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Terms and Conditions
The Publisher has strived to be as aurate and om"lete as "ossible
in the reation o# this re"ort$ not%ithstandin& the #at that he does
not %arrant or re"resent at an' time that the ontents %ithin are
aurate due to the ra"idl' han&in& nature o# the Internet(
)hile all attem"ts have been made to veri#' in#ormation "rovided in
this "ubliation$ the Publisher assumes no res"onsibilit' #or errors$
omissions$ or ontrar' inter"retation o# the sub*et matter herein(
An' "ereived sli&hts o# s"ei#i "ersons$ "eo"les$ or or&ani+ations
are unintentional(
In "ratial advie boo,s$ li,e an'thin& else in li#e$ there are no
&uarantees o# inome made( -eaders are autioned to re"l' on their
o%n *ud&ment about their individual irumstanes to at
This boo, is not intended #or use as a soure o# le&al$ business$
aountin& or #inanial advie( All readers are advised to see, servies
o# om"etent "ro#essionals in le&al$ business$ aountin& and #inane
.ou are enoura&ed to "rint this boo, #or eas' readin&(
- / -
Table O# Contents
Cha"ter 11
)eb 2ost 3asis
Cha"ter 21
-esearh Amount O# )ebs"ae
Cha"ter /1
-esearh I# Ads )ill 3e 4ho%n On A 0ree 2ost
Cha"ter 51
-esearh 0TP Aess
Cha"ter 61
-esearh 0ile T'"e And 4i+e Limitations
Cha"ter 71
-esearh -eliabilit' And 4"eed O# Aess
Cha"ter 81
)ill .ou 2ave Perl And P2P
-esearh 3and%idth Allotment
E;tras Li,e Control Panel$ Email$ 0orms$ Et
)ra""in& <"
- 5 -
- 6 -
Cost is a "redominant #ator is almost all endeavors toda' and %eb
hostin& is not e;atl' e;em"ted #or this either( There#ore in the
interest o# tr'in& to save on ost the o"tion o# usin& #ree %eb hostin&
beomes more attrative and usable( Get all the in#o 'ou need here(
4erets To 0ree )eb 2ostin&
Ever'thin& .ou Need To =no% About Choosin& A 0ree )eb 2ost
- 7 -
Cha"ter 11
)eb 2ost 3asis
3esides the obvious #ator o# no ost$ another advanta&e o# #ree %eb
hostin& is that most %ill "rovide the ustomer base %ith "re made
%ebsite la'outs( These la'outs are all desi&n #or immediate and read'
to use "ur"oses %hih eletivel' eliminates the need to havin& to
desi&n one "ersonall'( This is >uite bene#iial #or those %ith limited
,no%led&e in this "artiular area(
- 8 -
The 3asis
3asi ,no%led&e o# desi&n$ so#t%are and other bene#iial ,no% ho%
elements %ould atuall' be needed in order to be able to set u" an
e##etive %ebsite( Thus the added advanta&e o# havin& a "redesi&ned
site available #or immediate use$ beomes even more attrative a
#eature to onsider(
2o%ever alon& %ith the advanta&es there are also ver' visible
disadvanta&es es"eiall' %hen somethin& is #ree( One o# these
disadvanta&es %ould ome in the #orm o# havin& to be "art o# alread'
overro%ded servers(
This is an evident situation brou&ht on b' the #at that the %eb
hostin& is #ree$ thus attratin& those %ho are ost onsious and less
,no%led&eable in this area( This overro%ded situation o#ten auses
some do%n time on the %eb "a&es %hih is an unattrative result(
?ost times the #eatures o##ered are #ar less b' om"arison to "a'in&
%eb site hosts( 0eatures suh as emails$ advane so#t%are o"tions are
o#ten not inluded in #ree %ebhost #ailities and desi&ns( 2o%ever #or
a ne%bie these are not ver' si&ni#iant ne&ative #eatures(
The #ree %ebhostin& "lat#orm does not normall' o##er ustomer
servie o# an' ,ind and this ould be a ver' bi& disadvanta&e #or those
*ust startin& out in the online #ora'( )ithout the avenue available to
address "roblems or even be noti#ied o# suh "roblems$ this "artiular
"oint ould be ver' dama&in& to a ne%bie(
- 9 -
Cha"ter 21
-esearh Amount O# )ebs"ae
Althou&h most %ould not advoate usin& the #ree %eb s"ae there are
some advanta&es that are %orth e;"lorin& in this area( The main
reason #or not ta,in& this "artiular tool seriousl' is the #at that it
does not allo% "ro#it ma,in& business o""ortunities to be listed( It
mainl' aters to "ostin&s that involve non"ro#it "lat#orms( 2o%ever
the %eb s"ae an still be used #or attratin& tra##i to the "rimar'
- : -
The #ree %ebs"ae usuall' omes %ith tools that are needed to
