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Terms and Conditions
The Publisher has strived to be as aurate and om"lete as "ossible
in the reation o# this re"ort$ not%ithstandin& the #at that he does
not %arrant or re"resent at an' time that the ontents %ithin are
aurate due to the ra"idl' han&in& nature o# the Internet(
)hile all attem"ts have been made to veri#' in#ormation "rovided in
this "ubliation$ the Publisher assumes no res"onsibilit' #or errors$
omissions$ or ontrar' inter"retation o# the sub*et matter herein(
An' "ereived sli&hts o# s"ei#i "ersons$ "eo"les$ or or&ani+ations
are unintentional(
In "ratial advie boo,s$ li,e an'thin& else in li#e$ there are no
&uarantees o# inome made( -eaders are autioned to re"l' on their
o%n *ud&ment about their individual irumstanes to at
This boo, is not intended #or use as a soure o# le&al$ business$
aountin& or #inanial advie( All readers are advised to see, servies
o# om"etent "ro#essionals in le&al$ business$ aountin& and #inane
.ou are enoura&ed to "rint this boo, #or eas' readin&(
- / -
Table O# Contents
Cha"ter 11
2ervie 3usiness 3asis
Cha"ter 21
4se 5ar,et -esearh To Choose The 3est 2ervie
3ased Com"an'
Cha"ter /1
3ee# 4" .our 5ar,etin& 2,ills
Cha"ter 61
Put To&ether .our )ebsite
Cha"ter 71
3rainstormin& 4ni8ue Advertisin& Ideas
Cha"ter 91
2ta' On To" O# Customer 2ervie
Cha"ter :1
T'"es O# 2ervie 3ased Com"anies
)ra""in& 4"
- 6 -
- 7 -
5ost businesses are divided into t%o distintive ate&ories$ %hih are
the "rodut based business and the servie based business(
4nderstandin& the di##erene %ill &ive the "otential business o%ner a
better overvie% o# %hat is e;"eted #rom these t%o ver' di##erent
st'les( Get all the in#o 'ou need here(
2ervie 3usiness 2'ner&'
2ettin& 4" A 2uess#ul 2ervie 3usiness
- 9 -
Cha"ter 11
2ervie 3usiness 3asis
Althou&h there are e;e"tions %here both entities are ent%ined into
one$ most basis o# the business is built around one uni#'in& ate&or'
so that the intentions and &oals are learl' and visibl' set(
- : -
The 3asis
This distintion allo%s the individual to then deide o# the
aom"an'in& tools that should be hosen #or the "ur"ose o#
enhanin& the business e;"eriene and also to ontribute "ositivel' to
the ease o# runnin& the business entit'(
5ost servie based #ora's are labor intensive %hih the business
entit' revolves around( This is either "a,a&ed as the sellin& o#
e;"ertise in a "artiular #ield or the sellin& o# the atual <en&ines= that
"rodue the desired outome that brin& in the revenue(
Either %a' the 8ualit'$ e##iien'$ attention and detail that is
e;erised %ithin the business are the eventual elements that are &oin&
to ma,e or brea, the business #ora' into the revenue hurnin&
3asiall' o##erin& the time #rame re8uired to reate a "artiular
servie or to "rovide the ontent o# the "ro*et itsel# is ho% the ost
#ator is alulated and the "ro#its are &ained in the servie based
There#ore the individual %ould have to #ator in the ost o# business
entit' b' the labor intensive tool it "rovides$ in order to "rovide a
suitable base line #or the eventual alulation o# the "ro#its and the
"riin& suitable to be demanded(
- > -
Alternativel' the value o# the servie based business an be alulated
on the value o# the servie bein& "rovided in a onsultan' a"ait'
%hih is evaluated a&ainst the insi&hts the said servie %ill brin& to
the om"an' %ith the intention o# reatin& a s'stem thereb' the said
om"an' is able to save or be more ost e##etive(
- ? -
Cha"ter 21
4se 5ar,et -esearh To Choose The 3est 2ervie 3ased
3ein& able to identi#' a suitable and &ood servie based om"an' is
ver' im"ortant i# the ne% business or e;istin& business o%ner intends
to hire its servies to hel" enhane the site@s "otential(
Indenti#'in& the harateristis o# a "artiular servie based om"an'
and mathin& them to the needs o# the site in 8uestion %ill allo% the
business o%ner is ma,e an in#ormed deision o# the merits o# the
hosen servie(
- 1A -
Customer "ere"tion o# a om"an' is ver' im"ortant to the
