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2010-2014 National Program of forced

industrial and innovative development of the

Republic of Kazakhstan and cancellation of
certain decrees of the President of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 19, 2010 # 95
!Kazakhstanska"a pra#da$ dated March %1, 2010, # &' (2)1%5*+
!,-e.en Kazakhstan$ dated March %1, 2010, # 115/11) (259)2*
0n order to obtain di#ersi1cation and co.petiti#e abilit" of econo." of the Republic
of Kazakhstan for lon-/run period !"#R""$
12 3on1r.ation of the 2010/201' 4ational Pro-ra. of forced industrial and inno#ati#e
de#elop.ent of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Pro-ra.*2
22 5o the 6o#ern.ent of the Republic of Kazakhstan7
1* 8ithin a period of one .onth it shall de#elop and con1r. 0ndustrial Map of Kazakhstan
for 2010/201' and Rational Distribution of Producti#e 3apacit" 9che.e until 2015+
2* 8ithin a period of one .onth it shall de#elop and con1r. :ork Plan of the 6o#ern.ent of
the Republic of Kazakhstan on realization of the Pro-ra.+
%* accordin- to the results of half/"ear period it shall infor.ation on realization
process of the Pro-ra. before ;ul" 20 and ;anuar" 20 to the <d.inistration of the President of
the Republic of Kazakhstan2
%2 5he 3entral and =ocal ,>ecuti#e bodies and also the 9tate bodies, i..ediate
subordinates and e>ecuti#es accountable to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall
take .easures on realization of the Pro-ra.2
'2 3ancellation of certain decrees of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan accordin-
to the <ppendi> to the present Decree2
52 5he <d.inistration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be responsible for
control of i.ple.entation of the present Decree2
)2 5he present Decree enters into force since the date of si-nature2
The President
of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev
b" the Decree of the President
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
of March 19, 2010 # 95
2010-2014 N%&'N%( PR')R%*
of forced industrial and innovative development
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
<stana, 2010
5he Pro-ra. description
<nal"sis of the current situation
Purpose, priorities, tasks and principles of the Pro-ra." areas of realization of the Pro-ra.
12 De#elop.ent of priorit" econo." sectors eAectin- its di#ersi1cation and of
co.petiti#e abilit"
121 Di#ersi1cation of production in Btraditional industriesB
?il and -as sector
Petroleu. che.istr"
?re .inin- and s.eltin- branch area
3he.ical industr"
<to.ic industr"
122 <rea de#elop.ent on the basis of do.estic de.and
Phar.aceutical industr"
3onstruction en-ineerin- and constructional .aterials production
12% 9upport of areas 8ith e>port potential
<-roindustrial co.ple>
=i-ht industr"
5ouristic industr"
12' De#elop.ent of sectors Bof econo." of the futureB
0nfor.ation and 3o..unication 5echnolo-ies
9pace acti#ities
<lternati#e ener-etics
<to.ic ener-etics
22 Ke" .easures of priorit" sectors de#elop.ent support
221 ,ner-" infrastructure pro#ision
222 5ransport infrastructure pro#ision
22% 0nfoco..unication pro#ision
22' De#elop.ent of .ineral resources co.ple>
225 Duali1ed personnel resources pro#ision
22) Reduction of ad.inistrati#e barriers
22& De#elop.ent of business co.petition
22 5echnical re-ulation and Eualit" infrastructure de#elop.ent
229 ,ner-" sa#in-
2210 De#elop.ent of inno#ations and assistance to technolo-ic .odernization
2211 5ariA polic"
2212 <ttractin- in#est.ents and de#elop.ent of free econo.ic areas
221% 5rade polic"
221' 0nstru.ents of 1nancial support of the Pro-ra.
%2 @or.ation of econo.ic -ro8th centers on the basis of rational territorial or-anization of
econo.ic potential
%21 5erritorial or-anization of industrial potential in priorit" sectors of econo."
%22 @or.ation of econo.ic -ro8th centers
'2 ,Aecti#e interaction bet8een the 6o#ern.ent and business actors in de#elop.ent of
priorit" sectors of econo."
'21 9che.e and instru.ents of realization of the Pro-ra. on Republican le#el
'2121 Role of strate-ic bi- pri#ate co.panies and subFects of Euasi/public sector in
realization of the Pro-ra.
'2122 Mechanis.s of realization of the Pro-ra. on Republican le#el
'22 9che.e and instru.ents of realization of the Pro-ra. on re-ional le#el
'2221 Role of de#elop.ent institutes, national co.panies in realization of the Pro-ra. on
re-ional le#el
'2222 Mechanis.s of realization of the Pro-ra. on re-ional le#el (Cusiness road .ap of
'2% Cusiness co.bination role
52 @inancial securit" of the Pro-ra.
)2 Results of the Pro-ra.