#ailitate the >ui, and eas' %ettin& u" o# a "a&e( The tools &iven
also hel" to ma,e the eventual end desi&n loo, more "ro#essional
and attention &rabbin&(
These ma' inlude desi&n o"tions$ la'out o"tions$ "a&e ounters$
&uest boo,s and a #e% other om"limentin& #eatures( Althou&h the
s"ae o##ered is >uite limited$ it ade>uatel' aters to the reation o#
a sim"le "a&e that an sho%ase one or more "roduts or elements
about the business endeavor or sim"l' o##er a set o# listin& #or
#urther in#ormation(
This %ill e##etivel' allo% the individual to &ain more tra##i to the
site thus hel"in& indiretl' to enoura&e the same said tra##i to
venture #urther to the atual main site( 3ein& inluded in the host@s
diretor' o# sites %ill also hel" to #urther the "ros"et o# &arnerin&
more tra##i as the host %ill usuall' ensure the tra##i is drive to the
#eatured sites(
The #ollo%in& are ste"s to use to #ind #ree %eb s"ae1
A <se the searh en&ine to #ind a re"utable %eb host that o##ers
#ree %ebs"ae(
A -esearhin& %hat is available and hoosin& the one that
- 1B -
most suits the needs o# the individual should be ne;t( This
s"ae usuall' is %ithin the ran&e o# 1B me&ab'tes to 6
A 4i&nu" %ith the hosen %ebhost usin& an ative email
address$ and the username and "ass%ord %ill be sent
throu&h the inbo; a#ter the initial si&nu" e;erise is #inished(
A Lo& in and start #eaturin& the intended material desi&ned #or
the site(
- 11 -
Cha"ter /1
-esearh I# Ads )ill 3e 4ho%n On A 0ree 2ost
There is reall' ver' little that an atuall' be termed C#reeD in the
online mar,etin& "lat#orm and althou&h there is suh a thin& as #ree
%eb hostin& there are also other onnotations lin,ed to the C#reeD ta&(
There#ore it should be understood that the #ree host ta& does ome
%ith a "rie thou&h not neessaril' in terms o# dollars(
- 12 -
)hat About Ads
The #ree %eb hostin& site still has to "a' #or their servie set u" and
ontinued #untionin& o# the site$ there#ore the revenue to do so$
has to ome #rom some%here( This usuall' omes in the #orm o#
advertisers %ho are interested in "ostin& their ads at the said #ree
This also means that the said ads are &oin& to be #eatured on the
individual@s site$ %ithout an' need #or onsultation or a""roval
#rom the said individual(
The individual %ill have no ontrol over the "ostin&s at the site and
this ma' or ma' not %or, as an advanta&e to the individual@s o%n
ontent "ostin&s(
0or some the time and e##ort ta,en to desi&n their o%n ontent is
not %orth the intrusion o# other ads and ontent$ es"eiall' i# it is
&oin& to eventuall' overshado% the individual@s "ostin&(
This is basiall' one %a' o# reall' understandin& that there is
nothin& that is reall' #ree( 3eause o# the no ost involved in bein&
a "art o# the #ree %eb host$ the individual %ill have no hoie but to
ae"t and ho"e that the other elements "osted at the s"ae %ill be
less over%helmin& and more bene#iial to the individual@s o%n
0or some this senario is ae"table beause the' are onl'
- 1/ -
interested in usin& the #ree host site as an e;"erimental "hase or a
testin& &round$ #or their endeavors$ thus the other elements are
not reall' somethin& the' %ould be overl' onerned about(
Cha"ter 51
-esearh 0TP Aess
- 15 -
0TP is also re#erred to as #ile trans#er "rotool or the trans#er o# tiles
into a "lae %here is an be aessed$ do%nloaded and u"loaded( This
is a seure and sim"le %a' to send and reeive #iles( I# the individual
intends to do%nload a #ile #rom the internet and reate a %ebsite %ith
it then the 0TP is e;atl' the tool #or the e;erise(
- 16 -
Initiall' the #iles are do%nloaded to an 0TP server %hih should have
a #airl' lar&e memor' a"ait' to host the intended #iles the 0TP
server should have this so that the trans#er an ta,e "lae %ithout an'
The #iles an be aessed throu&h an' internet bro%ser or an' 0TP
so#t%are( ?ost o# these #iles are available #or onl' a short "eriod o#
time and onl' a selet #e% are available on a "ermanent base(
Aessin& the #iles diretl' throu&h the 0TP address %hih is listed as
#t"1EE an be done b' lo&&in& in %ith an IG and "ass%ord(
The 0TP site is usuall' #ile strutured and similar to the C?'
