+o eFi+t+ .ith net.orking out in the real .orld. %+ .hen
/ou are meeting friend+ at a ar- +chool- or .ork- /ou are ad,i+ed to proceed
.ith caution online. A/ eing a.are of /our +urrounding+ and .ho /ou are talking
to- /ou +hould e ale +afel/ en1o/ing +ocial net.orking online.
(nce /ou ha,e learned e,er/thing that /ou feel /ou need to learn- aout +ocial
net.orking online- /ou can egin to +earch for net.orking communitie+ to 1oin.
Thi+ can ea+il/ e done / performing a +tandard )nternet +earch. 4our +earch
.ill likel/ return a numer of re+ult+- including M/Space- ;riend0i+e-
;riend;inder- 4ahooG =8<- ;aceook- (rkut- ;riend+ter- and Cla++mate+
Social Marketing Simplified
0h/ Social 'et.orking Site+ are +o *opular
Social net.orking .e+ite+- o,er the pa+t fe. /ear+- ha,e rapidl/ increa+ed in
popularit/- +o much that man/ are .ondering .h/.
)f /ou ha,e u+ed a +ocial net.orking .e+ite efore- it i+ likel/ that /ou are
alread/ full/ a.are of their popularit/ and the rea+on for popularit/. There i+ 1u+t
+omething aout the+e .e+ite+ that dra. in million+ of )nternet u+er+. 0ith a
.ide ,ariet/ of different +ocial net.orking .e+ite+ a,ailale- there are a .ide
,ariet/ of different rea+on+ for their popularit/. (ne tho+e rea+on+ eing the ea+e
of u+e.
Social net.orking .e+ite+ are- for the mo+t part- ea+/ to u+e. Mo+t +ite+ are
ea+/ to na,igate. )n fact- man/ reDuire little kno.ledge of the )nternet. )n addition
to eing ea+/ to na,igate- +ocial net.orking .e+ite+ al+o make it ea+ier to meet
ne. people online. There are man/ )nternet u+er+ .ho .ould lo,e to make ne.
friend+ onlineE ho.e,er- that can +ometime+ e difficult do.
0ithout +ocial net.orking .e+ite+- /ou .ould ha,e to connect .ith )nternet
u+er+- often in chat room+- and learn aout their intere+t+ efore deciding if /ou
.ould like to con+ider them /our Hudd/.I Social net.orking +ite+ allo. /ou to
learn information aout another )nternet u+er efore e,er ha,ing to make contact
.ith them.
%nother one of the man/ rea+on+ .h/ +ocial net.orking +ite+ are popular i+
ecau+e man/ are free to u+e. )n fact- the ma1orit/ of +ocial net.orking +ite+-
+uch a+ M/Space and 4ahooG =8<- are free to u+e.
>e+pite eing free to u+e- man/ .e+ite+ reDuire that /ou regi+ter .ith them.
Thi+ regi+tration .ill not onl/ allo. /ou to create /our o.n profile or online
.epage- ut it .ill al+o allo. /ou to contact other net.orking memer+.
%lthough mo+t +ocial net.orking .e+ite+ are free to u+e- there are +ome that
are not. Cla++mate+ i+ one of tho+e .e+ite+. Man/ of the+e .e+ite+ gi,e /ou a
free trial period or a free memer+hip. That memer+hip can e u+ed to help /ou
determine .hether or not the .e+ite i+ .orth pa/ing for.
Social Marketing Simplified
0hat i+ nice aout paid online +ocial net.orking .e+ite+ i+ that man/ can e
con+idered eFclu+i,e. Since mo+t )nternet u+er+ .ould not .ant to pa/ for
+omething that the/ can get for free- mo+t paid +ocial net.orking +ite+ are limited
on the numer of memer+ the/ ha,e. Thi+ ma/ .ork out to /our ad,antage
ecau+e it tend+ to eliminate tho+e .ho create fake account+ or aim to cau+e
contro,er+/ online.
Social net.orking .e+ite+ are al+o popular ecau+e the/ come in a .ide ,ariet/
of different format+. 0e+ite+ like 4ahooG =8< and M/Space focu+ on a .ide
,ariet/ of different topic+. Thi+ mean+ that 1u+t aout an/one can 1oin. Ho.e,er-
there are other +ocial net.orking +ite+ out there that ha,e a particular focu+.
The+e focu+e+ ma/ e on a particular religion- political or ho/. Mo+t
+pecialt/ +ocial net.orking +ite+ re+trict the indi,idual+ that can participate in
their net.orkE thu+- making /our eFperience more en1o/ale.
;inall/- +ocial net.orking .e+ite+ focu+ on meeting ne. people- e+peciall/
online- ut o,er recent month+- man/ ha,e +tarted including additional feature+
onl/ a,ailale to their online memer+. Man/ +ocial net.orking memer+ can
recei,e their o.n free .epage- get free acce++ to popular mu+ic ,ideo+- a
free log- and much more.
%lthough +ocial net.orking .e+ite+ are popular enough to ring in memer+ on
their o.n- the+e additional feature+ are- in a .a/- pro,iding )nternet u+er+ .ith an
incenti,e to 1oin.
Mentioned ao,e .ere a fe. of the mo+t popular +ocial net.ork+ that could e
found online. Tho+e net.ork+ included M/Space- 4ahooG =8<- and Cla++mate+.
)f /ou are looking for additional +ocial net.orking .e+ite+- /ou +hould ea+il/ e
ale to find +ome / performing a +tandard )nternet +earch.
Social Marketing Simplified
*opular Social 'et.orking 0e+ite+
0hile all +ocial net.orking .e+ite+ ha,e their o.n rule+ and re+triction+- man/
.e+ite+ operate in a +imilar .a/- .ith +imilar goal+.
Their goal+ are to allo. )nternet u+er+ to connect .ith other )nternet u+er+ online-
often from all around the .orld. 0hat i+ nice aout +ocial net.orking .e+ite+ i+
that the/ come in a .ide ,ariet/ of different form+.