"ro&ress and eventual suess o# an' business endeavor$ there#ore
it is ver' im"ortant to be able to identi#' the a""ro"riate servie
based one to best suit the individual@s needs(
3ein& able to "rovide &ood servie should al%a's be the "rime
onern o# an' business entit' es"eiall' i# its revenue earnin&
"o%er de"ends on this one #ator(
5ar,et researh is o#ten the best %a' to identi#' the om"anies
that have &ood tra, reords and are a"able o# deliverin& %hat
the' "romise(
This in#ormation an easil' be soured over the internet as these
om"anies %ill be ative in "resentin& their ahievements #or all
interested "arties to vie%(
It is also an e;ellent "lat#orm #or "otential lients and
om"etitors ali,e to note the merits o# the "resentin& servie based
3ein& %ell "laed on the searh en&ine ran,in&s %ill allo% the
servie based om"an' to be more visible and thus ma,e it easier
to &arner the intended ustomer base to ensure its onsistent
- 11 -
The #eatures o# a &ood servie based om"an' %ould have to
inlude the value added b' the business entit' #rom the in"ut sta&e
to the out"ut sta&e %here the results are then measured b' its
suess rates(
These in"ut sta&es are o#ten re&arded as the ommodit' "hase and
the "roesses that it is desi&ned around have to ensure the
suess#ul out"ut sta&e %hih is %here the end desired results are
more than ade8uatel' met(
- 12 -
Cha"ter /1
3ee# 4" .our 5ar,etin& 2,ills
5a,in& a sale or "ushin& a business "ro"osition is never an eas' tas,
to aom"lish #or some$ there#ore havin& the relevant assistin& tools
at hand should "rovide the individual %ith some enoura&ement to
see the "roess to suess(
- 1/ -
4sin& 5ar,etin&
The #ollo%in& are some o# the a#ore mentioned tools that an "rove
to be o# &reat assistane to an' individual intendin& to bee# u"
their mar,etin& s,ills1
5a,in& use o# as man' online tools as "ossible to "romote the
business or "rodut intended is one %a' to start the enhanement
o# the mar,etin& s,ills venture(
4sin& blo&s to reate the interest and visibilit' #or the item is
somethin& that should be onsidered as this is one %a' to &et the
attention o# the tar&et audiene %ithout must ost inurred(
)or,in& in a ollaborative #ashion is another %a' to bee# u" an
individual@s mar,etin& s,ills( 3ein& "art o# a team e##ort %here the
individual@s talents and ontributions are notied and
a,no%led&ed is de#initel' an enoura&in& #ator and hel"s the
individual to be more adventurous and ,een on honin& his or her
s,ills #urther(
Availin& one@s sel# to be listed on #ree lane *ob sites is also another
%a' o# bee#in& u" the mar,etin& s,ill o# an individual( The #at that
the visibilit' #ator the site an brin& to the individual %ill hel" the
"erson #ous more on ensurin& the eventual onnetions made are
o"timi+ed and lo,ed in at the earliest o""ortunit'(
2oial %ebsites are also a &ood "lat#orm to introdue one@s
- 16 -
mar,etin& s,ills to the masses(
3eause o# the om"etitiveness o# all the "artii"ants in this
"artiular "lat#orm the individual %ill subonsiousl' be #ored to
ste" out and ensure his or her "artii"ation leaves a "ositive
im"at on the interations(
2ho%asin& all the "ositive s,ill o# the mar,etin& "roess %ill
eventuall' earn the res"et and attention o# others loo,in& #or suh
- 17 -
Cha"ter 61
Put To&ether .our )ebsite
Creatin& a %ebsite an be a hallen&in& #eat #or those not ver'
internet savv'$ ho%ever it is not alto&ether a tas, that is #ormidable in
nature( )ith a little startu" ,no%led&e and ti"s an'one an
suess#ull' attem"t to "ut to&ether their o%n %ebsite(
- 19 -
The 2ite
The #ollo%in& are some &uidelines that %ill hel" ease the "roess1
-e&isterin& the suitable domain name is the #irst ste" to ta,e %hen
desi&nin& a %ebsite(
The hoie o# this domain name should ideall' ta,e into onsideration
the relevane the name has to the intended site$ an eas' to remember
re#erene$ one that is short 'et desri"tive and %hether it has the
ri&ht e;tensions ta&&ed to it suh as (net$(om$(or&(
The ne;t ste" %ould be to set u" a %eb host aount and this %ould
