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Michael Ende
Translated by J. Maxwell Brownjohn
A A!"E O# $%E MO&E#' (O#"&
This is the enthralling tale of Momo, an orphan girl who has made her home in a ruined
amphitheater on the outskirts of a bustling, nameless city. Momo has a unique gift - in her
presence troubles become less burdensome, conflicts are resolved, and imaginations take
But Momo's world is threatened when mysterious little gray men appear, promising wealth
and success to people who hurry through life now, saving time and depositing it in
a Timesaving Bank. eali!ing that all that is precious - life itself - is at risk, Momo sets out on
a perilous mission to defeat the men in gray.
This is truly a story for our times, an imaginitive fantasy and a tale of suspense with far-
reaching implications about the quality of life today.
"# sophisticated fairy tale." - The New York Times Book Review
"$ere is a story so ingenious in its conception, so powerful in production that its message
can safely slip unnoticed into the mind to linger after the splendid images begin to fade."
- The Times Literary Suppliment
Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
$ow % wonder what you are &
'p above the world so high,
(ike a diamond in the sky &
- Jane Taylor (1783-1827
+,- .A#$ O'E/ Momo and %er riends
(1 $he Amphi0hea0er
(2 "is0ening
(3 Ma1e-2elieve
(! $wo *pecial riends
(" $all *0ories
+,,- .A#$ $(O/ $he Men in 3re4
(# $he $imesaving !an1
(7 $he 5isi0or
(8 $he &emons0ra0ion
($ $he $rial
(1% More %as0e "ess *peed
(11 $he )on6erence
(12 'owhere %o7se
+,,,- .A#$ $%#EE/ $he %o7r-"ilies
(13 A 8ear and a &a4
(1! $hree "7nches9 'o Answers
(1" o7nd and "os0
(1# "oneliness
(17 $he *:7are
(18 $he .7rs7i0
(1$ ;nder *iege
(2% .7rs7ing 0he .7rs7ers
(21 An End and a !eginning
(& A70hor<s pos0scrip0
(&& A2o70 0he A70hor
.A#$ O'E
MOMO A'& %E# #,E'&*
$%E AM.%,$%EA$E#
(ong) long ago) when *eo*le s*o+e lang,ages -,ite di..erent .ro/ o,r own) /any .ine) big
0ities already existed in the s,nny lands o. the world. There were towering *ala0es inhabited
by +ings and e/*erors1 there were broad streets) narrow alleyways and winding lanes1 there
were s,/*t,o,s te/*les .illed with idols o. gold and /arble1 there were b,sy /ar+ets selling
wares .ro/ all o2er the world1 and there were handso/e) s*a0io,s s-,ares where *eo*le
gathered to dis0,ss the latest news and /a+e s*ee0hes or listen to the/. (ast b,t not least)
there were theatres - or) /ore *ro*erly) a/*hitheatres.
3n a/*hitheater rese/bled a /odern 0ir0,s) ex0e*t that it was b,ilt entirely o. stone. 4eats
.or s*e0tators were arranged in tiers) one abo2e the other) li+e ste*s lining the 0rater o.
a /an-/ade 2ol0ano. Many s,0h b,ildings were 0ir0,lar) others se/i0ir0,lar) others o2al.
4o/e a/*hitheatres were as big as .ootball stadi,/s) others 0o,ld hold no /ore than a .ew
h,ndred *eo*le. 4o/e were res*lendent with 0ol,/ns and stat,es) others *lain and
,nadorned. 5a2ing no roo.s) a/*hitheatres were o*en to the s+y. This was why) in the /ore
l,x,rio,s ones) s*e0tators were shielded .ro/ the heat o. the s,n or .ro/ s,dden down*o,rs
by gold-e/broidered awnings s,s*ended abo2e their seats. 'n si/*le a/*hitheatres) /ats
wo2en o. r,shes or straw ser2ed the sa/e *,r*ose. 'n short) *eo*le /ade their
a/*hitheatres as si/*le or l,x,rio,s as they 0o,ld a..ord - j,st as long as they had one) .or
o,r an0estors were enth,siasti0 *laygoers.
6hene2er they saw ex0iting or a/,sing in0idents a0ted o,t on stage) they .elt as i. these
/a+e-belie2e ha**enings were /ore real) in so/e /ysterio,s way) than their own h,/dr,/
li2es) and they lo2ed to .east their eyes and ears on this +ind o. reality.
Tho,sands o. years ha2e *assed sin0e then. The great 0ities o. long ago lie in r,ins) together
with their te/*les and *ala0es. 6ind and rain) heat and 0old ha2e worn away and eaten into
the stonewor+. 7,ins are all that re/ain o. the a/*hitheatres) too. 8ri0+ets now inhabit their
0r,/bling walls) singing a /onotono,s song that so,nds li+e the earth breathing in its slee*.
3 .ew o. these an0ient 0ities ha2e s,r2i2ed to the *resent day) howe2er. (i.e there has
0hanged) o. 0o,rse. 9eo*le ride aro,nd in 0ars and b,ses) ha2e tele*hones and ele0tri0
lights. B,t here and there a/ong the /odern b,ildings one 0an still .ind a 0ol,/n or two)
an ar0hway) a stret0h o. wall) or e2en an a/*hitheater dating .ro/ olden ti/es.
't was in a 0ity o. this +ind that the story o. Mo/o too+ *la0e.
On the so,thern o,ts+irts o. the 0ity) where the .ields began and the ho,ses be0a/e
shabbier and /ore t,/bledown) the r,ins o. a s/all a/*hitheater lay hidden in a 0l,/*
o. *ine trees. 't had ne2er been a grand *la0e) e2en in the old days) j,st a *la0e
o. entertain/ent .or *oor .ol+. 6hen Mo/o arri2ed on the s0ene) the r,ined a/*hitheater
had been al/ost .orgotten. 'ts existen0e was +nown to a .ew *ro.essors o. ar0haeology) b,t
they too+ no .,rther interest in it be0a,se there was nothing /ore to be ,nearthed there.
't wasn:t an attra0tion to be 0o/*ared with others in the 0ity) either) so the .ew stray to,rists
or sightseers who 2isited it .ro/ ti/e to ti/e /erely 0la/bered aro,nd on the grass-grown
tiers o. seats) /ade a lot o. noise) too+ a 0o,*le o. sna*shots) and went away again. Then
silen0e ret,rned to the stone arena and the 0ri0+ets started on the next 2erse o. their
inter/inable) ,n0hanging song.
The strange) ro,nd b,ilding was really +nown only to the .ol+ who li2ed in the i//ediate
neighbo,rhood. They gra;ed their goats there) their 0hildren *layed ball on what had on0e
been the 0entral stage) and sweethearts wo,ld so/eti/es /eet there in the e2enings.
One day howe2er) word went aro,nd that so/eone had /o2ed into the r,ins. 't was a 0hild -
a girl) /ost li+ely) tho,gh this was hard to say be0a,se she wore s,0h .,nny 0lothes. The
new0o/er:s na/e was Mo/o.
3side .ro/ being rather odd) Mo/o:s *ersonal a**earan0e /ight well ha2e sho0+ed anyone
who set store by loo+ing 0lean and tidy. 4he was so s/all and thin that) with the best will
in the world) no one 0o,ld ha2e told her age. 5er ,nr,ly /o* o. jet-bla0+ hair loo+ed as i.
it had ne2er seen a 0o/b or a *air o. s0issors. 4he had 2ery big) bea,ti.,l eyes as bla0+
as her hair) and .eet o. al/ost the sa/e 0olo,r) .or she nearly always went aro,nd bare.oot.
3ltho,gh she so/eti/es wore shoes in the winterti/e) the only shoes she had weren:t a *air)
and besides) they were .ar too big .or her. This was be0a,se Mo/o owned nothing a*art
.ro/ what she had .o,nd lying aro,nd or had been gi2en. 5er an+le-length dress was a /ass
o. *at0hes o. di..erent 0olo,rs) and o2er it she wore a /an:s ja0+et) also .ar too big .or her)
with the slee2es t,rned ,* at the wrist. Mo/o had de0ided against 0,tting the/ o.. be0a,se
she wisely re.le0ted that she was still growing) and goodness only +new i. she wo,ld e2er
.ind another ja0+et as ,se.,l as this one) with all its /any *o0+ets.
Beneath the grassy stage o. the r,ined a/*hitheater) hal. 0ho+ed with r,bble) were so/e
,ndergro,nd 0ha/bers whi0h 0o,ld be rea0hed by way o. a hole in the o,ter wall) and this
was where Mo/o had set ,* ho,se. One a.ternoon) a gro,* o. /en and wo/en .ro/ the
neighbo,rhood t,rned ,* and tried to -,estion her. Mo/o eyed the/ a**rehensi2ely) .earing
that they had 0o/e to 0hase her away) b,t she soon saw that they /eant well. Being *oor
li+e hersel.) they +new how hard li.e 0o,ld be.
<4o)< said one o. the /en) <yo, li+e it here) do yo, =<
Mo/o nodded.
<3nd yo, want to stay here =<
<>es) 2ery /,0h.<
<6on:t yo, be /issed) tho,gh =<
<' /ean) sho,ldn:t yo, go ho/e =<
<This is /y ho/e)< Mo/o said *ro/*tly.
<B,t where do yo, 0o/e .ro/ =<
Mo/o gest,red 2ag,ely at so/e ,nde.ined s*ot in the .ar distan0e.
<6ho are yo,r *arents) then =< the /an *ersisted.
Mo/o loo+ed blan+ly .ro/ hi/ to the others and ga2e a little shr,g. The /en and wo/en
ex0hanged glan0es and sighed.
<There:s no need to be s0ared)< the /an went on) <we ha2en:t 0o/e to e2i0t yo,. 6e:d li+e
to hel* yo,) that:s all.<
Mo/o nodded and said nothing) not entirely reass,red.
<>o,:re 0alled Mo/o) aren:t yo, =<
<That:s a *retty na/e) b,t ':2e ne2er heard it be.ore. 6ho ga2e it to yo, =<
<' did)< said Mo/o.
<>o, 0hose yo,r own na/e =<
<6hen were yo, born =<
Mo/o *ondered this. <3s .ar as ' 0an re/e/ber)< she said at length) <':2e always been
<B,t don:t yo, ha2e any a,nts or ,n0les or grand*arents = @on:t yo, ha2e any relations at all
who:d gi2e yo, a ho/e =<
Mo/o j,st loo+ed at the /an in silen0e .or a while. Then she /,r/,red) <This is /y ho/e)
<That:s all 2ery well)< said the /an) <b,t yo,:re only a +id. 5ow old are yo, really =<
Mo/o hesitated. <3 h,ndred)< she said.
They all la,ghed be0a,se they tho,ght she was jo+ing.
<?o) serio,sly) how old are yo, =<
<3 h,ndred and two)< Mo/o re*lied) still /ore hesitantly.
't was so/e ti/e be.ore the others reali;ed that she:d *i0+ed ,* a .ew n,/bers b,t had
no *re0ise idea o. their /eaning be0a,se no one had e2er ta,ght her to 0o,nt.
<(isten)< said the /an) a.ter 0on.erring with the others) <wo,ld yo, /ind i. we told the *oli0e
yo,:re here = Then yo,:d be *,t in a 0hildren:s ho/e where they:d .eed yo, and gi2e yo,
a *ro*er bed and tea0h yo, reading and writing and lots o. other things. 5ow does that
a**eal to yo, =<
Mo/o ga;ed at hi/ in horror. <?o)< she said in a low 2oi0e) <':2e already been in one o. those
*la0es. There were other 0hildren there) too) and bars o2er the windows. 6e were beaten
e2ery day .or no good reason - it was aw.,l. One night ' 0li/bed the wall and ran away.
' wo,ldn:t want to go ba0+ there.<
<' 0an ,nderstand that)< said an old /an) nodding) and the others 0o,ld ,nderstand and
nodded too.
<Aery well)< said one o. the wo/en) <b,t yo,:re still so little. 4o/eone has to ta+e 0are
o. yo,.<
Mo/o loo+ed relie2ed. <' 0an ta+e 0are o. /ysel..<
<8an yo, really =< said the wo/an.
Mo/o didn:t answer at on0e. Then she said so.tly) <' don:t need /,0h.<
3gain the others ex0hanged glan0es and sighed.
<Bnow so/ething) Mo/o =< said the /an who had s*o+en .irst. <6e were wondering i. yo,:d
li+e to /o2e in with one o. ,s. 't:s tr,e we don:t ha2e /,0h roo/ o,rsel2es) and /ost o. ,s
already ha2e a horde o. 0hildren to .eed) b,t we re0+on one /ore won:t /a+e any di..eren0e.
6hat do yo, say =<
<Than+ yo,)< Mo/o said) s/iling .or the .irst ti/e. <Than+ yo, 2ery /,0h) b,t 0o,ldn:t yo,
j,st let /e go on li2ing here =<
3.ter /,0h deliberation) the others .inally agreed. 't o00,rred to the/ that she wo,ld be j,st
as well o.. here as with one o. the/) so they de0ided to loo+ a.ter Mo/o together. 't wo,ld
be easier) in any 0ase) .or all o. the/ to do so than .or one o. the/ alone.
They /ade an i//ediate start by s*ring-0leaning Mo/o:s dila*idated d,ngeon and
re.,rbishing it as best they 0o,ld. One o. the/) a bri0+layer by trade) b,ilt her a /iniat,re
0oo+ing sto2e and *rod,0ed a r,sty sto2e*i*e to go with it. The old /an) who was
a 0ar*enter) nailed together a little table and two 0hairs o,t o. so/e *a0+ing 0ases. 3s .or the
wo/en.ol+) they bro,ght along a de0re*it iron bedstead adorned with 0,rli0,es) a /attress
with only a .ew rents in it) and a 0o,*le o. blan+ets. The stone 0ell beneath the stage o. the
r,ined a/*hitheater be0a/e a sn,g little roo/. The bri0+layer) who .an0ied hi/sel. as an
artist) added the .inishing to,0h by *ainting a *retty .lower *i0t,re on the wall. 5e e2en
*ainted a *retend .ra/e aro,nd it and a *retend nail as well.
(ast o. all) the *eo*le:s 0hildren 0a/e along with whate2er .ood they 0o,ld s*are. One
bro,ght a /orsel o. 0heese) another a h,n+ o. bread) another so/e .r,it) and so on. 3nd
be0a,se so /any 0hildren 0a/e) the o00asion t,rned into a reg,lar ho,sewar/ing *arty.
Mo/o:s installation in the old a/*hitheater was 0elebrated as ;est.,lly as only the *oor
o. this world +now how.
3nd that was the beginning o. her .riendshi* with the *eo*le o. the neighbo,rhood.
Mo/o was 0o/.ortably o.. .ro/ now on) at least in her own esti/ation. 4he always had
so/ething to eat) so/eti/es /ore and so/eti/es less) de*ending on 0ir0,/stan0es and
on what *eo*le 0o,ld s*are. 4he had a roo. o2er her head) she had a bed to slee* in) and
she 0o,ld /a+e hersel. a .ire when it was 0old. Most i/*ortant o. all) she had a0-,ired a host
o. good .riends.
>o, /ay thin+ that Mo/o had si/*ly been .ort,nate to 0o/e a0ross s,0h .riendly *eo*le.
This was *re0isely what Mo/o hersel. tho,ght) b,t it soon dawned on her neighbo,rs that
they had been no less .ort,nate. 4he be0a/e so i/*ortant to the/ that they wondered how
they had e2er /anaged witho,t her in the *ast. 3nd the longer she stayed with the/) the
/ore indis*ensable she be0a/e - so indis*ensable) in .a0t) that their one .ear was that she
/ight so/e day /o2e on.
The res,lt was that Mo/o re0ei2ed a strea/ o. 2isitors. 4he was al/ost always to be seen
with so/eone sitting beside her) tal+ing earnestly) and those who needed her b,t 0o,ldn:t
0o/e the/sel2es wo,ld send .or her instead. 3s .or those who needed her b,t hadn:t yet
reali;ed it) the others ,sed to tell the/) <6hy not go and see Mo/o =<
'n ti/e) these words be0a/e a sto0+ *hrase with the lo0al inhabitants. J,st as they said) <3ll
the best C< or <4o long C< or <5ea2en only +nows C<) so they too+ to saying) on all sorts
o. o00asions) <6hy not go and see Mo/o =<
6as Mo/o so in0redibly bright that she always ga2e good ad2i0e) or .o,nd the right words
to 0onsole *eo*le in need o. 0onsolation) or deli2ered .air and .ar-sighted o*inions on their
*roble/s =
?o) she was no /ore 0a*able o. that than anyone else o. her age.
4o 0o,ld she do things that *,t *eo*le in a good /ood = 8o,ld she sing li+e a bird or *lay
an instr,/ent = Di2en that she li2ed in a +ind o. 0ir0,s) 0o,ld she dan0e or do a0robati0s =
?o) it wasn:t any o. these either.
6as she a wit0h) then = @id she +now so/e /agi0 s*ell that wo,ld dri2e away tro,bles and
0ares = 8o,ld she read a *erson:s *al/ or .oretell the .,t,re in so/e other way =
?o) what Mo/o was better at than anyone else was listening.
3nyone 0an listen) yo, /ay say - what:s so s*e0ial abo,t that = - b,t yo,:d be wrong. Aery
.ew *eo*le +now how to listen *ro*erly) and Mo/o:s way o. listening was -,ite ,ni-,e.
4he listened in a way that /ade slow-witted *eo*le ha2e .lashes o. ins*iration. 't wasn:t that
she a0t,ally said anything or as+ed -,estions that *,t s,0h ideas into their heads. 4he
si/*ly sat there and listened with the ,t/ost attention and sy/*athy) .ixing the/ with her
big) dar+ eyes) and they s,ddenly be0a/e aware o. ideas whose existen0e they had ne2er
Mo/o 0o,ld listen in s,0h a way that worried and inde0isi2e *eo*le +new their own /inds
.ro/ one /o/ent to the next) or shy *eo*le .elt s,ddenly 0on.ident and at ease)
or downhearted *eo*le .elt ha**y and ho*e.,l. 3nd i. so/eone .elt that his li.e had been
an ,tter .ail,re) and that he hi/sel. was only one a/ong /illions o. wholly ,ni/*ortant
*eo*le who 0o,ld be re*la0ed as easily as bro+en window*anes) he wo,ld go and *o,r o,t
his heart to Mo/o. 3nd) e2en as he s*o+e) he wo,ld 0o/e to reali;e by so/e /ysterio,s
/eans that he was absol,tely wrongE that there was only one *erson li+e hi/sel. in the whole
world) and that) 0onse-,ently) he /attered to the world in his own *arti0,lar way.
4,0h was Mo/o:s talent .or listening.
One day) Mo/o re0ei2ed a 2isit .ro/ two 0lose neighbo,rs who had -,arrelled 2iolently and
weren:t on s*ea+ing ter/s. Their .riends had ,rged the/ to <go and see Mo/o< be0a,se
it didn:t do .or neighbo,rs to li2e at daggers drawn. 3.ter obje0ting at .irst) the two /en had
rel,0tantly agreed.
One o. the/ was the bri0+layer who had b,ilt Mo/o:s sto2e and *ainted the *retty .lower
*i0t,re on her wall. 4al2atore by na/e) he was a stra**ing .ellow with a bla0+ /o,sta0he
that 0,rled ,* at the ends. The other) ?ino) was s+inny and always loo+ed tired. ?ino ran
a s/all inn on the o,ts+irts o. town) largely *atroni;ed by a hand.,l o. old /en who s*ent the
entire e2ening re/inis0ing o2er one glass o. wine. ?ino and his *l,/* wi.e) (iliana) were also
.riends o. Mo/o:s and had o.ten bro,ght her good things to eat.
4o there the two /en sat) one on ea0h side o. the stone arena) silently s0owling at nothing
in *arti0,lar.
6hen Mo/o saw how angry with ea0h other they were) she 0o,ldn:t de0ide whi0h one
o. the/ to a**roa0h .irst. 7ather than o..end either o. the/) she sat down /idway between
the/ on the edge o. the arena and loo+ed at ea0h in t,rn) waiting to see what wo,ld ha**en.
(ots o. things ta+e ti/e) and ti/e was Mo/o:s only .or/ o. wealth.
3.ter the two o. the/ had sat there in silen0e .or /in,tes on end) 4al2atore abr,*tly stood
,*. <':/ o..)< he anno,n0ed. <':2e shown /y good will by 0o/ing here) b,t the /an:s
as st,bborn as a /,le) Mo/o) yo, 0an see that .or yo,rsel..< 3nd he t,rned on his heel.
<Doodbye and good riddan0e C< ?ino 0alled a.ter hi/. <>o, needn:t ha2e bothered to 0o/e
in the .irst *la0e. ' wo,ldn:t /a+e it ,* with a 2i0io,s br,te li+e yo,.<
4al2atore sw,ng aro,nd) *,0e with rage. <6ho:s a 2i0io,s br,te =< he de/anded
/ena0ingly) retra0ing his ste*s. <4ay that again - i. yo, dare C<
<3s o.ten as yo, li+e C< yelled ?ino. <' s,**ose yo, thin+ yo,:re too big and to,gh .or anyone
to s*ea+ the tr,th to yo,r .a0e. 6ell) % will - to yo, and anyone else that 0ares to listen. That:s
right) 0o/e here and /,rder /e the way yo, tried to the other day C<
<' wish ' had C< roared 4al2atore) 0len0hing his .ists. <There yo, are) Mo/o) yo, see the dirty
lies he tells = 3ll ' did was ta+e hi/ by the s0r,.. o. the ne0+ and d,n+ hi/ in the *ool
o. slo*s behind that lo,sy inn o. his. >o, 0o,ldn:t e2en drown a rat in that.< 7eaddressing
hi/sel. to ?ino) he sho,ted) <>es) yo,:re still ali2e and +i0+ing) worse l,0+ C<
'ns,lts .lew thi0+ and .ast a.ter that) and .or a while Mo/o was at a loss to +now what it was
all abo,t and why the *air o. the/ were so .,rio,s with ea0h other. 't trans*ired) by degrees)
that 4al2atore:s only reason .or assa,lting ?ino was that ?ino had sla**ed his .a0e in the
*resen0e o. so/e 0,sto/ers) tho,gh ?ino 0o,nter0lai/ed that 4al2atore had *re2io,sly tried
to s/ash all his 0ro0+ery.
<That:s another dirty lie C< 4al2atore said angrily. <' only threw a j,g at the wall) and that was
0ra0+ed already.<
<Maybe)< ?ino retorted) <b,t it was my j,g. >o, had no right to do s,0h a thing.<
4al2atore *rotested that he had e2ery right) seeing that ?ino had 0ast as*ersions on his
*ro.essional s+ill. 5e t,rned to Mo/o. <Bnow what he said abo,t /e = 5e said ' 0o,ldn:t
b,ild a wall straight be0a,se ' was dr,n+ twenty-.o,r ho,rs a day. My greatgrand.ather was
the sa/e) he said) and he:d hel*ed to b,ild the (eaning Tower o. 9isa.<
<B,t 4al2atore)< said ?ino) <' was only jo+ing.<
<4o/e jo+e)< growled 4al2atore. <Aery .,nny) ' don:t thin+ C<
't then e/erged that ?ino had only been *aying 4al2atore ba0+ .or another jo+e. 5e:d wo+en
,* one /orning to .ind so/e words da,bed on the ta2ern door in bright red *aint. They readE
T5'4 '?? '4 OFT. ?ino had .o,nd that j,st as ,na/,sing.
The two o. the/ s*ent so/e ti/e wrangling o2er whose had been the better jo+e. Then) a.ter
wor+ing the/sel2es ,* into a lather again) they bro+e o...
Mo/o was staring at the/ wide-eyed) b,t neither /an -,ite +new how to inter*ret her ga;e.
6as she se0retly la,ghing at the/) or was she sad = 3ltho,gh her ex*ression ga2e no 0l,e)
they s,ddenly see/ed to see the/sel2es /irrored in her eyes and began to .eel shee*ish.
<O+ay)< said 4al2atore) </aybe ' sho,ldn:t ha2e *ainted those words on yo,r door) ?ino) b,t
' wo,ldn:t ha2e done it i. yo, hadn:t re.,sed to ser2e /e so /,0h as a single glass o. wine.
That was against the law) as yo, +now .,ll well. ':2e always *aid ,*) and yo,:d no 0all to treat
/e that way.<
<Oh) hadn:t ' j,st C< ?ino retorted. <6hat abo,t the 4t 3nthony b,siness = 3h) that:s .loored
yo,) hasn:t it C >o, 0heated /e right) le.t and 0entre) and ' wasn:t going to ta+e it lying
<% 0heated you =< 4al2atore *rotested) s/iting his brow. <>o,:2e got it the wrong way aro,nd.
't was you that tried to 0heat me) b,t yo, didn:t s,00eed.<
The .a0t was) ?ino had h,ng a *i0t,re o. 4t 3nthony on the wall o. the bar-roo/ - a 0li**ing
.ro/ an ill,strated /aga;ine whi0h he had 0,t o,t and .ra/ed. 4al2atore o..ered to b,y this
*i0t,re one day) ostensibly be0a,se he .o,nd it so bea,ti.,l. By dint o. s+ill.,l haggling) ?ino
had *ers,aded 4al2atore to *art with a radio in ex0hange) la,ghing ,* his slee2e to thin+ that
4al2atore was getting the worst o. the bargain.
3.ter the deal had been str,0+) it t,rned o,t that nestling between the *i0t,re and its
0ardboard ba0+ing was a ban+note o. whi0h ?ino had +nown nothing. @is0o2ering that
he had been o,ts/arted) ?ino angrily de/anded the /oney ba0+ be0a,se it hadn:t been
in0l,ded in the bargain. 4al2atore re.,sed to hand it o2er) where,*on ?ino re.,sed to ser2e
hi/ any /ore) and that was how it had all beg,n.
On0e they had tra0ed their 2endetta ba0+ to its original 0a,se) the /en .ell silent .or a while.
Then ?ino said) <Be honest) 4al2atore) did yo, or didn:t yo, +now abo,t that /oney be.ore
we /ade the deal =<
<O. 0o,rse ' +new) or ' wo,ldn:t ha2e gone thro,gh with it.<
<'n other words) yo, diddled /e.<
<6hat = >o, /ean yo, really didn:t +now abo,t the /oney =<
<?o) ' swear ' didn:t.<
<There yo, are) then C 't was yo, that tried to diddle /e) or yo, wo,ldn:t ha2e ta+en /y radio
in ex0hange .or a worthless s0ra* o. news*rint.<
<5ow did you +now abo,t the /oney =<
<' saw another 0,sto/er t,0+ it into the ba0+ as a than+-yo, to 4t 3nthony) a 0o,*le o. nights
?ino 0hewed his li*. <6as it a lot o. /oney =<
<Only what /y radio was worth)< said 4al2atore.
<' see)< ?ino said tho,ght.,lly. <4o that:s what all this is abo,t - a 0li**ing .ro/ a /aga;ine.<
4al2atore s0rat0hed his head. <' g,ess so)< he growled. <>o,:re wel0o/e to ha2e it ba0+)
<8ertainly not)< ?ino re*lied with dignity. <3 deal:s a deal. 6e shoo+ hands on it) a.ter all.<
G,ite s,ddenly) they both b,rst o,t la,ghing. 8la/bering down the stone ste*s) they /et
in the /iddle o. the grassy arena) ex0hanged bear-h,gs and sla**ed ea0h other on the ba0+.
Then they h,gged Mo/o and than+ed her *ro.,sely.
6hen they le.t a .ew /in,tes later) Mo/o stood wa2ing till they were o,t o. sight. 4he was
glad her two .riends had /ade ,*.
3nother ti/e) a little boy bro,ght her his 0anary be0a,se it wo,ldn:t sing. Mo/o .o,nd that
a .ar harder *ro*osition. 4he had to sit and listen to the bird .or a whole wee+ be.ore it started
to trill and warble again.
Mo/o listened to e2eryone and e2erything) to dogs and 0ats) 0ri0+ets and tortoises - e2en
to the rain and the wind in the *ine trees - and all o. the/ s*o+e to her a.ter their own
Many were the e2enings when) a.ter her .riends had gone ho/e) she wo,ld sit by hersel.
in the /iddle o. the old stone a/*hitheater) with the s+y:s starry 2a,lt o2erhead) and si/*ly
listen to the great silen0e aro,nd her.
6hene2er she did this) she .elt she was sitting at the 0entre o. a giant ear) listening to the
world o. the stars) and she see/ed to hear so.t b,t /ajesti0 /,si0 that to,0hed her heart
in the strangest way. On nights li+e these) she always had the /ost bea,ti.,l drea/s.
Those who still thin+ that listening isn:t an art sho,ld see i. they 0an do it hal. as well.
3ltho,gh Mo/o listened to grown-,*s and 0hildren with e-,al sy/*athy and attention) the
0hildren had a s*e0ial reason .or enjoying their 2isits to the a/*hitheater as /,0h as they
did. ?ow that she was li2ing there) they .o,nd they 0o,ld *lay better ga/es than e2er be.ore.
They were ne2er bored .or an instant) b,t not be0a,se she 0ontrib,ted a lot o. ingenio,s
s,ggestions. Mo/o was there and joined in) that was all) b,t .or so/e reason her /ere
*resen0e *,t bright ideas into their heads. They in2ented new ga/es e2ery day) and ea0h
was an i/*ro2e/ent on the last.
One hot and s,ltry a.ternoon) a do;en or so 0hildren were sitting aro,nd on the stone ste*s
waiting .or Mo/o) who had gone .or a stroll nearby) as she so/eti/es did. Hro/ the loo+
o. the s+y) whi0h was .illed with .at bla0+ 0lo,ds) there wo,ld soon be a th,nderstor/.
<':/ going ho/e)< said one girl) who had a little sister with her. <Th,nder and lightning s0ares
<6hat abo,t when yo,:re at ho/e =< as+ed a boy in glasses. <@oesn:t it s0are yo, there =<
<O. 0o,rse it does)< she said.
<Then yo, /ay as well stay)< said the boy.
The girl shr,gged her sho,lders and nodded. 3.ter a while she said) <B,t /aybe Mo/o won:t
t,rn ,*.<
<4o what =< another 2oi0e bro+e in. 't belonged to a rather ragged and negle0ted-loo+ing boy.
<I2en i. she doesn:t) we 0an still *lay a ga/e.<
<3ll right) b,t what =<
<' don:t +now. 4o/ething or other.<
<4o/ething or other:s no good. 3nyone got an idea =<
<' +now)< said a .at boy with a high-*it0hed 2oi0e. <(et:s *retend the a/*hitheater:s a shi*)
and we sail o.. a0ross ,n0harted seas and ha2e ad2ent,res. ':ll be the 0a*tain) yo, 0an
be .irst /ate) and yo, 0an be a *ro.essor - a s0ientist) be0a,se it:s a s0ienti.i0 ex*edition.
The rest o. yo, 0an be sailors.<
<6hat abo,t ,s girls =< 0a/e a *lainti2e 0hor,s. <6hat:ll we be =<
<Dirl sailors. 't:s a shi* o. the .,t,re.<
The .at boy:s idea so,nded *ro/ising. They tried it o,t) b,t e2eryone started s-,abbling and
the ga/e ne2er got ,nder way. Be.ore long they were all sitting aro,nd on the ste*s again)
Then Mo/o t,rned ,*) and e2erything 0hanged.
The #rgo:s bow rose and .ell) rose and .ell) as she swi.tly b,t steadily stea/ed thro,gh the
swell towards the 4o,th 8oral 4ea. ?o shi* in li2ing /e/ory had e2er dared to sail these
*erilo,s waters) whi0h abo,nded with shoals) ree.s and /ysterio,s sea /onsters. Most
deadly o. all was the so-0alled Tra2elling Tornado) a waters*o,t that .ore2er roa/ed this sea
li+e so/e 0,nning beast o. *rey. The waters*o,t:s ro,te was -,ite ,n*redi0table) and any
shi* 0a,ght ,* in its /ighty e/bra0e was *ro/*tly red,0ed to /at0hwood.
Being a resear0h 2essel) o. 0o,rse) the #rgo had been s*e0ially designed to ta0+le the
Tra2elling Tornado. 5er h,ll was entirely 0onstr,0ted o. ada/anti,/) a steel as to,gh and
.lexible as a sword blade) and had been 0ast in one *ie0e by a s*e0ial *ro0ess that
dis*ensed with ri2ets and welded sea/s.
Hor all that) .ew 0a*tains and 0rews wo,ld ha2e had the 0o,rage to .a0e s,0h in0redible
ha;ards. 8a*tain Dordon o. the #rgo had that 0o,rage. 5e ga;ed down *ro,dly .ro/ the
bridge at the /en and wo/en o. his 0rew) all o. who/ were ex*erts in their *arti0,lar .ield.
Beside hi/ stood his .irst /ate) Ji/ 'ronside) an old salt who had already s,r2i2ed a h,ndred
and twenty-se2en h,rri0anes.
4tationed on the s,n-de0+ .,rther a.t were 9ro.essor Iisenstein) the ex*edition:s senior
s0ientist) and his assistants Moira and 4arah) who had as /,0h in.or/ation stored in their
*rodigio,s /e/ories as a whole re.eren0e library. 3ll three were h,n0hed o2er their
*re0ision instr,/ents) -,ietly 0on.erring in 0o/*li0ated s0ienti.i0 jargon.
4eated 0ross-legged a little a*art .ro/ the/ was Mo/osan) a bea,ti.,l nati2e girl. ?ow and
again the *ro.essor wo,ld 0ons,lt her abo,t so/e s*e0ial 0hara0teristi0 o. the 4o,th 8oral
4ea) and she wo,ld re*ly in her /elodio,s 5,la diale0t) whi0h he alone 0o,ld ,nderstand.
The *,r*ose o. the ex*edition was to dis0o2er what 0a,sed the Tra2elling Tornado and)
i. *ossible) /a+e the sea sa.e .or other shi*s by *,tting an end to it. 4o .ar) howe2er) there
had been no sign o. the tornado and all was -,iet.
G,ite s,ddenly) the 0a*tain:s tho,ghts were interr,*ted by a sho,t .ro/ the loo+o,t in the
0row:s-nest. <8a*tain C< he 0alled down) 0,**ing his hands aro,nd his /o,th. <Fnless ':/
0ra;y) there:s a glass island dead ahead o. ,s C<
The 0a*tain and Ji/ 'ronside *ro/*tly le2elled their teles0o*es. 9ro.essor Iisenstein and his
two assistants h,rried ,*) b,rsting with 0,riosity) b,t the bea,ti.,l nati2e girl 0al/ly re/ained
seated. The *e0,liar 0,sto/s o. her tribe .orbade her to see/ in-,isiti2e.
6hen they rea0hed the glass island) as they 2ery soon did) the *ro.essor s0ra/bled down
a ro*e ladder and gingerly ste**ed ashore. The s,r.a0e was not only trans*arent b,t
so sli**ery that he .o,nd it hard to +ee* his .ooting.
The island was 0ir0,lar and abo,t .i.ty .eet a0ross) with a sort o. do/e in the 0entre.
On rea0hing the s,//it) the *ro.essor 0o,ld distin0tly /a+e o,t a light .lashing dee* in the
heart o. the island. 5e *assed this in.or/ation to the others) who were eagerly lining the
shi*:s rail.
<Hro/ what yo, say)< said Moira) <it /,st be a Blancmangius viscosus.<
<9erha*s)< 4arah 0hi/ed in) <tho,gh it 0o,ld e-,ally be a )elly-beania multicolorata.<
9ro.essor Iisenstein straightened ,* and adj,sted his glasses. <'n /y o*inion)< he said)
<we:re dealing with a 2ariety o. the 0o//on *hocolatus indigestibilis) b,t we 0an:t be s,re till
we:2e exa/ined it .ro/ below.<
The words were s0ar0ely o,t o. his /o,th when three girl sailors) all o. who/ were world-
.a/o,s s0,ba di2ers and had already *,lled on their wets,its) *l,nged o2er the side and
2anished into the bl,e de*ths.
?othing 0o,ld be seen .or a while b,t air b,bbles. Then one o. the girls) 4andra) shot to the
s,r.a0e. <'t:s a giant jelly.ish C< she gas*ed. <The other two are 0a,ght ,* in its tenta0les and
0an:t brea+ loose. 6e /,st sa2e the/ be.ore it:s too late C< 4o saying) she disa**eared
6itho,t hesitation) a h,ndred .rog/en led by 8o//ander Hran0o) ni0+na/ed <the @ol*hin<
be0a,se o. his s+ill and ex*erien0e) di2ed into the sea. 3 tre/endo,s battle raged beneath
the s,r.a0e) whi0h soon be0a/e 0o2ered with .oa/) b,t the giganti0 0reat,re:s strength was
s,0h that not e2en a h,ndred bra2e /en 0o,ld release the girls .ro/ its terrible e/bra0e.
The *ro.essor t,rned to his assistants with a *,;;led .rown. <4o/ething in these waters
see/s 0ond,0i2e to the growth o. abnor/ally large sea 0reat,res)< he obser2ed. <6hat
an interesting *heno/enon C<
Meanwhile) 8a*tain Dordon and his .irst /ate had 0o/e to a de0ision.
<Ba0+ C< sho,ted Ji/ 'ronside. <3ll hands ba0+ on board C 6e:ll ha2e to sli0e the /onster
in hal. - it:s the girls: only ho*e.<
<@ol*hin< Hran0o and his .rog/en 0li/bed ba0+ on board. 3.ter going astern .or a short
distan0e) the #rgo headed straight .or the jelly.ish at /axi/,/ s*eed. The steel shi*:s bow
was as shar* as a ra;or. 6itho,t a so,nd - al/ost witho,t a jolt - it sli0ed the h,ge 0reat,re
in hal.. 3ltho,gh this /anoe,2re was .ra,ght with danger .or the girls entangled in its
tenta0les) Ji/ 'ronside had ga,ged his 0o,rse to within a hair:s breadth and steered right
between the/. 'nstantly) the tenta0les on ea0h hal. o. the jelly.ish went li/* and li.eless) and
the tra**ed girls /anaged to extri0ate the/sel2es.
They were wel0o/ed ba0+ on board with joy. 9ro.essor Iisenstein h,rried o2er to the/. <'t
was all /y .a,lt)< he said. <' sho,ld ne2er ha2e sent yo, down there. Horgi2e /e .or ris+ing
yo,r li2es li+e that.<
<There:s nothing to .orgi2e) 9ro.essor)< one o. the girls re*lied with a 0are.ree la,gh. <'t:s what
we 0a/e .or) a.ter all.<
<@anger:s o,r trade)< the other girl *,t in.
B,t there was no ti/e to say /ore. Be0a,se o. the res0,e o*eration) the 0a*tain and his
0rew had 0o/*letely .orgotten to +ee* wat0h on the sea. Only now) in the ni0+ o. ti/e) did
they be0o/e aware that the Tra2elling Tornado had a**eared on the hori;on and was ra0ing
towards the/.
3n i//ense roller tossed the #rgo into the air) h,rled her on to her side) and sent her
*l,//eting into a watery abyss. 3ny 0rew less 0o,rageo,s and ex*erien0ed than the #rgo:s
wo,ld ha2e been washed o2erboard or *aralysed with .ear by this 2ery .irst onsla,ght) b,t
8a*tain Dordon stood .o,r-s-,are on his bridge as tho,gh nothing had ha**ened) and his
sailors were j,st as ,n*ert,rbed. Mo/osan) the bea,ti.,l nati2e girl) being ,na00,sto/ed
to s,0h stor/-tossed seas) was the only *erson to ta+e re.,ge in a li.eboat.
The whole s+y t,rned *it0h-bla0+ within se0onds. 4hrie+ing and roaring) the tornado .l,ng
itsel. at the #rgo) alternately 0ata*,lting her s+y-high and s,0+ing her down into 0a2erno,s
tro,ghs. 'ts .,ry see/ed to grow with e2ery *assing /in,te as it stro2e in 2ain to 0r,sh the
shi*:s steel h,ll.
The 0a*tain 0al/ly ga2e orders to the .irst /ate) who *assed the/ on to the 0rew in
a stentorian 2oi0e. I2eryone re/ained at his or her *ost. 9ro.essor Iisenstein and his
assistants) .ar .ro/ abandoning their s0ienti.i0 instr,/ents) ,sed the/ to esti/ate where the
eye o. the stor/ /,st be) .or that was the 0o,rse to steer. 8a*tain Dordon se0retly /ar2elled
at the 0o/*os,re o. these s0ientists) who were not) a.ter all) as 0losely a0-,ainted with the
sea as hi/sel. and his 0rew.
3 sha.t o. lightning ;ig;agged down and str,0+ the shi*:s h,ll) ele0tri.ying it .ro/ ste/
to stern. 4*ar+s .lew whene2er the 0rew to,0hed anything) b,t none o. the/ worried.
I2eryone on board had s*ent /onths training hard .or j,st s,0h an e/ergen0y. The only
tro,ble was) the thinner *arts o. the shi* - 0ables and stan0hions) .or instan0e - began
to glow li+e the .ila/ent in an ele0tri0 light b,lb) and this /ade the 0rew:s wor+ harder des*ite
the r,bber glo2es they were wearing.
Hort,nately) the glow was soon exting,ished by a down*o,r hea2ier than anyone on board)
with the ex0e*tion o. Ji/ 'ronside) had e2er ex*erien0ed. There was no roo/ .or any air
between the raindro*s - they were too 0lose together - so they all had to *,t on /as+s and
breathing a**arat,s.
Hlashes o. lightning and *eals o. th,nder .ollowed one another in -,i0+ s,00ession) the wind
howled) and /ast-high brea+ers del,ged e2erything with .oa/. 6ith all engines r,nning .,ll
ahead) the #rgo in0hed her way .orward against the ele/ental /ight o. the stor/. @own
below in the boiler roo/s) engineers and sto+ers /ade s,*erh,/an e..orts. They had lashed
the/sel2es in *la0e with sto,t ro*es so that the shi*:s 2iolent *it0hing and tossing wo,ld not
h,rl the/ into the o*en .,rna0es.
B,t when) at long last) the 3rgo and her 0rew rea0hed the inner/ost eye o. the stor/) what
a sight 0on.ronted the/ C
Dyrating on the s,r.a0e o. the sea) whi0h had been ironed .lat as a *an0a+e by the sheer
.or0e o. the stor/) was a h,ge .ig,re. 4ee/ingly *oised on one leg) it grew wider the higher
one loo+ed) li+e a /o,ntaino,s h,//ing-to* rotating too .ast .or the eye to /a+e it o,t in any
<3 Teetotum elasticum C< the *ro.essor ex0lai/ed glee.,lly) holding on to his glasses
to *re2ent the/ .ro/ being washed o.. his nose by the rain.
<Maybe yo,:d 0are to translate that)< growled Ji/ 'ronside. <6e:re only si/*le sea.aring .ol+)
<@on:t bother the *ro.essor now)< 4arah bro+e in) <or yo,:ll r,in a ,ni-,e o**ort,nity. This
s*inning-to* 0reat,re *robably dates .ro/ the earliest *hase o. li.e on earth - it /,st be o2er
a billion years old. The one 2ariety +nown today is so s/all yo, 0an only see it ,nder
a /i0ros0o*e. 't:s so/eti/es .o,nd in to/ato +et0h,*) or) e2en /ore rarely) in 0hewing g,/.
3 s*e0i/en as big as this /ay well be the only one in existen0e.<
<B,t we:re here to eli/inate it)< said the 0a*tain) sho,ting to /a+e hi/sel. heard abo2e the
so,nd o. the stor/. <3ll right) 9ro.essor) tell ,s how to sto* that in.ernal thing.<
<>o,r g,ess is as good as /ine)< the *ro.essor re*lied. <6e s0ientists ha2e ne2er had
a 0han0e to st,dy it.<
<Aery well)< said the 0a*tain. <6e:ll try a .ew shots at it and see what ha**ens.<
<6hat a sha/e)< the *ro.essor said sadly. <Han0y shooting the sole s,r2i2ing s*e0i/en o.
a Teetotum elasticum C<
B,t the anti.ri0tion g,n had already been trained on the giant s*inning-to*.
<Hire C< ordered the 0a*tain.
The twin barrels e/itted a tong,e o. .la/e a /ile long. There was no bang) o. 0o,rse)
be0a,se an anti.ri0tion g,n) as e2eryone +nows) bo/bards its target with *roteins.
The .la/ing /issiles strea+ed towards the Teetotum b,t were 0a,ght and de.le0ted. They
0ir0led the h,ge .ig,re a .ew ti/es) tra2elling e2er .aster) e2er higher) ,ntil they disa**eared
into the bla0+ 0lo,ds o2erhead.
<'t:s no ,se)< 8a*tain Dordon sho,ted. <6e:ll si/*ly ha2e to get 0loser.<
<6e 0an:t) sir)< Ji/ 'ronside sho,ted ba0+. <The engines are already r,nning .,ll ahead) and
that:s only j,st eno,gh to +ee* ,s .ro/ being blown astern.<
<3ny s,ggestions) 9ro.essor =< the 0a*tain as+ed) b,t 9ro.essor Iisenstein /erely shr,gged.
5is assistants were e-,ally de2oid o. ideas. 't loo+ed as i. the ex*edition wo,ld ha2e to be
abandoned as a .ail,re.
J,st then) so/eone t,gged at the *ro.essor:s slee2e. 't was Mo/osan) the bea,ti.,l nati2e
"Malumba," she said) gest,ring gra0e.,lly. "Malumba oisitu sono. +rweini samba insaltu
lolobindra. ,ramuna heu beni beni sadogau."
The *ro.essor raised his eyebrows. "Babalu -" he said in-,iringly. ".idi maha feinosi intu
ge doinen malumba -"
The bea,ti.,l nati2e girl nodded eagerly. ".odo um aufa shulamat va vada," she re*lied.
"/i oi," said the *ro.essor) tho,ght.,lly stro+ing his 0hin.
<6hat does she say =< as+ed the .irst /ate.
<4he says)< ex*lained the *ro.essor) <that her tribe has a 2ery an0ient song that wo,ld send
the Tra2elling Tornado to slee* - or wo,ld) i. anyone were bra2e eno,gh to sing it to the
<@on:t /a+e /e la,gh C< growled Ji/ 'ronside. <6hoe2er heard o. singing a tornado
to slee* =<
<6hat do yo, thin+) 9ro.essor =< as+ed 4arah. <'s it s0ienti.i0ally .easible =<
<One sho,ld always try to +ee* an o*en /ind)< said the *ro.essor. <Many o. these nati2e
traditions 0ontain a grain o. tr,th. The Teetotum elasticum /ay be sensiti2e to 0ertain soni0
2ibrations. 6e si/*ly +now too little abo,t its /ode o. existen0e.<
<'t 0an:t do any har/)< the 0a*tain said .ir/ly) <so let:s gi2e it a try. Tell her to 0arry on.<
The *ro.essor t,rned to Mo/osan and said) "Malumba didi oisafal huna huna, vavadu -"
4he nodded and began to sing a /ost *e0,liar song. 't 0onsisted o. a hand.,l o. notes
re*eated o2er and o2er againE
"+ni meni allubeni, vanna tai susura teni."
3s she sang) she 0la**ed her hands and *ran0ed aro,nd in ti/e to the re.rain.
The t,ne and the words were so easy to re/e/ber that the rest joined in) one a.ter another)
,ntil the entire 0rew was singing) 0la**ing and 0a2orting aro,nd in ti/e to the /,si0. ?othing
0o,ld ha2e been /ore astonishing than to see the *ro.essor hi/sel. and that old sea dog)
Ji/ 'ronside) singing and 0la**ing li+e 0hildren in a *laygro,nd.
3nd then) lo and behold) the thing they ne2er tho,ght wo,ld ha**en 0a/e to *assE the
Tra2elling Tornado rotated /ore and /ore slowly ,ntil it 0a/e to a sto* and began to sin+
beneath the wa2es. 6ith a th,ndero,s roar) the sea 0losed o2er it. The stor/ died away) the
rain 0eased) the s+y be0a/e bl,e and 0lo,dless) the wa2es s,bsided. The #rgo lay
/otionless on the glittering s,r.a0e as i. nothing b,t *ea0e and tran-,illity had e2er reigned
<Me/bers o. the 0rew)< said 8a*tain Dordon) with an a**re0iati2e glan0e at ea0h in t,rn) <we
*,lled it o.. C< The 0a*tain ne2er wasted words) they all +new) so they were do,bly delighted
when he added) <':/ *ro,d o. yo,.<
<' thin+ it /,st really ha2e been raining)< said the girl who had bro,ght her little sister along.
<':/ soa+ed) that:s .or s,re.<
4he was right. The real stor/ had bro+en and /o2ed on) and no one was /ore s,r*rised
than she to .ind that she had 0o/*letely .orgotten to be s0ared o. the th,nder and lightning
while sailing aboard the #rgo.
The 0hildren s*ent so/e ti/e dis0,ssing their ad2ent,ro,s 2oyage and swa**ing *ersonal
ex*erien0es. Then they said goodbye and went ho/e to dry o...
The only *erson slightly dissatis.ied with the o,t0o/e o. the ga/e was the boy who wore
glasses. Be.ore lea2ing) he said to Mo/o) <' still thin+ it was a sha/e to sin+ the Teetotum
elasticum) j,st li+e that. The last s,r2i2ing s*e0i/en o. its +ind) i/agine C ' do wish ' 0o,ld
ha2e ta+en a 0loser loo+ at it.<
B,t on one *oint they were all agreedE the ga/es they *layed with Mo/o were /ore .,n than
any others.
$(O *.E),A" #,E'&*
I2en when *eo*le ha2e a great /any .riends) there are always one or two they lo2e best
o. all) and Mo/o was no ex0e*tion.
4he had two 2ery s*e0ial .riends who 0a/e to see her e2ery day and shared what little they
had with her. One was yo,ng and the other old) and Mo/o 0o,ld not ha2e said whi0h
o. the/ she lo2ed /ore.
The old one:s na/e was Be**o 7oadswee*er. 3ltho,gh he /,st ha2e had a *ro*er
s,rna/e) e2eryone in0l,ding Be**o hi/sel. ,sed the ni0+na/e that des0ribed his job) whi0h
was swee*ing roads.
Be**o li2ed near the a/*hitheater in a ho/e-/ade sha0+ b,ilt o. bri0+s) 0orr,gated iron and
tar *a*er. 5e was not /,0h taller than Mo/o) being an ex0e*tionally s/all /an and bent-
ba0+ed into the bargain. 5e always +e*t his head 0o0+ed to one side - it was big) with
a single t,.t o. white hair on to* - and wore a di/in,ti2e *air o. steel-ri//ed s*e0ta0les
on his nose.
Be**o was widely belie2ed to be not -,ite right in the head. This was be0a,se) when as+ed
a -,estion) he wo,ld gi2e an a/iable s/ile and say nothing. '.) a.ter *ondering the -,estion)
he .elt it needed no answer) he still said nothing. '. it did) he wo,ld *onder what answer
to gi2e. 5e 0o,ld ta+e as long as a 0o,*le o. ho,rs to re*ly) or e2en a whole day. By this ti/e
the *erson who had as+ed the -,estion wo,ld ha2e .orgotten what it was) so Be**o:s answer
see/ed *e0,liar in the extre/e.
Only Mo/o was 0a*able o. waiting *atiently eno,gh to gras* his /eaning. 4he +new that
Be**o too+ as long as he did be0a,se he was deter/ined ne2er to say anything ,ntr,e.
'n his o*inion) all the world:s /is.ort,nes ste//ed .ro/ the 0o,ntless ,ntr,ths) both
deliberate and ,nintentional) whi0h *eo*le told be0a,se o. haste or 0arelessness.
I2ery /orning) long be.ore daybrea+) Be**o rode his s-,ea+y old bi0y0le to a big de*ot
in town. There) he and his .ellow road-swee*ers waited in the yard to be iss,ed broo/s and
*,sh0arts and told whi0h streets to swee*. Be**o enjoyed these ho,rs be.ore dawn) when
the 0ity was still aslee*) and he did his wor+ willingly and well. 't was a ,se.,l job) and
he +new it.
5e swe*t his allotted streets slowly b,t steadily) drawing a dee* breath be.ore e2ery ste* and
e2ery stro+e o. the broo/. 4te*) breathe) swee*) breathe) ste*) breathe) swee*. . . I2ery
so o.ten he wo,ld *a,se a while) staring tho,ght.,lly into the distan0e. 3nd then he wo,ld
begin againE ste*) breathe) swee*. . .
6hile *rogressing in this way) with a dirty street ahead o. hi/ and a 0lean one behind)
he o.ten had grand ideas. They were ideas that 0o,ldn:t easily be *,t into words) tho,gh
- ideas as hard to de.ine as a hal.-re/e/bered s0ent or a 0olo,r seen in a drea/. 6hen
sitting with Mo/o a.ter wor+) he wo,ld tell her his grand ideas) and her s*e0ial way
o. listening wo,ld loosen his tong,e and bring the right words to his li*s.
<>o, see) Mo/o)< he told her one day) <it:s li+e this. 4o/eti/es) when yo,:2e a 2ery long
street ahead o. yo,) yo, thin+ how terribly long it is and .eel s,re yo,:ll ne2er get it swe*t.<
5e ga;ed silently into s*a0e be.ore 0ontin,ing. <3nd then yo, start to h,rry)< he went on.
<>o, wor+ .aster and .aster) and e2ery ti/e yo, loo+ ,* there see/s to be j,st as /,0h le.t
to swee* as be.ore) and yo, try e2en harder) and yo, *ani0) and in the end yo,:re o,t
o. breath and ha2e to sto* - and still the street stret0hes away in .ront o. yo,. That:s not the
way to do it.<
5e *ondered a while. Then he said) <>o, /,st ne2er thin+ o. the whole street at on0e)
,nderstand = >o, /,st only 0on0entrate on the next ste*) the next breath) the next stro+e
o. the broo/) and the next) and the next. ?othing else.<
3gain he *a,sed .or tho,ght be.ore adding) <That way yo, enjoy yo,r wor+) whi0h
is i/*ortant) be0a,se then yo, /a+e a good job o. it. 3nd that:s how it o,ght to be.<
There was another long silen0e. 3t last he went on) <3nd all at on0e) be.ore yo, +now it) yo,
.ind yo,:2e swe*t the whole street 0lean) bit by bit. 6hat:s /ore) yo, aren:t o,t o. breath.<
5e nodded to hi/sel.. <That:s i/*ortant) too)< he 0on0l,ded.
3nother ti/e) when he 0a/e and sat down beside Mo/o) she 0o,ld tell .ro/ his silen0e that
he was thin+ing hard and had so/ething 2ery s*e0ial to tell her. 4,ddenly he loo+ed her
in the eye and said) <' re0ogni;ed ,s.< 't was a long ti/e be.ore he s*o+e again. Then he said
so.tly) <'t ha**ens so/eti/es - at /idday) when e2erything:s aslee* in the heat o. the s,n.
The world goes trans*arent) li+e ri2er water) i. yo, +now what ' /ean. >o, 0an see the
5e nodded and rela*sed into silen0e. Then he said) e2en /ore so.tly) <There are other ti/es)
other ages) down there on the botto/.<
5e *ondered again .or a long ti/e) sear0hing .or the right words. They see/ed to el,de hi/)
be0a,se he s,ddenly said) in a *er.e0tly nor/al tone o. 2oi0e) <' was swee*ing alongside the
old 0ity wall today. There are .i2e di..erent-0olo,red stones in it. They:re arranged li+e this)
see =<
5e drew a big T in the d,st with his .ore.inger and loo+ed at it with his head on one side. 3ll
at on0e he whis*ered) <' re0ogni;ed the/ - the stones) ' /ean.<
3.ter yet another long silen0e) he went on haltingly) <They:re stones .ro/ olden ti/es) when
the wall was .irst b,ilt. Many hands hel*ed to b,ild the wall) b,t those stones were *,t there
by two *arti0,lar *eo*le. They were /eant as a sign) yo, see = ' re0ogni;ed it.
Be**o r,bbed his eyes. The next ti/e he s*o+e) it was with so/ething o. an e..ort. <They
loo+ed -,ite di..erent then) those two. G,ite di..erent.< 5is 0on0l,ding words so,nded al/ost
de.iant. <' re0ogni;ed the/) tho,gh)< he said. <They were yo, and /e - ' re0ogni;ed ,s C<
9eo*le 0o,ld hardly be bla/ed .or s/iling when they heard Be**o 7oadswee*er say s,0h
things. Many o. the/ ,sed to ta* their heads /eaning.,lly behind his ba0+) b,t Mo/o lo2ed
hi/ and treas,red e2ery word he ,ttered.
Mo/o:s other s*e0ial .riend was not only yo,ng b,t the exa0t o**osite o. Be**o in e2ery
res*e0t. 3 handso/e yo,th with drea/y eyes and an in0redible gi.t o. the gab) he was
always *laying *ra0ti0al jo+es and had s,0h a 0are.ree) in.e0tio,s la,gh that *eo*le 0o,ldn:t
hel* joining in. 5is .irst na/e was Dirola/o) b,t e2eryone 0alled hi/ D,ido.
(i+e Be**o) D,ido too+ his s,rna/e .ro/ his job) tho,gh he didn:t ha2e a *ro*er job at all.
One o. his /any ,no..i0ial a0ti2ities was showing to,rists aro,nd the 0ity) so he was
,ni2ersally +nown as D,ido D,ide. 5is sole -,ali.i0ation .or the job was a *ea+ed 0a*) whi0h
he *ro/*tly 0la**ed on his head whene2er any to,rists strayed into the neighbo,rhood.
Then) wearing his /ost earnest ex*ression) he wo,ld /ar0h ,* and to show the/ the
sights. '. they were rash eno,gh to a00e*t) D,ido let .ly. 5e bo/barded his ,n.ort,nate
listeners with s,0h a /,ltit,de o. /ade-,* na/es) dates and histori0al e2ents that their
heads started s*inning. 4o/e o. the/ saw thro,gh hi/ and wal+ed o.. in a h,..) b,t the
/ajority too+ his tales at .a0e 2al,e and dro**ed a .ew 0oins into his 0a* when he handed
it aro,nd at the end o. a sightseeing to,r.
