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Terms and Conditions
The Publisher has strived to be as aurate and om"lete as "ossible
in the reation o# this re"ort$ not%ithstandin& the #at that he does
not %arrant or re"resent at an' time that the ontents %ithin are
aurate due to the ra"idl' han&in& nature o# the Internet(
)hile all attem"ts have been made to veri#' in#ormation "rovided in
this "ubliation$ the Publisher assumes no res"onsibilit' #or errors$
omissions$ or ontrar' inter"retation o# the sub*et matter herein(
An' "ereived sli&hts o# s"ei#i "ersons$ "eo"les$ or or&ani+ations
are unintentional(
In "ratial advie boo,s$ li,e an'thin& else in li#e$ there are no
&uarantees o# inome made( -eaders are autioned to re"l' on their
o%n *ud&ment about their individual irumstanes to at
This boo, is not intended #or use as a soure o# le&al$ business$
aountin& or #inanial advie( All readers are advised to see, servies
o# om"etent "ro#essionals in le&al$ business$ aountin& and #inane
.ou are enoura&ed to "rint this boo, #or eas' readin&(
- / -
Table O# Contents
Cha"ter 11
1st 2te"s
Cha"ter 21
Promotin& )ith Email
Cha"ter /1
3se 4ideo
Cha"ter 51
3se 2oial Net%or,s
Cha"ter 61
3se 7a,-Lin,s
)ra""in& 3"
- 5 -
- 6 -
Cli, 8ere1 htt"199&uideri&ht&rou"(om9Eas'-4ideo-2uite
Cli, 8ere1 htt"199&uideri&ht&rou"(om90lutter-<ail
- = -
Cli, 8ere1 htt"199&uideri&ht&rou"(om92oial-<ar,etin&-Tribe
Cli, 8ere1 htt"199&uideri&ht&rou"(om9Cash7lurbs
Cli, 8ere1 htt"199&uideri&ht&rou"(om9Godadd'
- > -
Cli, 8ere1 htt"199&uideri&ht&rou"(om98ost&ator
Cli, 8ere1 htt"199&uideri&ht&rou"(om9NameChea"
Cli, 8ere1 htt"199&uideri&ht&rou"(om92oialAdr
Cli, 8ere1 htt"199&uideri&ht&rou"(om9Tra##i)ave
- ? -
O# the losel' /6@ million individuals livin& in North Ameria$
sevent'-#our "erent o# these are net users( 2o itAs not sur"risin& that
this mi&ht'$ universal medium #or in#o onsum"tion$ net%or,in& and
ommere has li,e%ise emer&ed as amon& the most ruial elements
in almost ever' business tool,it(
8o%ever #or man' home business o%ners$ the net is more than tool -
itAs a li#eline that has hel"ed them live and "ros"er throu&h the
urrent eonomi limate(
The 21st Centur' 8ome 7usiness -evolution
7uildin& .our 8ome 7usiness 3sin& The Internet At 7rea,ne,
- B -
- 1@ -
Cha"ter 11
1st 2te"s
The be&innin& ste"s o# business online(
- 11 -
1st Thin&s 1st
A domain name is the 3-L o# 'our online business( Pi,in& out and
re&isterin& a domain name is the o"enin& move to startin& an online
business( A#ter 'ouCve "i,ed out the name 'ouCd li,e to re&ister$ the
"roedure is eas' and ost-#riendl'( )here to re&ister 'our name is
u" to the "rudene o# individual businesses(
A %eb host #urnishes 'ou %ith the s"ae and su""ort to "rodue 'our
site( Pi,in& out the host that best suits a business is u" to the
"rudene o# that business( ED"enditures and abilities$ li,e site
maintenane$ searh re&istration$ and %eb site develo"ment$ var'
#rom host to host but itCs ruial #or it to be both reliable and seure(