&he Program description
Name of the
2010-2014 N%&'N%( PR')R%*
of forced industrial and innovative development of the Republic
of Kazakhstan
+asis of
1* 3lause 1 of the :ork plan on realization of instructions of the President
of the Republic of Kazakhstan, recei#ed on e>traordinar" G00 .eetin- of
4DP B4ur ?tanB on Ma" 15,2009, appro#ed b" the decree of the
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan of ;une 2, 2009 # %2)+
2* 3lauses % and ' of the :ork plan on realization of instructions of the
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, recei#ed on 000 session of the
Parlia.ent of the Republic of Kazakhstan of fourth con#ocation on
9epte.ber 1, 2009, appro#ed b" the order of the Head of <d.inistration
of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 9epte.ber 19, 2009 #
!eveloper Ministr" of 5rade and ,cono.ic De#elop.ent of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, Ministr" of 0ndustr" and 0nno#ati#e 5echnolo-ies of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
Purpose of the
5o -uarantee stable and 8ell/balanced econo.ic -ro8th b" .eans of
di#ersi1cation and of its co.petiti#e abilit"
&asks De#elop.ent of priorit" sectors of econo.", eAectin- its di#ersi1cation
and of co.petiti#e abilit"+
9tren-thenin- of social eIcienc" of de#elop.ent of priorit" sectors of
econo." and in#est.ent proFects realization+
3reation of positi#e en#iron.ent for industrial de#elop.ent+
@or.ation of econo.ic -ro8th centers on the basis of rational territorial
or-anization of econo.ic potential+
6uarantee of eAecti#e interaction bet8een the 6o#ern.ent and business
actors in de#elop.ent of priorit" sectors of econo."2
&erms of
2010 / 201'
resources and
sources of

9tate bud-et and 1nance of enterprises, or-anizations, includin- 1nance
of national co.panies and or-anizations in#ol#in- the 6o#ern.ent2
<.ount of 1nancin- fro. Republican and local bud-ets 8ill be de1ned
8hile respecti#e bud-ets for the planned period2
&arget codes 0ncrease of7
6DP for no less than & trillions of KJ5, appro>i.atel" for 50 K of 6DP
in 200, in real ter.s the -ro8th of 6DP 8ill be 15 K+
.anufacturin- industr" ratio in the structure of 6DP for the le#el of no
less than 12,5 K+
non/" e>port ratio for the le#el of no less than '0 K of total
e>port #olu.e+
non/" e>port #olu.e for the le#el of no less than '% K of
#olu.e of co.bined production of .anufacturin- industr"+
labour producti#it" in .anufacturin- industr" no less than in 1,5
labour producti#it" in a-roindustrial co.ple> no less than in 2
fro. % 000 L9D for one en-a-ed in a-ricultural industr"+
share of Kazakhstan content in acEuisitions b" 9tate bodies and
or-anizations, 4ational control holdin-, 4ational holdin-s and co.panies
M of -oods for )0 K, ser#ices M up to 90 K+
share of inno#ati#e acti#e enterprises M up to 10 K of the nu.ber of
operatin- enterprises2
Decrease of7
transportation costs ration in the structure of pri.e cost of non/" sector for the le#el of no less than K+
6DP ener-"/output ratio for no less than 10 K of the le#el of 200
2010/201' 4ational Pro-ra. of forced industrial and inno#ati#e de#elop.ent of the Republic
of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Pro-ra.* 8as de#eloped to i.ple.ent the decree
of the Head of 9tate recei#ed on e>traordinar" G00 .eetin- of 4DP B4ur ?tanB on Ma" 15,2009,
the Messa-es of the Head of 9tate to people of Kazakhstan B4e8 decade / ne8 econo.ic
upturn M ne8 opportunities of KazakhstanB and also in accordance 8ith the ke" pro#isions of the
9trate-ic De#elop.ent Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2020, 8hich is the second step
in realization of 5he De#elop.ent 9trate-" of Kazakhstan until 20%02
5he purpose of the Pro-ra. is to -uarantee stable and 8ell/balanced econo.ic -ro8th b"
.eans of di#ersi1cation and of its co.petiti#e abilit"2
5he Pro-ra. is a lo-ical continuation of conducted polic" on di#ersi1cation of econo." and
it contains the .ain pro#isions of the 0ndustrial/inno#ation De#elop.ent 9trate-" for 200%/
2015, the Pro-ra. B%0 corporate leaders of KazakhstanB and other pro-ra. docu.ents in the
sphere of industrialization2
@or the period up to 2015 the .ain priorit" of the forced industrial polic" 8ill be realization
of bi- in#est.ent proFects in traditional e>port/orientated sectors of econo." 8ith
.ultiplication of ne8 business opportunities for s.all and .ediu./sized businesses b" .eans
of focused de#elop.ent of Kazakhstan content and follo8in- processin-2
5he initiators of bi- proFects pro.otion 8ill be ;93 4ational :elfare @und N9a.ruk/Kaz"naO
(hereinafter referred to as / ;93 N4:@ N9a.ruk/Kaz"naO*, strate-ic co.panies of fuel/ener-"
and .etallur-ical sectors of econo." and also strate-ic forei-n in#estors2
9i.ultaneousl" there .ust be for.ation andPor de#elop.ent of the sectors of econo."