3ltho,gh D,ide:s neighbo,rs ,sed to 0h,0+le at his .lights o. .an0y) they so/eti/es loo+ed
stern and re/ar+ed that it wasn:t really right to ta+e good /oney .or drea/ing ,* a *a0+
o. lies.
<':/ only doing what *oets do)< D,ido wo,ld arg,e. <3nyway) /y 0,sto/ers get their
/oney:s worth) don:t they = ' gi2e the/ exa0tly what they want. Maybe yo, won:t .ind
/y stories in any g,ideboo+) b,t what:s the di..eren0e = 6ho +nows i. the st,.. in the
g,ideboo+s isn:t /ade ,* too) only no one re/e/bers any /ore. Besides) what do yo,
/ean by tr,e and ,ntr,e = 6ho 0an be s,re what ha**ened here a tho,sand or two
tho,sand years ago = 8an you =<
The others ad/itted they 0o,ldn:t.
<There yo, are) then C< D,ido 0ried tri,/*hantly. <5ow 0an yo, 0all /y stories ,ntr,e =
Things /ay ha2e ha**ened j,st the way ' say they did) in whi0h 0ase ':2e been telling the
gos*el tr,th.<
't was hard to 0o,nter an arg,/ent li+e that) es*e0ially when yo, were ,* against a .ast
tal+er li+e D,ido.
Fn.ort,nately .or hi/) howe2er) not /any to,rists wanted to see the a/*hitheater) so he
o.ten had to t,rn his hand to other jobs. 6hen the o00asion arose he wo,ld a0t as *ar+-
+ee*er) dog wal+er) deli2erer o. lo2e letters) /o,rner at .,nerals) witness at weddings)
so,2enir seller) 0at:s /eat /an) and /any other things besides.
B,t D,ido drea/ed o. be0o/ing ri0h and .a/o,s so/eday. 5e *lanned to li2e in
a .ab,lo,sly bea,ti.,l /ansion set in s*a0io,s gro,nds) to eat o.. gold *lates and slee*
between sil+en sheets. 5e *i0t,red hi/sel. as res*lendent in his .,t,re .a/e as a +ind o. s,n)
and the rays o. that s,n already war/ed hi/ in his *o2erty - .ro/ as it were.
<':ll do it) too)< he wo,ld ex0lai/ when other *eo*le s0o..ed at his drea/s. <>o, /ar+
/y words C<
G,ite how he was going to do it) not e2en he 0o,ld ha2e told the/) .or D,ido held a low
o*inion o. *erse2eran0e and hard wor+.
<6hat:s so 0le2er abo,t wor+ing hard =< he said to Mo/o. <3nyone 0an get ri0h -,i0+ that
way) b,t who wants to loo+ li+e the *eo*le who:2e sold the/sel2es body and so,l .or
/oney:s sa+e = 6ell) they 0an 0o,nt /e o,t. I2en i. there are ti/es when ' don:t ha2e the
*ri0e o. a 0,* o. ':/ still me. D,ido:s still D,ido C<
3ltho,gh it see/ed i/*robable that two *eo*le as dissi/ilar as D,ido D,ide and Be**o
7oadswee*er) with their di..erent attit,des to li.e and the world in general) sho,ld ha2e
be0o/e .riends) they did. 4trangely eno,gh) Be**o was the only *erson who ne2er 0hided
D,ido .or his irres*onsibility1 and) j,st as strangely) .ast-tal+ing D,ido was the only *erson
who ne2er *o+ed .,n at e00entri0 old Be**o. This) too) /ay ha2e had so/ething to do with
the way Mo/o listened to the/ both.
?one o. the three s,s*e0ted that a shadow was soon to .all) not only a0ross their .riendshi*
b,t a0ross the entire neighbo,rhood - an e2er-growing shadow that was already en.olding
the 0ity in its 0old) dar+ e/bra0e. 't ad2an0ed day by day li+e an in2ading ar/y) silently and
s,rre*titio,sly) /eeting no resistan0e be0a,se no one was really aware o. it.
B,t who exa0tly were the in2aders = I2en old Be**o) who saw /,0h that es0a*ed other
*eo*le) .ailed to noti0e the /en in gray who b,sily roa/ed the 0ity in e2er-in0reasing
n,/bers. 't wasn:t that they were in2isible1 yo, si/*ly saw the/ witho,t noti0ing the/. They
had an ,n0anny +na0+ o. /a+ing the/sel2es so in0ons*i0,o,s that yo, either o2erloo+ed
the/ or .orgot e2er ha2ing seen the/. The 2ery .a0t that they had no need to 0on0eal
the/sel2es enabled the/ to go abo,t their b,siness in ,tter se0re0y.
4in0e nobody noti0ed the/) nobody sto**ed to wonder where they had 0o/e .ro/ or)
indeed) were still 0o/ing .ro/) .or their n,/bers 0ontin,ed to grow with e2ery *assing day.
The /en in gray dro2e thro,gh the streets in s/art gray li/o,sines) ha,nted e2ery b,ilding)
.re-,ented e2ery resta,rant. Hro/ ti/e to ti/e they wo,ld jot so/ething down in their little
gray noteboo+s.
They were dressed .ro/ head to .oot in gray s,its the 0olo,r o. a s*ider:s web. I2en their
.a0es were gray. They wore gray bowler hats and s/o+ed s/all gray 0igars) and none
o. the/ went anywhere witho,t a steel-gray brie.0ase in his hand.
D,ido D,ide was as ,naware as e2eryone else that se2eral o. these /en in gray had
re0onnoitred the a/*hitheater) b,sily writing in their noteboo+s as they did so.
Mo/o alone had 0a,ght sight o. their shadowy .ig,res *eering o2er the edge o. the r,ined
b,ilding. They signalled to ea0h other and *,t their heads together as i. 0on.erring. 3ltho,gh
she 0o,ld hear nothing) Mo/o s,ddenly shi2ered as she had ne2er shi2ered be.ore. 4he
drew her baggy ja0+et /ore tightly aro,nd her) b,t it did no good be0a,se the 0hill in the air
was no ordinary 0hill. Then the /en in gray disa**eared.
Mo/o heard no so.t b,t /ajesti0 /,si0 that night) as she so o.ten did) b,t the next day li.e
went on as ,s,al. 4he tho,ght no /ore abo,t her weird 2isitors) and it wasn:t long be.ore
she) too) .orgot the/.
$A"" *$O#,E*
3s ti/e went by) Mo/o be0a/e absol,tely indis*ensable to D,ido. 5e de2elo*ed as dee*
an a..e0tion .or the ragged little girl as any .ootloose) .an0y-.ree yo,ng /an 0o,ld ha2e .elt .or
any .ellow 0reat,re.
Ma+ing ,* stories was his r,ling *assion) as we ha2e already said) and it was in this 2ery
res*e0t that he ,nderwent a 0hange o. whi0h he hi/sel. was .,lly aware. 'n the old days) not
all o. his stories had t,rned o,t well. Iither he ran short o. ideas and was .or0ed to re*eat
hi/sel.) or he borrowed .ro/ so/e /o2ie he:d seen or so/e news*a*er arti0le he:d read.
5is stories had *lodded along) so to s*ea+) b,t Mo/o:s .riendshi* had s,ddenly lent the/
Most o. all) it was when Mo/o sat listening to hi/ that his i/agination blosso/ed li+e
a /eadow in s*ringti/e. 8hildren and grown-,*s .lo0+ed to hear hi/. 5e 0o,ld now tell
stories in e*isodes s*anning days or e2en wee+s) and he ne2er ran o,t o. ideas. 5e listened
to hi/sel. as enthralled as his a,dien0e) ne2er +nowing where his i/agination wo,ld lead
The next ti/e so/e to,rists 2isited the a/*hitheater - Mo/o was sitting on one o. the ste*s
nearby - he began as .ollowsE
<(adies and gentle/en) as ':/ s,re yo, all +now) the I/*ress 5ar/oni0a waged 0o,ntless
wars in de.en0e o. her real/) whi0h was ,nder 0onstant atta0+ by the Doats and 5ens.
<5a2ing s,bd,ed these barbarian tribes .or the ,/*teenth ti/e) she was so in.,riated by their
endless tro,ble/a+ing that she threatened to exter/inate the/) on0e and .or all) ,nless their
+ing) 7a,0o,s '') /ade a/ends by sending her his gold.ish.
<3t that *eriod) ladies and gentle/en) gold.ish were still ,n+nown in these *arts) b,t I/*ress
5ar/oni0a had heard .ro/ a tra2eller that Bing 7a,0o,s owned a s/all .ish whi0h) when
.,lly grown) wo,ld t,rn into solid gold. The e/*ress was deter/ined to get her hands on this
rare s*e0i/en.
<Bing 7a,0o,s la,ghed ,* his slee2e at this. 5e hid the real gold.ish ,nder his bed and sent
the e/*ress a yo,ng whale in a bejewelled so,* t,reen.
<The e/*ress) who had i/agined gold.ish to be s/aller) was rather s,r*rised at the
0reat,re:s si;e. ?e2er /ind) she told hersel.) the bigger the better - the bigger now) the /ore
gold later on. There wasn:t a hint o. gold abo,t the .ish - not e2en a gli//er - whi0h worried
her ,ntil Bing 7a,0o,s:s en2oy ex*lained that it wo,ldn:t t,rn into gold ,ntil it had sto**ed
growing. 8onse-,ently) its growth sho,ld not be obstr,0ted in any way. I/*ress 5ar/oni0a
*rono,n0ed hersel. satis.ied with this ex*lanation.
<The yo,ng .ish grew bigger e2ery day) 0ons,/ing 2ast -,antities o. .ood) b,t I/*ress
5ar/oni0a was a wealthy wo/an. 't was gi2en as /,0h .ood as it 0o,ld *,t away) so it grew
big and .at. Be.ore long) the so,* t,reen be0a/e too s/all .or it.
< :The bigger the better): said the e/*ress) and had it trans.erred to her batht,b. Aery soon
it wo,ldn:t .it into her batht,b either) so it was installed in the i/*erial swi//ing *ool.
Trans.erring it to the *ool was no /ean .eat) be0a,se it now weighed as /,0h as an ox.
6hen one o. the sla2es 0arrying it lost his .ooting the e/*ress *ro/*tly had the wret0hed
/an thrown to the lions) .or the .ish was now the a**le o. her eye.
<5ar/oni0a s*ent /any ho,rs ea0h day sitting beside the swi//ing *ool) wat0hing the
0reat,re grow. 3ll she 0o,ld thin+ o. was the gold it wo,ld /a+e) be0a,se) as ':/ s,re yo,
+now) she led a 2ery l,x,rio,s li.e and 0o,ld ne2er ha2e eno,gh gold to /eet her needs.
< :The bigger the better): she +e*t re*eating to hersel.. These words were *ro0lai/ed
a national /otto and ins0ribed in letters o. bron;e on e2ery *,bli0 b,ilding.
<6hen e2en the i/*erial swi//ing *ool be0a/e too 0ra/*ed) as it e2ent,ally did)
5ar/oni0a b,ilt the edi.i0e whose r,ins yo, see be.ore yo,) ladies and gentle/en. 't was
a h,ge) ro,nd a-,ari,/ .illed to the bri/ with water) and here the whale 0o,ld at last stret0h
o,t in 0o/.ort.
<Hro/ now on the e/*ress sat wat0hing the great .ish day and night - wat0hing and waiting
.or the /o/ent when it wo,ld t,rn into gold. 4he no longer tr,sted a so,l) not e2en her
sla2es or relations) and dreaded that the .ish /ight be stolen .ro/ her. 4o here she sat)
wasting away with .ear and worry) ne2er 0losing her eyes) .ore2er wat0hing the .ish as it
blithely s*lashed aro,nd witho,t the least intention o. t,rning into gold.
<5ar/oni0a negle0ted her a..airs o. state /ore and /ore) whi0h was j,st what the Doats and
5ens had been waiting .or. (ed by Bing 7a,0o,s) they la,n0hed one .inal in2asion and
0on-,ered the 0o,ntry in no ti/e. They ne2er en0o,ntered a single ene/y soldier) and the
0o//on .ol+ didn:t 0are one way or the other who r,led the/.
<6hen I/*ress 5ar/oni0a .inally heard what had ha**ened) she ,ttered the well-+nown
words) <3las) i. only ':d. . .< The rest o. the senten0e is lost in the /ists o. ti/e) ,n.ort,nately.
3ll we +now .or s,re is that she threw hersel. into this 2ery a-,ari,/ and *erished alongside
the 0reat,re that had blighted her ho*es. Bing 7a,0o,s 0elebrated his 2i0tory by ordering the
whale to be sla,ghtered) and the entire *o*,lation .easted on grilled whale stea+s .or a wee+.
<6hi0h only goes to show) ladies and gentle/en) how ,nwise it is to belie2e all yo,:re told.<
That 0on0l,ded D,ide:s le0t,re. Most o. his listeners were *ro.o,ndly i/*ressed and
s,r2eyed the r,ined a/*hitheater with awe. Only one o. the/ was s0e*ti0al eno,gh to stri+e
a note o. do,bt. <6hen is all this s,**osed to ha2e ha**ened =< he as+ed.
<' need hardly re/ind yo,)< said D,ido) who was ne2er at a loss .or words) <that I/*ress
5ar/oni0a was a 0onte/*orary o. the 0elebrated *hiloso*her ?a,seo,s the Ilder.<
Fnderstandably rel,0tant to ad/it his total ignoran0e o. when the 0elebrated *hiloso*her
?a,seo,s the Ilder li2ed) the s0e*ti0 /erely nodded and said) <3h yes) o. 0o,rse.<
3ll the other to,rists were thoro,ghly satis.ied. Their 2isit had been well worthwhile) they
de0lared) and no g,ide had e2er *resented the/ with s,0h a gra*hi0 and interesting a00o,nt
o. an0ient ti/es. 6hen D,ido /odestly held o,t his *ea+ed 0a*) they showed the/sel2es
0orres*ondingly genero,s. I2en the s0e*ti0 dro**ed a .ew 0oins into it.
D,ido) in0identally) had ne2er told the sa/e story twi0e sin0e Mo/o:s arri2al on the s0ene1
he wo,ld ha2e .o,nd that .ar too boring. 6hen Mo/o was in the a,dien0e a .loodgate
see/ed to o*en inside hi/) releasing a torrent o. new ideas that b,bbled .orth witho,t his
e2er ha2ing to thin+ twi0e.
On the 0ontrary) he o.ten had to restrain hi/sel. .ro/ going too .ar) as he did the day his
ser2i0es were enlisted by two elderly 3/eri0an ladies whose blood he 0,rdled with the
.ollowing taleE
<'t is) o. 0o,rse) 0o//on +nowledge) e2en in yo,r own .air) .reedo/-lo2ing land) dear ladies)
that the 0r,el tyrant Marxenti,s 8o//,nis) ni0+na/ed :the 7ed:) resol2ed to /o,ld the world
to .it his own ideas. Try as he /ight) howe2er) he .o,nd that *eo*le re.,sed to 0hange their
ways and re/ained /,0h the sa/e as they always had been. Towards the end o. his li.e)
Marxenti,s 8o//,nis went /ad. The an0ient world had no *sy0hiatrists 0a*able o. 0,ring
s,0h /ental disorders) as ':/ s,re yo, +now) so the tyrant 0ontin,ed to ra2e ,n0he0+ed.
5e e2ent,ally too+ it into his head to lea2e the existing world to its own de2i0es and 0reate
a brand-new world o. his own.
<5e there.ore de0reed the 0onstr,0tion o. a globe exa0tly the sa/e si;e as the old one)
0o/*lete with *er.e0t re*li0as o. e2erything in it - e2ery b,ilding and tree) e2ery /o,ntain)
ri2er and sea. The entire *o*,lation o. the earth was 0o/*elled) on *ain o. death) to assist
in this 2ast *roje0t.
<Hirst they b,ilt the base on whi0h the h,ge new globe wo,ld rest - and the re/ains o. that
base) dear ladies) are what yo, now see be.ore yo,.
<Then they started to 0onstr,0t the globe itsel.) a giganti0 s*here as big as the earth. On0e
this s*here had been 0o/*leted) it was .,rnished with *er.e0t 0o*ies o. e2erything on earth.
<The s*here ,sed ,* 2ast -,antities o. b,ilding /aterials) o. 0o,rse) and these 0o,ld
be ta+en only .ro/ the earth itsel.. 4o the earth got s/aller and s/aller while the s*here got
bigger and bigger.
<By the ti/e the new world was .inished) e2ery last little s0ra* o. the old world had been
0arted away. 6hat was /ore) the whole o. /an+ind had nat,rally been obliged to /o2e
to the new world be0a,se the old one was all ,sed ,*. 6hen it dawned on Marxenti,s
8o//,nis that) des*ite all his e..orts) e2erything was j,st as it had been) he b,ried his head
in his toga and tottered o... 6here to) no one +nows.
<4o yo, see) ladies) this 0raterli+e de*ression in the r,ins be.ore yo, ,sed to be the di2iding
line between the old world and the new. 'n other words) yo, /,st *i0t,re e2erything ,*side
The 3/eri0an dowagers t,rned *ale) and one o. the/ said in a -,a2ering 2oi0e) <B,t what
be0a/e o. Marxenti,s 8o//,nis:s world =<
<6hy) yo,:re standing on it right now)< D,ido told her. <O,r world) ladies) is his C<
The two old things let o,t a s-,aw+ o. terror and too+ to their heels. This ti/e) D,ido held o,t
his 0a* in 2ain.
D,ide:s .a2o,rite *asti/e) tho,gh) was telling stories to Mo/o on her own) with no one else
aro,nd. They were .airy tales) /ostly) be0a,se Mo/o li+ed those best) and they were abo,t
Mo/o and D,ido the/sel2es. Being intended j,st .or the two o. the/) they so,nded -,ite
di..erent .ro/ any o. the other stories D,ido told.
One .ine) war/ e2ening the *air o. the/ were sitting -,ietly) side by side) on the to*/ost tier
o. stone ste*s. The .irst stars were already twin+ling in the s+y) and a big) sil2ery /oon was
0li/bing abo2e the dar+ silho,ettes o. the *ine trees.
<6ill yo, tell /e a story =< Mo/o as+ed so.tly.
<3ll right)< said D,ido. <6hat abo,t =<
<Best o. all ':d li+e it to be abo,t ,s)< Mo/o said.
D,ido tho,ght a while. Then he said) <6hat shall we 0all it =<
<5ow abo,t The Tale o. the Magi0 Mirror =<
D,ido nodded tho,ght.,lly. <4o,nds *ro/ising)< he said. <(et:s see how it t,rns o,t.< 3nd
he *,t his ar/ aro,nd Mo/o and beganE
<On0e ,*on a ti/e there was a bea,ti.,l *rin0ess na/ed Mo/o) who dressed in sil+ and
satin and li2ed high abo2e the world on a snow-0lad /o,ntain-to*) in a *ala0e b,ilt o. stained
glass. 4he had e2erything her heart 0o,ld desire. ?othing b,t the 0hoi0est .ood and wine
e2er *assed her li*s. 4he re0lined on sil+en 0,shions and sat on i2ory 0hairs. 4he had
e2erything) as ' say) b,t she was all alone.
<3ll the *eo*le and things aro,nd her - her .oot/en and ladies-in-waiting) her dogs and 0ats
and birds) e2en her .lowers - were /erely re.le0tions.
<The .a0t was) 9rin0ess Mo/o had a /agi0 /irror) big and ro,nd and /ade o. the .inest
sil2er. I2ery day and e2ery night she ,sed to send it o,t into the world) and the big ro,nd
/irror soared o2er land and sea) town and 0o,ntryside. 9eo*le who saw it weren:t a bit
s,r*rised. 3ll they e2er said was) :3h) there:s the /oon.:
<6ell) e2ery ti/e the /agi0 /irror 0a/e ba0+ to the *rin0ess it wo,ld e/*ty o,t the
re.le0tions it had 0olle0ted on its tra2els) bea,ti.,l and ,gly) interesting and d,ll) as the 0ase
/ight be. The *rin0ess *i0+ed o,t the ones she li+ed best. The others she si/*ly threw into
a strea/) and -,i0+er than the s*eed o. tho,ght these dis0arded re.le0tions s*ed ba0+
to their owners along the waterways o. the earth. That:s why yo,:ll .ind yo,r own re.le0tion
loo+ing at yo, whene2er yo, bend o2er a strea/ or a *ool o. water.
<' .orgot to /ention that 9rin0ess Mo/o was i//ortal. 6hy = Be0a,se she:d ne2er seen her
own re.le0tion in the /agi0 /irror) and anyone who saw his own re.le0tion in it be0a/e
/ortal at on0e. Being well aware o. this) 9rin0ess Mo/o too+ 0are not to do so. 4he:d always
been -,ite 0ontent to li2e and *lay with her /any other re.le0tions.
<One day) howe2er) the /agi0 /irror bro,ght her a re.le0tion that a**ealed to her /ore than
any other. 't was the re.le0tion o. a yo,ng *rin0e. 3s soon as she saw it) she longed to /eet
hi/ .a0e to .a0e. 5ow was she to set abo,t it) tho,gh = 4he didn:t +now where he li2ed
or who he was - she didn:t e2en +now his na/e.
<Hor want o. a better idea) she de0ided to loo+ into the /agi0 /irror a.ter all) thin+ing that
it /ight 0arry her own re.le0tion to the *rin0e. There was a 0han0e that he /ight be loo+ing
,* at the s+y when the /irror .loated *ast and wo,ld see her in it. 9erha*s he wo,ld .ollow
the /irror ba0+ to the *ala0e and .ind her there. <4o she ga;ed into the /irror) long and hard)
and sent it o.. aro,nd the world with her re.le0tion. By so doing) o. 0o,rse) she lost her
<Be.ore saying what ha**ened to her next) ' /,st tell yo, so/ething abo,t the *rin0e.
<5is na/e was Dirola/o) and he r,led a great +ingdo/ o. his own 0reation. This +ingdo/
was sit,ated neither in the *resent nor the *ast) b,t always one day ahead in the .,t,re)
whi0h was why it was 0alled H,t,ria. I2eryone who dwelt there lo2ed and ad/ired the *rin0e.
< :>o,r 7oyal 5ighness): the *rin0e:s ad2isers told hi/ one day) :it:s ti/e yo, got /arried.:
<The *rin0e had no obje0tion) so H,t,ria:s lo2eliest yo,ng ladies were bro,ght to the *ala0e
.or hi/ to 0hoose .ro/. They all /ade the/sel2es loo+ as bea,ti.,l as *ossible) be0a,se
ea0h o. the/ nat,rally wanted his 0hoi0e to .all on her.
<3/ong the/) howe2er) was a wi0+ed .airy who had /anaged to snea+ into the *ala0e. The
blood that ran in her 2eins was green and 0old) not red and war/) b,t nobody noti0ed this
be0a,se she had *ainted her .a0e so s+il.,lly.
<6hen the 9rin0e o. H,t,ria entered the great) golden throne roo/ she -,i0+ly /,ttered s,0h
a *otent s*ell that *oor Dirola/o had eyes .or no one b,t her. 5e .o,nd her so in0o/*arably
bea,ti.,l that he as+ed her on the s*ot i. she wo,ld be his wi.e.
< :6ith *leas,re): hissed the wi0+ed .airy) :b,t only on one 0ondition.:
< :?a/e it): the *rin0e said *ro/*tly) witho,t a se0ond tho,ght.
< :Aery well): said the wi0+ed .airy) and she s/iled so sweetly that the *oor *rin0e:s head
swa/. :Hor one whole year) yo, /,st ne2er loo+ ,* at the /oon in the s+y. '. yo, do) yo, will
instantly lose all yo,r royal *ossessions. >o, will .orget who yo, really are and .ind yo,rsel.
trans*orted to the land o. 9resentia) where yo, will lead the li.e o. a *oor) ,n+nown wret0h.
@o yo, a00e*t /y ter/s =:
< :'. that:s all yo, as+): 0ried 9rin0e Dirola/o) :what 0o,ld be easier C:
<Meanwhile) 9rin0ess Mo/o had been waiting in 2ain .or the *rin0e to a**ear) so she
resol2ed to 2ent,re o,t into the world and loo+ .or hi/. 4he let all her re.le0tions go and)
lea2ing her stained-glass *ala0e behind) set o.. down the snow-0lad /o,ntainside in her
dainty little sli**ers. 4he roa/ed the world ,ntil she 0a/e to 9resentia) by whi0h ti/e her
sli**ers were worn o,t and she had to go bare.oot) b,t the /agi0 /irror bearing her
re.le0tion 0ontin,ed to soar o2erhead.
<One night) while 9rin0e Dirola/o was sitting on the roo. o. his golden *ala0e) *laying
0he0+ers with the .airy whose blood was 0old and green) he .elt a little dro* o. /oist,re
on his hand.
< :3h): said the green-blooded .airy) :it:s starting to rain.:
< :'t 0an:t be): said the *rin0e. :There isn:t a 0lo,d in the s+y.:
<3nd he loo+ed ,*) straight into the big sil2er /irror soaring o2erhead) and saw .ro/ 9rin0ess
Mo/o:s re.le0tion that she was wee*ing and that one o. her tears had .allen on to his hand.
3nd at that instant he reali;ed that the .airy had tri0+ed hi/ - that she wasn:t bea,ti.,l at all
and had 0old) green blood in her 2eins. 5is tr,e lo2e) he reali;ed) was 9rin0ess Mo/o.
< :>o,:2e bro+en yo,r *ro/ise): sna**ed the green-blooded .airy) s0owling so hideo,sly that
she loo+ed li+e a sna+e) :and now yo, /,st *ay the *ri0e C:
<3nd then) while 9rin0e Dirola/o sat there as tho,gh *aralysed) she rea0hed inside hi/ with
her long) green .ingers and tied a +not in his heart. 'nstantly .orgetting that he was the 9rin0e
o. H,t,ria) he sl,n+ o,t o. his *ala0e li+e a thie. in the night and wandered .ar and wide till
he 0a/e to 9resentia) where he too+ the na/e D,ido and li2ed a li.e o. *o2erty and
obs0,rity. 3ll he:d bro,ght with hi/ was 9rin0ess Mo/o:s re.le0tion .ro/ the /agi0 /irror)
whi0h was blan+ .ro/ then on.
<By now 9rin0ess Mo/o had abandoned the ragged re/ains o. her sil+ and satin gown. 4he
wore a *at0hwor+ dress and a /an:s 0ast-o.. ja0+et) .ar too big .or her) and was li2ing in an
an0ient r,in.
<6hen the two o. the/ /et there one .ine day) 9rin0ess Mo/o .ailed to re0ogni;e *oor)
good-.or-nothing D,ido as the 9rin0e o. H,t,ria. D,ido didn:t re0ogni;e her either) be0a,se
she no longer loo+ed li+e a *rin0ess) b,t they be0a/e 0o/*anions in /is.ort,ne and
a so,r0e o. 0onsolation to ea0h other.
<One e2ening when the /agi0 /irror) now blan+) was .loating a0ross the s+y) D,ido too+ o,t
Mo/o:s re.le0tion and showed it to her. 8r,/*led and .aded tho,gh it was) the *rin0ess
i//ediately re0ogni;ed it as her own - the one she:d sent soaring aro,nd the world. 3nd
then) as she *eered /ore 0losely at the *oor wret0h beside her) she saw he was the long-
so,ght *rin0e .or whose sa+e she had reno,n0ed her i//ortality.
<4he told hi/ the whole story) b,t D,ido sadly shoo+ his head. <>o,r words) /ean nothing
to /e)< he said. <There:s a +not in /y heart) and it sto*s /e re/e/bering.<
<4o 9rin0ess Mo/o laid her hand on his breast and ,ntied the +not in his heart with ease)
and 9rin0e Dirola/o s,ddenly re/e/bered who he was and where he 0a/e .ro/. 3nd
he too+ 9rin0ess Mo/o by the hand and led her .ar) .ar away) to the distant land o. H,t,ria.<
They both sat silent .or a while when D,ido had .inished.
Then Mo/o as+ed) <@id they e2er get /arried =<
<' thin+ so)< said D,ido) <- later on.<
<3nd are they dead now =<
<?o)< D,ido said .ir/ly) <' ha**en to +now that .or a .a0t. The /agi0 /irror only /ade yo,
/ortal i. yo, loo+ed into it on yo,r own. '. two *eo*le loo+ed into it together) it /ade the/
i//ortal again) and that:s what those two did.<
The big) sil2er /oon .loated high abo2e the dar+ *ine trees) bathing the r,in:s an0ient
stonewor+ in its /ysterio,s light. Mo/o and D,ido sat there side by side) ga;ing ,* at it .or
a long ti/e and .eeling -,ite 0ertain that) i. only .or the s*a0e o. that en0hanted /o/ent) the
*air o. the/ were i//ortal.
.A#$ $(O
$%E ME' ,' 3#E8
$%E $,ME*A5,'3 !A'=
(i.e holds one great b,t -,ite 0o//on*la0e /ystery. Tho,gh shared by ea0h o. ,s and
+nown to all) it seldo/ rates a se0ond tho,ght. That /ystery) whi0h /ost o. ,s ta+e .or
granted and ne2er thin+ twi0e abo,t) is ti/e.
8alendars and 0lo0+s exist to /eas,re ti/e) b,t that signi.ies little be0a,se we all +now that
an ho,r 0an see/ an eternity or *ass in a .lash) a00ording to how we s*end it.
Ti/e is li.e itsel.) and li.e resides in the h,/an heart.
The /en in gray +new this better than anyone. ?obody +new the 2al,e o. an ho,r or
a /in,te) or e2en o. a single se0ond) as well as they. They were ex*erts on ti/e j,st
as lee0hes are ex*erts on blood) and they a0ted a00ordingly.
They had designs on *eo*le:s ti/e - long-ter/ and well-laid *lans o. their own. 6hat
/attered /ost to the/ was that no one sho,ld be0o/e aware o. their a0ti2ities. They had
s,rre*titio,sly installed the/sel2es in the 0ity. ?ow) ste* by ste* and day by day) they were
se0retly in2ading its inhabitants: li2es and ta+ing the/ o2er.
They +new the identity o. e2ery *erson li+ely to .,rther their *lans long be.ore that *erson had
any in+ling o. it. They waited .or the ideal /o/ent to entra* hi/) and they saw to it that the
ideal /o/ent 0a/e.
One s,0h *erson was Mr Higaro) the barber. Tho,gh not by any /eans a high-0lass
hairdresser) he was well res*e0ted in the neighbo,rhood. ?either ri0h nor *oor) he owned
a s/all barbersho* in the 0entre o. town and e/*loyed an a**renti0e.
One day) Mr Higaro was standing at the door o. his sho* waiting .or 0,sto/ers. 't was the
a**renti0e:s day o..) so he was alone. 7aindro*s were s*attering the *a2e/ent and the s+y
was blea+ and dreary - as blea+ and dreary as Mr Higaro:s /ood.
<(i.e:s *assing /e by)< he told hi/sel.) <and what a/ ' getting o,t o. it = 6ielding a *air
o. s0issors) 0hatting to 0,sto/ers) lathering their .a0es - is that the /ost ' 0an ex*e0t =
6hen ':/ dead) it:ll be as i. ':d ne2er existed.<
'n .a0t) Mr Higaro had no obje0tion at all to 0hatting. 5e li+ed to air his o*inions and hear what
his 0,sto/ers tho,ght o. the/. 5e had no obje0tion to wielding a *air o. s0issors or lathering
.a0es) either. 5e gen,inely enjoyed his wor+ and +new he did it well. Hew barbers 0o,ld
sha2e the ,nderside o. a /an:s 0hin as s/oothly against the lie o. the st,bble) b,t there were
ti/es when none o. this see/ed to /atter.
<':/ an ,tter .ail,re)< tho,ght Mr Higaro. <' /ean) what do ' a/o,nt to = 3 s/all-ti/e barber)
that:s all. '. only ' 0o,ld lead the right +ind o. li.e) ':d be a di..erent *erson altogether.<
Ixa0tly what .or/ the right +ind o. li.e sho,ld ta+e) Mr Higaro wasn:t s,re. 5e 2ag,ely
*i0t,red it as a disting,ished and a..l,ent existen0e s,0h as he was always reading abo,t
in glossy /aga;ines.
<The tro,ble is)< he tho,ght so,rly) </y wor+ lea2es /e no ti/e .or that sort o. thing) and yo,
need ti/e .or the right +ind o. li.e. >o,:2e got to be .ree) b,t ':/ a li.elong *risoner o. s0issors)
lather and 0hit0hat.<
3t that /o/ent a s/art gray li/o,sine *,lled ,* right o,tside Mr Higaro:s barbersho*.
3 gray-s,ited /an got o,t and wal+ed in. 5e de*osited his gray brie.0ase on the ledge
in .ront o. the /irror) h,ng his gray bowler on the hat-ra0+) sat down in the barber:s 0hair)
*rod,0ed a gray noteboo+ .ro/ his breast *o0+et and started thro,gh it) *,
/eanwhile at a s/all gray 0igar.
Mr Higaro sh,t the street door be0a,se he s,ddenly .o,nd it strangely 0hilly in his little sho*.
<6hat:s it to be)< he as+ed) <sha2e or hair0,t =< I2en as he s*o+e) he 0,rsed hi/sel. .or
being so ta0tlessE the stranger was as bald as an egg.
The /an in gray didn:t s/ile. <?either)< he re*lied in a *e0,liarly .lat and ex*ressionless
2oi0e - a gray 2oi0e) so to s*ea+. <':/ .ro/ the Ti/esa2ing Ban+. 9er/it /e to introd,0e
/ysel.E 3gent ?o. J>GK38!Kb. 6e hear yo, wish to o*en an a00o,nt with ,s.<
<That:s news to /e)< said Mr Higaro. <To be honest) ' didn:t e2en +now s,0h a ban+ existed.<
<6ell) yo, +now now)< the agent said 0ris*ly. 5e 0ons,lted his little gray noteboo+. <>o,r
na/e is Higaro) isn:t it =<
<8orre0t)< said Mr Higaro. <That:s /e.<
<Then ':2e 0o/e to the right address)< said the /an in gray) sh,tting his noteboo+ with
a sna*. <>o,:re on o,r list o. a**li0ants.<
<5ow 0o/e =< as+ed Mr Higaro) who was still at a loss.
<'t:s li+e this) /y dear sir)< said the /an in gray. <>o,:re wasting yo,r li.e 0,tting hair)
lathering .a0es and swa**ing idle 0hit0hat. 6hen yo,:re dead) it:ll be as i. yo,:d ne2er
existed. '. yo, only had the ti/e to lead the right +ind o. li.e) yo,:d be -,ite a di..erent *erson.
Ti/e is all yo, need) right =<
<That:s j,st what ' was thin+ing a /o/ent ago)< /,/bled Mr Higaro) and he shi2ered
be0a,se it was getting 0older and 0older in s*ite o. the door being sh,t.
<>o, see C< said the /an in gray) *, 0ontentedly at his s/all 0igar. <>o, need /ore ti/e)
b,t how are yo, going to .ind it = By sa2ing it) o. 0o,rse. >o,) Mr Higaro) are wasting ti/e in
a totally irres*onsible way. (et /e *ro2e it to yo, by si/*le arith/eti0. There are sixty
se0onds in a /in,te and sixty /in,tes in an ho,r - are yo, with /e so .ar =<
<O. 0o,rse)< said Mr Higaro.
3gent ?o. J>GK38!Kb *rod,0ed a *ie0e o. gray 0hal+ and s0rawled so/e .ig,res on the
<4ixty ti/es sixty is three tho,sand six h,ndred) whi0h /a+es three tho,sand six h,ndred
se0onds in an ho,r. There are twenty-.o,r ho,rs in a day) so /,lti*ly three tho,sand six
h,ndred by twenty-.o,r to .ind the n,/ber o. se0onds in a day and yo, arri2e at a .ig,re
o. eighty-six tho,sand .o,r h,ndred. There are three h,ndred and sixty-.i2e days in a year)
as yo, +now) whi0h /a+es thirty-one /illion .i2e h,ndred and thirty-six tho,sand se0onds in
a year) or three h,ndred and .i.teen /illion three h,ndred and sixty tho,sand se0onds in ten
years. 5ow long do yo, re0+on yo,:ll li2e) Mr Higaro =<
<6ell)< sta//ered Mr Higaro) thoro,ghly dis0on0erted by now) <' ho*e to li2e to se2enty
or eighty) Dod willing.<
<Aery well)< *,rs,ed the /an in gray. <(et:s 0all it se2enty) to be on the sa.e side. M,lti*ly
three h,ndred and .i.teen /illion three h,ndred and sixty tho,sand by se2en and yo, get
a grand total o. two billion two h,ndred and se2en /illion .i2e h,ndred and twenty tho,sand
se0onds.< 5e 0hal+ed this .ig,re ,* on the /irror in o,tsi;e n,/erals - 2)2%7)"2%)%%% - and
,nderlined it se2eral ti/es. That) Mr Higaro) is the extent o. the 0a*ital at yo,r dis*osal.<
Mr Higaro g,l*ed and wi*ed his brow) .eeling -,ite di;;y. 5e:d ne2er reali;ed how ri0h
he was.
<>es)< said the agent) nodding and *, at his s/all gray 0igar) <it:s an i/*ressi2e .ig,re)
isn:t it = B,t let:s 0ontin,e. 5ow old are yo, now) Mr Higaro =<
<Horty-two)< the barber /,/bled. 5e s,ddenly .elt g,ilty) as i. he:d 0o//itted a .ra,d
o. so/e +ind.
<3nd how long do yo, slee* at night) on a2erage =<
<3ro,nd eight ho,rs)< Mr Higaro ad/itted.
The agent did so/e lightning 0al0,lations. The s-,ea+ o. his 0hal+ as it ra0ed a0ross the
/irror set Mr Higaro:s teeth on edge. <Horty-two years at eight ho,rs a night /a+es .o,r
h,ndred and .orty-one /illion .i2e h,ndred and .o,r tho,sand se0onds. . . 6e:ll ha2e to write
that o..) ':/ 5ow /,0h o. the day do yo, de2ote to wor+) Mr Higaro =<
<3nother eight ho,rs or so)< Mr Higaro said) a*ologeti0ally.
<Then we:ll ha2e to write o.. the sa/e a/o,nt again)< the agent *,rs,ed relentlessly. <>o,
also s*end a 0ertain *ro*ortion o. the day eating. 5ow /any ho,rs wo,ld yo, say) 0o,nting
all /eals =<
<' don:t exa0tly +now)< Mr Higaro said ner2o,sly. <Two ho,rs) /aybe.<
<That so,nds on the low side to /e)< said the agent) <b,t ass,/ing it:s 0orre0t we get a .ig,re
o. one h,ndred and ten /illion three h,ndred and se2enty-six tho,sand se0onds in .orty-two
years. To 0ontin,eE yo, li2e alone with yo,r elderly /other) as we +now. >o, s*end a good
ho,r with the old wo/an e2ery day) that:s to say) yo, sit and tal+ to her altho,gh she:s
so dea. she 0an s0ar0ely hear a word. That 0o,nts as /ore ti/e wasted - .i.ty-.i2e /illion one
h,ndred and eighty-eight tho,sand se0onds) to be *re0ise. >o, also +ee* a b,dgerigar)
a needless extra2agan0e whose de/ands on yo,r ti/e a/o,nt to .i.teen /in,tes a day)
or thirteen /illion se2en h,ndred and ninety-se2en tho,sand se0onds in .orty-two years.<
<B-b,t -< Mr Higaro bro+e in) i/*loringly.
<@on:t interr,*t C< sna**ed the agent) his 0hal+ ra0ing .aster and .aster a0ross the /irror.
<>o,r /other:s arthriti0 as well as dea.) so yo, ha2e to do /ost o. the ho,sewor+. >o,
go sho**ing) 0lean shoes and *er.or/ other 0hores o. a si/ilar nat,re. 5ow /,0h ti/e does
that 0ons,/e daily =<
<3n ho,r) /aybe) b,t -<
<4o yo,:2e already s-,andered another .i.ty-.i2e /illion one h,ndred and eighty-eight
tho,sand se0onds) Mr Higaro. 6e also +now yo, go to the 0ine/a on0e a wee+) sing with
a so0ial 0l,b on0e a wee+) go drin+ing twi0e a wee+) and s*end the rest o. yo,r e2enings
reading or gossi*ing with .riends. 'n short) yo, de2ote so/e three ho,rs a day to ,seless
*asti/es that ha2e lost yo, another one h,ndred and sixty-.i2e /illion .i2e h,ndred and sixty-
.o,r tho,sand se0onds.< The agent bro+e o... <6hat:s the /atter) Mr Higaro) aren:t yo,
.eeling well =<
<?o)< said the barber) <- yes) ' /ean. 9lease ex0,se /e. . .<
<':/ al/ost thro,gh)< said the agent. <Hirst) tho,gh) we /,st to,0h on a rather *ersonal
as*e0t o. yo,r li.e - yo,r little se0ret) i. yo, +now what ' /ean.<
Mr Higaro was so 0old that his teeth had started to 0hatter. <4o yo, +now abo,t that) too =<
he /,ttered .eebly. <' didn:t thin+ anyone +new ex0e*t /e and Miss @aria -<
<There:s no roo/ .or se0rets in the world o. today)< his in-,isitor bro+e in. <(oo+ at the /atter
rationally and realisti0ally Mr Higaro) and answer /e one thingE @o yo, *lan to /arry Miss
@aria =<
<?o - no)< said Mr Higaro) <' 0o,ldn:t do that. . .<
<G,ite so)< said the /an in gray. <Being *aralysed .ro/ the waist down) she:ll ha2e to s*end
the rest o. her li.e in a wheel0hair) yet yo, 2isit her e2ery day .or hal. an ho,r and ta+e her
.lowers. 6hy =<
<4he:s always so *leased to see /e)< Mr Higaro re*lied) 0lose to tears.
<B,t loo+ed at obje0ti2ely) .ro/ yo,r own *oint o. 2iew)< said the agent) <it:s ti/e wasted
- twenty-se2en /illion .i2e h,ndred and ninety-.o,r tho,sand se0onds o. it) to date.
H,rther/ore) i. we allow .or yo,r habit o. sitting at the window .or a -,arter o. an ho,r e2ery
night) /,sing on the day:s e2ents) we ha2e to write o.. yet another thirteen /illion se2en
h,ndred and ninety-se2en tho,sand se0onds. Aery well) let:s see how /,0h ti/e that /a+es
in all.<
5e drew a line ,nder the long 0ol,/n o. .ig,res and added the/ ,* with the ra*idity o.
a 0o/*,ter.
The s,/ on the /irror now loo+ed li+e thisE
4lee* !!1)"%!)%%% se0onds
6or+ !!1)"%!)%%% se0onds
Meals 11%)37#)%%% se0onds
Mother "")188)%%% se0onds
B,dgerigar 13)7$7)%%% se0onds
4ho**ing) et0. "")188)%%% se0onds
Hriends) so0ial 0l,b) et0. 1#")"#!)%%% se0onds
Miss @ana 27)"$!)%%% se0onds
@aydrea/ing 13)7$7)%%% se0onds
Drand Total 1)32!)"12)%%% se0onds
<3nd that .ig,re)< said the /an in gray) ra**ing the /irror with his 0hal+ so shar*ly that
it so,nded li+e a b,rst o. /a0hine-g,n .ire) <- that .ig,re re*resents the ti/e yo,:2e wasted
,* to now. 6hat do yo, say to that) Mr Higaro =<
Mr Higaro said nothing. 5e sl,/*ed into a 0hair in the 0orner o. the sho* and /o**ed his
brow with a hand+er0hie.) sweating hard des*ite the i0y at/os*here.
The /an in gray nodded gra2ely. <>es) yo,:re -,ite right) /y dear sir) yo,:2e ,sed ,* /ore
than hal. o. yo,r original 0a*ital. ?ow let:s see how /,0h that lea2es o. yo,r .orty-two years.
One year is thirty-one /illion .i2e h,ndred and thirty-six tho,sand se0onds) and that)
/,lti*lied by .orty-two) 0o/es to one billion three h,ndred and twenty-.o,r /illion .i2e
h,ndred and twel2e tho,sand se0onds.<
Beneath the *re2io,s total he wroteE
Total ti/e a2ailable 1)32!)"12)%%% se0onds
Ti/e lost to date 1)32!)"12)%%% se0onds
Balan0e %.%%%)%%%)%%% se0onds
Then he *o0+eted his 0hal+ and waited .or the sight o. all the ;eros to ta+e e..e0t) whi0h they
<4o that:s all /y li.e a/o,nts to)< tho,ght Mr Higaro) absol,tely shattered. 5e was
so i/*ressed by the elaborate s,/) whi0h had 0o/e o,t *er.e0tly) that he was ready
to a00e*t whate2er ad2i0e the stranger had to 't was one o. the tri0+s the /en in gray
,sed to d,*e *ros*e0ti2e 0,sto/ers.
3gent ?o. J>GK38!Kb bro+e the silen0e. <8an yo, really a..ord to go on li+e this =< he said
blandly. <6o,ldn:t yo, * to start sa2ing right away) Mr Higaro =<
Mr Higaro nodded /,tely) bl,e-li**ed with 0old. <Hor exa/*le)< 0a/e the agent:s gray 2oi0e
in his ear) <i. yo,:d started sa2ing e2en one ho,r a day twenty years ago) yo,:d now ha2e
a 0redit balan0e o. twenty-six /illion two h,ndred and eighty tho,sand se0onds. Two ho,rs
a day wo,ld ha2e sa2ed yo, twi0e that a/o,nt) o. 0o,rse) or .i.ty-two /illion .i2e h,ndred
and sixty tho,sand. 3nd ' as+ yo,) Mr Higaro) what are two /easly little ho,rs in 0o/*arison
with a s,/ o. that /agnit,de =<
<?othing C< 0ried Mr Higaro. <3 /ere .lea bite C<
<':/ glad yo, agree)< the agent said s/oothly. <3nd i. we 0al0,late how /,0h yo, 0o,ld ha2e
sa2ed that way a.ter another twenty years) we arri2e at the handso/e .ig,re o. one h,ndred
and .i2e /illion one h,ndred and twenty tho,sand se0onds. 3nd the whole o. that 0a*ital)
Mr Higaro) wo,ld ha2e been .reely a2ailable to yo, at the age o. sixty-two C<
<H-.antasti0 C< sta//ered Mr Higaro) wide-eyed with awe.
<B,t that:s not all)< the agent *,rs,ed. <The best is yet to 0o/e. The Ti/esa2ing Ban+ not
only ta+es 0are o. the ti/e yo, sa2e) it *ays yo, interest on it as well. 'n other words) yo,
end ,* with /ore than yo, *,t in.<
<5ow /,0h /ore =< Mr Higaro as+ed breathlessly.
<That:s ,* to yo,)< the agent told hi/. <'t de*ends how /,0h ti/e yo, sa2e and how long yo,
lea2e it on de*osit with ,s.<
<(ea2e it on de*osit =< said Mr Higaro. <5ow do yo, /ean =<
<'t:s -,ite si/*le. '. yo, don:t withdraw the ti/e yo, sa2e .or .i2e years) we 0redit yo, with the
sa/e a/o,nt again. >o,r sa2ings do,ble e2ery .i2e years) do yo, .ollow = They:re worth
.o,r ti/es as /,0h a.ter ten years) eight ti/es as /,0h a.ter .i.teen) and so on. 4ay yo,:d
started sa2ing a /ere two ho,rs a day twenty years agoE by yo,r sixty-se0ond birthday)
or a.ter .orty years in all) yo,:d ha2e had two h,ndred and .i.ty-six ti/es as /,0h in the ban+
as yo, originally *,t in. That wo,ld /ean a 0redit balan0e o. twenty-six billion nine h,ndred
and ten /illion se2en h,ndred and twenty tho,sand se0onds.<
3nd the agent *rod,0ed his 0hal+ again and wrote the .ig,re on the /irrorE 2#)$1%)72%)%%%.
<>o, 0an see .or yo,rsel.) Mr Higaro)< he went on) s/iling thinly .or the .irst ti/e. <>o,:d ha2e
a00,/,lated o2er ten ti/es yo,r entire li.e s*an) j,st by sa2ing a 0o,*le o. ho,rs a day .or
.orty years. '. that:s not a *aying *ro*osition) ' don:t +now what is.<
<>o,:re right)< Mr Higaro said wearily) <it 0ertainly is. 6hat a .ool ' was not to start sa2ing ti/e
years ago C 't didn:t dawn on /e till now) and ' ha2e to ad/it ':/ a**alled.<
<?o need to be)< the /an in gray said soothingly) <- none at all. 't:s ne2er too late to sa2e
ti/e. >o, 0an start today) i. yo, want to.<
<O. 0o,rse ' want to C< ex0lai/ed Mr Higaro. <6hat do ' ha2e to do =<
The agent raised his eyebrows. <4,rely yo, +now how to sa2e ti/e) /y dear sir = 6or+
.aster) .or instan0e) and sti0+ to essentials. 4*end only .i.teen /in,tes on ea0h 0,sto/er)
instead o. the ,s,al hal.-ho,r) and a2oid ti/e-wasting 0on2ersations. 7ed,0e the ho,r yo,
s*end with yo,r /other by hal.. Better still) *,t her in a ni0e) 0hea* old .ol+s: ho/e) where
so/eone else 0an loo+ a.ter her - that:ll sa2e yo, a whole ho,r a day. Det rid o. that ,seless
b,dgerigar. 4ee Miss @aria on0e e2ery two wee+s) i. at all. Di2e ,* yo,r .i.teen-/in,te
re2iew o. the day:s e2ents. 3bo2e all) don:t s-,ander so /,0h o. yo,r *re0io,s ti/e
on singing) reading and hobnobbing with yo,r so-0alled .riends. 'n0identally) ':d also ad2ise
yo, to hang a really a00,rate 0lo0+ on the wall so yo, 0an ti/e yo,r a**renti0e to the nearest
<Hine)< said Mr Higaro. <' 0an /anage all that) b,t what abo,t the ti/e ' sa2e = @o ' ha2e
to *ay it in) and i. so where) or sho,ld ' +ee* it so/ewhere sa.e till yo, 0olle0t it = 5ow does
the syste/ o*erate =<
The /an in gray ga2e another thin-li**ed s/ile. <@on:t worry) we:ll ta+e 0are o. that. 7est
ass,red) we won:t /islay a single se0ond o. the ti/e yo, sa2e. >o,:ll .ind yo, ha2en:t any le.t
<3ll right)< Mr Higaro said da;edly. <':ll ta+e yo,r word .or it.<
<>o, 0an do so with 0o/*lete 0on.iden0e) /y dear sir.< The agent rose to his .eet. <3nd now)
*er/it /e to wel0o/e yo, to the ran+s o. the great ti/esa2ing /o2e/ent. >o,:re a tr,ly
/odern and *rogressi2e /e/ber o. the 0o//,nity) Mr Higaro. ' 0ongrat,late yo,.<
4o saying) he *i0+ed ,* his hat and brie.0ase.
<One /o/ent)< said Mr Higaro. <4ho,ldn:t there be so/e .or/ o. 0ontra0t = O,ghtn:t ' to sign
so/ething = @on:t ' get a *oli0y o. so/e +ind =<
3gent ?o. J>GK38!Kb) who had already rea0hed the door) t,rned and regarded Mr Higaro
with .aint annoyan0e. <6hat on earth .or =< he de/anded. <Ti/esa2ing 0an:t be 0o/*ared
with any other +ind o. sa2ing - it 0alls .or absol,te tr,st on both sides. >o,r word is good
eno,gh .or ,s) es*e0ially as yo, 0an:t go ba0+ on it. 6e:ll ta+e 0are o. yo,r sa2ings) tho,gh
how /,0h yo, sa2e is entirely ,* to yo, - we ne2er bring *ress,re to bear on o,r 0,sto/ers.
Dood day) Mr Higaro.< On that note) the agent 0li/bed into his s/art gray 0ar and *,rred o...
Mr Higaro ga;ed a.ter hi/) +neading his brow. 3ltho,gh he was grad,ally be0o/ing war/er
again) he .elt si0+ and wret0hed. The air still ree+ed o. s/o+e .ro/ the agent:s 0igar) a dense
bl,e ha;e that was slow to dis*erse.
?ot till the s/o+e had .inally gone did Mr Higaro begin to .eel better. B,t as it .aded) so did
the .ig,res 0hal+ed ,* on the /irror) and by the ti/e they had 2anished altogether
Mr Higaro:s re0olle0tion o. his 2isitor had 2anished too. 5e .orgot the /an in gray b,t not his
new resol,tion) whi0h he belie2ed to be his alone. The deter/ination to sa2e ti/e now so as
to be able to begin a new li.e so/eti/e in the .,t,re had e/bedded itsel. in his so,l li+e
a *oisoned arrow.
6hen the .irst 0,sto/er o. the day t,rned ,*) Mr Higaro ga2e hi/ a s,rly re0e*tion. By doing
no /ore than was absol,tely ne0essary and +ee*ing his /o,th sh,t) he got thro,gh in twenty
/in,tes instead o. the ,s,al thirty.
Hro/ now on he s,bje0ted e2ery 0,sto/er to the sa/e treat/ent. 3ltho,gh he 0eased
to enjoy his wor+) that was o. se0ondary i/*ortan0e. 5e engaged two assistants in addition
to his a**renti0e and wat0hed the/ li+e a haw+ to see they didn:t waste a /o/ent. I2ery
/o2e they /ade was geared to a *re0ise ti/etable) in a00ordan0e with the noti0e that now
adorned the wall o. the barbersho*E
$,ME *A5E& ,* $,ME &O;!"E& ?
Mr Higaro wrote Miss @aria a brie.) b,sinessli+e note regretting that *ress,re o. wor+ wo,ld
*re2ent hi/ .ro/ seeing her in the .,t,re. 5is b,dgerigar he sold to a *et sho*. 3s .or his
/other) he *,t her in an inex*ensi2e old .ol+s: ho/e and 2isited her on0e a /onth. 'n the
belie. that the gray stranger:s re0o//endations were his own de0isions) he 0arried the/ o,t
to the letter.
Meanwhile) he was be0o/ing in0reasingly restless and irritable. The odd thing was that)
no /atter how /,0h ti/e he sa2ed) he ne2er had any to s*are1 in so/e /ysterio,s way)
it si/*ly 2anished. '/*er0e*tibly at .irst) b,t then -,ite ,n/ista+ably) his days grew shorter
and shorter. 3l/ost be.ore he +new it) another wee+ had gone by) and another /onth) and
another year) and another and another.
5a2ing no re0olle0tion o. the gray stranger:s 2isit) Mr Higaro sho,ld serio,sly ha2e as+ed
hi/sel. where all his ti/e was going) b,t that was a -,estion ne2er 0onsidered by hi/ or any
other ti/esa2er. 4o/ething in the nat,re o. a blind obsession had ta+en hold o. hi/) and
when he reali;ed to his horror that his days were .lying by .aster and .aster) as he
o00asionally did) it only rein.or0ed his gri/ deter/ination to sa2e ti/e.
Many other inhabitants o. the 0ity were si/ilarly a..li0ted. I2ery day) /ore and /ore *eo*le
too+ to sa2ing ti/e) and the /ore they did so the /ore they were 0o*ied by others - e2en
by those who had no real desire to join in b,t .elt obliged to.
7adio) tele2ision and news*a*ers daily ad2ertised and extolled the /erits o. new) ti/esa2ing
gadgets that wo,ld one day lea2e *eo*le .ree to li2e the <right< +ind o. li.e. 6alls and
billboards were *lastered with *osters de*i0ting s0enes o. ha**iness and *ros*erity.
4*lashed a0ross the/ in .l,ores0ent lettering were slogans s,0h as
$,ME*A5E#* A#E 3O,'3 ."A)E* A*$ ?
$%E ;$;#E !E"O'3* $O $,ME*A5E#* ?
MA=E MO#E O 8O;# ",E - *A5E $,ME ?
The real *i0t,re) howe2er) was 2ery di..erent. 3d/ittedly) ti/e-sa2ers were better dressed
than the *eo*le who li2ed near the old a/*hitheater. They earned /ore /oney and had
/ore to s*end) b,t they loo+ed tired) disgr,ntled and so,r) and there was an ,n.riendly light
in their eyes. They:d ne2er heard the *hrase <6hy not go and see Mo/o =< nor did they ha2e
anyone to listen to the/ in a way that wo,ld /a+e the/ reasonable or 0on0iliatory) let alone
ha**y. I2en had they +nown o. s,0h a *erson) they wo,ld ha2e been highly ,nli+ely to *ay
hi/ or her a 2isit ,nless the whole a..air 0o,ld be dealt with in .i2e /in,tes .lat) or they wo,ld
ha2e 0onsidered it a waste o. ti/e. 'n their 2iew) e2en leis,re ti/e had to be ,sed to the .,ll)
so as to extra0t the /axi/,/ o. entertain/ent and relaxation with the /ini/,/ o. delay.
6hate2er the o00asion) whether sole/n or joyo,s) ti/esa2ers 0o,ld no longer 0elebrate
it *ro*erly. @aydrea/ing they regarded al/ost as a 0ri/inal o..en0e. 6hat they 0o,ld end,re
least o. all) howe2er) was silen0e) .or when silen0e .ell they be0a/e terri.ied by the
reali;ation o. what was ha**ening to their li2es. 3nd so) whene2er silen0e threatened
to des0end) they /ade a noise. 't wasn:t a ha**y so,nd) o. 0o,rse) li+e the h,bb,b in
a 0hildren:s *laygro,nd) b,t an angry) ill-te/*ered din that grew lo,der e2ery day.
't had 0eased to /atter that *eo*le sho,ld enjoy their wor+ and ta+e *ride in it1 on the
0ontrary) enjoy/ent /erely slowed the/ down. 3ll that /attered was to get thro,gh as /,0h
wor+ as *ossible in the shortest *ossible ti/e) so noti0es to that e..e0t were *ro/inently
dis*layed in e2ery .a0tory and o..i0e b,ilding. They readE
$,ME ,* .#E),O;* - &O'<$ (A*$E ,$ ?
$,ME ,* MO'E8 - *A5E ,$ ?