The site o# 'our online business is eDeedin&l' im"ortant to its
suess( 7eause 'ou donCt have a tan&ible loation$ this is onsidered
'our Esho" #rontE( 2ites ma' be desi&ned "ersonall'$ b' em"lo'in&
somebod' to %or, as 'our %eb site desi&ner$ or b' utili+in& an
inde"endent desi&n #irm(
To desi&n 'our o%n site1
Pi, out a %eb hostin& om"an' and %eb site builder( .ou donCt have
to learn om"liated om"uter "ro&rammin& or u"loadin& tehniFues
to start i# 'ou start %ith the orret site host( I hi&hl' advoate 2ite
7uild ItG #or both ne%bies and ,no%led&eable %ebmasters( I hose to
- 12 -
build m' o%n site %ith 27I beause itCs an inredible time saver and
lets me s"end m' time %ritin& ontent and moneti+in& m' %eb site(
-esearh 'our %eb site to"i and "rimar' ,e'%ords to asertain the
"o"ularit' o# 'our sub*et( .ou %ould li,e to #ind a &ood nihe %hih
both interests 'ou and has "lent' o# demand %ithout overmuh
su""l'$ that is$ other sites on the same to"i as 'ou %ill be dra%in&
tra##i to eventuall' sell "roduts and servies(
2tart out buildin& 'our home "a&e and site "a&es around 'our
#undamental theme( Eah "a&e should be %ritten about s"ei#i$
researhed ,e'%ord "hrases( 2ite 7uild ItCs 7rainstorm It tool is
"artiularl' hel"#ul #or aumulatin& 'our master ,e'%ord list(
Add &ra"his and media to 'our %eb site to add interest to 'our
"a&es( Hee" them elementar' at the same time$ as over-bus' "a&es
tend to retrat 'our visitors attention to the ontent(
Publii+e and mar,et 'our %eb site$ buildin& ba, lin,s and soial
media lin,s to 'our "a&es( Ta,e "art in blo& arnivals and %ritin&
material to ste"-u" 'our siteCs "ro#ile %ithin the nihe mar,et 'ou
<oneti+e 'our site b' "romotin& 'our o%n "roduts or servies or
a##iliate "roduts onneted to 'our %eb site ontents( Ads and teDt
ads ma' add to 'our siteCs inome or even be 'our "rini"al soure o#
site inome(
- 1/ -
Cha"ter 21
Promotin& )ith Email
E-mail mar,etin& is sim"le$ #ast and ost-e##etive %hen it omes to
en&a&in& bu'ers and ma,in& sales(
- 15 -
Gro% a list o# ustomers 'ouCd li,e 'our mar,etin& e-mail to &o to(
One %a' to do that is to bu' a mailin& list( .ou are able to also &et the
e-mail addresses o# eDistin& lients$ em"lo'ees$ or aFuaintanes(
)ord o# mouth is al%a's one ruial %a' to sell 'oursel# and 'our
business or utili+e an o"t in "a&e(
The most ruial thin& 'ouCll need to do is #ormulate a messa&e that
'ou %ant to send out( I# the bu'ers or audiene 'ou %ant to "ull in
anAt Fui,l' #ind the in#o the' %ant the'Cll unsubsribe #rom 'our list
i# 'ou have one or sim"l' delete the mail %hen it arrives in their
0ormulate a sim"le la'out usin& an 8T<L tem"late that "rovides
%ell de#ined setions( IonCt ro%d the desi&n %ith too muh material$
ima&er'$ or little teDt( And donAt use %hite #ont on a bla, ba,&round
or additional hi&h ontrast ombinations(
Produe a loo, that "ushes 'our "rodut or servie( An e-mail
messa&e is an ineD"ensive and e##etive %a' #or 'ou to mar,et a
"rodut or servie( <a,e ertain 'our lo&o is al%a's "rominentl'