8hich are not related to ra8 .aterials sector, but oriented on internal and then on re-ional
.arkets (the countries of the 3usto.s Lnion and 3entral <sia2
5he 6o#ern.ent 8ill support the initiati#es of Kazakhstan .ediu./sized and s.all
businesses focused on transfer of hi-h technolo-ies, attractin- forei-n in#est.ents for creation
of .odern i.port/substitutin- productions 8ith the prospect of their e>port orientation
De#elop.ent of national inno#ati#e infrastructure and support of scienti1c/technolo-ic
proFects 8ith prospects of co..ercialization 8ill continue in order to for. the basics of post/
industrial econo."2
0n -eneral, the 6o#ern.ental support of di#ersi1cation econo." 8ill be pro#ided b"
realization of s"ste. .easures of econo.ic polic" on .acro/and sectoral le#els and also
selecti#e support .easures of speci1c sectors of econo." and proFects2
5he s"ste. .easures of econo.ic polic" 8ill be concentrated on for.ation of positi#e
.acro/en#iron.ent and in#est.ent cli.ate, .easures of producti#it" and
co.petiti#e abilit" of the national econo."2
5he selecti#e .easures 8ill be taken on the basis of co.bined set of .easures of 1nancial
and non1nancial support of priorit" sectors and proFects2
5he 6o#ern.ent 8ill s"ste.atic or-anize its interaction 8ith business on the basis of
for.ation of eAecti#e institutes of cooperation on Republican and re-ional le#els2
4ecessar" course of the industrialization polic" up to 2015 8ill ha#e internal consistenc"
8ith resources, infrastructural, institutional and technolo-ic restrictions2 9"ste. character of
the .echanis.s in#ol#ed into the Pro-ra., sti.ulatin- di#ersi1cation and technolo-ic
.odernization of econo.", 8ill pro#ide7
creation of positi#e .acro/en#iron.ent conditions+ of business/cli.ate and sti.ulation of in#est.ents Qo8/in+
.ass technolo-ic .odernization and de#elop.ent of national inno#ati#e s"ste.+ of capital Eualit"2
3oncentration of the resources of the 6o#ern.ent and business for de#elop.ent of priorit"
sectors of econo." 8ill be pro#ided 8ith interacti#e decision .akin- process of the
6o#ern.ent and business, usin- .odern infor.ation s"ste.s of .onitorin- and speci1c
instru.ents of realization2
%nal,sis of the current situation
5he course of industrial/ inno#ati#e de#elop.ent, started in the be-innin- of 2000,
strate-icall" deter.ined .ain risks of Kazakhstan econo."7 8hat 8as chosen is the sin-le
course on di#ersi1cation of econo." and departure fro. dependence of ra8 .aterials
production acti#it"2
@or this period the institutional basics of industrialization 8ere created7
4ational @und that -uarantees econo.ic stabilit"+
;93 N4:@ N9a.ruk/Kaz"naO that consolidates potential of the 9tate to realize breakthrou-h
de#elop.ent institutes that processes di#ersi1cation+
dialo-ue on interaction and coordination of actions of the 6o#ern.ent and business2
:ithin the in#est.ent polic" the le-al fra.e8ork deter.inin- le-al and econo.ic
foundations of in#est.ents sti.ulation 8as
5hese .easures allo8ed proper -ro8th of also non/oil sector of econo." and conditions for
further de#elop.ent of s.all and .ediu./sized businesses in the period of acti#e econo.ic
-ro8th relatin- to the -as and oil producin- sector -ro8th2
0n spite of certain results, the di#ersi1cation polic" and inno#ati#e de#elop.ent 8ere not
realized co.pletel" because of nu.ber of s"ste. eAects t"pical for resource econo.ies of
countries 8ith de#elopin- .arkets7
the s".pto.s of Bthe Dutch diseaseB of econo." arose, leadin- to redeplo".ent of
resources (in#est.ent, labor* in ra8 .aterials sector+
.arket .echanis. in that period could not detect Bo#erheatB of certain sectors of econo."
and help the 6o#ern.ent to deter.ine Bthe ri-htB structure of econo."+
the di#ersi1cation polic" had no necessar" critical .ass for its de#elop.ent2
<.ounts of the 6o#ern.ental in#est.ents for di#ersi1cation 8ere not enou-h and 8ere not
properl" concentrated that could not lead to so.e serious structural chan-es2
<s a result, the structure of econo." re.ains oriented on ra8 .aterials production acti#it"
and the structure of e.plo".ent characterizes lo8 eAecti#eness of labor potential realization2
0n 200 the a-ricultural e.plo".ent 8as %1,5 K of people and the share of this sectorRs
production in the structure of 6DP 8as onl" 5, K2 @or the period fro. 2000 to 200 the share
of processin- industr" in 6DP reduced fro. 1),5 K to 11, K and the share of .inin- industr"
increased fro. 1% K to 1,& K2
:ithin the ke" factor of co.petiti#e abilit" of econo." / producti#it", in spite of positi#e
d"na.ics of the pre#ious "ears, Kazakhstan is behind of a#era-e de#eloped countries7
accordin- to the data of 200, labour producti#eness at parit" of bu"in- capacit" in Kazakhstan
8as 22,) thousands of L9D per .an, 8hen in Russia / %%,', in ;apan / ),2, in the L9< / 9,12
,>tensi#e character of Kazakhstan business -ro8th oriented on fast recei#in- of pro1ts fro.