4i/ilar noti0es h,ng abo2e b,siness exe0,ti2es: des+s and in boardroo/s) in do0tors:
0ons,lting roo/s) sho*s) resta,rants and de*art/ent stores - e2en in s0hools and
+indergartens. ?o one was le.t o,t.
(ast b,t not least) the a**earan0e o. the 0ity itsel. 0hanged /ore and /ore. Old b,ildings
were *,lled down and re*la0ed with /odern ones de2oid o. all the things that were now
tho,ght s,*er.l,o,s. ?o ar0hite0t tro,bled to design ho,ses that s,ited the *eo*le who were
to li2e in the/) be0a,se that wo,ld ha2e /eant b,ilding a whole range o. di..erent ho,ses.
't was .ar 0hea*er and) abo2e all) /ore ti/esa2ing to /a+e the/ identi0al.
5,ge /odern ho,sing de2elo*/ents s*rang ,* on the 0ity:s northern o,ts+irts - endless rows
o. /,ltistoreyed tene/ents as indisting,ishable as *eas in a *od. 3nd be0a,se the b,ildings
all loo+ed ali+e) so) o. 0o,rse) did the streets. They grew steadily longer) stret0hing away
to the hori;on in dead straight lines and t,rning the 0o,ntryside into a dis0i*lined desert. The
li2es o. the *eo*le who inhabited this desert .ollowed a si/ilar *atternE they ran dead straight
.or as .ar as the eye 0o,ld see. I2erything in the/ was 0are.,lly *lanned and *rogra//ed)
down to the last /o2e and the last /o/ent o. ti/e.
9eo*le ne2er see/ed to noti0e that) by sa2ing ti/e) they were losing so/ething else. ?o one
0ared to ad/it that li.e was be0o/ing e2er *oorer) blea+er and /ore /onotono,s.
The ones who .elt this /ost +eenly were the 0hildren) be0a,se no one had ti/e .or the/ any
B,t ti/e is li.e itsel.) and li.e resides in the h,/an heart. 3nd the /ore *eo*le sa2ed) the less
they had.
$%E 5,*,$O#
<' don:t +now)< Mo/o said one day. <4ee/s to /e o,r old .riends 0o/e here less and less
o.ten than they ,sed to. ' ha2en:t seen so/e o. the/ .or ages.<
4he was sitting between D,ido D,ide and Be**o 7oadswee*er on the grass-grown ste*s
o. the r,ined a/*hitheater) wat0hing the s,n go down.
<>es)< D,ido said *ensi2ely) <it:s the sa/e with /e. Hewer and .ewer *eo*le listen to /y
stories. 't isn:t li+e it ,sed to be. 4o/ething:s wrong.<
<B,t what =< said Mo/o.
D,ido shr,gged) s*at on the slate he:d been writing on and tho,ght.,lly r,bbed the letters
o,t. Be**o had .o,nd the slate in a garbage 0an so/e wee+s be.ore and *resented it to
Mo/o. 't wasn:t a new one) o. 0o,rse) and it had a big 0ra0+ down the /iddle) b,t it was
-,ite ,sable all the sa/e. D,ido had been tea0hing Mo/o her al*habet e2er sin0e. Mo/o
had a 2ery good /e/ory) so she 0o,ld already read -,ite well) tho,gh her writing was
0o/ing on /ore slowly.
Be**o) who had been *ondering Me/o:s -,estion) nodded and said) <>o,:re right) it:s
0losing in - it:s the sa/e all o2er the 0ity. ':2e noti0ed it .or -,ite a ti/e.<
<?oti0ed what =< as+ed Mo/o.
Be**o tho,ght a while. Then he said) <?othing good.< There was another *a,se be.ore
he added) <'t:s getting 0old.<
<?e2er /ind)< said D,ido) *,tting his ar/ 0onsolingly aro,nd Mo/o:s sho,lders) </ore and
/ore 0hildren 0o/e here) anyway.<
<Ixa0tly)< said Be**o) <that:s j,st it.<
<6hat do yo, /ean =< Mo/o as+ed.
Be**o tho,ght .or a long ti/e be.ore re*lying. <They don:t 0o/e .or the sa+e o. o,r
0o/*any)< he said. <'t:s a re.,ge they:re a.ter) that:s all.<
They loo+ed down at the stret0h o. grass in the /iddle o. the a/*hitheater) where a newly
in2ented ga/e was in *rogress. The 0hildren in0l,ded se2eral o. Me/o:s old .riendsE 9aolo)
the boy who wore glasses1 Maria and her little sister) 7osa1 Massi/o) the .at boy with the
s-,ea+y 2oi0e1 and Hran0o) the lad who always loo+ed rather ragged and ,n+e/*t.
'n addition to the/) howe2er) there were a n,/ber o. 0hildren who had only been 0o/ing .or
the *ast .ew days and one s/all boy who had .irst a**eared that /orning. 't loo+ed as i.
D,ido was right1 their n,/bers were in0reasing e2ery day.
Mo/o wo,ld ha2e been delighted) ex0e*t that /ost o. the new0o/ers had no idea how
to *lay. 3ll they did was sit aro,nd loo+ing bored and s,llen and wat0hing Mo/o and her
.riends. 4o/eti/es they deliberately bro+e ,* the other 0hildren:s ga/es and s*oiled
e2erything. 4-,abbles and s0,..les were .re-,ent) tho,gh these ne2er lasted long be0a,se
Me/o:s *resen0e had its ,s,al e..e0t on the new0o/ers) too) so they soon started ha2ing
bright ideas the/sel2es and joining in with a will. The tro,ble was) new 0hildren t,rned
,* nearly e2ery day) so/e o. the/ .ro/ distant *arts o. the 0ity) and one s*oils*ort was
eno,gh to r,in a ga/e .or e2eryone else.
B,t there was another thing Mo/o 0o,ldn:t -,ite ,nderstand - a thing that hadn:t ha**ened
,ntil 2ery re0ently. More and /ore o.ten these days) 0hildren t,rned ,* with all +inds o. toys
yo, 0o,ldn:t really *lay withE re/ote-0ontrolled tan+s that tr,ndled to and .ro b,t did little else)
or s*a0e ro0+ets that whi;;ed aro,nd on strings b,t got nowhere) or /odel robots that
waddled along with eyes .lashing and heads swi2elling b,t that was all.
They were highly ex*ensi2e toys s,0h as Mo/o:s .riends had ne2er owned) still less Mo/o
hersel.. Most noti0eable o. all) they were so 0o/*lete) down to the tiniest detail) that they le.t
nothing at all to the i/agination. Their owners wo,ld s*end ho,rs wat0hing the/)
/es/eri;ed b,t bored) as they tr,ndled) whi;;ed or waddled along. Hinally) when that *alled)
they wo,ld go ba0+ to the .a/iliar old ga/es in whi0h a 0o,*le o. 0ardboard boxes) a torn
table0loth) a /olehill or a hand.,l o. *ebbles were -,ite s,..i0ient to 0onj,re ,* a whole world
o. /a+e-belie2e.
Hor so/e reason) this e2ening:s ga/e didn:t see/ to be going too well. The 0hildren dro**ed
o,t) one by one) ,ntil they all sat 0l,stered aro,nd D,ido) Be**o and Mo/o. They were
ho*ing .or a story .ro/ D,ido) b,t that was i/*ossible be0a,se the latest arri2al had bro,ght
along a transistor radio. 5e was sitting a .ew .eet away with the 2ol,/e at .,ll blast) listening
to 0o//er0ials.
<T,rn it down) 0an:t yo, =< growled Hran0o) the shabby-loo+ing lad.
The new0o/er *ointed to the radio and shoo+ his head. <8an:t hear yo,)< he said with
an i/*,dent grin.
<T,rn it down C< sho,ted Hran0o) rising to his .eet.
The new0o/er *aled a little b,t loo+ed de.iant. <?obody tells me what to do)< he said. <' 0an
ha2e /y radio on as lo,d as ' li+e.<
<5e:s right)< said old Be**o. <6e 0an:t .orbid hi/ to /a+e s,0h a din) the /ost we 0an do is
as+ hi/ not to.<
Hran0o sat down again. <Then he o,ght to go so/ewhere else)< he gr,/bled. <5e:s already
r,ined the whole a.ternoon.<
<' ex*e0t he has his reasons)< Be**o said) st,dying the new0o/er intently b,t not ,n+indly
thro,gh his little steel-ri//ed s*e0ta0les.
<5e:s s,re to ha2e.< The new0o/er said nothing) b,t /o/ents later he t,rned his radio down
and loo+ed away.
Mo/o went o2er and sat down -,ietly beside hi/. 5e swit0hed o.. the radio altogether) and
.or a while all was still.
<Tell ,s a story) D,ido)< begged one o. the re0ent arri2als. <Oh yes) do C< the others 0hi/ed
in. <3 .,nny one - no) an ex0iting one - no) a .airy tale - no) an ad2ent,re story C<
B,t D,ido) .or the .irst ti/e e2er) wasn:t in the /ood .or telling stories. 3t length he said) <':d
.ar rather yo, told /e so/ething abo,t yo,rsel2es and yo,r ho/es - how yo, s*end yo,r
ti/e and why yo, 0o/e here.<
The 0hildren rela*sed into silen0e. 3ll o. a s,dden) they loo+ed deje0ted and
<6e:2e got a ni0e new 0ar)< one o. the/ said at last. <On 4at,rdays) when /y /other and
.ather ha2e ti/e) they wash it. '. ':2e been good) ':/ allowed to hel*. ' want a 0ar li+e that
when ':/ older.<
<My *arents let /e go to the 0ine/a e2ery day) i. ' li+e)< said a little girl. <They don:t ha2e
ti/e to loo+ a.ter /e) yo, see) and it:s 0hea*er than a babysitter. That:s why ' snea+ o.. here
and sa2e the /oney they gi2e /e .or the 0ine/a. 6hen ':2e sa2ed ,* eno,gh) ':/ going
to b,y an aero*lane ti0+et and go and see the 4e2en @war.s.<
<@on:t be silly)< said another 0hild. <They don:t exist.<
<They do so)< retorted the little girl. <':2e e2en seen *i0t,res o. the/ in a tra2el bro0h,re.<
<':2e got ele2en boo+s on ta*e)< said a little boy) <so ' 0an listen to the/ whene2er ' li+e.
On0e ,*on a ti/e /y @ad ,sed to tell /e stories when he 0a/e ho/e .ro/ wor+. That was
ni0e) b,t he:s hardly e2er ho/e these days) and e2en when he is he:s too tired and doesn:t
.eel li+e it.<
<6hat abo,t yo,r /other =< as+ed Maria.
<4he:s o,t all day too.<
<'t:s the sa/e with ,s)< said Maria. <':/ l,0+y) tho,gh) ha2ing 7osa to +ee* /e 0o/*any.<
4he h,gged the little girl on her la* and went on) <6hen ' get ho/e .ro/ s0hool ' heat ,* o,r
s,**er. Then ' do /y ho/ewor+) and then< - she shr,gged her sho,lders - <then we j,st
hang aro,nd till it gets dar+. 6e 0o/e here) ,s,ally.<
Hro/ the way the 0hildren nodded) it was 0lear that they all .ared /,0h the sa/e.
<9ersonally) ':/ glad /y *arents don:t ha2e ti/e .or /e these days)< said Hran0o) who didn:t
loo+ glad in the least. <They only -,arrel when they:re ho/e) and then they ta+e it o,t
on /e.<
3br,*tly) the boy with the transistor loo+ed ,* and said) <3t least ' get a lot /ore *o0+et
/oney than ' ,sed to.<
<4,re yo, do)< sneered 9aolo. <The grown-,*s dish o,t /oney to get rid o. ,s. They don:t
li+e ,s any /ore - they don:t e2en li+e the/sel2es. '. yo, as+ /e) they don:t li+e anything any
<That:s not tr,e C< the new0o/er ex0lai/ed angrily. <My *arents li+e /e a lot. 't isn:t their
.a,lt) not ha2ing any ti/e to s*are) it:s j,st the way things are. They ga2e /e this transistor
to +ee* /e 0o/*any) and it 0ost a lot. That *ro2es they:re .ond o. /e) doesn:t it =<
?o one s*o+e) and s,ddenly the boy who:d been a s*oils*ort all a.ternoon began to 0ry.
5e tried to s/other his sobs and wi*ed his eyes with his gr,bby .ists) b,t the tears .lowed
.ast) lea2ing *allid snail tra0+s in the *at0hes o. gri/e on his 0hee+s.
The other 0hildren ga;ed at hi/ sy/*atheti0ally or stared at the gro,nd. They ,nderstood
hi/ now. @ee* down) all o. the/ .elt as he didE they .elt abandoned.
<>es)< old Be**o re*eated a.ter a while) <it:s getting 0old.<
<' /ay not be able to 0o/e here /,0h longer)< said 9aolo) the boy with glasses.
Mo/o loo+ed s,r*rised. <6hy not =<
<My *arents thin+ yo,:re a b,n0h o. la;y good-.or-nothings)< 9aolo ex*lained. <They say yo,
.ritter yo,r ti/e away. They say there are too /any o. yo,r sort aro,nd. >o,:2e got so /,0h
ti/e on yo,r hands) other *eo*le ha2e to /a+e do with less and less - that:s what they say
- and i. ' +ee* 0o/ing here ':ll end ,* j,st li+e yo,.<
3gain there were nods o. agree/ent .ro/ the other 0hildren) who had been told /,0h the
sa/e thing.
D,ido loo+ed at ea0h o. the/ in t,rn. <'s that what yo, thin+ o. ,s) too =< he as+ed. <'. so)
why do yo, +ee* on 0o/ing =<
't was Hran0o who bro+e the short silen0e that .ollowed. <' 0o,ldn:t 0are less. My old /an
says ':ll end ,* in *rison) anyway. ':/ on yo,r side.<
<' see)< D,ido said sadly. <4o yo, do thin+ we:re stealing ti/e .ro/ other *eo*le.<
The 0hildren dro**ed their eyes and loo+ed e/barrassed. 3t length) ga;ing intently into
Be**o:s .a0e) 9aolo said) <O,r *arents wo,ldn:t lie to ,s) wo,ld they =< 'n a low 2oi0e)
he added) <3ren:t yo, ti/e-thie2es) then =<
3t that the old roadswee*er rose to his .,ll b,t di/in,ti2e height) sole/nly raised his right
hand) and de0lared) <' ha2e ne2er) ne2er stolen so /,0h as a se0ond o. another *erson:s
ti/e) so hel* /e Dod.<
<?or ha2e ')< said Mo/o.
<?or ')< D,ido said earnestly.
The 0hildren *reser2ed an awed silen0e. '. the three .riends had gi2en their sole/n word) that
was good eno,gh.
<3nd while we:re on the s,bje0t)< D,ido went on) <let /e tell yo, so/ething else. On0e ,*on
a ti/e) *eo*le ,sed to li+e 0o/ing to see Mo/o be0a,se she listened to the/ and hel*ed
the/ to +now their own /inds) i. yo, .ollow /y /eaning. ?owadays they seldo/ sto*
to wonder what they thin+. They ,sed to enjoy listening to /e) too) be0a,se /y stories
hel*ed the/ to .orget their tro,bles) b,t they seldo/ bother with that either. They don:t ha2e
ti/e .or s,0h things) they say) b,t ha2en:t yo, noti0ed so/ething odd = 't:s strange the
things they don't ha2e ti/e .or any /ore.<
D,ido s,r2eyed the listening 0hildren with narrowed eyes and nodded be.ore 0ontin,ing.
<The other day)< he said) <' b,/*ed into an old .riend in town) a barber by the na/e
o. Higaro. 6e hadn:t /et .or -,ite a while) and ' hardly re0ogni;ed hi/) he was so 0hanged -
so irritable and gr,/*y and de*ressed. 5e ,sed to be a 0heer.,l ty*e) always singing)
always airing his ideas on e2ery s,bje0t ,nder the s,n. ?ow) all o. a s,dden) he hasn:t got
ti/e .or anything li+e that. The /an:s j,st a shadow o. his .or/er sel. - he isn:t good old
Higaro any /ore) i. yo, +now what ' /ean. B,t now 0o/es the really strange *artE i. he were
the only one) ':d thin+ he:d gone a bit 0ra0+ed) b,t he isn:t. There are *eo*le li+e Higaro
where2er yo, loo+ - /ore and /ore o. the/ e2ery day. I2en so/e o. o,r oldest .riends are
going the sa/e way. ':/ beginning to wonder i. it isn:t 0at0hing.<
Old Be**o nodded. <>o,:re right)< he said) <it /,st be.<
<'n that 0ase)< said Mo/o) loo+ing dis/ayed) <o,r .riends need hel*.<
They s*ent a long ti/e that e2ening debating what to do. O. the /en in gray and their
0easeless a0ti2ities) none o. the/ yet had the .aintest s,s*i0ion.
Mo/o) who 0o,ldn:t wait to as+ her old .riends what was wrong and why they:d sto**ed
0o/ing to see her) s*ent the next .ew days loo+ing the/ ,*.
The .irst *erson she 0alled on was 4al2atore) the bri0+layer. 4he +new the ho,se well
- 4al2atore li2ed in a little garret ,nder the roo. - b,t he wasn:t at ho/e. 300ording to the
other tenants) he now wor+ed on one o. the big new ho,sing de2elo*/ents on the .ar side
o. town and was earning a lot o. /oney. 5e seldo/ 0a/e ho/e at all these days) they said)
and when he did it was ,s,ally in the s/all ho,rs. 5e:d ta+en to the bottle and was hard
to get along with.
Mo/o de0ided to wait .or hi/ j,st the sa/e) so she sat down on the stairs o,tside his door.
6hen it grew dar+) she .ell aslee*. 't /,st ha2e been long *ast /idnight when she was
wo+en by the so,nd o. ,nsteady .ootste*s and ra,0o,s singing. 4al2atore 0a/e bl,ndering
,*stairs) 0a,ght sight o. Mo/o) and sto**ed short) loo+ing d,/b.o,nded.
<Mo/o C< he said hoarsely) 0learly e/barrassed to be seen in his *resent 0ondition. <4o
yo,:re still aro,nd) eh = 6hat on earth are yo, doing here =<
<6aiting to see yo,)< Mo/o re*lied shyly.
<>o,:re a .ine one) ' /,st say C< 4al2atore s/iled and shoo+ his head. <Han0y t,rning ,* to
see yo,r old *al 4al2atore in the /iddle o. the night C ':d ha2e *aid yo, a 2isit /ysel.) ages
ago) b,t ' j,st don:t ha2e the ti/e any /ore) not .or - well) *ersonal things.< 5e gest,red
2ag,ely and .lo**ed down on the stairs beside her. <>o,:2e no idea the +ind o. li.e ' lead
these days. Things aren:t the way they ,sed to be - ti/es are 0hanging. O2er where ':/
wor+ing now) e2erything:s done in do,ble--,i0+ ti/e. 6e all wor+ li+e .,ry. One whole .loor
a day) that:s what we ha2e to sling together) day a.ter day. >es) it isn:t li+e it ,sed to be.
I2erything:s organi;ed - e2ery last /o2e we /a+e. . .<
Mo/o listened 0losely as he ra/bled on) and the longer she listened the less enth,siasti0
he so,nded. 4,ddenly he la*sed into silen0e and /assaged his .a0e with his wor+-
ro,ghened hands.
<':2e been tal+ing r,bbish)< he said sadly. <':/ dr,n+ again) Mo/o) that:s the tro,ble. ' o.ten
get dr,n+ these days) there:s no denying it) b,t that:s the only way ' 0an sto/a0h the tho,ght
o. what we:re doing o2er there. To an honest bri0+layer li+e /e) it goes against the grain. Too
little 0e/ent and too /,0h sand) i. yo, +now what that /eans. Ho,r or .i2e years is all those
b,ildings will last) then they:ll 0olla*se i. anyone so /,0h as blows his nose. 4hoddy
wor+/anshi* .ro/ to* to botto/) b,t that:s not the worst o. it. Those tene/ents we:re *,tting
,* aren:t *la0es .or *eo*le to li2e in) they:re - they:re hen 0oo*s. 't:s eno,gh to /a+e yo,
si0+. 4till) why sho,ld ' 0are as long as ' get /y wages at the end o. the wee+ = >es) ti/es
are 0hanging all right. 't ,sed to gi2e /e a +i0+ when we b,ilt so/ething worthwhile) b,t now.
. . 4o/eday) when ':2e /ade eno,gh /oney) ':/ going to -,it this job and do so/ething
5e *ro**ed his 0hin on his hands and stared /o,rn.,lly into s*a0e. Mo/o still said nothing)
j,st went on listening. 6hen 4al2atore s*o+e again) he so,nded a little brighter.
<Maybe ' sho,ld start 0o/ing to see yo, again and telling yo, /y tro,bles - yes) ' really
sho,ld. 6hat abo,t to/orrow or the day a.ter = ':ll ha2e to see i. ' 0an .it it in) b,t ':ll 0o/e)
ne2er .ear. 's it a date =<
Mo/o nodded ha**ily. Then) be0a,se they were both 2ery tired) they said good night and
she le.t.
B,t 4al2atore ne2er t,rned ,*) neither the next day nor the day a.ter that. 5e ne2er t,rned
,* at all.
The next *eo*le Mo/o 0alled on were ?ino the inn+ee*er and his .at wi.e (iliana. Their little
old ta2ern) whi0h had da/*-stained walls and a 2ine growing aro,nd the door) was on the
o,ts+irts o. town.
Mo/o went aro,nd to the ba0+) as she ,sed to in the old days. Thro,gh the +it0hen door)
whi0h was o*en) she 0o,ld hear ?ino and (iliana -,arrelling 2iolently. (iliana) her *l,/* .a0e
shiny with sweat) was 0lattering *ots and *ans aro,nd on the sto2e while ?ino sho,ted and
gesti0,lated at her. Their baby was lying in a bas+etwor+ 0rib in the 0orner) s0rea/ing.
Mo/o sat down -,ietly beside the baby) too+ it on her la*) and ro0+ed it gently to and .ro
,ntil it sto**ed 0rying. The grown-,*s interr,*ted their war o. words and glan0ed in her
<Oh) it:s yo,)< said ?ino) with a ghost o. a s/ile. <?i0e to see yo, again) Mo/o.<
<5,ngry =< (iliana in-,ired rather br,s-,ely.
Mo/o shoo+ her head.
<4o what do yo, want =< ?ino de/anded. 5e so,nded gr,/*y. <6e:re rather *ressed .or
ti/e j,st now.<
<' only wanted to as+ why it:s been so long sin0e yo, 0a/e to see /e)< Mo/o said so.tly.
?ino .rowned. <4ear0h /e)< he said irritably. <':2e got eno,gh worries as it is.<
<>es)< sna**ed (iliana) <he 0ertainly has. Detting rid o. o,r reg,lar 0,sto/ers) that:s all
he worries abo,t these days. 7e/e/ber the old /en who always ,sed to sit at the 0orner
table in the bar) Mo/o = 6ell) he sent the/ *a0+ing - he 0h,0+ed the/ o,t C<
<?o) ' didn:t)< ?ino *rotested. <' as+ed the/) -,ite *olitely) to ta+e their 0,sto/ elsewhere.
3s landlord o. this inn) ' was *er.e0tly within /y rights.<
<>o,r rights) yo,r rights C< (iliana said angrily. <>o, si/*ly 0an:t a0t that way - it:s /ean and
0r,el. >o, +now they:ll ne2er .ind another inn as easygoing as o,rs. 't wasn:t as i. they were
dist,rbing anyone.<
<There wasn:t anyone to dist,rb) that:s why C< retorted ?ino. <?o de0ent) well-heeled
0,sto/ers wo,ld *atroni;e this *la0e while those st,bble-0hinned old 0odgers were lolling
abo,t in the 0orner. Besides) there:s little eno,gh * in one /easly glass o. 0hea* red
wine) whi0h was all they 0o,ld a..ord in an e2ening. 6e:ll ne2er get anywhere at this rate.<
(iliana shr,gged. <6e:2e done all right so .ar.<
<4o .ar) /aybe)< ?ino said .ier0ely) <b,t yo, +now yo,rsel. we 0an:t go on li+e this. They:2e
j,st raised o,r rent - ':2e got to *ay thirty *er 0ent /ore than be.ore and e2erything:s getting
/ore ex*ensi2e all the ti/e. 5ow a/ ' going to .ind the /oney i. ' t,rn this *la0e into a ho/e
.or doddering old down-and-o,ts = 6hy sho,ld ' go easy on other *eo*le = ?o one goes
easy on /e.<
(iliana banged a sa,0e*an down on the sto2e so hard that the lid rattled. <(et /e re/ind yo,
o. so/ething)< she said) *,tting her hands on her /o,ntaino,s hi*s. <One o. those doddering
old down-and-o,ts) as yo, 0all the/) is /y Fn0le Inri0o) and ' won:t ha2e yo, ins,lting
/y relations. Inri0o:s a de0ent) res*e0table /an) e2en i. he doesn:t ha2e /,0h /oney
to s*lash aro,nd) li+e those well-heeled 0,sto/ers yo,:2e set yo,r heart on.<
<B,t Inri0o:s .ree to 0o/e here any ti/e)< ?ino said with a lordly gest,re. <' told hi/ he 0o,ld
stay i. he wanted) b,t he wo,ldn:t.<
<6itho,t his 0ronies = O. 0o,rse he wo,ldn:t C 6hat did yo, ex*e0t hi/ to do) sit in a 0orner
by hi/sel. =<
<That settles it) then)< ?ino sho,ted. <'n any 0ase) ':2e no intention o. ending /y days as
a s/all-ti/e inn+ee*er j,st .or yo,r Fn0le Inri0o:s ' want to get so/ewhere in li.e.
's that s,0h a 0ri/e = ' ai/ to /a+e a s,00ess o. this *la0e) and not j,st .or /y own sa+e.
':/ thin+ing o. yo, and the baby as well) (iliana) don:t yo, ,nderstand =<
<?o) ' don:t)< (iliana said shar*ly. <'. being heartless is the only way yo, 0an get so/ewhere
in li.e) 0o,nt /e o,t. ' warn yo,E sooner or later ':ll *a0+ ,* and lea2e yo,) so s,it yo,rsel. C<
On that note) she too+ the baby .ro/ Mo/o - it had started 0rying again - and .lo,n0ed o,t
o. the +it0hen.
?ino said nothing .or a long ti/e. 5e lit a 0igarette and twiddled it between his .ingers while
Mo/o sat wat0hing hi/.
<3s a /atter o. .a0t)< he said e2ent,ally) <they were ni0e old boys - ' was .ond o. the/ /ysel..
' .eel bad abo,t the/) Mo/o) b,t what else 0o,ld ' do = Ti/es ha2e 0hanged) yo, see.< 5is
2oi0e trailed o..) and it was a while be.ore he went on. <Maybe (iliana was right all along.
?ow that the old /en don:t 0o/e here any /ore) the at/os*here see/s strange - 0old)
so/ehow. ' don:t e2en li+e the *la0e /ysel.. ' honestly don:t +now what to do .or the best.
I2eryone a0ts the sa/e way these days) so why sho,ld ' be the odd /an o,t =<
5e hesitated. <Or do yo, thin+ ' sho,ld =<
Mo/o ga2e an al/ost i/*er0e*tible nod.
?ino 0a,ght her eye and nodded too. Then they both s/iled.
<':/ glad yo, 0a/e)< ?ino said. <':d -,ite .orgotten the way we always ,sed to say) :6hy not
go and see Mo/o =: 6ell) ' will 0o/e and see yo, again) and ':ll bring (iliana with /e. The
day a.ter to/orrow is o,r day o... 6e:ll t,rn ,* then) all right =<
<3ll right)< said Mo/o) and went on her way) b,t not be.ore ?ino had *resented her with a big
bag o. a**les and oranges.
4,re eno,gh) ?ino and (iliana t,rned ,* two days later) 0o/*lete with their baby and
a bas+et.,l o. goodies.
<J,st i/agine) Mo/o)< said (iliana) bea/ing) <?ino went to see Fn0le Inri0o and the other
old /en. 5e a*ologi;ed to the/) one a.ter the other) and as+ed the/ to 0o/e ba0+.<
?ino s/iled) too) and s0rat0hed his ear in so/e e/barrass/ent. <>es)< he said) <and ba0+
they all 0a/e. ' 0an say goodbye to /y *lans .or the inn) b,t at least ' li+e the *la0e again.<
5e 0h,0+led) and (iliana said) <6e:ll get by) ?ino.<
't t,rned o,t to be a lo2ely a.ternoon) and be.ore lea2ing they *ro/ised to 0o/e again soon.
4o Mo/o went the ro,nds o. all her old .riends) one by one. 4he 0alled on the 0ar*enter who
had /ade her little table and 0hairs o,t o. *a0+ing 0ases) and on the wo/en who had
bro,ght her the bedstead. 'n short) she 0alled on all the *eo*le who/ she had listened to in
the old days and who) than+s to her) had grown wiser) ha**ier or /ore sel.-ass,red.
3ltho,gh so/e o. the/ .ailed to +ee* their *ro/ise to 0o/e and see her) or were ,nable
to .or la0+ o. ti/e) so /any old .a0es did t,rn ,* that things were al/ost as they ,sed to be.
?ot that Mo/o +new it) she was ,*setting the *lans o. the /en in gray) and that they 0o,ldn:t
4oon a.terwards) one ex0e*tionally hot and s,ltry a.ternoon) Mo/o 0a/e a0ross a doll
on the ste*s o. the old a/*hitheater.
't wasn:t ,n0o//on .or 0hildren to .orget all abo,t ex*ensi2e toys they 0o,ldn:t really *lay
with and lea2e the/ behind by /ista+e) b,t Mo/o had no re0olle0tion o. seeing s,0h a doll
- and she wo,ld 0ertainly ha2e noti0ed it) be0a,se it was a 2ery ,n,s,al one.
?early as tall as Mo/o hersel.) the doll was so li.eli+e that it /ight al/ost ha2e been
/ista+en .or a /iniat,re h,/an being) tho,gh not a 0hild or a baby. 'ts red /inidress and
high-heeled sandals /ade it loo+ /ore li+e a sho*-window d,//y or a stylish yo,ng wo/an
abo,t town.
Mo/o stared at it) .as0inated. 3.ter a while she *,t o,t her hand and to,0hed it. 'nstantly) the
doll blin+ed a 0o,*le o. ti/es) o*ened its roseb,d /o,th) and said) in a /etalli0 2oi0e that
so,nded as i. it were iss,ing .ro/ a tele*hone) <5ello) ':/ (ola) the (i2ing @oll.<
Mo/o j,/*ed ba0+ in alar/. Then) a,to/ati0ally) she re*lied) <5ello) ':/ Mo/o.<
The doll:s li*s /o2ed again. <' belong to yo,)< it said. <3ll the other +ids en2y yo, be0a,se ':/
<>o, aren:t /ine)< Mo/o said. <4o/eone /,st ha2e le.t yo, here by /ista+e.<
4he *i0+ed the doll ,*. 3gain the li*s /o2ed. <':d li+e so/e ni0e new things)< said the
/etalli0 2oi0e.
<6o,ld yo, =< Mo/o tho,ght .or a /o/ent. <' do,bt i. ':2e got anything yo,:d 0are .or) b,t
yo,:re wel0o/e to loo+.<
4till holding the doll) Mo/o 0la/bered thro,gh the hole in the wall that led to her
,ndergro,nd roo/. 3ll her /ost treas,red *ossessions were in a box beneath the bed. 4he
*,lled it o,t and li.ted the lid.
<5ere)< she said) <this is all ':2e got. '. yo,:d li+e anything) j,st tell /e.< 3nd she showed the
doll a 0olo,r.,l bird:s .eather) a *ebble with *retty strea+s in it) a brass b,tton and a .rag/ent
o. 0olo,red glass. The doll said nothing) so she n,dged it.
<5ello)< it said. <':/ (ola) the (i2ing @oll.<
<' +now)< said Mo/o) <b,t yo, told /e yo, wanted so/ething. 5ow abo,t this lo2ely *in+
seashell = 6o,ld yo, li+e it =<
<' belong to yo,)< the doll re*lied. <3ll the other +ids en2y yo, be0a,se ':/ yo,rs.<
<>o, told /e that) too)< said Mo/o. <3ll right) i. yo, don:t want any o. /y things) *erha*s
we 0o,ld *lay a ga/e together. 4hall we =<
<':d li+e so/e ni0e new things)< the doll re*eated.
<' don:t ha2e anything else)< Mo/o said. 4he too+ the doll and 0li/bed ba0+ o,tside again.
Then she *,t (ola) the (i2ing @oll) on the gro,nd and sat down .a0ing her.
<(et:s *retend yo,:2e 0o/e to *ay /e a 2isit)< Mo/o s,ggested.
<5ello)< said the doll. <':/ (ola) the (i2ing @oll.<
<5ow ni0e o. yo, to 0all)< Mo/o re*lied *olitely. <5a2e yo, 0o/e .ar =<
<' belong to yo,)< the doll said. <3ll the other +ids en2y yo, be0a,se ':/ yo,rs.<
<(oo+)< said Mo/o) <we:ll ne2er get anywhere i. yo, go on re*eating yo,rsel. li+e this.<
<':d li+e so/e ni0e new things)< said the doll) .l,ttering its eyelashes.
Mo/o tried se2eral ga/es in t,rn) b,t nothing 0a/e o. the/. '. only the doll had re/ained
silent) she 0o,ld ha2e s,**lied the answers hersel. and held an interesting 0on2ersation with
it. 3s it was) the 2ery .a0t that it 0o,ld tal+ /ade 0on2ersation i/*ossible.
Be.ore long) Mo/o was o2er0o/e by a sensation so entirely new to her that she too+ -,ite
a while to re0ogni;e it as *lain boredo/. 3ltho,gh her in0lination was to abandon (ola) the
(i2ing @oll) and *lay so/e other ga/e) she 0o,ldn:t .or so/e reason tear hersel. away.
4o there she sat) ga;ing at the doll) and the doll) with its glassy bl,e eyes .ixed on hers)
ga;ed ba0+. 't was as i. they had hy*noti;ed ea0h other.
6hen) at long last) Mo/o did /anage to drag her eyes away .ro/ the doll) she ga2e a little
start o. s,r*rise. 9ar+ed 0lose by) not that she had heard it dri2e ,*) stood a s/art gray 0ar.
'n it sat a /an wearing a s,it as gray as a s*ider:s web and a sti..) ro,nd bowler hat o. the
sa/e 0olo,r. 5e was s/o+ing a s/all gray 0igar) and his .a0e) too) was as gray as ashes.
5e /,st ha2e been wat0hing Mo/o .or so/e ti/e be0a,se he nodded and s/iled at her1
and altho,gh the day was so hot that the air was dan0ing in the s,nlight) Mo/o s,ddenly
began to shi2er.
The /an o*ened the 0ar door and 0a/e o2er) 0arrying a steel-gray brie.0ase.
<6hat a lo2ely doll yo, ha2e there)< he said in a *e0,liarly .lat and ex*ressionless 2oi0e. <'t
/,st be the en2y o. all yo,r *lay/ates.<
Mo/o j,st shr,gged and said nothing.
<':ll bet it 0ost a .ort,ne)< the /an in gray went on.
<' wo,ldn:t +now)< Mo/o /,/bled) .eeling rather e/barrassed. <' .o,nd it lying aro,nd.<
<6ell) ' ne2er C< said the /an in gray. <>o, are a l,0+y girl) and no /ista+e C<
Mo/o re/ained silent and h,gged her baggy ja0+et tightly to her. 't was growing 0older and
<3ll the sa/e)< said the /an in gray with a thin-li**ed s/ile) <yo, don:t see/ too *leased.<
Mo/o shoo+ her head. 4he s,ddenly .elt as i. ha**iness had .led the world .ore2er -
or rather) as i. ha**iness had ne2er existed and all her ideas o. it had been /erely .ig/ents
o. her own i/agination. 3t the sa/e ti/e) she had a *resenti/ent o. danger.
<':2e been wat0hing yo, .or -,ite a while)< *,rs,ed the /an in gray. <Hro/ what ':2e seen)
yo, don:t ha2e the .irst idea how to *lay with s,0h a /ar2ello,s doll. 4hall ' show yo, =<
Mo/o stared at hi/ in s,r*rise and nodded.
<':d li+e so/e ni0e new things)< the doll s-,aw+ed s,ddenly.
<>o, see =< said the /an in gray. <4he:s a0t,ally telling yo, hersel.. >o, 0an:t *lay with
a /ar2ello,s doll li+e this the way yo,:d *lay with any old doll) that:s ob2io,s. 3nyway) it isn:t
what she:s /eant .or. '. yo, don:t want to get bored with her) yo, ha2e to gi2e her things.
(oo+ here C<
5e went ba0+ to the 0ar and o*ened the tr,n+. <'n the .irst *la0e)< he said) :she needs *lenty
o. 0lothes - li+e this gorgeo,s e2ening gown) .or instan0e.<
5e *,lled o,t a gown and tossed it to Mo/o.
<3nd here:s a gen,ine /in+ 0oat) and a tennis dress) and a s+iing o, and a swi/s,it) and
a riding habit) and so/e *yja/as) and a nightie) and another dress) and another) and
another) and another. . .<
One by one) he tossed the/ o2er till they .or/ed a h,ge hea* on the gro,nd between Mo/o
and the doll.
<There)< he said with another thin-li**ed s/ile) <that sho,ld +ee* yo, ha**y .or a while)
sho,ldn:t it = Or are yo, going to get bored again a.ter a 0o,*le o. days = Aery well) yo,:ll
j,st ha2e to ha2e so/e /ore ni0e things .or yo,r doll.<
3nd he rea0hed inside the tr,n+ again.
<5ere) .or instan0e) is a real little sna+es+in *,rse with a real little li*sti0+ and *owder
0o/*a0t inside. 5ere:s a /iniat,re 0a/era) and a tennis ra0+et) and a doll:s TA set that really
wor+s. 5ere:s a bra0elet) a ne0+la0e) so/e earrings) a doll:s gold-*lated a,to/ati0) so/e sil+
sto0+ings) a .eather boa) a straw hat) an Iaster bonnet) so/e /iniat,re gol. 0l,bs) a little
0he-,eboo+) *er.,/e) bath salts) body lotion. . .< 5e bro+e o.. and glan0ed +eenly at Mo/o)
who was sitting a/id this 0l,tter o. toys with a st,nned ex*ression on her .a0e.
<>o, see)< he said) <it:s -,ite si/*le. 3s long as yo, go on getting /ore and /ore things)
yo,:ll ne2er grow bored. ' +now what yo,:re going to sayE 4ooner or later) (ola will ha2e
everything) and then ':ll be bored again. 6ell) there:s no .ear o. that. 5ere we ha2e the
*er.e0t boy.riend .or (ola.<
This ti/e) when he rea0hed into the tr,n+) he *rod,0ed a boy doll. 't was the sa/e si;e
as (ola and j,st as li.eli+e. <(oo+)< he said) <this is B,t0h. 5e has any n,/ber o. ni0e things)
too) and when yo, get bored with hi/ we 0an s,**ly a girl.riend .or (ola with /asses
o. o,t.its that won:t .it anyone b,t her. B,t0h has a .riend) too) and his .riend has .riends o. his
own) and so on ad in.init,/. 4o yo, see) yo, need ne2er get bored be0a,se the ga/e 0an
go on .ore2er. There:s always so/ething le.t to wish .or.<
3s he s*o+e) the /an in gray too+ doll a.ter doll .ro/ the tr,n+) whose 0ontents see/ed
inexha,stible. Mo/o 0ontin,ed to sit there) wat0hing hi/ rather a**rehensi2ely) while
he arrayed the/ on the gro,nd beside her.
<6ell)< he said at length) ex*elling a dense 0lo,d o. s/o+e .ro/ his 0igar) <now do yo, see
how to *lay with dolls li+e these =<
<>es)< said Mo/o) who was *ositi2ely sha+ing with 0old.
4atis.ied) the /an in gray nodded and too+ another *,ll at his 0igar. <>o,:d li+e to +ee* all
these ni0e things) wo,ldn:t yo, = O. 0o,rse yo, wo,ld. Aery well) ':ll /a+e yo, a *resent
o. the/. >o, 0an ha2e the/ - not all at on0e) o. 0o,rse) b,t one at a ti/e - and lots o. other
things as well. >o, don:t ha2e to do anything in ret,rn) j,st *lay with the/ the way ':2e shown
yo,. 6hat do yo, say =<
5e .ixed Mo/o with an ex*e0tant s/ile. Then) when she still said nothing) j,st ret,rned his
ga;e witho,t s/iling ba0+) he went on -,i0+ly) <>o, won:t need yo,r .riends any /ore) don:t
yo, see = >o,:ll ha2e -,ite eno,gh to a/,se yo, when all these lo2ely things are yo,rs and
yo, +ee* on getting /ore) won:t yo, = >o,:d li+e that) wo,ldn:t yo, = 4,rely yo, want this
/ar2ello,s doll = ':ll bet yo,:2e already set yo,r heart on it C<
Mo/o di/ly sensed that she had a .ight on her hands - indeed) that she was already in the
thi0+ o. the .ray - b,t she didn:t +now why she was .ighting or with who/. The longer she
listened to this stranger) the /ore she .elt as she had .elt with the dollE she 0o,ld hear a 2oi0e
s*ea+ing and hear the words it ,ttered) b,t she 0o,ldn:t tell who was a0t,ally saying the/.
4he shoo+ her head.
<6hat C< ex0lai/ed the /an in gray) raising his eyebrows. <>o, /odern 0hildren are ne2er
satis.ied) honestly C (ola:s *er.e0t in e2ery detail. '. there:s anything wrong with her) *erha*s
yo,:d 0are to tell /e.<
Mo/o stared at the gro,nd and tho,ght hard. Then she said) 2ery -,ietly) <' don:t thin+
anyone 0o,ld lo2e it - her) ' /ean.<
The /an in gray didn:t answer .or so/e ti/e. 5e stared into s*a0e with eyes as glassy as the
doll:s. 3t last he *,lled hi/sel. together. <That:s not the *oint)< he said 0oldly.
Mo/o /et his eye. 6hat s0ared her /ost abo,t hi/ was the i0y 0hill that see/ed
to e/anate .ro/ his body) yet in so/e strange way - she 0o,ldn:t ha2e said why - she .elt
sorry .or hi/ as well as s0ared.
<B,t ' do lo2e /y .riends)< she said.
The /an in gray gri/a0ed as i. he:d bitten into a le/on) b,t he -,i0+ly re0o2ered his
0o/*os,re and ga2e her a ra;or-shar* s/ile. <Mo/o)< he said s/oothly) <' thin+ we sho,ld
ha2e a serio,s tal+) yo, and '. 't:s ti/e yo, learned what /atters in li.e.< 5e *rod,0ed a little
gray noteboo+ .ro/ his *o0+et and lea.ed thro,gh it ,ntil he .o,nd what he was loo+ing .or.
<>o,r na/e is Mo/o) isn:t it =<
Mo/o nodded. The /an in gray sh,t his noteboo+ with a sna* and *o0+eted it again. Then)
with a .aint gr,nt o. exertion) he sat hi/sel. down on the gro,nd at Mo/o:s side. 5e said
no /ore .or a while) j,st *,..ed tho,ght.,lly at his s/all gray 0igar.
<3ll right) Mo/o)< he said at last) <listen 0are.,lly.<
Mo/o had been trying to do this all the ti/e) b,t the /an in gray was .ar harder to listen
to than anyone she:d e2er heard. 4he 0o,ld ,nderstand what other *eo*le /eant and what
they were li+e by getting right inside the/) so to s*ea+) b,t with hi/ this was -,ite
i/*ossible. 6hene2er she tried to read his tho,ghts she see/ed to *l,nge headlong into
a dar+ 0has/) as i. there were nothing there at all. 't had ne2er ha**ened to her be.ore.
<3ll that /atters in li.e)< the /an in gray went on) <is to 0li/b the ladder o. s,00ess) a/o,nt
to so/ething) own things. 6hen a *erson 0li/bs higher than the rest) a/o,nts to /ore)
owns /ore things) e2erything else 0o/es a,to/ati0allyE .riendshi*) lo2e) res*e0t) et cetera.
>o, tell /e yo, lo2e yo,r .riends. (et:s exa/ine that state/ent -,ite obje0ti2ely.<
5e blew a .ew s/o+e rings. Mo/o t,0+ed her bare .eet ,nder her s+irt and b,rrowed still
dee*er into her o2ersi;e ja0+et.
<The .irst -,estion to 0onsider)< *,rs,ed the /an in gray) <is how /,0h yo,r .riends really
gain .ro/ the .a0t o. yo,r existen0e. 3re yo, any *ra0ti0al ,se to the/ = ?o. @o yo, hel*
the/ to get on in the world) /a+e /ore /oney) /a+e so/ething o. their li2es = ?o again.
@o yo, assist the/ in their e..orts to sa2e ti/e = On the 0ontrary) yo, distra0t the/ - yo,:re
a /illstone aro,nd their ne0+s and an obsta0le to their *rogress. >o, /ay not reali;e it)
Mo/o) b,t yo, har/ yo,r .riends by si/*ly being here. 6itho,t /eaning to be) yo,:re really
their ene/y. 's that what yo, 0all lo2e =<
Mo/o didn:t +now what to say. 4he:d ne2er loo+ed at things that way. 4he e2en wondered)
.or one brie. /o/ent) whether the /an in gray /ight not be right a.ter all.
<3nd that)< he went on) <is why we want to *rote0t yo,r .riends .ro/ yo,. '. yo, really lo2e
the/) yo,:ll hel* ,s. 6e ha2e their interests at heart) so we want the/ to s,00eed in li.e.
6e 0an:t j,st loo+ on idly while yo, distra0t the/ .ro/ e2erything that /atters. 6e want
to /a+e s,re yo, lea2e the/ alone - that:s why we:re gi2ing yo, all these lo2ely things.<
Me/o:s li*s had beg,n to tre/ble. <6ho:s :we: =< she as+ed.
<The Ti/esa2ing Ban+)< said the /an in gray. <':/ 3gent ?o. B(6K""3K0. ' wish yo, no har/)
*ersonally s*ea+ing) b,t the Ti/esa2ing Ban+ isn:t an organi;ation to be tri.led with.<
J,st then) Mo/o re0alled what Be**o and D,ido had said abo,t ti/esa2ing being in.e0tio,s)
and she had an aw.,l s,s*i0ion that this stranger had so/ething to do with the s*read o. the
e*ide/i0. 4he wished .ro/ the botto/ o. her heart that her .riends were with her now. 4he
had ne2er .elt so alone) b,t she was deter/ined not to let .ear get the better o. her.
4,//oning ,* all her 0o,rage) she *l,nged headlong into the dar+ 0has/ in whi0h the
stranger 0on0ealed his tr,e sel..
5e had been wat0hing her o,t o. the 0orner o. his eye) so the 0hange in her ex*ression did
not es0a*e hi/. 5e lit a .resh 0igar .ro/ the b,tt o. the old one.
<@on:t bother)< he said with a sar0asti0 s/ile. <>o,:re no /at0h .or ,s.<
B,t Mo/o stood .ir/. <'sn:t there anyone who lo2es you =< she whis*ered.
The /an in gray s-,ir/ed a little. <' /,st say)< he re*lied in his greyest 2oi0e) <':2e ne2er /et
anyone li+e yo, be.ore) tr,ly ' ha2en:t) and ':2e /et a lot o. *eo*le in /y ti/e. '. there were
/any /ore li+e yo, aro,nd) we:d ha2e nothing le.t to li2e on. 6e:d ha2e to 0lose down the
Ti/esa2ing Ban+ and dissol2e into thin air.<
5e bro+e o..) staring at Mo/o as i. she were so/ething he 0o,ld neither ,nderstand nor
0o*e with. 5is .a0e t,rned a shade greyer. 6hen next he s*o+e) it was as i. he were doing
so against his will - as i. the words were *o,ring .orth des*ite hi/. 3t the sa/e ti/e) his .a0e
be0a/e /ore and /ore 0on2,lsed with horror at what was ha**ening to hi/. 3t long last)
Mo/o heard his real 2oi0e) whi0h see/ed to 0o/e .ro/ in.initely .ar away.
<6e ha2e to re/ain ,nre0ogni;ed)< he bl,rted o,t. <?o one /,st +now o. o,r existen0e
or a0ti2ities. 6e /a+e s,re no one e2er re/e/bers ,s) be0a,se we 0an only 0arry on o,r
b,siness i. we *ass ,nnoti0ed. 't:s a weariso/e b,siness) too) bleeding *eo*le o. their ti/e
by the ho,r) /in,te and se0ond. 3ll the ti/e they sa2e) they lose to ,s. 6e drain it o..)
we hoard it) we thirst .or it. 5,/an beings ha2e no 0on0e*tion o. the 2al,e o. their ti/e) b,t
we do. 6e s,0+ the/ dry) and we need /ore and /ore ti/e e2ery day) be0a,se there are
/ore and /ore o. ,s. More and /ore and /ore. . .<
The last .ew words were ,ttered in a sort o. death rattle. The /an in gray 0la**ed his hands
o2er his /o,th and stared at Mo/o with his eyes b,lging. (ittle by little) he see/ed
to e/erge .ro/ a +ind o. tran0e.
<6-what ha**ened =< he sta//ered. <>o,:2e been s*ying on /e C ':/ ill) and it:s all yo,r
.a,lt C< 5is tone be0a/e al/ost i/*loring. <':2e been tal+ing nonsense) Mo/o. Horget it
- .orget /e li+e e2eryone else. >o, /,st) yo, must C<
5e grabbed hold o. Mo/o and shoo+ her. 5er li*s /o2ed) b,t she 0o,ldn:t get a word o,t.
The /an in gray j,/*ed to his .eet. 5e *eered in all dire0tions li+e a 0ornered beast) then
snat0hed ,* his brie.0ase and s*rinted to the 0ar. The next /o/ent) so/ething 2ery strange
ha**ened. (i+e an ex*losion in re2erse) all the dolls and their s0attered belongings .lew ba0+
into the tr,n+) whi0h sla//ed sh,t. The 0ar roared o.. at s,0h s*eed that grit and *ebbles
s*,rted .ro/ its wheels.
Mo/o sat there .or a long ti/e) trying to /a+e sense o. what she had heard. 3s the dread.,l
0hill see*ed slowly .ro/ her li/bs) so her tho,ghts be0a/e steadily 0learer. ?ow that she
had heard the real 2oi0e o. the /an in gray) she 0o,ld re/e/ber e2erything.
Hro/ the s,n-ba+ed grass in .ront o. her rose a slender thread o. s/o+e. The tra/*led b,tt
o. a s/all gray 0igar was s/o,ldering away to ashes.
$%E &EMO'*$#A$,O'
(ate that a.ternoon) D,ido and Be**o t,rned ,*. They .o,nd Mo/o sitting in the shade o.
a wall) still rather *ale and ,*set) so they sat down beside her and anxio,sly in-,ired what
the /atter was. Mo/o began to tell the/ what had ha**ened) haltingly at .irst) b,t she ended
by re*eating her entire 0on2ersation with the /an in gray) word .or word.
Old Be**o wat0hed her gra2ely and intently thro,gho,t) the .,rrows in his wrin+led brow
growing dee*er by the /in,te. 5e said nothing) e2en when she had .inished.
D,ido) by 0ontrast) listened to her with /o,nting ex0ite/ent. 5is eyes began to shine as they
so o.ten did when he hi/sel. was telling a story and got 0arried away. 5e gri**ed Mo/o
by the sho,lder.
<6ell)< he said) <this is o,r big /o/ent. >o,:2e dis0o2ered so/ething no one else +new.
?ow we 0an res0,e e2eryone .ro/ their 0l,t0hes - not j,st o,r .riends b,t the whole 0ity C 't:s
,* to the three o. ,s - yo,) /e and Be**o C<
5e j,/*ed ,* and stood there with his ar/s o,t.l,ng. 'n his /ind:s eye he 0o,ld see a 2ast
0rowd o. *eo*le hailing hi/ as their sa2io,r.
<>es)< said Mo/o) loo+ing rather ba..led) <b,t how =<
<6hat do yo, /ean) :how: =< D,ido de/anded irritably.
<' /ean)< said Mo/o) <how do we beat the /en in gray at their own ga/e =<
D,ido shr,gged. <' 0an:t say exa0tly) o. 0o,rse) not right this /in,te. 6e:ll ha2e to wor+
so/ething o,t .irst) b,t one thing:s .or s,reE now we +now they exist and what they:re ,* to)
we /,st ta0+le the/ - or are yo, s0ared =<
Mo/o nodded ,neasily. <' don:t thin+ they:re ordinary /en. The one that was here loo+ed
di..erent) so/ehow) and the air aro,nd hi/ was dread.,lly 0old. '. there are a lot o. the/)
they:re bo,nd to be dangero,s. >es) ':/ s0ared all right.<
<@on:t be silly)< D,ido said bris+ly. <The whole thing:s -,ite si/*le. They 0an only do their
dirty wor+ as long as nobody re0ogni;es the/ - yo,r 2isitor said so hi/sel.. 6ell) then C 3ll
we ha2e to do is /a+e s,re they:re re0ogni;able. On0e *eo*le re0ogni;e the/ they:ll
re/e/ber the/) and on0e they re/e/ber the/ they:ll +now the/ again at a glan0e. The
/en in gray won:t be able to har/ ,s then - we:ll be sa.e as ho,ses.<
<>o, really thin+ so =< Mo/o said) rather do,bt.,lly.
D,ide:s eyes were alight with 0on.iden0e. <O. 0o,rse)< he ass,red her. <6hy else wo,ld yo,r
2isitor ha2e ta+en to his heels li+e that = They:re terri.ied o. ,s) ' tell yo,.<
<6hat i. we 0an:t .ind the/ =< Mo/o as+ed. <They /ay go and hide.<
<They /ay well)< D,ido 0on0eded. <'. they do) we:ll si/*ly ha2e to l,re the/ o,t into the
<B,t how =< as+ed Mo/o. <They:re *retty 0le2er) it see/s to /e.<
<That:s easy)< D,ido said with a 0h,0+le. <6e:ll ta+e ad2antage o. their own greed. '. yo, 0an
0at0h /i0e with 0heese) yo, 0an 0at0h ti/e-thie2es with ti/e - and that we:2e got *lenty o..
Hor instan0e) Be**o and ' 0o,ld lie in wait while yo, sat here twiddling yo,r th,/bs. 6hen
they too+ the bait) we:d j,/* o,t and o2er*ower the/.<
<B,t they +now /e already)< Mo/o obje0ted. <' don:t thin+ they:d .all .or it.<
<3ll right)< said D,ido) who was bri//ing o2er with bright ideas) <then we:ll try so/ething
else. >o,r /an in gray /entioned so/ething abo,t a Ti/esa2ing Ban+. That /eans it:s
a b,ilding so/ewhere in town. 3ll we ha2e to do is .ind it) and .ind it we will) be0a,se it:s
bo,nd to be a 2ery s*e0ial-loo+ing *la0e. ' 0an see it now - gray) sinister and windowless) li+e
a giganti0 0on0rete sa.e. On0e we .ind it) we:ll wal+ straight in. 6e:ll all be ar/ed with *istols)
one in ea0h hand. :>o, C: ':ll say. :5and o2er the ti/e yo,:2e stolen) and /a+e it sna**y C: 3nd
they:ll -<
<B,t we don:t ha2e any *istols)< Mo/o bro+e in) anxio,sly.
D,ido grandly dis/issed this obje0tion. <Then we:ll do it ,nar/ed. That:ll i/*ress the/ e2en
/ore. They:ll *ani0 at the 2ery sight o. ,s.<
<'t /ight be better i. there were a .ew /ore o. ,s)< Mo/o said. <' /ean) we:d *robably .ind
the Ti/esa2ing Ban+ -,i0+er i. other *eo*le went loo+ing .or it too.<
<Dood idea)< said D,ido. <6e /,st /obili;e all o,r .riends - and all the +ids who s*end
so /,0h ti/e here nowadays. ' 2ote we get started right away) the three o. ,s. Tell as /any
*eo*le as yo, 0an .ind) and tell the/ to *ass the word. 6e:ll all /eet ,* here at three
to/orrow a.ternoon) .or a grand 0o,n0il o. war.<
4o they all set o.. at on0e) Mo/o in one dire0tion) Be**o and D,ido in another.
The two /en had gone so/e distan0e when Be**o) who still hadn:t s*o+en) 0a/e to
a s,dden sto*. <Bnow so/ething) D,ido =< he said. <':/ worried.<
D,ido t,rned to loo+ at hi/. <3bo,t what =<
Be**o regarded his .riend in silen0e .or a /o/ent. Then he said) <' belie2e Mo/o.<
<4o do ')< said D,ido) *,;;led. <6hat o. it =<
<' /ean)< Be**o went on) <' belie2e that what she told ,s is tr,e.<
D,ido 0o,ldn:t ,nderstand what the old /an was getting at. <O. 0o,rse)< he said. <4o what =<
<6ell)< said Be**o) <i. it:s tr,e what she told ,s) we sho,ldn:t r,sh into anything. 6e don:t
want to tangle with a b,n0h o. 0roo+s j,st li+e that) do we = '. we *ro2o+e the/) it /ay land
Mo/o in tro,ble. ' don:t /ind so /,0h abo,t ,s) b,t we /ay endanger the 0hildren i. we
bring the/ into it too. 6e /,st thin+ 2ery 0are.,lly be.ore we a0t.<
D,ido threw ba0+ his head and la,ghed. <>o, and yo,r eternal worrying C< he s0o..ed. <The
/ore o. ,s there are) the better. That:s ob2io,s.<
<Hro/ the so,nd o. it)< Be**o said gra2ely) <yo, don:t belie2e that Mo/o:s story was tr,e
at all.<
<@e*ends what yo, /ean by :tr,e:)< D,ido retorted. <>o,:2e no i/agination) that:s yo,r
tro,ble. The whole world:s one big story and we:re all *art o. it. 4,re ' belie2e what Mo/o
told ,s) Be**o - e2ery word o. it) j,st li+e yo,.<
Be**o 0o,ld .ind no s,itable res*onse to this) b,t D,ide:s o*ti/is/ did nothing to allay his
Then they *arted 0o/*any) D,ido with a light heart) Be**o .illed with .oreboding) and went
o.. to s*read the news o. to/orrow:s /eeting.
