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A|ana Ackerman

5oclollst ulscootse vs. copltollst ltoctlce lo cooJot. 1be 1eosloo 5eeo 1btooqb oo
lmmlqtotloo leos
1he paper l propose Lo presenL ls Lhe resulL of fleldwork l carrled ouL ln Lcuador beLween
2010 and 2012 for my MasLer's Lhesls, and focuses on Lhe currenL Lenslon ln Lcuador
beLween Lhe governmenL's dlscourse based on LwenLy-flrsL cenLury soclallsm and
conLradlcLory caplLallsL pracLlces masked by Lhls dlscourse. l lnLend Lo locaLe Lhls Lenslon
speclflcally ln Lhe fleld of Lcuadorlan lmmlgraLlon.
Lcuador ls well-known as a counLry of emlgraLlon, especlally afLer Lhe 1999 dollarlzaLlon of
Lhe economy and ensulng flnanclal crlsls, buL lL ls also a slgnlflcanL recelvlng counLry, mosLly
of mlgranLs from Colombla, eru, and Lhe u.S. 1he currenL Lcuadorlan lmmlgraLlon pollcy,
whlch esLabllshes vlsa caLegorles and procedures, daLes back Lo 1971, a Llme of mlllLary rule
ln Lhe counLry's hlsLory. 1hls pollcy eases lmmlgraLlon for deslrable" forelgners who
conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe sLrengLhenlng of Lhe caplLallsL economy-lnvesLors," buslnessmen," and
real esLaLe holders"-as well as spouses" of Lcuadorlan men, a caLegory LhaL evldences
paLrlarchal values (Lhe woman as a pollLlcal sub[ecL as she relaLes Lo her husband)-whlle
maklng undeslred" lmmlgraLlon more dlfflculL for Lhose who do noL conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe
sLrengLhenlng of Lhe caplLallsL sysLem, such as pollLlcal refugees (mosLly Colomblans) and
economlc mlgranLs (mosLly eruvlans).
arLly ln reacLlon Lo Lhe flnanclal crlsls of 1999 and Lhe corrupL neollberal rule LhaL followed,
Lhe populaLlon voLed ln 2006 for Allanza als, a parLy LhaL advocaLes LwenLy-flrsL cenLury
soclallsm." ln 2008, a new ConsLlLuLlon was raLlfled ln whlch an arLlcle declares Lhe end of
Lhe concepL of Lhe forelgner" and lnLroduces Lhe concepL of unlversal clLlzenshlp." uesplLe
Lhls uLoplan soclallsL dlscourse ln Lhe sLaLe's magna carLa, an lmmlgraLlon pollcy based on
explolLaLlve and paLrlarchal ldeals remalns ln force Loday, lnfluenclng dlfferenL forelgners'
experlences of Lhe lmmlgraLlon process ln vasLly dlfferenL ways. 1hus, l argue ln my paper
LhaL soclallsL dlscourse ln Lcuador appeases Lhe elecLoraLe whlle allowlng old asymmeLrlcal
models Lo conLlnue operaLlng wlLh llLLle debaLe or denouncemenL."
N||ufer Aka||n
ulspossesseJ lmmlqtoots. 1be teptoJoctloo of toclollzotloo lo tbe tlmes of oostetlty
ln Lhe lasL decade, ma[or soclal, economlc and pollLlcal developmenLs ln Lhe SouLh
Luropean counLrles have broughL mlgraLlon on Lo Lhe cenLre sLage ln pollLlcal dlscourse wlLh
a rlse of raclsL and xenophoblc dlscourses agalnsL mlgranLs. 1he soclal, pollLlcal sLand and
aLLlLudes Loward Lhe excluded body (lmmlgranL) had sLarLed Lo be arLlculaLed Lhrough Lhe
demollshmenL of Lhe sub[ecL ln Lhe era of Lhe symbollc demollshmenL of Lhe human body
under serlous condlLlons of llvlng ln flnanclal crlsls. 1hls paper seeks Lo make a conLrlbuLlon
Lo Lhls llne of research on how Lhe soclal confllcLs of Lhe lndusLrlal world are LranslaLed ln
raclal Lerms [usL as Lhe flnanclal crlsls and Lhe exlsLence of neo-nazl parLy ln Creece was
becomlng Lhe manner Lo dlvlde, rank human belngs by reference Lo selecLed embodles
properLles Lo subordlnaLe, exclude, and explolL Lhem. 8egardlng Lhe currenL pollLlcal and
economlc slLuaLlon, some maLerlal Lra[ecLory can be Lraced Lhrough raclallzaLlon and raclsm
LhaL are belng lmplled ln Creek socleLy. 1hls research paper focuses, as a case sLudy, on Lhe
undersLandlng of how lnequallLy ls sLrucLured and reproduced under global caplLallsm,
addresslng Lhe paLLerns of behavlor, organlzaLlonal ouLcomes, sLaLe pollcles, pracLlces and
arLlculaLlons of eLhnoraclal lnequallLy and conLrol. 1hls paper also alms Lo demonsLraLe Lo
whaL exLenL Lhe ausLerlLy measures produce a new form of raclallzaLlon. 1herefore, lL
slLuaLes Lhe relaLlonshlp of lmmlgranLs, Lhe sLaLe and Colden uawn aL Lhe cenLral axes Lo
undersLand why and how Lhe ausLerlLy measures produce raclallzaLlon.
8arbara A||en
AlexooJet 5blyopolkov ooJet Attest, 19J5-7
Alexander Shlyapnlkov, an Cld 8olshevlk and leader of Lhe Workers' CpposlLlon ln Lhe
8usslan CommunlsL arLy from 1919 Lo 1921, was arresLed by Lhe nkvu ln !anuary 1933, as
were many oLher former opposlLlonlsLs ln Lhe wake of Lhe klrov murder. lnLerrogaLed ln
1933-6, he was Lrled and execuLed ln 1937. Charges escalaLed from counLerrevoluLlonary
acLlvlLy and anLl-SovleL aglLaLlon Lo Lerrorlsm and consplracy Lo assasslnaLe SLalln.
Shlyapnlkov conLesLed Lhe charges and refused Lo lmpllcaLe oLhers. 1he lnLerrogaLlon
proLocols and hls wrlLLen sLaLemenLs aLLached Lo Lhe proLocols reflecL hls sLruggle Lo reveal
Lhe absurdlLy of Lhe charges agalnsL hlm and Lo preserve hls own sense of ldenLlLy as a
revoluLlonary. AL hls closed Lrlal by Lhe mlllLary colleglum of Lhe uSS8 Supreme CourL ln
SepLember 1937, he denled all Lhe charges agalnsL hlm and confessed LhaL he was only
gullLy of havlng had 'a llberal aLLlLude Loward Lhose persons around hlm.' Pls behavlor
dlffered slgnlflcanLly from LhaL of oLher Cld 8olshevlks such as Zlnovlev and kamenev, who
confessed ln publlc Lrlal, supposedly for Lhe beneflL of Lhe parLy. Pe asserLed LhaL hls
confesslon Lo ouLlandlsh charges would noL serve Lhe parLy's lnLeresLs.
k|ya Mary A|'Sanah
1be sttoqqle fot Jemoctocy lo tbe 1oolsloo tevolotloo
1unlsla has been held up by Lhe lnLernaLlonal communlLy as Lhe prlme example of a counLry
succeedlng ln a democraLlc LranslLlon process" ln conLrasL Lo LgypL, Syrla or Llbya: lL ls
pollLlcally sLable, lL has adopLed a new consLlLuLlon pralsed by Lhe lnLernaLlonal communlLy,
lL has carrled ouL LransparenL elecLlons, and lL has slgned a loan agreemenL wlLh Lhe
lnLernaLlonal MoneLary lund.
Powever, Lhe reallLy ln 1unlsla ls much more compllcaLed. 1he 1unlslan bourgeolsle and
remnanLs of Lhe 8en All reglme are reasserLlng Lhemselves Lhrough lncreased represslon
agalnsL pollLlcal decenL and growlng calls agalnsL lndusLrlal acLlon and for a soclal Lruce".
1hls paper wlll look aL democraLlc forms, as promoLed from above by Lhe 1unlslan ellLe and
lnLernaLlonal organlsaLlons and conLrasL Lhem wlLh revoluLlonary democraLlc sLrucLures
developed from below. We wlll dlscuss Lhe subsLance and naLure of Lhe democraLlc
LranslLlon Laklng place ln 1unlsla Loday. lurLhermore, we wlll address wheLher Lhe
democraLlc sLrucLures developed by Lhe revoluLlonary movemenL can offer an alLernaLlve Lo
Lhe promoLed model of neollberal democracy."
Va|ent|na A|varez
xpetleoce of Jomestlc wotk lo cblle. soclol teptoJoctloo oo lJeotlty coosttoctloo of tbe
wotkloq closses
uurlng Lhe 1970' decade, Lhe uomesLlc Labour uebaLe reflecLed abouL Lhe relevance of
domesLlc labour Lo caplLallsm ln order Lo unvell Lhe parLlcular place of women lnLo class
sLruggle. uesplLe dlfferences among uLu LheorlsL, Lhey all agreed LhaL, Lhrough produclng a
doclle workforce or malnLalnlng a reserve army of labour -Lo puL some examples-, caplLallsm
was Lhe maln beneflclary of women's domesLlc labour. 1herefore, Lhey LhoughL,
revoluLlonary pracLlces can only be deployed when domesLlc labour ls re[ecLed, soclallzed or
done whlle lLs bearers -women- engage ln proleLarlan sLruggles.
Some years before LhaL debaLe, domesLlc work and chlldcare experlences of Chllean women
from popular secLors ln 1970 quesLloned such sLaLemenLs. 1hey showed how reproducLlve
labour dld noL only beneflL caplLallsm. Worklng class women were produclng ln dally basls a
sense of dlgnlLy for Lhelr famllles LhaL lnvesLed Lhem wlLh auLhorlLy for Lhelr sLruggle.
Powever, Lhey dld so by reproduclng LradlLlonal gender roles. ln LhaL veln, l argue LhaL ls
necessary Lo enqulry domesLlc work beyond Lhe economlc reducLlonlsm of uLu Lo
undersLand lLs mulLlple dlmenslons. 1o accounL for parLlcular experlences and Lhe meanlngs
aLLached Lo Lhem can shed llghL ln LhaL dlrecLlon.
Leandro 8eatr|z A|ves
Momeots of Jooqet, momeots of oppottoolty. 1toJe ooloos ooJ cllmote cbooqe
1haL Lrade unlons (1us) are fadlng away" ls wldely accepLed. LxplanaLlons for Lhls draw on
broader socleLal processes, e.g. Lhe reducLlon of manufacLurlng ln lndusLrlallsed counLrles,
where 1us were sLrongesL, Lhe lncrease of Lhe servlce and l1 secLor, where Lhey have less
experlence ln organlslng, and Lhe casuallsaLlon of employmenLs. aradoxlcally,
lndlvlduallsaLlon processes occur ln a slLuaLlon where Lhe needs of a collecLlve and global
response Lo global crlses (flnanclal, food, ecologlcal) are acuLe.
ln Lhe case of 1us Lhls ls especlally Lrue agalnsL Lhe background of globallsaLlon, whlch
sLrengLhens Lhe power of 1ransnaLlonal CorporaLlons Lo relocaLe producLlon and dlcLaLe Lhe
worklng condlLlons ln Lhe Clobal SouLh as well as ln Lhe Clobal norLh and Lo seL workers ln
compeLlLlon Lo each oLher (Chan/8oss 2003, Cowle, 2001). 1us are Lhe only klnds of
organlsaLlons LhaL are presenL ln vlrLually every counLry around Lhe globe (1he l1uC
represenLs 173 mllllon workers ln 133 counLrles and LerrlLorles and has 311 naLlonal
afflllaLes.). 1hus, poLenLlally Lhey are Lhe only force Lo challenge Lhe power of 1nCs.
ln reallLy, Lhough, Lhey are sLruggllng wlLh sLrucLural LransformaLlons lncludlng Lhe
dlverslflcaLlon of Lhe workforce ln Lerms of femlnlsaLlon and eLhnlc dlverslLy (Schlerup eL. al.
2006, Ward 1990, Mullnarl/neergaard 2003). lurLhermore, new lnLernaLlonal bodles and
Lhe pollLlcal recognlLlon of cllmaLe change have exerLed pressures on unlons Lo re-formulaLe
Lhelr pollcles (Pyman/lerner 1994). 1he overdeLermlnaLlon of Lhese processes consLlLuLes a
LranslLlonal phase where soclal acLors have Lo reconslder Lhe parameLers of Lhelr acLlons.
unlons have Lo slmulLaneously reassure Lhelr LradlLlonal membershlp, recrulL new
members, cooperaLe wlLh oLher soclal movemenLs as well as global organlsaLlons (e.g.,
World 8ank, lMl), acL on a global level buL remaln rooLed aL Lhe local, and accommodaLe
new lssues llke cllmaLe change and norLh-SouLh dlvlde.
ln oLher words, unlons are llvlng whaL WalLer 8en[amln has called momenLs of danger". ln
conLrasL Lo Lhe noLlon of crlsls" 8en[amln's Lerm denoLes noL only Lhe LhreaL of
dlslnLegraLlon buL also Lhe LhreaL of conformlsm LhaL ls abouL Lo overpower" LradlLlon
(8en[amln 1974).
SelecLed unlons: 1. 1he meLal workers' unlons are arguably Lhe besL organlsed and largesL
world-wlde and are also Lhose faclng Lhe greaLesL challenges from cllmaLe change pollcles,
relocaLlon of producLlon from Lhe norLh Lo Lhe SouLh, and redundancles due Lo
Lechnologlcal lnnovaLlon. 1helr lnLernaLlonal (lMl), reglonal (LMl), and naLlonal branches ln
Lhe selecLed counLrles wlll consLlLuLed one of Lhe Lwo ma[or case sLudles of our sLudy. 1he
meLal secLor ln mosL counLrles of Lhe Luropean unlon has a comparaLlvely hlgh percenLage
of mlgranL workers, whlch wlll make lL posslble Lo lnvesLlgaLe wheLher Lhese workers are
havlng an lmporLanL role ln shaplng new unlon pollcles.
2. AbouL one Lhlrd of Lhe world's workers are employed ln Lhe agrlculLural secLor.
AgrlculLure ls lnLegraLed lnLo Lhe lssues of cllmaLe change and Lhe norLh-SouLh dlvlde: Cn
Lhe one hand lL ls Lhe secLor mosL hardly hlL by Lhe effecL of cllmaLe change, whlle aL Lhe
same Llme, lL produces slgnlflcanL effecLs on cllmaLe change. lL also plays a slgnlflcanL role ln
Lhe norLh-SouLh relaLlonshlps, slnce predomlnanLly norLhern companles are responslble for
Lhe advancemenL of agrlbuslness LhreaLenlng farmlng on small scale ln counLrles of Lhe
SouLh. 1he lul and oLher unlons of food workers are formlng alllances wlLh non-unlon
assoclaLlons llke vla Campeslna" Lo address Lhese confllcLs. As opposed Lo Lhe meLal secLor
where Lhe ma[orlLy of workers are men, abouL 70 of Lhe agrlculLural workers are women.
1hus a comblned sLudy of Lhese Lwo secLors wlll allow us Lo beLLer compare Lhe lnfluence of
gender relaLlons on new unlon pollcles.
1he selecLed counLrles: 1he core of our lnvesLlgaLlon ls ln Lurope looklng aL Lhe naLlonal and
local unlons ln Lhe meLal and agrlculLural secLor: Sweden, uk and Spaln. unlons ln all Lhese
counLrles have made huge efforLs Lo lnLegraLe cllmaLe change lssues lnLo Lhelr pollcles and
Lo engage wlLh envlronmenLal organlsaLlons, whereby Spanlsh unlons seem mosL advanced.
ln order Lo galn a broader lnslghL lnLo dlfferenL reglmes of counLrles of Lhe SouLh we have
chosen 8razll, SouLh Afrlca and lndla. All Lhree counLrles are lnLegraLed lnLo Lhe global
economy, whlle havlng dlfferenL Lrade unlon hlsLorles.
We have conducLed an average of 20 ln-depLh llfe-hlsLorles lnLervlews (per counLry) wlLh
unlon offlclals responslble for Lhe deparLmenLs of LnvlronmenL and/or lnLernaLlonal
8elaLlons and members of rural organlsaLlons (such as MS1 - Landless Workers' MovemenL
and MMC - 8ural Women MovemenL from 8razll) and rural unlons.
We alm Lo presenL our flndlngs aL Lhe LlevenLh Annual Conference.
Maur|ce Andreu
ulJ tbe leoJetsblp of tbe commoolst lotetootloool belleve tbot copltollsm coolJ oot sotvlve?
1he leadershlp of Lhe CommunlsL lnLernaLlonal LhoughL cerLalnly LhaL lLs revoluLlonary
acLlon should puL caplLallsm Lo lLs end. 1hls hlsLorlcal confldence had an economlc and
pollLlcal basls: Lhe world war crlsls of 1914 revealed all Lhe llmlLs of caplLallsm and creaLed
Lhe condlLlons of lLs reversal. 1he Cl, almosL always, explalned lLs fallure by Lhe mlsLakes and
Lhe weakness of Lhe revoluLlonarles, noL by caplLallsL ablllLy Lo rlse agaln from lLs ashes. My
paper wlll conflrm LhaL Lhe leadershlp of Lhe ComlnLern belleved LhaL caplLallsm would be
soon dead. 8uL Lhere ls someLlmes a klnd of amblgulLy. l shall speak of Lwo cases: Lenln, ln
1921, when Lhe Cl Lakes Lhe Lurn of unlLed lronL and 8ukharln, ln 1928, when Lhe words
general crlsls of caplLallsm are lnLroduced ln Lhe rogram of Lhe ComlnLern.
1hanos Andr|tsos
lo seotcb of oolty. ltom tbe moltlple qeoqtopbles of teslstooce to tbe commoo ploce of o
teoeweJ closs ptoject.
Creece, from 2009 onwards, became Lhe eplcenLer of Lhe global flnanclal crlsls. ln Lhls
perlod very lnLense soclal sLruggles Look place. Many sLudles for Lhe so called greek
reslsLance" seem Lo focus on hlghllghLlng unllaLerally only cerLaln aspecLs (such as Lhe
moblllzaLlon ln Lhe squares of aganakLlsmenol, experlmenLs of self-organlzaLlon and soclal
solldarlLy, local and envlronmenLal sLruggles, workers' sLrlkes, Lhe elecLoral rlse of Lhe lefL,
eLc.) and lack ln an overall plcLure and perspecLlve.
1he currenL paper undersLands all Lhe ma[or baLLles as momenLs ln Lhe evoluLlon of Lhe
power relaLlons and Lhe class sLruggle lnslde Lhe Creek socleLy. Cur maln goals are a) Lo map
Lhe currenL soclal movemenLs' geographles and b) Lo hlghllghL Lhe lssue of unlflcaLlon of all
Lhe sLruggles under a common anLl-sysLemlc conLexL.
ln Lhls order, we can Lrace Lhree processes of unlfylng:
1. unlfylng" as a demand of Lhe movemenLs: An ""lnLernal"" process comlng from Lhe
developmenL, Lhe dlscourse and Lhe pollLlcal pracLlces of Lhe movemenLs.
2. unlfylng" as a consequence of domlnanL pollLlcs: An ""exLernal"" process comlng
prlmarlly from Lhe governmenL's pracLlce Lo LargeL every slngle popular moblllzaLlon as
unlfled LhreaL.
3. unlfylng" as a common radlcal LheoreLlcal resulLanL. A currenL aLLempL ln Lhe radlcal
Lheory's dlscourse Lo search for a unlfled pollLlcal sub[ecL.

1aklng lnLo accounL Lhese processes, Lhe paper seeks for Lhe precondlLlons for a shlfL from
Lhe mulLlple geographles of reslsLance Lo a common place" of Lhe renewed class pro[ecL."
k|cardo Antunes
1be lotetootloool wotkloq closs 150 eots Aftet ooJ lts cbolleoqes 1oJoy
1he lnLernaLlonal Worklngmen's AssoclaLlon (lWA) was born ln London on SepLember 28,
1864 wlLh Lhe essenLlal prlnclple: Lhe emanclpaLlon of Lhe worklng classes musL be
conquered by Lhe worklng classes Lhemselves." WhaL does lL mean Lo Lhlnk of an
lnLernaLlonal organlzaLlon of Lhe worklng class Loday? Clven Lhe globallzed shape of
caplLallsm, has lL noL become even more urgenL Lo creaLe a new pro[ecL of lnLernaLlonal
worklng-class organlzaLlon? ln order Lo explore Lhese cruclal quesLlons, we musL lnlLlally Lry
Lo undersLand Lhe new morphology of labor and some of lLs prlnclpal Lendencles. SLable
work ls belng replaced by aLyplcal labour. Pow ls lL posslble Lo organlze Lhls new proleLarlaL?
Pow can Lhls growlng secLor of Lhe worklng class advance Loward class consclousness, under
condlLlons of Lhe LransnaLlonallzaLlon of caplLal? Pow can lL llnk up wlLh Lhe more
LradlLlonal secLors of Lhe worklng class?
!usL as caplLal ls a global sysLem, Lhe world of labor and lLs challenges are also lncreaslngly
LransnaLlonallzed. Clven LhaL Lhe desLrucLlve loglc of caplLal ls seemlngly mulLlple buL ln
essence unlLary, lf Lhese vlLal poles of labor don'L ally Lhemselves organlcally, Lhey wlll suffer
Lhe Lragedy of greaLer precarlzaLlon. lf, on Lhe oLher hand, Lhey forge Lles of solldarlLy,
deflnlng and plannlng Lhelr acLlons, Lhey may have greaLer power Lhan any oLher soclal
force Lo demollsh Lhe caplLal sysLem and Lhereby begln dellneaLlng a new way of llfe."
Stephen Ashe
wbotevet boppeoeJ to tbe loboot movemeot? A Ctomscloo ooolysls of tbe electotol tlse
ooJ foll of tbe 8tltlsb Notloool lotty
ln 'WhaLever happened Lo Lhe Labour MovemenL?' 1homas Llnehan provlded a hlsLorlcal
analysls of supporL for Lhe 8rlLlsh unlon of lasclsLs, Lhe naLlonal lronL and Lhe 8rlLlsh
naLlonal arLy, as well as Lhe role LhaL Lhe labour movemenL has played ln prevenLlng such
parLles from maklng greaLer pollLlcal lnroads ln worklng class areas durlng Lhe 1930s and Lhe
1970s. lor Llnehan, Lhe emergence of Lhe 8rlLlsh naLlonal arLy ln 2002 can be puL down Lo
a unlque comblnaLlon of sLrucLural, pollLlcal and ldeologlcal facLors. ln parLlcular, Llnehan
emphaslses Lhe weakenlng of Lhe LradlLlonal LrlparLlLe alllance beLween Lhe worklng class,
Lhe Labour parLy and Lhe Lrade unlon movemenL. 1hls paper wlll LesL Llnehan's Lhesls by
explorlng Lhe elecLoral rlse and 'fall' of Lhe 8n ln 8arklng and uagenham beLween 2004
and 2010. 1hls paper wlll argue LhaL a rlcher, deeper analysls of Lhe 8n's elecLoral
breakLhrough and subsequenL demlse can be galned by drawlng upon AnLonlo Cramscl's
carceral wrlLlngs on hegemony (Cramscl, 1971), and ln parLlcular by developlng a wlder
analyses of Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe local sLaLe and clvll socleLy.
Ab|ga|| 8akan
Motxlsm, lotetsectlooollty ooJ loJlqeooos lemlolsm
Clobal caplLallsm has proven Lo be Lenaclously reslllenL, manlfesL noL only ln lLs conLlnulng
explolLaLlon, buL also ln processes of gender and raclal oppresslon. Whlle Lhe llnkages
among gendered and raclallzed oppresslon, and class explolLaLlon, have been Lhe focus of
some MarxlsL femlnlsL LheorlsLs (Plmanl 8anner[l, Angela uavls, ColleLLe Culllaumln), lL ls
Amerlcan legal femlnlsL LheorlsL klmberle Crenshaw who has helpfully colned Lhe Lerm
lnLersecLlonallLy", applled prlmarlly Lo Lhe uS conLexL. 1hls lncreaslngly lnfluenLlal concepL
has slgnlflcanLly broadened Lhe poLenLlal ground on whlch Lo llnk anLl-raclsL femlnlsm wlLh
MarxlsL Lheory. ScanL aLLenLlon, however, has speclflcally addressed Lhe conLrlbuLlons of
lndlgenous femlnlsm, Lhough formaLlve ln anLl-raclsL Lheory and pracLlce ln norLh Amerlca.
1hls lacuna ls evldenced ln boLh lnLersecLlonal femlnlsL and MarxlsL femlnlsL scholarshlp.
Powever, Marx's lnLeresL ln lndlgenous socleLles - noL leasL gender relaLlons ln lndlgenous
socleLles - was slgnlflcanL (LLhnologlcal noLebooks, 1880-82), and conslderably lnfluenced
Lngels' Crlgln of Lhe lamlly, rlvaLe roperLy and Lhe SLaLe. 1hls paper (l) Lheorlzes Lhe
slgnlflcance of aLLenLlon Lo lndlgenous femlnlsL conLrlbuLlons regardlng lnLersecLlonal
femlnlsL and MarxlsL femlnlsL conversaLlons, and (ll) aLLends Lo Lhe speclflc LenaclLy of Lhe
norLh Amerlcan sLaLes as case sLudles, exempllfylng such LheorlzaLlon. l suggesL LhaL MarxlsL
undersLandlngs of Lhe gendered and raclallzed experlences of lmperlallsm, soclal
reproducLlon, and anLl-colonlal reslsLance, can be conslderably advanced Lhrough an
engagemenL wlLh Lhe conLrlbuLlons of lndlgenous femlnlsm.
Laurent 8aron|an
Motx ooJ llvloq loboot
l propose Lo presenL lssues of my book "Marx and llvlng labour" (8ouLledge, 2013) relaLed Lo
Lhe quesLlon: Pow caplLallsm survlves? 1he baslc ldea llnklng all Lhe chapLers LogeLher ls
LhaL Marx, from hls early economlc works, concelved Lhe labour of any klnd of socleLy as a
seL of producLlon acLlvlLles and analysed Lhe hlsLorlcal modes of producLlon as speclflc ways
of dlsLrlbuLlng and exchanglng Lhese acLlvlLles. Cn Lhe conLrary, pollLlcal economy conslders
Lhe labour only under Lhe form of lLs producL, and Lhe exchange of producLs as commodlLles
as Lhe unlque form of soclal labour exchange. lor Marx, lnsofar as Lhe labour creaLlng value
represenLs a speclflc mode of exchanglng Lhe socleLy's llvlng labour, general and absLracL
labour cannoL noL only be deflned as Lhe subsLance or measure unlL of Lhe commodlLy, as ln
SmlLh or 8lcardo, buL foremosL as an expense of llvlng labour, l.e. of nerves, muscles, braln,
eLc. Pence Lhe Lwofold naLure of llvlng labour, as a concreLe acLlvlLy produclng a use value
and an expense of human labour ln general produclng exchange value. Marx hlmself
clalmed LhaL Lhls Lwofold naLure of labour creaLlng value was lLs maln and mosL lmporLanL
conLrlbuLlon Lo economlc sclence. 1hls book alms aL showlng how boLh deLermlnes Lhe
orlglnal caLegorles and economlc laws ln CaplLal and consLlLuLes Lhe profound lnnersprlng of
Marx's crlLlque of pollLlcal economy. 1he role and funcLlon of llvlng labour ls hlghllghLed by
showlng how, on Lhe one hand, Lhe opposlLlon beLween llvlng and dead labour ls aL Lhe
orlgln of Lhe deepesL conLradlcLlons of Lhe caplLallsL mode of producLlon, whereas on Lhe
oLher hand caplLallsm survlves, l.e. overcomes lLs conLradlcLlons and pushes lLs own llmlLs,
only be approprlaLlng more exLenslvely and lnLenslvely Lhe soclal producLlve forces creaLed
by Lhe llvlng labour of lndlvldual producers developlng cooperaLlon llnks. 1he conLradlcLlons
based on opposlLlon beLween llvlng and dead labour suggesL a Marxlan lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe
currenL crlsls whlch musL be dlsLlngulshed from underconsumpLlon and sLagnaLlon Lheorles
of crlses.
Lmmanue| 8arot
Ooe-Jlmeosloool Moo, flfty yeots oftet
1hls year marks Lhe 30Lh blrLhday of "Cne-ulmenslonal Man" : whaL remalns of our
Marcuslan lovlngs ? Marked by so-called pesslmlsm", exalLlng Lhe "CreaL 8efusal" of
ouLslders, and lamenLlng Lhe lnLegraLlon of Lhe proleLarlaL Lo caplLal, Marcuse ushered ln
Lhe era of posL-proleLarlan mulLlLudes and supposedly aL Lhls Llme gave up Marxlsm, Lurned
Lo revlslonlsm and fell lnLo an anarcho-lefLlsL romanLlc uLoplsm. ls Lhls sLaLemenL really valld
? AcLually he kepL Lhe ldea LhaL caplLallsm was noL able Lo dlgesL any form of sLruggle, an
heLerodox buL close relaLlonshlp Lo Marxlsm, and malnLalned Lhe sLraLeglc quesLlon of how
organlze Lhe class sLruggle faclng an ulLra-vlolenL laLe caplLallsm. WhaL lessons are Lo be
learned from Lhese dlalecLlcal amblvalences ?
r|t|sh 8ehur|a
8oloocloq vloleoce ooJ lJeos. nlstotlcol 5ttoteqles of llte copltol Accomolotloo lo kwooJo
SLraLegles of rlmlLlve AccumulaLlon ln 8wanda have LradlLlonally been organlzed around
prlmary commodlLles - parLlcularly coffee. 8wanda's own 'naLural economy' was
compllcaLed by lLs colonlal hlsLory and Lhe lnLroducLlon of cash crop producLlon ln Lhls
respecL. lmmedlaLely, Lhe eLhnlc/class helrarchy prevalenL ln Lhe counLry became an arena
of compeLlLlon around Lhe capaclLy Lo push farmers Lo grow lncreaslng coffee. Chlefs, aL Lhls
Llme, were rewarded on Lhe basls of Lhelr capaclLy Lo organlze labour ln Lhls respecL Lhrough
coerclon and creaLlng collecLlve ldenLlLles. As Lhe counLry became lndependenL, Lhe
helrarchy was furLher alLered, as LradlLlonal 'class' dlvlslons became 'eLhnlc' dlvlslons ln
order Lo collecLlvlze vlolence and lnclLe revoluLlon. 1he flrsL Lwo governmenLs conLlnued Lhe
same sLraLegy of accumulaLlon and managed Lhelr ellLes Lhrough Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of renLs ln
Lhese secLors. Cruclally, coffee became parL of Lhe naLlonal efforL and became bound on
ldeas of 'economlc naLlonallsm'. 1hls was also woven ln Lhe fabrlc of eLhnlc opposlLlon
agalnsL LradlLlonal 1uLsl leadershlp.
1he osL-Cenoclde CovernmenL has aLLempLed Lo break away from LradlLlonal class
dynamlcs around prlmary commodlLy speclallzaLlon. lL has served Lo boLh dlsperse ellLes and
labour Lo dlfferenL secLors, Lhus reduclng Lhe capaclLy for reslsLance from below and wlLhln
Lhe ellLe bargaln ln Lhe counLry. 1he desLrucLlve forces of caplLallsm have accompanled
economlc developmenL ln Lhe counLry and Lhe cenLral governlng apparaLus leglLlmlzes lLself
on Lhe basls of vlolence, raLher Lhan Lhe force of a 'naLlonal efforL' ln Lhe same way as lLs
1hls paper wlll sLudy sLraLegles of ellLe caplLal accumulaLlon LhaL have Laken place
hlsLorlcally ln 8wanda, conLrasLlng Lhe balanclng of vlolence and ldeas ln managlng
reslsLance from lLs ellLes, as well as 'from below'."
k|ccardo 8e||of|ore
wblcb ctlsls, wblcb copltollsm? Motxloo polltlcol ecooomy ooJ lloooclol keyoesloolsm.
1hls paper presenLs an analysls of Lhe crlsls comblnlng a Marxlan and a llnanclal keyneslan
perspecLlve. 8oLh are framed ln a long-run perspecLlve of Lhe caplLallsL dynamlcs. 1he
Lendency of Lhe raLe of proflL Lo fall has Lo be lnLerpreLed as afflrmed Lo Lhe
counLerLendencles wlnnlng over Lhe Lendency, and Lhrough Lhe change ln Lhe forms of
caplLallsms. nelLher Lhe classlcal verslons of Lhe fall of Lhe raLe of proflL or an
underconsumpLlonlsL vlew are Lenable, Lhe same can be sald agalnsL Lhe LradlLlonal posL-
keyneslan analyses of Lhe crlsls.
Lach crlsls erupLs because of Lhe conLradlcLlons ln Lhe ldlosyncraLlc facLors explalnlng Lhe
ascenL. We are experlenclng Lhe crlsls noL of a generlc neollberallsm or a vold
flnanclallsaLlon, buL of a money manager caplLallsm, whlch was bullL upon a concenLraLlon
wlLhouL cenLrallsaLlon of caplLal, new forms of corporaLe governance, aggresslve
compeLlLlon, a caplLal markeL lnflaLlon, lndebLed consumpLlon. A world able Lo galn ln new
forms Lhe same good (or raLher, bad) old explolLaLlon, Lo provlde lnLernally demand, and Lo
presenL lLself as a sLable CreaL ModeraLlon.
1he paper wlll show how Lhls consLlLuLed a flnanclally prlvaLlsed keyneslanlsm, based on a
new moneLary pollcy and a new auLonomous demand drlvlng Lhe process, a conflguraLlon
whlch was necessarlly unsusLalnable. 1he paper wlll show how Lhe crlsls evolved from a
CreaL 8ecesslon Lo a Lesser uepresslon, looklng aL Lhe speclflclLles of Lhe Luropean crlsls,
whlch (llke Lhe global crlsls) ls noL due Lo Lrade lmbalances, nor Lo governmenL publlc
deflclLs, even noL Lhe euro ln lLself."
8ernhard n. 8ayer|e|n
1be Abottlve womeo's lotetootloool (1919-194J)
WlLhln Lhe global deploymenL of Lhe so-called mass or solldarlLy organlzaLlons for dlfferenL
soclal caLegorles and speclflc ob[ecLlves as segmenLs of Lhe wlder framework of Lhe
communlsL movemenL, women occupled a speclal place. 1he paper shoes LhaL from an
lnsLlLuLlonal, personal and culLural perspecLlve Lhe women's organlzaLlons preflgured a
Women's lnLernaLlonal" LogeLher wlLh unlons, cooperaLlves, lnLellecLuals, anLl-colonlallsL,
anLl-fasclsL lnlLlaLlves ... 1he paper verlfles how femlnlsm and gender solldarlLy ln Lhe
"ComlnLern solar sysLem" were LhwarLed and shorL-clrculLed by SLallnlsm and Lransformed
lnLo an appendage of SovleL sLrucLures and "culLural dlplomacy".
An|ndya 8hattacharyya
Absttoct opptessloo ooJ soclol teptoJoctloo
1he MarxlsL concepL of oppresslon ls used Lo descrlbe a wlde varleLy of soclal phenomena
lnvolvlng sysLemaLlc dlscrlmlnaLlon agalnsL a mlnorlLy. 8aclsm and sexlsm are Lhe baslc
examples buL Lhe caLegory has ramlfled over Lhe decades, Laklng ln lslamophobla,
homophobla, Lransphobla, abllsm Lo name buL a few. ln recenL years Lhere has been
renewed lnLeresL on Lhe lefL ln how Lhese oppresslons lnLeracL - Lhe lnLersecLlonallLy
debaLe - and how Lhey relaLe Lo explolLaLlon of workers and Lhe anLagonlsm beLween rullng
and worklng class.
Clearly Lhese oppresslons have someLhlng ln common: oLherwlse we would noL group Lhese
phenomena under a slngle Lerm, or deploy slmllar argumenLs across Lhe gamuL of
oppresslons (eg Lhe argumenL LhaL Lhey weaken Lhe worklng class by plLLlng worker agalnsL
worker). ?eL for all Lhls Lhere does noL seem Lo be any MarxlsL Lheory of oppresslon ln
general - whaL l call absLracL oppresslon. WhaL ls x-lsm, where x ls an unspeclfled pollLlcal
mlnorlLy? Are all oppresslons ""Lhe same"" or are Lhere slgnlflcanL dlfferences beLween, say,
raclsm and sexlsm?
1hls paper seeks Lo ouLllne an approach Lo oppresslon ln Lhe absLracL. 1he alm ls Lo seL Lhe
varlous MarxlsL Lheorles of concreLe oppresslons on a rlgorous concepLual foundaLlon - a
necessary sLep lf noLlons of lnLersecLlonallLy eLc are ever Lo move beyond emplrlcal
descrlpLlon. lL ends by lndlcaLlng how, lf absLracL oppresslon ls Lhe ""supersLrucLure"", Lhen
soclal reproducLlon ls Lhe ""base"". 8y undersLandlng oppresslon absLracLly we galn a beLLer
grasp of how Lhe are underglrded and perpeLuaLed by pollLlcal economy: Lhe replenlshmenL
of labour power Lhrough chlldrearlng and lmmlgraLlon ls lnLlmaLely llnked Lo sexlsm and
raclsm respecLlvely. 1hls approach can lay Lhe foundaLlon ""grand unlfled Lheory"" of
explolLaLlon and oppresslon LhaL can acL as a framework for undersLandlng all Lhese
phenomena as a LoLallLy."
Ian 8|rcha||
keteoJloq kosmet lo 2014
1914 was a ma[or vlcLory for Lhe caplLallsL order. A growlng Luropean soclallsL movemenL
was, ln 1roLsky's words, so reduced LhaL aL Zlmmerwald lL was posslble Lo seaL all Lhe
lnLernaLlonallsLs ln four coaches. As Mlchael Cove's recenL elucubraLlons show, lL ls sLlll a
slLe of ldeologlcal conLesL. Lazy cllches, llke naLlon overrldes class" or Second lnLernaLlonal
Marxlsm" are lnadequaLe Lo offer an explanaLlon. Alfred 8osmer's uncompleLed Le
MouvemenL ouvrler pendanL la guerre (2 vols, 1936, 1939) makes a valuable conLrlbuLlon Lo
our undersLandlng. 8osmer comblnes Lhe memolrs of an anLl-war acLlvlsL wlLh archlval
research, and draws on Ceorges uumoulln's fasclnaLlng pamphleL Les SyndlcallsLs franals
pendanL la guerre (1918). 1roLsky rlghLly urged LhaL every serlous proleLarlan
revoluLlonary oughL Lo read - more exacLly, Lo sLudy - 8osmer's book". 8osmer came from
Lhe syndlcallsL LradlLlon, buL recognlsed LhaL syndlcallsm was parL of Lhe problem, he was an
lndependenL Lhlnker who dld noL endorse Lenln's sLraLegy of revoluLlonary defeaLlsm.
8osmer's sLaLed alm was Lo recall whaL happened yesLerday, Lo relaLe Lhe facLs, Lo show
Lhelr lnLerconnecLlon, and Lo draw ouL Lhelr meanlng, Lhe lesson musL Lhen be so clear LhaL
lL wlll provlde Lhe reply Lo Lhe agonlslng quesLlons of Lhe presenL."
Dav|d 8|ack
5obo-ketbel's Neo-kootloo Motxlsm - A ctltlpoe
"Alfred Sohn-8eLhel locaLed Lhe orlgln of phllosophlcal absLracLlon ln Lhe ""false
consclousness"" broughL abouL by Lhe new money economy of Creek AnLlqulLy. ln Lhe
LnllghLenmenL Lhe concepLual barrler kanL puL beLween phenomenal reallLy and Lhe
""Lhlng-ln-lLself"" expressed, ln Sohn-8eLhel's vlew, Lhe relfled consclousness sLemmlng
from commodlLy-exchange and Lhe dlvlslon of menLal and manual labor. 8ecause Sohn-
8eLhel saw Lhe enLlre hlsLory of phllosophy as branded by a Llmeless unlversal loglc, he
dlsmlssed Pegel's concepL of ""LoLallLy"" as ""ldeallsL"" and Pegel's crlLlque of kanLlan
duallsm as lrrelevanL Lo Marx's crlLlque of pollLlcal economy.
uavld 8lack suggesLs LhaL Marx's exposlLlon of Lhe feLlshlsm of commodlLles ls hlsLorlcally-
speclflc Lo caplLallsL producLlon, and Lherefore cannoL explaln Lhe orlglns of phllosophy,
whlch 8lack shows Lo have lnvolved varlous hlsLorlcal developmenLs ln Creek socleLy and
culLure as well as moneLlzaLlon. !usL as Pegel's crlLlque of kanLlan formallsm lnforms Marx's
crlLlque of caplLal, Pegel's wrlLlngs on how Lhe proper organlzaLlon of labor mlghL abollsh
Lhe barrler ArlsLoLle puL beLween producLlon and Lhe ""8ealm of lreedom"" preflgure
Marx's efforLs Lo formulaLe of an alLernaLlve Lo caplLallsm.
au| 8|ack|edge
oqels ooJ tbe ltoblem of wotkloq-closs kefotmlsm
1hrown lnLo sharp rellef by Lhe evenLs of AugusL 1914, worklng-class reformlsm has been
amongsL Lhe mosL lmporLanL sLraLeglc lssues faclng Lhe revoluLlonary lefL over Lhe lasL
cenLury. 1hlrLy years ago Carol !ohnson famously argued LhaL parL of Lhe problem faced by
Lhe LwenLleLh-cenLury lefL was LhaL Marx had nowhere developed a coherenL Lheory of
worklng-class reformlsm. ln Lhls paper l explore Lngels's LenLaLlve aLLempLs Lo flll Lhls gap ln
Lhe decade or so afLer Marx's deaLh. 1aken up by Lenln and Luxemburg alongslde kauLsky
and 8ernsLeln, Lngels's argumenLs have been a source of recurrlng debaLe ever slnce Lhe
publlcaLlon of hls supposed 1esLamenL" ln 1893. ln Lhls paper l argue LhaL Lhls llLeraLure ls
marked by a Lendency Lo proceed from a falrly one-dlmenslonal vlew of Lhe revoluLlonary
pollLlcs Marx and Lngels elaboraLed around 1848. 8y readlng Lngels laLer pollLlcal wrlLlngs
agalnsL Lhe backdrop of an aLLempL Lo unplck Lhls carlcaLured lnLerpreLaLlon of hls earller
revoluLlonary perspecLlve l hope Lo shlne a new llghL on Lhe debaLes of Lhe 1890s wlLh a
vlew Lo lnformlng conLemporary sLraLeglc debaLe.
Lr|c 8|anc
Notloool llbetotloo ooJ 8olsbevlsm keexomloeJ
1hls paper analyzes Lhe soclallsL debaLes on Lhe naLlonal quesLlon up Lhrough 1914 ln Lhe
CzarlsL emplre. l argue LhaL an effecLlve sLraLegy of anLl-colonlal Marxlsm was flrsL puL
forward by Lhe non-8usslan soclallsLs, noL Lhe 8olshevlks. Lenln and hls comrades lagged
behlnd Lhe borderland MarxlsLs on Lhls cruclal lssue well lnLo Lhe Clvll War-and Lhls
pollLlcal weakness helps explaln Lhe 8olshevlk fallure Lo bulld rooLs among domlnaLed
peoples. ConsequenLly, Lhe 8olshevlks were elLher Loo numerlcally weak and/or lndlfferenL
Lo naLlonal asplraLlons Lo successfully lead soclallsL revoluLlons ln Lhe borderlands,
faclllLaLlng Lhe lsolaLlon of Lhe 8usslan workers' governmenL and Lhe subsequenL rlse of
C|a|re 8|encowe
lemlolst lovestmeots lo 8lopolltlcol llfe. koclsm, ltoqtess & MetboJs of ctltlpoe
1hls paper beglns wlLh Lhe sLory of eugenlclsL femlnlsm, polnLlng Lo Lhe enLangled
genealogles of blopollLlcal governance, raclsm and LwenLleLh cenLury Luropean and norLh
Amerlcan femlnlsL pollLlcs. lL goes on Lo quesLlon Lhe 'asserLlon of conLlngency' as a LacLlc ln
undermlnlng blopollLlcal knowledges and lnvesLmenLs - suggesLlng LhaL such asserLlons have
acLed Lo mask, raLher Lhan Lo dlslodge, blopollLlcal raclsm wlLhln femlnlsL pollLlcs as
elsewhere. ConLlngency, developmenL and progress are Lechnologles of aLLachmenL LhaL
lnvesL femlnlsL agency ln blopollLlcal llfe (and so economles of endless growLh and
expanslon). 1hese lnvesLmenLs perslsL ln conLemporary landscapes ln whlch race,
populaLlon and growLh are undersLood as aspecLs of culLure, rellglon and educaLlon more
Lhan blology. 1he paper hlghllghLs Lhe dangers of denylng and denounclng, raLher Lhan
aLLendlng Lo, our own lnvesLmenLs ln desplcable pollLlcs. lL calls for 'generous meLhods'
(M'charek) ln Lhe sLudy of femlnlsL raclsm.
Mark 8|um
Mox AJlet's soclol tbeoty. o foooJotloo fot mote effectlve lotetpetsoool coopetotloo
1he AusLro-MarxlsL Max Adler's LheoreLlcal career lncluded Lhe developmenL of a concepL of
socleLal soclallzaLlon whlch was noL fully appreclaLed by hls peers, nor consequenLly by
posLerlLy. Cnly hls sLudenL, and laLer promlnenL MarxlsL Luclen Coldmann , comprehended
Lhe full lmpllcaLlons of hls concepL of whaL mlghL be called 'mlcro-soclologlcal' soclallzaLlon
[vergesellschafLung]. Adler's concepLual Lurn sLresses LhaL every socleLy has lLs own
manner of organlzlng an lnLerdependence lnsofar as each develops sLrucLures LhaL musL
fulflll Lhe cognlLlve lmperaLlve of a pracLlcal vlslon of Lhe LoLallLy of lLs parLlclpanLs. asL
forms falled ln Lhelr governlng hegemonles Lo reallze Lhe equallLy and lnLerpersonal depLh
of cooperaLlon LhaL soclallsm could effecL. Max Adler's undersLandlng of lnLerpersonal
relaLlons, whlle precedlng even Lhe group dynamlcs movemenL LhaL emerged ln Lhe 1920s
and 1930s (Moreno, Lewln), lnslsLed on noL only a more reflned knowledge of Lhe dynamlcs
of human cooperaLlon, buL a clear undersLandlng of Lhe lnsLlLuLlonal problems LhaL could
obsLrucL knowledgeable lnLeracLlon. Luclen Coldmann wresLled wlLh Lhls problem of
lnLerpersonal undersLandlng ln Lhe 1930s. As Max Adler and Lo a degree CLLo 8auer,
Coldmann knew LhaL only by a more publlc recognlLlon of how Lhe norms of collecLlve
cooperaLlon were dlsLorLed wlLhln socleLal lnsLlLuLlons ln a caplLallsL culLure could effecLlve
soclallzaLlon be reallzed. 1ralnlng ln cooperaLlve empaLhy flnally had Lo meeL Lhe wall of
normaLlve praxls ln Lhe everyday world. Max Adler undersLood LhaL every human culLure
over Llme has lLs own manner of sLrucLurlng cooperaLlve assoclaLlon [vergesellschafLen] .
Lach manner of organlzaLlon generaLes values LhaL [usLlfles lLs praxls. 8uL, a soclallzed
socleLy requlred a dlscernlng lnLerdependenL depLh of knowlng lnLo how human
cooperaLlon occurs or founders. 1he funcLlonal democracy" whlch Lhe AusLro-MarxlsLs
sLrove for, LhaL ls Lhe lnLerdependenL equallLy of all parLlclpanLs ln any socleLal efforL,
requlred a new address of how cooperaLlon could acLually be reallzed. 1he works counclls
were a funcLloal address of Lhls democraLlc soclallzaLlon, buL even Lhey ofLen foundered
because of Lhe lack of lnslghL lnLo an effecLlve assoclaLlon of dlfferlng persons, skllls, and
LemperamenLs. SoclallzaLlon Loday sLlll suffers under Lhe lack of mlcro-soclologlcal
dlscernmenL of assoclaLlon as lL ls pracLlced ln socleLal lnsLlLuLlons, and, wlLhouL furLher
developmenL of Lhe group dynamlc undersLandlng of lLs praxls ln everyday efforLs of
cooperaLlve acLlvlLy, a soclallzaLlon from Lhe Lop down-by mandaLe-only reproduces how
cooperaLlon has occurred wlLhln Lhe hlsLorlcal norms of caplLallsL and pre-caplLallsL
I||x 8ogg|o & Ste||a Mag||an|-8e|kacem
1be 'Jemoctotlc poestloo' toJoy ooJ tbe sttoqqle fot beqemooy.
AlLhough lL has been enLangled for a long Llme wlLh a sLallnlsL pollLlcal pracLlce, Lhe
'democraLlc quesLlon' has had a rlch marxlsL legacy. lrom Marx Lo Lenln Lhrough kauLsky
and Cramscl, Lhe maln Lhlnkers of classlcal soclal democracy and communlsm have
conslsLenLly polnLed ouL Lhe unlfylng poLenLlal of democraLlc demands for revoluLlonary
pollLlcs. 1heoreLlcally, a sLrand of marxlsL Lhlnklng LhaL sLarLed wlLh Cramscl and was Laken
upon by oulanLzas and posL-alLhusserlan auLhors has developed a new problemaLlzaLlon of
""democracy"". nelLher mere llberallzaLlon of SLaLe lnsLlLuLlons nor slmply self-organlzaLlon
aL Lhe grassrooLs, ""democracy"" ls a dlalecLlcal process of unlflcaLlon and leadershlp-
bulldlng of Lhe oppressed and explolLed agalnsL Lhelr ""passlvlzaLlon"" by SLaLe apparaLuses
and auLhorlLarlan sLaLlsm.
AgalnsL Lhls rlch background of Lheory and pracLlce, conLemporary soclallsL organlzlng
seems Lo lag behlnd lL: 'democracy' ls elLher reduced Lo procedural-formal processes lnslde
soclal movemenLs and soclallsL parLles or lL ls consldered of llmlLed relevance for Loday's
sLruggles ln Lhe WesL. Whlle lL seems compleLely sLralghLforward Lo lmaglne Lhe unlfylng
poLenLlal of 'down wlLh Mubarak' ln Calro, 'democraLlc demands' ln Lhe WesL are LhoughL
only ln Lhe Lerms of 'solldarlLy' agalnsL represslon ln parLlcular sLruggles or Lhrough Lhe lens
of anLlfasclsm.
Cur paper alms flrsL aL acknowledglng Lhls gap beLween marxlsL Lheorlzlng and soclallsL
organlzlng. 1hls gap ls lndeed an lndex of several meLhodologlcal plLfalls: a dlvlslon beLween
LasL and WesL, a 'sLagelsL' undersLandlng of bourgeols lnsLlLuLlons, an lnsLrumenLal
concepLlon of democraLlc demands (as slmply provldlng sLepplng sLones for Lhe worker's
movemenL). Secondly, we wanL Lo ralse Lhe quesLlon of Lhe raclal dlvlde aL work ln Lhls gap.
lL ls lndeed clearly Lhe case LhaL non-whlLe people have sLruggled more Lhan ofLen ln Lhe
lasL 40 years agalnsL SLaLe represslon, mass lncarceraLlon and ln favor of more lncluslve
lnsLlLuLlons (boLh aL Lhe narrowly pollLlcal level and aL Lhe economlc level). ls noL Lhe lefL's
weakness ln relaLlon Lo democraLlc demands also a sympLom (and a reason) for lLs
lncapaclLy Lo relaLe Lo non-whlLe sLruggles?
LasLly, we wanL Lo emphaslze how democraLlc demands may provlde Loday a ferLlle ground
for a lefL sLraLegy: flrsL as a way Lo brldge Lhe gap wlLh non-whlLe communlLles ln reslsLance,
secondly because soclal and economlc sLruggles cannoL succeed wlLhouL aLLacklng Lhe
auLhorlLarlan characLer of neollberal lnsLlLuLlons, Lhlrdly because democracy lays Lhe
foundaLlons of a non-naLlonallsL narraLlve for a people's unlLy ln Lhe sLruggle for hegemony.
Math|eu 8onzom
now lmmlqtotloo coottol sotvlves lo tbe u5. tbe cotteot lmmlqtotloo teqlme, beqemooy ooJ
1hls paper ls an analysls of lmmlgraLlon conLrol ln Lhe uS Loday, ln Lerms of hegemony.
Laws, enforcemenL pollcles, and debaLes surroundlng Lhem, have been shaped by successlve
admlnlsLraLlons and leglslaLures so as Lo comblne varlous seLs of pollLlcal demands, malnly
Lhose of blg buslness owners, opponenLs of mass lmmlgraLlon, and lmmlgranLs Lhemselves.
ln a loglc akln Lo LhaL of Lhe hlsLorlc bloc, Lhls generaLes power by assembllng demands LhaL
are noL lmmedlaLely and fully compaLlble. 1he sLablllLy of such an lmmlgraLlon reglme can
only be malnLalned by a pollLlcal process lmplemenLlng numerous ad hoc reforms. Pence,
only some of Lhe many governmenL lnLervenLlons, such as Lhe 1986 lmmlgraLlon 8eform
and ConLrol AcL (l8CA), rework all dlmenslons of Lhls overarchlng reglme: anLl-lmmlgraLlon
measures and a mass legallzaLlon plan. 1he llmlLed characLer of each seL of pollcles (or Lhelr
enforcemenL) allows for Lhe reproducLlon of a subalLern populaLlon of lmmlgranLs. 1he l8CA
lllusLraLes Lhe general goals of Lhe lmmlgraLlon reglme: saLlsfylng employers' demands ln
Lhe besL posslble way, by harnesslng and reproduclng boLh anLl-lmmlgranL senLlmenL and
lmmlgranL consenL Lo conLlngenL sLaLuses (Lhls reproducLlon ls ensured by slmulLaneously
rewardlng Lhose lmpulses and prevenLlng Lhelr full saLlsfacLlon).
Whlle focuslng on lmmlgraLlon ln Lhe neollberal era, lL wlll be posslble Lo show elemenLs of
synchronlc and dlachronlc conLlnulLy, wlLh race relaLlons more generally, and wlLh Lhe
LreaLmenL of lmmlgranL and raclal mlnorlLles ln a less recenL pasL.
1he hegemonlc dynamlc makes lL dlfflculL for lmmlgranL movemenLs Lo come up wlLh a
sLraLegy LhaL does noL end up allowlng, or lndeed conLrlbuLlng Lo, Lhe perpeLuaLlon and
relaunchlng of Lhe reglme. AL Lhe same Llme, Lhe reproducLlon of lmmlgranL consenL can cuL
boLh ways: when lL ls fraglllzed by pollLlcal clrcumsLances prlorlLlzlng coerclon, moblllzaLlon
opporLunlLles appear, as was Lhe case ln 2006, and arguably has been ever slnce.
lnsLead of wallowlng ln Lhe sophlsLlcaLlon of hegemonlc apparaLuses, ldenLlfylng Lhe
blocklng polnLs Lhey creaLe should feed conLrlbuLlons Lo counLer-hegemonlc sLraLegy. Cne
of several raclal lssues Lo be Lackled LhaL way ls Lhe lmmlgraLlon reglme. 1he sense of defeaL
followlng Lhe shorL-Lerm vlcLory of Lhe 2006 mass movemenL, has been enhanced by
uemocraLlc parLy pollcles lnLenslfylng or allowlng more coerclon, and channellng Lhe
movemenL's demands lnLo ""Comprehenslve lmmlgraLlon 8eform"" bllls LhaL could be
Lermed ""l8CA 2.0"". MoblllzaLlons around lmmedlaLe demands llke sLopplng all
deporLaLlons (""noL 1 More"" campalgn) and LacLlcal lnnovaLlons lnvolvlng ""comlng ouL""
and darlng acLs of clvll dlsobedlence (almlng aL demonsLraLlng LhaL Lhe rlsks of belng
undocumenLed are lower Lhan Lhey seem especlally when people geL organlzed), appear as
lmporLanL conLrlbuLlons. lrequenLly embraced by lmmlgranL leaders wlLh an ulLlmaLe
""legallzaLlon for all"" agenda, Lhose perspecLlves do noL dlrecLly demand a legallzaLlon plan
buL averL Lhe dlvlslve loglc of l8CA-llke bllls (selecLlve legallzaLlon, represslon, relaunchlng
Lhe reglme). 1hey may Lhus be beLLer sulLed Lo boLh rebulldlng Lhe dynamlc and relnvenLlng
Lhe sLraLeglc goals of lmmlgranL moblllzaLlon, ln a counLer-hegemonlc fashlon.
1ob|as 8oos
ltom ;Ooe se voyoo toJos! to o blootlsloq stote petspectlve
1he LaLln-Amerlcan dlscusslon abouL popullsm has a long and rlch LradlLlon. Slnce Lhe
elecLlon of Lhe so called progresslve governmenLs ln Lhe reglon Lhere have been numerous
conLrlbuLlons Lo Lhe debaLe, especlally wlLh regard Lo LrnesLo Laclaus concepL of popullsm.
Cne of Lhe flrsL and mosL lnLeresLlng crlLlques of hls approach was already formulaLed by
orLanLlero and de lpola ln 1981. ln Lhls arLlcle Lhey observe a klnd of organlclsL hegemony
LhaL characLerlzes exlsLlng popullsL governmenLs whlch reduces Lhe heLerogenelLy of
popular demands.
1he paper uLlllzes AnLonlo Cramscls concepLs of common sense and moral and lnLellecLual
leadershlp and sLresses Lhelr fundamenLal role ln regard Lo Lhe process of galnlng
hegemony. 8y explorlng Lhe represenLaLlons of klrchnerlsL mlllLanLs and sympaLhlsers abouL
Lhe currenL balance of forces and Lhe pollLlcal slLuaLlon lL shows LhaL Lhelr lnLerpreLaLlons
conLaln a very speclflc ldea of Lhe sLaLe sLrucLurlng Lhelr vlslon of pollLlcs.
Derek 8oothman
1be commoolst movemeot lo 1otlo. oo exteoJeJ essoy by Ctomscl
1here has recenLly come Lo llghL Lhe handwrlLLen orlglnal verslon of Lhe longesL slngle plece
wrlLLen by Cramscl before Lhe hlghly lnfluenLlal essay on Lhe SouLhern quesLlon on whlch he
was worklng aL Lhe Llme of hls arresL ln 1926. 1hls earller essay, on Lhe facLory councll and
communlsL movemenL, lncludlng Lhe role of Lhe weekly [ournal L'Crdlne nuovo, was hls
dlrecL and lmmedlaLe assessmenL of Lhe evenLs leadlng up Lo Lhe red Lwo years (blennlo
rosso") ln 1urln, a clLy deflned ln Lhe essay as Lhe eLrograd of Lhe lLallan proleLarlan
8evoluLlon". lL deals ln parLlcular wlLh Lhe mass general sLrlke of Aprll 1920, news of whlch,
accordlng Lo Lhe manuscrlpL's openlng llnes, was recelved enLhuslasLlcally ln 8ussla. AL lLs
helghL Lhe monLh-long sLrlke lnvolved half a mllllon people ouL of a reglonal populaLlon of 4
mllllon, Lhe worklng-class mass belng led solely by Lhe [1urlnese] SecLlon of Lhe SoclallsL
arLy, comprlsed ln lLs absoluLe enLlreLy of communlsL workers". Accordlng Lo an annoLaLlon
ln anoLher hand on a laLer Lyped-up verslon, Lhe essay conslsLs of flfLeen pages wlLh, as was
Cramscl's wonL, very few correcLlons, and daLes Lo Lhe summer or early auLumn of 1920. lL
Lhus predaLes boLh Lhe foundlng congress of Lhe lLallan CommunlsL arLy (!anuary 1921) and
Cramscl's elghLeen-monLh sLlnL as an lLallan represenLaLlve ln Moscow on Lhe LxecuLlve and
resldlum of Lhe ComlnLern. rlnLed verslons of Lhe essay, publlshed aL Lhe Llme, are hard Lo
come by ln any language, and ln any case such wrlLlngs were normally sub[ecL Lo edlLlng for
lengLh, or ln order Lo cuL maLerlal [udged exLraneous Lo oLher naLlonal experlences (noL Lo
menLlon posslble lnaccuracles ln LranslaLlon), and so Lhe manuscrlpL verslon assumes added
lmporLance. As well as lLs purely hlsLorlcal lnLeresL, as a commenL by a leadlng parLlclpanL ln
Lhe evenLs Lhemselves, whaL emerges ls an early aLLempL by Cramscl Lo glve a deLalled
break-down of class forces and of Lhe organlzaLlons of Lhe urban worklng class, Lo dlscuss
Lhe quesLlon of power ln socleLy - and Lhe value even of defeaLs - and Lo deflne a pollLlcs of
alllances. ln Lhe space alloLLed, we shall Lry Lo lllusLraLe Lhe maln llnes of Lhe documenL and
puL Lhem lnLo Lhe conLexL of Cramscl's subsequenL developmenL.
1oby 8oraman
lolyoesloo lovolvemeot lo tbe New 2eolooJ sttlke wove ftom tbe lote 1960s to tbe mlJ-
MarxlsLs ln Anglophone counLrles have largely neglecLed Lhe role lndlgenous peoples have
played ln class sLruggle, ofLen based on Lhe assumpLlon LhaL lndlgenous people are hlghly
marglnal Lo LhaL sLruggle. lurLhermore, desplLe wage labour belng an lnLegral parL of
olyneslan llfe ln new Zealand, sLudles of olyneslans ln new Zealand have largely lgnored
lL. CommenLaLors ofLen assume LhaL olyneslans are marglnallsed vlcLlms of caplLal
(lncludlng colonlallsm and lmperlallsm) and raclsm. Lven labour hlsLorlans have almosL
LoLally lgnored Lhe role olyneslans have played ln Lhe labour movemenL. lar from belng
helpless vlcLlms, many olyneslans parLlclpaLed ln numerous sLruggles ln Lhe workplace
durlng Lhe upLurn ln workplace dlssenL ln new Zealand from Lhe laLe 1960s Lo Lhe mld-
1980s. lndeed, Morl workers were generally aL Lhe forefronL of Lhls sLruggle. Many aslflka
mlgranLs and Lhelr descendanLs also became acLlve and lmporLanL parLlclpanLs ln labour
sLruggle by Lhe mld- Lo laLe 1970s, alLhough some barrlers Lo lnvolvemenL remalned. ln Lhe
workplace, many olyneslans broughL aspecLs of Lhelr culLure Lo Lhelr sLruggle Lo humanlse,
mlnlmlse and reslsL wage work. As such Lhey ofLen creaLed, adopLed and adapLed varlous
forms of lnformal and formal reslsLance ln Lhe workplace. 1o some exLenL, aspecLs of
olyneslan culLure shaped many sLrlkes and oLher forms of dlssenL. Whlle a ma[or fuslng of
class and eLhnlclLy occurred, by Lhe early 1980s blLLer confllcL developed beLween some
advocaLes of Maorl soverelgnLy and some Lrade unlons. 1hls paper wlll examlne olyneslan
lnvolvemenL ln workplace unresL ln Lhree lndusLrles - Lhe Llmber lndusLry, Lhe meaL
processlng lndusLry and Lhe cleanlng lndusLry."
8runo 8ostee|s
Motx lo 1lmes of klots. 1be lote wtltloqs of Ios kevoeltos
1hls paper addresses Lhe laLe pollLlcal wrlLlngs of Lhe Mexlcan acLlvlsL-wrlLer !ose 8evuelLas,
beLween Lssay on a Peadless roleLarlaL and Lhe posLhumous LexLs collecLed ln Mexlco
1969: ?ouLh and 8evoluLlon. 8evuelLas wlll appear as Lhe supreme LheorlsL of Lhe
conLemporary momenL, deflned as Lhe age of rloLs ln search of new forms of pollLlcs and
domlnaLed by anarcho-communlsL ldeas and pracLlces. Where 8evuelLas was looklng back,
Lrylng Lo reslLuaLe hls own work ln llghL of Lhe coopLaLlon of Lhe Mexlcan 8evoluLlon from
Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe LwenLleLh cenLury, Lhls work as become uncannlly presclenL of currenL
evenLs aL Lhe sLarL of Lhe new mlllennlum. ln sLudylng Lhese laLe wrlLlngs, flnally, l wlll be
preparlng Lhelr upcomlng LranslaLlon for Lhe PlsLorlcal MaLerlallsm book serles from 8rlll.
U|r|ch 8rand
Ctowtb ooJ uomlootloo. 5bottcomloqs of tbe (ue-)Ctowtb uebote
1he growLh crlLlcal debaLe could be more ferLlle lf economlc growLh were consldered more
carefully ln lLs connecLlon wlLh Lhe rullng caplLallsL and paLrlarchal modes of producLlon and
llvlng. ln Lhls way, we can undersLand economlc growLh as a soclal relaLlon whlch ls
lnLrlnslcally llnked Lo socleLal domlnaLlon and, hence, reproduces soclal sLrucLures.
Moreover, socleLal domlnaLlon ls Lhe basls of unsusLalnable socleLal naLure relaLlons. AfLer a
qulck overvlew of Lhe debaLe, my argumenL ls developed wlLh reference Lo (neo-)MarxlsL
debaLes as well as llnklng Lo lnslghLs from pollLlcal ecology. uemocracy, l conclude, should
be puL more Lo Lhe cenLre of Lhe growLh crlLlcal debaLe because lL ls Lhe precondlLlon for a
socleLy whlch ls llberaLed from Lhe compulslon of caplLallsL economlc growLh wlLh all lLs
lmpllcaLlons for soclal dynamlcs and sLrucLures as well as socleLal naLure relaLlons. 1he
currenL degrowLh debaLe sLarLs Lo focus more on quesLlons of democracy buL ln a raLher
deflclenL way. 1he paper wlll also lnLegraLe cenLral debaLes and lnslghLs from Lhr lourLh
lnLernaLlonal uegrowLh Conference ln SepLember 2014 ln Lelpzlg.
Che 8randes-1uka
ulscootse ooJ lJeoloqy of tbe otopeoo fot-tlqbt ooJ tbe fettlle soll fot tbe tlse of losclsm
ln Lhls paper l wlll explore whaL lL ls abouL Lhe dlscourse and ldeology of Luropean far-rlghL
pollLlclans llke CeerL Wllders, Marlne Le en and nlgel larage LhaL makes Lhelr rheLorlc so
effecLlve and how Lhe lefL and relevanL acLors llke mlgranL organlzaLlons ln dlfferenL
counLrles have responded Lo Lhe challenge posed by Lhem. 1hrough dlscourse analysls,
psychoanalyLlc evaluaLlons of key rlghL-wlng flgures, analyzlng Lhe soclal basls of Lhelr
organlzaLlons and Lhe movemenLs Lhey represenL as well as Lhe ldeologlcal pervaslveness of
everyday raclsm and Lendencles Lowards auLhorlLarlanlsm ln Luropean socleLles l wlll Lry Lo
conLrlbuLe Lo a more balanced explanaLlon wlLh regards Lo Lhe psychologlcal and soclo-
economlc facLors LhaL lay behlnd Lhe rlse of Lhe far-rlghL ln Lurope. 8y comparlng Lhe
dlfferenL responses Lo Lhe challenge of Lhe far-rlghL by dlfferenL lefLlsL acLors l hope Lo draw
lessons ln how Lo counLer Lhe far-rlghL more/mosL effecLlvely.
Cra|g 8rand|st
ltoblems of uktololzotloo. 1be lolltlcol ooJ coltotol uyoomlcs of neqemooy 192J-19J2.
LlngulsLlc and culLural dlvlslons have once agaln come Lo Lhe fore as lmperlal powers
sLruggle for lnfluence ln ukralne. 1he quesLlon of Lhe poslLlon of naLlve 8usslan speakers ln
Lhe sLaLe played an lmporLanL role ln how Lhe currenL confllcLs developed. 1he quesLlons
ralsed were ones wlLh whlch Lhe 8olshevlks grappled LhroughouL Lhe 1920s, played ouL
Lhrough Lhe pollcy of 'ukralnlzaLlon', Lhe naLure of whlch was conLesLed LhroughouL Lhe
decade. urawlng on publlshed and archlval sources, Lhls paper dlscusses Lhe way ln whlch
compeLlng pollLlcal lmperaLlves and hegemonlc agendas were broughL Lo bear on Lhe
quesLlons of relaLlons beLween ukralnlan and 8usslan languages and culLures ln Lhe 1920s,
from Lhe dellneaLlon of Lhe pollcy aL Lhe 12Lh arLy Congress ln 1923 unLll Lhe end of Lhe
decade. ukralne became a parLlcularly lnLense focus for debaLes abouL Lhe culLural and
pollLlcal dlmenslons of hegemony, wlLh 8usslan culLural and llngulsLlc concesslons Lo Lhe
ukralnlan-speaklng populaLlon colncldlng wlLh proleLarlan concesslons Lo Lhe peasanLry.
Pere Lhe 'hegemonlc apparaLus' of Lhe SovleL sLaLe durlng Lhe nL perlod requlred
conLlnual ad[usLmenL Lo guard agalnsL encouraglng separaLlsL senLlmenLs on Lhe parL of Lhe
malnly rural ukralnlan-speaklng populaLlon, whlle avoldlng resenLmenLs on Lhe parL of Lhe
malnly 8usslan-speaklng urban proleLarlaL. ln addlLlon Lo Lhese problems, Lhe modallLles of
Lhe concesslons made were affecLed by Lhe emergence of a relaLlvely wealLhy peasanL
mlnorlLy and peLLy urban caplLallsLs as a dlrecL resulL of Lhe nL lLself, as well as Lhe
compllcaLlons broughL abouL by Lhe presence of slgnlflcanL naLlonal mlnorlLles (!ewlsh,
Creek, 8omanlan eLc) wlLhln Lhe ukralnlan SS8.
uebaLes over Lhe formulaLlon of SovleL pollcy ln ukralne occupled all Lhe leadlng 8olshevlks
from Lhe lnLense debaLes abouL general naLlonallLy pollcy ln 1923 unLll Lhe reglme's move Lo
crush peasanL reslsLance Lo collecLlvlsaLlon aL Lhe end of Lhe decade. 1here was an lnLense
dlalogue beLween ukralnlan arLy leaders (8akovskll, Lebed, Shumskll, kornlushln) and
Lhose aL Lhe CenLre (Zlnov'ev, 8ukharln, SLalln), whlch can be Lraced Lhrough argumenLs aL
Lhe ma[or arLy congresses and ln correspondence and oLher documenLaLlon LhaL clrculaLed
beLween SLaLe and arLy agencles. 1here ls a conslderable level of sophlsLlcaLlon ln Lhese
debaLes LhaL reveal Lhe ways ln whlch Lhe noLlon of hegemony was developed and applled
LhroughouL Lhe decade. ConslderaLlon of such maLerlal shows LhaL Cramscl's wrlLlng abouL
Lhe llngulsLlc and culLural dlmenslons of hegemony ln no way exhausL MarxlsL conslderaLlon
of Lhe quesLlon ln Lhe 1920s, buL were Lo some exLenL dependenL upon Lhese dlscusslons.
1hls has lmporLance boLh ln undersLandlng Lhe relaLlonshlp of early SovleL LhoughL Lo Lhe
former colonles of Lhe uSS8, buL also ln undersLandlng some of Lhe conLours of Lhe pollLlcal
slLuaLlon ln ukralne Loday."
neather 8rown
1toosceoJloq uoollsms. Motxs lbllosopby of Notote ooJ lobot
As Lhe mosL recenL reporL from Lhe un on CllmaLe Change argues, lL ls no longer posslble Lo
lgnore Lhe effecLs of human desLrucLlon of Lhe envlronmenL. Some form of cllmaLe change
ln Lhe presenL ls lnevlLable and wlll have slgnlflcanL lmpacLs on varlous ecosysLems and
socleLles. 1he goal accordlng Lo Lhe un lnLernaLlonal anel on CllmaLe change ls ln parL Lo
mlLlgaLe Lhese effecLs. 1he quesLlon remalns, however, how do we approach Lhe human
cosLs of cllmaLe change and Lhe uneven effecLs of a reversal of Lhls process? ln recenL years
Lhere has been a slgnlflcanL reLurn Lo Marx Lo Lheorlze quesLlons of race, gender and
economlcs ln llghL of Lhe conLradlcLlons and crlses of laLe caplLallsm. 1he same has also
been Lrue of MarxlsL ecology. Powever, many of Lhese recenL sLudles Lake up parLlcular
aspecLs of Marx's and/or Lngels's work relaLlve Lo envlronmenLal concerns raLher Lhan
provlde a compleLe phllosophlcal perspecLlve of Marx's ecology. 1hese sLudles cerLalnly do
provlde an lmporLanL sLarLlng polnL for a Marxlan ecologlcal perspecLlve LhaL does noL carry
Lhe burden of SovleL sLyle anLl-ecologlcal developmenL and ln facL, lllusLraLes LhaL Marx's
perspecLlves on ecology could noL be furLher away from Lhese Lypes of perspecLlves.
Argulng LhaL Marx and/or a Marxlan perspecLlve on Lhe envlronmenL ls compaLlble wlLh
parLlcular ecologlcal concerns ls noL enough, however. lf we are able Lo flnd an alLernaLlve
Lo Lhe rapaclous naLure of caplLallsL economlc developmenL LhaL leaves many behlnd, Lhen
we musL creaLe a fully worked ouL phllosophlcal perspecLlve on ecology LhaL Lakes accounL
of varlous forms of human oppresslon as well. lL ls hoped LhaL Lhls paper wlll begln Lo flll
Lhls phllosophlcal gap and show LhaL Marx provlded an ouLllne for a Lheory of Lhe human
lmpacL on Lhe envlronmenL LhaL ls useful for Loday, albelL wlLh some problemaLlc aspecLs.
Looklng aL Lhe whole of Marx's work, l argue LhaL hls conLlnulng emphasls on overcomlng
duallsms and especlally regardlng humanlLy's relaLlon Lo naLure provldes a sLarLlng polnL for
a Lheory of ecology LhaL can accounL for boLh human effecLs on naLure and Lhe seemlngly
parallel oppresslon based on race, gender and class wlLhouL prlvlleglng one aspecL over Lhe
Ia|n 8ruce
"cllmote cbooqe, locbomomo ooJ 5oclollsm lo tbe 21st ceototy"
"1he paper wlll brlng LogeLher Lhree overlapplng Lhemes, ln order Lo help undersLand one of
Lhe greaLesL opporLunlLles, and dllemmas, for Lhe lnLernaLlonal reslsLance Lo cllmaLe
1. urawlng on unpubllshed reporLs and orlglnal lnLervlews wlLh key parLlclpanLs, lL wlll
recounL Lhe lnLervenLlon of Lhe AL8A counLrles ln Lhe Copenhagen CC of 2009, when Lhe
leaders and delegaLlons of venezuela, 8ollvla and Cuba llnked up wlLh moblllzaLlons ouLslde
Lhe conference Lo block Lhe aLLempL by Lhe unlLed SLaLes and oLhers Lo lmpose a non-deal.
lL wlll examlne how Lhls led Lo Lhe eople's SummlL on CllmaLe Change ln Cochabamba ln
2010, Lhen how Lhe sLance subsequenLly weakened aL Cancun and uurban.
2. lL wlll look aL how Lhe lndlgenous and landless movemenLs, wlLh Lhelr pracLlces and
phllosophles around Lhe defence of achamama and 'good llvlng' (buen vlvlr, sumak
kawsay) helped Lo lnform and puL pressure on Lhe sLance of Lhe AL8A governmenLs, puLLlng
LaLln Amerlca (for a Llme aL leasL) aL Lhe forefronL of Lhe cllmaLe change movemenL.
3. 1hlrdly, lL wlll look aL Lhe conLradlcLlon runnlng Lhrough Lhe mlddle of Lhe 8ollvarlan-Alba
processes, whlch comblne Lhe lmpulse of Lhese movemenLs wlLh a deeply enLrenched
dependence on oll and gas, and powerful sLrands of developmenLallsL and exLracLlvlsL
economlc pollcy. ConLradlcLlons whlch have led Lo dlrecL confronLaLlons ln a number of
llnally, Lhe paper wlll seek Lo ldenLlfy key challenges LhaL would need Lo be overcome for
Lhe poLenLlal expressed aL Copenhagen and Cochabamba Lo be recovered and conLlnued.
laln 8ruce ls a 8rlLlsh [ournallsL and fllm maker, formerly a 88C correspondenL ln 8razll and
venezuela, currenLly worklng as LxecuLlve LdlLor aL 1elesur ln Caracas. Pe ls Lhe auLhor/co-
auLhor of '1he orLo Alegre Lxperlence: dlrecL democracy ln 8razll', luLo ress,London,
2004, '1he 8eal venezuela: maklng soclallsm ln Lhe 21sL cenLury', luLo ress, London, 2009.
8eLween 2010 and 2012 he made a serles of four documenLarles for 1elesur on cllmaLe
change lssues ln LaLln Amerlca. Pe also conLrlbuLes on LaLln Amerlca Lo lnLernaLlonal
vlewpolnL and ls a supporLer of SoclallsL 8eslsLance.
D|ck 8ryan M|chae| kafferty
ke-tblokloq employmeot tbtooqb floooce
"ln Lhe growlng llLeraLure on 'flnanclallzaLlon', Lhere ls llLLle engagemenL wlLh Lhe labour
markeL. 1haL whlch exlsLs focuses predomlnanLly on Lhe ldea of shareholder value, and a
compeLlLlve pressure LhaL comes lnLo a workplace, wlLh dlrecL ramlflcaLlons for labour. 8uL
here flnance expresses analyLlcally as an exogenous pressure. So how do we Lhlnk of
employmenL, and Lhe approprlaLlon of surplus value, as a process lnLo whlch flnanclal
modes of calculaLlon have enLered. ln parLlcular, how do we frame Lhe prlclng of rlsk, and
sLraLegy shlfLlng of rlsk ln Lhe employmenL conLexL (and how does Lhe concepLlon of surplus
value lLself change when we conslder Lhe prlclng of rlsk)?
ln Lhls paper, we Lry Lo Lhlnk employmenL Lhrough Lhe dlscourse of flnance, boLh Lo feaLure
Lhe prlclng and Lradlng of rlsk - a process LhaL needs Lo be lnLegraLed lnLo Lhe concepLlon of
surplus value - and so LhaL Lhe analysls of class ln relaLlon Lo 'flnanclallzaLlon' can be
advanced. AL Lhe momenL, flnance and class operaLe on qulLe dlfferenL analyLlcal Lerralns.
1o Lhlnk Lhe connecLlons requlres LhaL Lhere be ways Lo frame each ln relaLlon Lo Lhe oLher
vla more Lhan Lhe dlsclpllne of shareholder value. Accordlngly, Lhls paper frames
employmenL and surplus value vla Lhe caLegorles of opLlons and swaps, so LhaL Lhese
connecLlons mlghL be explored."
1om 8unyard
'ulolectlcol, 5ttoteqlc 1booqbt'. Ao Ootlloe of tbe MoJel of ltoxls tbot 5oppotts Coy uebotJ's
1beoty of '5pectocle'
Cuy uebord's famous concepL of 'specLacle' ls perhaps one of Lhe mosL wldely
mlsundersLood and mlsapproprlaLed ldeas ln conLemporary Lheory. 1hls paper wlll respond
Lo LhaL problem by offerlng a clarlflcaLlon of Lhe concepL, advanced vla a dlscusslon of Lhe
phllosophlcal poslLlons LhaL lnform uebord's ofLen dense formulaLlons. 1hrough dolng so,
Lhe paper wlll show LhaL Lhe concepLual framework LhaL Lhe Lheory resLs upon possesses far
greaLer sophlsLlcaLlon and complexlLy Lhan ls ofLen acknowledged, lnsofar as lL conLalns Lhe
followlng, sLlll largely lgnored componenLs: 1) a phllosophlcal anLhropology, 2) a speculaLlve
phllosophy of hlsLory, 3) an eLhlcs, 4) Lhe rudlmenLs of an eplsLemology, 3) an ldlosyncraLlc
verslon of Pegellan Marxlsm, 6) a dlalecLlcal concepLlon of sLraLegy. 1hrough ouLllnlng Lhose
elemenLs Lhe essay wlll advance Lhe followlng, broader argumenL. uebord's work ls besL
undersLood as a 20Lh CenLury re-arLlculaLlon of Lhe classlcal 19Lh CenLury concern wlLh
reallslng phllosophy ln llved praxls, afLer all, Lhe heralded supersesslon of specLacular
represenLaLlon, ln all of lLs varlous formulaLlons wlLhln hls LhoughL, essenLlally revolves
around Lhe need Lo begln consclously maklng hlsLory, as opposed Lo merely conLemplaLlng
and lnLerpreLlng lLs resulLs. 1herefore, lf hls Lheory ls lndeed Lo be vlewed as havlng become
'more relevanL Lhan ever', as many of hls more enLhuslasLlc commenLaLors would have lL,
Lhen LhaL key orlenLaLlon Lowards praxls should form parL of lLs purporLed relevance. 1he
paper wlll show LhaL such a clalm Lo perLlnence can lndeed be made: LhaL whllsL Lhe Lheory
may be of llmlLed value as an accounL of modern caplLallsm, Lhe model of praxls LhaL one
can draw from lLs concepLual mechanlcs - a model LhaL amounLs, we wlll argue, Lo a hlghly
pollLlclsed eLhlcs - may, noneLheless, be of conLemporary lnLeresL.
I|or|an 8uto||o
1be 1toosfotmotloo of tbe cbloese cooomy - A leop beyooJ cbeop loboot?
Chlnas currenL growLh paLLern ls rldden wlLh conLradlcLlons. Lxcesslve rellance on
lnvesLmenLs and exporLs has broughL abouL macroeconomlc lmbalances whlle a
prollferaLlon of workers sLruggles ls lndlcaLlng Lhe llmlLs of Lhe auLhorlLarlan model of
conLrol. Slnce over a decade, Lhe Chlnese governmenL Lherefore seeks Lo refurblsh Lhe
growLh model by a comblned pollcy efforL for lndusLrlal upgradlng and Lhe promoLlon of
harmonlous labour relaLlons. 1hls presenLaLlon aLLempLs Lo assess Lhe perspecLlves of Lhe
reform programme wlLh an awareness of lLs sLrucLural llmlLaLlons. 1hese conslsL of a uneven
global economlc sLrucLure LhaL may lmpede a progress Lowards knowledge-lnLenslve
producLlon models, as well as an lnLernal power sLrucLure wlLh sLrong Lles Lo Lhe esLabllshed
exLenslve" reglme of accumulaLlon. Cn Lhe oLher hand, growLh of Lhe domesLlc markeL,
sLaLe lnvolvemenL ln lndusLrlal upgradlng and Lechnology developmenL, and a verLlcal
clusLerlng" of lndusLrles creaLe favourable condlLlons for lndusLrlal upgradlng. 1he evolvlng
pollLlcal economy Lhus shows conLradlcLory Lendencles ln whlch Lhere ls a prollferaLlon of
hlgh-Lech lndusLrles and advanced manufacLurlng on Lhe one hand and a perslsLence of
cheap labour segmenLs and auLhorlLarlan Lype of lndusLrlal relaLlons on Lhe oLher. Cur
analysls Lrles Lo come Lo Lerms wlLh Lhese conLradlcLory Lendencles and assess Lhelr
lmpllcaLlons for economlc developmenL and soclal confllcL.
Dam|en Cah|||
Neollbetol uocttloe os lJeoloqy
8ecenL scholarshlp on neollberallsm has drawn aLLenLlon Lo Lhe role played by neollberal
docLrlnes and Lhlnk Lanks ln Lhe neollberal LransformaLlon of sLaLes and economles slnce Lhe
1970s. Much of Lhls scholarshlp has accorded a sLrong lndependenL causal role Lo neollberal
docLrlnes ln Lhe maklng of neollberal pollcles. ConcurrenLly however, several scholars have
also noLed dlscrepancles beLween neollberal docLrlnes and acLually exlsLlng neollberal
pollcles and economlc changes. 1hls paper proposes LhaL a hlsLorlcal maLerlallsL framework
ls unlquely placed Lo undersLand boLh Lhe lmporLanL role played by neollberal docLrlnes ln
Lhe roll ouL of neollberal pollcy, as well as why acLually exlsLlng neollberallsm ls noL slmply a
mlrror of neollberal docLrlnes. lL argues LhaL Lhe role played by neollberal docLrlnes ln Lhe
roll ouL of acLually exlsLlng neollberallsm ls besL appreclaLed lf such docLrlnes are read as
ldeology. 1he paper draws upon Marx's dlsLlncLlon beLween essence and appearance ln
CaplLal Lo argue LhaL neollberal docLrlnes are ldeologlcal ln Lhe sense LhaL Lhey offer boLh a
parLlal reflecLlon of LransformaLlons Lo caplLallsL economles slnce Lhe 1970s, as well as
masklng Lhe key soclal relaLlons aL Lhe hearL of such LransformaLlons.
Ank|ca Cakard|c
1beoty of occomolotloo ooJ loxembotqloo ooolysls of teptoJoctlve loboot ooJ cotteot ctlses
"Whlle wrlLlng An AnLl-CrlLlque: 1he AccumulaLlon of CaplLal, or WhaL Lhe Lplgones have
Made of Marx's 1heory" where she very conclsely ouLllnes her Lhesls on caplLal
accumulaLlon 8osa Luxemburg argues LhaL Lhe economlc rooLs of lmperlallsm can be
derlved from Lhe accumulaLlon of caplLal and LhaL lmperlallsm ln general represenLs a
speclflc mode of accumulaLlon. lrom LhaL polnL onwards she wlll develop her crlLlque of
Marx, especlally when lL comes Lo Lhe Lhlrd parL of Lhe second volume of ""CaplLal"" where
Marx analyses Lhe quesLlon of reproducLlon.
WlLh a summary revlew of Lhls dlscusslon, we wlll Lry Lo see wheLher lL ls posslble Lo offer a
Luxemburglan analysls of Lhe currenL crlsls, and reflecL on Lhe meLhodologlcal and
LheoreLlcal framework we would need Lo conslder. ln Lhe end we wlll Lry Lo use Lhls
lnsLrumenL for Lhe maLerlallsLlc analysls of women's reproducLlve labor and lLs economlc
role ln Lhe accumulaLlon of caplLal, Laklng lnLo accounL Lhe relaLlon beLween Lhe producLlve
and unproducLlve labor as lL ls decomposed ln 8osa Luxemburg's several LexLs from 1902nd
Lo 1914Lh."