entail the "i,in& one that an "rovide the servies the individual
%ould need #or the %ebsite(
Althou&h ost is al%a's a #ator #or ever' business endeavor$ it %ould
be advisable to avoid usin& the hea"er and ine;"eriened ones
available as this mi&ht end u" ostin& the individual in the #uture(
The #ollo% u" ste" %ould be to "oint the domain to the %eb host in
This is a #airl' sim"le e;erise$ ho%ever i# the individual #aes an'
"otential "roblems alon& the %a' there are al%a's assistin& "lat#orms
to ta" into to &et the relevant hel" or e;"lanations(
Gettin& a %ord "ress lin,ed to the site is another im"ortant ste" to
inor"orate into the setu"( This %ord "ress is a #ree "lat#orm that is
used b' blo&&ers and allo%s the individual to build the %ebsite %ith
the minimum o# e##ort %hile ma,in& it user #riendl' al%a's(
- 1: -
Last but b' no means the least$ %ould be #or the individual to
or&ani+e the %ebsite(
This "roess %ould involve the ba,tra,in& e;erise to ensure there
are no de#aults that %ould ause the vie%er to be "ut o## %hen visitin&
the site(
- 1> -
Cha"ter 71
3rainstormin& 4ni8ue Advertisin& Ideas
In order to sta' om"etitive it is neessar' to al%a's be able to have
#resh vie%s and ideas to "resent to "otential ustomers and tar&et
audienes( )ithout suh innovations the %ebsite %ill beome
sta&nant and outdated thus eventuall' ausin& the ori&inal hi&h
volume o# tra##i #lo% to thin out( 3rainstormin& is one %a' o#
&atherin& and reatin& ne% ideas that %ould bene#it an' endeavor(
- 1? -
2ome o# the %a's that an be ado"ted to brin& #orth interestin& and
innovative ideas at the brainstormin& sessions are #ailitated b'
enoura&in& the "artii"ants to simulate the mindset o# the ustomer
or the intended tar&et audiene(
3' doin& this the "artii"ant are more li,el' to antii"ate the needs
and %ants o# the ustomers and tar&et audiene and desi&n an'
han&es to #it into this disover'(
3rin&in& "eo"le to&ether to disuss ideas at the same time and in the
same "lae is also another &ood advanta&e the brainstormin& sessions
an #ailitate(
Advertisin& ideas and am"ai&ns an be disussed in <real time= as
o""osed to havin& emails #l'in& about %hih is less e##etive and time
onsumin& and even on#usin& at times(
3rainstormin& #or advertisin& "ur"oses$ should ideall' ta,e into
aount the #ollo%in& "oints1
Problem de#inition and identi#iation should be done at the ver' onset
o# the e;erise( )ith this learl' outlined$ other #ators an then be
%or,ed on in line %ith the initial "roblem disover' in#ormation(
Custom desi&nin& an also be %or,ed on %ithin the brainstormin&
session$ as the ollaboration o# vie%s an ontribute to #indin& the
one idea that is &oin& to eventuall' used to build the am"ai&n
- 2A -
Guidane #ailitation should be done at "eriodi intervals to hel" the
&rou" #ous on the end &oal at all times( 3rainstormin& sessions have
the notoriet' o# runnin& o## ourse %hen le#t unhe,ed(
There should also be #ollo% u" e;erises done to ensure the
advertisin& struture deided$ is e;euted as "lanned(
- 21 -
Cha"ter 91
2ta' On To" O# Customer 2ervie
5a,in& a sale is onl' the #irst ste" is the relationshi" buildin&
e;erise$ %hih %ill eventuall' ontribute to either the suess or
#ailure o# an' business endeavor( There#ore it is im"ortant to "a'
attention to the ustomer servie o##ered to ement the suess rate
- 22 -
The #ollo%in& are some ti"s as to ho% to sta' on to" o# the ustomer
servie e;erise1
Ta,in& the ustomer #or &ranted is the #irst and most ommon
mista,e most businesses ma,e( This is es"eiall' evident %hen the
business has e;"anded to no% suess#ul and om#ortable levels(
O#ten #or&otten is the ustomers that brou&ht the business to suh
hei&hts in the #irst "lae(
There#ore it is ver' im"ortant to ,ee" in touh %ith the ustomers so
that vital in#ormation an be learnt about the urrent needs and
%ants o# the ustomer(
In the 8uest to sta' in#ormed and "rovide o"timum ustomer servie
another "oint to onsider and e;erise is the im"ortane o# bein&
#resh and innovative %ith ideas that are &oin& to ,ee" the ustomer