That night D,ido drea/ed he was being .eted as one o. the 0ity:s sa2io,rs. 5e saw hi/sel. in
a dress s,it) Be**o in a s/art tail0oat and Mo/o in a snow-white sil+ gown. The /ayor
dra*ed gold 0hains aro,nd their ne0+s and 0rowned the/ with la,rel wreaths. 4tirring /,si0
rang o,t) and the 0iti;ens hono,red their deli2erers with a tor0hlight *ro0ession longer and
/ore i/*ressi2e than any that had e2er been seen be.ore.
Meanwhile) old Be**o was tossing and t,rning) ,nable to slee*. The /ore he tho,ght abo,t
what lay ahead) the /ore 0learly he *er0ei2ed its dangers. 5e wo,ldn:t let D,ido and Mo/o
bra2e the/ alone. 5e wo,ld stand by the/ whate2er ha**ened - that went witho,t saying
- b,t he /,st at least atte/*t to diss,ade the/.
By three the next a.ternoon) the a/*hitheater reso,nded to ex0ited 0ries and the h,/
o. /any 2oi0es. 3ltho,gh it saddened Mo/o that none o. her grown-,* .riends had a**eared
- ex0e*t) o. 0o,rse) .or Be**o and D,ido - so/e .i.ty or sixty 0hildren had 0o/e .ro/ near
and .ar. They were all sha*es and si;es) ri0h and *oor) well-beha2ed and rowdy. 4o/e) li+e
Maria) were holding yo,nger /e/bers o. the .a/ily by the hand or in their ar/s - tiny little
0hildren who s,0+ed their th,/bs and ga;ed wide-eyed at this ,n,s,al gathering.
Hran0o) 9aolo and Massi/o were there too) nat,rally) b,t /ost o. the other 0hildren were
relati2e new0o/ers to the a/*hitheater) and they had a s*e0ial interest in the s,bje0t ,nder
dis0,ssion. 3/ong the/ was the owner o. the transistor radio) who had t,rned ,* witho,t it.
4eating hi/sel. next to Mo/o) he told her straight away that his na/e was 8la,dio) and that
he was glad to ha2e been in2ited.
6hen it be0a/e 0lear that the last o. the 0hildren had arri2ed) D,ido rose to his .eet and) with
a swee*ing gest,re) 0alled .or silen0e. The b,;; o. 0on2ersation died away) and
an ex*e0tant h,sh des0ended on the a/*hitheater.
<My .riends)< D,ido began) <yo, all ha2e a ro,gh idea why we:re here - yo, were told when
yo, re0ei2ed yo,r in2itations to this se0ret /eeting. More and /ore *eo*le are .inding
the/sel2es with less and less ti/e to s*are) e2en tho,gh they:re sa2ing it .or all they:re
worth. The tr,th is) they:2e lost the 2ery ti/e they /eant to sa2e. 6hy = 6e now +now)
than+s to Mo/o. 9eo*le are being robbed o. their ti/e - and ' /ean robbed - by a gang
o. ti/e-thie2es C That:s why we need yo,r hel*E so as to *,t a sto* to the a0ti2ities o. this
0old-blooded) 0ri/inal .raternity. O,r 0ity is in the gri* o. a night/are. 6ith yo,r 0oo*eration)
we 0an banish it at a stro+e. 'sn:t that a 0a,se worth .ighting .or =< 5e *a,sed while the
0hildren a**la,ded. <6e:ll dis0,ss what to do in d,e 0o,rse)< he went on. <Meanti/e) Mo/o
is going to des0ribe her en0o,nter with a /e/ber o. the gang and how he ga2e hi/sel.
<One /o/ent)< said Be**o) getting ,*. <(isten) 0hildren C ' say Mo/o shouldn't tell yo, her
story. 't:s a bad idea. '. she does) she:ll endanger hersel. and all o. yo,.<
<?o)< 0ried se2eral 2oi0es) <let her s*ea+ C 6e want Mo/o C< More and /ore 2oi0es joined
in ,ntil all the 0hildren were 0hanting <Mo/o) Mo/o) Mo/o C< in ,nison.
Old Be**o sat down again. 5e too+ o.. his little steel-ri//ed s*e0ta0les and wearily r,bbed
his eyes.
Mo/o stood ,*) loo+ing *er*lexed. 4he didn:t +now whose wishes to 0o/*ly with) Be**o:s
or the 0hildren:s. 3t length) while her a,dien0e listened attenti2ely) she re0o,nted what had
3 long silen0e .ell when she .inished. The 0hildren had grown rather ,neasy d,ring her
re0ital. They hadn:t i/agined that ti/e-thie2es 0o,ld be so sinister. One tiny tot b,rst into
tears b,t was -,i0+ly 0o/.orted.
The silen0e was bro+en by D,ido. <6ell)< he said) <how /any o. yo, ha2e the g,ts to join o,r
0a/*aign against the /en in gray =<
<6hy didn:t Be**o want Mo/o to tell ,s what ha**ened =< Hran0o in-,ired.
D,ido ga2e hi/ a reass,ring s/ile. <5e thin+s the ti/e-thie2es .eel threatened by those who
+now their se0ret) so they try to h,nt the/ down. Mysel.) ' thin+ it:s the other way aro,nd. ':/
0on2in0ed that +nowing their se0ret /a+es a *erson in2,lnerableE on0e yo, +now it they 0an:t
lay a .inger on yo,. That:s logi0al) wo,ldn:t yo, say = 8o/e on) Be**o) ad/it it C<
B,t Be**o only shoo+ his head) and the 0hildren re/ained silent.
<One thing:s 0ertain) anyway)< D,ido *,rs,ed. <Hro/ now on we /,st sti0+ together 0o/e
hell or high water. 6e:2e got to be 0are.,l) b,t we /,stn:t get s0ared. 3ll right) ':ll as+ yo,
againE 6ho:s *re*ared to join ,s =<
<' a/ C< said 8la,dio) getting to his .eet. 5e loo+ed a tri.le *ale.
Others .ollowed s,it) hesitantly at .irst) then /ore and /ore resol,tely) ,ntil e2eryone *resent
had 2ol,nteered.
<6ell) Be**o)< said D,ido) *ointing to the .orest o. raised hands) <what do yo, say now =<
Be**o nodded sadly. <':/ with yo, too) o. 0o,rse.<
<Dood.< D,ido t,rned ba0+ to the 0hildren. <4o now let:s de0ide what to do. 3ny
s,ggestions =<
They all tho,ght hard. 9aolo) the boy with glasses) .inally said) <B,t how do they do it =
' /ean) 0an they really steal ti/e =<
<>es)< 8la,dio 0hi/ed in. <6hat is ti/e) anyway =<
?o one 0o,ld s,**ly an answer.
Maria) with little 7osa in her ar/s) got ,* .ro/ her seat on the .ar side o. the arena. <Maybe
it:s li+e ele0tri0ity)< she ha;arded. <3.ter all) there are /a0hines that 0an re0ord *eo*le:s
tho,ght wa2es - ':2e seen one /ysel.) on TA. They:2e got gadgets that 0an do anything these
<5ow abo,t this .or an idea C< s-,ea+ed Massi/o) the .at boy with the high-*it0hed 2oi0e.
<6hen yo, *hotogra*h so/ething) it:s down on .il/. 6hen yo, re0ord so/ething) it:s down
on ta*e. Maybe they:2e got a /a0hine that 0an re0ord ti/e. '. we +new where it was)
we 0o,ld si/*ly *,t it into re2erse and the /issing ti/e wo,ld be there again C<
<3nyway)< said 9aolo) adj,sting his glasses) <the .irst thing to do is .ind a s0ientist to hel* ,s.
6e won:t get anywhere witho,t one.<
<>o, and yo,r s0ientists C< sneered Hran0o. <6ho says they 0an be tr,sted = 4,**ose
we .o,nd one who was an ex*ert on ti/e. 5ow 0o,ld we be s,re he wasn:t in leag,e with the
ti/e-thie2es = Then we:d really be ,* the 0ree+ C<
I2eryone see/ed i/*ressed by this obje0tion. The next *erson to s*ea+ ,* was a little girl
o. de/,re and ladyli+e a**earan0e. <'. yo, as+ /e)< she said) <o,r best *lan wo,ld be to
go to the *oli0e and tell the/ the whole story.<
<?ow ':2e heard e2erything C< Hran0o s0o..ed. <6hat 0o,ld the 0o*s do = These aren:t j,st
ordinary thie2es. Iither the 0o*s ha2e +nown abo,t the/ all along) in whi0h 0ase they /,st
be *owerless) or they ha2en:t noti0ed a thing) in whi0h 0ase they:d ne2er belie2e ,s.<
3 ba..led silen0e ens,ed.
<6ell)< 9aolo said e2ent,ally) <we:2e got to do something - as soon as *ossible) too) be.ore
the ti/e-thie2es get wind o. what we:re ,* to.<
D,ido rose to his .eet again.
<My .riends)< he said) <':2e already gi2en this /atter a lot o. tho,ght. 3.ter drea/ing
,* h,ndreds o. s0he/es and reje0ting the/ all in t,rn) ' .inally hit on one that:s g,aranteed
to do the tri0+ - as long as yo, all 0oo*erate. ' /erely wanted to see i. one o. yo, 0o,ld 0o/e
,* with a better idea. 6ell) now ':ll tell yo, what we:re going to do.<
5e *a,sed and loo+ed slowly aro,nd the a/*hitheater. 5e was ringed by .i.ty or sixty
ex*e0tant .a0es) the biggest a,dien0e he:d had in a long ti/e.
<3s yo,:re now aware)< he went on) <the /en in gray de*end .or their *ower on being able
to wor+ ,nre0ogni;ed and in se0ret. 't .ollows that the si/*lest and /ost e..e0ti2e way
o. rendering the/ har/less is to broad0ast the tr,th abo,t the/. 3nd how are we to do that =
':ll tell yo,. 6e:re going to hold a /ass de/onstration C 6e:re going to *aint *osters and
banners and /ar0h thro,gh the streets with the/. 6e:re going to attra0t as /,0h attention
as *ossible. 6e:re going to in2ite the whole city to join ,s here) at the old a/*hitheater)
to hear the .,ll .a0ts.<
3 stir ran thro,gh the listening 0hildren.
<I2eryone will go wild with ex0ite/ent)< D,ido 0ontin,ed. <Tho,sands and tho,sands
o. *eo*le will 0o/e .lo0+ing in. Then) when a 2ast 0rowd has asse/bled) we:ll re2eal the
whole terrible tr,th. 3nd then) /y .riends) the world will 0hange o2ernight. ?o one will be able
to steal *eo*le:s ti/e any /ore. They:ll all ha2e as /,0h as they need) be0a,se there:ll
be eno,gh to go aro,nd again. That:s what we 0an a0hie2e i. we all wor+ together - i. we:re
all in .a2o,r. 3re we =<
This drew a 0hor,s o. ex,ltant yells.
<8arried ,nani/o,sly)< said D,ido. <'n that 0ase) we:ll in2ite the whole 0ity here next 4,nday
a.ternoon. Till then) tho,gh) we /,stn:t breathe a word o. o,r *lan. 3nd now) let:s get
to wor+.<
Hor the next .ew days) the a/*hitheater h,//ed with .,rti2e b,t .e2erish a0ti2ity. 4heets
o. *a*er) *ots o. *aint) br,shes) *aste) 0ardboard) *oles) *lan+s and a host o. other
essentials a**eared li+e /agi0 - where .ro/) the 0hildren *re.erred not to say. 4o/e o. the/
/ade banners and *osters and *la0ards) while others - the ones that were good at writing
- tho,ght ,* 0at0hy slogans and *ainted the/ in their neatest lettering.
3t last) when all was ready) the 0hildren asse/bled in the a/*hitheater and set o.. in single
.ile with D,ido) Be**o and Mo/o at their head. They /ar0hed thro,gh the streets
brandishing *osters and banners) 0lattering sa,0e*an lids) blowing *enny whistles) 0hanting
slogans and singing a song 0o/*osed s*e0ially .or the o00asion by D,ido. The words went
as .ollowsE
(isten, folk, ere it's too late,
or you'll live to rue your fate.
Time is flying every day,
stolen by the men in gray.
(isten, folk, and heed our warning,
or you'll wake up one fine morning
robbed of time and quite bereft,
not a single minute left.
.on't save time, then, save your city,
for those time-thieves have no pity.
0ight back hard, and do it soon.
Be there 1unday afternoon &
30t,ally) there were /ore 2erses than that - twenty-eight) to be exa0t - b,t we needn:t -,ote
the/ all here.
3ltho,gh the *oli0e ste**ed in a .ew ti/es and bro+e ,* the *ro0ession when it obstr,0ted
the tra..i0) the 0hildren were ,ndeterred. They si/*ly .or/ed ,* elsewhere and set o.. again.
?othing ha**ened a*art .ro/ this) and they didn:t sight a single /an in gray .or all their
They were) howe2er) joined by other 0hildren who saw the de/onstration and hadn:t +nown
o. the a..air till now. More and /ore yo,ngsters tagged along ,ntil the streets were .illed with
h,ndreds or e2en tho,sands o. the/) all ,rging their elders to attend the /eeting that was
to 0hange the world.
$%E $#,A"
The great /o/ent had 0o/e and gone.
't was o2er) and not a single grown-,* had a**eared. The 0hildren:s de/onstration had
*assed al/ost ,nnoti0ed by the 2ery *eo*le it was ai/ed at. 3ll their e..orts had been in 2ain.
The big red s,n was already sin+ing into a sea o. *,r*le 0lo,d) so low in the s+y that its rays
lit only the to*/ost tier o. ste*s in the a/*hitheater) where so /any h,ndreds o. 0hildren had
been waiting .or so long. ?o 0heer.,l h,/ o. 2oi0es bro+e the sad and dis0onsolate silen0e.
The shadows were lengthening .ast. 't wo,ld soon be dar+) and the 0hildren began to shi2er
in the 0hill e2ening air. 4o/ewhere in the distan0e a 0h,r0h 0lo0+ str,0+ eight. @o,bt ga2e
way to 0ertaintyE the whole s0he/e had been a 0o/*lete .ias0o.
One or two 0hildren got ,* and dri.ted o... Others .ollowed s,it. ?one o. the/ said a word
- their disa**oint/ent was too great.
I2ent,ally) 9aolo 0a/e o2er to Mo/o and said) <'t:s no ,se waiting any longer - no one:ll t,rn
,* now. Dood night.< 3nd he wal+ed o.. too.
Hran0o was the next to lea2e. <'t:s ho*eless)< he said. <6e 0an:t 0o,nt on the grown-,*s)
we +now that now. ' ne2er did tr,st the/ anyway. 3s .ar as ':/ 0on0erned) they 0an stew
in their own j,i0e .ro/ now on.<
More and /ore 0hildren le.t. 't was dar+ by the ti/e the last o. the/ ga2e ,* and went ho/e)
lea2ing Mo/o alone with D,ido and Be**o.
The old roadswee*er stood ,*.
<3re yo, going) too =< Mo/o as+ed.
<':2e got to)< Be**o told her with a sigh. <':/ on night d,ty.<
<2ight d,ty =<
<>es) ,nloading garbage at the /,ni0i*al d,/*. ':/ d,e there in hal. an ho,r.<
<B,t it:s 4,nday. Besides) yo,:2e ne2er had to do that be.ore.<
<?o) b,t we:2e been told to re*ort there. They say it:s only te/*orary. There:s too /,0h
garbage to handle) a**arently. 4hortage o. sta..) and so on.<
<6hat a sha/e)< said Mo/o. <':d ha2e li+ed yo, to stay a while.<
<>es) ' don:t want to go /ysel.) b,t there it is - ':2e got to.< 3nd Be**o /o,nted his s-,ea+y
old bi0y0le and *edalled o.. into the dar+ness.
D,ido was whistling a so.t and /elan0holy t,ne. 5e 0o,ld whistle 2ery sweetly) and Mo/o
was listening with *leas,re when he s,ddenly bro+e o...
<5ea2ens)< he ex0lai/ed) <' /,st go) too. Today:s when ' start /y new job - night wat0h/an)
didn:t ' tell yo, = ':d .orgotten the ti/e.<
Mo/o j,st stared at hi/ and said nothing.
<4o o,r *lan didn:t wor+ o,t)< he went on. <?e2er /ind) Mo/o. 't didn:t wor+ o,t the way
' ho*ed) either) b,t it was .,n all the sa/e - tre/endo,s .,n.<
6hen Mo/o still said nothing) he stro+ed her hair soothingly and added) <@on:t ta+e it so
hard) Mo/o. I2erything:ll loo+ -,ite di..erent in the /orning. 6e:ll j,st ha2e to 0o/e ,* with
a new idea - a new ga/e) eh =<
<'t wasn:t a ga/e)< Mo/o said in a /,..led 2oi0e.
D,ido stood ,*. <(oo+) ' +now how yo, .eel) b,t we:ll tal+ abo,t it to/orrow) o+ay = ' ha2e
to go now - ':/ late eno,gh as it is. 3nyway) it:s ti/e yo, went to bed.<
3nd he wal+ed o.. whistling his /elan0holy t,ne.
4o Mo/o re/ained sitting .orlornly in the great stone bowl o. the a/*hitheater. 8lo,ds had
2eiled the s+y and blotted o,t the stars. 3 *e0,liar bree;e had s*r,ng ,*) light b,t *ersistent
and sing,larly 0old. '. bree;es 0an be said to ha2e a 0olo,r) this one was gray.
Har away beyond the o,ts+irts o. the 0ity loo/ed the /assi2e /,ni0i*al garbage d,/*.
't was a 2eritable /o,ntain o. ash) 0inders) bro+en glass and 0hina) tin 0ans) *lasti0
0ontainers) old /attresses) 0ardboard 0artons and 0o,ntless other obje0ts dis0arded by the
0ity:s inhabitants) all waiting to be .ed) bit by bit) into h,ge in0inerators.
Be**o and his wor+/ates toiled .or ho,rs) sho2elling garbage o,t o. a long line o. tr,0+s. The
tr,0+s 0re*t .orward) headlights bla;ing) b,t the /ore they e/*tied the longer the line
<Haster C< the .ore/an +e*t sho,ting. <5,rry it ,*) or we:ll ne2er be thro,gh C<
They didn:t .inish the job till /idnight) by whi0h ti/e Be**o:s shirt was 0linging to his ba0+.
Being older than the rest and not the /ost rob,st o. /en) he .lo**ed down wearily on an
,*t,rned *lasti0 b,0+et and str,ggled to get his breath ba0+.
<5ey) Be**o)< one o. his wor+/ates 0alled) <we:re o.. ho/e now. 8o/ing =<
<'n a /in,te)< whee;ed Be**o. 5e 0las*ed one hand to his a0hing 0hest.
<Heeling all right) old /an =< 0alled so/eone else.
<':/ .ine)< Be**o 0alled ba0+. <J,st ta+ing a little breather) that:s all. @on:t wait .or /e.<
<O+ay)< said the others) <good night.< 3nd o.. they went.
't was -,iet when they:d gone) ex0e*t .or an o00asional r,stle and s-,ea+ .ro/ rats
s0rabbling in the garbage. Be**o *illowed his head on his .olded ar/s and do;ed o...
5e didn:t +now how long he:d been aslee* when he was ro,sed by a g,st o. 0old air. One
loo+ was eno,gh to jolt hi/ awa+e in an instant.
3ll o2er the h,ge /o,nd o. garbage stood gray .ig,res attired in s/art gray s,its and gray
bowler hats) steel-gray brie.0ases in their hands and s/all gray 0igars in their /o,ths. They
were ga;ing .ixedly) silently) at the s,//it o. the /o,nd. There) ens0on0ed on a sort
o. /agistrates: ben0h) sat three /en identi0al to the others in e2ery res*e0t.
Be**o was .rightened .or a /o/ent. 5e had no b,siness to be there - he sensed that
instin0ti2ely - and the *ros*e0t o. dis0o2ery s0ared hi/. Aery soon) howe2er) he reali;ed that
the ar/y o. gray .ig,res had eyes .or no one b,t the three-/an trib,nal. Iither they had .ailed
to noti0e hi/ at all) or they had /ista+en hi/ .or so/e dis0arded obje0t. 6hate2er the
ex*lanation) he resol2ed to +ee* as still as a /o,se.
Then the silen0e was bro+en by a 2oi0e .ro/ the j,dges: ben0h. <The 4,*re/e 8o,rt is now
in session)< anno,n0ed the 0entral .ig,re. <8all 3gent ?o. B(6K""3K0.<
The 0ry was re*eated .,rther down the slo*e and re*eated again so/e distan0e away) li+e
an e0ho. Threading his way slowly thro,gh the 0rowd and ,* the /o,nd o. garbage 0a/e
a /an in gray) disting,ishable .ro/ his .ellows only by the *allor o. his .a0e) whi0h was
al/ost white. 3t last he rea0hed the trib,nal.
<>o, are 3gent ?o. B(6K""3K0 =< as+ed the /an in the 0entre.
<' a/.<
<5ow long ha2e yo, been e/*loyed by the Ti/esa2ing Ban+ =<
<I2er sin0e ' 0a/e into existen0e) >o,r 5ono,r.<
<That goes witho,t saying - +indly s*are ,s s,0h irrele2an0ies. 6hen did yo, 0o/e into
existen0e =<
<Ile2en years) three /onths) six days) eight ho,rs) thirty-two /in,tes and - at this *re0ise
/o/ent - eighteen se0onds ago.<
Oddly eno,gh) altho,gh this ex0hange was being 0ond,0ted a long way o.. and in low)
/onotono,s 2oi0es) Be**o didn:t /iss a word o. it.
<3re yo, aware)< the /an in the 0entre went on) <that a s,bstantial n,/ber o. 0hildren
*araded thro,gh the streets today with *la0ards and banners) and that they e2en entertained
the o,trageo,s notion o. in2iting the whole 0ity to attend a on o,r a0ti2ities =<
<'t hadn:t es0a*ed /e)< re*lied the agent.
<5ow do yo, a00o,nt .or the .a0t that these 0hildren +new abo,t ,s and o,r a0ti2ities =< the
senior in-,isitor *,rs,ed re/orselessly.
<'t:s a /ystery to /e. >o,r 5ono,r)< said the agent. <'. ' /ay 2ent,re a *ersonal obser2ation)
howe2er) ' wo,ld ,rge the 4,*re/e 8o,rt not to ta+e this in0ident /ore serio,sly than
it deser2es. 't was a *ie0e o. 0hildish nonsense) that:s all. ' wo,ld also ,rge the 0o,rt to bear
in /ind that we easily /anaged to s0ot0h the s0hed,led /eeting by lea2ing *eo*le no ti/e
to attend it. I2en had we .ailed to do so) howe2er) ':/ 0on.ident that e2eryone wo,ld ha2e
dis/issed the 0hildren:s in.or/ation as a 0o0+-and-b,ll story. 'n /y o*inion) we wo,ld ha2e
done better to let the /eeting go ahead) be0a,se that wo,ld -<
<@e.endant C< the j,dge bro+e in shar*ly. <@o yo, reali;e where yo, are =<
The agent wilted. <>es)< he whis*ered.
<This is no h,/an 0o,rt)< the j,dge 0ontin,ed. <>o, are being tried by yo,r own +ind. (ying
to ,s is .,tile) yo, +now that *er.e0tly well) so why bother to try =<
<'t:s - it:s an o00,*ational habit)< the agent sta//ered.
<'t is .or this 0o,rt to de0ide how serio,sly to ta+e the 0hildren:s intentions. 5owe2er) ' need
hardly re/ind yo, that 0hildren *resent a greater threat to o,r wor+ than anyone or anything
<' +now)< the agent 0on0eded /ee+ly.
<8hildren)< de0lared the j,dge) <are o,r nat,ral ene/ies. B,t .or the/) /an+ind wo,ld ha2e
been 0o/*letely in o,r *ower long ago. 3d,lts are .ar easier to t,rn into ti/esa2ers. That:s
why one o. o,r /ost sa0red 0o//and/ents states) <(ea2e the 0hildren till last.< 3re yo,
.a/iliar with that 0o//and/ent) @e.endant =<
<>es indeed) >o,r 5ono,r)< said the agent) *, hard at his 0igar. 't was a *e0,liar .a0t
that) des*ite the sole/nity o. the o00asion) all *resent - j,dges) de.endant and s*e0tators
- were s/o+ing in0essantly.
<3nd yet)< the j,dge retorted) <we ha2e in0ontro2ertible *roo. that one o. ,s - ' re*eat) one
of us - not only got into 0on2ersation with a 0hild b,t betrayed ,s. @o yo, ha**en to +now
who that 0ertain *erson was =<
3gent ?o. B(6K""3K0 wilted still /ore. <'t was /e) >o,r 5ono,r.<
<3nd why did yo, brea+ o,r /ost sa0red 0o//and/ent =<
<Be0a,se the 0hild in -,estion has been serio,sly i/*eding o,r wor+ by t,rning *eo*le
against ,s. ' had the interests o. the Ti/esa2ing Ban+ at heart. My intentions were o. the
<>o,r intentions don:t 0on0ern ,s)< the j,dge said i0ily. <7es,lts are all that 0o,nt here) and
the res,lt o. yo,r ,na,thori;ed a0tion has been to gain ,s no ti/e and a0-,aint a 0hild with
so/e o. o,r /ost 2ital se0rets. @o yo, ad/it that =<
The agent h,ng his head. <' do)< he whis*ered.
<4o yo, *lead g,ilty =<
<>es) >o,r 5ono,r) b,t ' wo,ld draw the 0o,rt:s attention to an exten,ating 0ir0,/stan0eE
' was gen,inely bewit0hed - l,red into betraying ,s by the way the 0hild listened to /e. ' 0an:t
ex*lain how it ha**ened) b,t ' swear that:s the way it was.<
<>o,r ex0,ses are irrele2ant and i//aterial. This 0o,rt ta+es no a00o,nt o. exten,ating
0ir0,/stan0es. The law is -,ite 0ategori0al on this *oint and allows o. no ex0e*tions.
5owe2er) we shall 0ertainly de2ote so/e attention to this ,n,s,al 0hild. 6hat is its na/e =<
<Mo/o) >o,r 5ono,r.<
<Male or .e/ale =<
<4he:s a girl =<
<9la0e o. residen0e =<
<The r,ined a/*hitheater.<
<Aery well)< said the j,dge) who had re0orded all these details in his noteboo+. <>o, /ay rest
ass,red. @e.endant) that this 0hild will ne2er har/ ,s again - we shall ne,trali;e her by e2ery
a2ailable /eans. (et that tho,ght 0onsole yo,) now that senten0e is abo,t to be *assed and
0arried o,t.<
The agent began to tre/ble. <6hat is the senten0e =< he whis*ered.
The three j,dges *,t their heads together and 0on.erred in an ,ndertone. Then they nodded)
and their s*o+es/an t,rned to .a0e the *risoner again.
<3gent ?o. B(6K""3K0 ha2ing *leaded g,ilty to a 0harge o. high treason) this 0o,rt
,nani/o,sly senten0es hi/ to *ay the *enalty *res0ribed by law. 5e is to be de*ri2ed o. all
ti/e .orthwith.<
<Mer0y) /er0y C< shrie+ed the agent) b,t his steel-gray brie.0ase and s/all 0igar had already
been snat0hed away by two gray .ig,res standing beside hi/.
3nd then a 2ery strange thing ha**ened. ?o sooner had the 0onde/ned /an lost his 0igar
than he started to be0o/e /ore and /ore trans*arent. 5is s0rea/s grew .ainter) too) as he
stood there with his head in his hands) dissol2ing into thin air. The last that 0o,ld be seen
o. hi/ was a little .l,rry o. ash eddying in the bree;e) b,t that soon 2anished too.
4ilently the /en in gray dis*ersed) j,dges and s*e0tators ali+e.
On0e the dar+ness had swallowed the/ ,*) the sole re/inder o. their *resen0e was a 0hill)
gray wind that swirled aro,nd the dis/al and deserted garbage d,/*.
Be**o 0ontin,ed to sit s*ellbo,nd on his ,*t,rned b,0+et) staring at the s*ot where the
0onde/ned /an had been standing. 5e .elt as i. his li/bs had t,rned to i0e and were only
j,st beginning to thaw. The /en in gray existed1 he had seen the/ .or hi/sel..
3t abo,t the sa/e ti/e - the distant 0h,r0h 0lo0+ had already str,0+ twel2e - Mo/o was still
sitting on the ste*s o. the a/*hitheater. 4he was waiting. Hor what) she didn:t +now) b,t
so/e instin0t had diss,aded her .ro/ going to bed.
3ll o. a s,dden) so/ething lightly br,shed against her bare .oot. 9eering hard) .or it was 2ery
dar+) she saw a big tortoise loo+ing ,* at her. 'ts /o,th see/ed to 0,r2e in a /ysterio,s
s/ile) and there was s,0h a .riendly light in its shrewd) bla0+ eyes that Mo/o .elt it was
abo,t to s*ea+.
4he bent down and ti0+led it ,nder the 0hin. <6ho /ight yo, be =< she said so.tly. <?i0e
o. yo, to 0o/e and +ee* /e 0o/*any) Tortoise) e2en i. nobody else will. 6hat 0an ' do .or
yo, =<
Mo/o wasn:t s,re whether she:d .ailed to noti0e the/ be.ore) or whether they:d only j,st
a**eared) b,t she s,ddenly s*otted so/e letters on the tortoise:s ba0+. They were .aintly
l,/ino,s and see/ed to .ollow the nat,ral *atterns on its shell.
HO((O6 MI) she slowly de0i*hered.
3stonished) she sat ,* with a jer+. <@o yo, /ean /e =< she as+ed.
B,t the tortoise had already set o... 3.ter a .ew ste*s it *a,sed and loo+ed ba0+. <'t really
does /ean /e C< Mo/o said to hersel.. 4he got ,* and went o2er to the 0reat,re. <Bee*
going)< she told it so.tly) <':/ right behind yo,.<
3nd ste* by ste* she .ollowed the tortoise as it slowly) 2ery slowly) led her o,t o. the
a/*hitheater and headed .or the 0ity.
MO#E %A*$E "E** *.EE&
Old Be**o was *edalling thro,gh the dar+ness on his s-,ea+y bi0y0le - *edalling with all his
/ight. The gray j,dge:s words still rang in his earsE <6e shall 0ertainly de2ote so/e attention
to this ,n,s,al 0hild. . . >o, /ay rest ass,red that this 0hild will ne2er har/ ,s again. . .
6e shall ne,trali;e her by e2ery a2ailable /eans. . .<
Mo/o was in dire *eril) o. that there 0o,ld be no do,bt. 5e /,st go to her at on0e) warn her
and *rote0t her .ro/ the /en in gray. 5e didn:t +now how) b,t he:d .ind a way. Be**o
*edalled e2en .aster) his t,.t o. white hair .l,ttering in the bree;e. 5e still had a long way
to go.
The r,ined a/*hitheater was abla;e with the headlights o. a whole .leet o. s/art gray 0ars)
whi0h he//ed it in on e2ery side. @o;ens o. /en in gray were s0,rrying ,* and down the
grass-grown ste*s. 3t last) a.ter *eering into e2ery noo+ and 0ranny) they 0a/e ,*on the
hole in the wall. 4o/e o. the/ s0ra/bled thro,gh it into Me/o:s roo/. They loo+ed ,nder
the bed - they e2en loo+ed inside the little bri0+ sto2e. Then they rea**eared) *atted the d,st
.ro/ their s/art gray s,its and shr,gged.
<The bird a**ears to ha2e .lown)< said one.
<'t:s exas*erating)< said another. <8hildren sho,ld be sa.ely t,0+ed ,* in bed at this ho,r) not
galli2anting aro,nd in the dar+.<
<' don:t li+e the loo+ o. this)< said a third. <'t:s al/ost as i. so/eone had ti**ed her o.. j,st
in ti/e.<
<'/*ossible)< said the .irst. <5e 0o,ldn:t ha2e +nown o. o,r intention be.ore we +new
it o,rsel2es - or 0o,ld he =<
The three o. the/ eyed ea0h other in dis/ay.
<'. so/eone really did ti* her o..)< the third *ointed o,t) <she:ll ha2e /ade hersel. s0ar0e.
6e:ll only be wasting ti/e i. we go on loo+ing .or her here.<
<6hat do yo, s,ggest) then =<
<' say we sho,ld noti.y head-,arters at on0e) so they 0an la,n0h a .,ll-s0ale /anh,nt.<
<The .irst thing they:ll as+ ,s - and -,ite rightly so - is whether we:2e /ade a thoro,gh sear0h
o. the i//ediate neighbo,rhood.<
<Aery well)< said the .irst s*ea+er) <let:s sear0h the area .irst) b,t i. the girl:s well 0lear o. it
already) we:ll be /a+ing a big /ista+e.<
<?onsense)< sna**ed his 0olleag,e. <I2en i. she is) head-,arters 0an still la,n0h a .,ll-s0ale
/anh,nt ,sing e2ery a2ailable agent. The girl won:t es0a*e - she doesn:t stand a 0han0e.
7ight) gentle/en) let:s get going. >o, all +now what:s at sta+e.<
Many o. the lo0al inhabitants lay awa+e that night) wondering why so /any 0ars +e*t ra0ing
*ast their windows. I2en the narrowest side streets and ro,ghest .ar/ tra0+s reso,nded ,ntil
daybrea+ with a roar o. tra..i0 /ore ,s,ally heard on /ajor roads. ?o one 0o,ld slee* a win+.
3ll this ti/e) Mo/o was tr,dging slowly thro,gh the 0ity in the wa+e o. her new-.o,nd .riend)
the tortoise. The 0ity ne2er sle*t nowadays) howe2er late the ho,r. 'nter/inable strea/s
o. *eo*le s,rged thro,gh the streets) jostling and elbowing ea0h other aside. The roads were
0ho+ed with 0ars and big) noisy) o2er0rowded b,ses. ?eon signs bla;ed down .ro/ e2ery
b,ilding) inter/ittently bathing *assers-by in their /,lti0olo,red glare.
Mo/o) who had ne2er seen any o. this be.ore) .ollowed the tortoise in a +ind o. wide-eyed)
wa+ing drea/. They /ade their way a0ross broad s-,ares and down brightly lit streets. 8ars
.lashed *ast the/ and *edestrians /illed aro,nd the/) b,t no one loo+ed twi0e at the 0hild
and the tortoise.
They ne2er had to get o,t o. anyone:s way) either. ?obody b,/*ed into the/) nor did any
dri2er ha2e to bra+e to a2oid the/. The tortoise see/ed to +now *re0isely when there wo,ld
be no 0ar or *edestrian in their *ath) so they ne2er had to 2ary their *a0e) ne2er had to h,rry
or to sto* and wait. Mo/o began to wonder how any two 0reat,res 0o,ld wal+ so slowly b,t
tra2el so .ast.
6hen Be**o .inally rea0hed the a/*hitheater) the .eeble glow o. his bi0y0le la/* showed
hi/) e2en be.ore he dis/o,nted) that the gro,nd aro,nd it was a /ass o. tire tra0+s. 5e le.t
his bi0y0le in the grass and ran to the hole in the wall.
<Mo/o C< 5e whis*ered the na/e at .irst) then s*o+e it alo,d. <Mo/o C< he re*eated.
?o answer.
Be**o swallowed hard) his throat .elt so dry. 5e 0li/bed thro,gh the hole into the *it0h-bla0+
roo/) st,/bled o2er so/ething) and wren0hed his an+le. 4tri+ing a /at0h with tre/,lo,s
.ingers) he *eered in all dire0tions.
The 0r,de little table and 0hairs were o2ert,rned) the blan+ets and /attress stri**ed o.. the
bed. O. Mo/o hersel.) there was no sign at all.
Be**o bit his li* to sti.le the hoarse sob that ra0+ed his 0hest at the sight o. this desolation.
<My Dod)< he /,ttered) <':/ too late. 4he:s gone - they:2e s*irited the *oor girl away. 6hat
shall ' do now = 6hat can ' do =< J,st then the /at0h began to b,rn his .ingers) so he
dro**ed it and stood there in the dar+.
Ma+ing his way o,tside as .ast as his twisted an+le wo,ld allow) he hobbled o2er to his
bi0y0le) str,ggled ba0+ into the saddle and *edalled o.. again. <D,ido /,st hel*)< he +e*t
re*eating) <- he /,st C 9ray hea2en ' 0an .ind hi/ C<
5e +new that D,ido *lanned to earn so/e extra /oney by s*ending 4,nday nights in the
storeroo/ o. a 0ar brea+er:s j,n+yard. 4er2i0eable *arts had been disa**earing o. late) and
it was D,ido:s job to see that this *il.ering 0eased.
6hen Be**o ran hi/ to gro,nd in a shed beside the j,n+yard and ha//ered on the door
with his .ist) D,ido at .irst /istoo+ hi/ .or a wo,ld-be stealer o. s*are *arts and +e*t /,/.
Then) re0ogni;ing the old /an:s 2oi0e) he ,nlo0+ed the door.
<6hat:s the /atter =< he gr,/bled.
<'t:s Mo/o)< Be**o told hi/ breathlessly. <4he:s in danger.<
<6hat are yo, tal+ing abo,t =< as+ed D,ido) .lo**ing down on his 0a/* bed. <Mo/o = 6hy)
what:s ha**ened to her =<
<' don:t +now) exa0tly)< Be**o *anted) <b,t it doesn:t loo+ good.<
3nd he told D,ido all he:d seen) .ro/ the trial on the garbage d,/*) to the tire tra0+s aro,nd
the a/*hitheater) to Mo/o:s ransa0+ed and deserted roo/. 5e too+ -,ite a while to get it all
o,t) o. 0o,rse) be0a,se not e2en the 0on0ern and anxiety he .elt .or Mo/o 0o,ld /a+e hi/
s*ea+ any .aster than he ,s,ally did.
<' +new it all along)< he 0on0l,ded. <' +new it wo,ld end in disaster. 6ell) now they:2e ta+en
their re2enge - they:2e +idna**ed her. 6e:2e got to hel* her) D,ido) b,t how. $ow -<
The blood had slowly drained .ro/ D,ido:s 0hee+s while Be**o was s*ea+ing. 5e .elt as i.
the gro,nd had gi2en way beneath hi/. Till now) he:d regarded the whole a..air as a s*lendid
ga/e and ta+en it neither /ore or less serio,sly than he too+ any ga/e or story. ?ow) .or the
.irst ti/e e2er) a story had es0a*ed his 0ontrol. 't had ta+en on a li.e o. its own) and all the
i/agination in the world wo,ld be ins,..i0ient to halt it. 5e .elt n,/b.
<>o, +now) Be**o)< he said a.ter a while) <Mo/o /ay si/*ly ha2e gone .or a wal+. 4he does
that o00asionally - li+e the ti/e she went roa/ing aro,nd the 0o,ntryside .or three whole
days and nights. 6e /ay be worrying .or no good reason.<
<6hat abo,t the tire tra0+s =< Be**o de/anded angrily. <6hat abo,t the state o. her roo/ =<
D,ido re.,sed to be drawn. <4,**ose they really did 0o/e loo+ing .or her)< he said. <6ho:s
to say they .o,nd her = 9erha*s she:d gone by the ti/e they got there. 6hy else wo,ld they
ha2e sear0hed the *la0e and t,rned it ,*side down =<
<B,t what i. they did .ind her =< Be**o sho,ted. <6hat then =< 5e gri**ed his yo,ng .riend
by the la*els and shoo+ hi/. <@on:t be a .ool) D,ido. The /en in gray are real) ' tell yo,.
6e:2e got to do so/ething) and .ast C<
<4teady on)< D,ido said soothingly) startled by the old /an:s 2ehe/en0e. <O. 0o,rse we:ll
do so/ething) b,t not be.ore we:2e tho,ght it o2er 0are.,lly. 3.ter all) we don:t e2en +now
where to loo+ .or her.<
Be**o released hi/. <':/ going to the *oli0e)< he anno,n0ed.
<>o, 0an:t do that C< D,ido *rotested with a loo+ o. horror. <5a2e so/e sense) Be**o.
4,**ose they .o,nd her. @on:t yo, +now what they:d do with her - don:t yo, +now where
wai.s and strays end ,* = They:d sti0+ her in a ho/e with bars o2er the windows. >o,
wo,ldn:t want that) wo,ld yo, =<
<?o)< Be**o /,ttered hel*lessly) <o. 0o,rse not. B,t what i. she:s really in tro,ble =<
<6hat i. she isn:t =< D,ido arg,ed. <6hat i. she:s only gone .or a bit o. a ra/ble and yo, set
the *oli0e on her. ' wo,ldn:t li+e to be in yo,r shoes then. 4he /ight ne2er want to see yo,
Be**o s,bsided on to a 0hair and b,ried his .a0e in his hands. <' j,st don:t +now what to do)<
he groaned) <' j,st don:t +now.<
<6ell)< said D,ido) <' 2ote we wait till to/orrow or the day a.ter be.ore we do anything at all.
'. she still isn:t ba0+) o+ay) we:ll go to the *oli0e. My g,ess is) e2erything will ha2e sorted itsel.
o,t long be.ore then) and the three o. ,s will be la,ghing at the whole silly b,siness.<
<>o, thin+ so =< /,ttered Be**o) s,ddenly o2er0o/e with .atig,e. The day:s ex0ite/ents
had been a bit too /,0h .or a /an o. his age.
<O. 0o,rse)< D,ido ass,red hi/. 5e eased Be**o:s boots o.. and wra**ed his s*rained an+le
in a da/* 0loth) then hel*ed hi/ on to the 0a/* bed. <@on:t worry)< he said so.tly)
<e2erything:s going to be .ine.<
B,t Be**o was already aslee*. 4ighing) D,ido stret0hed o,t on the .loor with his ja0+et ,nder
his head in *la0e o. a *illow. 4lee* el,ded hi/) tho,gh. 5e 0o,ldn:t sto* thin+ing abo,t the
/en in gray) all night long) and .or the .irst ti/e in his ha**y-go-l,0+y li.e he .elt .rightened.
The Ti/esa2ing Ban+ had la,n0hed a .,ll-s0ale /anh,nt. I2ery agent in the 0ity was
instr,0ted by head-,arters to dro* e2erything else and 0on0entrate on .inding the girl +nown
as Mo/o.
I2ery street tee/ed with gray .ig,res. They lay in wait on*s and l,r+ed in sewers)
sta+ed o,t the air*ort and railway stations) +e*t an ,nobtr,si2e wat0h on b,ses and tra/s -
in short) they were e2erywhere at on0e.
B,t they still didn:t .ind the girl +nown as Mo/o.
<' say) Tortoise)< said Mo/o) as the *air o. the/ /ade their way a0ross a dar+ened
0o,rtyard. <3ren:t yo, going to tell /e where yo,:re ta+ing /e =<
4o/e letters too+ sha*e on the tortoise:s shell. @O?:T BI 4837I@) they read.
<':/ not)< said Mo/o) when she:d de0i*hered the/) tho,gh she said it /ore to boost her
0o,rage than anything else. Tr,th to tell) she did .eel rather a**rehensi2e. The tortoise:s
ro,te was be0o/ing steadily /ore tort,o,s and errati0. 't had already ta+en the/ a0ross
*ar+s) o2er bridges and thro,gh s,bways) into b,ildings and along 0orridors - e2en) on0e
or twi0e) thro,gh 0ellars.
5ad Mo/o +nown that she was being h,nted by a whole ar/y o. /en in gray) she wo,ld
*robably ha2e .elt ,neasier still) b,t she didn:t) so she .ollowed the tortoise *atiently) ste*
by ste*) as it 0ontin,ed to /eander along.
't was l,0+y she did. J,st as the 0reat,re had *re2io,sly threaded its way thro,gh tra..i0) so it
now see/ed to +now exa0tly where and when their *,rs,ers wo,ld a**ear. There were
ti/es when the /en in gray rea0hed a s*ot only /o/ents a.ter they the/sel2es had *assed
it) b,t h,nters and h,nted ne2er a0t,ally b,/*ed into ea0h other.
<'t:s a good thing ':2e learned to read so well)< Mo/o re/ar+ed 0as,ally) <isn:t it =<
'nstantly) the tortoise:s shell .lashed a warningE 4445 C
Mo/o 0o,ldn:t ,nderstand the reason .or this inj,n0tion) b,t she obeyed it. Then she saw
three di/) gray sha*es .lit *ast a .ew .eet away.
They had now rea0hed a *art o. the 0ity where ea0h b,ilding loo+ed drabber and shabbier
than the last. Towering tene/ents with *eeling walls .lan+ed streets *itted with *otholes .,ll
o. stagnant water. The whole neighbo,rhood was dar+ and deserted.
3t long last) word rea0hed the head-,arters o. the Ti/esa2ing Ban+ that Mo/o had been
<Ix0ellent)< said the d,ty o..i0er. <5a2e yo, ta+en her into 0,stody =<
<?o) she disa**eared be.ore we 0o,ld nab her - she see/ed to 2anish .ro/ the .a0e o. the
earth. 6e:2e lost tra0+ o. her again.<
<5ow did it ha**en =<
<'. only we +new C There:s so/ething .ishy going on.<
<6here was she when yo, sighted her =<
<That:s the odd thing. 4he was in a *art o. the 0ity 0o/*letely ,n+nown to ,s.<
<There:s no s,0h *la0e)< said the d,ty o..i0er.
<There /,st be. 't see/s to be - how shall ' *,t it = - right on the 2ery edge o. ti/e) and the
girl was heading that way.<
<6hat =< yel*ed the d,ty o..i0er. <3.ter her again C >o,:2e got to 0at0h her be.ore she gets
there - at all 0osts) is that 0lear =<
<Fnderstood) sir)< 0a/e the ashen-2oi0ed answer.
Mo/o /ight al/ost ha2e i/agined that day was brea+ing) ex0e*t that the strange glow
a**eared so s,ddenly - j,st as they t,rned a 0orner) to be exa0t. 't wasn:t dar+ any /ore) nor
was it light) nor did the glow rese/ble the hal.-light o. dawn or d,s+. 't was a radian0e that
o,tlined e2ery obje0t with ,nnat,ral 0ris*ness and 0larity) yet it see/ed to 0o/e .ro/
nowhere - or rather) .ro/ e2erywhere at on0e. The long) bla0+ shadows 0ast by e2erything)
e2en the tiniest *ebble) ran in all dire0tions as i. the tree o2er there were lit .ro/ the le.t) the
b,ilding o2er there .ro/ the right) the /on,/ent o2er there .ro/ dead ahead.
The /on,/ent) i. that was what it was) loo+ed weird eno,gh in itsel.. 't 0onsisted o. a big
s-,are blo0+ o. bla0+ stone s,r/o,nted by a giganti0 white egg) nothing /ore.
The ho,ses) too) were ,nli+e any Mo/o had e2er seen) with da;;ling white walls and
windows 0loa+ed in shadows so dar+ and dense that it was i/*ossible to tell whether anyone
li2ed inside. 4o/ehow) tho,gh) Mo/o sensed that these ho,ses hadn:t been b,ilt .or *eo*le
to li2e in) b,t .or so/e /ysterio,s and -,ite di..erent *,r*ose.
The streets were 0o/*letely e/*ty) not only o. *eo*le b,t o. dogs and 0ats and birds and
0ars. ?ot a /o2e/ent or breath o. wind dist,rbed the ,tter stillness. The whole distri0t /ight
ha2e been en0ased in glass.
3ltho,gh the tortoise was *lodding along /ore slowly than e2er) Mo/o again .o,nd hersel.
/ar2elling at their rate o. *rogress.
Beyond the borders o. this strange *art o. town) where it was still night-ti/e) three s/art gray
li/o,sines 0a/e ra0ing down the *otholed street with headlights bla;ing. Ia0h was /anned
by se2eral agents) and one o. the/) who was in the leading 0ar) 0a,ght sight o. Mo/o j,st
as she t,rned into the street with the white ho,ses and the ,nearthly glow 0o/ing .ro/ it.
6hen they rea0hed the 0orner) howe2er) so/ething -,ite in0o/*rehensible ha**enedE the
0on2oy 0a/e to a s,dden sto*. The dri2ers ste**ed on their a00elerators. Ingines roared
and wheels s*,n) b,t the 0ars the/sel2es re.,sed to b,dge. They /ight ha2e been on
a 0on2eyor belt tra2elling at exa0tly the sa/e s*eed b,t in the o**osite dire0tion) and the
/ore they a00elerated the .aster it went. By the ti/e the /en in gray gras*ed the tr,th)
Mo/o was al/ost o,t o. sight. 8,rsing) they j,/*ed o,t and tried to o2erta+e her on .oot.
They s*rinted hard) gri/a0ing with rage and exertion) b,t /,0h the sa/e thing ha**ened.
6hen they were .inally 0o/*elled to gi2e ,*) they had 0o2ered a /ere ten yards. Meanwhile)
Mo/o had disa**eared a/ong the snow-white ho,ses and was nowhere to be seen.
<That:s that)< said one o. the /en in gray. <'t:s no ,se) we:ll ne2er 0at0h her now.<
<6hy were we rooted to the s*ot =< de/anded another. <' j,st don:t ,nderstand it.<
<?either do ')< said the .irst. <The only -,estion is) will they ta+e that into o,r .a2o,r when
we 0o/e ba0+ e/*ty-handed =<
<>o, /ean they /ay *,t ,s on trial =<
<6ell) they 0ertainly won:t gi2e ,s a *at on the ba0+.<
3ll the agents loo+ed down0ast. 9er0hing on the wings and b,/*ers o. their gray li/o,sines)
they brooded on the *ri0e o. .ail,re. There was no *oint in h,rrying) not now.
Har) .ar away by this ti/e) so/ewhere in the /a;e o. deserted) snow-white streets and
s-,ares) Mo/o 0ontin,ed to .ollow the tortoise. @es*ite their leis,rely *rogress) or be0a,se
o. it) the streets and b,ildings see/ed to .lash *ast in a white bl,r. The tortoise t,rned yet
another 0orner and Mo/o) .ollowing 0lose behind) sto**ed short in a/a;e/ent. The street
ahead o. the/ was ,nli+e all the rest.
't was really /ore o. an alleyway than a street. The 0lose-*a0+ed b,ildings on either side
were a /ass o. little t,rrets) gables and bal0onies. They rese/bled dainty glass *ala0es
whi0h) a.ter lying on the sea bed sin0e ti/e o,t o. /ind) had s,ddenly risen to the s,r.a0e.
@ra*ed in seaweed and en0r,sted with barna0les and 0oral) they shi//ered gently with all
the irides0ent) rainbow h,es o. /other-o.-*earl.
The narrow street ended in a ho,se deta0hed .ro/ all the others and standing at right angles
to the/. 'ts big bron;e .ront door was ri0hly de0orated with orna/ental .ig,res.
Mo/o glan0ed ,* at the street sign i//ediately abo2e her. 't was a slab o. white /arble and
on it) in gold lettering) were the words ?IAI7 (3?I.
3ltho,gh she had ta+en only a se0ond or two to loo+ at the sign and read it) the tortoise was
already .ar ahead and had al/ost rea0hed the ho,se at the end o. the lane.
<6ait .or /e) Tortoise C< she 0alled) b,t .or so/e strange reason she 0o,ldn:t hear her own
The tortoise see/ed to ha2e heard) tho,gh) be0a,se it *a,sed and loo+ed aro,nd. Mo/o
tried to .ollow) b,t no sooner had she set o.. down ?e2er (ane than a 0,rio,s sensation
gri**ed her. 4he .elt as i. she were toiling ,*strea/ against a /ighty torrent or battling with
an ina,dible te/*est that threatened to blow her ba0+wards. Bent al/ost do,ble) she bra0ed
her body against the /ysterio,s .or0e) ha,ling hersel. along hand o2er hand or 0rawling
on all .o,rs.
4he 0o,ld j,st /a+e o,t the little .ig,re o. the tortoise waiting *atiently at the end o. the lane.
<':/ getting nowhere C< she 0alled at last. <5el* /e) 0an:t yo, =<
4lowly the tortoise retra0ed its ste*s. 6hen it 0a/e to a halt in .ront o. her) its shell bore the
.ollowing ad2i0eE 63(B B38B637@4.
Mo/o tried it. 4he t,rned aro,nd and wal+ed ba0+wards) and all at on0e she was
*rogressing ,* the lane with the ,t/ost ease. 3t the sa/e ti/e) so/ething /ost *e0,liar
ha**ened to her. 6hile wal+ing ba0+wards) she was also thin+ing) breathing and .eeling
ba0+wards - li2ing ba0+wards) in .a0t.
3t length she b,/*ed into so/ething solid. T,rning) she .o,nd she was standing o,tside the
last ho,se o. all) the one that stood at right angles to the rest. 4he ga2e a little start be0a,se)
seen at this range) the ornate bron;e door loo+ed enor/o,s.
<' wonder i. ':ll e2er get it o*en)< she tho,ght) b,t at that /o/ent the /assi2e door sw,ng
o*en by itsel..
4he *a,sed again) distra0ted by the sight o. another sign abo2e the door. This one) whi0h
was s,**orted by the .ig,re o. a ,ni0orn 0ar2ed in i2ory) readE ?O65I7I 5OF4I.
Be0a,se she was still rather slow at reading) the door had beg,n to 0lose again by the ti/e
she:d .inished. 4he sli**ed h,rriedly inside) and it sh,t behind her with a so,nd li+e /,..led
Mo/o .o,nd hersel. in a long) lo.ty *assage .lan+ed at reg,lar inter2als by /arble stat,es
whose a**arent .,n0tion was to s,**ort the 0eiling. There was no sign here o. the
/ysterio,s 0,rrent that *re2ailed o,tside in the lane. Mo/o .ollowed the tortoise as it
waddled ahead o. her down the long 0orridor. 3t the .ar end it sto**ed o,tside a little door
j,st big eno,gh .or Mo/o to d,0+ thro,gh.
6I:7I 5I7I) the tortoise:s shell anno,n0ed.
There was a little sign on the door. Bneeling down so that it was on a le2el with her nose)
Mo/o read the ins0ri*tion. 97OHI44O7 4I8F?@F4 M'?FTF4 5O73) it said.
4he drew a dee* breath and boldly li.ted the lat0h. 3s soon as the little door o*ened) her ears
were assailed by a /elodio,s 0hor,s o. tin+ling and 0hi/ing and ti0+ing and h,//ing and
whirring. 4he .ollowed the tortoise inside) and the lat0h 0li0+ed into *la0e behind the/.
$%E )O'E#E')E
'nn,/erable .ig,res were s0,rrying aro,nd the head-,arters o. the Ti/esa2ing Ban+) a gray-
lit labyrinth o. *assages and 0orridors) *assing on the latest news in agitated whis*ersE e2ery
/e/ber o. the dire0tional board had been s,//oned to attend an extraordinary general
4o/e s,r/ised that this *ortended a dire e/ergen0y) others that new and ,nta**ed so,r0es
o. ti/e had been dis0o2ered.
The dire0tors were already 0loseted in the boardroo/. They sat side by side at a 0on.eren0e
table so long that it see/ed to go on .ore2er) ea0h with his steel-gray brie.0ase and s/all
gray 0igar. They had re/o2ed their bowler hats .or the o00asion) and e2ery last one o. the/
had a bald head as gray as the rest o. hi/. Their /ood) i. s,0h bloodless 0reat,res 0o,ld
be said to ha2e .eelings at all) was ,ni2ersally deje0ted.
The 0hair/an rose .ro/ his *la0e at the head o. the long table. The h,/ o. 0on2ersation died
away) and two inter/inable rows o. gray .a0es t,rned towards hi/.
<Dentle/en)< he began) <the sit,ation is gra2e. ' .eel bo,nd to a0-,aint yo, at on0e with the
,n*alatable b,t ines0a*able .a0ts o. the /atter.
<I2ery a2ailable agent was assigned to h,nt down the girl na/ed Mo/o. This o*eration
lasted a total o. six ho,rs) thirteen /in,tes and eight se0onds. 6hile engaged on it) all the
said agents were ine2itably 0o/*elled to negle0t the tr,e *,r*ose o. their existen0e) na/ely)
ti/e-gathering. To this loss o. re2en,e /,st be added the ti/e ex*ended d,ring the /anh,nt
by o,r agents the/sel2es. 300,rate 0o/*,tations dis0lose that the s,/ o. these two debit
entries a/o,nts to three billion) se2en h,ndred and thirty-eight /illion) two h,ndred and .i.ty-
nine tho,sand) one h,ndred and .o,rteen se0onds.
<That) gentle/en) is /ore than a whole h,/an li.eti/e. ' need hardly tell yo, what s,0h
a de.i0it /eans to ,s.<
5ere he *ointed dra/ati0ally to a h,ge steel door) bristling with 0o/bination lo0+s and sa.ety
de2i0es) set in the wall at the .ar end o. the boardroo/.
<O,r reser2es o. ti/e are not inexha,stible) gentle/en)< he *,rs,ed in a lo,der 2oi0e. <'. the
/anh,nt had *aid o..) well and good. 3s it is) we wasted ti/e to no *,r*ose. The girl el,ded
<There /,st be no re*etition o. this disastro,s a..air. ' shall strongly o**ose any /ore s,0h
ti/e-0ons,/ing o*erations .ro/ now on. Ti/e /,st be sa2ed) not s-,andered. ' wo,ld
there.ore ,rge yo, to .ra/e yo,r .,t,re *lans a00ordingly. That is all ' ha2e to say)
gentle/en. Than+ yo, .or yo,r attention.<
5e sat down) blowing o,t a dense 0lo,d o. s/o+e. 3gitated whis*ers ran the length o. the
Then) at the other end o. the table) a se0ond s*ea+er rose to his .eet. I2ery head t,rned
in his dire0tion.
<Dentle/en)< he said) <we all ha2e the interests o. the Ti/esa2ing Ban+ at heart. 5owe2er)
' .ind it -,ite ,nne0essary .or ,s to 2iew this a..air with alar/) still less to regard it as
a 0atastro*he. ?othing 0o,ld be .,rther .ro/ the tr,th. 6e all +now that o,r reser2es o. ti/e
are so i//ense that o,r *osition wo,ld not be endangered) e2en by a loss /any ti/es
greater than the one we ha2e j,st s,stained. 6hat is a h,/an li.eti/e) a.ter all = By o,r
standards) a /ere *in*ri0+.