L|ndberg Campos I||ho
1be flqbt oqolost 8tozllloo copltollst pottlotcby ooJ toclsm. exploltotloo, tope coltote ooJ
otboo lyocbloqs
1he alm of Lhls paper ls an analysls of Lhe lnLenslflcaLlon of explolLaLlon by early LwenLleLh-
flrsL cenLury 8razlllan caplLallsm Lhrough homo and Lransphobla, sexlsm and raclsm ln Lhe
llghL of Lhe formaLlon of 8razlllan bourgeols socleLy ln laLe nlneLeenLh cenLury. l analyse a
number of dlfferenL examples from mass culLure and of soclal dynamlcs and pracLlces, for
lnsLance, Lhe flrsL gay klss ln a naLlonwlde soap opera broadcasL, Lhe wldespread 8razlllan
sexlsm, Lhe lncreaslng vlslblllLy of lynchlngs ln urban perlpherles and domesLlc workers's
worklng condlLlons. 1hese reallLles reveal LhaL 8razlllan caplLallsm comblnes oppresslon
wlLh explolLaLlon ln order Lo sophlsLlcaLe and leglLlmlse Lhe laLLer. ln addlLlon Lo LhaL, l Lake
lnLo conslderaLlon Lhe process of LranslLlon from slavery based Lo a mass consumpLlon
socleLy ln Lhe Lurn of Lhe cenLury Lo hlghllghL Lhe speclflc and local condlLlons LhaL made
such soclal sLrucLure posslble. l brlefly evaluaLe Lhe correspondlng responses glven by soclal
movemenLs and revoluLlonary organlzaLlons ln 8razll and posslble perspecLlves. Lven
Lhough lL can be observed a serles of slgnlflcanL advancemenLs, especlally ln Lerms of LC81
vlslblllLy and raclal oppresslon, caplLallsL accumulaLlon and prlvaLe properLy are unLouched
whlch, l argue, are Lhe real basls of oppresslon and one of Lhe reasons why 8razlllan
caplLallsm sLlll survlves. l use LheoreLlcal frameworks provlded by culLural maLerlallsL crlLlcs
such as lredrlc !ameson, 8aymond Wllllams, 8oberLo Schwarz, AnLonlo Candldo and Marla
Lllsa Cevasco ln order Lo deepen Lhls analysls.
Cagr| Car|kc|
Neollbetol 1toosfotmotloo of tbe 5tote, closs 5ttoqqle ooJ copltol. lessoos ftom
ltlvotlsotloo of 1otkeys Mloloq 5ectot
"1he lssue of prlvaLlsaLlon ln publlc secLor and lLs effecLs on Lhe relaLlons beLween Lhe sLaLe,
caplLal and classes have been broadly dlscussed ln recenL years. 1hls paper alms Lo make a
crlLlcal analysls of Lhe prlvaLlsaLlon ln Lhe mlnlng secLor ln 1urkey durlng Lhe !usLlce and
uevelopmenL arLy (Ak) perlod Lo ldenLlfy Lhe speclflc pollLlcal pollcles and sLraLegles Ak
has pursued ln Lhls process and Lhelr lmpllcaLlons on Lhe sLaLe's neollberal LransformaLlon.
WlLhln Lhls framework, Lhls paper wlll analyse Lhe place of Lhe mlnlng secLor ln 1urkey's
economy and explaln Lhe slgnlflcance of Lhe prlvaLlsaLlon process ln Lerms of reproducLlon
of labour and class sLruggle.
An efforL wlll be made Lo express, Lhrough a Lwo-way dynamlc analysls, Lhe lnfluence of Lhe
sLaLe regulaLlon over soclal relaLlons and Lhe lmpacL of class sLruggle -whlch ls lmpllclL ln Lhe
way Lhe socleLy funcLlons- on Lhe sLaLe, lnsLlLuLlons and reforms. Also an emphasls wlll be
lald on Lhe lmporLance of Lhe relaLlons and confllcL beLween dlfferenL fracLlons of caplLal
durlng Lhe Ak perlod.
1he paper concludes LhaL behlnd Lhese prlvaLlsaLlons lles a pollLlcal process, whlch has
deepened Lhe domlnaLlon of Lhe caplLal over Lhe sLaLe."
Samue| Car|shamre
nlstoty, netltoqe, scleoce ooJ lJeoloqy. Motxlst Atoblc 1ototb-stoJles post-1967
"1hls presenLaLlon ls Lo examlne Lhe relaLlonshlps beLween PerlLage and PlsLory, sclence
and ldeology ln Lhe wrlLlngs of a number of Arablc MarxlsL hlsLorlans ln Lhe perlod beLween
1967 and 1991, ln Lhe culLural [ournal al-1arlq, belonglng Lo Lhe Lebanese CommunlsL arLy.
Whlle Lhe lssue of comlng Lo Lerms wlLh Lhe culLural, rellglous and phllosophlcal PerlLage
(LuraLh) of Arablc-lslamlc clvlllsaLlon had been an lmporLanL parL of Arablc culLural and
pollLlcal dlscusslons aL leasL slnce Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe nahda ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe 19Lh
cenLury, Lhe defeaL of Lhe Arab sLaLes ln Lhe 1967 !une war agalnsL lsrael ushered ln an era
of crlsls, and Lhus renewed focus on Lhe lssue, culmlnaLlng LhroughouL Lhe laLe 1970s and
early 1980s ln a number of mulLl-volume sLudles of Lhe sub[ecL wrlLLen from a MarxlsL
ln Lhls presenLaLlon, however, Lhe focus wlll lle raLher on Lhe debaLes and dlscusslons
carrled ouL ln al-1arlq, debaLes ln whlch, more clearly perhaps Lhan Lhe monographs, Lhe
lnLernal dellberaLlons and confllcLs wlLhln Lhe MarxlsL clrcles came Lo be hlghllghLed. lor Lhe
wrlLers lnvolved ln Lhese debaLes - such as Pusayn Muruwwah, 1ayylb 1lzlnl, Mahdl Amll,
1awflq Sallum and many more - Lhe sub[ecL ln lLself presenLed a number of problems, such
Lhe quesLlons of relaLlonshlp of base and supersLrucLure, ldeology and sclenLlflclLy, use and
LruLh ln Lhe wrlLlng of hlsLory, and noL leasL LhaL of Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe very
caLegorles or knowledge ob[ecLs of PlsLory and PerlLage Lhemselves. ln Lhls relaLlonshlp ls
hlghllghLed Lhe poLenLlally confllcLlng uses and funcLlons of (wrlLlng abouL) Lhe pasL,
LenLaLlvely formulaLed as Lhe Lenslon beLween ldenLlLy formaLlon (PerlLage) and sclenLlflc
knowledge (PlsLory).
ln Lhls paper, Lhen, Lhe focus wlll be on Lhe very foundaLlons of Lhe Arablc dlscourse abouL
PerlLage from a MarxlsL perspecLlve. lrom a LheoreLlcal vlew polnL grounded ln Lhe ldeas of
PlsLorlcal MaLerlallsm - wlLh preLence Lo represenL acLual, sclenLlflc knowledge abouL Lhe
pasL - whaL use could Lhere be ln approachlng such a ob[ecL of knowledge? lf noL dlscarded
alLogeLher, Lhen how dld lL need Lo be Lransformed, Lo become manageable by Lhe
LheoreLlcal Lools of Marxlsm? WhaL ls Lhe relaLlonshlp LhaL ls Lo be esLabllshed beLween Lhe
pasL and Lhe presenL Lo be, and how does lL compare Lo oLher such formulaLlons,
represenLed by non-MarxlsL wrlLers on Lhe sub[ecL? ls Lhe pro[ecL aL hand fundamenLally
one of negaLlve crlLlque, or of poslLlve re-approprlaLlon?
Whlle Lhls dlscusslon can shed llghL on some lmporLanL speclflc lssues and predlcamenLs of
Arablc socleLy and Lhe lefL ln Lhese socleLles, lL also Lles ln wlLh quesLlons and Lheorles of a
decldedly unlversal valldlLy, such as Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween maLerlallLy and culLure,
culLural herlLage and hlsLory, as developed noL leasL by MarxlsL LheoreLlclans such as
lrederlc !ameson and WalLer 8en[amln."
1homas Carm|chae|
1be Aestbetlc lJeoloqy of tbe lotet Altbosset
"ln Lhe 'lnlLlaLlon a la phllosophle pour les non-phllosophes,' recenLly publlshed ln lrance, a
LexL composed ln Lhe laLe 1970s, conLemporaneous wlLh hls several medlLaLlons on Lhe
crlsls ln Lhe hlsLorlcal CommunlsL movemenL and hls Lurn Lo Lhe ma[or laLe LexLs on aleaLory
maLerlallsm, AlLhusser argues LhaL Lhe 1he 'escape lnLo arL' ls perhaps Lhe equlvalenL of Lhe
'escape lnLo rellglon': a way of flndlng an lmaglnary soluLlon Lo Lhe real dlfflculLles LhaL
socleLles confronL' [1ranslaLlon mlne].
Powever, LhaL crlLlque of 'arLlsLlc pracLlce' would appear Lo be aL odds wlLh hls concepLlon
of Lhe role of Lhe aesLheLlc and Lhe aesLheLlcally lnLerpellaLed collecLlve LhaL lnforms much
of hls laLe work on aleaLory maLerlallsm. Conslder, for example, Lhe role LhaL AlLhusser
asslgns Lo culLure ln hls own work. ln hls unpubllshed 1982 lnLervlew wlLh 8lchard Pyland,
AlLhusser asserLs LhaL he conslders hls essay 1he 'lccolo 1eaLro': 8erLolazzl and 8rechL,"
one of Lhe beLLer Lhlngs LhaL he has ever wrlLLen: !e crols que c'esL une des mellleures
choses que ['al ecrlLes" (AlLhusser, ConversaLlon avec 8lchard Pyland" 2 [ullleL 1982, lMLC
londs AlLhusser AL12. A46.-03.03, p. 32). lf we are lncllned Lo heed LhaL Lhe observaLlon
Llenne 8allbar makes ln hls remarks aL AlLhusser's funeral LhaL lor Marx ls AlLhusser's one
greaL book, Lhen we mlghL reasonably ask ourselves, as Lhls chapLer conslders, why
AlLhusser would value so hlghly Lhe LheaLre essay ln LhaL book, an essay LhaL seems Lo so
many as secondary Lo ConLradlcLlon and CverdeLermlnaLlon" or Cn Lhe MaLerlallsL
ulalecLlc" (8allbar, crlLs, 121).
My paper also Lakes up Lhe quesLlons posed ln AlLhusser's own unpubllshed noLes. ln hls
unpubllshed 1966 reflecLlons on Macherey's our une Lheorle de la producLlon llLLeralre,
for example, Lhe phrases necesslLe llbre," renconLre de neclsslLes," du cllnamen," and
Lheorle de la renconLre" appear promlnenLly, ln parL ln response Lo Macherey's own
dlscusslon of necesslLy ln A 1heory of LlLerary roducLlon (AlLhusser, noLes sur le llvre de
lerre Macherey: our une Lheorle de la producLlon llLLeralre 1966." lMLC londs AlLhusser).
As Lhe noLes on Macherey's A 1heory of LlLerary roducLlon would lndlcaLe, Lhe Lerms LhaL
wlll gulde Lhe loglc of AlLhusser's laLe LhoughL ofLen appear early, and Lhese Lerms appear
mosL ofLen ln Lhe fleld of culLural analysls.
k|ccardo Cava||o
1be commoos kevolotloo. tbe ltolloo cose.
1hls paper analyses Lhe new aLLempLs aL reslsLance Lo neollberallsm spread lmplemenLed ln
lLaly ln recenL Llmes. lf, on Lhe one hand, global caplLallsm seems Lo survlve Lhanks Lo Lhe
new pracLlces and Lools, on Lhe oLher hand, ln some counLrles Lhere are developlng new
forms of opposlLlon Lo Lhe domlnance of Lhe caplLal. 1he lLallan case sLands ln Lhls complex
scenarlo, where Lhe LheoreLlcal work on Lhe commons of a group of scholars (mosLly [urlsLs
and economlsLs), has noL been conflned Lo Lhe lecLure rooms buL lL has had slgnlflcanL
pracLlcal lmpllcaLlons of glvlng rlse Lo a verlLable prollferaLlon of soclo-pollLlcal movemenLs,
whose sLruggles ln defence of commons and, ln parLlcular, agalnsL Lhe prlvaLlzaLlon of waLer
resources, ended wlLh Lhe vlcLory of a popular referendum ln 2011. Slnce a so unexpecLed
vlcLory, we should examlne some aspecLs of Lhe proLecLlon of common goods, sLarLlng from
Lhe fundamenLal quesLlon summed up as follows: Lhe collecLlve governmenL of Lhe
commons could be a revoluLlonary ln order Lo way ouL of Lhe suffocaLlng loglc of prlvaLe
properLy as a new form of class sLruggle or, on Lhe conLrary, lL ls llkely Lo remaln enLangled
ln Lhe same neollberal ldeology?
V|ncent Chanson
lolltlclzloq 1beoty . lbllosopby ooJ ltoxls lo ctltlcol motxlsm ftom kotscb to ktobl.
ln Lhls paper, my alm wlll be Lo examlne WesLern Marxlsm" concepL wlLh a qulLe dlfferenL
approach Lhan erry Anderson's classlcal caLegory. Whlle ln Lhe famous Anderson's book
WesLer Marxlsm" ls asslmllaLed Lo a pesslmlsLlc crlLlque of Lhe proleLarlaL praxls, Lo a
phllosophlzlng esLrangemenL of Lhe classlcal marxlan crlLlque of pollLlcal economy, l'll argue
qulLe dlfferenLly LhaL we can flnd anoLher undercurrenL ln Lhls LradlLlon, whlch leads us Lo a
new Lype of Lheory and praxls unlLy concepL. lrom karl korsch semlnal LexL Marxlsm and
hllosophy" (1923) Lo Pans-!rgen krahl konsLlLuLlon und klassenkampf" (1971), Lhe
problem of Lhe reallzaLlon of phllosophy ls revlslLed ln an experlmenLal and subverslve way.
hllosophlc sLaLemenLs become here dlrecLly pollLlclzed : a new dlalecLlcal concepLuallLy
oversLeps LradlLlonal marxlsm, crlLlcal self-reflexlon becomes Lhe core of a new sLraLeglc
raLlonallLy. lar away from Adorno's skepLlclsm and Lraglc phllosophy of hlsLory,
revoluLlonary perspecLlve ln laLe caplLallsm ls for krahl ln a new lnLerpreLaLlon of 1920's
dlalecLlcal marxlsm (Lukacs, korsch) grounded. 1haL's why CrlLlcal 1heory could, ln
opposlLlon Lo Lhe habermasslan orlenLaLlon, glve us some pollLlcal and organlzaLlonal
orlenLaLlons, dlrecLly comlng from a new synLhesls beLween crlLlcal marxlsm" and german
vlncenL Chanson ls Pu SLudenL (nanLerre unlverslLy/ SCPlACL). Pe ls Lhe coordlnaLor
(wlLh lrederlc Monferrand and Alexls Cukler) of La 8elflcaLlon, PlsLolre eL acLuallLe d'un
concepL crlLlque" (La ulspuLe, 2014) and Lhe auLhor of many arLlcles abouL crlLlcal Lheory
(Adorno, 8en[amln, Lukacs, !ameson) and marxlsL aesLheLlc."
Gre|g Charnock & kamon k|bera-Iumaz
1be llmlts to copltol lo 5polo
erhaps nowhere beLLer exempllfles 'how caplLal survlves' beLLer Lhan Lhe Luropean SouLh,
where sLaLes' crlsls managemenL sLraLegles slnce 2009 have amounLed Lo whaL some have
Lermed 'ausLerlclde'. 1hls paper wlll explaln Lhe crlsls ln Spaln by Lraclng Lhe essenLlal
feaLures of Lhe developmenL of Spanlsh pollLlcal economy - paylng parLlcular aLLenLlon Lo
Lhe reproducLlon of a mass of 'small caplLals' before and afLer Lhe lnserLlon of Spaln lnLo Lhe
new lnLernaLlonal ulvlslon of Labour from Lhe 1970s. Whlle sLresslng LhaL crlsls has been a
necessary and perlodlcally recurrlng feaLure of Lhls developmenL, Lhe paper also hlghllghLs
how crlsls as 'normallLy' ls lnLrlnslcally llnked Lo Lhe pro[ecL of Luropean MoneLary unlon
Lhrough Lhe pollLlcs of 'lnLernal devaluaLlon' and wldespread sLruggles over Lhe
reproducLlon of Lhe worklng class.
C||v|er Chassa|ng
leqol lotm 1beoty ooJ ctlmlool low ctltlclsm
AL leasL slnce Lhe end of Lhe xvlllLh cenLury, Lhe legal lnsLlLuLlons LhaL seLLle and operaLe
represslon of forbldden conducLs have been approached from Lhe hlsLorlcal perspecLlve of
Lhelr never-endlng reforms, or of Lhelr abollLlon. 1herefore, a number of crlLlcal sLudles
abouL sLaLe represslon and crlmlnal law have Lrled Lo argue LhaL exlsLlng hlsLorlcal
lnsLlLuLlons could noL be absLracLly rubbed ouL, and showed lnsLead Lhe producLlve, useful
and lndeed lnevlLable characLer of Lransgresslon and lLs represslon, followlng Marx's dlcLum
of Lhe soclal beneflLs of crlme (1heorles of Surplus-value). ln parLlcular, 8ushe and
klrchhelmer analysed Lhe penal paLLern Lhrough whlch economlc sLrucLure lmpacLs upon
law and makes lL a key-Lool of labour dlsclpllne and broader explolLaLlon (unlshmenL and
Soclal SLrucLure). More essenLlaly, achukanls' accounL of crlmlnallzaLlon and punlshmenL
Lraced Lhe deeper legal form aL lLs rlse, namely Lhe commodlLy form, and argued LhaL law
becomes a formal condlLlon Lo reproduce caplLallsm and relnforce lLs soclal hlerarchy. 1hus,
penal paLLern and commodlLy form Lheory offer Lwo dlfferenL ways Lo undersLand Lhe
connecLlon beLween crlmlnallzaLlon and penalLy on one slde, and explolLaLlon and soclal
domlnaLlon on Lhe oLher. 1hose Lwo opLlons can be deflned as sLrucLural subordlnaLlon and
agenLlvlLy of crlmlnal law - slnce law expresses and shapes class sLruggle. l would llke Lo
quesLlon Lhese varlous Lheorles of legal form ln order Lo ldenLlfy Lhe prlnclple of legallLy
crlLlclsm LhaL sLrucLures Lhose crlLlcal Lheorles of crlme (weLher Lhey be engaged wlLh a
resLoraLlve [usLlce or wlLh an abollLlonnlsL framework).
Irano|s Chesna|s
1be ootloo of floooce copltol ooJ tbe cootempototy opetotloos of 1Ncs
"1he exploraLlon of caplLal's capaclLy Lo survlve requlres a re-examlnaLlon of Lhe noLlon of
flnance caplLal as an lnlLlal necessary sLep. llnance caplLal refers Lo someLhlng more, and
lnflnlLely more formldable Lhan [usL caplLal operaLlng ln flnanclal markeLs. ln Lhe
conLemporary condlLlons of Lhe globallsaLlon of caplLal, lL deslgnaLes Lhe process and
consequences of Lhe cenLrallsaLlon and concenLraLlon of lndusLrlal, banklng and merchanL
caplLal allke and Lhelr lnLermeshlng. ConLemporary flnance caplLal ls ln comblnaLlon
producLlve caplLal" lodged ln lndusLrlal corporaLlons, all of Lhem LransnaLlonal corporaLlons
(1nCs), money caplLal" cenLrallsed ln very large and powerful flnanclal conglomeraLes
(flnanclal caplLal) and merchanL and commerclal caplLal embodled ln Lhe conglomeraLes
operaLlng ln boLh ln commodlLles proper and ln flnal commerclallsaLlon.
Cnce Lhls has been poslLed Lhe analysls wlll focus on 1nCs. lf Loday caplLallsm conLlnues Lo
be capable of conLalnlng Lhe effecLs of Lhe world crlsls, ln Lhe case of Lhe advanced caplLallsL
counLrles lL ls due ln large parL Lo Lhe scale of value and surplus producLlon Lhrough forelgn
dlrecL lnvesLmenL and Lhe lnLenslflcaLlon of explolLaLlon Laklng place under 1nC corporaLe
managemenL operaLlng on a global level. 1he conflguraLlon of forelgn producLlon has
conLlnually evolved from Lhe 1960s onwards. lL has been marked by a conLlnuous exLenslon
from Lhe dlrecL producLlon of value and surplus value by 1nCs Lo Lhelr approprlaLlon of
surplus value from oLher flrms. Clobal verLlcal supply chalns appeared ln Lhe early 1990s,
followed by ever more complex value chalns", flrsL among 1nC afflllaLes and Lhen
lncreaslng Lhrough offshorlng wlLh medlum and small flrms ofLen slLuaLed ln a large number
of counLrles."
Dan|e||e Ch||d
ltom loblo to loboot. oo oltetootlve to tbe petfotmeJ boJy lo mlJ-1970s femlolst ott
"lrom 1973 Lo 1973, Lhree women arLlsLs - MargareL Parrlson, kay PunL and Mary kelley -
underLook a sLudy of (malnly women) workers ln a 8ermondsey meLal box facLory. 1he
pro[ecL was born ouL of Lhelr engagemenL wlLh Lhe Women's Workshop of Lhe ArLlsL's unlon
and was more akln Lo a soclologlcal sLudy Lhan 'arL', produclng deLalled daLa on Lhe llves of
Lhese workers. 1he research culmlnaLed ln an lnsLallaLlon, exhlblLed under Lhe LlLle Women
and Work: A uocumenL on Lhe ulvlslon of Labour ln lndusLry (1973-3) aL Lhe SouLh London
ArL Callery. 1he plece was Lo evldence Lhe lnequallLy beLween Lhe men and women who
worked aL Lhe facLory.
1he work ls dubbed as a 'femlnlsL' pro[ecL due Lo Lhe arLlsLs whom underLook Lhe research
and Lhe sub[ecL of Lhe pro[ecL. 1hls paper wlll conslder Lhe work as a deparLure from Lhe
domlnanL models of femlnlsL arL of Lhe mld-1970s ln whlch Lhe female body ls performed.
1hrough examlnlng Lhe Lypes of labour - performed labour, labour as knowledge creaLlon
and Lhe acLual labour of Lhe sub[ecL (creaLlng value Lhrough exLracLlng surplus) - lL wlll be
argued LhaL Lhls London-based group underLook a more affecLlve femlnlsL crlLlque Lhrough
lLs 'knowledge' creaLlon."
Iuan Ch|ngo
1be qeopolltlcs of tbe cotteot lotetootloool ctlsls. oeo-kootskylsm ot lotet-lmpetlollst
"1he currenL crlsls has noL yeL broughL abouL a slgnlflcanL geopollLlcal LransformaLlon as was
Lhe case wlLh Lhe 1929 crlsls, whlch lsaac !ohsua characLerlses as 'a crlsls of Amerlcan
emergence'. 1he caLasLrophlc economlc condlLlons of Lhe 1929 crlsls meanL LhaL Lhe unlLed
klngdom was lncapable of playlng lLs old sLablllslng role and Lhe unlLed SLaLes, desplLe lLs
rapld advance, was lncapable of replaclng Lhe uk. ln 1931, nelLher power was able Lo
lnLervene Lo prevenL Lhe Cerman banklng crlsls or Lhe collapse of sLerllng, evenLs LhaL
conLrlbuLed Lo Lhe Second World War. ln Lhe currenL crlsls, by conLrasL, we have seen noL
only masslve sLaLe lnLervenLlon Lo rescue Lhe bankrupL flnanclal sysLem, buL also Lhe
promlnenL role played by Lhe lederal 8eserve, followed by Lhe Luropean CenLral 8ank and
Lhe 8ank of !apan, Lo prevenL Lhe crlsls from becomlng anoLher CreaL uepresslon.
As a consequence, Lhe flrsL phase of Lhls on-golng crlsls has relnforced an lncorrecL vlew:
one LhaL overesLlmaLes Amerlca's leadlng role ln a 'collecLlve lmperlallsm' Lo manage global
caplLallsm, whlch ln Lhe laLLer parL of Lhe 20Lh CenLury replaced lmperlallsL rlvalrles
(lncludlng wars). AlLhough lL ls Lrue LhaL Lhere ls no hegemon Lo replace Amerlcan
domlnance, Lhls paper wlll aLLempL Lo demonsLraLe, agalnsL Lhese neo-kauLskylsL vlews, LhaL
Lhe dlfflculLy ln achlevlng hegemonlc successlon lles ln Lhe hlsLorlcal feaLures of Amerlcan
supremacy, whlch are quallLaLlvely dlfferenL from Lhose of 8rlLaln ln Lhe 19Lh CenLury, and
LhaL, ln splLe of some lnerLla (dollar prlmacy, rehablllLaLlon of Lhe lMl, eLc), Lhe crlsls of
Amerlcan hegemony mlghL be causlng a wldenlng gap lnslde Lhe 'core', ln parLlcular wlLh Lhe
new, posL-reunlflcaLlon Cermany. 1hls paper wlll also analyse posslble scenarlos for Lhe
fuLure of lnLer-sLaLe relaLlonshlps, Laklng lnLo accounL Lhe rlse of Chlna and Lhe llmlLaLlons
on lLs growLh."
Ioseph Choonara
uesklllloq ooJ tbe two-folJ ootote of sklll
"1he caLegory of skllled labour ls an lmporLanL feaLure of Lwo areas assoclaLed wlLh MarxlsL
Lheory: Marx's labour Lheory of value (L1v) and labour process Lheory (L1).
WlLhln L1v, debaLe surrounds Lhe mechanlsm Lhrough whlch Lhe value creaLed by skllled
labour ls reduced Lo LhaL of slmple labour, and Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe exLra value
skllled labour creaLes and Lhe exLra value LhaL musL be advanced Lo produce or reproduce
Lhe skllled labour power. Marx's own wrlLlngs on Lhls sub[ecL ln CaplLal and Lhe ConLrlbuLlon
Lo Lhe CrlLlque of ollLlcal Lconomy are brlef and open Lo varlous lnLerpreLaLlons. Arguably
Marx's accounL was sufflclenL for Lhe perlod ln whlch he was wrlLlng, ln whlch a mass of
more or less lnLerchangeable labourers wlLh mlnlmal Lralnlng was developlng ln Lhe
facLorles of Lhe lndusLrlal 8evoluLlon. 1oday, lL would be hard Lo defend such a poslLlon.
WlLhln L1, 8raverman's accounL ln Labor and Monopoly CaplLal has been crlLlclsed for hls
porLrayal of deskllllng" as an lnevlLable ouLcome of a baLLle beLween caplLal and labour for
conLrol of Lhe labour process. 8uL Lhe resulLlng debaLes ln L1 pay llLLle aLLenLlon Lo L1v. ln
mosL of Lhe well-known conLrlbuLlons Lo Lhe debaLe on deskllllng, value slmply does noL
feaLure ln any rlgorous manner. lnsLead Lhe focus ls on concreLe quallLles of labour
processes, such as Lhe varleLy of Lasks performed by workers, Lhelr degree of auLonomy,
Lhelr level of educaLlon and Lralnlng, and so on. Many of Lhe leadlng exponenLs of L1 re[ecL
value Lheory alLogeLher.
Maklng sense of Lhese argumenLs requlres LhaL we relnsLaLe value ln Lhe concepLuallsaLlon
of Lhe labour process. Marx argues LhaL labour power has a Lwo-fold characLer, generaLlng
boLh values and use-values. l shall propose an accounL LhaL conslders Lhe Lwo-fold naLure of
skllled labour power. ln Lhls approach, concreLe expresslons of skllled labour are
subordlnaLed Lo Lhe drlve Lo generaLe and approprlaLe surplus value by caplLal, whlch ls
engaged ln a compeLlLlve baLLle of accumulaLlon. 1he drlve Lo desklll, or Lo enhance Lhe
skllls of, labour can be undersLood ln Lhls framework. AL Lhe same Llme, lL ls Loday necessary
Lo focus noL on Lhe lndlvldual worker as bearer of slmple labour", buL Lhe collecLlve
labourer as a composlLe formed of dlfferenL lndlvldual labour powers.
1hls reformulaLlon provldes a basls for a reassessmenL of 8raverman's deskllllng Lhesls, one
LhaL ls more senslLlve Lo Lhe varlous counLer-Lendencles LhaL generaLe new areas of skllled
kossana C|||o
1be sttoqqles of lmmlqtoot wotkets lo tbe loqlstlcs ooJ ftelqbt ttoospott sectots lo ltoly
"Slnce 2008 Lhe loglsLlcs and frelghL LransporL secLors ln lLaly have been affecLed by an
lncreaslng number of sLrlkes, LhaL have been successful Lhanks Lo Lhe organlzaLlon acLlvlLles
by Lhe lndependenL Lrade unlon Sl-Cobas and Lhe self-acLlvaLlon of precarlous lmmlgranL
workers employed ln Lhe co-operaLlve enLerprlses of Lhe subconLracLlng sysLem. AL dlfferenL
Llmes Lhe mosL lmporLanL loglsLlcs hubs of norLhern lLaly (such as 8ologna and adua) and
some of Lhe mosL lmporLanL mulLlnaLlonal corporaLlons ln Lhe loglsLlcs (1n1, uPL, CLS, SuA,
8arLollnl...), ln Lhe large-scale dlsLrlbuLlon (Coop, Lsselunga, lkea) and ln food lndusLry
(Cranarolo) have been blocked.
Lven lf sLaLe and employers have reacLed wlLh a severe represslon, Lhese sLrlkes represenL
by far Lhe mosL lmporLanL sLruggles LhaL have developed ln lLaly as a resulL of Lhe crlsls and
Lhe very flrsL aLLempL Lo organlze a workers sLruggle ouLslde Lhe soclal-democraLlc unlons,
whlch are more and more accepLlng compromlses wlLh caplLal aL Lhe naLlonal level."
A|exandru C|ste|ecan & Dana Domsod|
1be Messloolc 1lme of voloe. Oo 1be lolltlcol 1beoloqy of tbe oew wettktltlk
"1hls paper aLLempLs Lo crlLlcally evaluaLe Lhe phllosophlcal premlses and pracLlcal
consequences of Lhe new WerLkrlLlk (osLone, kurz, !appe eLc.) LhaL are responslble for lLs
osclllaLlon beLween a non-hlsLorlcal maLerlallsm and a hlsLorlcal non-maLerlallsm
(formallsm). 1he conLemporary lnLeresL ln Lhls new Lheory of value ls due Lo Lhe facL LhaL lL
responds parLlcularly well Lo Lhe double naLure of our presenL predlcamenL: Lhe global crlsls
of caplLallsm, LogeLher wlLh Lhe evldenL absence of a really exlsLlng soclal alLernaLlve,
reflecLed lnLo Lhe core argumenLs of Lhls Lheory: Lhe blLLer emphasls on Lhe lnescapable and
lmpersonal unfoldlng of Lhe loglc of value and Lhe acuLe lrrelevance of Lhe sub[ecLlve facLor.
1he flrsL parL wlll crlLlcally dlscuss some of Lhe phllosophlcal premlses of Lhls lnLellecLual
dlrecLlon, namely Lhe arLlculaLlon beLween Llme, hlsLory and revelaLlon. 8rlefly, lL wlll be
argued LhaL Lhls readlng of Marx's Lheory of value enLalls a dlrecL leap from hlsLory (Lhe
conLlngenL blrLh of caplLallsm ln Lngland) Lo a faLal and Leleologlcal process of unfoldlng and
revelaLlon of Lhe loglc of value. 1hus hlsLory ls merely Lhe lnLra-apocalypLlc dlsLance
beLween Lhe revelaLlon of lLs absLracL loglc and flnal reallzaLlon. A sorL of messlanlc Llme
whlch sLrlklngly resembles lukuyama's posL-hlsLory.
1hls hlghly meLaphyslcal Louch ls also vlslble ln Lhe pracLlcal consequences LhaL Lhls Lheory
enLalls. Cn Lhe one hand, an unexplalnable redlscovered sub[ecLlvlsm, as program for Lhe
posL-caplLallsL fuLure (already presenL), and, on Lhe oLher hand, Lhe reLreaL lnLo
communlLarlsLlc and non-medlaLed forms of soclal organlzaLlon, caused by Lhe Lheory's
hasLy and rlsky ldenLlflcaLlon of value wlLh soclal absLracLlon as such."
N|co|a C|ewer
now copltollsm sotvlves. 1be oeollbetol mooomeot?
"1he means by whlch caplLallsm survlves, Lhe machlnaLlons ln whlch lL musL always
engaged, lnclude ldeologlcal and culLural as much as do soclal and economlc
LransformaLlons. Slnce Lhe early 1980s, alongslde Lhe rlse of neollberallsm, Lhere has been a
renalssance ln memorlal and monumenL bulldlng ln Lhe WesL and a concomlLanL burgeonlng
of academlc lnLeresL ln Lhls area. 1hls efflorescence ln memorlal forms and dlscourses has
commonly been llnked Lo Lhe rlse of posLmodernlsm. 1he complex relaLlonshlp beLween
posLmodernlsm and neollberallsm has been sub[ecL deLalled and lnslghLful analysls by a
number of LheorlsLs lncludlng, mosL lnfluenLlally, lredrlc !ameson and uavld Parvey and,
more recenLly, Lhe llkes of !odl uean and Mark llsher. 8uL whaL abouL Lhe relaLlonshlp
beLween neollberallsm and Lhls boom" ln memorlallsaLlon?
locuslng on large-scale naLlonal memorlal pro[ecLs ln Lhe uS and Cermany, Lhls paper
slLuaLes Lhls renalssance ln memorlal bulldlng wlLhln Lhe conLexL of a crlsls of leglLlmacy
wlLhln caplLallsLs sLaLes whlch began ln Lhe 1970s. l argue LhaL, wlLhln Lhe conLexL of a wlder
LransformaLlon from Lhe embedded llberallsm" of Lhe posL-war perlod Lo Lhe
conLemporary neollberal" con[uncLure, Lhere has been a prollferaLlon of memorlal pro[ecLs
whlch draw on posLmodern aesLheLlcs ln order, ulLlmaLely, Lo leglLlmaLe Lhe sLaLe as lL
reconflgures lLself ln llghL of Lhe conLemporary demands of caplLallsm."
Matthew Co|e
uyoomlcs of ltoletotloolsotloo. lloooclol ueepeoloq ooJ closs lost-ctlsls
"CaplLallsm has survlved for a varleLy of reasons, buL one of Lhe mosL dlsLlngulshlng feaLures
of lLs conLemporary formaLlon ls a marked polarlsaLlon of class ln a large number of
developed naLlons. Whlle many of Lhe convenLlonal concepLlons of class as a soclal ldenLlLy
have wlLhered away, class as a dlsLlncL economlc relaLlon ls becomlng more readlly
apparenL. Along wlLh flnanclal deepenlng, shareholder Lakeovers, deregulaLlon, and free-
markeL globallsaLlon over Lhe pasL 30-40 years, we have seen a sLeady rlse ln lncome
lnequallLy, wlLh a dlsLlncL acceleraLlon over Lhe pasL 3-10 years. AddlLlonally, real-Lerms
wage growLh was negaLlve across Lhe board from 2008-2011 and conLlnues Lo sLagnaLe.
8ecenL economlcs research predlcLs a prolongaLlon of Lhe same Lrend. ln 2011, uslng
harmonlsed Luropean unlon Labour lorce Survey uaLa, Coos and Mannlng found LhaL hlgh
and low wage occupaLlons expanded rapldly relaLlve Lo mlddle wage occupaLlons ln nearly
every Luropean counLry. 1hls recenL Lrend ln Lhe labour markeL has noL recelved adequaLe
aLLenLlon from a pollLlcal economlc perspecLlve.
1hls paper wlll explore why proleLarlanlsaLlon ls a necessary componenL for Lhe survlval of
caplLallsm and whaL changes ln Lhe labour markeL accompany lL. lL wlll ouLllne how Lhe
proleLarlan sub[ecLed Lo crlsls ls noL only excluded from conLrol over Lhelr own labour, Lhe
means of producLlon, accumulaLlon, eLc. buL also pushed farLher down Lhe labour-markeL
hlerarchy. lL wlll show how whaL llLLle pre-crlsls sLablllLy Lhere may have been ls negaLed
due Lo Lhe 'lnflaLlon premlum' l.e. Lhe facL LhaL food, fuel and LransporL cosLs have rlsen
much fasLer Lhan lnflaLlon and lnflaLlon has rlsen fasLer Lhan wages. A domlno-effecL,
remlnlscenL of Lhe flnanclal crlsls, becomes apparenL as Lhe 'mlddle-classes' lose workplace
auLonomy, asseLs and lncome -as Lhey effecLlvely become proleLarlans - exposlng Lhose
below Lhem Lo lncreaslng compeLlLlon for work. SomeLlmes proleLarlans are forced ouL of
work alLogeLher, [olnlng Lhe 'reserve army of Lhe unemployed' or perhaps are exorclsed
enLlrely lnLo Lhe surplus populaLlon. A lucld analysls of Lhe dynamlcs of proleLarlanlsaLlon ls
cruclal for undersLandlng Lhe underlylng soclal condlLlons LhaL accompany or enable Lhe
survlval of caplLallsm."
Constant|nou Constant|nos & Leandros Savv|des
1be scleotlflc moooqemeot of mlqtotloo lo cyptos. tbe toclollsotloo of lobot
ln Cyprus, a hlsLorlcally mulLlculLural lsland LhaL was 'homogenlzed' for Lhe purposes of
formlng a naLlon-sLaLe ln 1960, Lhe rlslng lssue of raclsm Loday ls consldered as an lssue of
crlsls, an overslmpllfled approach LhaL encapsulaLes ldeas such LhaL Lhe unemploymenL
creaLed by Lhe economlc crlsls LhaL sLruck Lhe lsland has creaLed Lendencles agalnsL
forelgners who 'sLeal' Lhe [obs of Lhe locals. 8uL lf LhaL ls Lrue, Lhen norway's 8relvlk
lncldenL would be lnconcelvable as well as Lhe rlse of Lhe far rlghL even ln Lhe mosL well-off
Luropean counLrles such as Lhe Scandlnavlan. WlLh lncreased employmenL for 1urklsh
CyprloLs across Lhe dlvlde" and a slgnlflcanL lnflux of mlgranLs Lo asslgned secLors, Lhere ls a
worry of Lhe loss of naLlonal ldenLlLy as well as Lhe loss of economlc opporLunlLles by
CyprloLs, especlally young unemployed labour. We clalm LhaL Lhe case of Cyprus lndlcaLes
how raclsm ln Llmes of crlsls ls a sympLom of long- sLandlng sLrucLures of raclsm LhaL have
been developed over Lhe course of years Lhrough a managemenL of mlgraLlon (whlch
creaLed a vasL underclass) LhaL was adopLed Lo sulL Lhe needs of caplLal. LxplanaLlons can be
found ln Lhe ob[ecLlve sLrucLured mechanlcs of lnsLlLuLlons and Lhe lnLersub[ecLlve dynamlcs
of caplLal, ldeology and race.
1erry Conway
No plokwosbloq
"1hls paper slLuaLes Lhe developmenL of a consclous sLraLegy of lnkwashlng by Lhe lsraell
sLaLe ln Lhe conLexL of Lhe broader hasbara/8rand lsrael campalgn, playlng on Lhe growLh of
lslamaphobla and anLl-Arab pre[udlce ln Lhe posL-9/11 perlod. lL wlll explore why Lhe LC81
communlLles - parLlcular gay men - are seen as a LargeL for Lhls propaganda and dlscuss Lhe
concepL of homonaLlonallsm ln Lhls conLexL.
lL wlll slLuaLe plnkwashlng, as all aspecLs of Lhe ldeologlcal offenslve of Lhe lsraell sLaLe ln
Lhe compleLe obllLeraLlon of any agency of Lhe alesLlnlan people. LC81 alesLlnlans only
exlsL ln Lhls groLesque fanLasy as 'vlcLlms' apparenLly fleelng Lo Lhe apparenLly safe haven of
lsrael - Lo dlsLracL from and normallze Lhe seLLler colonlal and aparLheld reallLy LhaL Lhe
sLaLe of lsrael has esLabllshed on Lhe ground whlch oppresses all alesLlnlans regardless of
sexuallLy or gender ldenLlLy.
lL wlll explore some of Lhe campalgnlng LacLlcs used by anLl- lnkwashlng acLlvlsLs
parLlcularly ln 8rlLaln buL drawlng on experlences ln Lhe uSA, Canada, orLugal and Lhe
neLherlands lncludlng llnks wlLh LC81 alesLlnlan organlsaLlons. lL wlll dlscuss Lhe exLenL
Lo whlch such acLlvlsm has lmpacLed on alesLlne solldarlLy campalgnlng and LC81
lL ls submlLLed as parL of Lhe MarxlsL-femlnlsL sLream and relaLes Lo Loplcs on
homonaLlonallsm, raclsm and lslamaphobla and queer sub[ecLs llsLed as Loplcs for Lhe
Lste||e Cooch
8lotteJ lloes ooJ 1tojoo botses
"numerous auLhors have wrlLLen on Lhe llnks beLween Lhe vlcLorles won by second wave
femlnlsm and Lhelr consequenL manlpulaLlon by neollberal ldeology LhroughouL Lhe 1980s.
1hls paper ls Lhe producL of exLenslve lnLervlews wlLh currenL and pasL unlverslLy femlnlsL
socleLy presldenLs and lnLervlews wlLh Lhose aL Lhe hearL of organlslng Lhe burgeonlng new
movemenL ln Lhe uk - SluLWalk, uk lemlnlsLa, Cb[ecL, lnLernaLlonal unlon of Sexworkers
lL wlll provlde quanLlLaLlve evldence looklng aL whaL Lhe new femlnlsLs have Laken from Lhe
second wave and Lo whaL exLenL Lhey Lhlnk Lhe vlcLorles won, cholce, sexual freedom and
flnanclal lndependence, have allowed caplLallsm Lo reconsLlLuLe lLself ln a more vlclous
form. Was femlnlsm a 1ro[an horse for whaL has been Lermed Lhe new sexlsm". lL wlll
aLLempL Lo charL Lhe relaLlonshlp of Lhe women's movemenL Lo oLher movemenLs
lL wlll ask lf Lhe largely anLl-raclsL naLure of Lhe movemenL ln Lhe uk ls relaLed Lo Lhe rlse of
Lhe anLl-war movemenL ln Lhe early 2000s. lL wlll also conslder lf Lhe class basls Lo sluL
shamlng LhaL was ldenLlfled ln a recenL sLudy publlshed ln Soclal sychology uarLerly ln Lhe
uS ls equally appllcable Lo Lhe uk. lL wlll conslder how we can Lransform Lhe more aLomlsed
new femlnlsm lnLo a real soclal movemenL. lL wlll conclude by looklng aL Lhe way ln whlch
new femlnlsLs aLLempL Lo llnk personal llberaLlon wlLh soclal LransformaLlon.
AuLhors consldered lnclude Clnzla Arruza, nancy lraser, Call ulnes, Laura 8aLes"
Matthew Cooper
we ote oot oll moltlcoltotollsts oow. tbe tecostloq of moltlcoltotollsm os stote pollcy lo
8tltolo sloce 2001.
We are noL all mulLlculLurallsLs now: Lhe recasLlng of mulLlculLurallsm as sLaLe pollcy ln
8rlLaln slnce 2001.
1here ls, even wlLhln Lhe lefL, no agreed undersLandlng of Lhe sLaLe pollcy of
mulLlculLurallsm. 1hls paper wlll aLLempL Lo move Lowards a source based hlsLory of
mulLlculLurallsm ln 8rlLaln.
lnlLlally mulLlculLurallsm was a pollcy (or perhaps llLLle more Lhan a serles of rheLorlcal
pollLlcal sLances) pursued by pollLlcal acLors ln a perlod of posL-colonlal mlgraLlon whlch
aLLempLed Lo manage Lhe poslLlon of raclallsed mlnorlLles wlLhln class socleLy. 1he body of
Lhls paper wlll aLLempL Lo undersLand how popular and popularlsL narraLlves of Lhe fallure of
such mulLlculLurallsm have developed ln 8rlLaln slnce Lhe mld-1980s.
1hls crlLlque from Lhe rlghL colnclded wlLh a changlng conLexL. lf mulLlculLurallsm ln lLs flrsL
phase was llnked Lo posL-colonlal mlgraLlon, ln Lhls second phase Lhe deep conLexL was
glven by Lhe lncreaslng domlnance of neo-llberal ldeas and Lhe globallsed economy ln whlch
mlgraLlon was no longer Lhe legacy of Lmplre. MulLlculLurallsm became a fracLured seL of
pollcles, some only ln Lhe lmaglnaLlon of lLs opponenLs, muLaLlng Lhrough declslve momenLs
such as Lhe 8ushdle affalr of 1989 Lo Lhe rloLs of 2001 and 9/11.
1hls paper wlll conclude wlLh an examlnaLlon of how dlverslLy ls undersLood ln Lerms of
sLaLe pollcy ln Lhe perlod slnce 2001 ln Lhe conLexL of Lhe 'war on Lerror' and Lhe evolvlng
paradlgm of communlLy coheslon."
Luke Cooper
8eyooJ tbe so-colleJ kossloo poestloo. tweotletb ceototy commoolsm tecooslJeteJ
"lew quesLlons have been more conLesLed amongsL MarxlsLs Lhan LhaL concerned wlLh Lhe
naLure of Lhe sLaLe soclallsL reglmes of Lhe lasL cenLury. uesplLe Lhe manlfesL dlfferences
beLween Lhe varlous compeLlng paradlgms on Lhe caLegorlzaLlon of Lhese reglmes, lL ls Lhe
shared assumpLlons LhaL underplnned Lhe debaLe whlch arguably requlre Lhe mosL radlcal
reconslderaLlon. 1he shorLhand Lo whlch Lhe debaLe was frequenLly referred, 'Lhe 8usslan
quesLlon', encapsulaLes Lhese problems, for lL carrled wlLh lL Lwo dublous lmpllclL
presupposlLlons. llrsLly, lL was assumed LhaL a model of pollLlcs and economy developed as
a resulL of largely endogenous challenges faced by 8usslan socleLy ln Lhe 1920s and 1930s.
As such, argumenLs Lended Lo focus merely on Lhe Llmlng and class dynamlc of a process
LreaLed as essenLlally lnLernal. Secondly, each paradlgm also Lended Lo presuppose LhaL Lhls
soclal sLrucLure was largely dupllcaLed ln Lhose revoluLlons LhaL came afLer, a fallacy LhaL
lead, ln Lurn, Lo a furLher Lendency for Lhose varlaLlons ln faceLs whlch were recognlsed, Lo
be [udged agalnsL Lhe supposed 'norm' of Lhe 8usslan-SovleL model. 1hls paper pursues a
recasLlng of LwenLleLh cenLury communlsm 'ln power' as a Lruly global phenomenon ln lLs
orlglns and scope. lL argues LhaL by locaLlng SLallnlsL sLaLes wlLhln Lhe exploslve
conLradlcLlons of uneven and comblned developmenL a less LurocenLrlc and more
hlsLorlcally senslLlve undersLandlng of Lhe communlsm of Lhe lasL cenLury can be
elaboraLed. 1hls Lhesls ls pursued Lhrough an engagemenL wlLh !ohn kauLsky's semlnal, buL
all Loo ofLen overlooked, 1he ollLlcal Consequences of ModernlzaLlon, and Lhe
conLemporary llLeraLure concerned Lo creaLlvely re-elaboraLe Lhe Lheory of uneven and
comblned developmenL.
Ludm||a Costhek Ab|||o
metqloq oo two wbeels. 8tozllloo ecooomlc Jevelopmeot ooJ loboot exploltotloo
1he rlse of mlnlmum wage, of Lhe raLe of formal work and of Lhe credlL Lo low lncome
populaLlon has enabled Lhe 8razlllan governmenL Lo esLabllsh an offlclal speech and
propaganda abouL 'new 8razlllan mlddle class'. 1hls deflnlLlon ls fully dlsconnecLed Lo work
condlLlons, labour explolLaLlon or llfesLyles, on Lhe oLher hand, Lhe celebraLlon of a 'new
mlddle class'' ls enLlrely connecLed Lo Lhe consolldaLlon of a 8razlllan neodevelopmenL
ldeology. 8ased on an emplrlcal analysls of Lhe moLorcycle courlers ln Lhe ClLy of Sao aulo
comblned wlLh Lhe analysls of Lhls offlclal speech, l dlscuss Lhe connecLlons beLween labour
explolLaLlon and economlc developmenL. 1hese workers annlhllaLe space by Llme wlLh Lhelr
own bodles, ln a very rlsky way. 1hls very precarlous work - whlch ls Lyplcally assoclaLed
wlLh Lhls 'new mlddle class' - plays a key role Lo Lhe reallsaLlon of Lhe demands of flnances
and servlces LhaL Lake place aL Lhe 'global clLy'. 1he prlnclpal alms are: 1.1o dlscuss Lhe
dlsappearance of labour as a reference ln Lhe deflnlLlon of Lhe so called new 8razlllan
mlddle class", 2. 1o presenL a broader analysls of Lhe lnLrlcaLe relaLlon beLween Lhe very
expllclL alLhough obfuscaLed forms of labour explolLaLlon and 8razlllan developmenL.
Lm||y Cousens & Sarah |ne
coqoltlve copltollsm ooJ tbe losttomeotollzotloo of 5exoollty os voloetoblllty
ConLemporary caplLallsm ls characLerlzed by Lhe shlfL from maLerlal Lo 'lmmaLerlal' or
'cognlLlve' reglmes of accumulaLlon. urawlng on PardL and negrl we wlll explore Lhe
cenLrallLy of affecLlve labour Lo Lhe producLlon of lmmaLerlal value. Women's roles have
hlsLorlcally lnvolved Lhe ma[orlLy of emoLlonal or affecLlve labour, meanlng Lhls shlfL has led
Lo Lhe quallLaLlve, as well as heavlly sLudled quanLlLaLlve, femlnlzaLlon of labour. WlLLlg
argues LhaL women are Lhe caLegory of sex, Lhey are made lnLo sex lLself. Women's
sexuallLy produces surplus and exchange value wlLhln cognlLlve caplLallsm, Lhereby helplng
caplLallsm Lo survlve. We draw on Skeggs' work Lo explore how women have access Lo a
source of culLural caplLal ln performlng Lhelr sexuallLy and uLlllze lL for Lhelr role ln Lhe
workplace. Women musL perform LhaL sexuallLy whlch ls consldered valuable. We wlll
explore Lhe naLure of 'femlnlne' sexuallLy as a necessarlly opposlLlonal norm, characLerlzed
by vulnerablllLy ln opposlLlon Lo 'mascullne' domlnance. 1hose who cannoL approxlmaLe Lhls
norm of sexuallLy as vulnerablllLy, Lhe worklng class, are deplcLed as havlng ab[ecL sexuallLy.
1hls may be commodlfled as specLacle buL resulLs ln furLher excluslon from Lhe workforce
and clLlzenry more generally.
Iordy Cumm|ngs
lotces of cboos ooJ Aootcby. lopolot Moslc, tbe New left ooJ 5oclol Movemeots, 1966-
"An lconlc 1971 posLer shows Lhe faces of leadlng 8lack anLhers 8obby Seale and Puey
newLon.. 1he posLer ls an adverLlsemenL for an lnLercommunal uay of SolldarlLy" as well as
a blrLhday celebraLlon for newLon. 1he muslc was Lo be provlded by Lhe CraLeful uead. WlLh
some noLable excepLlons, Lhe lyrlcal conLenL and lnLervlews done wlLh well-known
Amerlcan and 8rlLlsh rock and soul muslclans seem Lo Lake for granLed LhaL revoluLlon was
around Lhe corner, unsurprlslng glven LhaL ln 1969, over one mllllon Amerlcan sLudenLs also
self-ldenLlfled as revoluLlonarles.
1hls paper alms Lo galn an undersLandlng of Lhe affecLlve conLaglon LhaL shaped a culLure ln
whlch revoluLlonary pollLlcs was lnseparable from lLs muslcal soundLrack. Whlle much has
been wrlLLen abouL Lhe connecLlon beLween punk culLure and radlcal pollLlcs, Lhere has
been llLLle by Lhe way of analysls of Lhe slmllar role played by popular muslc for Lhe new
LefL. lL wasn'L merely LhaL young radlcals llsLened Lo popular muslc, buL of Lhe dlalecLlcal
reclproclLy beLween Lhe popular muslc of Lhe laLe slxLles and early sevenLles and Lhe soclal
movemenLs. 1here was a shared communlLy of bellef beLween culLural producers and
young radlcals LhaL wenL beyond slmple lyrlcal conLenL - Lhls was noL proLesL muslc",
lnsLead lL was formlng a new sub[ecLlvlLy. 1o emphaslze, Lhls was mass culLure aL Lhe same
Llme lL was lmpllclLly counLer-hegemonlc. CrlLlcal engagemenL ln Lhe underground press had
MarxlsL wrlLers, noLably 8oberL ChrlsLgau, Laklng popular muslc as serlously as crlLlcs
conLlnue Lo LreaL llLeraLure, fllm and soclal Lheory.
urawlng on an engagemenL wlLh lrederlc !ameson, 8aymond Wllllams and !acques
8anclere, Lhls paper alms aL formulaLlng preclsely how organlc aLLempLs Lo develop counLer-
hegemony Lhrough culLural producLlon occurred ln a hlsLorlcally speclflc sense. lmpllclL ln
Lhls ls how a slmllar counLer-hegemony can be developed ln Lhe 21sL cenLury."
Lduardo da Motta a A|buquerque, Ioo Anton|o de au|a, nugo Lduardo da Gama
Cerque|ra, Leonardo Gomes de Deus Car|os & Lduardo Supr|nyak
lf we bove oot toocbeJ tbe bottom, bow fot ote we ftom lt?. Motxs oopobllsbeJ
mooosctlpts oo tbe 1866 ctlsls
"Marx's unpubllshed noLebooks on Lhe 1866 crlsls (Lhe LxzerpLhefLe 8108, 8109, and 8113)
are llLLle known. ln Lhls paper, we argue LhaL Lhey are a useful source of lnformaLlon abouL
hls lnvesLlgaLlons on Lhe crlsls ln general and lLs role ln Lhe caplLallsL dynamlcs. We also
suggesL LhaL Lhe parL v of Lhe Lhlrd volume of CaplLal provldes guldellnes for readlng and
undersLandlng Marx's noLes and excerpLs ln Lhe noLebooks.
Accordlng Lo Lngels, parL v placed Lhe greaLesL dlfflculLles ln Lhe work of edlLlng Lhe Lhlrd
volume: noL only lL dealL wlLh Lhe mosL compllcaLed sub[ecL" buL Lhere was a long secLlon
ln Lhe manuscrlpL, enLlLled '1he Confuslon', conLalnlng noLhlng buL exLracLs from
parllamenLary reporLs on Lhe crlses of 1848 and 1837". 1hls descrlpLlon hlnLs aL Lhe
poLenLlal role of Lhe above-menLloned noLebooks for Lhe developmenL of Marx's argumenL
ln CaplLal: Lhey may be seen as parLs of Marx's sLudles ln vlew of Lhe revlslon of Lhe
manuscrlpL of Lhe Lhlrd volume.
1o explore Lhls con[ecLure we make a close readlng of Lhe parL v of Lhe Lhlrd volume of
CaplLal and lLs preparaLory manuscrlpLs (MLCA ll.4.2 and MLCA ll.14), comparlng Lhem Lo
Lhe conLenLs of Lhose Lhree noLebooks."
Iuan Da| Maso
Ctomscl, 1totsky ooJ tbe sttoqqle fot ptoletotloo beqemooy
"uebaLes abouL sLruggle agalnsL caplLallsm are many Llmes deLermlned by an opposlLlon
beLween Lheory of hegemony and Lheory of permanenL revoluLlon. 8uL Lhls opposlLlon ls
more Lhe resulL of a LheoreLlcal operaLlon Lhan Lhe producL of a Lrue conLradlcLlon.
ln Lhls paper, we wlll Lry Lo deploy some aspecLs abouL Lhe marxlsm's developmenL of Lhe
ldea of proleLarlan hegemony ln a relaLlon Lo Lhe comprehenslon of Lhe proleLarlan
revoluLlon ln 20 CenLury. 1hls way, we wlll underllne convergences and dlfferences beLween
Cramscl's and 1roLsky's Lheorles.
We wlll anallze eLer u. 1homas polnL of vlew abouL cenLral role of Lheory of hegemony ln
rlson noLebooks, maklng an assessmenL abouL poslLlons of 1he Cramsclan MomenL and
Lhose of Lhe so-called argenLlnlan gramsclan" lnLellecLuals, llke !ose Marla Arlc and !uan
Carlos orLanLlero, whose lnfluence were hegemonlc" ln gramsclan sLudles ln LaLlnamerlca
many decades, and lasL buL noL leasL, we wlll make a comparlson beLween Cramscl and
1roLskl's polnLs of vlew and Lhelr lmporLance Lo a sLraLeglc reflecLlon Loday."
Gareth Da|e
lolooyl, ot coloolollsm/qtowtb
A paper LhaL Lracks Lhe orlglns of Lhe ldeology of economlc growLh (alongslde LhaL of 'Lhe
economy' per se), Lo Lhe conLradlcLlons of Lhe C17 Lngllsh mercanLlllsLs-lncludlng, and
here l address PM's Cf, Lhelr colonlal agenda. 1o say LhaL Lngllsh mercanLlllsm came lnLo
belng Lo promoLe Lhe lnLeresLs of Lhe LasL lndla and 8oyal Afrlcan companles would be Lo
exaggeraLe. buL noL by much. And as ls well known, Lhe mercanLlllsLs soughL Lo glve Lhelr
speclal pleadlng on behalf of corporaLe lnLeresLs Lhe appearance of unlmpeachable veraclLy
by expresslng lL ln a sclenLlflc ldlom. (1hls was, afLer all, Lhe age of 8acon, newLon, eLc.) 1o
drasLlcally slmpllfy Lhe argumenL: Lhe ldea of Lhe self-regulaLlng markeL emerged as
economlsLs and pollLlcal LheorlsLs of Lhls era revlsed naLural law docLrlne. Pere, Locke,
norLh, and 8arbon, and perhaps Chlld, are Lhe cruclal flgures. '1he economy' came Lo be
concelved as a mechanlsm, lndeed, as Lhe cosmos appears Lo a delsL. Lconomy and cosmos
are allke dlvlne machlnes, Lhey boLh run llke clockwork accordlng Lo naLural laws. 8oLh
requlre a benevolenL flne-Luner-ruler (Cod, governmenL / Lhe rullng class). Cod's role as
dlvlne waLchmaker can preLLy sLralghLforwardly be deduced, by supersLlLlon poslng as
reason. 8uL how Lo [usLlfy Lhe analogously dlvlne poslLlon of Lhe sLaLe / rullng class vls-a-vls
Lhe economy? Pere, Lhe colonlal experlence was cruclal-as l argue ln Lhe resL of Lhe paper.
kat[a Dan|e|s
ltotectloq copltollsm ftom lolltlcol ltotest? 1be 'loll ltotectloo ooJ 5ecotlty' 5tooJotJ lo
lotetootloool lovestmeot 1teotles
lnLernaLlonal lnvesLmenL LreaLles requlre naLlonal sLaLes Lo proLecL forelgn companles who
have lnvesLed wlLhln Lhelr LerrlLory from exproprlaLlon, unfalr and lnequlLable LreaLmenL,
and dlscrlmlnaLlon - each of whlch has been lnLerpreLed ln lnnovaLlve ways by Lhe
corporaLe-frlendly lnLernaLlonal lnvesLmenL Lrlbunals LhaL rule on such cases. ln so far as
lnvesLmenL LreaLles place llmlLs on how governmenLs can respond Lo domesLlc pollLlcal
pressures, each of Lhe above LreaLy sLandards ls lmpllcaLed ln class sLruggle - a clvll socleLy
vlcLory aL Lhe naLlonal level can be challenged by affecLed corporaLlons aL Lhe lnLernaLlonal
level (e.g. uebec's moraLorlum on fracklng ls currenLly belng challenged as a breach of a
corporaLlon's 'leglLlmaLe expecLaLlons' Lo exLracL shale gas and Lhereby Lhe falr and
equlLable LreaLmenL sLandard, whlle AusLralla's and uruguay's Lobacco plaln packaglng
regulaLlons are belng challenged as lndlrecL exproprlaLlons of a Lobacco company's
lnLellecLual properLy). Powever, Lhere ls one parLlcular LreaLy sLandard LhaL has recenLly
aLLracLed Lhe aLLenLlon of companles, and LhaL has Lhe poLenLlal Lo more dlrecLly lnLerfere
wlLh Lhe pollLlcal acLlvlLles of anLl-caplLallsL movemenLs. CorporaLlons have recenLly broughL
a number of mulLl-mllllon dollar legal cases agalnsL sLaLes for Lhelr alleged fallures Lo afford
corporaLlons 'full proLecLlon and securlLy' from adverse soclal demonsLraLlons and dlrecL
acLlon proLesLs LhaL have LargeLed Lhelr operaLlons. As such, Lhey have lnvoked Lhe 'full
proLecLlon and securlLy' sLandard Lo proLecL Lhemselves noL from governmenL acLlon
moLlvaLed by domesLlc pollLlcal pressures (as do Lhe oLher LreaLy sLandards), buL dlrecLly
from Lhe clvll socleLy proLesLors Lhemselves. lL ls sLlll uncerLaln whaL preclsely Lhls legal
sLandard demands of sLaLes, buL Lhls paper suggesLs LhaL Lhe pollLlcal lmpllcaLlons of Lhls
clause may well precede any legal consequences - Lhe LhreaL of such lawsulLs may
Lhemselves lncenLlvlse sLaLes Lo sLrlke down on proLesLs.
8recht De Smet
Ctomscl, coesotlsm, ooJ (coootet-)kevolotloo lo qypt
"1hls paper explores Lhe Cramsclan concepL of Caesarlsm (quanLlLaLlve and quallLaLlve,
progresslve and reacLlonary) and lLs relevance for undersLandlng Lhe currenL process of
revoluLlon and resLoraLlon ln LgypL.
llrsL, aLLenLlon ls pald Lo concepLual relaLlons beLween Caesarlsm and, on Lhe one hand,
LradlLlonal MarxlsL noLlons such as 8onaparLlsm and popullsm, and, on Lhe oLher, Cramsclan
concepLs such as passlve revoluLlon, hegemony, and hlsLorlcal bloc. SlmllarlLles, dlfferences,
and problems of lnLerpreLaLlon are accenLuaLed.
SubsequenLly, Lhe conLemporary pollLlcal process, especlally Lhe role of Lhe mlllLary and Lhe
poslLlon of (former) lleld Marshal al-Slssl, ls framed wlLhln LgypL's hlsLorlcal Lra[ecLory,
refracLurlng Lhe nasserlsL eplsode and Lhe LransformaLlons LhaL followed lL Lhrough Lhe
prlsm of Cramscl's concepLs of Caesarlsm and passlve revoluLlon.
llnally, Lhe dlscusslon reLurns Lo Cramscl, concludlng LhaL Lhe concepL of Caesarlsm
operaLes ln Lwo lnLerconnecLed domalns.
(1) ln Lhe fleld of class pollLlcs, sLraLegy, and hegemony lL refers Lo a boLched process of
popular sub[ecL consLlLuLlon - a degeneraLed Modern rlnce. ln Lhls LradlLlon, Caesarlsm ls
llnked Lo such concepLs as ""subsLlLuLlonlsm"" (1roLsky) and ""ocLroyal soclallsm"" (uraper).
(2)As a pollLlcal-economlc caLegory lL deals wlLh a speclflc mode of sLaLe formaLlon and/or
reconflguraLlon of a hlsLorlcal bloc. Pere Lhe concepL ls closer Lo Cox's classlcal
lnLerpreLaLlon of Caesarlsm as Lhe ""lnsLrumenLallLy of passlve revoluLlon"", alLhough lL ls
argued LhaL lL cannoL be fully subsumed by Lhe laLLer noLlon."
S|mona De S|mon| & I|ar|a 8ertazz|
1be sotvlvol of copltollsm ooJ tbe ptoblem of soclol teptoJoctloo
"1he problem of soclal reproducLlon ls a open quesLlon ln Marx's LhoughL and lL ls dlrecLly
connecLed Lo Lhe lssue of Lhe survlval of caplLallsm. lL consLlLuLes a ground for updaLlng Lhe
MarxlsL-lemlnlsL legacy and maklng lL pollLlcally acLlve. 1aklng Lhe perspecLlve of lederlcl's
LhoughL as Lhe sLarLlng polnL for our dlscusslon, we can assume LhaL ln Lhe LranslLlon
Lowards global neollberallsm Lhe Lemporal sequence beLween reproducLlon and
accumulaLlon has collapsed. 1he soclal confllcL ls Lransformed by Lhe emergence of a
caplLallsm LhaL noL only reproduces lLself, buL a klnd of caplLallsm LhaL, ln Lhe meanLlme of
lLs reproducLlon also exLracLs value for lLself wlLhouL any medlaLlon.
SLarLlng from Lhls assumpLlon, comblnlng our flelds of experLlse - economlcs and
phllosophy, we lnLend Lo analyze Lhe caplLallsLlc appralsal of soclal reproducLlon wlLh
parLlcular aLLenLlon Lo Lhe processes of flnanclallzaLlon. We conslder Lhe mechanlsm of debL
as a means of analyzlng welfare, work and local pollLlcs as a parL of a general process of
caplLallsLlc resLrucLurlng wlLhln soclal reproducLlon, where Lhls consLlLuLes ground for a
new orlglnal accumulaLlon" LhaL produces lmpoverlshmenL and explolLaLlon. AL Lhe same
Llme we assume Lhe amblgulLy of reproducLlve relaLlonshlps and acLlvlLles ln order Lo
develop anLagonlsLlc pracLlces."
Cag|ar Do|ek & Den|z ar|ak
closs kespoose to ctlsls of Neollbetollsm lo letlpbetol 5ettloq. Oo tbe koJlcollzotloo of
loboot 5ttoqqles lo 1otkey
1he currenL global crlsls and accompanylng soclal uprlslngs ln dlfferenL naLlonal seLLlngs
have sallenLly demonsLraLed Lhe fraglle and conLesLed characLer of neollberallsm as a world-
hlsLorlcal pro[ecL of resLoraLlon of class power of caplLal. As a so-called one of Lhe success
sLorles" of neollberallsm aL leasL for Lhe lasL decade, 1urkey provldes a slgnlflcanL and
lnLeresLlng case Lo make crlLlcal sense of Lhe characLer of currenL crlsls as well as dynamlcs
of soclal reslsLance. Whlle Lhe hegemonlc bloc, pollLlcally represenLed by Ak, has been
experlenclng deep-rooLed crlsls, Lhe soclal and pollLlcal opposlLlon has been gradually
radlcallzed as mosL vlvldly experlenced durlng Lhe Cezl ark uprlslngs. uesplLe lLs radlcal
conLenL and masslve scale, LransformaLlve poLenLlal of Cezl reslsLance has seemed Lo be
absorbed by Lhe sysLemaLlc and relenLless oppresslon of pollce power, whlch has become
Lhe sole means of bourgeols pollLlcs ln conLemporary 1urkey. 1hough Lhere ls much debaLe
on Lhe class characLer of Lhe Cezl uprlslngs, 1urkey has also been experlenclng numerous
waves of labour reslsLances as experlenced ln Lhe sLruggles of kazova, Crelf, lenl, ZenLlva,
lecam, ?aLaan, eLc. workers ln Lhe lasL few years. Crganlzed sponLaneously Lo a large
exLenL, such reslsLances ralse radlcal demands agalnsL precarlous forms of labourlng and
llvlng, and resorL Lo sLraLegles desLrucLlve of caplLal's domlnaLlon ln workplaces, whlch ln
Lurn subsLanLlally denounce Lhe already narrowed fronLlers of bourgeols law. A quallLaLlve
change has seemed Lo be underway ln Lhe labour movemenL wlLh Lhe gradual prollferaLlon
of radlcal sLraLegles llke workplace occupaLlon, general sLrlke, desLrucLlon of means of
producLlon, dlrecL confronLaLlon wlLh sLaLe power, eLc. ln Lhls paper, we alm Lo dlscuss Lhe
radlcal poLenLlal of Lhe currenLly rlslng labour reslsLances as a labour response Lo Lhe
organlc crlsls of neollberal hegemony ln 1urkey.
kev|n Doogan
2eto noots coottocts. uoJetestlmoteJ ot OvetstoteJ?
ln Lhe lasL elghLeen monLhs Zero Pours ConLracLs have become Lhe sub[ecL of debaLe and
conLroversy ln Lhe malnsLream of pollcy, ln Lrades unlon clrcles and professlonal bodles.
ulfferenL daLa seLs, based on employers' and employees' surveys offer conLrasLlng
perspecLlves on Lhe exLenL and rlse of conLracLs LhaL do noL guaranLee mlnlmum hours.
CurrenLly Lhe consensus would suggesL LhaL, even lf underesLlmaLed, abouL 1 of Lhe
workforce ls employed on Lhese conLracLs. 1hls would appear dlsproporLlonaLe Lo Lhe level
of concern. 1hls paper looks aL Lhe basls for Lhese dlfferences and conslders Lhe broader
quesLlon as Lo wheLher Lhey represenL a radlcal shlfL ln Lhe balance of bargalnlng power,
parLlcularly slnce Lhe onseL of Lhe CreaL 8ecesslon. lL examlnes wheLher Lhey lndlcaLe an
escalaLlon of Lhe pursulL of labour markeL flexlblllLy, buL also quesLlons wheLher Lhe wlder
process of flexlblllsaLlon would be asslsLed by Lhe broader adopLlon of Zero Pours ConLracLs.
8y focuslng on Zero Pours ConLracLs Lhls paper wlll conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe wlder dlscusslon of
k|chard Drayton
'ulttolmpetlollsm' ooJ tbe wblte lotetootloool. 1toosootloool koclol lotmotloos lo tbe
qlobol copltollst teqlme, c. 1850 to tbe pteseot.
"ln SepLember 1914, kauLsky publlshed hls famous essay on 'ulLralmperlallsm'. Pe
speculaLed, along llnes already opened up by Pobson, abouL a fuLure age ln whlch Lhe
Luropean lmperlal powers would operaLe as a paclflc comblne raLher Lhan maklng war on
each oLher.
ln reallLy, as l have argued elsewhere, such Lrans-Luropean lmperlal collaboraLlon had been
a fundamenLal parL of Luropean expanslon slnce Lhe slxLeenLh cenLury, even lf lmperlal
hlsLorlography, grounded ln Lhe naLlonal paradlgm, has usually focussed excluslvely on
lmperlal compeLlLlon. 8uL Lhere ls a quallLaLlve change whlch happens c. 1830 ln Lerms of
Lhe consolldaLlon of a de facLo an-Luropean 'whlLe lnLernaLlonal', organlsed around ldeas
of clvlllsaLlon, modernlLy, and Lhe lnLernaLlonal sysLem. 1he paper wlll explore how Lhe
LransnaLlonal consLrucLlon of raclal ldenLlLles and sLaLus dlfferences wenL along wlLh a
raclallsed lnLernaLlonal dlvlslon of labour, Lhe resLrlcLlon of mlgraLlon flows and clLlzenshlp,
and Lhe consolldaLlon of sLrucLures and mechanlsms of Luropean and unlLed SLaLes lmperlal
1he 1914-43 perlod represenLs a fundamenLal perlod of crlsls ln Lhls reglme of global
domlnaLlon on Lhe one hand, and of whlLe collecLlve prlvllege on Lhe oLher. 1he 8usslan and
Chlnese revoluLlons, and Lhe age of decolonlsaLlon appeared Lo break aparL LhaL Luropean-
cenLred world order. 8uL even as Lhe formal Luropean emplres dlslnLegraLed, LhaL nucleus
of 'whlLe' solldarlLy, remalned aL Lhe hearL of Lhe WesL's Cold War coallLlon, lnformlng Lhe
pollLlcs of anLl-communlsm and economlc and securlLy cooperaLlon. SLrlklngly also slnce
1989, Lhere has been a self-consclous aLLempL Lo consolldaLe Lhe 'whlLe lnLernaLlonal'
around unlLed SLaLes hegemony, wlLh ldeas such as Lhe 'anglosphere', and Lhe assoclaLlon
of anglo-amerlcan pollLlcal and economlc norms wlLh Lhe gold sLandard for human rlghLs
and economlc freedom, underlylng Lhe neo-llberal global order. 1o Lhls exLenL, Lhe WesL's
coallLlon wars ln AfghanlsLan, lraq, and Llbya need Lo be undersLand ln Lerms of Lhe lnLernal
dynamlcs of Lhls ulLra-lmperlal comblne.
1he ascenL of Lhe 'whlLe lnLernaLlonal' had a maLerlal foundaLlon: Lhe gap ln economlc and
mlllLary power beLween Lhe WesL and Lhe resL whlch opened up wlLh lndusLrlallzaLlon. lLs
more recenL reconflguraLlons Lake place ln Lhe conLexL of Lhe relaLlve lndusLrlal decllne of
Lhe ulLra-lmperlal core. Slnce Lhe 1970s, Lhe soluLlon found by Lhe unlLed SLaLes Lo Lhls lay
ln flnanclallsaLlon, and lLs command, ln Lhe mldsL of 'llberallzed' economles, of Lhe goods,
servlces and savlngs. Such command has always been premlsed by sLraLeglc hegemony, and
Lhe mlllLarlsm of our own age ls llnked Lo Lhls aLLempL Lo LranslaLe mlllLary and lnLelllgence
power lnLo economlc domlnance. 1he LransnaLlonal raclal formaLlons ordered by
elghLeenLh- and nlneLeenLh-cenLury Luropean lmperlallsm conLlnue Lhus ln hldden ways Lo
shape Lhe organlsaLlon of LwenLy-flrsL cenLury caplLallsm, even ln Lhe mldsL of Lhe ascenL of
Chlna. ace kauLsky, Lhe ulLra-lmperlal paLh leads also Lo perpeLual war."
Dev| Dumbadze
commoJlty ooJ ooteqlmeoteJ expetleoce
"1he commodlLy ls an lnLrlcaLe, sensuous-supersensuous Lhlng." lor exchange value Lo be
real, lL requlres a body, whlch a Lhlng, as use value, becomes, brlnglng LhaL exchange value
Lo appearance. So use value Lurns, accordlng Lo Marx, lnLo Lhe so-called carrler" of lLs exacL
opposlLe, value. 1hls unlLy of opposlLes, whlch Marx even Lerms an lnsane form," ls as an
economlc relaLlon aL Lhe same Llme an eplsLemologlcal form. 1he commodlLy has a
parLlcular LhoughL form as lLs underslde, one ln whlch Lhe sub[ecLlve deLermlnaLlon, Lhe
concepL, ls lmposed upon nonldenLlcal Lhlngs ln order Lo consLlLuLe Lhem as ldenLlcal
ob[ecLs, whose ldenLlLy can be expressed ln a seL of dlsLlncL aLLrlbuLes. 1he condlLlons of Lhe
posslblllLy of experlence are, ln Lhe maLerlallsL crlLlque of eplsLemology, Lhemselves resulLs
of shlfLs wlLhln naLural hlsLory," accordlng Lo Adorno. 1hls hlsLory of Lhe reglmenLaLlon of
mlmesls, whlch proceeds from Lhe blologlcal Lo Lhe maglcal sLage" and, flnally, Lo Lhe
hlsLorlcal ln labor, has lLs counLerpolnL ln Lhe unreglmenLed experlence," whose reflecLed
form ls arL and aesLheLlc experlence. 1hough arL ls lLself parL of commodlflcaLlon and Lhe
dlsenchanLmenL of Lhe world, lL ls neverLheless Lhe foreLoken of whaL a redeemed llfe - one
wlLhouL Lhe consLralnL of labor - would be."
Cdr|c Durand
1be vloleoce of flctlcloos copltol
1hls conLrlbuLlon examlnes Lhe role of flcLlLlous caplLal ln Lhe conLemporary flnanclallsaLlon
and ln Lhe afLermaLh of Lhe 2008 flnanclal crlsls. A flrsL secLlon proposes a brlef genealogy of
Lhls concepL and expllclLs Lhe subLle lnLermedlary poslLlon of Marx on Lhls lssue, beLween
AusLrlan eocnomlsLs, on Lhe one hand, and keyneslan and (neo)charLlsLs, on Lhe oLher hand.
A second secLlon presenLs some sLyllzed facLs accounLlng for Lhe rlse of Lhls caLegory slnce
Lhe sevenLles for Lhe Lhe maln hlgh lncome economles. 1he elemenLary forms of flcLlLlous
caplLal (credlL Lo Lhe prlvaLe secLor, publlc debL and markeL caplLallzaLlon) are dlsLlngulshed
from Lhe sophlsLlcaLed forms whlch have surged ln Lhe recenL perlod (derlvaLlves and
shadow banklng). A Lhlrd secLlon speclfles Lhe relevance of Lhls caLegory ln Lhe conendrum
of flnanclal proflLs, l.e. lLs relaLlon Lo caplLal galns, levy of domesLlc non-flnanclal proflLs,
capLure of Lhe galns of unequal exchange and proflLs from allenaLlon. 1he fourLh secLlon
Lrles Lo assess lLs lmpacL on Lhe survlval of caplLallsm and polnLs Lo Lhe relaLed mechanlsms
of socloeconomlc vlolence by Lhe sLaLe ln Lhe dlrecL form of dlspossesslve auLerlLarlan
pollcles and lndlrecL forms of orLhodox and unorLhodox cenLral banks 'Lender of lasL resorL'
nester L|senste|n
nolJloq op bolf tbe sky? neqemoolc femlolsm lo tbe setvlce of oeollbetollsm.
"ln my book lemlnlsm Seduced: Pow Clobal LllLes use Women's Labor and ldeas Lo LxplolL
Lhe World (aradlgm, 2009) l argued LhaL a parLlcular form of llberal femlnlsm, whlch l
named hegemonlc," had become enLrapped ln Lhe LranslLlon Lo neollberallsm.
A selecL composlLe of some of Lhe ldeas of Lhe lnLernaLlonal women's movemenL has been
packaged and branded as Lhe loglcal counLerparL Lo Lhe ldeology of caplLallsL neollberallsm,
encompasslng ldeas of lndlvldual success, compeLlLlveness, personal responslblllLy, and
above all access Lo economlc and pollLlcal power for a selecL few.
AcolyLes of hegemonlc femlnlsm lnclude new ?ork 1lmes columnlsL nlcolas krlsLof and hls
Chlnese wlfe Sheryl Wuuunn, auLhors of Palf Lhe Sky, former presldenL !lmmy CarLer, ln hls
2014 book, A Call Lo AcLlon: Women, 8ellglon, vlolence and ower, and corporaLe leaders
such as Sheryl Sandberg ln her popular volume Lean ln. ln Lhls klnd of analysls, success for
women ln Lhe llrsL World ls llnked Lo lndlvldual aggresslon, whlle ald Lo lndlvldual women ls
now wldely embraced as Lhe key Lo endlng poverLy, and Lo launchlng 1hlrd World low
lncome sLaLes on Lhe road Lo prosperlLy.
lL ls cruclal for MarxlsL lemlnlsLs Lo unmask Lhe uses of Lhls form of femlnlsm, and Lo resLore
Lhe role of femlnlsL ldeology Lo lLs rlghLful place as a parLner and frlendly crlLlc of MarxlsL
analysls and pracLlce."
Mart|n Lmpson
5ostolooble Aqtlcoltote. Ate smoll-fotms tbe ooswet lo o post-copltollst wotlJ?
"Cne key, buL neglecLed, source of envlronmenLal polluLlon ls agrlculLure. 14 of emlsslons
come from agrlculLural producLlon and a furLher 17 of emlsslons are from changlng land
use and foresLry (lCC, 2007). Modern agrlculLure ls domlnaLed ln Lhe developed world by
blg-buslness, whlch relles on heavy use of chemlcals, lnLenslve mono-cropped farmlng and
over-rellance of Lechnology - Lhe arL of Lurnlng oll lnLo food" (losLer, 2010) and ls closely
llnked Lo Lhe lmposlLlon of neo-llberal pollcles on Lhe developlng world, encouraglng
agrlculLure for Lhe markeL, noL for Lhe hungry.
LefL wlng llLeraLure on Lhe poLenLlal for raLlonal" or susLalnable" agrlculLure frequenLly
draws on Lhe experlence of radlcal-agrarlan movemenLs ln Lhe developlng world. All Loo
ofLen Lhls llLeraLure concenLraLes on Lhe beneflLs of small farms" versus agrl-buslness (eg
Magdoff 1okar, 2010, 8ello , 2009, kllngzell-8rulln 8rulln, 2010), ln Lhls Lhey reflecL
more llberal vlews such as Lhose (eg 1udge, 2011) who argue for small-scale farmlng under a
reformed caplLallsm. Small-scale farmlng under caplLallsm can offer beneflLs over
mulLlnaLlonal drlven agrlculLure such as lmproved ylelds, beLLer reslllence Lo envlronmenLal
changes and naLural dlsasLers and reduced rellance on pesLlcldes and chemlcals). ?eL small-
scale agrlculLure ls llmlLed by a range of problems assoclaLed wlLh peasanL producLlon -
parLlcularly Lhe llmlLed use of Lechnology and Lhe hlghly labour-lnLenslve work - and ls
assoclaLed wlLh paLLerns of seasonal labour amongsL a wlder agrarlan work force (8ernsLeln,
2010). Lqually Lhere are powerful reasons why we should be crlLlcal of large-scale caplLallsL
agrlculLure (Magdoff 1okar, 2010, 8ello, 2009, Lmpson 2014).
1hls quesLlon of agrlculLure ln a posL-caplLallsL socleLy was debaLed ln Lhe afLermaLh of Lhe
8usslan 8evoluLlon, as well as by earller wrlLers ln Lhe MarxlsL LradlLlon (eg kauLsky, 1899),
and lL remalns relevanL Loday. Powever wlLhln Lhe CommunlsL LradlLlon, from Lhe laLe
1920s, soclallsL agrlculLure" was ofLen vlewed as synonymous wlLh lndusLrlallsed collecLlve
farmlng, lgnorlng real advanLages assoclaLed wlLh peasanLs worklng Lhelr own land.
ln Lhls paper l argue LhaL Marxlsm allows a crlLlque of agrlculLure under caplLallsm and a
vlslon of Lhe LranslLlon Lo a genulne soclallsL agrlculLure avoldlng elLher a crude poslLlon of
supporLlng collecLlve lndusLrlal farmlng or a romanLlc vlew of small-scale producLlon as a
soluLlon Lo envlronmenLal crlsls and food producLlon.
l wlll ouLllne an alLernaLlve LhaL suggesLs LhaL galns by agrarlan movemenLs could lead Lo a
radlcally dlfferenL vlslon of agrlculLure based on Lhe experlence of a rural peasanLry ln a
wlder soclallsL economy. 8uL ln Lhe flrsL lnsLance Lhls means peasanLs and rural workers
selzlng land and farms and redlsLrlbuLlng land, and llkely, Lhough noL lnevlLably, glvlng
prlvaLe farms a new lease of llfe. ln Lhe longer Lerm lL wlll mean a gradual LranslLlon Lowards
collecLlve agrlculLure. SoclallsL prosperlLy... ln Lhe very long run [wlll] persuade Lhe
peasanLry Lo glve up Lhelr lndlvldual farms." (Cllff, 1964)
Cnly Lhls can offer Lhe poLenLlal Lo feed seven bllllon people ln a susLalnable way."
Sa| Lng|ert
1be cbooqloq closs ootote of lstoell 5oclety
"1he lasL 13 years have seen lncreaslngly rlghL-wlng governmenLs elecLed ln lsrael, wlLh
growlng represenLaLlon for Lhe ulLra-naLlonallsL, rellglous and seLLler far-rlghL. 1hls has led
commenLaLors Lo emphaslse Lhe lmporLance of Lhe growLh of lsrael's rellglous populaLlon,
whlle lamenLlng Lhe llberal or labour ZlonlsL governmenLs of Lhe pasL.
Powever, less aLLenLlon has been pald Lo Lhe more fundamenLal LransformaLlons ln Lhe class
naLure of lsraell socleLy, whlch Lhls paper wlll argue are cruclal Lo undersLandlng Lhe pollLlcal
changes ln Lhe lsraell sLaLe.
1he paper wlll dlscuss class formaLlon ln Lhe ?lshuv and lsrael ln Lhree perlods: flrsLly, Lhe
developmenL of a powerful workers' movemenL and a weak local bourgeolsle (pre-1948),
secondly, Lhe perlod of economlc developmenL led by Lhe lsraell sLaLe and labour
bureaucracy (1948-1984), and Lhlrdly, Lhe neollberal perlod ln whlch Lhe lsraell bourgeolsle,
supporLed by uS lmperlallsm, rose Lo pollLlcal domlnance (posL 1984).
1he paper wlll focus on changlng class relaLlonshlps wlLhln Zlonlsm, as well as Lhe shlfLlng
relaLlonshlp beLween lsrael and WesLern lmperlallsm. lL wlll also hlghllghL Lhe conLlnulLles ln
Lhe overarchlng pollLlcal pro[ecL of expanslon and eLhnlc cleanslng LhroughouL Lhe perlods
Lrtan Lro|
ke-scolloq tbe petlpbetol copltollst spotlollty ooJ teslstooce. Aotoqestloool momeotom
wltblo tbe coootet-beqemoolc soclo-spotlol movemeots lo Mexlco
"lL ls posslble Lo argue LhaL Lhe Lhree decades of neollberal re-LerrlLorlallsaLlon ln Mexlco led
Lo Lhe lnLenslflcaLlon of Lhe neollberal soclal relaLlons on dlfferenL soclal scales. lL ls posslble
Lo ldenLlfy Lhese processes of re-conflguraLlon under Lhree areas, 'prlvaLlsaLlon and
markeLlsaLlon of soclal servlces, valorlsaLlon and uLlllsaLlon of Lhe local resources, and
lnLernaLlonallslng and elasLlclslng Lhe labour relaLlons'. Powever, Lhese processes are
dlalecLlcal soclo-spaLlal processes, and Lhus, needs Lo be percelved as dynamlc and
conLesLed processes raLher Lhan a deLermlnlsLlc consolldaLlon of Lhe caplLallsL space ln Lhe
form of neollberal caplLallsL accumulaLlon. 1he counLer-hegemonlc soclal movemenLs ln
Mexlco ls condlLloned by Lhese processes of re-sLrucLurlng wheLher arLlculaLed Lhrough and
uLlllsed Lhe urban space llke ?oSoy132 or unfolded on Lhe local scales such as Lhe
lndlgenous movemenLs and AuLodefensas.
