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Final Review B Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

1 Complete the dialogue with the
correct present form of the verbs
A: This (1) __________ (be) a lovely park. I often
come here after school.
B: Me too! I usually (2) _________ (sit) by the
river an (3) __________ (o) my home!ork!
But I (4) __________ (not come) last !eek
because it (5) _________ (be) very col" an
also I (6) __________ (not have) much time.
#e (7) __________ (have) e$ams last Tuesay
an Thursay. (8) __________ you
__________ (have) any e$ams yet%
A: &es" I have. I !ant to for'et about them! (o
you !ant to sit uner the tree% My mum
(9) __________ (make) some san!iches this
mornin'. #oul you like one%
B: )o" thanks. I (10) __________ (have) inner
A: I on*t have inner early urin' the !eek. +et*s
,ust rela$ in the sunshine.
2 Complete the second sentence so it
means the same as the frst, using
the word given. o not change the
word given. !se between two and fve
1 -uestion . on the test paper !as easier than
-uestion /.
-uestion / _______________ -uestion ..
2 There are no stuents in the classroom.
There _______________ the classroom.
3 It*s not a 'oo iea for you to eat so much
cheese before be.
&ou _______________ cheese before be.
4 #e*re plannin' to buy a ne! computer for the
family to use.
_______________ a ne! computer for the
family to use.
5 It*s not necessary to take 7amie to school toay.
_______________ take 7amie to school toay.
6 I on*t usually 'o to be before mini'ht.
_______________ before mini'ht.
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Name ............................................ Class ...............................................
# Find and correct the mista$es in the
sentences. %wo sentences do not
have a mista$e.
1 #e*re stuyin' computer technolo'y every

2 (i you ha a 'oo time on holiay%

3 I mustn*t to for'et my a*s birthay.

4 #here i you put the biscuits%

5 (o you have spoken to :erry recently%

6 I*m 'oin' to buy any ne! boots at the

7 3any is in a bathroom at the moment.

8 I*ll help you !ith those ifficult e$ercises later.

9 #e on*t have to copy other stuents* !ork in

10 This chair is the more comfortable in our

( Complete the sentences with the
correct verbs.
1 I usually __________ the Internet !hen I finish
my home!ork in the evenin's.
2 I in*t __________ any photos at the party
because I for'ot my camera an phone.
3 9aye !ants to be the youn'est 'irl to
__________ Mount 2verest.
4 I in*t like to __________ sport !hen I !as
youn' because I !asn*t very stron'.
5 I*m cookin' the inner" so you have to
__________ the ishes.
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Name ............................................ Class ...............................................
) Choose the correct alternatives to
complete the sentences.
1 ;an you tiy ___ your beroom before you 'o
A over
B up
C on
2 #hat sort of music o you like to listen ___%
A at
B on
C to
3 &our inner*s ___ the table. 4urry up!
A at
B in
C on
4 (i you 'o to 9rance ___ plane or boat%
A on
B in
C by
5 There isn*t much lemonae ___ the bottle.
A at
B over
C in
6 My birthay is ___ 3eptember. #hen*s yours%
A on
B in
C at
* Complete the sentences with the
correct words.
1 I on*t often 'o to the o__________ because I
can*t unerstan the !ors of the son's.
2 (urin' the storm" the t__________ !as very
lou an !oke the baby.
3 I like people !ho are c__________ an lau'h a
4 The ,__________ !rote an interestin' story in
the ne!spaper last !eek.
5 3ometimes in the mornin'" it*s very
f__________ an you can*t see anythin'
6 At the airport" I ha to pay e$tra money
because my l__________ !as very heavy.
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Name ............................................ Class ...............................................
" Read the club reports in the school
maga+ine. ecide if the statements
are true ,%-, false ,F- or not
mentioned ,./-.
Tennis Club
This year has been an e$cellent year for the
tennis club. +ast year" !e starte !ith .< members
an no! !e have =>. (urin' the year" many of our
members playe in competitions at school an for
the area. (avi Markham entere the national
championships an came secon! #ell one"
(avi. ?erhaps ne$t year you can !in! An then
maybe #imbleon% An about #imbleon @ in
7uly a 'roup of about .> members !ent to !atch
the final an they have only ,ust stoppe talkin'
about it. A !onerful year. +et*s hope ne$t year is
even better!
Book Club
#e have finishe the year !ith five more
members than !hen !e starte @ A>. #e are a
small club" but !e certainly love books! (urin'
the year !e rea A. ifferent books an ha some
very interestin' iscussions. The favourite book of
the year !as the secon book by the 3!eish
!riter 3tei' +arsson @ The Girl Who Played with
Fire. #e also !atche an en,oye the film. #e
also have some 'oo ne!s. 0ne of our members @
7uith 3prin'er @ has !ritten several short stories
this year" an you can rea t!o of them in ne$t
month*s Writers World ma'aBine. 7uith isn*t sure
if she !ants to be a ,ournalist or a novelist. #e are
sure that she*ll o !ell in both ,obs! 6oo luck"
Photogr!h" Club
+ast year !as our first year an it !as a very
'oo one inee! More than /< stuents ,oine the
club" an !e ha members bet!een the a'es of AA
an AC! #e met every !eek in the photo stuio
an learne ifferent techniDues for takin'
photo'raphs an makin' films. #e also learne a
lot about ifferent types of cameras. #e ha some
interestin' talks by some very 'oo e$perts too.
An of course there !as the enEofEyear
competition. :enny 3ummers !on this. 4is
photo'raph !as of bees on flo!ers in a fiel near
his home. ;on'ratulations" :enny! &ou can see all
the photo'raphs from the competition on the club
!ebsite on !!! An if you*re
intereste in ,oinin' ne$t year" please contact ;live
on the !ebsite.
1 The tennis club ha more members
at the start of the year than at the
2 3ome members of the tennis club
!atche matches at #imbleon.
3 In the book club" the members mainly
rea forei'n books.
4 Writers World ma'aBine is a poetry
5 The photo'raphy club met re'ularly
in the same place.
6 ?eople can look at the competition
photo'raphs online.
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0istening (Tests CD, Track 14)
1 2ou are going to hear four dialogues.
0isten and choose the correct picture
to answer the 3uestions.
1 #hat i the 'irl buy%
2 #hat oes the ne! room not have%
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3 #hich Duestion !as the easiest%
4 #hat !as the problem on the man*s ,ourney%
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!se of 4nglish
5 Complete the te6t with one word in
each gap.
(o you like bur'ers% (1) __________ you
bou'ht bur'ers from a van% A lot of people think
that bur'ers from a van (2) __________ very 'oo
for you @ an they*re probably ri'ht. They usually
make the bur'ers from cheap meat an cook them
in a lot of fat. Then they a (3) __________
horrible cheese an put the bur'er insie a har
brea roll! But there is one bur'er van that sells
really 'oo bur'ers. A lot of people 'o
(4) __________ a van in a small street in +onon
every ay @ ,ust because they (5) __________ to
buy bur'ers there! This bur'er van has !on a
competition an is no! famous for sellin'
(6) __________ best bur'ers in the 5:. The
bur'ers are Duite e$pensive @ G> a bur'er @ but
they are fantastic! They use the best meat an a
very elicious cheese from 9rance. 3o" if you !ant
to try Britain*s best bur'er then 'o to ...
18 2our teacher has as$ed 'ou to write a
stor' about a terrible holida'.
7rite *89188 words.

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