There are man/ .e+ite+ that are con+idered Hgeneral-I .e+ite+. The+e
.e+ite+ do not reall/ ha,e an/ particular focu+- ut there are +ocial net.orking
.e+ite+ that do ha,e a particular focu+. Tho+e focu+e+ often include dating-
religion- and +chool.
)f online +ocial net.orking +eem+ intere+ting to /ou- /ou .ill ha,e to find a
communit/ to 1oin. 4ou can ea+il/ do thi+ a numer of different .a/+. A/
+peaking to tho+e that /ou kno.- on and offline- /ou could e alerted to popular
+ocial net.orking .e+ite+. 4ou can al+o find the+e .e+ite+ on /our o.n /
performing a +tandard )nternet +earch. 0hether /ou perform /our o.n +earch or
rel/ on recommendation+ from other+- it i+ likel/ that /ou .ill find a fairl/ large
numer of +ocial net.orking .e+ite+.
(rkut i+ $oogleJ+ ,er+ion of a +ocial net.orking .e+ite. Thi+ .e+ite .a+
created and officiall/ launched in 5<<@. (rkut ha+ a large numer of memer-
form all around the .orld. 0hat i+ nice aout (rkut i+ that the +/+tem i+ ea+/ to
u+e- that i+ once /ou get in. To protect their +ocial net.orking communitie+- a
large numer of +ocial net.orking .e+ite+- including (rkut- ha,e re+tricted
acce++ to the +ite. )f /ou are intere+ted in 1oining (rkut /ou mu+t kno. +omeone
.ho i+ alread/ a memer and the/ mu+t in,ite /ou to 1oin the communit/. )f /ou
do not per+onall/ kno. an/ (rkut memer- there i+ a good chance that /ou could
connect .ith and otain an in,itation from +omeone /ou meet online.
Cla++mate+ i+ an online +ocial net.orking .e+ite that i+ rapidl/ increa+ing in
popularit/. Thi+ .e+ite focu+e+ on connecting long lo+t friend+ or old
cla++mate+. Cla++mate+ i+ free to u+e- ut /ou mu+t ecome a pa/ing memer
to en1o/ man/ of their memer enefit+. The+e enefit+ include- ut are not
limited to- +earching for old cla++mate+- reading their profile+- reDue+ting more
information from /our cla++mate+- or e,en contacting them
Social Marketing Simplified
M/Space i+ another popular +ocial net.orking .e+ite that can e found online.
)n fact- M/Space i+ kno.n a+ eing the mo+t popular online +ocial net.orking
.e+ite. The/ currentl/ ha,e o,er one hundred million memer+G M/Space- like
man/ other +ocial net.orking .e+ite+ allo.+ /ou to create /our o.n profile- in
fact- /our o.n per+onal page. (nce /our page ha+ een created- /ou can ea+il/
in,ite other memer+ to ecome a memer of /our net.ork and ,i+a ,er+a. )n
addition to ha,ing a traditional profile page- .ith /our per+onal information- /ou
can al+o di+pla/ a large numer of picture+- ,ideo clip+- and mu+ic clip+.
%lthough there are a numer of feature+ that make+ M/Space +o popular- the
mo+t popular rea+on for it+ popularit/ i+ that fact that it i+ completel/ free to u+e.
KMore on M/Space laterLM
%+ pre,iou+l/ mentioned- M/Space- Cla++mate+- and (rkut are 1u+t a fe. of the
man/ +ocial net.orking .e+ite+ that /ou can find online. %dditional +ite+ include
;riend;inder- 4ahooG =8<- and more. To learn more aout each of the+e +ite+ or
to 1oin their communit/- /ou are ad,i+ed to ,i+it their online .e+ite+ and reDue+t
additional information. 4ou +hould e ale to find the+e .e+ite+ / performing a
+tandard )nternet +earch.
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Social Marketing Simplified
M/Space: % *opular Social 'et.orking
M/Space i+ on online +ocial net.orking .e+ite that ha+ literall/ taken the .orld
/ +torm. Thi+ i+ ecau+e- in .hat +eemed like no time at all- M/Space ha+
gro.n to ecome one of the mo+t popular online .e+ite+- in the entire .orld.
The fir+t +tep in 1oining thi+ popular online +ocial net.ork i+ to regi+ter for an
account. Thi+ can e done in a matter of minute+. %lthough /ou can ,ie. a
numer of different M/Space page+ .ithout regi+tering- it i+ ad,i+ed that /ou do.
3egi+tration .ill allo. /ou to not onl/ create /our o.n M/Space page- ut en1o/
man/ of the other feature+ that can e found on the +ite. 0hat /ou ma/ like mo+t
aout M/Space i+ that it i+ completel/ free to u+e.
(nce /ou 1oin M/Space- /ou can create /our o.n profile page. %lthough thi+ i+
optional- it i+ the e+t .a/ to communicate .ith other+ and make ne. friend+. To
make the eFperience ea+ier- M/Space ha+ a fairl/ large collection of profile
template+. The+e template+ not onl/ ha,e an impact on the ackground of /our
profile page- ut the teFt font+ a+ .ell. )n addition to u+ing the pre-de+igned
template+- /ou can al+o create /our o.n- e+peciall/ if /ou ha,e a+ic kno.ledge
of HTM".
Man/ M/Space u+er+ ha,e +ection+ that allo. them to de+crie them+el,e+ and
their like+ and di+like+. )n addition to the+e pre+et +ection+- /ou can al+o add
/our o.n. % large numer of u+er+ ha,e po+ted clip+ from their fa,orite mo,ie+-
tele,i+ion +ho.+- or mu+ic ,ideo+. 4ou can al+o add /ou o.n picture+ and /our
o.n ,ideo+- if /ou choo+e to do +o. %lthough M/Space doe+ ha,e +ome rule+-
Social Marketing Simplified
.hich can e found in their term+ of u+e agreement- /ou a+icall/ ha,e unlimited
freedom- .hen it come+ to creating /our o.n M/Space page.