sho%n in the header$ or some"lae near the to" o# the "a&e(
Inte&rate ima&es into 'our e-mail ad$ e-+ine$ or e-boo,( 7ut do so %ith
%isdom( I# 'ouAre utili+in& ima&es o# individuals tr' and use
"hoto&ra"hs o# real individuals rather than sto, ima&es$ %hih ma'
- 16 -
seem #lat and im"ersonal$ and la, s"ontaneit'( I# 'our %ant 'our
messa&e to #eature$ and enter on a "rodut utili+e hi&h resolution
&ra"his o# 'our "rodutJsK in 'our mar,etin& e-mail( It has been
"roven that hi&h Fualit' and %ell "laed &ra"his ste"-u" li,s(
Produe an e-mail am"ai&n or messa&e that %ill E#ore ation(E
suess in e-mail mar,etin& is about li,s$ or &ettin& bu'ers to o"en
'our e-mail$ read it$ and reat b' li,in& on the lin, that %ill ta,e
them strai&ht to 'our site$ si&nin& on #or a #ree trial$ ontatin&
somebod' in 'our business$ or sendin& on the e-mail to a
Get to the "oint b' ma,in& ertain that 'our material is relevant and
valuable %hih %ill as %ell drive the reader to ta,e ation( Individuals
%ant to &et %hat is bein& o##ered #ast( Put all the ruial in#o$ the o##er
and all to ation$ at the to" o# the messa&e so the reeiver anAt miss
Thin, about &ettin& hel"( )hen it omes to desi&nin& 8T<L e-mail
messa&es$ 'ou ma' onsider %or,in& %ith a desi&ner or e-mail servie
"rovider that utili+es %eb-based so#t%are to hel" businesses "rodue
ustom e-mail mar,etin& messa&es(
A #e% authorities su&&est ,ee"in& the #ile si+e #or e-mails under 1@@
,ilob'tes JH7K(
- 1= -
Cha"ter /1
3se 4ideo
T%ent' hours o# video are u"loaded to the video sharin& site .ouTube
ever' =@ minutes durin& the an' da'( Iisover a ou"le o# %a's to
ma,e 'our videos %or, #or 'ou and return site tra##i %ith li,able
- 1> -
-e&rettabl'$ .ouTube videos donCt "rovide #or li,able lin,s in the
video reordin& itsel#( This ma' be a "roblem i# 'our &oal is to brin&
#orth tra##i( )e have to %or, around that and &et our li,able lin,
some"lae else on the "a&e %here the visitor %ill disover it(
Com"lete the desri"tion boD(
)hen 'ou u"load 'our video reordin& on .ouTube$ there is a
se&ment alled IE2C-IPTION( )hat 'ou "lae here %ill a""ear to
the ri&ht o# 'our video reordin& %hen it dis"la's on 'our hannel(
<a,e 'our lin, the 1st thin& in the desri"tion boD( The ver' 1st thin&
in 'our desri"tion boD ou&ht to be a lin, to %hatever 'ou are
mar,etin&( 2o letCs sa' 'ou are buildin& a .ouTube video about ho% to
brin& in revenue b' blo&&in&$ and mar,etin& an in#o "rodut about
this matter( .ou %ant the lin, to the a##iliate "rodut to be the 1st
thin& in the desri"tion boD(
I# the lin, 'ou %ould li,e to "romote is an a##iliate lin,$ 'ou mi&ht
%ant to han&e it over to a shorter %eb address so it doesnCt loo, so
atroious( .ou are able to utili+e sites li,e Tin'3-L or 7itl' to redue
the lin,(
I# the lin, 'ou are mar,etin& is 'our o%n site or blo&$ leave it the %a'
it is( The vie%er %ill see the name o# 'our site and mi&ht li, on it(
- 1? -
.ou are able to li,e%ise "rodue a li" at the end o# 'our video