the ra8 .aterials e>port did not allo8 it to si-ni1cantl" chan-e and -et to internal .arket 8hile
chan-in- of the 8orld business en#iron.ent2
5he initiati#es of the 6o#ern.ent did not -et proper support of business societ", because
"oun- national business 8as not stron- enou-h to be an acti#e actor of di#ersi1cation and start
ne8 inno#ati#e for Kazakhstan business and co.pete on the 8orld .arket attractin- the 8orld
leadin- co.panies as strate-ic partners2
0n pre/crisis period .arket econo." of Kazakhstan 8as for.ed e#olutionaril"2 Proc"clical
de#elop.ent 8as deter.ined b" the d"na.ics of e>port/" sector -ro8th and a#ailabilit"
of cheap in#est.ent resources on e>ternal 1nancial .arkets2
9peci1c character of national .ediu./sized and s.all businesses in Kazakhstan 8as
deter.ined b" its abilit" to occup"" spaces -uaranteein- fast obtainin- of in#est.ents
(internal non/trade sectors of econo."7 real estate, trade, local construction en-ineerin-, trade/
.ediator" sector and ser#ices*2
5herefore, business priorities did not correlate 8ith the 6o#ern.entRs priorities on
de#elop.ent of .anufacturin- acti#ities 8ith bi- added #alue of products2 5hose tendencies
8ere also reQected in respecti#e in#est.ent proFects portfolio of de#elop.ent institutes and
second/tier banks2 0t reQects the obFecti#e e#olutionar" process of national business for.ation2
3risis, that ble8 up those BbubblesB, .akes to search for ne8 .arkets and inno#ati#e products2
? 8a" of post/crisis de#elop.ent of Kazakhstan is Euickened industrialization2
5he 8orld e>perience 8itnesses diAerent 8a"s of industrialization7 strate-ies of Bcatchin-
de#elop.entB, Btraditional specializationB, Bpost/industrial de#elop.entB2 3onsiderin- the
structure of the national econo.", the Btraditional specializationB strate-" see.s ri-ht
industrialization strate-" for the present sta-e of industrialization de#elop.ent of KazakhstanRs
econo." 8ith the e.phasis on ra8 .aterials sector and follo8in- transferrin- fro. ra8
.aterials .anufactures to hi-her processin-2
9table links bet8een sectors of traditional specialization and the rest of econo." allo8 to
for. a ran-e of associate 1elds, 8hich 8ill -et possibilit" of de#elop.ent throu-h their ser#ices2
5hat 8ill also for. conduci#e conditions for for.ation of bunches of s.all and .ediu./sized
businesses around the .anufactures of ra8 .aterials sector2
4o8ada"s, 8hen co.petition on de#elopin- .arkets -ro8s and it is i.portant to occup"
these internal and potential e>ternal .arkets, it is necessar" to .a>i.all" unlock the potential
of the 3usto.s Lnion 8ith a#ailable .arket of 1&0 .illions of people2 5here8ith, uniEue
-eo-raphical position of Kazakhstan .akes it possible for the countr" to beco.e an eAecti#e
-lobal .ediator in <sia and the 309 (Russia, 3entral <sia, 3hina, 0ran, 0ndia*2 0n order to 8iden
a#ailable .arkets 8ith stron- presence of KazakhstanRs .anufactures, it is necessar" to
-uarantee intensi#e support of non/" e>port of a-roindustrial co.ple>, te>tile industr"
and touris.2
9i.ultaneousl" it is necessar" to selecti#el" support the sectors Bof econo." of the futureB,
8hich 8ill pla" the do.inant role in the 8orld econo." the follo8in- 15/20 "ears2
5he .ain condition of successful realization of the industrialization polic" 8ill be the -ro8th
of producti#it" factors and -uarantee of co.petiti#e abilit" of the national econo."2 industrialization 8ill de.and transition fro. the polic" of e#en de#elop.ent of
re-ions to the pinpoint 8a" of de#elop.ent of cities and territories 8ith bi- potential of -ro8th
and hi-h econo.ical acti#it"2
,Aecti#eness of the industrialization polic" depends on consolidation of eAorts of business
and the 6o#ern.ent on the de#elop.ent of priorit" sectors of econo." and also on for.ation
of eAecti#e institutes and .echanis.s of their interaction2
Purpose. priorities. tasks and principles of the Program
5he purpose is to -uarantee stable and 8ell/balanced econo.ic -ro8th b" .eans of
di#ersi1cation and of its co.petiti#e abilit"2
5ar-et codes up to 20157
0ncrease of7
6DP for no less than & trillions of KJ5, appro>i.atel" for 50 K of 6DP in 200, in real ter.s
the -ro8th of 6DP 8ill be 15 K+
.anufacturin- industr" ratio in the structure of 6DP for the le#el of no less than 12,5 K+
non/" e>port ratio for the le#el of no less than '0 K of total e>port #olu.e+
non/" e>port #olu.e for the le#el of no less than '% K of #olu.e of co.bined
production of .anufacturin- industr"+
labour producti#it" in .anufacturin- industr" no less than in 1,5
labour producti#it" in a-roindustrial co.ple> no less than in 2 fro. % 000 L9D for one
en-a-ed in a-ricultural industr"+
share of Kazakhstan content in acEuisitions b" 9tate bodies and or-anizations, 4ational
control holdin-, 4ational holdin-s and co.panies M of -oods for )0 K, ser#ices M up to 90 K+
share of inno#ati#e acti#e enterprises M up to 10 K of the nu.ber of operatin- enterprises
Decrease of7
transportation costs ration in the structure of pri.e cost of non/" sector for the le#el of
no less than K+
6DP ener-"/output ratio for no less than 10 K of the le#el of 2002