%fter /ou ha,e created /our o.n M/Space page- /ou can ea+il/ +earch for
other+. 4ou can +earch for other+ .ith a .ide ,ariet/ of different ke/.ord
phra+e+. )f /ou are looking for +omeone .ho li,e+ near /ou- /ou can +earch for
/our to.n. )f /ou are looking for +omeone .ho +hare+ /our lo,e of animal+- /ou
can +earch for pet lo,er+. (nce /ou ha,e found the M/Space page of +omeone
.ho /ou .ould like to ecome friend+ .ith- /ou can in,ite them to 1oin /our
net.ork. )n addition to in,iting other+ to 1oin /our net.ork- there i+ a good chance
that /ou .ill e in,ited to 1oin other+.
%lthough M/Space ha+ een in the media ecau+e of it+ popularit/- attention ha+
een gi,en to the popular +ocial net.orking .e+ite- attention it proal/ didnJt
.i+h that it had recei,ed. 0ith M/Space- a+ .ell a large numer of other
net.orking +ite+- )nternet +afet/ ha+ ecome a ig i++ue- e+peciall/ .ith children.
)f /ou are the parent of a child- /ou ma/ .i+h to monitor their M/Space acti,it/ or
en+ure that their profile i+ +et to a pri,ate li+ting. M/Space ha+ a numer of
+afet/ feature+ i+ place- ut to make u+e of the+e feature+ /ou mu+t kno. that
the/ eFi+t.
)n addition to eing a traditional +ocial net.orking .e+ite- one that let+ /ou meet
and +peak to other memer+- M/Space i+ .ell kno.n for it+ additional feature+.
The+e feature+ commonl/ include mu+ic ,ideo+- horo+cope+- chat room+-
career+- and in+tant me++aging. )f /ou are intere+ted in u+ing the+e feature+- a+
.ell a+ the man/ other+ that can e found on M/Space- /ou are encouraged to
regi+ter for /our free memer+hip toda/. 4ou can do thi+ / ,i+iting:
Social Marketing Simplified
;aceook: %nother *opular Social
'et.orking 0e+ite
;aceook K ma/ not e a+ .ell kno.n a+ other
popular +ocial net.orking .e+ite+- +uch a+ 4ahooG =8< or M/Space- ut it i+ +till
popular. That popularit/ i+ mo+tl/ among high +chool +tudent+ and college
+tudent+- mo+tl/ ecau+e ;aceook focu+e+ on the+e indi,idual+ in particular.
0ith ;aceook- /ou are reDuired to regi+ter for a +pecific net.ork. That net.ork
can either include the high +chool or college .hich /ou attended or are currentl/
attending. (nce /ou ha,e 1oined the .e+ite- /ou +hould ea+il/ e ale to make
contact .ith other+ .ho are in the +ame net.ork.
The net.ork in .hich /ou 1oin can e con+idered an ad,antage of ;aceook- a+
.ell a+ a di+ad,antage. See- ;aceook doe+ not .ork like mo+t other +ocial
net.orking .e+ite+. )n+tead of eing ale to communicate .ith all +ite
memer+- /ou are limited to contact .ith tho+e that are in /our particular
net.ork- the high +chool or college /ou that +elected. The creator+ of ;aceook
+tate that thi+ i+ for /our o.n +afet/. %lthough it i+ +afer for /our profile and
per+onal information to e ,ie.ed / a +mall numer of indi,idual+- /ou ma/ not
nece++it/ .ant it to e that .a/.
%lthough a large amount of focu+ i+ placed on high +chool +tudent+ and college
+tudent+- ;aceook ha+ added another popular feature to their .e+ite. That
feature i+ .orkplace net.ork+. A/ 1oining a +pecific .orkplace net.ork- /ou .ill
e granted acce++ to other communit/ memer+ .ho .ork for the +ame
compan/ a+ /ou. Thi+ feature i+ nice- e+peciall/ +ince man/ companie+ ha,e
ecome large corporation+ or eFpanded acro++ the countr/. 4ou ma/ e ale to
Social Marketing Simplified
make contact and ecome friend+ .ith a long-di+tance co.orker that /ou ne,er
kne. /ou had.
%nother a+pect of ;aceook that /ou ma/ find incon,enient i+ their lack of
a,ailale information- efore /ou decide to ecome a communit/ memer. 0hen
, their online .e+ite- .hich can e found at it i+ hard
to tell .hether or not the +ite i+ free to u+e. Mo+t online +ocial net.orking +ite+
.ill make thi+ kno.n right up front- ut ;aceook doe+ not. %+ide from the price-
/ou +hould ea+il/ e ale to otain additional information on ;aceook- efore
making the deci+ion to ecome a memer. Thi+ additional information ma/
include ho. ;aceook .ork+- .h/ /ou +hould ecome a memer- ho. the in,ite
proce++ .ork+- and general rule+ and re+triction+ that are in place.
)f /ou are intere+ted in 1oining the ;aceook communit/- /ou +hould do .hat /ou
+hould do .ith all other +ocial net.orking .e+ite+- re+earch. A/ taking the time
to re+earch and eFamine e,er/thing that ;aceook ha+ to offer- /ou +hould e
ale to decide .hether or not thi+ popular net.orking communit/ i+ .hat /ou
.ere looking for. There i+ a good chance that it .ill e- ut if not- do not .orr/.
There are literall/ an unlimited numer of other +ocial net.orking .e+ite+ that
/ou can 1oin.
Creating 4our Social 'et.orking 0e+ite
Ho. /ou .ould like to meet and communicate .ith other )nternet u+er+-
e+peciall/ one+ that +hare the +ame ,ie.+ and elief+ a+ /ou do6 0hen it come+
to ea+il/ finding and communicating online .ith other )nternet u+er+- +ocial
net.orking +ite+ are- perhap+- the e+t .a/ to go.
)f /ou are intere+ted in 1oining a +ocial net.orking .e+ite- the fir+t thing that /ou
.ill need to do i+ find a net.ork to 1oin. 4ou can ea+il/ find a numer of net.ork+
/ performing a +tandard )nternet +earch. ;or the e+t +earch re+ult+- /ou ma/
.ant to +earch .ith the .ord+ +ocial net.orking or +ocial net.orking .e+ite+. )n
/our +earch- it i+ likel/ that that /ou come up .ith a fairl/ large numer of
different net.orking +ite+. *opular +ite+ that ma/ e included in /our +earch
Social Marketing Simplified
re+ult+ ma/ include- ut .ill not e limited to- M/Space- (rkut- 4ahooG =8<-
;riend;inder- ;riend0i+e- ;aceook- and Cla++mate+.