<' .,lly agree with o,r 0hair/an that there /,st be no re*etition o. this in0ident. On the other
hand) nothing li+e it has e2er ha**ened be.ore) and the 0han0es o. its ha**ening again are
2ery re/ote.
<The 0hair/an was right to re*roa0h ,s .or allowing the girl to es0a*e. On the other hand) o,r
sole *,r*ose was to render her har/less) and that we ha2e s,00ess.,lly done. The 0reat,re
has disa**eared - she has .led beyond the borders o. ti/e. 6e are rid o. her) in other words.
9ersonally) ' .eel we ha2e e2ery reason to 0ongrat,late o,rsel2es.<
The se0ond s*ea+er sat down with a 0o/*la0ent s/ile. The s/attering o. a**la,se that
greeted his re/ar+s was 0,t short when a third s*ea+er rose) this ti/e .ro/ a seat hal.way
along the great table.
<' shall be brie.)< he said so,rly. <'n /y o*inion) the last s*ea+er:s soothing words were
thoro,ghly irres*onsible. This Mo/o is no ordinary 0hild. 6e all +now she *ossesses *owers
0a*able o. *resenting a serio,s threat to ,s and o,r a0ti2ities. The .a0t that no s,0h in0ident
has e2er o00,rred be.ore is no g,arantee that it won:t o00,r again. 6e /,st re/ain on o,r
g,ard. 6e /,st not rest 0ontent ,ntil the 0hild is in o,r *ower) be0a,se only then 0an we be
s,re she will ne2er har/ ,s again. 5a2ing /anaged to lea2e the real/ o. ti/e) she /ay re-
enter it at any /o/ent - and she will) yo, /ar+ /y words C<
5e sat down. The other dire0tors win0ed and bowed their heads in silen0e.
<Dentle/en)< said a .o,rth s*ea+er) who was sitting a0ross the table .ro/ the third) <*ardon
/e .or being bl,nt) b,t we:re dodging the iss,e. 6e /,st .a0e the .a0t that an alien *ower
has been /eddling in o,r b,siness. 3.ter 0are.,lly exa/ining e2ery as*e0t o. the sit,ation)
' .ind that the odds against any 0reat,re 0rossing the borders o. ti/e) ali2e and ,naided) are
*re0isely .orty-two /illion to one. 'n other words) it:s a near i/*ossibility.<
3nother b,;; o. agitation ran aro,nd the boardroo/.
<I2erything s,ggests)< the .o,rth s*ea+er 0ontin,ed) when the /,r/,rs had s,bsided) <that
so/eone helped the girl to el,de ,s. >o, all +now who ' /ean. The *erson in -,estion titles
hi/sel. 9ro.essor 5ora.<
3t the so,nd o. this na/e) /ost o. the /en in gray .lin0hed as i. they had been str,0+. Others
j,/*ed to their .eet) sho,ting and gesti0,lating.
The .o,rth s*ea+er raised his ar/s .or silen0e. <Dentle/en) gentle/en)< he 0ried) <a little
sel.-0ontrol) i. yo, *lease C ':/ well aware that any /ention o. that na/e is - well) not -,ite
*ro*er. ' ,tter it with extre/e rel,0tan0e) ' ass,re yo,) b,t we /,stn:t blind o,rsel2es to the
.a0ts. '. the girl re0ei2ed assistan0e .ro/ - .ro/ the 3.oresaid) he /,st ha2e had his reasons)
and those reasons 0annot be other than detri/ental to ,s. 'n short) gentle/en) we /,st allow
.or the *ossibility that the 3.oresaid /ay not only send the girl ba0+ b,t ar/ her against ,s in
so/e way. 4he will then be a /ortal danger to ,s. 6e /,st there.ore be *re*ared not /erely
to sa0ri.i0e another h,/an li.eti/e or li.eti/es. ?o) gentle/en) in the last resort we /,st
sta+e e2erything we *ossess - ' re*eat) e2erything C - be0a,se) i. the worst ha**ens) thri.t
0o,ld s*ell o,r destr,0tion. ' thin+ yo, +now what ':/ getting at.<
The dire0tors: agitation /o,nted) and they all started tal+ing at on0e. 3 s*ea+er j,/*ed
on to his 0hair and wa2ed his ar/s wildly.
<G,iet C< he bellowed. <'t:s all 2ery well .or the last s*ea+er to hint at a host o. dire
*ossibilities) b,t he ob2io,sly doesn:t +now how to deal with the/ hi/sel.. 5e says we /,st
be *re*ared .or any sa0ri.i0eE well and good. 6e /,st sto* at nothingE well and good.
6e /,stn:t stint o,r reso,r0esE well and good. B,t these are j,st e/*ty words. (et hi/ tell
,s what *ra0ti0al ste*s to ta+e. ?one o. ,s +nows how the 3.oresaid will ar/ the girl against
,s. 6e shall be 0on.ronted by a wholly ,n+nown dangerE that:s the *roble/ we ha2e
to sol2e C<
The boardroo/ was in ,*roar now. 4o/e o. the dire0tors sho,ted in0oherently) others
dr,//ed on the table with their .ists) others b,ried their heads in their hands. 3ll were
o2er0o/e with *ani0. 3 sixth s*ea+er stro2e hard to /a+e hi/sel. heard abo2e the din.
<Dentle/en) *lease C< he +e*t re*eating in a soothing 2oi0e ,ntil *ea0e was .inally restored.
<' i/*lore yo, to ta+e a 0al/ and 0o//onsense 2iew o. this /atter. I2en ass,/ing that the
girl 0o/es ba0+ .ro/ the 3.oresaid) and e2en ass,/ing that he ar/s her against ,s in so/e
way) there will be absol,tely no need .or ,s to do battle with her o,rsel2es. 6e aren:t
*arti0,larly well-e-,i**ed .or s,0h a 0on.rontation) as the la/entable .ate o. o,r late
e/*loyee) 3gent ?o. B(6K""3K0) has so a/*ly de/onstrated. B,t that won:t be ne0essary.
6e ha2e h,/an a00o/*li0es in *lenty) gentle/en. 9ro2ided we /a+e dis0reet and s+il.,l
,se o. the/) we shall be able to dis*ose o. the girl Mo/o and the threat she re*resents
witho,t e2er ha2ing to inter2ene in *erson. 4,0h a /ethod o. *ro0ed,re wo,ld) ' .eel s,re)
be not only e0ono/i0al b,t sa.e and highly e..e0ti2e.<
3 sigh o. relie. went ,* .ro/ the asse/bled throng. The dire0tors .o,nd this a sensible
s,ggestion and wo,ld *robably ha2e ado*ted it on the s*ot had not the .loor been 0lai/ed
by so/eone seated near the head o. the table.
<Dentle/en)< he began) <we +ee* debating how best to get rid o. the girl Mo/o. O,r /oti2e
- let:s be honest - is .ear) b,t .ear is a bad 0o,nsellor. ' .eel we:re /issing a golden
o**ort,nity - a ,ni-,e o**ort,nity. There:s a sayingE '. yo, 0an:t beat :e/) join :e/. 6ell) why
sho,ldn:t we *ers,ade the girl to join us - 6hy not get her on o,r side =<
<5ear) hear C< 0ried a n,/ber o. 2oi0es. <Do on C<
<'t see/s 0lear)< the se2enth s*ea+er 0ontin,ed) <that this 0hild has .o,nd her way to the
3.oresaid) in other words) she got there 2ia the ro,te that has el,ded ,s .or so long. '. she
0an .ind it again) as she *robably 0an) with ease) she 0an lead ,s there. 6e shall then
be able to deal with the 3.oresaid in o,r own way - 2ery s*eedily) too) ' .eel s,re.
<On0e that is done) we need no longer toil at gathering ti/e by the ho,r) /in,te and se0ond
- no) gentle/en) be0a,se we shall ha2e 0a*t,red /an+ind:s whole store o. ti/e at a stro+e)
and *ossessing the whole o. ti/e /eans wielding absol,te *ower. J,st thin+) gentle/enE
we shall ha2e attained o,r goal) and all be0a,se o. the girl yo, *ro*ose to eli/inate C<
3 deathly h,sh had des0ended on the boardroo/.
<That:s all 2ery well)< *rotested so/eone) <b,t yo, +now it:s i/*ossible to lie to the girl.
7e/e/ber what ha**ened to 3gent ?o. B(6K""3K0. 6e:d all end ,* li+e hi/.<
<6ho said anything abo,t lying to her =< retorted the se2enth s*ea+er. <6e:d tell her all abo,t
o,r *lan) nat,rally.<
<Then she:d ne2er go along with it)< the s0e*ti0 *ersisted. <The whole idea:s *re*ostero,s.<
<@on:t be too s,re) /y .riend)< a ninth s*ea+er bro+e in. <6e:d ha2e to /a+e her a te/*ting
*ro*osition. Hor instan0e) we 0o,ld *ro/ise her as /,0h ti/e as she wants.<
<3nd brea+ o,r *ro/ise later) o. 0o,rse)< said the s0e*ti0.
The ninth s*ea+er ga2e an i0y s/ile. <O. 0o,rse not)< he said. <'. we didn:t /ean what
we said) she:d sense it at on0e.<
<?o) no C< 0ried the 0hair/an) banging the table. <' 0o,ldn:t agree to that. '. we really ga2e her
all the ti/e she wanted it wo,ld 0ost ,s a .ort,ne.<
<5ardly that)< the ninth s*ea+er said blandly. <5ow /,0h ti/e 0an one 0hild 0ons,/e) a.ter
all = Tr,e) it wo,ld be a /inor drain on o,r reso,r0es) b,t thin+ what we:d be getting
in ret,rnE the ti/e o. e2eryone else in the world C Mo/o wo,ld 0ons,/e 2ery little) and the
little she did 0ons,/e wo,ld si/*ly ha2e to be 0harged to o2erheads. 8onsider the
ad2antages) gentle/en C<
The ninth s*ea+er res,/ed his seat while e2eryone weighed the *ros and 0ons.
<3ll the sa/e)< the sixth s*ea+er said e2ent,ally) <it wo,ldn:t wor+.<
<6hy not =<
<Hor the si/*le reason) ':/ that the girl already *ossesses all the ti/e she wants.
There:d be no *oint in trying to bribe her with so/ething she has *lenty o..<
<Then we:d ha2e to de*ri2e her o. it .irst)< the ninth s*ea+er re*lied.
<6e:re tal+ing in 0ir0les)< the 0hair/an said wearily. <The 0hild:s beyond o,r rea0h) that:s the
whole tro,ble.<
3 sigh o. disa**oint/ent ran the length o. the boardroo/ table.
<May ' 2ent,re a s,ggestion =< as+ed a tenth s*ea+er.
The .loor is yo,rs)< said the 0hair/an.
The tenth s*ea+er ga2e the 0hair/an a little bow be.ore *ro0eeding. <This girl)< he said) <is
.ond o. her .riends. 4he lo2es de2oting her ti/e to others. 6hat wo,ld be0o/e o. her i. there
were no one le.t to share it with her = '. she won:t assist ,s o. her own .ree will) we /,st
0on0entrate on her .riends instead.<
5e *rod,0ed a .older .ro/ his brie.0ase and .li**ed it o*en. <The *rin0i*al *ersons
0on0erned are na/ed as Be**o 7oadswee*er and D,ido D,ide. ' also ha2e here a list o. the
0hildren who *ay her reg,lar 2isits. ' s,ggest we si/*ly l,re these *eo*le away) so she 0an:t
get in to,0h with the/. 6hat will Mo/o:s ab,ndan0e o. ti/e a/o,nt to when she:s all on her
own = 3 b,rden - a *ositi2e 0,rse C 4ooner or later she won:t be able to stand it any /ore)
and when that ti/e 0o/es) gentle/en) we shall *resent her with o,r ter/s. ':ll wager
a tho,sand years to a /i0rose0ond that she:ll show ,s the way) j,st to get her .riends ba0+.<
@own0ast till now) the /en in gray raised their heads. I2ery .a0e bro+e into a thin-li**ed
s/ile o. tri,/*h) e2ery *air o. hands a**la,ded. The so,nd re2erberated along the
inter/inable *assages and 0orridors li+e an a2alan0he o. stones rattling down
a /o,ntainside.
'O(%E#E %O;*E
Mo/o was standing in the biggest roo/ she:d e2er seen. 't was bigger than the biggest
0athedral or 0on0ert hall in the world. Massi2e 0ol,/ns s,**orted a roo. that 0o,ld
be sensed rather than seen in the gloo/ .ar abo2e. There were no windows anywhere. The
golden light that wo2e its way a0ross this i//ense hall 0a/e .ro/ 0o,ntless 0andles whose
.la/es b,rned so steadily that they loo+ed li+e da,bs o. brilliant *aint re-,iring no wax at all
to +ee* the/ alight.
The tho,sand.old whirring and ti0+ing and h,//ing and 0hi/ing that Mo/o had heard
on entering 0a/e .ro/ inn,/erable 0lo0+s o. e2ery sha*e and si;e. They re*osed on long
tables) in glass 0abinets) on golden wall bra0+ets) on endless rows o. shel2es.
There were dainty) bejewelled *o0+et wat0hes) 0hea* tin alar/ 0lo0+s) ho,rglasses) /,si0al
0lo0+s with *iro,etting dolls on to*) s,ndials) 0lo0+s en0ased in wood and /arble) glass
0lo0+s and 0lo0+s dri2en by jets o. water. On the walls h,ng all /anner o. 0,0+oo 0lo0+s and
other 0lo0+s with weights and *end,l,/s) so/e swinging slowly and /ajesti0ally and others
wagging b,sily to and .ro. 3ll aro,nd the roo/ at .irst-.loor le2el ran a gallery rea0hed by
a s*iral stair0ase. 5igher still was another gallery) and abo2e it another) and abo2e that yet
8lo0+s were standing or hanging where2er Mo/o loo+ed - not only 0on2entional 0lo0+s b,t
s*heri0al ti/e*ie0es showing what ti/e it was anywhere in the world) and sidereal 0lo0+s)
large and s/all) 0o/*lete with s,n) /oon and stars. 3rrayed in the /iddle o. the hall were
0o,ntless bigger 0lo0+s - a .orest o. 0lo0+s) as it were - ranging .ro/ gran.ather 0lo0+s to .,ll-
si;e 0h,r0h 0lo0+s.
?ot a /o/ent *assed b,t one o. these inn,/erable ti/e*ie0es str,0+ or 0hi/ed so/ewhere
or other) .or ea0h o. the/ showed a di..erent ti/e. Har .ro/ o..ending she ear) they 0o/bined
to *rod,0e a so,nd as *leasant and har/onio,s as the r,stle o. lea2es in a wood
in s*ringti/e.
Mo/o roa/ed .ro/ *la0e to *la0e) ga;ing wide-eyed at all these 0,riosities. 4he had *a,sed
beside a la2ishly orna/ented 0lo0+ on whi0h two tiny dan0ers) a /an and a wo/an) were
standing with hands entwined) and was j,st abo,t to *rod the/ to see i. they wo,ld /o2e)
when she heard a .riendly 2oi0e behind her. <3h) so yo,:re ba0+) 8assio*eia)< it said. <@id
yo, bring Mo/o with yo, =<
T,rning) Mo/o loo+ed along an a2en,e between the grand.ather 0lo0+s and saw a .rail old
/an with sil2ery hair stoo*ing o2er the tortoise. 5e was wearing a gold-e/broidered .ro0+
0oat) bl,e-sil+ +nee bree0hes) white hose and shoes with big gold b,0+les. (a0e .rothed .ro/
the 0,..s and 0ollar o. his 0oat) and his sil2er hair was braided into a *igtail at the ba0+.
Mo/o had ne2er seen s,0h a 0ost,/e be.ore) tho,gh anyone less ignorant wo,ld at on0e
ha2e re0ogni;ed it as the height o. .ashion two 0ent,ries earlier.
<6ell)< said the old gentle/an) still bending o2er the tortoise) <is she here = 6here is she)
then =<
5e donned a s/all *air o. eyeglasses li+e old Be**o:s) ex0e*t that these were gold-ri//ed)
and *eered abo,t hi/.
<5ere ' a/ C< 0alled Mo/o.
The old gentle/an 0a/e towards her with a bea/ing s/ile) both hands extended) and the
nearer he drew the yo,nger he see/ed to be0o/e. By the ti/e he had rea0hed Me/o:s
side) sei;ed her hands and sha+en the/ 0ordially) he loo+ed little older than hersel..
<6el0o/e)< he said delightedly) <- wel0o/e to ?owhere 5o,se. 9er/it /e to introd,0e
/ysel.) Mo/o. My na/e is 5ora) 9ro.essor 4e0,nd,s Min,t,s 5ora.<
<6ere yo, really ex*e0ting /e =< Mo/o as+ed in s,r*rise.
<B,t o. 0o,rse. 6hy else wo,ld ' ha2e sent 8assio*eia to .et0h yo, =< 5e *rod,0ed
a dia/ond-st,dded .ob wat0h .ro/ his *o0+et and .li**ed the lid o*en. <'n .a0t) yo,:re
,n0o//only *,n0t,al)< he said with a s/ile) holding o,t the wat0h .or her ins*e0tion.
There were no hands or n,/erals on the wat0h .a0e) Mo/o saw) j,st two 2ery .ine
s,*eri/*osed s*irals rotating slowly in o**osite dire0tions. I2ery now and then) /in,te dots
o. light a**eared where the s*irals interse0ted.
<This wat0h)< said 9ro.essor 5ora) <is +nown as a 0risi/ogra*h. 't a00,rately re0ords 0rises
in the history o. /an+ind) and one o. these rare o00,rren0es has j,st beg,n.<
<6hat:s a 0risis =< as+ed Mo/o.
<'t:s li+e this)< the *ro.essor ex*lained. <3t 0ertain j,n0t,res in the 0o,rse o. existen0e) ,ni-,e
/o/ents o00,r when e2eryone and e2erything) e2en the /ost distant stars) 0o/bine to bring
abo,t so/ething that 0o,ld not ha2e ha**ened be.ore and will ne2er ha**en again. Hew
*eo*le +now how to ta+e ad2antage o. these 0riti0al /o/ents) ,n.ort,nately) and they o.ten
*ass ,nnoti0ed. 6hen so/eone does re0ogni;e the/) howe2er) great things ha**en in the
<9erha*s one needs a wat0h li+e yo,rs to re0ogni;e the/ by)< said Mo/o.
9ro.essor 5ora s/iled and shoo+ his head. <?o) /y 0hild) the wat0h by itsel. wo,ld be no ,se
to anyone. >o, ha2e to +now how to read it as well.< 5e sna**ed the wat0h sh,t and
re*la0ed it in his *o0+et. Then) noti0ing Me/o:s ill-0on0ealed s,r*rise at his *ersonal
a**earan0e) he loo+ed down at hi/sel. and .rowned. <3h)< he said) <you /ay be *,n0t,al)
b,t % see/ to be rather behind the ti/es - in .ashion) ' /ean. 5ow ,nobser2ant o. /e. ' /,st
*,t that right at on0e.<
3nd he 0li0+ed his .ingers. 'n a .lash) his 0ost,/e 0hanged to a bla0+ .ro0+ 0oat) sto2e*i*e
tro,sers and a stand-,* 0ollar.
<'s that any better =< he in-,ired do,bt.,lly) b,t Mo/o:s loo+ o. astonish/ent was answer
eno,gh in itsel.. <?o) o. 0o,rse not)< he went on -,i0+ly. <6hat am ' thin+ing o. C<
3nother 0li0+ o. the .ingers) and he instantly a**eared in an o, the li+e o. whi0h Mo/o had
ne2er seen. ?or had anyone else) sin0e it dated .ro/ a h,ndred years in the .,t,re.
<4till no good =< he as+ed. <?e2er /ind) ':ll get it right in the end.< 3nd he 0li0+ed his .ingers
a third ti/e. 3t long last) he stood there attired in an ordinary s,it o. the +ind /en wear today.
<That:s /ore li+e it) eh =< he said) eyes twin+ling. <' ho*e ' didn:t alar/ yo,) Mo/o - it was
j,st a little jo+e o. /ine. B,t now) /y girl) 0o/e with /e. >o,:2e a long jo,rney behind yo,)
and ':/ s,re yo,:d enjoy a hearty brea+.ast.<
5e too+ her by the hand and led her o.. into the 0lo0+ .orest with the tortoise .ollowing at their
heels. 3.ter twisting and t,rning li+e a /a;e) the *ath e2ent,ally 0a/e o,t in a s/all roo/
whose walls 0onsisted o. giganti0 grand.ather 0lo0+s. 'n one 0orner stood a bow-legged
table) and beside it a dainty little so.a and so/e /at0hing ar/0hairs. 5ere as elsewhere)
e2erything was bathed in the golden glow o. a /yriad /otionless 0andle .la/es.
4et o,t on the table were a *ot-bellied j,g and two s/all 0,*s) together with *lates) s*oons
and +ni2es - all o. solid) glea/ing gold. There were also two little dishes) one 0ontaining
golden-yellow b,tter) the other honey li+e li-,id gold) and a bas+et *iled high with 0r,sty)
golden-brown rolls. 9ro.essor 5ora .illed both 0,*s with hot 0ho0olate .ro/ the *ot-bellied j,g
and /ade a gest,re o. in2itation.
<There) little Mo/o) *lease t,0+ in.<
Mo/o needed no se0ond bidding. 8ho0olate yo, 0o,ld drin+ she:d ne2er heard o. be.ore.
3s .or rolls s*read with b,tter and honey) they were a rare deli0a0y) and these rolls tasted
/ore deli0io,s than any she:d eaten in her li.e. 8o/*letely wra**ed ,* in her wonder.,l
brea+.ast) she .easted on it with her 0hee+s b,lging and her /ind de2oid o. e2ery other
tho,ght. 3ltho,gh she hadn:t sle*t a win+ all night long) the .ood banished her weariness and
/ade her .eel .resh and li2ely. The /ore she ate) the better it tasted. 4he .elt as i. she 0o,ld
ha2e gone on eating li+e this .or days on end.
9ro.essor 5ora) who wat0hed her bene2olently) was ta0t.,l eno,gh not to 0,t short her
enjoy/ent too soon by engaging in 0on2ersation. 5e reali;ed that his g,est had years
o. h,nger to /a+e ,* .or. 9erha*s this was why) while wat0hing her) he grad,ally loo+ed
older and older ,ntil he be0a/e a white-haired old gentle/an again. 6hen he noti0ed that
Mo/o wasn:t too handy with a +ni.e) he s*read the rolls .or her and *,t the/ on her *late.
5e hi/sel. ate little - j,st eno,gh to +ee* her 0o/*any.
3t last) e2en Mo/o 0o,ld eat no /ore. 4he dran+ ,* her 0ho0olate) st,dying her host o2er
the ri/ o. the golden 0,* and wondering who or what he 0o,ld *ossibly be. 5e was
no ordinary *erson) that /,0h was ob2io,s) b,t all she really +new abo,t hi/ so .ar was his
na/e. 4he *,t her 0,* down and 0leared her throat.
<6hy did yo, send the tortoise to .et0h /e =<
<To *rote0t yo, .ro/ the /en in gray)< 9ro.essor 5ora re*lied gra2ely. <They:re sear0hing .or
yo, e2erywhere) and yo,:re only sa.e .ro/ the/ here with /e.<
Mo/o loo+ed startled. <>o, /ean they want to h,rt /e =<
<>es) /y 0hild)< the *ro.essor sighed) <in a /anner o. s*ea+ing.<
<B,t why =<
<Be0a,se they:re o. yo, - be0a,se no one 0o,ld ha2e done the/ greater har/.<
<' ha2en:t done anything to the/)< Mo/o *rotested.
<Oh) yes yo, ha2e. >o, not only *ers,aded one o. the/ to betray hi/sel.) yo, told yo,r
.riends abo,t hi/. 6hat:s /ore) yo, and yo,r .riends tried to broad0ast the tr,th abo,t the
/en in gray. 'sn:t that eno,gh to /a+e yo, their /ortal ene/y =<
<B,t we wal+ed right thro,gh the 0ity) the tortoise and ')< Mo/o said. <'. they were sear0hing
.or /e e2erywhere) they 0o,ld easily ha2e 0a,ght ,s. 6e weren:t going .ast.<
The tortoise had stationed hersel. at the *ro.essor:s .eet. 5e too+ her on his la* and ti0+led
her ,nder the 0hin. <6ell) 8assio*eia)< he said with a s/ile) <what:s yo,r o*inion = *ould
they ha2e 0a,ght yo, =<
The word ?IAI7 C a**eared li+e lightning on 8assio*eia:s shell) and the letters .li0+ered
so /errily that Mo/o al/ost tho,ght she dete0ted a dry little 0h,0+le.
<The thing is)< said the *ro.essor) <8assio*eia 0an see into the .,t,re. ?ot .ar - j,st hal.
an ho,r) or thereabo,ts - b,t still.<
8O77I8T'O? C .lashed the shell.
<9ardon /e)< said the *ro.essor) <' sho,ld ha2e said hal. an ho,r precisely. 4he +nows .or
0ertain what will ha**en in the next thirty /in,tes) li+e whether or not she:s going to b,/*
into the /en in gray) .or instan0e.<
<My goodness)< ex0lai/ed Mo/o) <how ,se.,l C 4o i. she +new in ad2an0e she:d /eet the
/en in gray at s,0h and s,0h a s*ot) wo,ld she si/*ly ta+e a di..erent ro,te =<
<?o)< 9ro.essor 5ora re*lied) <':/ it:s not as easy as that. 4he 0an:t ,ndo anything she
+nows in ad2an0e be0a,se she +nows what is a0t,ally going to ha**en. '. she +new she was
going to /eet the /en in gray at a 0ertain s*ot) she:d /eet the/ there. 4he:d be *owerless
to *re2ent it.<
Mo/o:s .a0e .ell. <' don:t ,nderstand)< she said. <'n that 0ase) there:s no ad2antage
in +nowing anything in ad2an0e a.ter all.<
<There is so/eti/es)< said the *ro.essor. <'n yo,r 0ase) .or exa/*le) she +new yo, were
going to ta+e a 0ertain ro,te and not /eet any /en in gray. That was an ad2antage) wasn:t
it =<
Mo/o didn:t re*ly. 5er tho,ghts were as tangled as a s+ein o. wool.
<B,t to ret,rn to yo, and yo,r .riends)< the *ro.essor went on. <' /,st 0ongrat,late yo,. >o,r
*osters and *la0ards were /ost i/*ressi2e.<
<>o, /ean yo, read the/ =< Mo/o as+ed delightedly.
<I2ery last word)< the *ro.essor ass,red her.
<?obody else did) .ro/ the loo+ o. it)< said Mo/o.
The *ro.essor nodded sy/*atheti0ally. <':/ not. The /en in gray saw to that.<
<@o yo, +now the/ well =< Mo/o as+ed.
5e nodded again and sighed. <3s well as they +now /e)< he said.
Mo/o didn:t +now what to /a+e o. this re*ly. <@o yo, o.ten go to see the/ =<
<?o) ne2er. ' ne2er set .oot o,tside this ho,se.<
<6hat abo,t the /en in gray - do they e2er 0o/e here =<
The *ro.essor s/iled. <?e2er .ear) Mo/o) they 0an:t get in. They 0o,ldn:t e2en i. they +new
the way to ?e2er (ane) whi0h they don:t.<
Mo/o tho,ght a while. Tho,gh reass,red by 9ro.essor 5ora:s re/ar+s) she was eager
to learn /ore abo,t hi/. <5ow do yo, 0o/e to +now all this)< she as+ed) <- ' /ean) abo,t o,r
*osters and the /en in gray =<
<' +ee* a 0onstant wat0h on the/ and e2erything 0onne0ted with the/)< the *ro.essor told
her) <so ':2e nat,rally been wat0hing yo, and yo,r .riends as well.<
<' tho,ght yo, said yo, ne2er le.t the ho,se.<
<':2e no need to)< said the *ro.essor) ra*idly growing yo,nger again as he s*o+e) <than+s
to /y o/ni2ision glasses.< 5e too+ o.. his little gold-ri//ed s*e0ta0les and held the/ o,t.
<6o,ld yo, 0are to try the/ =<
Mo/o *,t the/ on. <' 0an:t /a+e o,t anything at all)< she said) s0rewing ,* her eyes and
blin+ing. 3ll she 0o,ld see was a whirl o. 0olo,rs) lights and shadows. 't /ade her .eel
*ositi2ely di;;y.
<>es)< she heard the *ro.essor say) <it:s always the sa/e to begin with. 4eeing thro,gh
o/ni2ision glasses isn:t as easy as all that. >o,:ll soon get ,sed to the/) tho,gh.<
5e stood behind Mo/o:s 0hair and gently adj,sted the *osition o. the .ra/e. 3t on0e)
e2erything s*rang into .o0,s.
The .irst thing Mo/o saw was the /en in gray and their three li/o,sines on the edge o. the
distri0t where the strange white b,ildings began. They were in the *ro0ess o. *,shing their
0ars ba0+wards.
Then) loo+ing .,rther a.ield) she saw /ore gray .ig,res in the 0ity streets. They were tal+ing
and gesti0,lating ex0itedly as tho,gh *assing on in.or/ation o. so/e +ind.
<'t:s yo, they:re tal+ing abo,t)< 9ro.essor 5ora ex*lained. <They 0an:t ,nderstand how yo,
/anaged to es0a*e.<
<6hy are they all so gray in the .a0e =< Mo/o as+ed) still wat0hing the/.
<Be0a,se they .eed on dead /atter)< the *ro.essor told her. <They li2e in *eo*le:s ti/e)
as yo, +now) b,t ti/e dies - literally dies - on0e it has been wrested away .ro/ its right.,l
owners. 3ll h,/an beings ha2e their own share o. ti/e) b,t it s,r2i2es only .or as long as it
really belongs to the/.<
<4o the /en in gray aren:t h,/an =<
<?o. Their h,/an a**earan0e is only a disg,ise.<
<6hat are they) then =<
<4tri0tly s*ea+ing) they:re nothing.<
<4o where do they 0o/e .ro/ =<
<They exist only be0a,se *eo*le gi2e the/ the o**ort,nity to do so. ?at,rally) they sei;e that
o**ort,nity. ?ow that *eo*le are gi2ing the/ a 0han0e to r,le their li2es) they:re nat,rally
ta+ing ad2antage o. that too.<
<6hat wo,ld ha**en i. they 0o,ldn:t steal any /ore ti/e =<
<They:d disa**ear into thin air) whi0h is where they 0o/e .ro/.< 9ro.essor 5ora too+ his
glasses ba0+ and *o0+eted the/. <Fn.ort,nately)< he 0ontin,ed a.ter a *a,se) <they already
ha2e *lenty o. h,/an a00o/*li0es. That:s the worst *art.<
<6ell) nobody:s going to steal any o. my ti/e)< Mo/o said sto,tly.
<' sho,ld ho*e not)< said the *ro.essor. Hro/ one /o/ent to the next) he loo+ed li+e an old
/an again. <8o/e along) Mo/o) ' want to show yo, /y 0olle0tion.<
Ta+ing her by the hand) he led her ba0+ into the great hall) where he showed her all sorts
o. ti/e*ie0es and /ade the/ 0hi/e .or her) ex*lained the wor+ings o. his sidereal 0lo0+s)
and grad,ally) ,nder the in.l,en0e o. his little 2isitor:s ob2io,s delight in all these /ar2els)
grew yo,nger again.
<Tell /e)< he said as they wal+ed on) <do yo, li+e riddles =<
<Oh yes) 2ery /,0h)< Mo/o said eagerly. <@o yo, +now any =<
<>es)< said 9ro.essor 5ora) s/iling at her) <' +now a real teaser. Aery .ew *eo*le 0an sol2e
<3ll the better)< Mo/o said. <':ll /a+e a s*e0ial note o. it) so ' 0an try it o,t on /y .riends.<
The *ro.essor:s s/ile broadened. <' 0an:t wait to see i. yo, 0an sol2e it. (isten 0are.,llyE
#ll dwelling in one house are strange brothers three,
as unlike as any three brothers could be,
yet try as you may to tell brother from brother,
you'll find that the trio resemble each other.
The first isn't there, though he'll come beyond doubt.
The second's departed, so he's not about.
The third and the smallest is right on the spot,
and manage without him the others could not.
3et the third is a factor with which to be reckoned
because the first brother turns into the second.
3ou cannot stand back and observe number three,
for one of the others is all you will see.
1o tell me, my child, are the three of them one -
/r are there but two - /r could there be none -
)ust name them, and you will at once reali!e
that each rules a kingdom of infinite si!e.
They rule it together and are it as well.
%n that, they're alike, so where, do they dwell -"
9ro.essor 5ora ga2e Mo/o an en0o,raging nod. Than+s to her ex0ellent /e/ory) she was
able to re*eat the whole rhy/e word .or word. 4he did so) slowly and 0are.,lly) then sighed.
<9hew C< she said. That:s a really hard one. ':2e no idea what the answer 0o,ld be. ' don:t
e2en +now where to start.<
<J,st try)< said the *ro.essor.
Mo/o re0ited the riddle again ,nder her breath. Hinally) she shoo+ her head. <'t:s no ,se)<
she said.
The tortoise) whi0h had now rejoined the/ and was seated at the *ro.essor:s .eet) had been
wat0hing Mo/o intently.
<6ell) 8assio*eia)< said the *ro.essor) <yo, +now e2erything hal. an ho,r in ad2an0e. 6ill
Mo/o sol2e the riddle or won:t she =<
8assio*eia:s shell lit ,*. 45I 6'(( C it s*elled o,t.
<>o, see =< the *ro.essor said) t,rning to Mo/o. <>o, are going to sol2e it. 8assio*eia has
ne2er been wrong yet.<
Mo/o +nit her brow and ra0+ed her brains on0e /ore. 6ho were these three brothers that all
li2ed in the sa/e ho,se = They ob2io,sly weren:t brothers in the ,s,al sense. 'n riddles)
<brothers< always /eant grains o. sand or teeth or the li+e - si/ilar things) at all e2ents. B,t
these three things so/ehow t,rned into ea0h other. 6hat sort o. things 0o,ld do that =
(oo+ing aro,nd in sear0h o. ins*iration) Mo/o 0a,ght sight o. the 0andles with their
/otionless .la/es. Hire t,rned wax into light - yes) they were three <brothers<) b,t that
0o,ldn:t be the answer be0a,se they were all there at the sa/e ti/e) and two o. the/ weren:t
s,**osed to be. 6hat abo,t blosso/) .r,it and seed - 0o,ld the answer be so/ething o. that
+ind = The /ore Mo/o debated this *ossibility) the /ore *ro/ising it see/ed. The seed
was the s/allest o. the three) it was there when the other two weren:t) and the other two
0o,ldn:t exist witho,t it. B,t no) that wo,ldn:t do either. 3 seed was *er.e0tly 2isible) and the
riddle said that anyone loo+ing at the s/allest o. the three brothers always saw one o. the
other two.
Mo/o:s tho,ghts .litted hither and thither. 4he si/*ly 0o,ldn:t .ind a 0l,e that led anywhere.
4till) 8assio*eia had *redi0ted that she would sol2e the riddle) so she slowly re0ited it to
hersel. .or a third ti/e. 6hen she 0a/e to the lineE <The .irst isn:t there) tho,gh he:ll 0o/e
beyond do,bt. . .< she saw 8assio*eia gi2e her a win+. The words 653T ' B?O6 lit ,* on
her shell) b,t only .or a s*lit se0ond.
9ro.essor 5ora s/iled. <?o hel*ing) 8assio*eia)< he said) tho,gh he hadn:t been loo+ing
in her dire0tion. <Mo/o 0an wor+ it o,t all by hersel..<
Mo/o) who had seen the words) began to *onder their /eaning. 6hat was it that 8assio*eia
+new = 4he +new the riddle wo,ld be sol2ed) b,t that was no hel*.
4o what else did 8assio*eia +now = 4he always +new what was going to ha**en. 4he
+new. . .
<The .,t,re C< 0ried Mo/o. < :The .irst isn:t there) tho,gh he:ll 0o/e beyond do,bt: - that:s the
.,t,re C<
9ro.essor 5ora nodded.
< :The se0ond:s de*arted): < Mo/o went on)< :so he:s not abo,t: - that /,st be the *ast C<
The *ro.essor bea/ed at her and nodded again.
<?ow 0o/es the hard *art)< Mo/o said tho,ght.,lly. <6hat 0an the third brother be = 5e:s
the s/allest o. the three) b,t the other two 0an:t /anage witho,t hi/) and he:s the only one
at ho/e.<
3.ter another *a,se .or tho,ght) she ga2e a s,dden ex0la/ation. <O. 0o,rse C 't:s now - this
2ery /o/ent C The *ast 0onsists o. /o/ents gone by and the .,t,re o. /o/ents to 0o/e)
so neither o. the/ 0o,ld exist witho,t the *resent. That:s it C< 5er 0hee+s were glowing with
ex0ite/ent now. <B,t what does the next bit /ean = :>et the third is a .a0tor with whi0h to be
re0+oned) be0a,se the .irst brother t,rns into the se0ond. . .: ' s,**ose it /eans that the
*resent exists only be0a,se the .,t,re t,rns into the *ast.<
4he loo+ed at 9ro.essor 5ora with dawning a/a;e/ent. <>es) it:s tr,e C ':d ne2er loo+ed at it
li+e that be.ore. '. it is tr,e) tho,gh) there:s really no s,0h thing as the *resent) only *ast and
.,t,re. Ta+e this /o/ent) .or instan0eE by the ti/e ' tal+ abo,t it) it:s already in the *ast. :>o,
0annot stand ba0+ and obser2e n,/ber three) .or one o. the others is all yo, will see. . .:
' ,nderstand what that /eans now. ' ,nderstand the rest) too) be0a,se yo, 0o,ld be .orgi2en
.or thin+ing there was only one brother - the *resent) ' /ean - or only the *ast or the .,t,re.
Or none o. the/ at all) be0a,se ea0h o. the/ exists only when the others do. Dolly) it:s
eno,gh to /a+e yo,r head s*in C<
<B,t the riddle isn:t .inished yet)< said the *ro.essor. <6hat:s this +ingdo/ the brothers all r,le
together - the one they the/sel2es are =<
Mo/o loo+ed ba..led. 6hat 0o,ld it be = 6hat did *ast) *resent and .,t,re a/o,nt to) all
l,/*ed together = 4he ga;ed aro,nd the great hall) with its tho,sands ,*on tho,sands
o. 0lo0+s. 4,ddenly her .a0e lit ,*.
<Ti/e C< she 0ried) 0la**ing her hands and s+i**ing .or joy. <That:s what it isE ti/e C<
<3nd the ho,se the brothers li2e in - what wo,ld that be =<
<The world) ' s,**ose)< Mo/o re*lied.
<Bra2o C< said the *ro.essor) 0la**ing in his t,rn. <' 0ongrat,late yo,) /y girl. >o,:re really
good at sol2ing riddles. ':/ delighted.<
<Me too)< said Mo/o) se0retly wondering why he sho,ld be -,ite so *leased that she:d
sol2ed his riddle.
5e showed her /any other rare and interesting things as they res,/ed their to,r o. the
0lo0+-.illed hall) b,t the riddle 0ontin,ed to o00,*y her tho,ghts.
<Tell /e)< she said e2ent,ally) <what exa0tly is ti/e =<
<>o,:2e j,st .o,nd that o,t .or yo,rsel.)< the *ro.essor re*lied.
<?o)< she said) <' /ean ti/e itsel.. 't exists) so it /,st be something. 6hat is it really =<
The *ro.essor s/iled. <'t wo,ld be ni0e i. yo, wor+ed o,t yo,r own answer to that -,estion
Mo/o *ondered .or a long ti/e. <'t exists)< she /,sed. <That /,0h ' do +now) b,t yo, 0an:t
to,0h or hold it. 8o,ld it be so/ething li+e a *er.,/e = Then again) it:s always *assing by)
so it /,st 0o/e .ro/ so/ewhere. 9erha*s it:s li+e the wind - no) wait C 9erha*s it:s a +ind
o. /,si0 yo, j,st don:t hear be0a,se it:s always there.< 4he *a,sed) then added) <Tho,gh
' ha2e heard it so/eti/es) ' thin+ - 2ery .aintly.<
The *ro.essor nodded. <' +now) that:s why ' was able to s,//on yo, here.<
<B,t there /,st be /ore to it than that)< said Mo/o) still *,rs,ing her train o. tho,ght. <The
/,si0 0o/es .ro/ .ar o..) b,t ' see/ to hear it dee* inside /e. 9erha*s ti/e wor+s that way
too.< 4he bro+e o..) bewildered. <' /ean)< she said) <li+e the wind /a+ing wa2es in the sea.<
4he shr,gged and shoo+ her head. <' ex*e0t ':/ tal+ing nonsense.<
<?ot at all)< said the *ro.essor. <' thin+ yo, *,t it 2ery *rettily indeed. That:s why ':/ going
to let yo, into a se0ret. '. yo, want to +now) all the ti/e in the world 0o/es .ro/ here - .ro/
?owhere 5o,se) ?e2er (ane.<
Mo/o ga;ed at hi/ in awe. <' see)< she said so.tly. <>o, /ean yo, /a+e it yo,rsel. =<
The *ro.essor s/iled again. <?o) /y 0hild) ':/ /erely its 0,stodian. 3ll h,/an beings ha2e
their allotted s*an o. ti/e. My tas+ is to see that it rea0hes the/.<
<'n that 0ase)< said Mo/o) <why not si/*ly arrange things so they don:t ha2e any /ore o. it
stolen by the ti/e-thie2es =<
<' 0an:t)< the *ro.essor told her. <6hat *eo*le do with their ti/e is their own b,siness. They
/,st g,ard it the/sel2es. ' 0an only distrib,te it.<
Mo/o loo+ed aro,nd the great hall. <'s that why yo, +ee* all these 0lo0+s - one .or e2ery
*erson in the world =<
<?o) Mo/o) these 0lo0+s are j,st a hobby o. /ine. They:re 2ery i/*er.e0t 0o*ies
o. so/ething that e2eryone 0arries inside hi/. J,st as *eo*le ha2e eyes to see light with and
ears to hear so,nds with) so they ha2e hearts .or the a**re0iation o. ti/e. 3nd all the ti/e
they .ail to a**re0iate is as wasted on the/ as the 0olo,rs o. the rainbow are wasted on
a blind *erson or the nightingale:s song on a dea. one. 4o/e hearts are ,na**re0iati2e
o. ti/e) ' .ear) tho,gh they beat li+e all the rest.<
<6hat will ha**en when /y heart sto*s beating =< Mo/o as+ed.
<6hen that /o/ent 0o/es)< said the *ro.essor) <ti/e will sto* .or yo, as well. Or rather) yo,
will retra0e yo,r ste*s thro,gh ti/e) thro,gh all the days and nights) /onths and years
o. yo,r li.e) ,ntil yo, go o,t thro,gh the great) ro,nd) sil2er gate yo, entered by.<
<6hat will ' .ind on the other side =<
<The ho/e o. the /,si0 yo,:2e so/eti/es .aintly heard in the distan0e) b,t by then yo,:ll
be *art o. it. >o, yo,rsel. will be a note in its /ighty har/onies.< 9ro.essor 5ora loo+ed
at Mo/o sear0hingly. <B,t ' don:t s,**ose that /a+es /,0h sense to yo,) does it =<
<>es)< said Mo/o) <' thin+ so.< Then) re0alling her strange *rogress along ?e2er (ane and
the way she:d li2ed thro,gh e2erything in re2erse) she as+ed) <3re yo, @eath =<
The *ro.essor s/iled. <'. *eo*le +new the nat,re o. death)< he said a.ter a /o/ent:s silen0e)
<they:d 0ease to be o. it. 3nd i. they 0eased to be o. it) no one 0o,ld rob the/
o. their ti/e any /ore.<
<6hy not tell the/) then =< Mo/o s,ggested.
<' already do)< said the *ro.essor. <' tell the/ the /eaning o. death with e2ery ho,r ' send
the/) b,t they re.,se to listen. They:d sooner heed those who .righten the/. That:s another
riddle in itsel..<
<':/ not .rightened)< said Mo/o.
9ro.essor 5ora nodded slowly. 5e ga2e her another sear0hing stare. Then he said) <6o,ld
yo, li+e to see where ti/e 0o/es .ro/ =<
<>es)< she whis*ered.
<':ll ta+e yo, there)< said the *ro.essor) <b,t only i. yo, *ro/ise not to tal+ or as+ -,estions.
's that ,nderstood =<
Mo/o nodded.
9ro.essor 5ora stoo*ed and *i0+ed her ,*. 3ll at on0e) he see/ed i//ensely tall and
inex*ressibly old) b,t not as a /an grows old - /ore in the /anner o. an an0ient tree
or *ri/e2al 0rag. 8las*ing Mo/o with one ar/) he 0o2ered her eyes with his other hand)
so gently that it .elt as i. were landing on her 0hee+s li+e i0y thistledown.
Mo/o sensed that he was striding down a long) dar+ t,nnel) b,t she .elt -,ite sa.e and
,tterly , 3t .irst she tho,ght she 0o,ld hear her own heartbeats) b,t then she be0a/e
/ore and /ore 0on2in0ed that they were really the e0hoes o. the *ro.essor:s .ootste*s.
3.ter what see/ed a 2ery long way) he *,t Mo/o down. 5is .a0e was 0lose to hers when
he re/o2ed his hand .ro/ her eyes. 5e ga2e her a /eaning.,l loo+ and *,t a .inger to his
li*s. Then he straightened ,* and ste**ed ba0+.
I2erything was bathed in a sort o. golden twilight.
6hen her eyes be0a/e a00,sto/ed to it) Mo/o saw that she was standing beneath
a /ighty do/e as big as the 2a,lt o. hea2en itsel.) or so it see/ed to her) and that the whole
o. this do/e was /ade o. the *,rest gold.
5igh o2erhead) in the 2ery 0entre o. the do/e) was a 0ir0,lar o*ening thro,gh whi0h a sha.t
o. light .ell straight on to an e-,ally 0ir0,lar la+e whose dar+) s/ooth waters rese/bled a jet-
bla0+ /irror.
J,st abo2e the s,r.a0e) glittering in the sha.t o. light with the brillian0e o. a star) so/ething
was slowly and /ajesti0ally /o2ing ba0+ and .orth. Mo/o saw that it was a giganti0
*end,l,/) b,t one with no 2isible /eans o. s,**ort. 3**arently weightless) it soared and
swoo*ed abo2e the /irror-s/ooth water with birdli+e ease.
3s the glittering *end,l,/ slowly neared the edge o. the la+e) an enor/o,s waterlily b,d
e/erged .ro/ its dar+ de*ths. The 0loser the *end,l,/ 0a/e) the wider it o*ened) ,ntil
at last it lay .,ll-blown on the s,r.a0e.
Mo/o had ne2er seen so ex-,isite a .lower. 't was 0o/*osed o. all the 0olo,rs in the
s*e0tr,/ - brilliant 0olo,rs s,0h as Mo/o had ne2er drea/ed o.. 6hile the *end,l,/
ho2ered abo2e it) she be0a/e so absorbed in the s*e0ta0le that she .orgot e2erything else.
The s0ent alone see/ed so/ething she had always 0ra2ed witho,t +nowing what it was.
B,t then) 2ery slowly) the *end,l,/ sw,ng ba0+) and as it did so Mo/o saw to her dis/ay
that the glorio,s .lower was beginning to wilt. 9etal a.ter *etal dro**ed o.. and san+ into the
bla0+ness below. To Mo/o) it was as i. so/ething ,n,tterably dear to her were 2anishing
beyond re0all.
By the ti/e the *end,l,/ rea0hed the 0entre o. the la+e) the .lower had 0o/*letely
disintegrated. 3t that /o/ent) howe2er) a new b,d arose near the o**osite shore) and
as the *end,l,/ drew nearer Mo/o saw that an e2en lo2elier blosso/ was beginning
to ,n.old. 4he wal+ed aro,nd the la+e to ins*e0t it /ore 0losely.
This new .lower was altogether di..erent .ro/ its *rede0essor. Mo/o had ne2er seen s,0h
0olo,rs be.ore) b,t these 0olo,rs see/ed ri0her and /ore ex-,isite by .ar. The *etals) too)
ga2e o.. a di..erent and .ar /ore deli0io,s s0ent) and the longer Mo/o st,died the/ the /ore
/ar2ello,s in e2ery detail she .o,nd the/.
B,t again the glittering *end,l,/ sw,ng ba0+) and as it did so the glorio,s blosso/ withered
and san+) *etal by *etal) into the dar+ and ,n.atho/able de*ths o. the la+e.
4lowly) 2ery slowly) the *end,l,/ *ro0eeded on its way) b,t not to exa0tly the sa/e *la0e
as be.ore. This ti/e it 0he0+ed its swing a little way .,rther along the shore) and there) one
*a0e .ro/ where it had *re2io,sly *a,sed) another b,d arose and ,n.olded.
To Mo/o this see/ed the lo2eliest lily o. all) the .lower o. .lowers - a *ositi2e /ira0le. 4he
0o,ld ha2e we*t alo,d when this *er.e0t blosso/) too) began to .ade and s,bside into the
de*ths) b,t she re/e/bered her *ro/ise to 9ro.essor 5ora and ,ttered no so,nd.
Meanwhile) the *end,l,/ had ret,rned to the o**osite shore) another *a0e .,rther along)
and a .resh b,d bro+e the glassy s,r.a0e.
3s ti/e went by) it dawned on Mo/o that ea0h new blosso/ di..ered entirely .ro/ those that
had gone be.ore) and that it always see/ed the /ost bea,ti.,l o. all. 4he wandered aro,nd
the la+e wat0hing .lower a.ter .lower ,n.old and die.
3ltho,gh she .elt she wo,ld ne2er tire o. this s*e0ta0le) she grad,ally be0a/e aware
o. another /ar2el - one that had es0a*ed her till nowE she 0o,ld not only see the sha.t o. light
that strea/ed down .ro/ the 0entre o. the do/e1 she 0o,ld hear it as well.
3t .irst it re/inded her o. wind whistling in distant treeto*s) b,t the so,nd swelled ,ntil
it rese/bled the roar o. a water.all or the th,nder o. wa2es brea+ing on a ro0+y shore.
More and /ore 0learly) Mo/o *er0ei2ed that this /ighty so,nd 0onsisted o. inn,/erable
notes whose 0onstant 0hanges o. *it0h were .ore2er wea2ing di..erent har/onies. 't was
/,si0) yet it was also so/ething else. 3ll at on0e) she re0ogni;ed it as the .araway /,si0
she had so/eti/es .aintly heard while listening to the silen0e o. a starry night.
B,t now) as the so,nd be0a/e e2er 0learer and /ore glorio,s) she sensed that it was the
resonant sha.t o. light that s,//oned ea0h b,d .ro/ the dar+ de*ths o. the la+e and
.ashioned it into a .lower o. ,ni-,e and ini/itable bea,ty.
The longer she listened) the /ore 0learly she 0o,ld /a+e o,t indi2id,al 2oi0es - not h,/an
2oi0es) b,t notes s,0h as /ight ha2e been gi2en .orth by gold and sil2er and e2ery other
*re0io,s /etal in existen0e. 3nd then) beyond the/) as it were) 2oi0es o. -,ite another +ind
/ade the/sel2es heard) in.initely re/ote yet indes0ribably *ower.,l. 3s they gained
strength) Mo/o began to disting,ish words ,ttered in a lang,age she had ne2er heard be.ore
b,t 0o,ld nonetheless ,nderstand. The s,n and /oon and *lanets and stars were telling her
their own) tr,e na/es) and their na/es signi.ied what they did and how they all 0o/bined
to /a+e ea0h ho,r-lily .lower and .ade in t,rn.
4,ddenly Mo/o reali;ed that all these words were dire0ted at her. Hro/ where she stood
to the /ost distant star in s*a0e) the entire ,ni2erse was .o0,sed ,*on her li+e a single .a0e
o. ,ni/aginable si;e) loo+ing at her and tal+ing to her. 6hat o2er0a/e her then was
so/ething /ore than .ear.
3 /o/ent later she 0a,ght sight o. 9ro.essor 5ora silently be0+oning to her. 4he ran to hi/
and b,ried her .a0e in his 0hest. Ta+ing her in his ar/s) he *,t one hand o2er her eyes
as be.ore) light as thistledown) and 0arried her ba0+ along the endless t,nnel. 3gain all
see/ed dar+) b,t again she .elt sn,g and se0,re.
On0e they were ba0+ in the little) 0lo0+-lined roo/) he laid her down on the so.a.
<9ro.essor 5ora)< Mo/o whis*ered) <' ne2er +new that e2eryone:s ti/e was so -< she stro2e
to .ind the right word) b,t in 2ain - <so big)< she said e2ent,ally.
<6hat yo,:2e j,st seen and heard wasn:t e2eryone:s ti/e)< the *ro.essor re*lied) <it was only
yo,r own. There:s a *la0e li+e the one yo, 2isited in e2ery li2ing so,l) b,t only those who let
/e ta+e the/ there 0an rea0h it) nor 0an it be seen with ordinary eyes.<
<4o where was ' =<
<'n the de*ths o. yo,r own heart)< said the *ro.essor) gently stro+ing her to,sled hair.
<9ro.essor 5ora)< she whis*ered again) </ay ' bring /y .riends to see yo, too =<
<?o)< he said) <not yet. That isn:t *ossible.<
<5ow long 0an ' stay with yo,) then =<
<Fntil yo, .eel it:s ti/e to rejoin yo,r .riends) /y 0hild.<
<B,t /ay ' tell the/ what the stars were saying =<
<>o, /ay) b,t yo, won:t be able to.<
<6hy not =<
<Be0a,se) be.ore yo, 0an) the words /,st ta+e root inside yo,.<
<B,t ' want to tell the/ - all o. the/. ' want to sing the/ what the 2oi0es sang. Then
e2erything wo,ld 0o/e right again) ' thin+.<
<'. that:s what yo, really want) Mo/o) yo, /,st learn to wait.<
<' don:t /ind waiting.<
<' /ean) wait li+e a seed that /,st sl,/ber in the earth be.ore it 0an s*ro,t. That:s how long
the words will ta+e to grow ,* inside yo,. 's that what yo, want =<
<>es)< she whis*ered.
<Then slee*)< said 9ro.essor 5ora) gently *assing his hand a0ross her eyes. <4lee* C<
3nd Mo/o hea2ed a dee*) 0ontented sigh and .ell aslee*.
.A#$ $%#EE
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Mo/o awo+e and o*ened her eyes.
't was a while be.ore she gathered where she was. To her bewilder/ent) she .o,nd hersel.
ba0+ on the grass-grown ste*s o. the a/*hitheater. '. she:d been with 9ro.essor 5ora
in ?owhere 5o,se only /o/ents be.ore) how had she /ade her way ba0+ here so -,i0+ly =
't was 0old and dar+) with the .irst light o. dawn j,st showing abo2e the eastern s+yline.
Mo/o shi2ered and b,rrowed dee*er into her baggy ja0+et.
4he had a 2i2id re0olle0tion o. all that had ha**enedE o. tr,dging thro,gh the 0ity behind the
tortoise) o. the distri0t with the strange glow and the da;;ling white ho,ses) o. ?e2er (ane
and the great hall .illed with 0lo0+s) o. hot 0ho0olate and rolls and honey) o. her 0on2ersation
with 9ro.essor 5ora. 4he 0o,ld e2en re0all the riddle) word .or word. 3bo2e all) tho,gh) she
re0alled what she had witnessed beneath the golden do/e. 4he had only to sh,t her eyes
to see the ho,r-lilies in all their ,ndrea/ed-o. s*lendo,r. 3s .or the 2oi0es o. the s,n) /oon
and stars) they still rang in her ears so 0learly that she 0o,ld h,/ the /elodies they sang.
3nd while she did so) words too+ sha*e within her - words that tr,ly des0ribed the s0ent
o. the .lowers and the 0olo,rs she had ne2er seen be.ore. 't was the 2oi0es in her /e/ory
that s*o+e the/) yet the /e/ory itsel. bro,ght so/ething wonder.,l in its train. Mo/o .o,nd
that she 0o,ld re0all not only what she had seen and heard b,t /,0h) /,0h /ore besides.
5o,r-lilies by the tho,sand blosso/ed in her /ind:s eye) welling ,* as i. .ro/ so/e /agi0al)
inexha,stible s*ring) and new words rang o,t as ea0h new .lower a**eared. Mo/o had only
to listen 0losely and she 0o,ld re*eat the words - e2en sing the/. They told o. strange and
wonder.,l things) b,t their /eaning el,ded her as soon as she ,ttered the/.
4o that was what 9ro.essor 5ora had /eant when he said that the words /,st .irst ta+e root
within her C
Or had e2erything been a drea/ a.ter all = 5ad none o. it really ha**ened = Mo/o was still
*ondering this -,estion when she 0a,ght sight o. so/ething 0rawling a0ross the arena below
her. 't was the tortoise) engaged in a leis,rely -,est .or edible *lants.
Mo/o ran -,i0+ly down the ste*s and +nelt on the gro,nd beside it. The tortoise loo+ed
,* .or a /o/ent) regarded her with its dar+) age-old eyes) and 0al/ly went on eating.
<Dood /orning) Tortoise)< said Mo/o.
The 0reat,re:s shell re/ained blan+.
<6as it yo, that too+ /e to 9ro.essor 5ora last night =<
4till no answer.
Mo/o hea2ed a sigh o. disa**oint/ent. <6hat a *ity)< she /,ttered. <4o yo,:re only
an ordinary tortoise a.ter all) and not - oh) ':2e .orgotten what she was 0alled. 't was a *retty
na/e) b,t long and .oreign-so,nding. ':d ne2er heard it be.ore.<
4o/e .aintly l,/ino,s letters showed ,* on the tortoise:s shell. 8344'O9I'3) they read.
