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3.6.1 - June 8, 2013
NEW: Theme can have a maximum height. Margins are relative to MaxHeight
FIX: New theme is squished in vertical taskbars
FIX: New theme is squished in small taskbars (< 40px high)
3.6.0 - June 6, 2013
NEW: Changed the default theme to a style that looks better in Windows 7/8
FIX: Improve Elapsed Time to not reset when resuming from sleep
3.5.7 - June 1, 2013
NEW: Elapsed Time since the last power change or since BatteryBar started
CHG: Updated all language translations to use new website
FIX: Bug where the battery status wouldn't always update (from 3.5.6)
FIX: A rare crash due to battery state changing and being updated at the same time
3.5.6 - April 29, 2013
CHG: Ignore data if battery reports unexpected jumps in capacity
FIX: Issue with taskbar locking up
3.5.5 - December 23, 2012
FIX (Pro): Right-click menu crash on Windows 8 due to error loading power schemes
3.5.4 - November 28, 2011
FIX: Battery profiles weren't being saved for new users
FIX: Time remaining estimates were wrong for new users without previous profile data
FIX: Time remaining could show as "0:00" in the status popup when first started
3.5.3 - November 8, 2011
CHG: "Full Lifetime" has been renamed to "Full Runtime"
FIX: Battery Profile Graph would only list profiles that existed when the software started
and would not list new profiles. This basically affected new users or people with new
FIX: Under certain circumstances, some battery information will be displayed incorrectly in
the status popup
FIX: Several minor fixes
3.5.2 - June 6, 2011
NEW: Added in-memory debug log to improve ability to diagnose errors
NEW: Added more information to error dialog when license key validation fails
NEW: Improved support for offline validation by adding a "Get offline activation code"
option in the upgrade window (Note: Offline activations are completed manually)
NEW: Under certain circumstances, time remaining values may now report "Unknown" instead of
"0:00" or nothing (blank)
NEW: About/Settings/Feedback/Upgrade and other forms can be closed with the ESC key
CHG: Improved time remaining estimates in certain circumstances, including when the battery
is below the Soft Minimum level.
CHG: Reduced the frequency of saving battery profile data and settings to the disk
FIX: Improved the "Hide BatteryBar when battery is full" feature
FIX: Don't delete the battery status log when sending a feedback report if the user has the
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Log Battery Data option turned on
FIX (Pro): Fixed an issue when "Use Statistical Time Remaining" option is disabled
3.5.1 - March 21, 2011
CHG (Pro): The status popup now shows "BatteryBar 3.5.1" like it used to in previous
versions. A new setting allows you to show the battery ID in the status popup. This change
is due to the fact that the battery ID is really only useful for dual-battery systems.
FIX: (Dis)charge Rate estimation is working again (It was broken in 3.5.0) for those with
batteries that don't report the rate (like HP).
FIX: The setting to remember the last shown text on the toolbar (percent, time remaining,
etc) is now saved properly.
FIX: A few fixes for rare defects
3.5.0 - February 10, 2011
NEW (Pro): Status popups shows the status of each battery separately; can be disabled in
NEW (Pro): Low battery notifications now automatically update with the current battery status
NEW (Pro): Added option to close notification popups after a certain amount of time
NEW (Pro): When the Battery Profile Graph is open, the graph will update with real-time data
if the selected profile is active
NEW (Pro): Added a Thinkpad theme, submitted by a BatteryBar user
FIX (Pro): Fixed a bug closing the Battery Profile Graph
3.4.4 - November 25, 2010
NEW (Pro): Added option in Tools to log battery status data to BatteryStatus.log
CHG: When looking at battery charging profile, the legend will say "Time to full charge"
FIX: Added error handling when checking the current power scheme
FIX: Added error handling when checking the size and location of the taskbar
FIX: Fixed error with floating toolbar refreshing
Updated language: et.xml
3.4.3 - October 8, 2010
NEW (Pro): Added new settings: "Information to Display on the Toolbar" to allow for any of
the following to be displayed: Time Remaining, Percent Remaining, Discharge Rate, Capacity
CHG: The "Alternate Time and Percent" setting now rotates the display through all the
selected display options.