increase of producti#it" factors as the .ost i.portant condition of co.petiti#e abilit"
-ro8th of the national econo."+
e.phasis on attractin- in#est.ents, .ainl" direct forei-n ones, in creation of ne8 e>port/
oriented hi-h/tech productions+
de#elop.ent and stren-thenin- of the national inno#ati#e s"ste.+
decrease of concentration le#el of econo." and stren-thenin- of the role of s.all and
.ediu./sized businesses in the industrialization process+
rational e>tensional or-anization of econo.ic potential2
De#elop.ent of priorit" sectors of econo.", eAectin- its di#ersi1cation and of
co.petiti#e abilit"+
9tren-thenin- of social eIcienc" of de#elop.ent of priorit" sectors of econo." and
in#est.ent proFects realization+
3reation of positi#e en#iron.ent for industrial de#elop.ent+
@or.ation of econo.ic -ro8th centers on the basis of rational territorial or-anization of
econo.ic potential+
6uarantee of eAecti#e interaction bet8een the 6o#ern.ent and business actors in
de#elop.ent of priorit" sectors of econo."2

5he Pro-ra. is based on the follo8in- principles7
orientation on business initiati#es+
support of the Bbreakthrou-hB proFects and clustered initiati#es in non/oil and -as sector+ distribution of risks bet8een the 6o#ern.ent and pri#ate sector, clear
deter.ination of their roles in the industrialization process+
.ultiplication of ne8 business opportunities+
interati#eness relates to the per.anent speci1cation in the process of realization of the
entr" list pro-ra. dependin- on the le#el of 8orkin-/throu-h proFects+
transparenc" is the principle of outspokenness of the participants list of the Pro-ra.,
.aster/plans contents, applicantsR reEuests, .easures of 6o#ern.ental support, .onitorin-
results of realization of the Pro-ra.+
eEual access .eans that nati#e and forei-n co.panies, bi-, .iddle/sized and s.all
enterprises can eEuall" participate in the Pro-ra.+
co.petiti#eness is the basis of eAecti#e proFects pro.otion and pre#ention of use of non/
econo.ic .ethods+
transferness (spreadin- eAect* .eans that the .easures of 6o#ern.ental support relatin-
to de#elop.ent of nor.ati#e/le-al and nor.ati#e/technical basis ( of business/
en#iron.ent* relate to all subFects of econo.ic acti#it"+
succession .eans that the .ost eAecti#e .easures of the 6o#ern.ental polic" speci1ed in
alread" i.ple.entin- pro-ra. docu.ents 8ill be i.ple.ented 8hile realization of the present
Primar, areas of realization of the Program
1/ !evelopment of priorit, econom, sectors e0ecting its diversi-cation and
improvement of competitive abilit,
0n the follo8in- period the industrialization polic" 8ill be focused on ad#ance de#elop.ent
of priorit" non/oil and -as sectors throu-h de#elop.ent of the 1elds of Btraditional
specializationB, 8hich 8ill be accelerators of industrial / inno#ati#e processes2
,Aorts of the 6o#ern.ent 8ill be concentrated on de#elop.ent of the follo8in- priorit"
sectors of econo."7
traditional7 oil and -as sector, ore .inin- and s.eltin- co.ple>, ato.ic and che.ical
industr" 8ith follo8in- transition of rou-h .anufacturin- to hi-her processin-+
based on .ineral de#elopersR, national co.paniesR and the 6o#ern.entRs de.ands7
.achiner", buildin- industr", phar.aceutics+
productions not relatin- to oil/and/-as and e>port/oriented sectors7 a-roindustrial co.ple>,
li-ht industr", touris.+
sectors Bof econo." of the futureB 8hich 8ill pla" do.inant role in the 8orld econo." in
follo8in- 15/20 "ears7 infor.ation and co..unication technolo-ies, biotechnolo-ies,
alternati#e ener-etics, space acti#ities2
=ist of these sectors is not e>haustible, but 8ill be acco.panied durin- the process of
realization of the Pro-ra.2
9uccessful di#ersi1cation of econo." relates to stable de#elop.ent of the Republic,
includin- the 8a" of opti.ization of the controllin- s"ste. of stable de#elop.ent and
i.ple.entation of B-reenB polic" of lo8 carbonic econo.", includin- the issues of in#est.ents
attractin-, solution of ecolo-ical proble.s, reduction of ne-ati#e inQuence of anthropo-enic
stress on natural ecos"ste.s, stren-thenin- of responsibilit" of users of natural resources
concernin- e.ission reduction in the en#iron.ent, co.ple> residue utilization2
0n the speedin- process of di#ersi1cation of econo." the 6o#ern.ent 8ill stand a-ainst
realization of non/eAecti#e proFects, thus the .ain criterias of proFects selection 8ill be
producti#it", ener-"/eAecti#eness and e>port/orientation considerin- opportunit" of realization
of the 3usto.s Lnion potential2
1/1 !iversi-cation of production in 1traditional industries1
'il and gas sector
+rief anal,sis of the current situation
0n 2009 e>traction of oil and -as condensate in the Republic 8as &),5 .illion tons,
e>traction of -as 8as %5,) billion cubic .eters2 ,>port of oil and -as condensate 8as ),1
.illion tons2
?il/processin- factories (hereinafter referred to as ?P@* in 2009 processed 12,1 .illion tons
of oil2
@ollo8in- de#elop.ent of oil e>traction relates to .ariti.e proFects and results of proFects
on 8idenin- of 5en-iz and Karacha-anak occurrences2
*ain tasks
12 <chie#e.ent of stated tar-et codes on e>traction of oil and -as condensate and their
22 Meetin- the de.ands of internal .arket for oil products and -as2