instrutin& the vie%er to li, on the lin, to the ri&ht o# the video
reordin&( A lot o# individuals donCt ,no% to loo, there so let them
- 1B -
Cha"ter 51
3se 2oial Net%or,s
A lot o# ne% businesses are brea,in& beause the' do not om"rehend
the "o%er o# soial net%or,in&(
- 2@ -
The most "otent sort o# advertisement is #ree and that is merel' %ord
o# mouth( 2oial net%or,in& is "resentl' one o# the most "otent #orms
o# advertisin& toda'( -ead on #or inside in#ormation on ho% to be&in
'our soial net%or,in& am"ai&n(
2i&n on #or a m's"ae$ t%itter$ and #aeboo, aount( A#ter 'ou have
done this$ "lae the name o# 'our business so that it a""ears on the
#irst "a&e o# eah o# these soial net%or,in& %eb sites( Over ei&ht'
"erent o# individuals under t%ent'-#ive have a m's"ae$ t%itter$ or
#aeboo, aount( -i&ht no% is the "er#et time to "rovide some #orm
o# business that %ould boom %hen direted at the 'oun&er
Ievelo" 'our list o# ontats ever' da'G AFuire o# list o#
aFuaintanes and ontats #or eah net%or,( 2tart out b' su""l'in&
all o# 'our "ersonal aFuaintanes and #amil'$ this %ill "rovide 'ou a
database o# a hundred to three hundred ontats to %or, %ith
"erha"s( Individuals %ill "romote 'ou b' %ord o# mouth and 'our
business %ill build u"( .ou %ill arr' on to add relevant
aFuaintanes da'-a#ter-da'(
.ou an never ,ee" li,el' bu'ers too in#ormed( 3"date 'our
aFuaintanes( Per"etuall' u"datin& 'our ontats is utterl' ritial to
,ee"in& an online net%or,in& am"ai&n ative( .ou %ant individuals
to 3nderstand %hat is &oin& on %ith 'our business at least ever'
- 21 -
other da'( This is as eas' as a %all "ost on #aeboo,$ a bulletin board
s'stem announement on m's"ae$ and a t%eet on t%itter(
2te"-u" 'our tra##i as muh as oneivableG 7rin&in& tra##i to 'our
%eb site( The entire idea behind soial net%or,in& is that 'ou %ill &et
hold o# a ton o# individuals in a short amount o# time( This is
eDeedin&l' e##etive beause even i# individuals are not read' to
ma,e a "urhase$ the' %ill more than li,el' loo, into 'our business(
7' havin& three ative soial net%or, aounts and "er"etuall'
u"datin& 'our ontats$ 'ou %ill aFuire a stead' #lo% o# tra##i to
'our business site( These %ill start to brin& #orth leads$ and one o#
these da's sales(
3"date eah o# 'our soial net%or,s ever' da'( Inlude "artiular
o##ers and a lin, to 'our business site ever' time 'ou ma,e an u"date(
All o# the time have somethin& di##erent to o##er( Individuals %ill &et
anno'ed and #eel li,e 'ouCre s"ammin& them i# 'ou *ust "ost the same
dull advertisin& be&&in& #or sales da'-a#ter-da'( 3se &ood sense(
- 22 -
Cha"ter 61
3se 7a,-Lin,s
All net business o%ners ho"e to aom"lish to" ran,in&s in searh
en&ine results "a&es$ "artiularl' on Goo&le( Goo&le is the most
"o"ular searh en&ine amid net users and so$ as an net business
o%ner$ 'ou need to ma,e ertain that 'our sites Goo&le "a&e ran, is
elevated enou&h to ma,e "ossible ustomers li, on 'our lin, ahead
o# that o# 'our rivalr'(
- 2/ -
Aside #rom struturin& 'our internet site to om"l' %ith searh