CHG: Removed "Show Time Remaining on Startup" due to change in information display setting.
The software will now resume showing the last shown information.
FIX: If the taskbar is set to auto-hide, the popup status will popup above or next to the
FIX: When a power state change is detected (new battery, add/remove external power), the
battery status is immediately queried. This fixes a regression introduced in 3.4.2.
FIX: Improved error handling when saving settings and profile XML files
FIX (Pro): Fixed a few minor issues with the Battery Profile Graph feature
FIX: Installer now waits for the taskbar restart to complete before attempting to turn on
the toolbar
3.4.2 - September 20, 2010
NEW: Clicking on BatteryBar now also shows the Discharge Rate in addition to Time Remaining
and Percent Remaining
NEW: The installer is now unicode and includes translations for numerous languages. The
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installer will detect the current system language and display the text in that language if
CHG: Battery Profile Graph now uses default system font to display the graph labels. Some
systems had problems displaying Arial Regular font.
FIX: Resolved error in Preferences window when trying to select a custom sound if .NET
Framework 2.0 SP1 wasn't installed
FIX (Pro): A licensing error could occur behind a firewall with selective domain blocking
FIX (Pro): Preferences - When selecting a custom font, only TrueType fonts can be used. An
error message is displayed if a non-TrueType font is selected.
Translation Updates: Danish, Polish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Portuguese, Hungarian
3.4.1 - July 2, 2010
FIX (Pro): Fixed a problem with the feature "Hide BatteryBar when battery is fully charged"
FIX (Pro): Fixed "Alternate time and percent" feature that got broken in 3.4.0
FIX (Pro): Fixed an issue with the Power Saving features to switch power scheme switching to
the wrong power scheme
3.4.0 beta 3 - June 10, 2010
NEW: FullLifetime and Time Remaining will now use a simple calcuation based on the current
discharge rate if no profile data is available
NEW: Installer checks if the taskbar or floating toolbar is installed and removes it if
you're installing the other version
NEW: About window now shows the serial number and expiration for Pro users
CHG: Reduced the margins in the default theme by 2 pixels
FIX: Fixed crash when loading the Battery Profile Graph with no profile data
FIX: Aero will now be re-enabled when connecting external power
FIX: Status popup will show simple time remaining if no profile data is available
FIX: BatteryBar toolbar will no longer cause the XP classic taskbar to be bigger than normal
3.4.0 beta 2 - May 16, 2010
CHG: For dual battery systems, BatteryBar will report the raw time remaining value for
batteries that don't have any profile data
FIX: Attempted fix for error when opening Battery Profile Graph form
FIX: Adjustments to the installer to fix installation hangs
FIX: BatteryProfileDetailsForm - Only select the current power scheme is the option to use
separate power schemes is enabled
FIX: SettingsForm - Low Minutes would always show 30 even if you set a lower value - Fixed
by swapping the order of loading the settings.
CHG: Adjustments to the installer to fix installation hangups
3.4.0 beta - April 23, 2010
NEW (Pro): Battery Profile Graph feature displays a graph of your battery profile data. This
allows you to see exactly how your battery discharges and recharges. To access, right-click
on BatteryBar and choose "Battery Profile Graph..."
NEW (Pro): Added option to automatically change power scheme when connecting or
disconnecting external power.
NEW (Pro): Added option to disable Aero when on battery power or below a certain percentage
NEW (Pro): Added option to force battery discharge and recharge rate estimation.
NEW: Added a check to make sure that the floating toolbar and taskbar toolbar versions don't
run at the same time.
NEW: Added a Windows 7 Small theme
CHG: Installer now restarts explorer during upgrades so that reboots aren't required after
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an upgrade.
CHG: Adjusted the default theme to add more space between the top and bottom of the theme
and the taskbar.
FIX: Fixed an issue where the Trial Expired message would appear more than once.
FIX: When no estimated time remaining value is available, the raw time remaining value will
be shown.