1hls paper alms Lo locaLe Lhe recenL counLer hegemonlc soclal movemenLs ln Mexlco wlLhln
Lhe broader processes of neollberal resLrucLurlng of Lhe perlpheral caplLallsL soclal relaLlons
and spaLlallLy, and Lhus, aLLempLs Lo analyse Lhe naLure and auLogesLlonal poLenLlals and
llmlLs of Lhese movemenLs. lL ls argued ln Lhls paper LhaL Lhe neollberal hegemonlc
consensus ln Mexlco ls faclng a soclo-spaLlal crlsls whlch paved way Lo Lhe prollferaLlon of
serles of soclal sLruggles wlLh or wlLhouL Lhe poLenLlals of real LransformaLlon or
alLernaLlves. 1hese soclo-spaLlal sLruggles have been sLrucLured by Lhe same sLrucLural
dynamlcs LhaL underplnnlng Lhe perlpheral soclo-spaLlal forms and pracLlces of explolLaLlon,
and Lhelr consLanL reproducLlon and reconflguraLlon on dlfferenL soclal scales. 1herefore, lL
can be argued LhaL Lhese perlpheral soclo-spaLlal forms wlll be Lhe slLes and sLakes of Lhe
counLer-hegemonlc sLruggles where Lhe auLogesLlonal sLraLegles could/would occupy Lhe
cracks ln Lhe neollberal hegemonlc order and wlden Lhem."
Asefeh Lsfah|an|
5tote ooJ ctlsls of OvetptoJoctloo. tbe cose of lllm loJostty lo 1970s ltoo
ln order Lo lnvesLlgaLe how caplLallsm survlves, lL would be helpful Lo conslder Lhe ways
Lhrough whlch caplLallsm ls rescued from a serlous crlsls. 1hls paper wlll concenLraLe on Lhe
role of Lhe sLaLe Lo rescue Lhe caplLallsL mode of producLlon from Lhe crlsls of over-
producLlon. lL examlnes Lhe lndusLry of clnema ln Lhe 1970s ln lran when Lhe unconLrollable
drlve for more proflL by Lhe prlvaLe secLor lead Lhe lndusLry lnLo Lhe crlsls of over-produclng
fllms. ln order Lo argue Lhls process, flrsLly, l wlll explaln Lhe pollLlcal economy of clnema ln
Lhls perlod. Secondly, l wlll dlscuss Lhe lnLervenLlon of sLaLe ln Lhe crlsls ln order Lo dlverslfy
Lhe fllm LexLs and flnd new markeLs for Lhem. 1hls was an opporLunlLy whlch Lhe
lndependenL and radlcal fllmmakers aLLempLed Lo Lake up Lo produce crlLlcal and avanL-
guard fllm. Accordlngly, lL lead Lo Lhe producLlon of fllms known as lranlan new Wave
clnema. 1hlrdly, l wlll explore Lhe reasons why Lhe sLaLe lnLervenLlon was noL successful Lo
survlve Lhe lndusLry as Lhe domesLlc producLlon collapsed by Lhe end of 1970s.
Danny Lvans
closs oqolost closs lo tbe 5poolsb 5ecooJ kepobllc
"1he LhreaL of Lhe 8lghL produced an lnsurrecLlonary response from a secLor of Spanlsh
anarchlsm ln Lhe years 1932-1933. 1he pracLlce of Lhls secLor, whlch aL Lhe Llme domlnaLed
Lhe anarcho-syndlcallsL Lrade unlon, Lhe Cn1, has been compared Lo LhaL adopLed by Lhe
Cerman CommunlsL arLy durlng Lhe so-called '1hlrd erlod'. lL has been characLerlsed as
secLarlan and self-desLrucLlve, and derlded by some conLemporary anarchlsLs as 'anarcho-
8olshevlk'. lLs momenL of culmlnaLlon occurred ln uecember 1933, ln Lhe wake of general
elecLlons won by Lhe 8lghL and ln an aLmosphere of pesslmlsm, comblned wlLh messlanlc
rheLorlc, ln anarchlsL clrcles.
1he LacLlcs of lnsurrecLlon appalled cerLaln elemenLs of Lhe Cn1, lncludlng graduallsL
syndlcallsLs and Lhe dlssldenL communlsLs of Lhe 8CC, whose crlLlclsms wlll be addressed by
Lhls paper. 8uL, how far can Lhe comparlson wlLh 1hlrd erlod Communlsm be Laken, and Lo
whaL exLenL does lL rely on Lhe assumed vlrLues and effecLlveness of a broad anLl-fasclsL
fronL? Pere, l lnLend Lo explore Lhese quesLlons and Lo look agaln aL anarchlsL volunLarlsm ln
1930s Spaln ln Lhe conLexL of anLl-fasclsm as lL was Lhen concelved."
Iess|ca Lvans
uoJetstooJloq wblte ootlooollsm ooJ toclollzeJ closs fotmotloo lo tbe settlet-colooles. A
tbeotetlcol ptoposol
1hls paper proposes a LheoreLlcal framework for undersLandlng Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween
race and class ln a hlsLorlcally speclflc seL of soclal formaLlons - Lhe seLLler colonles. urawlng
upon elemenLs of ollLlcal Marxlsm and 1roLsky's Lheory of uneven and Comblned
uevelopmenL (uCu) l make Lhe followlng argumenL. llrsL, ln Lhe seLLler colonles naLlonallsm
was a baslc, exlsLenLlal precondlLlon of Lhe sLaLe. lollowlng Lhls, l argue LhaL naLlonallsm
musL be undersLood ln Lhe conLexL of Lhe speclflc soclal properLy relaLlons of Lhe caplLallsL
mode of producLlon whlch makes posslble horlzonLal forms of solldarlLy. And yeL, for Lhese
properLy relaLlons Lo emerge ln Lhe seLLler sLaLes, a grammar of raclal excluslon applled Lo
Lhe lndlgenous populaLlons was requlred. 1hus, desplLe Lhe surface appearance of formal,
horlzonLal equallLy LhaL naLlonallsm suggesLs, ln Lhe seLLler colonles Lhls requlred Lhe
generaLlon of a raclally excluslve grammar LhaL manlfesLed ln Lhe phenomenon of so-called
'whlLe naLlonallsm'. As a resulL, class was undersLood ln expllclLly raclal Lerms. lmporLanLly,
Lhls meanL LhaL labour was self-consclously 'whlLe labour'. uesplLe Lhese orlglns, however,
Lhe seLLler sLaLes were also sub[ecL Lo lnLernaLlonal processes of uneven and comblned
developmenL whlch would resulL ln myrlad sLraLegles of 'caLch-up', among whlch were
resorL Lo varylng forms of pollLlcally coerced labour processes Lhrough Lhe lmporLaLlon of
raclallsed lmmlgranL labour. lar from slmply a funcLlonallsL sLraLegy of caplLal, however, Lhe
raclallzed sLraLlflcaLlon of Lhe labour markeL whlch would resulL emerged from complex
lnLeracLlons beLween Lhe formaLlon of seLLler classes, Lhe geopollLlcal pressure Lo whlch
seLLler caplLallsLs were sub[ecL and Lhe mlx of sLraLegles Lhey pursued ln order Lo compeLe
wlLh esLabllshed meLropoles, as well as Lhe self-lnLeresL of 'whlLe labour'.

Andrew Ieenberg
1be lbllosopby of ltoxls. Motx, lokocs ooJ tbe ltookfott 5cbool
"1hls paper presenLs Lhe newly publlshed book 1he hllosophy of raxls: Marx, Lukcs, and
Lhe lrankfurL School (verso 2014). 1he paper explalns Lhe phllosophy of praxls of four
MarxlsL Lhlnkers, Lhe early Marx and Lukcs, and Lhe lrankfurL School phllosophers Adorno
and Marcuse. 1he phllosophy of praxls holds LhaL fundamenLal phllosophlcal problems are
ln reallLy soclal problems absLracLly concelved. 1hls argumenL has Lwo lmpllcaLlons: on Lhe
one hand, phllosophlcal problems are slgnlflcanL lnsofar as Lhey reflecL real soclal
conLradlcLlons, on Lhe oLher hand, phllosophy cannoL resolve Lhe problems lL ldenLlfles
because only soclal revoluLlon can ellmlnaLe Lhelr soclal causes.
l call Lhls a meLacrlLlcal" argumenL. l argue LhaL meLacrlLlque ln Lhls sense underlles Lhe
phllosophy of praxls and can sLlll lnform our Lhlnklng abouL soclal and phllosophlcal
LransformaLlon. 1he varlous pro[ecLlons of such LransformaLlons dlsLlngulsh Lhe four
phllosophers dlscussed ln Lhls paper. 1hey also dlffer on Lhe paLh Lo soclal change. 1hey
develop Lhe meLacrlLlcal argumenL under Lhe speclflc hlsLorlcal condlLlons ln whlch Lhey flnd
Lhemselves. ulfferences ln Lhese condlLlons explaln much of Lhe dlfference beLween Lhem,
especlally slnce phllosophy of praxls depends on a hlsLorlcal clrcumsLance-Lhe more or less
plauslble revoluLlonary resoluLlon of Lhe problems aL Lhe Llme Lhey are wrlLlng."
kuth Ie|der
ltom tbe plok tlJe to oew Jevelopmeotollsm. tecteotloq tbe cooJltloos fot copltol
occomolotloo lo 5ootb Ametlco
"ln Lhe 2000s, Lhe comlng Lo power of lefL and cenLre lefL governmenLs ln SouLh Amerlca
and Lhe accompanylng challenges Lo Lhe baslc LeneLs of Lhe neollberal orLhodoxy ralsed
wldespread aLLenLlon. Many analyses have focused on Lhe naLure of Lhe new pollLlcal
leaders ln Lhe reglon, Lhelr relaLlon Lo soclal movemenLs, Lhe challenges Lo Lhe uS and Lhe
anLl-lmperallsL naLure of Lhls lefL Lurn. As Lhese experlences have been rldden wlLh confllcL
and conLradlcLlons, some crlLlcs have sLressed Lhe lack of pollLlcal wlll of mosL governmenLs
Lo dellver on hopes whlle oLhers have polnLed aL Lhe exLernal lnLruslon ln domesLlc pollLlcs
ln Lhe mosL radlcal experlmenLs and Lhe uS's aLLempLs Lo regaln conLrol over Lhe reglon.
Less aLLenLlon has been pald Lo Lhe naLure of Lhe hlsLorlcal developmenL paLLern LhaL
followed Lhe crlsls of neollberallsm ln Lhe reglon. 1he sLudy of Lhe Lhls developmenL paLLern
ls cenLral Lo undersLand Lhe scope and llmlLaLlons Lo Lhe recenL SouLh Amerlcan posL-
neollberal experlmenLs and lnLerpreL lLs conLradlcLlons, confllcLs and prospecLs.
8ulldlng on debaLes on Lhe naLure of Lhe SouLh Amerlcan new-developmenLallsm and posL-
llberal reglonallsm, Lhe role of Lhe sLaLes ln Lhem and Lhe lnLernaLlonal lnserLlon of Lhe
counLrles of Lhe reglon as commodlLy exporLers, Lhls paper wlll argue LhaL Lhe very acLlve
economlc lnLervenLlon of Lhe sLaLes of Lhe reglon and Lhe recenL forms of reglonal
cooperaLlon golng beyond free Lrade and llberallzaLlon have been parL of a process of
lnLernaLlonallzaLlon of Lhe reglon's economles and sLaLes and have lnvolved Lhe recreaLlon
of Lhe condlLlons for caplLal accumulaLlon afLer Lhe debacle of neollberal reforms. 1he paper
wlll pay speclal aLLenLlon Lo Lhe bulldlng of reglonal arrangemenLs and oLher mechanlsms of
reglonal cooperaLlon assoclaLed Lo lL (namely, ML8CCSu8, unASu8, ll8SA and CLLAC) and
wlll locaLe Lhem ln Lhe conLexL of Lhe balances of forces and paLLerns of caplLal
accumulaLlon LhaL underlle Lhem."
Mar|ano I||z
NeoJevelopmeotollsm, occomolotloo by Jlspossessloo ooJ lotetootloool teot. Atqeotloo,
"AfLer Lhe crlsls of Lhe neollberal pro[ecL ln ArgenLlna, domlnanL classes were able Lo
recreaLe Lhelr soclal hegemony under Lhe umbrella of a new developmenL pro[ecL, whlch
has been labeled neodevelopmenLallsL (lellz, 2012). ln llne wlLh Lhe hlsLorlcal
developmenLallsL pro[ecL of domlnanL fracLlons of caplLal ln LaLln Amerlca durlng Lhe 1930s
and 1960s, a new arLlculaLlon of producLlve forces, SLaLe-form and consLlLuLlon of Lhe class
confllcL, led by a new hegemonlc block domlnaLed by Lhe LransnaLlonallzed fracLlons of
caplLal, dlalecLlcally dlsplaced neollberal ad[usLmenL momenLum ln ArgenLlna. Pavlng
successfully performed Lhe resLrucLurlng of caplLal as a whole (consLanL and varlable, flxed
and clrculaLlng, producLlve and flnanclal, renLler and non-renLler, eLc.), a new
developmenLallsL consensus (uC) has seL Lhe pace for caplLallsL developmenL ln Lhe counLry
(lellz, 2012b).
1hls new uC ls based on a slgnlflcanLly dlfferenL role for Lhe arLlculaLlon beLween
manufacLurlng lndusLry and prlmary (exporL-led) producLlons. Much ln llne wlLh 8osa
Luxemburg's analysls, neodevelopmenLallsL savolr-falr Lrles Lo creaLe Lhe condlLlons for
susLalned caplLal accumulaLlon whlle accepLlng -as a quesLlon of hlsLorlcal lnevlLablllLy and,
even, good luck- Lhe place of ArgenLlna as producer-exporLer of prlmary commodlLles and
baslc manufacLures of Lhose commodlLles. ln such conLexL, a permanenL and sysLemaLlc
process of 'prlmlLlve accumulaLlon', or accumulaLlon by dlspossesslon Lo follow Parvey's
Lermlnology, becomes LanLamounL Lo Lhe producLlon and expanded reproducLlon of caplLal
ln ArgenLlna's value-space. 1ransformaLlon of common goods and naLural rlches lnLo prlvaLe
'naLural resources' (le., caplLal) comes Lo consLlLuLe Lhe basls for a caplLallsL developmenL
sLraLegy LhaL fuels economlc growLh on producLlon, approprlaLlon and redlsLrlbuLlon of
ln Lhls arLlcle we dlscuss Lhese processes ln Lhe llghL of 8osa Luxemburg's approach,
showlng how ground-renL arLlculaLes wlLh prlmlLlve accumulaLlon Lo perpeLuaLe acceleraLed
valorlzaLlon and accumulaLlon of caplLal ln ArgenLlna afLer 2003. llrsL, we dlscuss some
relevanL LheoreLlcal concepLs. AfLer LhaL, we show how 8osa's approach can be useful and
enllghLen Lhe analysls of Lhe currenL process of caplLal accumulaLlon ln ArgenLlna. llnally,
we presenL some brlef concluslons and Lhe blbllographlcal references."
koma|n Ie|||
kesllleoce to cllmote cbooqe . oeollbetollsloq oJoptotloo ?
1hls paper dlscusses Lhe posslble emergence of a new norm ln lnLernaLlonal envlronmenLal
pollLlcs, relnforclng Lhe exlsLlng norm of llberal envlronmenLallsm. ln Lhe conLexL of growlng
scepLlclsm Lowards Lhe ablllLy Lo avold Lhe worse effecLs of envlronmenLal - and cllmaLlc -
change, lnLernaLlonal organlsaLlons have recenLly Lurned Lo a language of "adapLaLlon". 1he
currenL goal of lnLernaLlonal envlronmenLal pollLlcs ls dlrecLed less Lowards Lhe avoldance or
mlLlgaLlon of envlronmenLal changes, Lhan Lowards creaLlng Lhe condlLlons ln whlch
lndlvlduals, reglons, soclo-ecologlcal sysLems, even SLaLes, could noL only cope wlLh Lhls
change, buL acLually relnforce Lhe accumulaLlon of caplLal. 1hls new producLlve way of
concelvlng socleLy-envlronmenLal relaLlons ls predlcaLed on Lhe concepL of "reslllence" as an
pollLlco-eLhlcal norm.
A|exandre Iron
5ottte's 1beoty of closs
1he ob[ecL of my paper ls Lo presenL SarLre's Lheory of class ln hls "CrlLlque of ulalecLlcal
8eason" and Lo show ln whaL way lL ls a conLrlbuLlon Lo MarxlsL Lheory. lndeed when
deallng wlLh class, Marxlsm ofLen heslLaLes beLween an ob[ecLlvlsL" and a sub[ecLlvlsL"
concepLlon (class ls deLermlned by poslLlon ln soclal producLlve relaLlons or by class
consclousness whlch ls a producL of class sLruggle). l would llke Lo show how Lhe concepLs
LhaL SarLre develops ln Cu8 (class as class-belng", as a collecLlve", as a group", as an
lnsLlLuLlon", as a praxls-process"), far from maklng hlm a sub[ecLlvlsL", help Lo arLlculaLe
Lhese Lwo dlmenslons. l lnLend Lherefore Lo propose a sysLemaLlc reconsLrucLlon of SarLre's
Lheory of class. More broadly, l would llke Lo show Lhe lmporLance of SarLre's aLLempL Lo seL
Lhe foundaLlons for an anLhropologle sLrucLurale eL hlsLorlque" and lLs relevance Loday for
Lhe elaboraLlon of MarxlsL soclal sclences.
L|mar I|atschart
uoes tbe commoJlty fotm teolly Jle? A compotlsoo of kobett kotz ooJ Mlcboel nelotlcbs
ooswets to poestloos of ctlsls tbeoty.
Crlsls 1heory ls probably one of MarxlsL CrlLlque's mosL conLesLed Lerralns. Whlle for a long
Llme, dlspuLes over Lhe exLenL and quallLy of CaplLallsm's crlsls drlve had Lhe characLer of a
nlche problem, Lhey cerLalnly galned lmporLance wlLh Lhe facLuallLy of 'acLually exlsLlng
crlsls phenomena' slnce 2007/8.
Cld dlspuLes do however remaln. ln Lhe Cerman debaLe, one argumenL over Crlsls 1heory
LhaL predaLes Lhe acLual crlsls can be Lraced Lo Lhe opposlLlon of Lwo currenLs LhaL share a
common background and are ofLen mlxed up: Lhe neue Marx LekLre (new Marx 8eadlng)
and WerLkrlLlk (value crlLlque). Whlle neue Marx LekLre auLhors, who focused an
'academlc' and ofLen phllologlcal close readlng of Marx, Lended Lo argue agalnsL all
hlsLorlcal Lhesls advanclng an lnLernal rupLure ln Lhe core of Lhe 'ldeal average' of
CaplLallsm, WerLkrlLlk propounded a raLher bold and bulky corpus of Lheorems argulng for a
Lermlnal sysLemlc crlsls of CaplLal LhaL sLems from lLs lnLernal conLradlcLlons.
ln my presenLaLlon l wanL Lo glve a baslc overvlew of boLh approach's background, Lhelr
cenLral Lhesls and Lhe dlfferenL answers Lo quesLlons of crlsls Lheory. ln Lhls, l wanL Lo
hlghllghL Lhe advanLages and dlsadvanLages of Lhe Lwo opposlng currenLs, focusslng on Lhe
work of Lwo well-known proponenLs, Mlchael Pelnrlch on Lhe one and 8oberL kurz on Lhe
oLher slde. 1hls can bulld on exlsLlng maLerlal, as boLh auLhors dlrecLly or lndlrecLly referred
Lo each oLher ln conLroverslal dlscusslons on Lhe characLer and scope of Marx' crlsls and
l wlll malnLaln LhaL Mlchael Pelnrlch's argumenLs are sound when lL comes Lo Lhe
explanaLlon of a cerLaln lmmanenL Lype of crlsls of more or less llmlLed economlc characLer.
lL however falls ln Lerms of onLologlcal and eplsLemologlcal deslderaLa when lL comes Lo
Laklng Lhe sLep from economlc analysls Lo crlLlque of (pollLlcal) economy and furLher on Lo
crlLlque of socleLy. lL can be shown LhaL Pelnrlch's approach harbours a hldden sclenLlsL
reducLlonlsm when lL comes Lo conLexLuallslng cenLral caLegorles of maLerlallsL crlLlque,
whlch ulLlmaLely llmlLs Lhe range of hls crlsls Lheory.
l wlll furLher argue LhaL Lhe framework proposed by WerLkrlLlk unfolds greaLer LheoreLlcal
poLenLlal by overcomlng a sLrlcLly economlsL perspecLlve, openlng Lhe fleld for a more
lnLegral crlLlcal Lheory of socleLy LhaL goes beyond Marx (whlle none Lhe less bulldlng on
hlm). noLwlLhsLandlng, Lhere are coplous LheoreLlcal problems Lo be resolved as many of
Lhe cenLral Lhesls are far from belng well elaboraLed and remaln Lo be expanded and
emplrlcally LesLed. roblems and open quesLlons wlll be presenLed by drawlng on kurz'
laLesL book 'Celd ohne WerL' (Money wlLhouL value)."
Chr|s Iord
kecooslJetloq tbe uktololoo kevolotloo 1917-1921. 1be ulolectlcs of Notloool llbetotloo
ooJ 5oclol mooclpotloo "1be 8olsbevlks ooJ tbe Notloool Ooestloo kecooslJeteJ
When conslderlng Lhe faLe of Lhe revoluLlonary wave ln Lurope durlng 1916-1921 Lhe
LradlLlonal vlew has been LhaL Lhe fallure of Luropean communlsm Lo carry Lhe revoluLlon
beyond lLs polnL of orlgln Lhus lsolaLed and declded Lhe faLe of Lhe lnfanL SovleL unlon
negaLlvely. 1hls paper seeks Lo demonsLraLe LhaL Lhe ukralnlan quesLlon was plvoLal Lo faLe
of Lhe revoluLlonary wave ln Lurope revoluLlon. lL examlnes Lhe role of Lhe ukralnlan Soclal-
uemocraLs and CommunlsLs, ln Lhelr quesL for an lndependenL SovleL ukralne. 1helr alllance
wlLh SovleL Pungary, and challenges accepLed vlews of Lhe vlews of Lhe 8usslan CommunlsL
arLy on Lhe naLlonal quesLlon."
8r|dget Iow|er
ke-evolootloq locleo ColJmooo, socloloqlst of lltetotote ooJ Motxlst tbeotlst.
1hls paper wlll explore ln depLh Lhe geneLlc sLrucLurallsm of Lhe 8umanlan-lrench Lhlnker,
Coldmann (1913-1970), a LheorlsL ln danger of belng dropped from Lhe collecLlve memory .
lL addresses Lhree maln areas of hls LhoughL - flrsL, hls concepLlon of a Lraglc vlslon ln Lhe
work of kanL, ascal and 8aclne, secondly, hls abandonmenL of Lhe base-supersLrucLure
meLaphor and lLs replacemenL by a Lheory of sLrucLural homologles, and, Lhlrdly, hls
conslderaLlons of laLe caplLallsm, wlLh parLlcular reference Lo Lhe osL World War ll
keyneslan soclal seLLlemenL. 1hree books especlally, lmmanuel kanL (1971[1943], 1he
Pldden Cod (1964 [1936] and 8aclne [1936], are argued Lo offer an lllumlnaLlng and
endurlng undersLandlng of culLural producLlon ln Lhe 17Lh and 18Lh CenLurles. lL ls also
conLended LhaL sLudles of absoluLlsm (eg Lllas's 1he CourL SocleLy, 8ourdleu's Sur L'LLaL )
have relnforced Lhe lnslghLful analyses made by Coldmann (1964), furLher sLrengLhenlng hls
lnLerpreLaLlon of ascal's reallsL paradoxes and 8aclne's drama ln Lerms of Lhe decllnlng
noblesse de robe. llnally, Coldmann's wlder concepLlon of Lhe ascallan gamble ls
addressed (cf MaclnLyre (1971), uavldson (2014)). Pls own wager ls on Lhe pracLlcal
feaslblllLy of a fuLure LhaL comblnes Lhe human rlghLs of Lhe LnllghLenmenL LradlLlon and
Lhe egallLarlan solldarlLy of Lhe soclallsL LradlLlon. ?eL, even whlle reafflrmlng Lhls wager,
Coldmann conslders posL-World War ll caplLallsm Lo have become so re-sLablllsed as Lo
have losL lLs lnner Lendencles Lo crlsls and opposlLlonal anLagonlsLs. 1hls vlew ls quesLloned,
especlally ln Lhe llghL of successlve posL-1970 recesslons and Lhe shlfL Lo Lhe "specLacular"
deepenlng of lnequallLy (lkeLLy 2014).
kr|sten Iranc|s 1ran
1be lolltlcol cooomy of uomestlc 5obstltotes. A ctltlcol Assessmeot of cootempototy
1toosfet of lolJ keptoJoctlve lobot
"ln concerL wlLh Lhe lncreaslng lnLeresL ln pald reproducLlve labor ln conLemporary sLudy on
domesLlc labor, Lhls paper explores how relaLlons of lnequallLy are reproduced vla pald
reproducLlve labor. lmpllclL ls a resLrucLured labor markeL LhaL reproduces relaLlon of
lnequallLy. A segmenLed global labor markeL coupled wlLh Lhe unequal socloeconomlc
locaLlons beLween women, l argue, elevaLes raclal and class sLaLuses of women who are
able Lo hlre domesLlc subsLlLuLes and dlmlnlshes Lhe sLaLus of Lhose who sell Lhelr
reproducLlve labor ln Lhe global labor markeL of care. 1he needs Lo preserve class sLaLus
and Lhe llluslons of careered women who can do lL all have (Pochschlld Lhrenrelch, 2002:
4, see also lsmall, 1999, Chln, 1998) l furLher argue afflrm and reproduce gender, class, and
race hlerarchles.
WhaL explalns Lhe rlse Lo Lhe worldwlde Lransfer of reproducLlve labor from one seL of
women Lo anoLher? Acknowledged ln soclologlcal research on care ln general and pald
reproducLlve labor speclflcally ls a sLraLlfled global labor markeL, where Lhe segmenLaLlon of
workers lnLo dlfferenL secLors glves rlse Lo unequal wages and access Lo opporLunlLles for
socloeconomlc advancemenL. Clobal economlc resLrucLurlng processes Lherefore creaLe a
dls[uncLure beLween hlgh-level professlonals, Lech-savvy, and managerlal secLors and lower
pald servlce secLor (Sassen, 1991).
As l wlll furLher show, pald reproducLlve ls sLrucLured by a complex seL of lnLernaLlonal,
LransnaLlonal, and naLlonal lnsLlLuLlons and soclal pracLlces as well as by caplLallsL loglc,"
(Agullar, 1999, Appadural 1990, Clbson and Craham 1986, Coss and LlndqulsL 1993). Cn Lhe
one hand, global caplLal moblllzes all women lnLo lncome-generaLlng producLlve labor
acLlvlLles. Cn Lhe oLher hand, Lhe sysLem conLlnues Lo relfy and render women as Lhe
prlmary care Lakers of chlldren and as housewlves. As housewlves, women are expecLed Lo
malnLaln Lhelr soclally deflned roles whlle aL Lhe same Llme pursue Lhelr respecLlve career
and personal lnLeresLs. Clven Lhe expecLaLlons of women Lo fulflll Lhelr duLles as
housewlves and Lhe reallLy of belng a full Llme worker, accompllshlng Lhe double duLles
would be lmprobable wlLhouL hlrlng domesLlc subsLlLuLes as parL Llme and full Llme nannles
and malds.
1he Lransfer of domesLlc work from one seL of women Lo anoLher seL of women represenLs
a sLrucLural separaLlon and subordlnaLlon of human belngs," (Mles, 1986/1998: 74) across
Lhe gender, raclal, and class dlvldes. lmplled ls Lhe reproducLlon of exlsLlng relaLlons of
lnequallLy vla Lhe employmenL of domesLlc subsLlLuLes. 1he movemenL of women worklng
as domesLlc subsLlLuLes across Lhe global dlvldes offers Lhe opporLunlLy Lo explore Lhe
lnLeracLlons beLween gender, race, class, domesLlc labor (Chang, 2000, ulll, 1994,
Lhrenrelch Pochschlld, 2002, Pondagneu-SoLelo, 2000, 8olllns, 1983, 8omero, 1992) and
pald reproducLlve labor. Cender, Lherefore, ls only one of mulLlple, lnLerlocklng sysLems of
domlnaLlon," (Clark 1994, p. 422) represenLlng one dynamlc wlLhln a global labor force LhaL
ls also segmenLed by class, eLhnlclLy and race, naLlonallLy and reglon, among oLher facLors"
(Mllls, 2003: 42).
Whlle domesLlc subsLlLuLes shape and reshape gender, class and raclal hlerarchles, Lhe
employmenL of Lhe domesLlc subsLlLuLes has noL alLered women's relaLlon Lo caplLallsm. As l
wlll show, whaL remalns unchanged ls Lhe unequal dlsLrlbuLlon of careLaklng acLlvlLles
women conLlnues Lo experlence wlLhln Lhe prlvaLe sphere and Lhe expecLaLlons of women
as producLlve workers ln Lhe publlc sphere.
Cffered ln Lhls paper ls an analysls of Lhe ways ln whlch relaLlon of lnequallLy ls sLrucLured
by relnforcemenL of and reproducLlon of ldeologles on gender, race, and class. 1hls ls
because such hlerarchles also lnLeracL wlLh ldeologlcal channels ln Lhe allocaLlons of socleLal
resources such as power and auLhorlLy Lo ensure Lhe malnLalnlng of unequal power
relaLlons ln Lhe gender, race, and class hlerarchles. lnLernaLlonal caplLal, as a resulL of Lhls
lnLeracLlon, has been able Lo recrulL and dlsclpllne workers, Lo reproduce and cheapen
segmenLed labor forces wlLhln and across naLlonal borders" (Mllls, 2003, see also Lnloe
1989, Cng, 1991, Safa 1993)."
Car| Ireedman
copltollst keollsm ooJ 1btee keceot 5cleoce-llctloo lllms
"l Lake Lhe Lerm caplLallsL reallsm" from Mark llsher's 2009 book of LhaL LlLle, and use lL, as
llsher does, Lo refer Lo Lhe hegemonlc noLlon-successfully consLrucLed durlng Lhe 1980s on
boLh sldes of Lhe ALlanLlc and neaLly summarlzed ln MargareL 1haLcher's aphorlsm, 1here ls
no alLernaLlve"-LhaL any reallsLlc appralsal of currenL soclo-economlc reallLy musL assume
Lhe lnvlolablllLy of Lhe caplLallsL mode of producLlon ln comparaLlvely neo-llberal form.
CaplLallsL reallsm has proved remarkably durable, even ln Lhe wake of Lhe global flnanclal
crlsls of 2008, whlch one mlghL have LhoughL would have dlscredlLed neo-llberal caplLallsm
for good. A culLural lndex of lLs sLrengLh can be found ln Loday's clnemaLlc sclence flcLlon, a
genre formally devoLed Lo Lhe lmaglnlng of alLernaLlves-of new worlds and new
clvlllzaLlons," ln Lhe famous S1A8 18Lk formulaLlon. 1he perslsLence of caplLallsL reallsm
can be Lraced, for example, ln Lhree Sl fllms of 2013: Alfonso Cuarn's C8Avl1?, wlLh lLs
ulLlmaLely mlndless glorlflcaLlon of mere specLacle, ln Splke !onze's PL8, wlLh lLs celebraLlon
of Lhe creaLlvlLy of Lhe commodlLy sLrucLure, a creaLlvlLy here seen as almosL llLerally
endless, and even ln SLeven Soderbergh's SluL LllLC1S-by far Lhe mosL lnLelllgenL of Lhese
fllms-whlch suggesLs a scaLhlng crlLlque of neo-llberal caplLal whlle decllnlng Lo lmaglne
D|ana Iuentes
MoJetolty ooJ clvlllzotloool ctlsls. A lotlo ometlcoo opptoocb.
"1hls paper lnLends Lo presenL how Lhe ecuadorlan-mexlcan phllospher 8ollvar Lcheverrla
has characLerlzed our epoch as a Llme of crlsls, noL only for Lhe consequences of Lhe global
depresslon or Lhe quesLlons of Lhe economlc model around Lhe world, buL he belleves LhaL,
wlLhouL denylng Lhe effecLs of Lhe economlc and Lhe pollLlcal crlsls, Lhls oLher crlsls ls below
boLh, on a deeper level. lL ls a crlsls of more far-reachlng and lrreverslble consequences, as lL
puLs lnLo quesLlon noL Lhe effecLlveness or vlablllLy of a parLlcular pollLlcal pro[ecL or Lhe
growLh of a naLlon, buL Lhe grounds on whlch ls bullL Lhe mode of reproducLlon of human
llfe ln all lLs dlmenslons.
lL ls a crlsls LhaL affllcLs humanlLy as a whole, ln a world ln whlch Lhe spread of Lhe caplLallsL
sysLem has reconflgured ln ways and Lo varylng degrees, boLh Lhe LoLallLy of soclal relaLlons,
as Lhe archalc ways of relaLlng Lo Lhe naLural envlronmenL . ModernlLy ln lLs caplLallsL form,
says Lcheverrla, by subsumlng ln hls LoLallzlng dynamlc all Lhe old forms of ldenLlLy
conflguraLlon and pollcy coordlnaLlon has creaLed a klnd of unlque sLory or desLlnaLlon
unprecedenLed. 1herefore Lhls form of crlsls resembles more a collapse of Lhe enLlre
clvlllzed pro[ecL ln whlch modernlLy ls founded."
L|r|n| Ga|tanou
Ao exomlootloo of closs sttoctote lo Cteece, lts teoJeocles of ttoosfotmotloo omlJ tbe ctlsls,
ooJ lts lmpocts oo tbe otqoolsotloool fotms ooJ sttoctotes of tbe soclol movemeot
1he sLudy of Lhe Creek class sLrucLure ls necessary for approachlng and undersLandlng Lhe
forms and sLrucLures of Lhe labour and soclal movemenL ln Creece. 1he class sLrucLure and
Lhe speclflc characLerlsLlcs of Lhe Creek soclal formaLlon presenL speclal feaLures compared
Lo oLher developed caplLallsL counLrles of Lurope. 1hese feaLures have hlsLorlcally resulLed
Lo Lhe appearance of broader peLLy-bourgeols sLraLa, ln parallel Lo (and noL compeLlLlvely
Lo) caplLallsL developmenL. 1he Lendency ln Lhe lasL LwenLy years (durlng Lhe resLrucLurlng
process) has been Lhe expanslon of caplLal lnLo new areas and secLors of caplLallsL
clrculaLlon, leadlng Lo Lhe esLabllshmenL of a range of servlces as caplLallsL commodlLles,
and an expanslon of unproducLlve, buL necessary for Lhe reallsaLlon of Lhe surplus-value,
acLlvlLles (expanded reproducLlon of caplLallsm). lurLher, durlng Lhe currenL crlsls, we are
wlLnesslng a masslve [ob desLrucLlon, along wlLh a slgnlflcanL Lendency of class polarlsaLlon
and vlolenL proleLarlanlsaLlon of Lhe peLLy-bourgeols sLraLa. Masslve unemploymenL and
precarlous work are largely expanded, whllsL Lhe sLable work model ls eroded. 1hls reallLy
affecLs boLh Lhe emergence and Lhe forms of organlsaLlon of Lhe labor and soclal
movemenL. 1he worklng class ls hlghly fragmenLed and heLerogeneous, and Lhe Lrade unlon
movemenL has several weaknesses and pecularlLles. AL Lhe same Llme, large secLlons of Lhe
worklng sLraLa cannoL be expressed Lhrough Lhe LradlLlonal Lrade unlonlsm, because of
con[uncLural and sLrucLural reasons. 1hus, Lhere appear varlous forms of organlsaLlon LhaL
are beyond Lhe scope of Lhe LradlLlonal labor movemenL. 1he alm of Lhls paper ls Lo explore
Lhls landscape and Lhe varlous posslblllLles open Lo collecLlve acLlon, lLs forms and
manlfesLaLlons aL Lhe pollLlcal level.
Luc|a Ga||ardo
compeosotloo fot keeploq fossll foels lo tbe soll. ltom wltblo ooJ ootslJe copltollsm
"Lcuador was Lhe flrsL counLry Lo propose keeplng oll ln Lhe soll ln exchange for a parLlal
compensaLlon ln order Lo make a LranslLlon Lo a posL-exLracLlvlsL economy. keeplng fossll
fuels ln Lhe soll has been Laken lnLo conslderaLlon more recenLly ln Lhe academla as an
effecLlve measure Lo sLop global warmlng, buL Lhe lssue of compensaLlon has noL had a
slgnlflcanL lmpacL on Lhe pollLlcal debaLe. 1hls paper dlscusses such a compensaLlon scheme
ln Lhe conLexL of Lwo globally accepLed scarclLles: Lhe carbon slnk and Lhe non-caplLallsL
developmenL opporLunlLles. 1he cenLral argumenL ls LhaL compensaLlon for non-exLracLlon
opens a new way Lo look aL combaLlng cllmaLe change and provldes a non-markeL,
pollLlclzed meLhod of assesslng lLs sLakes. Pow does compensaLlon Lransform our Lhlnklng
abouL combaLlng cllmaLe change? lL recognlzes LhaL developlng counLrles are engaged ln an
unequal lnLernaLlonal dlvlslon of labor, ln order Lo overcome Lhelr dependency,
compensaLlon mlghL creaLe (aL leasL parLlally) Lhe maLerlal basls for an energeLlc LranslLlon.
AddlLlonally, compensaLlon does noL reproduce caplLallsL form of exchange ln Lerms of
naLure valuaLlon, Lherefore, such scheme ls challenglng Lhe carbon Lrade sysLem by
unvelllng lLs flcLlLlous naLure. ln pollLlcal Lerms, compensaLlon ls Lhe resulL of a long-Lerm
collecLlve acLlon of people who conslder cllmaLe change as Lhe resulL of power relaLlons
medlaLed by new lmperlallsms, lncludlng Lhe ecologlcal one. llnally, based on Lhe prlnclples
of cllmaLe [usLlce, compensaLlon as a LransnaLlonal scheme wlll allow an unprecedenLed re-
dlsLrlbuLlon of global wealLh.
Me||ssa Garc|a & Mar|a ka|ka
"MottqoqeJ llves". 1be blopolltlcs of Jebt ooJ bomeowoetsblp lo 5polo
"1he paper alms Lo expand Lhe LheoreLlcal framework wlLhln whlch we examlne morLgage
debL, by focuslng on Lhe role LhaL morLgages play noL only ln flnanclallslng houslng, buL also
ln promoLlng a blopollLlcs of flnanclallslng llfe lLself. ConcepLuallslng morLgages as a
'Lechnology of power over llfe' (loucaulL 2003, 246), we expose Lhe blopollLlcs llnked Lo
morLgaged homeownershlp ln order Lo broaden Lhe scope of analysls on Lhe dlalecLlcs
beLween Lhe producLlon of blologlcal fuLures and Lhe producLlon of fuLure proflLs.
Cur analysls ls grounded ln a hlsLorlcal geographlcal examlnaLlon of Lhe blopollLlcs of
morLgage debL ln Spaln, where, durlng Lhe mosL recenL real esLaLe boom (1997-2007),
morLgages were employed as a Lechnlque LhaL was supposed Lo opLlmlse lncome by
enrolllng llvellhoods lnLo Lhe cycle of real esLaLe speculaLlon. 8uL as 800,000 morLgages per
year were lssued as average wages fell by 10 per cenL, morLgages also became a
punlLlve/dlsclpllnary Lechnlque, whlch made Lhe populaLlon lLself Lhe ob[ecL of flnanclal
speculaLlon. WhllsL llvellhoods became closely connecLed Lo Lhe renL exLracLlon mechanlsms
of global flnance, Lhelr very exlsLence followed Lhe flucLuaLlon of flnanclal markeLs wlLh
dlsasLrous effecLs, lncludlng Lhe evlcLlon of over 200,000 Spanlsh famllles from Lhelr
morLgaged homes beLween 2008-2013. 1he llved experlence of Lhls process wlll also be
hlghllghLed, based on lnLervlews wlLh over 30 morLgage affecLed people and parLlclpanL
observaLlon aL anLl-evlcLlon assemblles ln Lhe 8arcelona meLropollLan area slnce CcLober
1hls way, we argue, morLgaged homeownershlp became cenLral ln enrolllng blologlcal llfe
lnLo Lhe process of renL exLracLlon, ln Lwo dlsLlncL ways. llrsL, by maklng hundreds of
Lhousands of llvellhoods 'morLgaged', LhaL ls, dlrecLly dependenL on Lhe success or fallure of
caplLal accumulaLlon sLraLegles rooLed ln Lhe bullL envlronmenL. Second, by produclng
hundreds of Lhousands of lndebLed sub[ecLs who have Lo be embedded conLlnuously ln Lhe
producLlon process ln order Lo meeL Lhelr debL obllgaLlons, and who ofLen remaln lndebLed
even afLer Lhey are evlcLed from Lhe home Lhey used Lo own."
Chr|stak|s Georg|ou
wbot ls to be Jooe oboot tbe u? 5ltootloq tbe Jebote lo tbe looq-tetm teoJeocles bebloJ
otopeoo oolflcotloo
"1he lasL four years have seen Lhe morphlng of Lhe economlc crlsls unleashed ln 2007/8
lnLo a soverelgn debL crlsls LhaL lnlLlally led Lo wlld speculaLlon abouL Lhe collapse of Lhe
eurozone only for LhaL speculaLlon Lo sLeadlly dle down as of SepLember 2012 and Lhe LC8's
expllclL slgnalllng LhaL such a prospecL was noL concelvable. 1he speculaLlve dlmenslon of
Lhe eurozone crlsls ls now over, and Lhls has creaLed condlLlons (collapslng soverelgn bond
yleld spreads) LhaL wlll only qulcken Lhe pace aL whlch Lhe real eurozone crlsls - le Lhe
compeLlLlveness spllL beLween credlLor and debLor member sLaLes - wlll be flxed by Lhe
Luropean bourgeolsle(s).
1he eurozone crlsls has spawned a correspondlng pollLlcal crlsls whlch has Lwo dlmenslons.
Cne has been Lhe plLLlng of credlLor member sLaLes agalnsL debLor member sLaLes. AnoLher
has been Lhe resurgence of euroscepLlclsm - a phenomenon LhaL ebbs and flows wlLh Lhe
economlc forLunes of Luropean caplLallsm.
1he radlcal LefL has noL waLched Lhese developmenLs from Lhe sldellnes. A debaLe has
emerged abouL Lhe LefL's aLLlLude Lowards Lhe euro and Lhe Luropean unlon more broadly.
ulfferenL currenLs have developed dlverglng, lf noL ouLrlghL confllcLlng, aLLlLudes. Some
argue Lhe LefL has Lo campalgn for more flscal federallsm so LhaL Lransfers can be organlsed
from credlLor Lo debLor sLaLes (elLher Lhrough offlclal debL resLrucLurlng or a eurozone
budgeL) whlle oLhers argue for wlLhdrawal from Lhe eurozone and even Lhe Lu and a
sLraLegy of naLlonal economlc developmenL ln Lhe member sLaLes ln whlch Lhe radlcal LefL
can Lake power. 1he problem wlLh Lhese debaLes ls Lhe general volunLarlsm ln whlch
argumenLs are plLched. 1hls ls also reflecLed ln Lhe facL LhaL many on Lhe LefL followed Lhe
speculaLors ln 2010/12 ln expecLlng a eurozone lmploslon. WhaL l wanL Lo do ln Lhls
conLrlbuLlon ls slLuaLe Lhe quesLlon of Luropean unlflcaLlon ln a longLerm perspecLlve. l sLarL
by Lelllng Lhe sLory of how Lhe problem of conLlnenLal unlflcaLlon emerged ln Lhe laLe
nlneLeenLh cenLury and Lhen gave rlse Lo a long Luropean clvll war ln Lhe flrsL half of Lhe
LwenLleLh cenLury. l Lhen presenL Lhe poslLlon adopLed by Lhe CommunlsL lnLernaLlonal ln
1923 wlLh regards Lo Lhe lssue as well as 1roLsky's raLlonale for lL. 1he Lhlrd parL of Lhe
conLrlbuLlon deals wlLh Lhe unlflcaLlon from above" soluLlon LhaL was provlded Lo Lhe
problem ln Lhe early flfLles by Lhe lrench and Cerman bourgeolsles and skeLches how LhaL
process has unfolded over Lhe pasL slxLy or so years. l conclude wlLh a few conslderaLlons on
whaL Lhls enLalls for Lhe LefL's aLLlLude Lowards Lhe Lu as well as Lhe prospecLs of Lhe
process of unlflcaLlon from above" ln Lhe comlng decade or so."
ko[a Ghahar|
womeo ooJet tbe ltooloo welfote 5ystem. cbotlty ooJ coottol "womeo ooJet tbe ltooloo
welfote 5ystem. cbotlty ooJ coottol
1hls paper wlll examlne Lhe role LhaL Lhe lranlan welfare sysLem (lslamlc charlLles and
lncome redlsLrlbuLlon pollcles) has played ln Lhe maklng and malnLenance of Lhe lslamlc
8epubllc of lran. Speclflcally, Lhe lmpacL of Lhe lranlan soclal safeLy neL ln promoLlng gender
roles wlll be assessed.
Challenglng Lhe vlews of Lhe lslamlc 8epubllc as an archalc fundamenLallsL reglme or an anLl
lmperlallsL sLaLe, Lhls paper wlll draw aLLenLlon Lo how neollberal sLraLegles have
manlfesLed Lhemselves, albelL ln dlfferenL ways, ln lran ln Lhe pasL 30 years. AlLhough lL ls
clalmed LhaL lran has noL been lnLegraLed lnLo global caplLallsm, many of Lhe same
Lendencles observed ln oLher caplLallsL counLrles- prlvaLlzaLlon, welfare sLaLe reLrenchmenL,
and oLher general feaLures of neollberal caplLallsm -have maLerlallzed ln lran. 1he
dual/parallel welfare sysLem of corporaLlsL lnsLlLuLlons and parasLaLal organlzaLlons, able Lo
LargeL boLh Lhe mlddle class and Lhe poorer populaLlon, Lrles Lo allevlaLe Lhe lmpacLs of
varlous neo-llberal pollcles. 1he closer examlnaLlon of Lhe welfare sysLem, however, wlll
demonsLraLe lLs gendered characLer and Lhe speclflc ways LhaL lL relnforces gender
hlerarchles, paclfles dlssenL and malnLalns Lhe reglme's ldeologlcal hegemony."
araskev| G|kopou|ou
1be Cteek commoolst 5ttoqqle ooJ lts 5opptessloo. lteloJe to Cteeces klqbt-wloq lolltlcs,
1hls paper examlnes Lhe condlLlons under whlch Lhe lefL-wlng reslsLance ln Creece was
oppressed and suppressed durlng Lhe llberaLlon perlod and unLll Lhe offlclal clvll war begun
ln 1946-1949. l seek Lo examlne vla archlval documenLs and hlsLorlcal LexLs Lhe relaLlonshlp
beLween Lhe armed and pollLlcal sLruggle of Lhe CommunlsL arLy of Creece (kkL), and how
Lhls sLruggle was negaLed by Lhe Allled forces and Lhe nazl CollaboraLors ln Lhe posL-war
era. 1hls exploraLlon enables us Lo comprehend clearly Lhe mechanlsms under whlch a
young Luropean counLry of Lhe Llme such as Creece enLered a famlly of caplLallsL and llberal
values aL Lhe expense of a lefL-wlng popular movemenL LhaL was galnlng masslve supporL. A
dlalogue beLween Lhe 8rlLlsh lorelgn pollcy, Creek bourgeols pollLlclans, Creek monarcho-
fasclsLs and collaboraLors wlll be dlscussed so as Lo see how rlghL-wlng values selzed power
by force afLer Lhe war was over so as Lo keep Creece wlLhln Lhe wesLern sphere of lnfluence.
Iam|e Gough
1be ctlsls lo 8tltolo sloce 2007. wby bos tbe teslstooce so fot beeo weok, ooJ tbe posslbllltles
fot o soclollst tespoose
"1hls paper explores Lhe evoluLlon of Lhe crlsls ln 8rlLaln slnce 2007. My analysls sees
neollberallsm as a loglcal sLraLegy for caplLal Lo ralse value creaLlons and proflLablllLy, as
neverLheless lnvolvlng severe conLradlcLlons for caplLal, and as conslsLlng of class sLruggle.
neollberallsm Lherefore has deep loglc buL no sLable forms.
8rlLlsh governmenLs from 1990 Lo 2010 developed a 'neollberallsm wlLh soclal-democraLlc
elemenLs'. 1hls reflecLed conLradlcLlons for caplLal Lhrown up by 1980s neollberallsm, ln Lhe
manlfesL eroslon of producLlon and reproducLlon. Soclal democraLlc elemenLs could be
afforded because of Lhe 'booms' of Lhe mld-1990s and mld-2000s susLalned by credlL
expanslon. 8uL Lhe laLLer wenL lnLo crlsls ln 2007-8. ln response, 8rlLlsh caplLal has
embarked on a new sLraLegy of devalorlsaLlon and ralslng Lhe raLe of explolLaLlon, desplLe
knowlng Lhe problems Lhls may evenLually lead Lo ln producLlve lnefflclency and pollLlcal
1he burden of Lhe crlsls has, consequenLly, fallen enLlrely on Lhe worklng class. Why, Lhen,
has reslsLance slnce 2008 so far been weak? 1he aLLacks ln Lhe prlvaLe secLor have been
meL wlLh almosL no reslsLance from workers and Lrade unlons. 8eslsLance Lo Lhe cuLs ln Lhe
publlc secLor have so far been llmlLed Lo some Lrade unlon acLlons, buL wlLhouL successes.
An explanaLlon lncludes Lhe soclal-culLural changes ln Lhe 8rlLlsh worklng class effecLed by
neollberallsm over 30 years. 8uL lL also lnvolves Lhe feLlshlsLlc and relfylng forms of Lhls
parLlcular crlsls: Lhe orlgln of Lhe recesslon, and Lhe governmenL's excuse for publlc
spendlng cuLs, ln a 'flnanclal crlsls'. Slnce Lhe Labour arLy accepLs Lhese feLlshlsLlc forms, lL
ls lncapable of opposlng ausLerlLy.
1hls suggesLs LhaL bulldlng successful reslsLance Lo ausLerlLy needs Lhe worklng class
movemenL Lo address head-on Lhe value forms of Lhe crlsls. 1hls can be done Lhrough
LranslLlonal demands around employmenL, wages, work lnLenslLy, publlc servlces, sLaLe
beneflLs, LaxaLlon of caplLal and ecology."
h|| Gr|ff|ths
1be closs otlqlos of tbe wblte Aosttollo pollcy
"lor much of Lhe LwenLleLh cenLury, AusLrallan raclsm revolved around Lhe ldea of a
""whlLe"" naLlon, proLecLed by a governmenL pollcy LhaL excluded non-whlLe lmmlgranLs.
1hls was a pollcy LhaL was wldely seen as havlng lLs orlglns ln worklng class moblllsaLlon and
lLs purpose ln proLecLlng worklng class lnLeresLs. 1hls ls, of course, ludlcrous, buL so
hegemonlc LhaL no scholar (or acLlvlsL) aLLempLed Lo research any posslble rullng class
agenda behlnd Lhe WhlLe AusLralla pollcy. lnsLead, Lhere has been an ldeallsL Lurn, as more
recenL hlsLorlans have presenLed Lhe pollcy as drlven by raclsm, or more recenLly, by
""whlLeness"", as lf raclsm or whlLeness Lhemselves dld noL need Lo be explalned and
1hls paper wlll aLLempL Lo reclalm a maLerlallsL undersLandlng of Lhls lmporLanL example of
wesLern raclsm, by ouLllnlng Lhree core bourgeols agendas LhaL led Lhe domlnanL elemenLs
ln Lhe rullng class Lo push Lhrough Lhe excluslon of, flrsL, Chlnese lmmlgranLs, and laLer all
non-whlLes. ln Lhe process, lL wlll suggesL a way of undersLandlng Lhe domlnanL rullng class
sLraLegy for Lhe developmenL of AusLrallan caplLallsm, from Lhe laLe nlneLeenLh cenLury
unLll Lhe early 1970s."
au| Gu||||bert
copltollsm ooJ tbe "spoce-tlme opptoptlotloo"
"1he naLure-socleLy meLabollc rlfL and Lhe developmenL of raLlonal agrlculLure ln Lhe
counLrles of Lhe caplLallsL core go hand ln hand wlLh Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of an unequal
ecologlcal exchange, whlch Marx already descrlbed regardlng guano lmporLs from eru
durlng Lhe 1830's. (Marx, 2009 , losLer, 2000). CounLrles of Lhe caplLallsL core clalm
ownershlp over naLural spaces (Lhose of colonlzed counLrles or under lmperlal domlnaLlon)
as well as embodled labour worklng-Llme ln order Lo compensaLe for loss ln soll ferLlllLy. Alf
Pornborg descrlbes Lhls double process as space-Llme approprlaLlon" (Pornborg, 2003). lor
Pornborg - as well as a number of oLher auLhors (Pornborg, Mcnelll, MarLlnez-Aller, 2007)-,
Lhe generallzaLlon of Marx's unequal ecologlcal exchange hypoLhesls ln enabled by
references Lo Lhe dependency Lheory and Lhe world-sysLem analysls paradlgm. ln Lhls
presenLaLlon, our alm ls Lo dlscuss Lhe perLlnence of world-sysLem Lheorles ln order Lo
address Lhe quesLlon of unequal ecologlcal exchange by engaglng a dlscusslon wlLh classlcal
lmperlallsm Lheorles. lndeed, world-sysLem Lheorles offer perLlnenL elaboraLlons LhaL
enable Lo conslder Lhe naLure-socleLy meLabollc rlfL on a global scale (Moore, 2003), buL
Lhey seem Lo fall Lo address forms of colonlal-lmperlal predaLlon LhaL guaranLee commerclal
domlnaLlon of counLrles of Lhe caplLallsL core and favour caplLallsL concenLraLlon (Marx,
2009 , uavls, 2001).
kodr|go Gu|maraes Nunes
8etweeo closttes ooJ leolo. leoJetsblp ooJ sttoteqy lo oetwotkeJ movemeots
Whlle lL ls noL accuraLe Lo descrlbe Lhe klnds of movemenLs LhaL have lrrupLed around Lhe
world ln Lhe lasL four years as 'leaderless', lL ls noL far-feLched Lo see parallels beLween Lhe
ways ln whlch leadershlp manlfesLs lLself ln Lhem and lerre ClasLres' porLrayal of power ln
lndlgenous socleLles. 1he dlsLrlbuLed leadershlp characLerlsLlc of Loday's neLworked
movemenLs enLalls aL once a permanenLly open posslblllLy for leaders Lo emerge, and
placlng leadershlp under Lhe requlremenL of consLanL leglLlmaLlon, puLLlng a check on lLs
developmenL. Whlle Lhe laLLer ls no doubL a good Lhlng ln many respecLs (e.g., effecLlvely
funcLlonlng as an lnformal recall mechanlsm), lL can also curb Lhe sLraLeglc capaclLles of
Lhese movemenLs. ln Lhls paper, l seek aL flrsL Lo develop a model of how dlsLrlbuLed
leadershlp funcLlons, comparlng lL wlLh ClasLres' work ln pollLlcal anLhropology. l Lhen
submlL lL Lo quesLlons on sLraLegy and leadershlp ralsed from wlLhln Lhe MarxlsL-LenlnlsL
LradlLlon, ln order Lo ask wheLher lL ls posslble for neLworked movemenLs Lo address Lhose
quesLlon, and how. WhaL arlses ls Lhe posslblllLy of Lhere acLually belng someLhlng beLween
ClasLres and Lenln, raLher Lhan a merely dls[uncLlve cholce beLween one or Lhe oLher.
I. n. |tts
lotm-qlvloq flte. cteotlve loJosttles os Motxs wotk of combostloo
CaplLallsm sLruggles agalnsL Lhe uncerLalnLy of exchange: valorlsaLlon depends upon goods
and servlces aLLalnlng commodlLy sLaLus by selllng for money. value ls sub[ecL Lo Lhls
valldaLlon. l conLend LhaL Lhe caplLallsL use of adverLlslng, deslgn and brandlng ls among Lhe
mosL lmporLanL means by whlch Lhe posslblllLy of Lhls valldaLlon ls guaranLeed. l argue LhaL
Lhese pracLlces, LradlLlonally seen as perlpheral Lo Lhe producLlon of value, may acLually be
lndlspensable Lo lL. 1hls clalm ls based on a re-readlng of Lhe dlscusslon of producLlve and
unproducLlve labour found ln Marx's mosL dlrecL LreaLmenL of Lhe quesLlon of 'clrculaLlon
work', ln CaplLal vol. 2. SlLuaLlng Lhe dlsLlncLlon beLween producLlve and unproducLlve
labour as lnLernal raLher Lhan prlor Lo Lhe law of value, l quesLlon Lhe demarcaLlon of
'producLlon' and 'reallsaLlon' whlch has been used Lo relegaLe clrculaLlon work Lo an
anclllary funcLlon. ln maklng posslble Lhe condlLlons for Lhe conLlnued 'reallsaLlon' of value
ln Lhe face of uncerLalnLy, Lhe servlces of adverLlslng, deslgn and brandlng recrulLed by
caplLallsLs Lo sLave off Lhe posslblllLy of non-valldaLlon slmulLaneously secure Lhe basls for
value Lo exlsL aL all. ln a cllmaLe of lncreaslng lnsLablllLy, Lhese secLors are Lherefore cruclal
Lo caplLallsm's survlval.
eter na||ward
Coy lotJteoo ooJ lolltlcol wlll
"Cuy Lardreau was a leadlng flgure of Lhe Cauche proleLarlenne, and hls under-appreclaLed
book Le Slnge d'or (1973) ls ofLen and rlghLly recognlsed as Lhe mosL lmporLanL and
sympLomaLlc phllosophlcal work Lo emerge from Lhe lrench MaolsL currenL ln Lhe years
lmmedlaLely followlng May 1968. ln Lhe mld 1970s, mosL noLably ln Lhe ldlosyncraLlc book
L'Ange (1976) LhaL he co-auLhored wlLh ChrlsLlan !ambeL, Lardreau abandoned hls
remarkably sLrldenL verslon of Maolsm ln favour of poslLlons LhaL soon broughL hlm close Lo
Lhe reacLlonary llberallsm of Lhe 'nouvelle phllosophle'. 1hls paper wlll assess boLh Lhe force
and frallLy of Lardreau's early neo-8ousseaulsL volunLarlsm, before conslderlng Lhe pecullar
form and lmpllcaLlons of hls subsequenL self-crlLlclsm.
8arbara narr|ss-Wh|te
1owotJs o lowet cotboo oqtlcoltote. Ao expetlemeot lo expett ooJ sltooteJ koowleJqe lo
1he comlng phase of agrarlan LransformaLlon wlll have Lo engage wlLh cllmaLe change wlLh
many lmpllcaLlons for meLhods for sLudylng agrarlan change. Whlle llLeraLures on
agrlculLure and cllmaLe change currenLly focus on adapLaLlon Lo dlsmal fuLure scenarlos and
whlle Lhe agrlculLural sclence esLabllshmenL awalLs a geneLlc revoluLlon led by prlvaLe
caplLal, Lhls paper reporLs on Lhe publlc pollcy lmpllcaLlons for mlLlgaLlon of a pro[ecL
measurlng envlronmenLal and soclal aspecLs of Lhe agrarlan economy.
LnvlronmenLal facLors lnclude greenhouse gases (CPCs), energy and waLer, soclal facLors
focus on Lhe quanLlLy and quallLy of work, and Lhe Lhlrd, economlc, elemenL ls consLlLuLed
Lhrough a sysLemaLlc analysls of markeL and soclal cosLs and reLurns. 1he case maLerlal ls
rlce, ln four producLlon-dlsLrlbuLlon sysLems ln L/SL lndla: lnLenslve, raln-fed, sysLems of
rlce lnLenslflcaLlon (S8l), and organlc.
AfLer synergles and Lrade-offs beLween Lhe envlronmenLal, soclal and economlc parameLers
of agrlculLure have been measured/calculaLed, four Lechnologlcal posslblllLles whlch would
help Lhe LranslLlon Lowards lower carbon agrlculLure have been ldenLlfled. 1hese are ralnfed
rlce producLlon, S8l, solar pumps and halvlng 1 and u losses ln Lhe elecLrlclLy grld.
1echnologlcal alLernaLlves are generally evaluaLed uslng soclal cosL-beneflL analysls from
economlcs ((S)C8A) ln whlch all cosLs and beneflLs are reduced Lo 8s / . Pavlng crlLlclsed
Lhls orLhodox approach, Lhe experlmenL reporLed here uses a dlfferenL meLhod, derlved
from mulLl-crlLerla analysls whlch orlglnaLed ln englneerlng and has been champloned and
developed by Sussex unlverslLy researchers. MulLl crlLerla mapplng (MCM) enables a
rlgorous soclo-pollLlcal-economlc evaluaLlon of alLernaLlves accordlng Lo crlLerla whlch
cannoL be reduced Lo 8s/ and are Lhus lncommensurable. 1he lncommensurable crlLerla ln
Lhls exerclse are cosLs, work relaLlons/ labour process and CPCs.
1he resulLs of an experlmenLal appllcaLlon of Lhls meLhod ln Lwo languages (Lngllsh and
1amll) compare and conLrasL Lhe evaluaLlons of a seL of experL 'sLakeholders' from an ellLe
class: Lhe urban lnLelllgenLsla (sclenLlsLs, rural developmenL researchers, publlc
pollcymakers, bankers, buslness managers and enLrepreneurs, envlronmenLal [ournallsLs,
and nCC acLlvlsLs (41female)) wlLh Lhose of a 'subalLern' class: a seL of rural producers
wlLh slLuaLed knowledge and dlrecL experlence (peLLy producers and landless agrlculLural
labourers (48female))."
Dan|e| nart|ey
lot o Motxlst-lemlolst loetlcs of tbe Aotbtopoceoe
1he name AnLhropocene," and Lhe Lheorles of human hlsLory lL lmplles, equlvocaLes
beLween humanlsm and Lechnologlcal deLermlnlsm (ls lL humans who have produced Lhe
AnLhropocene or Lhe machlnes Lhey have lnvenLed?). lL also poLenLlally lmplles a
homogeneous, lnLernally undlfferenLlaLed proLagonlsL - Lhe so-called anLhropos" - Lhereby
masklng hlsLorlcal class anLagonlsms. 1o a cerLaln exLenL, Lhe MarxlsL LradlLlon shares some
of Lhe dlfflculLles of represenLaLlon found ln Lhe dlscourse on Lhe AnLhropocene": Lhe more
a SplnozlsL-cum-ueleuzlan Marxlsm emphaslses Lhe mode of producLlon as an (lmmanenL
and non-human) assemblage, Lhe more dlfflculL lL becomes Lo produce dlachronlc narraLlves
sLrucLured around conLradlcLlons and anLagonlsms, on Lhe oLher hand, Lhe more one
narraLes human hlsLory ln Lerms of class anLagonlsm (an elemenL usually mlsslng from
sclenLlflc wrlLlngs on Lhe AnLhropocene) Lhe more one reproduces Lhe human-as-
proLagonlsL argumenL (and hence resldual humanlsm) of Lhe anLhropos." 1hls paper alms
Lo explore Lhese baslc problems ln order Lo suggesL Lhe ways ln whlch our represenLaLlons
of Lhe AnLhropocene" wlll dlrecLly affecL our pollLlcal pracLlces ln and Lowards lL. lL clalms
LhaL Lhe absLracLly concelved sLruggle beLween man" and naLure" cannoL be overcome
unLll class anLagonlsms lnLernal Lo socleLy have been resolved. Moreover, because of Lhe
early Marx's unlque concepLlon of Lhe male-female relaLlon as Lhe puresL medlaLlon
beLween man [Mensch] and (hlsLorlclzed) naLure, lL argues LhaL a MarxlsL pollLlcs of Lhe
AnLhropocene" - lndeed, MarxlsL pollLlcs LouL courL - musL have femlnlsm aL lLs hearL. 1he
AnLhropos" should be undersLood, noL as a facL, buL as a regulaLlve ldea whose reallzaLlon
would requlre unlversal emanclpaLlon.
Lva nartmann
competltlve sollJotlty ooJ tbe otopeoolsotloo of tbe ptofessloos
"CrlLlcal scholars of Luropean SLudles polnL ouL LhaL Lhe Lu ls ordo-llberal raLher Lhan neo-
llberal ln lLs orlenLaLlon. Along Lhe llnes of a Cramsclan accounL of Lhe ldeaLlonal dlmenslon
of power we can conslder ordo-llberal prlnclples as belng aL Lhe hearL of Lhe emerglng
Luropean eLhlco-pollLlcal pro[ecL almlng Lo esLabllsh a new hegemony.
Powever, Lhe crlLlcal accounLs of ordo-llberallsm have provlded llLLle lnslghLs so far lnLo
changes of Lhe soclal formaLlon lnduced by Luropean compeLlLlon and underplnnlng Lhe
new hegemony. 1hls paper lnLends Lo overcome Lhls shorLcomlng. lL lnLerrelaLes economlc
soclology and sLaLe Lheory wlLh a vlew Lo deepenlng our undersLandlng of Lhe caplLal's
capaclLy Lo survlve.
1he flrsL parL Lhe paper wlll furLher reflne Lhls llne of reasonlng by drawlng on lnslghLs
provlded by Lhe soclology of professlons and develops Lhe noLlon of compeLlLlve solldarlLy.
1hls fleld of sLudy connecLs professlons Lo broad soclologlcal lssues such as: occupaLlonal
closure, soclal sLraLlflcaLlon, sLaLe formaLlon and Lhe developmenL of a caplLallsL economlc
order. AgalnsL Lhls LheoreLlcal backdrop, Lhe paper examlnes, on more emplrlcal grounds,
Lhe Lu efforLs Lo brlng professlonal servlces wlLhln Lhe amblL of Lhe CommunlLy rules on
compeLlLlon and Lhe lmpllcaLlon Lhls has for exlsLlng medlaLlng mechanlsms and soclal
bonds organlsed Lhrough Lhe professlons."
Stephen nast|ngs-k|ng
5oclollsme oo 8otbotle ooJ tbe cootempototy ltoject of Aotooomy
1hls paper argues LhaL approaches drawn from Soclallsme ou 8arbarle can serve as
LemplaLes for ways Lo make Lhe soclo-cognlLlve paralysls of Lhe domlnanL neo-llberal
lmaglnary and paLLerns of reslsLance Lo lL avallable for a pro[ecL of auLonomy. 1he paper
emphaslzes Lhe soclologlcal orlenLaLlon of Lhe group's work, whlch enabled adapLaLlon of
radlcal pollLlcs Lo Lhe changlng geographles and organlzaLlon of caplLallsm of Lhe 1930s and
early 60s. S8 focused on Lhe close analysls of relaLlons of producLlon Lo lsolaLe lnformal
paLLerns of asslmllaLlon and reslsLance Lo lordlsL producLlon deslgn and Lechnologlcal
organlzaLlon. 1helr laLer noLlon of LoLal soclal crlsls leaned on Lhe earller, granular analyses
of worker experlence along wlLh a model drawn from Lhe Pungarlan 8evoluLlon Lo orlenL
exploraLlon of newer forms of soclal conLesLaLlon. Slnce 1967, Lhe gradual collapse of Lhe
MarxlsL lmaglnary has pulled down an enLlre language ln Lerms of whlch collecLlve deslres
for emanclpaLlon mlghL have been arLlculaLed. 1hls slLuaLlon ls whaL separaLes us from S8.
We face sLarLlng over. Much recenL acLlvlLy lgnores work and relaLed modes of experlence.
ln so dolng, opposlLlon Lo Lhe domlnanL caplLallsL lmaglnary deprlves lLself of a necessary
descrlpLlve base and undermlnes new LheoreLlcal approaches.
M|chae| naynes
Neo-llbetollsm ooJ tbe ctlmoqeolc uolvetslty
"1hls paper argues LhaL as mass hlgher educaLlon has developed so Lhe form of Lhe
unlverslLy has changed. ln recenL decades ln socleLles llke Lhe uk Lhls change as led Lo
unlverslLles comlng Lo have an lncreaslngly crlmogenlc form. unlverslLles are expecLed Lo
operaLe and seL goals for Lhemselves LhaL appear Lo be of Lhe mosL worLhy and eLhlcal klnd
buL Lhelr day Lo day pracLlces mean LhaL Lhey musL and do rouLlnely vlolaLe Lhese. Moreover
a case can be made LhaL Lhese vlolaLlons are as susLalned and egreglous as many of Lhe
acLlvlLles LhaL oLher buslnesses are condemned for dolng. SLaffs llve ouL Lhese
conLradlcLlons on a dally basls and are expecLed Lo be compllclL ln Lhem even Lhough Lhey
know LhaL lf exposed Lhe lnsLlLuLlon ls more llkely Lo condemn and dlsmlss Lhem Lhan
address Lhe underlylng pressures LhaL Lhey are respondlng Lo.
8eslsLlng Lhls requlres a relnvlgoraLlon of crlLlcal Lhlnklng and more vlgorous workplace
reslsLance LhaL overcomes Lhe secLlonallsm LhaL characLerlses Lhe hlgher educaLlon
workforce. lL also requlres sLronger llnks exLernally and a more engaged role of academlcs
as crlLlcal publlc lnLellecLuals. We brlefly skeLch how Lhe role of Lhe unlverslLy has
developed wlLh pressures Lo commodlfy and markeLlse Lhe unlverslLy creaLlng a form of
academlc caplLallsm. We Lhen looks aL some of Lhe llllclL acLlvlLles lnvolved ln Lhe
recrulLmenL, Leachlng and assessmenL of sLudenLs, research pracLlces, and Lhe runnlng of
Lhe lnsLlLuLlons Lhemselves. 1he flnal parL rehearses some of Lhe argumenLs abouL
engagemenL and Lhe ways ln whlch Lhe space for crlLlcal dlscusslon and acLlvlsm mlghL be
defended and opened up."
Iames neartf|e|d
1be Moocbestet wotkets, tbe u5 clvll wot, ooJ tbe foooJloq of tbe lwMA
"Ld Pooson and !ohn Ldwards launched Lhe unlon LmanclpaLlon SocleLy ln ManchesLer ln
1862, bulldlng solldarlLy wlLh Lhe unlon and Llncoln ln Lhe Amerlcan Clvll War. 1helr
campalgn across Lhe mlll Lowns of Lancashlre helped sLop Lords 8ussell and almersLon
from [olnlng Lhe war on Lhe slde of Lhe Confederacy.
karl Marx [olned Lhelr campalgn, organlslng meeLlngs ln London, wlLh Lhe men who would
go on Lo found Lhe lnLernaLlonal Worklng Men's AssoclaLlon. urawlng on Lhe maLerlal
researched for Lhe pamphleL 8rlLlsh Workers and Lhe uS Clvll War, Lhls lnLroducLlon wlll
show how lnLernaLlonal solldarlLy helped Lo re-launch Lhe workers movemenL ln 8rlLaln, and
lnfluence lL ln Lhe world."
au| ne|deman & Ionah 8|rch
wbot uoes lt Meoo to coll Neollbetollsm o closs ltoject?
"lor Lhe MarxlsL lefL, lL ls axlomaLlc LhaL Lhe ""neollberal"" resLrucLurlng of world caplLallsm
durlng Lhe pasL LhlrLy years has been a class pro[ecL, pursued ln Lhe lnLeresLs of caplLal (or
fracLlons Lhereof). lor much of Lhe pasL Lwo decades, Lhls undersLandlng has been
challenged by Lhe lnsLlLuLlonal scholarshlp on comparaLlve caplLallsm. 1he lnsLlLuLlonallsL
llLeraLure on recenL changes ln advanced caplLallsm has sLressed Lhe polnL LhaL ln many
reglons, key reform efforLs have been launched elLher Lhrough negoLlaLed agreemenLs and
cross-class alllances beLween buslness and labor, or alLernaLely wlLhouL Lhe dlrecL
lnLervenLlon of flrms or Lhelr lnLeresL-group represenLaLlves. ln facL, soclal sclence
researchers have polnLed ouL, employers have ofLen lacked Lhe pollLlcal wlll or
organlzaLlonal wherewlLhal Lo oversee neollberallsm, glven LhaL Lhey have ln many cases
been dlsorganlzed Lo an even greaLer exLenL Lhan labor.
WhaL Lhen does lL mean Lo call neollberallsm a class pro[ecL? l wlll argue LhaL Lhe class
conLexL of Lhe neollberal Lra[ecLory of caplLallsL pollLlcal economles reflecLs lLs dlsparaLe
lmpacL on Lhe relaLlve power of class acLors, as opposed Lo Lhe naLure of Lhe agenLs LhaL
have drlven lL. 1he dlrecLlonallLy of recenL changes ln advanced caplLallsm has been
deLermlned noL by Lhe organlzed or consclous lnLervenLlon of any parLlcular soclal or
pollLlcal force, buL raLher by Lhe sLrucLural lmperaLlves faclng buslness, labor, and Lhe sLaLe,
and Lhe way Lhese have shaped responses Lo alLered condlLlons of caplLal accumulaLlon
slnce Lhe 1970s."
Chr|stoph nenn|ng
Alleootloo. uefeoJloq tbe closslcol 1beoty wltb oew otqomeots
"Marx analyzed allenaLlon as an exLernallsaLlon and mlsapproprlaLlon of human poLenLlals.
1hls Lheory ls sLralghLforward - so much so LhaL ls has been absorbed lnLo Lhe
phllosophlcal malnsLream, e.g. of Charles 1aylor and even !rgen Pabermas, under Lhe gulse
of Lhe concepL of 'expresslvlsm'. lronlcally, however, aL Lhe Llme of Lhls 'Lrlumph' many
MarxlsLs and CrlLlcal LheorlsLs of Lhe laLe 20Lh cenLury abandonded Lhe concepL, followlng
AlLhusser's and loucaulL's anLl-essenLlallsL sLance lnsLead, forsaklng Lhe chance Lo sLrlve for
an lnLellecLual 'hegemony'. Lven more lronlcally, Lhls refusal Lo Lake on Lhe humanlsLlc
herlLage of CrlLlcal Marxlsm doveLalled wlLh a posLmodernlsL resurgence of 'poslLlve'
Lheorles of allenaLlon. lnfluenced by Lhe Soclology of Ceorg Slmmel, scholars of
hllosophlcal anLhropology (e.g. Arnold Cehlen or PelmuLh lessner) or SysLem Lheory
(nlklas Luhmann), Lhese Lheorles argue LhaL allenaLlon ls Lhe prlce of modern freedom - or
even lLs condlLlon: lL cuLs Lhe bonds Lo LradlLlonal auLhorlLles and enables lndlvlduals Lo llve
accordlng Lo Lhelr own plans. 1hls modernlsL 'appeal' of allenaLlon parLly explalns why
caplLallsL culLure ls so perslsLlng: lL ls noL necessarlly 'false consclousness' Lo accepL a
commodlfled culLure and llfesLyle, lL may also be Lhe resulL of a qulLe reflecLlve cholce. Pere
my paper wanLs Lo ask: WhaL klnd of argumenLs does Marxlsm have Lo offer agalnsL Lhese
Lwo sLrands of LhoughL (posLmodernlsL anLl-essenLlallsm and posL-crlLlcal lronlclsm)? 8ased
on new research ln varlous flelds (such as bloeLhlcs or soclology of global labor) l wlll argue
LhaL Lhe classlcal Lheory of allenaLlon sLlll has explanaLory power, lf applled conslsLenLly. ln a
globallsed neollberallsm, many people suffer even more from processes of allenaLlon Lhen
before. 1he only dlfflculLy ls Lo demonsLraLe concepLually ln whlch way Lhese new
phenomena 'flL' Lhe old concepL, and why lL makes sense Lo do connecL new phenomena
wlLh new concepLs aL all.
Lars nenr|ksson
Aoto wotkets coo 5ove tbe wotlJ
"1he dlvlde beLween unlons defendlng [obs and lndlvlduals and organlzaLlons quesLlonlng
Lhe envlronmenLal lmpacL of varlous lndusLrles and producLs ls old. 1he currenL dual crlsls of
economy and cllmaLe ls slmulLaneously sharpenlng Lhls Lenslon and calllng for a soluLlon as
lL becomes obvlous LhaL envlronmenLal lssues, far from belng luxury problems, are
fundamenLal Lo our survlval.
1hls ls speclally evldenL ln Lhe auLo lndusLry. 8oad LransporLs are responslble for a blg and
growlng share of Lhe green house gas emlsslons and all measures Lo reduce Lhese emlsslons
have been ouLwelghed by Lhe ever lncreaslng road Lrafflc. ConLlnued mass auLo LranslL ls
noL a susLalnable sysLem, noL Lhe one LhaL exlsLs Loday and even less so lf Lhe car denslLy of
Lhe lndusLrlallzed counLrles would be globallzed.
1he credlL crunch of 2008 Lrlggered a crlsls of overproducLlon LhaL had been endemlc ln Lhe
auLo lndusLry for a long Llme. Worldwlde, unlons' response was supporL LoLhelr"
corporaLlons, ranglng from demands for sLaLe subsldles Lo conLracLual concesslons.
Lver slnce Lhen l've been argulng LhaL ln sLead of glvlng ln Lo Lhe false cholce beLween
"creaLlve desLrucLlon" and subsldlzed mass auLo LranslL, unlons could and should adopL and
organlze around demands for a converslon of Lhe auLo lndusLrlal complex.
1he auLo lndusLry ls a flexlble and versaLlle machlnery for mass producLlon of [usL abouL any
hlgh quallLy lndusLrlal goods. A naLlonallzed lndusLry could creaLe safe [obs and supply
socleLy wlLh Lhe goods needed Lo replace Lhe presenL fossll dependence.
Merely good argumenLs wlll noL be sufflclenL. lndusLry's maln lnLeresL ln a caplLallsL socleLy
ls expanslon and pursulL for proflL. 1he powers LhaL be wlll defend sLaLus quo, however
asoclal or desLrucLlve. 8eason has Lo be armed wlLh soclal muscles.
1he labor movemenL, and speclally unlons ln secLors where producLlon ls lnLrlnslcally
unsusLalnable, have a posslblllLy of becomlng an lmporLanL parL of Lhls necessary soclal
force ln LhaL Lhey have a dlrecL maLerlal lnLeresL ln a LransformaLlon, boLh Lo save [obs and
Lhe planeL. unlons consLlLuLe ln Lhemselves a sLrong soclal force and Lhey can become Lhe
hub of a broad movemenL lnvolvlng popular forces from Lhe whole of Lhe socleLy.
1he employees also have a flrsL hand knowledge LhaL ls essenLlal ln a converslon. ln
quesLlonlng Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe producLlon we also have an opporLunlLy Lo quesLlon and
Lransform our [obs LhaL have been deskllled and deprlved of conLenL for so long."
koc|o n|ra|do
closses of loboot expetleoce ooJ tespooJ to qteeo qtobs. ecooomlc coosepoeoces of
tettltotlollsotloo tbtooqb mooqtove coosetvotloo lo Nlomboto, 5eoeqol.
As land exproprlaLlon for Lhe expanslon of caplLal lncreases, a wlde range of scholars are
uslng MarxlsL Lerms such as prlmlLlve accumulaLlon and accumulaLlon by dlspossesslon Lo
descrlbe Lhese processes, lnLer alla Lhose sLudylng Lhe conservaLlon-caplLallsm nexus. 1hls ls
leadlng Lo revlsed crlLlques of Lhese concepLs as well as Lo a reLurn of Lhe agrarlan quesLlon
debaLe, ln parLlcular Lo an exploraLlon of Lhe soclo-economlc consequences of land grabs. 8y
sLudylng processes of economlc and pollLlcal change ln Lhe Slne Saloum uelLa, Senegal, Lhls
paper explores Lhe effecLs of a Lourlsm-orlenLed proLecLed area ln Lhe ways vlllagers are
securlng maLerlal reproducLlon. 1he paper argues LhaL raLher Lhan slmply drlvlng vlllagers
lnLo a class caLegory of producers explolLed by Lhe caplLallsL class, green grabs are
conLrlbuLlng Lo perpeLuaLe a 'classes of labour' paLLern where vlllagers secure maLerlal
reproducLlon Lhrough a complex comblnaLlon of lnformal survlval acLlvlLles ln and ouL of
wage-labour. 1he paper also hlghllghLs Lhe need Lo look aL dlfferenLlaLlon beLween dlfferenL
peLLy commodlLy producers (ln relaLlon Lo caplLal and means of producLlon) ln order Lo
undersLand Lhe maLerlal consequences of land grabs as well as vlllagers' responses Lo Lhem.
Cwen no||and
Otwell's wloJows
When Lhe llberal humanlsL Mllan kundera aLLacked Ceorge Crwell's 1984 (1949) as an
example of pollLlcal LhoughL dlsgulsed as a novel" he dld so on Lhe grounds LhaL Lhere are
no wlndows" ln Lhe book. SLrlcLly speaklng, Lhls ls lncorrecL. 1he word appears preclsely
LhlrLy-Lhree Llmes ln 1984 - a polnL whlch one hopes was noL losL on Ceorgly uanellya, Lhe
dlrecLor of Lhe 1963 SovleL comedy 1hlrLy-1hree. Crwell's wlndows, far more Lhan Lhe
ublqulLous Lele-screens, refracL an apprehenslon abouL Lransparency whose llneage
encompasses, lnLer alla, vera's dream of a crysLal palace ln nlkolal Chernyshevsky's WhaL ls
Lo be uone (1863), lvan karamazov's legend of Lhe Crand lnqulslLor ln lyodor uosLoevsky's
phllosophlcal novel 1he 8roLhers karamazov (1880), Lhe glass-world of ?evgeny ZamyaLln's
We (1924), WalLer 8en[amln's fasclnaLlon wlLh Lhe glass consLrucLlons of nlneLeenLh-
cenLury arlslan arcades and LrnsL 8loch's rumlnaLlons on Lhe 8auhaus. Clrca 2014, llberal
humanlsL moblllsaLlons of dysLoplan wrlLlng as a dlsLorLed reflecLlon of an lmpuLed 'lefL
LoLallLarlanlsm' requlre some revlslon - parLlcularly as Lhe fanLasy of LoLal Lransparency can
now be seen Lo have seL ln place Lhe Lechnologlcal archlLecLure of a LwenLy-flrsL cenLury
LoLallLarlanlsm. WhaL Lhen, lf anyLhlng, do Crwell's wlndows have Lo Lell us abouL Lhe nSA?
A||sta|r no|mes
koce, closs & mplte lo 8tltolo. 18J7-1914
"1hls paper looks aL Lhe developmenL of raclsm ln 8rlLaln durlng Lhe vlcLorlan and
Ldwardlan perlods. 8eglnnlng ln Lhe shadow of abollLlon, l Lrace Lhe hardenlng of raclal
pre[udlce lnLo Lhe modern raclsm of 'sclence', Soclal uarwlnlsm and Lugenlcs. 8y looklng aL
Lhe experlence of 8lack, lrlsh and !ewlsh people llvlng ln and vlslLlng 8rlLaln l examlne Lhe
LwlsLlng evoluLlon of raclsm and Lhe consLrucLlon of whlLeness. Above all, Lhls reveals a
complex relaLlonshlp beLween class and race, wlLh raclsL Lropes ofLen orlglnaLlng ln
percepLlons abouL soclal class, and a lack of clear dlsLlncLlons beLween eLhnlclLy, blology and
'clvlllsaLlon' resulLlng ln anyLhlng buL Lhe esLabllshed 'black and whlLe' deflnlLlon of raclsm
we are famlllar wlLh Loday. l also look aL how dlscourses formed ln Lhe colonlal conLexL
came Lo lnform analyses of class dlvlslon aL home, and how anLl-colonlal reslsLance
lmpacLed on Lhe developmenL of ldeas ln Lhe meLropole. ollLlcal changes wlLhln 8rlLaln
poslLed Lhe need for an lncluslve naLlonallsm as an anLldoLe Lo Lhe dangers of soclallsm. AL
Lhe same Llme, growlng concerns abouL Lhe degeneraLlon and decllne of Lhe 'reslduum'
undermlned Lhe llberal ldeas of progress and clvlllsaLlon underplnnlng 8rlLlsh lmperlal
1he cenLral LhrusL of my argumenL ls LhaL far from belng deflned purely ln dlsLlncLlon Lo a
colonlal, non-whlLe oLher, Lhe varlous sLrands of raclsL ldeology prevalenL ln Lurn-of-Lhe-
cenLury 8rlLaln evolved as much ouL of schlsms wlLhln 8rlLlsh socleLy Lhan wlLhouL. MosL
lmporLanLly, Lhese developmenLs were borne of Lhe hlsLorlcally conLlngenL needs of 8rlLlsh
caplLallsm raLher Lhan a Lrans-hlsLorlcal dlvlslon beLween 'LasL' and 'WesL' embedded ln
WesLern LhoughL. ln Lurn, Lhe naLure of Lhls raclsm crysLalllsed Lhrough Lhe experlence of
pollLlcal change and reslsLance aL home and abroad, and Lhe pro[ecL of consLrucLlng a
unlfylng 8rlLlsh naLlonallsm ln Lhe conLexL of a global Lmplre."
ertt| nonkanen
Motx, Motbemotlcs ooJ New copltol-lectotes
ln Lhls paper some Lhesls of Lhe moneLary Lheory of value" are analysed and broughL lnLo
Lhe conLexL of broader dlscusslons of Lhe MarxlsL meLhodology.
ln recenL years ln MarxlsL dlscusslons much has been wrlLLen abouL new CaplLal LecLures".
lnLense sLudles of Lhe manuscrlpLs and wrlLlngs publlshed ln Lhe MLCA LdlLlon are one
source of lnsplraLlon. 1he dlscusslons and sLudles conslder many aspecLs of Lhe crlLlque of
pollLlcal economy, especlally Lhe meLhodology and Lhe Lheory of value. Cbvlously some
concluslons of Lhese sLudles are qulLe evldenL or generally approved. So lL can be sLressed
LhaL we cannoL ldenLlfy Lhe MarxlsL Lheory of value wlLh Lhe 8lcardlan Lheory of value. 1he
analysls of Lhe form of value and Lhe Lheory of money are an essenLlal parL of Lhe MarxlsL
Lheory of value. lL ls generally lgnored ln non-MarxlsL sLudles and also ofLen ln Lhe so-called
LradlLlonal Marxlsm.
neverLheless Lhere are some conLroversles and problems whlch need more analysls. 1he so-
called moneLary Lheory of value ls one conLroverslal llne ln Lhese lecLures. So Lhe Lhesls LhaL
absLracL labour Llme cannoL be measured wlLh clock and LhaL money ls Lhe only measure of
value, are, ln my oplnlon, quesLlonable. So ls also Lhe corollary, LhaL Lhe LoLal labour Llme of
socleLy cannoL be undersLood as some homogenous enLlLy.
lf Lhe absLracL labour Llme cannoL be measured or, more generally, lf lL ls noL a deflnlLe
quanLlLy, Lhe quanLlLaLlve relaLlons beLween prlces and values cannoL be analysed on
LheoreLlcal level. All dlscusslons abouL Lhe so-called LransformaLlon problem become
obsoleLe. lL ls also dlfflculL Lo make concluslons abouL Lhe dynamlcs of caplLallsm, lf
(absLracL) labour Llme ls a varlable, whlch cannoL be measured or deflned. Lven ln Lhe
elemenLary concepL of producLlvlLy of labour Lhe quanLlLaLlve deflnlLlon of labour Llme ls
lL seems Lo me LhaL ln Lhe crlLlque of Lhe LradlLlonal Marxlsm someLlmes Lhe chlld ls Lhrown
away wlLh Lhe washlng waLer. 1he confuslon of emplrlcal measuremenL of labour Llme and
LheoreLlcal undersLandlng value relaLlons ls, may be, one reason of Lhls phenomenon.