en&ine o"timi+ation riteria$ the most de"endable and tried and true
strate&' in im"rovin& 'our %ebsiteCs "a&e ran, is &ettin& lots o# ba,
Aside #rom relevan' to "artiular searh terms$ Goo&leCs bots loo, at
the "o"ularit' o# 'our %eb site( To ma,e 'our %eb site loo, "o"ular$
'ou need to have man' ba, lin,s as these serve as santions #rom
other sites( Naturall'$ the ba, lin,s that 'ou &et should be #rom hi&h
Fualit' sites so that Goo&le bots ma' reo&ni+e their value(
7a, lin,s li,e%ise hel" drive tra##i to 'our site %hih hel"s 'ou
im"rove on 'our sites "o"ularit' and #urther better 'our "a&e ran,(
ConseFuentl'$ the more hi&h Fualit' ba, lin,s 'ou have$ the sim"ler
it is #or 'ou to better 'our sites Goo&le "a&e ran,( To assist 'ou in
reatin& lots o# bene#iial Fualit' ba, lin,s$ listed belo% are a #e%
ruial ste"s 'ou mi&ht %ant to abide b'(
3tili+e 2oial 7oo, mar,in& sites(
2oial boo, mar,in& sites are ver' "o"ular amon& net users as it hel"s
them share online material that interests them( Asertain %hat the
most "o"ular soial boo, mar,in& sites are and utili+e their tools to
better 'our Goo&le "a&e ran,(
- 25 -
2i#t throu&h 'our internet sites ontent and determine on %hih
setion 'ou #eel %ill ativate 'our tar&et mar,etCs interest most(
2ubmit that setion to "o"ular soial boo, mar,in& %eb sites and 'ou
are able to be assured that$ inside *ust a #e% hours$ 'ou %ill be
reeivin& &obs o# &ood Fualit' tra##i and 'our site %ill be listed b'
Goo&le li,e%ise( The more 'ou do this$ the &reater 'our "otential to
&et 'our site in to" Goo&le ran,in&s(
Iisussion boards are ver' hel"#ul in inreasin& a sites ran,in&
beause itCs in suh %eb sites that individuals %ith similar interests
onver&e to tal, about relevant matters( 2ee, #orums that have
disussions that are relevant to 'our o##ers( )hat 'ou must do then is
si&n on #or an aount and ustomi+e the settin&s so that 'our ,e'
si&nature inludes a lin, to 'our %eb site(
One 'ouCve done that$ 'ou are able to be&in ta,in& "art in threads
and eah o# 'our "osts %ill lin, to 'our %eb site( )hen 'ou ta,e "art$
ma,e sure that 'ou share relevant in#o so that 'ou mi&ht be "ereived
as eD"eriened( The more interestin& the material 'ou share in
disussion boards$ the more li,el' other users are to li, on 'our lin,
and believe in 'our online business(
Lin, eDhan&es have beome so used beause it lets %ebsite o%ners
&enerate inbound lin,s #rom relevant %eb sites %ithout havin& to dish
out revenue( In a #e% #orums$ there are threads ommitted solel' to
individuals interested in lin, eDhan&es(
- 26 -
Iisover %here those #orums are and see i# 'ou are able to #ind
individuals %ho have sites %ith tra##i 'ou are able to levera&e on(
)hen doin& this$ vie% %hether or not the "ersonCs tar&et mar,et is
li,e 'ours( ThereCs no "oint in attem"tin& to dra% in individuals %ho
%onCt have an' interest in %hat 'ou have to "rovide(
One 'ou ,no% that 'our tar&et mar,et is the same$ attem"t to
disover ho% muh tra##i the other "ersonCs site has( I# it 'ields