(nce /ou ha,e made the deci+ion to 1oin a particular +ocial net.orking .e+ite-
.hether or not it i+ one of the one+ mentioned ao,e- /ou .ill need to need to
regi+ter .ith the +ite. #,en free net.orking communitie+ reDuire that /ou go
through the regi+tration proce++. (nce /ou are regi+tered- /ou +hould e ale to
+tart communicating .ith other communit/ memer+. Aefore /ou +tart
communicating- /ou ma/ need to de,elop /our online profile or profile page-
depending on the net.orking +ite in Due+tion. %lthough it ma/ +eem ea+/ enough
to create a profile- there are man/ )nternet u+er+ .ho are un+ure eFactl/ .hat
the/ +hould and +hould not include.
*erhap+- one of the mo+t important thing+ to include in /our online .e+ite
i+ /our picture. 0hile a per+onal picture i+ optional- it i+ ideal. Man/ )nternet
u+er+ en1o/ taking to +omeone that the/ can +ee in their mind+- .ithout a picture
thi+ i+ difficult. )f /ou are looking to u+e +ocial net.orking .e+ite+ 1u+t to meet
ne. friend+ /ou ma/ not nece++aril/ need to po+t a pri,ate picture- ut /ou ma/
need to if /ou are looking to find lo,e online. 0hen it come+ to )nternet dating-
man/ indi,idual+ .ill not e,en ,ie. an online profile if a picture i+ not included.
)n addition to /our photograph- /ou ma/ .ant to include /our name. 'o.- .hen
it come+ to /our name- /ou need to e cautiou+. 4ou are ad,i+ed again+t gi,ing
/our full name- e+peciall/ if /our profile or profile page contain+ a per+onal
photograph of /ou. )n addition to /our name- /ou ma/ .ant to put do.n /our
location. %+ .ith /our name it i+ important to di+pla/ caution. 4our picture- /our
addre++- and /our full name can e dangerou+- e+peciall/ if it fall+ into the .rong
hand+. %+ much a+ /ou .ould like to fill /our +ocial net.orking profile+ .ith
per+onal information- /ou are ad,i+ed to think aout /our +afet/ efore an/thing
4ou ma/ al+o .ant to include information on /our+elf. Thi+ information ma/
include /our hoie+- i++ue+ that are important to do- /our like+- and /our
di+like+. 0ith man/ +ocial net.orking .e+ite+- including M/Space- /ou .ill find
that there are pre+et profile field+ for thi+ information. )n addition to pre+et
Due+tion+ or categorie+ on /our like+ and di+like+- /ou ma/ al+o find additional
information- including fun Due+tionnaire+. Man/ +ocial net.orking .e+ite+ .ill
a+k that /ou de+crie /our fa,orite color- /our goal+ in life- /our mo+t
emarra++ing moment- and +o on. %+ .ith /our other per+onal information- it i+
Social Marketing Simplified
important to +ta/ a+ ,ague and po++ile and not u+e an/ full name+- e+peciall/
real one+.
A/ keeping the ao,e mentioned point+ in mind- /ou +hould not onl/ e ale to
create an online +ocial net.orking profile that i+ filled .ith ,aluale information-
ut /ou can do +o .hile +ta/ing +afe at the +ame time. 4our +afet/ on the
)nternet i+ in /our hand+- that i+ .h/ it i+ important to think aout +afet/- a+ .ell
a+ )nternet popularit/.
0hat '(T to *ut in 4our Social 'et.ork
%+ pre,iou+l/ mentioned- /our +ocial net.orking profile i+ important .hen it
come+ to meeting other )nternet u+er+. Thi+ i+ ecau+e- in mo+t ca+e+- )nternet
u+er+ are looking to chat .ith +omeone .ho ha+ the +ame goal+- ,ie.+- elief+-
and intere+t+ a+ the/ do. 0ithout a per+onal profile- it .ould e difficult or
impo++ile to tell .hat /our intere+t+ are. That i+ .h/ +ocial net.orking profile+
are not onl/ important- ut the/ are needed.
0hen it come+ to +ocial net.orking profile+- a lot of focu+ ha+ een placed on
.hat /ou +hould include in /our profile or di+pla/ on /our profile page. )t ha+
een +aid that picture+ produce the e+t re+pon+e+- a+ .ell a+ detailed per+onal
information. %lthough a picture and detailed per+onal information ma/ help to
Social Marketing Simplified
increa+e /our page ,ie.+- /ou ma/ e getting ,ie.+ that /ou do not nece++aril/
.ant. >e+pite .hat /ou ma/ elie,e- mo+t +ocial net.orking .e+ite+ do not
ha,e re+triction+ on .ho can ,ie. /our per+onal profile. )n fact- )nternet u+er+-
e,en tho+e that do not elong to /our online communit/- can ea+il/ +ee profile.
Since an/one- literall/ an/one- can +ee /our +ocial net.orking profile- on mo+t
+ocial net.orking .e+ite+- /ou are ad,i+ed to e cautiou+. #++entiall/- thi+
mean+ that in+tead of focu+ing on .hat /ou +hould put in /our online profile- /ou
+hould e focu+ing on .hat not to put. Thi+ i+ one the e+t .a/+ to protect /our
+afet/- oth on and offline.