FIX: Time remaining will now show 0 minutes remaining when below the Soft Minimum value.
3.3.3 - February 18, 2010
NEW: Estimate the discharge/charge rate for batteries that don't provide that information.
The Popup Status will show "(Estimated)" next to the rate.
NEW (Pro): For time limited licenses, the About screen now shows the date your license will
CHG (Pro): If there was an error changing the current power scheme, you'll see an error
FIX (Pro): The option to disable Statistical Time Remaining now works properly. When the
option is disabled, the simple time remaining will be shown on the bar while the statistical
time remaining will show in the status popup (for easy comparison).
FIX (Pro): Better error checking in the theming engine.
FIX (Pro): Better error handling when enumerating power schemes.
FIX: A few other minor fixes
3.3.2 - December 30, 2009
NEW: Custom sound files (PCM WAV) can be used for audio notification alerts
NEW: Beep the PC Speaker open for low, critical, and full battery states (each state beeps a
different number of times)
NEW (Pro): If you try to activate a license key that was previously activated, you are now
prompted to transfer the license key automatically
NEW: Added a log filesize limiter
CHG: Disabled accuracy correction when the battery drops below 15%. This fixes an issue with
dual battery configurations where one battery stops at 10% while the other battery
CHG: Removed the height limit in BatteryBar; it will now fill the entire taskbar (e.g., in
Windows 7)
FIX: When upgrading from v3.2 or older, the licensing system now properly validates the
existing license key
FIX: An unexpected error in BatteryBar Solo/Floating Toolbar
FIX: A bug in the error logging that would cause a loop when logging certain errors
3.3.1 - November 19, 2009
CHG: The About window will now close after clicking the Upgrade button to bring up the
Upgrade to Pro window.
CHG: Small translation changes for licensing errors
FIX: After an upgrade from a previous version, your existing Pro license key will now
automatically activate with the new licensing system.
3.3.0 beta - November 11, 2009
NEW: BatteryBar 3.3.0 features a completely new licensing system. This system is designed to
be as user-friendly as possible and eliminate licensing errors for real customers.
CHG: Changed the version numbers to a more sane/typical style that makes it more obvious
when minor revisions are made. The next build release would be 3.3.1, etc.
CHG: Added more padding to top and bottom of the default Vista-style theme
CHG: Translations of "BatteryBar" that change to "BatteryBar Pro" for the Pro version are
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now separately translatable. This makes it possible for certain translations to properly
translate "BatteryBar Pro" in those circumstances.
FIX: The Preferences window now properly resizes for each supported translation
FIX: The theme would sometimes revert to the default theme on startup
FIX: Pro users could sometimes lose their custom settings on startup
3.2 build 63 - August 3, 2009
NEW: Option to always use alternate battery ID
NEW: Full battery audio alert (currently only SystemSounds.Beep)
NEW: Added settings ShowPercentRemainingWhenCharged and UseAlternateBatteryUniqueID
CHG: SettingsForm rearranged
CHG: SettingsForm automatically resizes to fit contents
FIX: AboutForm: Added IsBusy check before running background worker
FIX: CustomTabControl image display caused crash
FIX: Hide/Show Explorer Bar is checked on every status change
FIX: SettingsForm would crash when changing to RTL language
3.2 build 62 - June 19, 2009
NEW: floating toolbar version of BatteryBar available during installation.
NEW: Notification popup when the battery is finished charging (enable in Preferences window)
NEW: Battery profile data can now be stored individually per power scheme (enable in
Preferences window)
NEW: Redesigned Preferences window
NEW: Automatic bug report submission to developers. When an unexpected error occurs, you
have the option to submit the bug report directly to Osiris Development.
FIX: Fixed default theme to reduce the minimum toolbar size
FIX: If no estimated time remaining value is available, show the raw time remaining (same as
FIX: Experimental change to licensing system to fix issue where a license is reported as
already having been registered on another computer
FIX: PopupStatus window is closed when right-clicking on BatteryBar
3.1 build 60 - April 23, 2009
FIX: AutoUpdate only asks to update once for each update
FIX: On some computers, an error would occur during startup
3.1 build 59 - April 13, 2009
NEW: Several themes are included in the installer
NEW: Installer updated to ask whether or not to delete settings and themes
3.1 build 58 - March 22, 2009
FIX: A crash in build 57. Please update.