GoumentsD on an' om"uter and this is usuall' set u" b' an
These #iles ma' be "ubli or "rivate in nature and the aess ma'
inlude addin&$ movin&$ editin& and deletin& so i# an' o# these
#untions do not res"ond to the related ommands then the
administrator should be in#ormed(
Considerin& the 0TP lient is somethin& that %ould reate eas' and
re&ular aess that is om"arativel' hassle #ree #or u"loads and
This %ould re>uire the sim"le ste"s o# dra& and dro"( All the
#re>uented 0TP sites and their orres"ondin& lo&ins and "ass%ords
an be stored onvenientl' in one "lae( Che,in& out the various
- 17 -
resoures available %ould allo% the individual to ma,e an in#ormed
deision on %hih one to hoose that %ould best suit the needs(
- 18 -
Cha"ter 61
-esearh 0ile T'"e And 4i+e Limitations
An ade>uate list o# #ree #ile hostin& servies an usuall' be #ound
>uite easil' on the diretor' "rovided #or suh searhes( 3asiall' is
"rovides #or #ile stora&e and servies b' usin& bidiretional
ommuniations suh as the internet net%or, to transmit data to the
server "eriodiall' or %hen needed(
- 19 -
T'"es Et(
The user has ver' little limitations and an u"load di##erent si+es and
t'"es o# douments suh as "hotos$ douments$ #iles and in#ormation(
2ere the tools are "rovided #or suh #ailitation o# do%nloadin& and
u"loadin& #iles to the shared %ith other res"etivel'( There is usuall'
no "oli' in "lae to har&e the user and t'"iall' the servie "rovider
%ould be the one to %elomin& the users to re&ister and ommene
their "ostin& immediatel'( As eah "rovider has di##erent onditions
and terms o# use the onus in on the individual to he, the
re>uirements %ell be#ore si&nin& u"(
?ost o# these limitations are in "lae to ,ee" those interested in
"ostin& at the sites to desi&n "osts that are onise and to the "oint(
<sin& a limited amount o# s"ae %ill enable man' others to have and
en*o' the o""ortunities to use the same #ree %eb host too(
It also ensures that some ontrol is in "lae to &overn the users
ommitment to the "ostin&s as those %ho are not reall' ommitted
ma' end u" abusin& the so alled #ree #ailit' &iven(
4ome o# these limitations inlude tinier band%idth over a #i;ed "eriod
and it does not allo% hot lin,in& to #iles(
Also there ma' not be #ailities to ertain lin, #iles suh as ?P/$
?PEG and HIP #iles$ and there is no real &uarantee that there %ill be
aessible ade>uate u"time(
- 1: -
0or some these limitations ma' not eventuall' be #easible #or them to
onsider "ostin& at the #ree %eb host and ma' onsider other o"tions(
- 2B -
Cha"ter 71
-esearh -eliabilit' And 4"eed O# Aess
There are man' #ree hostin& %eb sites that tout themselves as bein&
#ree but in realit' this is rarel' the true "iture( 4ome have hidden
re>uirements %hile others #ailitate tools that %ould re>uire some
,ind o# ost inurred %hen #ored to use them( There#ore in short
%hen it omes to the reliabilit' issue lin,ed to the #ree %eb host$ this
#eature has rather ne&ative onnotations lin,ed to it(
- 21 -
Is It Good
Generall' vie%ed as not bein& reliable there are ho%ever a #e%
e;e"tions to the rule$ thou&h reall' #e% and #ar bet%een( I# the host
has avenue o# reatin& revenue %ithout atuall' havin& to im"ose on
the individual see,in& to "ost on the site$ then in all li,elihood there
is little need to %orr' about it sta'in& "o%er(
2o%ever this is o"en to abuse and threat %hen those "ostin& at the
site indul&e in s"ammin&$ ha,in& and other ne&ative e;erises %hih