enou&h tra##i$ 'ou are able to be sure that 'ouCll "ro#it #rom the lin,
EDhan&in& lin,s ma' be ver' hel"#ul in 'our e##ort to ste"-u" 'our
Goo&le "a&e ran,( 7' merel' endorsin& other sites on 'our o%n %eb
site$ 'ou are able to render ba, lin,s that %ill hel" 'ou hei&hten 'our
Goo&le re"utation as %ell as drive tra##i to 'our %eb site(
- 2= -
- 2> -
)ra""in& 3"
0inal ti"s1
T%itter this$ t%itter that$ but 'ou trul' need a t%itter aount( 8avin&
a t%itter aount is essentiall' li,e havin& a brie# blo&( .ou are able to
"ost lin,s to 'our site and ,ee" "ast and #uture lients a%are o# %hat
'ou have &oin& on( Let alone that Goo&le loves t%itter and indeDes
'our "osts reall' easil' and #ree o# har&eG Also ma,e ertain to "ut a
lin, to 'our t%itter on 'our site( This is a &reat t%o-%a' lin, and %ill
hel" onstrutin& 'our ran, on Goo&le(
0aeboo, has totall' ins"ired the soial net%or,in& environment(
)hat 'ou %ant to do is establish a "ersonal #aeboo, "a&e and a
business #an "a&e( Invite ever'bod' and an'bod' 'ou ,no%L Old
lassmates$ old bu'ers$ et( Then 'ou %ant to invite them to 'our
business "a&e( Inlude all 'our business #ats "artiularl' 'our site
and t%itter( Also ma,e ertain to "ut a lin, to 'our #aeboo, on 'our
Crai&slist has a &ood servies setion %here 'ou an "ost lassi#ieds
#or 'our business based on 'our loation( -e&rettabl' itCs ver' "ubli
so 'ou mi&ht &et a ou"le s"am e-mails but its %ell %orth it( <a,e
ertain to "ost at least three times a da' to ensure 'ouAre at the to" o#
the list in 'our lass(
- 2? -
NeDt 'ou need to "ost 'our site to the main searh en&ines li,e Goo&le
and 'ahoo(
Artile authorin&( This is #ar and a%a' the best and most e##etive %a'
to brin& #orth tra##i to 'our site and then #inall' ma,e 'ou revenue(
.ou need to author relevant ,e'%ord rih material that 'ou are able
to then lin, ba, to 'our site( One 'ou author an artile ma,e ertain
to add 'our 3-L in the resoure boD(
- 2B -
Cli, 8ere1 htt"199&uideri&ht&rou"(om9Imnia<ail
Cli, 8ere1 htt"199&uideri&ht&rou"(om9Ma++le7a,To2hool2tore
Cli, 8ere1 htt"199&uideri&ht&rou"(om9Ma++leCard2ha"es2tore
Cli, 8ere1 htt"199&uideri&ht&rou"(om9Ma++leCreateCustomTshirts2tore
Cli, 8ere1 htt"199&uideri&ht&rou"(om9Ma++leCustomi+eItAll2tore
- /@ -
Cli, 8ere1 htt"199&uideri&ht&rou"(om9Ma++leIisne's0ro+en2tore
Cli, 8ere1 htt"199&uideri&ht&rou"(om9Ma++leGraduationInvitations2tore
Cli, 8ere1 htt"199&uideri&ht&rou"(om9Ma++leInternational2tores
Cli, 8ere1 htt"199&uideri&ht&rou"(om9Ma++leiPhone=CasesPreorder2tore
Cli, 8ere1 htt"199&uideri&ht&rou"(om9Ma++le2aveTheIate2tore
Cli, 8ere1 htt"199&uideri&ht&rou"(om9Ma++le2aveTheIate<a&nets2tore
- /1 -
Cli, 8ere1 htt"199&uideri&ht&rou"(om9Ma++le)ra""edCanvas2tore
Cli, 8ere1 htt"199&uideri&ht&rou"(om9Ma++leGi#tCenter2tore
Cli, 8ere1 htt"199&uideri&ht&rou"(om9Ma++le2ho"AndCreateIn32A
Cli, 8ere1 htt"199&uideri&ht&rou"(om9Eas'-4ideo-2uite
- /2 -
Cli, 8ere1 htt"199&uideri&ht&rou"(om90lutter-<ail

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