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a calatori= to travel;

un calator= a traveller, a passenger;

o excursie= a trip;
a face o excursie= to make a trip= a journey;
bagajele= the luggage;
a ajunge la= to arrive at, to reach;
o valiza= a suitcase, a bag (US);
a trece prin vama= to go through the customs;
frontiera= the border;
a traversa frontiera= to get across the border;
un pasaport= a passport;
a merge in strainatate= to go abroad;
aeroportul= the airport;
un avion= a plane;
pilotul= the pilot;
echipajul= the crew [kru!
stewardesa= the (air) hostess;
fixati-va centurile de siguranta= "asten your seat belts [#"asn!;
a decola = to take o"";
a ateriza= to land;
cu masina= by car;
un camion= a lorry ($%) [&lori!, a truck (US);
un autobuz= a bus;
un drum= a road;
o autostrada= an e'press way (US) [iks#pres wei!;
costul unui bilet= the "are;
un bilet numai dus= a single ticket ($%), a one(way ticket (US);
calea ferata= the railway;
cu trenul= by train;
un loc liber= a vacant seat;
o excursie pe mare= a sea trip;
o bicicleta= a bicycle, a bike [#baisikl! [baik!;
o motocicleta= a motorcycle;
un vapor= a ship;
a ramane in pana= to break down;
o statie de benzina= a "illing station;
benzina= petrol ($%), gas (US);
orarul= the timetable;
a conduce cu viteza maxima= to drive at "ull speed;
a conduce repede= to drive "ast;
autocar= coach;
a calatori= to travel;
un calator= a traveller, a passenger;
o excursie= a trip;
a face o excursie= to make a trip= a journey;
bagajele= the luggage;
a ajunge la= to arrive at, to reach;
o valiza= a suitcase, a bag (US);
a trece prin vama= to go through the customs;
frontiera= the border;
a traversa frontiera= to get across the border;
un pasaport= a passport;
a merge in strainatate= to go abroad;
aeroportul= the airport;
un avion= a plane;
pilotul= the pilot;
echipajul= the crew [kru!
stewardesa= the (air) hostess;
fixati-va centurile de siguranta= "asten your seat belts [#"asn!;
a decola = to take o"";
a ateriza= to land;
cu masina= by car;
un camion= a lorry ($%) [&lori!, a truck (US);
un autobuz= a bus;
un drum= a road;
o autostrada= an e'press way (US) [iks#pres wei!;
costul unui bilet= the "are;
un bilet numai dus= a single ticket ($%), a one(way ticket (US);
calea ferata= the railway;
cu trenul= by train;
un loc liber= a vacant seat;
o excursie pe mare= a sea trip;
o bicicleta= a bicycle, a bike [#baisikl! [baik!;
o motocicleta= a motorcycle;
un vapor= a ship;
a ramane in pana= to break down;
o statie de benzina= a "illing station;
benzina= petrol ($%), gas (US);
orarul= the timetable;
a conduce cu viteza maxima= to drive at "ull speed;
a conduce repede= to drive "ast;
autocar= coach;
Traduceti in romana:
1. The travellers must have
)alatorii trebuie sa aiba
2. We leave for Kennedy irport
at !.
+oi plecam spre aeroportul
,ennedy la ora sase*
3. The plane is landing: fasten
your seatbelts.
-vionul ateri.ea.a "i'ati(va
centurile de siguranta*
4. "s all your luggage here#
-i toate bagajele aici/
5. $aris has two big airports:
%rly and &oissy.
0arisul are doua mari aeroporturi
1rly si 2oissy*
6. The pilot is not in the plane
but the air hostess are all
0ilotul nu este in avion, dar
stewardesele sunt toate aici*
7. There are many lorries on
this road.
Sunt multe camioane pe drumul
8. The train does not stop in this
3renul nu opreste in aceasta gara*
9. What is the fare for 'ondon#
)are este pretul unui bilet pentru
10. (ou can drive fast on the
0oti conduce cu vite.a mare pe
11. The bus is going at full speed.
-utobu.ul merge cu vite.a
12. The taxi driver stops at the
filling station.
So"erul de ta'i opreste la
13. When his car brea)s down he
Traduceti in engleza:
1. *u am multe bagaje.
5 have got not much luggage*
2. Ti-ar placea sa mergi in
6ould you like to go abroad/
3. +aliza mea este prea mica.
7y suitcase is too small*
4. ,tii de ce stewardesa nu este
8o you know why the hostess is not
5. *oi plecam la *ew (or) la ora
6e leave "or +ew 9ork at "ive*
6. -ai ai si alta valiza#
:ave you got another suitcase/
7. .nde este pasaportul tau#
6here is your passport/
8. +om trece granita la ora sase
6e#ll get across the border at ; a*m*
9. s dori niste benzina/ va rog.
5 would like some petrol, please*
10. ,unt prea multe camioane pe
drumul acesta/ o voi lua pe
3here are too many lorries on this
road, i#ll take the motorway*
11. ,oferul merge cu viteza maxima.
3he driver is going "ull speed*
12. ,unt locuri libere in autocarul
-re there vacant seats in this coach/
13. 0l conduce prea repede pe acest
drum ingust.
:e drives too "ast on this small road*
14. 1and masina mea se defecteaza/
calatoresc cu trenul.
6hen my car breaks down, i travel
by train*
15. Trebuie sa iau un taxi.
5 must take a ta'i*
ta)es a taxi.
)and i se strica masina el ia un
14. There is no vacant seat in the
+u este nici un loc liber in

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