%2 Di#ersi1cation of e>port routes of oil transportation2
&arget codes
12 <chie#e.ent of oil production #olu.e -ro8th shall be up to 5,0 .illion tons in 201'
(120,' K to 200 *, ra8 -as / up to 5' billion cubic .eters ()1,' K to 200 *2
22 ,>port of oil in 201' shall be up to &5 .illion tons (119,' K to 200 *2
%2 6ro8th of oil processin- #olu.e on Kazakhstan oil/processin- factories (hereinafter
referred to as / ?P@* in 201' shall be up to 15,0 .illion tons (122,1 K to 200 * 8ith increase of
oil processin- depth up to &/90 K and leadin- the Eualit" of national oil products to ,uropean
standards of Eualit"2
'2 5ransportation of -as on the -as pipeline BCe"neu/Cozo"/<kbulakB7
in 2012 M up to %,) billion cubic .eters per "ear+
in 201%/201' / up to 5,0 billion cubic .eters per "ear+
in 2015 and follo8in- "ears / up to 10 billion cubic .eters per "ear2
Primar, areas of the branch development
@or the period of 2010 / 201' e>traction of oil and -as condensate in the Republic 8ill -ro8
accordin- to realization of proFects of 5en-iz occurrence for 1,5 .illion tons and also for %,5
.illion tons accordin- to the be-innin- of e>traction process on Kazakhstan sector of 3aspian
9ea (Kasha-an , etc2* ?il e>traction -ro8th 8ill therefore tri--er -as e>traction -ro8th, because
nearl" all -as in the Republic is associated2
5he .ain operator of de#elop.ent sphere 8ill be ;93 B43 Kaz.una"-asB (hereinafter
referred to as / Kaz.una"-as*, 8hich 8ill concentrate on de#elopin- of national potential in the
sphere of oil and -as e>traction b" .eans of direct participation in bi- proFects, arran-e.ent
and startin- of ne8 occurrences, 1nancin- and -eolo-ical prospectin- 8ork2
0n order to contribute stable econo.ic -ro8th of the countr" and of Eualit" of
life of Kazakhstan people b" .eans of rational and secure de#elop.ent of h"drocarbon
resources of Kazakhstan sector in 3aspian 9ea and de#elop.ent of acco.pan"in- 1elds of
industr" of the countr" for the period of 2010/201' it is necessar" to .ake appropriate
conditions for co.ple> de#elop.ent and e>traction process stabilization2
5he 6o#ern.ental polic" 8ill be focused on sti.ulation of de#elop.ent of productions 8ith
hi-her added #alue, for.ation of au>iliar", ser#icin- and processin- blocks of s.all and
.ediu./sized enterprises b" .eans of outsourcin- and stren-thenin- of local content in bi-
proFects and also for.ation of clusters around bi- strate-ic co.panies b" .eans of
consolidation of eAorts of ser#icin- and au>iliar" enterprises2
5his strate-" 8ill allo8 achie#in- -ood .ultiplicati#e eAect of oil and -as sector
de#elop.ent on connected 1elds of internal econo." 8ith its acti#e i.ple.entation into
national production process2
@or these purposes there is realization of follo8in- in#est.ent proFects7
Reconstruction of #acuu. block of ,==?:/<S5/%" and deferred carbonization" of <t"rau ?P@ (<t"rau oblast* 8ith #acuu. block po8er / 1, .illions tonsP"ear and
deferred carbonization" po8er / 1,0 .illions tonsP"ear2
Modernization and reconstruction of 9h".kent ?P@ (9outh/Kazakhstan oblast* 8ith oil
processin- po8er / ),0 .illions tonsP"ear2
Modernization and reconstruction of Pa#lodar ?il and 6as Plant (Pa#lodar oblast* 8ith oil" processin- po8er / ),0 .illions tonsP"ear2
5o the processin- le#el and 8iden Kazakhstan content in oil co.paniesR purchases
there are the follo8in- .easures7
national oil and -as co.panies 8ill initiate creation of ne8 productions, increasin- the le#el
of ra8 .aterials processin- and share of Kazakhstan content b" .eans of direct participation in
ne8l" created productions or -uaranteein- of lon-/ter. sale of the products b" national
the contracts 8ith .ineral de#elopers 8ill include obli-ations on or-anization of processin-
and connected productions and -uaranteein- of priorit" rankin- of purchases of national -oods,
8orks and ser#ices+
.e.orandu.s 8ill be concluded 8ith bi- pri#ate strate-ic enterprises, at increase of
ra8 .aterials processin- le#el and purchases of the products of natioanl .anufacturers2
2ectoral and pro3ect measures of )overnmental support
&ransport infrastructure provision
@or di#ersi1cation of h"drocarbonic resources e>port to e>ternal .arkets and .eetin- the
de.ands of internal .arket the follo8in- proFects 8ill be i.ple.ented7
Kazakhstan #aspian 2,stem of &ransportation 4K#2&5
K395, ai.ed at oil e>port fro. Kasha-an and 5en-iz occurrences throu-h 3aspian 9ea and
Caku/5bilisi/;e"khan s"ste. andPor other oil/transport s"ste.s to international .arkets, 8ill
consist of7
12 ,skene/Kur"k oil pipeline+
22 5ranscaspian s"ste.s of the proFect (59P*, includin-7 the oil/loadin- ter.inal on
Kazakhstan seaside of 3aspian 9ea+ tankers and ships for transportation of oil and associated
operations+ the oil/dischar-e ter.inal on <zerbaiFanian seaside of 3aspian 9ea+ connecti#e
constructions 8ith the s"ste. Caku/5bilisi/;e"khan2
#aspian Pipeline #onsortium 4#P#5
5he 3P3 oil pipeline of 1510 k. connects B5en-izB occurrence and oil/ter.inal on Russian
seaside of Clack 9ea near the port !4o#orossisk$2
0t is assu.ed to be 8idenin- of oil pipeline capacit" up to )&,0 .illion tons of oil per "ear2