%ould eventuall' ontribute to the overall "roblems at the site( These
"roblems %ould inlude the server to e;"eriene a lot o# do%n time or
ma,in& the overall #untions o# the server om"arativel' slo%er(
This mostl' ha""ens %hen the %ebhost ae"t an'one and ever'one
%ith the automated instant ativation s'stem and o##ers #eatures suh
as P2P or CGI( 2o%ever all is not lost as the "roblems o# reliabilit'
and s"eed aess an be overome %ith are#ull' seletin& a #ree host
that is onsientious about ae"tin& onl' >ualit' sites to host(
Gi##erent %ebhost have their o%n reliabilit' and s"eed aess issues
but &enerall' it all de"ends on the t'"es o# "ostin& ontents that %ill
eventuall' ditate the t%o elements( 2o%ever %ith ertain riteria in
"lae there is some ontrol that an be e;erised on the "art o# the
%ebhost to ensure a reasonable level o# reliabilit' and s"eed aess is
- 22 -
Cha"ter 81
)ill .ou 2ave Perl And P2P
P2P is basiall' a sim"ler version o# Perl %hih is to sa' the latter is
tailor made #or the %eb %ith a more serious and involved
"ro&rammin& lan&ua&e( 2o%ever havin& both available #or use an
have its advanta&es$ thus neither should be shunned over the other(
- 2/ -
?ore Advaned
?ost %eb a""liation the use o# P2P is reall' somethin& that annot
be and should not be overloo,ed$ as it is eas' to learn and most
#orums$ C?4$ blo&s and other interative "lat#orms ma,e use o# this
Almost ever'thin& else #eatured on the internet in some %a' o# the
other uses P2P too( Althou&h it seems to be a &iven #at that P2P is
no% ativel' re"lain& Perl #or %eb a""liations it %ill ho%ever most
de#initel' not re"lae Perl #or ever'thin&(
?ost %eb "ro&rams an be easil' %ritten usin& P2P but %ritin& a %eb
server in one is almost im"ossible( There#ore the %eb server re>uires
the use o# Perl on all ounts to reate an e##etive and usable "lat#orm(
The #ollo%in& are some om"arative "oints on the merits o# Perl and
A Perl a""liation usin& modI"erl are &enerall' as #ast is not
#aster that P2P a""liation #or most "ostin&s(
A P2P %as ori&inall' %ritten in Perl in the #orm o# a module
be#ore the han&es %ere made to%ards im"rovements(
A Perl has a ver' stable and mature database om"lete "a,a&e
%hih is G3I and it "rovides the database inde"endent
- 25 -
A P2P is missin& man' #eatures that an be onsidered rather
im"ortant to the serious lan&ua&e(
A P2P has a deliberate la, o# advaned #eatures and the %eb
#eatures that are urrentl' inluded in the ore lan&ua&e does
ma,e it easier to learn and use( Those %ithout an'
"ro&rammin& e;"eriene an also easil' use the P2P(
A 4u"er#iiall' both lan&ua&es seem rather idential and Perl is
not harder to read or use than P2P(
- 26 -
Cha"ter 91
-esearh 3and%idth Allotment
The band%idth allotment %ould sim"l' means an inte&rated "rodut
%hih "rovides a d'nami servie %hen "hone lines are not in use(
This is done %ith the 1(6 ?b"s o# band%idth beomes usable #or the
internet %here tra##i #lo% an be #ailitated ade>uatel'(
- 27 -
In its #orm it is a rather sim"li#ied net%or,in& tool that &enerall'
redues osts and inreases the e##iien' rate( This is done %hen the
IT burden is minimi+ed throu&h the redution o# IT su""ort e;"enses(
0orm an installation "oint o# vie% there is also the advanta&e o# bein&
some%hat #la%less in nature(
There are &enerall' no e;"eted disru"tions #or the da' to da'
runnin& o# the business en&ine( There is an inte&rated aess devie
that is "rovided to ensure this onsistent and "revailin& situation(