1hese quesLlons brlng us back Lo Lhe dlscusslons of Lhe role of quanLlLaLlve and quallLaLlve
analysls and Lhe role of maLhemaLlcs ln Lhe work of MarxlsL crlLlque of pollLlcal economy
and also Lo Lhe dlscusslons abouL Lhe sLaLus of labour Lheory of value ln MarxlsL Lheory."
eter nud|s
ltootz loooos coottlbotloo to neqelloo Motxlsm
AlLhough Lhe work of lranLz lanon has become an sLaple of posL-colonlallsL and anLl-
lmperlallsL Lheory over Lhe pasL several decades, hls conLrlbuLlon Lo Pegellan-Marxlsm, as
especlally found ln 8lack Skln, WhlLe Masks and oLher wrlLlngs, has been largely neglecLed
by scholars and acLlvlsLs allke. 1hls paper wlll seek Lo correcL Lhls overslghL by showlng LhaL
lanon's crlLlcal engagemenL wlLh Lhe masLer/slave" dlalecLlc ln Pegel's henomenology noL
only governed hls crlLlque of negrlLude and !ean-aul SarLre, buL also formed Lhe basls of
hls undersLandlng of Lhe promlse and plLfalls of naLlonal consclousness found ln such laLer
works as 1he WreLched of Lhe LarLh. l wlll also argue LhaL lanon's dlsLlncLlve readlng of
Pegel marked an lmporLanL polnL of deparLure from Lhe phllosophlcal poslLlons advanced by
Alexandre ko[ve, 1heodor Adorno, and conLemporary wrlLers on recognlLlon. A crlLlcal re-
evaluaLlon of Lhe lmpacL of lanon's sLudy of Pegel wlll show LhaL he deserves a place as one
of Lhe mosL lmporLanL flgures wlLhln Pegellan Marxlsm.
I|||p I|kowsk|
"New wotsow loct", beqqot lmpetlollsm ooJ powet polltlcs lo ceottol ooJ osteto otop
1he recenL evenLs ln ukralne have shown LhaL lmperlallsm ls sLlll an lmporLanL lssue ln Lhe
area of former LasLern 8loc. lL ls lmporLanL Lo see lL as a newesL expresslon of Lhe
Lendencles vlslble ln Lhe lasL 23 years: ln parLlcular nA1C enlargemenL and exlsLence of
"new Warsaw acL" counLrles very much loyal Lo uSA, and on Lhe oLher hand aLLempLs Lo
rebulld lLs power poslLlon by 8ussla. 8uL counLlres wlLhln Lhe former LasLern 8loc are noL
only pawns ln greaL powers games. Cne can also see Lhe phemomenon of "beggar
lmperlallsm" - amblLlous and lndependenL ln lLs alms buL aL Lhe same Llme dependenL of
exLernal help Lo achleve Lhem. ln addlLlon, economlc and soclal crlsls afLer 2008, wlLh lL
uneven lmpacL ln Lhe area, ls an lmporLanL framework of recenL geopollLlcal compeLlLlon
beLween blgger and smaller acLors ln Lhe LasLern Lurope.
Craz|o Irrera
ovltoomeotollty betweeo ltlmltlve Accomolotloo ooJ coloolol 8lopolltlcs.
1he sLruggle for Lhe use of Lhe foresLs ln Plmalayan lndla (1864-1931) 1hrough Lhe noLlon
of LnvlronmenLallLy", colned aL flrsL by Ar[un Agrawal, Lhls conLrlbuLlon alms aL comblnlng
Lwo paradlgms ln order Lo approach colonlal envlronmenLal hlsLory from an lnnovaLlve polnL
of vlew: on Lhe one hand Lhe MarxlsL perspecLlve based on prlmlLlve accumulaLlon and, on
Lhe oLher hand, Lhe loucauldlan blopollLlcal prlsm Lhrough whlch sclenLlflc dlscourses,
governmenLal Lechnologles, and pollLlcal reslsLances Lurn ouL Lo be sLrlcLly lnLerLwlned also
ln Lhe case of envlronmenLal colonlal hlsLory (even lf loucaulL never dealL wlLh lL). More
exacLly, we focus on Lhe relevanL quesLlon of Lhe managemenL of Lhe foresLs ln Lhe
clrcumscrlbed colonlal area of some sub-Plmalayan reglons and durlng a parLlcular perlod
(1864-1931). 1hus, we Lry Lo llnk Lhe ecologlcal lmperlallsm" feaLurlng Lhe caplLallsLlc drlve
ln nlneLeenLh cenLury 8rlLlsh lndla Lo Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe developmenL of sclenLlflc
foresLry, Lhe creaLlon of Lhe lmperlal loresL ueparLmenL (1864) regulaLlng Lhe sclenLlflc
foresL managemenL ln sub-Plmalayan lndla, and Lhe reslsLance of naLlve people LhreaLened
by Lhls managemenL. 1hls long perlod of sLruggle concluded wlLh Lhe 1931 loresL anchayaL
8ules LhaL sancLloned Lhe emergence of rural communlLles as envlronmenLal sub[ecLlvlLles
able boLh Lo provlde some forms of self-governmenL ln ecologlcal managemenL and Lo
sLruggle agalnsL markeL-orlenLed pollcles.
kobert Iackson
lostooe, lebowltz ooJ 5objectlvlty lo Motx's copltol
"Marx's characLerlsaLlon of caplLal as a self-movlng subsLance", Lhe sub[ecL of lLs own
process, has led Molshe osLone Lo poslL caplLal as Lhe prlmary sub[ecL of CaplLal. WhllsL
osLone's lnLerpreLaLlon hlghllghLs Lhe funcLlon of caplLal as non-personal soclal
domlnaLlon, Lhls paper wlll argue LhaL hls lnLerpreLaLlon ls challenged by Marx's analysls of
Lhe lnfluence of class sLruggle on Lhe funcLlonlng of Lhe laws of caplLallsL producLlon.
1he paper wlll dlscuss Lhe concreLe forms of worklng class self-acLlvlLy found ln Marx's
chapLer, 1he Worklng uay. lL wlll furLher examlne Lhe lnLeracLlon beLween Lhe workers'
movemenL and Lhe facLory lnspecLors, and Lhelr slgnlflcance for Lhe role of a knowlng
sub[ecL ln Lhe process of class sLruggle.
lor Mlchael LebowlLz, osLone's argumenL ls posslble because of a cruclal sllence ln CaplLal.
1he paper wlll also assess LebowlLz's clalm LhaL Marx does noL explore Lhe sub[ecLlve slde of
Lhe caplLal/wage-labour relaLlon ln hls laLer wrlLlngs. lL wlll evaluaLe LebowlLz's pro[ecL Lo
overcome a one-slded readlng of Marx's pro[ecL by Lheorlslng Lhe creaLlon of new soclal
needs for workers"."
Dan|e| Iakopov|ch
1be closs looctloos of 8tltlsb Mllltotlsm
"1he presenLaLlon examlnes Lhe sLrucLural funcLlons of Lhe mlllLary-lndusLrlal complex, and
Lhe bases of lLs power. l demonsLraLe lLs conLlnued relevance for Lhe global economlc and
geopollLlcal poslLlonlng of Lhe 8rlLlsh rullng class, lLs caplLallsL and sLaLe ellLes. 1he uk
mlllLary-lndusLrlal complex has a unlquely lmporLanL place among Lhe mechanlsms and
apparaLuses of class power due Lo lLs deslgnaLed purpose of proLecLlng Lhe exlsLlng sysLem
of domesLlc and global class relaLlons, and of lncreaslng 8rlLlsh economlc and geopollLlcal
leverage on Lhe global level. 8rlLlsh mlllLarlsm ls a mulLl-faceLed form of lnLervenLlon ln Lhe
processes of lnLernaLlonal (pollLlcal and economlc) compeLlLlon, and lL supporLs Lhe enLlre
archlLecLure of global caplLallsm, lncludlng Lhe lnLernaLlonal rule-maklng and agenda-seLLlng
lnsLlLuLlons. 1he long-Lerm Anglo-Amerlcan pollLlcal and mlllLary alllance ln parLlcular ls a
hlghly amblLlous and expanslonlsLlc form of global power pro[ecLlon and sysLemlc
1he presenLaLlon shall also elaboraLe Lhe maln feaLures of Lhls sysLem of mlllLarlsed sLaLe
caplLallsm, whlch ls founded on Lhe lncreaslng prlvaLlsaLlon and ollgarchlsaLlon of Lhe
pollLlcs and of Lhe sLaLe, Lhe lnsLlLuLlonal capLure of Lhe sLaLe and Lhe wlder publlc sphere by
ollgopollsLlc prlvaLe lnLeresLs. MlllLarlsed sLaLe caplLallsm" ls based on Lhe neo-colonlal
exLracLlon of global resources and Lhe redlsLrlbuLlon of wealLh from Lhe 8rlLlsh Laxpayers Lo
prlvaLe mlllLary companles, a prlvlleged ollgopollsLlc fracLlon of Lhe caplLallsL class. l shall
demonsLraLe LhaL mlllLarlsm funcLlons as a meLhod of subordlnaLlng Lhe sLaLe ln accordance
wlLh ollgopollsLlc and monopollsLlc prlvaLe corporaLe lnLeresLs. AddlLlonally, Lhe
presenLaLlon wlll show LhaL Lhe mlllLary-lndusLrlal complex helps Lo ensure Lhe domesLlc
and lnLernaLlonal pollLlcal securlLy and rellablllLy requlred Lo secure Lhe lnvesLmenL of
wealLhy CrlenLal despoLs and oLher segmenLs of Lhe Mlddle LasLern and global caplLallsL
ellLe, on whose supporL Lhe conLlnued domlnance of Lhe ClLy of London, of oLher powerful
8rlLlsh lndusLrles, and of Lhe uk offshore sysLem parLly depend. l shall also dlscuss Lhe
lnLegraLlon of Lhe energy and flnanclal lndusLrles wlLhln Lhe mlllLary-lndusLrlal complex, as
well as Lhe role of Lhe mlllLary-lndusLrlal complex ln Lhe lnLegraLlon of Lhe rullng class
(Lhrough shared soclallsaLlon, lobbylng and Lhe conLrlbuLlon of Lhe mlllLary-lndusLrlal
complex Lo pollLlcal campalgnlng, cronylsm, Lhe revolvlng door" beLween senlor mlllLary
and corporaLe poslLlons and pollLlcal offlce, flnanclallsaLlon, lnLerlocklng dlrecLorshlps, eLc.).
ln concluslon, l shall lndlcaLe how Lhe mlllLary-lndusLrlal complex and Lhe securlLy sLaLe"
conLrlbuLe Lo an lncreaslngly LoLallLarlan concenLraLlon of soclal, economlc and pollLlcal
(ln Lhe dlscusslon afLerwards l mlghL also have Llme Lo properly dlscuss Lhe lssue of mlllLary
""keyneslanlsm"". 1hls research ls based on my hu Lhesls on class power ln 8rlLaln aL Lhe
unlverslLy of Cambrldge, whlch ls a couple of weeks away from compleLlon. l gave a Lwo
hour guesL lecLure on Lhe 8rlLlsh mlllLary-lndusLrlal complex aL Cambrldge, and an arLlcle on
Lhe Loplc has been accepLed for publlcaLlon by Cuadernos de MarLe, a SouLh Amerlcan
[ournal speclallslng ln Lhe soclology of war.)"
Muhammad A|| Ian
closs, 5tote ooJ tbe 'mokloq' of loJlqeoeoos copltol lo o qlobol mllleo. o cose stoJy of tbe
loklstool loojob
erhaps nowhere ln Lhe hlsLorlcal maLerlallsL LradlLlon has Lhe Lenslon beLween Lheory and
hlsLory been greaLer Lhan ln Lhe analysls of lmperlallsm and Lhe global pollLlcal economy. As
Lhe mosL absLracL yeL necessary concepL, Lhe 'global' or Lhe 'world' has been Lhe source of
endless debaLe wlLhln Marxlsm - from Lenln's analysls of lnLer-lmperlallsL rlvalry, Lo
'dependency' and 'world-sysLems' Lheorles Lo presenL day debaLes over Lhe 'LransnaLlonal'
caplLallsL class. Among Lhese, no framework has lnvlLed greaLer enLhuslasm or crlLlclsm Lhan
Lhe world-sysLems approach, scholars have chlded world-sysLems LheorlsLs for Lhelr
funcLlonallsL and deLermlnlsLlc vlew of explolLaLlon whlle Lhe laLLer have accused Lhelr crlLlcs
of glosslng over a hlghly unequal lnLernaLlonal order and lLs effecLs on Lhe naLure and
paLLern of caplLallsL developmenL ln Lhe 'perlphery'. 1hls paper argues LhaL whlle many of
Lhe debaLes among boLh defenders and deLracLors of world-sysLems and dependency
approaches broughL abouL conslderable advances ln our undersLandlng of caplLallsL
accumulaLlon on a world-scale, 3 fundamenLal elemenLs are essenLlal lf we are Lo grasp
unequal developmenL more fully, flrsLly, unllke dependency Lheory and world-sysLems, lL ls
noL Lhe 'naLlon' buL Lhe lnLernaLlonal soclal relaLlon beLween naLlonal caplLals of dlfferenL
sLrengLhs ln Lhe framework of whaL Marx called Lhe 'compeLlLlon of caplLals' whlch should
be Lhe focus of aLLenLlon, second, ln order Lo avold purely economlsLlc undersLandlngs of
class formaLlon and caplLal accumulaLlon Lhe role of Lhe sLaLe musL be cenLral Lo Lhe
analysls. llnally, lL musL be recognlzed LhaL Lhls relaLlonshlp of hlerarchy ls hlsLorlcally
consLlLuLed so LhaL a long Lerm perspecLlve on Lhe 'maklng' and developmenL of 'naLlonal'
caplLallsL classes ls cruclal for an undersLandlng of boLh Lhe conLlnulLles and dlsconLlnulLles
ln lLs relaLlonshlp boLh Lo lnLernaLlonal caplLal and domesLlc worklng classes. urawlng on
SouLh Aslan economlc hlsLory and wlLh a parLlcular focus on aklsLanl un[ab, Lhls paper
Lhen demonsLraLes how Lhe hlsLorlcal lnLerplay beLween 8rlLlsh and lndlgenous caplLal as
well as Lhe colonlal sLaLe, was cruclal ln Lhe maklng of an lndlgenous caplLallsL class, drawn
from landed, mercanLlle and bureaucraLlc groups, LhaL came Lo rely noL on Lechnologlcal
lmprovemenL, buL cheapenlng of labour-power as lLs dlfferencla speclflca and whose
paLLerns of lnvesLmenL were cruclal ln deLermlnlng Lhe naLure of accumulaLlon and lLs
ouLcomes for Lhe explolLaLlon and welfare of labour. lf Lhe survlval of caplLallsm ls Lo be fully
undersLood Lhen one needs Lo analyze Lhls maklng of sLaLe and caplLal as an lnLerplay wlLh
Lhe 'global' so LhaL noL only Lhe sLrengLhs of caplLal are revealed, buL lLs vulnerablllLles
exposed so LhaL radlcal praxls can Lransform lL.
neesang Ieon
koowleJqe ooJ tbe coottoJlctloo betweeo tbe fotces of ptoJoctloo ooJ tbe telotloos of
ptoJoctloo lo copltollsm
CommodlLles have Lhe dual characLerlsLlc, belng boLh value and use-value, and so does
knowledge: knowledge speclfles whaL Lo produce, l.e. use-value, and how Lo produce
(producLlon Lechnologles), aL Lhe same Llme, lL deLermlnes Lhe complexlLy and producLlvlLy
of commodlLy-produclng labour, LhaL ls, Lhe value producLlvlLy of commodlLy-produclng
labour, see !eon (2011) . uerlvlng from Lhe absLracL and fundamenLal opposlLlon beLween
value and use-value, Lhe dual characLerlsLlcs of knowledge ls dlsLlngulshed from oLher forms
such as Lhe opposlLlon beLween money and commodlLles and Lhe separaLlon of purchase
and sale. 1hese developed and concreLe forms are Lhe absLracL (buL real) basls of economlc
crlsls, whlch noL only reveals Lhe conLradlcLory and unsLable naLure of Lhe caplLallsL mode of
producLlon, buL also enables Lhe economy Lo recover from crlses, by resLorlng balance
beLween secLors, lncreaslng proflL raLes or eradlcaLlng overproducLlon faclllLles. 8y conLrasL,
Lhe dual characLerlsLlcs of knowledge, as expressed ln Lhe conLradlcLlon beLween Lhe forces
of Lhe caplLallsL producLlon and lLs relaLlons of producLlon, polnLs Lo Lhe evenLual demlse of
caplLallsm. value producLlon, drlvlng lncessanL accumulaLlon of knowledge, wlll evenLually
reach Lhe polnL where producLlon sLops belng Lhe means of saLlsfylng human needs and
reproduclng Lhe socleLy, Lhe basls of value producLlon. Peesang !eon (2011), 1he value
and rlce of lnformaLlon CommodlLles: An AssessmenL of Lhe SouLh korean ConLroversy, ln
aul Zarembka, 8adhlka uesal (ed.) 8evlLallzlng MarxlsL 1heory for 1oday's CaplLallsm
(8esearch ln ollLlcal Lconomy, volume 27), Lmerald Croup ubllshlng LlmlLed, pp.191-222.
Cedr|c Iohnson
8etweeo kevolotloo ooJ tbe koclol Cbetto. notolJ ctose ooJ notty noywooJ uebote closs
5ttoqqle ooJ tbe Neqto Ooestloo, 1962-1968
1hls paper revlslLs an hlsLorlc exchange beLween Lwo black ex-CommunlsLs, Parold Cruse
and Parry Paywood. 1helr debaLe was preclplLaLed by Cruse's lnfluenLlal 1962 essay for
SLudles on Lhe LefL, 8evoluLlonary naLlonallsm and Lhe Afro-Amerlcan," whlch declared
LhaL Lhe Amerlcan negro was a sub[ecL of domesLlc colonlallsm." WrlLLen agalnsL Lhe
prevalllng llberal lnLegraLlonlsL commlLmenLs of Lhe clvll rlghLs movemenL, hls essay called
for black economlc and pollLlcal lndependence, and lnsplred many of Lhe younger acLlvlsLs
who would glve blrLh Lo Lhe black power movemenL. ln a serles of essays for Lhe 8ay Area
black radlcal [ournal, Soulbook, Paywood crlLlclzed Cruse's mlshandllng of class pollLlcs
among blacks, and hls reLreaL from anLl-caplLallsm. 1helr exchange was ln many ways, a
debaLe wlLh Lhe wlder Amerlcan LefL, old and new, durlng an hlsLorlcal epoch when Lhe
sLruggles agalnsL souLhern !lm Crow segregaLlon gave way Lo black power mlllLancy and
urban revolL, and many acLlvlsLs proclalmed LhaL Lhe black vanguard" had supplanLed Lhe
mass worker as Lhe leadlng edge of lefL revoluLlonary pollLlcs ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes and
beyond. 1hls forgoLLen eplsode ls lmporLanL on lLs own Lerms, for whaL lL says abouL Lhe
characLer and llmlLaLlons of lefL pollLlcal Lhlnklng durlng Lhe slxLles, and equally for
undersLandlng commonsenslcal noLlons of Afrlcan Amerlcan publlc llfe ln our Llmes whlch
Loo ofLen remaln rooLed ln Lhe vanlshed soclologlcal conLexL and pollLlcal reallLles of Lhe
LwenLleLh cenLury raclal gheLLo.
1|mothy Ioubert
CeoJetloq tbe 5oclol loctoty. Motxlsm, 5oclol keptoJoctloo, ooJ womeo's Opptessloo
"1hls paper examlnes Lhe ablllLy of MarxlsL Lheory Lo comprehend gender oppresslon and
Lrace Lhe maLerlal base(s) of women's oppresslon. A crlLlcal survey of relevanL llLeraLure and
dlscusslon ls presenLed ln Lhe Lwo maln Loplc areas of 'reproducLlve labour', a concepL some
MarxlsLs have used Lo aLLempL Lo locaLe Lhe basls of gender oppresslon, and sexual vlolence,
whlch MarxlsLs have ofLen been heslLanL Lo Lheorlse abouL. ln parLlcular, Lhls paper focuses
on Lhe argumenLs of femlnlsL-MarxlsLs ln Lhe lLallan AuLonomlsL LradlLlon Lo lnLerrogaLe Lhe
relaLlonshlp beLween women's parLlcular relaLlon Lo caplLallsL producLlon (explolLaLlon ln
Lhe domesLlc sphere) and Lhelr ldeologlcal and maLerlal subordlnaLlon. lL ls argued LhaL Lhe
gendered organlsaLlon of soclal reproducLlon ls deLermlnaLe of a broader soclal labour
relaLlon beLween women and men, arLlculaLed Lhrough lmmaLerlal 'affecLlve' labours, and
dlsclpllned by sexual vlolence. 8ulldlng on Lhe AuLonomlsL concepL of Lhe 'soclal facLory',
Lhese relaLlons of gender form a fundamenLal consLlLuenL parL of caplLallsL class relaLlons
and are cenLral Lo Lhe clrculL of caplLallsL accumulaLlon, an undersLandlng LhaL Marxlsm
musL grasp ln order Lo confronL women's oppresslon.
Chr|stoph Inke
leo koflets Motxlsm ooJ tbe New left lo postwot Cetmooy. Meotot ooJ petsooo ooo qtoto
ot tbe some tlme
"Leo kofler (1907-1993) was an AusLrlan-Cerman soclal phllosopher and soclal LheorlsL who
ranks wlLh LrnsL 8loch, Lhe Marburg pollLlcologlsL Wolfgang AbendroLh and Lhe lrankfurL
school LheoreLlclan Adorno among Lhe few well-known MarxlsL lnLellecLuals ln posL-war
Cermany. Powever, almosL noLhlng of hls work was ever LranslaLed lnLo Lngllsh, and he ls
Lherefore llLLle known ln Lhe Lngllsh-speaklng world. More Lhan LhaL, even ln Cermany Lhls
ma[or lefLwlng Lhlnker, proponenL of Lhe flrsL generaLlon of a Cerman new LefL ln Lhe
1930's and 1960's, ls vlrLually absenL from lefL dlscourses.
ln Lrylng Lo explaln Lhe deeper causes of LhaL spllL, ChrlsLoph !nke explores Lhe maln
ouLllnes of kofler's dlsLlncLlve lnLerpreLaLlon of Marxlsm, whlch connecLed soclology and
hlsLory wlLh aesLheLlcs and phllosophlcal anLhropology. Cn Lhls background he porLrays hlm
and hls Lheory of a progresslve ellLe as an orlglnal and frulLful answer Lo Lhe sLrucLural
problems noL only of Lhe Cerman lefL, as an lnLeresLlng aLLempL Lo slLuaLe Lhe sLruggles of
Lhe 60's and 70's ln Lhe hlsLorlcal conLlnuum of Lhe LranslLlon from classlcal soclallsm Lo
posLmodernlsm, and as an early aLLempL Lo clear Lhe problems of Lhe conLemporary
1r|sh kah|e
1be CtoveyotJ 5blft. oetqy loJostty keotqoolzotloo ooJ kook ooJ llle kebellloo lo tbe
uolteJ Mloe wotkets of Ametlco, 196J-197J
1hls paper examlnes Lhe llnk beLween reorganlzaLlon of Amerlcan energy producLlon and
Lhe ablllLy of workers Lo forge pollLlcal spaces Lo challenge caplLal wlLhln Lhelr unlons, Lhus
lllumlnaLlng how caplLallsm survlved Lhe energy and pollLlcal crlses of Lhe 1970s. Lnergy
producLlon ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes underwenL a sLrlklng LransformaLlon ln Lhe 1960s and 1970s
as nuclear power expanded rapldly. 1he sLruggle over whaL fuel-coal or uranlum-would
power Lhe unlLed SLaLes placed Appalachlan coal mlners aL Lhe cenLer of a process LhaL less
represenLed a sLruggle beLween fuels as lL dld a process of caplLallsL consolldaLlon and
lndusLry reorganlzaLlon. WlLhln a decade, energy producLlon Lransformed from a serles of
dlscreLe lndusLrles rooLed ln a slngle source fuel Lo a smaller number of energy
conglomeraLes wlLh dlverse fuel lnvesLmenLs. ConLexLuallzed by Lhls LransformaLlon, Lhe
unlon democracy movemenL ln Lhe unlLed Mlne Workers of Amerlca appears noL only as an
lnLernal sLruggle over democraLlc pracLlces, buL also a broad pollLlcal sLruggle. 1he pollLlcal
space forged ln Lhe uMWA by Lhe Mlners for uemocracy was able Lo enLerLaln radlcal
soluLlons Lo long-sLandlng problems exacerbaLed by a serles of concurrenL crlses: mlne
safeLy, rank and flle power, and envlronmenLal desLrucLlon.
G|orgos ka|ampokas
vloleoce, blstoty, eocoootet. lolltlcol, pbllosopblcol ooJ blstotlcol lmpllcotloos of Motxs
tbeoty of ptlmltlve occomolotloo
"1he ob[ecL of Lhls paper ls Lhe LheoreLlcal approach of Marx's Lheory of prlmlLlve
accumulaLlon as a Lheory of Lhe emergence of Lhe caplLallsL mode of producLlon. lollowlng
Marx's LexL, we seek Lhe LheoreLlcal sLaLus of Marx's analysls' cenLral noLlons, such as
encounLer and vlolence, and also lLs LheoreLlcal place lnslde Lhe overall Marxlan work.
1racklng Marx's LexL's lnLernal Lenslons as well as Lhe Lenslon beLween Marx's analysls of
prlmlLlve accumulaLlon and a Leleologlcal, deLermlnlsL and producLlvlsL approach of hlsLory
and of Lhe successlon of Lhe modes of producLlon -an approach whlch can also be meL
elsewhere ln Marx's work and domlnaLes many of lLs lnLerpreLaLlons-, we Lry Lo
acknowledge ln hls analysls of prlmlLlve accumulaLlon Lhose elemenLs LhaL can renew Lhe
LheoreLlcal grounds of hlsLorlcal maLerlallsm and some of lLs mosL lmporLanL caLegorles -
llke Lhe mode of producLlon and value- as well as Lhelr hlsLorlclLy. ln Lhls conLexL, we seek
Lhe posslble consequences of Marx's vlew of prlmlLlve accumulaLlon for a phllosophlcal and
LheoreLlcal approach of hlsLory and pollLlcs.
lollowlng Louls AlLhusser's Lrall, our Lhesls resldes on Lhe argumenL LhaL, conLrary Lo an
approach of hlsLory as a predeflned, evoluLlonary, ln Lhe flnal analysls smooLh", successlon
of modes of producLlon LhaL follows Lhe growLh of producLlve forces -a process llke Lhe one
Marx hlmself presenLs ln Lhe 1839 reface"-, ln hls sLudy of prlmlLlve accumulaLlon he
presenLs Lhe emergence of Lhe caplLallsL mode of producLlon as a long process of soclal
LransformaLlon, boLh Lhe sLarLlng polnL and Lhe progress of whlch are as such aleaLory and
sub[ecLed only Lo class sLruggle and lLs new emerglng forms. ln our vlew Marx seLs Lhe
encounLer beLween soclal forms LhaL have hlsLorlcally emerged lndependenLly from one
anoLher rlghL aL Lhe cenLer of hls analysls of Lhe emergence of Lhe caplLallsL mode of
producLlon. We argue LhaL Lhls speclflc lnLeracLlon beLween Lhese soclal forms ls, as we call
lL, an overdeLermlned encounLer whlch hlsLorlcally modulaLes new relaLlons of producLlon
and a new mode of producLlon.
lor Marx vlolence ls also seL aL Lhe very core of prlmlLlve accumulaLlon. ConLrary Lo Lhe
common Marxlan LheorlzaLlon accordlng Lo whlch vlolence holds noLhlng buL a secondary
parL ln hlsLorlcal progress sLandlng only as Lhe needed frlcLlon" of soclal phenomena wlLh
reallLy -phenomena LhaL as such are deLermlned by dlfferenL laws-, we argue LhaL Marx
aLLrlbuLes a LransformaLlve and consLlLuLlve characLer Lo vlolence. ln Lhls framework, Marx
also hlghllghLs Lhe cruclal parL of Lhe sLaLe ln Lhe emergence of caplLallsL relaLlons Lhus
provldlng a new perspecLlve Lo Lhe relaLlon beLween Lhe pollLlcal and Lhe economlcal
elemenL durlng Lhe emergence of caplLallsm, as opposed Lo anoLher common Marxlan
approach LhaL would conslder Lhe flrsL Lo be only an expresslon" of Lhe laLLer aLLrlbuLlng Lo
Lhe economlc elemenL an absoluLe casual prlmacy. We argue LhaL Marx, on Lhe conLrary,
hlghllghLs from Lhe very beglnnlng Lhe slgnlflcance of sLaLe lnLervenLlon and of Lhe pollLlcal,
exLra-economlcal coerclon for Lhe maklng of new relaLlons of soclal producLlon and Lhelr
Clven Lhls analysls, ln our flnal remarks we wlll Lry Lo puL forward a pollLlcal and
phllosophlcal pracLlce of Marx's Lheory of prlmlLlve accumulaLlon appeallng Lo Lhe
conLemporary pursue of a communlsL revoluLlonary sLraLegy."
Cnur kapdan
ltteqolot 1lmes. Cezl uptlsloq lo 1otkey - koJlcol 5objectlvlty vs. 1be 5totes copltollsm
"1he 2013 Cezl ark proLesLs consLlLuLed a new Lype of horlzonLal soclal sLruggle LhaL wenL
beyond earller 1urklsh pollLlcs, wheLher lefLlsL or naLlonallsL. 1hls movemenL, whlch
organlzed horlzonLally and lnvolved a new generaLlon of youLh occupylng publlc space
added yeL anoLher node Lo Lhe global upheavals slnce 2011. 1he movemenL, however,
compllcaLes Lhe dlsconLenL wlLh caplLallsm and represenLaLlve democracy shared by all of
Lhese movemenLs. 1urkey has been one of Lhe emerglng economles of Lhe lasL decade
under Lhe rule of Lhe !usLlce and uevelopmenL arLy (Ak), whlch also conLlnues Lo draw
slgnlflcanL supporL from Lhe populaLlon.
ln Lhls conLexL, Lhe anLl-caplLallsm ln Lhe youLh's radlcal sub[ecLlvlLy ls ofLen concealed by
Lhelr lmmedlaLe anLl-auLhorlLarlan demands agalnsL rlme MlnlsLer Lrdoan and Lhe Ak.
ConsequenLly, Cezl appears Lo be a culLural uprlslng of Lhe new peLLy bourgeolsle," a la
oulanLzas. 1hls paper argues agalnsL Lhls appearance based on an ongolng dlsserLaLlon
research lnLo Lhe rooLs of Cezl and Lhe consequenL nelghborhood assemblles. uolng so, lL
assesses Lhe valldlLy of followlng sLrlcL caplLallsL class dlvlslons Lo undersLand Lhe 1urklsh
conLexL, and conLends LhaL caplLallsm ln 1urkey ls prlmarlly drlven by Lhe sLaLe's chosen
caplLallsLs, as Lhe recenL carnage aL Lhe Soma coalmlne has furLher revealed. 1he paper
asserLs LhaL Lhe SLaLe's capaclLy Lo choose who and whaL accumulaLes caplLal, and Lrdoan's
aLLempL Lo bulld an ldeologlcal hegemony, shows youLh's radlcal sub[ecLlvlLy ls a negaLlon of
caplLallsm, whose own conLradlcLlons are also prellmlnarlly analyzed ln Lhe paper."
Isma|| karatepe
noosloq, tbe stote ooJ lotetveotloo. llocloq 1otkey lo oo lotetootloool cootext
"Slnce november 2002, when Lhe !usLlce and uevelopmenL arLy (Ak) swepL Lhe vlcLory ln
1urkey's parllamenLary elecLlons wlLh an overwhelmlng ma[orlLy, Lhe governmenLs' dlrecL
lnvolvemenL lnLo Lhe consLrucLlon lndusLry has been drasLlcally expanded. Concernlng Lhe
lncreaslng governmenL acLlvlLles ln Lhe consLrucLlon lndusLry, a publlc agency, Lhe Pouslng
uevelopmenL AdmlnlsLraLlon of 1urkey (1Ckl) deserves speclal aLLenLlon. 1he
admlnlsLraLlon, whlch had been lnlLlally esLabllshed Lo carry ouL soclal houslng pro[ecLs ln
Lhe year 1984, became a slgnlflcanL player ln Lhe consLrucLlon lndusLry, especlally ln Lhe
resldenLlal unlL provlslon.
l seek Lo flnd an answer Lo Lhe quesLlon of wheLher successlve Ak governmenLs' dlrecL
lnvolvemenL ln Lhe dwelllng provlslons ls ln llne wlLh ongolng Lrends ln Lhe world. 1o Lhls
end, one of Lhe maln componenLs of Lhls sLudy ls deslgned Lo dlscuss Lhe Lrends elsewhere.
Pouslng pollcles ln 1urkey appears Lo have undergone ma[or LransformaLlons ln Lhe lasL
decade, lnvolvlng drasLlc expanslons ln publlc houslng provlslon. ?eL, nelLher Lhe presence
of publlc houslng nor lLs LransformaLlon ls unlque Lo 1urkey. 8egardlng wlLh publlc houslng
and lLs regulaLory lnsLlLuLlon, lndeed, several counLerparLs all around Lhe world can be
ldenLlfled, and varleLy ways of LransformaLlon can be observed. Powever, l clalm LhaL Lhe
soclal houslng Lhrough 1Ckl ls reasonably lnLeresLlng case. l wlll dlscuss LhaL Lhe publlc
houslng ln 1urkey can be dlsLlngulshed operaLlonally (how and Lo whaL exLenL lL lnvolves ln
Lhe secLor), flnanclally (how ls soclal houslng flnanced) and lnsLlLuLlonally (how ls Lhe
AdmlnlsLraLlon lnsLlLuLlonally sLrucLured) from oLher examples.
1hls sLudy ls expecLed Lo shed llghL on Lhe consLrucLlon lndusLry -sLaLe nexus from Lhls
parLlcular angle. 1he consLrucLlon lndusLry ln 1urkey has been belleved Lo play lmporLanL
role ln lLs Cu growLh raLes. 8esldes, Lhe exlsLlng consLrucLlon boom sLarLed Lo play a more
promlnenL role ln pollLlcs as we have wlLnessed wlLh Lhe Ak's mega pro[ecLs (e.g. Channel
lsLanbul) as well as Lhe recenL proLesL wave Lrlggered by a shopplng mall pro[ecL on Cezl
ark, on very lasL green spaces near 1akslm square ln lsLanbul.
Sam|r karn|k n|nks
A "1tlbooe of tbe OpptesseJ". losltlooloq clooJlo Iooes' leololsm
1hls paper looks aL Lhe ways Claudla !ones synLheslsed her experlences as a black
1rlnldadlan worklng class woman Lo move beyond Lhe SLallnlsL orLhodoxy of Lhe CuSA and
develop a proLo-lnLersecLlonal analysls of Lhe oppresslon of black women. 1he flnal secLlon
focuses upon !ones' work organlslng Lhe Carlbbean dlaspora ln London Lhrough Lhe anLl-
raclsL, anLl-lmperlallsL paper Lhe WesL lndlan CazeLLe. Powever, Claudla !ones remalned a
LenlnlsL Lo Lhe end of her llfe, and whllsL Lhe axls of her pollLlcal praxls was flghLlng agalnsL
oppresslon, Lhls paper employs a LenlnlsL prlsm" Lo undersLand !ones LhoughL. ln dolng so
!ones can be seen as boLh a producL of Lhe Parlem opular lronL and lnLernal debaLes of Lhe
CuSA, buL also an orlglnal and lmaglnaLlve Lhlnker who embodled Lhe prlnclple LhaL
Lenlnlsm should be a pollLlcs for Lhe oppressed.
au| ke||ogg
lot oolty oqolost wot ooJ copltollsm - tbe bolf-temembeteJ coottlbotloo of leoo 1totsky,
"lL ls one hundred years slnce soclallsm's greaLesL crlme. AugusL 4 1914, Lhe parllamenLary
caucus of Lhe world's Lhen largesL MarxlsL organlzaLlon - Lhe mass Soclal uemocraLlc arLy
of Cermany - voLed Lo supporL flnanclng Cermany's war efforL. MosL Luropean soclallsL
parLles followed sulL, sendlng Lhelr members lnLo Lhe horror of Lhe Lrenches ln whaL was Lo
become Lhe CreaL War" of 1914-1918. romlnenL among Lhe small mlnorlLy of soclallsLs
who sLood flrm agalnsL mlllLarlsm, were Lwo 8usslans - vladlmlr Lenln and Leon 1roLsky.
Lach Look a very sLrong anLl-war poslLlon, buL dld so ln qulLe dlfferenL ways. Lenln's
poslLlons are well-known - parLlcularly hls call for revoluLlonary defeaLlsm". 1roLsky's qulLe
dlsLlncL poslLlons - ln splLe of hls role as maln auLhor of Lhe plvoLal Zlmmerwald manlfesLo -
have largely faded from memory. 1hls paper wlll argue, Lhere ls much ln Lhese half-
forgoLLen poslLlons LhaL are relevanL Lo soclallsL, anLl-war acLlvlsLs ln Lhe 21sL cenLury, ln
some lmporLanL ways more relevanL Lhan Lhe poslLlons adopLed by Lenln and Lhe
8olshevlks. 1he paper wlll survey Lhree aspecLs of 1roLsky's anLl-war work ln Lhls perlod: a)
Lhe poslLlons he saw as cenLral Lo Lhe movemenL, ln parLlcular Lhe adopLlon of Lhe qulLe
slmple slogan end Lhe lmperlallsL war" and Lhe promoLlon of Lhe call for Lhe formaLlon of a
unlLed SLaLes of Lurope, b) hls role as Lhe maln flgure ln a dally anLl-war newspaper, Cur
Word (nashe Slovo), and c) hls orlenLaLlon Lowards a group of lnLernaLlonallsL, anLl-war
worker-mlllLanLs ln SL. eLersburg, members of Lhe lnLer-ulsLrlcL CommlLLee or
Mezhrayonka. 1he paper wlll Lhen conclude wlLh some reflecLlons on why 1roLsky's dlsLlncL
poslLlons and acLlvlLy have been only half-remembered ln Lhe decades slnce.
1hls paper flows from research belng prepared for an edlLed collecLlon reflecLlng on Lhe
pollLlcs and pracLlce of Lhe Mezhrayonka."
S|nead kennedy
ulsclplloloq tbe ltecotloos 8oJy. 8lopolltlcol teqolotloo lo oo eto of cbtoolc ctlsls. "5tteom.
now copltollsm sotvlves? A Motxlst-lemlolst petspectlve.
We llve ln a Llme of Lhe masslflcaLlon of lnsecurlLy - an lnsecurlLy LhaL ls, we are Lold, Lhe
necessary condlLlon Lo escape from crlsls" and secure Lhe fuLure for a so-called 'neollberal'
global order. ?eL, for large secLlons of Lhe populaLlon Lhls LemporallLy of 'crlsls' has been
replaced wlLh a crlsls of ordlnarlness. WhaL ls Lermed crlsls" ls now a deflnlng facL of llfe as
people's llves become characLerlsed as one of long-Lerm wearlng down and wearlng ouL and
where exlsLence ls lncreaslng precarlous. 1hls precarlLlsaLlon ls characLerlsed by Lhe
breachlng of hyglenlc borders - pollLlcal and LerrlLorlal borders, Lhe borders beLween Lhe
global norLh and souLh, as well as Lhe borders of race, class and gender. Lvery aspecL of
soclal relaLlons ls now sub[ecLed Lo dlsclpllne and conLrol noL [usL Lhrough lnsLlLuLlons buL
Lhrough Lhe conLrol of Lhe processes of llfe lLself. 1hls paper wlll argue LhaL reperLolre of
neollberal sLraLegles of sub[ecLlvaLlon and governance are parLlcularly expllclL ln Lhe
LreaLmenL and represenLaLlon of women under ausLerlLy. lL wlll focus on explorlng Lhe
consLrucLlon of a neollberal loglc where some bodles become recognlsable sub[ecLs, enLlLled
Lo proLecLlon, whlle oLhers are consLrucLed as lnLernal enemles and rendered dlsposable.
Sam| khat|b
ltom cteotlve to Messloolc uesttoctloo. now o 2ombles ules
CaplLal ls a purely soclal relaLlon LhaL valorlzes lLself whlle Lemporallzlng lLs own hlsLorlcal
Llme. 1he value of a commodlLy, as Marx puL lL, ls deflned by lLs subsLance whlch ls lLself a
relaLlon: absLracL labor. 1he laLLer ls produced Lhrough Lhe employmenL of llvlng labor.
value, however, ls noL [usL congealed or dead labor, buL mosL of all undead labor. WlLhln
Lhe spurlous lnflnlLy of Lhe ac- and deceleraLlng cycles of caplLal accumulaLlon, dead labor ls
valorlzed and, always anew, survlves lLs own deaLh as undead labor. 1he undeadness of
value as caplLal ls noL slmply speculaLlve or supra-sensuous, raLher, lL ls also sensuous and
vlolenLly desLrucLlve. WhaL SchumpeLer called creaLlve desLrucLlon" ls noL only an
lmmanenL necesslLy wlLhln Lhe process of caplLal accumulaLlon buL also Lhe eLernal
recurrence of caplLallsm's urszene, whlch Marx famously colned orlglnal accumulaLlon"
(ursprngllche AkkumulaLlon). lf caplLallsm's modus vlvendl ls acLually a modus morlendl,
caplLallsm's eLernal resurrecLlon has Lo always anew desLroy earller sLages of caplLallsm and
non-caplLallsL economles. AgalnsL Lhls spurlous lnflnlLy of creaLlve desLrucLlon, WalLer
8en[amln proposed a dlfferenL form of desLrucLlon - a cerLaln non-vlolenL or even messlanlc
desLrucLlon, whlch could deposlL Lhe flawed dlalecLlcs of caplLallsL poslLlons and negaLlons.
Powever, 8en[amln's pecullar consLellaLlon of messlanlc nlhlllsm and hlsLorlcal maLerlallsm
cannoL be mapped from Lhe perspecLlve of Lhe self-valorlzlng cycles of caplLallsL
accumulaLlon. 8e lL dlvlne vlolence," Lhe modern barbarlan," or Lhe desLrucLlve
characLer," hls LheoreLlcal flgures of de-flguraLlon propose an asymmeLrlcal negaLlon Lo
boLh caplLallsL creaLlon and caplLallsL desLrucLlon. 8en[amln's paradoxlcal sLraLegy of
acceleraLlonlsL deceleraLlonlsm - a llghLnlng-fasL pulllng of Lhe emergency break" of Lhe
raclng Lraln of caplLallsL modernlLy - alludes Lo a new way of concelvlng of Lhe end of
caplLallsm - Lo a communlsL sLraLegy of survlval whlch exceeds caplLallsm's undeadness. ln
my paper l wlll dlscuss 8en[amln's messlanlc nlhlllsm as an aLLempL Lo Lheorlze a communlsL
cessaLlon of caplLallsm's modus morlendl.
Seungman k|m
1wo floooclol ctlses ooJ oeollbetol floooclollzotloo lo koteoo welfote teqlme
Slnce Lhe 1997 LasL Aslan flnanclal crlsls, Lwo compeLlng clalms on characLerlsLlcs of korean
socleLy have coexlsLed. Cn Lhe one hand, korean socleLy was sald Lo undergo a rapld shlfL
lnLo neollberal flnanclallzaLlon LhaL gave rlse Lo harmful effecLs on Lhe socleLy gradually. Cn
Lhe oLher hand, korea was regarded as a counLry LhaL has somewhaL compleLed a LranslLlon
Lo Lhe welfare sLaLe. 1he laLLer oplnlon has recelved much sLronger publlc supporLs slnce Lhe
2008 flnanclal crlsls. As class sLruggles have been weakened slnce 1997, 'clLlzen solldarlLy'
replaced class hosLlllLles, and many llberals who were dlsgulsed as lefLles have been Lrylng
Lo spread a dlscourse of Lhe unlversal welfare sLaLe as lLs flnal goal. 1he purpose of Lhls
sLudy ls Lo crlLlclze fundamenLal premlses of korean welfare sLaLe dlscourse. neollberal
flnanclallzaLlon can be compaLlble wlLh a reglme of unlversal welfare, whlch may esLabllsh a
complemenLary relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe former because of Lhelr subordlnaLed sLaLus of LasL
Aslan counLrles ln global caplLal markeL. Among oLhers, a glanL publlc penslon fund emerged
as one of Lhe mosL lmporLanL flnanclal agencles afLer Lhe flrsL flnanclal crlsls and formed a
korean CaplLal markeL by managlng Lhe huge flnanclal asseLs. A dlscourse on Lhe unlversal
welfare reglme ln SouLh korea should be analyzed as a sympLom of neollberal
flnanclallzaLlon, noL as lLs 'alLernaLlve'."
I|m k|nca|d
wottles oboot tbe tote of ptoflt
"8lghLly, Lhe raLe of proflL conLlnues Lo be cenLral ln MarxlsL work on Lhe world economy.
8uL ln much currenL research, raLe of proflL concepLs and daLa are belng used ln Loo
reducLlonlsL and mechanlcal a way. We cannoL now make Lhe assumpLlon, as Marx usually
dld, LhaL Lhe proflL raLe equals Lhe amounL of surplus-value exLracLed from labour, dlvlded
by caplLal advanced. Puge quanLlLles of surplus-value are dralned from companles ln Lhe
form of paymenLs Lo execuLlves. Lven for declared proflLs, Lhe offlclal daLa sources on
whlch MarxlsL research relles are falllng Lo reflecL lncreaslng levels of corporaLe Lax evaslon,
made easler by globallsaLlon and Lhe ready avallablllLy of Lax havens. Also mlssed are proflLs
made lnvlslble because dlsgulsed as exaggeraLed esLlmaLes for Lax-exempL depreclaLlon.
1he proflLablllLy of pasL lnvesLmenL ls only one lnfluence ln currenL lnvesLmenL declslons.
CorporaLe cash plles have been bulldlng up on a glganLlc scale because Lhe raLe of reallsed
proflLablllLy ls ln facL relaLlvely hlgh. lL ls Lhe level of lnvesLmenL whlch lags - and Lhls ls of
course, ln parL, because fuLure proflLablllLy ls expecLed Lo be lower or, aL leasL, more
uncerLaln. 8uL cash plles are also accumulaLlng because companles wanL a large war-chesL
of cash reserves Lo ralse proflLs by playlng Lhe markeL ln corporaLe conLrol Lhrough mergers
and acqulslLlons - or ln order Lo flghL off unwelcome ralders."
Sebast|an k|auke
1be klse of Aotbotltotloo 5totlsm
1he mulLlple crlses - of economlcs, democracy, represenLaLlon, ecology and so forLh - are
noL over or solved, caplLallsm has noL come Lo lLs end. ulLe Lhe reverse can be observed:
caplLallsm ls lllusLraLlng once agaln lLs flexlblllLy and lLs ablllLy Lo survlve. WhaL sLaLe LheorlsL
nlcos oulanLzas back ln Lhe 1970les analyzed as AuLhorlLarlan SLaLlsm ls acLually havlng lLs
breakLhrough by now ln Lurope: Lhe sLrengLhenlng of Lhe execuLlve branches of pollLlcs and
Lhe sLaLe's new role ln regulaLlng economlc processes and Lhe sLraLeglcally bypasslng of
rules for legal and consLlLuLlonal developmenL are some of Lhe maln feaLures of
AuLhorlLarlan SLaLlsm. Cn a more general level caplLallsm ls experlenclng lLs auLhorlLarlan
Lurn. WhaL we wlLness are Lwo klnds of reallLles aL Lhe same Llme: whlle Lhere are - on
average - no serlous governmenLal crlses LhroughouL Lurope, besldes aL leasL a crlsls of
hegemony - ln Lhe sense of AnLonlo Cramscl - of (pure) neollberal Lhlnklng and pollLlcal
acLlng, Lhe Luropean socleLles are sufferlng from a deep mulLlple crlsls, parLlcularly ln Lhe
domaln of soclal reproducLlon on a lndlvldual as well on soclal level. 1hls conLrlbuLlon wanLs
Lo examlne Lhe currenL paLhs of Lhe crlsls, by developlng an own noLlon of Lhe rlslng
AuLhorlLarlan SLaLlsm.
Samue| knafo & 8enno 1eschke
scoploq 8teooet's koles of keptoJoctloo. lolltlcol Motxlsm & nlstotlclty
"Marxlsm has long been pulled aparL by Lwo dlfferenL legacles. 1he flrsL ls a sLrong crlLlque
of Lhe loglc of caplLallsm whlch has been grounded ln a sysLemaLlc analysls of Lhe rules of
reproducLlon of caplLallsm as a sysLem. 1hls sLrucLural crlLlque has ofLen led Lo an emphasls
on Lhe llmlLed ablllLy of caplLallsm Lo overcome lLs lnLernal conLradlcLlons. 1he second
legacy ls a sLrong hlsLorlclsL perspecLlve whlch sLems from Marx's Pegellan background and
hls own crlLlque of Lhe Cerman phllosopher's Lra[ecLory. 1hls hlsLorlclsm has seen hlm puL
forward a concepLlon of soclal relaLlons and an emphasls Lhe cenLrallLy of power and class
sLruggle for our accounL of hlsLory.
Whlle mosL MarxlsLs see Lhemselves as helr Lo Lhese Lwo deflnlng feaLures of Marx, lL ls no
secreL LhaL lL has ofLen been dlfflculL Lo properly marry Lhem. ollLlcal Marxlsm lLself, we
argue, has been caughL wlLhln Lhls conLradlcLory legacy. As a resulL, whaL was once a
promlslng hlsLorlclsL alLernaLlve became mlred ln economlsLlc readlngs of caplLallsm whlch
hlnder Lhe pracLlce of hlsLorlclsaLlon lL was supposed Lo buLLress. 1hls arLlcle seeks Lo make
good on Lhe lnlLlal promlse of ollLlcal MarxlsL by radlcallzlng Lhe agenL-cenLered and
hlsLorlclsL legacy of Marx."
Samue| knafo
1be lmpetlollsm of lloooclollsotloo. Motxlsm ooJ tbe uoeveo nlstoty of Clobol lloooce
1hls paper analyses Lhe MarxlsL llLeraLure on flnanclallsaLlon and crlLlclses lLs sLrucLurallsL
blas and lLs Lendency Lo work on Lhe basls of aggregaLes LhaL obfuscaLe complex and dlverse
soclal relaLlons. As l argue, Lhls lens casLs flnanclallsaLlon ln largely asoclal and de-
conLexLuallsed ways whlch make lL dlfflculL Lo hlsLorlclse Lhls phenomenon and undersLand
Lhe power relaLlons lnvolved. As a challenge, Lhls paper uses a ollLlcal MarxlsL framework
Lo offer an alLernaLlve accounL based on agency. ln parLlcular, l ask, why has flnanclallsaLlon
become such a generallsed process? 1hls very facL has generally been Laken as a proof ln
lLself of Lhe need for a sLrucLural approach. lor Lhls seems Lo suggesL a more sLrucLural
drlvlng force aL work. 1o counLer such pervaslve narraLlve abouL flnanclallsaLlon, Lhls paper
Lraces Lhe uneven developmenL of flnanclallsaLlon from lLs Amerlcan orlglns, lLs spread
Lhrough LuromarkeLs and lLs lmpacL on flnanclal sysLems ln Cermany and !apan. lL seeks ln
Lhe process Lo reframe our undersLandlng of Lhe essenLlal feaLures of flnanclallsaLlon and
provlde Lhe foundaLlons for a 'soclal hlsLory' of lLs evoluLlon.
Lce kocab|cak
now copltollsm sotvlves wltboot womeo wotkets lo 1otkey
"Slnce Lhe early decades of caplLallsL developmenL, Lhe composlLlon of free wage-labour has
always been enLlrely men ln 1urkey. ConsequenLly, share of women ln Lhe non-agrlculLural
secLors ln 1urkey ls much lower Lhan oLher counLrles. ln order Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe reasons of
women's lower level of pald employmenL, l wlll provlde a comparaLlve analysls among Lhe
counLrles whlch level of caplLallsL developmenL ls same as 1urkey, yeL Lhe share of women
ln Lhe pald employmenL ls much hlgher Lhan 1urkey.
1he evldence LhaL l have analysed Lhus far, suggesLs LhaL ln comparlson Lo Lhe selecLed
sample of counLrles, Lhe femlnlsaLlon of free wage-labour ln 1urkey has delayed
approxlmaLely by a half cenLury. 1hls slLuaLlon has compllcaLed lmpllcaLlons on Lhe
proleLarlanlsaLlon process and caplLal accumulaLlon. WlLh Lhls paper, my alm ls Lo presenL
Lhe lnlLlal ouLcomes of my daLa analysls wlLh regard Lo Lhe dlsLlncLlve feaLures of caplLallsL
developmenL ln 1urkey. 1hese lnclude Lhe condlLlons of prlmlLlve accumulaLlon, Lhe
composlLlon of caplLal accumulaLlon, secLoral dlsLrlbuLlon of free wage-labour, class sLruggle
and Lhe sLaLe. ln dolng so, l expecL Lo conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe llLeraLure by demonsLraLlng Lhe
muLually shaplng relaLlonshlp beLween paLrlarchy and caplLallsm."
Ange|os kontog|ann|s-Mandros
Neofosclsm lo tbe eto of ctlsls. 1be cose of ColJeo uowo
"ln Lhls paper we alm Lo lllumlnaLe Lhe key facLors LhaL underlle Colden uawn's emergence
as a ma[or pollLlcal force ln Lhe Creek pollLlcal scene ln Lhe afLermaLh of Lhe masslve soclal
moblllzaLlons experlenced ln Lhe counLry Lhe perlod 2010-12 and ln Lhe conLexL of Lhe
ongolng soclo-economlc crlsls.
Cur goal ls Lo provlde an ln-depLh analysls of Lhe characLerlsLlcs of Lhe neofasclsL
dlscourse, lLs lnfluence ln Lhe broader pollLlcal debaLe and lLs raLher dlaloglcal relaLlon wlLh
Lhe dlscourse and pollcles of Lhe 'malnsLream' rlghL. 1hls wlll enable us Lo proceed ln a more
sound examlnaLlon of lLs elecLoral proflle (l.e. soclodemographlc characLerlsLlcs of lLs voLers)
and lLs pollLlcal dynamlc.
1he surprlslngly hlgh resulLs of Lhe parLy boLh ln Lhe euro-elecLlons and Lhe munlclpallLy
and prefecLure elecLlons LhaL preceded, desplLe Lhe crlmlnal prosecuLlons agalnsL lLs
leadershlp, conslsLs for us Lhe ulLlmaLe proof LhaL we are deallng here wlLh a deep soclo-
pollLlcal currenL of cruclal slgnlflcance for Lhe undersLandlng of Lhe dynamlcs LhaL currenLly
lnLerplay ln Lhe resLrucLurlng of Lhe Creek parLy sysLem. lurLhermore lL ls our convlcLlon
LhaL Colden uawn's rlse conslsL a very lnLeresLlng case for Lhe examlnaLlon of Lhe pollLlcal
llmlLs of conLemporary neollberal caplLallsm as parL or ouLcome of Lhe auLhorlLarlan
LransformaLlon LhaL complemenLs Lhe managemenL of Lhe economlc crlsls.
We hope LhaL such an analysls wlll noL only conLrlbuLe Lo a more sound undersLandlng of
Creek pollLlcs buL wlll be of lmporLance for Lhe examlnaLlon of Lhe emergence and
ouLspread of radlcal rlghL and neo-fasclsL currenLs Lhough ouL Lhe conLlnenL."
aavo kot|aho
1oles of 1toosfotmlsmo. lotetootloool nomoo klqbts low ooJ tbe Ooslooqbt of Neollbetol
Slnce Lhe publlcaLlon of Samuel Moyn's 2010 ground-breaklng sLudy on Lhe conLemporary
hlsLory of lnLernaLlonal human rlghLs law - 1he LasL uLopla: Puman 8lghLs ln PlsLory -
scholarshlp on lnLernaLlonal human rlghLs law and lLs hlsLory has been shaken. 8aLher Lhan
focuslng on Lhe age-old debaLe on Lhe relaLlonshlp of humanlLarlanlsm Lo human rlghLs
(Moyn: 2013), Moyn's 2010 sLudy has demanded a shlfL of focus LhaL brlngs Lo llghL
quesLlons LhaL Louch dlrecLly on Lhe conLemporary era. AmongsL Lhese quesLlons and llnes
of lnqulry Lhe one LhaL sLands ouL ln lLs slgnlflcance for Lhe 2014 PlsLorlcal MaLerlallsm
conference has been LhaL whlch lnLerrogaLes Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe lnLernaLlonal
human rlghLs movemenL and neollberallsm. ?eL, desplLe belng alLernaLlvely seen as frre
enemls (Moyn: 2013), hlsLorlcal companlons (Wllls: 2014) or compeLlng slLes of hegemonlc
conLesLaLlon (Marks: 2012), conLemporary accounLs fall Lo conslder Lhe relaLlonshlp
sysLemaLlcally as one of muLual consLlLuLlon exlsLlng wlLhln Lhe same ensemble of soclal
relaLlons. 1o amelloraLe Lhls sLaLe of affalrs Lhls paper wlll argue LhaL lessons oughL Lo be
learned from Lhe research agenda of AnLonlo Cramscl ln relaLlon Lo Lhe developmenL of
lLallan caplLallsm of Lhe 19Lh cenLury. ln parLlcular, drawlng on Lhree hlsLorlcal vlgneLLes
(Lhe 1970s rlse of Lhe human rlghLs movemenL ln Lhe SouLhern Cone, Lhe 1980s
lncorporaLlon of human rlghLs wlLh sLrucLural ad[usLmenL programs, and Lhe laLe 1980s Lurn
by Lhe World 8ank Lo Lhe 'soclal') Lhls paper wlll suggesL LhaL Lhe concepL of Lransformlsmo
whlch Cramscl lnvoked Lo descrlbe Lhe LacLlc of co-opLaLlon, paclflcaLlon and evenLual
decaplLaLlon of progresslve Lendencles by Lhe powers LhaL be, provldes a parLlcularly apL
LheoreLlcal Lool Lo explaln Lhe Lendencles wlLhln lnLernaLlonal human rlghLs law LhaL
propagaLed from Lhe laLe 1970s Lo Lhe early 1990s. And ln so dolng, Lhls paper hopes Lo
conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe general LhemaLlc of Lhe conference and suggesL ways ln whlch
LransformaLlve forces may conslder lnLeracLlng wlLh human rlghLs whlle aL Lhe same Llme
avoldlng such engagemenL's co-opLlve poLenLlal.

Desp|na koutsoumba & anag|ot|s Sot|r|s
cteotloq lobotototles of bope. tetblokloq tbe poestloo of otqoolzotloo toJoy
uurlng Lhe pasL few years, Lhe quesLlon of organlzaLlon has reLurned boLh ln poslLlve and
negaLlve Lerms. 1he experlence of lmpresslve mass proLesL movemenLs, based upon forms
of dlrecL democracy, horlzonLal coordlnaLlon, equal volclng, along wlLh Lhelr lnablllLy Lo be
'LranslaLed' lnLo pollLlcal movemenLs and dynamlcs has opened up Lhe greaL debaLes upon
organlzaLlon, elLher Lowards a dlrecLlon of a refusal of parLy form or Lo Lhe dlrecLlon of a
reLhlnklng of Lhe parLy form as connecLlon beLween movemenLs. AL Lhe same Llme Lhe
varlous expresslons of a crlsls of Lhe anLlcaplLallsL LefL, aL leasL ln some of lLs varlanLs, noL
only ln Lhe sense of lLs pollLlcs buL also ln Lhe sense of lLs organlzaLlonal culLure, have
broughL agaln forward Lhe lmporLance of Lhe quesLlon of organlzaLlon. 1he same goes for
Lhe conLradlcLory resulLs of varlous aLLempLs aL creaLlng broad lefL elecLoral fronLs. 1o
answer all Lhese challenges we need a profound reLhlnklng of Lhe quesLlon of organlzaLlon,
by golng back Lo Cramscl's concepLlon of Lhe parLy as elaboraLor and laboraLory of
programs, sLraLegles and pollLlcal lnLellecLuallLles buL also Lo Lhe 'gnoseology of pollLlcs'
lnherenL ln Lhe lenlnlsL pro[ecL. 1o Lhese we also need Lo add Lhe sLraLeglc lmporLance of
Lhe unlLed lronL, as a means Lo faclllLaLe Lhe encounLer of dlfferenL experlences, hlsLorles of
sLruggles, pollLlcal LradlLlons, and senslLlvlLles and also Lo Lransform Lhe experlences comlng
from Lhe movemenL lnLo pollLlcal sLraLegy. ConsequenLly, lnsLead of LradlLlonal forms of
'bulldlng Lhe parLy' or LacLlcal elecLoral fronLs, we suggesL -based upon our experlence boLh
poslLlve and negaLlve from Lhe aLLempLs Lo faclllLaLe Lhe reallgnmenL of Lhe anLlcaplLallsL
LefL ln Creece buL also upon lmporLanL new LheoreLlcal conLrlbuLlons Lo Lhese debaLes - Lhe
need Lo Lhlnk exacLly of new, orlglnal, necessarlly conLradlcLory, democraLlc varlaLlons of
Lhe unlLed fronL sLraLegy as laboraLorles, knowledge processes and faclllLaLors of Lhe
encounLer beLween sLruggles, dlscourses and anLlcaplLallsL sLraLegles.
8en[am|n kunke|
5totloooty kevolotloo? lmpllcotloos fot 5oclollsm ooJ copltollsm of oo oJ to Ctowtb
1he ldea of a sLaLlonary sLaLe or growLhless economy has haunLed Lhe marglns of economlc
LhoughL slnce Lhe early days of lndusLrlal or fossll caplLallsm, dlscussed suggesLlvely, buL noL
sysLemaLlcally, by SmlLh, 8lcardo, Mlll, and oLhers. Slnce Lhe 1970s and especlally over Lhe
pasL decade, Lhe prospecL-welcomed of feared-of an end Lo growLh has galned new
promlnence. Pow ls a sLaLlonary or sLeady-sLaLe economy Lo be concelved-ln Cu or
blophyslcal Lerms? ls Lhe end of per caplLa growLh a medlum-Lerm posslblllLy? lf so, whaL
would brlng lL abouL? A confluence of facLors make Lhe arrlval of a sLaLlonary sLaLe wlLhln
Lhls cenLury, for many advanced economles lf noL Lhe enLlre world, a plauslble Lhough
hardly cerLaln developmenL. 1hese facLors lnclude geologlcally or pollLlcally lmposed llmlLs
Lo fossll fuel exLracLlon, decllnlng producLlvlLy galns from Lhe greaLer share of servlces ln Lhe
economy relaLlve Lo agrlculLure and lndusLry, an arresL or even reversal of lndusLrlal
producLlvlLy Lhrough hlgher energy cosLs, Lhe LhreaL Lo agrlculLural producLlon from cosLly
energy and envlronmenLal degradaLlon, cllmaLe-lnduced damage Lo lnfrasLrucLure, and Lhe
economlcally depresslve effecLs of a surplus populaLlon" ldled by Lhe unavallablllLy of
waged work. 1he pollLlcal opporLunlLles and rlsks of a sLaLlonary sLaLe are worLh
conslderlng. ls lL Lrue, as SchumpeLer sald, LhaL a sLaLlonary caplLallsm would be a
conLradlcLlo ln ad[ecLo"? Cr-a grlm scenarlo-mlghL caplLal accumulaLlon ouLlasL growLh?
CrowLhlessness would open up a new Lerraln for lefL sLraLegy. rlvaLe proflL, and flnanclal
proflL ln parLlcular, may seem less Lolerable Lo a general publlc LhaL sees lLself loslng a zero-
sum game: an openlng for Lhe lnLernaLlonal lefL (as well as Lhe chauvlnlsL rlghL). 1he
llquldlLy preference" of prlvaLe caplLal would llkely lncrease where overall growLh ls noL
assured, lendlng a furLher raLlonale Lo Lhe soclallzaLlon of lnvesLmenL. 1he reducLlon of
average worklng hours would be anoLher aLLracLlve and raLlonal cholce where consumpLlon
of physlcal goods was flaL or falllng. ?eL a socleLy no longer expandlng ln Lerms of
blophyslcal LhroughpuL" (Perman ualy) mlghL sLlll provlde an equal or even wlder array of
so-called servlces, commodlfled or noL. A servlce-heavy economy ls by no means naLurally
or lnevlLably egallLarlan, buL may be more conduclve Lo soclallsm or communlsm Lhan pasL
economles ln whlch lndusLry and agrlculLure bulked larger. (A purpose of Lhe presenL paper
ls Lo ouLllne Lhe reasonlng behlnd Lhls suggesLlon.) Mlll wroLe ln 1848 LhaL he dld noL regard
Lhe sLaLlonary sLaLe of caplLal and wealLh wlLh Lhe unaffecLed averslon so generally
manlfesLed Loward lL by pollLlcal economlsLs of Lhe old school. l am lncllned Lo belleve LhaL
lL would be, on Lhe whole, a very conslderable lmprovemenL of our condlLlon." Cne
quesLlon for Lhe cenLury ahead ls wheLher soclallsLs can arrlve aL Lhe same concluslon by
dlfferenL means, proper Lo our LradlLlon and conslsLenL wlLh Lhe Llmes.
S||v|a L. Lpez
8tozll. uevelopmeot os coootetlosotqeocy lo tbe New wotlJ OtJet
aulo AranLes, Lhe premler MarxlsL phllosopher of 8razll, provldes us ln hls mosL recenL
book "C novo 1empo do Mundo" (2014) wlLh a new undersLandlng of soclal developmenL
as a form of counLerlnsurgency and as a Lechnology of securlLy deployed by Lhe sLaLe ln Lhls
new phase of 8razlllan caplLallsm. AranLes conLends LhaL 8razll llves ln a permanenL sLaLe of
clvll war where power reconflgures lLself only Lo glve orders abouL lLs sLaLe of excepLlon.
Pow do we make sense of Lhls new order of Lhe caplLallsL world ln 8razll? ls Lhe "emergenL"
ln economlc powers lnevlLably llnked Lo Lhe "emergency" Lhe sLaLe lnvokes Lo rule ln a
permanenL sLaLe of excepLlon? l wlll analyze Lhls and oLher key ldeas of aulo AranLes for an
Anglophone audlence, who has noL had access Lo hls work before.
Ishay Landa
copltollsm, nlstoty, ooJ ltoqtess. Motxlst letspectlves ke-exomloeJ
ln Lhls Lalk l wlsh Lo Lackle Lhe hlsLorlcal quesLlon of caplLallsm's reslllence by reLurnlng Lo
Lhe fundamenLal concepL of 'progress.' 1he prospecLs of soclallsL sLraLegy ln our Llmes
(conLlnue Lo) depend Lo a large exLenL on Lhe way progress ls appreclaLed. ulfferenL
undersLandlng of progress enLall dlfferenL sLraLeglc resoluLlons: a faLallsLlc bellef ln progress
as an unsLoppable developmenL - a bellef whlch ls Loday largely exLlncL - enLalls a reformlsL
pollLlcs, leadlng Lo posL-caplLallsm, hlsLorlcal pesslmlsm and dlsllluslon, on Lhe oLher hand,
brlng forLh elLher reslgnaLlon or a desperaLe, someLlmes messlanlc search for loopholes LhaL
wlll allow an escape from a nearly lnevlLable doom. A Lhlrd approach, whlch l deem more
properly dlalecLlcal and ln Lune wlLh MarxlsL LhoughL, vlgorously defends progress buL only
as a posslblllLy. Pere, progress ls seen as boLh lmmanenL Lo caplLallsL hlsLory and aL Lhe
same Llme as only poLenLlal, faclng enormous obsLacles and powerful enemles. lf progress ls
Lo be enacLed, revoluLlonary LransformaLlon wlll be essenLlal buL noL as some volunLarlsLlc
gesLure. 8aLher, revoluLlonary pollLlcal acLlon ls called upon Lo acLlvaLe and fulflll Lhe real
conLradlcLlons and poLenLlallLles whlch caplLallsL hlsLory lLself boLh harbors and frusLraLes.
1hese ldeas wlll be dlscussed wlLh reference Lo key quesLlons assoclaLed wlLh Lhe ldea of
progress - maLerlal clvlllzaLlon, Lechnologlcal advance, or Lhe hlsLorlcal slgnlflcance of
fasclsm - and Lo several semlnal lnLerpreLaLlons of hlsLory and progress, as propounded by
such auLhors as karl Marx, lrledrlch nleLzsche, 8erLolL 8rechL, WalLer 8en[amln, and . !. 8.
8. 1olklen.
Sean Larson
kepteseotloq copltollsm. Iomesooloo 1otollty ot 8tecbtloo 8ollets?
"ln recenL years, lrederlc !ameson has Lheorlzed varlous aspecLs of Lhe problem of
represenLaLlon, frequenLly drawlng upon Lhe rlch hlsLory of MarxlsL aesLheLlcs. 1he 8rechL-
Lukcs dlspuLe" of Lhe 1930s ls a key reference polnL ln Lhls hlsLory. 1hls paper ls an efforL Lo
draw ouL Lhe consequences of LhaL dlspuLe - especlally wlLh regard Lo lLs engagemenL wlLh
Lhe pollLlcal and sLraLeglc quesLlons of lLs day - for Lhe problem of represenLlng caplLallsm
and Lhe con[uncLure Loday.
Lukcs' aesLheLlc and represenLaLlonal sLraLegy of Lhe LoLallLy played a deLermlnanL role ln
hls early analysls of fasclsm, and consequenLly ln Lhe developmenL of hls 8lum 1heses" -
Lhe proLoLype of Lhe opular lronL sLraLegy. Speclflcally, lL was Lhe prlmacy of Lhe
eplsLemologlcal aspecL ln hls analysls of class deLermlnanLs and anLagonlsms aL Lhe core of
caplLallsm LhaL led Lo Lhe mlscharacLerlzaLlon of fasclsm as a phenomenon, and Lhus Lo a
pollLlcal sLraLegy LhaL falled Lo provlde a way forward for Lhe revoluLlonary sLruggle.
ln several recenL books, !ameson ls concerned wlLh Lhe represenLaLlon of caplLallsm under
neollberallsm, or whaL he calls LaLe CaplLallsm". 1hls paper demonsLraLes how !ameson's
expllclLly Lukcslan prlorlLlzaLlon of eplsLemologlcal, raLher Lhan sLrucLural, deLermlnanLs of
class ln hls represenLaLlon of Lhe caplLallsL LoLallLy effecLlvely shlfLs Lhe Lerraln of hls analysls
away from caplLal lLself as a sLrucLurlng prlnclple. !usL as Lhe opular lronL analysls of
Lukcs effecLlvely mlsrecognlzed Lhe naLure of fasclsm as someLhlng oLher Lhan caplLallsL,
!ameson's represenLaLlon mlsrecognlzes Lhe caplLallsL sLrucLurlng prlnclple of LaLe
CaplLallsm". 1he LoLallLy !ameson represenLs ls no longer a caplLallsL LoLallLy, and Lhls leads
hlm Lo suggesL a pollLlcs for our perlod LhaL ls problemaLlc lnsofar as lL does noL offer a way
1he 8rechLlan aesLheLlc, parLlcularly as lL was developed ln hls Me-1l, 8uch der Wendungen
from Lhe mld 1930s onward, was deslgned Lo susLaln Lhe posslblllLy of reslsLance and
organlzaLlon by LransmlLLlng valuable LheoreLlcal lnslghLs from Lhe workers' movemenL Lo a
soclally aLomlzed and susplclous people llvlng under Lhe nazl dlcLaLorshlp. lor 8rechL ln hls
dark Llmes, an analysls of fasclsm as fundamenLally a form of caplLallsm was Lhe only
represenLaLlon LhaL could produce an effecLlve sLraLegy Lo combaL fasclsm: Lhe unlLed
lronL. 8rechL's lnLervenLlon lnLo Lhe 1933 lnLernaLlonal WrlLers' Congress and hls famous
essay, WrlLlng Lhe 1ruLh: llve ulfflculLles", lllumlnaLe hls efforLs Lo llnk aesLheLlc and
con[uncLural represenLaLlon wlLh pollLlcal sLraLegy. Above all, Lhe 8rechLlan sLraLegy for
represenLaLlon was deslgned Lo adapL Lo changlng reallLles, and Lherefore offers lnslghLs
lnLo burnlng quesLlons of represenLaLlon under neollberallsm, such as Lhe value of perpeLual
opLlmlsm ln pollLlcal analyses, Lhe developmenL of cognlLlve maps ln Lhe era of soclal
aLomlzaLlon and Lhe decllne of worklng class lnsLlLuLlons, and Lhe Lerms of anLl-caplLallsL
alllance pollLlcs. 1hough Lhese Lypes of quesLlons dlffer from Lhose posed Lo revoluLlonarles
ln Lhe 1930s, Lhe problem of represenLaLlon conLlnues Lo have pollLlcal and sLraLeglc
consequences. 8ooLed as lL ls ln a rlgorous analysls of caplLallsm, whaLever form lL Lakes, Lhe
8rechLlan meLhod of represenLaLlon sLlll has much Lo Leach us."
N|ck Lawrence
uoeveo ooJ combloeJ uevelopmeot. commoJlty 5otvlvol ooJ tbe coloolzeJ vetyJoy lo
lostwot ctltlcol 1beoty
WrlLlng ln 1961 Loward Lhe close of Lhe second volume of hls soclologlcal sLudy of la vle
quoLldlenne, Penrl Lefebvre makes emphaLlc hls asserLlon LhaL crlLlque of everyday llfe
generallzes [Lhe] experlence of Lhe 'backward' or 'underdeveloped' naLlons and exLends lL
Lo Lhe everyday ln Lhe hlghly developed lndusLrlal counLrles." ln adapLlng 1roLsky's
Lermlnology of uneven and comblned developmenL Lo Lhe slLuaLlon of colonlzed llfeworlds
ln core and perlphery allke, Lefebvre polnLs up Lhe pressures, evacuaLlons and asymmeLrles
of Lhe concepL of Lhe everyday aL Lhe momenL when lL achleves deflnlLlon as a focused
ob[ecL of analysls. 1hls paper examlnes Lhe sLress LesLs puL Lo Lhe 'everyday' as boLh
fronLllne and back-formaLlon of caplLal's advance lnLo hlLherLo unoccupled LerrlLory,
prlmarlly ln Lhe work of Lefebvre, buL also of Adorno, uebord and such MarxlsL-femlnlsLs as
Sllvla lederlcl, Selma !ames and Marlarosa uallacosLa. Addresslng relaLed problems of work
and lelsure, Lhe dlvlslon of labour and Lhe quesLlon of soclal reproducLlon, Lhese Lhlnkers
grapple above all wlLh Lhe loglc of caplLal's slmulLaneous producLlon of homogenelLy and
lnequallLy as Lhls loglc perLalns Lo Lhe commodlflcaLlon of everyday llfe. lL ls ln and Lhrough
Lhe colonlzaLlon of Lhe everyday, Lhelr analyses suggesL, LhaL Lhe commodlLy-form exLends
lLs reach.
Athanas|os Lazarou
1be veot lo Atcbltectote. 5poce os cooctete Absttoctloo lo otozooe-ctlsls Atbeos
"AL Lhe helghL of Lhe Lurozone crlsls ln 2011 proLesLors scaled Lhe Acropolls Lo place a
banner agalnsL Lhe Creek governmenL's ausLerlLy pollcles. resenLed ln full vlew Lo Lhe
roofLop cafe of Creece's mosL promlnenL Lurozone pro[ecL - 8ernard 1schuml's new
Acropolls Museum - Lhe demonsLraLlon hlghllghLed Lhe vlslble role of archlLecLure ln
faclllLaLlng evenLs durlng Lhe pollLlcal crlsls. 1hls paper engages Lhe dlalogue beLween Lhese
monumenLal archlLecLural ob[ecLs as producLs of Lhe conLradlcLlons of caplLallsm expressed
durlng a crlsls, where changes ln spaLlal synLax concelve Lhemselves Lhrough Lemporary or
seml-permanenL lnLervenLlons under Lhe condlLlons of evenL.
Lxpandlng upon spaLlal dlalecLlcs, Lhe paper presenLs archlLecLure as boLh sub[ecL and
ob[ecL of lLs own hlsLorlcal LransformaLlon. 1o resolve Lhe anLlLheLlcal poslLlon of Lhe Lwo
Lerms sub[ecL and ob[ecL, Lhe paper employs Penrl Lefebvre's noLlon of space as concreLe
absLracLlon Lo demonsLraLe LhaL as caplLallsm comes under crlsls, evenLs can be undersLood
as sysLems of measuremenL for spaLlal reglsLraLlons of change and Lhe re-organlsaLlon of
spaLlal relaLlons. CrlLlcally, Lhe evenL ls belng proposlLloned from Lhe phllosophlcal prlnclple
of a 'break' Lo quesLlon Lhe llnk beLween Lheory and bullL forms regardlng archlLecLural
ouLpuLs agalnsL ldeologlcal ouLpuLs."
au| Le8|anc
closs cooscloosoess, loboot-toJlcol sob-coltote, ooJ tevolotloooty sttoteqy
1he Lrulsm wlLhouL revoluLlonary Lheory, Lhere can be no revoluLlonary movemenL" poses
a challenge for acLlvlsLs ln Lhe LradlLlon of Lenln, Luxemburg, and 1roLsky. All Loo ofLen such
acLlvlsLs feLlshlze Lhe ldeas of Lhese revoluLlonary heroes wlLhouL belng able Lo connecL
Lhem Lo Lhe maLerlal reallLles and pracLlcal sLruggles of our own Llme. 1helr relevance ln
LwenLy-flrsL cenLury conLexLs requlres Lhe developmenL of concepLs LhaL can gulde pracLlcal
efforLs ln Lhe face of new reallLles. noLlons developed by culLural anLhropologlsLs lnLersecL
wlLh MarxlsL LheorlzaLlons Lo suggesL Lhe analyLlcal concepL of radlcal labor subculLure."
1hls wlll be lllusLraLed by reference Lo u.S. labor hlsLory. 1he acLuallLy of Lhls radlcal labor
subculLure was essenLlal ln Lhe developmenL of radlcal class-consclousness wlLhln Lhe u.S.
worklng class, and sheds llghL on Lhe growLh of Lhe powerful and lnfluenLlal lefL-wlng
currenLs wlLhln Lhe malnsLream of Lhe u.S. labor movemenL from Lhe 1860s Lhrough Lhe
1930s. ollLlcal, economlc, soclal, and culLural LransformaLlons sLreLchlng from Lhe 1940s
Lhrough Lhe 1960s resulLed ln Lhe eroslon and decllne of LhaL subculLure, wlLh a consequenL
dlsconnecL of lefL-wlng radlcallsm from Lhe worklng class. ollLlcal, soclal and economlc
LransformaLlons slnce Lhe 1970s have generaLed culLural shlfLs and openlngs LhaL appear Lo
be feedlng lnLo Lhe re-creaLlon of a new radlcal labor subculLure. A blendlng of such lnslghLs
wlLh Lhe classlcal MarxlsL sLraLeglc orlenLaLlon may provlde a paLh forward for Lhe creaLlon
of a mass movemenL capable of challenglng caplLallsm.
1ob|n Le8|anc na|ey
lotboloqlzloq MoJ womeo. A femlolst polltlcol ecooomy ooolysls of tbe tole of blopsycblotty
lo tbe oeollbetol oqe
"LffecLs of neollberal pollcy Lrends for mad women are erased Lhrough Lhe moblllzaLlon of
blo-psychlaLry. MarxlsL scholarshlp documenLs Lhe symbloLlc relaLlonshlp beLween
blopsychlaLry and neollberallsm (e.g. Cohen 2014). ?eL Lhere ls an absence of scholarshlp on
Lhe regulaLlon of Lhe gender order by blopsychlaLry. CrlLlques of Lhe role of blopsychlaLry ln
sLablllzlng a (gendered) soclal order necessary Lo caplLallsm were popular ln Lhe lasL cenLury
(8usfleld 1986, 1996, u'uren 1997). 8ecenLly, Lhese crlLlques have waned desplLe Lhe
sLrengLhenlng of Lhe blomedlcal model of healLh under neollberallsm (8aphael Curry-
SLevens 2009).
1hls paper explores how gendered neollberal Lrends are enacLed and how Lhe effecLs are
neuLrallzed ln Lhe llves of mad women Lhrough Lhe moblllzaLlon of blo-psychlaLry. 1hls
paper uses archlval and documenLary research and daLa from lnLervlews wlLh mad people
llvlng ln hlgh-supporL homes ln CnLarlo. lemlnlsL pollLlcal economy scholarshlp, especlally
work on soclal reproducLlon (e.g. 8ezanson and LuxLon 2006), provldes a framework for
analyzlng how neollberal Lrends ln labour and soclal pollcy deepen mad women's lnequallLy
whlle blopsychlaLry aLLrlbuLes lnequallLy Lo lndlvldual paLhology. Applylng Lhese lnslghLs Lo
Lhe slLuaLlon of mad women ln CnLarlo's hlgh-supporL homes demonsLraLes Lhe role of
blopsychlaLry ln malnLalnlng Lhe gendered soclal order of neollberallsm."
1aek-Gwang Lee
1be Nototol Ootoloqy of commoJlflcotloo. now coolJ commoJlty 8e Oot Owo lJeotlty?
1he alm of my presenLaLlon ls Lo analyze Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe loglc of commodlLy
form and sub[ecLlvlLy. Marx's concepLuallzaLlon of feLlshlsm was an aLLempL Lo undersLand
Lhe effecL of commodlLy form produclng Lhe formal equallLy. 1he problem of commodlLy
form ls Lhe feLlshlsm of Lhe equal exchanges by whlch everyLhlng ls slmply Lransformed lnLo
an equallzed value whaLever lLs subsLanLlve dlfferences ln use value. Lukcas developed
furLher Lhe Lheory of relflcaLlon from Marx's dlscusslon of commodlLy feLlshlsm and deflned
lLs essenLlal aspecL as Lhe ghosLly ob[ecLlvlLy of commodlLy form. 8ecounLlng MarxlsL
LheorlzaLlon of commodlflcaLlon, l would llke Lo focus on how commodlLy form relnforces
Lhe feLlshlsLlc sLaLus of sub[ecLlvlLy Lhrough consumerlsm. MosL of crlLlcal approach Lo
consumerlsm has seemed Lo shed llghL on Lhe lmmorallLy of markeL-cenLered economlc
sysLem or Lhe pleasure prlnclple of consumers lgnoranL Lo Lhe cruelLy of caplLallsm. lrom
Lhls perspecLlve, l wlll crlLlcally conslder Lvgeny ashukanls' Lheory of Lhe relaLlon beLween
commodlLy form and legal sysLem. 1he llmlL of hls Lheory ls undenlable ln undersLandlng Lhe
procedure of Lhe sub[ecLlvaLlon, buL sLlll lnslghLful for Lheorlzlng Lhe naLural onLology of
commodlLles. My conLenLlon ls LhaL Lhe loglc of commodlLy form ls closely relaLed Lo Lhe
legallzaLlon of pollLlcal economy ln caplLallsm and Lhe normallzaLlon of Lhe LruLh of a
markeL" for everyday llfe. ashukanls clalms, all law was lnherenLly relaLed Lo Lhe
commodlLy exchange relaLlonshlp whlch reaches lLs hlghesL polnL under caplLallsm"
(Mlchael Pead, 2008). l Lhlnk hls undersLandlng of Lhe legal form ls useful Lo delve lnLo Lhe
secreL of commodlLy form, whlch naLurallzes caplLallsm.
Lmanue|e Leonard|
cotboo 1toJloq uoqmo. lloooclol ulmeosloos ooJ lolltlcol lmpllcotloos of Clobol cotboo
"1he paper presenLs Lwo lnLerrelaLed secLlons. ln Lhe flrsL, global carbon markeLs are
hlsLorlcally conLexLuallzed, analyLlcally descrlbed and pollLlcally arLlculaLed agalnsL Lhe
background of a Lwofold hypoLhesls: a) Lhe process of progresslve markeLlzaLlon of cllmaLe
change occurs ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe emergence of a new modallLy of value producLlon
(whlch can be generlcally deflned as 'cognlLlve caplLallsm'), b) Lhe governance of
conLemporary clrculLs of valorlzaLlon Lends Lo be locaLed wlLhln Lhe flnanclal sphere and
poses a consLlLuLlve and ongolng uncerLalnLy/lnsLablllLy as a necessary condlLlon for Lhelr
Such a Lwofold hypoLhesls ls LesLed ln Lhe second parL of Lhe paper, wlLh speclflc reference
Lo Lhe Clean uevelopmenL Mechanlsm - as esLabllshed by Lhe kyoLo roLocol. ln parLlcular,
Lhe analysls wlll focus on Lhe carbon commodlLles enacLed by Lhe roLocol, whlch ls Lo say
Lhe CerLlfled Lmlsslon 8educLlons. 1he argumenL advanced by Lhe paper ls Lwofold: a) such
commodlLles depend on an lnsLrumenLal use of LheoreLlcal lnnovaLlon ceaselessly produced
by cllmaLe sclence, b) Lhe wealLh creaLlon acLlvaLed by Lhese commodlLles almosL enLlrely
occurs wlLhln Lhe space deflned by flnanclal markeLs.
Cverall, Lhe paper alms aL demonsLraLlng how Lhe value produced ln global carbon markeLs
excluslvely resLs on Lhe soclal acLors' arblLrary accepLance of Lhe carbon Lradlng dogma,
namely Lhe asserLlon - emplrlcally lnconslsLenL as much as lmposslble Lo be accounLed for -
LhaL only markeL agenLs can efflclenLly Lackle Lhe crlLlcal lssues ralsed by global warmlng.
no||y Lew|s
1be ltoblem of xpetleoce lo Motxlst ooJ lemlolst plstemoloqles
"1hls paper addresses Lhe WesLern femlnlsL and posLsLrucLurallsL crlLlque of classlcal
Marxlsm's rellance on ob[ecLlve knowledge for pollLlcal assessmenL. lemlnlsm clalms LhaL
Marxlsm's raLlonal ob[ecLlvlLy (consldered 'mascullnlsL' ln lLself) elldes Lhe llved experlence
of pollLlcal sub[ecLs resulLlng ln organlzaLlonal concluslons LhaL lgnore dlfferences and
conLlngencles. lemlnlsL sLandpolnL eplsLemology plns knowledge Lo experlence and
perspecLlve. Whlle raLlonallLy ls sLlll suspecL for posLsLrucLurallsL (l.e. queer LheoreLlcal,
lnLersecLlonal) eplsLemology, lL goes furLher, even crlLlqulng sLandpolnL eplsLemology for
appeallng Lo a sLable pollLlcal sub[ecL possesslng agency. 8oLh rouLlnely charge MarxlsLs
wlLh eplsLemologlcal overreach slnce MarxlsLs draw analyses from economlc processes
raLher Lhan from comparlng aspecLs of lnLersecLlonal sub[ecLlvlLles.
