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in Educational Technology Program

EDET 650 Internship Contract
Internship Site: Contacts:
Landrum Middle School enni!er "enson
#0$ %edland %d. Instructional Coach
&6$'$5(')6)* &6$'$5(')6)*
E'mail+ enni!er.henson,
Stephanie -uinn
E'mail+ Stephanie..uinn,
Landrum Middle School is located in a rural community along the /order o! 0orth and
South Carolina. There are appro1imately 200 students and 20 !aculty mem/ers ser3ing
these students. This school has recently updated their 4ireless net4or5 to a #00 M/ps
Ethernet system. 6ith the in!rastructure in place the school is ready to mo3e to the ne1t
le3el o! technology integration. The district7s goal !or incorporating technology is to
seamlessly em/ed it into the day to day learning !or each classroom. This integration
should prepare students !or the )#
century 4or5!orce as 4ell as increase student
The teachers at this school are eager to learn ne4 4ays to e!!ecti3ely integrate
technology into the classroom. There is a 4ide range o! s5ill and com!ort le3els 4ith
technology among the sta!!. 6e !eel there is a need !or !urther training and a resource
4here teachers can go to get instructions and e1amples !or integrating technology in the
classroom. 8 4e/site 4ill /e created that 4ill house all the training 3ideo7s and
documents as 4ell as e1amples o! ho4 each o! these tools can /e used in a 3ariety o!
classroom settings. There is also a portion o! each in'ser3ice meeting gi3en to
spotlighting technology in the classroom. 6e are loo5ing at tools such as "ai5u Dec59
Thinglin59 6ee/ly9 and an online tool !or annotating te1t. The 4e/site 4ill include
student samples9 ru/rics !or assessment o! student 4or59 and ideas on ho4 it can /e
used in a 3ariety o! educational settings.
Learning Goals and Objectives
During the internship9 I 4ill de3elop and re!ine my s5ills9 5no4ledge and a/ility to+
Select and use technologies appropriate !or a 3ariety o! learning situations.
:se communication and instructional technology resources in a 3ariety o!
learning conte1ts.
Implement strategies o! the di!!usion9 adoption9 and dissemination o! inno3ati3e
ideas 4ithin learning communities.
:se appropriate instructional materials and strategies in 3arious learning
Identi!y and apply techni.ues !or integrating technology inno3ations in a 3ariety
o! content areas.
Responsibilities and Tasks
To achie3e my o/;ecti3es9 I 4ill+
%esearch the most e!!ecti3e methods !or integrating technology into the
%esearch the most e!!ecti3e methods !or pro3iding teacher in'ser3ice in
technology integration.
Create a 4e/site as a resource !or teachers to learn ho4 to use these resources9
the site 4ill include 3ideos and or handouts on ho4 to use the tools as 4ell as
ho4 to integrate into the curriculum.
De3elop a 4e/site dedicated to technology integration 4here teachers can learn
ho4 to use a 3ariety o! online tools and applications.
Create instructions9 ru/rics9 and 4or5 samples o! ho4 these tools 4ould loo5 in a
3ariety o! content areas.
Colla/orate 4ith my peers and on'site super3isor to get ideas on ho4 to /est
organi<e the 4e/site to ma5e it e!!icient !or teachers to use.
Participate in =Technology Spotlight> during our In'ser3ice meetings. I 4ill share
3arious tools !or integrating technology in the classroom.
To demonstrate achie3ement o! my o/;ecti3es9 I 4ill su/mit !or my internship port!olio+
8 completed 4e/site that houses a 3ariety o! instructional strategies and
e1amples !or integrating technology in a 3ariety o! content areas.
8nnotated /i/liography on e!!ecti3e 4ays to integrate technology in the
%e!lecti3e report on the internship e1periences.
Time Sheet and re!lections on a /i4ee5ly /asis.
?eed/ac5 !rom =Spotlighting Technology> sessions.
Schedule and Milestones
6ee5 # @#0A#2'#0A)0B
Choose and meet 4ith on'site super3isor to determine a topic and product
6rite and su/mit proposal
6ee5 ) @#0A)0'#0A)6B
Meet 4ith on'site super3isor to discuss the speci!ics o! the product and ho4 to
/est go a/out creating the !inal product.
6rite contract and su/mit !or appro3al.
Complete contract and upload to 4i5i space.
?ind $ articles !or annotated /i/liography
6ee5 2 @#0A)('##A)B
Cegin the process o! creating the product.
?ocus on "ai5u Dec5 training 3ideo9 handouts9 ru/ric9 and samples.
Meet 4ith on'site super3isor to get !eed/ac5 on product to date and discuss
possi/le =technology spotlight> !or teacher in'ser3ice.
Cegin the process o! creating the 4e/site.
6rite re!lection and update timesheet.
?ind $ articles !or annotated /i/liography
6ee5 $ @##A2'##A*B
?ocus on "ai5u Dec5 training 3ideo9 handouts9 ru/ric9 and samples.
Meet 4ith on'site super3isor to get !eed/ac5 on product to date and discuss the
ne1t step o! the process.
Present "ai5u Dec5 during =Spotlighting Technology>
Continue 4or5 on 4e/site
?ind $ articles !or annotated /i/liography
6ee5 5 @##A#0'##A#6B
?ocus on Thinglin5 training 3ideo9 handouts9 ru/ric9 and samples.
Meet 4ith on'site super3isor to get !eed/ac5 on product to date and discuss the
ne1t step o! the process.
Continue to 4or5 on 4e/site.
6rite re!lection and update timesheet.
Create mid'term report and upload to 4i5i space
?ind $ articles !or annotated /i/liography
6ee5 6 @##A#('##A)2B
?ocus on Thinglin5 training 3ideo9 handouts9 ru/ric9 and samples.
Meet 4ith on'site super3isor to get !eed/ac5 on product to date and discuss the
ne1t step o! the process.
8dd annotated /i/liography to 4i5i space
Continue to 4or5 on 4e/site
6rite re!lection and update timesheet.
?ind $ articles !or annotated /i/liography.
Start 4or5 on !inal re!lection paper
6ee5 ( @##A)$'##A20B
?ocus on 6ee/ly training 3ideo9 handouts9 ru/ric9 and samples
Meet 4ith on'site super3isor to get !eed/ac5 on product to date and discuss the
ne1t step o! the process.
Continue to 4or5 on 4e/site.
Continue 4or5 on !inal re!lection paper
6ee5 & @#)A#'#)A(B
?ocus on 6ee/ly training 3ideo9 handouts9 ru/ric9 and samples
Meet 4ith on'site super3isor to get !eed/ac5 on product to date and discuss the
ne1t step o! the process.
Complete 4or5 on 4e/site.
Complete 4or5 on !inal re!lection paper
6ee5 * @#)A&'#)A##B
6rite re!lection and update timesheet.
Meet 4ith on'site super3isor to get !eed/ac5 on product. ?inali<e all 4or5 on
Turn in ?inal %eport
?inishing touches on 4e/site product
Cy signing /elo4 I am ac5no4ledging that I agree to the terms in the Internship
Intern+ Stephanie -uinn Date
Ensite Super3isor+ enni!er "enson Date
?aculty 8d3isor+ Thomas .C. Smyth9 Ph.D. Date

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