*icture+ KagainGM are often recommended .ith +ocial net.orking .e+ite+. )f /ou
are intere+ted in po+ting a per+onal picture of /our+elf in /our online profile /ou
can do +o- ut /ou are ad,i+ed to carefull/ choo+e that picture. 0hile /ou .ill
.ant to look /our e+t- /ou are ad,i+ed again+t po+ting a picture that i+ too
re,ealing or +educti,e in nature. Mo+t )nternet u+er+ can look at the+e t/pe+ of
picture+ .ithout feeling a thing- ut for other+ the+e t/pe+ of picture+ +pell
)f /ou make the deci+ion to po+t a picture of /our+elf in /our +ocial net.orking
.e+ite profile- /ou need to e careful aout the re+t of the information that /ou
po+t. %lthough /ou ma/ not nece++aril/ think aout it- a picture i+ 1u+t a picture-
ut comined .ith /our name and addre++- it could e a deadl/ comination.
4ou are ad,i+ed to onl/ po+t /our fir+t name in /our profile. Thi+ .ill make it
more difficult for an/one to tr/ and contact /ou off of the )nternet.
)t i+ al+o ad,i+ed that /ou carefull/ choo+e /our location. % large numer of
online +ocial net.orking +ite+ reDuire that /ou +elect a cit/- a+ .ell a+ a +tate. )f it
i+ allo.ed- /ou ma/ onl/ .i+h to li+t /our +tate and not the cit/. )f /ou are
reDuired to li+t the cit/ and the +tate that /ou li,e in- /ou ma/ .ant to think aout
u+ing a near/ cit/ or to.n- e+peciall/ if /ou li,e in a +mall to.n. )f an )nternet
predator .anted to contact /ou and /ou li,ed in a +mall to.n- it could e fairl/
ea+/ for them to find /ou. That i+ .h/ it i+ ad,i+ed that /ou carefull/ +elect the to the location Due+tion.
)n addition to the ao,e precautionar/ mea+ure+- it i+ ad,i+ed that /ou do not
po+t detailed information on /our children- the location of /our home- /our
income- or .hen /ou .ill e lea,ing for ,acationG A/ keeping the+e and the
Social Marketing Simplified
ao,e mentioned point+ in mind- /ou +hould e ale to en1o/ online +ocial
net.orking .ithout ha,ing to al.a/+ look ehind /our ack.
Click Here:
The %d,antage+ and >i+ad,antage+ to ?+ing
Social 'et.orking Site+ to ;ind >ate+
Ha,e /ou een looking for lo,e- ut in all of the .rong place+6 Man/ +ingle+ are
fed up .ith the traditional ar +ceneE therefore- man/ are looking for alternati,e+
.hen it come+ to meeting and po++il/ falling in lo,e .ith +omeone. (ne of tho+e
alternati,e+ i+ online dating. (nline dating ha+ +k/rocketed in popularit/ K/ouJ,e
gue++ed it / no.L .ith +ocial net.orking +ite+GM.
Million+ of %merican+ ha,e turned to the )nternet in hope+ of finding lo,e. )f /ou
are thinking aout doing the +ame- /ou ma/ e .ondering if it i+ reall/ .orth it.
To determine .hether or not it i+- /ou are ad,i+ed to eFamine the ad,antage+
and di+ad,antage+ of online dating.
Aefore /ou can egin to eFamine the ad,antage+ and di+ad,antage+ of u+ing
/our +ocial net.orking .e+ite for dating- it i+ important to rememer one thing:
there are t.o main t/pe+ of +ocial net.orking .e+ite+.
Social Marketing Simplified
The fir+t t/pe i+ often cla++ified a+ traditional net.orking .e+ite+. The+e
.e+ite+ are .e+ite+ that tend to ha,e an open memer+hip. %n open
memer+hip mean+ that an/one can 1oin them.
The +econd t/pe are kno.n a+ +pecialt/ +ocial net.orking .e+ite+. Specialt/
+ocial net.orking .e+ite+ tend to focu+ on a particular topic or intere+t- +uch a+
online dating.
(ne thing that /ou ma/ not kno. aout online dating and +ocial net.orking i+
that the/ are almo+t al.a/+ connected. 0hen man/ indi,idual+ go in +earch for
lo,e online- man/ head to online dating .e+ite+. >id /ou kno. that online dating
.e+ite+ are actuall/ +ociall/ net.orking .e+ite+6 0hat +et+ online dating
.e+ite+ apart from traditional +ocial net.orking +ite+ i+ that all of the indi,idual+
.ho are a part of the online communit/ are looking to find lo,e. )n fact- that i+ one
of the man/ ad,antage+ to u+ing +ocial net.orking .e+ite+- e+peciall/ tho+e
.ith a focu+ on relation+hip+.
0hen /ou 1oin a traditional +ocial net.orking +ite- one that allo.+ all different
t/pe+ of )nternet u+er+ to 1oin- it i+ often hard to tell .hat man/ are looking for. %
large numer of net.ork u+er+ are looking for lo,e- ut man/ more are onl/
looking for friend+hip+. (nline dating .e+ite+ help to eliminate confu+ion and
a.k.ard moment+- e+peciall/ .hen approaching +omeone .ho i+ not intere+ted
in +tarting a relation+hip.
%nother one of the man/ enefit+ to u+ing online +ocial net.orking +ite+ to find a
date i+ that /ou literall/ ha,e an unlimited numer of different choice+. Social
net.orking .e+ite+ ha,e eFpended o,ertime. )n fact- man/ net.ork+ ha,e a+
man/ a+ a million memer+. Thi+ mean+ that if /ou are looking for lo,e online-
there i+ a good chance that /ou can find a lo,e intere+t online. )n fact- /ou could
proal/ find more than oneG
%lthough +ocial net.ork dating ha+ it+ ad,antage+- there are di+ad,antage+ a+
.ell. (ne of the main di+ad,antage+ i+ the co+t of u+ing the net.ork+ +er,ice. %+
pre,iou+l/ mentioned- online dating .e+ite+ are the e+t t/pe of +ocial net.ork
to 1oin- e+peciall/ if /ou are looking for a romantic partner. ?nfortunatel/- unlike
mo+t traditional net.orking +ite+- mo+t dating +ite+ reDuire a paid memer+hip.
To man/ thi+ memer+hip i+ .orth the co+t- ut o,ertime it could get Duite
eFpen+i,e and /ou are not guaranteed an/ re+ult+.
