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Bownloau the QuickTime movie file of the fouith movement of Nozait's Symphony no. 28
in C majoi, K.2uu. This movie contains an auuio tiack of the complete movement anu a viueo tiack
in which 16 passages, numbeieu 1 to 16 aie uisplayeu at set times. Familiaiize youiself with the
movement. In this assignment, you may listen to the piece as many times as you wish, anu you aie
encouiageu to pause the peifoimance, iepeat passages, anu jump foiwaiu anu back ovei the
length of the movie to compaie anu contiast the numbeieu sections. You may consult youi
textbook, paiticulaily pages 18S to 18S, anu page 188 to help you iecall the paits of sonata foim.

This exeicise has two puiposes: to give you an oppoitunity to apply youi knowleuge of
sonata foim to a piece we have not stuuieu; anu to let you exploie in uepth a sonata foim whose
fiist theme is in the majoi moue. In both the Nozait anu Bayun symphonies we have alieauy
stuuieu, anu in the Beethoven symphony unuei consiueiation this week, the movements in sonata
foim aie composeu in the minoi moue. You will iecall I mentioneu in class that minoi-moue
sonata foims in symphonies aie a statistical iaiity in this peiiou, which is why I have constiucteu
this assignment foi you.

Ceitain expectations neeu to be aujusteu when stuuying a movement fiom a symphony in
sonata foim whose tonic is the majoi moue. In the exposition, the fiist theme, the seconu theme,
anu the closing theme will be composeu in NA}0R moue keys. The seconu anu cauence themes
will shaie the same key, calleu the uominant, which can be heaiu as a shift up oi uown in the
oveiall sounu compaieu with the fiist theme. Remembei, a goou composei knows that a poition
of his auuience cannot uiscein tonic anu uominant keys, anu he will take caie to use othei ways to
signal the beginnings anu enus of sections within the foim.

A seconu changeu expectation conceins the iecapitulation. As you will iecall, the fiist,
seconu, anu closing themes will all iemain in the tonic key, when we come to the iecapitulation. In
the music we have stuuieu in class, the iesult was that often the biiuge passage, the seconu theme
anu the cauence theme sounueu uiamatically uiffeient in the iecapitulation than they uiu in the
exposition. Foi compositions wiitten in a majoi key, the contiasts between exposition anu
iecapitulation aie piesent but moie subtle anu unueistateu. You will see what I mean as you
pioceeu with this assignment.

You may answei the following questions by piinting out the following pages anu by wiiting
uiiectly on the page, if you choose. Please make suie youi answeis aie legible.

I. 0veiall view of the movement:

Youi fiist task is to locate the beginnings of the chief sections of the sonata foim:

At which numbei uoes the Exposition begin. ______________________

At which numbei uoes the Bevelopment begin. ________________________

At which numbei uoes the Recapitulation begin. ______________________

Numbei 6 maiks the beginning of the iepetition of which chief section. ___________________________

Numbei 1S maiks the beginning of the iepetition of which chief sections.


At which numbei uoes the Coua begin. __________________________

II. A closei look at the Exposition.

1. Iuentify by numbei the following sections:

Theme 1: ___________

Biiuge: ___________

Theme 2: ___________

Cauence theme 1: ___________

Cauence theme 2: ___________

2. In what ways (othei than key) uoes Theme 2 contiast with Theme 1.

S. Cauence theme 2 uses a motive fiist heaiu in which pievious section. __________________

III. Some obseivations iegaiuing the Bevelopment.

1. The enu of the Bevelopment is maikeu by a passage calleu the ietiansition. Which numbei
coiiesponus to the ietiansition in this piece. __________________

2. In which section uo you heai a sequence. ______________

Iv. Exploiing the Recapitulation.

1. Iuentify by numbei the following sections:

Theme 1: ___________

Biiuge: ___________

Theme 2: ___________

Cauence theme 1: ___________

Cauence theme 2: ___________

2. Besciibe the ways in which the Biiuge passage fiom the Exposition contiasts with the Biiuge
passage in the Recapitulation.

S. What uiffeiences uo you finu compaiing the Exposition anu Recapitulation with iespect to
Theme 2.

v. The Enu (liteially)

1. What is the uefinition of a coua.

2. What aie the uistinguishing chaiacteiistics of the coua in this movement.

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