8uL, conLrary Lo Lhls crlLlque, MarxlsLs don'L only draw lnformaLlon from maLhemaLlcal
accounLs and hlsLorlcal laws: MarxlsLs also malnLaln LhaL knowledge ls produced from a
rullng class sLandpolnL, LhaL Lhe worklng-class llfe engages ln sensuous acLlvlLy, and LhaL
emanclpaLory pollLlcs depend on Lhe capaclLy of self-aware agenLs slLuaLed aL myrlad
culLural/gendered lnLersecLlons Lo noL only achleve solldarlLy buL Lo make collecLlve
declslons ln Lhe pursulL of 'loslng Lhelr chalns'.
l lnLend Lo develop MarxlsL-femlnlsL eplsLemologlcal meLhods LhaL navlgaLe Lhe poles of
unlversal and parLlcular by synLheslzlng Lhe more useful femlnlsL and queer LheoreLlcal
crlLlques of MarxlsL eplsLemologlcal hablLs ln order Lo assess Lhelr poLenLlal lmpacL on
currenL MarxlsL (parLlcularly LenlnlsL) organlzlng pracLlces."
Soph|e Lew|s
co-Motxlsms. beyooJ tbe "ooptoJoceJ" ootote
1he analyLlc framework of meLabollc rlfL conLalns ongolng promlse for Lhe soclal sclences,
parLlcularly lnsofar as lL can be expanded Lo lnclude soclal-reproducLlve aspecLs of llfe on
earLh. 1hls lnfluenLlal and perslsLenL form of MarxlsL pollLlcal ecology ploneered by !ohn
8ellamy losLer now confronLs lmperaLlves Lo broaden, hybrldlze and radlcallze. ldenLlfylng
Lhe concepLual frelghL of llmlLs, lrreverslble change, and 'wasLe' losLer aLLaches Lo Lhe
meLaphor of 'unlversal meLabollc rlfL', l survey losLer's oeuvre wlLh an eye Lo duallsL
lnconslsLencles ln hls handllng of Lhe soclo-naLural relaLlons of labour producLlon. l argue
LhaL hls ulLlmaLely llmlLs-cenLred framlng of caplLallsL ecology, whlle made ln a LradlLlonal
humanlsL mode, acLually leaves humans ouL of Lhe plcLure ln Lhelr capaclLy, noL as caplLallsLs
or workers, buL as (also flnlLe) naLural resources. ConcomlLanL under-emphasls on Lhe
'work' of naLure obscures Lhe maLerlal and eplsLemlc lnseparablllLy of caplLal and naLure
under currenL condlLlons, whlle slmulLaneously de-anlmaLlng Lhe webs of llfe declared ln
Marx's Lcology (2000) Lo be meLabollcally llvely. 1hls meLhodologlcal lapse beLween sLaLed
hollsm and an applled recourse Lo 'exLernal' naLure, alLhough an all-Loo famlllar one ln
naLure-LheoreLlc scholarshlp, perslsLs ln llmlLlng Lhe amblLlon of eco-revoluLlonary pollLlcs.
1hls problem presenLs obsLacles for evolvlng a Lruly 'co-producLlve' pollLlcal accounL of
alLernaLe, non-caplLallsL ecologles. SympLomaLlc ls Lhe absence of a developed 'soclal
reproducLlon' lens, for losLer, whlch ulLlmaLely llmlLs hls ablllLy Lo Lranscend Lhe ldeology of
unproduced" naLure.
Lars L|h
loescopoble 1otmeots. 8okbotlos vlsloo of tbe kossloo kevolotloo
ln early 1920, 8ukharln publlshed a 160-page LreaLlse enLlLled Lconomy of Lhe 1ranslLlon
erlod. 1hls small book ls 8ukharln's magnum opus as a MarxlsL LheoreLlclan. unforLunaLely,
lL has acqulred a very mlsleadlng repuLaLlon as an expresslon of Lhe llluslons alleged Lo be
parL of so-called war communlsm"-llluslons LhaL supposedly were re[ecLed wlLhln a year
wlLh Lhe lnLroducLlon of Lhe new Lconomlc ollcy (nL) ln sprlng 1921. Cne reason for Lhls
perslsLenL mlsreadlng ls Lhe book's very ldlosyncraLlc sLyle. LssenLlally 8ukharln creaLed hls
own mlx of MarxlsL [argon, soclologlcal [argon, and [argon especlally colned for Lhe occaslon.
lar from deplcLlng a leap lnLo communlsm, Lhe book focuses on Lhe LlLanlc economlc
breakdown ln Lhe afLermaLh of Lhe 1917 revoluLlon ln 8ussla. 8ukharln ln no way evades Lhe
masslve dlmenslons of Lhe economlc crlsls, buL sLrlves Lo presenL lL as Lhe lnevlLable resulL
of a profound popular revoluLlon. 1he 8olshevlk arLy ls Lhus an essenLlally consLrucLlve
force, sLrlvlng Lo reconsLlLuLe a mlnlmal equlllbrlum. ln maklng hls case, 8ukharln glves an
accounL of Lhe ma[or economlc pollcles of Lhe new SovleL governmenL. As a resulL, Lhe book
ls probably Lhe mosL comprehenslve defense of 8olshevlk pollcy by a ma[or parLy
Nancy L|nd|sfarne
CeoJeteJ loepoollty, lotlmocy, closs ooJ nlstotlcol cbooqe
"8ecause paLrlarchy - LhaL ls, Lhe sysLemaLlc paLLerns of lnequallLy beLween women and
men ln any parLlcular seLLlng - long anLedaLes caplLallsm, so Loo musL analyses of gender
accounL for forms of paLrlarchy ln all class socleLles. Class ellLes use vlolence enforce
prlvllege, buL Lo susLaln lnequallLy over Llme, Lhey musL make lnequallLy ldeologlcally
compelllng. 8aclallzed dlfferences someLlmes do Lhls [ob, buL sexual lmagery and gendered
sLereoLypes always do so. Lverywhere Lhey comblne, mosL powerfully, love wlLh Lhe ln[urles
of class. 1hls mosL lnLlmaLe of all conLradlcLlons ls Lhe key Lo ldeologles of gender lnequallLy.
Such ldeologles confuse us abouL whaL ls 'naLural' abouL our bodles, before blrLh and afLer
deaLh, and ln our every lnLeracLlon and very belng ln Lhe world. lnequallLy beLween women
and men ls Lhus deeply naLurallzed and makes lnequallLy everywhere seem naLural. uL Lhls
way, class, maLerlal relaLlons, causallLy and hlsLorlcal change lle aL Lhe hearL analyses of
gender. As can be seen ln Lhe recenL hlsLory of neollberallsm, when modes of producLlon
change, class relaLlons change, and ldeologlcal changes follow. new forms of sexual lmagery
appear Lo naLurallze new forms of lnequallLy, and Lhese, ln Lurn, are meL wlLh new forms of
gendered reslsLance and sLruggle."
A|exander Locasc|o
wby tbe commoJlty lotm uoeso't ule. Ao lottoJoctloo to tbe wotk of wolfqooq lobtt
CompleLely unknown Lo Lngllsh-speaklng audlences, Wolfgang ohrL ls one of Lhe ma[or
flgures ln Lhe Cerman radlcal lefL Lo emerge from SuS and Lhe LradlLlon of Lhe lrankfurL
School. Achlevlng hls greaLesL promlnence as a polemlcal essaylsL ln Lhe 1980s aLLacklng Lhe
resurgence of naLlonallsL and reacLlonary ldeology ln Lhe Cerman peace and early Creen
movemenLs, hls wrlLlng career ls bookended by Lwo LheoreLlcal works, 1976's 1he 1heory of
use-value, a recasLlng of Lhe LoLally admlnlsLered world" Lhesls of Lhe lrankfurL School ln
more expllclLly Marxologlcal Lerms, and 1993's 8roLhers ln Crlme: eople ln Lhe Age of Lhelr
SuperflulLy, an examlnaLlon of Lhe rackeL as Lhe form of soclal organlzaLlon predaLlng
caplLallsm and characLerlzlng caplLallsm ln lLs decllne. ln hls pesslmlsLlc assessmenL of Lhe
foreclosure of revoluLlonary posslblllLy ln laLe caplLallsm, as well as hls pursulL of a ruLhless
crlLlclsm of Lhe ldeologlcal degeneraLlon of Lhe Cerman new LefL lnLo Creen caplLallsm and
naLlonal renewal, ohrL represenLs Lhe mosL auLhenLlc helr of Lhe LradlLlon of crlLlcal
Larry Lohmann
Neollbetollsm's cllmote
opular unresL over cllmaLe change ls a LhreaL Lo caplLal accumulaLlon ln LhaL lL lmpllclLly
challenges Lhe ampllfled labour explolLaLlon and speedler clrculaLlon LhaL became posslble
ln Lhe 19Lh cenLury Lhrough Lhermodynamlc energy and fossll fuels. 1he cobbled-LogeLher
offlclal responses Lo Lhls challenge LhaL have emerged ln Lhe pasL Lwo decades - pre-
emlnenLly, naLlonal and lnLernaLlonal carbon markeLs - parLake of vlrLually all of Lhe
characLerlsLlc elemenLs of neollberallsm. 1hey assume LhaL Lackllng soclal lssues ls largely a
maLLer of dlscoverlng" prlces lnherlng ln new commodlLles developed for Lhe purpose (ln
Lhls case polluLlon allowances and offseLs). 1he commodlLles Lhemselves are LreaLed, vla a
Lyplcally neollberal feLlsh, as lf Lhey creaLed and produced Lhemselves auLomaLlcally (or as lf
Lhey were unproblemaLlc LranslaLlons" of ecologlcal or soclal goods lnLo a quanLlflable and
clrculaLable form), whlle aL Lhe same Llme Lhe mosL sLrenuous and vlolenL efforLs are
devoLed Lo consLrucLlng Lhe lnsLlLuLlons needed Lo deflne, malnLaln and defend Lhem
Lhrough dlspossesslon and explolLaLlon. Clven Lhe role of Lhe sLaLe ln creaLlng demand,
guaranLeelng supply, and underwrlLlng Lhe proflLs of a galaxy of prlvaLe-secLor parLners,
conLracLors, consulLanLs and LechnocraLs who carry ouL mosL of Lhe work of produclng,
clrculaLlng, sLandardlzlng and regulaLlng Lhe new commodlLles, convenLlonal duallsms
opposlng sLaLe" and markeL" have become of as llLLle use ln analyzlng cllmaLe pollcy as
Lhey are ln undersLandlng oLher areas of neollberal pollcy. noL leasL, Lhe new markeLs follow
Lhe general LhrusL of neollberallsm ln LhaL Lhey help boLh sLaLe and corporaLe acLors evade
much of Lhe burden of addresslng Lhe soclal problems LhaL Lhe markeLs are adverLlsed as
cheaply solvlng, whlle slmulLaneously holdlng ouL Lhe promlse of expandlng and deepenlng
opporLunlLles for caplLal accumulaLlon aL a Llme of profound crlsls and sclerosls.
Lvan Loker
Opeoloq to o lesslmlst ulolectlc. Oo 5cbwotzs toto to tbe voloe-lotm
"1he deflnlng concern of MarxlsL crlLlclsm of llLeraLure" 8oberLo Schwarz wrlLes, ls Lhe
dlalecLlc of llLerary form and soclal process. 1hls waLchword ls easlly uLLered buL dlfflculL Lo
acL upon." 1hls paper seeks Lo examlne a shlfL ln Lhe crlLlcal work of 8oberLo Schwarz LhaL
has eluded many of hls Anglophone readers: Lhe 8razlllan crlLlc's engagemenL wlLh Lhe
wrlLlngs of several Cerman LheorlsLs assoclaLed wlLh WerLkrlLlk, or value-lorm Lheory."
Many of Schwarz's crlLlcal concepLs ( mlsplaced ldea," or more recenLly ob[ecLlve
form") have become wldespread among culLural LheorlsLs wrlLlng on Lhe global souLh."
Powever, grasplng Lhe far-reachlng lmpllcaLlons of Lhe dlalecLlc of culLural form Lo soclal
process, whlch Schwarz offers ln hls essays on ClLy of Cod or Lhe novels of Machado de
Assls, requlres Lwo levels of hlsLorlcal conslderaLlon LhaL remaln comparaLlvely lesser-known
Lo Lhe Lngllsh-speaklng academy: flrsL, Lhe manner ln whlch Schwarz's own concepLlon of
caplLallsL accumulaLlon and lLs hlsLorlcal consequences (especlally wlLh respecL Lo 8razll)
have changed slnce Lhe early 1990's, second, how Lhe pollLlcal-economlc slLuaLlon of whaL
was called Lhe Lhlrd" or developlng" world has changed, along wlLh Lhe concepLs Lhrough
whlch Lhls slLuaLlon have been undersLood. 1hls paper endeavors Lo conLrlbuLe Lo beglnnlng
such a LheoreLlcal porLralL.
SLarLlng wlLh a revlew of several key debaLes wlLhln Lhe 8razlllan soclal sclences (whlch
Schwarz has been engaglng wlLh slnce hls formaLlve years), several of hls early lnLervenLlons
wlll be re-examlned. ln dolng so, l wlll emphaslze how Schwarz's Lheorles are soluLlons Lo
Lhe aporla resulLlng from Lhe appllcaLlon of domlnanL LheoreLlcal models Lo perlpheral"
counLrles such as 8razll. 8eLurnlng Lo Lhe (largely) heLerodox and neo-Marxlan debaLes on
hlsLorlography and caplLallsL developmenL wlLhln 8razll ls essenLlal for undersLandlng boLh
Lhe larger slgnlflcance of noLlons llke Lhe mlsplaced ldea" and Lhe manner ln whlch Schwarz
ploneered a culLural soclology ln Lhe manner of 1heodor Adorno (one of Schwarz's early
menLors). 1he lnnovaLlve aspecLs examlned ln Lhe early essays on culLure and aesLheLlc
Lheory anLlclpaLe Lhe laLer Lurn Lo value Lheory ln Lhe early 1990's, culmlnaLlng ln Schwarz's
lnfluenLlal essay on 8oberL kurz's 1991 book, 1he Collapse of ModernlzaLlon. l hope Lo show
how Schwarz's engagemenL wlLh kurz marks a fundamenLal shlfL wlLhln hls LheoreLlcal
framework as a whole, speclflcally, ln hls move away from vlewlng 8razll's paradoxlcal
modernlLy Lhrough Lhe lens of dependency-Lheory, Loward Lhe crlLlque of modernlzaLlon
ouLllned ln kurz's LexL. lL wlll become clear ln Lhe process how much of Schwarz's recenL
work has been concerned wlLh grasplng how 8razll's recenL hlsLory- as well as Lhe
8razlllan" affecLs and experlences condensed ln lLs culLural ob[ecLs- are also momenLs ln
Lhe hlsLory of caplLal's larger, conLradlcLory dynamlcs and developmenLs. 1he Lask wlll noL
be lnLervenlng lnLo lnLellecLual hlsLory for lLs own sake, so much as dlsLllllng Lhe slgnlflcance
and lmpllcaLlons of soclal process" as developed wlLhln Lhe crlLlcal wrlLlngs of 8oberLo
Cttokar Luban
Ottokot loboo.left Cetmoo 5oclol uemoctots oqolost tbe Cteot wot
"ln case of an ouLbreak of war a unanlmously approved resoluLlon of Lhe lnLernaLlonal
SoclallsL Congress of 1907 obllged Lhe soclallsL parLles Lo lnLervene ln favor of lLs speedy
LermlnaLlon, and Lo do all ln Lhelr power Lo uLlllze Lhe economlc and pollLlcal crlsls caused by
Lhe war Lo rouse Lhe people and Lhereby Lo hasLen Lhe abollLlon of caplLallsL class rule."
Whlle Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe Cerman Soclal uemocraLlc leadershlp and of lLs 8elchsLag group
gave up lLs opposlLlonal pollLlcs and supporLed Lhe war efforLs of Lhe lmperlal governmenL a
llLLle group around 8osa Luxemburg, karl LlebknechL, Clara ZeLkln and lranz Mehrlng - due
Lo Lhe resoluLlon of Lhe SoclallsL lnLernaLlonal - Lrled Lo wln Lhe parLy back for an
anLlmlllLarlsLlc pollcy. Slowly Lhls Llny mlnorlLy was [olned by more and more oLher mlllLanLs
ln Lhe parLy. llnally Lhls growlng mlnorlLy was klcked off Lhe Soclal uemocraLlc arLy of
Cermany (Su) and was forced Lo found an own parLy Lhe lndependenL arLy of Cermany
(uSu) ln Aprll 1917.
1he paper wlll show Lhe efforLs of Lhe lefL soclallsLs (SparLacus Croup, 8remen LefL 8adlcals,
8evoluLlonary Shop SLewards, and lefL CenLrlsLs) ln Lhe lnner parLy sLruggles for an offenslve
anLl war pollcy (AugusL 1914-Aprll 1917) and Lhelr clandesLlne acLlvlLles Lo lnlLlaLe mass
acLlons for peace and democracy (8read SLrlke ln Aprll 1917, Mass SLrlke of Lhe AmmunlLlon
Workers ln !anuary 1919, Lhe uprlslng ln 8erlln on november 9Lh 1919). l wlll emphaslze Lhe
speclal soclal, economlc, menLal and pollLlcal condlLlons of Lhe laLe Cerman Lmplre ln war
Llme hlnderlng or supporLlng Lhe developmenL Lowards revoluLlonary mass movemenLs.
ln case of an ouLbreak of war a unanlmously approved resoluLlon of Lhe lnLernaLlonal
SoclallsL Congress of 1907 obllged Lhe soclallsL parLles Lo lnLervene ln favor of lLs speedy
LermlnaLlon, and Lo do all ln Lhelr power Lo uLlllze Lhe economlc and pollLlcal crlsls caused by
Lhe war Lo rouse Lhe people and Lhereby Lo hasLen Lhe abollLlon of caplLallsL class rule."
Whlle Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe Cerman Soclal uemocraLlc leadershlp and of lLs 8elchsLag group
gave up lLs opposlLlonal pollLlcs and supporLed Lhe war efforLs of Lhe lmperlal governmenL a
llLLle group around 8osa Luxemburg, karl LlebknechL, Clara ZeLkln and lranz Mehrlng - due
Lo Lhe resoluLlon of Lhe SoclallsL lnLernaLlonal - Lrled Lo wln Lhe parLy back for an
anLlmlllLarlsLlc pollcy. Slowly Lhls Llny mlnorlLy was [olned by more and more oLher mlllLanLs
ln Lhe parLy. llnally Lhls growlng mlnorlLy was klcked off Lhe Soclal uemocraLlc arLy of
Cermany (Su) and was forced Lo found an own parLy Lhe lndependenL arLy of Cermany
(uSu) ln Aprll 1917.
1he paper wlll show Lhe efforLs of Lhe lefL soclallsLs (SparLacus Croup, 8remen LefL 8adlcals,
8evoluLlonary Shop SLewards, and lefL CenLrlsLs) ln Lhe lnner parLy sLruggles for an offenslve
anLl war pollcy (AugusL 1914-Aprll 1917) and Lhelr clandesLlne acLlvlLles Lo lnlLlaLe mass
acLlons for peace and democracy (8read SLrlke ln Aprll 1917, Mass SLrlke of Lhe AmmunlLlon
Workers ln !anuary 1919, Lhe uprlslng ln 8erlln on november 9Lh 1919). l wlll emphaslze Lhe
speclal soclal, economlc, menLal and pollLlcal condlLlons of Lhe laLe Cerman Lmplre ln war
Llme Llme (especlally Lhe hard suppresslon by Lhe mlllLary and pollce auLhorlLles, Lhe
lmmense war propaganda ln 99 of Lhe medla, Lhe more and more lncreaslng food
shorLage) hlnderlng or supporLlng Lhe developmenL Lowards revoluLlonary mass
Dav|d Mabb
A komooce lo lootteeo lotts.
"ln A 8omance ln lourLeen arLs, a copy of Ll LlsslLzky's AbouL 1wo Squares - A SupremaLlsL
SLory from 1920-22 wlll be palnLed onLo facslmlle pages of Wllllam Morrls' kelmscoLL ress
edlLlon of Wood beyond Lhe World from 1892.
LlsslLzky's AbouL 1wo Squares ls a shorL plcLure book for chlldren LhaL experlmenLs wlLh
Lypography, lmage and narraLlve Lo Lells Lhe sLory of Lwo squares, one red, one black, whlch
Lravel Lo earLh from ouLer space and Lransform Lhe world. Lach LlsslLzky lmage wlll be
palnLed over pages from Wllllam Morrls' Wood beyond Lhe World ln facslmlle from Lhe
kelmscoLL ress edlLlon whlch Morrls founded and worked on as a Lypographer and
deslgner. ln Morrls' romance Lhe hero seLs ouL on a sea voyage anxlous Lo see and learn
more of Lhe ouLslde world, evenLually wlnnlng for hlmself Lhe klngdom of SLark-Wall and Lhe
love of a beauLlful malden. 1hey Lhen llve happlly ever afLer.
ln A 8omance ln lourLeen arLs, Lhe publlcaLlons wlll cease Lo be separaLe ob[ecLs LhaL can
be held and dlgesLed. lnsLead Lhey wlll be consLrucLed lnLo a fourLeen-parL lnsLallaLlon. 1he
books wlll become 'lnLerwoven': parLs of Lhe Wood beyond Lhe World wlll be lefL unpalnLed
Lo dlsrupL Lhe geomeLrlc LlsslLzky deslgns. A dlalogue beLween LlsslLzky's revoluLlonary
narraLlve and Morrls' laLe romance wlll be creaLed. 1he Lwo wlll be slmulLaneously frozen
buL never flxed, unable Lo fully merge or separaLe, unable Lo Lransform Lhe world or llve
happlly ever afLer."
M|ke Macna|r
ltom tbe Aotl-lmpetlollst left to tbe 5oclol-cboovlolst klqbt. tbe ule Clocke qtoop ooJ tbe
tbeoty of lmpetlollsm
"100 years on from Lhe ouLbreak of World War l, Lhls presenLaLlon wlll conLend LhaL Lhe
ldeas of Lhe Cerman soclal chauvlnlsLs are worLh revlslLlng, lnLerrogaLlng and undersLandlng.
Cbvlously Lhls wlll be because Cerman naLlonallsm and soclal lmperlallsm are ways forward
for our movemenL Loday, buL because Lhe LransformaLlon of some of Lhose around arvus's
soclal-chauvlnlsL publlcaLlon, ule Clocke, from sLaunchly anLl-lmperlallsL 'lefLs' ln Lhe pre-
war Su Lo some of Lhe blggesL cheerleaders of a Cerman vlcLory durlng LhaL horrlflc war
ralses a number of lmporLanL and lnLeresLlng quesLlons: noL leasL regardlng Lhe MarxlsL
Lheory of lmperlallsm and lLs developmenL wlLhln Lhe Second lnLernaLlonal.
Pow could lL come Lo pass LhaL pollLlclans such as konrad Paenlsch, aul Lensch and arvus
- once all champlons of Lhe anLl-lmperlallsL 'lefL' of Lhe Su - could embrace Lhe AugusL 4
voLe for war credlLs and 'war soclallsm' and even on occaslon see Lhls poslLlon as a
conLlnuaLlon of Lhelr pre-1914 'anLl-lmperlallsL' pollLlcs? Pow were concreLe assessmenLs of
Lhe pollLlcal slLuaLlon and Lhe global powers lnvolved ln WWl Lransformed lnLo an
overarchlng Lheory of lmperlallsm and 'world pollcy'? Pow were Lhe caLegorles of Marxlsm
deployed Lo [usLlfy such poslLlons? WhaL are Lhe conLlnulLles and dlsconLlnulLles beLween
Lhe poslLlons adopLed by Lhls group ln Lhe pre-war congresses of Lhe Su and Lhose durlng
8ased on recenL research and LranslaLlon work conducLed wlLh 8en Lewls, Lhls paper wlll
explore Lhese quesLlons. lL wlll analyse Lhe group's undersLandlng of lmperlallsm and war
agalnsL Lhe backdrop of Lhe exLenslve debaLes ln Lhe Second lnLernaLlonal, seeklng Lo draw
ouL Lhe lmpllcaLlons of Lhese conLroversles for Lhlnklng abouL lmperlallsm and anLl-
lmperlallsm Loday."
N|ved|ta Ma[umdar
closs, coltote ooJ lostcoloolollty
1he recenL economlc crlsls showed yeL agaln LhaL class conLradlcLlons remaln as cenLral Lo
our currenL economlc momenL Lhey were ln Lhe pages of Marx's CaplLal. 1he sysLem's
smooLh funcLlonlng relles on an obfuscaLlon of Lhe role of class boLh by Lhe sLaLe and ln clvlc
lnsLlLuLlons and culLure. Academla ln general, and culLure sLudles, ln parLlcular, parLlclpaLes
ln Lhe undermlnlng of class pollLlcs. uavld Parvey noLes LhaL ln academla, Lhe broad
adheslon Lo posLmodern and posL-sLrucLurallsL ldeas whlch celebraLe Lhe parLlcular aL Lhe
expense of blg plcLure" parLlclpaLe ln a slmllar obfuscaLlon of class conLradlcLlons. A key
clalm LhaL ls made ls LhaL unlversal caLegorles llke class are lncompaLlble wlLh a nuanced
appreclaLlon of everyday culLure. l dlscuss Lhe marglnallzaLlon of Lhe caLegory of class ln
posLcolonlal Lheory. osLcolonlal Lheory emerged, ln cruclal ways, as a dlscourse LhaL
deflned lLself ln opposlLlon Lo Marxlsm. lL prlvlleges Lhe marglnallzed elemenLs of soclal
sLrucLures, Lhus lLs emphasls on Lhe sLudy of Lhe local or Lhe "fragmenL." Conversely,
posLcolonlal Lheory ls characLerlzed by lLs re[ecLlon of Lhe ldea of human naLure, by
quesLlonlng Lhe concepL of human rlghLs, and by lLs demoLlon of class Lo a perlpheral sLaLus.
1hrough analyses of lndusLrlal sLrlkes and soclal movemenLs ln lndla and Lhe uk, l quesLlon
Lhe poslLed blnary beLween Lhe sLrucLural and Lhe experlenLlal. ConLrary Lo Lhe baslc
assumpLlons of posLcolonlal Lheory, l argue LhaL unlversal caLegorles llke class are
compaLlble wlLh a nuanced appreclaLlon of everyday culLure.
Andreas Ma|m
5teomtoll oll tbe btotes. lossll eoetqy ooJ 8tltlsb lmpetlollsm lo tbe oloeteeotb ceototy
"oor people ln Lhe perlpherles of Lhe world-economy suffer mosL from global warmlng.
1hls has lead some Lo suggesL LhaL rlch naLlons have amassed a 'cllmaLe debL' by engaglng ln
fossll fuel-based developmenL, Lhe by-producLs of whlch now fall from Lhe sky onLo Lhe
poor, who have reaped none of Lhe beneflLs. CLhers reLorL LhaL Lwo cenLurles of such
developmenL have ln facL creaLed Lhe opporLunlLles for everyone Lo leap lnLo modernlLy -
wlLness Chlna and lndla, or even counLrles such as nlgerla and LgypL - and so Lhe advanced
economles should be Lhanked for Lhelr servlces, or aL leasL walk free from any speclal duLles
Lo slash emlsslons or compensaLe vlcLlms. ln Lhe annually recurrlng clashes beLween rlch
and poor naLlons over Lhe sharlng of cllmaLe burdens, hlsLory ls never far from vlew - buL lL
ls rarely explored ln any depLh. Pow dld Lhe fossll economy flrsL reach Lhe shores of Lhe
perlpherles? WhaL happened when Lhe Lngllsh LradlLlon of coal combusLlon spread Lo oLher
parLs of Lhe world? WhaL dld fossll fuel-based developmenL really mean for Lhose on Lhe
recelvlng end of sLeamboaLs and rallroads, coalmlnes and coLLon splnnlng machlnes?
unLll Lhe flrsL Anglo-8urmese war ln 1824, Lhe 8rlLlsh marlLlme emplre had been salllng wlLh
Lhe whlms of Lhe wlnd. uependency on sall locked lL ln a near mlllLary balance wlLh some of
lLs perlpheral adversarles, severely resLrlcLlng Lhe reach of 8rlLlsh Lrade: unable Lo peneLraLe
rlvers upsLream, merchanLs were ofLen relegaLed Lo Lhe coasLal marglns of poLenLlally vasL
markeLs aL Lhe mercy of domesLlc rulers, Lhe facLorles aL CanLon belng Lhe archeLypal
example. 1he rlse of Lhe sLeamboaL ln lmperlal warfare changed all Lhls. 8y relylng on coal -
an energy source obllvlous Lo weaLher and landscape - Lhe 8rlLlsh Lmplre could use
waLerways Lo break lnLo Lhe lnLerlor of conLlnenLs and smash reslsLance from fleeLs and
armles lncapable of wlLhsLandlng Lhe novel force. ln Chlna, Lhe sLeamboaLs forced Lhelr way
up Lo nanklng and opened Lhe CelesLlal Lmplre for Lrade, ln lndla, naLlves were herded lnLo
coalmlnes Lo exLracL Lhe fuels for Lhe boaLs, Lhe much fasLer Lo shlp ouL wealLh from Lhe
colony, ln nlgerla, armed crews drove lnland Lo selze conLrol over Lhe producLlon of palm oll
- a cruclal lubrlcanL for sLeam-englnes and oLher machlnes - and defeaL Lrlbal guerrlllas, ln
LgypL, Muhammed All's experlmenL ln lndusLrlal modernlsaLlon was shaLLered by Lhe
grenades from coal-flred warshlps.
8y explorlng Lhe role of fossll energy on some of Lhe fronLlers of lmperlal expanslon ln Lhe
second quarLer of Lhe nlneLeenLh cenLury, Lhls paper wlll seek Lo radlcallse Lhe noLlon of
'cllmaLe debL'. When a droughL becomes permanenL or Lhe sea submerges a delLa, lL ls noL
Lhe flrsL Llme people ln Lhe perlpherles suffer Lhe consequences of fossll fuel combusLlon,
nor ls such 'developmenL' a Lraln Lo modernlLy LhaL has merely passed Lhem by. 1hey were
run over from day one: fossll energy an lndlspenslble source of power for Lhe approprlaLlon
of resources from Lhe perlpherles, Lhe hlsLory of Lhe lmperlallsL world-order ls wrlLLen ln
leLLers of coal and flre. Cn a global scale, Lhe longue duree of Lhe fossll economy beglns wlLh
Lhe devasLaLlon of Akka by 8rlLlsh sLeamboaLs ln 1840 and conLlnues ln Lhe nexL exLreme
weaLher evenL Lo ravage communlLles and seL back developmenL by several decades ln Lhe
hlllpplnes or PalLl. 1he pollLlcal purpose of such a hlsLorlography ls, of course, Lo fan Lhe
flames of cllmaLe mlllLancy ln Lhe perlpherles, Lhe LheoreLlcal resources for lL, drawn on ln
Lhls paper, are 8osa Luxemburg's Lheorles of lmperlallsm, LrnesL Mandel's skeLches on Lhe
role of energy ln Lhe long waves of caplLallsL developmenL, and Lhe debaLes beLween
pollLlcal Marxlsm and world-sysLems Lheory.
Grant Mandar|no
Ooe of tbe vety few ttoe otlqlools of oot tlme. kevlvloq JootJ locbs
"CuLslde of WalLer 8en[amln's 1937 arLlcle Lduard luchs, CollecLor and PlsLorlan,"
commlssloned by Max Porkhelmer for Lhe ZelLschrlfL fr Sozlalforschung, Lhe llfe and works
of Lduard luchs (1870-1940) remaln llLLle known among MarxlsL culLural hlsLorlans and
LheorlsLs. luchs was a key player on Lhe Cerman lefL hls enLlre llfe, from [olnlng Lhe
ouLlawed SozlallsLlche ArbelLerparLel ln hls homeLown of SLuLLgarL as a [ourneyman prlnLer
ln 1886 Lo hls declslve role ln Lhe formaLlon of Lhe kommunlsLlsche arLel ueuLschlands ln
1918-1919 and subsequenL acLlvlLy ln Lhe 8lghL CpposlLlon afLer 1928. Pls Llme as edlLor of
Lhe popular saLlrlcal newspaper SuddeuLsche osLlllon and publlcaLlon of numerous
lllusLraLed hlsLorles of saLlrlcal and eroLlc lmagery broughL hlm noLorleLy, a subsLanLlal
amounL of money, and mulLlple prlson senLences. 1he arLlsL Ceorge Crosz, who meL luchs
for Lhe flrsL Llme ln Lhe early 1920s, laLer descrlbed hlm as one of Lhe very few Lrue
orlglnals of our Llme," yeL he ls Loday remembered, lf aL all, as a collecLor of ob[eLs d'arL and
a somewhaL nave hlsLorlan of soclal mores. 1hls ls largely Lhe resulL of 8en[amln's
assessmenL of luchs, whlch, as lrederlc !. SchwarLz has argued, ls less abouL luchs hlmself
and more abouL Lhe meLhods he employs ln hls varlous wrlLlngs, ln 8en[amln's vlew wholly
represenLaLlve of Lhe cruder aspecLs of hlsLorlcal maLerlallsm as Lheorlzed by reformlsL
Soclal uemocraLs. More recenL sLudles, such as ulrlch WelLz's Lduard luchs: uer Mann lm
SchaLLen (2014), Lake Lhe opposlLe vlew, placlng luchs aL Lhe cenLer of Welmar's lefL-wlng
mllleu as a unlquely charlsmaLlc lndlvldual whose hlsLorlcal slgnlflcance ls noL reduclble Lo
broader sLrucLures of LhoughL. WelLz succeeds ln presenLlng a more favorable vlew of luchs
as a person, buL falls Lo show why we should care abouL luchs as a culLural hlsLorlan.
Whlle a revlval of lnLeresL ln luchs ls Lo be welcomed, especlally ouLslde of Cermany, Lhe
quesLlon remalns: how should one engage hls work? My paper Lakes up Lhls quesLlon by
reassesslng 8en[amln's evaluaLlon of luchs' arL hlsLorlcal meLhods, playlng parLlcular
aLLenLlon Lo Lhe hlsLorles of carlcaLure luchs' publlshed and how Lhese sLudles lnfluenced
Lhe pracLlce and lnLerpreLaLlon of saLlrlcal lmagery wlLhln Lhe CommunlsL mllleu durlng Lhe
Welmar perlod."
Iosep Mar|a Antentas
Aotl-oostetlty ptotest, teqlme ctlsls ooJ polltlcol sttoteqy lo tbe 5poolsb 5tote
"1he emergence of M13 movemenL ln Spaln ln 13Lh May 2011 marked a Lurnlng polnL ln
Spanlsh pollLlcs. lL was Lhe blggesL soclal upsurge slnce Lhe esLabllshmenL of Lhe currenL
8eglme ln 1978 and Lhe beglnnlng of mass reslsLance Lo ausLerlLy pollcles afLer a perlod ln
whlch reslsLance Lo soclal cuLs was relaLlvely small alLhough real. 1he movemenL expressed
a vague anLlsysLemlc" consclousness LargeLlng flnanclal powers and pollLlcal lnsLlLuLlons.
Soon afLer lLs emergence M13 as such vanlshed, buL muLaLed lnLo a wlde range of dlfferenL
lnlLlaLlves and movemenLs. Slnce Lhe flrsL push of May and !une 2011 anLl-ausLerlLy proLesLs
have had a less vlslble exlsLence, experlenced fragmenLaLlon and dlsperslon, alLhough some
relevanL eplsodes of soclal unresL have Laken place. 1he overall dynamlc of reslsLance Lo
ausLerlLy slnce may 13Lh has been very defenslve, wlLh few pollLlcal and concreLe vlcLorles,
buL wlLh elemenLs of counLer-ofenslve and capablllLy of dlsrupLlon.
1he upsurge of may 13Lh represenLed Lhe beglnnlng of a new pollLlcal cycle ln Lhe Spanlsh
sLaLe and changed Lhe ldeologlcal, culLural and pollLlcal landscape. 1he ouLcome of Lhree
years of anLl-ausLerlLy proLesL ls conLradlcLory. Cn Lhe one hand, very few vlcLorles were
achleved and soclal slLuaLlon conLlnued Lo deLerloraLe. Cn Lhe oLher hand Lhe has been an
lmporLanL, alLhough conLradlcLory and llmlLed, pollLlclsaLlon of socleLy. 1he economlc crlsls
has become a pollLlcal crlsls and a reglme crlsls". 1he eroslon of all Lhe pollLlcal archlLecLure
bullL ln 1978 has deepen and Lhe maln plllars of Lhe SLaLe are ln quesLlon, buL Lhere ls no yeL
an alLernaLlve counLer-hegemonlc pro[ecL LhaL can overcome.
1he experlence of Lhree-year dynamlcs of anLl-ausLerlLy sLruggles rlses some lmporLanL
sLraLeglc quesLlons. 1he mosL lmporLanL one refers Lo Lhe llnk beLween soclal reslsLance and
pollLlcs. Spanlsh soclal movemenLs ln Lhe 1990s and 2000s were LradlLlonally lnfluenced by
Lhe sLraLeglc perspecLlves LhaL advocaLed changlng Lhe world wlLhouL Laklng power" or
absLalnlng from pollLlcs. 1he deepenlng of Lhe economlc and pollLlcal crlsls and Lhe llmlLs of
soclal reslsLance Lo achleve vlcLorles have caused a reLurn of pollLlcs", a shlfL Lowards Lhe
search of pollLlcal alLernaLlves and have relaunched Lhe sLraLeglc debaLe" (ln Lhe sense LhaL
uanlel 8ensad gave Lo Lhese Lwo ldeas). 1he blg sLraLeglc quesLlon LhaL hovers Lhe debaLe
among acLlvlsLs and lefL organlsaLlons ls how ls lL posslble Lo wln"?", LhaL ls, how ls lL
posslble Lo arLlculaLe a soclal ma[orlLy and Lransform lL lnLo a pollLlcal one. 1hls relaunch of
sLraLeglc debaLes and search for pollLlcal alLernaLlves and soluLlons ls qulLe confuslng and
hurrled concernlng lssues as elecLoral LacLlcs, organlzaLlonal forms, Lhe relaLlonshlp
beLween pollLlcal lnsLlLuLlons and soclal movemenLs, modes of leadershlp, programme and
demands, and oLher maLLers LhaL l'll examlne ln Lhls paper. 1here are Lwo underlylng
quesLlons aL sLake: lf lL wlll posslble or noL Lo forge a soclopollLlcal alLernaLlve wlLh a
relevanL pollLlcal audlence Lhan can make Lhe currenL parLy sysLem explode, and lf ln Lhls
process wlll prevall currenLs LhaL carry more superflclal or more deep pro[ecLs of soclal
Abe|ardo Mar|na-I|ores & Serg|o Camara
ltofltoblllty ooJ Accomolotloo 1teoJs lo Mexlco, 19J9-201J
"1he paper analyses Lhe sLrucLural Lrends of proflLablllLy and caplLal accumulaLlon ln Mexlco
ln Lhe long perlod. 1he analysls, based on a new esLlmaLlon of Lhe proflL raLe and lLs
decomposlLlon ln Mexlco, ls dlvlded lnLo 4 perlods:
l) 1he consolldaLlon of Lhe sLrucLural LransformaLlons durlng Lhe Mexlcan 8evoluLlon and
Lhe CreaL uepresslon (second half of Lhe 1930s-1943). 1hls perlod ls characLerlzed by a
sLeep lncrease ln proflLablllLy, Lhe basls of Lhe expanslve long wave of caplLal accumulaLlon
assoclaLed Lo Lhe lmporL SubsLlLuLlon lndusLrlallzaLlon (lSl) model. 1he accumulaLlon process
ln Lhls perlod was malnly drlven by Lhe governmenL.
ll) 1he consolldaLlon and peak of Lhe expanslve long wave of caplLallsL accumulaLlon (1946-
1968), characLerlzed by lLs elevaLed proflLablllLy and Lhe vlgorous process of caplLal
accumulaLlon, wlLh Lhe prlvaLe caplLallsL lnvesLmenL belng now Lhe maln drlver of Lhe
lll) 1he falllng raLe of proflL lmplled Lhe collapse of prlvaLe lnvesLmenL and Lhe sLrucLural
crlsls of proflLablllLy (1969-1982). A relaLlvely sLrong accumulaLlon process was exLended by
Lhe anLl-cycllcal pollcles and Lhe governmenL lnvolvemenL ln Lhe economy.
lv) 1he neollberal resLrucLurlng process (from 1983 onwards) lmplled a compleLe
abandonmenL of Lhe governmenL lnLervenLlon ln Lhe process of caplLal accumulaLlon. 1here
has been an lmporLanL recovery of Lhe general raLe of proflL LhaL was noL followed by a
slmllar recovery ln Lhe raLe of producLlve lnvesLmenL glven Lhe neollberal blas of Lhe
economy Lowards labor-lnLenslve lndusLrles and Lhe flnanclallsaLlon."
ne|ena Marro|g 8arreto
Motlol yestetJoy ooJ toJoy. blqbllqbts oo tbe motxlst tbeoty of JepeoJeocy ooJ oew
1he alm of Lhe Lhls sLudy ls Lo lnLroduce Lhe basls of Lhe work of 8uy Mauro Marlnl, a
braslllan auLor from Lhe 60's, Lhrough hls cenLral caLegorles such as dependency,
subordlnaLed lnserLlon, and superexplolLaLlon of Lhe work force. Also, Lhe sLudy lnLends Lo
show some concepLs presenLed by Lhe crlLlcally renewed marxlsL Lheory of dependency,
especlally regardlng Lhe paLLern of caplLal accumulaLlon, already lnLroduced by Marlnl. 8y
LhaL, Lhls work hopes Lo be able Lo provlde Lools Lo operaLe an analysls of Lhe currenL
slLuaLlon ln LaLln Amerlca, demysLlfylng Lhe convenLlonal dlagnosls on Lhe maLLer, and
reveallng LhaL Lhe underdevelopmenL ls sLlll reproduced, and ampllfled, ln Lhe conLlnenL.
W|ktor Marzec
Motxlsm os o sobjectlfyloq Jevlce. kemotks fotm tbe empltlcol lopolty loto tbe moblllzloq
powet of Motxlsm
"1he sLubborn survlval of caplLallsm redlrecLed Lhe focus of MarxlsL scholars lnLo Lhe pasL.
1he hlsLorles of borderland Marxlsms, successful labour hegemonles and even 8olshevlk
pollLlcs are searched for new lnslghLs lnLo conLemporary sLruggles. Powever, Lhls
scholarshlp Llrelessly reLalns a blas Lowards LheoreLlcal debaLes, remalnlng Lhe vernacular
Marxlsms of workers underresearched.
urawlng from exLenslve emplrlcal research, ln my conLrlbuLlon l suggesL Lo lnvesLlgaLe
Marxlsm as a sub[ecLlfylng devlce, a dlscurslve resource moblllzlng and modlfylng lLs
addressees and Lhelr relaLlonal poslLlons ln Lhe pollLlcal reglme. 1he MarxlsL ldeologlcal
conLenL (speeches, aglLaLlon, proclamaLlons) and pracLlces lnduced a cerLaln consLrucLlon of
Lhe self, lnLegraLed ln broader dlscourses, ldeologlcal dlsposlLlves and lnsLlLuLlons. 1hls
pollLlcal communlcaLlon lnduced conLenLlous sLances, poslLlons dlsrupLlng Lhe exlsLlng
lmaglnary lnsLlLuLlon of socleLy. Marxlsm was for a long Llme Lhe maln pollLlcal language
brlnglng abouL polemlclzaLlon of Lhe commonplace", Lhus acLlvaLlng new enunclaLory
poslLlons and order of appearances ln acLs of dlscurslve, pollLlcal lnLervenLlon. resenLed
lnslghLs lnLo MarxlsLs (re)sub[ecLlflcaLlons are an exLracL from a larger pro[ecL lnvesLlgaLlng
workers' readlng and wrlLlng pracLlces ln early 20Lh cenLury 8usslan oland. l argue LhaL lL
was Lhls resub[ecLlfylng dlmenslon of Marxlsm whlch grlpped Lhe workers, and lL has Lo be
redlscovered Lo make Marxlsm powerful yeL anoLher Llme."
Chr|stopher Mastroco|a
koslk 1oJoy.1be ulolectlc of koowleJqe os mooclpototy ltoject
Cne of Lhe cenLral Lhemes runnlng Lhrough Lhe four chapLers of karel koslk's 'ulalecLlc of
Lhe ConcreLe: A SLudy on roblems of Man and World', ls LhaL dlalecLlcal knowledge (or a
dlalecLlcal eplsLemology) ls an emanclpaLory approach Lo undersLandlng soclal reallLy. ln
conLrasL Lo reducLlonlsL and poslLlvlsL approaches, koslk sLresses Lhe necesslLy of grasplng
soclal reallLy as a concreLe LoLallLy": of grasplng Lhe unlLy of opposlng caLegorles such as
presenL and hlsLory, maLLer and consclousness and mosL lmporLanLly for Lhe presenL
purpose, essence and appearance. 1he lasL of Lhese lnvolves grasplng any aspecL of reallLy
Lhrough Lhe unlLy and dlfference of lLs appearance and underlylng essence, boLh of whlch
are Lhe producLs (wheLher lnLended or noL) of hlsLorlcal human acLlvlLy. Much of Lhls, of
course, ls common enough Lo Pegellan and MarxlsL LradlLlons. WhaL koslk unlquely
lnLroduces Lo Lhls meLhod, however, ls Lhe lncorporaLlon of Pusserllan phenomenology. My
presenLaLlon wlll seek Lo elaboraLe on Lhls meLhod and demonsLraLe Lhe poLenLlally poslLlve
beneflLs such a meLhod can have for modern soclal movemenLs. More speclflcally, lL wlll
suggesL ways ln whlch Lhls meLhod can help soclal movemenLs overcome Lhelr all Loo
common fragmenLed naLure and dlsrupL Lhe oLherwlse smooLh reproducLlon and
lnLernallzaLlon of domlnanL ldeologles.
Luks Matoska & Cnde[ Lnsky
1be komool leople ooJ koclst Opptessloo lo ceottol otope
1he 8omanl people are now descrlbed as a 'forgoLLen mlnorlLy'. 1he only vlslble aLLenLlon
LhaL Lhls eLhnlc group ls recelvlng across Lurope ls expllclLly or lmpllclLly raclsL. ln our
conLrlbuLlon we wlll focus on searchlng for Lhe rooLs of conLemporary raclsm malnly ln
CenLral Lurope, whlch cannoL be found wlLhouL an analysls of neollberallsm and Lhe crlsls of
caplLallsm. AlLhough we may flnd more Lhan one slmllarlLy beLween Lhe slLuaLlon of Lhe
8omanl people and Lhe !ewlsh communlLy ln Lhe laLe Welmar 8epubllc, lL would be a
mlsLake noL Lo analyse Lhls parLlcular slLuaLlon wlLh respecL Lo Lhe soclal and hlsLorlcal
speclflclLy of oppresslon faced by Lhe 8omanl communlLy. CheLLolzaLlon pracLlces affecLlng
Lhe 8omanl people can be compared Lo (posL-) colonlal rule, undersLood ln Lerms of pasL
and presenL global caplLallsL expanslon. 1hese pracLlces are no longer deLermlned
geographlcally, slnce Lhey are also lmplemenLed aL naLlonal sLaLe level as 'lnLernal
colonlallsm'. 1hls ls why we call Lhese CenLral Luropean gheLLos 'lslands of Lhe 1hlrd World'.
ln Lhls conLexL, we wlll focus on presenL-day aLLempLs Lo conslder Lhe 8omanl mlnorlLy as a
soclally excluded group, varylng from LradlLlonal classlflcaLlons (e. g. 'lumpenproleLarlaL') Lo
more recenL ones (e. g. 'precarlaL').
Wendy Matsumura
uoo kozo's tbeotlzotloo of Iopoo's post-wotlJ wot l oqtotloo poestloo
"!apanese MarxlsL uno kozo argued ln hls !uly 1930 essay, ""MeLhods and Cb[ecLlves of a
1heory of Clobal ollLlcal Lconomy"" LhaL Lhe posL-World War l agrlculLural crlses and
general caplLallsL crlsls of Lhe laLe 1920s were ouLcomes of Lhe fallures by lndlvldual sLaLes
Lo address Lhe global agrarlan quesLlon. uslng exLenslve emplrlcal daLa from Cermany,
CreaL 8rlLaln, and Lhe unlLed SLaLes and he showed LhaL even sLaLes domlnaLed by
monopoly caplLal Lurned Lo a pollcy of self-sufflclency ln foodsLuffs afLer Lhe war. 1hls global
condlLlon, whlch requlred exLenslve sLaLe lnLervenLlon ln agrlculLure, expressed Lo uno Lhe
lncreaslngly complex and global naLure of Lhe posLwar agrarlan quesLlon.
WhaL seL uno aparL from hls peers who also Lheorlzed Lhe agrarlan quesLlon durlng Lhe flrsL
half of Lhe 20Lh cenLury was LhaL he focused on Lhe global condlLlon, buL [usL as lmporLanLly,
on sub[ecLlvlLles. Pe problemaLlzed !apan's condlLlon, ln whlch small peasanLry submlLLed Lo
overwork, underconsumpLlon, and hlgh renLs ln an efforL Lo remaln engaged ln peLLy
agrlculLural producLlon desplLe Lhe facL LhaL Lhe prerequlslLes for Lhelr llberaLlon from
agrlculLure and Lhelr land had been lald wlLh Lhe land Lax reforms of 1873. Pe argued LhaL a
'Lrue resoluLlon' of Lhe global agrarlan quesLlon was noL slmply a maLLer of Lhe lnsLallaLlon
of caplLallsL relaLlons of producLlon ln agrlculLure buL requlred a LransformaLlon of Lhese
sub[ecLlvlLles - 'feudal' barrlers Lo Lhelr acqulslLlon of a caplLallsL loglc ln whlch Lhey Lo, Lry
Lo endlessly expand oLher peoples' labor power as caplLal.
1hls presenLaLlon wlll clarlfy uno's argumenL LhaL World War l consLlLuLed an epochal
momenL for Lhe agrarlan quesLlon and wlll conslder how hls LheorlzaLlon may conLrlbuLe Lo
an undersLandlng of Lhe way LhaL resoluLlons are soughL by caplLallsL counLrles Lhrough a
reconflguraLlon of emplre. lL wlll also crlLlcally engage wlLh uno's undersLandlng of feudallLy
ln !apan's agrarlan vlllages by referrlng Lo kauLsky's 1899 1he Agrarlan uesLlon."
I|ya Matveev
Neollbetollsm, Neopottlmoolollsm, ooJ 1be Notote of 1be lolltlcol keqlme lo kosslo
neollberallsm and neopaLrlmonlallsm are dlsLlncL (and someLlmes compeLlng) Lheorles used
Lo explaln Lhe naLure of Lhe pollLlcal reglme ln 8ussla. Whlle neollberal explanaLlons focus
on reforms whlch vlolenLly lnLroduce markeL condlLlons and markeL loglc ln all spheres of
llfe, Lheorles of neopaLrlmonlallsm emphaslze Lhe auLhorlLarlan and cllenLellsLlc characLer of
pollLlcs, Lhe prlvaLlzaLlon of Lhe sLaLe by varlous groups, and endemlc corrupLlon. 1he
ob[ecLlve of my research ls Lo use Lhese Lwo Lheorles noL as separaLe lnLerpreLaLlons of
8usslan pollLlcs, buL as lndlcaLors of Lwo real loglcs operaLlng wlLhln Lhe 8usslan pollLlcal
reglme. neollberal and neopaLrlmonlal processes coexlsL and form a relaLlonshlp wlLh one
anoLher. l wlll presenL some prellmlnary remarks regardlng Lhe preclse naLure of Lhls
relaLlonshlp, based on Lhe analysls of Lhe dlscurslve sLruggle beLween Lhe neollberal and Lhe
'anLl-neollberal' experLs and Lhlnk Lanks wlLh connecLlons Lo varlous secLlons of Lhe 8usslan
pollLlcal esLabllshmenL. 1he analysls reveals Lhe consLanL presence of Lhese Lwo poslLlons ln
Lhe publlc sphere and Lhelr frequenL colllslon. 8oLh neollberals and Lhelr opponenLs, desplLe
Lhe Lenslon beLween Lhem, are cruclal for Lhe loglc of Lhe 8usslan pollLlcal reglme.
8rendan McGeever
1be 8olsbevlks ooJ Aotlsemltlsm lo tbe kossloo kevolotloo, 1917-1919
1hls paper seLs ouL Lo make an orlglnal conLrlbuLlon Lowards Lhe crlLlcal undersLandlng of
Lhe CcLober 8evoluLlon Lhrough a unlque case sLudy of Lhe 8olshevlk aLLempL Lo confronL
anLlsemlLlsm ln Lhe lmmedlaLe afLermaLh of 1917. 8ased on exLenslve fleldwork ln Lhe
8usslan archlves, Lhe paper offers an analysls of Lhe anLlraclsL pollLlcal formaLlons LhaL
coalesced around Lhe early SovleL sLaLe apparaLus durlng Lhe 8evoluLlon and Clvll War
(1917-1919). 1he paper develops and bullds on Cramscl's concepLlon of Lhe hegemonlc
apparaLus by brlnglng lnLo sharp focus Lhe varlous Lypes of lndlvldual and collecLlve agency
LhaL acLuallsed Lhe sLruggle agalnsL anLlsemlLlsm durlng Lhe Clvll War. WhllsL LradlLlonal
lnLerpreLaLlons of Lhe 8usslan 8evoluLlon have assumed LhaL Lhe campalgns agalnsL raclsm
and anLlsemlLlsm were concelved and carrled ouL by Lhe arLy leadershlp (l.e. Lenln and
1roLsky eLc), Lhls paper wlll show LhaL ln Lhe case of anLlsemlLlsm, Lhe anLl-raclsL pro[ecL LhaL
emerged wlLhln Lhe SovleL sLaLe was ln facL Lhe producL of a unlque raclal formaLlon
composed largely of non-8olshevlk !ewlsh MarxlsLs and lefLwlng ZlonlsLs. 1he paper wlll
Lhen go on Lo reflecL on Lhese flndlngs, argulng LhaL Lhey ralse crlLlcal quesLlons for how we
concepLuallse and undersLand noL only Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween race and class, buL also Lhe
legacy of MarxlsL aLLempLs Lo arresL Lhe raclallsaLlon of soclal relaLlons more generally."
Scott McLemee
ltom "tbe kossloo Ooestloo" to cbloo (ooJ 8ock Aqolo). uebotloq cbloo lo 1totskylst 1beoty,
"1he hlsLorlography of 1roLskylsm Loo ofLen Lends Lo be an lnsLance of 1roLskylsL
hlsLorlography: a maLLer of pollLlcal combaL conLlnued by oLher means. And nowhere has
poslLlon-Laklng and llne-consolldaLlon been more obvlous Lhan ln narraLlve LreaLmenLs of
debaLes on Lhe 8usslan quesLlon," l.e. Lhe problem of characLerlzlng Lhe pollLlcal economy
LhaL developed under Lhe SLalln reglme and of assesslng Lhe preclse class poslLlon and
dynamlcs of Lhe parLy-sLaLe apparaLus. 1hree ma[or answers" were formulaLed wlLhln Lhe
movemenL durlng 1roLsky's llfeLlme, ldenLlfylng Lhe uSS8 as elLher a degeneraLed workers
sLaLe, sLaLe caplLallsm, or bureaucraLlc collecLlvlsm. Many (posslbly mosL) subsequenL
accounLs of Lhe debaLe have been wrlLLen on Lhe behalf of one poslLlon or Lhe oLher.
Creedal afflrmaLlon ls Lyplcally accompanled by a sorL of cod soclology-of-knowledge
explalnlng Lhe source and ldeologlcal funcLlon of Lhe oLher poslLlons.
1he advance made by Marcel van uer Llnden's WesLern Marxlsm and Lhe SovleL unlon: A
Survey of CrlLlcal 1heorles and uebaLes Slnce 1917 (2007) comes only ln parL Lhrough lLs
non-polemlcal perspecLlve. 8esldes reconsLrucLlng Lhe argumenLs developed wlLhln Lhe
1roLskylsL movemenL alongslde Lhe LheoreLlcal approaches and concluslons of flgures never
ln lLs ranks (such as korsch, Pllferdlng, and 8ordlga), Llnden also offers a suggesLlve
perlodlzaLlon of varlous 8usslan-quesLlon analyses, placlng Lhelr emergence and
developmenL ln Lhe conLexL of ma[or phases ln SovleL hlsLory.
ln shorL, WesLern Marxlsm and Lhe SovleL unlon presenLs a ma[or challenge Lo approaches
LhaL have prevalled ln Lhe secondary llLeraLure concernlng Lhe hlsLory of LefL CpposlLlon-
derlved pollLlcal organlzaLlons. lL breaks up Lhe esLabllshed and self-enforced paLLernlng of
dlfferences. new consLellaLlons begln Lo form. And Lhe charLlng of Lhem ls noL exhausLed by
Lhe Lypology and meLaLheoreLlcal remarks LhaL Lhe book offers ln concluslon.
nelLher Llnden nor anyone else has Laken up Lhe Loplc l wlll pursue. 1he vlcLory of Lhe
eople's LlberaLlon Army ln 1949 and Lhe sysLem LhaL Lhen emerged under Lhe rule of Lhe
Chlnese CommunlsL arLy were lnevlLably Laken up by 1roLskylsLs ln Lerms derlved from Lhe
varlous poslLlons Lhey had already formulaLed regardlng Lhe 8usslan quesLlon. 8uL for some
Lendencles Lhe degree of flL beLween concepL and phenomenon was unclear or problemaLlc.
CompllcaLlng Lhlngs sLlll more was Lhe rlse of dlrlglsLe sLaLes ln oLher counLrles Lhen wlnnlng
naLlonal llberaLlon. Zhou Lnlal's role aL Lhe 8andung Conference ln 1933 underscored Lhe
need Lo undersLand Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe Chlnese sysLem and Lhe emerglng
posLcolonlal reglmes. llnally, Lhere was Lhe need Lo assess how well Lhe Lheory of
permanenL revoluLlon accounLed for any of Lhese developmenLs -- or lf lL dld aL all.
A number of arLlcles and lnLernal documenLs by Lhe hlllps-Mlller group wlLhln Lhe SoclallsL
Workers arLy ln Lhe u.S. expressed Lhe clearesL recognlLlon LhaL Chlna and Lhe 1hlrd World
reglmes posed a seL of problems llnked wlLh, buL dlsLlncL from, Lhe 8usslan quesLlon.
(named afLer Lhe parLy names of ArL lox and SLeve Zeluck, respecLlvely, Lhe hlllps-Mlller
currenL held a sLaLe-caplLallsL analysls. 8ased largely ln ueLrolL, lL was formed by supporLers
of Lhe !ohnson-loresL 1endency who remalned wlLhln Lhe SW afLer C.L.8. !ames led mosL
of hls supporLers ouL of lL ln 1931.)
nelLher Lhe hlllps-Mlller maLerlal nor Lhe poslLlons regardlng Chlna formulaLed by oLher
Lendencles are LreaLed ln WesLern Marxlsm and Lhe SovleL unlon. ln lLs perlodlzaLlon and
loglc, Lhe whole dlscusslon moves aL a dlagonal Lo Llnden's llnes of argumenL. 8uL lL offers
Lhe advanLage of conLlnulng hls pro[ecL of reframlng Lhe 8usslan quesLlon as a dlscurslve
fleld wlLh lmpllcaLlons noL llmlLed Lo Lhe Lerms or Lhe sLakes of lnLernal combaL. ln
parLlcular, reconsLrucLlng Lhe Chlna dlscusslon wlll show LhaL Lhe Lhe 8usslan-quesLlon
debaLe lLself lnvolves a number of relays among baslc concepLs (lncludlng caplLallsm,
bureaucracy, Lhe bourgeols revoluLlon, and Lhe sLraLlflcaLlon and composlLlon of Lhe
bourgeolsle lLself) and how Lhey arLlculaLe upon one anoLher."
Iames Meadway
5otplos popolotloo, secolot stoqootloo, ooJ tbe qbost of Moltbos. koso loxembotqs Aotl-
ktltlk tecooslJeteJ
"1he malnsLream of economlcs, from 8oberL 8arro Lo Larry Summers, has slowly begun Lo
ldenLlfy Lhe problem of secular sLagnaLlon" and decaylng growLh ln Lhe developed world.
Meanwhlle, Lhe exLraordlnary recepLlon glven Lo 1homas lkeLLy's work has sLrongly
resLaLed Lhe noLlon of caplLallsm as a sysLem drlven noL so much by lLs dynamlc poLenLlal as
Lhe poLenLlal for enrlchmenL by a powerful few. Pe, llke oLher auLhors, has polnLed Lo
secular Lrends ln populaLlon dynamlcs as perhaps holdlng Lhe key Lo slowlng growLh raLes
lnLo Lhe fuLure.
8osa Luxemburg's vlgorous defence of her greaL work, 1he AccumulaLlon of CaplLal, dealL
dlrecLly wlLh Lhe malnsLream of her day. ALLacklng Lhe emergenL, sLrongly neoclasslcal
noLlon LhaL economlc growLh could be read off populaLlon growLh raLes, she provlded a
deLalled defence of Marx's alLernaLlve reasonlng, ln whlch Lhe dynamlc of caplLal
accumulaLlon ln Lurn deLermlned Lhe dynamlc of labour force growLh. 1hls paper llnks
LogeLher Lhe crlsls of work", Lhe problem of surplus labour, and Lhe global demographlc
shlfL Lhrough a reconslderaLlon of Luxemburg's analysls. lL demonsLraLes LhaL Lhe crlsls of
reallsaLlon relaLes dlrecLly Lo Lhe expanslon of caplLal accumulaLlon lnLo non-caplLallsL
secLors and Lhe expanslon of Lhe sphere of labour."
edro Mendes Loure|ro
Opeo-eoJeJ, oqeotlol ooJ qtowloqly (too?) complex. commeots oo 8ob Iessops opptoocbes
to tbe telotloosblp betweeo stote powet ooJ copltol
1hls paper analyses Lhe evoluLlon of 8ob !essop's undersLandlng of Lhe relaLlonshlp
beLween sLaLe power and caplLal. We ldenLlfy Lwo lnLer-relaLed Lendencles behlnd Lhe
auLhor's LheoreLlcal developmenLs, whlch are l) denylng Lhe a prlorl subsLanLlve unlLy of
varlous aspecLs of soclal formaLlons necessary for regularlslng caplLal accumulaLlon, and ll)
proposlng an agenLlal concepL whlch can, under cerLaln condlLlons, guaranLee Lhls unlLy ln a
parLlal, precarlous and conLradlcLory way. 1hls leads Lo a growlngly complex and open-
ended framework. ln llghL of Lhls, and by ldenLlfylng Lhe debaLes and conLexLs ln whlch Lhe
argumenLs were successlvely puL forward, we propose a general lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe
auLhor's LheoreLlcal proposlLlons. We argue Lhey are mosL meanlngful as elemenLs of an
anLl-pollLlclsL, anLl-sLrucLurallsL and anLl-Leleologlcal approach, whlch sLresses LhaL Lhe
economlc and exLra-economlc requlslLes of accumulaLlon musL be reproduced ln and
Lhrough agency. llnally, we commenL on Lhe drawbacks Lhls lmplles for applled research. As
lL creaLes an ever-growlng demand for subsLanLlaLlng Lhe concepLs ln concreLe, hlsLorlcal
pracLlces, pragmaLlc conslderaLlons of research feaslblllLy mlghL conLradlcLorlly lead Lo Lhe
necesslLy of Laklng for granLed cerLaln condlLlons of accumulaLlon - effecLlvely arrlvlng aL a
sLrucLurallsL and deLermlnlsL approach, as many crlLlcs have argued.
1ob|as Mene|y
vetJompft. oetqy, Alt, ooJ nlstoty lo Motx
Marx developed an lndlspensable Lheory of caplLal-as crlsls-prone, self-expandlng value-
only by emphaslzlng soclal relaLlon ln place of Lhe lnLerchange beLween human and naLural
producLlon. ln my Lalk, l'll dlscuss Lhe flgural lnsLablllLy ln Marx's lnvocaLlons of Lhe energy
lnpuLs and aLmospherlc ouLpuLs of economlc acLlvlLy, wlLh Lhe goal of ldenLlfylng some
challenges hlsLorlcal maLerlallsm faces ln Lhe AnLhropocene. l'm lnLeresLed ln Marx's expllclL
dlscusslon, ln CaplLal, of Lhe slgnlflcance of 8rlLaln's LranslLlon Lo coal, buL also ln Lhe more
subLle meLaphors of energy and aLmosphere LhaL underlle hls concepLuallzaLlon of hlsLory.
1he example from whlch l Lake my LlLle ls Lhe famous Alles sLndlsche und sLehende
verdampfL," whereln Lhe elemenLal LransmuLaLlon lnvolved ln sLeam power-Lhe Lurnlng of
all LhaL ls solld lnLo alr, as Moore evocaLlvely LranslaLed lL-ls made Lo descrlbe a
soclologlcal LransformaLlon, Lhe supplanLlng of Lhe old soclal esLaLes by caplLallsL class
relaLlons. Whlle Marx recognlzes Lhe cruclal role of coal ln lndusLrlal producLlon, as well as
an essenLlal Lhermodynamlc allgnmenL beLween forces of naLure" [naLurekrafL] and
human labor-power" [ArbelLskrafL], he deflnes Lhe surplus-energy sLored ln coal freely
glven": naLural forces approprlaLe Lo producLlve processes, such as sLeam [and] waLer . . .
cosL noLhlng." ln Lhe second parL of my Lalk, l'll Lurn Lo Marx's language of aLmosphere (alr,
mlsL, eLher), as a synecdoche for envlronmenL," an lnflnlLe conLalner lnvlLlng dlspersal, and
as a prlvlleged flgure for mysLlflcaLlon, our haunLed experlence of absenL causallLy.
Morgane Merteu||
5exwotk oqolost wotk . ooolyzloq sexwotk os o teptoJoctlve wotk lssoe
"lL ls argued here LhaL Lhe ma[or legal framework proposed by Luropean sLaLes Lo Lackle Lhe
lssue of prosLlLuLlon - elLher Lhe abollLlon or Lhe legallzaLlon perspecLlve - are
servlng a neollberal agenda. lf boLh Lhese models are refused by mosL of Lhe sex workers
organlzaLlons, Lhelr own demands and analyses are sLlll unheard, and foughL agalnsL by
large parLs of Lhe lefL and of Lhe femlnlsL movemenL, especlally Lhese lasL monLhs ln
WesLern Lurope. lrom a marxlsL perspecLlve, Lhls case ls preLLy unlque: whlle ""Lhe lefL"" (or
mosL radlcal lefL parLles) as a whole do noL have homogenous pollcles Lowards unlons and
soclal movemenLs, Lhey sLlll cllng Lo a general noLlon of ""worklng class"" pollLlcs. 1he lefL's
dlsorlenLaLlon Lowards sex workers unlonlsLs ls a puzzllng facL: how does one accounL for lL
ln a maLerlallsL perspecLlve?
1hls refusal from Lhe progresslve pollLlcal forces Lo supporL sex workers has Lo be
undersLood as an expresslon of Lhe more general dlfflculLles for Lhese forces Lo Lhlnk abouL
reproducLlve work. lf ""dolng sex"" ls Lo be consldered as a form of reproducLlve work (as
Lhe auLhor would argue), Lhe argumenLs faced by sexworkers Loday boll down Lo one and
Lhe same clalm: Lhe ldea LhaL campalgnlng for wages ln compensaLlon for domesLlc labor (or
reproducLlve work) amounLs Lo a LrlvlallzaLlon of lL. 1hls ls preLLy close Lo whaL Lhe femlnlsL
movemenL argued agalnsL Lhe Wages for Pousework campalgn. 1hls ls even more
problemaLlc Loday aL Lhe very momenL when neollberallsm succeed ln more and more
commodlfy Lhls work on a global scale.
1hls paper Lhen alms aL conslderlng Lhe sLruggles around reproducLlve work from a sex
workers lssues perspecLlve, ln order Lo draw Lhe poLenLlal revoluLlonary perspecLlves Lo
whlch Lhe ""sex work ls work"" clalm lnvlLes us Lo. Whlle escaplng Lhe dual plLfalls of
""sofL"" prohlblLlonlsm and a llberal ldeology of ""cholce"", Lhls perspecLlve has noLably Lhe
merlL of unlLlng waged and unwaged women workers agalnsL boLh gender and class
oppresslon ( Lhen undersLood as dlfferenL ""aLLrlbuLes"" of Lhe same ""subsLance"")."
At|e M|kko|a k[osen
AnLlclpaLlng 8eallzaLlon: value's Loglc of MovemenL and Amazon's AnLlclpaLory Shlpplng "
1he onllne reLall glanL Amazon was recenLly awarded a paLenL for lLs meLhod and sysLem
for anLlclpaLory package shlpplng". ln essence, Lhls paLenL descrlbes how Lhe reLaller wanLs
Lo bulld a sysLem for dellverlng commodlLles Lo poLenLlal buyers before Lhey place an order.
8ased on prevlous orders, lLems ln Lhe shlpplng carL, and Lracklng of web-browslng, Lhe
package ls senL Lo a speclfled geographlc area and whlle Lhe package ls ln LranslL or walLlng
aL a hub, Lhe flnal dellvery address ls speclfled. WhaL ls Lhe loglc behlnd such meLhods? Why
musL exchange be anLlclpaLed?
1hls paper wlll use Amazon's anLlclpaLory shlpplng as an example wlLh whlch Lo explore why
and how value (and by exLenslon caplLal) musL move and acceleraLe. 1he paper wlll focus on
Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween movemenL, Lhe value-form and form-deLermlnaLlon Lo accounL for
why value musL move, how lL moves and by whaL means. 1he paper argues LhaL Lhe formal
reason for why value musL move can be locaLed ln Lhe lmmanenL conLradlcLlon of Lhe
commodlLy, whlch requlres value Lo appear ln lLs form. rlor Lo exchange, producLs are
merely producLs of labour, use-values, buL noL yeL consummaLed as values. 1here ls an
lmperaLlve Lo LransporL commodlLles as fasL as posslble Lo Lhe markeL for value Lo be
reallzed, anLlclpaLory shlpplng ls Lhus an arLlculaLlon of Lhls lmperaLlve."
Marce|o M||an
uemoqtopblc cbooqes, leosloo kefotms ooJ Absolote 5otplos voloe. lotettempotol
xploltotloo lo cootempototy copltollsm
1hls arLlcle proposes a Marxlan lnLerpreLaLlon of conLemporary penslon reforms around Lhe
world. uemographlc changes LhaL have been happenlng slnce Lhe flrsL lndusLrlal revoluLlon,
ln parLlcular populaLlon aglng, lmply a dlfflculLy ln replenlshlng Lhe labor force, due Lo
reLlremenL, ln a growlng number of counLrles. 1hls phenomenon has lmporLanL
consequences for Lhe producLlon of value and surplus value, lnsofar as lL affecLs Lhe lnflow
and ouLflow of labor power ln Lhe clrculL of caplLal as well as Lhe redlsLrlbuLlon of soclal
funds by means of Laxes and governmenL Lransfers. 1hese reforms of penslon and soclal
securlLy sysLems help keeplng Lhe flow of labor power lnLo Lhe clrculL of caplLal for a longer
Llme, malnly by means of lmposlng an lncreased mlnlmum reLlremenL age. 1hls work
analyses Lhls lncreased worklng Llme as a form of lnLerLemporal absoluLe surplus-value
exLracLlon. noLe Lo readers: Lhere ls no PonneLh ln my paper, buL l slmply cannoL geL rld
of lL from my key words
S|mon Mohun
closs ooJ closs 5ttoqqle lo tbe u5 ecooomy 1918-2011
A MarxlsL approach Lo economlc analysls focuses on soclal class raLher Lhan on lndlvldual
agenLs. Class lncomes depend upon a funcLlonal dlsLrlbuLlon of lncome, wlLh wages earned
by workers and proflLs earned by caplLallsLs. 8uL even Lhe very rlchesL ln Lhe uS economy
earn a subsLanLlal porLlon of Lhelr LoLal lncome from employmenL. Wages do noL only
accrue Lo Lhe worklng class. AccounLlng for Lhls enLalls derlvlng Llme serles (for Lhe uS
economy 1918-2011) of a Lrl-parLlLe classlflcaLlon of worklng class, managers who depend
upon Lhelr labour lncome, and managers who could choose noL Lo be employed by anyone,
or, for shorL, workers, managers and caplLallsLs. 1hls enables a quanLlLaLlve analysls of uS
classes and Lhelr dynamlcs over nearly a cenLury, whlch can subsLlLuLe for Lhe more usual
quallLaLlve analysls coupled wlLh quanLlLaLlve guesswork.
Irdr|c Monferrand
voloe-lotm 1beoty os ctltlcol 5oclol Ootoloqy
"ln Lhls paper, l would llke Lo subLanLlaLe Lhe followlng hypoLhesls : Lhe varlous Lrends of
Marx's CaplLal lnLerpreLaLlons LhaL have (re-)emerged Lhese pasL Len years under Lhe name
of value-form Lheory" can and should be lnLerpreLed as parL of an aLLempL Lo develop a
crlLlcal soclal onLology.
uesplLe Lhe deep dlfferences LhaL one can hlghllghL beLween Lhe works of 8ackhaus and
8anclre (ln 8eadlng CaplLal) osLone and ArLhur, or kurz and Pelnrlch, all Lhese researchers
share an emphasls on Lhe foundaLlonnal (raLher Lhan hlsLorlcal) aspecL of Lhe flrsL secLlon of
Marx's CaplLal and a crlLlque of caplLallsm ln Lerms of absLracLlon raLher Lhan ln Lerms of
allenaLlon or explolLaLlon. Lven Lhough some of Lhem refuse Lhe very concepL of onLology",
Lhey all Lend Lo presenL Lhelr work as an aLLempL Lo grasp Lhe deep sLrucLures" (osLone,
1993) or Lhe onLologlcal ground" (ArLhur, 2004) of caplLallsm. As opposed Lo mosL
conLemporary malnsLream soclal onLology (Searle, 1993), or even Lo WesLern MarxlsL
aLLempLs Lo reconsLrucL Marx's onLology (Lukacs, 1978, Could, 1978), Lhey are noL engaged
ln a descrlpLlon of Lhe LranshlsLorlcal feaLures of socleLy buL raLher ln a hlsLorlcally speclflc
analysls of how Lhe value-form and lLs process of valorlzaLlon shape Lhe baslc sLrucLures of
soclal llfe. 1he soclal onLology Lhey skeLch can Lhus be sald Lo be hlsLorlcal ln Lhe double
sense LhaL Lhey apprehend soclal belng as a process raLher Lhan as a subsLance and LhaL
Lhey argue LhaL lL ls only wlLh Lhe caplLallsL relflcaLlon of soclal sLrucLures LhaL Lhe soclal"
can appear as an ob[ecL of onLologlcal lnqulery.
l wlll Lry Lo elaboraLe on whaL l Lake Lo be Lo Lhree maln feaLures of Lhls crlLlcal soclal
onLology: flrsL, drawlng on Marx's Lheory of feLlshlsm, l wlll show LhaL Lhe value-form should
be undersLood as a sLrucLure of dally-llfe soclal experlence ln caplLallsL soclal formaLlons,
LhaL ls, as whaL LranscendanLally clrcumscrlbes whaL ls doable and Lhlnkable under
caplLallsm. 1herefore, elaboraLlng on Marx's Lheory of money, l wlll Lhen argue LhaL a crlLlcal
soclal onLology should be a relaLlonnal one, accordlng Lo whlch Lhe condlLlons of posslblllLy
of soclal ob[ecLlvlLy should noL be looked for ln menLal sLrucLures, as ln malnsLream soclal
onLology, buL raLher ln soclal sLrucLures. llnally l wlll Lurn Lo Marx's concepL of organlc
sysLem" ln Lhe Crundrlsse ln order Lo examlne how a crlLlcal soclal onLology should
deLermlne Lhe lnLerdependance of all Lhe momenLs (producLlon, consumpLlon, dlsLrlbuLlon)
LhaL consLlLuLe caplLal as a soclal LoLallLy lf lL ls Lo accounL for Lhe dlfferencleLed forms of
explolLaLlon and subsumpLlon LhaL characLerlze acLually exlsLlng caplLallsm on a global
Sourayan Mooker[ea
lotetsectloos of Jomlootloo ooJ exploltotloo. 1ot sooJ meqo-Jevelopmeot, occomoloteJ
vloleoce ooJ tbe ctlses of soclol teptoJoctloo lo tbe Atboboskoo fotest.
"1hls paper lnLerrogaLes Lhe crlLlcal encounLer of MarxlsL femlnlsL Lheory wlLh posLcolonlal
crlLlque and lnLersecLlonallLy Lheory Lhrough an exploraLlon of Lhe crlses and conLradlcLlons
of communlLy soclal reproducLlon ln Lhe boom Lowns of Lar sand mega-developmenL ln
norLhern AlberLa. AfLer Lhe compllcaLlons and crlLlques of Lhe pollLlcs of ldenLlLy and
dlfference, whaL lessons regardlng class pollLlcs do we draw from such crlsls of soclal
reproducLlon ln Lhe norLhern boom-Lowns of AlberLa? Clven Lhe dlverslLy of sub[ecL
poslLlons moblllzed ln opposlLlon Lo Lhls mega-developmenL, lncludlng Lhe aborlglnal
femlnlsL led ldle no More movemenL, how do we undersLand Lhe afflnlLy or alllance LhaL ls
emerglng here as a new klnd of pollLlcs, a new form of sub[ecLlvlLy or becomlng ln common
Lhe soclal crlses of Lhls mega-developmenL brlngs Lo llfe?
ln addresslng such quesLlons, Lhls paper examlnes Lhe lmpllcaLlons of reconslderaLlons of
Marx's crlLlque of Lhe dlscourse on prlmlLlve accumulaLlon, from 8osa Luxemburg and Sylvla
lederlcl Lo kalyan Sanyal and uavld Parvey for crlLlques of lnLersecLlonallLy Lheory by Sylvla
Walby, Marlarosa ualla CosLa, and Lve MlLchell. 1he paper Lhereby reLheorlzes class pollLlcs
ln Lerms of a dlalecLlc of accumulaLed vlolence arLlculaLlng Lhe colonlallLy of power Lo
blopollLlcal explolLaLlon."
Iav|er Moreno 2acars
1tocloq tbe 1toosltloo to copltollsm lo 5polo
"Lver slnce 8oberL 8renner called lnLo quesLlon prevalenL LheorlsaLlons of caplLallsL
developmenL (8renner, 1976) and sparked off Lhe '1ranslLlon uebaLe', Lhe LheoreLlcal
lmpllcaLlons of hls Lhesls have had a lasLlng lmpacL on hlsLorlcal maLerlallsm. Pls argumenL
LhaL caplLallsm flrsL emerged ln Lhe Lngllsh counLryslde, as a conLlngenL ouLcome of agrarlan
class sLruggle wlLhln Lhe speclflclLy of Lngland's unlque soclal-properLy relaLlons, unseLLled
esLabllshed concepLlons abouL Lhe hlsLory and naLure of caplLallsm. Whlle 8renner's
lnLervenLlons have led Lo much heaLed debaLes wlLhln MarxlsL Lheory (Wood, 2000), a much
more obvlous, and equally lmporLanL lmpllcaLlon of hls work has recelved much less
aLLenLlon: lf caplLallsL LransformaLlon was noL an lnevlLable Luropean-wlde process, buL a
much more hlsLorlcally and geographlcally speclflc developmenL, how exacLly, and when,
dld lL expand Lo oLher Luropean counLrles?
Whlle Ceorge Comnlnel's (Comnlnel, 1987) has already conducLed exLenslve research on Lhe
LranslLlon ln lrance, mosL of Lhe exlsLlng llLeraLure has focused on backlng Lhe 8renner
Lhesls by explalnlng how caplLallsm dld noL emerge ln oLher counLrles, raLher Lhan by Laklng
one sLep furLher and explorlng Lhe plurallLy of oLher 'LranslLlons'. ln Lhls conLexL of lnqulry,
Lhe case of Spaln has been Lruly neglecLed, probably Lhe only excepLlon belng !ulle
Marfany's very recenL work on Lhe CaLalan LranslLlon (Marfany, 2012). 8ulldlng and movlng
8renner's work, Marfany has begun Lo carve some lmporLanL lnroads lnLo whaL ls perhaps a
much more complex LranslLlon Lo caplLallsm. She polnLs ouL aL some sLark conLrasLs wlLh Lhe
Lngllsh experlence, llke Lhe much larger role of rural lndusLry or CaLalonla's unlque properLy
relaLlons (rabassa morLa), LhaL slL uneaslly wlLh 8renner's model of Lhe LranslLlon. ln
conLrasL Lo Lngland, a much more cenLrallsed and homogenous counLry aL Lhe Llme of lLs
LranslLlon, Lhe Spanlsh counLryslde ls a plurlverse lnsLlLuLlonal dlverslLy, where parLs of Lhe
counLry experlenced dlverglng hlsLorlcal Lra[ecLorles and almosL every reglon operaLed
along unlque properLy relaLlons.
1hls paper wlll skeLch Lhe problemaLlque of a Spanlsh LranslLlon Lo caplLallsm, ouLllnlng Lhe
complexlLy of Lhe Spanlsh case and presenLlng Lhe challenges lL poses. lor example, lf
8renner's model sLresses Lhe lmporLance of deprlvlng peasanLs of Lhelr means of maLerlal
reproducLlon, forclng Lhem off Lhe land, how do we explaln LhaL Andaluslan agrlculLure has
relled on a huge mass of landless peasanLs slnce aL leasL Lhe 16Lh cenLury? uoes Lhe
lnsLlLuLlonal plurallLy of Lhe Spanlsh case force us Lo speak of Lhe LranslLlon as an uneven
process, where caplLallsm 'arrlved' ln dlfferenL sLages, or do we need Lo focus on whaL may
have been mulLlple LranslLlons? 1he paper wlll presenL Lhe Spanlsh case, ralse some
hypoLheses on Lhese lssues, and address meLhodologlcal and LheoreLlcal quesLlons on how
Lo Lheorlse Lhe LranslLlon Lo caplLallsm ouLslde of Lngland."
kev|n Morgan
colt ooJ ootl-colt. leolo, 5tollo ooJ 1totsky lo tbe 1920s
1he sysLemaLlc promoLlon of Lhe Lenln culL can be daLed from lmmedlaLely afLer Lenln's
deaLh ln !anuary 1924. ConvenLlonally, Lhe culL ls regarded, correcLly, as an lnsLrumenL of
bureaucraLlc cenLrallsaLlon and forerunner of Lhe SLalln culL LhaL was grafLed onLo Lenln's as
SLalln consolldaLed hls grlp on power. WhaL ls less wldely recognlsed ls how far 1roLsky, llke
oLher leadlng 8olshevlks, also lenL hls volce Lo Lhe Lenln culL, and lndeed had helped ln
pavlng Lhe way for lL even durlng Lenln's llfeLlme. ln explorlng Lhese confllcLlng uses of
Lenln's legacy, Lhls paper descrlbes how Lenlnlsm as Lhe culL of parLy was used Lo lsolaLe
1roLsky, whlle 1roLsky hlmself soughL Lo focus on Lhe quallLles of revoluLlonary leadershlp
wlLh whlch he no less Lhan Lenln was unlversally ldenLlfled. 1he broader lssue ralsed ls LhaL
of why Lhe lefL, lncludlng dlsparaLe sLrands of Marxlsm, has proved so suscepLlble Lo Lhe culL
of Lhe lndlvldual. 1he more speclflc lssue ls LhaL of how far 1roLsky's fallure Lo conLesL Lhls
Lerraln, lf noL lndeed LhaL of Lenln hlmself, faclllLaLed SLalln's deploymenL of Lhls lnsLrumenL
whlch became so cenLral Lo Lhe pollLlcal culLure of SLallnlsm.
Chana Morgenstern
commltteJ lltetotote lo o lottltlooeJ looJ. 1be ol-IoJlJ commoolst Iootool ooJ tbe Mokloq
of o lolestloloo ooJ Atob-Iewlsb lltetoty coltote lo 1950s lstoel/lolestloe
ln Lhe 1930s and 1960s, a group of young alesLlnlan and Arab-!ewlsh (Mlzrahl) CommunlsL
wrlLers-who would laLer become promlnenL poeLs and auLhors ln lsrael and alesLlne-
began Lhelr careers as edlLors and wrlLers for Lhe Arablc arLs and llLeraLure magazlne al-
!adld, a culLural arm of Lhe lsraell communlsL parLy. alesLlnlan wrlLers such as Mahmoud
uarwlsh, Lmlle Pablbl, Pana lbrahlm and Lmlle 1uma and Arab-!ewlsh (Mlzrahl) wrlLers such
as Saml Mlchael, Shlmon 8allas and Sasson Somekh coalesced around Lhe [ournal as a space
ln whlch Lhey could engage ln Lhe formaLlon of a CommunlsL culLural fronL Lo preserve
Arablc culLure and combaL Lhe developlng mllleu of Zlonlsm and parLlLlon ln lsrael/alesLlne.
1hls paper wlll Lrace Lhe llLerary hlsLory of Lhls communlLy of wrlLers and Lhelr works, paylng
speclal aLLenLlon Lo Lhe culLural program LhaL Lhe [ournal developed and Lhe way ln whlch
Lhls program caLalyzed llLerary producLlon ln Lhe [ournal. 1hrough an analysls of arLlcles and
manlfesLos, l wlll show how Lhe [ournal advanced an aesLheLlc program LhaL advocaLed for
Lhe developmenL of a commlLLed, lnLernaLlonallsL and soclallsL reallsL Arablc llLeraLure LhaL
relmaglned noLlons of Arab-!ewlsh collecLlvlLy. 8y uncoverlng and examlnlng Lhe losL llLerary
archlve of al-!adld, l demonsLraLe Lhe way ln whlch Lhe [olnL llLeraLure LhaL Lhe [ournal
fosLered provldes us wlLh crlLlcal proof of an anLl-parLlLlon reslsLance culLure rooLed ln Lhe
local developmenL of Arab MarxlsL and decolonlzlng pracLlces. 1hls llLeraLure ls an lnLegral
buL under-researched parL of Lhe rooL sysLem of Arab-!ewlsh (Mlzrahl) and alesLlnlan
llLeraLures ln lsrael/alesLlne. We need only conslder Lhe lmpacL of wrlLers such as Lmlle
Pablbl, Mahmoud uarwlsh, Shlmon 8allas and Saml Mlchael on Lhe lnLellecLual hlsLory and
llLeraLure of alesLlne and lsrael Lo undersLand Lhe lmporL of Lhelr common pollLlcal and
culLural foundaLlons. 1he llLerary hlsLory of al-!adld challenges Lhe canonlcal separaLlon of
Lhese wrlLers lnLo Lwo hosLlle llLerary camps, and allows us Lo see Lhelr common rooLs ln a
MarxlsL, anLl-parLlLlon llLeraLure LhaL greaLly lmpacLed subsequenL generaLlons of lsraell and
alesLlnlan wrlLers.