Mo/o joy.,lly s*elled the/ o,t. <>es)< she 0ried) 0la**ing her hands) <that was it C 4o it
is yo,. >o, are 9ro.essor 5ora:s tortoise) aren:t yo, =<
65O I(4I =
<6hy didn:t yo, say so right away) then =<
53A'?D B7I3BH34T.
<Oh) ':/ so sorry)< said Mo/o. <' didn:t /ean to dist,rb yo,. 3ll ':d li+e to +now is) why a/
' ba0+ here =<
B> 85O'8I.
Mo/o s0rat0hed her head. <That:s .,nny) ' don:t re/e/ber wanting to lea2e. 5ow abo,t yo,)
8assio*eia = 6hy did yo, 0o/e) too) instead o. staying with the *ro.essor =<
B> 85O'8I) 8assio*eia re*eated.
<Than+s)< said Mo/o. <That was ni0e o. yo,.<
?OT 3T 3((. That see/ed to 0on0l,de the 0on2ersation as .ar as 8assio*eia was
0on0erned) be0a,se she *lodded o.. to res,/e her interr,*ted brea+.ast.
Mo/o sat down on the ste*s) i/*atient to see Be**o) D,ido and the 0hildren again. The
/,si0 0ontin,ed to ring o,t inside her) and tho,gh she was all alone with no one aro,nd
to hear) she joined in the words and /elodies /ore and /ore lo,dly and l,stily. 3nd as she
sang) straight into the rising s,n) it see/ed to her that the birds and 0ri0+ets and trees - e2en
the a/*hitheater:s ti/e-worn stones - were listening to her.
(ittle did she +now that they wo,ld be her only listeners .or a long ti/e to 0o/e. (ittle did she
+now that she was waiting in 2ain .or her .riends to a**ear - that she had been gone a whole
year) and that e2erything had 0hanged in the /eanti/e.
The /en in gray dis*osed o. D,ido with relati2e ease.
't had all beg,n abo,t a year ago) only days a.ter Me/o:s s,dden and /ysterio,s
disa**earan0e) when a leading news*a*er *rinted an arti0le abo,t hi/. 5eadlined <The (ast
o. the Old-Ti/e 4torytellers<) it /entioned when and where he 0o,ld be .o,nd and des0ribed
hi/ as an attra0tion not to be /issed.
Hro/ then on) the a/*hitheater was besieged by growing n,/bers o. *eo*le anxio,s to see
and hear hi/. This) o. 0o,rse) was all right with D,ido. 5e 0ontin,ed to say the .irst thing that
0a/e into his head and ended by handing aro,nd his 0a*) whi0h always 0a/e ba0+
bri//ing with 0oins and ban+notes. Be.ore long he was e/*loyed by a tra2el agent who *aid
hi/ an additional .ee .or *er/ission to *resent hi/ as a to,rist attra0tion in his own right.
B,sloads o. sightseers rolled ,* in s,0h n,/bers that D,ido was soon obliged to +ee* to
a stri0t ti/etable) so that all who had *aid to hear hi/ got a 0han0e to do so.
5e began to /iss Mo/o /ore and /ore) be0a,se his stories had lost their ins*iration) b,t
he stead.astly re.,sed to tell the sa/e story twi0e) e2en when o..ered twi0e his ,s,al .ee.
3.ter a .ew /onths) D,ido no longer needed to t,rn ,* at the a/*hitheater and hand aro,nd
his battered *ea+ed 0a*. 5a2ing been <dis0o2ered<) .irst by a radio station and then
by tele2ision) he was soon earning a /int o. /oney by telling his stories) three ti/es wee+ly)
to an a,dien0e o. /illions.
By now he had gi2en ,* his lodgings near the a/*hitheater and /o2ed to -,ite another *art
o. town) where all the ri0h and .a/o,s li2ed. 5e rented a big /odern 2illa set in well-+e*t
gro,nds) dro**ed the ni0+na/e D,ido) and 0alled hi/sel. Dirola/o instead.
D,ido was .ar too *ressed .or ti/e) o. 0o,rse) to go on in2enting new stories as he ,sed to.
5e began to ration his /aterial with 0are) so/eti/es 0on0o0ting as /any as .i2e stories o,t
o. one idea. 6hen e2en that .ailed to /eet the e2er-in0reasing de/and .or his ser2i0es)
he did so/ething he sho,ld ne2er ha2e doneE he broad0ast a story destined .or Mo/o:s ears
't was la**ed ,* as greedily) and .orgotten as s*eedily) as all the rest) and the *,bli0
0la/o,red .or /ore. D,ido was so be/,sed by the sheer *a0e o. e2erything that) witho,t
sto**ing to thin+) he reeled o.. all o. Mo/o:s treas,red stories in -,i0+ s,00ession. 6hen the
last o. the/ was told) he .elt drained and e/*ty and in0a*able o. /a+ing ,* any /ore.
Terri.ied that s,00ess /ight desert hi/) he started to tell his stories all o2er again) /a+ing
only /inor 0hanges and ,sing di..erent na/es .or his 0hara0ters. Ixtraordinarily eno,gh)
nobody see/ed to noti0e - Lat all e2ents) it didn:t a..e0t his *o*,larity.
D,ido 0l,ng to this tho,ght li+e a drowning /an 0l,t0hing at a straw. 5e was ri0h and .a/o,s
now) he told hi/sel.) and wasn:t that what he:d always drea/ed o. =
4o/eti/es) tho,gh) while lying awa+e at night between sil+ sheets) he yearned .or his old
way o. li.e - .or the ha**y ti/es he:d s*ent with Mo/o and Be**o and the 0hildren) when
he was still a gen,ine storysteller.
B,t there was no way ba0+) .or Mo/o had ne2er rea**eared. D,ido had /ade stren,o,s
e..orts to .ind her at .irst) b,t he no longer had the ti/e. 5e now e/*loyed three s,*er-
e..i0ient se0retaries to negotiate 0ontra0ts .or hi/) ta+e down his stories in shorthand) handle
his *,bli0ity and +ee* his engage/ent diary. 4o/ehow) his s0hed,le ne2er le.t hi/ ti/e
to res,/e the sear0h .or Mo/o.
One day) when little o. the old D,ido re/ained) he *,lled what was le.t o. hi/sel. together
and resol2ed to t,rn o2er a new lea.. 5e was a so/ebody now) he told hi/sel.. 5e 0arried
a lot o. weight with /illions o. listeners and 2iewers. 6ho was better *la0ed than he to tell
the/ the tr,th = 5e wo,ld tell the/ abo,t the /en in gray) e/*hasi;e that the story was
a tr,e one) and as+ all his .ans to hel* hi/ loo+ .or Mo/o.
5e .or/ed this intention late one night) when he had been *ining .or his old .riends.
By daybrea+ he was at his /assi2e des+) *re*aring to *,t his ideas down on *a*er. I2en
be.ore he had written a word) howe2er) the tele*hone rang. 5e *i0+ed ,* the re0ei2er)
listened) and went rigid with terror. 3t the so,nd o. the *e0,liarly .lat) ex*ressionless 2oi0e
in his ear) he .elt as i. the 2ery /arrow in his bones had t,rned to i0e.
<@ro* the idea)< the 2oi0e said. <6e ad2ise yo, to) .or yo,r own sa+e.<
<6ho:s s*ea+ing =< D,ido de/anded.
<>o, +now 2ery well)< the 2oi0e re*lied. <6e:2e no need to introd,0e o,rsel2es. >o, ha2en:t
had the *leas,re o. /a+ing o,r a0-,aintan0e) b,t we:2e owned yo, body and so,l .or a long
ti/e now. @on:t *retend yo, didn:t +now.<
<6hat do yo, want =<
<This latest s0he/e o. yo,rs doesn:t a**eal to ,s. Be a good boy and dro* it) will yo, =<
D,ido too+ his 0o,rage in both hands. <?o)< he said) <' won:t. ':/ not *oor little D,ido D,ide
any longer) ':/ a 0elebrity. Try ta+ing /e on and see how .ar yo, get C<
The 2oi0e ga2e s,0h a gray) /irthless la,gh that D,ide:s teeth began to 0hatter.
<>o,:re a nobody)< it said)<- a r,bber doll. 6e:2e blown yo, ,*) b,t gi2e ,s any tro,ble and
we:ll let the air o,t. @o yo, serio,sly thin+ yo, owe what yo, are today to yo,rsel. and yo,r
own ,nre/ar+able talents =<
<>es)< D,ido said hoarsely) <that:s j,st what ' do thin+.<
<9oor old D,ido)< said the 2oi0e) <yo,:re still as /,0h o. a drea/er as yo, e2er were. >o,
,sed to be 9rin0e Dirola/o disg,ised as a nobody 0alled D,ido. 3nd what are yo, now =
J,st a nobody 0alled D,ido disg,ised as 9rin0e Dirola/o. >o, sho,ld be grate.,l to ,s. 3.ter
all) we:re the ones who /ade yo,r drea/s 0o/e tr,e.
<That:s a lie C< D,ido sho,ted.
<5ea2ens C< said the 2oi0e) with another /irthless la,gh. <>o,:re hardly the *erson to bandy
words with ,s on the s,bje0t o. tr,th and .alsehood. Oh no) /y *oor D,ido) yo,:ll regret it i.
yo, try -,oting the tr,th at *eo*le. Than+s to ,s) yo,:2e be0o/e .a/o,s .or yo,r tall stories.
>o, aren:t -,ali.ied to tell the tr,th) so .orget it.<
<6hat ha2e yo, done with Mo/o =< D,ido as+ed in a whis*er.
<@on:t worry yo,r *oor little s0atterbrained head abo,t that. >o, 0an:t hel* her any /ore)
least o. all by telling stories abo,t ,s. '. yo, do) yo,:ll only destroy yo,r s,00ess as -,i0+ly
as it 0a/e. 't:s ,* to yo,) o. 0o,rse. '. yo,:re really set on *laying the hero and r,ining
yo,rsel.) we won:t sto* yo,) b,t yo, 0an:t ex*e0t ,s to reward yo,r ingratit,de by 0ontin,ing
to *rote0t yo,r interests. @on:t yo, li+e being ri0h and .a/o,s =<
<>es)< D,ido re*lied in a /,..led 2oi0e.
<Ixa0tly) so lea2e ,s o,t o. it. Do on telling *eo*le what they want to hear.<
<?ow that ' +now the tr,th)< D,ido said with an e..ort) <how 0an ' =<
<':ll gi2e yo, so/e so,nd ad2i0eE @on:t ta+e yo,rsel. so serio,sly. The /atter:s o,t o. yo,r
hands. (oo+ at it .ro/ that angle and yo,:ll .ind yo, 0an 0arry on 2ery ni0ely) as be.ore.<
<>es)< D,ido /,ttered) staring into s*a0e) <.ro/ that angle. . .<
The ear*ie0e ga2e a 0li0+ and went dead. D,ido h,ng ,* too. 5e sl,/*ed .orward on to the
des+to* and b,ried his .a0e in his ar/s) ra0+ed with silent sobs.
Hro/ then on D,ido lost e2ery last s0ra* o. sel.-res*e0t. 5e abandoned his *lan and 0arried
on as be.ore) tho,gh he .elt an ,tter .ra,d. 3nd so he was. On0e ,*on a ti/e his i/agination
had soared along and he had blithely .ollowed its lead) b,t now he was telling lies. 5e was
/a+ing a b,..oon o. hi/sel. - a *,bli0 la,ghingsto0+ - and he +new it. 5e hated his wor+) and
the /ore he hated it the sillier and /ore senti/ental his stories be0a/e. This didn:t i/*air his
re*,tation) tho,gh. On the 0ontrary) the *,bli0 a00lai/ed hi/ .or *ioneering a new style
o. h,/o,r and /any 0o/edians tried to i/itate it. D,ido was all the rage) not that he deri2ed
any *leas,re .ro/ the .a0t. 5e now +new who was res*onsible .or his s,00ess. 5e had
gained nothing and lost e2erything.
3nd still he 0ontin,ed to ra0e by 0ar or *lane .ro/ one engage/ent to the next) a00o/*anied
e2erywhere by the se0retaries to who/ he ne2er sto**ed di0tating old stories in new g,ises.
<3/a;ingly in2enti2e< was the news*a*ers: *et des0ri*tion o. hi/.
D,ido the drea/er had) in .a0t) be0o/e Dirola/o the hoaxer.
Be**o 7oadswee*er *resented the /en in gray with a .ar harder n,t to 0ra0+.
I2er sin0e the night o. Me/o:s disa**earan0e) and whene2er his wor+ *er/itted) he had
gone to the a/*hitheater and sat there waiting. 3t last) when his /o,nting 0on0ern and
anxiety be0a/e too /,0h to bear) he resol2ed to o2erride D,ide:s obje0tions) reasonable
tho,gh they were) and go to the *oli0e.
<6hat i. they do *,t her ba0+ in one o. those ho/es with bars o2er the windows =<
he re.le0ted. <Better that than being held *risoner by the /en in gray - i. she:s still ali2e)
o. 0o,rse. 4he es0a*ed .ro/ a 0hildren:s ho/e on0e) so she 0o,ld do it again. Besides)
/aybe ' 0o,ld .ix it so they didn:t *,t her in a ho/e at all. The .irst thing to do is .ind her.<
4o he /ade his way to the nearest *oli0e station) whi0h was on the o,ts+irts o. the 0ity. On0e
there) he h,ng aro,nd o,tside .or a while) twisting his hat in his hands. Then he *l,0+ed
,* 0o,rage and wal+ed in.
<>es =< said the des+ sergeant) who was b,sy .illing o,t a long and 0o/*li0ated .or/.
Be**o too+ so/e ti/e to get it o,t. <The thing is)< he said at last) <so/ething dread.,l /,st
ha2e ha**ened.<
<7eally =< said the des+ sergeant) still writing. <6hat:s it all abo,t =<
<'t:s abo,t o,r Mo/o)< said Be**o.
<3 0hild =<
<>es) a girl.<
<'s she yo,rs =<
<?o)< Be**o said) ,n0ertainly) <- ' /ean) yes) b,t ':/ not her .ather.<
<?o) ' /ean) yes C< sna**ed the des+ sergeant. <6ho:s 0hild is she) then = 6ho are her
*arents =<
<?obody +nows)< said Be**o.
<6here is she registered) then =<
<7egistered =< said Be**o. <6ell) with ,s) ' s,**ose. 6e all +now her.<
<4o she isn't registered)< the des+ sergeant said with a sigh. <That:s against the law) in 0ase
yo, didn:t +now. 6ho does she li2e with) then =<
<4he li2es by hersel.)< Be**o re*lied) <that:s to say) she ,sed to li2e in the old a/*hitheater)
b,t she doesn:t any /ore. 4he:s gone.<
<J,st a /in,te)< said the des+ sergeant. <'. ' ,nderstand yo, 0orre0tly) the r,ins ha2e ,ntil
re0ently been o00,*ied by a yo,ng .e/ale 2agrant na/ed - what did yo, say her na/e
was =<
<Mo/o)< said Be**o.
The *oli0e/an *,lled a *ad towards hi/ and started writing. <Mo/o)< he re*eated. <6ell)
go onE Mo/o what = ':ll need her .,ll na/e.<
<Mo/o nothing)< said Be**o. <J,st Mo/o.<
The des+ sergeant stro+ed his 0hin and loo+ed aggrie2ed. <4ee here) old ti/er) yo,:ll ha2e
to do better than this. ':/ trying to be hel*.,l) b,t ' 0an:t .ile a re*ort witho,t yo,r 0oo*eration.
Better begin by telling /e yo,r own na/e.<
<Be**o)< said Be**o.
<Be**o what =<
<Be**o 7oadswee*er.<
<>o,r na/e) ' said) not yo,r o00,*ation.<
<'t:s both)< Be**o ex*lained *atiently.
The des+ sergeant *,t his *en down and b,ried his .a0e in his hands. <Dod gi2e
/e strength C< he /,ttered des*airingly. <6hy did ' ha2e to be on d,ty now) o. all ti/es =<
Then he straightened ,*) s-,ared his sho,lders) and ga2e the old /an an en0o,raging
s/ile. <3ll right)< he said gently) as tho,gh h,/o,ring a 0hild) <' 0an ta+e yo,r *ersonal
*arti0,lars later. J,st tell /e the whole story .ro/ start to .inish.<
Be**o loo+ed d,bio,s. <3ll o. it =<
<3nything that:s rele2ant)< said the des+ sergeant. <':/ ,* to /y eyes in wor+ - ':2e got this
whole sta0+ o. .or/s to 0o/*lete by l,n0hti/e) and ':/ j,st abo,t at the end o. /y tether
- b,t ne2er /ind that. Ta+e yo,r ti/e and tell /e what:s on yo,r /ind.<
5e sat ba0+ and 0losed his eyes with the air o. a /artyr at the sta+e. 3nd Be**o) in his
-,eer) ro,ndabo,t way) re0o,nted the whole story .ro/ Mo/o:s arri2al on the s0ene and her
ex0e*tional gi.ts to the trial on the garbage d,/*) whi0h he hi/sel. had witnessed.
<3nd that 2ery sa/e night)< he 0on0l,ded) <Mo/o disa**eared.<
The des+ sergeant s,bje0ted hi/ to a long) resent.,l glare. <' see)< he said at last. <4o yo,:re
telling /e that an ,nli+ely-so,nding girl) whose existen0e re/ains to be *ro2ed) /ay ha2e
been +idna**ed and 0arried o..) yo, 0an:t say where to) by ghosts o. so/e +ind. 's that what
yo, ex*e0t ,s to in2estigate =<
<>es) *lease)< Be**o said eagerly.
The des+ sergeant leaned .orward. <Breathe on /e C< he bar+ed.
3ltho,gh Be**o .ailed to see the *oint o. this re-,est) he shr,gged his sho,lders and
obediently blew in the *oli0e/an:s .a0e.
The des+ sergeant sni..ed and shoo+ his head. <>o, don:t a**ear to be dr,n+.<
<?o)< /,/bled Be**o) *,0e in the .a0e with e/barrass/ent. <':2e ne2er been dr,n+ in /y
<Then why tell /e s,0h a 0o0+-and-b,ll story = @id yo, really thin+ ':d be da.t eno,gh
to belie2e it =<
<>es)< Be**o re*lied inno0ently.
3t that the *oli0e/an:s *atien0e .inally sna**ed. 5e j,/*ed ,* and sla//ed his .ist down
hard on his sta0+ o. long and 0o/*li0ated .or/s. <That does it C< he bellowed) beside hi/sel.
with rage. <Det o,t o. here at on0e or ':ll lo0+ yo, ,* .or ins,lting beha2io,r C<
Be**o loo+ed dis/ayed. <':/ sorry)< he /,/bled) <' didn:t /ean it that way. 3ll ' /eant was
<O,t C< roared the des+ sergeant.
Be**o t,rned and went.
@,ring the next .ew days he 0alled at 2ario,s other *oli0e stations with /,0h the sa/e res,lt.
5e was +i0+ed o,t) *olitely sent ho/e) or h,/o,red as the best /eans o. getting rid o. hi/.
One day) howe2er) he was inter2iewed by a *oli0e ins*e0tor with less sense o. h,/o,r than
his 0olleag,es. 3.ter listening to Be**o:s story witho,t a .li0+er o. ex*ression) he t,rned to
a s,bordinate and said 0oldly) <The old /an:s o.. his ro0+er. 6e:ll ha2e to .ind o,t i. he:s
a threat to so0iety. Ta+e hi/ down to the 0ells.<
Be**o had to s*end hal. the day in a 0ell be.ore being whis+ed o.. in a 0ar by two *oli0e/en.
They dro2e hi/ all the way a0ross the 0ity to a big white b,ilding with bars o2er the windows.
't wasn:t a *rison or detention 0entre) as he at .irst tho,ght) b,t a hos*ital .or ner2o,s
5ere Be**o ,nderwent a thoro,gh exa/ination. The hos*ital sta.. treated hi/ +indly. They
didn:t la,gh at hi/ or bawl hi/ o,t - in .a0t they see/ed 2ery interested in his story) be0a,se
they /ade hi/ tell it again and again. 3ltho,gh they ne2er -,estioned it) Be**o got the
.eeling that they didn:t really belie2e it. 6hate2er they /ade o. hi/) whi0h was .ar .ro/ 0lear
to Be**o hi/sel.) they didn:t dis0harge hi/.
6hene2er he as+ed how soon he 0o,ld go) he was told) <4oon) b,t yo,:re still needed .or the
ti/e being. 6e ha2en:t 0o/*leted o,r in2estigations) b,t we:re /a+ing *rogress.< 3nd
Be**o) who tho,ght they were re.erring to in2estigations into Mo/o:s whereabo,ts)
0ontin,ed to wait *atiently.
They had allotted hi/ a bed in a big ward where /any other *atients sle*t. One night
he wo+e ,* and saw) by the .eeble glow o. the e/ergen0y lighting) that so/eone was
standing beside his bed. 3ll he 0o,ld tell at .irst was that the shadowy .ig,re was s/o+ing
a 0igar or 0igarette - the ti* glowed red in the gloo/ - b,t then he re0ogni;ed the bowler and
brie.0ase. 7eali;ing that his 2isitor was one o. the /en in gray) he .elt 0hilled to the /arrow
and o*ened his /o,th to 0all .or hel*.
<G,iet C< hissed an ashen 2oi0e. <':2e been a,thori;ed to /a+e yo, a *ro*osition. (isten to it
0are.,lly) and don:t answer till ' tell yo,. >o, now ha2e so/e idea o. the *ower we already
wield. 6hether or not yo, get another taste o. it is entirely ,* to yo,. 3ltho,gh yo, 0an:t har/
,s in the least by retailing yo,r story to all and s,ndry) it doesn:t s,it o,r s0he/e o. things.
>o,:re -,ite 0orre0t in ass,/ing that yo,r .riend Mo/o is o,r *risoner) b,t yo, /ay as well
abandon all ho*e o. .inding her. That yo,:ll ne2er do) and yo,r e..orts to res0,e her aren:t
/a+ing the *oor girl:s *osition any easier. I2ery ti/e yo, try) she has to s, .or it) so be
/ore 0are.,l what yo, do and say .ro/ now on.<
The /an in gray blew se2eral s/o+e rings) glee.,lly obser2ing the e..e0t o. his s*ee0h
on Be**o. 't was 0lear that the old /an belie2ed e2ery word o. it.
<My ti/e is 2al,able)< the /an in gray went on) <so here:s o,r *ro*osition in a n,tshellE yo,
0an ha2e the girl ba0+) b,t only on 0ondition that yo, ne2er ,tter another word abo,t ,s or
o,r a0ti2ities. 3s ranso/) so to s*ea+) we shall additionally re-,ire yo, to de*osit a h,ndred
tho,sand ho,rs o. yo,r ti/e with ,s. 5ow we ban+ it is o,r a..air and doesn:t 0on0ern yo,. 3ll
yo, ha2e to do is sa2e it. 5ow yo, sa2e it is your a..air. '. yo, agree) we:ll arrange .or yo,
to be released in the next .ew days. '. not) yo,:ll stay here .or as long as Mo/o re/ains with
,s) in other words) .or e2er /ore. 't:s a genero,s so thin+ it o2er. >o, won:t get
a se0ond 0han0e. 6ell =<
Be**o swallowed hard a 0o,*le o. ti/es. Then he 0roa+ed) <' agree.<
<Aery sensible o. yo,) the /an in gray said s/,gly. <4o re/e/berE absol,te dis0retion and
a h,ndred tho,sand ho,rs o. yo,r ti/e. 3s soon as yo,:2e sa2ed the/ .or ,s) yo, 0an ha2e
Mo/o ba0+. 3nd now) /y dear sir) goodbye.<
On that note the /an in gray de*arted) lea2ing a trail o. 0igar s/o+e behind hi/. 't see/ed
to glow .aintly in the dar+ness li+e a will-o:-the-wis*.
Be**o sto**ed telling his story .ro/ that night on) and when as+ed why he:d told it in the .irst
*la0e wo,ld /erely loo+ sad and shr,g his sho,lders. The hos*ital a,thorities dis0harged
hi/ a .ew days later.
B,t he didn:t go ho/e. 'nstead) he went straight to the de*ot where he and his wor+/ates
0olle0ted their broo/s and hand0arts. 4ho,ldering his broo/) he /ar0hed o,t into the 0ity
streets and started swee*ing.
5e did not) howe2er) swee* as he ,sed to in the old days) with a breath be.ore ea0h ste* and
stro+e o. the broo/) b,t h,rriedly and witho,t *ride in his wor+) solely intent on sa2ing ti/e.
5e .elt si0+ened by what he was doing and tor/ented by the +nowledge that he was
betraying the dee*ly held belie.s o. a li.eti/e. 5ad no one:s .,t,re been at sta+e b,t his own)
he wo,ld ha2e star2ed to death rather than abandon his *rin0i*les) b,t there was Mo/o:s
ranso/ to 0olle0t) and this was the only way he +new o. sa2ing ti/e.
5e swe*t day and night witho,t e2er ret,rning to his sha0+ near the a/*hitheater. 6hen
exha,stion o2er0a/e hi/) he wo,ld sit down on a *ar+ ben0h) or e2en on the +erb) and
snat0h a .ew /in,tes: slee*) only to wa+e ,* with a g,ilty start and 0arry on swee*ing.
5e de2oted j,st as little ti/e to his /eals) whi0h too+ the .or/ o. h,rried sna0+s wol.ed down
on the /o2e.
Be**o swe*t .or wee+s and /onths on end. 6inter .ollowed a,t,/n) and still he toiled on.
4*ring and s,//er 0a/e aro,nd) b,t he s0ar0ely noti0ed the 0hanging seasons.
9reo00,*ied with sa2ing Mo/o:s h,ndred tho,sand ho,rs: ranso/) he swe*t and swe*t and
The towns.ol+ were too short o. ti/e the/sel2es to *ay any attention to the little old /an) and
the hand.,l that did so ta**ed their .oreheads as soon as he had gone *anting *ast) wielding
his broo/ as i. his li.e de*ended on it. Being ta+en .or a .ool was nothing new to Be**o)
so he s0ar0ely noti0ed that either. On the .ew o00asions when so/eone as+ed hi/ what the
h,rry was) he wo,ld *a,se .or a /o/ent) eye the -,estioner with /ingled alar/ and sorrow)
and *,t his .inger to his li*s.
5ardest o. all .or the /en in gray to tailor to their *lans were Mo/o:s .riends a/ong the
0hildren o. the 0ity. I2en a.ter her disa**earan0e) they went on /eeting at the a/*hitheater
as o.ten as they 0o,ld. They 0ontin,ed to in2ent new ga/es in whi0h a .ew old 0rates and
boxes be0a/e 0astles and *ala0es or galleons that 0arried the/ on .ab,lo,s 2oyages
aro,nd the world. They also 0ontin,ed to tell ea0h other stories. 'n short) they beha2ed as i.
Mo/o were still with the/) and by doing so) re/ar+ably eno,gh) they al/ost /ade it see/
that she really was.
Besides) they ne2er .or a /o/ent do,bted that she wo,ld ret,rn. They didn:t dis0,ss the
s,bje0t) b,t 0hildren ,nited by s,0h an ,ns*o+en 0ertainty had no need to. Mo/o was one
o. the/ and .or/ed the e2er-*resent .o0,s o. all their a0ti2ities) whether or not she was
a0t,ally there in *erson.
The /en in gray were *owerless to /eet this 0hallenge head-on. Fnable to deta0h the
0hildren .ro/ Mo/o by bringing the/ ,nder their dire0t 0ontrol) they had to .ind so/e
ro,ndabo,t /eans o. a0hie2ing the sa/e end) and .or this they enlisted the 0hildren:s elders.
?ot all grown-,*s /ade s,itable a00o/*li0es) o. 0o,rse) b,t there were *lenty that did. 6hat
was /ore) the /en in gray were 0,nning eno,gh to t,rn the 0hildren:s own wea*ons against
G,ite s,ddenly) one or two *arents re0alled how their o..s*ring had *araded thro,gh the
streets with *la0ards and *osters.
<4o/ething /,st be done)< they said. <More and /ore +ids are being le.t on their own and
negle0ted. >o, 0an:t bla/e ,s - *arents j,st don:t ha2e the ti/e these days - so it:s ,* to the
Others joined in the 0hor,s. <6e 0an:t ha2e all these yo,ngsters aro,nd)< de0lared
so/e. <They obstr,0t the tra..i0. 7oad a00idents 0a,sed by 0hildren are on the in0rease) and
road a00idents 0ost /oney that 0o,ld be *,t to better ,se.<
<Fns,*er2ised 0hildren r,n wild)< de0lared others. <They be0o/e /orally de*ra2ed and ta+e
to 0ri/e. The a,thorities /,st ta+e ste*s to ro,nd the/ ,*. They /,st b,ild 0entres where
the yo,ngsters 0an be /o,lded into ,se.,l and e..i0ient /e/bers o. so0iety.<
<8hildren)< de0lared still others) <are the raw /aterial o. the .,t,re. 3 world de*endent
on 0o/*,ters and n,0lear energy will need an ar/y o. ex*erts and te0hni0ians to r,n it. Har
.ro/ *re*aring o,r 0hildren .or to/orrow:s world) we still allow too /any o. the/ to s-,ander
years o. their *re0io,s ti/e on 0hildish to/.oolery. 't:s a blot on o,r 0i2ili;ation and a 0ri/e
against .,t,re generations.<
The ti/esa2ers were all in .a2o,r o. s,0h a *oli0y) nat,rally) and there were so /any o. the/
in the 0ity by this ti/e that they soon 0on2in0ed the a,thorities o. the need to ta+e *ro/*t
Be.ore long) big b,ildings +nown as <0hild de*ots< s*rang ,* in e2ery neighbo,rhood.
8hildren whose *arents were too b,sy to loo+ a.ter the/ had to be de*osited there and 0o,ld
be 0olle0ted when 0on2enient. They were stri0tly .orbidden to *lay in the streets or *ar+s
or anywhere else. 3ny 0hild 0a,ght doing so was i//ediately 0arted o.. to the nearest de*ot)
and its *arents were hea2ily .ined.
?one o. Mo/o:s .riends es0a*ed the new reg,lation. They were s*lit ,* a00ording to the
distri0ts they 0a/e .ro/ and 0onsigned to 2ario,s 0hild de*ots. On0e there) they were
nat,rally .orbidden to *lay ga/es o. their own de2ising. 3ll ga/es were sele0ted .or the/
by s,*er2isors and had to ha2e so/e ,se.,l) ed,0ational *,r*ose. The 0hildren learned
these new ga/es b,t ,nlearned so/ething else in the *ro0essE they .orgot how to be ha**y)
how to ta+e *leas,re in little things) and) last b,t not least) how to drea/.
6ee+s *assed) and the 0hildren began to loo+ li+e ti/esa2ers in /iniat,re. 4,llen) bored and
resent.,l) they did as they were told. I2en when le.t to their own de2i0es) they no longer
+new what to do with the/sel2es. 3ll they 0o,ld still do was /a+e a noise) b,t it was
an angry) ill-te/*ered noise) not the ha**y h,llabaloo o. .or/er ti/es.
The /en in gray /ade no dire0t a**roa0h to the/ - there was no need. The net they had
wo2en o2er the 0ity was so 0lose-/eshed as to see/ i/*enetrable. ?ot e2en the brightest
and /ost ingenio,s 0hildren /anaged to sli* thro,gh its toils. The a/*hitheater re/ained
silent and deserted.
The /en in gray had done their wor+ well. 3ll was in readiness .or Mo/o:s ret,rn.
4o Mo/o sat on the stone ste*s and waited in 2ain .or her .riends to t,rn ,*. 4he sat and
waited all day) b,t no one 0a/e - not a so,l.
The s,n was sin+ing in the west. The shadows grew longer) the air /ore 0hill.
3t last Mo/o rose to her .eet. 4he was h,ngry be0a,se no one had tho,ght to bring
her so/ething to eat. This had ne2er ha**ened be.ore. I2en D,ido and Be**o /,st ha2e
.orgotten abo,t her) she re.le0ted) b,t she 0onsoled hersel. with the tho,ght that it was j,st
an o2ersight - a silly /ista+e that wo,ld sort itsel. o,t the next day.
4he went and +nelt beside the tortoise) whi0h had already t,0+ed itsel. in .or the night.
Ti/idly) she ta**ed the shell with her +n,0+les. The tortoise *,t its head o,t and loo+ed
at her.
<Ix0,se /e)< Mo/o said) <' a*ologi;e .or wa+ing yo,) b,t 0an yo, tell /e why none o. /y
.riends 0a/e = ' waited all day long.<
3(( DO?I) the shell s*elled o,t.
Mo/o read the words b,t 0o,ldn:t .ollow their /eaning. <Oh well)< she said 0heer.,lly) <':ll
.ind o,t to/orrow. My .riends are bo,nd to 0o/e then) aren:t they =<
?IAI7 3D3'?) re*lied the tortoise.
Mo/o stared at the .aint letters with growing dis/ay. <6hat do yo, /ean =< she as+ed
e2ent,ally. <5as so/ething ha**ened to the/ =<
3(( DO?I) she read again.
4he shoo+ her head. <?o)< she said so.tly) <they 0an:t ha2e. >o, /,st be wrong) 8assio*eia.
6hy) ' saw the/ only yesterday at o,r grand 0o,n0il o. war - the one that 0a/e to nothing.<
?OT >I4TI7@3>) 8assio*eia re*lied.
Mo/o re/e/bered now. 9ro.essor 5ora had told her that she wo,ld ha2e to wait li+e a seed
sl,/bering in the earth ,ntil it was ready to s*ro,t. 4he had agreed witho,t sto**ing
to wonder how long that /eant) b,t now the tr,th was beginning to dawn on her.
<5ow long ha2e ' been away =< she as+ed in a whis*er.
3 >I37 3?@ 3 @3>.
Mo/o too+ so/e ti/e to digest this. <B,t Be**o and D,ido)< she sta//ered) <- s,rely
they're still waiting .or /e =<
?O O?I (IHT) she read.
<B,t ' don:t ,nderstand.< Mo/o:s li*s were tre/bling. <They 0an:t all be gone) not /y .riends)
not the ti/es we s*ent together. . .<
Aery slowly) a single word lit ,* on 8assio*eia:s shellE 934T.
Hor the .irst ti/e in her li.e) Mo/o gras*ed the terrible .inality o. the word. 5er heart had
ne2er .elt so hea2y.
<B,t)< she /,r/,red hel*lessly) <- b,t %'m still here. . .< 4he longed to 0ry b,t 0o,ldn:t.
3 /o/ent later she .elt the tortoise n,dge her bare .oot.
4O 3M ') she read.
<>es)< she said) s/iling bra2ely) <yo,:re here too) 8assio*eia) and ':/ glad o. yo,r 0o/*any.
8o/e on) let:s go to bed.<
9i0+ing ,* the tortoise) she 0arried it thro,gh the hole in the wall and down into her roo/.
4he saw by the light o. the setting s,n that all was j,st as she had le.t it - Be**o had tidied
the *la0e ,* a.ter its in2asion by the /en in gray - b,t e2erything was thi0+ with d,st and
shro,ded in 0obwebs.
Then she 0a,ght sight o. an en2elo*e *ro**ed against a 0an on the little table. The en2elo*e)
too) was 0o2ered with 0obwebs. "To Momo," it said.
Mo/o:s heart began to ra0e. ?o one had e2er written her a letter be.ore. 4he *i0+ed ,* the
en2elo*e and exa/ined it .ro/ e2ery angle) then tore it o*en and ,n.olded the sli* o. *a*er
".ear Momo," she read) "%'ve moved. %f you come back, please get in touch with me at once.
% miss you and worry about you a lot. % hope nothing has happened to you. %f you're hungry,
go to 2ino's place. %'ll foot the bill, so be sure to eat as much as you want. 2ino will tell you
the rest. ,eep on loving me - % still love you. 3ours ever, 4uido."
Mo/o too+ a long ti/e to de0i*her this letter) e2en tho,gh D,ido had ob2io,sly been
at *ains to write as neatly and legibly as *ossible. The daylight had gone by the ti/e she
.inished reading) b,t she .elt 0o/.orted.
4he too+ the tortoise and *,t it on the bed beside her. <>o, see) 8assio*eia)< she said
as she wra**ed hersel. in the d,sty blan+et) <':/ not alone a.ter all.<
B,t the tortoise see/ed to be aslee* already) and Mo/o) who had *i0t,red D,ide:s .a0e with
the ,t/ost 0larity while reading his letter) ne2er s,s*e0ted that the en2elo*e had been lying
there .or al/ost a year.
4he *illowed her 0hee+ on it) .eeling 0old no longer.
$%#EE ";')%E*9 'O A'*(E#*
Towards noon on the .ollowing day) Mo/o t,0+ed the tortoise ,nder her ar/ and set o.. .or
?ino:s inn.
<>o,:ll see) 8assio*eia)< she said. <The /ystery will soon be sol2ed. ?ino will tell ,s where
D,ido and Be**o are. Then we:ll go and get the 0hildren) and we:ll all be together again.
9erha*s ?ino and his wi.e will 0o/e along too. >o,:ll li+e /y .riends) ':/ s,re. 6e 0o,ld e2en
gi2e a little *arty this e2ening. ':ll tell e2eryone abo,t the .lowers and the /,si0 and 9ro.essor
5ora and e2erything. Oh) ' j,st 0an:t wait to see the/ all again C Hirst) tho,gh) ':/ loo+ing
.orward to a good l,n0h. ':/ absol,tely .a/ished.<
3nd so she 0hattered on /errily) .eeling in her ja0+et *o0+et now and then to reass,re
hersel. that D,ido:s letter was still there. The tortoise .ixed her with its wise old eyes and
/ade no 0o//ent.
Mo/o began to h,/ as she went) and then to sing. The words and /elodies were those
o. the 2oi0es that still see/ed to ring in her ears as 0learly as they had the day be.ore. 4he
wo,ld ne2er .orget the/) she +new that now.
Then) abr,*tly) she bro+e o... They had rea0hed ?ino:s inn) b,t her .irst tho,ght was that she
/,st ha2e gone astray. 6here on0e had stood a little old ta2ern with da/*-stained walls and
a 2ine growing aro,nd the door) the street was .lan+ed by a long) 0on0rete box with big *late
glass windows. The street itsel. had been as*halted and was h,//ing with tra..i0. 3 big
*etrol station had s*r,ng ,* o**osite) and alongside it an enor/o,s o..i0e b,ilding. There
were lots o. 0ars *ar+ed o,tside the new establish/ent) and the neon sign abo2e the
entran0e saidE ?'?O:4 H34THOO@.
Mo/o went inside. 4he .o,nd it hard to get her bearings at .irst. 8e/ented into the .loor
beside the windows were a n,/ber o. tables with s,0h s*indly single legs and tiny to*s that
they loo+ed li+e toadstools. They were j,st the right height .or grown-,*s to eat at standing
,* - whi0h was .ort,nate) sin0e there were no 0hairs.
7,nning along the other side o. the roo/ was a sort o. .en0e /ade o. shiny) 0hro/i,/-*lated
t,bing. J,st beyond it stood a long row o. glass 0ases 0ontaining ha/ and 0heese
sandwi0hes) sa,sages) *lates o. salad) *,dding) 0a+es and 0o,ntless other things to eat)
/any o. whi0h Mo/o had ne2er seen be.ore.
4he 0o,ld only ta+e in the s0ene by degrees be0a,se the roo/ was ja/-*a0+ed with *eo*le)
and she always see/ed to be getting in their way. ?o /atter where she stood) they elbowed
her aside or jostled her along. Most o. the/ were balan0ing trays laden with .ood and drin+)
and all were intent on grabbing a *la0e at one o. the little tables. Behind e2ery /an or wo/an
that stood there) eating in .ranti0 haste) se2eral others waited i/*atiently .or hi/ or her
to .inish. Hro/ ti/e to ti/e) a0ri/onio,s re/ar+s were ex0hanged by those eating and those
still waiting to eat. 3ll o. the/ loo+ed gl,/ and dis0ontented.
More *eo*le were sh,..ling slowly along behind the barrier) ta+ing *lates or bottles and
0ardboard 0,*s .ro/ the glass 0ases as they *assed.
Mo/o was astonished. 4o they 0o,ld hel* the/sel2es to whate2er they li+ed C There was
no one aro,nd to sto* the/ or as+ the/ to *ay .or what they too+. 9erha*s e2erything was
.ree) Mo/o re.le0ted. That wo,ld 0ertainly a00o,nt .or the 0r,sh.
3t last she s*otted ?ino. 3l/ost obs0,red by 0,sto/ers) he was seated in .ront o. a 0ash
register at the 2ery end o. the long row o. glass 0ases) *ressing b,ttons) ta+ing /oney and
gi2ing 0hange witho,t a sto*. 4o he was the *erson who too+ the /oney C The rail .en0ed
*eo*le in so they 0o,ldn:t get to the tables witho,t *assing hi/.
<?ino C< she 0alled) trying to s-,ee;e thro,gh the 0rowd. 4he 0alled again and wa2ed D,ido:s
letter) b,t ?ino didn:t hear. The ele0troni0 0ash register was blee*ing too lo,dly.
9l,0+ing ,* her 0o,rage) Mo/o 0li/bed o2er the rail and wor/ed her way along the line
to where ?ino sat. 5e glan0ed ,*) be0a,se one or two 0,sto/ers had started to *rotest.
3t the sight o. Mo/o) his gl,/ ex*ression disa**eared in a .lash.
<4o yo,:re ba0+ C< he ex0lai/ed) bea/ing j,st as he ,sed to in the old days. <This is a ni0e
s,r*rise C<
<Det a /o2e on)< 0alled an angry 2oi0e. <Tell that +id to stand in line li+e the rest o. ,s.
8hee+y yo,ng whi**ersna**er) barging her way to the .ront li+e that C<
?ino /ade a**easing gest,res. <' won:t be a /o/ent)< he said. <Be *atient) 0an:t yo, =<
<3nyone 0o,ld j,/* the line at this rate)< another 2oi0e 0hi/ed in. <5,rry ,*) we don:t ha2e
as /,0h ti/e to s*are as she does.<
<(oo+) Mo/o)< ?ino whis*ered h,rriedly) <ta+e whate2er yo, li+e - D,ido will *ay .or it all
- b,t yo,:ll ha2e to line ,* li+e the rest. >o, heard what they said.<
Be.ore Mo/o 0o,ld re*ly) she was *,shed *ast the 0ash des+ by the *eo*le behind her.
There was nothing .or it b,t to do as the others did. Joining the end o. the line) she too+
a tray .ro/ a shel. and a +ni.e) .or+ and s*oon .ro/ a box. Be0a,se she needed both hands
.or the tray) she d,/*ed 8assio*eia on to*.
7ather .l,stered by now) Mo/o too+ things at rando/ .ro/ the glass 0ases as she was
slowly *ro*elled along) ste* by ste*) and arranged the/ aro,nd the tortoise. 4he ended
,* with an oddly assorted /ealE a *ie0e o. .ried .ish) a ja/ *,..) a sa,sage) a /eat *ie and
a *lasti0 /,g o. le/onade. 4,rro,nded by .ood on all sides) 8assio*eia retired into her shell
witho,t 0o//ent.
6hen Mo/o at last rea0hed the 0ash des+) she h,rriedly as+ed ?ino i. he +new where D,ido
?ino nodded. <O,r D,ido:s a 0elebrity these days. 6e:re all 2ery *ro,d o. hi/ - he:s one
o. ,s) a.ter all. 5e:s on TA and radio e2ery wee+) and they:re always writing abo,t hi/ in the
*a*ers. ' e2en had two re*orters here /ysel. last wee+) as+ing abo,t the old days. ' told
the/ how D,ido ,sed to -<
<Mo2e along in .ront C< 0alled an irate 2oi0e.
<B,t why doesn:t he 0o/e aro,nd any /ore =< Mo/o as+ed.
<3h) well)< ?ino /,ttered) .idgeting be0a,se his 0,sto/ers were /a+ing hi/ ner2o,s) <he
doesn:t ha2e the ti/e) yo, see. 5e:s got /ore i/*ortant things on his /ind. Besides) there:s
nothing doing at the a/*hitheater) not now.<
<6hat:s the /atter with yo, =< 0alled another indignant 2oi0e. <>o, thin+ we like hanging
aro,nd here) or so/ething =<
Mo/o d,g her heels in. <6here:s D,ido li2ing now =< she as+ed.
<4o/ewhere on Dreen 5ill)< ?ino re*lied. <5e:s got a .ine ho,se there) so they say) with
a great big garden - b,t *lease) Mo/o) do /e a .a2o,r and 0o/e ba0+ later C<
Mo/o didn:t really want to /o2e on - she had a lot /ore -,estions .or hi/ - b,t so/eone
sho2ed her in the ba0+ again. 4he too+ her tray to one o. the toadstool tables and a0t,ally
/anaged to get a *la0e) tho,gh the table was so high that her nose was on a le2el with it.
6hen she slid the tray on to*) the neighbo,ring grown-,*s eyed 8assio*eia with disg,st.
<Fgh C 4ee the +ind o. thing we ha2e to *,t ,* with nowadays =< so/eone said to the *erson
beside hi/) and the other /an growled) <6hat do yo, ex*e0t = These +ids C<
They le.t it at that and ignored Mo/o .ro/ then on. Iating was -,ite a *roble/ be0a,se she
0o,ld s0ar0ely see what was on her tray) b,t being 2ery h,ngry she de2o,red e2ery last
/orsel. Then) in her anxiety to dis0o2er what had be0o/e o. Be**o) she rejoined the line.
3ltho,gh she wasn:t h,ngry any /ore) she was so *eo*le /ight get angry with her
i. she si/*ly stood there that she .illed her tray with another assort/ent o. things .ro/ the
glass 0ases.
<6here:s Be**o =< she as+ed) when she .inally /ade it ba0+ to the 0ash des+.
<5e waited .or yo, .or ages)< ?ino said h,rriedly) .ear.,l o. ,*setting his 0,sto/ers again.
<5e tho,ght so/ething terrible had ha**ened to yo, - +e*t on tal+ing abo,t /en in gray)
or so/ething o. the +ind. 6ell) yo, +now old Be**o - he always was a bit e00entri0.<
<>o,) there C< 0alled a 2oi0e .ro/ the ba0+ o. the line. <6hen are we going to get so/e
ser2i0e =<
<7ight away) sir C< ?ino 0alled ba0+.
<6hat ha**ened then =< as+ed Mo/o.
<Then he started *estering the *oli0e)< ?ino went on) ner2o,sly /assaging his brow. <5e
as+ed the/ to loo+ .or yo, - /ade a *ro*er n,isan0e o. hi/sel.) a**arently. ?ext thing
we +new) they:d *,t hi/ in a sort o. /ental hos*ital. That:s all ' 0an tell yo,.<
<5ell and da/nation C< so/eone else bellowed. <'s this a .ast.ood joint or a dentist:s waiting
roo/ = 6hat are yo, doing) holding a .a/ily re,nion =<
<>es) +ind o.)< ?ino said) a*ologeti0ally.
<'s he still there =< as+ed Mo/o.
?ino shoo+ his head. <' don:t thin+ so. ':/ told they *rono,n0ed hi/ har/less and let hi/ go.<
<4o where is he now =<
<':2e no idea) Mo/o) honestly ' ha2en:t. ?ow *lease be a good girl and /o2e on.<
3gain Mo/o was jostled *ast the 0ash des+ by the *eo*le behind her) and again she waited
.or a *la0e at one o. the toadstool tables. 4he *olished o.. her se0ond tray.,l o. .ood with
a good deal less g,sto than the .irst) b,t .ood was .ood) and she wo,ldn:t ha2e drea/ed
o. lea2ing any.
4he still had to .ind o,t what had be0o/e o. the 0hildren who ,sed to +ee* her 0o/*any.
There was nothing .or it b,t to stand in line on0e /ore) sh,..le *ast the glass 0ases and load
her tray with .ood rather than in2ite hostile re/ar+s. 't see/ed an eternity be.ore she rea0hed
the 0ash des+ again.
<6hat abo,t the 0hildren =< she de/anded. <6hat:s be0o/e o. the/ =<
<Oh) that:s all 0hanged)< said ?ino) brea+ing o,t in a sweat at her rea**earan0e. <' 0an:t
ex*lain right now - yo, 0an see how r,shed ' a/.<
<B,t why don:t they 0o/e any /ore =< she insisted.
<?owadays) +ids with no one to loo+ a.ter the/ are *,t in 0hild de*ots. They aren:t allowed
to be le.t to the/sel2es any /ore be0a,se - well) the long and the short o. it is) they:re ta+en
0are o..<
<5,rry it ,*) yo, slow*o+es C< 0a/e an indignant 0hor,s. <6e:d li+e to eat so/eti/e C<
Mo/o was loo+ing in0red,lo,s. <8hild de*ots)< she re*eated. <'s that what /y .riends really
wanted =<
<They weren:t 0ons,lted)< said ?ino) .iddling with the +eys o. his 0ash register. <'t:s not ,* to
+ids to de0ide these things .or the/sel2es. 8hild de*ots +ee* the/ o.. the streets - that:s the
/ain thing) isn:t it =<
Mo/o said nothing) j,st loo+ed at hi/) and ?ino s-,ir/ed ,nder her sear0hing ga;e.
<@a/n it all C< sho,ted yet another angry 2oi0e in the ba0+gro,nd. <This is the li/it C '. yo,
/,st hold a *rayer /eeting) hold it so/ewhere else C<
<6hat a/ ' going to do now)< Mo/o as+ed in a s/all 2oi0e) <witho,t /y .riends =<
?ino shr,gged and +neaded his hands together. <Be reasonable) Mo/o)< he said) drawing
a dee* breath. <8o/e ba0+ so/e other ti/e. ' really 0an:t dis0,ss yo,r *roble/s now. >o,:re
wel0o/e to eat here any ti/e yo, li+e) yo, +now that) b,t i. ' were yo, ':d re*ort to one
o. these 0hild de*ots. They:d loo+ a.ter yo, and +ee* yo, o00,*ied - they:d e2en gi2e yo,
a *ro*er ed,0ation. Besides) yo,:ll end ,* in one anyway) i. yo, go on wandering aro,nd
on yo,r own li+e this.<
Mo/o said nothing) j,st ga;ed at hi/ as be.ore. 6hen the 0rowd swe*t her along she
/e0hani0ally went to one o. the tables and j,st as /e0hani0ally .or0ed hersel. to eat a third
l,n0h) tho,gh it was all she 0o,ld do to get it down. 't tasted so /,0h li+e 0ardboard and
wood sha2ings) she .elt si0+.
Then) t,0+ing 8assio*eia ,nder her ar/) she wal+ed silently to the door witho,t a ba0+ward
<5ey) Mo/o C< 0alled ?ino) who had s*otted her at the last /o/ent. <6ait a bit C >o, ne2er
told /e where yo,:2e been all this ti/e C<
B,t the next 0,sto/er was already dr,//ing his .ingers on the 0ash register. ?ino rang
,* the total) too+ the /an:s /oney and ga2e hi/ so/e 0hange. The s/ile had long sin0e le.t
his .a0e.
<':2e had /asses to eat)< Mo/o told 8assio*eia when they were ba0+ at the a/*hitheater.
<Har too /,0h) to tell the tr,th) b,t so/ehow ' still .eel e/*ty inside.< 3.ter a while she
added) <3nyway) ' 0o,ldn:t ha2e told ?ino abo,t the .lowers and the /,si0 - there wasn:t
ti/e) and ' don:t thin+ he:d ha2e ,nderstood.< There was another *a,se be.ore she went on)
<?e2er /ind) to/orrow we:ll go and loo+ .or D,ido. >o,:re s,re to li+e hi/) 8assio*eia)
belie2e /e.<
B,t all that lit ,* on 8assio*eia:s shell was a great big -,estion /ar+.
O;'& A'& "O*$
Mo/o got ,* early the next /orning and set o.. in sear0h o. D,ide:s ho,se. 8assio*eia 0a/e
too) o. 0o,rse.
Mo/o +new where Dreen 5ill was. 3 residential s,b,rb se2eral /iles .ro/ the a/*hitheater)
it lay on the other side o. the 0ity) near the ho,sing de2elo*/ent:s identi0al rows o. identi0al
Dreen 5ill was a long wal+. 3ltho,gh Mo/o was ,sed to going witho,t shoes) her bare .eet
were a0hing by the ti/e she got there) so she sat down on the 0,rb to rest a while.
't really was a 2ery s/art neighbo,rhood. The streets were broad and 0lean and deserted.
'n gardens en0losed by high walls and iron railings) .ine old trees reared their bran0hes to the
s+y. Most o. the ho,ses set in these gardens were long) low) .lat-roo.ed 2illas b,ilt
o. 0on0rete and glass. The s/ooth ex*anses o. lawn in .ront o. the/ were l,sh and green
- they *ositi2ely 0ried o,t .or 0hildren to t,rn so/ersa,lts on the/ - b,t not a so,l 0o,ld
be seen strolling or *laying anywhere. 9res,/ably the owners didn:t ha2e ti/e.
Mo/o t,rned to 8assio*eia. <'. only ' +new how to .ind o,t where D,ido li2es)< she sighed.
>OF 6'(() the tortoise signalled.
<>o, really thin+ so =< Mo/o said ho*e.,lly.
<5ey) yo, gr,bby little brat)< so/eone said behind her) <what are yo, doing here =<
Mo/o t,rned to see a /an in a s*otless white ja0+et. 4he didn:t +now that s,0h ja0+ets were
worn by the ser2ants o. the ri0h. <Dood /orning)< she said) getting ,* o.. the 0,rb) <':/
loo+ing .or D,ido:s ho,se. ?ino told /e he li2es here now.<
<5hose ho,se =<
<D,ido:s. 5e:s a .riend o. /ine) yo, see.<
The /an in the white ja0+et glared at her s,s*i0io,sly. 5e had le.t the garden gate ajar) and
Mo/o 0o,ld see inside. 4o/e dogs were .ris+ing aro,nd on a big stret0h o. lawn and
a .o,ntain was *laying in .ront o. the ho,se. O2erhead) in a blosso/-0o2ered tree) *er0hed
a *air o. *ea0o0+s.
<Oh)< Mo/o ex0lai/ed) <what *retty birds C< 4he started to go inside .or a 0loser loo+) b,t the
/an in the white ja0+et grabbed her by the s0r,.. o. the ne0+.
<?o) yo, don:t C< he said. <4o/e ner2e yo,:2e got) ' /,st say.< Then he let go o. her and
wi*ed his .ingers on his hand+er0hie.) loo+ing as i. he:d j,st to,0hed so/ething ,n*leasant.
Mo/o *ointed thro,gh the gate. <@oes all that belong to yo, =< she in-,ired.
<?o)< sna**ed the /an in the white ja0+et) so,nding /ore ,n.riendly than e2er. <3nd now)
0lear o... >o,:2e no b,siness here.<
<Oh) yes ' ha2e)< Mo/o said .ir/ly. <':2e got to .ind D,ido D,ide. 5e:s ex*e0ting /e. @on:t
yo, +now hi/ =<
<There aren:t any g,ides aro,nd here)< the /an retorted) and t,rned on his heel. 5e had
gone ba0+ into the garden and was abo,t to sla/ the gate when a tho,ght see/ed to stri+e
<>o, don:t /ean Dirola/o) the TA star =<
<That:s right)< Mo/o said eagerly. <D,ido D,ide - that:s his real na/e. 8an yo, tell /e whi0h
his ho,se is =<
<'s he really ex*e0ting yo, =< the /an de/anded.
<>es) tr,ly he is)< said Mo/o. <5e:s a .riend o. /ine - he *ays .or e2erything ' eat at ?ino:s.<
The /an in the white ja0+et raised his eyebrows and shoo+ his head. <These showbi;
*eo*le)< he said a0idly. <They 0ertainly get so/e 0ra;y notions so/eti/es. 3ll right) i. yo,
really thin+ he:ll wel0o/e a 2isit .ro/ yo,) his ho,se is right at the end o. the street.<
4o saying) he sla//ed the gate behind hi/.
The word 45O6OHH a**eared on 8assio*eia:s shell) b,t only .or a /o/ent.
The last ho,se in the street was s,rro,nded by a high wall and the gate was /ade o. sheet
/etal li+e all the rest) so it was i/*ossible to see inside. There wasn:t a na/e*late or
a doorbell anywhere in sight.
<8an this really be D,ide:s new ho,se =< said Mo/o. <'t doesn:t loo+ at all the +ind o. *la0e
he:d 0hoose.<
'T '4) 8assio*eia signalled.
<B,t why is it all sh,t ,* =< Mo/o as+ed. <':ll ne2er get in.<
63'T) was 8assio*eia:s ad2i0e.
Mo/o sighed. <' /ay ha2e to wait a long ti/e. I2en i. D,ido:s ho/e) how will he +now ':/
here =<
The tortoise:s shell lit ,* again. 5I:(( 8OMI) it said.
4o Mo/o sat down) right o,tside the gate) and waited *atiently. ?othing ha**ened .or s,0h
a long ti/e that she began to wonder i. 8assio*eia had /ade a /ista+e .or on0e.
<3re yo, absol,tely *ositi2e =< she as+ed a.ter a while.
8assio*eia:s re*ly was -,ite ,nex*e0ted. 5er shell said si/*ly) DOO@B>I.
Mo/o ga2e a start. <6hat do yo, /ean) 8assio*eia = >o, aren:t lea2ing /e) are yo, =
6here are yo, going =<
TO (OOB HO7 >OF. was 8assio*eia:s still /ore 0ry*ti0 res*onse.
3t that /o/ent the gate sw,ng o*en witho,t warning and o,t shot a long) low) elegant 0ar.
Mo/o) who j,/*ed ba0+ only j,st in ti/e) .ell head o2er heels. The 0ar s*ed on .or se2eral
yards) then s0ree0hed to a halt. 3n instant later) D,ido j,/*ed o,t.
<Mo/o C< he 0ried) .linging his ar/s wide. <'. it isn:t /y own) belo2ed little Mo/o C<
Mo/o s0ra/bled to her .eet and ran to hi/) and D,ido snat0hed her ,* in his ar/s and
0o2ered her 0hee+s with +isses and dan0ed aro,nd in the road with her.