FIX: "100.0%" text overflow issue
3.1 build 57 - March 19, 2009
NEW: Added support for Right-to-Left languages, such as Hebrew and Arabic
NEW: Low/Critical battery warning popups will now close when the battery state changes to
NEW: All notification popups can be closed by clicking anywhere on the popup
NEW: Improved time estimation for systems with dual batteries, especially where only one
battery charges or discharges at a time
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NEW: (Pro) Online license validation now only occurs as needed and not every login
NEW: (Pro) Improved the licensing mechanism so that the license can be used on any copy of
Windows used on the computer (for example, dual booting XP and Windows 7, or upgrading from
XP to 7)
NEW: (Themes) Improved readability of text on transparent backgrounds
NEW: (Themes) Added "Clipping" and "BorderIsOutside" properties to the ProgressBar to allow
for decorations outside the progressbar area (e.g., a shadow)
FIX: "No batteries detected" text is now properly localized
FIX: Resuming from sleep/hibernate will now immediately re-check the status of the batteries
3.1 build 56 - March 1, 2009
FIX: Fixed popup status display when the taskbar is set to autohide
FIX: The location of notification popups is now determined by the location of the taskbar
and works on multiple monitors
FIX: Fixed a bug where the battery wasn't detected after resuming from hibernate
FIX: (Themes) Fixed an bug that would cause a red X to be drawn instead of the BatteryBar
FIX: (Themes) Theme image files are no longer locked while BatteryBar is running
FIX: (Preferences) Themes are now changed in the Preferences window rather than the context
FIX: (Battery) Time left to charge is now calculated properly for multiple batteries
FIX: About and Preferences windows can no longer be opened more than once
3.1 build 55 - February 10, 2009
NEW: Added option to transfer your Pro license from one PC to another
NEW: Added option to change the precision of percentages (0-4 digits of precision)
FIX: Fixed a few issues with the default theme, including ability to change the font using
the Preferences window
FIX: The last used theme is now remembered correctly upon restart
FIX: Fixed visual styles on Windows XP
FIX: Experimental code added for computers with multiple batteries that report the same
Unique ID.
FIX: Notification popups will now always display on the same side of the screen as
3.1 build 54
NEW: Added support for custom themes
3.1 build 51 - January 18, 2009
NEW: Added ability to change the currently active Power Scheme by right-clicking on BatteryBar
NEW: Added a 30 free trial. Right click on BatteryBar and select "Activate 30 day trial..."
NEW: Replaced MessageBoxes with new notification popups. Auto-Update and Licensing errors
are now show with the new popups
NEW: Added a lot of new translations (thanks to those that helped!) and split each
translation into a separate file
NEW: Added setting (BatteryWarningType) for low battery notifications to appear based on
percent remaining or on time remaining
NEW: Improved AutoUpdate. Notification popup now displays a description of the upgrade and
provides a button to open the website
FIX: Changed close button on Popups to the Vista style balloon close button
FIX: Fixed bug where notification popups could not be closed
FIX: Fixed an AutoUpdate bug
FIX: Improved error handling if BatteryBar couldn't be registered during installation
FIX: Improved installer handling of upgrade situations (user is prompted to close explorer
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or reboot)
3.0 build 48 - December 31, 2008
NEW: BatteryBar now comes in a FREE version and a PRO version. The FREE version provides
the base BatteryBar functionality. It can be upgraded at anytime to the PRO version.
NEW: (Pro) Added a new Preferences window that allows you to change 20 settings for BatteryBar
FIX: (Pro) Low and Critical Battery Notifications are now a PRO feature
2.3 build 42 - December 11, 2008
NEW: Added support for multiple batteries. Each battery is stored in a separate profile, so
you are able to swap batteries, or use more than one battery, and BatteryBar will reflect
the stats for the current battery/batteries.