This is also usuall' "rovided at no additional ost to the individual(
0or most ,ee"in& their e;istin& "hone numbers is a neessar' and
%elomed element and this in turn ontributed to the #urther
minimi+ation o# the overall e;"enses$ as there is no hassle or
disru"tion in the business %hih %ould usuall' our %hen the
numbers have to be han&ed(
As the numbers an be maintained it onvenientl' also means that all
business ards$ stationar' $ "hone boo, listin&s and an' other tools
that %ould re>uire the numbers to be #eatured %ould be able to
remain %ithout han&e thus savin& on ost and time(
The "roative mana&ement o# the net%or, and troubleshootin&
elements are also another #eature that the band%idths an su##iientl'
- 28 -
handle at all times( This %ould allo% the ustomer to #eel at ease and
have "eae o# mind(
All these are usuall' monitored and reti#ied be#ore the im"at is #elt
b' the ustomer( )ith a #ull T1 "lat#orm there is no mani"ulation on
the "art o# the band%idth %hih %ould mean that there is #ast
internet usa&e that an be aessed an'time(
- 29 -
Cha"ter :1
E;tras Li,e Control Panel$ Email$ 0orms$ Et
Giversi#iation and o##erin& om"lementin& servies and tools is
al%a's a %elomed element in an' business &arnerin& endeavor(
Addin& on the mailbo; #eature to the %eb hostin& "a,a&e is relativel'
eas' to do( These mail bo;es are usuall' an addition to the alread'
e;istin& number o# mail bo;es that the individual alread' has %ith the
initial "a,a&e(
Needin& additional server s"ae to add to the #untionalit' and
u"&radin& standards o# the #eatures bein& o##ered at the %ebsite
%ould also lend to%ards ma,in& the site more om"atible$ thus bein&
able to su##iientl' "rovide #or this is an advanta&e(
- 2: -
Other e;tras that should be onsidered to be inluded %ould be the
anti-virus and anti s"am tools( These an "rovide invaluable servie
o# "rotetion #or the site #rom %ebsite #iles that are onstantl' under
threat o# atta,(
<sin& a dediated IP address is also another #eature enoura&ed as
this %ould e##etive ontrol the threat o# havin& to deal %ith %ebsite
"roblems that %ould our i# the %ebsite has been om"romised
throu&h the bla,listed "roess(
The bla,listin& an our %hen the shared IP address has been
misused b' others usin& the same #ree %ebhost thus endan&erin& the
individual@s o%n site(
Ne%er and dediated %eb hostin& "lans and desi&ns an be o##ered to
lo'al users as JP4 or dediated %eb hostin& servies( The ost
involved ma' di##er de"endin& on the e;tent o# the redesi&nin& and
sharin& ombinations(
This an be done %ithout disturbin& or om"romisin& on the %eb
>ualit' as the ne% additions are inor"orated in the s'stem #or the
individual@s use(
- /B -
)ra""in& <"
In order to sta' om"etitive there is a onstant need to e;"lore
#eature that ma' "rovide added servies to a ustomer base %ithout
an' #urther ost or hassle to them( This is usuall' %ell reeived b' the
ustomer and ,ee"s the %ebhost om"etitive and viable as a "lat#orm
#or "rovidin& #ree hostin& #eatures(
Go 'our home%or, and &et started toda'(
- /1 -
Cli, 2ere1 htt"1EE&uideri&ht&rou"(omEGodadd'
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Cli, 2ere1 htt"1EE&uideri&ht&rou"(omETra##i)ave
- /2 -
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- // -
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- /5 -
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- /6 -
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