<@id yo, h,rt yo,rsel. =< he as+ed breathlessly) b,t instead o. waiting .or a re*ly he went
on tal+ing nineteen to the do;en. <4orry ' ga2e yo, a .right) b,t ':/ in a tearing h,rry. (ate
again) as ,s,al. 6here ha2e yo, been all this ti/e = >o, /,st tell /e the whole story. ':d
gi2en yo, ,* .or lost) yo, +now. @id yo, get /y letter = >es = 4o it was still there) eh =
Hine) so yo, went and had a /eal at ?ino:s) did yo, = @id yo, enjoy it = Oh) Mo/o) we:2e
s,0h a lot to tell ea0h other - so /,0h has ha**ened in the last .ew /onths. 5ow are yo,)
anyway = 6hat:s the /atter) lost yo,r tong,e = 3nd what abo,t old Be**o - what:s he ,*
to these days = ' ha2en:t seen hi/ in a /onth o. 4,ndays. 3nd the 0hildren - what abo,t
the/ = Oh) Mo/o) ' 0an:t tell yo, how o.ten ' thin+ o. the ti/es we s*ent together) when
' ,sed to tell yo, stories. Dood ti/es) they were) b,t e2erything:s di..erent now - yo, 0an:t
i/agine how di..erent.<
Mo/o had /ade se2eral atte/*ts to answer his -,estions) b,t sin0e his torrent o. words
ne2er dried ,* she si/*ly wat0hed and waited. D,ido loo+ed di..erent .ro/ the old days.
5e was well-groo/ed and he s/elled ni0e) b,t there was so/ething 0,rio,sly ,n.a/iliar
abo,t hi/.
Meanwhile) so/e *eo*le had e/erged .ro/ the li/o,sine and wal+ed o2er to the/E a /an in
a 0ha,..e,r:s ,ni.or/ and three hard-.a0ed) hea2ily /ade-,* yo,ng wo/en.
<'s the 0hild h,rt =< as+ed one) so,nding less anxio,s than disa**ro2ing.
<?o) no) not a bit)< D,ido ass,red her. <6e ga2e her a .right) that:s all.<
<4er2es her right .or loitering o,tside the gate)< said the se0ond yo,ng wo/an.
D,ido la,ghed. <B,t this is Mo/o - /y old .riend Mo/o C<
The third yo,ng wo/an raised her eyebrows. <4o she really exists) does she = ' always
tho,ght she was a .ig/ent o. yo,r i/agination. 6e /,st iss,e a *ress release at on0e.
<Dirola/o 7e,nited with his Hairy 9rin0ess< - so/ething along those lines. ':ll get on to it at
on0e. 6hat a story C The *,bli0 will la* it ,*.<
<?o)< said D,ido) <':d rather not.<
<6hat do you say) Mo/o =< as+ed the .irst yo,ng wo/an) .ixing Mo/o with an arti.i0ial s/ile.
<4,rely you'd li+e to see yo,r *i0t,re in the *a*er) wo,ldn:t yo, =<
<(ea2e her alone C< sna**ed D,ido.
The se0ond yo,ng wo/an glan0ed at her wristwat0h. <6e:re going to /iss o,r .light i. we
don:t get a /o2e on) and yo, +now what that wo,ld /ean.<
<Dod 3l/ighty)< D,ido *rotested) <0an:t ' e2en ha2e a -,iet 0hat with a long-lost .riend =<
5e t,rned to Mo/o with a r,e.,l grin. <>o, see = They ne2er gi2e /e a /o/ent:s *ea0e)
these sla2e-dri2ers o. /ine - ne2er.<
<4,it yo,rsel.) b,t we:re only doing o,r job)< the se0ond yo,ng wo/an said tartly. <That:s
what yo, *ay ,s .or) lord and /aster) to arrange yo,r s0hed,le and see that yo, sti0+ to it.<
D,ido ga2e in. <O+ay) o+ay) we:d better get going. Tell yo, what) Mo/o) why not 0o/e to the
air*ort with ,s = 6e 0an tal+ on the way) and a.terwards /y 0ha,..e,r will dri2e yo, ho/e)
all right =<
6itho,t e2en waiting .or an answer) he sei;ed Mo/o:s hand and towed her to the 0ar. The
three se0retaries got in behind while D,ido sat ,* .ront with Mo/o wedged in beside hi/.
<7ight)< he said) <':/ listening) b,t .irst things .irst. 5ow 0o/e yo, disa**eared li+e that =<
Mo/o was on the *oint o. telling hi/ abo,t 9ro.essor 5ora and the ho,r-lilies when one
o. the se0retaries leaned .orward.
<4orry to b,tt in)< she said) <b,t ':2e j,st had the /ost .ab,lo,s idea. 6e:2e si/*ly got
to introd,0e Mo/o to the to* brass at Hantasy Hil/s. 4he:d be *er.e0t .or the title role in yo,r
next .il/ - the one abo,t the girl who be0o/es a 2agrant. Thin+ what a sensation it wo,ld
/a+eE <Mo/o) starring Mo/o C<<
<@idn:t yo, hear what ' said =< sna**ed D,ido. <' don:t want her dragged into anything o. the
+ind) is that 0lear =<
The yo,ng wo/an bridled. <' j,st don:t get it)< she said. <Most *eo*le wo,ld j,/* at s,0h
a hea2en-sent o**ort,nity.<
<6ell) ':/ not /ost *eo*le C< D,ido sho,ted in a s,dden .,ry. 5e t,rned to Mo/o. <Horgi2e
/e) yo, /ay not ,nderstand this) b,t ' don:t want these 2,lt,res sin+ing their talons into yo,
as well as /e.<
3t that) all three se0retaries sni..ed and loo+ed o..ended.
D,ido groaned alo,d and 0l,t0hed his head. 9rod,0ing a s/all sil2er *illbox .ro/ his *o0+et)
he too+ o,t a 0a*s,le and g,l*ed it down.
?obody s*o+e .or a /in,te or two.
3t length D,ido t,rned to the trio behind hi/. <' a*ologi;e)< he /,/bled wearily) <' wasn:t
re.erring to yo,. My ner2es are on edge) that:s all.<
<6e +now)< said the .irst yo,ng wo/an) <we:re getting ,sed to it.<
<3nd now)< D,ido went on) s/iling down at Mo/o rather wryly) <let:s not tal+ abo,t anything
ex0e*t the two o. ,s.<
<One /ore -,estion be.ore it:s too late)< the se0ond yo,ng wo/an bro+e in. <6e:ll be there
any /in,te. 8o,ldn:t yo, at least let /e do a -,i0+ inter2iew with the +id =<
<That:s eno,gh C< roared D,ido. beside hi/sel. with rage. <' want a word with Mo/o in *ri2ate
- it /eans a lot to /e. 5ow /any /ore ti/es do ' ha2e to tell yo, =<
The se0ond yo,ng wo/an was j,st as irate. <>o,:re always 0o/*laining be0a,se the
*,bli0ity ' get yo, doesn:t *a0+ a big eno,gh *,n0h.<
<>o,:re right)< D,ido groaned) <b,t not now. ?ot now C<
<'t:s too bad)< the se0ond yo,ng wo/an *,rs,ed. <3 h,/an-interest story li+e this wo,ld be
a real tear-jer+er) b,t ha2e it yo,r way. Maybe we 0an r,n it later on) when -<
<?o C< D,ido 0,t in. <?either now nor later - not e2er C ?ow +indly sh,t ,* while Mo/o and
' ha2e a tal+.<
<6ell) *ardon me C< the se0ond yo,ng wo/an retorted angrily. <'t:s yo,r *,bli0ity we:re
dis0,ssing) not /ine. Thin+ 0are.,llyE 0an yo, really a..ord to *ass ,* s,0h an o**ort,nity
at this stage in yo,r 0areer =<
<?o) ' 0an:t)< D,ido 0ried in des*eration) <b,t Mo/o stays o,t o. it C 3nd now) .or *ity:s sa+e)
lea2e ,s in *ea0e .or .i2e /in,tes.<
The se0retaries rela*sed into silen0e. (i/*ly) D,ido drew a hand a0ross his eyes.
<>o, see how .ar gone ' a/ =< 5e *atted Mo/o:s ar/ and ga2e a wry little la,gh. <' 0o,ldn:t
go ba0+ now) e2en i. ' wanted to - ':/ beyond rede/*tion. <D,ido:s still D,ido C<
- re/e/ber = 6ell) D,ido isn:t D,ido any /ore. Belie2e /e) Mo/o) there:s nothing /ore
dangero,s in li.e than drea/s that 0o/e tr,e) at least when they 0o/e tr,e li+e /ine. ':2e
nothing le.t to drea/ abo,t) and not e2en yo, 0o,ld tea0h /e to drea/ again. ':/ .ed ,* to
the teeth with e2erything and e2eryone.<
5e stared /orosely o,t o. the window.
<The /ost ' 0o,ld do now wo,ld be to sto* telling stories and +ee* /,/) i. not .or the rest
o. /y li.e) at least ,ntil *eo*le had .orgotten all abo,t /e and ' was *oor and ,n+nown again.
B,t *o2erty witho,t drea/s = ?o) Mo/o) that wo,ld be sheer hell. ':d sooner stay where
' a/. That:s another +ind o. hell) b,t at least it:s a 0o/.ortable one.< D,ido bro+e o... <' don:t
+now why ':/ ra/bling on li+e this. >o, 0an:t ha2e ,nderstood a word.<
Mo/o j,st loo+ed at hi/. 6hat she ,nderstood) .irst and .ore/ost) was that D,ido was ill
- gra2ely ill. 4he s,s*e0ted that the /en in gray were at the botto/ o. it) b,t she had no idea
how to 0,re hi/ i. he didn:t want to be 0,red.
<':2e done nothing b,t tal+ abo,t /ysel.)< he said. <'t:s high ti/e yo, told /e abo,t yo,r own
J,st then the 0ar drew ,* o,tside the air*ort ter/inal. They all got o,t and h,rried into the
.oyer) where a *air o. ,ni.or/ed stewardesses were already waiting .or D,ido. 4o/e
news*a*er re*orters too+ *i0t,res o. hi/ and as+ed -,estions) b,t the stewardesses started
.,ssing be0a,se there were only a .ew /in,tes le.t be.ore ta+e-o.. ti/e.
D,ido bent down and ga;ed into Mo/o:s eyes) and s,ddenly his own eyes .illed with tears.
<(isten)< he said) lowering his 2oi0e so the others 0o,ldn:t hear. <4tay with /e) Mo/o. ':ll ta+e
yo, along on this tri* - ':ll ta+e yo, where2er ' go. >o, 0an li2e in that .ine new ho,se o. /ine
and dress in sil+ and satin li+e a real *rin0ess. J,st be there and listen to /e) that:s all ' as+.
'. yo, did) *erha*s ':d /anage to thin+ ,* so/e *ro*er stories li+e the ones ' ,sed to tell)
+now what ' /ean = J,st say yes) Mo/o) and e2erything will be all right again. 5el* /e)
' beg yo, C<
Mo/o:s heart bled .or D,ido. 4he longed so /,0h to hel* hi/) b,t she sensed that he was
wrong. 5e wo,ld ha2e to be0o/e D,ido again) and it wo,ldn:t hel* hi/ at all i. she sto**ed
being Mo/o. 5er eyes) too) .illed with tears) and she shoo+ her head.
D,ido ,nderstood. 5e j,st had ti/e to nod sadly be.ore he was h,stled o.. by the three
se0retaries he e/*loyed to do j,st that. 5e ga2e one last wa2e in the distan0e) and Mo/o
wa2ed ba0+. Then he was hidden .ro/ 2iew.
Mo/o 0o,ld ha2e told hi/ so /any things) b,t she hadn:t /anaged to say a word thro,gho,t
their brie. re,nion. 4he .elt as i.) by .inding hi/ again) she had really and tr,ly lost hi/ at last.
4lowly) she t,rned and /ade her way a0ross the 0rowded .oyer. J,st as she rea0hed the
exit) she was s/itten by a s,dden tho,ghtE she had lost 8assio*eia as well C
<6here to =< as+ed the 0ha,..e,r when Mo/o got in beside hi/.
4he loo+ed *er*lexed. 6here did she want to go = 4he had to loo+ .or 8assio*eia) b,t
where = 6here had she lost her = The tortoise hadn:t been with the/ on the dri2e to the
air*ort) that /,0h she +new .or s,re) so the li+eliest *la0e wo,ld be o,tside D,ido:s ho,se.
Then she re/e/bered the words on 8assio*eia:s shellE DOO@B>I and TO (OOB HO7
>OF. O. 0o,rse C 8assio*eia had +nown be.orehand that they wo,ld lose ea0h other)
so she:d gone loo+ing .or her. B,t where sho,ld she) Mo/o) go loo+ing .or 8assio*eia =
<Ma+e ,* yo,r /ind)< said the 0ha,..e,r) beating an i/*atient tattoo on the steering wheel.
<':2e got better things to do with /y ti/e than ta+e yo, joy-riding.<
<Ba0+ to D,ido:s ho,se) *lease)< Mo/o re*lied.
The 0ha,..e,r loo+ed .aintly s,r*rised. <' tho,ght the boss said to dri2e yo, ho/e. >o, /ean
yo,:re 0o/ing to li2e at his *la0e =<
<?o)< said Mo/o) <b,t ' lost so/ething in the road o,tside) and ':2e got to .ind it.<
That s,ited the 0ha,..e,r) who had to go ba0+ there anyway. 3s soon as they rea0hed
D,ido:s gate) Mo/o got o,t and started *eering in all dire0tions.
<8assio*eia C< she 0alled so.tly) again and again. <8assio*eia C<
The 0ha,..e,r st,0+ his head o,t o. the window. <6hat are yo, loo+ing .or =<
<9ro.essor 5ora:s tortoise)< Mo/o told hi/. <5er na/e is 8assio*eia) and she always +nows
what:s going to ha**en hal. an ho,r in ad2an0e. 4he 0an /a+e words light ,* on her shell)
too - that:s how she tells yo, what the .,t,re holds in store. ':2e si/*ly got to .ind her. 6o,ld
yo, hel* /e to loo+ .or her) *lease =<
<':2e no ti/e .or jo+es)< snarled the 0ha,..e,r) and dro2e on. The re/ote-0ontrolled gate
o*ened and 0losed behind hi/.
Fnda,nted) Mo/o 0ontin,ed the sear0h on her own. 4he 0o/bed the entire street) b,t
8assio*eia was nowhere to be seen.
<9erha*s she:s on her way ba0+ to the a/*hitheater)< tho,ght Mo/o) so she slowly retra0ed
her ste*s) 0alling the tortoise by na/e all the way. 4he *eered into e2ery noo+ and 0ranny)
e2ery dit0h and g,tter) b,t in 2ain.
3ltho,gh Mo/o didn:t get ba0+ to the a/*hitheater till late that night) she sear0hed it as
thoro,ghly as the dar+ness wo,ld allow. 4he had n,rsed a 2ag,e ho*e that 8assio*eia
/ight) by so/e /ira0,lo,s /eans) ha2e rea0hed ho/e be.ore her) b,t she +new in her heart
o. hearts that the tortoise:s slow rate o. *rogress rendered this i/*ossible.
3t long last she 0re*t into bed) really alone .or the .irst ti/e e2er.
On0e she had gi2en 8assio*eia ,* .or lost) Mo/o de0ided to 0on0entrate on trying to .ind
Be**o. 4he s*ent the next .ew wee+s roa/ing ai/lessly thro,gh the 0ity in sear0h o. hi/.
?o one 0o,ld gi2e her any 0l,e to his whereabo,ts) so her one re/aining ho*e was that they
/ight si/*ly b,/* into ea0h other. The 2astness o. the 0ity /ade this a .orlorn ho*e. They
had as little 0han0e o. /eeting as a shi*wre0+ed sailor has that his /essage in a bottle will
be netted by a .ishing boat ten tho,sand /iles .ro/ the desert island where he tossed it into
the sea.
Hor all that) Mo/o +e*t telling hersel.) she and Be**o /ight be -,ite 0lose to ea0h other.
6ho 0o,ld tell how o.ten she had *assed so/e s*ot where he had been only an ho,r)
a /in,te) or e2en a /o/ent or two be.ore = 8on2ersely) how o.ten had Be**o 0rossed
a s-,are or ro,nded a street 0orner only /in,tes or /o/ents a.ter her = In0o,raged by this
tho,ght) Mo/o o.ten waited in the sa/e s*ot .or ho,rs. 4he had to /o2e on sooner or later)
howe2er) so e2en that was no ins,ran0e against their /issing ea0h other by a hair:s breadth.
5ow ,se.,l 8assio*eia wo,ld ha2e been C The tortoise 0o,ld ha2e signalled 63'T C
or BII9 DO'?D C 3s it was) Mo/o ne2er +new what to do .or the best. 4he was
o. /issing Be**o i. she waited) and j,st as o. /issing hi/ i. she didn:t.
4he also +e*t her eyes o*en .or the 0hildren who ,sed to 0o/e and *lay with her in the old
days) b,t she ne2er saw a single one. 4he ne2er saw any 0hildren at all) tho,gh this was
hardly s,r*rising in 2iew o. ?ino:s re/ar+ abo,t their being <ta+en 0are o..<
Mo/o hersel. was ne2er *i0+ed ,* by a *oli0e/an or other ad,lt and ta+en o.. to a 0hild
de*ot) .or the 2ery good reason that she was ,nder 0onstant s,r2eillan0e by the /en in gray.
4he didn:t +now it) b,t 0on.ine/ent to a 0hild de*ot wo,ldn:t ha2e s,ited their *lans .or her.
3ltho,gh she ate at ?ino:s resta,rant e2ery day) she ne2er /anaged to say any /ore to hi/
than she had on the .irst o00asion. 5e was always in j,st as /,0h o. a r,sh and ne2er had
the ti/e.
6ee+s be0a/e /onths) and still Mo/o *,rs,ed her solitary existen0e. One e2ening) while
*er0hed on the bal,strade o. a bridge) she sighted the s/all) bent .ig,re o. a /an on another
bridge in the distan0e) wielding a broo/ as i. his li.e de*ended on it. Mo/o sho,ted and
wa2ed) thin+ing it was Be**o) b,t the /an didn:t sto* wor+ .or an instant. 4he ran as .ast
as she 0o,ld) b,t by the ti/e she rea0hed the other bridge there was no one in sight.
<' don:t s,**ose it was hi/)< she told hersel. 0onsolingly. <?o) it 0an:t ha2e been. ' +now the
way Be**o wor+s.<
4o/e days she stayed ho/e at the a/*hitheater on the o.. 0han0e that Be**o /ight loo+
in to see i. she was ba0+. '. she was o,t when he 0a/e) he wo,ld nat,rally ass,/e that she
was still away. 't tor/ented her to thin+ that this /ight already ha2e ha**ened a wee+
or e2en a day ago) so she waited - in 2ain. I2ent,ally she *ainted the words ':M B38B
on the wall o. her roo/ in big) bold letters) b,t hers were the only eyes that e2er saw the/.
The one thing that ne2er .orsoo+ Mo/o in all this ti/e was her 2i2id re0olle0tion o. 9ro.essor
5ora) the ho,r-lilies) and the /,si0. 4he had only to sh,t her eyes and listen to her heart)
and she 0o,ld see the blosso/s in all their radiant s*lendo,r and hear the 2oi0es singing.
3nd e2en tho,gh the words and /elodies were .ore2er 0hanging) she .o,nd she 0o,ld re*eat
the words and sing the /elodies as easily as she had on the 2ery .irst day. 4o/eti/es she
s*ent whole days sitting alone on the ste*s) tal+ing and singing to hersel. with no one there
to hear b,t the trees and the birds and the ti/e-worn stones.
There are /any +inds o. solit,de) b,t Mo/o:s was a solit,de .ew *eo*le e2er +now and e2en
.ewer ex*erien0e with s,0h intensity. 4he .elt as i. she were i/*risoned in a 2a,lt hea*ed
with *ri0eless treas,res - an e2er-growing hoard that threatened to 0r,sh the li.e o,t o. her.
There was no way o,t) either. The 2a,lt was i/*enetrable and she was .ar too dee*ly b,ried
beneath a /o,ntain o. ti/e to attra0t anyone:s attention.
There were e2en /o/ents when she wished she had ne2er heard the /,si0 or seen the
.lowers. 3nd yet) had she been o..ered a 0hoi0e) nothing in the world wo,ld ha2e ind,0ed her
to *art with her /e/ories o. the/) not e2en the *ros*e0t o. death. >es) death) .or she now
dis0o2ered that there are treas,res 0a*able o. destroying those who ha2e no one to share
the/ with.
I2ery .ew days) Mo/o /ade the long wal+ to D,ide:s ho,se and waited o,tside the gate .or
ho,rs in the ho*e o. seeing hi/ again. By now she was ready to agree to anything - ready
to stay with hi/ and listen to hi/) whether or not things be0a/e as they on0e were - b,t the
gate re/ained .ir/ly sh,t.
Only a .ew /onths *assed in this way) yet Mo/o had ne2er li2ed thro,gh s,0h an eternity.
?o 0lo0+ or 0alendar 0an tr,ly /eas,re ti/e) j,st as no words 0an tr,ly des0ribe the
loneliness that a..li0ted her. 4,..i0e it to say that i. she had s,00eeded in .inding her way ba0+
to 9ro.essor 5ora - and she tried to again and again - she wo,ld ha2e begged hi/ to 0,t o..
her s,**ly o. ti/e or let her re/ain with hi/ at ?owhere 5o,se .ore2er /ore.
B,t she 0o,ldn:t .ind the way witho,t 8assio*eia:s hel*) and 8assio*eia) whether long sin0e
ba0+ with 9ro.essor 5ora or lost and roa/ing the big) wide world) had ne2er rea**eared.
'nstead) so/ething -,ite di..erent ha**ened.
6hile wandering thro,gh the 0ity one day) Mo/o ran into 9aolo) Hran0o and Maria) the girl
who always ,sed to 0arry her little sister 7osa aro,nd with her. 3ll three 0hildren had
0hanged so /,0h) she hardly re0ogni;ed the/. They were dressed in a +ind o. gray ,ni.or/
and their .a0es wore a strangely sti.. and li.eless ex*ression. They barely s/iled) e2en when
Mo/o hailed the/ with delight.
<':2e been loo+ing .or yo, .or so long)< she said breathlessly. <6ill yo, 0o/e ba0+ to the
a/*hitheater and *lay with /e =<
The three 0hildren loo+ed at ea0h other) then shoo+ their heads.
<B,t yo,:ll 0o/e to/orrow) won:t yo,) or the next day =<
3gain the trio shoo+ their heads.
<Oh) do 0o/e C< Mo/o *leaded. <>o, always ,sed to in the old days.<
<'n the old days) yes)< said 9aolo) <b,t e2erything:s di..erent now. 6e aren:t allowed to .ritter
o,r ti/e away.<
<6e ne2er did)< Mo/o *rotested.
<'t was ni0e)< Maria said) <b,t that:s not the *oint.<
3nd the three o. the/ h,rried on with Mo/o trotting beside the/.
<6here are yo, o.. to =< she as+ed.
<To o,r *lay 0lass)< Hran0o told her. <That:s where they tea0h ,s how to *lay.<
Mo/o loo+ed *,;;led. <9lay what =<
<Today we:re *laying data retrie2al)< Hran0o ex*lained. <'t:s a 2ery ,se.,l ga/e) b,t yo, ha2e
to 0on0entrate li+e /ad.<
<5ow does it go =<
<6e all *retend to be *,n0h 0ards) and ea0h 0ard 0arries 2ario,s bits o. in.or/ation abo,t ,s
- age) height) weight and so on. ?ot o,r real age) height and weight) o. 0o,rse) be0a,se that
wo,ld /a+e it too easy. 4o/eti/es we:re j,st long strings o. letters and n,/erals) li+e
MFJK7#3Ky. 3nyway) then we:re sh,..led and .ed into a 0ard index) and one o. ,s has to *i0+
o,t a *arti0,lar 0ard. 5e has to as+ -,estions in s,0h a way that all the other 0ards are
eli/inated and only the right one is le.t. The winner is the *erson who does it -,i0+est.<
<'s it .,n =< Mo/o as+ed) loo+ing rather do,bt.,l.
<That:s not the *oint)< Maria re*eated ,neasily. <3nyway) yo, sho,ldn:t tal+ li+e that.<
<4o what is the *oint =< Mo/o insisted.
<The *oint is)< 9aolo told her) <it:s ,se.,l .or the .,t,re.<
By this ti/e they had rea0hed a big) gray b,ilding.The sign o2er the gate said 85'(@
<' had so /,0h to tell yo,)< Mo/o said.
<Maybe we:ll see ea0h other again so/eti/e)< Maria said sadly.
3s they stood there) /ore 0hildren a**eared. They strea/ed in thro,gh the gateway) all
loo+ing j,st the sa/e as Mo/o:s .or/er *lay/ates.
<'t was /,0h ni0er *laying with yo,)< Hran0o said s,ddenly. <6e ,sed to enjoy thin+ing
,* ga/es .or o,rsel2es) b,t o,r s,*er2isors say they didn:t tea0h ,s anything ,se.,l.<
<8o,ldn:t yo, j,st r,n away =< Mo/o ha;arded.
The trio shoo+ their heads and glan0ed aro,nd .or .ear so/eone /ight ha2e o2erheard.
<' tried it a 0o,*le o. ti/es at the beginning)< Hran0o whis*ered) <b,t it:s ho*eless. They
always 0at0h yo, again.<
<>o, sho,ldn:t tal+ li+e that)< said Maria. <3.ter all) we:re ta+en 0are o. now.<
They all .ell silent and stared gloo/ily into s*a0e. 3t last Mo/o s,//oned ,* her 0o,rage
and said) <8o,ldn:t yo, ta+e /e in with yo, = ':/ so lonely these days.<
J,st then) so/ething extraordinary ha**ened. Be.ore the 0hildren 0o,ld re*ly they were
whis+ed into the 0o,rtyard o. the b,ilding li+e iron .ilings attra0ted by a giant /agnet) and the
gates 0langed sh,t behind the/.
3.ter a /in,te) when she had re0o2ered .ro/ her sho0+) Mo/o 0a,tio,sly a**roa0hed the
gates intending to +no0+ or ring and beg to be allowed to join in) no /atter what ga/e the
0hildren were *laying. 4he had barely ta+en a 0o,*le o. ste*s) howe2er) when she sto**ed
dead) rooted to the s*ot with terror. 3 /an in gray had s,ddenly /ateriali;ed between her
and the gates.
<9ointless)< he said with a thin-li**ed s/ile) the ine2itable 0igar j,tting .ro/ the 0orner o. his
/o,th. <@on:t e2en try it. (etting yo, in wo,ld be against o,r interests.<
<6hy =< Mo/o as+ed. 4he .elt as i. her li/bs were slowly .illing with i0y water.
<Be0a,se we ha2e other *lans .or yo,)< said the /an in gray) blowing a s/o+e ring that
0oiled itsel. aro,nd her ne0+ and too+ a long ti/e to dis*erse.
9eo*le were *assing by) all in too /,0h o. a h,rry to gi2e the/ a se0ond glan0e. Mo/o
*ointed to the /an in gray and tried to 0all .or hel*) b,t no so,nd es0a*ed her li*s.
<4a2e it)< said the /an in gray with a blea+) /irthless la,gh. <>o, o,ght to +now ,s better
than that - yo, +now how *ower.,l we are. ?o one 0an hel* yo,) now we:2e got all yo,r
.riends. >o,:re at o,r /er0y too) b,t we:2e de0ided to go easy on yo,.<
<6hy =< Mo/o /anaged to get o,t.
<Be0a,se we:d li+e yo, to do ,s a little .a2o,r. Be sensible) and yo, 0an do yo,rsel. and yo,r
.riends a lot o. good. 6hat do yo, say =<
<3ll right)< whis*ered Mo/o.
The /an in gray ga2e another thin-li**ed s/ile. <Then we:ll /eet at /idnight to tal+ it o2er.<
4he nodded /,tely) b,t the /an in gray had already 2anished. 3ll that /ar+ed the s*ot
where he had stood was a wis* o. 0igar s/o+e.
5e hadn:t told her where they were to /eet.
$%E *@;A#E
Mo/o was too s0ared to go ba0+ to the a/*hitheater. 4he .elt s,re the /an in gray wo,ld
t,rn ,* there .or their /idnight /eeting) and the tho,ght o. being all alone with hi/ in the
deserted r,ins .illed her with terror.
?o) she ne2er wished to see hi/ again) neither there nor anywhere else. 6hate2er his
*ro*osition /ight be) it boded no <good< .or her and her .riends - that was as *lain as
a *i+esta... B,t where 0o,ld she hide .ro/ hi/ =
3 0rowded *la0e see/ed the best bet. 3ltho,gh no one had ta+en any noti0e be.ore) i. the
/an in gray really tried to har/ her and she 0alled .or hel*) *eo*le wo,ld s,rely hear and
0o/e to her aid. Besides) she told hersel.) she:d be harder to .ind in a 0rowd than on her
4o Mo/o s*ent the rest o. the a.ternoon wal+ing the b,siest streets and s-,ares s,rro,nded
by jostling *edestrians. 3ll thro,gh the e2ening and well into the night she 0ontin,ed
to tr,dge in a big 0ir0le that bro,ght her ba0+ to her starting *oint. 3ro,nd and aro,nd she
went) swe*t along by a .ast-.lowing tide o. h,/anity) ,ntil she had 0o/*leted no .ewer than
three o. these 0ir0,its.
3.ter +ee*ing this ,* .or so /any ho,rs) her weary .eet began to a0he. 't grew later and later)
b,t still she wal+ed) hal. aslee*) on and on and on. . .
<J,st a little rest)< she told hersel. at last)< -j,st a teeny little rest) and then ':ll be /ore on /y
g,ard. . .<
9ar+ed beside the 0,rb was a little three-wheeled deli2ery tr,0+ laden with an assort/ent
o. sa0+s and 0artons. Mo/o 0li/bed aboard) .o,nd hersel. a ni0e) so.t sa0+ and leaned her
ba0+ against it. 4he drew ,* her weary .eet and t,0+ed the/ ,nder her s+irt. My) did that .eel
good C 4he hea2ed a sigh o. relie.) sn,ggled ,* against the sa0+ and was aslee* be.ore she
+new it.
B,t she was ha,nted by the weirdest drea/s. 'n one o. the/ she saw old Be**o) with his
broo/ held 0rossways li+e a balan0ing *ole) teetering along a tightro*e s,s*ended abo2e
a dar+ 0has/. <6here:s the other end =< she heard hi/ 0all) o2er and o2er again. <' 0an:t see
the other end C< 3nd the tightro*e did indeed see/ in.initely long - so long that it stret0hed
away into the dar+ness in both dire0tions. Mo/o yearned to hel* the old /an) b,t she
0o,ldn:t e2en attra0t his attention1 he was too high ,* and too .ar away.
Then she saw D,ido) *,lling a *a*er strea/er o,t o. his /o,th. 5e *,lled and *,lled) b,t the
strea/er was endless and ,nbrea+able - in .a0t he was already standing on a big /o,nd
o. *a*er. 't see/ed to Mo/o that he was ga;ing at her i/*loringly) as i. he wo,ld s,..o0ate
,nless she 0a/e to his res0,e. 4he tried to r,n to hi/) b,t her .eet be0a/e entangled in the
0oils o. *a*er) and the /ore she str,ggled to .ree hersel. the /ore entangled she be0a/e.
3nd then she saw the 0hildren. They were all as .lat as *laying 0ards) and ea0h 0ard had
a *attern o. little holes *,n0hed in it. I2ery ti/e the 0ards were sh,..led they had to sort
the/sel2es o,t and be *,n0hed with a new *attern o. holes. The 0ard 0hildren were 0rying
bitterly) b,t all Mo/o 0o,ld hear was a sort o. 0lattering so,nd as they were sh,..led yet
again and .l,ttered down on to* o. ea0h other. <4to* C< she sho,ted) b,t her .eeble 2oi0e was
drowned by the 0latter) whi0h grew lo,der and lo,der ,ntil it .inally wo+e her ,*.
't was dar+) and .or a /o/ent she 0o,ldn:t thin+ where she was. Then she re/e/bered
0li/bing aboard the deli2ery tr,0+ and reali;ed that it was on the /o2e. That was what had
wo+en her - the so,nd o. the engine.
Mo/o wi*ed her 0hee+s) whi0h were still wet with tears) and wondered where she 0o,ld be.
The tr,0+ had e2idently been on the /o2e .or so/e ti/e) be0a,se it was in a di..erent *art
o. the 0ity. 3t this late ho,r not a so,l 0o,ld be seen in the streets) not a light showed
anywhere in the tall b,ildings that .lan+ed the/.
The tr,0+ was going -,ite slowly and Mo/o) witho,t sto**ing to thin+) j,/*ed o,t. 4he
began wal+ing in the o**osite dire0tion) eager to get ba0+ to the 0rowded streets that
see/ed to *rote0tion .ro/ the /an in gray. Then) re/e/bering her night/ares) she
0a/e to a halt.
The so,nd o. the engine grad,ally .aded ,ntil silen0e en2elo*ed the dar+ened street.
4he wo,ld sto* r,nning away) Mo/o de0ided. 4he had done so in the ho*e o. sa2ing
hersel.. 3ll this ti/e she had been *reo00,*ied with hersel.) her own loneliness and .ear)
when it was really her .riends who were in tro,ble. '. anyone 0o,ld sa2e the/) she 0o,ld.
7e/ote as the 0han0es o. *ers,ading the /en in gray to release the/ /ight be) she /,st
at least try.
On0e she rea0hed this 0on0l,sion) she .elt a /ysterio,s 0hange 0o/e o2er her. 5er .eelings
o. .ear and hel*lessness had rea0hed s,0h a *it0h that they were s,ddenly trans.or/ed into
their o**osites. 5a2ing o2er0o/e the/) she .elt 0o,rageo,s and sel.-0on.ident eno,gh
to ta0+le any *ower on earth1 /ore *re0isely) she had 0eased to worry abo,t hersel..
?ow she wanted to /eet the /an in gray - wanted to at all 0osts.
<' /,st go to the a/*hitheater at on0e)< she told hersel.. <9erha*s it still isn:t too late)
*erha*s he:ll be waiting .or /e.<
That) howe2er) was easier said than done. 4he didn:t +now where she was and hadn:t the
least idea whi0h dire0tion to ta+e) b,t she started wal+ing anyway.
On and on she wal+ed thro,gh the dar+) silent streets. Being bare.oot) she 0o,ldn:t e2en hear
her own .ootste*s. I2ery ti/e she t,rned a 0orner she ho*ed to see so/ething that wo,ld
tell her she was on the right tra0+) so/e land/ar+ she re0ogni;ed) b,t she ne2er did. 4he
0o,ldn:t as+ the way) either) be0a,se the only li2ing 0reat,re she saw was a gri/y)
e/a0iated dog that was .oraging .or s0ra*s in a r,bbish hea* and .led in *ani0 at her
3t last she 0a/e to a h,ge) deserted s-,are. 't wasn:t a handso/e s-,are with trees or
a .o,ntain in the /iddle) b,t an e/*ty) .eat,reless ex*anse .ringed with b,ildings whose dar+
sha*es stood o,tlined against the night s+y.
Mo/o set o.. a0ross the s-,are. 6hen she rea0hed the /iddle) a 0lo0+ began to 0hi/e not
.ar away. 't 0hi/ed a good /any ti/es) so *erha*s it was already /idnight. '. the /an
in gray was waiting .or her at the a/*hitheater) Mo/o re.le0ted) she had no 0han0e at all
o. getting there in ti/e. 5e wo,ld go away witho,t seeing her) and any 0han0e o. sa2ing her
.riends wo,ld be gone) *erha*s .ore2er.
4he 0hewed her +n,0+les) wondering what to do. 4he had absol,tely no idea.
<5ere ' a/ C< she 0alled into the dar+ness) as lo,d as she 0o,ld. 4he had no real ho*e that
the /an in gray wo,ld hear her) b,t she was wrong.
40ar0ely had the last 0hi/e died away when lights a**eared in all the streets that led to the
big) e/*ty s-,are) .aint at .irst b,t steadily growing brighter - drawing nearer. 3nd then
Mo/o reali;ed that they were the headlights o. inn,/erable 0ars) all 0on2erging on the s*ot
where she stood. @a;;led by the glare no /atter whi0h way she t,rned) she shielded her
eyes with her hand. 4o they were 0o/ing a.ter all C
B,t Mo/o hadn:t ex*e0ted the/ to 0o/e in s,0h strength. Hor a /o/ent) all her new-.o,nd
0o,rage deserted her. 5e//ed in and ,nable to es0a*e) she shran+ as .ar as she 0o,ld into
her baggy old ja0+et.
Then) re/e/bering the ho,r-lilies and the /ighty 0hor,s o. 2oi0es) she instantly .elt
0o/.orted. The strength .lowed ba0+ into her li/bs.
Meanwhile) with their engines *,rring so.tly) the 0ars had 0ontin,ed their slow ad2an0e.
3t last they sto**ed) b,/*er to b,/*er) in a 0ir0le whose 0entral *oint was Mo/o hersel..
The /en in gray got o,t. Mo/o 0o,ldn:t see how /any o. the/ there were be0a,se they
re/ained o,tside the ring o. headlights) b,t she sensed that /any eyes were on her
- ,n.riendly eyes - and a shi2er ran down her s*ine.
?o one s*o+e .or a while) neither Mo/o nor any o. the /en in gray. Then a .lat)
ex*ressionless 2oi0e bro+e the silen0e.
<' see)< it said. <4o this is Mo/o) the girl who tho,ght she 0o,ld de.y ,s. J,st loo+ at her now)
the /iserable 0reat,re C<
These words were .ollowed by a dry) rattling so,nd that 2ag,ely rese/bled a 0hor,s
o. /o0+ing la,ghter.
<8are.,l C< hissed another gray 2oi0e. <>o, +now how dangero,s she 0an be. 't:s no ,se
trying to de0ei2e her.<
Mo/o *ri0+ed ,* her ears at this.
<Aery well)< said the .irst 2oi0e .ro/ the dar+ness beyond the headlights) <let:s try the tr,th .or
a 0hange.<
3nother long silen0e .ell. Mo/o sensed that the /en in gray were to tell the tr,th -
so that it i/*osed a tre/endo,s strain on the/. 4he heard what so,nded li+e a gas*
o. exertion .ro/ a tho,sand throats.
3t long last) one o. the dise/bodied 2oi0es began to s*ea+. 't 0a/e .ro/ a di..erent dire0tion)
b,t it was j,st as .lat and ex*ressionless as the others.
<3ll right) let:s be bl,nt. >o,:re all on yo,r own) little girl. >o,r .riends are o,t o. rea0h)
so yo,:2e no one to share yo,r ti/e with. 6e *lanned it that way. >o, see how *ower.,l
we are. There:s no *oint in trying to resist ,s. 6hat do they a/o,nt to) all these lonely ho,rs
o. yo,rs = 3 0,rse and a b,rden) nothing /ore. >o,:re 0o/*letely 0,t o.. .ro/ the rest
o. /an+ind.<
Mo/o listened and said nothing.
<4ooner or later)< the 2oi0e droned on) <yo, won:t be able to end,re it any longer. To/orrow)
next wee+) next year - it:s all the sa/e to ,s. 6e shall si/*ly bide o,r ti/e be0a,se we +now
that in d,e 0o,rse yo,:ll 0o/e 0rawling to ,s and sayE ':ll do anything) anything at all) as long
as yo, relie2e /e o. /y b,rden. B,t *erha*s yo,:2e already rea0hed that stage = >o, only
ha2e to say.<
Mo/o shoo+ her head.
<4o yo, won:t let ,s hel* yo, =< the 2oi0e *,rs,ed 0oldly. Mo/o .elt an i0y bree;e en2elo*
her .ro/ all sides at on0e) b,t she gritted her teeth and shoo+ her head again.
<4he +nows what ti/e is)< whis*ered another 2oi0e.
<That *ro2es she really was with a 8ertain 9erson)< the .irst 2oi0e re*lied) also in a whis*er.
3lo,d) it as+ed) <@o yo, +now 9ro.essor 5ora =<
Mo/o nodded.
<>o, a0t,ally *aid hi/ a 2isit =<
4he nodded again.
<4o yo, +now abo,t the ho,r-lilies =<
4he nodded a third ti/e. Oh yes) how well she +new C
There was another longish silen0e. 6hen the 2oi0e began to s*ea+ again) it 0a/e .ro/
another dire0tion.
<>o, lo2e yo,r .riends) don:t yo, =<
3nother nod.
<3nd yo,:d li+e to set the/ .ree =<
>et another nod.
<>o, 0o,ld) i. only yo, wo,ld.<
Mo/o was shi2ering with 0old in e2ery li/b. 4he drew the ja0+et /ore tightly aro,nd her.
<'t wo,ldn:t ta+e /,0h to sa2e the/. >o, hel* ,s and we:ll hel* yo,. That:s only .air) isn:t it =<
The 2oi0e was 0o/ing .ro/ yet another dire0tion. Mo/o stared intently at its so,r0e.
<The thing is) we:d li+e to /a+e 9ro.essor 5ora:s a0-,aintan0e b,t we don:t +now where
he li2es. 3ll we want is .or yo, to show ,s the way. That:s right) Mo/o) listen 0are.,lly)
so yo, +now we:re being honest with yo, and /ean what we say. 'n ret,rn) we:ll gi2e yo,
ba0+ yo,r .riends and let yo, all lead the 0are.ree) ha**y-go-l,0+y li.e yo, ,sed to enjoy
so /,0h. '. that isn:t a worthwhile what is =<
Mo/o o*ened her /o,th .or the .irst ti/e. 't was -,ite an e..ort to s*ea+ at all) her li*s .elt
so n,/b.
<6hat do yo, want with 9ro.essor 5ora =< she as+ed.
<' told yo,) we want to /a+e his a0-,aintan0e)< the 2oi0e said shar*ly) and the air grew e2en
0older. <That:s all yo, need to +now.<
Mo/o said nothing) j,st waited.
<' don:t ,nderstand yo,)< said the 2oi0e. <Thin+ o. yo,rsel. and yo,r .riends. 6hy worry abo,t
9ro.essor 5ora = 5e:s old eno,gh to loo+ a.ter hi/sel.. Besides) i. he:s sensible and
0oo*erates ni0ely) we won:t har/ a hair o. his head. '. not) we ha2e ways o. /a+ing hi/.<
Mo/o:s li*s were bl,e with 0old. <Ma+ing hi/ do what =< she as+ed.
The 2oi0e so,nded s,ddenly shrill and strained. <6e:re tired o. 0olle0ting *eo*le:s ti/e by the
ho,r) /in,te and se0ond. 6e want all o. it right away) and 5ora:s got to hand it o2er C<
5orri.ied) Mo/o stared into the dar+ness beyond the ring o. headlights. <6hat abo,t the
*eo*le it belongs to =< she as+ed. <6hat will ha**en to the/ =<
<9eo*le =< The 2oi0e rose to a s0rea/ and bro+e. <6eople ha2e been obsolete .or years.
They:2e /ade the world a *la0e where there:s no roo/ le.t .or their own +ind. 6e shall r,le
the world C<
By now the 0old was so intense that Mo/o 0o,ld barely /o2e her li*s) let alone s*ea+.
<?e2er .ear) tho,gh) little Mo/o)< the 2oi0e went on) abr,*tly be0o/ing gentle and al/ost
0oaxing) <that nat,rally won:t a**ly to yo, and yo,r .riends. >o,:ll be the last and only *eo*le
on earth to *lay ga/es and tell stories. 3s long as yo, sto* /eddling in o,r b,siness) we:ll
lea2e yo, in *ea0e. 's it a deal =<
The 2oi0e .ell silent. 3 /o/ent later) it too+ ,* the thread .ro/ a di..erent -,arter. <>o, +now
we:2e told yo, the tr,th. 6e:ll +ee* o,r *ro/ise) yo, 0an rely on that. 3nd now) ta+e ,s to
9ro.essor 5ora.<
Mo/o tried to s*ea+) al/ost .ainting with 0old. Hinally) a.ter se2eral atte/*ts) she said) <I2en
i. ' 0o,ld) ' wo,ldn:t.<
<6hat do yo, /ean) if yo, 0o,ld =< the 2oi0e said /ena0ingly. <O. 0o,rse yo, 0an. >o, *aid
hi/ a 2isit) so yo, /,st +now the way.<
<':d ne2er .ind it again)< Mo/o whis*ered. <':2e tried. Only 8assio*eia +nows it.<
<6ho:s 8assio*eia =<
<The *ro.essor:s tortoise.<
<6here is it now =<
Mo/o) barely 0ons0io,s) /,r/,red) <4he. . . she 0a/e ba0+ with /e) b,t. . . ' lost her.<
3s i. .ro/ a long way o..) a 0hor,s o. agitated 2oi0es 0a/e to her ears.
<'ss,e a general alert C< she heard. <6e:2e got to .ind that tortoise. 8he0+ e2ery tortoise yo,
0o/e a0ross. That ani/al:s got to be .o,nd at all 0osts C<
The 2oi0es died away. 4ilen0e .ell. Mo/o slowly regained her senses. 4he was standing
by hersel. in the /iddle o. the s-,are. ?othing was stirring b,t a 0hill g,st o. wind that
see/ed to iss,e .ro/ so/e great) e/*ty 2oidE a wind as gray as ashes.
$%E .;#*;,$
Mo/o didn:t +now how /,0h ti/e had *assed. The 0h,r0h 0lo0+ 0hi/ed o00asionally) b,t
she s0ar0ely heard it. 5er .ro;en li/bs too+ ages to thaw o,t. 4he .elt n,/b and in0a*able
o. /a+ing de0isions.
5ow 0o,ld she go ho/e to the a/*hitheater and 0li/b into bed) now that there was no ho*e
le.t .or hersel. and her .riends = 5ow 0o,ld she) when she +new that things wo,ld ne2er
0o/e right again = 4he was worried abo,t 8assio*eia) too. 6hat i. the /en in gray .o,nd
her = 4he began to re*roa0h hersel. bitterly .or ha2ing /entioned the tortoise at all) b,t
she:d been too da;ed to thin+ straight.
<3nyway)< she re.le0ted) trying to 0onsole hersel.) <8assio*eia /ay ha2e .o,nd her way ba0+
to 9ro.essor 5ora long ago. >es) ' ho*e she isn:t still loo+ing .or /e. 't wo,ld be better .or
both o. ,s.<
3t that /o/ent so/ething n,dged her bare .oot. Mo/o ga2e a start and loo+ed down.
There was 8assio*eia) as large as li.e) and she 0o,ld di/ly see so/e words on the ani/al:s
shellE 5I7I ' 3M 3D3'?) they said.
6itho,t a se0ond tho,ght) Mo/o grabbed the tortoise and st,..ed it ,nder her ja0+et. Then
she straightened ,* and *eered in all dire0tions) .ear.,l that so/e /en in gray /ight still
be l,r+ing in the shadows) b,t all was -,iet.
8assio*eia +i0+ed and str,ggled .ier0ely in an e..ort to es0a*e. 5olding her tight) Mo/o
*ee*ed inside the ja0+et and whis*ered) <9lease +ee* still C<
65> 3(( T5I HF44 = de/anded 8assio*eia.
<>o, /,stn:t be seen C< Mo/o hissed.
The next words to a**ear on the tortoise:s shell were) 37I?:T >OF D(3@ =
<O. 0o,rse)< Mo/o said with a 0at0h in her 2oi0e. <O. 0o,rse ' a/. >o,:2e no idea C< 3nd she
+issed 8assio*eia on the nose) se2eral ti/es in -,i0+ s,00ession.
8assio*eia res*onded with two rather *in+ words. 4TI3@> O?) they read.
Mo/o s/iled. <5a2e yo, been loo+ing .or /e all this ti/e =<
OH 8OF74I.
<B,t how did yo, ha**en to .ind /e here and now =<
' B?I6 ' 6OF(@) was the la0oni0 re*ly.
5ad 8assio*eia s*ent all those wee+s loo+ing .or her altho,gh she +new she wo,ldn:t .ind
her = '. so) she needn:t really ha2e bothered to loo+ at all. This was yet another
o. 8assio*eia:s little /ysteries. They /ade Me/o:s head s*in i. she tho,ght abo,t the/ too
hard) and besides) this was s0ar0ely the /o/ent to *,;;le o2er s,0h *roble/s.
Mo/o ga2e the tortoise a whis*ered a00o,nt o. what had ha**ened sin0e last they /et.
<6hat sho,ld we do now =< she 0on0l,ded.
8assio*eia had been listening attenti2ely. DO TO 5O73) she s*elled o,t.
<?ow =< Mo/o exlai/ed) aghast. <B,t they:re loo+ing .or yo, e2erywhere. This is the only
*la0e they don:t ha**en to be. 6o,ldn:t it be wiser to stay here =<
B,t all the tortoise:s shell said was) 6I:7I DO'?D 3?>63>.
<6e:ll r,n right into the/)< Mo/o *rotested.
6O?:T MIIT 3 4OF() was 8assio*eia:s res*onse.
'. 8assio*eia was s,re) that settled it. Mo/o *,t her down. Then) re/e/bering their .irst
long) ard,o,s tre+) she s,ddenly .elt too exha,sted to re*eat it all o2er again.
<>o, go on alone) 8assio*eia)< she said wearily. <':/ too tired. Do on alone) and gi2e the
*ro.essor /y lo2e.<
8assio*eia:s shell lit ,* again. 'T:4 ?OT H37) Mo/o was astonished to read. 't dawned
on her) as she loo+ed aro,nd) that this shabby and desolate-loo+ing neighbo,rhood /ight
be the one that led to the distri0t with the white ho,ses and the strange shadows. '. so) she
/ight a.ter all be able to /a+e it as .ar as ?e2er (ane and ?owhere 5o,se.
<3ll right)< she said) <':ll 0o/e too) b,t wo,ldn:t it be -,i0+er i. ' 0arried yo, =<
3H73'@ ?OT) 8assio*eia re*lied.
<6hy sho,ld yo, insist on 0rawling there by yo,rsel. =< Mo/o said) b,t all she got was the
enig/ati0 re*lyE T5I 63>:4 '?4'@I MI.
On that note the tortoise set o.. with Mo/o .ollowing slowly) ste* by ste*.
They had only j,st disa**eared down a side street when the shadows aro,nd the s-,are
0a/e to li.e and the air was .illed with a brittle so,nd li+e the sna**ing o. dry twigsE the /en
in gray were 0h,0+ling tri,/*hantly. 4o/e o. their n,/ber) who had stayed behind to +ee*
a s,rre*titio,s wat0h on Mo/o) had witnessed her re,nion with 8assio*eia. The wait had
been a long one) b,t not e2en they had drea/ed that it wo,ld yield s,0h res,lts.
<There they go C< whis*ered one gray 2oi0e. <4hall we nab the/ =<
<O. 0o,rse not)< hissed another. <(et the/ 0arry on.<
<6hy =< de/anded the .irst 2oi0e. <O,r orders were to 0a*t,re the tortoise at all 0osts.<
<>es) b,t why do we want it =<
<4o it 0an lead ,s to 5ora.<
<9re0isely) that:s j,st what it:s doing now. 6e won:t e2en ha2e to ,se .or0e. 't:s showing
,s the way o. its own .ree will - ,nintentionally.<
3nother dry 0h,0+le went ,* .ro/ the shadows aro,nd the s-,are.
<9ass the word at on0e. 8all o.. the sear0h and instr,0t all agents to join ,s here. Tell the/
to ex0er0ise the ,t/ost 0are) tho,gh. ?one o. ,s /,st be seen by o,r two ,ns,s*e0ting
g,ides or get in their way. They:re to be gi2en .ree *assage where2er they go. 3nd now)
gentle/en) let:s .ollow at o,r leis,re.<
't was hardly s,r*rising) ,nder these 0ir0,/stan0es) that Mo/o and 8assio*eia .ailed
to en0o,nter a single one o. their *,rs,ers. 6hi0he2er way they went) the /en in gray
/elted away in good ti/e and joined the rear o. the e2er-growing *ro0ession that was
silently) 0a,tio,sly) .ollowing in the .,giti2es: wa+e.
Mo/o was wearier than she had e2er been in her li.e. There were ti/es when she tho,ght
she wo,ld si/*ly sin+ to the gro,nd and .all aslee* at any /o/ent) b,t she .or0ed hersel.
to *,t one .oot be.ore the other) and .or a while things went better. '. only 8assio*eia wo,ldn:t
0rawl along at s,0h a snail:s *a0e) she tho,ght) b,t it 0o,ldn:t be hel*ed. 4he tr,dged along)
loo+ing neither right nor le.t) only at her .eet and the tortoise.
3.ter an eternity) or so it see/ed to Mo/o) the s,r.a0e o. the street grew s,ddenly *aler. 4he
wren0hed her leaden eyelids o*en and loo+ed aro,nd.
>es) they had .inally rea0hed the distri0t where the light was neither that o. dawn nor d,s+)
and where all the shadows ran in di..erent dire0tions. There were the .orbidding white ho,ses
with the 0a2erno,s bla0+ windows) and there was the *e0,liar) eggli+e /on,/ent on its
bla0+ stone *linth.
3t the tho,ght that it wo,ldn:t be long be.ore she saw 9ro.essor 5ora again) Me/o:s 0o,rage
re2i2ed. <9lease)< she said to 8assio*eia) <0o,ldn:t we go a bit .aster =<
MO7I 534TI (I44 49II@) 0a/e the re*ly.and the tortoise 0rawled on e2en /ore slowly
than be.ore. >et Mo/o noti0ed) as she had the .irst ti/e) that they /ade better *rogress that
way. 't was as i. the street beneath the/ glided *ast /ore -,i0+ly the slower they went.
That) o. 0o,rse) was the se0ret o. the distri0t with the snow-white ho,sesE the slower yo,
went the better *rogress yo, /ade) and the /ore yo, h,rried the slower yo,r rate
o. ad2an0e. The /en in gray hadn:t +nown that when they *,rs,ed Mo/o in their 0ars) whi0h
was how she:d es0a*ed the/.
B,t that was the last ti/e. Things were -,ite di..erent now that they had no intention
o. o2erta+ing the girl and the tortoise. ?ow) be0a,se they were trailing the/ at exa0tly the
sa/e s*eed) they had dis0o2ered the se0ret. Drad,ally) the streets behind Mo/o and
8assio*eia be0a/e .illed with an ar/y o. /en in gray. 3nd as the *,rs,ers grew a00,sto/ed
to the *e0,liarities o. the distri0t) they went e2en slower than their -,arry) with the res,lt that
they steadily o2erha,led the/. 't was li+e a ra0e in re2erse - a go-slow ra0e.
On and on the strange *ro0ession went) .arther and .arther into the da;;ling white glow)
wea2ing ba0+ and .orth thro,gh the drea/ streets ,ntil it 0a/e to the 0orner o. ?e2er (ane.
8assio*eia t,rned into the lane and 0rawled towards ?owhere 5o,se. Mo/o) re/e/bering
that she:d .ailed to /a+e any headway ,ntil she t,rned aro,nd and wal+ed ba0+wards) did
the sa/e again.
3nd that was when her heart stood still.
The ti/e-thie2es) li+e a gray wall on the /o2e) stret0hed away .or as .ar as the eye 0o,ld
see) ran+ ,*on ran+ o. the/ .illing the entire width o. the street.
Mo/o 0ried o,t in terror) b,t she 0o,ldn:t hear her own 2oi0e. 4he wal+ed ba0+wards down
?e2er (ane) staring wide-eyed at the ad2an0ing host o. /en in gray.
B,t then another strange thing ha**ened. 3s soon as the leaders tried to enter the lane) they
2anished be.ore her 2ery eyes. Their o,tstret0hed hands were the .irst to disa**ear) then
their legs and bodies) and last o. all their .a0es) whi0h wore a loo+ o. s,r*rise and horror.
B,t Mo/o wasn:t the only one to ha2e witnessed this *heno/enon. 't had also been seen
by the /en in gray who were .ollowing behind. They shran+ ba0+) bra0ing the/sel2es
to resist the *ress,re o. those still ad2an0ing in the rear) and so/ething o. a s0,..le ens,ed.
Mo/o saw her *,rs,ers s0owl and sha+e their .ists) b,t they dared not *,rs,e her any
3t last she rea0hed ?owhere 5o,se. The big bron;e door sw,ng o*en. 4he darted inside)
ra0ed down the 0orridor lined with stat,es) o*ened the tiny door at the other end) d,0+ed
thro,gh it) ran a0ross the great hall to the little roo/ en0losed by grand.ather 0lo0+s) threw
hersel. down on the dainty little so.a) and) not wanting to see or hear anything /ore) b,ried
her head ,nder a 0,shion.
;'&E# *,E3E
3 gentle 2oi0e was s*ea+ing.
Mo/o e/erged by degrees .ro/ the de*ths o. a drea/less slee*) .eeling wonder.,lly rested
and re.reshed. <Mo/o isn:t to bla/e)< she heard the 2oi0e say) <b,t yo,) 8assio*eia - yo,
sho,ld ha2e +nown better.<
Mo/o o*ened her eyes. 9ro.essor 5ora was sitting at the little table in .ront o. the so.a)
loo+ing r,e.,lly down at the tortoise. <@idn:t it o00,r to yo,)< he went on) <that the /en in gray
/ight .ollow yo, =<
There wasn:t roo/ on 8assio*eia:s shell .or all she had to say) so she had to re*ly in three
install/entsE ' 83? O?(> 4II - 53(H 3? 5OF7 35I3@ - TOO (3TI B> T5I?.
9ro.essor 5ora sighed and shoo+ his head. <Oh) 8assio*eia) 8assio*eia) e2en ' .ind yo,
*,;;ling so/eti/es.<
Mo/o sat ,*.
<3h) o,r g,est is awa+e)< 9ro.essor 5ora said +indly. <' ho*e yo,:re .eeling better =<
<M,0h better) than+ yo,)< said Mo/o. <9lease ex0,se /e .or .alling aslee* on yo,r so.a.<
The *ro.essor s/iled. <'t:s -,ite all right) yo,:2e no need to a*ologi;e. 8assio*eia has
already bro,ght /e ,* to date on anything ' .ailed to see thro,gh /y o/ni2ision glasses.<
<6hat are the /en in gray doing =< Mo/o as+ed anxio,sly.