Kazakhstan-#hina oil pipeline
Kazakhstan M 3hina oil pipeline includes realization of <tasu/<lashankou and Kenki"ak/
Ku.kol oil pipeline proFect2 0t is assu.ed to be 8idenin- of current po8er capacit" of
Kazakhstan/3hina oil pipeline up to 20 .illion tonsP"ear2
%t,rau - 2amara
<t"rau M 9a.ara oil pipeline is one of priorit" directions of oil transportation throu-h the
Russian @ederation territor" in the direction of Clack 9ea or Caltic 9ea2
)as pipeline 1+e,neu-+ozo,-%kbulak1
0n order to .eet the de.ands for -as in south re-ions of the countr" and e>clude
dependence fro. -as i.port it is assu.ed to put into operation the startup co.ple>es of
BCe"neu/Cozo"/<kbulakB -as pipeline7
1/st startup co.ple> of the 1/st course / 2011+
2/nd startup co.ple> of the 1/st course / 201%+
2/nd course / 20192
6ormation of service infrastructure
3reation of inte-rated .ultifunctional center of pro-ressi#e technolo-ies (3aspian ener-etic
hub* 8ill be detailed in order to .eet the de.ands for oil and -as industr" of hi-hl" Euali1ed
personnel and scienti1c and research resources and also of technolo-ical, ad.inistrati#e and
co..ercial ser#ices2
7uali-ed personnel resources provision
ReEuire.ents of personnel of 1) oil and -as industr" specialities 8ill be .et b" .eans of
their trainin- in uni#erisities and 1 educational institutions of technical and professional
education (hereinafter referred to as M 5aP,* in <t"rau, <ktubinsk, :est/Kazakhstan, Man-istau,
K"z"lorda, 9outh/Kazakhstan oblasts2
0nterre-ional center on trainin- and retrainin- of personnel for oil and -as industr" for &00
students 8ill be put into operation in <t"rau cit" in 20112
@or further successful de#elop.ent of professional education s"ste.s in oil and -as
industr", transition to the 8orld educational standards shall take place b" .eans of7
1* de#elop.ent of nor.ati#e/le-al base considerin- responsibilit" of co.panies for
professional education of "outh and trainin- of Kazakhstan personnel+
2* interaction 8ith social partners b" .eans of their attraction to personnel trainin- and
Foint use of trainin- centers of oil co.panies in process of Kazakhstan personnel trainin-2
5rainin- of oil and -as industr" specialists 8ill take place 8ithin the fra.e8ork of the
-o#ern.ent order and obFecti#e educational -rants of bi- forei-n oil co.panies2
&echnical regulations implementation
@or securit" reasons there are the follo8in- technical re-ulations of7
12 -asoline, diesel fuel and black oil fuel+
22 -asoline additi#es+
%2 lubricants and special liEuids for transport #ehicles+
'2 ?il and -as, drillin-, -eolo-ical sur#e" and -eoph"sical eEuip.ent+
52 .a-istral oil pipelines+
)2 subsea pipelines and cables2
Petroleum chemistr,
+rief anal,sis of the current situation
0n spite of bi- of ra8 h"drocarbons e>traction, no8ada"s in Kazakhstan there is no
co.pleted technolo-ical c"cle of deep processin- of ra8 h"drocarbons -ettin- products 8ith
added #alue2
Ra8 h"drocarbons processin- is li.ited 8ith separation of oil and -as2 % oil/processin- and %
-as/processin- plants (hereinafter referred to as / 6PP*, built in 9o#iet ti.e and not .eetin- the
.odern standards, currentl" 8ork in the countr"2
3urrentl" 8ith the participation of ;93 B4ational co.pan" BKaz.una"-asB (hereinafter
referred to as / ;93 B43 NKaz.una"-asB* basic proFects on creation of oil and -as production are
read" for the sta-e of realization2
@or realization of interrelated oil and -as production, e>clusi#e econo.ic zone B4ational
industrial oil and -as technoparkB 8as created in <t"rau oblast2
*ain task
0ncrease of depth and of national ra8 h"drocarbons processin- (oilP-as* and -ro8th
of e>port of products 8ith hi-h added #alue2
&arget codes
12 0ntroduction of bitu.en production po8er in the #alue of 500 thousands tonsP"ear up to
22 9ince 201' production of aro.atic h"drocarbons in the #alue of benzol / 1%% thousands
tonsP"ear, para>"lene / '9) thousands tonsP"ear2
%2 9ince 2015 production of basic oil and -as products in the #alue of 00 thousands
tonsP"ear of pol"thene and 500 thousands tonsP"ear of pol"propene2
Primar, areas of the branch development
3reation of oil and -as production is considered in t8o directions2
5he 1rst directions M creation of oil and -as production on deep processin- of ra8
h"drocarbons for output of basic oil and -as products 8ith hi-h added #alue usin- technolo-ical
interaction products of deep processin-," processin- products 8ith ?P@, 6PP2
@or these purposes there shall be realization of the follo8in- in#est.ent proFects7
0nte-rated -as che.ical co.ple> of basic oil and -as products .anufacturin- 8ith capacit"
of 1,% .illion tons products per "ear, considerin- h"drocarbon -as processin- of 5en-izTUVWV
occurrence (<t"rau oblast*2 5er.s of realization of the proFect7 2009 / 201'2
Citu.inic Plant on the basis of <ktau Plant of plastic .ass (processin- of hea#"
Karazhanbass oil* 8ith capacit" of 500 thousand tons of pa#in- bitu.en appropriate for
Kazakhstan cli.atic conditions (Man-istau oblast*2 5er.s of realization of the proFect7 2010 /
3onstruction of the co.ple> on <t"rau ?P@ on aro.atic h"drocarbons production, benzol /