Ired Mose|ey
lottoJoctloo to tbe oqllsb ttooslotloo of Motxs Mooosctlpt of 186J-65
Marx's only full drafL of volume 3 of CaplLal was wrlLLen ln Lhe Lconomlc ManuscrlpL of
1863-63. Marx's 8ook lll" manuscrlpL was heavlly edlLed by Lngels for Lhe flrsL Cerman
edlLlon of volume 3 ln 1894. lL has been a long-sLandlng quesLlon ln Marxlan scholarshlp
concernlng how much dld Lngels change Marx's manuscrlpL and are Lhere slgnlflcanL
dlfferences beLween Lhe Lwo. Marx's orlglnal manuscrlpL was publlshed for Lhe flrsL Llme ln
Cerman ln 1992 ln Lhe Marx/Lngels CesamLausgabe (MLCA), SecLlon ll, volume 4.2, and Lhls
lmporLanL manuscrlpL has now been LranslaLed lnLo Lngllsh (by 8en lowkes) and wlll be
publlshed by 8rlll. l am Lhe edlLor of Lhe LranslaLlon and have wrlLLen an lnLroducLlon, whlch
hlghllghLs Lhe maln dlfferences beLween Marx's orlglnal manuscrlpL and Lngels' edlLed
volume 3, ln my vlew. My paper wlll be Lhls lnLroducLlon.
8ar|s Mucen
coosttoctloq tbe Object of Aoolysls tbtooqb tbe coteqoty of loboot
"ln my presenLaLlon l wlll aLLempL Lo show ln whlch ways Marx's meLhodology was
consLrucLed Lhrough Lhe caLegory of labour, yeL ln many of Lhe MarxlsL (or non-MarxlsL)
crlLlcal sLudles lL was puL lnLo work Lhrough Lhe caLegory of caplLal. l wlll argue LhaL Lhls
meLhodologlcal shlfL Look place ln favor of a sclenLlflc analysls of Lhe formaLlon of Lhe
exlsLlng soclal lnequallLles (ln economlc or non-economlc forms). WlLhouL negaLlng Lhe
crlLlcal power of such sLudles l wlll problemaLlze Lhem by showlng Lhe ways ln whlch Lhey
reduce Lhe soclo-hlsLorlcal reallLy Lo Lhe soclal relaLlons and process LhaL are consLrucLed as
an ob[ecL of analysls Lhrough Lhe caLegory of caplLal (l.e. ln whlch ways Lhe analyLlcal ob[ecL
presenLs a reallLy subsumed by Lhe caLegory of caplLal.). Molshe osLone developed a
slmllar crlLlque of MarxlsL sLudles LhaL focused on 'modes of dlsLrlbuLlon' early on ln hls
work 1lme, Labor, and Soclal uomlnaLlon. ?eL he also analyzed Lhe caLegory of labour ln lLs
hlsLorlcal form wlLhln Lhe relaLlons of caplLal. ln my presenLaLlon l wlll parLlcularly analyze
Lukacs' laLe LexLs ln whlch he Lrles Lo develop Lhe concepL of labour as an onLologlcal
caLegory. WlLhouL geLLlng lnLo a debaLe wheLher we can conslder labour as an onLologlcal
caLegory or noL, my alm wlll be Lo see lLs meLhodologlcal consequences: how Lo consLrucL
an ob[ecL of analysls Lhrough Lhe caLegory of labour. 1hls aLLempL lnvolves nelLher glvlng a
cenLral poslLlon Lo Lhe labourer (as a sub[ecL poslLlon), nor focuslng on Lhe maLerlal
producLlon processes. lnsLead, l wlll reconslder our maln caLegorles and concepLs (such as
LemporallLy, knowledge, facL, hlsLorlclLy) LhaL we use whlle consLrucLlng ob[ecLs of analysls
Lhrough Lhe caLegory of caplLal.
Mar|eke Mue||er
now tbe 8ootqeolsle sotvlves. closs ooJ collectlve sobjectlvltles lo 5otttes lotet wotk
"1hls paper examlnes !ean-aul SarLre's Lheory of class, focusslng parLlcularly on Lhe
LheorlsaLlon of Lhe bourgeolsle ln 'L'ldloL de la famllle' (1971-2), hls blography of llauberL.
My paper wlll argue LhaL SarLre's concern wlLh Lhe reproducLlon of Lhe bourgeolsle ln hls
laLer LexLs suggesLs Lhe formaLlon of a concepLlon of class sub[ecLlvlLy whlch comblnes
elemenLs of class consclousness and ldeology and whlch furLher ofLen resonaLes wlLh lerre
8ourdleu's Lheory of class, desplLe Lhe laLLer's well-known crlLlclsm of 'L'ldloL'.
WhllsL 'L'ldloL' upholds Lhe fundamenLal concepLs of SarLre's earller noLlon of class, such as
Lhe absence of any organlc class unlLy, my paper wlll suggesL LhaL 'L'ldloL' re-evaluaLes Lhe
soclal realm, marklng a shlfL Lowards collecLlve sub[ecLlvlLles. SarLre's analysls of Lhe school
sysLem as conveyor of 'serlallzed compeLlLlon' (opposed Lo llauberL's feudal aLLlLude), and
SarLre's recurrenL reference Lo Lhe ldea of 'dlsLlncLlon' wlll serve Lo hlghllghL Lhe presence of
opposed class sub[ecLlvlLles ln 'L'ldloL' and Lo furLher suggesL a pre-flguraLlon of 8ourdleu's
1he Lheory of generaLlons ln SarLre's laLer work wlll Lhen be lnLerpreLed as parL of Lhe same
concern, namely Lo Lheorlse Lhe comlng-lnLo-belng and Lhe re-generaLlon of bourgeols class
sub[ecLlvlLy. My paper wlll conclude LhaL SarLre's hlsLorlcal and LheoreLlcal lnLeresL ln class ls
furLher lnscrlbed ln hls concern for Lhe pollLlcal slLuaLlon afLer 1968, agaln suggesLlng a
convergence of lnLeresLs beLween SarLre and 8ourdleu."
Andrew Murray
5oclollseJ ooJ 5peclollseJ loboot oo tbe cbottetboose of cbompmol
1he sculpLural program of Lhe CharLerhouse of Champmol (bullL c. 1370-1410) has been
argued by many Lo have been Lhe mosL lnnovaLlve and lnfluenLlal ln norLhern Lurope ln Lhe
laLe fourLeenLh- and early flfLeenLh-cenLurles. lLs sculpLure was ofLen llfe-slze, fully rounded
or ln deep rellef, hlghly naLurallsed and comprlsed complex comblnaLlons of maLerlals.
revlous arL-hlsLorlans have argued LhaL Lhe key condlLlon for Lhls sculpLure were Lhe LalenL
and skllls and of Lhe sculpLors. 8uL Lhls 'sklll' has been lnadequaLely Lheorlsed elLher as Lhelr
'genlus', or as Lhe 'freedom' provlded Lo Lhem by Lhe long-Lerm paLronage of Lhe valols-
8urgundlan dukes. 8y closely examlnlng Lhe recelpLs and accounL enLry records of Lhe
CharLerhouse, Lhls paper wlll provlde an alLernaLlve undersLandlng of sklll: LhaL lL lnvolves a
comblnaLlon of soclallsed labour (Lhe need for sculpLors Lo lnLeracL wlLh oLher workers) and
speclallsed labour (deflned as managerlal auLhorlLy belng devolved Lo sculpLors Lhemselves,
raLher Lhan seelng Lhelr work dlrecLed by masons). Such an undersLandlng of sklll glves us
some lnslghLs lnLo Lhe appearance of Lhe sculpLure of Lhe Champmol. 8uL lL also allows us Lo
perlodlze lL Lo Lhe lnLenslfled dlvlslon of labour developlng ln Lhe Lowns of norLhern Lurope
ln Lhe fourLeenLh cenLury, Lhe Lowns where Lhese sculpLors were lnlLlally Lralned.
Matthew Myers
cots, ctlsls, coofllct. 8tltlsb cot wotkets lo tbe 1970s ooJ tbe oomokloq of tbe 8tltlsb wotkloq
1hls paper focuses on Lhe experlences of 8rlLlsh car workers durlng Lhe global economlc
crlsls ln Lhe 1970s uslng a soclal hlsLorlcal perspecLlve. AL lLs hearL are Lhe everyday
experlences of work, pollLlcal aglLaLlon, and shop-floor confllcLs, whlch characLerlsed Lhe
8rlLlsh car lndusLry ln Lhe 1970s. As Lhe 8rlLlsh car lndusLry aLLempLed Lo confronL
compeLlLlon from overseas and decreaslng proflLs aL home, confllcLs over [obs, condlLlons,
and wage-raLes affecLed Lhe whole lndusLry, and provlded one of Lhe key lndusLrlal
baLLlegrounds. 1he shlfL from a mlllLanL, confldenL, and well organlsed neLwork of car
workers across 8rlLaln ln Lhe laLe 1960s Lo a weakened and neuLered one ln Lhe mld 1980s
has hereLo been largely an undervalued aspecL of our lndusLrlal hlsLory, yeL whlch has many
lessons over how workers confronL caplLallsm's aLLempL Lo resLore proflLablllLy Lo Lhe
sysLem. 1hrough analyslng Lhe speclflc hlsLorlcal experlence of 8rlLlsh car workers durlng Lhe
1970s crlsls we can beLLer undersLand Lhls global process. 1he paper wlll also explore Lhe
role of revoluLlonary pollLlcs wlLhln Lhe lndusLry, Lhe role of gender lnslde and ouLslde Lhe
car facLorles, and aLLempL Lo draw lessons for presenL sLruggles.
Se||m Nad|
wby Jo we oeeJ oo loJlqeooos potty lo ltooce?
ln !anuary 2003, several anLl-raclsL acLlvlsLs and organlzaLlons send ouL a call (l'Appel des
lndlgnes de la 8epubllque"). 1hls call ls Lhe foundlng documenL of Lhe MouvemenL des
lndlgnes de la 8epubllque (M.l.8) whlch became Lhe arLl des lndlgnes de la 8epubllque
(.l.8) ln 2010. 1he pro[ecL of Lhe M.l.8/.l.8 was noL Lo bulld a lobby buL Lo creaLe a real
pollLlcal force for Lhe non-whlLes ln lrance and a grassrooLs popular movemenL . ln lrance,
non-whlLes are excluded by Lhe pollLlcal sysLem and Lhls ls Lhe basls of whaL Sadrl khlarl
called Lhe neo-lndlgenelLy (neo-lndlgenaL, ln reference Lo Lhe oppresslve sLaLus of colonlal
sub[ecLs ln Lhe lrench Lmplre). 1he maln lrench parLles - boLh from Lhe rlghL and from Lhe
lefL - have pursued pollcles LhaL are more and more agalnsL Lhe lnLeresL of Lhe non-whlLe
populaLlon. 1hls ls why Lhe creaLlon of Lhe .l.8 was a pollLlcal necesslLy, alLhough a large
parL of Lhe lefL crlLlclze Lhe .l.8 because Lhey Lhlnk LhaL lL ls a raclallsL" organlzaLlon and
noL an anLlcaplLallsL one. 1he creaLlon of Lhe .l.8 puL Lhe concepL of soclal-race" lnLo Lhe
lrench pollLlcal fleld whlch was obsessed by Lhe class quesLlon" ln an absLracL way and
LoLally forgeL Lhe race" ln Lhe sLruggle (Lhls ls why a loL of non-whlLe from Lhe french
banlleues conslder Lhe french lefL as LralLors"). ln fronL of Lhe .l.8 Lhe lrench lefL ls
pollLlcally and LheoreLlcally dlsarmed : Lhey do noL undersLand why ls Lhe .l.8 - an
auLonomous non-whlLe organlzaLlon - necessary Lo flghL caplLallsm and Lo show how race
conLrlbuLes Lo Lhe perpeLuaLlon of caplLallsm. 1he goal of Lhls organlzaLlon was Lo
conLrlbuLe Lo a new popular bloc congenlal Lo Lhe lnLeresLs of non-whlLe people ln Lhe
lrench MeLropolls and Lo analyze raclsm ln a maLerlallsL way, a way LhaL Lhe lrench lefL
does noL undersLand. 1he morallsLlc verslon of anLlraclsm conveyed by Lhe lrench lefL, LhaL
Lhe laLLer asserLs agalnsL Lhe l8's analyses , ls a Lrue nemesls for sLruggles led by people of
color. 1hls ls parLly due Lo Lhe overwhelmlng lrench lefL ldeology accordlng Lo whlch Lhe
maln problem ls Lo flghL caplLallsm - whlch has no color" - and LhaL organlzlng non-whlLe
people ls noL an anLl-caplLallsL sLruggle buL [usL a culLural sLruggle" or ldenLlLy-pollLlcs. 1he
maln accusaLlon agalnsL Lhe .l.8 was Lhe accusaLlon of communauLarlsme" (Lhls word
does noL exlsL ln Lhe engllsh vocabulary buL can be LranslaLed by culLural-secLarlanlsm"),
buL Lhe .l.8 ls noL a culLural organlzaLlon, lL ls a pollLlcal one whlch ls focuslng lL sLruggle
agalnsL raclsm as a sysLem (whlch was Lheorlzed, ln Lhe lrench conLexL, by Sadrl khlarl, a
1unlslan acLlvlsL and a former member of Lhe 4Lh lnLernaLlonal) and ls Laklng dlsLance wlLh
Lhe dogmaLlc and colorbllnd noLlon of class" ln Lhe lrench conLexL - cerLalnly noL dolng
away wlLh Lhe relevance of class as such, as Lhe arLy's pollLlcal pro[ecL ls a coallLlon and
hegemonlc bloc wlLh whlLe popular classes. Analyzlng Lhe hlsLory of Lhe .l.8 ls very
lmporLanL Lo show how Lhls organlzaLlon puL Lhe race quesLlon ln Lhe lrench marxlsL
pollLlcal fleld.
Ionathan Nea|e
ltom copeoboqeo to lotls - tbe cllmote jostlce movemeot ooJ tbe coottoJlctloos of tolloq
closs cllmote sttoteqles
"Pow does Lhe cllmaLe [usLlce movemenL respond Lo Lhe arls CC? We sLarL wlLh Lhe rullng
class. 1o halL runaway cllmaLe change wlll requlre leavlng Lhe carbon ln Lhe ground,
exLenslve governmenL regulaLlon, and masslve publlc works programmes. (CllmaLe [obs
campalgns are an aLLempL Lo do Lhls sooner raLher Lhan laLer.) 1he rullng class know Lhls.
1hey also undersLand Lhe sclence. And Lhey own Lhe world - Lhey don'L wanL Lo wreck lL.
8uL Lhey are paralysed because masslve publlc works and regulaLlon would mean Lhe end of
Lhe neollberal pro[ecL. And slnce 2008 Lhe pressures of lncreased lnLernaLlonal compeLlLlon
rule ouL Lhe exLra expense for any compeLlng naLlonal caplLal. ln addlLlon, Lhose based on
hlgh carbon corporaLlons wanL no acLlon on all.
1he rullng class are dlvlded, confused, and face pressure from organlsed sclenLlsLs, nCCs
and a wlder publlc. So greenwash ls plled upon conLradlcLlon. And Lhe ouLcome of arls wlll
be Lerrlble. 1he danger ls repeaLlng Lhe demorallsaLlon afLer Copenhagen. So Lhe cllmaLe
movemenL needs a response blg enough Lo say Lhls ls only Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe flghL. 1he
Lalk wlll reporL on Lhe sLaLe of play on Lhls by november."
Iohn Nescher
1be 5potlol ulmeosloo of nlstotlcol Motetlollsm.Oo cbloese xpetleoces
"Chlna ls now experlenclng a spaLlal flxlng of lLs caplLal. 1he caplLal needs space ln physlcal
,soclal or splrlLual sLaLe. AlLhough Lhere are dlfferences beLween Lhe caplLallsL and soclallsL
counLrles, buL Lhe caplLal seems more slmllar, and lL plays a greaL role Lhan before ln
soclallsL counLrles . lL seemed LhaL Lhe economlc crlsls ls lasLlng wlLh spaLlal flxlng over Lhe
world and lL ls obvlous LhaL chlna ls effecLed.
We should have a spaLlal perspecLlve ln hlsLorlcal maLerlallsm. (1)1he producLlon
becomes spaLlal producLlon ln conLemporary. urbanlzaLlon ls lmporL ln presenL Chlna.(2)1he
class sLruggle may becomes sLreeL and landscape sLruggle. 1he flghLlng for sLablllLy ln sLreeL
ls more lmporLanL ln presenL Chlna. 1he sLablllLy ls based on Lhe spaLlal
managemenL.(3)Space and socleLy ls Lhe key relaLlon ln developlng soclallsm wlLh Chlnese
characLerlsLlc . WlLh Lhe help of Lhe caplLal and wlLhouL Lhe hurLlng of caplLal, Chlnese
should have a new locaLlon of lLs socleLy.(4)1he sLruggllng for publlc space ls lmporLanL ln
undersLandlng new dlmenslon of hlsLorlcal maLerlallsm. SpaLlal [usLlce and Lhe rlghL Lo clLy
ln Chlna ls Lhe key elemenL ln bulldlng democracy . We should pay more aLLenLlon on Lhe
caplLal role ln sLruggllng for geography. (3)Colng Lo urban socleLy: An new sLep for Chlnese
consLrucLlon of lLs soclallsL bulldlng. 1here ls new dlscourse Lo descrlbe Lhe presenL slLuaLlon
of Chlna.And Lhere should be a new urban socleLy model Lhan Lhe counLryslde one for
looklng lnLo fuLure of Chlna.
1he new slLuaLlon ln Chlna ls lmporLanL for Lhe conLemporary developmenL of hlsLorlcal
maLerlallsm . Lspeclally Lhere are some spaLlal sLraLegy ln conLemporary Chlna, such as rural
areas enclrcllng Lhe clLles, Lhe rural household conLracL responslblllLy sysLem, Lhe
urbanlzaLlon, Lhe lnLegraLlon of urban and rural areas. Maybe Lhe spaLlal perspecLlve ls Lhe
key Lo undersLand Chlnese developmenL and lL ls lmporLanL Lo develop hlsLorlcal
8arbara Neuk|rch|nger
ctltlcol 1beoty, loststtoctotollsm ooJ tbe lotetsectloo of qeoJet ooJ Jlsoblllty
"ln Lhls paper l wlll dlscuss Lhe lnLerlocklng of gender and dlsablllLy wlLhln a framework LhaL
draws LogeLher CrlLlcal 1heory, osLsLrucLurallsm, and lnLersecLlonallLy. Whlle gender and
dlsablllLy generaLe speclal forms of dlscrlmlnaLlon, femlnlsL dlsablllLy sLudles, LhaL focuses
on commonallLles regardlng ldenLlLy pollLlcs, experlences of oppresslon or a culLural body
hlsLory, ls sLlll aL Lhe beglnnlng. My alm ls Lo broaden Lhls research wlLh an examlnaLlon of
sLrucLural soclo-economlc condlLlons by uslng Lhe CrlLlcal 1heory of Adorno and
l wanL Lo lnvesLlgaLe, lf Lhese approaches can be comblned for a comprehenslve analysls of
lnequallLy, because posLsLrucLural and lnLersecLlonal lnfluenced ldeas are ofLen seem Lo lack
a profound analysls of caplLallsL sLrucLures. CrlLlcal 1heory ls characLerlsed by a dlsLlncLlve
soclo-crlLlcal and economlc-based analysls of underlylng sLrucLures, buL ls ofLen evaluaLed as
overly generallslng ln porLraylng conLemporary socleLles. SlmulLaneously posLsLrucLural
Lheorles provlde a flner plcLure of soclal dlfferences and Lhe consequenLlal power relaLlons.
1herefore, Lhe research pro[ecL sLrlves Lo assess how Lhe assoclaLlon of Lhese approaches
can advance Lhe undersLandlng of Lhe lnLerlocklng of gender and dlsablllLy ln neollberal
socleLy and Lhe lnfluence of sLrucLural facLors, how LheoreLlcal opposlLlons can be overcome
Lo conLrlbuLe Lo prevalllng approaches ln (femlnlsL) dlsablllLy sLudles."
atr|ck Neve||ng
1be flexlblllty of occomolotloo befote "flexlble occomolotloo". cotoetstooes fot o post-
flctloool blstotlcol ootbtopoloqy of tbe tweotletb ceototy copltollst wotlJ-system
l argue LhaL malnsLream assessmenLs of Lhe rlse of neollberallsm are hlghly problemaLlc for
Lwo reasons. llrsL, neollberallsm dld noL appear as a waLershed ln Lhe world-sysLem afLer
Lhe 1970s global crlsls, as many macro-approaches would have lL. lnsLead, lf we can speak of
a neollberal model aL all, Lhls emerged ln Lhe 1930s and became powerful vla uS pollcles
Lowards Lhe Clobal SouLh. Slnce Lhe uS-1ruman admlnlsLraLlon's olnL lour program of Lhe
laLe 1940s pollcles were abouL malnLalnlng, and noL esLabllshlng, deregulaLed labour
relaLlons and "off-hands" posLcolonlal pollcles Lowards mulLlnaLlonal corporaLlons. noLlons
of a global emergence of neollberallsm are Lhen, aL besL, WesLern-cenLrlc orlenLallsms.
Second, Lhe global spread of exporL processlng zones (LZs) and speclal economlc zones
(SLZs) ls ofLen propagaLed as one of Lhe deflnlng feaLures of a global shlfL ln Lhe 1970s. 1hls
ls ofLen assoclaLed wlLh a rlse of newly lndusLrlallsed CounLrles (nlC) ln LasL and SouLheasL
Asla. A conclse enqulry of Lhe spread of such zones on a global scale and ln parLlcular
naLlonal seLLlngs reveals Lwo very dlfferenL perlodlsaLlons, however. 1he world's flrsL LZ
was seL up ln uerLo 8lco ln 1947. Slmllar pollcles spread rapldly ln Lhe 1930s. lf we conslder
Lhe lmpacL of Lhese pollcles on Lhe ground, lL ls evldenL LhaL Lhe shlfL from lordlsm Lo
neollberallsm LhaL ls so cenLral Lo macro-models ln anLhropology, never acLually happened.
WhaL ls called neollberal was lnsLead a sllghL revlslon of exlsLlng colonlal pollcles ln many
naLlons of Lhe Clobal SouLh.
August N|mtz
1be 8olsbevlks come to lowet. A New lotetptetotloo
"1hree years afLer Lhe 8olshevlk-led Lrlumph ln CcLober 1917, Lenln wroLe LhaL hls parLy's
parLlclpaLlon" ln Lhe four 8usslan SLaLe uumas beLween 1906 and 1913 was
lndlspensable" ln LhaL success. A deLalled readlng of LhaL experlence supporLs Lenln's
clalm as well as maklng lL posslble Lo connecL for Lhe flrsL Llme Lhe doLs beLween Marx and
Lngels's elecLoral/parllamenLary sLraLegy and whaL Lhe 8olshevlks carrled ouL ln Lhe CcLober
8evoluLlon. 1hls ls a dlsLlllaLlon of Lhe evldence presenLed ln my recenLly publlshed Lwo-
volume book,Lenln's LlecLoral SLraLegy: 1he 8alloL, Lhe SLreeLs-or 8oLh. "
1ony Norf|e|d
copltollst lowet. llctltloos copltol, cotpototloos ooJ lloooce
1he flnanclal sysLem boLh reflecLs caplLallsL economlc power and ls a means of relnforclng lL.
1hls ls shown noL slmply ln Lhe subordlnaLlon of debLors (counLrles, companles or
lndlvlduals) ln a 'credlL crunch', buL, more lmporLanLly, ln Lhe regular, day-Lo-day operaLlons
of Lhe flnanclal sysLem. Such power ls wlelded noL only by banks and oLher flnanclal
lnsLlLuLlons, buL also by Lhe sLaLe and all klnds of caplLallsL company. Modern caplLallsm
Lakes a flnanclal form, one LhaL marshals socleLy's resources for Lhe beneflL of Lhe few. 1hls
paper deLalls Lhe maln forms ln whlch Lhls happens Loday, analyslng Lhe lnLernaLlonal flow
of funds, Lhe forelgn exchange, bond and equlLy markeLs and explalnlng Lhe cenLral role of
whaL Marx called 'flcLlLlous caplLal' (flnanclal securlLles). lL wlll examlne how Lhe ma[or
lmperlallsL counLrles domlnaLe global flnanclal markeLs and are able Lo use Lhese Lo
approprlaLe surplus value from Lhe resL of Lhe world economy.
D|ana C'Dwyer & L||een Conno||y
lotetootlooollsloq Ctomscls coocept of tbe loteqtol 5tote lo o Neollbetol copltollst to.
NCOs ooJ Ootsootcloq tbe 5tote
"1hls paper lnLegraLes Cramscl's concepL of Lhe lnLegral caplLallsL sLaLe as a dlalecLlcal unlLy
of pollLlcal and clvll socleLy wlLh hls dual concepL of passlve revoluLlon, ln Lhe conLexL of
LransnaLlonallslng neollberal caplLallsm. 1raclng Lhe evoluLlon of Lhe lnLegral caplLallsL sLaLe
vla Lwo lnLerllnked passlve revoluLlons - neollberal resLrucLurlng of esLabllshed caplLallsL
sLaLes from Lhe 1980s and Lhe concurrenL lnLenslfled globallsaLlon of neollberal caplLallsL
sLaLe forms flowlng from Lhe (re-)esLabllshmenL of caplLallsm ln formerly SLallnlsL sLaLes - lL
argues LhaL conLrary Lo soclal-democraLlc accounLs of a 'reLreaL' of Lhe sLaLe, Lhe
relaLlonshlp of pollLlcal and clvll socleLy ln Lhe lnLegral sLaLe has lnsLead been reconflgured.
Cne lmporLanL way Lhls has occurred ls Lhrough Lhe ouLsourclng, lnlLlally of servlce, and
laLer of pollcy and ldeologlcal funcLlons from pollLlcal socleLy/governmenL Lo governmenL-
supporLed clvll socleLy organlsaLlons or nCCs.
1hls has helped caplLallsm Lo survlve by furLher consLralnlng Lhe already severely llmlLed
auLonomy of clvll socleLy from caplLallsL lnLeresLs, LlghLenlng Lhe lnLegraLlon of clvll and
pollLlcal socleLy, and relnforclng clvll socleLy's hegemonlc role of conLlnually (re-)leglLlmlslng
Lhe caplLallsL sLaLe and Lhe class relaLlons lL malnLalns. ollLlcally, lL offers Lhe lncreased
'flexlblllLy' and pollLlcal denlablllLy of subconLracLed governance, aL a Llme when publlc LrusL
ln nCCs also far exceeds LhaL ln governmenLs, pollLlcal parLles or corporaLlons.
Lconomlcally, lL relnforces a non-proflL Ller wlLhln Lhe economlc base, characLerlsed by low
wages and condlLlons. 1hls reduces cosLs for Lhe sLaLe and Lhe soclal demands on caplLal,
whlle enabllng Lhese relaLlons of producLlon Lo be [usLlfled ldeologlcally vls-a-vls nCCs' non-
proflL or charlLable purpose.
urawlng on orlglnal research lnLo Lhe lnLernaLlonal nCC campalgns Lo ban landmlnes and
clusLer munlLlons, Lhe paper shows how Lhls closer lnLegraLlon of clvll and pollLlcal socleLy
has worked Lo leglLlmlse a WesLern-domlnaLed lnLernaLlonal caplLallsL order and Lhe
WesLern-domlnaLed world mlllLary order LhaL susLalns lL. WesLern-based nCCs worklng ln
'parLnershlp' wlLh WesLern governmenLs are key acLors ln Lhls, boLh domesLlcally and ln Lhe
SouLh, where LogeLher wlLh local 'parLner' nCCs, Lhey lnslnuaLe WesLern-based
LransnaLlonal caplLallsL lnLeresLs wlLhln perlpheral and seml-perlpheral sLaLes. 1hls
relnforces hlsLorlcal processes of uneven and comblned developmenL and helps creaLe
lnLernaLlonal ldeologlcal supporL for an lnLernaLlonal caplLallsL order LhaL remalns WesLern-
domlnaLed. Such LransnaLlonal 'nCClsaLlon' represenLs a largely neglecLed dlmenslon of
boLh Lhe 'lnLernaLlonallsaLlon of Lhe sLaLe' and comprador caplLallsm."
8|a|r Cgden
wbot ls ulvloe vloleoce? 1owotJs o uefloltlve Accooot "8eojomlos temotks oboot Jlvloe
vloleoce ote too cooJeoseJ, opopoe ooJ elllptlcol to lotetptet lo ooy Jefloltlve moooet.
!ay 8ernsLeln, vlolence: 1hlnklng WlLhouL 8anlsLers (20013)
1oday Lhere ls sLlll llLLle consensus abouL whaL WalLer 8en[amln acLually meanL by dlvlne
vlolence. CommenLaLors dlsagree over Lhree slmple quesLlons. Who ls Lhe agenL of dlvlne
vlolence? ls lL necessarlly leLhal? ls lL eLhlcal? My paper wlll ouLllne (and defend) a plauslble
phllosophlcal lnLerpreLaLlon of whaL 8en[amln meanL by dlvlne vlolence. 1he CrlLlque of
vlolence provldes us wlLh Lwo quasl-deflnlLlons of Lhe Lerm. Cne Lhlng we know wlLh
cerLalnLy ls whaL lL ls noL: 8en[amln clearly sLaLes LhaL dlvlne vlolence ls Lhe anLlLhesls of
myLhlc vlolence. AnoLher sLraLegy employed by 8en[amln ls Lo deflne dlvlne vlolence by
examlnlng lLs consequences: one of lLs consequences ls LhaL lL desLroys Lhe law, anoLher one
of lLs consequences ls LhaL lL explaLes gullL from human belngs eLc. 8aLher Lhan Lrylng Lo
lmprove upon Lhese quasl-deflnlLlons l wlll argue LhaL we should be asklng a much more
lnLeresLlng phllosophlcal quesLlon: namely: how ls dlvlne vlolence acLually posslble? ln oLher
words whaL condlLlons Lhe posslblllLy of Lhls phenomenon? My paper ls based around Lhree
lnLerlocklng clalms.
PypoLhesls (l): 8en[amln belleved LhaL dlvlne vlolence ls posslble because of Lhe facL LhaL
human belngs possess Lhe power Lo execuLe a parLlcular Lype of [udgemenL.
PypoLhesls (ll): 8en[amln belleved LhaL aesLheLlc [udgemenLs abouL beauLy and pollLlcal
[udgemenLs abouL dlvlne vlolence are (roughly) analogous.
PypoLhesls (lll): 8en[amln belleved LhaL Lhe agenL of dlvlne vlolence ls (roughly) analogous
Lo Lhe flgure of Lhe arLlsLlc genlus ln Lhe CrlLlque of !udgemenL.
Accordlng Lo my lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe CrlLlque of vlolence Lhere ls a sLrong famlly
resemblance beLween [udgemenLs abouL beauLy and dlvlne vlolence lnsofar as boLh
[udgemenLs make use of Lhe acLlvlLles of Lhe lmaglnaLlon. 1hls concluslon provokes furLher
lnLeresL ln Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween pollLlcs and aesLheLlcs.
nyung-suk Cn & Seung-wook 8ALk
1toosfotmotloo of koteoo copltollsm lo tbe 1990s. focoseJ oo tbe noobo booktoptcy cose
olemlcs on Lhe causes of Lhe 1997 korean crlsls dlverged beLween neollberallsm and
developmenLal-sLaLlsm. As for Lhe former, sLrong lnfluences of neollberallsm and weak sLaLe
were maln causes for Lhe crlsls whereas as for Lhe laLLer Lhe sLrong sLaLe of crony caplLallsm
was a maln cause for Lhe crlsls. uesplLe many dlfferences, however, boLh clalms share a
common lssue: sLrong or weak sLaLe. Cn Lhe conLrary dynamlcs of caplLal ls leasL addressed.
1hls paper wlll focus on Lhe accumulaLlon sLraLegy of caplLal, especlally emphaslzlng
dlfflculLles of korean Chaebol for proflL-maklng way-ouL ln Lhe 1990s. l selecL Panbo
bankrupLcy case for my sLudy. Panbo was bankrupLed ln !anuary 1997, and many crlLlcs
condemned for lLs lrraLlonal expanslon. l wanL Lo challenge agalnsL LhaL condemnaLlon slnce
over-lnvesLmenLs ln 1990s could be regarded boLh as lnevlLable and parLly raLlonal for
korean caplLal conslderlng lnLernal and exLernal clrcumsLances. WlLh Panbo case, l wlll show
LhaL Lhe 1997 korean crlsls revealed sLrucLural llmlLs of dynamlcs of laLe 20Lh korean
caplLallsm, raLher Lhan Lhe lrraLlonallLy of crony caplLallsm or deregulaLlon. 1hls sLudy wlll
help Lo undersLand unlque naLure of neollberallsm ln korea.
Vesa C|tt|nen
commoJlty letlsblsm os A 1toosceoJeotol lllosloo. ftom koot to Motx ooJ bock
ln my paper l would vlew Marx's concepL of commodlLy feLlshlsm from a polnL of vlew whlch
ls qulLe dlfferenL from mosL prevlous approaches. l aLLempL Lo demonsLraLe, LhaL Lhe
docLrlne of commodlLy feLlshlsm as lL ls presenLed Lowards Lhe end of flrsL chapLer of Marx's
CaplLal, has lmporLanL consequences on how we should undersLand Marx's dlalecLlcal
meLhod. ConLrary Lo Pegel, Lhe dlalecLlcs has ln Marx - as a mode of exposlLlon - a crlLlcal
funcLlon. lLs alm ls Lo reveal Lhe "upslde down Lurned world" of caplLallsL producLlon
relaLlons, a world whlch ls creaLed by Lhe feLlshlsms of commodlLy economy. ln Lhls respecL,
Marx's ldea of dlalecLlcs parallels Lo kanL's, who spoke of Lhe dlalecLlcs as a "crlLlque of
llluslons" (krlLlk des Schelns): Lhe crlLlcal phllosophy reveals Lhe orlgln of llluslons of
LranscendenLal [udgemenLs (krv 8 234 sqq.). ln an analogous manner, Lhe Lheory of
commodlLy feLlshlsm serves for Marx Lo unvell Lhe llluslon(s) of bourgeols pollLlcal economy,
whlch accepLs Lhe surface appearances of economlc llfe wlLhouL quesLlonlng Lhem. So Lhere
ls ln Lhls respecL a clear resemblance beLween Lhe dlalecLlcs ln kanL and ln Marx.
8en[am|n Cpratko
Ctomscls kelevooce tecooslJeteJ. 1beotlsloq neqemooy, ooolysloq koclsm
"ln 1986, Lhe laLe SLuarL Pall publlshed hls semlnal Cramscl's relevance for Lhe sLudy of
race and eLhnlclLy". reoccupled wlLh lnLervenlng ln a speclflc con[uncLure of (Lhe crlsls of)
Marxlsm, lL formulaLed a powerful crlLlque of orLhodox" Marxlsm ln raLher general Lerms,
yeL remalned raLher vague ln Lerms of concreLe lnqulrles ln Lhe naLure of raclsm(s). AlmosL
LhlrLy years laLer, Lhe quesLlon of Cramscl's relevance" remalns wlLh us: Pow could a
Cramsclan LheoreLlcal framework - LhaL ls, a framework of MarxlsL analysls LhaL places Lhe
quesLlon of hegemony aL lLs cenLre - conLrlbuLe Lo a deeper undersLandlng of Lhe ways ln
whlch conLemporary raclsm(s) work?
1hls paper dlscusses Lhe posslblllLles opened up by Cramscl, Pall and oLhers, of analyslng
raclsm as an lnLegral aspecL of caplLallsL hegemony. ln a flrsL parL, elemenLs of a Pegemony-
Lheory of raclsm are Lraced ln Cramscl's own work, lncludlng hls conslderaLlons on Lhe
SouLhern uesLlon" and hls reflecLlons on AnLl-SemlLlsm. Secondly, SLuarL Pall's speclflc
argumenL for Cramscl's relevance for Lhe sLudy of race and raclsm ls dlscussed and re-
consldered, reconnecLlng hls essay wlLh earller conslderaLlons on race", and especlally wlLh
Lhe collecLlvely auLhored analysls of raclallzaLlon ln ollclng Lhe crlsls. 8ulldlng upon Lhese
argumenLs, l skeLch conLours of a LheoreLlcal framework lnLegraLlng Lhe analysls of raclsm
lnLo a Cramsclan problemaLlque of hegemony allowlng lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe concreLe ways ln
whlch raclsm can be consldered parL of a hlsLorlcal bloc.
llnally, Lhls LheoreLlcal framework ls lllusLraLed by prellmlnary flndlngs from ongolng
orlglnal research on conLemporary forms of anLl-Musllm raclsm ln AusLrla. uaLa collecLed ln
lnLervlews conducLed wlLh [ournallsLs and medla personnel ls analysed as a complex
ensemble of organlc lnLellecLuals' lnvesLmenLs ln ln a broad, hegemonlc anLl-Musllm
dlscourse, offerlng means of sLablllzlng Lhe currenL hlsLorlcal bloc organlzed around lmpllclL
and expllclL loglcs of class, gender, sexuallLy and crlsls."
Ma|a a|
nomoo klqbts ot 5tote copltollsm 8eyooJ 8otJets? xttotettltotlol Obllqotloos ooJ
IotlsJlctloool Accomolotloo
1hls paper ldenLlfles how cerLaln processes of lnLernaLlonal law are lnLerLwlned wlLh Lhe
developmenL of caplLallsm. lL develops Lhe concepL of [urlsdlcLlonal accumulaLlon by
applylng lL Lo Lhe emergence of LxLraLerrlLorlal CbllgaLlons of SLaLes ln Lhe domalns of
Lconomlc, Soclal and CulLural 8lghLs (L1Cs), grounded ln Lhe MaasLrlchL rlnclples (2012). ln
effecL, advocaLes of L1Cs argue LhaL Lhese legal concepLs can help Lo address Lhe gaps
beLween economlc globallsaLlon and global governance. 1hey asserL LhaL sLaLes and non-
sLaLe acLors such as corporaLlons wlLh soverelgn auLhorlLy, are responslble for Lhelr acLlons
LerrlLorlally and exLraLerrlLorlally, Lhereby maklng a clalm abouL Lhe prlmary role of
lnLernaLlonal law ln shaplng and regulaLlng sLaLe soverelgnLy. Accordlngly, exLraLerrlLorlal
[urlsdlcLlon ls noL merely a secondary manlfesLaLlon of LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon or an
lnsLrumenL of sLaLe expanslon, buL an equlvalenL componenL of soverelgnLy and Lherefore
equally acLlonable ln domesLlc and lnLernaLlonal courLs. Are Lhese 'human rlghLs beyond
borders' a challenge Lo Lhe expanslon of caplLallsL legal processes? Cr do Lhey help
caplLallsm survlve? 8y focuslng on Lhe accumulaLlon of [urlsdlcLlonal power Lhrough
[urlsdlcLlonal sLruggles and a hlsLorlcal soclology of [urlsdlcLlon, Lhe paper uncovers Lhe
agency behlnd cerLaln exLraLerrlLorlal pracLlces. 1hls provldes LheoreLlcal scope Lo explore
Lhe democraLlc poLenLlal of exLraLerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon a la MaasLrlchL rlnclples.
Speclflcally, Lhe paper wlshes Lo help deLermlne wheLher Lhe accumulaLlon of rlghLs and
[urlsdlcLlon Lo ensure sLaLes' obllgaLlons Lo proLecL, respecL and fulfll Lhose rlghLs can be
dlsLlngulshed from domlnanL sLaLes and corporaLlons' (ab)use of exLraLerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon
as a sLraLegy of caplLallsL legal expanslon. ln oLher words, can [urlsdlcLlonal and caplLallsL
accumulaLlon be dlsLlngulshed ln Lhe conLemporary legal order?
C|ment arad|s
ltom tbe botel to tbe btotbel. ltoosts copltollst bollet
?ou don'L expecL readers Lo belleve LhaL Lhere's acLually a llnk beLween rousL and Lhe
MarxlsL Lheory, do you?" mlghL ask Lhe careful reader. WlLhouL any provocaLlon, my answer
wlll be clear: leL's read ln Search of LosL 1lme agaln lL hasn'L revealed all lLs secreLs." Cne of
Lhem lles ln Lhe hoLels deplcLed by Lhe narraLor: some of Lhem are of course luxury hoLels,
where arlsLocraLs and bourgeols observe Lhemselves and fanLaslze abouL Lhe worklng class
servlng Lhem. 8uL rousL also descrlbes anoLher klnd of hoLel: Lhe broLhel. where Lhe same
populaLlon meeLs, served once agaln by honesL people explolLed Lo Lhe very core of Lhelr
psyche and sexuallLy - or, as Lukcs explalns, relfled, because everyLhlng and everybody ls
Lo be consumed ln Lhese hoLels by Lhe cllenLs, Lhe sLaff lncluded. 1he loglc of Lhe hoLels,
every one of Lhem, ls Lhe loglc of prosLlLuLlon. As !uplen, Lhe dlrecLor of a hoLel hldlng a
homosexual broLhel, explalns: Pere, conLrary Lo Lhe docLrlne of Lhe CarmellLes, lL ls Lhanks
Lo vlce LhaL vlrLue ls able Lo llve." Mandevllle and hls lable of Lhe 8ees aren'L far. rousL
Lhus reveals Lhe loglc of Lhe economy of hls world - a llberal loglc based on Lhe dlsposablllLy
of human belngs. 1he auLhor ls here aL Lhe core of modernlLy: as lrench phllosopher Mlchel
Clouscard explalns, Lhe prosLlLuLe ls Lhe key-commodlLy", lL ls Lhe orlgln of Lhe reclprocal
engenderlng of markeL and deslre. unexpecLedly, rousL descrlbes, aL Lhe end of hls novel, a
complex economlcal sysLem, LhaL Lhe MarxlsL Lheory can help us declpher and LhaL shows
how caplLallsm survlves Lhrough Lhe reclprocal promoLlon of Lhe power of money, sex,
youLh and beauLy, ln a real markeL of deslre.
M|chae| atr|ck McCabe
A left wltboot o 5tote. cooftootloq tbe cllmote ctlsls lo tbe cootext of Neollbetol 5tote
kesttoctotloq ooJ left Aotl-5totlsm
1hls paper problemaLlzes neollberal sLaLe resLrucLurlng Lhrough Lhe lens of cllmaLe change
ln order Lo challenge Lhe pollLlcs of anLl-sLaLlsm and decenLrallzaLlon LhaL have become
domlnanL on Lhe LefL, mosL recenLly exempllfled by Lhe Cccupy movemenL, buL found ln Lhe
cllmaLe [usLlce movemenL. 1he naLlon-sLaLe ls Lhe only lnsLlLuLlon wlLh Lhe coerclve ablllLy
and flnanclal resources Lo confronL and Lranscend Lhe carbon-economy, whlle adapLlng Lo
Lhe negaLlve exLernallLles produced by lL. Powever, neollberal sLaLe resLrucLurlng has
redlrecLed Lhe regulaLory and lnLervenLlonlsL mechanlsms of Lhe naLlon-sLaLe Loward Lhe
slngular funcLlon of faclllLaLlng markeL processes of accumulaLlon. An addlLlonal
consequence of neollberal sLaLe resLrucLurlng has been a model of ausLerlLy LhaL, ln Lhe
unlLed SLaLes and Lhe Luropean unlon, has resulLed ln a sLeady decllne ln naLlonal fundlng
for cllmaLe lnlLlaLlves. As a resulL, Lhe burden of developlng and lmplemenLlng soluLlons Lo
cllmaLe change ls devolved Lo subordlnaLe scales of governmenL LhaL lack Lhe sLrucLural and
budgeLary capaclLy Lo effecLlvely operaLlonallze cllmaLe change adapLaLlon and mlLlgaLlon
sLraLegles. 1herefore, lf Lhe LefL ls Lo effecLlvely address cllmaLe change, lL musL develop a
pollLlcal program LhaL focuses on confronLlng, and ulLlmaLely conLrolllng Lhe sLaLe as a
means by whlch Lo redlrecL lLs funcLlons away from neollberal ob[ecLlves and Loward
emanclpaLory goals LhaL, ln Lhe conLexL of cllmaLe change, range from sLrucLural
LransformaLlons ln Lhe energy-economy Lo global cllmaLe change adapLaLlon and mlLlgaLlon
W||||am A. e|z.
lolleJ xpetlmeot ot usefol xomple? 1be lotetootloool wotkloq Meos Assoclotloos
ottempts to ptomote tbe mooclpotloo of loboot, 1864-1876 "lolleJ xpetlmeot ot usefol
xomple? 1be lotetootloool wotkloq Meos Assoclotloos ottempts to ptomote tbe
mooclpotloo of loboot, 1864-1876
1hls paper, drawlng heavlly on Lhe mlnuLes of meeLlngs and memorles of leadlng
parLlclpanLs, wlll argue LhaL Lhere are slgnlflcanL lessons LhaL can be learned from Lhe
lnLernaLlonal Worklng Men's AssoclaLlon (lWMA). 1he organlzaLlon was a hlsLorlcally brlef
aLLempL aL labour lnLernaLlonallsm buL Lhere remaln many Lhlngs LhaL may be learned from
Lhls experlence. 1he organlzaLlonal model of Lhe lnLernaLlonal wlll be examlned Lo
deLermlne boLh lLs poslLlve and negaLlve feaLures. ln addlLlon, an aLLempL wlll be made Lo
-lmporLance of Lhe flghL agalnsL slavery and raclsm by Lhe lWMA,
-lnLernaLlonallsm as one of Lhe appeallng conLrlbuLlons of Lhe lnLernaLlonal,
-Lhe arLlculaLlon of a radlcal crlLlque of naLlonallsm,
-Lhe dlfflculLy of malnLalnlng a dlverse organlzaLlon LhaL comblned rlval pollLlcal ldeologles,
-problem of belng an open organlzaLlon ln a Llme of represslon.
llnally, a look musL be casL beyond Lhe acLual real problems of Lhe lWMA Lo Lhe lmporLance
of Lhe lnLernaLlonal ln wlnnlng some workers Lo Lhe ldea of lnLernaLlonallsm and labor
San[a etkovska
coltotol stoJles lo 5etblo. oo eoJless tevlsloo of oo 'obseot' tefeteot
CulLural sLudles are known as one of Lhe mosL recenL developmenLs of Marxlsm emerged
along wlLh and ln a response Lo posL-modernlsm. lf Lhe lmaglnary llne from Lhe perlod of
soclallsL republlc ls Lo be drawn, Lhe lasL prevlous echoes of MarxlsL Lheory have appeared ln
crlLlcal Lheory known for crlLlclzlng Lhe 1lLo's reglme - Lhe raxls group or school of MarxlsL
humanlsL phllosophy. Cn Lhe oLher slde, Lhe conLemporary sLaLe of crlLlcal Lheory ls echoed
ln local, unclear verslon of culLural sLudles. 1he prlmarlly MarxlsL orlgln of 8rlLlsh culLural
sLudles, buL also of lrench posL-modernlsm and lrankfurL crlLlcal Lheory so-called WesLern
Marxlsm), can easlly be Lraced ln Lhe works of people assoclaLed wlLh Lhose movemenLs of
LhoughL. 8uL lf we Lake as an example Lhe conLemporary developmenLs of culLural sLudles ln
Serbla, wheLher we can Lrace Lhelr connecLlon Lo Marxlsm and crlLlcal Lheory aL all? Cur
ob[ecL of conslderaLlon ls Lo be Lhe archlLecLure of posL-soclallsL revlslonlsm of soclallsL
herlLage and of crlLlcal Lheory by mapplng Lhe dlsconLlnulLy produced ln LhoughL by
lmporLlng culLural sLudles ln an lronlcally ahlsLorlcal and amaLerlallsLlc fashlon. lurLhermore,
Lhe argumenL Lo be presenLed would be sLaLlng LhaL a glven sLaLe of conLemporary
developmenLs/echoes of MarxlsL Lheory almosL compleLely lack Lhe crlLlcal reflecLlon noL
Lowards Lhelr own orlgln, buL also Lowards Lhe glven posL-soclallsL reallLy.
8runa |azent|n Mart|ne|||
CeoJet ooJ sexoollty. pottlcolotltles of tbe lobot fotce ooJ tbe occomolotloo lo
1he followlng paper Lo be presenLed on Lhe LlevenLh annual PlsLorlcal MaLerlallsm
Conference ls a resulL of reflecLlons LhaL are reallzed ln my masLers research, aL Lhe
deparLmenL of soclology of unlcamp, ln 8razll. ln Lhls research l sLudy Lhe Leleworkers of
Camplnas - So aulo and Lhelr pollLlcal experlences, ln order Lo undersLand Lhe
composlLlon of Lhe conLemporary worklng class, as well Lhe maln Lendencles and aspecLs of
Lhe acLual caplLallsm. 1he Leleworkers compose a hlsLorlcal recenLly caLegory, Lhey are a
resulL of Lhe changes ln Lhe caplLal accumulaLlon paLLern occurred clrca 1980s, when Lhe
Lechnologlcal lncremenL on Lhe work, Lhe lncrease of Lhe servlce secLor and Lhe
globallzaLlon of caplLal occurred. ln 8razll, ls from 1990s - when Lhe lnLernaLlonal dlvlslon of
labor, and Lhe neollberallsm and Lhe waves of prlvaLlzaLlon seLLled ln Lhe counLry - LhaL Lhe
LelemarkeLlng appears as a caplLal accumulaLlon secLor. 1he Leleworkers are mosLly young
women, whlch also has a slgnlflcanL number of homosexuals and Lranssexuals. 1he goal of
Lhls paper ls Lo develop a brlef analysls and debaLe abouL Lhe followlng quesLlons: whaLs
Lhe reason of a large number of women worklng ln LelemarkeLlng? Pow Lhe female worklng
force ls explored ln Lhls secLor ln order Lo encourage Lhelr accumulaLlon of caplLal? WhaL ls
Lhe reason Lo flnd ln LelemarkeLlng a large number of homosexuals and Lransgender from
less wealLhy classes? Pow Lhese new feaLures reconflgure aspecLs of Lhe worklng class ln
Lhe sLruggle beLween caplLal and labor, and Lhelr pollLlcal experlences? Among oLher lssues
LhaL also wlll appear ln Lhe dlscusslon LhaL Lhe paper ls golng Lo presenL abouL Lhe currenL
funcLlonlng of caplLallsm and Lhe worklng class.
nerbert |m|ott
1979 ot 1botcbetlsm kevlslteJ. ketblokloq tbe ctlsls of tbe coojooctote tbtooqb coltotol
Cn Lhe 33Lh annlversary of Lhe publlcaLlon of Lhe laLe SLuarL Pall's '1haLcherlsm' Lhesls ln
Marxlsm 1oday, and of MargareL 1haLcher's flrsL of Lhree general elecLlon vlcLorles, Lhls
paper offers a reLhlnklng of Lhe perlod of 'crlsls' of Lhe laLe 1970s and early 1980s by
drawlng upon 8aymond Wllllams's culLural maLerlallsm (l use '1979' as Lhe cypher for Lhls
perlod of 'reacLlon', versus '1968' as Lhe cypher for Lhe radlcal 1960s). 1he paper argues
LhaL parL of Lhe weakness of Pall's 1haLcherlsm Lhesls was lLs locaLlon wlLhln a parLlcular
'aesLheLlc-lnLellecLual formaLlon', whlch alongslde Lrlc Pobsbawm's 'lorward March of
Labour PalLed?' Lhesls, overlooked worklng-class, counLer-hegemonlc formaLlons. A key parL
of undersLandlng '1979', lnvolves analyslng Lhe process of re-formaLlon of Lhe worklng class
Lhrough an analysls of Lhe 'sLrucLure of feellng', as expressed vla forms of worklng-class
'pracLlcal consclousness' ln an '(pre)emergenL culLure'. 1he subsequenL fallure of radlcal
counLer-hegemony cannoL [usL be ascrlbed Lo 1haLcherlsm's 'auLhorlLarlan popullsm' per se,
buL needs Lo Lake lnLo accounL oLher aspecLs of Lhe processes of ldeologlcal domlnaLlon vla
mass medla, governmenL and pollLlcal parLles, whlch can be undersLood ln parL vla
Wllllams's 'consLlLuLlonal auLhorlLarlanlsm', and ln parL Lhrough ldenLlfylng Lhe fallure of a
radlcal worklng class 'emergenL culLure' Lo become fully emergenL.
S|mon |ran|
lossll foel coosomptloo. bow ote yoo coootloq?
"Clobal fossll fuel consumpLlon ln 2000-2009 was runnlng aL more Lhan four Llmes Lhe level
of 1930-1939. Slnce fossll fuel consumpLlon, and producLlon, are key causes of global
warmlng, lL ls generally accepLed LhaL reducLlon of boLh would be a good Lhlng. And yeL
pollcles almed aL reduclng consumpLlon, aL boLh naLlonal and lnLernaLlonal level, have falled
- a sLrlklng facL of modern hlsLory. Slnce Lhe 1980s, Lhese pollcles have nelLher reversed, nor
even slowed down, Lhe aggregaLe fossll fuel consumpLlon growLh raLe. 8esearch on whaL
drlves Lhe lncrease from Lhe consumpLlon slde, and Lhe conLexL of and reasons for Lhese
pollcy fallures, ls obvlously relevanL Lo dlscusslon on cllmaLe change.
8educlng greenhouse gas emlsslons ln Lhe flrsL place means reduclng fossll fuel
consumpLlon. 1he way LhaL emlsslons, and consumpLlon, are counLed ls hlghly pollLlcal.
Much academlc work ln dlsclpllnes such as lndusLrlal ecology and sLrucLural ecology uses
models based on Lhe lA1 equaLlon (lmpacL populaLlon x affluence x Lechnology) and
varlanLs Lhereof. 1he paper wlll argue LhaL such approaches ofLen downplay or lgnore Lhe
role of economlc and power relaLlons LhaL shape lndusLrles, lnfrasLrucLures and
Lechnologles LhaL accounL for mosL emlsslons. vasL dlfferences noL only ln consumpLlon
levels by dlfferenL people, buL also beLween dlfferenL Lypes of consumpLlon (for
manufacLure by Lhe company LhaL employs you? for personal use?) recelve llLLle aLLenLlon.
neo-colonlal economlc relaLlons beLween Lhe developed counLrles and oLhers are also ofLen
downplayed, alLhough consumpLlon-based accounLlng of emlsslons (l.e. aLLrlbuLlng
emlsslons Lo Lhe counLry where sLuff ls consumed, lnsLead of where lL ls made) has begun Lo
counLer LhaL.
1he paper wlll revlew meLhods of counLlng emlsslons, and fossll fuel consumpLlon, conslder
some of Lhe noLable Lrends ln consumpLlon over Lhe pasL flfLy years, and propose research
meLhods LhaL could help Lo analyse consumpLlon ln Lhe conLexL of caplLallsL soclal relaLlons.
lL ls parL of a pro[ecL on Lhe global hlsLory of fossll fuel consumpLlon on whlch Lhe auLhor
has begun work ln early 2014.
Ana odvrs|c
lottloq comptoJots oo tbe 1est. 1owotJ o ctltlcol Aoolytlcol ltomewotk fot cooslJetloq tbe
letlpbetlsotloo of ceottol-osteto otope
As Slovenla, for a long Llme consldered as success sLory" of posL-soclallsL LranslLlon, goL hlL
by Lhe currenL soclal-economlc crlsls, and governmenL proposed a new prlvaLlzaLlon
program Lhe local lefL has reframed Lhelr debaLe around Lhe so-called comprador
bourgeolsle, adopLlng Lhe dependency Lheory and World SysLem analysls dlscourse.
AcLually, slnce mld 2000 an lmporLanL parL of lefL dlscourse on developmenL of LasLern and
CenLral Lurope has adopLed Lhose LheoreLlcal paradlgms Lo address Lhe lssue of economlc
and pollLlcal dependency on forelgn caplLal. Powever, regardlng recenL pollLlcal and
economlc LransformaLlons on Lhe global scale we mlghL ask lf Lhose paradlgms are sLlll
perLlnenL Lo conslder conLemporary processes of perlpherlsaLlon wlLhln Lu? remlsed on
Lhe commerclal undersLandlng of caplLallsm could Lhey propose an analysls of Lhose
processes from Lhe sLandpolnL and for Lhe worklng class? urawn malnly upon recenL
lnslghLs from MarxlsL Lheory of developmenL and MarxlsL Lheory of Lhe caplLallsL sLaLe a
crlLlcal engagemenL wlLh above-menLloned approaches ls pollLlcally necessary and
LheoreLlcal producLlve - only an analyLlcal framework LhaL grasp Lhe soclal mechanlsms and
Lhe underlylng soclal loglcs of Lhe processes of perlpherlsaLlon wlLhln Lurope could enable
us Lo arLlculaLe pollLlcal sLraLegy ln favor of Lhe lnLernaLlonal solldarlLy.
Iu||a odz|ewska
lost ltopetty. lolltlcol cooomy ooJ lobetltooce
"1he on-golng, global economlc crlsls has Lurned aLLenLlon Lo Lhe Companles AcLs of 1844-
36. All sldes ln Lhe conLesL over Lhls leglslaLlon, Lhe foundaLlon of presenL-day corporaLe
governance and company law, drew on novellsLlc narraLlve devlces. lew llLerary scholars
have observed Lhls: flrsLly, because Lhe ascendanL 'maLerlal culLure' school prlvlleges Lhe
Langlble ob[ecL over analysls, secondly, because properLy Lransfer ln Lhe mld-vlcLorlan novel
overwhelmlngly concerns lnherlLance raLher Lhan flnance caplLal.
locuslng on Wllkle Colllns, l argue LhaL Lhls new caplLal leaves lLs lmprlnL ln Lhe form of
complex ploLs, ln narraLlve flow, on Lhe synLagmaLlc axls of Lhe novel. lL ls Lhe ease and pace
wlLh whlch properLy ln Lhe novels passes Lhrough numerous unfamlllar hands LhaL connecLs
lL wlLh company shares and oLher allenable forms.
loL has been overlooked. Larller emanclpaLory crlLlclsm saw caplLallsm wlLhln deplcLlons of
Lhe lndusLrlal and urban, recenL work lnformed by ldenLlLy/recognlLlon pollLlcs occludes
class relaLlons and properLy ln Lhe mld-vlcLorlan novel.
8y ldenLlfylng a new ob[ecL of enqulry- Lhe lnherlLance ploL-l dlscern varlous
concepLuallsaLlons of properLy Lransmlsslon durlng Lhe mld-vlcLorlan perlod and hence
esLabllsh more preclsely Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe novel and caplLal."
G|an|uca ozzon|
8etweeo lbllosopby ooJ 5oclol 5cleoce. Altbosset ooJ tbe uello volpeoo Motxlsm
As hls correspondence demonsLraLes, ln Lhe early 1960s Louls AlLhusser was parLlcularly
lnLeresLed ln lLallan Marxlsm, especlally ln Lhe currenL led by Calvano uella volpe. 1he
presenL paper argues LhaL Lhe AlLhusserlan-uella volpean llnk ls far from a blographlcal
accldenL. Cn Lhe conLrary, lL ls flrmly rooLed ln a robusL buL orlglnal readlng of Marx's work.
ln conLrasL Lo boLh Lhe dlalecLlcal-maLerlallsL orLhodoxy of LradlLlonal and SovleL Marxlsm
and Lhe humanlsL lncllnaLlons of WesLern Marxlsm, AlLhusser's and Lhe uella volpeans'
lnslsLence on Lhe radlcal dlfference beLween Marx and Pegel aLLesLs Lhelr aLLempL Lo deLach
Marxlsm from lLs allegedly ldeallsL or hlsLorlclsL rooLs. Accordlng Lo boLh lnLerpreLaLlons,
Marx's "rupLure" wlLh Pegel's phllosophy lays Lhe foundaLlons for hls Lurn Lo a sclenLlflc
aLLlLude Lowards Lhe sLudy of socleLy. ln AlLhusserlan and uella volpean Marxlsm, "CaplLal"
ls very much seen as a work of soclal sclence, Lo prove whlch boLh schools resorL Lo
comparlsons beLween Marx's meLhod and classlc sLandards of phllosophy of sclence (lrench
eplsLemology and posL-Calllean sclenLlflc meLhod, respecLlvely). 1he paper Lhen concludes
by argulng LhaL framlng Marxlsm ln modern eplsLemologlcal Lerms provlded Lhe basls for a
frulLful research programme ln Lhe soclal sclences.
kat[a razn|k
Attlstlc ootooomy betweeo mystlflcotloo ooJ emooclpotloo. tbeotlzloq coltotol lobot
leqlslotloo lo postsoclollst cootext
"urawlng on a dlsLlncLlon beLween culLure as ldeologlcal producLlon and culLure as
economlc producLlon, Lhls paper wlll analyze Lhe culLural-pollcy regulaLlon of culLural labor
leglslaLlon (laws for free-lance culLural work) and conLradlcLlons of Lhe clalms for arLlsLlc
auLonomy LhaL became apparenL due Lo Lhe lnLroducLlon of new form of culLural work from
Lhe 1980s Lo 2000s ln Lhe conLexL of posL-soclallsL Slovenla. ln Lhls conLexL LhaL exempllfles
Lhe LranslLlon from soclallsm Lo Lhe neollberal era, Lhe lssues of arLlsLlc auLonomy and Lhe
regulaLlon of culLural labor wlll be analyzed by confronLlng Lwo LheoreLlcal perspecLlves,
sponLaneous ldeology (AlLhusser) and feLlshlsm of soclal relaLlons (Marx, Pelnrlch).
Conslderlng Lhe effecLs of Lhe new regulaLlon as well as Lhe prevalllng commodlflcaLlon of
culLural work from Lhese Lwo perspecLlves, Lhe paper wlll expllcaLe Lhe process of
mysLlflcaLlon of economlc foundaLlons of culLural producLlon by argulng LhaL culLural
producers undersLand Lhe relaLlve auLonomy of arL on Lhe level of ldeologlcal producLlon as
auLonomy of Lhelr producLlon process. Pence, asserLlons of Lhe arLlsLlc auLonomy funcLlon
as a klnd of sponLaneous ldeology LhaL mysLlfles Lhe economlc relaLlons ln Lhe sphere of
culLure. 8y focuslng on Lhls mysLlflcaLlon Lhe paper wlll furLhermore foreground Lhe
ldeologlcal dlscurslve forms (such as self-employed culLural producer, culLural enLrepreneur,
freelancer) usually aLLached Lo asserLlons of Lhe arLlsLlc auLonomy ln order Lo quesLlon lLs
alleged emanclpaLory poLenLlal durlng Lhe deconsLrucLlon of Lhe welfare sLaLe.
Nat kaha
Ooeet Motxlsm ooJ tbe tosk of cootempototy poeet soclol ctltlpoe
"1he successes of malnsLream LC81 organlsaLlons lobbylng governmenLs for clvll rlghLs has
creaLed a hlsLorlcal momenL of enfranchlsemenL and dlsenfranchlsemenL for LC81
(lesblan, gay, blsexual, Lrans/Lransgender, queer) sub[ecLs and llfe ln Lhe WesL. LC81 clvll
empowermenL ls [uxLaposed wlLh ausLerlLy measures and publlc reforms LhaL have a sLrong
lmpacL across llnes of race/lmmlgraLlon sLaLus, class, ablllLy and gender.
1he concepLs of homonormaLlvlLy (uuggan 2003) and homonaLlonallsm (uar 2007), and
recenL MarxlsL lnLervenLlons lnLo queer Lheory (e.g. lloyd 2009, Pennessy 2000, Muoz
2009) have begun Lo connecL Lhe soclal leglLlmaLlsaLlon of queer sub[ecLs Lo lssues of class
and economlc power, however, Lhls paper wlll argue LhaL Lhls work has yeL Lo sufflclenLly
Lheorlse Lhe normallslng funcLlon of conLemporary forms of caplLallsL reproducLlon and
CrlLlqulng queer readlngs of Marx's labour Lheory of value (heavlly lnfluenced by Splvak
1988), lL wlll conslder how Lhe commodlLy form enables Lhe 'llberaLlon' of queer llves and
queer labour Lhrough Lhe caplLallsL drlve for proflL. lL wlll Lheorlse how neollberallsm Lhrlves
off dlfference Lhrough Lhe commodlflcaLlon and reproducLlon of dlfference vla ldenLlLy,
necessarlly Lransformlng Lhe quallLaLlve characLer of queer everyday llfe - a necesslLy for
caplLal's survlval."
Vasna kamasar
lobetlteJ fototes. koce ooJ closs lo wotet sttoqqles lo 5ootb Aftlco
1hls paper examlnes Lhe role of processes of accumulaLlon by sLaLe apparaLus engaged ln
waLer servlce dellvery ln SouLh Afrlca and Lhe clLlzen sLruggles agalnsL Lhls process. 1he
markeLlzaLlon and prlvaLlzaLlon of waLer servlce dellvery opened up new LerrlLory globally
for accumulaLlon Lhrough Lhe framlng of waLer as a economlc good. uemocraLlc SouLh
Afrlca has been no less affecLed by a process LhaL has resulLed ln dlsempowered
communlLles and led Lo waLer shorLages, parLlcularly ln poor and black communlLles.
CommunlLy proLesLs and soclal movemenLs have become a normallzed parL of everyday llfe
ln former Lownshlp and lnformal seLLlemenLs. 1hese pracLlces of democraLlc volce and
reslsLance have meL vlolenL responses from Lhe sLaLe. ln Lhe Llme of Marlkana, we see
echoes of an aparLheld pasL where race and class are comblned so LhaL Lhe 'poors' of SouLh
Afrlca remaln perlpheral Lo Lhe developmenL of a naLlon. arLlclpaLlon has been shaped ln a
democraLlc SouLh Afrlca ln llne wlLh noLlons of good governance. 1he resulLanL closure of
spaces of reslsLance and soclal movemenLs converges wlLh hlsLorlcally dlsadvanLaged race
and class ldenLlLles. WheLher Lhese movemenLs can be scaled up Lo a collecLlve response
whlch breaks Lhe narrow conflnes of parLlclpaLlon and re-esLabllshes waLer as a human rlghL
as more lmporLanL Lhan waLer as an economlc good, remalns Lo be seen.
Nora kathze| & Dav|d Uzze||
1toJe uoloos, cllmote cbooqe ooJ Clobol uoepool lowet kelotloos
"Lspeclally slnce 2006 Lrade unlons ln Lhe global norLh and Lhe global souLh as well as
lnLernaLlonal Lrade unlon federaLlons and confederaLlons have been developlng sLraLegles
agalnsL cllmaLe change. 1here are many obsLacles ln Lhe way of Lrade unlon sLraLegles for
cllmaLe change mlLlgaLlon and adapLaLlon. Cne of Lhe mosL declslve ls Lhe pollcy confllcL
beLween unlons ln Lhe global norLh and Lhe global souLh. Whlle Lhere are norLh-norLh and
souLh-souLh dlfferences, Lhe confllcLs beLween Lrade unlons ln Lhe global norLh and Lhe
global souLh have Lhelr orlglns boLh ln Lhe unequal llvlng condlLlons of workers and Lhe
unequal power relaLlons beLween unlons ln Lhe global souLh and Lhe global norLh. 8ased on
Lwo research pro[ecLs lnvesLlgaLlng Lrade unlons' envlronmenLal sLraLegles ln 8razll, SouLh
Afrlca, lndla, Sweden, and Lhe uk, we dlscuss Lhe dlfferenL ways ln whlch unlons of Lhe
global norLh and souLh assess Lhe causes and consequences of cllmaLe change and Lhe
relaLlonshlp beLween labour and naLure. Whlle ln boLh hemlspheres Lhe proLecLlon of [obs
and Lhe proLecLlon of naLure need Lo go hand ln hand, lL ls malnly ln unlons of Lhe global
souLh LhaL CaplLal ls seen as explolLlng boLh Lhe earLh and Lhe worker. 1hls creaLes confllcLs
beLween norLhern and souLhern unlons concernlng Lhe developmenL of cllmaLe change
sLraLegles. Submlsslon"
au|a kauha|a
New Motx keoJloq lo tbe ost
"now tbe west Cetmoo New Motx keoJloq (Neoe Motx-lektote) wos tecelveJ lo soclollst
WesL Cerman phllosopher Pans-Ceorg 8ackhaus flrsL presenLed hls moneLary lnLerpreLaLlon
of Marx's value Lheory ln [uxLaposlLlon wlLh SovleL phllosopher Lvald llyenkov's
undersLandlng of Marx's Lheory of value.
ln Lhe second parL of hls serles of essays MaLerlallen zur 8ekonsLrukLlon Marxschen
WerLLheorle" ln 1973 8ackhaus quoLes llyenkov sLaLlng LhaL: [L]heoreLlcal deflnlLlons of
value as such can only be obLalned by conslderlng a cerLaln ob[ecLlve economlc reallLy
capable of exlsLlng before, ouLslde, and lndependenLly of all Lhose phenomena LhaL laLer
developed on lLs basls [...] Lhls reallLy ls dlrecL exchange of one commodlLy for anoLher
8ackhaus sLaLes LhaL llyenkov, due Lo hls premoneLary and hlsLorlclsL undersLandlng, can'L
make a dlfference beLween Marxlan and 8lcardlan Lheory of value. 8uL 8lcardo and Marx
slgnlflcanLly dlffer on Lhelr undersLandlng of Lhe naLure of value-ob[ecLlvlLy. 8lcardlan labour
Lheory of value leaves Lhe mysLlflcaLlons broughL abouL by Lhe value-form lnLacL. ln
8ackhaus's readlng lL ls lmporLanL LhaL Marx's crlLlque of pollLlcal economy ls noL [usL an
economlc Lheory buL raLher a crlLlque concernlng Lhe perverLed form of soclallsaLlon of
labour Lhrough lLs producLs.
LaLer 8ackhaus has recommended llyenkov's ulalecLlcs of Lhe AbsLracL and Lhe ConcreLe ln
Marx's CaplLal Lo hls readers, namlng llyenkov as a LheoreLlclan who undersLood Lhe
lmporLance of Pegel's phllosophy ln Marx's work.
Also llyenkov showed lnLeresL ln 8ackhaus's work. Pe LranslaLed lnLo 8usslan 8ackhaus's
essay Zur ulalekLlk der WerLform". Llsewhere llyenkov [udges 8ackhaus' lnLerpreLaLlon on
value as llchLean".
eLer 8uben, a phllosopher from Cu8, crlLlqued 8ackhaus's lnLerpreLaLlon on value Lheory
as Pegellan.
8uben hlmself, [usL llke 8ackhaus and llyenkov, pald a conslderable aLLenLlon aL Pegel's
Sclence of Loglc ln hls readlng of Marx. 1ogeLher wlLh Lhe economlsL Pans Wager 8uben
wroLe an arLlcle on soclallsL form of value, encounLerlng flerce crlLlclsms ln Cu8.
8esldes 8ackhaus, 8uben dlscusses also oLher WesL Cerman LheoreLlclans and Loplcs of Lhe
new Marx 8eadlng, or Lhe CaplLal-loglc (kaplLalloglk), as he names lL. 8uben develops hls
ldeas ln a dlalogue wlLh Lhe works of Alfred SchmldL, PelmuL 8elchelL and Pans-!rgen
Schanz, Crundrlsse and Lhe flrsL Cerman edlLlon of Lhe CaplLal.
Ad|tya kay & Iayprakash Sharma
Aoolyzloq ltlmltlve Accomolotloo ot tbe Motqlos. locomplete commoJlflcotloo ooJ tbe
wostelooJs of copltol lo cbottlsqotb, loJlo
"We suggesL ln Lhls paper LhaL Lhe (neo) Marxlan geographlcal/anLhropologlcal frameworks
LhaL frequenLly apply Marx's analysls of prlmlLlve accumulaLlon Lo reckon wlLh neollberal
developmenLs relaLed Lo land and resource usurpaLlon ln urban and rural conLexLs ln Lhe
Clobal SouLh, could be enrlched ln dlalogue wlLh oLher heLerodox LheoreLlcal exposlLlons, ln
order Lo grasp beLLer Lhe dynamlcs of neollberal expanslon and Lhe resulLlng counLer-
movemenLs ln varlous underdeveloped reglons of Lhe Clobal SouLh.
PeLerodox schools such as classlcal subsLanLlvsL as well as posLcolonlal sLreams exhlblL
dlvergenL undersLandlngs of caplLal accumulaLlon and caplLallsL developmenL, whlch ofLen
slL uncomforLably wlLh Lhe MarxlsL frame of analysls - provldlng someLlmes complemenLary,
someLlmes compeLlng [usLlflcaLlons for uneven/underdevelopmenL ln Lhe Clobal perlphery.
We belleve however, LhaL speclflc lnLellecLual conLrlbuLlons such as olanyl's (1944)
fundamenLal noLlon of Lhe of 'flcLlLlous commodlLles' (relaLlng Lo land-labour-and-money)
along wlLh Sanyal's (2007) semlnal ldea of 'wasLeland of caplLal' - a condlLlon speclflc Lo,
and characLerlsLlc of, posL-colonlal caplLallsm, read noL ln lsolaLlon buL ln consonance, are
useful as well as crlLlcal concepLs for sharpenlng our undersLandlng of speclflc processes of
neollberal caplLallsL accumulaLlon as well as Lhe ensulng LumulL aL Lhe very marglns of global
8y ensconclng Lhe narraLlve abouL Lhe sLruggle sLemmlng from Lhe land grab by
mulLlnaLlonal mlnlng corporaLlons ln resource-rlch buL ab[ecLly backward Lrlbal reglons of
ChhaLLlsgarh (lndla) ln Lhe above dynamlc neo Marlxan-heLerodox framework, Lhe paper wlll
aLLempL Lo Lackle Lhe dllemma of how, even wlLh Lhe osLenslble presence of severe class
anLagonlsm and reslsLance Lo sLrucLural relaLlons of power aL such slLes of dlspossesslon,
Lhe sLrucLural hold of Lhe sLaLe-corporaLe caplLal seems Lo negoLlaLe and perslsL over
conslderable lengLhs of Llme."
G|anfranco kebuc|n|
1blokloq tbe lot-tlqbt's neqemoolc ltoject os o 5exool ltoject. o ctltlpoe of Notm-ceoteteJ
5exool lolltlcs
"ln Lhe lasL decades, crlLlclsms of heLero/homonormaLlvlLy have provlded an orlglnal
framework of soclal analysls laylng bare Lhe currenL LransformaLlons of soclal relaLlons of
gender and sexuallLles. ln parLlcular, Lhls sLrand of crlLlque has underllned Lhe cruclal llnk
beLween, on Lhe one hand, an emerglng sexual soclal sLraLlflcaLlon and, on Lhe oLher hand,
an lncluslon of LC8 sub[ecLlvlLles lnLo naLlonal pro[ecLs across dlfferenL Luropean soclal
formaLlons. 1hls 'sexual passlve revoluLlon' has been read Lhrough boLh marxlsL and posL-
sLrucLurallsL lens. Powever, we alm Lo show ln Lhls paper LhaL a pervaslve rellance Lo a
loucaldlan meLhodology ln Lhe analysls of 'norms' has prevenLed more pollLlcal analyses Lo
emerge. ln parLlcular, we would argue here LhaL a focus on 'norms' puLs Loo much emphasls
on 'llfesLyle pollLlcs' raLher Lhan broader LransformaLlve pracLlces perLalnlng Lo Lhe soclal
sLraLlflcaLlon of sexuallLles.
ln order Lo clalm for an alLernaLlve approach, more rellanL on gramsclan concepLs of
'hegemony', 'hlsLorlcal bloc' and 'passlve revoluLlon', we wlll focus on Lhe currenL sLraLegles
of Lhe far-rlghL ln Lurope Lo rebulld a soclal/pollLlcal consLlLuency. 1here ls now much
evldence LhaL Lhese aLLempLs have more and more relled on a blurrlng of Lhe LradlLlonal llne
beLween 'progresslve' and 'reacLlonary' demands, ln parLlcular ln Lhe domaln of sexuallLles.
Powever, an lnqulry lnLo LC8 pollLlcs LhaL merely Lakes lnLo accounL Lhe normallzaLlon of
sub[ecLlvlLles, ldenLlLles and pracLlces obscures Lhe more con[uncLural dynamlcs aL sLake ln
currenL far-rlghL vlcLlmlzaLlon of naLlonal-whlLe queer bodles. We would argue LhaL Lhese
aLLempLs reflecL a pro[ecL of undermlnlng anLagonlsms based on sexuallLy. 1hls ls parL of a
more general sLraLegy of bulldlng a hlsLorlcal bloc Lhrough a dual process: obscurlng soclal
relaLlons (of sexuallLles, gender and class) on Lhe one hand, aLomlzlng poLenLlal
communlLles of reslsLance on Lhe oLher. 1hls bolls down Lo a horlzon of sLrong sexual
hlerarchles (where heLerosexuallLy remalns Lhe maln way of organlzlng producLlon and
reproducLlon) ln a soclal fabrlc pollLlclzed Lhrough Lhe re[ecLlon of Lhe non-whlLe 'CLher'.
1hls lmplles LhaL an excluslve focus on norms enLraps lefL pollLlcal sLraLegy ln a
power/reslsLance game, prevenLlng lL Lo confronL emerglng sexual/hegemonlc pro[ecLs. We
argue lnsLead LhaL lefL sLraLegles almlng aL Lransformlng Lhe sexual organlzaLlon of
producLlon and reproducLlon, ln an expanslve dynamlc of soclal alllances, have generally
more pollLlcal purchase and are more conduclve Lo undermlnlng whaL ls nowadays meanL
by 'homonaLlonallsm'."
1ommaso kedo|f| k|va
ctltlpoe ooJ lteseototloo. 8olley ooJ klcotJo lo Motx's ulolectlc of tbe lotm of voloe
"Marx's crlLlque of uavld 8lcardo represenLs a Loplc LhaL has ofLen been debaLed. 1he same
cannoL be sald of hls crlLlclsm of Samuel 8alley, whlch has for a long Llme remalned ln Lhe
shade. My alm ln Lhls paper ls noL Lo reconsLrucL Lhe role of Lhe works of Samuel 8alley and
uavls 8lcardo ln Lhe developmenL of Marx's crlLlque of pollLlcal economy from a hlsLorlcal
polnL of vlew. My alm ls raLher a LheoreLlcal one, LhaL ls, Lo show LhaL 8lcardo and 8alley
represenL Lwo fundamenLal momenLs of Marx's presenLaLlon. MomenL" ls here used ln a
non-generlc sense: whaL l wlsh Lo hlghllghL ls LhaL as Lhey are presenLed ln Marx's crlLlque of
pollLlcal economy, 8lcardo's and 8alley's Lheorles of value represenL Lwo opposlLe and
conLradlcLory sldes of Lhe caLegory of value.
AfLer havlng presenLed Marx's crlLlque of 8lcardo and 8alley l wlll Lry Lo reflecL on Lhe
deflclencles of classlcal and vulgar pollLlcal economy from a meLhodologlcal polnL of vlew.
llnally l lnLend Lo Lrace back Lhe meLhodologlcal lacks of pollLlcal economy Lo Lhe ob[ecL of
pollLlcal economy lLself: l wlll Lry Lo presenL 8lcardo and 8alley's Lheorles of value as
hlsLorlcally deLermlned ways of exlsLence of consclences, soclally valld form of LhoughL"."
Ios ke|s
Amblvoleoce ooJ qloom oo tbe eJqe of tbe Atlootlc. tbe post-2008 qlobol ctlsls lo lottoqol
1he posL-2008 global flnanclal crlsls unleashed a sLorm noL only ln Lhe maLerlal order buL
also ln Lhe symbollc order. lL has shaken Lhe hegemony of neoclasslcal economlcs
eplsLemologlcally, of neollberallsm pollLlcally, whlle on Lhe culLural realm lLs lmpacL, more
varled across counLrles and harder Lo summarlse ln one Lerm, ls noneLheless unmlsLakable.
ln Lhe case of orLugal, lL ls lnLeresLlng how, desplLe a wlde dlverslLy of dlscourses ln Lhe
mass medla, besLseller books, Lhrough Lo more academlc accounLs, Lhe hegemonlc culLural
approprlaLlon of Lhe crlsls LhaL seems Lo emerge ls framed around a parLlcular naLlonal
essenLlallsm of moral overLones. 1hls klnd of negaLlve naLlonallsm myLhologlses Lhe
people" as a unlform mass who, raLher Lhan grand vlrLues, ls lnsLead unlquely beseL by
grand defecLs LhaL ulLlmaLely are Lo blame for Lhe crlsls and leglLlmaLe all subsequenL
sufferlng. 1hls nebulous buL very operaLlve common sense re-lnvokes lmages from
orLugal's colonlal pasL, and lLs parLlcular colonlser/colonlsed amblvalence, replaced ln Lhe
posL-1980s perlod of Luropean lnLegraLlon for an lmaglnaLlon of Lhe CenLre (we are a
developed counLry"), buL noL qulLe suppressed. AL Lhe same Llme, and aL leasL for Lhe Llme
belng, lL pervades pro[ecLlons of Lhe fuLure ln Lhe culLural realm, from medla dlscourse Lo
essay Lo arL, wlLh a dysLoplan sLance. 1hls communlcaLlon draws on an on-golng research on
how ldeas of economlc crlsls are creaLed and approprlaLed ln economlcs, pollLlcs and
Matth|eu kenau|t & 8ronn|kova C|ga
8olsbevlsm lo 1tooslotloo. lotet-ootloool commoolsm lo tbe woke of tbe Octobet kevolotloo
A radlcal upheaval ln Lhe hearL of Lhe 8usslan Lmplre wlLh Lremendous effecLs on Lhe
WesLern caplLallsL world as a whole, Lhe SovleL 8evoluLlon gave rlse and/or volce Lo
manlfold (naLlonal) LranslaLlons of 8olshevlsm aL Lhe marglns (boLh lnLernal and exLernal) of
8ussla. ConLrary Lo whaL one mlghL presume, Lhose varlous verslons of naLlonal
communlsm" (Musllm, LasL Aslan, !ewlsh, ukralnlan, eLc.) were noL allenaLed from each
oLher: aL some polnLs, Lhey lnLeracLed, lnLerLwlned, exchanged Lhelr vlews and shared Lhelr
experlences. Clven Lhe deep heLerogenelLy of Lhe marglns (okralny) Lhese naLlonal
communlsms orlglnaLed from (ln geographlcal, culLural and pollLlcal Lerms), Lhelr dlalogue -
far from merely relylng on common remnanLs of naLlonallsm lnslde Lhe healLhy body of
lnLernaLlonallsm - lnvolved a complex process of muLual (re)LranslaLlons of 8olchevlsm, ln
oLher words, lL lmplled Lhe consLrucLlon of an lnLer-naLlonal communlsm, whlch remalns Lo
be examlned. 1o begln wlLh, Lhls paper focuses on Mlrsald SulLan Callev's Musllm naLlonal
communlsm and explores Lhree lnLerrelaLed lssues: 1) SulLan-Callev's acLlvlLles aL Lhe
CommunlsL unlverslLy of Lhe 1ollers of Lhe LasL (ku1v) durlng Lhe early 1920s - especlally
hls relaLlons wlLh Aslan communlsLs (Chlnese, lndlan, lndoneslan, vleLnamese), 2) 1he
crlLlcal aLLlLude of non-8usslan" communlsLs (such as Mykola Skrypnlk from ukralne)
Lowards SulLan-Callev's flrsL arresL ln May 1923, 3) 1he ldeologlcal connecLlons beLween
Musllm communlsm and Lhe older !ewlsh Labour 8und.
au| keyno|ds
1be lote of Aqeocy ooJ sobjectlvlty. keflectloq oo noll ooJ locloo ooJ tbe ptoblem of oqeocy
ooJ ptoctlce lo Motxlst tbeoty
WlLh Lhe passlng of SLuarL Pall and LrnesLo Laclau Lhere has been a wave of lnLeresL ln
puLLlng Lhelr work ln perspecLlve. ln Lhls paper l wanL Lo explore crlLlcally a common lf
dlfferenLlaLed problem LhaL Pall and Laclau represenL wlLhln Lhe conLexL of Lhe posL-MarxlsL
engagemenLs wlLh Marxlsm: 1he lure of agency and sub[ecLlvlLy. 8oLh Lhlnker ln dlfferenL
ways expanded Lhe posslblllLles of agency and sub[ecLlvlLy wlLhln a sLrucLurally and soclally
concelved analysls of Lhe soclal relaLlons of producLlon wlLhln Lhe maLerlallsL concepLlon of
hlsLory. WhaL boLh accounLs dld was Lo wlden Lhe concepLual space for agency wlLhln soclal
and culLural conLexL and prlvllege Lhe sub[ecLlve engagemenL wlLh soclal conLexLs and
con[uncLures. ln dolng so, Lhey allowed new posslblllLles for a more fluld, plasLlc, culLurally
dlscurslve and phenomenologlcally concelved developmenL wlLhln MarxlsL Lheory whlch ln
Lurn encouraged an lncluslve and more reformlsL pollLlcs. WhllsL Lhls offered posslblllLles
LhaL revlvlfled MarxlsL Lheory, lL falled Lo grasp a cruclal problem - Lhe lure of agency and
sub[ecLlvlLy dlscurslvely consLlLuLed falled Lo accounL for Lhe problem of deLermlnaLlons and
hegemonlc power, whlch were dlsmlssed raLher Lhan engaged wlLh. 1he proper Lerraln for
Lhe meeLlng of agency and sub[ecLlvlLy - and for an accounLlng of lLs lmporL beyond lLs
seducLlve lure, ls ln a concepL of pracLlce LhaL recognlzes preclsely Lhe maLerlallLy of human
sub[ecLlvlLy ln conLexL and con[uncLure as consLlLuLlng deflnlLe deLermlnanL sLrucLures. 1hls
paper wlll descrlbe Lhe Lerms of Lhls Lerraln and seek Lo arLlculaLe some of Lhe problem lL
ralses for MarxlsLs ln boLh accounLlng for agency and sub[ecLlvlLy ln Lhelr proper place and
recognlzlng Lhe real problems of bulldlng of revoluLlonary movemenL and pollLlcs
8ruce kob|nson
Motxs coteqotles of loboot, voloe ltoJoctloo ooJ ulqltol wotk
"1hls presenLaLlon wlll ouLllne some of Marx's caLegorles of labour and use Lhem as a basls
for caLegorlslng dlglLal work. ln parLlcular, Lhe palrlngs of llvlng and dead labour, waged and
unwaged labour, producLlve and unproducLlve labour and labour subsumed by caplLal
versus free labour enable us Lo ldenLlfy Lhose forms of dlglLal producLlon LhaL creaLe value,
Lhose LhaL are unproducLlve ln Marx's sense, Lhose LhaL remaln ouLslde Lhe conLrol of
caplLal and Lhose LhaL do noL requlre human labour. 1hls enables us, for example, Lo
challenge Lhe analysls LhaL users of Coogle and lacebook produce surplus value.