omin& ba, #or more(
)hen boredom sets in the ustomer %ill usuall' sim"l' loo,
else%here #or the ne;t ne% e;itin& thin& that attrats their attention(
There#ore in order to indue ustomer lo'alt' innovative ideas should
be a onstant #eature %ithin the business(
- 2/ -
Trainin& sta## to treat eah ustomer %ith res"et and individualit' is
%ell %orth the e##ort( 2ometimes this "ositive treatment is the
de#inin& #ator that ,ee"s the ustomer omin& ba,$ even i# the
"roduts are not e;atl' the best in the mar,et(
Bavin& the "rotools in "lae #or 8ui, and e##iient res"onses to a
ustomer@s 8ueries or &rievanes$ is one %a' o# ensurin& the
individual sta's a lo'al ustomer and does not s"read ne&ativit' about
the business or "rodut( Ba""' ustomers are lo'al ustomers(
- 26 -
Cha"ter :1
T'"es O# 2ervie 3ased Com"anies
In most ases it is rather di##iult to s"ei#iall' ate&ori+e businesses
into s"ei#i servie based st'les( This is mainl' beause a lot o#
businesses tend to inor"orate di##erent "lat#orms and strate&ies into
the atual blue"rint o# the business #ormat(
Bo%ever there are some that an be learl' de#ined as servie based
business om"anies and the #ollo%in& are some o# these e;am"les1
- 27 -
2uh servie om"anies ma' inlude the li,es o# servies "rovided
b' dotors$ aounts$ arhitets$ atuaries$ la%'ers and other
related #ields(
On a more reative side one ma' inlude the li,es o# servies
"rovided #or b' #abri desi&ners$ #ashion desi&ners$ olor sheme
artists and man' more as the list o# suh endeavors an be 8uite
5ost servie t'"e om"anies rarel' have a""reiable inventor' as
the "urhases #or usuall' made %ith the ob*etive o# #ailitatin& a
*ob thus the need to arr' an' inventor' %ould not be neessar'(
5erhandisin& om"anies an also be onsidered servie st'le
enter"rises as the' to "rovide a servie o# sort to the ustomer
Bo%ever this servie is based solel' on "rovidin& tan&ible
elements rather than *ust the ation o# e;tendin& "h'sial servie(
The &eneration o# revenue is #rom the atual sale o# the inventor'
rather than #rom the servie e;tended(
5anu#aturin& om"anies also ome under the ate&or' o#
"rovidin& a servie to the industr' and the ustomer needs( In this
senario the "roduts or items are made and sold %ithin the
- 29 -
om"an'@s business entit' thus ensurin& monetar' &ains are
derived both #rom the "rodut and the servie o##ered b'
manu#aturin& the "rodut(
- 2: -
)ra""in& 4"
All these di##erent t'"es o# basi servie "rovidin& entities are all in
"lae %ith one &oal in mind and that is to reate the "lat#orm #or
revenue earnin& "otential( There#ore in order to understand and
identi#' %hih %ould be best suited #or the individual business o%ner$
more researh should be done to #ind the st'le that best suits the
individual@s needs(
- 2> -
-eommended -esoures
Cli, Lin, 3elo%1
- 2? -
Cli, Lin, 3elo%1
- /A -
Cli, Bere1 htt"1CC&uideri&ht&rou"(omCGodadd'
Cli, Bere1 htt"1CC&uideri&ht&rou"(omCBost&ator
Cli, Bere1 htt"1CC&uideri&ht&rou"(omCNameChea"
Cli, Bere1 htt"1CC&uideri&ht&rou"(omC2oialAdr
Cli, Bere1 htt"1CC&uideri&ht&rou"(omCTra##i)ave
- /1 -
Cli, Bere1 htt"1CC&uideri&ht&rou"(omCImnia5ail
- /2 -
Cli, Bere1 htt"1CC&uideri&ht&rou"(omCGa++le3a,To2hool2tore
Cli, Bere1 htt"1CC&uideri&ht&rou"(omCGa++leCard2ha"es2tore
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Cli, Bere1 htt"1CC&uideri&ht&rou"(omCGa++leCustomi+eItAll2tore
Cli, Bere1 htt"1CC&uideri&ht&rou"(omCGa++leFisne's0ro+en2tore
Cli, Bere1 htt"1CC&uideri&ht&rou"(omCGa++leGraduationInvitations2tore
Cli, Bere1 htt"1CC&uideri&ht&rou"(omCGa++leInternational2tores
- // -
Cli, Bere1 htt"1CC&uideri&ht&rou"(omCGa++leiPhone9CasesPreorder2tore
Cli, Bere1 htt"1CC&uideri&ht&rou"(omCGa++le2aveTheFate2tore
Cli, Bere1 htt"1CC&uideri&ht&rou"(omCGa++le2aveTheFate5a&nets2tore
Cli, Bere1 htt"1CC&uideri&ht&rou"(omCGa++le)ra""edCanvas2tore
Cli, Bere1 htt"1CC&uideri&ht&rou"(omCGa++leGi#tCenter2tore
Cli, Bere1 htt"1CC&uideri&ht&rou"(omCGa++le2ho"AndCreateIn42A

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