Social Marketing Simplified
)n addition to the co+t of dating online- there are a large numer of +afet/
concern+ that could e con+idered di+ad,antage+ a+ .ell. ?nfortunatel/- the
)nternet ha+ made it ea+/ for indi,idual+ to claim to e +omeone .ho the/ are
not. #++entiall/- thi+ mean+ that /ou could e +tarting an online relation+hip .ith
+omeone .ho i+ not a+ the/ look in their photo+ or their per+onalit/ i+ not a+ the/
de+cried to /ou. 0hile thi+ .ill not onl/ lead to di+appointment .hen /ou find
out- it could al+o lead to danger. There ha,e een numerou+ report+ of in+tance+
.here online date+ re+ulted in au+e or murderE therefore- /ou are al.a/+ urged
to e careful and meet /our date+ in a +afe- pulic place.
The ao,e mentioned ad,antage+ and di+ad,antage+ of +ocial net.orking dating
are 1u+t a fe. of the man/. (ne /ou ha,e eFamined all of the+e ad,antage+ and
di+ad,antage+- /ou can compare the t.o. )f /ou find that the ad,antage+
out.eigh the di+ad,antage+ then +ocial net.orking and dating might e right for
?+ing Social 'et.orking 0e+ite+ to
*romote 4our Alog
*romote /our log6 0h/ .ould /ou .ant to do that6 Hone+tl/- if /ou ha,e to a+k
/our+elf that Due+tion /ou proal/ +houldnJt e,en ha,e one. The .hole purpo+e
of a log i+ to document /our thought+- ,ie.+- and opinion+ on a particular
topic- i++ue- or +u1ect.
)n addition to +haring /our thought+ .ith the re+t of the .orld- did /ou kno. that
/ou could al+o make mone/ from /our log6
4ou can +ignup for affiliate program+ or other program+ like $oogle %d+en+e.
)f /ou are u+ing /our log to make mone/ then /ou .ill defiantl/ .ant to promote
0hen it come+ to promoting log+- there are man/ log o.ner+ .ho decide to let
the +earch engine do the .ork for them. Search engine+- +uch a+ $oogle-
4ahoo- and MS' u+e +pecial techniDue+ that read+ the content on /our .e+ite.
That content i+ then u+ed to rank /our .e+ite .ith particular ke/.ord+. Thi+
mean+ that /ou run a log on graduating from high +chool in 'e. 4ork- there i+ a
Social Marketing Simplified
good chance that /our log .ill appear in +earche+ done on 'e. 4ork high
+chool+. %lthough man/ log+ are +ucce++full/ ranked in +earch engine+- not all
are. That i+ .h/ /ou are ad,i+ed again+t rel/ing +olel/ on +earch engine+- .hen
it come+ to promoting /our log.
%+ pre,iou+l/ mentioned- if /ou lo,e meeting .ith or talking to people online-
there i+ a good chance that /ou elong to a +ocial net.orking .e+ite or
communit/. The indi,idual+ that /ou talk to and that are in /our communit/ are
likel/ the indi,idual+ that /ou .i+h to target. Since mo+t +ocial net.orking
.e+ite+ .ork to connect )nternet u+er+ .ho ha,e the +ame goal+ and common
intere+t+- there i+ a good chance that /our online friend+ .ill en1o/ reading /our
log. Aut- efore the/ can read /our log- /ou ha,e to let them kno. that it
0hen it come+ to promoting /our log on +ocial net.orking .e+ite+- /ou ha,e a
numer of different option+. 4our fir+t option i+ to include a link to /our log in
/our communit/ profile or profile page. Thi+ .ill allo. other communit/ memer+
to checkout /our log- onl/ if the/ .i+h to do +o. The other .a/ i+ to inform /our
online friend+ of /our log through pri,ate me++age+. (nce /ou 1oin a +ocial
net.orking .e+ite and create or 1oin a net.ork of friend+- /ou +hould ea+il/ e
ale to communicate .ith tho+e friend+. Sending each of /our friend+ a pri,ate
me++age .ith information and a link to /our log tend+ to e more effecti,e than
1u+t placing a link in /our profile or on /our profile page.
%lthough there i+ a good chance that /ou are alread/ a memer of a popular
+ocial net.orking .e+ite- /ou ma/ not e. )f /ou are not alread/ a memer- ut
.ould like to ecome one- /ou .ill need to find a +ocial net.orking .e+ite to
1oin. Thi+ can ea+il/ e done .ith a +tandard )nternet +earch. )n /our +earch- /ou
.ill likel/ find a numer of popular net.ork +ite+- +uch a+ M/Space- ;aceook-
;riend;inder- 4ahooG =8<- and (rkut. Aefore ecoming a communit/ memer at
one of the+e net.orking +ite+- /ou ma/ .ant to fir+t eFamine the .e+ite to
en+ure that it i+ e,er/thing that /ou .ant it to e.
%+ /ou can ea+il/ +ee- there are a numer of different .a/+ that /ou can go
aout promoting /our log on online +ocial net.orking .e+ite+. 4ou ne,er
kno.n- ut- in addition to promoting /our log- /ou ma/ al+o make ne. friend+
along the .a/.
Social Marketing Simplified
?+ing Social 'et.orking 0e+ite+ to
*romote 4our Au+ine++
The goal of u+ine++ o.ner+ i+ to make mone/. Thi+ often re+ult+ .ith the
+elling of a particular product or +er,ice. Ho.e,er- to +ell that product or +er,ice
u+ine++ o.ner+ need to alert the general pulic. Cu+tomer cannot u/ a product
or a +er,ice if the/ do not kno. that it eFi+t+. That i+ .h/- a+ a u+ine++ o.ner-
/ou need to ad,erti+e /our u+ine++.
0hen it come+ to ad,erti+ing there are man/ u+ine++ o.ner+ .ho literall/
cringe. %re /ou doing thi+ no.6 There i+ a good chance that /ou are ecau+e
man/ ad,erti+ing method+ co+t mone/. %+ a u+ine++ o.ner /ou .ant to make
mone/ not +pend it- right6 ?nfortunatel/- if /ou elie,e that all form+ of
ad,erti+ing take mone/- /ou are +adl/ mi+taken. %lthough /ou ma/ ha,e to
+pend mone/ to make /our u+ine++ .hat /ou .ant it to e- there are .a/+ to
promote /our u+ine++ and the product+ or +er,ice+ that /ou +ell .ithout ha,ing
to +pend an/ mone/ at all.