We wlll presenL Lhe underlylng argumenLs LhaL noL all labour produces value, LhaL Lhere ls
an lmporLanL dlsLlncLlon beLween acLlvlLles LhaL creaLe value and Lhose LhaL reduce cosLs for
caplLal, and LhaL some onllne acLlvlLles are effecLlvely auLomaLed. 1hls enLalls a crlLlque of
Lhree schools of crlLlcal analysls - Lhe posL-operalsmo of negrl and oLhers, auLonomlsLs
such as Parvle, and Lhe luchs-SmyLhe analysls of onllne labour - whlch share a re[ecLlon of
Marx's Lheory of producLlve and unproducLlve labour."
Ien koesch
Mecboolsms of uepeoJeocy, coottol ooJ Apptoptlotloo. 1be 5tote ooJ 5exool vloleoce lo
tbe u5
"Sexual vlolence ls ofLen analyzed and dlscussed as belng Lhe producL of a rape culLure".
8uL such vlolence has been endemlc Lo and lnLlmaLely enLwlned wlLh Lhe hlsLory of
caplLallsm ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes. CulLural consLrucLlons and popular undersLandlngs of sexual
and gender-based vlolence have shlfLed ln dlfferenL hlsLorlcal perlods - ln relaLlon boLh Lo
developmenLs wlLhln caplLallsm and ln response Lo sLruggles. 1he sLaLe has played a cenLral
role ln organlzlng Lhe response Lo such vlolence as well as Lhese popular undersLandlngs. lL
has conslsLenLly done so ln ways LhaL conLlnue Lo relnforce and reproduce women's
dependency and second-class clLlzenshlp. Moreover, sLaLe responses have frequenLly
sLrengLhened oLher represslve and oppresslve aspecLs of Amerlcan caplLallsm - mosL
cenLrally raclsm.
1hls paper wlll examlne Lhls role as well as Lhe conLradlcLory relaLlonshlp of many of Lhe
movemenLs agalnsL sexual vlolence Lo lL. aradoxlcally, many of Lhe reforms advocaLed and
won by Lhe femlnlsL movemenL have helped Lo sLrengLhen lnsLlLuLlons and soclal relaLlons
LhaL lncrease Lhe marglnallzaLlon and dependency of women - parLlcularly worklng class
women and women of color. l wlll slLuaLe Lhe perslsLence, and currenL lnLenslflcaLlon, of
vlolence wlLhln Lhls hlsLory and relaLlonshlp."
Grac|e|a komero
1be peosoots' sttoqqle fot fooJ sovetelqoty
"1he peasanLs' sLruggle for Lhe reallsaLlon of Lhe food soverelgnLy framework, as
champloned by Lhe peasanLs' movemenL La vla Campeslna, has cruclal lmpllcaLlons noL only
for Lhe sLrucLural economlc and soclal LransformaLlons LhaL lL proposes buL also for Lhe way
ln whlch Lhe peasanLry ls organlsed as agenLs of soclal LransformaLlon. ln Lhls paper, l
aLLempL Lo presenL Lhe food soverelgnLy as a paradlgm LhaL deconsLrucLs Lhe caplLallsL
mode of producLlon and access and use of naLural resources and aL Lhe same Llme seeks Lhe
fundamenLal reconflguraLlon of pollLlcal power relaLlonshlps ln socleLy. ln addlLlon lL
hlghllghLs Lhe role of Lhe peasanLs' movemenL ln llnklng up local and global sLruggles Lo
brlng down Lhe LransnaLlonal accumulaLlon of caplLal.
l wlll use Lhe class-gender-race lnLersecLlonallLy perspecLlve Lo argue LhaL Lhe way of
organlslng and moblllslng Lhe peasanLry ln Lhe pursulL of food soverelgnLy, deLermlnes Lo a
greaL exLenL how fundamenLally deep rooLed caplLallsL and paLrlarchal values can be
Lransformed. 1he analysls wlll be based on Lhe LheoreLlcal framework and praxls of La vla
Campeslna's members and oLher peasanL and clvll socleLy neLworks across Lhe world. l wlll
also presenL Lhe Cuban case, a sLaLe led approach Lo food soverelgnLy, ln order Lo draw
comparlsons and perspecLlves for Lhe fuLure."
Lduardo komero D|anderas
loJlqeooos lobot, etbolclty ooJ copltol occomolotloo lo tbe motqlos of tbe 5tote. tbe cose of
tlmbet loJostty oetwotks lo letovloo Amozoolo
"ln Lhls presenLaLlon l offer an economlc, pollLlcal and hlsLorlcal accounL on how exLracLlve
caplLallsm has expanded and reproduced ln Lhe conLexL of Lhe eruvlan Amazon lowlands.
llrsL, l ouLllne Lhe maln challenges LhaL exLracLlve lndusLrles faced ln Lhe conLexL of early
caplLallsL expanslve cycles ln Amazonla durlng Lhe laLe 19Lh CenLury. arLlcularly, l focus on
Lhe way LhaL labor scarclLy and Lhe absence of a reglonal workforce were LhoughL of by
emergenL reglonal ellLes and enLrepreneurs durlng Lhe early SLaLe aLLempLs Lo arLlculaLe a
reglonal space ln Amazonla. l assoclaLe Lhese reflecLlons wlLh Lhe marglnal characLer
hlsLorlcally aLLrlbuLed Lo Amazonlan LerrlLorles, whlch have been from Lhereon represenLed
as boundary" spaces wlLh anomalous economlc and pollLlcal characLerlsLlcs.
Secondly, l offer a descrlpLlon of how Lhls conLexL lnformed Lhe developmenL of a body of
non wage-based labor approprlaLlon sLraLegles LhaL dynamlcally comblned seducLlon and
vlolence ln order Lo expand avallable workforce among lndlgenous populaLlons of
Amazonla. l argue LhaL durlng Lhls Llmeframe a well-esLabllshed body of lnformal labor
approprlaLlon sLraLegles came Lo be and proved a cerLaln explolLaLlve" efflcacy ln
arLlculaLlng lndlgenous workforce Lo lnLernaLlonal commodlLy chalns. 1he emergence of
Lhese labor approprlaLlon sLraLegles had Lhe double effecL of expandlng Lhe maLerlal flows
of exLracLlve caplLallsm over exLenslve and remoLe areas of Lhe Lroplcal ralnforesL, whlle aL
Lhe same Llme changlng Lhe way LhaL foresLs, markeL agenLs and commodlLles relaLed Lo Lhe
producLlon of new lndlgenous sub[ecLlvlLles and economlc hablLs.
1hlrdly, l Lurn Lo presenL Llme ln order examlne how Lhese labor approprlaLlon sLraLegles
have evolved LhroughouL Llme and how Lhey allow for parLlcular forms of caplLal
accumulaLlon processes ln conLemporary eruvlan Amazonla. urawlng on some recenL
eLhnographlc and quanLlLaLlve daLa, l offer a descrlpLlon of how raclallzed exchanges,
marglnal processes of sLaLemaklng and commerclal lnLernaLlonal pressures lnLersecL ln
speclflc local seLLlngs of Lhe eruvlan ralnforesL ln order Lo make posslble Lhe producLlon of
value and Lhe accumulaLlon of exLracLlve caplLal aL a reglonal scale. llnally, l dlscuss how
Lhese analyLlcs can produce lnLeresLlng elemenLs for conslderlng how locallzed caplLallsL
pro[ecLs, Lhe producLlon of non wage-based labor sub[ecLlvlLles, and Lroplcal ralnforesLs
come Lo be ln Lhe marglns of conLemporary SouLh Amerlcan SLaLes.
Iohn kose
leolo loxembotq wot & kevolotloo. leolo's ctltlclsm of loxembotq's ootl-wot Ioolos
"Luxemburg's flrsL world war !unlus pamphleL, wrlLLen ln prlson, was arguably Lhe greaLesL
anLl war sLaLemenL of Lhe lasL cenLury. lLs haunLlng Lheme, Soclallsm or 8arbarlsm,
propheLlcally casL lLs shadow over Lhe lasL cenLury and conLlnues Lo do so now.
!unlus was also uncompromlslng ln lLs hosLlllLy Lo kauLsky's pro-war Cerman SoclallsL arLy,
Lhe Su, sLlll clalmlng Lo be a MarxlsL parLy, wlLh a ma[orlLy ln Lhe Cerman parllamenL.
?eL Lenln, whllsL recognlslng lL was wrlLLen by an ouLsLandlng comrade ln Lhe revoluLlonary
soclallsL LradlLlon, (he dldn'L know 8L was Lhe auLhor), was uneasy abouL !unlus. (CollecLed
Works volume 22, pages 303-319,
CrlLlcally, he challenges Lhe fallure Lo break organlsaLlonally wlLh kauLsky.
1hls capLured a fundamenLal MarxlsL prlnclple unlquely developed by Lenln. ollLlcs
cannoL be separaLed mechanlcally from organlsaLlon." !unlus rlsked fallure by noL glvlng
dlsLlncL organlsaLlonal expresslon Lo Lhe pollLlcs of lLs powerful anLl war senLlmenL.
kauLsky had clalmed Lhe parLy had Lo respond Lo Lhe lnLensely paLrloLlc mood LhaL had
swepL Lhrough Lhe workers movemenL. Lenln had already dlsmlssed Lhls as Lreachery", ln
'1he Collapse of Lhe Second lnLernaLlonal'."
Cather|ne kottenberg
Neollbetol lemlolst Moolfestos ooJ tbe otteocbmeot of oo lmpetlollst loqlc
A new Lrend ls on Lhe rlse: lncreaslngly, hlgh-powered women ln Lhe uS are publlcly
espouslng femlnlsm. Cne has only Lo Lhlnk of Anne Marle SlaughLer's "Why Women SLlll
Can'L Pave lL All" LhaL appeared ln Lhe ALlanLlc ln !uly 2012 and became Lhe mosL wldely
read arLlcle ln Lhe magazlne's hlsLory. 1hen, ln March 2013, Sheryl Sandberg's Lean ln hlL Lhe
shelves and lnsLanLly became a new ?ork 1lmes' besL-seller. ln Lhls paper l suggesL LhaL boLh
Sandberg's and SlaughLer's "femlnlsL manlfesLos" should be undersLood as sympLomaLlc of a
larger culLural phenomenon ln whlch llberal femlnlsm ls becomlng Lhe slLe for lLs own
dlsplacemenL. ConcenLraLlng on Lhelr shlfLlng dlscurslve reglsLers, l propose LhaL Lhese LexLs
can glve us lnslghL lnLo Lhe parLlcular ways ln whlch Lhe husk of llberallsm ls belng moblllzed
Lo spawn a neollberal femlnlsm as well as a new femlnlsL sub[ecL. Whlle Lhls emerglng form
of femlnlsm can be undersLood as yeL anoLher domaln neollberallsm has colonlzed by
produclng lLs own varlanL, l suggesL LhaL lL slmulLaneously serves a parLlcular culLural
purpose: lL hollows ouL Lhe poLenLlal of malnsLream llberal femlnlsm Lo underscore Lhe
consLlLuLlve conLradlcLlons of llberal democracy, and, ln Lhls way, furLher enLrenches
neollberal raLlonallLy and an lmperlallsL loglc.
Shahnaz kouse
ltecotlty ooJ/ot tbe oew ootmol? lo loklstoo. Neollbetollzotloo, qeoJeteJ lobot teqlmes
ooJ lofotmollzotloo
"Slnce Lhe elghLles, Lhere has been lncreaslngly aLLenLlon pald Lo Lhe lnformal secLor boLh ln
Lhe advanced caplLallsL counLrles as well as ln many parLs of Lhe global souLh. ue SoLo's now
well known work, 1he CLher aLh, publlshed ln 1989, broughL Lhls Lo phenomena lnLo Lhe
malnsLream, as a ma[or componenL of perlpheral economles. WrlLLen aL a momenL when
Lhe lu[lmoro reglme ln eru was commlLLed Lo prlvaLlzaLlon ln eru, and Lo reLrenchmenL of
Lhe sLaLe secLor, ue SoLo and Lhe lnsLlLuLe for LlberLy and uemocracy, made vlrLue ouL of
necesslLy, and soughL Lo push for laws LhaL would brlng Lhe lnformal secLor under Lhe amblL
of Lhe sLaLe. 1he moLlvaLlon was boLh pollLlcal and economlc. ue SoLo's formulaLlon has
slnce domlnaLed convenLlonal pollLlcal analyses ln Lhe u.S. whereby lnformallLy and
crlmlnallLy are conflaLed wlLh each oLher. 1hls perspecLlve has allowed for ever greaLer
degrees of pollclng and survelllance of marglnallzed populaLlons, and lncreased
lncarceraLlon of Lhe poor, and communlLles of color.
Saskla Sassen's work on globallzaLlon, comlng almosL Len years afLer ue SoLo's, also
emphaslzes Lhe lncreaslng lncldence of lnformallzaLlon, buL ln a vasLly dlfferenL reglsLer: she
argues LhaL Lhls secLor's expanslon ls noL only an lssue confronLlng perlpheral economles,
buL a rapldly growlng elemenL wlLhln advanced economles. She slLuaLes Lhls developmenL
squarely wlLhln Lhe amblL of laLe caplLallsm, and argues LhaL Lhe ascendance of flnance
caplLal ln Loday's markeLlzed global economy are lLs drlvlng force. ln many ways, her
LheorlzaLlon of Lhe conLemporary Lurn Lo lnformallzaLlon echoes classlc MarxlsL
undersLandlngs of Lhe worklngs of caplLal and Lhe sLrucLural Lendency wlLhln caplLallsm Lo
render labor lncreaslngly redundanL, and pushlng such labor lnLo 'flexlble' and casual labor
Whlle Sassen's work provldes a useful and necessary correcLlve Lo ue SoLo's earller
LreaLmenL of lnformallzaLlon, lL ls plLched aL a level of generallzaLlon LhaL demands greaLer
aLLenLlveness Lo local condlLlons under whlch such lnformallzaLlon Lakes place wlLhln
speclflc hlsLorles of spaces wlLhln Lhe global souLh lLself. 1hls ls where a close readlng of Lhe
aklsLanl conLexL ls lnslghLful: based on sLudles conducLed by scholar-acLlvlsLs wlLhln
aklsLan, l hope Lo demonsLraLe Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe sLaLe, lnLernaLlonal reglmes
(boLh mulLllaLeral and economlc), and local forces. 1hrough a carefully perlodlzed and space
speclflc analysls, l hope Lo expllcaLe Lhe cenLrallLy of gender Lo conLemporary
lnformallzaLlon (as many of Lhe sources l draw upon suggesL), buL also Lo problemaLlze
cerLaln assumpLlons beLween work and women's emanclpaLlon, beLween producLlve and
unproducLlve labor, producLlon and soclal reproducLlon, and conclude wlLh sLraLegles Lo
address Lhls currenL pollLlcal-economlc Lurn. Whlle speclflc Lo aklsLan, my expecLaLlon ls
LhaL Lhls paper wlll provoke a necessary and much needed dlscusslon on effecLlve sLraLegles
deslgned Lo furLher labor sLruggles, as well as sub[ecL our own modes of caLegorlzaLlon Lo a
more crlLlcal scruLlny."
Cam|||a koy|e
1be ptoJoctloo of ootote ooJ tbe oew motetlollst toto
ln uneven uevelopmenL, nell SmlLh puL forward Lhe noLlon of Lhe producLlon of naLure. 1he
work ls an engaglng crlLlque of duallsL accounLs of naLure LhaL see lL as elLher an unLouched
wllderness Lo be preserved aL Lhe expense of human developmenL or an exLernallLy Lo be
facLored ln (or noL) Lo caplLallsL markeLs. SmlLh, followlng Marx, sLarLed from Lhe poslLlon
LhaL humanlLy and naLure are a unlLy and aLLempLed Lo undersLand Lhe maLerlal pracLlces
LhaL led Lhem Lo be LhoughL of as separaLe realms. 8uL, furLher Lhan Lhls, SmlLh argued LhaL
humans produce all of Lhe ""naLure"" LhaL we see around us-LhaL Lhere ls no real naLure
beyond human socleLles. Powever, Lhls unapologeLlcally anLhropocenLrlc sLance ralsed Lhe
hackles of many green Lhlnkers. Lven Wllllam Cronon's essay, 1he 1rouble wlLh
Wllderness", wrlLLen ln Lhe same veln as SmlLh's work, concludes LhaL Lhere are poslLlves
assoclaLed wlLh wllderness landscapes, argulng LhaL we should recognlze and honor
nonhuman naLure as a world we dld noL creaLe". More recenLly, Lhe rlse of Lhe new"
maLerlallsm has Lrled Lo accounL for Lhe maLerlal properLles and capaclLles of non-human
organlsms and ob[ecLs. uoes Lhls renewed engagemenL wlLh Lhe acLlons of Lhlngs as well as
Lhose of humans presenL an lnsurmounLable challenge Lo Lhe producLlon of naLure Lhesls?
Can naLure be boLh produced and have lLs own agency? WhaL are Lhe prospecLs for
envlronmenLal pollLlcs of Lhe change ln focus Lowards Lhe non-human?----
8ue kbner nansen
Otqoolsloq oeeJ ooJ Jeslte
"Slnce ueleuze and CuaLLarl's damnlng crlLlque of SarLre's anLhropology of scarclLy ln Lhe
AnLl-Cedlpus, a long LradlLlon of deslre-based pollLlcs were lnauguraLed, generally
dlsmlsslng Lhe lmporLance of needs ln Lhe age of posL-fordlsL hyperproducLlvlLy. 1oday, afLer
Lhe golden posL-war years, and Lhe debL fuelled speculaLlve 2000s (and always ln Lhe
necropollLlcal posL-colonlal world), Lhe llmlLaLlons of aLLempLs Lo push a growlng and
gluLLonously need-saLlsfylng caplLallsm beyond lLself are apparenL. 1oday Lhere ls a sense
LhaL large populaLlons are enLerlng a zero-sum game ln whlch scarclLy, lack and need galn
prlmacy over abundance, excess and deslre.
Marx's CaplLal provldes a powerful framework for undersLandlng Lhe caplLallsL producLlon of
needs and commodlflcaLlon of ob[ecLs of deslres, buL lL does llLLle Lo help us Lhlnk Lhe
lmpllcaLlons of need and deslre as sub[ecLlve operaLors for class composlLlon and
organlsaLlon, ln relaLlon Lo reslsLanL and revoluLlonary pracLlces. erhaps for Lhls reason
MarxlsLs have LhoughL organlsaLlon sLarLlng from class consclousness of ob[ecLlve relaLlons,
and seen need and deslre as someLhlng Lo be overcome.
1hls paper wlll proceed Lhrough a rereadlng of Marx's remarks on base and supersLrucLure,
ln order Lo sLraLeglcally lnserL deslre and need aL a cenLral nodal polnL ln MarxlsL Lheory.
Whereas Marx speaks abouL Lhe economlc and sLrucLural aspecLs of Lhe base, l propose LhaL
- from Lhe polnL of vlew of llvlng labour - lL ls exlsLenLlal and organlsaLlonal. 1o sLarL aL Lhe
base Lhus means Lo sLarL from Lhe many ways ln whlch proleLarlans alm Lo saLlsfy Lhelr
needs and pursue Lhelr deslres, and undersLands caplLal's ablllLy Lo organlse labour as based
on lLs ablllLy Lo monopollse and regulaLe Lhe means and Lhe relaLlons of deslre and need. l
ask: whaL happens Lo Lhe classlcal MarxlsL concepL of class-consclousness, lf we Lake
consclousness Lo be secondary: Lhe self-consclousness of Lhe processes by whlch needs and
deslres compose ln common reslsLanL sLraLegles, and Lhe speculaLlve awareness of Lhe
revoluLlonary poLenLlallLles of such processes?
As Lhe 8lack anLhers and femlnlsL MarxlsLs such as Sllvla lederlcl and Marlarosa ualla CosLa
have shown, need and deslre ls a key fleld of sLruggle, one LhaL ls much broader Lhan Lhe
caplLal-labour sLruggle over explolLaLlon. 1hls paper alms Lo propose a Lheory of reslsLanL
and revoluLlonary pracLlces, whlch does noL sLarL from consclousness buL from Lhe
composlLlon and organlsaLlon of needs and deslres whlch are, aL a glven Llme and place,
sLrucLurally unsaLlsfled or blocked by caplLal."
Lr|c-Iohn kusse||
1be keol 5obsomptloo of Mlmesls
1he followlng absLracL ls lnLended for conslderaLlon ln Lhe CrlLlcal 1heory sLream aL Lhe
conference. Whlle lL mlghL be sald, correcLly or noL, LhaL 1heodor Adorno's relaLlonshlp wlLh
Marx's crlLlque of pollLlcal economy ls puncLured by Lhe unease of an asphyxlaLlng cloud of
omnlpoLenL raLlonallLy, boLh crlLlcs share ln a scruLlny for Lhe unlversally sLrucLurlng
mechanlsm of Lhe exchange relaLlon. 1he alm of my presenLaLlon wlll be Lo clear a paLh for
Lhls shared perspecLlve and aLLempL Lo arblLraLe Lwo Lhlnkers ofLen mlred ln LheoreLlcally
LumulLuous frlcLlon ln Lhelr respecLlve crlLlques of modern caplLallsL socleLy. WlLhln boLh
ulalecLlc of LnllghLenmenL and AesLheLlc 1heory, Adorno formulaLes a dlsLlncLlon beLween
Lhe concepL of mlmesls and lLs raLlonallzaLlon. lL wlll be Lhe purpose of Lhe presenL LexL Lo
explore Lhe exLenL Lo whlch Lhls raLlonallzaLlon of mlmesls can be reconclled wlLh Marx's
Lheory of commodlLy feLlshlsm. 1haL ls, how mlghL Lhe hlsLory of Lhe mlmeLlc faculLy,
proceedlng ln accordance wlLh Lhe developmenL of raLlonallLy and Lhe developmenL of
sacrlflce and exchange, correspond Lo Lhe feLlsh characLer of commodlLles? As wlll be
demonsLraLed, boLh processes are grounded ln Lhe adapLaLlon of a self Lo ob[ecLlve forces of
domlnaLlon consecraLed Lhrough Lhe prlnclple of ldenLlLy and equlvalence. l wlll flrsL skeLch
Lhe fundamenLal characLerlsLlcs of mlmeLlc comporLmenL before proceedlng Lo lLs
raLlonallzaLlon, or as Adorno refers Lo lL, lLs represslon. lrom Lhere, a brlef dlscusslon on
commodlLy feLlshlsm wlll faclllLaLe an aLLempL Lo reconclle Lhese seemlngly dlsparaLe
crlLlclsms of modern socleLy.
Sara Sa|em
1be 2011 qyptloo uptlsloq. losslve tevolotloo ooJ cootlooeJ oeollbetollsm
"1he 2011 LgypLlan uprlslng consLlLuLed a momenLous evenL ln modern LgypLlan hlsLory.
1he uprlslng can be Lheorlzed as a response Lo Lhe neollberal pro[ecL LhaL had come Lo
domlnaLe LgypL Lhrough Lhe pollcles of Lhe rullng class. Powever, Lhree years on lL appears
LhaL Lhe whlle Lhe conflguraLlon of soclal forces wlLhln Lhe rullng class may have shlfLed,
neollberallsm conLlnues Lo domlnaLe Lhe LgypLlan pollLlcal economy.
1he flrsL parL of Lhls paper aLLempLs a hlsLorlcal genealogy of Lhe LgypLlan rullng class slnce
1932. 1hrough uslng Cramsclan and neo-Cramsclan concepLs Lhls paper shows LhaL slnce
2011 speclflc acLors wlLhln Lhe LgypLlan rullng class-concepLuallzed as fracLlons of
caplLal-have aLLempLed Lo reconflgure Lhe rullng class wlLhouL changlng domlnanL forms of
caplLallsL accumulaLlon, as well as Lo show how Lhe rullng class creaLed Lhe condlLlons LhaL
produced Lhe uprlslng lLself.
Powever lL would be a mlsLake Lo lgnore Lhe reslsLance on Lhe parL of subalLern groups. 1he
rullng class ls consLanLly ln a complex relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe subalLern classes. Speclflc
communlLles wlLhln Lhe caLegory of Lhe subalLern challenge and subverL hegemony. 1he
second parL of Lhls paper wlll Lhus Lrace Lhe dlfferenL fracLlons of labour LhaL represenL
Lhese challenges Lo neollberal caplLal. 1hrough an analysls of boLh Lhe fracLlons of caplLal
and labour, Lhe paper aLLempLs Lo show why neollberal caplLallsm conLlnues Lo domlnaLe
LgypL as well as why Lhls domlnaLlon ls noL hegemonlc."
Sune Sandbeck
uoeveo ooJ combloeJ uevelopmeot ooJ tbe 5ovetelqo 5poces of Offsbote lloooce
1he revlval of Lhe hlsLorlcal maLerlallsL concepL of uneven and comblned developmenL
(uCu) wlLhln Lhe fleld of lnLernaLlonal 8elaLlons has refocused aLLenLlon on Lhe
lmporLance of examlnlng Lhe lnLeracLlon beLween dlfferenL Lempos of developmenL across
space and Llme. WhaL has emerged from Lhese dlscusslons ls a LheoreLlcal appreclaLlon of
Lhe conLlngenL, mulLlllnear and lnLeracLlve Lra[ecLorles of caplLallsL sLaLe formaLlon across a
global spaLlal Lerraln rlven by soclal, economlc, and geographlcal unevenness. 1he
prollferaLlon of offshore flnanclal cenLres (ClCs) ln Lhe pasL few decades ls a sub[ecL LhaL
has Lended Lo fall ouLslde Lhe purvlew of Lhese debaLes and Lhe presenL paper suggesLs LhaL
Lhe framework of uCu sheds conslderable llghL on Lhe conLlngenL hlsLorlcal conLexL ouL of
whlch ClCs emerged. Powever, Lhe growlng slgnlflcance of offshore flnance Lo Lhe global
economy has alLered Lhe very meanlng of unevenness by rapldly shlfLlng Lhe spaLlal
conLours and posslblllLles of caplLallsL accumulaLlon, requlrlng a conLlnual rearLlculaLlon of
soverelgn power. 1he parLlcular manner ln whlch offshore flnance lnLenslfles some of Lhe
cenLral conLradlcLlons of caplLallsm forces us Lo reLhlnk Lhe spaLlal scope of uCu and l
examlne how a revlsed concepLuallzaLlon mlghL enhance our undersLandlng of Lhe
relaLlonshlp beLween sLaLe soverelgnLy and caplLallsL accumulaLlon.
N|k|| Sava|
wblte collot wotk, 5poce, ooJ closs
"Slnce Lhe consolldaLlon of large lndusLrles ln Lhe laLe 19Lh cenLury and advances ln Lhe
Lechnlques and funcLlon of bureaucracy ln Lhe prlvaLe secLor, Lhe rlse ln Lhe number of so-
called whlLe collar" workers has been a conLlnual source of conLroversy for MarxlsL
analysls. lor an orLhodox or vulgar Marxlsm LhaL held fasL Lo a predlcLlon of lncreaslng class
polarlzaLlon, Lhe apparenL class complexlLy of fln de slecle caplLallsm proved Lo be dlvlslve ln
lLs own way, leadlng no small parL Lo Lhe revlslonlsL" conLroversles and fracLlousness of Lhe
early 20Lh cenLury.
1he old argumenL over Lhe class basls of Lhe whlLe collar worker has repeaLed lLself aL
crlLlcal momenLs over Lhe hlsLory of MarxlsL LhoughL, parLlcularly aL momenLs of LheoreLlcal
and organlzaLlonal crlsls, wlLh parLlsans of some verslon of a proleLarlanlzaLlon Lhesls, ofLen
flndlng Lhemselves arrayed agalnsL Lhlnkers who flnd Lhe mlddle class an undenlable facL,
wlLh many of Lhe laLLer ofLen flndlng Lhemselves maklng a qulck exlL from Marxlsm
alLogeLher. 8egardless of camp, Lhe whlLe collar worker has proved an endurlng problem for
MarxlsL class analysls, Lhe endurance of Lhe lndlvlduallsL, merlLocraLlc whlLe collar worker
has ofLen been clLed as one of Lhe cenLral barrlers Lo vlable soclallsL pollLlcs, cerLalnly ln Lhe
unlLed SLaLes.
8aLher Lhan aLLempLlng Lo solve Lhls problemaLlc dlrecLly-one of Lhe more lnLracLable
problems ln soclal Lheory-my paper wlll aLLempL Lo Lackle Lhe lssue from a dlfferenL angle,
by placlng lL ln a spaLlal and geographlc conLexL. 1he hlsLory of whlLe collar work dlscloses
Lhe repeaLed aLLempLs by caplLal Lo enhance Lhe Lechnlcal dlvlslon of labor wlLhln flrms
Lhrough an ever more reflned spaLlal separaLlon, lncreaslng Lhe sense of class complexlLy
and dlvlslon wlLhln Lhe whlLe collar sLraLa. WhaL effecL Lhese forms of separaLlon mlghL have
had on a sense of class consclousness, or class awareness (Lo use Clddens' Lerm) wlll be Lhe
guldlng quesLlon of Lhe paper.
1raclng Lhe developmenL of Lhe offlce lnLerlor from Lhe mld-19Lh cenLury counLlnghouses
of Lhe uk and Lhe uS, l hope Lo show how Lhe adopLlon of bureaucracy and Lhe appllcaLlon
of sclenLlflc managemenL had Lhe effecL of proleLarlanlzlng secLlons of Lhe workforce-
parLlcularly Lhe Lyplng or sLeno pool, largely composed of women-whlle dramaLlzlng Lhe
whlLe collar workplace as a sysLemaLlcally apporLloned reflecLlon of a leglLlmaLed hlerarchy:
Lhe serrled, orLhogonal cenLral desks occupylng Lhe facLory"-llke seLLlngs of Lhe Lyplng pool
versus Lhe arLlculaLed reglme of sLaLus progresslng along Lhe prlvaLe offlces of Lhe corrldor,
and flnally Lhe separaLlon of Lhe execuLlve sulLe from Lhe lower floors. l wlll examlne Lhese
alongslde managemenL LexLs LhaL make expllclL Lhe lmporLance of Lhe well-deslgned offlce
for malnLalnlng an lndlvlduallsL eLhos.
Slmllarly Lhe separaLlon of spaces of manual and nonmanual labor has ofLen been pushed
Lhrough Lo separaLe Lhe LradlLlonal homes of labor unresL from lLs less aglLaLed deskbound
denlzens. Pere l wlll dlscuss Lhe hlsLory of Chlcago plannlng, Lhe emergence of Lhe new ?ork
reglonal plan, and Lhe separaLlon of Lhe suburban campus seLLlng, whlch gave rlse Lo Lhe
dlscourse of Lhe knowledge worker.
llnally l wlll dlscuss conLemporary condlLlons of mass dlsaggregaLlon, aL Lhe same Llme LhaL
pervaslve casuallzaLlon has broughL Lalk of a new proleLarlaL," or precarlaL," among Lhe
declassed whlLe collar worker, as a source of a renewal of soclal proLesL. l wlll examlne
Lhese clalms alongslde Lhe spaLlal effecLs of dlsaggregaLlon wlLhln whlLe collar workforces,
wlLh many of Lhe facLory"-llke seLLlngs dlsplaced Lo global souLh counLrles, where Lhey ln
Lurn occupy hlgher levels of sLaLus. l wlll conclude wlLh some reflecLlons on Lhe currenL
relaLlonshlp beLween of space and Lhe mlddle class.""
1|na Sch|vatcheva
AcclJeotol beqemoo? xpottloq tbe cote cblmeto - MoJell ueotscblooJ lo tbe osteto
otopeoo petlpbety
8eunlflcaLlon has Lurned Cermany lnLo a cenLral acLor, and Lhen Lhe cenLral acLor ln
deLermlnlng Luropean affalrs. Meanwhlle ln Lhe LasLern Luropean perlphery, Cermany has
become Lhe lndlspuLable economlc hegemon. 1he dlscusslon uses neo-Cramsclan analysls,
culLural pollLlcal economy and varleLles of CaplLallsm (voC) perspecLlves Lo analyse Lhe
currenL Lrade and soclo-economlc relaLlons of Cermany, ukralne and 8ulgarla
CharacLerlsLlc of Lhe soclo-pollLlcal and soclo-economlc LransformaLlon of LasLern Lurope ls
LhaL by Lhe early 2000s Lhe whole reglon had adopLed Lhe sLandards and lnsLlLuLlonal
underplnnlngs of economlc freedom and openness usual ln WesLern markeL economles.
8ulgarla and ukralne have been characLerlzed as Llberal MarkeL Lconomles (LMLs), whlch
dlffer ln Lhelr achleved levels of llberallsaLlon, prlvaLlsaLlon, and markeL-orlenLed lnsLlLuLlon
bulldlng. Meanwhlle Cermany, Lhe paradlgmaLlc CoordlnaLed MarkeL Lconomy (CML) and
Lhe blrLhplace of Lhe LrlparLlsL 'Modell ueuLschland' has progresslvely sLrengLhened lLs
economlc presence ln LasLern Lurope. Cerman economy (Cu 3.3 Lrllllon) Lowers above Lhe
economles of 8ulgarla and ukralne. lor more Lhan 10 years boLh 8ulgarla and ukralne have
held negaLlve Lrade balances wlLh Lhe 8undesrepubllk, amounLlng Lo Lhe [olnL LoLal sum of
approxlmaLely 36 bllllon dollars cumulaLlve proflLs (unCCM18AuL). 8oLh ukralne and
8ulgarla have been consumers of Cerman lndusLrlal goods and exporLers of low value-added
producLs. ?eL ln splLe of Lhe decadal-long Lrade asymmeLrles ln favour of Cermany, Lhere
have been only a Loken of complalnLs abouL Lhe pauclLy of Cerman lul.
Cermany's currenL role goes beyond economlcally 'lnfluenclng' Lhe reglon. A LradlLlonal
reallsL/neoreallsL deflnlLlon prescrlbes hegemony as 'Lhe holdlng by one sLaLe of a
preponderance of power ln Lhe lnLernaLlonal sysLems, so LhaL lL can slngle-handedly
domlnaLe Lhe rules and arrangemenLs by whlch lnLernaLlonal pollLlcal and economlc
relaLlons are conducLed.' Powever, modern Cermany pro[ecLs lLs power noL vla mlllLary
force or dlrecL conLrol, buL by lndlrecL conLrol of Lhe rules and agendas (hegemony). A
dlscusslon on Lhe naLure of hegemony should also Lake lnLo conslderaLlon Cramscl's
analyses, ln whlch he emphaslzes Lhe lmporLance of Lhe volunLarlsLlc aspecL of hegemony,
dlsLlngulshlng beLween 'domlnaLlon' (coerclon, power) and 'hegemony' (ldeas, persuaslon,
consensus). More recenLly, lkenberry and kupchan explore Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween power
and soclallzaLlon as complemenLary componenLs of hegemony. 1hey elaboraLe LhaL
'soclallzaLlon' serves as an 'effecLlve lnsLrumenL of hegemonlc power durlng crlLlcal
hlsLorlcal perlods ln whlch lnLernaLlonal change colncldes wlLh domesLlc crlses ln secondary
sLaLes.' 1hus, alLhough a preponderance of power ln maLerlal (economlc) lnsLrumenLs may
faclllLaLe Lhe lnlLlal soclallzaLlon, ln Lhe long run lL also requlres non-maLerlal lnsLrumenLs,
such as ldeas, norms, and values.
1he analysls argues LhaL Lhe posL-soclallsL LranslLlon of 8ulgarla and ukralne has noL resulLed
ln compeLlLlve and lnnovaLlve markeL economles, buL ln a loss of economlc, soclal and
human caplLal. Chronlc pollLlcal and economlc lnsLablllLy has lncreased Lhe soclal
accepLablllLy of Lhe CML model, consldered Lo represenL Cermany, and consequenLly
Cerman presLlge ln LasLern Lurope. 1hus, Cermany has been endowed wlLh Lhe exemplary
able LuLor and ukralne and 8ulgarla - Lhe puplls. 'Modell ueuLschland' 'made ln' 8ulgarla
and ukralne ls assoclaLed wlLh Lhe deslrable quallLles of sLablllLy and lncremenLallsm,
lnnovaLlons and good managemenL pracLlces. 1hls ldeallzed represenLaLlon has falled Lo
dlsLlngulsh Lhe complexlLles of Lhe soclo-economlc developmenL wlLhln Cermany. 1hus,
whlle belng eroded wlLhln Cermany 'Modell ueusLchland' ls sLlll aLLracLlve ln LasLern
Lurope. CapLurlng Lhe publlc lmaglnaLlon of Lhe LasLern Luropean perlphery, Lhe chlmera of
Lhe 8henlsh model has been Lhe mosL successful Cerman 'exporL.'"
Lou|s-Georges Schwartz
ltom use 1lme 1o use voloe AoJ 8ock?
lnsLead of asklng whaL comes afLer Lhe commodlLy form, my paper asks wheLher one can
lmaglne a socleLy wlLhouL properLy and whaL condlLlons would be necessary for such a
socleLy. A socleLy wlLhouL properLy would mean a socleLy wlLhouL exchange as we know lL,
and whereln producLlon and reproducLlon would be ldenLlcal. Such a socleLy mlghL reallze
Lhe dream of llvlng wlLhouL an economy. ln 1he PlghesL overLy, Clorglo Agamben descrlbes
early lranclscan monasLlcs as a quasl-auLonomous soclal segmenL flLLlng Lhls descrlpLlon.
1he lranclscan vows lnvolve renounclng boLh prlvaLe and collecLlve properLy. As Lhe
CaLhollc Church regulaLed and sub[ugaLed Lhe monasLlcs, Lhey had Lo confronL Lhe problem
of Lhe lranclscan vow: how was lL posslble for Monks Lo eaL lf Lhey dld noL own Lhelr food?
uoes noL dlgesLlon consLlLuLe Lhe very essence of approprlaLlon? AL a glven momenL ln Lhe
debaLes Lhe Church arrlves aL Lhe concluslon LhaL use wlLhouL possesslon ls concelvable lf
use can be undersLood as a mode of Llme. 1hls noLlon of use ls cenLral Lo 1lqqun's noLlon of
a communal form of llfe LhaL organlzes lLself as a sLruggle agalnsL caplLal. 1lqqun's flghLlng
commune ls usually undersLood as ldeallsm by hlsLorlcal maLerlallsLs, buL my paper
aLLempLs, vla Lhe meLhods of ollLlcal Marxlsm Lo place LhaL concluslon ln Lhe conLexL of Lhe
maLerlal condlLlons leadlng Lo Lhe producLlon of monks as populaLlons unnecessary Lo Lhe
reproducLlon of Lhe resL of feudal socleLy, and Lo ask under whaL condlLlons Lhe en[oymenL
of acLlvlLy's producLs could emerge as a Lemporal mode raLher Lhan a use value wlLhln or
afLer Lhe conLlnuous crlsls of caplLallsm.
k|chard Seymour
1be Aostetlty 5tote "lt ls too ofteo qllbly ossomeJ tbot oostetlty ls o ptoject fot Jowoslzloq
tbe stote.
1hls ldeologeme ls llnked Lo a serles of clalms abouL Lhe sLaLe ln Lhe neollberal era, lncludlng
above all Lhe clalm LhaL Lhe sLaLe has been 'wlLhdrawlng' from Lhe economy. 1haL
ldeologeme ls mlsplaced. 1hls paper wlll argue LhaL, whlle 'spendlng cuLs' and publlc secLor
flrlngs are Lhe means Lhrough whlch Lhe ob[ecLlves of ausLerlLy are achleved, and whlle
Lhere are raLlonal reasons for caplLallsL sLaLes Lo reduce Lhe burden of expendlLures, Lhe
long-Lerm effecLs of ausLerlLy lnvolve redeploylng sLaLe apparaLuses raLher Lhan reduclng
Lhelr slze. uslng Lhe examples of pasL ausLerlLy pro[ecLs, and ln Lhe llghL of oulanLzlan sLaLe
Lheory, Lhls paper wlll argue LhaL:
1he sLaLe under ausLerlLy ls nelLher reduclng lLs scope nor 'wlLhdrawlng' from Lhe economy,
buL ls raLher changlng Lhe characLer and mode of lLs exLenslve lnvolvemenL ln producLlve
1he sLaLe's cosL-cuLLlng commlLmenLs are real, buL are subordlnaLe Lo lLs crlsls-managemenL
commlLmenLs. 1hls ln pracLlce Lends Lo mean LhaL opporLunlLles for cosL-cuLLlng are llmlLed
by Lhe consLanL need for Lhe sLaLe Lo asslmllaLe and process Lhe crlsls Lendencles ln Lhe
economy. AusLerlLy ls a response Lo caplLallsL crlsls, and as such ls parL of a pro[ecL whlch
demands more sLaLe 'lnLervenLlon' raLher Lhan less.
SLaLe lnsLlLuLlons acL wlLhln a conLexL of class and pollLlcal sLruggles, and musL reglsLer Lhe
sLrengLhs of opposlng sldes ln Lhese sLruggles. 1hls does noL mean LhaL Lhe sLaLe slmply
Lallles Lhe balance of forces on elLher slde aL any glven momenL. lL has lLs own reslsLanL
maLerlallLy, lLself Lhe resulL of accumulaLed ouLcomes of prevlous class and pollLlcal
sLruggles. lL possesses a cerLaln 'selecLlvlLy' ln favour of parLlcular sLraLegles as a resulL of
Lhls, and Lhls deLermlnes Lhe forms LhaL crlsls managemenL can Lake.
1he speclflc form of crlsls managemenL, known as ausLerlLy, musL be undersLood ln Lerms of
Lhe parLlcular coallLlon of classes and class fracLlons LhaL domlnaLes Lhe sLaLe apparaLuses -
Lhe 'power bloc'. Cne effecL of ausLerlLy ls preclsely Lo reorganlse Lhls power bloc Lo Lhe
beneflL of ascendanL or already lncumbenL class fracLlons.
1he relaLlonshlp beLween a sLaLe and Lhe socleLy whlch lL organlses ls permanenLly
characLerlsed by dysfuncLlon and dlsequlllbrlum. 1hls means LhaL no slmple 'funcLlonallsL'
readlng of ausLerlLy ls posslble, as lL ls by no means clear LhaL everyLhlng Lhe sLaLe does can
be undersLood as funcLlonal Lo accumulaLlon or leglLlmaLlon. lL also means LhaL each
resoluLlon of crlsls LhaL lL achleves ls parLlal and provlslonal, and LhaL each soluLlon ls llkely
Lo conLaln paLhologles of lLs own. 1hls paper wlll conclude by dlscusslng Lhe ongolng
elemenLs of crlsls, boLh generlc and con[uncLural, ln Lhe ausLerlLy sLaLe."
Stefano Sgambat|
levetoqloq epolty, secotltlsloq Jebts. tbe slqolflcooce of moJeto bookloq lo tbe mokloq of
"1he currenL debaLe on flnanclallsaLlon ls changlng our undersLandlng of class and class
sLruggle (8ryan, 8afferLy and MarLln 2009), as soclal properLy relaLlons are belng
progresslvely re-concepLuallzed ln Lerms of debL relaLlons (lngham 2004, 2008). 1hls sald, lL
ls noL really clear who ln Lhe age of flnanclallsaLlon ls lndebLed Lo whom and how Lhls affecLs
Lhe consLrucLlon of power relaLlons. llnanclallsaLlon ln effecL slgnals Lhe 'sLablllsaLlon' of a
caplLallsL reglme characLerlsed by Lhe sysLemaLlc commodlflcaLlon of debL relaLlons, a
growLh 'ouL of measure' of proflL-yleldlng flnanclal lnsLrumenLs, endemlc speculaLlon,
flnanclal bubbles (knafo 2012, Pudson 2012): ln such a reglme nobody ls a genulne credlLor
because ln prlnclple every proprleLor - and especlally Lhe flnancler - ls lndebLed Lo
everybody else vla a caplllary lnfrasLrucLure of llquld flnanclal relaLlons encompasslng sLaLes
and markeLs alLogeLher.
1o geL a beLLer sense of how class sLruggle ls arLlculaLed ln such a conLexL of lnsLlLuLlonal
over-lndebLedness, Lhe paper alms Lo ouLllne a brlef phenomenology of Lhe 'negoLlaLlon of
value' LhaL ls aL Lhe basls of modern banklng. 1he laLLer ls convenLlonally undersLood as a
cenLrallzed form of cash lnLermedlaLlon, porLfollo managemenL and credlL-debL
bookkeeplng. Movlng from a moneLary undersLandlng, Lhe paper by conLrasL examlnes
modern banklng as Lhe lnsLlLuLlonallsaLlon of debL lnLermedlaLlon and Lhe consLrucLlon of
modern money as llquldlLy. 1haL ls Lo say, far from medlaLlng savlngs, modern banklng ls
from prlnclple lnvolved wlLh Lhe creaLlon of money 'ouL of noLhlng' - ln facL, wlLh Lhe
arLlculaLlon of a moneLary sysLem of borrowlng and lendlng capable of produclng neL worLh,
and based upon a comblnaLlon of asseL and llablllLy managemenL lnvolvlng respecLlvely
leverage and securlLlsaLlon.
1he paper Lhus examlnes Lhe rlse of Lngllsh banklng ln Lhe second half of Lhe sevenLeenLh
cenLury. More speclflcally lL focuses on: (a) Lhe flnanclal revoluLlon lnlLlaLed by goldsmlLh
bankers, as based on bank leverage (performed vla blll dlscounLlng), (b) Lhe moneLary
revoluLlon carrled by Lhe 8ank of Lngland durlng Lhe elghLeenLh cenLury, as connecLed Lo
Lhe securlLlsaLlon of Lhe Lngllsh naLlonal debL and Lhe emergence of a llquld secondary
markeL for publlc securlLles (AmaLo and lanLaccl 2012). Pence, wlLhouL denylng Lhe
speclflclLles of Lhe currenL slLuaLlon, Lhe paper argues LhaL Lo grasp Lhe slgnlflcance of
conLemporary flnanclallsaLlon we musL noneLheless reconslder Lhe very hlsLorlcal
foundaLlons of caplLallsm, and ln parLlcular Lhe role of modern banklng ln Lhe producLlon of
value, because lL ls only from Lhere LhaL we can glance aL Lhe shlnlng skyllne of lLs LoLLerlng
Lowers and dlscover whaL lles Loday ln Lhelr shadow.
N|zan Shaked
copltollst lostltotloos/leftlst Att
LmblemaLlc of Lhe modern age, museums are aL Lhe pollLlcal crossroads of wealLh and Lhe
publlc. Modeled afLer lLs Luropean predecessor, Lhe Amerlcan museum perfecLed" Lhe
former's reformlsL LhrusL by uslng a hybrld prlvaLe-publlc non-proflL admlnlsLraLlve
sLrucLure, where lnsLlLuLlonal governance has regularly been sLeered by boards comprlsed
of Lhe upper echelon. ArLlsLs ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes have, slnce Lhe laLe 1960s, recognlzed
museums as a sLage where a pollLlcal drama ls suspended ln Lhe culLural and flnanclal
Lenslons beLween Lhemselves and Lhelr work, professlonal personnel (dlrecLors or curaLors),
and Lhe museum board wlLh lLs overslghL capaclLles. A pecullar llne of communlcaLlon
opened beLween arLlsLs and Lhe wealLhy, and Lhls paper wlll look aL key examples of works
LhaL spoke dlrecLly Lo or abouL paLronage. unlverslLles-also spaces where barons and
boosLers purporL Lo share a culLure wlLh lnLellecLuals, where conservaLlve admlnlsLraLlon
meeLs progresslve faculLy and sLudenLs (perhaps even revoluLlonary on occaslon)-dlffer
from museums ln LhaL Lhe dlalogue wlLh wealLh ln Lhe museum ls LrlangulaLed by a Lhlrd
enLlLy: Lhe publlc as audlence. 1hls paper wlll dlscuss works sLaged wlLh Lhe publlc ln mlnd
by Cuerrllla ArL AcLlon Croup, uanlel !. MarLlnez, and Andrea lraser. l wlll conslder Lhem
wlLhln Lhe conLexLs of Lhe brlef yeL slgnlflcanL formlng of Lhe ArL Worker's CoallLlon ln Lhe
laLe 1960s as a reformlsL poslLlon of reslsLance, Lhe efflcacy of whlch was debaLed by crlLlcs
and arLlsLs such as Les Levlne and Mel 8amsden (of ArL Language), who soughL a more
revoluLlonary redeflnlLlon of arL. 1he ldea LhaL arL could lnLervene lnLo Lhe means of
producLlon was subsequenLly seen as nave aL besL, afLer all, Lhe enLlre fleld ls always
already super-sLrucLural. 8uL slnce museums can offer lnslghL lnLo Lhe llfe cycle of case
culLural LransacLlons, we can also observe lLs pollLlcal and economlc lmpllcaLlons vls-a-vls
Lhe publlc. l wlll ground Lhls perspecLlve ln a work by Pans Paacke, MoMA oll (1970),
sLaged Lo engage Lhe publc ln a quesLlon abouL nelson 8ockefeller (Lhen Covernor of new
?ork SLaLe) ln a museum founded and governed by members of Lhe 8ockefeller famlly, and
Lhe dlalogue lL ellclLed beLween Lhe museum board (speclflcally uavld 8ockefeller of Chase
ManhaLLan 8ank) and lLs admlnlsLraLlon. ulsrupLlng Lhe llberal faade Lhe museum would
raLher foreground, Paacke's work showed how pollLlcs and money are relaLed," unmasklng
Lhe resemblance of n? Lo an ollgarchy ln hopes Lo polnL ouL a speculaLlve road-map Lo lLs
demlse. 8elng pragmaLlc, l also Lrack Lhe process by whlch museums have conLalned such
reslsLance, and how arLlsLs Lhen responded ln reLurn, culmlnaLlng wlLh Andrea lraser's
conLrlbuLlon Lo Lhe WhlLney 8lennlal ln 2012 LlLled Le 1 C'esL Mol. 8aLher Lhan
revoluLlonlzlng arL lLself, or hlLchlng lL Lo serve Lhe revoluLlon, Lhese arLlsLs almed Lhelr
lnLervenLlons Lo quesLlon whaL ldeology does Lhe lnsLlLuLlonal sLrucLure serve and why lL ls
LhaL Lhe publlc LoleraLes lL.
D|vya Sharma
Metobollc klft ooJ keslstooce. lolltlcol coloqy lo coloolol ooJ post-coloolol loojob, loJlo
"1hls paper wlll focus on concepLuallsaLlons LhaL bulld on Lhe Marxlan concepL of 'meLabollc
rlfL' (cf. losLer, 1999, Moore, 2011, McMlchael and Schnelder, 2010), Lo examlne how an
ecologlcal lens helps reLhlnk Lhe MarxlsL concepLlon of 'pollLlcal agency'. l argue LhaL Lhe
framework of 'meLabollc rlfL' provldes a way of undersLandlng how allenaLlon effecLed
Lhrough Lhe separaLlon of labour from Lhe producLlon of knowledge, or Lhe dlvlslon of
menLal and menlal labour, shapes Lhe arLlculaLlon of reslsLance, by Lraclng Lhe changlng
form of agrarlan sLruggles and Lhe landscape of rural reslsLance ln Lhe lndlan sLaLe of un[ab
Lhrough Lhe colonlal and posL-colonlal perlod. 1echnologlcal lnLervenLlons have been
employed as a way of reorganlzlng agrarlan producLlon and rural llfe ln un[ab by Lhe
colonlal and Lhe posL-colonlal sLaLe, exempllfled by Lhe esLabllshmenL of Lhe canal sysLem by
Lhe 8rlLlsh ln Lhe laLe nlneLeenLh cenLury, and Lhe 'Creen 8evoluLlon' ln Lhe 1960s. 1oday,
Lhe agrarlan crlsls ln un[ab ls belng arLlculaLed by farmers ln a way LhaL slgnals LhaL
ecologlcal vlablllLy ls conLlngenL on resLrucLurlng unequal soclal relaLlons of producLlon. ln
Lhls conLexL, l suggesL LhaL an analyLlc focus on how Lhe changes ln Lhe producLlon process
and Lhe pracLlces of work are experlenced, ln con[uncLlon wlLh Lhe soclal relaLlons, ln whlch
Lhey are embedded, ls slgnlflcanL for undersLandlng Lhe forms ln whlch reslsLance ls
arLlculaLed. lL also provldes a LheoreLlcal framework for undersLandlng boLh Lhe rlfL ln and
Lhe reconsLlLuLlon of soclo-ecologlcal relaLlons hlsLorlcally and experlenLlally.
Stuart Sh|e|ds
1be tlme fot tefotm ls olwoys oow. 1be otopeoo 8ook fot kecoosttoctloo & uevelopmeot
ooJ tbe teoewol of oeollbetollsotloo lo ceottol osteto otope oftet tbe floooclol "ctlsls.
1he paper lnLerrogaLes Lhe role of Lhe L88u ln Lhe reflnemenL of neollberal sLraLegles ln
posL-communlsL LranslLlon. 8y drawlng upon a Cramsclan crlLlcal pollLlcal economy
approach, Lhe paper argues LhaL Lhe L88u has promoLed Lhe deepenlng commodlflcaLlon of
posL-communlsL soclal relaLlons Lhrough Lhe dlffuslon of ldeas cenLred round Lhree
successlve waves of neollberallsaLlon ln CenLral LasLern Lurope (CLL). 1he L88u has Laken
advanLage of a serles of crlses Lo redeflne Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween naLlonal sLaLe and
reglonal and lnLernaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons, Lo acceleraLe Lhe closure of dlvergenL paLhs Lo
developmenL: Lhe flrsL based on markeL consLrucLlon from Lhe early 1990s, a second based
on reconflgurlng lnsLlLuLlonal arrangemenLs ln CLL assoclaLed wlLh Luropean unlon (Lu)
accesslon, and Lhlrd, Lhe neollberal promoLlon of compeLlLlveness afLer Lu membershlp.
1he paper conLends LhaL Lhe L88u's sLraLegles for neollberallsaLlon have shlfLed agaln ln
response Lo Lhe currenL crlsls, and Lhus a fourLh wave of neollberallsaLlon ls emerglng
followlng Lhe norLh ALlanLlc flnanclal crlsls. 1hls laLesL wave of neollberallsaLlon evldenL ln
recenL L88u maLerlal prompLs CLL Lo dlscover sources of growLh less senslLlve Lo changes ln
Lhe exLernal envlronmenL: households and lndlvlduals.
Ionathan Short
8eojomlo ooJ ue-vltollzeJ llfe. Notes oo lolltlcs
ln Lhls presenLaLlon l slLuaLe 8en[amln's concepLlon of hlsLorlcal memory, as elucldaLed
Lhrough Lhe Lheory of LranslaLlon, relaLlve Lo Lhe dlre sLaLe of conLemporary pollLlcs under
neo-llberallsm. 1hls dlscusslon of 8en[amln seeks Lo connecL hls LhoughL Lo a readlng
developed by lrank 8uda (2009) of Lhe young Marx's Lconomlc and hllosophlcal
ManuscrlpLs of 1844 as a way of Lhlnklng pollLlcs lnLernal Lo and Lhe overcomlng of Lhe
hlsLorlcal producLlon of a generlc and unlversal human essence ln necessarlly allenaLed
form. noL only does my readlng of 8en[amln ln Lhls conLexL show qulLe clearly Lhe dlfference
beLween 8en[amln and Peldegger on Lhe sLaLus of hlsLorlcal Llme, buL lL also lnLervenes ln
Lhe presenL pollLlcal momenL by re[ecLlng conLemporary vlLallsL accounLs of phllosophlcal
anLhropology. lf conLemporary vlLallsm ln lLs varlous gulses asserLs a generlc human
essence, lL does so ln an lnfra-pollLlcal" manner (8osLeels 2011), LhaL ls, as a subsLlLuLe for,
and lmpllclL regulaLlon of, pollLlcal acLlon lLself. ln 8en[amln's LhoughL, llke LhaL of Lhe early
Marx, we flnd a phllosophlcal anLhropology predlcaLed on humanlLy as generlc hlsLorlcal
belng for whom memory of enslavemenL and dlspossesslon-ln shorL, essenLlal
esLrangemenL, Lurns awareness of devlLallzed (allenaLed) llves Loward revoluLlonary pollLlcs.
k|ck S|mon
kosslo, uktoloe, ooJ tbe oew lmpetlollsm
1hls paper wlll explore Lhe currenL (aL Lhe Llme of wrlLlng) crlsls ln ukralne from Lhe
perspecLlve of Lhe 'new' lmperlallsm assoclaLed, ln parLlcular, wlLh uavld Parvey. lL wlll
argue LhaL 8ussla's moLlvaLlons ln relaLlon Lo ukralne musL be analysed from Lhe
perspecLlve of Lwo dlalecLlcally lnLer-woven 'loglcs': LerrlLorlallsm and caplLal accumulaLlon.
ln respecL of Lhe former, Lhe collapse of Lhe SovleL unlon replaced an lnLegraLed economlc
space, ln whlch 8usslan culLural, llngulsLlc and mlllLary domlnaLlon had been enLrenched,
wlLh a paLchwork qullL of sLaLes, mosL of whlch had noL prevlously en[oyed lndependenL
sLaLehood and ln whlch Lhere exlsL slgnlflcanL eLhnlc 8usslan mlnorlLles. 1he prospecL of uS
ald Lo supporL 8ussla's LransformaLlon ln Lhe 1990s has been replaced by Lhe specLre of a
uS-led nA1C aL Lhe borders of Lhe 8usslan lederaLlon and a new 'conLalnmenL' of a
weakened 8ussla by a hegemonlc uS. ln respecL of caplLal accumulaLlon, 8ussla dld noL
undergo a LransformaLlon Lo a caplLallsL economy ln Lhe manner foreseen by many WesLern
experLs buL lnsLead underwenL a passlve revoluLlon ln whlch elemenLs of Lhe SovleL sysLem
have been reproduced and lnLerLwlned wlLh new caplLallsL feaLures generaLed by 8ussla's
lnLegraLlon lnLo Lhe global economy. ln Lhe absence of a sLrong caplLallsL class developlng
producLlve capaclLy, such lnLegraLlon has been Lhrough Lhe medlum of 8ussla's naLural
resource base. 1he comblnaLlon of consLanL uS/Lu pressure on 8ussla's perlphery comblned
wlLh a concern over conLrol of 8ussla's key asseLs ln a deLerloraLlng economlc slLuaLlon ln
whlch domesLlc opposlLlon ls growlng have prompLed 8ussla's acLlons, flrsL ln Ceorgla, and
now ln ukralne.
Iohn Sm|th
kesootce exttoctloo, ptoJoctloo ootsootcloq ooJ tbe oew Jlvlsloos of loboot lo tbe qlobol
1hls paper locaLes resource-exLracLlon wlLhln Lhe broader conLexL of prollferaLlng global
value chalns, ln whlch 'lead flrms' (MnCs headquarLered ln lmperlallsL counLrles) ouLsource
producLlon Lo low-wage counLrles, Lhereby slphonlng surplus value exLracLed from super-
explolLed workers whlch reappears as 'value-added' arlslng from Lhelr own brandlng and
reLalllng acLlvlLles. lL examlnes why Lhe lncreaslngly favoured 'arm's lengLh' relaLlonshlps
seen ln producLlon, l.e. Lhe processlng of raw maLerlals lnLo flnlshed goods, are noL seen ln
Lhe exLracLlve lndusLrles, where glanL mlnlng flrms sLrlve Lo malnLaln ownershlp and conLrol
over naLural resources and Lhelr exLracLlon. lL argues LhaL resource-exLracLlon and
producLlon ouLsourclng are Lwo essenLlally complemenLary forms of lmperlallsL explolLaLlon,
a 'dlvlslon of labour' beLween dlfferenL f(r)acLlons of lmperlallsL caplLal whose proflLs
lncreaslngly depend upon Lhe suppresslon of worklng people and Lhe subverslon of naLlonal
soverelgnLy ln so-called emerglng naLlons.

Stuart Sm|thers
Mlmesls ooJ Moqlc. 8teokloq tbe 5pell of 5elf-lotqetfoloess ooJ kelflcotloo lo AJotoo ooJ
"ln hls 1938 leLLer Lo 8en[amln, Adorno lamenLs Lhe omlsslon of Lheory ln cerLaln aspecLs of
Lhe Arcades sLudy, suggesLlng: lf one wlshed Lo puL lL very drasLlcally, one could say LhaL
your sLudy ls locaLed aL Lhe crossroads of maglc and poslLlvlsm. 1haL spoL ls bewlLched. Cnly
Lheory could break Lhe spell."
Adorno's warnlng remlnds us noL only of Lhe cenLrallLy of Lhe commodlLy form ln MarxlsL
LhoughL, buL also Lhe crlLlque of caplLal as a medlum and maLrlx for Lhe overlapplng,
blendlng, lnLersecLlng, mysLlfylng and ofLen bewlLchlng forms of commodlLy, feLlshlsm,
relflcaLlon, and ob[ecLlflcaLlon. Whlle boLh auLhors dlscuss maglc and mlmesls wlLh Lhe
hope of llberaLlng Lhe modern sub[ecL from arresLed developmenL (especlally ln Lhe form of
relfled consclousness), Adorno and 8en[amln's maneuvers demonsLraLe very dlfferenL
Lechnlques of spell-breaklng wlLh regard Lo self-relflcaLlon.
1he prlmary concerns of Lhls paper are Lwofold: llrsL, Lo locaLe and elaboraLe Lhe problem
and slgnlflcance of Lhe self-relflcaLlon of consclousness as cenLral noL only Lo lrankfurL
School Lhlnkers, buL Lo MarxlsL LhoughL more generally. Self-relflcaLlon presenLs lLself as a
form of ego-enclosure" LhaL ls unconsclously dependenL on psychologlcal sLrucLure and
Lendencles as well as soclal sLrucLures. 1hls concepL of self-relflcaLlon encourages us Lo
quesLlon Lhe ways ln whlch Lhe commodlLy form acceleraLes and dlsgulses Lhe reallLy of
self-forgeLLlng," whlch allows caplLal Lo solldlfy lLs vlcLorles ln Lhe relfled self.
1he second concern of Lhe paper ls Lo begln a sLudy of Lhe concepLs of maglc and mlmesls as
Lropes employed by 8en[amln and Adorno ln dlscusslons of self-forgeLfulness relaLed Lo
commodlLy, feLlsh, and relflcaLlon. 1he paper argues LhaL dlscusslons, lmages, and Lheorles
of maglc" represenL a speclal lnLersecLlon for Lhe crlLlque of Lhe ldeas of ldenLlLy, namlng,
Lhlnklng, and relflcaLlon ln Adorno and 8en[amln, a bewlLched spoL ln whlch caplLal's
mysLlfylng and allurlng processes of commodlLy sLrucLure and self-relflcaLlon are revealed
and Lherefore made poLenLlally more vulnerable Lo spell-breaklng."
anag|ot|s Sot|r|s
ocoootet, loexlsteoce of tbe otlqlo ooJ vlttool fotms of commoolsm. Altbossets oew
motetlollst ptoctlce of pbllosopby lo tbe 1970s
1he recenL publlcaLlon of AlLhusser's 1972 course on 8ousseau and of hls lmporLanL
manuscrlpL, from Lhe second half of Lhe 1970s, on Lhe lnlLlaLlon Lo hllosophy for non-
phllosophers, along wlLh oLher LexLs already publlshed from Lhe same perlod, such as
Machlavelll and us, Lhe 1ransformaLlon of hllosophy" lecLure and Lhe LexLs on Lhe crlsls
of Marxlsm, offers us Lhe posslblllLy Lo reLrace AlLhusser's confronLaLlon wlLh Lhe quesLlon
of a new and hlghly orlglnal maLerlallsL pracLlce of phllosophy as a parallel process wlLh Lhls
aLLempL Lowards a lefL crlLlque of Lhe many shorLcomlngs of Lhe communlsL movemenL ln a
perlod of sLraLeglc crlsls. 1hese LexLs help us reallze LhaL Lhe maLerlallsm of Lhe encounLer
should noL assoclaLed only wlLh Lhe posLhumously publlshed LexLs from Lhe 1980s, buL, ln
conLrasL, should be vlewed as an lnLegral parL of AlLhusser's LheoreLlcal and pollLlcal
endeavor afLer Lhls beglnnlng of hls self-crlLlclsm ln Lhe second half of Lhe 1960s.
ConsequenLly, Lhe maLerlallsm of Lhe encounLer, Lhe radlcal refusal of any Leleology and Lhe
quesL for a pracLlce of phllosophy LhaL wlll llberaLe Lhe soclal and pollLlcal pracLlces of Lhe
subalLern classes, Lhe vlrLual forms of communlsm emerglng Lhe marglns and lnLersLlces of
caplLallsm, are all lnLegral aspecLs of AlLhusser's aLLempL Lo reLhlnk Lhe pollLlcs of soclal
emanclpaLlon and communlsm. 1he presenLaLlon wlll begln wlLh a readlng of AlLhusser's
1972 course on 8ousseau, publlshed ln 2013, whlch ln conLrasL Lo prevlous AlLhusser's
courses on 8ousseau places much more emphasls on encounLers and accldenLs and Lhen
wlll move Lowards an assessmenL of Lhe lmporLance of lnlLlaLlon a la phllosophle pour les
non-phllosophes, AlLhusser's mosL exLenslve encounLer wlLh Lhe quesLlon of a new
maLerlallsL pracLlce of phllosophy, publlshed on !anuary 2014. We wlll Lhen Lry Lo llnk Lhls Lo
AlLhusser's confronLaLlon wlLh Lhe crlsls of Lhe communlsL movemenL ln Lhe second half of
Lhe 1970s and hls lncreaslng emphasls on popular lnlLlaLlves, movemenLs, and collecLlve
experlmenLaLlons from below, as a way Lo reLhlnk Lhe acLuallLy of communlsm. 1herefore,
Lhe new pracLlce of phllosophy of phllosophy emerges noL as a slmple deconsLrucLlon of
ldeallsm, buL as a more poslLlve aLLempL Lowards a phllosophy for communlsm.
George Souv||s
1owotJs o Motetlollst eplstemoloqy of lotellectool nlstoty. uecoosttoctloq tbe 5klooetloo
Sklnner's parLlcular conLrlbuLlon Lo Lhe fleld of lnLellecLual hlsLory ls Lo arLlculaLe a Lheory of
lnLerpreLaLlon whlch concenLraLed on recoverlng Lhe 'speech acLs' embedded ln Lhe
'lllocuLlonary' sLaLemenLs of speclflc lndlvlduals ln wrlLlng works of pollLlcal Lheory. Pavlng
Lhls alm hls work aLLempLs, accordlng Lo hls meLhodologlcal declaraLlons, Lhe LreaLmenL of
pasL llngulsLlc acLs sLrlcLly as hlsLorlcal phenomena, as Lhlngs happenlng ln a conLexL whlch
deflnes Lhe klnd of evenLs Lhey were. ln Lhls paper l wlll aLLempL Lo demonsLraLe Lhe
llmlLaLlons of Sklnner's approach and counLer-propose some alLernaLlves Lo Lhem uslng
meLhodologlcal elaboraLlons produced by MarxlsLs llke Lllen Melsklns Wood, neal Wood
and AnLonlo Cramscl. My crlLlclsm focuses malnly on Lwo meLhodologlcal aspecLs of hls
work. 1he flrsL ls hls qulLe resLrlcLlve proposal for Lhe sLudy of pollLlcal LhoughL as a
mulLlpllclLy of llngulsLlc acLs performed by language users ln hlsLorlcal conLexLs. 1he second
one ls ln hls one-dlmenslonal focus on Lhe level of synchronlclLy and Lhe relaLed search on
Lhe wrlLer's lnLenLlon, an emphasls LhaL leads Lo Lhe neglecL of posslble dlsconnecLlon
beLween pasL. l suggesL LhaL Lhe remedy for hls flrsL meLhodologlcal fallacy ls an
eplsLemologlcal focus whlch seLs as lLs prlorlLy Lhe demonsLraLlon of Lhe lnLerconnecLlons
beLween Lhe LheoreLlclan's ldeas and Lhe sLrucLures of socleLy, namely Lhe correlaLlon
beLween Lhe lnLernal pollLlcal forces of socleLy, lLs economlc organlzaLlon, and Lhe culLural
and class dlvlslons whlch pervade lL. 8egardlng Lhe second aspecL of hls approach, l counLer-
propose a hlsLorlcal undersLandlng whlch concelves Lhe pasL and presenL as an organlc
LoLallLy adopLlng Lhe presupposlLlon LhaL every hlsLory ls necessarlly conLemporary hlsLory.
koss Speer
Mocblovellloo Motxlsts. compotloq ospects of Ctomscls ooJ Altbossets lotetptetotloos of
"1hls paper compares Lhe lnLerpreLaLlons of Machlavelll puL forward by Cramscl and
AlLhusser. l argue LhaL Lhe Lwo lnLerpreLaLlons dlscussed are more compllmenLary Lhan has
been recognlsed. Cramscl and AlLhusser approach Machlavelll wlLh slmllar concerns and
draw from hlm slmllar concluslons. 8y adopLlng a comparaLlve approach Lo Lhe LexLs lL
becomes posslble Lo uncover Lhe llnes of conLlnulLy LhaL exlsL beLween Lhem.
Machlavelll ls of such slgnlflcanL lnfluence on Lhe respecLlve oeuvres of Cramscl and
AlLhusser LhaL looklng aL Lhem, and ln parLlcular Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhem, Lhrough
Lhls lens provldes a useful avenue Lhrough whlch we may flnd an underlylng unlLy beLween
Lhelr respecLlve Marxlsms. 8oLh Lhlnkers are maklng use of Machlavelll Lo consLrucL a non-
deLermlnlsLlc Marxlsm, whereby pollLlcal pracLlce ls Lhe mosL lmporLanL facLor ln decldlng
Lhe course of hlsLory. ollLlcs ls Lhe space of beglnnlngs, where new alms are consLlLuLed as
pracLlcal pro[ecLs, Lhe success of whlch ls never guaranLeed ln advance. AlLhusser goes on Lo
make expllclL Lhe phllosophlcal concepLlon underlylng Lhls - aleaLory maLerlallsm - and lL ls
argued here LhaL Cramscl acLs as an lmporLanL predecessor Lo Lhe developmenL of Lhls
Ann|e Spencer
1owotJ o Ceoqtopblcol nlstotlcol Motetlollst 1beoty of AJJlctloo lo tbe copltollst MoJe of
"ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes a growlng prescrlpLlon oplod and heroln epldemlc among Lhe worklng
and workless poor ls erupLlng aL Lhe same Llme LhaL dwlndllng sLaLe budgeLs and brlmmlng
sLaLe prlsons conLrlbuLe Lo wldenlng dlscurslve concesslon among u.S. pollLlclans LhaL Lhe
forLy-year old War on urugs has been a fallure." 1he conLradlcLlons of Lhe momenL suggesL
a comlng reconflguraLlon of sLaLe pollcy Loward Lhe LreaLmenL of drug-addlcLed people, and
Lhus an lmporLanL momenL for sLudylng Lhe sLaLe's role ln managlng surplus populaLlons and
surplus caplLal.
Whlle Lhe 8lg harma lndusLrlal Complex dlrecLs research and developmenL on addlcLlon
Loward Lhe producLlon of new drugs for Lhe 'managemenL' of Lhe presumed-Lermlnal
condlLlon of belng addlcLed (Lhereby guaranLeelng whaL recovery can'L-a revenue sLream),
ln addlLlon Lo new drugs Lo become addlcLed Lo, publlcly-funded sLudles, many leveraglng
Lhe advances afforded by recenL M8l and oLher braln-mapplng Lechnology reveal a dlfferenL
undersLandlng of Lhe naLure of addlcLlon, one ln whlch chronlc, early chlldhood sLress and
Lrauma emerge as Lhe sLrongesL predlcLors for a suscepLlblllLy Lo addlcLlon (CuC 2013, MaLe
2010). Scholars brldglng Lhe dlvlde beLween Lhe emerglng evldence and exlsLlng soclal pollcy
offer Lhe emplrlcal daLa Lo back up whaL a guL lnsLlncL already Lells many of us-Lhe prlmary
facLors conLrlbuLlng Lo addlcLlon are soclal, envlronmenLal, pollLlcal-economlc, and Lhus, l
conLend, lnherenLly spaLlal.
1he new medlcal and soclal sclence research offer lnslghLs LhaL problemaLlze Lhe domlnanL
vlews of addlcLlon and 'addlcLs' LhaL anlmaLe exlsLlng sLaLe pollcles. 1he emerglng consensus
refuLes Lhe blo-deLermlnlsL geneLlc argumenL as well as Lhe relaLed medlcal consensus of
addlcLlon as a 'dlsease,' and shlne a sLark llghL of LruLh on Lhe crlmlnal [usLlce sysLem's
dlsmlssal of even Lhe 'dlsease' model, ln favor of a llberal-punlLlve ldeologlcal consLrucL of
Lhe 'addlcL' as a raclallzed sub[ecL- derellcL, paraslLlc, possesslng poor moral characLer and
Lhus an lnherenL crlmlnallLy.
ln puLLlng an examlnaLlon of changlng sLaLe pollcy, dlscourse, and lnfrasLrucLure ln response
Lo Lhe oplod and heroln addlcLlon epldemlc ln conversaLlon wlLh MarxlsL soclal Lheory, Lhe
8lack 8adlcal 1radlLlon, and 1hlrd World lemlnlsm(s), l work Loward some lnLellecLual and
meLhodologlcal clarlLy on Lhe followlng (worklng) hypoLhesls: AddlcLlons arlse as an
aLLempL Lo self-medlcaLe Lhe embodled (physlcal, emoLlonal, soclo-splrlLual) paln LhaL
accompanles Lhe necessary vlolence requlred for soclal reproducLlon under Lhe caplLallsL
mode of producLlon, whlch ls lnherenLly raclal and gendered (see Spencer 2014). l poslL
LhaL Lhe faLal coupllngs of dlfference and power LhaL Lhe sysLem requlres (Pall 1992, ln
Cllmore 2008, see also SmlLh 1984), always enLall soclal and geographlcal dlslocaLlon
(Spencer 2014, Alexander 2012) a process LhaL ls always unfoldlng, LransmuLlng, as caplLal
reconflgures Lo subverL barrlers and maxlmlze accumulaLlon and one ln whlch Lhe sLaLe
plays a cenLral, buL noL slngular, role.
Ionathan Stafford
cltcolotloo, kepetltloo ooJ ClobollseJ lottetos of Accomolotloo. tbe tempotol loqlc of steom
powet lo oloeteeotb ceototy lmpetlollst sblpploq.
ln volume lll of CaplLal, Marx reproduces a lengLhy quoLaLlon from Lhe ManchesLer
Cuardlan concernlng a pracLlce of 'fabrlcaLlng flcLlLlous caplLal' whereby Lhe shlpplng
documenLs of commodlLles Lravelllng from lndla by salllng shlp around Lhe Cape of Cood
Pope Lo Lngland were senL rapldly by sLeamshlps vla LgypL. recedlng Lhe goods by several
monLhs, Lhe documenLs could be redeemed by Lhe company Lhrough pawnlng Lhe banker's
drafLs wlLh a London bank well ln advance of acLually havlng Lo pay for Lhe merchandlse.
WhaL ls slgnlflcanL for Marx ln Lhls passage ls LhaL Lhe uLlllsaLlon of sLeamshlps marked Lhe
slmulLaneous exlsLence of Lwo dlsLlncL sLrucLures of LemporallLy ln Lhe conLexL of Lhe
caplLallsL means of producLlon. SLeamshlp Llme as Lhe LemporallLy of lndusLrlal caplLal ls
rendered ln opposlLlon Lo LhaL of sall - Lhe clrculaLory loglc of merchanL caplLal. 1hls
hlsLorlcal deparLure marks Lhe lncepLlon of a new clrculaLory reglme, governed by lLs own
Lemporal sLrucLure, whlch runs ln parallel wlLh Lhe exlsLlng sysLem, dlsconLlnuously
slmulLaneous buL nonsynchronous. 1hls paper seLs ouL Lo challenge Lhe recelved loglc of
Lemporal acceleraLlon characLerlsLlc of Lhe narraLlve of caplLallsL spaLlal domlnaLlon wlLh a
sLudy of new Lemporal modallLles of accumulaLlon on a global scale whlch exhlblL clrculaLory
paLLerns dlsLlngulshed raLher by Lhelr predlcLablllLy and repeLlLlon.
kobert Sto|z
ltom lmpetlol Aqtlcoltote to locome uooblloq. 1be lostwot Iopooese Aqtotloo ctlsls
uslng uno kozo and 1osaka !un's undersLandlng of a free-floaLlng feudallLy"-a feudal
essence as opposed Lo a feudal sysLem-Lhls paper wlll look aL CccupaLlon !apan's (1943-
32) agrlculLural pollcles as a way Lo explore how Lhe loss of !apan's emplre forced a
reLhlnklng of noL only landholdlng and LaxaLlon pollcles, buL also a slgnlflcanL recycllng of
lmperlal ldeologles LhaL had a profound lnfluence on Lhe sLrucLure and pollLlcs of Lhe
posLwar !apanese sLaLe. As a way Lo geL aL how conLemporarles vlewed Lhe naLure of Lhe
global crlsls of 1931-43 and whaL Lhey consldered necessary for a !apan wlLhouL an emplre, l
wlll use Lhe records and maLerlals submlLLed Lo SCA for Lhe 1930 rehablllLaLlon hearlng of
Lhe purged head of ?ukl[lrushl (Snow 8rand ualry), kurosawa 1orlz (1883-1982). Snow
8rand, or lLs warLlme lncarnaLlon, Pokkaldo kn ksha, ls well placed for Lhls dlscusslon:
Crlglnally a producers' cooperaLlve concelved as a soluLlon Lo Lhe vulnerablllLy of farmers Lo
markeL and pollLlcal forces ln Lhe Ashlo Copper Mlne olluLlon lncldenL, lL laLer became a
key parL of lmperlal agrlculLural pollcy when kurosawa was appolnLed Lo Lhe lmperlal 8ule
AsslsLance AssoclaLlon (l8AA). 1hough Lhls resulLed ln an lnlLlal breakup and purge by SCA,
boLh kurosawa and Snow 8rand had reformed on Lhe eve of Lhe lkeda cablneLs' famous
hlgh-growLh" and lncome doubllng" plans of 1960.
1ed Sto|ze
lool of 1otsos, 1bloket of tbe coojooctote
"ln my Lalk l defend Lhe followlng Lhesls: Lhe aposLle aul should be undersLood as a
LheorlsL noL of Lhe unlversal" buL of Lhe con[uncLure." Pere l parL company wlLh such
conLlnenLal phllosophers as Clorglo Agamben, Alaln 8adlou, and Slavo[ Zlzek, who ln Lhelr
own ways have upheld a unlversallsL accounL of aul. 8y conLrasL, l follow aullne scholar
nell LllloLL, who has crlLlclzed such conLemporary recaplLulaLlons of a longsLandlng
roLesLanL moLlf abouL a supposed radlcal break beLween !esus' parLlcularlzlng movemenL
and aul's unlversallzlng mlsslon (a moLlf mosL recenLly Laken up ln books by !ames 1abor
and 8eza Aslan). lL ls lmporLanL, l conLend (followlng new 1esLamenL scholars uavld
Wenham and 8ruce Longenecker) Lo undersLand aul as Lhlnklng and acLlng ln profound
conLlnulLy wlLh Lhe Leachlngs and LradlLlons assoclaLed wlLh Lhe hlsLorlcally remembered
!esus, ln parLlcular, regardlng Lhe laLLer's ldenLlflcaLlon wlLh, and concern for, Lhe poor."
Moreover, l malnLaln LhaL lL ls cruclal Lo approach aul noL Lhrough an undue emphasls on
hls LeLLer Lo Lhe 8omans (as Agamben, 8adlou, and Zlzek have done), buL Lhrough hls earller
leLLers Lo varlous ekklslae (assemblles") of !esus followers ln 1hessalonlca, hlllppl,
CalaLla, and CorlnLh. ln each of Lhese leLLers aul was concerned Lo address, and Lo resolve,
speclflc lnLernal communlLy dlspuLes, he played Lhe role of a LroubleshooLer." l equally
propose LhaL ln Lhese leLLers aul was lnLeresLed ln provldlng concreLe analyses of concreLe
slLuaLlons wlLhln Lhe conLexL of Lhe clashlng Lheologlco-pollLlcal prlorlLles of flrsL-cenLury
!ewlsh and 8oman-lmperlal culLures and LradlLlons.
llnally, ln phllosophlcal dlalogue wlLh Louls AlLhusser's concepLlon of aleaLory
maLerlallsm," l approach aul's cosmology" as rooLed ln whaL aullne scholar 1roels
Lngberg-ederson has called a bodlly concepLlon of pneuma (splrlL"). l also malnLaln LhaL
aul was especlally concerned, as AlLhusser would puL lL, wlLh Lhe prlmacy of pracLlce over
Lheory, namely, wlLh drawlng llnes of demarcaLlon beLween, reconsolldaLlng, and Lhen
Laklng poslLlons on, Lendencles wlLhln nascenL ChrlsLlan docLrlne. ln sum, l would llke Lo
ldenLlfy and elaboraLe on deflnlng key feaLures of whaL AlLhusser's frlend SLanlslas 8reLon
has called Lhe radlcal phllosophy" of aul."
Veron|ka Stoyanova
1be coosttoctloo of tbe lJeo of clvll soclety ooJ lts tole lo tbe oeollbetol ttoosfotmotloo lo
1hls paper ls an aLLempL Lo conLrlbuLe Lo research on Lhe posLcommunlsL 'LranslLlons' from
soclallsm Lo caplLallsm, and parLlcularly on Lhe role of dlscourse and ldeology ln Lhese. lL
focuses speclflcally on Lhe case of Lhe dlscurslve consLrucLlon and consLrual of Lhe ldea of
'clvll socleLy' wlLhln Lhe neollberal agenda of Lhe LransformaLlon ln 8ulgarla. 1hroughouL Lhe
course of Lhe 8ulgarlan 'LranslLlon', Lhe concepL of clvll socleLy was predomlnanLly borrowed
as an absLracL buL ready-made yardsLlck by whlch Lo [udge wheLher Lhe counLry was
successfully LranslLlonlng Lo a llberal democraLlc sysLem, and Lhe Lerm came Lo domlnaLe
pollLlcal dlscourses. lor Lhe purposes of Lhls paper, l Lake four reporLs publlshed by nCCs ln
Lhe perlod beLween 1998 and 2007, whereby Lhe 'sLaLe of clvll socleLy' ls evaluaLed and
pollcy recommendaLlons made. l adopL Lhe meLhodology of crlLlcal dlscourse analysls
(lalrclough 1993) ln readlng Lhese reporLs, focuslng on Lhelr language as 1) LexL, 2) as
dlscurslve pracLlce, lnvolvlng Lhe producLlon and lnLerpreLaLlon of LexL, and as 3) soclal
pracLlce. l also draw on Lheorles of soclal lmaglnarles (1aylor 2004) and of uLoplas and
ldeologles (Mannhelm 1936/1976, 8loch 1934/1986) Lo acqulre Lhe analyLlcal lens Lo
lnvesLlgaLe quesLlons of sLrucLure, agency and culLure ln Lhe dlscurslve [usLlflcaLlon of Lhe
speclflc (neollberal) form of clvll socleLy whlch was promoLed ln Lhe 8ulgarlan
posLcommunlsL LransformaLlon.
A|en Suceska
ueoJ welqbt of 1lmes looq lost. 1be 1empotollty of "commoo 5eose"
AnLonlo Cramscl's common sense ls a concepL slgnlfylng a fracLured world-vlew composed
of varlous non-conLemporaneous and ofLen conLradlcLory layers from varlous hlsLorlcal
perlods, whereby each represenLs cerLaln bellefs, values, pracLlces and/or folklore
knowledge. 1hls fracLuredness ls belng conLlnuously reproduced by Lhe hegemonlc
apparaLuses of Lhe caplLallsL class wlLhln Lhe lnLegral sLaLe (pollLlcal socleLy clvll socleLy)
and used so as Lo malnLaln a non-crlLlcal and reacLlonary way of Lhlnklng and way of llfe of
Lhe masses. 8uL common sense" can also become good sense", l.e. a crlLlcal, self-
consclous and revoluLlonary world-vlew. ln order Lo Lhlnk wlLh Cramscl wlLhln Loday's
caplLallsL con[uncLure, Lhere are several quesLlons worLh poslng: whaL are Lhe mechanlsms
endorsed by Lhe rullng class' hegemonlc apparaLuses Lo reproduce and Lrlgger" Lhe
reacLlonary layers of common sense"?, ln conLrasL, whaL are Lhe mechanlsms used Lo
repress lLs progresslve layers, effecLlvely prevenLlng lL from becomlng good sense"?, whaL
ls Lhe role of revoluLlonarles (organlc lnLellecLuals) ln speaklng Lo" common sense" and
how do Lhey flnd Lhelr way Lhrough lLs non-conLemporaneous layers?, how can Lhe
progresslve good sense" be llberaLed of Lhe dead welghL of Llmes long pasL by a crlLlcal
pollLlcal pracLlce?
kenneth Sur|n
uepeoJeocy 1beoty's teoolmotloo lo tbe eto of floooclol copltol
ln Lhls paper l examlne Lhe clalm, advanced ln many quarLers and ln several verslons, LhaL
Lhe mosL recenL forms of caplLallsL developmenL have effecLlvely dlscredlLed Lheorles of
uneven or dependenL developmenL, and Lhls because Lhese Lheorles hlnge cruclally on
concepLlons LhaL are no longer plauslble LheoreLlcally and whlch have been sldellned by
recenL hlsLorlcal evenLs. 1hus, Lhe endlng of Lhe posL-war 'Colden Age' ensued ln a radlcal
resLrucLurlng of world caplLallsm LhaL saw Lhe emergence of new reglmes of lnLernaLlonal
compeLlLlon. 1hese reglmes, lL ls clalmed, have allowed Lhe LasL Aslan counLrles Lo emerge
as full-fledged lndusLrlal powers (conLra dependency Lheory), and, moreover, Lhe
emergence of flnanclallzaLlon has up-ended Lhe old noLlon LhaL developmenL has Lo be
predlcaLed on lndusLrlallzaLlon (agaln conLra dependency Lheory). AgalnsL Lhese vlews, l'll
argue LhaL dependency or uneven developmenL Lheory can be expanded Lo Lake lnLo
accounL comprador lndusLrlallzaLlon and flnanclallzaLlon.