NEW: Added a context menu (when you right-click on BatteryBar) with two functions: "About
BatteryBar", and "Preferences..."
NEW: Added an About form to give information about BatteryBar and links to the websites
NEW: Added a Settings form to allow you to change your preferecences without editing the XML
NEW: If no batteries are found, the popup status window will show "No batteries detected"
NEW: Vertical bar in popup status changes color based on the battery status: Charging
(Blue), Discharging (Green), and Critical (Red)NEW: Improved support for vertical taskbars
NEW: AutoUpdate is now optional.
NEW: Added separate prompt for beta updates. Updating to beta versions is disabled by
NEW: Installer changed to close Explorer when upgrading BatteryBar. This allows you to
upgrade without rebooting.
FIX: Fixed AlternateTimeRemainingAndPercent setting for batteries that invoke StatusChanged
2.2 build 35 - November 12, 2008
NEW: Added a Low Battery and Critical Battery popup notification. When your battery reaches
a certain percentage, a popup will appear indicating the number of minutes percentage left
on your battery. You can customize the notifications by editing BatteryBar.Settings.Xml in
NEW: Added a Low battery and Critical Battery audio alert. BatteryBar plays the sounds as
defined in Control Panel -> Sound.
NEW: Added detection when the computer goes into suspend mode or resumes, which helps make
sure that the data recorded about your battery usage is accurate
NEW: Added an option to change the default display on the bar between "Time Remaining" or
"Percent Remaining"
NEW: Added time remaining to the status popup in the "Battery" line
FIX: Changed the order of the items in the status popup
FIX: Fixed support for multiple batteries. Charge/Discharge statistics are aggregate, so
the "Time Remaining" will only be accurate if you always use your computer with the same
number of batteries.
FIX: Fixed "Capacity" line in status popup to show "mWh" instead of "mW" and added a space
between the number and the unit
FIX: Fixed percentages to display with or without a space between the number and the %
symbol based on culture
FIX: Fixed vertical status bar in the status popup for some users
FIX: Fixed the sizing of the status popup for non-English languages
FIX: Fixed an error if no batteries were found on startup
FIX: Updated the status popup to be different if no batteries are installed
2.1 build 23 - September 20, 2008
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NEW: Added a check to try to refresh battery info when resuming from Standy/Hibernate
NEW: Added logic to handle when the battery drops more than one percentage point suddenly.
Example: My battery drops from 100% to 96% when unplugged. It never shows 99%, 98%, or
97%. The same happens on recharge.
Actual time elapsed is compared to estimate time elapsed.
NEW: Unexpected errors are reported to the user and always logged
NEW: Added progress bar and icon to tooltip
FIX: Improved Time Remaining algorithm to adjust better due to current battery drain rate
(e.g., if you're watching a DVD you time remaining will be less than if it's just sitting
FIX: Tooltip changed show that information lines up nicely in all languages
FIX: ShowTooltip setting now works for new tooltip
FIX: Changed "Rate" to "Charge Rate" and "Discharge Rate" depending on battery status
2.0 build 16 - August 24, 2008
FIX: Time Remaining is calculated based on statistical history of your battery usage, making
it significantly more accurate than Windows time remaining estimation.
FIX: Added "Full Lifetime" to Tooltip, which indicates how long your battery will last on a
full charge
FIX: Added support for translations via BatteryBar.Translation.xml
FIX: Added support for user settings via BatteryBar.Settings.xml
FIX: Installer now supports installing on 64-bit versions of XP and Vista
FIX: Changed BatteryBar to look like a Vista-style button
FIX: Clicking on BatteryBar will toggle between time remaining and percentage view
FIX: Clicking on BatteryBar will reload user settings and translations, so they can be
changed without closing and opening the toolbar
FIX: More detailed information is collected about your battery.
1.1 - July 23, 2008
FIX: BatteryBar is now persistent between reboots (you don't need to manually enable the
toolbar after rebooting)
FIX: Quick Launch bar should no longer disappear when you reboot
FIX: Recharge time estimation improved - July 20, 2008
Initial Release

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