9ro.essor 5ora *rod,0ed a big bl,e hand+er0hie. .ro/ his *o0+et. <6e:re ,nder siege. They
ha2e ,s 0o/*letely s,rro,nded - that:s to say) they:re as 0lose to ?owhere 5o,se as they
0an get.<
<B,t they 0an:t get in) 0an they =< Mo/o said.
The *ro.essor blew his nose. <?o) they 0an:t. >o, saw .or yo,rsel.) they 2anish into thin air
i. they so /,0h as set .oot in ?e2er (ane.<
Mo/o loo+ed /ysti.ied. <>es) b,t ' don:t +now why.<
<'t:s te/*oral s,0tion that does it)< the *ro.essor told her. <I2erything has to be done
ba0+wards in ?e2er (ane) as yo, +now) be0a,se ti/e r,ns in re2erse aro,nd this ho,se.
?or/ally) ti/e .lows into yo,. The /ore ti/e yo, ha2e inside yo,) the older yo, get) b,t
in ?e2er (ane ti/e .lows o,t o. yo,. >o, grew yo,nger while yo, were 0o/ing ,* the lane.
?ot /,0h yo,nger - only as /,0h yo,nger as the ti/e yo, too+ to get .ro/ one end to the
<' didn:t noti0e anything)< Mo/o said) still /ysti.ied.
<That:s be0a,se yo,:re a h,/an being)< the *ro.essor said with a s/ile. <There:s a lot /ore
to h,/an beings than the ti/e they 0arry aro,nd inside the/) b,t it:s di..erent with the /en
in gray. 4tolen ti/e is all they 0onsist o.) and that disa**ears in a .lash when they:re ex*osed
to te/*oral s,0tion. 't es0a*es li+e air .ro/ a b,rst balloon) the only di..eren0e being that
a balloon:s s+in s,r2i2es. 'n their 0ase) there:s nothing le.t at all.<
Mo/o +nit her brow and tho,ght hard. <6o,ldn:t it be *ossible)< she as+ed at length) <to
/a+e ti/e r,n ba0+wards all o2er the world = Only .or a little while) ' /ean. 't wo,ldn:t /atter
i. *eo*le grew a tiny bit yo,nger) b,t the ti/e-thie2es wo,ld be red,0ed to nothing.<
The *ro.essor s/iled again. <3 s*lendid idea) ' grant yo,) b,t ':/ it wo,ldn:t wor+. The
two 0,rrents are in balan0e) yo, see. '. yo, 0an0elled one) the other wo,ld 2anish too. Then
there:d be no ti/e le.t. . .<
5e bro+e o.. and *,shed his o/ni2ision glasses ,* so that they rested on his .orehead.
<On the other hand. . .< he /,r/,red. Mo/o wat0hed hi/ ex*e0tantly as he *a0ed ,* and
down the roo/ a .ew ti/es) lost in tho,ght) and 8assio*eia .ollowed hi/ with her wise old
eyes. 3t length he sat down again.
<>o,:2e gi2en /e an idea)< he said) <b,t ' 0o,ldn:t *,t it into *ra0ti0e ,naided.< 5e loo+ed
down at the tortoise. <8assio*eia) /y dear) ':d li+e yo,r o*inion on so/ething. 6hat:s the
best thing to do when yo,:re ,nder siege =<
53AI B7I3BH34T) 0a/e the re*ly.
<G,ite so)< said the *ro.essor. <That:s another s*lendid idea.<
The table was laid in a .lash. 6hether or not it had been laid all the ti/e and Mo/o si/*ly
hadn:t noti0ed) e2erything was in *la0eE the two little 0,*s) the *ot o. stea/ing 0ho0olate) the
honey) b,tter and 0r,sty rolls.
Mo/o) whose /o,th had o.ten watered at the re0olle0tion o. her .irst deli0io,s) golden-h,ed
brea+.ast at ?owhere 5o,se) t,0+ed in at on0e. I2erything tasted e2en better than be.ore)
i. *ossible) and this ti/e the *ro.essor t,0+ed in heartily too.
<9ro.essor)< Mo/o said a.ter a while) with her 0hee+s still b,lging) <they want yo, to gi2e
the/ all the ti/e that exists. >o, won:t) tho,gh) will yo, =<
<?o) 0hild)< he re*lied) <that ':ll ne2er do. Ti/e will 0o/e to an end so/e day) b,t not ,ntil
*eo*le don:t need it any longer. The /en in gray won:t get any ti/e .ro/ /e - not e2en a s*lit
<B,t they say they 0an make yo, hand it o2er)< Mo/o said.
<Be.ore we go into that)< the *ro.essor told her) 2ery gra2ely) <':d li+e yo, to loo+ at the/ .or
3ll she saw to begin with was the +aleidos0o*e o. 0olo,rs and sha*es that had /ade her
so di;;y the .irst ti/e) b,t it wasn:t long be.ore her eyes got ,sed to the o/ni2ision lenses.
3nd then the besieging ar/y swa/ into .o0,s C
The /en in gray were drawn ,* in a long) long line) sho,lder to sho,lder) not only a0ross the
/o,th o. ?e2er (ane b,t all aro,nd the distri0t with the snow-white ho,ses. They .or/ed
an ,nbro+en 0ordon) and the /id-*oint o. that 0ordon was ?owhere 5o,se.
B,t then Mo/o noti0ed so/ething else - so/ething strange. 5er .irst tho,ght was that the
lenses o. the o/ni2ision glasses needed *olishing) or that she hadn:t -,ite grown ,sed
to the/ yet) be0a,se the o,tlines o. the /en in gray loo+ed /isty. 4he soon reali;ed that this
bl,rring had nothing to do with the lenses or her eyesE the /ist was real) and it was rising
.ro/ the streets all aro,nd) dense and i/*enetrable in so/e *la0es) only j,st .or/ing
in others.
The /en in gray were standing absol,tely still) all wearing bowlers and 0arrying brie.0ases)
and all s/o+ing little gray 0igars. B,t the s/o+e .ro/ the 0igars didn:t dis*erse in the nor/al
way. 5ere) where the air see/ed /ade o. glass and was ne2er dist,rbed by a breath
o. wind) the threads o. s/o+e 0l,ng li+e 0obwebs) 0ree*ing along the streets and ,* the walls
o. the snow-white ho,ses) .estooning ea0h ledge and 0orni0e and windowsill) 0ondensing
into a noiso/e) bl,ish-green .og ban+ that billowed e2er higher ,ntil it en0ir0led ?owhere
5o,se li+e a wall.
Mo/o too+ o.. the glasses and loo+ed at 9ro.essor 5ora in-,iringly.
<5a2e yo, seen eno,gh =< he as+ed. <Then let /e ha2e the glasses ba0+.< 5e *,t the/
on again. <>o, as+ed i. the /en in gray 0o,ld /a+e /e do so/ething against /y will)<
he went on. <6ell) they 0an:t get at /e *ersonally) as yo, +now) b,t they 0o,ld s,bje0t the
world to an e2il .ar worse than any they:2e in.li0ted on it so .ar. That:s how they ho*e to .or0e
/y hand.<
Mo/o was a**alled. <6hat 0o,ld be worse than stealing *eo*le:s ti/e =< she as+ed.
<' allot *eo*le their share o. ti/e)< the *ro.essor ex*lained. <The /en in gray 0an:t sto* that.
They 0an:t inter0e*t the ti/e ' distrib,te) b,t they 0an *oison it.<
<They 0an poison it =< Mo/o re*eated) /ore a**alled still.
The *ro.essor nodded. <>es) with the s/o+e .ro/ their 0igars. 5a2e yo, e2er seen one
witho,t his little gray 0igar = O. 0o,rse not) be0a,se witho,t it he 0o,ldn:t exist.<
<6hat +ind o. 0igars are they =< Mo/o as+ed.
<>o, re/e/ber where the ho,r-lilies were growing =< 9ro.essor 5ora said. <' told yo, then
that e2eryone has a *la0e li+e that) be0a,se e2eryone has a heart. '. *eo*le allow the /en
in gray to gain a .oothold there) /ore and /ore o. their ho,r-lilies get stolen. B,t ho,r-lilies
*l,0+ed .ro/ a *erson:s heart 0an:t die) be0a,se they:2e ne2er really withered. They 0an:t
li2e) either) be0a,se they:2e been *arted .ro/ their right.,l owner. They stri2e with e2ery .ibre
o. their being to ret,rn to the *erson they belong to.<
Mo/o was listening with bated breath.
<'. yo, thin+ ' +now e2erything) Mo/o) yo,:re wrong. 4o/e e2ils are wra**ed in /ystery. ':2e
no idea where the /en in gray +ee* their stolen ho,r-lilies. ' only +now that they *reser2e the
blosso/s by .ree;ing the/ till they:re as hard as glass goblets. 4o/ewhere dee*
,ndergro,nd there /,st be a giganti0 0old store.<
Mo/o:s 0hee+s began to b,rn with indignation.
<3nd that:s where the /en in gray draw their s,**lies .ro/. They *,ll o.. the ho,r-lilies:
*etals) let the/ wither till they:re dried ,* and gray) and roll their little 0igars o,t o. the/. The
*etals still 0ontain re/nants o. li.e) e2en then) b,t li2ing ti/e is har/.,l to the /en in gray)
so they light the 0igars and s/o+e the/. Only when ti/e has been 0on2erted into s/o+e is it
well and tr,ly dead. That:s what +ee*s the /en in gray :ali2e:E dead h,/an ti/e.<
Mo/o had risen to her .eet. <Oh)< she ex0lai/ed) <to thin+ o. all those *oor .lowers) all that
dead ti/e. . .<
<>es) the wall they:re ere0ting aro,nd this ho,se is b,ilt o. dead ti/e. There:s still eno,gh
o*en s+y abo2e .or /e to send *eo*le their ti/e in good 0ondition) b,t on0e that *all
o. s/o+e 0loses o2er o,r heads) e2ery ho,r ' send the/ will be 0onta/inated with the ti/e-
thie2es: *oison. 6hen they absorb it) it:ll /a+e the/ ill.<
Mo/o stared at the *ro.essor ,n0o/*rehendingly. <6hat +ind o. illness is it =< she as+ed in
a low 2oi0e.
<3 .atal illness) tho,gh yo, s0ar0ely noti0e it at .irst. One day) yo, don:t .eel li+e doing
anything. ?othing interests yo,) e2erything bores yo,. Har .ro/ wearing o..) yo,r boredo/
*ersists and gets worse) day by day and wee+ by wee+. >o, .eel /ore and /ore bad-
te/*ered) /ore and /ore e/*ty inside) /ore and /ore dissatis.ied with yo,rsel. and the
world in general. Then e2en that .eeling wears o..) and yo, don:t .eel anything any /ore. >o,
be0o/e 0o/*letely indi..erent to what goes on aro,nd yo,. Joy and sorrow) anger and
ex0ite/ent are things o. the *ast. >o, .orget how to la,gh and 0ry - yo,:re 0old inside and
in0a*able o. lo2ing anything or anyone. On0e yo, rea0h that stage) the disease is in0,rable.
There:s no going ba0+. >o, b,stle aro,nd with a blan+) gray .a0e) j,st li+e the /en in gray
the/sel2es - indeed) yo,:2e joined their ran+s. The disease has a na/e. 't:s 0alled deadly
Mo/o shi2ered. <>o, /ean)< she said) <,nless yo, hand o2er all the ti/e there is) they:ll t,rn
*eo*le into 0reat,res li+e the/sel2es =<
<>es)< the *ro.essor re*lied. That:s how they ho*e to b,lly /e into it.< 5e rose and t,rned
away. <':2e waited till now .or *eo*le to get rid o. those *ests. They 0o,ld ha2e done so - a.ter
all) it was they who bro,ght the/ into existen0e in the .irst *la0e - b,t ' 0an:t wait any longer.
' /,st do so/ething) and ' 0an:t do it on /y own.< 5e loo+ed Mo/o in the eye. <6ill yo, hel*
/e =<
<>es)< she whis*ered.
<'. yo, do) yo,:ll be r,nning an in0al0,lable ris+. 't will be ,* to yo, whether the world begins
to li2e again or stands still .ore2er and a day. 3re yo, really *re*ared to ta+e that ris+ =<
<>es)< Mo/o re*eated) and this ti/e her 2oi0e was .ir/.
<'n that 0ase)< said the *ro.essor) <listen 0are.,lly to what ':/ going to tell yo,) be0a,se yo,:ll
be all on yo,r own. ' won:t be able to hel* yo,) nor will anyone else.<
Mo/o nodded) ga;ing at hi/ intently.
<' /,st begin by telling yo, that ' ne2er slee*)< he said. <'. ' do;ed o..) ti/e wo,ld stand still
and the world wo,ld 0o/e to a sto*. '. there were no /ore ti/e) the /en in gray wo,ld ha2e
none le.t to steal. They 0o,ld 0ontin,e to exist .or a while by ,sing ,* their 2ast reser2es) b,t
on0e those had gone they wo,ld dissol2e into thin air.<
<Then the answer:s si/*le) s,rely =< said Mo/o.
<?ot as si/*le as it so,nds) ':/ or ' wo,ldn:t need yo,r hel*. The tro,ble is) i. there
were no /ore ti/e ' 0o,ldn:t wa+e ,* again) and the world wo,ld 0ontin,e to stand still .or all
eternity. 't does) howe2er) lie within /y *ower to gi2e yo, - and yo, alone - an ho,r-lily. Only
one) o. 0o,rse) be0a,se only one e2er bloo/s at a ti/e. 4o) i. ti/e sto**ed all o2er the
world) yo, wo,ld still ha2e one ho,r:s gra0e.<
<Then ' 0o,ld wa+e yo,)< said Mo/o.
The *ro.essor shoo+ his head. <That wo,ld a0hie2e nothing) be0a,se the /en in gray ha2e
.ar too /,0h ti/e in reser2e. They wo,ld 0ons,/e 2ery little o. it in an ho,r) so they:d still
be there when the ho,r was ,*. ?o) Mo/o) the *roble/ is a great deal harder than that.
3s soon as the /en in gray noti0e that ti/e has sto**ed - and it won:t ta+e the/ long)
be0a,se their s,**ly o. 0igars will be interr,*ted - they:ll li.t the siege and head .or their
se0ret store. >o, /,st .ollow the/ and *re2ent the/ .ro/ rea0hing it. 6hen their 0igars are
.inished) they:ll be .inished too. B,t then 0o/es what /ay well t,rn o,t to be the hardest *art
o. all. On0e the last o. the ti/e-thie2es has 2anished) yo, /,st release e2ery stolen /in,te)
be0a,se only when *eo*le get their ti/e ba0+ will ' wa+e ,* and the world 0o/e to li.e again.
3nd all this yo,:ll ha2e to do within the s*a0e o. a single ho,r.<
Mo/o hadn:t re0+oned with s,0h a host o. di..i0,lties and dangers. 4he stared at hi/
<6ill yo, try all the sa/e =< the *ro.essor as+ed. <'t:s o,r only 0han0e.<
Mo/o 0o,ldn:t bring hersel. to s*ea+) she .o,nd the *ros*e0t so da,nting. 3t that /o/ent)
8assio*eia:s shell lit ,*. ':(( 8OMI TOO) it signalled.
Fnli+ely as it see/ed that the tortoise 0o,ld be o. hel*) the words 0onj,red ,* a tiny ray
o. ho*e. Mo/o .elt heartened at the tho,ght o. not being entirely alone. 3ltho,gh there were
no rational gro,nds .or s,0h a .eeling) it did at least enable her to /a+e ,* her /ind.
<':ll try)< she said resol,tely.
9ro.essor 5ora ga2e her a long loo+ and started to s/ile. <Many things will *ro2e easier than
yo, thin+. >o,:2e heard the /,si0 o. the stars. >o, /,stn:t .eel .rightened.< 5e t,rned to the
tortoise. <4o yo, want to go too) do yo, =<
OH 8OF74I) 8assio*eia s*elled o,t. Then) 4OMIO?I 534 TO (OOB 3HTI7 5I7.
The *ro.essor and Mo/o s/iled at ea0h other.
<6ill she get an ho,r-lily too =< Mo/o as+ed.
<4he doesn:t need one)< the *ro.essor re*lied) gently ti0+ling the tortoise:s ne0+. <8assio*eia
is a 0reat,re .ro/ beyond the .rontiers o. ti/e. 4he 0arries her own little s,**ly o. ti/e inside
her. 4he 0o,ld go on 0rawling a0ross the .a0e o. the earth e2en i. e2erything else stood still
<Dood)< said Mo/o) s,ddenly eager to get on with the job. <6hat ha**ens next =<
<?ow)< said the *ro.essor) <we say goodbye.<
Mo/o .elt a l,/* in her throat. <6on:t we e2er see ea0h other again =< she as+ed so.tly.
<O. 0o,rse we will)< he told her) <and ,ntil that day 0o/es) e2ery ho,r o. yo,r li.e will bring
yo, /y lo2e. 6e:ll always be .riends) won:t we =<
Mo/o nodded.
<':/ going now)< the *ro.essor went on) <b,t yo, /,stn:t .ollow /e or as+ where ':/ going.
My slee* is no ordinary slee*) and ':d sooner yo, weren:t there. One last thingE as soon
as ':/ gone) yo, /,st o*en both doors) the little one with /y na/e on it and the big bron;e
one that leads into ?e2er (ane. On0e ti/e has sto**ed) e2erything will stand still and
no *ower on earth will be able to b,dge those doors. 5a2e yo, ,nderstood and /e/ori;ed
all ':2e told yo, =<
<>es)< said Mo/o) <b,t how shall ' +now when ti/e has sto**ed =<
<>o,:ll +now) ne2er .ear.<
They both stood ,*. 9ro.essor 5ora gently stro+ed Mo/o:s to,sled /o* o. hair. <Doodbye)
Mo/o)< he said) <and than+ yo, .or listening so 0are.,lly.<
<':/ going to tell e2eryone abo,t yo,)< she re*lied) <when it:s all o2er.<
Hro/ one /o/ent to the next) 9ro.essor 5ora loo+ed as old as he had when he 0arried her
into the golden do/e - as old as an an0ient tree or *ri/e2al 0rag.
T,rning away) he wal+ed swi.tly o,t o. the little roo/ whose walls 0onsisted o. grand.ather
0lo0+s. Mo/o heard his .ootste*s .ade ,ntil they were indisting,ishable .ro/ the ti0+ing o. the
0o,ntless 0lo0+s aro,nd her. Their in0essant whirring and ti0+ing and 0hi/ing see/ed
to ha2e swallowed hi/ ,*.
Mo/o too+ 8assio*eia in her ar/s and held her tight. 5er great ad2ent,re had beg,n. There
0o,ld be no t,rning ba0+.
.;#*;,'3 $%E .;#*;E#*
Me/o:s .irst ste* was to o*en the little door with 9ro.essor 5ora:s na/e on it. Then she s*ed
along the 0orridor lined with stat,es and o*ened the big bron;e .ront door. 4he had to exert
all her strength be0a,se it was so hea2y.
That done) she ran ba0+ to the great hall and waited) with 8assio*eia in her ar/s) to see
what wo,ld ha**en.
4he didn:t ha2e to wait long. There was a s,dden jolt) b,t it didn:t a0t,ally sha+e the gro,nd.
't was a ti/e-,a+e) so to s*ea+) not an earth-,a+e. ?o words 0o,ld des0ribe the sensation)
whi0h was a00o/*anied by a so,nd s,0h as no h,/an ear had e2er heard be.oreE a sigh
that see/ed to iss,e .ro/ the de*ths o. the ages.
3nd then it was o2er.
4i/,ltaneo,sly) the inn,/erable 0lo0+s sto**ed ti0+ing) whirring and 0hi/ing. 9end,l,/s
0a/e to a s,dden halt and stayed *,t at odd angles. The silen0e that .ell was /ore *ro.o,nd
than any that had e2er reigned be.ore. Ti/e itsel. was standing still.
3s .or Mo/o) she be0a/e aware that she was 0las*ing the ste/ o. an ho,r-lily
o. ex0e*tional si;e and bea,ty. 4he hadn:t .elt anyone *,t it into her hand. 't si/*ly
a**eared) as i. it had always been there.
Dingerly) Mo/o too+ a ste*. 4,re eno,gh) she 0o,ld /o2e as easily as e2er. The re/ains
o. brea+.ast were still on the table. 4he sat down on one o. the little ar/0hairs) b,t the seat
was as hard as /arble and didn:t yield an in0h. There was a /o,th.,l o. 0ho0olate le.t in her
0,*) b,t the 0,* wo,ldn:t /o2e either. 4he tried di**ing her .ingers in the dregs) b,t they
were as hard as b,tters0ot0h. 4o was the honey) and e2en the 0r,/bs were st,0+ .ast to the
*lates. ?ow that ti/e had sto**ed) e2erything else was i//o2able too.
8assio*eia had started to .idget. (oo+ing down) Mo/o saw so/e words on her shell.
>OF:7I 634T'?D T'MI C she read.
5ea2ens ali2e) so she was C Mo/o *,lled hersel. together. 4he h,rried thro,gh the .orest
o. 0lo0+s to the little door) s-,ee;ed thro,gh it and ran along the *assage to the .ront door.
4he *eered o,t) then darted ba0+ in *ani0. 5er heart began to th,/* .,rio,sly. Har .ro/
r,nning away) the ti/e-thie2es were strea/ing towards her ,* ?e2er (ane. They 0o,ld
do that) o. 0o,rse) now ti/e had 0eased to .low in re2erse there) b,t she hadn:t allowed .or
the *ossibility.
4he ra0ed ba0+ to the great hall and) still 0l,t0hing 8assio*eia) hid behind a /assi2e
grand.ather 0lo0+. <That:s a good start)< she /,ttered r,e.,lly.
Then she heard the /en in gray 0o/e /ar0hing along the 0orridor. They s-,ee;ed thro,gh
the little door) one a.ter another) ,ntil a whole 0rowd o. the/ had asse/bled inside.
<4o this is o,r new head-,arters)< said one) s,r2eying the 2ast roo/. <Aery i/*ressi2e.<
<That girl let ,s in)< said another gray 2oi0e. <' distin0tly saw her o*en the door) the sensible
0hild. ' wonder how she /anaged to get aro,nd the old /an.<
<'. yo, as+ /e)< said a third 2oi0e) <the old /an:s +n,0+led ,nder. '. ti/e has sto**ed .lowing
in ?e2er (ane) it 0an only /ean he swit0hed it o.. hi/sel.) in other words) he +nows he:s
beaten. 6here is he) the old /is0hie.-/a+er = (et:s .inish hi/ o.. C<
The /en in gray were loo+ing aro,nd when one o. the/ had a s,dden tho,ght. 5is 2oi0e
so,nded e2en grayer) i. *ossible) than the rest. <4o/ething:s wrong) gentle/en)< he said.
The 0lo0+s - loo+ at the 0lo0+s C I2ery one o. the/ has sto**ed) e2en this ho,rglass here.<
<' s,**ose he /,st ha2e sto**ed the/)< another 2oi0e said ,n0ertainly.
<>o, 0an:t sto* an ho,rglass)< the .irst /an in gray retorted. <4ee .or yo,rsel2es) gentle/en
- the sand:s s,s*ended in /id-air and the ho,rglass itsel. won:t b,dge C 6hat does
it /ean =<
5e was still s*ea+ing when .ootste*s 0a/e *o,nding along the 0orridor and yet another /an
in gray s-,ee;ed thro,gh the little door) gesti0,lating wildly. <6e:2e j,st had word .ro/ o,r
agents in the 0ity)< he anno,n0ed. <Their 0ars ha2e sto**ed) and so has e2erything else - the
world:s at a standstill. There isn:t a /i0rose0ond o. ti/e to be had anywhere. O,r s,**lies
ha2e been 0,t o... Ti/e has 0eased to exist. 5ora has swit0hed it o.. C<
There was a deathly h,sh. Then so/eone said) <6hat do yo, /ean) swit0hed it o.. = 6hat:ll
be0o/e o. ,s when we:2e .inished the 0igars we:re s/o+ing =<
<6hat:ll be0o/e o. ,s =< sho,ted so/eone else. <>o, +now that *er.e0tly well. This
is disastro,s) gentle/en C<
They all began to sho,t at on0e. <5ora:s *lanning to destroy ,s C< - <6e /,st li.t the siege
at on0e C< - <6e /,st try to rea0h the ti/e store C< - <6itho,t o,r 0ars = 6e:ll ne2er /a+e it in
ti/e C< - <My 0igar won:t last /e /ore than twenty-se2en /in,tes C< - <Mine will last /e .orty-
eight C< - <Di2e it to /e) then C< - <3re yo, 0ra;y = 't:s e2ery /an .or hi/sel. C<
There was a 0on0erted r,sh .or the little door. Hro/ her hiding *la0e) Mo/o saw *ani0-
stri0+en gray .ig,res trying to s-,ee;e thro,gh it) jostling) s0,..ling and swa**ing *,n0hes in
a des*erate atte/*t to sa2e their gray li2es. The r,sh be0a/e a 2iolent /elee as they
+no0+ed ea0h other:s hats o..) wrestled with ea0h other) snat0hed the 0igars .ro/ ea0h
other:s /o,ths. 3nd whene2er they lost their 0igars) they see/ed to lose e2ery o,n0e
o. strength as well. They stood there with their ar/s o,tstret0hed and a *lainti2e) terri.ied
ex*ression on their .a0es) growing /ore and /ore trans*arent ,ntil they .inally 2anished.
?othing re/ained o. the/) not e2en their hats.
'n the end) only three /en in gray were le.t. They d,0+ed thro,gh the little door) one a.ter the
other) and s0,ttled o.. down the *assage.
Mo/o) with 8assio*eia ,nder one ar/ and her .ree hand tightly 0l,t0hing the ho,r-lily) ran
a.ter the/. 3ll now de*ended on her +ee*ing the/ in sight.
4he saw) when she e/erged .ro/ the .ront door) that they had already rea0hed the /o,th
o. ?e2er (ane. More s/o+e-wreathed /en in gray were standing there) tal+ing and
gesti0,lating ex0itedly. 3s soon as they 0a,ght sight o. the three .,giti2es .ro/ ?owhere
5o,se) they started r,nning too. Others joined in the sta/*ede) and soon the whole ar/y
had ta+en to its heels. <More haste less s*eed< no longer a**lied) o. 0o,rse) now that ti/e
was at a standstill. 3n endless 0ol,/n o. gray .ig,res strea/ed towards the 0ity thro,gh the
strange) drea/li+e distri0t with its snow-white ho,ses and oddly assorted shadows) *ast the
/on,/ent rese/bling an egg) ,ntil it 0a/e to the gray) shabby tene/ents inhabited
by *eo*le who li2ed on the edge o. ti/e. 5ere too) tho,gh) e2erything was still and silent.
6hat .ollowed was a 0hase in re2erse - a 0hase in whi0h 0o,ntless gray .ig,res were
*,rs,ed thro,gh the 0ity) at a dis0reet distan0e behind the last o. the stragglers) by a girl with
a .lower in her hand and a tortoise ,nder her ar/.
B,t how strange the 0ity loo+ed now C (ong lines o. 0ars 0ho+ed the streets with the .,/es
.ro/ their exha,sts solidi.ied) and behind ea0h wheel sat a /otionless dri2er) one hand
.ro;en on horn or gear le2er. Mo/o e2en 0a,ght sight o. one dri2er who had been
i//obili;ed while glaring at his neighbo,r and /eaning.,lly ta**ing his .orehead. 8y0lists
were *oised at road j,n0tions with their ar/s extended) signalling right or le.t) and the *eo*le
thronging the *a2e/ents rese/bled waxwor+ .ig,res.
Tra..i0 *oli0e/en stood at 0rossroads) whistles in their /o,ths) 0a,ght in the a0t o. wa2ing
the tra..i0 on. 3 .lo0+ o. *igeons ho2ered /otionless abo2e a s-,are) and high o2erhead)
as tho,gh *ainted on the s+y) was an e-,ally /otionless aero*lane. The water in the
.o,ntains /ight ha2e been i0e) lea2es .alling .ro/ trees were s,s*ended in /id-air) and one
little dog) whi0h was 0o0+ing its leg against a la/*-*ost) loo+ed as i. it had been st,..ed that
(i.eless as a *hotogra*h) the 0ity rang to the h,rrying .ootste*s o. the /en in gray. Mo/o
.ollowed the/ 0a,tio,sly) .ear.,l o. being s*otted) b,t she needn:t ha2e worried. Their
headlong .light was *ro2ing so ard,o,s and exha,sting that they had 0eased to noti0e
anything any /ore.
Fna00,sto/ed to r,nning so .ar and so .ast) they *anted and gas*ed .or breath) gri/ly
0len0hing their teeth on the little gray 0igars that +e*t the/ in existen0e. More than one
o. the/ let his 0igar .all while r,nning and 2anished into thin air be.ore he 0o,ld retrie2e it.
B,t their 0o/*anions in /is.ort,ne re*resented an e2en greater threat. 4,0h was the
des*eration o. those whose own 0igars were al/ost .inished that /any o. the/ snat0hed the
b,tts .ro/ their neighbo,rs< /o,ths) so their n,/bers slowly b,t steadily dwindled.
Those who still had a s/all store o. 0igars in their brie.0ases were 0are.,l to 0on0eal the/
.ro/ the others) be0a,se the ha2e-nots +e*t h,rling the/sel2es at the ha2es and trying
to wrest their *re0io,s *ossessions .ro/ the/. 40ores o. str,ggling .ig,res engaged
in .ero0io,s t,ssles) s0rabbling and 0lawing with s,0h wild abandon that /ost o. the 0o2eted
0igars s*illed on to the road and were tra/*led ,nder.oot. The /en in gray had be0o/e
so .rightened o. extin0tion that they 0o/*letely lost their heads.
There was so/ething else that 0a,sed the/ in0reasing di..i0,lty the .,rther into town they
got. The streets were so 0rowded at /any *oints that it was all they 0o,ld do to thread their
way thro,gh the .orest o. /otionless *edestrians. Mo/o) being s/all and thin) had an easier
ti/e o. it) b,t e2en she had to wat0h her ste*. >o, 0o,ld h,rt yo,rsel. badly on a .eather
s,s*ended in /idair i. yo, ran into it by /ista+e.
On and on they went) and Mo/o still had no idea how /,0h .,rther it was to the ti/e store.
4he *eered anxio,sly at her ho,r-lily) b,t it had only j,st 0o/e into .,ll .lower. There was
no need to worry yet.
Then so/ething ha**ened that te/*orarily dro2e e2ery other tho,ght .ro/ her /ind.
Dlan0ing down a side street) she 0a,ght sight o. Be**o C
<Be**o C< she 0alled) beside hersel. with joy) as she ran towards hi/. <':2e been loo+ing .or
yo, e2erywhere. 6here ha2e yo, been all this ti/e = 6hy did yo, ne2er 0o/e to see /e =
Oh) Be**o) dearest Be**o C<
4till 0l,t0hing 8assio*eia) she .l,ng her .ree ar/ aro,nd his ne0+ - and *ro/*tly bo,n0ed o..)
be0a,se he /ight ha2e been /ade o. 0ast iron. 't was s,0h a *ain.,l 0ollision that tears
s*rang to her eyes. 4he ste**ed ba0+) sobbing) and ga;ed at hi/.
The little old /an loo+ed /ore bent-ba0+ed than e2er. 5is +indly .a0e was thin and ga,nt and
2ery *ale) and his 0hin was .rosted with white st,bble be0a,se he so seldo/ .o,nd the ti/e
to sha2e nowadays. 'n0essant swee*ing had worn away his broo/ ,ntil the bristles were little
longer than his beard. There he stood) as /otionless as e2eryone and e2erything else)
staring down at the dirty street thro,gh his steel-ri//ed s*e0ta0les.
Mo/o had .o,nd hi/ at last) b,t only now) when she 0o,ldn:t get hi/ to noti0e her and
it /ight be the 2ery last ti/e she saw hi/. '. things went wrong) old Be**o wo,ld 0ontin,e
to stand there .ore2er /ore.
8assio*eia started .idgeting again. BII9 DO'?D C she s*elled o,t.
Mo/o dashed ba0+ to the /ain street and sto**ed dead. There were no /en in gray to be
seen C 4he ran on a little way) b,t it was no ,se) she:d lost tra0+ o. the/. 4he halted again)
wondering what to do) and loo+ed in-,iringly at 8assio*eia.
BII9 DO'?D) the tortoise signalled again) thenE >OF:(( H'?@ T5IM.
'. 8assio*eia +new in ad2an0e that she wo,ld .ind the ti/e-thie2es) she wo,ld .ind the/
whi0he2er way she went. 3ny dire0tion was bo,nd to be the right one) so she si/*ly ran on)
t,rning le.t or right as the .an0y too+ her.
4he had now rea0hed the ho,sing de2elo*/ent on the 0ity:s northern o,ts+irts) where the
b,ildings were as ali+e as *eas in a *od and the streets ran dead straight .ro/ hori;on
to hori;on. On and on she ran) b,t the sheer sa/eness o. the b,ildings and streets soon
/ade her .eel as i. she were r,nning on the s*ot and getting nowhere. The ho,sing
de2elo*/ent was a 2eritable /a;e) b,t a /a;e that de0ei2ed one by its reg,larity and
Mo/o had al/ost lost ho*e when she 0a,ght sight o. a /an in gray disa**earing aro,nd
a 0orner. 5e was li/*ing along with his s,it in tatters and his bowler hat and brie.0ase gone)
/o,th gri/ly *,rsed aro,nd the s/o,ldering b,tt o. a little gray 0igar.
4he .ollowed hi/ along a street .lan+ed by endless rows o. ho,ses ,ntil they 0a/e to a
ga*. The big re0tang,lar site where the /issing ho,se sho,ld ha2e stood was boarded ,*)
and set in the .en0e was a gate. The gate was a little ajar) and the last gray straggler
s-,ee;ed -,i0+ly thro,gh it.
There was a noti0e abo2e the gate. Mo/o *a,sed to read it.
A' E'& A'& A !E3,'','3
Mo/o too+ se2eral se0onds to de0i*her the longer words on the noti0eboard) and by the ti/e
she sli**ed thro,gh the gate the last o. the /en in gray had disa**eared.
'n .ront o. her yawned a giganti0 *it) eighty or ninety .eet dee*) with b,lldo;ers and
ex0a2ators aro,nd it. 4e2eral tr,0+s had sto**ed /id-way down the ra/* that led to the
botto/ o. the *it and 0onstr,0tion wor+ers were standing /otionless all o2er the *la0e) .ro;en
in a 2ariety o. *ositions.
6here to now = There was no sign o. the /an in the gray and no 0l,e as to where he /ight
ha2e gone. 8assio*eia see/ed e-,ally at a loss. 5er shell did not light ,*.
Mo/o /ade her way down the ra/* to the botto/ o. the *it and loo+ed aro,nd. 4,ddenly
she saw a .a/iliar .a0e. 't was 4al2atore) the bri0+layer who had *ainted the *retty .lower
*i0t,re on the wall o. her roo/. 5e was as /otionless as all the rest) b,t so/ething abo,t his
*ose /ade Mo/o thin+ twi0e. 5e was 0,**ing his /o,th as tho,gh 0alling to so/eone and
*ointing to the ri/ o. a h,ge *i*e j,tting .ro/ the gro,nd beside hi/) al/ost as i. drawing
Mo/o:s attention to it.
Mo/o wasted no ti/e. Ta+ing this as a good o/en) she h,rried o2er to the *i*e and 0li/bed
inside. 4he lost her .ooting al/ost at on0e) be0a,se the *i*e slo*ed downwards at a stee*
angle) twisting and t,rning so shar*ly that she slithered ba0+ and .orth li+e a 0hild on a helter-
s+elter. 4he 0o,ld see and hear al/ost nothing as she h,rtled e2er dee*er into the gro,nd)
so/eti/es sliding on her botto/) so/eti/es rolling head o2er heels) b,t ne2er letting go o.
the tortoise and the ho,r-lily.
The dee*er she went) the 0older it be0a/e. 4he began to wonder how she wo,ld e2er get
o,t again) b,t be.ore she 0o,ld gi2e the *roble/ any real tho,ght the *i*e abr,*tly ended
in an ,ndergro,nd *assage. 't wasn:t as dar+ here. The t,nnel was bathed in a gray twilight
that see/ed to oo;e .ro/ its 2ery walls. Mo/o s0ra/bled ,* and ran on. 5er bare .eet /ade
no so,nd) b,t she 0o,ld hear .ootste*s ahead o. her. D,essing that they belonged to the
/en in gray) she allowed hersel. to be g,ided by the/. To j,dge by the inn,/erable
*assages leading o.. her own in all dire0tions) she was in a /a;e o. t,nnels that ran the .,ll
extent o. the ho,sing de2elo*/ent.
Then she heard a babble o. 2oi0es. 5a2ing tra0ed the h,bb,b to its so,r0e) she 0a,tio,sly
*ee*ed aro,nd the 0orner.
4he .o,nd hersel. loo+ing at a roo/ as 2ast as the 0on.eren0e table that ran down the /iddle
o. it) and at this table) in two long rows) sat the s,r2i2ing /en in gray. Mo/o al/ost .elt sorry
.or the/) they loo+ed so woebegone. Their s,its were torn) their bald gray heads 0,t and
br,ised) and their .a0es 0on2,lsed with .ear) b,t their 0igars were still s/o,ldering.
I/bedded in the wall at the .ar end o. the roo/) Mo/o saw a h,ge steel door. The door was
ajar) and an i0y dra.t was strea/ing .ro/ whate2er lay beyond. 3ltho,gh Mo/o +new
it wo,ld do little good) she b,rrowed down and t,0+ed her bare .eet ,nder her s+irt.
3 /an in gray was *residing at the head o. the 0on.eren0e table) j,st in .ront o. the strong-
roo/ door. <6e /,st e0ono/i;e)< Mo/o heard hi/ say. <O,r reser2es /,st be 0are.,lly
h,sbanded. 3.ter all) we don:t +now how long they:ll ha2e to last ,s.<
<There:s only a hand.,l o. ,s le.t)< 0ried so/eone. <They:ll last ,s .or years.<
<The sooner we start e0ono/i;ing)< the 0hair/an went on i/*ert,rbably) <the longer we:ll
hold o,t. ' don:t ha2e to tell yo,) gentle/en) what ' /ean by e0ono/i;ing. 't will be -,ite
s,..i0ient i. only some o. ,s s,r2i2e this disaster. (et:s .a0e .a0ts. 3s things stand now) there
are .ar too /any o. ,s. 8o//onsense di0tates that o,r ran+s be drasti0ally thinned. May
' as+ yo, to 0all o,t n,/bers in t,rn =<
6hen the /en in gray had 0alled o,t n,/bers) all ro,nd the table) the 0hair/an *rod,0ed
a 0oin .ro/ his *o0+et. <' shall now toss ,*)< he said. <5eads /ean the e2en n,/bers
s,r2i2e) tails the odd n,/bers.<
5e .li**ed the 0oin and 0a,ght it.
<5eads)< he anno,n0ed. <I2en n,/bers /ay re/ain seated) odd n,/bers are re-,ested
to dissol2e .orthwith.<
The losers e/itted a d,ll groan) b,t none o. the/ de/,rred. 3s soon as the winners had
relie2ed the/ o. their 0igars) they 2anished into thin air.
The 0hair/an:s 2oi0e bro+e the h,sh. <3nd now) gentle/en) +indly do the sa/e again.<
The sa/e gr,eso/e *ro0ed,re was .ollowed a se0ond ti/e) then a third and a .o,rth) ,ntil
only hal. a do;en /en in gray re/ained. They sat at the head o. the 0on.eren0e table) three
a side) and glared at ea0h other in i0y silen0e.
Mo/o) who had wat0hed these de2elo*/ents with horri.ied .as0ination) noti0ed that the
te/*erat,re rose a**re0iably e2ery ti/e another bat0h o. losers disa**eared. 8o/*ared
to what it had been be.ore) the 0old was -,ite tolerable.
<4ix)< re/ar+ed one o. the s,r2i2ors) <is an ,nl,0+y n,/ber.<
<That:s eno,gh)< said another. <There:s no *oint in red,0ing o,r n,/bers still .,rther. '. six
o. ,s 0an:t s,r2i2e this disaster) neither will three.<
<?ot ne0essarily)< said so/eone else) <b,t we 0an always re2iew the sit,ation i. the need
arises - later) ' /ean.<
?o one s*o+e .or a while. Then another s,r2i2or said) <(,0+y .or ,s the door to the ti/e store
was o*en when disaster str,0+. '. it had been sh,t at the 0r,0ial /o/ent) no *ower on earth
0o,ld o*en it now. 6e:d be absol,tely s,n+.<
<>o,:re not entirely right) ':/< re*lied another. <Be0a,se the door is o*en) 0old
is es0a*ing .ro/ the re.rigeration *lant. The ho,r-lilies will slowly thaw o,t) and yo, all +now
what:ll ha**en then. 6e won:t be able to *re2ent the/ .ro/ ret,rning to their original
<>o, /ean)< said yet another) <that o,r own 0oldness won:t be s,..i0ient to +ee* the/ dee*-
.ro;en =<
<There are only six o. ,s) ,n.ort,nately)< said the se0ond s*ea+er. <>o, 0an 0al0,late o,r
.ree;ing 0a*ability .or yo,rsel.. 9ersonally) ' .eel it was rather rash to 0,t down o,r n,/bers
so drasti0ally. 't hasn:t *aid o...<
<6e had to o*t .or one 0o,rse o. a0tion or the other)< sna**ed the .irst s*ea+er) <and we did)
so that:s that.<
3nother silen0e .ell.
<'n other words)< said so/eone) <we /ay ha2e to sit here .or years on end) twiddling o,r
th,/bs and gaw*ing at ea0h other. ' .ind that a dis/al *ros*e0t) ' /,st 0on.ess.<
Mo/o ra0+ed her brains. There was 0ertainly no *oint in her sitting there and waiting any
longer. 6hen the /en in gray were gone) the ho,r-lilies wo,ld thaw o,t by the/sel2es) b,t
the /en in gray still existed and wo,ld 0ontin,e to exist ,nless she did so/ething abo,t it.
B,t what could she do) gi2en that the door to the 0old store was o*en and the ti/e-thie2es
0o,ld hel* the/sel2es to .resh s,**lies o. 0igars whene2er they wanted =
3t that /o/ent) 8assio*eia n,dged her in the ribs. Mo/o loo+ed down and saw a /essage
on her shell. 45FT T5I @OO7) she read.
<' 0an:t)< she whis*ered ba0+. <':d ne2er /o2e it.<
F4I T5I H(O6I7) 8assio*eia re*lied.
<>o, /ean ' 0o,ld /o2e it i. ' to,0hed it with the ho,r-lily =< whis*ered Mo/o.
>I4) 3?@ >OF 6'(() the tortoise s*elled o,t.
'. 8assio*eia +new this in ad2an0e) it had to be tr,e. Mo/o 0are.,lly *,t the tortoise down.
Then she too+ the ho,r-lily) whi0h was wilting by now and had lost /ost o. its *etals) and
stowed it inside her ja0+et.
Doing down on all .o,rs) she snea+ed ,nseen beneath the 0on.eren0e table and 0rawled
to the .ar end. By the ti/e she was on a le2el with the ti/e-thie2es: six *airs o. legs) her heart
was *o,nding .it to b,rst.
Aery) 2ery gingerly) she too+ o,t the ho,r-lily and) gri**ing the ste/ between her teeth)
0rawled on. 4till ,nobser2ed by the /en in gray) she rea0hed the o*en door) to,0hed it with
the ho,r-lily and si/,ltaneo,sly ga2e it a *,sh. The well-oiled hinges didn:t /a+e a so,nd.
The door sw,ng silently to) then sh,t with a /ighty 0lang that went e0hoing aro,nd the
0on.eren0e 0ha/ber and re2erberated .ro/ the walls o. the inn,/erable ,ndergro,nd
Mo/o j,/*ed to her .eet. The /en in gray) who hadn:t the re/otest idea that anyone b,t
the/sel2es was exe/*t .ro/ the ,ni2ersal standstill) sat rooted to their 0hairs in horror)
staring at her.
6itho,t a se0ond tho,ght) she dashed *ast the/ and s*rinted ba0+ to the exit. The /en
in gray re0o2ered .ro/ their sho0+ and ra0ed a.ter her.
<'t:s that .right.,l little girl C< she heard one o. the/ sho,t. <'t:s Mo/o C<
<'/*ossible C< yelled another. <The 0reat,re:s /o2ing C<
<4he:s got an ho,r-lily C< bellowed a third.
<'s that how she /o2ed the door =< as+ed a .o,rth.
The s/ote his brow. <Then we 0o,ld ha2e /o2ed it o,rsel2es. 6e:2e got *lenty o. ho,r-
<6e did ha2e) yo, /ean C< s0rea/ed the sixth. <Only one thing 0an sa2e ,s now that the
door:s sh,t. '. we don:t get hold o. that .lower o. hers) we:re done .or C<
Meanwhile) Mo/o had already disa**eared into the /a;e o. t,nnels. The /en in gray +new
their way aro,nd better) o. 0o,rse) b,t she j,st /anaged to el,de the/ by ;ig;agging to and
8assio*eia *layed her own s*e0ial *art in this 0hase. 3ltho,gh she 0o,ld only 0rawl) she
always +new in ad2an0e where Me/o:s *,rs,ers wo,ld go next) so she got there in good
ti/e and stationed hersel. in their *ath. The /en in gray tri**ed o2er her and went s*rawling)
and the ones behind tri**ed o2er the/ and went s*rawling too) with the res,lt that she /ore
than on0e sa2ed Mo/o .ro/ al/ost 0ertain 0a*t,re. 3ltho,gh she hersel. was o.ten sent
h,rtling against walls by .lying .eet) nothing 0o,ld deter her .ro/ 0ontin,ing to do what she
+new in ad2an0e she wo,ld do.
3s the 0hase *ro0eeded) se2eral o. the *,rs,ing /en in gray be0a/e so /addened by their
0ra2ing .or the ho,r-lily that they dro**ed their 0igars and 2anished into thin air) one a.ter the
other. 'n the end) only two were le.t.
Mo/o do,bled ba0+ and too+ re.,ge in the 0on.eren0e 0ha/ber. The two s,r2i2ing ti/e-
thie2es 0hased her aro,nd the table b,t .ailed to 0at0h her) so they s*lit ,* and ran
in o**osite dire0tions.
Mo/o was tra**ed at last. 4he 0owered in a 0orner and ga;ed at her *,rs,ers in terror with
the ho,r-lily 0las*ed to her 0hest. 3ll b,t three o. its shi//ering *etals had withered and
The .ore/ost /an in gray was j,st abo,t to snat0h the .lower when the other one yan+ed hi/
<?o)< he shrie+ed) <that .lower:s /ine C Mine) ' tell yo, C<
They gra**led with ea0h other) and in the ens,ing s0ri//age the .irst /an +no0+ed the
se0ond /an:s 0igar o,t o. his /o,th. 6ith a weird groan) the se0ond /an s*,n aro,nd) went
trans*arent and 2anished.
The last o. the /en in gray ad2an0ed on Mo/o with a /in,s0,le 0igar b,tt s/o,ldering
in the 0orner o. his /o,th.
<Di2e it here C< he gas*ed) b,t as he did so the b,tt .ell o,t o. his /o,th and rolled away
,nder the table. 5e .l,ng hi/sel. to the gro,nd and gro*ed .or it) b,t it el,ded his
o,tstret0hed .ingers. T,rning his ashen .a0e towards Mo/o) he str,ggled into a sitting
*osition and raised one tre/bling hand.
<9lease)< he whis*ered .aintly) <*lease) dear 0hild) gi2e /e the .lower.<
Mo/o) still 0owering in her 0orner) 0o,ldn:t get a word o,t. 4he 0las*ed the .lower still tighter
and shoo+ her head.
The last o. the /en in gray nodded slowly. <':/ glad)< he /,r/,red. <':/ glad. . . it:s all. . .
o2er. . .<
Then he 2anished) too.
Mo/o was staring da;edly at the *la0e where he had been when 8assio*eia 0rawled into
2iew. >OF:(( O9I? T5I @OO7) her shell anno,n0ed.
Mo/o went o2er to the door) to,0hed it with her ho,r-lily) whi0h had only one last *etal le.t)
and o*ened it wide.
The ti/e store was 0old no longer) now that the last o. the ti/e-thie2es had gone. Mo/o
/ar2elled at the 0ontents o. the h,ge 2a,lt. 'nn,/erable ho,r-lilies were arrayed on its
endless shel2es li+e 0rystal goblets) no two ali+e and ea0h /ore bea,ti.,l than the other.
5,ndreds o. tho,sands) indeed) /illions o. ho,rs were stored here) all o. the/ stolen .ro/
*eo*le:s li2es.
The te/*erat,re steadily rose ,ntil the 2a,lt was as hot as a greenho,se. J,st as the last
*etal o. Mo/o:s ho,r-lily .l,ttered to the gro,nd) all the other .lowers le.t their shel2es
in 0lo,ds and swirled aro,nd her head. 't was li+e a war/ s*ring stor/) b,t a stor/ /ade
,* o. ti/e released .ro/ 0a*ti2ity.
3s i. in a drea/) Mo/o loo+ed aro,nd and saw 8assio*eia on the gro,nd beside her. The
glowing letters on her shell readE H(> 5OMI) MOMO) H(> 5OMI C
That was the last Mo/o e2er saw o. 8assio*eia) be0a,se the te/*est o. .lowers rose to an
indes0ribable *it0h. 3nd as it gained strength) so Mo/o was li.ted o.. her .eet and borne
away li+e a .lower hersel.) along the dar+ *assages) o,t into the o*en air and high abo2e the
0ity. 4oaring o2er the roo.s in a 0lo,d o. .lowers that grew bigger e2ery /o/ent) she was
wa.ted ,* and down and aro,nd and aro,nd li+e so/eone *er.or/ing a tri,/*hal dan0e
to glorio,s /,si0.
Then the 0lo,d o. .lowers dri.ted slowly) la;ily down and landed li+e on the .ro;en
.a0e o. the earth. 3nd) li+e they gently dissol2ed and be0a/e in2isible as they
ret,rned to their tr,e ho/e in the hearts o. /an+ind.
'n that sa/e /o/ent) ti/e began again and e2erything awo+e to new li.e. The 0ars dro2e on)
the tra.li0 *oli0e blew their whistles) the *igeons 0ontin,ed 0ir0ling) and the little dog /ade
a *,ddle against the la/**ost. ?obody noti0ed that ti/e had stood still .or an ho,r) be0a,se
nothing had /o2ed in the inter2al. 't was all o2er in the twin+ling o. an eye.
?othing had /o2ed - no) b,t so/ething had 0hanged. 3ll o. a s,dden) *eo*le .o,nd they had
*lenty o. ti/e to s*are. They were delighted) nat,rally) b,t they ne2er reali;ed that it was
their own ti/e that had /ira0,lo,sly been restored to the/.
6hen Mo/o 0a/e to her senses again) she .o,nd hersel. ba0+ in the side street where she
had last seen Be**o. 4,re eno,gh) there he was) leaning on his broo/ with his ba0+ to her)
ga;ing r,/inati2ely into the distan0e as he ,sed to in the old days. 5e wasn:t in a h,rry any
/ore) and .or so/e ,n+nown reason he .elt brighter and /ore ho*e.,l.
<' wonder)< he tho,ght. <Maybe ':2e already sa2ed the h,ndred tho,sand ho,rs ' need
to ranso/ Mo/o.<
3t that /o/ent) so/eone t,gged at his ja0+et and he t,rned to see Mo/o s/iling ,* at hi/
as large as li.e.
There are no words to des0ribe the joy o. that re,nion. Be**o and Mo/o la,ghed and 0ried
by t,rns) and they both +e*t tal+ing at on0e - tal+ing all +inds o. nonsense) too) as *eo*le
do when they:re da;ed with delight. They h,gged ea0h other again and again) and *assers-
by *a,sed to share in their ha**iness) their tears and la,ghter) be0a,se they all had *lenty
o. ti/e to s*are.
3t long last) Be**o sho,ldered his broo/ - he too+ the rest o. the day o..) o. 0o,rse - and the
two o. the/ strolled ar/ in ar/ thro,gh the 0ity to the old a/*hitheater) still tal+ing nineteen
to the do;en.
't was a long ti/e sin0e the 0ity had witnessed s,0h s0enes. 8hildren *layed in the /iddle
o. the street) getting in the way o. 0ars whose dri2ers not only wat0hed and waited) s/iling
broadly) b,t so/eti/es got o,t and joined in their ga/es. 9eo*le stood aro,nd 0hatting with
the .riendliness o. those who ta+e a gen,ine interest in their neighbo,rs: wel.are. Other
*eo*le) on their way to wor+) had ti/e to sto* and ad/ire the .lowers in a window-box
or .eed the birds. @o0tors) too) had ti/e to de2ote the/sel2es *ro*erly to their *atients) and
wor+ers o. all +inds did their jobs with *ride and lo2ing 0are) now that they were no longer
ex*e0ted to t,rn o,t as /,0h wor+ as *ossible in the shortest *ossible ti/e. They 0o,ld ta+e
as /,0h ti/e as they needed and wanted) be0a,se .ro/ now on there was eno,gh ti/e .or
Many *eo*le ne2er dis0o2ered who/ they had to than+ .or all this) j,st as they ne2er +new
what had a0t,ally ha**ened d,ring the ho,r that *assed in a .lash. Hew o. the/ wo,ld ha2e
belie2ed the story anyway.
The only ones that +new and belie2ed it were Mo/o:s .riends. By the ti/e Mo/o and Be**o
rea0hed the a/*hitheater) they were all there waitingE D,ido) 9aolo) Massi/o) Hran0o) Maria
and her little sister 7osa) 8la,dio and a host o. other 0hildren) ?ino the inn+ee*er and his
*l,/* wi.e (iliana and their baby) 4al2atore the bri0+layer) and all o. Mo/o:s reg,lar 2isitors
in days gone by.
The 0elebration that .ollowed) whi0h was as /erry and joyo,s as only Mo/o:s .riends 0o,ld
ha2e /ade it) went on till the stars 0a/e o,t. 3nd when all the 0heers and h,gs and
handsha+es and ex0ited 0hatter had s,bsided) e2eryone sat down on the grass-grown ste*s.
3 great h,sh .ell as Mo/o ste**ed o,t into the /iddle o. the arena. 4he tho,ght o. the /,si0
o. the stars and the ho,r-lilies) and then) in a sweet) *,re 2oi0e) she began to sing.
Meanwhile) in ?owhere 5o,se) the ret,rn o. ti/e had ro,sed 9ro.essor 5ora .ro/ his .irst
slee* e2er. 4till 2ery *ale) he loo+ed as i. he had j,st re0o2ered .ro/ a serio,s illness) b,t his
eyes s*ar+led and there was a s/ile on his li*s as he wat0hed Mo/o and her .riends thro,gh
his o/ni2ision glasses.
Then he .elt so/ething to,0h his .oot. Ta+ing o.. his glasses) he loo+ed down and saw
8assio*eia sitting there.
<8assio*eia)< he said) ti0+ling her a..e0tionately ,nder the 0hin) <the two o. yo, did a .ine job.
' 0o,ldn:t wat0h yo,) .or on0e) so yo, /,st tell /e all abo,t it.<
(3TI7) the tortoise signalled. Then she snee;ed.
The *ro.essor loo+ed 0on0erned. <>o, ha2en:t 0a,ght 0old) ha2e yo, =<
>OF BIT ' 53AI C re*lied 8assio*eia.
<>o, /,st ha2e gone too 0lose to the /en in gray)< said the *ro.essor. <' ex*e0t yo,:re 2ery
tired) too. 6e 0an tal+ later. Better go o.. and ha2e a good slee* .irst.<
T53?B4) 0a/e the answer.
8assio*eia li/*ed o.. and *i0+ed hersel. a ni0e) dar+) -,iet 0orner. 4he t,0+ed her head and
legs in) and 2ery slowly) in letters 2isible only to those who ha2e read this story) her shell
s*elled o,t two wordsE
A;$%O#<* .O*$*)#,.$
Many of my readers may have questions they'd like to ask. %f so, %'m afraid % can't help them.
The fact is, % wrote this story down from memory, 7ust as it was told me. % never met Momo
or any of her friends, nor do % know what became of them or how they are today. #s for the
city where they lived, % can only guess which one it was.
The most % can tell you is this8
/ne night in a train, while % was on a long 7ourney 9as % still am:, % found myself sitting
opposite a remarkable fellow passenger - remarkable in that % found it quite impossible to tell
his age. #t first % put him down as an old man, but % soon saw that % must have been
mistaken, because he suddenly seemed very young - though that impression, too, soon
proved to be false.
#t any rate, it was he who told me the story during our long night's 7ourney together.
2either of us spoke for some moments after he had finished. Then my mysterious
acquaintance made a remark which % feel bound to put on record. "%'ve described all these
events," he said, "as if they'd already happened. % might 7ust as well have described them
as if they still lay in the future. To me, there's very little difference."
$e must have left the train at the ne;t station, because % noticed after a while that % was
%'ve never bumped into him again, unfortunately. %f by any chance % do, though, % shall have
plenty of questions to ask him myself.
A!O;$ $%E A;$%O#
Michael +nde was born in 4armisch-6artenkirchen, 4ermany, in <=>=. #fter attending drama
school from <=?@ to <=AB, he worked variously as an actor, a writer of sketches and plays,
a director of the Colkstheater in Munich, and a film critic for the Bavarian broadcasting
company. $is first novel for children, )im ,nopf and (ukas the +ngine .river, was published
in 4ermany in <=DB to great popular and critical acclaim, and both radio and television series
based on the )im ,nopf books were soon produced. $e is also the author of The
2everending 1tory, which was first published in 4ermany in <=E=, and immediately became
the number one bestseller. The 2everending 1tory is also available in 6enguin Books.
More than 7000 pages in Czeh an! "#000 pages in other languages
an! $000 pitures a%out Cosmi people & 'ngels o( )eavens & an %e (oun!
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