)+ /our curio+it/ peaked /et6 There i+ a good chance that it i+- rightfull/ +o. (ne
of the .a/+ that /ou can promote /our online u+ine++- .ithout ha,ing to +pend
a dime- i+ / u+ing +omething that i+ readil/ a,ailale online. That thing i+ an
online +ocial net.orking .e+ite. % large numer of )nternet u+er+- in fact
million+ of them- elong to at lea+t one +ocial net.orking .e+ite.
0hen it come+ to +ocial net.orking- there are man/ indi,idual+ .ho think of
online friend+hip+ or online relation+hip+. 0hile the+e t/pe+ of relation+hip+ are
the mo+t common- did /ou kno. that +ocial net.orking i+ al+o u+ed for
u+ine++e+6 )n fact- that .a+ originall/ ho. +ocial net.orking got +tarted. )f /ou
are a +mall u+ine++ o.ner- e+peciall/ one that operate+ an online u+ine++-
there i+ a .a/ that /ou can u+e +ocial net.orking +ite+ to /our ad,antage.
%lthough +ocial net.orking .e+ite+ are traditionall/ focu+ed on tho+e that .ould
like to make online friend+ or de,elop online relation+hip+- there are net.orking
+ite+ that are de+igned for u+ine++ o.ner+. The+e .e+ite+ .ill not onl/ allo.
/ou to +hare /our u+ine++ information .ith other u+ine++ o.ner+- ut it .ill
al+o allo. /ou to de,elop clo+e relation+hip+ .ith tho+e that +hare an intere+t
that i+ +imilar to /our+. #++entiall/- thi+ mean+ that /ou could not onl/ learn
Social Marketing Simplified
,aluale u+ine++ information- ut /ou could al+o .alk a.a/ .ith a ne. u+ine++
partner or a ne. friend.
%+ pre,iou+l/ mentioned- +ocial net.orking .e+ite+ .ith a focu+ on u+ine++e+-
are a great .a/ to promote /our u+ine++. Ho.e,er- thi+ doe+ not mean that /ou
+hould completel/ forget aout the other online +ocial net.orking .e+ite+- the
one+ that are de+igned to make online friend+hip+.
)f /ou are looking to 1oin an online communit/- /ou .ill need to create /our o.n
profile or profile page. )f /ou are planning on 1oining a traditional +ocial
net.orking .e+ite- to gain acce++ to million+ of potential ne. cu+tomer+- /ou
are urged to e careful .hen making /our online .epage or profile. (ne thing
that )nternet u+er+ hate i+ eing +olicited for u+ine++. Thi+ doe+ not mean that
/ou cannot u+e +ocial net.orking to /our ad,antageE it 1u+t mean+ that /ou need
to e careful .ith ho. /ou do it. )n+tead of creating a M/Space page or a 4ahooG
=8< page for /our u+ine++- /ou are ad,i+ed to make one for /our+elf- ut- of
cour+e- /ou .ill .ant to include information on /our u+ine++.
A/ 1oining a +ocial net.orking .e+ite- e+peciall/ one that i+ popular and ha+ a
large numer of memer+- /ou +hould e ale to generate intere+t in /our
u+ine++- including the product+ or +er,ice+ that /ou +ell. 0ho kno.+- ut that
intere+t generated could turn into +ale+E thu+ making /our +ocial net.orking
eFperience more than .orth it.
Click Here:
Social Marketing Simplified
?+ing Social 'et.orking 0e+ite+ to
*romote 4our (nline 0e+ite
% large numer of )nternet u+er+ run their o.n per+onal .e+ite+- ut other+ run
their .e+ite+ a+ a .a/ to make mone/. (f cour+e- an/ .e+ite o.ner .i+he+ to
promote their online .e+ite- ut tho+e .ho rel/ on their .e+ite+ for income are
more .illing to. 0hiche,er t/pe of .e+ite /ou ha,e- did /ou kno. that /ou could
help to promote it .ith online +ocial net.orking .e+ite+6
)f /ou are .ondering ho. and .h/ /ou +hould u+e +ocial net.orking .e+ite+ to
promote /our online .e+ite- /ou are not alone. % fairl/ large numer+ of )nternet
u+er+ arenJt e,en +ure .hat +ocial net.orking +ite+ are or ho. the/ .ork. (nline
+ocial net.orking .e+ite+ are like online communitie+. The/ gi,e )nternet u+er+
an ea+/ and fairl/ +afe .a/ to come together. Man/ +ocial net.orking .e+ite+
are de+igned to make it ea+ier for /ou to +earch for and make contact .ith other
)nternet u+er+- e+peciall/ tho+e that /ou ha,e +omething in common .ith.
0ith a fairl/ large numer of +ocial net.orking .e+ite+- including M/Space-
ha,ing o,er a million+ u+er+- there i+ a good chance that /ou could not onl/
make ne. friend+- ut find )nternet u+er+ that .ould e intere+ted in ,i+iting /our
online .e+ite- e+peciall/ if that .e+ite i+ /our per+onal .e+ite. 0hen 1oining
an online net.orking communit/- /ou +hould e gi,en /our o.n profile page. (n
thi+ page /ou could not onl/ de+crie /our+elf- /our online .e+ite. A/
mentioning .hat /our per+onal online .epage i+ all aout and pro,iding a link-
/ou +hould recei,e a numer of ne. ,i+itor+.
%+ pre,iou+l/ mentioned- +ocial net.orking .e+ite+ can enefit all .e+ite
o.ner+- ut e+peciall/ tho+e .ho are looking to make a profit .ith their .e+ite+.