Dan Swa|n
1be Actoollty of kevolotloo os ColJe to Actloo
"ln Lhls paper l offer an lnLerpreLaLlon of Lukcs' concepL of 'Lhe acLuallLy of revoluLlon' as a
pracLlcal gulde Lo acLlon whlch ls boLh conslsLenL wlLh and lnformed by Marx's commlLmenL
Lo proleLarlan self-emanclpaLlon. 1hls concepL has been sub[ecLed Lo varled lnLerpreLaLlons.
Cn Lhe one hand, lL appears Lo refer Lo Lhe facL LhaL revoluLlon ls hlsLorlcally posslble, and
recognlsed Lo be so. Cn Lhe oLher, lL suggesLs a cerLaln revoluLlonary approach or meLhod,
ln whlch Lhe problems of everyday llfe are recognlsed as problems of Lhe revoluLlon. My
lnLerpreLaLlon sLresses Lhe laLLer of Lhese opLlons, argulng LhaL lL ls besL undersLood as a
gulde Lo revoluLlonary pracLlce, whlch sLresses aL every sLage pracLlcal quesLlons of worklng
class empowermenL and self-emanclpaLlon.
1o Lhls exLenL l agree wlLh argumenLs from aul Le8lanc and !odl uean LhaL Lukcs' ldeas
are of conLlnulng relevance for anyone commlLLed Lo radlcal pollLlcal change, and needn'L
be undersLood as llcenslng an ellLlsL approach. Powever, parLlally agalnsL uean and Le8lanc,
l argue LhaL Lhere ls an ellLlsL sLraln ln Lukcs whlch musL be properly dlsenLangled, and LhaL
Lhls resLs on hls Lendency Lo conflaLe MarxlsL Lheory wlLh revoluLlonary class consclousness.
AlLhough avoldlng Lhls conflaLlon unravels some of Lukcs' neaL dlalecLlcal soluLlons, lL does
noL compleLely devalue hls approach Lo revoluLlonary pracLlce.
kryst|an Szadkowsk|
lolltlcol ooJ ecooomlc coosepoeoces of tbe fltst copltollst ttoosfotmotloo of tbe lollsb
blqbet eJocotloo system (1990-2008)
"unLll 1989 Lhe soclallsL hlgher educaLlon sysLem ln oland was ellLe-formaLlon orlenLed,
wlLh Lhe average parLlclpaLlon raLe of 13 of Lhe youLh populaLlon aged beLween 19-24 and
around 400 000 sLudenLs. 1he flrsL caplLallsL LransformaLlon of Lhe secLor, sLarLed ln 1990,
broughL enormous change. 8apld expanslon of Lhe enrolmenLs, parLlally achleved Lhrough
creaLlon of Lhe large prlvaLe secLor and lnLernal prlvaLlzaLlon of Lhe publlc unlverslLles,
reached lLs' peak ln 2003 wlLh nearly 2 mllllon sLudenLs enrolled and parLlclpaLlon raLe over
30. 1he speclflclLy of Lhls unlversallzaLlon of access aL Lhe posL-soclallsL perlpherles
remalns obscure. ollsh hlgher educaLlon sysLem, desplLe slze and openness, became an
acceleraLor of class dlvlslon" and a facLory of precarlous workers". 1he arLlcle reads Lhls
process, on Lhe one slde, Lhrough Lhe lenses of Lhe MarxlsL analysls of a hlgher educaLlon
sysLems' dynamlcs (uslng concepLs of formal subsumpLlon and ldeal form of formal
subsumpLlon), on Lhe oLher, wlLh Lhe focus on Lhe funcLlonallLy of Lhe sysLem lLself for Lhe
expandlng caplLallsL labour markeL (absorpLlon of Lhe poLenLlally unemployed, reducLlon of
Lhe cosLs of labour power, precarlzaLlon, subsLlLuLlon of Lhe welfare provlslon under Lhe
neollberal onslaughL). 1he flnal parL shows how Lhls shlfL from ellLe Lo unlversal access,
speclflc for Lhe sysLems of some posL-soclallsL counLrles ln Lhe reglon, noL only supporLed
Lhe expanslon of caplLallsm buL also formed one of Lhe mosL lmporLanL condlLlons of lLs
Sebast|ano 1acco|a
Motx ooJ tbe Aocleots. 1be ltolloo Jebote Jotloq tbe 5eveotles.
"1he debaLe on Lhe soclal and economlc llfe ln Lhe anclenL world has ofLen lnLeresLed Marx
scholars. Slnce Lhe 1930's, many economlc anLhropologlsLs, under Lhe lnfluence of Lhe
caLegory of embedded economy" proposed by karl olanyl, have polnLed ouL LhaL Lhe
hlsLorlcal maLerlallsm caLegorles are noL sufflclenL Lo undersLand anclenL socleLles.
1hough Marx dldn'L leave us a sysLemaLlc exposlLlon of Lhe anclenL modes of producLlon,
neverLheless, he was really lnLeresLed Lo Lhls klnd of problem. lL ls sufflclenL Lo read Lhe
parLs dedlcaLed Lo Lhe pre-caplLallsLlc modes of producLlon LhaL can be found, noL only ln
Lhe Crundrlsse and ln Lhe LnLhnologlcal noLebooks, buL also some ln Lhe CaplLal.
ln my presenLaLlon l wlll focus on Lhe lLallan debaLe on Marx and Lhe AnclenLs durlng Lhe
1he conLrlbuLlons glven by Marxlan-orlenLed lLallan phllologlsLs, archaeologlsLs and
phllosophers, far beyond Lhe LwenLleLh cenLury fundamenLal conLrasL beLween prlmlLlvlsm
and modernlsm, represenLed a deep crlLlque of Lhe economlc anLhropology and gave new
llfe Lo hlsLorlcal maLerlallsm.
lollowlng Lhls paLh, lL ls posslble Lo develop, on Lhe one hand, a radlcal crlLlque of Lhe
embedded economy" model, and, on Lhe oLher hand, Lo overcome Lhe hyposLasls and Lhe
naLurallzaLlons of malnsLream hlsLorlography. Accordlng Lo me, Lhls could be Lhe key for us
Lo bulld up a rlch comparlson beLween Lhe pre-caplLallsLlc and Lhe caplLallsLlc modes of
producLlon, and Lo acLuallze Marx's crlLlque of Lhe pollLlcal economy meLhod, as exposed by
hlm ln Lhe lnLroducLlon Lo Crundrlsse.
2ehra 1asdem|r as|n
copltol, Notloo-5tote ooJ coloqy. ltoJoctloo of Mosolos os oo oll-flelJ, 1914-1958
1hls paper explores Lhe hlsLorlcally and geographlcally speclflc relaLlonshlp beLween
caplLallsL developmenL and naLlon-sLaLe formaLlon wlLh respecL Lo Lhe soclo-ecologlcal
conLenL of Lhls relaLlonshlp based on Lhe lnsLance of Lhe lncorporaLlon of Lhe CLLoman
provlnce of Mosul lnLo Lhe modern world economy ln Lhe flrsL half of Lhe LwenLleLh cenLury.
8ased on Lhe archlval research conducLed aL Lhe 8rlLlsh eLroleum Company Archlves, lL
explores parLlcular spaLlal modallLles Lhrough whlch Mosul was reproduced as a concreLe
space of boLh naLlon-sLaLe, l.e. lraq, and commodlLy fronLler. lL flrsLly argues LhaL Lhe
demarcaLlon of Lhe geo-pollLlcal boundarles of moblllLy and soverelgnLy was noL only a geo-
pollLlcal process, buL also a process of demarcaLlng and deflnlng economlc space of naLlon-
sLaLe wlLhln Lhe world dlvlslon of labor and naLure. Secondly, raLher Lhan presumlng oll as a
raw maLerlal" or free glfLs of naLure" ln Lhe process of commodlLy producLlon, lL speclfles
Lhe absLracLlon and explolLaLlon of Mosul oll as a maLLer of a speclflc soclo-ecologlcal
relaLlon LhaL creaLes value Lhrough allenaLlon of naLure and human-naLure relaLlon. lL
argues LhaL Lhe producLlon of Mosul ln Lhe lmage of Lhe cycle of oll producLlon creaLed Lhe
concreLe economlc space of naLlon-sLaLe ln whlch naLure ls domlnaLed Lo Lhe relaLlon of
L|go 1ate|sh|
5mokloq Mettopollses. copltollst otboolzotloo ooJ fossll foels
"urban areas are Lhe mosL slgnlflcanL conLrlbuLors Lo Loday's global warmlng. lnLernaLlonal
Lnergy Agency esLlmaLes LhaL approxlmaLely 70 of CC2 emlsslons sLem from urban
acLlvlLles. AL Lhe same Llme, as uavld Parvey argues, urbanlzaLlon ls a prlmary way of
absorblng over-accumulaLed caplLal, whlch ls lmperaLlve for Lhe survlval of caplLallsm. Can
we flnd any LheoreLlcal connecLlon beLween fossll fuel consumpLlon wlLhln Lhe clLy and
caplLallsL urbanlzaLlon? l shall Lry Lo show LhaL Loday's global caplLallsm and Lhe mass
consumpLlon of fossll fuels are lndeed closely llnked. 1hls shall be done by showlng noL only
LhaL caplLallsL producLlon ls fossll-fuel-dependenL (llu) buL also LhaL spaLlo-Lemporal flxes
for crlses of over accumulaLlon, as ldenLlfled by uavld Parvey formulaLed, ls llu as well. 1he
sequence mlghL be skeLched ln Lhe followlng way:
[C ll AC] [CAC] [S1l(u) ll']
[C' ll'' AC'] [CAC'] [S1l(u)' ll''']
[C'' ll''' AC''] [CAC''] [S1l(u)'' ll'''']
.conLlnues unLll Lhe ecologlcal (or sysLemlc) breakdown.
C : CaplLallsLlc roducLlon
ll : lossll luels
AC : AccumulaLlon
CAC : Cver AccumulaLlon
S1l(u) : SpaLlo-1emporal llx (urbanlzaLlon)
l would llke Lo dlscuss Lhese LheoreLlcal argumenLs wlLh speclal reference Lo Marx, Lefebvre,
and Parvey whlle referrlng Lo my fuLure fleldwork ouLcomes abouL lskandar Malaysla urban
developmenL pro[ecL ln !ohor 8ahru, Malaysla, durlng Lhls summer.
M|chae| 1hompson
kelfleJ lotetsobjectlvlty. A ctltlpoe of cootempototy ctltlcol 1beoty
1he power of Lhe commodlLy form Lo shape consclousness ls aL Lhe hearL of Lhe Lheory of
relflcaLlon. uesplLe Lhls, conLemporary crlLlcal Lheory perslsLs ln deflnlng lLself agalnsL
relflcaLlon Lhrough Lhe pragmaLlsL Lheory of knowledge and soclal acLlon. lor Lhlnkers such
as Pabermas, PonneLh and oLhers of Lhe Lhlrd generaLlon of crlLlcal Lheory, Lhls means LhaL
a Lheory of socleLy can be arLlculaLed exLernal Lo Lhe powers of relflcaLlon sLemmlng from
Lhe speclflc soclallzaLlon processes LhaL occur under caplLallsm. ln Lhls paper, l wlll exLend
Lhe Lheory of relflcaLlon beyond Lhe commodlLy form and lnLo a more general Lheory of
deformed consclousness LhaL emerges from caplLallsL forms of soclallzaLlon - due Lo
commodlflcaLlon buL also Lhe speclflc forms of value acqulslLlon LhaL occurs from caplLallsL
economlc llfe - and argue LhaL Lhls has deep effecLs on consclousness LhaL render
lnLersub[ecLlvlLy an unsulLable framework from whlch Lo formulaLe a crlLlcal Lheory.
Speclflcally, l wlll argue LhaL caplLallsL culLure comes Lo effecL Lhe value-orlenLaLlons of
sub[ecLs whlch Lhen warp cognlLlve and eplsLemlc capaclLles, renderlng Lheorles of dlscourse
eLhlcs and recognlLlon essenLlally unable Lo formulaLe crlLlcal consclousness. l Lhen skeLch a
crlLlque of Pabermas and PonneLh and Lhelr Lheorles of modernlLy and consclousness.
A|an 1hornett
1be bloJlvetslty ctlsls. tbe slxtb qteot extloctloo "1be bloJlvetslty ctlsls. tbe slxtb qteot
Alan 1horneLL ls a wrlLer and campalgner on ecologlcal lssues. Pe ls acLlve ln Lhe Campalgn
AgalnsL CllmaLe Change and lLs Lrade unlon commlLLee. Pe ls a member of Lhe edlLorlal
boards of SoclallsL 8eslsLance and of lnLernaLlonal vlewpolnL. Pls book MlllLanL ?ears ls an
accounL of hls Llme as a Lrade unlon leader ln Lhe car lndusLry.
1hls paper wlll look aL whaL ls arguably Lhe blggesL slngle lmpacL on Lhe blosphere of Lhe
planeL by cllmaLe change and Lhe ecologlcal crlsls: crlsls Lhe crlsls of blodlverslLy.
1haL ls besL descrlbed as Lhe slxLh greaL specles exLlncLlon Lo hlL Lhe planeL ln lLs 430 mllllon
year hlsLory.
1haL we are Lherefore llvlng Lhrough a new geologlcal epoch: Lhe epoch of Lhe
AnLhropocene-as argued by ecologlsL Lugene SLoermer and nobel rlze-wlnnlng
aLmospherlc chemlsL aul Cruzen.
1haL whllsL prevlous mass exLlncLlons were Lhe resulL of naLurally occurrlng phenomena Lhls
one ls a resulL of Lhe unconsclous acLlvlLles of Lhe mosL, successful, and rapaclous specles
Lhe planeL has produced-modern human belngs.
1he paper wlll noLe LhaL:
8eLween 40 and 30 percenL of specles on Lhe planeL could be exLlncL by Lhe mld- cenLury
ln Lhe Lroplcs around 3,000 specles are belng losL each year.
1he exLlncLlon raLe among amphlblans ls a mlnd-boggllng 43,000 Llmes hlgher Lhan Lhe
background" raLe LhaL exlsLed for mllllons of years.
A quarLer of all mammal specles are aL rlsk (Lhe background raLe for mammals ls one ln
700 years).
1he acldlflcaLlon of Lhe oceans means LhaL coral reefs are dylng off as are organlsms LhaL
rely on calclflcaLlon for Lhelr shell sLrucLure.
1he paper wlll dlscuss Lhe necessary sLeps Lo be Laken Lo mlLlgaLe Lhls slLuaLlon and Lo seek
Lo reverse lL and lL wlll argue LhaL exLlncLlon raLes of Lhls klnd puLs aL rlsk all specles on Lhe
planeL lncludlng, evenLually, our own."
Stavros 1CM8A2CS
1be cooomlc ctlsls lo cyptos
Cyprus's model of accumulaLlon was noL only sLrucLurally unbalanced buL also very senslLlve
Lo exogenous developmenLs, especlally afLer Lhe accesslon of Cyprus ln Lhe Lu and Lhe
adopLlon of Lhe euro. 1he economlc crlsls ln Cyprus ls closely relaLed Lo Lhe deep and
prolonged recesslon ln Creece. ln Lhe general conLexL of Lhe Luropean economlc slowdown,
Lhe CyprloL 'hyperLrophlc' banklng sysLem, expanded lnLernaLlonally ln recenL years,
couldn'L absorb Lhe double shock of Lhe lncrease of lLs non-performlng loans ln Creece and
Lhe 'halrcuL' of Creek soverelgn debL. 1he memorandum lmposed on Cyprus led Lo a vlclous
clrcle, where Lhe recesslon of Lhe 'real economy' fuels Lhe banklng crlsls and vlce versa.
8eslde Lhe decrease ln wages, Lhe ausLerlLy pollcles dldn'L resulL Lo an lncrease ln Cyprus's
prlce-compeLlLlveness, buL Lo Lhe rlse of Lhe labour force's explolLaLlon. under Lhese
clrcumsLances, an exlL from Lhe sLrucLural crlsls ls noL ln slghL.
Samo 1oms|c
ltlmltlve Accomolotloo betweeo 5cleotlflc ooJ copltollst MoJetolty
"1he presenLaLlon wlll focus on Marxs dlscusslon of prlmlLlve accumulaLlon and Lhereby
LhemaLlze Lhe role of modern sclenLlflc knowledge ln Lhe genesls of caplLallsm. lL ls Lrue LhaL
prlmlLlve accumulaLlon already ln lLself glves rlse Lo a serles of quesLlons and conLroversles.
Whlle some have crlLlclzed lLs flcLlonal naLure, oLhers have lnslsLed on lLs hlsLorlcal accuracy.
Cne can neverLheless overlook LhaL Marxs noLlon comprlses a curlous lnLerLwlnlng of facL
and flcLlon" (or raLher: hlsLorlc monLage), whlch necesslLaLes Lhe concluslon LhaL Lhls
dlchoLomy mlghL noL be approprlaLe Lo address Lhe lssue aL sLake, and LhaL Lhe crlLlcal LruLh
Marx alms aL ls of enLlrely dlfferenL order, nelLher facLual nor flcLlLlous. rlmlLlve
accumulaLlon ls also noL a slngular evenL ln Lhe pasL buL an on-golng process, as oLher
crlLlcal Lhlnkers have convlnclngly argued (e.g. S. lederlcl and !. 8ead). 1hls already lndlcaLes
Lhe speclflc Lopologlcal and Lemporal problem aL work ln Lhe consLlLuLlon and self-
preservaLlon of caplLallsm. lncldenLally, Lhe encounLer of Lhe very same spaLlal-Lemporal
paradox marked lreuds dlscusslon of (prlmal) represslon.
1he paper wlll reLurn Lo Lwo maln aspecLs of Marxs dlscusslon: 1) Lhe relaLlon beLween Lhe
pollLlcal-economlc myLh on Lhe genesls of soclal lnequallLy (and Marxs hlsLorlcal-crlLlcal
accounL of pollLlcal vlolence ln early urbanlzaLlon) and 2) Lhe relaLlon beLween Lhe
LransformaLlon of moral debL lnLo (quanLlfled and absLracL) publlc debL and Lhe genesls of
labour-power. Marx here ln facL analyses Lhe consLlLuLlon of modern sub[ecLlvlLy (whaL
LazzaraLo calls Lhe producLlon of lndebLed man"). 1hls producLlon ls by far noL
characLerlsLlc merely for conLemporary flnanclal caplLallsm buL ls already aL work ln Lhe very
genesls of caplLallsL absLracLlons. Powever, Lhe homology beLween Marxs accounL of
prlmlLlve accumulaLlon and lreuds Lheory of (prlmal) represslon unvells Lhe Lrue naLure of
produced sub[ecLlvlLy and slmulLaneously demonsLraLes, why Lhe acLual Lerraln of sLruggle
agalnsL caplLallsm ls co-exLenslve wlLh Lhe reglsLer of symbollc (language) as such.
1he lncluslon of modern sclenLlflc knowledge ln Lhe emerglng caplLallsL mode of producLlon
plays an lmporLanL, lf noL cruclal parL ln Lhe soclal lmplemenLaLlon of caplLallsL absLracLlons.
lor Lhls reason Lhe paper wlll also address Lhe relaLlon beLween sclence and caplLallsm, by
llnklng Marxs aLLempL Lo Lhlnk prlmlLlve accumulaLlon wlLh Lhe lessons of psychoanalyLlc
Lheory of Lhe unconsclous. ln Lhls way Lhe noLlon of crlLlque wlll be envlsaged ln lLs fldellLy
Lo Lhe emanclpaLory poLenLlal of sclenLlflc modernlLy and exLended Lo oLher confllcLual
sclences" (AlLhusser) such as psychoanalysls. ln Lhls respecL, crlLlque slgnlfles noLhlng oLher
Lhan a sysLemaLlc aLLempL Lo deLach sclence from unlversal commodlflcaLlon, or dlfferenLly
puL, Lo relnLroduce class sLruggle ln Lhe apparenL neuLrallLy of sclenLlflc knowledge."
Sebast|an 1rusko|ask|
AJotoo's lovetse 1beoloqy
lL has ofLen been noLed LhaL Adorno's works abound wlLh references Lo golden calves,
lmage bans and broken vessels. 1he rellglous provenance of Adorno's Lermlnology, Lhus,
lnvlLes Lhe quesLlon whaL - lf anyLhlng - Lhese references mean ln Lhe wlder conLexL of hls
work? Such an lnqulry requlres conslderable quallflcaLlon for Lwo reasons. llrsLly, Adorno
does noL engage aL any polnL ln a susLalned scholarly lnqulry lnLo Lhe naLure of Cod LhaL
mlghL be called properly Lheologlcal ln an academlc sense. (CerLalnly, Adorno had no formal
knowledge of, elLher, Lhe !ewlsh or ChrlsLlan LradlLlons from whlch he draws.) Secondly,
Adorno expllclLly accepLs Lhe verdlcLs of hls lnLellecLual progenlLors lrledrlch nleLzsche and
karl Marx, argulng LhaL poslLlve rellglon has losL lLs (.) valldlLy", LhaL LradlLlonal Lheology
ls noL resLorable." Accordlngly, hls many lnvocaLlons of blbllcal moLlfs are, lndeed,
somewhaL surprlslng, begglng Lhe quesLlon how Lhey are Lo be seen as anyLhlng more Lhan
lncldenLal meLaphors. My wager ls LhaL Lhe answer Lo Lhls quesLlon lles ln Adorno's
enlgmaLlc noLlon of an 'lnverse' Lheology", conLalned ln a leLLer Lo WalLer 8en[amln, daLed
17.12.1934. As l argue, Lhe polnL ls LhaL 'lnverse Lheology' presupposes a parLlcular klnd of
reversal: on Lhe one hand, lL concerns a sLandard enllghLenmenL narraLlve whlch Leaches
LhaL Lhe LradlLlonal auLhorlLy of a monoLhelsLlc world-vlew wanes wlLh Lhe advancemenL of
Lhe naLural sclences, on Lhe oLher hand, lL concerns Lhe vlew LhaL Lhe osLenslbly modern
phenomenon of caplLallsm ls lLself lmbued wlLh rellglous characLerlsLlcs. AgalnsL Lhe
backdrop of recenL work on Lhls quesLlon (Pamacher, SanLner, khaLlb) l ask wheLher lL ls
concelvable LhaL Adorno, Loo, Lurns Lhe dlsplaced Lerms of Lheology agalnsL Lhe caplLallsm
culL rellglon."
Sof|a 1sadar|
1be 50 sboJes of teJ. petspectlves of tbe left lo coofllct Jotloq tbe memotooJom eto lo
"1he lnLroducLlon of Creece Lo Lhe ""supporL"" mechanlsm ln Lhe sprlng of 2010 marks a
hlsLorlc mllesLone. 1he memorandum era ls a synonymous of flagranL oppresslon of Lhe
worklng ma[orlLy and Lhe youLh. AL Lhe same Llme lL ls a perlod of exLremely masslve and
lmporLanL soclal sLruggles. unprecedenLed worker's sLrlkes and Lhe square movemenL
consLlLuLe key momenLs, ln Lhe developmenL of whlch lefL-wlng organlsaLlons played a
leadlng role. So lL ls lmporLanL Lo record whaL Lhey were advocaLlng, and lL ls for sure LhaL
Lhere were dlfferences. ln Lhls vlewpolnL ""red had many shades"".
ln Lhls paper we wlll examlne Lhe dlfferenL assessmenLs and pollLlcal responses of Lhe lefL on
some lssues LhaL we conslder fundamenLal. 1he background of dlfferenL pollLlcal answers
and slogans ls Lhe baslc assessmenLs concernlng a) Lhe sLandlng of Creece and lLs economy
aL lnLernaLlonal level and b) Lhe characLer of Lhls new perlod LhaL follows Lhe enLry lnLo Lhe
memorandum era. ls Creece a dependenL LerrlLory and whaL ls Lhe conLenL of Lhe Lerm
dependency? uo we experlence a sLaLe of occupaLlon slmllar Lo Lhe 1940s? (crlLlcal
approach Lo Lhe Lheorles of dependence / new occupaLlon). WhaL ls Lhe role and Lhe
condlLlons of Lhe Creek parLlclpaLlon ln Lu? (crlLlque of Lhe neollberal vlew underllnlng Lhe
facLs of uneven developmenL and Lhe explolLaLlve characLer of Lhe unlon, crlLlcal approach
Lo Lhe posslblllLy of a soclal Luropean unlon). And, ulLlmaLely, how ls Lhe answer Lo Lhese
quesLlons relaLed Lo Lhe pollLlcal plaLforms of Lhe lefL? (upgradlng Lhe naLlonal or class
naLure of Lhe sLruggle).
1here ls an exLenslve dlscusslon concernlng Lhe fragmenLaLlon of Lhe lefL wlng. Powever,
Lhe demand for unlLy sLumbles over rocks ln Lhe darkness. Whlch are Lhe rocks? Cn Lhe
basls of dlfferenL approaches, Lhe slmple lnvocaLlon of unlLy ls noL sufflclenL when sLraLeglc
maLLers are exlsLenL.
CaplLallsm survlves for one more reason, because of Lhe sLraLeglc fallure of Lhe counLer-
power LhaL could overLhrow lL."
Iana 1soneva & Georg| Medarov
kepteseototlve uemoctocy ooJ lts ulscooteots. tbe klse of tbe kbyzomotlc lotty lotm
"november 2014 wlll mark Lhe 23Lh annlversary of Lhe LranslLlon Lo democracy ln 8ulgarla.
lar from an occaslon for [ubllaLlon over Lhe relaLlvely unproblemaLlc lmplemenLaLlon of
llberal pollLlcal and economlc reforms, Lhe pasL year's popular moblllzaLlons and dlsmal
performance of elecLoral pollLlcs have alarmed llberal lnLellecLuals. ln an ldeallsL fashlon,
Lhey are (mlsLakenly) looklng for Lhe causes of Lhe crlsls of represenLaLlon Lhe rlse of
popullsm" raLher Lhan ln Lhe gllLches ln caplLal accumulaLlon, ausLerlLy and Lhe lncapaclLy
of Lhe neollberal ldeologlcal sLralL[ackeL on democracy Lo offer change of pollLlcs, raLher
Lhan of pollLlclans. Slnce 1989 8ulgarlans have noL re-elecLed any lncumbenL governmenL,
8ulgarla, Lherefore, ls a counLry where elecLoral volaLlllLy makes lL easy for new parLles Lo
dlsplace old ones, only Lo be casL away shorLly afLer. ln LhaL respecL, Lhe 2013 mass proLesLs
ln 8ulgarla were noL a dlsllluslonmenL wlLh some lmperfecLlons of llberal democracy (e.g.
corrupLlon"), buL dlrecLed agalnsL represenLaLlve pollLlcs as such.
Cur conLrlbuLlon dlscusses Lhe loglc of Lhe crlsls of represenLaLlon plagulng parLles across
Lhe pollLlcal specLrum. We scruLlnlze Lhe effecLs of dlscurslve sLraLegles of pollLlcal ellLes on
parLy ldeology, nomenclaLure and organlzaLlon, speclflcally Lhe rlse of whaL we call
rhyzomaLlc parLy form"."
Lor| 1urner
woltet 8eojomlo, ltecotloos loboot, ooJ tbe ltoletotloolsotloo of tbe loJepeoJeot
ln Lhls paper l would llke Lo explore 8en[amln's wrlLlngs from 1924-1934, beglnnlng wlLh
Cne Way SLreeL and endlng wlLh 1he resenL Soclal SlLuaLlon of Lhe lrench WrlLer" and
AuLhor as roducer". Cver Lhe course of Lhese 10 years of hyper lnflaLlon, unemploymenL,
malnuLrlLlon, monopollsaLlon, concenLraLlon of caplLal and endlng wlLh economlc
depresslon and Lhe vlcLory of fasclsm, 8en[amln confronLs Lhe problem of class and worklng
class consclousness wlLh an analysls of hls own changlng class poslLlon. 1hls paper ls nelLher
blography nor hlsLory. l would llke Lo address a dlmenslon of 8en[amln's analysls whlch ls
grounded ln self-reflecLlon lnformed by a hlsLorlcal maLerlallsm he consclously adopLs ln
1924. ConLrary Lo much 8en[amln scholarshlp whlch denles Lhe pollLlcal dlmenslon of hls
work, 8en[amln ls very clear LhaL pollLlcal and economlc condlLlons affecLed Lhe dlrecLlon of
hls LhoughL. MaLerlal deprlvaLlon and precarlous work opporLunlLles (an awareness of hls
poslLlon wlLhln Lhe producLlon process) led Lo LheoreLlcal reflecLlon on Lhe faLe of Lhe
lndependenL producer - regardlng boLh hls own work and LhaL of a varleLy of auLhors whose
works he revlewed as a freelance wrlLer.
1om 1w|ss
1totsky, 8oteooctocy, ooJ copltollst kestototloo
8eLween 1917 and hls deaLh ln 1940 1roLsky advanced Lhree dlverse analyses of Lhe
problem of SovleL bureaucracy, each of whlch provlded a very dlfferenL accounL of how
bureaucracy was promoLlng caplLallsL resLoraLlon ln Lhe uSS8. 1hls paper wlll Lrace Lhe
developmenL of 1roLsky's vlews on Lhese quesLlons-from hls admlnlsLraLlve" focus Lhe
lssue of bureaucraLlc lnefflclency durlng Lhe clvll war and Lhe early years of nL, Lo hls
lnlLlally lmpresslve buL lncreaslngly problemaLlc characLerlzaLlon of Lhe bureaucraLlzed sLaLe
and parLy apparaLuses as hlghly responslve Lo exLernal, allen class pressures durlng Lhe
years 1923-33, Lo hls flnal Lheory, mosL fully arLlculaLed ln 1he 8evoluLlon 8eLrayed, of Lhe
bureaucracy as a hlghly auLonomous soclal formaLlon LhreaLenlng Lo Lransform lLself lnLo a
new caplLallsL class. 1he paper wlll conclude wlLh some observaLlons regardlng boLh Lhe
slgnlflcanL weaknesses and Lhe ma[or sLrengLhs of 1roLsky's flnal Lheory and lLs predlcLlons
regardlng Lhe resLoraLlon of caplLallsm ln Lhe SovleL unlon.
Mart|n Upchurch & C|aud|o Morr|son
Notlooollsm, Neollbetollsm ooJ kevolt lo 8osolo
ln lebruary 2014 a revolL broke ouL across 8osnla and Perzegovlna. 1he rebelllon lncluded
demands for paymenL of delayed wages, for renaLlonallsaLlon of prlvaLlsed lndusLrles, an
end Lo asseL sLrlpplng by ollgarchs, and for Lhe reducLlon of salarles for local pollLlcal ellLes.
lenums, or peoples' assemblles, began Lo re[ecL Lhe naLlonallsL and 'eLhnlc' dlvlslon of Lhe
counLry. 1he rooLs of naLlonallsm and 'eLhnlc' dlvlslon are locaLed ln Lhe 1980s when Lhe
economy of ?ugoslavla was ln crlsls and crlppled wlLh debL (Chossudovsky 1997).
naLlonallsm was presenLed by ellLes as a way ouL of Lhe crlsls. AfLer Lhe clvll wars 8osnla
was lefL lsolaLed, held LogeLher ln 'eLhnlcally' based enLlLles by Lhe 1993 uayLon Accord.
Loans and granLs from lnLernaLlonal flnanclal lnsLlLuLlons and uSAlu llberallsed Lhe economy
buL creaLed debL subservlence and worker lmpoverlshmenL (upchurch 2009). Powever, a
class-based anLl-naLlonallsL mood has now developed. ln Lhls paper we presenL Lhe sLory of
Lhe proLesLs buL also examlne Lhe pollLlcs of naLlonallsm and anLl-naLlonallsm ln posL
soclallsL sLaLes. We assess Lhe dynamlc lnLerplay beLween naLlonallsm and Lhe economlcs of
markeL democracy wlLh reference noL only Lo 8osnla buL also Lhe sLaLes of Lhe former SovleL
Ugo Urbano & Casares k|vett|
ctltlpoe ooJ MoJetolty. koymooJ wlllloms' Motxlsm
Pere l lnLend Lo examlne Lhe work of 8aymond Wllllams Lhrough a perspecLlve sLlll raLher
underexplored by Lhe speclallzed llLeraLure: namely, LhaL of a pro[ecL lnLeresLed ln Lhe
comprehenslon of modern socleLy and of Lhe hlsLorlcal process LhaL, beglnnlng wlLh Lhe
lndusLrlal 8evoluLlon, formed lLs bases, whlch, ln Lhe Lngllsh case, were, noLably,
lndusLrlallsm and democracy. ln order Lo accompllsh such Lask, l lnLend Lo adress Lhe
relaLlons beLween Lhe work of Wllllams and Lhose LradlLlons whlch were hls greaLesL
lnfluences: Lngllsh llLerary crlLlclsm and Marxlsm. 1hese LheoreLlcal sLrands concern me
boLh because Lhls maLLer (crlLlque of modernlLy) Lakes a cenLral poslLlon ln lLs LheoreLlcal
schemes, as well as because Lhey resL ln Lhe foundaLlon of Wllllams' LhoughL, as he hlmself
sLaLed on dlfferenL occaslons. l lnLend Lo focus on Lhe genesls of Lhe LhoughL of Wllllams ln
lLs lnLerrelaLlonshlp wlLh Lhose Lwo LradlLlons, always assumlng Lhe facL LhaL (and Lhls ls my
flrsL hypoLhesls) Lhe Lheory of culLure of Wllllams can only be plalnly undersLood lf lnserLed
ln Lhls ma[or pro[ecL of crlLlque of modernlLy: as Wllllams sLaLes ln CulLure and SocleLy
(1938), Lhe Lask ls Lo Lhlnk culLure as a concepL whlch expresses Lhe general reacLlons Lo Lhe
soclal changes LhaL Look place afLer Lhe lndusLrlal 8evoluLlon and whlch carrled on
LhroughouL Lhe 19Lh and 20Lh cenLurles. Accordlng Lo Lhls hypoLhesls, Lhe same sLaLemenL
could be made abouL Lhe Lheorles of culLure of Marxlsm and of Lngllsh llLerary crlLlclsm:
when dlssoclaLed from lLs soclal and hlsLorlcal dlmenslons, Lhe noLlons of culLure moblllzed
by Lhese Lwo approaches loose meanlng. My second hypoLhesls ls LhaL, when Lhe work of
8aymond Wllllams ls framed as a crlLlque of modernlLy nourlshed by Lhese Lwo LheoreLlcal
lnfluences, lL ls posslble Lo ldenLlfy a paLh ln lLs developmenL: ln Lhe 1930s, a closer relaLlon
Lo Lhe Lngllsh llLerary crlLlclsm LradlLlon and, as a resulL, a crlLlque of modernlLy as lndusLrlal
socleLy. Cn Lhe oLher hand, ln Lhe 1960s and 1970s (and, accordlng Lo my hypoLhesls,
noLably ln 1he CounLry and 1he ClLy), a closer relaLlon Lo Marxlsm and, as a resulL, a crlLlque
of modernlLy ln a MarxlsL approach: for here (agaln, especlally ln 1he CounLry and 1he ClLy)
Wllllams apprehends Lhe crlLlque of lndusLrlal socleLy and clvlllzaLlon of Lhe Lngllsh llLerary
LradlLlon as whaL lL really was, as a crlLlque of caplLallsm.
Ionas Van Vosso|e
Clobol cllmote Covetoooce. o leqltlmotloo ctlsls copltollsm, powet ooJ olleootloo - Motxlst
ooJ lolooyloo letspectlves
1hls arLlcle frames Lhe fallure of CC19 ln Warsaw, Lhe problems of Lhe 8lC20 summlL, Lhe
fallure of Lhe Copenhagen CC13 and Lhe problems of Lhe carbon markeLs wlLhln a broader
leglLlmacy crlsls of Clobal Covernance, consequence of Lhe crlsls of Lhe global caplLallsL
soclo-ecology. 1wo mechanlsms glve rlse Lo Lhe loss of leglLlmacy, unequal developmenL
and mercanLlllzaLlon, or Lhe reconflguraLlon of Lhe power balance and Lhe desLrucLlon of
soclal Lles. As a consequence boLh wlnners and losers conLesL Lhe leglLlmacy of Lhe
lnsLlLuLlons and mechanlsms LhaL govern global caplLallsm. ln Lhls arLlcle, we dlsLlngulsh
Marx-Lype of conLesLaLlon, referrlng Lo emerglng classes/sLaLes and olanyl-Lype of
conLesLaLlon, referrlng Lo Lhe vlcLlms of global mercanLlllzaLlon. ln Lhe case of CllmaLe
governance, Lhese are represenLed by Lhe role of Lhe 88lC's ln cllmaLe negoLlaLlons and by
Lhe global envlronmenLal [usLlce movemenL.
Mur|||o van der Laan & Mar|ana Sh|nohara
koocoto 1be Iooe uoys lo 8tozll ooJ tbe cbolleoqes of tbe left
ln [une 2013, durlng Lhe ConfederaLlons Cup, Lhe wave of mass proLesLs LhaL, slnce 2008,
affecLed many counLrles reached 8razll. lnlLlally, Lhe demonsLraLlons were moLlvaLed by Lhe
re[ecLlon of Lhe publlc LransporLaLlon fare lncreases ln Sao aulo. AfLer a vlolenL sLaLe
represslon, Lhe marches have grown slgnlflcanLly, spreadlng Lhrough varlous 8razlllan clLles
and culmlnaLlng wlLh Lhe dlrecL lnvolvemenL of mllllons of people. 1he agenda of Lhe
proLesLs also grew and varled, encompasslng dlfferenL demands from dlfferenL secLors of
Lhe 8razlllan socleLy. 1hese evenLs quesLloned an assumed socloeconomlc opLlmlsm
ongolng ln Lhe counLry - based on economlc sLablllLy, unemploymenL reducLlon, welfare
programs, easler credlL access, eLc. -, hlghllghLlng Lhe llmlLs of Lhe so-called new
developmenLallsm pollcles. ln Lhls conLexL, our alm ln Lhe arLlcle ls Lo analyse Lhe varlous
poslLlons of Lhe lefL-wlng movemenL (lnLellecLuals, parLles, soclal movemenLs, eLc.)
concernlng Lhe causes, developmenLs and challenges broughL forward by Lhe so-called !une
uays. Some of Lhe quesLlons LhaL emerge from Lhls debaLe are: Lhe currenL organlzaLlonal
lssues of Lhe worklng class, new forms of sLruggle, Lhe llmlLs of Lhe arLldo dos
1rabalhadores' hegemony, Lhe concurrenL aLLempL of Lhe LradlLlonal rlghL Lo caplLallze Lhe
naLlonal lnsLablllLles, Lhe resurgence of Lhe far-rlghL movemenL, eLc.
Matt V|da|
5ocloloqy ooJ tbe seveo tbeses of Motxlsm - Ot, socloloqlcol motxlsm wltboot opoloqles
1hls paper seeks Lo challenge Lhe decllnlng lnfluence of classlcal marxlsm wlLhln soclology,
wlLh a parLlcular LhoughL noL excluslve focus on Amerlcan soclology. Whlle many baslc
marxlsL analyLlcal caLegorles and lnslghLs have been asslmllaLed lnLo soclology, and marxlsL
concepLs such as class, hegemony and Lhe labor process conLlnue Lo be used wlLhln
soclology ln vaguely marxlsL ways, hlsLorlcal maLerlallsm, crlsls Lheory and value Lheory have
been largely excorlaLed from Lhe dlsclpllne, aL leasL wlLhln Lhe Amerlcan academy. 1hls
exorclsm has been largely performed by Lwo scholars who are among Lhe besL known
Amerlcan marxlsL soclologlsLs - Mlchael 8urawoy and Lrlk Clln WrlghL - boLh of whom have
recenLly been presldenLs of Lhe Amerlcan Soclologlcal AssoclaLlon. 1hls paper revlews
8urawoy and WrlghL's expllclL aLLempLs Lo deflne marxlsL soclology as a comblnaLlon of class
analysls, labor process analysls and sLaLe Lheory, whlle expllclLly re[ecLlng hlsLorlcal
maLerlallsm, value Lheory and crlsls Lheory. As such, 8urawoy and WrlghL have presenLed a
neomarxlsm LhaL ls a gross dlsLorLlon of classlcal marxlsm, one whlch sysLemaLlcally neglecLs
Lhe remarkable range of vlbranL Lheory and research gulded by Lhe core Lheses of classlcal
marxlsm. ln Lhe process, Lhey have robbed soclology of Lhe Lools lL needs Lo explaln core
problems ln Lhe conLemporary global pollLlcal economy. l wlll argue LhaL desplLe Lhe modern
pollLlcal and academlc rlLual of Lrylng Lo flnd Lhe holy grall LhaL lnvalldaLes marxlsm, lL ls ln
facL a llvlng, vlbranL research program conslsLlng of aL leasL seven core Lheses - on Lhe soclal
consLrucLlon of reallLy, hlsLorlcal maLerlallsm, and Lhe conLradlcLory and problemaLlc
reproducLlon of caplLallsm - each of whlch has lnsplred whole research LradlLlons, maklng
marxlsm Lhe crlLlcal soclal research program par excellence. 1hese Lheses, whlch are
lrreduclbly-marxlsL, conLlnue Lo presenL slngularly peneLraLlng and analyLlcally frulLful
lnslghLs lnLo Lhe operaLlon of caplLallsL socleLles. WlLhouL some verslon of Lhe bulk of Lhese
Lheses, crlLlcal analysls of caplLallsm would be lmposslble. As such, Lhey provlde Lhe basls for
a unlfled soclologlcal framework LhaL could - lf lL were noL so apologeLlc - offer a real
alLernaLlve Lo malnsLream economlcs.
Satnam V|rdee
A Motxlsm wltboot qootootees. 5toott noll ooJ wby toce mottets
"SLuarL Pall was probably Lhe mosL lmporLanL soclallsL lnLellecLual of posL-war 8rlLaln. 1he
flrsL edlLor of new LefL 8evlew, 'he conLlnued Lo play an ouLsLandlng role ln Lhe broader
new LefL for Lhe resL of hls llfe' (8lackburn 2014: 73). unllke so many ln Lhe wesLern MarxlsL
LradlLlon who Lended Lo produce a form of Lheory largely dlvorced from pollLlcal pracLlce,
Pall was an organlc lnLellecLual - embedded ln Lhe anLl-raclsL black movemenL - and
someone who appreclaLed LhaL 'Lheory ls a deLour on Lhe road Lo somewhere more
lmporLanL'. 1hls paper underLakes an assessmenL of SLuarL Pall's wrlLlngs on raclsm, class
and hlsLorlcal caplLallsm - parLlcularly LhaL body of work he produced ln Lhe course of hls
crlLlcal engagemenL wlLh Lhe lnLellecLual LhoughL of Marx, AlLhusser and Cramscl. lL
suggesLs LhaL for Loo long MarxlsL explanaLlons of raclsm have remalned narrowly grounded
wlLhln Lhe organlzaLlon of work and labour markeL lnequallLles, and Lhus open Lo Lhe charge
of economlc reducLlonlsm. l dlscuss how ln '8ace, arLlculaLlon and socleLles sLrucLured ln
domlnance' (1980) and 'Cramscl's relevance Lo Lhe sLudy of race and eLhnlclLy' (1986) Pall
offers MarxlsLs a way ouL of Lhls lmpasse by glvlng greaLer conslderaLlon Lo Lhe pollLlcal,
ldeologlcal and culLural dlmenslons sLrucLurlng and manufacLurlng raclallzed soclal dlvlslons.
ln parLlcular, he ouLllnes Lhe conLours of an lnnovaLlve LheoreLlcal framework for
undersLandlng raclsm LhaL ls capable 'of deallng wlLh boLh Lhe economlc and supersLrucLural
feaLures of such socleLles, whlle aL Lhe same Llme glvlng a hlsLorlcally-concreLe and
soclologlcally-speclflc accounL of lLs dlsLlncLlve raclal aspecLs' (1980: 336). ln concluslon l
draw ouL a number of LheoreLlcal and pollLlcal lmpllcaLlons of Pall's re-Lhlnklng of Lhe
race/class nexus, lncludlng how race can no longer be seen as an eplphenomenon, a mere
phenomenologlcal expresslon of Lhe underlylng reallLy of soclal class buL raLher someLhlng
LhaL ls relaLlvely auLonomous and needs Lo be glven lLs own speclflclLy. A relaLed lmpllcaLlon
of race noL belng reduclble Lo Lhe 'economlc sphere' ls LhaL Pall helps Lo shlfL our gaze
Lowards Lhe sLudy of how raclsm 'works' aL Lhe pollLlcal and culLural levels of socleLy
suggesLlng LhaL Lhere are addlLlonal layers of explanaLlon LhaL requlre excavaLlon lf we are
Lo fully accounL for Lhe reproducLlon of raclsm ln conLemporary socleLy, and undersLand
why caplLallsm conLlnues Lo survlve lnLo Lhe 21sL cenLury.
Mar|na V|shm|dt & Me|an|e G||||gan
5objects of ctlsls
1hls paper ls parL of a larger body of ongolng research and publlshlng lnvesLlgaLlng how
currenL shlfLs ln Lhe maLerlal relaLlons of money, commodlLles, and soclal absLracLlon ln
general shape conLemporary forms of lnLerorlLy. 1here has been a surfelL of dlscusslon of
Lhe ways ln whlch sub[ecLs are formed Lhrough Lhelr soclal roles wlLhln Lhe relaLlons of
producLlon, buL less has been sald abouL Lhe deLermlnaLe shaplng of people by absLracLlon.
1hls prellmlnary lnqulry lnLo Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween caplLallsL absLracLlon and sub[ecLlvlLy
has Lwo parLs. ln Lhe flrsL, we wlll dlscuss some of Lhe mosL slgnlflcanL LheoreLlcal accounLs
of caplLallsL absLracLlon, ln Lhe second, we wlll deparL from Lhe hlsLory of MarxlsL LhoughL
Lowards Lhe fuLure of caplLallsm, Lraclng a few of Lhe absLracL psychologles on whlch LhaL
fuLure depends, and seLLlng ouL some reflecLlons on how Lhey - and lL - mlghL be overcome.
lf Lhe conLemporary sub[ecL ls a derellcL shell houslng daLa bodles, soclal commodlLles and
quanLlfled selves, we need Lo develop anoLher maLerlallsL undersLandlng of Lhe sub[ecL, one
whlch looks Lo Lhe collecLlve producLlon of affecLs and raLlonallLles ln reslsLance whlch boLh
exhlblL - and forecasL Lhe surpasslng of - Lhe sympLoms of our presenL.'
2haohu| Wang
1be wotlJ-systems tbeoty, tbe u5-cbloo ecooomlc telotloos, ooJ tbe qlobol ecooomlc ctlsls
1hrough Lhe lens of Lhe world-sysLems Lheory, l undersLand Lhe global economlc crlsls as a
sLrucLural crlsls wlLhln Lhe world-economy and Lhe Chlna-uS lmbalanced economlc relaLlons
Lo a large exLenL conLrlbuLe Lo Lhls sLrucLural crlsls. 1he unlLed SLaLes, as Lhe core counLry,
has Lhe exorblLanL prlvllege of lssulng Lhe dollar used as lnLernaLlonal reserve currency and a
Lendency Lo llve beyond lLs means. Chlna, as Lhe perlphery counLry, has been commlLLed Lo
exporL-led growLh based on Lhe malnLenance of an undervalued exchange raLe. Chlna has
lnLervened ln Lhe forelgn-exchange markeL Lo keep lLs currency down, whlch resulLs ln large
accumulaLlon of dollar reserves. l wlll argue LhaL Lhe uS and Chlna acLually form a symbloLlc
relaLlonshlp ln Lhe caplLallsL world-economy. 1he growLh of Chlna's exporL englne and Lhe
growLh of lLs dollar reserves and uS debLs are boLh closely llnked Lo Lhe consumpLlon spree
ln Lhe uS. Powever, l would also argue LhaL Lhe symbloLlc relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe uS and
Chlna ls noL long-Lerm susLalnable buL conduclve Lo Lhe sLrucLural crlsls of Lhe world-
economy. 1he 1rlffln ullemma has polnLed ouL Lhe moneLary sysLem based on Lhe currency
of one counLry cannoL susLalnably dellver boLh llquldlLy and confldence. llnally, l wlll dlscuss
Chlna's response pollcles Lo Lhe recenL global economlc crlsls ln boLh domesLlc and
lnLernaLlonal dlmenslons, lncludlng Lhe flscal sLlmulus package, Lhe economlc resLrucLurlng,
and Lhe lnLernaLlonallzaLlon of Lhe renmlnbl.
S|obhan Watters
copltol's Meoos of 5obslsteoce
lood producLlon was one of caplLal's flrsL sLrongholds (l.e. Lhrough prlmlLlve accumulaLlon)
and remalns a prlnclple mechanlsm by whlch caplLallsm survlves. We ofLen fall Lo reallze
LhaL Lhe lncarceraLlon of food by Lhe commodlLy form degrades Lhe food ob[ecL lLself and
guaranLees conLlnued dependency on Lhe wage. lL ls Lhe body's frallLy, lLs need for Lhe
means of subslsLence, LhaL forces Lhe sub[ecL Lo move Lhrough caplLal's lnfrasLrucLure of
self-valorlzaLlon, repeaLedly consLlLuLlng caplLal Lhrough Lhe exLracLlon of her surplus labour
and parLlclpaLlon ln exchange. And yeL, food commodlLles are produced noL Lo saLlsfy
human need, buL caplLal's, e.g. Lhe ways ln whlch food ls manufacLured are lnLended Lo
make producLs shelf-sLable and reslllenL ln LranslL, noL nuLrlLlous and safe for Lhe end
consumer. 1hls paper wlll explore Lhe conLradlcLlon beLween Lhe concreLe and absLracL
naLures of commodlLles as embodled by Lhe food ob[ecL as a way of lllusLraLlng Lhe
progresslve dlsavowal of human need by caplLal, ln splLe of human necesslLy's pre-
consLlLuLlve role ln Lhe formaLlon of caplLallsL relaLlons. 1hls conLradlcLlon creaLes noL only a
profound crlsls for human llfe, buL for caplLal lLself, as lL ceaselessly negaLes Lhe ground of
lLs own survlval.
Amy Wend||ng
A 8tlef nlstoty of ltopetty. now uotles to Objects ooJ commoolty wete ttoosfotmeJ loto
lossesslve loJlvlJoollsm
"As a concepL, roperLy undergoes some cruclal modlflcaLlons durlng Lhe modern and
conLemporary perlods. 1he Lalk looks aL Lhe hlsLory of Lhe properLy concepL ln Lhe WesL,
and Lraces Lhe narrowlng of Lhls concepL Lo Lhe form of properLy holdlng we recognlze as
possesslve lndlvlduallsm. ossesslve lndlvlduallsm, as lLs name lndlcaLes, ls Lhe form of
properLy holdlng mosL llkely Lo produce Lhe 1ragedy of Lhe Commons. 1o lllusLraLe Lhls, Lhe
Lalk wlll dlscuss Lhe Lroubles of Lhe properLy concepL, once narrowed lnLo Lhe form of
possesslve lndlvlduallsm, when lL ls applled Lo resources llke surface and groundwaLers.
A relaLed feaLure of possesslve lndlvlduallsm ls lLs dlsregard for Lhe quallLles of Lhe Lhlngs
held as properLy, ln favor of absLracL quanLlflcaLlons such as Lhelr exchange value or
funcLlonallLy. So, as Lhe properLy concepL comes Lo range over more and more klnds of
Lhlngs, lL does so by absLracLlng from Lhelr preclse quallLles.
1he Lalk wlll draw on Marx's hlsLorles of Lhe properLy concepL ln varlous noLebooks and
publlshed works."
Chr|s W||||ams
Assessloq uevelopmeot 5ttoteqles lo tbe cootext of Neollbetollsm ooJ tbe Aqe of coloqlcol
ctlsls. A compototlve Aoolysls of vletoom, Motocco ooJ 8ollvlo
"vleLnam, Morocco and 8ollvla, where l have spenL Lhe lasL few monLhs examlnlng Lhe
nexus of energy, waLer and food ln Lhe conLexL of cllmaLe change, are Lhree rapldly
developlng counLrles whlch are slmulLaneously among Lhe mosL severely LhreaLened by
global warmlng. Whlle each ls on a sllghLly dlfferenL developmenLal paLhway, Lhrough
caplLallsL economlc developmenL and growLh, each ls aLLempLlng Lo escape Lhe legacy,
amongsL oLher power dynamlcs, of unequal ecologlcal exchange generaLed by a hlsLory of
Luropean colonlzaLlon and domlnaLlon.
As such, ln Lhe new age of ecologlcal crlsls, Lhey offer sLrlklng examples of how rullng ellLes
ln each counLry, as well as Lhe worklng people Lhey govern, are furLher asslmllaLlng lnLo a
unlLed SLaLes-domlnaLed, globallzed and neollberal caplLallsm. ln a qulLe sLrlklng manner,
governmenL reporLs are repleLe wlLh references Lo cllmaLe change and Lhe need Lo develop
ln ecologlcally susLalnable ways. ?eL, ln pracLlce, governmenL pollcy ofLen conLradlcLs Lhelr
own reporLs. 1he process ls Lherefore hlghly conLradlcLory and confllcLual, as naLlon sLaLes
see Lhelr salvaLlon Lhrough a prlsm of helLer-skelLer growLh based on exporLs, lndusLrlallzed
agrlculLure, and Lhe explolLaLlon of naLural resources whlch can be seen as a form of green
Analysls of Lhese counLrles on Lhree separaLe conLlnenLs, whlch ln many ways exempllfy
comblned and uneven developmenL, offer Lhe opporLunlLy Lo examlne how lnLernal
pressures comblne wlLh larger, exLernal forces of lmperlal power and caplLallsL dynamlcs, Lo
produce developmenLallsL sLaLes ln Lhe conLexL of expecLed severe cllmaLe dlsrupLlon. Pow
much room for maneuver do Lhese sLaLes have, and whaL would be requlred for any of Lhem
Lo move ln a recognlzably dlfferenL dlrecLlon? Cne LhaL lncreases cllmaLe reslllence,
ecologlcal susLalnablllLy and soclal equlLy? 1o whaL exLenL can one argue any of Lhem are
dolng so? As a comparaLlve analysls, Lhls paper wlll examlne slmllarlLles and dlfferences ln
order Lo generallze from Lhese examples and poslL poLenLlal alLernaLlves."
Ioce|yn W|||s
5otelllte 5otvelllooce ooJ Ootet 5poce copltollsm, Iocelyo wllls, nlstoty, 8tooklyo colleqe,
clty uolvetslty of New otk
"My paper wlll explore Lhe ways ln whlch caplLallsm ln ouLer space lncorporaLed saLelllLe-
based survelllance Lechnologles, flrms, enLrepreneurs, and workers ln Canada lnLo reglonal
lndusLrlal, academlc and mlllLary alllances, parLlcularly wlLh Lhe unlLed SLaLes. l employ
research on Lhe 43-year hlsLory of Canada's Macuonald, ueLLwller and AssoclaLes (MuA) as
a case sLudy ln Lhls developmenL. lounded ln vancouver, 8rlLlsh Columbla durlng 1969,
MuA evolved from a four-person sofLware consulLancy lnLo one of Lhe world's mosL
slgnlflcanL suppllers of reconnalssance, communlcaLlons and earLh observaLlon saLelllLes, as
well as a prlme commerclal and governmenL conLracLor for survelllance and lnLelllgence
lnformaLlon. MuA ls also a ma[or provlder of Lhe ground sLaLlons LhaL recelve, process,
archlve, and explolL saLelllLe daLa, Lhe navlgaLlonal sysLems LhaL supporL alrcrafL (lncludlng
unmanned aerlal vehlcles, commonly known as drones), and roboLs worklng ln space.
1he paLh from a small, local flrm Lo a global operaLlon was noL smooLh, buL LhroughouL Lhe
sLages of MuA's developmenL, englneers and sclenLlsLs conslsLenLly malnLalned Lhelr falLh ln
Lechnology's power Lo revoluLlonlse Lhe world for Lhe beLLer. 1haL falLh, along wlLh MuA's
lncreaslng lnLegraLlon lnLo Lhe uSA's mlllLary-lndusLrlal-academlc complex and parLlclpaLlon
ln Lhe commerclallsaLlon and commodlflcaLlon of ouLer space, demonsLraLes LhaL a crlLlcal
engagemenL wlLh hlsLorlcal maLerlallsm conLlnues Lo maLLer Lo our undersLandlng of socleLy
and ouLer space.
SoclologlsLs !ohan Sderberg and Adam neLzen suggesL LhaL desplLe Lhe posL-sLrucLural
Lurn, a re[ecLlon of Lhe dlalecLlc, and Lhe pro[ecL of deconsLrucLlng Lhe dlchoLomy beLween
human agency and Lhe larger sLrucLural forces of caplLallsm, we need Lo remember LhaL
human sub[ecLs/classes and power sLrucLures have remalned relaLlvely sLable preclsely
because we are llvlng ln a socleLy seduced by dreams abouL perpeLual change and
newness." (Sderberg and neLzen, 2010, 97, 111) MuA's experlence relnforces Lhls need.
karl Marx may have underesLlmaLed Lhe adapLablllLy of caplLallsm, Lhe many sLages,
Lechnologlcal lnnovaLlons and class fracLlons lL mlghL produce. (8ourdleu, 1984, 283-317)
8uL Marx made asLuLe hlsLorlcal observaLlons, lncludlng:
Men make Lhelr own hlsLory, buL Lhey do noL make lL [usL as Lhey please, Lhey do noL make
lL under clrcumsLances chosen by Lhemselves, buL under clrcumsLances dlrecLly
encounLered, glven and LransmlLLed from Lhe pasL. (Marx, 1994, 1)
PlsLorlans care abouL such conLexLs as we map change (and conLlnulLy) over Llme. Looklng
aL Lhe conLexL behlnd Lhe MuA experlence does noL mean, however, LhaL new LheoreLlcal
approaches and Lhe relaLlonshlps, sysLems, neLworks, and producLs LhaL people creaLe and
engage do noL maLLer. 8aLher, lL ls Lhe synergy beLween an uncrlLlcal falLh ln new
Lechnology and Lhe posL-sLrucLural, Lechnology Lurn LhaL has Lended Lo obscure Lhe larger
hlsLorlcal forces LhaL drew MuA and oLhers lnLo ouLer space pro[ecLs ln Lhe flrsL place.
MuA's compeLlLlve posLurlng ln ouLer space resulLed ln lncreased economlc crlses and Lhe
furLher consolldaLlon of Lhe global ellLe whlle slmulLaneously conLrlbuLlng Lo lncreased
global uncerLalnLy, lncludlng [ob lnsecurlLy.
8ecause Lhey LhoughL Lhey were dlfferenL from prevlous lndusLrlal workers, mosL englneers
aL MuA slmply ad[usLed Lo Lhe nexL phase of caplLallsm raLher Lhan challenge lL. ln Lhls Lhey
were far from alone. eople from all walks of llfe raLlonallse Lhelr declslons and choose
selecLlve memorles from Lhe pasL Lo make sense of Lhelr currenL clrcumsLances. Soclal
anLhropologlsL PylLon WhlLe recenLly capLured Lhls reallLy. ln an envlronmenL sLrucLured for
unendlng expanslon, he remlnds us LhaL caplLallsm lnevlLably Lurns each new wave of
Lechnologlcal enLhuslasm, gadgeL and professlon from an exoLlc flrsL Lo a ublqulLous
commodlLy. (WhlLe, 2013, 667-81) SaLelllLe-based survelllance Lechnologles and ouLer space
are no dlfferenL.
1he paper wlll provlde an overvlew of saLelllLe-based survelllance Lechnologles, Lhelr
appllcaLlons and users, and how Lhey lnfluence dally llfe. l Lhen Lurn Lo Lhe hlsLorlcal conLexL
MuA lnherlLed from prevlous generaLlons. llnally, l focus on MuA, and whaL lessons we
mlghL draw from Lhe flrm's sLages of developmenL, Lhe caplLallsLs who gulded Lhe flrm, and
how MuA's englneers ad[usLed Lo Lhelr role as workers over Llme."
Co||n W||son
lotetsectlooollty lo eotly copltollsm. toce ooJ sexoollty lo ollqbteomeot ltooce "1beme.
lotetsectloos of Motxlsm, femlolsm, ctltlcol toce ooJ postcoloolol tbeotles
A profound amblvalence Lyplfles elghLeenLh-cenLury pollLlcal Lheory. LnllghLenmenL auLhors
endorse raLlonallLy and Lhe rule of law, yeL such values coexlsL wlLh an lncrease ln raclal and
class vlolence such as slavery and Lhe frequenL use of caplLal punlshmenL. As Losurdo has
recenLly hlghllghLed, readers are consLanLly led Lo quesLlon how far asserLed unlversallsms
are Lruly unlversal, and how far Lhey reflecL Lhe lnLeresLs of parLlcular class, gender and
raclal lnLeresLs.
1hls paper seeks Lo bulld on Lhls work Lo examlne ldeas around sexuallLy and race ln Lhe
work of auLhors lncludlng MonLesquleu, volLalre and ulderoL. ln seeklng Lo re[ecL ChrlsLlan
sexual morallLy, such auLhors repeaLedly reference oLher culLures - boLh non-Luropean and
anclenL socleLles. lnsofar as Lhey are seeklng Lo creaLe a clvlllsed" morallLy rooLed ln
unlversal naLural laws, Lhen, Lhelr concepLs of sexuallLy always exlsL ln amblguous dlalogue
wlLh a raclal oLher. 1he llLerary forms of LnllghLenmenL LexLs cenLrlng on sex and race - such
as dlalogues, novels and saLlres - only lncrease Lhe dlfflculLy of assesslng how far Lhey are
conservaLlve or subverslve. LocaLlng Lhese auLhors ln Lhe conLexL of early caplLallsL lrance,
Lhe paper argues LhaL Lhese amblgulLles are besL undersLood as reflecLlng Lhe soclal confllcLs
of Lhe Anclen 8eglme."
I|m Wo|freys
Aostetlty polltlcs ooJ tbe telotloosblp betweeo coosetvotlsm ooJ fosclsm "Aostetlty polltlcs
ooJ tbe telotloosblp betweeo coosetvotlsm ooJ fosclsm
1he Luropean elecLlons of 2104 saw an unprecedenLed rlse ln voLes for fasclsL and
auLhorlLarlan popullsL parLles campalgnlng on an anLl-lmmlgraLlon plaLform. 1hls paper
focuses on Lhe 4.7m voLes achleved by Lhe lronL naLlonal (ln) ln lrance and Lhe 4.4m voLes
for ukl ln Lhe uk. uo Lhese resulLs reflecL a capaclLy on Lhe parL of such parLles Lo wln
lasLlng elecLoral supporL? Are Lhese scores prlmarlly a sympLom of Lhe fragmenLaLlon of Lhe
malnsLream rlghL, reflecLlng Lhe dlsarray of a LradlLlonal conservaLlve elecLoraLe, or ls Lhere
evldence Lo suggesL LhaL worklng class voLers are belng won from Lhe lefL Lo auLhorlLarlan
pollLlcs vla a raclsL agenda?
1he paper examlnes Lhe long-Lerm lmpllcaLlons of growlng elecLoral supporL for
auLhorlLarlan popullsL and fasclsL parLles. lL assesses Lhe role played by malnsLream parLles
ln leglLlmlzlng raclsL aLLlLudes Lowards lmmlgranLs, slLuaLlng Lhe clalms made by Labour
pollLlclans LhaL Lhe parLy musL Lake a Lougher llne on 'mass mlgraLlon' from Lurope ln Lhe
conLexL of Lhe fallure of Lhe uM and Lhe arLl SoclallsLe Lo sLem Lhe rlse of Lhe lronL
naLlonal by panderlng Lo raclsL aLLlLudes Lowards mlgranLs.
lL examlnes Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween conservaLlve and auLhorlLarlan popullsL parLles and
fasclsm. 1o whaL exLenL do parLles llke ukl, or lnlLlaLlves llke Lhose developed by hlllppe
de vllllers ln lrance, acL as Lemporary Lransmlsslon belLs beLween Lhe malnsLream rlghL and
parLles wlLh an exLra-parllamenLary agenda? Are Lhey, and developmenLs llke Lhe anLl-gay
marrlage proLesLs of 2013 ln lrance, lndlcaLlons of a more durable sLrucLural shlfL ln Lhe
pollLlcal landscape of Lhe rlghL? WhaL evldence ls Lhere Lo suggesL LhaL elecLoral supporL can
be LranslaLed lnLo organlzaLlonal reserves for ukl and Lhe ln?
WhaL are Lhe dlfferences ln Lerms of sLraLegy, organlzaLlonal sLrucLure and ldeology
beLween popullsL parLles and Lhe far-rlghL? WhaL sLraLegles should Lhe lefL develop Lo
combaL Lhelr rlse? 1he paper draws on hlsLorlcal sLudles of Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween
conservaLlsm and fasclsm Lo conclude LhaL Lhe lnLerplay beLween Lhe Lwo LradlLlons ls fluld,
provldlng an assessmenL of poLenLlal ouLcomes drawlng on comparaLlve conLemporary and
hlsLorlcal analyses of Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween pollLlcal LradlLlons ln LranslLlon and economlc
Iam|e Woodcock
losslbllltles fot oew wotkploce otqoolsotloo. wotkets tefosol ooJ tbe cbolleoqes fot ttoJe
1he Lrade unlon movemenL ln Lhe uk faces a number of dlfflculL challenges: falllng Lo
confronL ausLerlLy, falllng membershlp, and an lnablllLy Lo relaLe Lo precarlous workers. 1he
posslblllLles for overcomlng Lhese are ofLen concelved of ln Lerms of Lrade unlon renewal or
Lhe adopLlon of an organlslng model. Whlle Lhese are lmporLanL perspecLlves for Lhose
workers already ln Lrade unlons, Lhey fall Lo conslder Lhe large number of workers who are
noL members of Lrade unlons. 1o address Lhese quesLlons lL ls necessary Lo begln wlLh Lhe
workplace, raLher Lhan Lhe Lrade unlon. 1hls paper seeks Lo explore how Lhe quesLlons of
reslsLance ln Lhe workplace can be llnked Lo an organlsaLlonal sLraLegy Lhrough a number of
examples. lL wlll conslder Lhe role of academlc research ln relaLlon Lo workers' sLruggle by
drawlng on Lhe debaLes on Lhe use of workers' lnqulrles, speclflcally ln Lhe lLallan WorkerlsL
LradlLlon. Marlo 1ronLl's concepL of 'Lhe sLraLegy of refusal' wlll be used Lo refocus Lhe
analysls on Lhe acLlvlLy of workers Lhemselves and conslder Lhe posslblllLles of new
organlsaLlonal forms. ln concluslon, Lhe paper wlll argue for an lnLervenLlon lnLo Lhe debaLes
on Lrade unlonlsm LhaL comblnes crlLlcal Lheory wlLh emerglng examples.
kav|er Wrona
1otoloq Atcbltectotol 1booqbt ltocesses Aqolost copltol
"""ArchlLecLure"" and ""soclal englneerlng"" are absoluLe synonyms. lf soclal englneerlng
deslgnaLes Lhls by whlch caplLallsm prollferaLes around Lhe globe (u. Parvey, n. kleln), Lhe
""Lhlnklng of globallLy"" as well as Lhe ""ablllLy Lo lmplemenL ldeologlcal reforms of Lhe bullL
envlronmenL"" LhaL soclal englneerlng requlres, has hlsLorlcally had only one name:
ArchlLecLure (u. Polller).
1he LoLallLarlan/LoLallzlng LhoughL process of archlLecLure (sysLemaLlc Lhlnklng, lnLer-
proporLlonallLy of parLs, masLery of deLalls...) has hlsLorlcally been used by ower Lo lmplanL
caplLallsm (Colonlallsm/lmperlallsm), relnforce caplLallsm (8enalssance), rescue caplLallsm
(Paussmann). ArchlLecLural Lhlnklng, as boLh ""consLrucLlon of mlndseLs"" and Lhe ""reform
of Lhe organlzaLlon of Lhe LerrlLory"" Lhls enLalls, has demonsLraLed lLs masLery of Lhe
economy of war: from machlnes deslgned by vlLruvlus, Lo Lhe redeflnlLlon of warfare on
archlLecLural Lerms operaLed by alladlo, Lo Speer's mlnlsLry of War durlng WWll...
lf archlLecLural Lhlnklng can be applled Lo oLher ob[ecLs Lhan bulldlngs, such as warfare, lL
could be useful ln counLerlng Lhe expanslve loglcs of caplLal raLher Lhan fuellng Lhem. We
propose means Lo reorlenL parL of archlLecLure schools Lralnlngs away from Lhe producLlon
of bulldlngs Lowards Lhe producLlon of posL-neo-llberal modes of orderlng of reallLy."
Izadora kav|er do Monte
coosomet boJles. poeet ooJ closs lo 8tozll's "tolezlobos" "1be popet ptoposes tbe ose of
clolte nemmloqs' stotemeot of oeo-llbetollsm os pteclsely oot poeet to ooolyze tbe
pbeoomeooo of 8tozll's tolezlobos.
8olezlnhos are a brazlllan mass movemenL LhaL have been happenlng for a couple of years
and recenLly called Lhe medla's aLLenLlon afLer a pollce confroLaLlon durlng one of Lhelr
demonsLraLlons. AL Lhe beglnnlng of 2014, a group of young people from Lhe perlpheral
areas of So aulo declded Lo go ln a large group Lo a cenLral shopplng mall, resulLlng ln Lhe
group belng sLopped by Lhe shopplng mall securlLy for no apparenL reason, excepL Lhe facL
of Lhelr race and soclal orlgln. 8olezlnhos are scheduled Lhrough soclal neLworks and Lhey
gaLher clrca of LwenLy people aL a Llme, mosL of Lhem poor adolescenLs looklng for a lelsure
1he phenomenon of rolezlnhos arrlve ln Lhe momenL where Lhe pollLlcs of lncluslon of Lhe
Labour arLy of Lhe pasL Lwelve years are belng crlLlclzed. uesplLe Lhelr success ln pulllng
mllllons of worklng class people from poverLy, Lhe focus on Lurnlng Lhe workers lnLo
consumers lnsLead of clLlzens sLarLs Lo show lLs llmlLs. 8olezlnhos clearly deflne one of Lhose
llmlLs, and allows Lo Lhlnk abouL Lhe llmlLs of neo-llberal caplLallsL and developmenLal"
dlscourse ln emergenL powers such as 8razll.
Llberal dlscourse advances Lhe Lhesls LhaL lncluslon, dlfference and mulLlculLurallsm are
posslble once all sub[ecL-consumer-clLlzens have accepLed some baslc rules of Lhe game".
8olezlnhos show LhaL Lhe sub[ecL-consumer-clLlzen of neollberal dlscourse ls noL so open
and mulLlculLural - lL has a normaLlvlLy, a body, and a race. 1he paper wlll Lry Lo
demonsLraLe how Lhe raclallzed bodles of youLhs from Lhe perlpherles of So aulo perform
a sorL of class queer" ln relaLlon Lo neo-llberal dlscourse, whlch doesn'L recognlze Lhem,
and doesn'L allow Lhem Lhe prlvlleges of parLlclpaLlng ln spaces LhaL were promlsed Lo be
opened by Lhelr poslLlon as consumers."
Ga||p a|man
ulffeteot lotms of keptoJoctloo of loboot os vlctlms of ltlvotlzotloo
"1he 1urklsh economy durlng Lhe 2000s even before Lhe 2008 global flnanclal crlsls has been
manlfesLlng Lhe sympLoms of '[obless growLh' as Lhe lncreases ln labour producLlvlLy have
noL been accompanled by an lmprovemenL ln real wages or labour parLlclpaLlon raLes under
Lhe !usLlce and uevelopmenL arLy (Ak) rule. Meanwhlle, an amblLlous acceleraLlon of Lhe
process of prlvaLlzaLlon by Lhe Ak governmenL, seems Lo have made Lhe counLry, an
'lnvesLors' paradlse' from Lhe perspecLlve of lnLernaLlonal flnance caplLal. 1he prlvaLlzaLlons
of Lhe large-scale proflLable sLaLe economlc enLerprlses (SLLs) were faclllLaLed Lhrough
leglslaLlve changes LhaL favoured forelgn and domesLlc powerful caplLal groups. Powever,
Lhe acLual brunL of Lhls neollberal assaulL has been carrled by Lhe workers of Lhe prlvaLlzed
companles who Lended elLher Lo lose Lhelr [obs ln mass and were deprlved of Lhelr soclal
rlghLs or were forced Lo work ln condlLlons LhaL are lncreaslngly percelved Lo be comparable
wlLh Lhe 19Lh cenLury worklng condlLlons of Loday's lndusLrlallzed counLrles. lf Lhe faLe of
Lhe workers of 1ekel Lobacco producLs and alcohollc beverldges monopoly - whlch was
dlsmanLled ln order Lo be prlvaLlzed - provlded a case for Lhe former, Lhe coal mlners who
pald wlLh Lhelr llves for belng sub[ecLed Lo Lhe ab[ecL condlLlons of precarlLy ln Lhe recenL
mlnlng dlsasLer ln Soma coal mlne could be consldered as a saddenlng example of Lhe laLLer.
1hls paper alms Lo provlde a crlLlcal revlew of Lhe dellberaLe sLraLegles of labour
conLalnmenL by Lhe Ak governmenL whlch produced dlfferenL modallLles of Lhe
reproducLlon of labour as vlcLlms of prlvaLlzaLlon" as many workers who suffered Lhe
consequences of Lhese sLraLegles have called Lhemselves. Pence, lL wlll aLLempL Lo develop
an analysls of Lhe case of 1ekel workers and Soma coal mlners ln a comparaLlve framework
so as Lo explore Lhe posslblllLles for developlng counLer-hegemonlc sLraLegles and/or Lhe
reasons for lack of Lhem."
Iaruk a|vac
uoeveo ooJ combloeJ uevelopmeot ooJ lslomlc 5oclo-nlstotlcol 1toosfotmotloo lo tbe
MlJJle Aqes. 1be cose of tbe 1toosltloo ftom umtoo 8oJowl to umtoo noJowl lo lbo
kbolJoo's 1booqbt
1hls paper analyses Lhe LranslLlon from Lrlbal socleLles Lo sedenLary socleLles whlch lbn
khaldun, Lhe 13Lh cenLury Musllm hlsLorlan analysls, explalns ln hls Muqaddlma. khaldun's
maln concern ls Lhe reason for Lhe rlse and fall of dynasLles ln Lhe 13Lh cenLury. Pe analyses
Lhls as a sLruggle beLween nomadlc socleLles and sedenLary socleLles. 1hls ls a cycllcal
dlalecLlcal process enshrlned by comparaLlve economlc developmenLs beLween Lhese Lwo
Lrlbal forms. 1he maln moLlvaLlng facLor Lo form a new sLaLe ls asablyya or soclal coheslon
sLregnLhened by Lhe ldeologlcal power of rophecy. Powever, sedenLary socleLles are ealsly
corrupLed and suffer from Lhe demorallzlng effecLs of clvlllzaLlon, much llke whaL 8ousseau
and Marx wlll descrlbe laLer. 1he process ls one of uneven and comblned developmenL
where Lhe uneven developmenL lnlLlally aLLracLs Lhe bedoulns Lo aLLack Lhe sedenLary
populaLlons buL adopL Lhe advanLages of comblned developmenL by lmlLaLlng Lhe sLrengLhs
of Lhe preexlsLlng clvlllzaLlonb. Whlle Lhls process parLlally supporLs Lhe argumenL of Lhe
LranshlsLorlcal naLure of uneven and comblned developmenL, lL also draws aLLenLlon Lo Lhe
dlfferences/slmllarlLles beLween Lhe premodern soclo-hlsLorlcal LransformaLlons and Lhe
form Lhls assumes wlLh Lhe developmenL of Lhe caplLallsL mode of producLlon.
Mehmet usufog|u
1be cost of oetqy-motetlol loteoslve cooomy oo coloqy ooJ lobot lo 1otkey
"1he accldenL ln a coal mlne ln Lhe Lown Soma ln 1urkey led Lo Lhe deaLh of 301 mlners. 1he
energy cosL or ln Marxlan Lerms Lhe cosL of Lhe usage of consLanL caplLal" became
exLremely lmporLanL slnce Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe 2000s. lor 1urkey 1990s were years of
lnLernaLlonallzaLlon of money-caplLal and 2000s were years of lnLernaLlonallzaLlon of
producLlve caplLal. (l.Lrcan)
uurlng Lhe lasL Len years Lhe energy-maLerlal lnLenslve sLrucLure of Lhe economy has
lncreased. 1he leadlng exporL lndusLrles, car producLlon, peLro-chemlcal producLs, lron-
sLeel, glass, cemenL and maLerlals, are maln componenLs of Lhe exporLs. lor example,
1urkey ls Lhe second blg cemenL exporLer of Lhe world. 1he currenL accounL deflclLs due Lo
lmporL dependence of exporLs and hlgh and floaLlng energy cosLs made Lhe caplLal much
more aggresslve ln producLlon of prlmary producLs and energy, hence equally aggresslve
agalnsL naLural cycles. Mlnlng and energy producLlon became Lhe so called soluLlon for Lhe
currenL accounL deflclL problem and a good excuse. lorced exproprlaLlons of farmers for
power planLs, bruLal mlnlng laws agalnsL naLure and labor, prollferaLlon of coal burnlng
energy planLs and nuclear power lnvesLmenLs were guaranLeed by many legal regulaLlons
and laws.
1rylng Lo compeLe wlLh 8ussla ad Chlna, caplLal used a Lwo layer place orlenLed sLraLegy.
Close markeLs ln Lurope and mlddle easL for energy-maLerlal lnLenslve producLs was Lhelr
flrsL alm. Secondly Lhe relaLlve surplus value creaLed dependlng on Lhe advanLage of Lhe
place ln Lhe energy and mlnlng producLlon became a good opporLunlLy malnly for Lhe
caplLallsL whlch have closer Lles wlLh Lhe developmenLallsL neollberal governmenL who
wanLs Lhe creaLe supporL lLs own scaLLered caplLal agalnsL Lhe old flnance caplLal groups
whlch are sLlll domlnanL ln 1urklsh economy. 1hese new caplLallsLs explolLed Lhelr close
relaLlons ln geLLlng llcenses and permlLs for commodlflcaLlon of naLural resources and
cycles. So Lhere ls a lnLra class sLruggle parameLer ln Lhe evenL. 1he wldely dlscussed
lmporLance of consLrucLlon secLor and Lhe urbanlzaLlon renL was a complemenLary of Lhls
energy-maLerlal lnLenslve sLrucLure. uneven urbanlzaLlon became maln sources of lncome
dlsLrlbuLlon problems.
CLher Lhan Lhe energy cosL, low cosL of labor power ( lncreased subconLracLor relaLlons ln
producLlon processes, chemlcallsaLlon of food, delayed and covered damage of
envlronmenLal problems on workers, poor worklng and safeLy condlLlons, lncreased
effecLlveness of soclal ald and soclal servlces for low wage earners and precarlous workers)
ls especlally necessary for servlce secLors ln Lhe clLy and subconLracLors of Lhe maln exporL
lndusLrles. 1he cosLs of producLs of subconLracLlng companles ( e.g. producers of car parLs)
are lmporLanL facLors ln exLernal compeLlLlon.
Pence Lhe energy cosL and labor cosL reducLlon pollcles comblned ln Soma coal mlnes. 1he
301 mlners who losL Lhelr llves were produclng cheap energy for consLrucLlon secLor and
malnly exporL lndusLrles whlch Lry Lo ease Lhe cosL of floaLlng energy prlces and exchange
values whlch lncreases energy cosLs. unequal ecologlcal and economlc exchange maLLers ln
Ivan 2ambrana-I|ores
A sbott ooJ oowloJloq tooJ. 5tote, loJlqeooos, ooJ eovltoomeotol coottoJlctloos lo
llotlootloool 8ollvlo
Pldden under Lhe haze of Lhe laLesL LaLln Amerlca's lefL Lurn, and amldsL Lhe reallLles and
fanLasles of a promlsed posL-neollberallsm, old conLenLlons are emerglng anew ln 8ollvla.
1enslons over developmenL paradlgms and LerrlLorlal rlghLs have caused Lhe relaLlonshlp
beLween lndlgenous organlzaLlons and Lhe self-declared pro-poor MovemenL 1owards
Soclallsm (MAS) governmenL of Lvo Morales' parLy Lo deLerloraLe, lncongruously, agalnsL
Lhe backdrop of a governmenL's lnLernaLlonal campalgn for Lhe rlghLs of MoLher LarLh. MosL
observers polnL Lowards hegemonlc pragmaLlsm on Lhe parL of Lhe MAS as Lhe rooL of Lhese
confllcLs, especlally as regards overlapplng LerrlLorlal clalms, exLracLlve fronLlers and large
lnfrasLrucLure pro[ecLs. ln Lhls arLlcle, we analyze Lhe 1lnlS confllcL -around a planned road
Lhrough a proLecLed area- as a case sLudy Lo shed llghL on Lhe deeper sources and dynamlcs
of confllcL as ldenLlfled from a pollLlcal ecology perspecLlve. More aLLenLlon needs Lo be
devoLed Lo Lhe lnLernal conLradlcLlons of envlronmenLal and lndlgenlsL dlscourses, lnsLead
of solely focuslng crlLlques on lnconslsLency ln governmenL pollcles.
Car|os 2amora
1be potoJox of moJetolzotloo. tbe olleqeJ tettltotlol beqemooy of tbe 8tozllloo stote
oqolost copltol's sttoctotol ctlsls
Almlng aL a LheoreLlcal and crlLlcal analysls of Lhe 8razlllans developmenL our approach
alms Lo conLrlbuLe Lo an analysls of currenL power relaLlons and Lhe promlnenL role LhaL
LaLln Amerlca, represenLed by 8razll, can play ln seLLlng anoLher new world order. 8edeem
Lhe hlsLorlcal dlmenslon of socloeconomlc llfe, reduced by lmmedlaLe lnLeresLs LhaL
consolldaLes power relaLlons, ls Lo asserL LhaL any conLrlbuLlon Lo Lhe crlLlque of
lnLernaLlonal ollLlcal Lconomy noL expend efforL Lo emphaslze Lhe paradox of modernlLy ls
[usL a baseless [usLlflcaLlon for resLoraLlon of bubbles flnanclal characLerlsLlcs of a sysLem
LhaL was bullL on Lhe plllars of lnequallLy and moneLary raLlonallLy. AfLer power relaLlons
underlle Lhe ldea LhaL underdevelopmenL ls Lhe reverse of Lhe developmenL and Lhe Lwo
poles are Lhe same hlsLorlcal fleld. 1herefore, only wlLh an lnLernaLlonal ollLlcal Lconomy,
whlch prlorlLlzes Lhe prlnclple of lnLerdependence , can engender Lhe acLual developmenL
Andre[a 2|vkov|c
1owotJs o ctltlpoe of oto-Motxlsm
"1hls paper wlll focus on one aspecL of Lhe crlsls of lefL alLernaLlves, namely Lhe fallure Lo
address Lhe naLlonal quesLlon(s) aL Lhe hearL of Luropean lnLegraLlon. We wlll argue LhaL
Lhls aporla ls sympLomaLlc of Lhe lnLerpellaLlon of Lhe lefL as pollLlcal sub[ecL by Lhe
Luropean ldeology, resulLlng ln an lnverslon ln whlch Lhe crlLlque of Lhe pollLlcal economy
Lakes on Lhe form of lLs opposlLe, Lhe domlnanL markeL ldeology, and becomes purely
apollLlcal crlLlclsm. We call Lhls Lheory Luro-Marxlsm afLer Lhe greaL AusLro-MarxlsL school
of LhoughL. lL may be characLerlzed by Lhe bellef ln Lhe progresslve characLer of greaL
economlc ensembles whlch are held Lo unlLe Lhe collecLlve worker and decouple Lhe naLlon
from Lhe sLaLe, culLure from pollLlcs. 1o merely Lake Lhe posL-?ugoslav varlanL of Lhls
ldeology, Lhe naLlonal quesLlon ls erased, lmperlal domlnaLlon lgnored, and all LhaL ls lefL ls
apollLlcal crlLlclsm. More generally, Luro-Marxlsm Lakes Lhe lnsLlLuLlons of Lhe Luropean
unlon as Lhe lndlspensable and prlvlleged level of reform, a level LhaL ln facL does noL exlsL
slnce neo-llberallsm ls hardwlred lnLo an lnsLlLuLlonal forLress beyond all spaces of
democraLlc represenLaLlon. As a resulL, crlLlcal Lheory blfurcaLes ln Lhe dlrecLlon boLh of
uLoplanlsm and of neo-kanLlan adapLaLlon Lo Lhe Luropean ldeology. lnsLead we conslder
Lhe naLlon-sLaLe as a 'weak llnk', a space of Lhe condensaLlon, arLlculaLlon and dlsplacemenL
of Lhe conLradlcLlons of caplLallsL accumulaLlon wlLhln Lhe Luropean emplre, and Lhus Lhe
sLarLlng polnL for Lhe concepLuallzaLlon of pollLlcal sLraLegy proper, and dlalecLlcally, Lhe
only polnLs from whlch one can pose Lhe quesLlons of naLlonal self-deLermlnaLlon and Lhe
LransformaLlon of economlc relaLlons for Lurope as a whole.
Luc|ana 2orzo||
wbot Jo sttoctotol tefotms meoo fot wotket's otqoolzotloos? 1be lmpoct of oeollbetollsm oo
tbe ttoJe ooloo moJel lo Atqeotloo.
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"uesplLe a longsLandlng LradlLlon ln Lhe marxlsL sLudy of neollberallsm and Lhe lmpacL of
sLrucLural reforms on Lrade unlon sLrucLure, Lhere are sLlll a wealLh of lmporLanL aspecLs Lo
be sLudled ln LaLln Amerlca slnce neollberallsm has succeeded ln promoLlng masslve
changes ln mosL of Lhe relevanL areas LhaL frame Lrade unlon sLrucLure: lndusLrlal relaLlons
lncludlng Lhe labour markeL and workforce composlLlon (unemploymenL, precarlzaLlon,
ouLsourclng), labour/sLaLe relaLlons, and Lhe form of Lhe sLaLe.
1hls paper alms Lhem Lo brlng llghL, along Lhe rooLs of acLual Lrade unlon sLrucLures ln
ArgenLlna. We wlll crlLlcally revlew academlc producLlon and challenge Lhelr undersLandlng
of Lhe Lrade unlons model Lhrough a case where all Lhls Lenslons have been revealed: Lhe
murder of Marlano lerreyra, a young grass rooL acLlvlsL by members of ""unln
lerrovlarla"" Lhe 8allways Lrade unlon. 1he [udlclal case (LhaL lead lLs general secreLary
among oLhers Lo convlcLlon ln 2012) wlll show how Lhls ""buslness unlonlsm"" was formed
and wlll allow us Lo dlscuss sLrucLural changes ln workers organlzaLlons sLemmlng from
neollberal reforms and Lhe lasL dlcLaLorshlp."

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