Thi+ can e done one of t.o .a/+- / +elling +omething or / rel/ing on re,enue
from ad,erti+ing. )f /ou ha,e a .e+ite that +elling product+ or +er,ice+- /ou ma/
find it a little it ea+ier to u+e +ocial net.orking +ite+ to /our ad,antage. Thi+ i+
ecau+e- if /ou .i+h- /ou could do product or +er,ice +potlight+. #ach da/- .eek-
or month- /ou could one of the product+ or +er,ice+ that /our .e+ite
+ell+. Thi+ could either e done right on /our profile page or on a log page-
.hich i+ pro,ided / mo+t +ocial net.orking .e+ite+.
Social Marketing Simplified
)f /ou are u+ing /our online .e+ite to make mone/ .ith ad,erti+ing program+-
+uch a+ affiliate program+ or $oogle %d+en+e- /ou ma/ need to approach +ocial
net.orking .e+ite+ in a different matter. Since /ou .ill not nece++aril/ ha,e a
particular product or +er,ice to focu+ on- /ou .ill need to approach the+e
.e+ite+ a+ if the/ .ere per+onal .e+ite+. )f /our .e+ite di+cu++e+ eing a
dog o.ner- it ma/ e a good idea to +tate /our lo,e for dog+ in /our profile. %fter
doing +o- it .ould e acceptale and not nece++aril/ con+idered +pam to add a
link to /our online .e+ite. %+ .ith all other t/pe+ of online .e+ite+- +ocial
net.orking .e+ite+ +hould help to increa+e the numer of page ,ie.+ /our
.e+ite recei,e+. )n mo+t ca+e+- more page ,ie.+ mean more click+ .hich
mean+ mone/ for /ou.
%+ /ou can ea+il/ +ee- there are a numer of different .a/+ that /ou can promote
/our online .e+ite- no matter .hat t/pe of .e+ite /ou ha,e or .hat /ou u+e it
for. A/ keeping the ao,e mentioned point+ in mind- /ou +hould e ale to +ee
an increa+e in /our page ,ie.+- in no time at all.
Should 4our Coin a Social 'et.orking
%+ the ook dra.+ to an end and if /ou arenJt part of the neFt .a,e of the future
1u+t /et- /ou proal/ .ant to a+k /our+elf:
H%m ) intere+ted in meeting ne. people online6I
%nd if /our i+ 4#S- hop in right no.G %lthough +ocial net.orking i+ here
to +ta/- ut .h/ .ait an/ longer6
Aefore the era of +ocial net.orking .e+ite+- it .a+ difficult to meet other )nternet
u+er+. )f /ou tried- /ou .ould ha,e to rel/ on chat room+ or in+tant me++aging
+er,ice+. %+ nice a+ the+e popular )nternet feature+ are- the/ are not al.a/+
con+idered +afe. 0ith chat room+ or in+tant me++aging program+ /ou .ere often
gi,en little rea++urance that a per+on .a+ .ho the/ claimed to e. 0ithout
profile+- there .a+ no .a/ that /ou could learn more aout a particular )nternet
u+er- e,en if /ou .anted to. Social net.orking .e+ite+ ha,e changed that.
Social Marketing Simplified
'ot onl/ ha,e +ocial net.orking .e+ite+ made it +afer to meet people online- it
al+o allo.+ /ou to meet people that ha,e the +ame or +imilar intere+t+ a+
/our+elf. Mo+t +ocial net.orking .e+ite+ allo. /ou to create /our o.n profileE in
fact- man/ e,en gi,e /ou /our o.n .epage. The+e profile+ or page+ .ill allo.
/ou to +hare information on /our+elf- including /our like+ and di+like+. Since all
other net.ork memer+ +hould ha,e the +ame page+ and profile+- it +hould e
fairl/ ea+/ for /ou to meet up .ith other )nternet u+er+- e+peciall/ tho+e .ho
en1o/ or elie,e in the +ame thing+ that /ou do.
%nother one of the man/ rea+on+ .h/ /ou +hould 1oin a +ocial net.orking
.e+ite i+ ecau+e /ou literall/ ha,e a .ide ,ariet/ of different choice+. %+ +ocial
net.orking .e+ite+ increa+ed in popularit/- +o did the numer of .e+ite+ that
could e found online. %lthough M/Space i+ often deemed the mo+t popular
online +ocial net.orking .e+ite- there are other+ that are 1u+t a+ ea+/ or a+
much fun to u+e. 4ou +hould ea+il/ e ale to find tho+e .e+ite+ / performing
a +tandard )nternet +earch.
)n /our +earch- for +ocial net.orking .e+ite+- /ou .ill come acro++ a numer of
different net.ork+. Man/ of tho+e +ite+ .ill ha,e a particular focu+. ?nlike
M/Space- .hich accept+ 1u+t aout an/ )nternet u+er- there are online net.ork+
that aim to accept )nternet u+er+ that ha,e a particular ho/- ,ie.- or elief.
(nline- it i+ not uncommon to find +ocial net.orking .e+ite+ that focu+ on
politic+- religion- pet+- +port+- and more. )f /ou are un+ure aout 1oining an online
net.orking communit/- +pecialt/ net.orking +ite+ ma/ e /our e+t et. The/ are
a great .a/ to te+t the .ater+ and the/ are nice ecau+e the/ automaticall/ pair
/ou .ith )nternet u+er+ .ho ha,e the +ame intere+t+- ,ie.+- or elief+ a+ /ou do.
*erhap+- the greate+t rea+on+ .h/ +hould 1oin a +ocial net.orking .e+ite i+
ecau+e mo+t are free to u+e. *opular free net.ork+ include 4ahooG =8<- (rkut-
and M/Space. )n addition to free +ocial net.ork+- there are online net.ork+ in
.hich /ou are reDuired to pa/ to 1oin. %lthough /ou ma/ not .ant to pa/ for
+omething that /ou can otain for free /ou .ill find that mo+t paid
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net.orking +ite+.
>ue to the fact that mo+t +ocial net.orking .e+ite+ are free to u+e or at lea+t
free to tr/- /ou are encouraged to gi,e them a +hot. )f /ou are un+ati+fied .ith
.hat /ou +ee- /ou can ea+il/ cancel /our memer+hip- often at an/time.
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