1%% thousands tonsP"ear, para>"lene / '9) thousands tonsP"ear2
5he second direction / construction of enterprises of s.all and .ediu./sized businesses in
the sphere of au>iliar" processin- of basic oil and -as products and output of inno#ati#e
products of industrial and desi-nation 8ith hi-h added #alue (pipes, .e.branes,
dishes, packa-e, other details of .anufacturin- and household desi-nation*2
2ectoral and pro3ect measures of )overnmental support
nfrastructure provision on the 6"8 territor,
3onstruction of obFects of infrastructure inte-rated -as che.ical co.ple> (11 ph"sical
obFects* 8ill be done 8ith support of the 6o#ern.ent2
3onstruction of infrastructure free econo.ic zone (hereinafter referred to as / @,J*,
B4ational industrial oil and -as technoparkB (<t"rau oblast*8ith location of oil and -as
enterprises of s.all and .ediu./sized businesses 8ill be 1nanced b" .eans of Republican
7uali-ed personnel resources provision
Lp to &00 Euali1ed specialists on technical specialities 8ill be trained2
Resources provision
:ith the support of the 6o#ern.ent the a-ree.ent on -as suppl" for lon-/run period 8as
're mining and smelting branch area
+rief anal,sis of the current situation
9hare of ore .inin- and s.eltin- 1eld in total #olu.e of .anufacturin- production is / 1&,5
K2 9hare of .etallic ore e>traction / %, K, iron ore e>traction / 1,5 K, base .etal ores
e>traction / 2,% K, share of .etallur-ical industr" / 11, K, share of production of 1nished
.etallic -oods / 1,2 K2 5he share of .etallur-ical industr" has .ore than %5 K of total
processin- industr" #olu.e2 Practicall" all .etals .anufactured in the countr" and .etal
products are subFects of e>port, 8hile products of hi-her processin- are abroad2 <ccordin- to
the results of 200, the products for 1%,21 billions L9D 8ere e>ported2
5he .ain proble.s of ore .inin- and s.eltin- co.ple> are7 source of ra8 .aterials
e>haust, lo8 co.ple>ness of usin- ra8 .aterials, hi-h le#el runout of the .ain production
facilities, hi-h le#el of en#iron.ent pollution and technolo-ical inferiorit", lack of inte-rated
co.ple>es 8ith full c"cle of production fro. e>traction to output of products 8ith hi-h le#el of
.arket readiness, s.all capacit" and dispersion of internal .arket, hi-h ener-"/, labor/ and
.aterials consu.ption of products2
Perspecti#e opportunities of technolo-ical de#elop.ent of ore .inin- and s.eltin- 1eld7 1*
in iron industr" / production of hi-h Eualit" ra8 .aterials for steel.akin- (-ranulated iron and
HC0, production of ferro/allo"s 8ith colored and rare .etals*, production of Eualit" steel (pipe
and corrosion proof, heat resistin- and o#enproof, tool, ball/and/roller, rail and sprin-/loaded*
and 8idenin- of -au-e .aterials of hea#il" allo"ed steel+ 2* in nonferrous/.etals industr" /
production of 1ne .etals (alu.iniu., copper, -old, titaniu.* and their products (rods, 8ires,
rolled .etals, shapes and allo"s and also Fe8elr"*2
*ain task
3reation of .etallur-ical productions 8ith follo8in- processin- for de#elop.ent of
.echanic en-ineerin-, buildin- industr" and other 1elds of .anufacture and e>port2
&arget codes
12 0ncrease of -ross added #alue of .etallur-ical industr" shall be no less than 10& K on the
basis of deep processin- of .ineral ra8 .aterials and creation of ne8 processin-2
22 0ncrease of #olu.e of hi-h/tech co.petiti#e products and e>port shall be in 2 to
the le#el of 2002
Primar, areas of the branch development
6o#ern.ental polic" on de#elop.ent of ore .inin- and s.eltin- co.ple> of the countr"
8ill be ai.ed at realization of the follo8in- areas7
or-anization of .anufactures of the .ain (basic* .etals b" bi- enterprises+
or-anization of 1nal products .anufactures of hi-h processin- on the basis of .ain .etals
b" enterprises of s.all and .ediu./sized businesses2
5here 8ill be also i.ple.entation of co.ple> of .easures on sti.ulation of ore and
concentrates e>port share reduction for co.ple> processin- of .ineral ra8 .aterials2
5he subFects for production de#elop.ent ai.ed at ne8 processin- and oriented on e>port
in iron industr" M realization of a bi- proFect on increase of steel production capacit" up to )
.illion tons per "ear and construction of accessor" plant 8ith capacit" of up to ' .illion tons of
steel per "ear (Kara-anda oblast*2 5he annual output of silicon production 8ill
be increased to )', thousands tonsP"ear, ferrochro.e M up to ''0 thousands tonsP"ear in 1#e
in nonferrous/.etals industr" / production of" alu.iniu. 8ill be increased to 125
thousand tons2 3onstruction of a ne8 plant of" alu.iniu. .anufacture 8ith capacit" of
250 thousand tons per "ear (Pa#lodar oblast* 8ill be-in2 0n rare/.etal and rare/earth 1elds no
less than t8o Foint enterprises 8ith the bi--est 8orld corporations/leaders in the sphere of hi-h/
tech .anufactures 8ill be created to 201'2 5here8ith, copper concentrate output 8ill be
increased to 500 thousand tons (,ast/Kazakhstan oblast*, cathode copper / to 95 thousand tons,
spon-" titaniu. M to 1) thousand tons, production of hi-h cleanness Euartz M to 1),5 thousand
tons, copper/.ol"bdene ore M to 2 500 thousand tons2
Production of tantalu. 8ill be increased to 29& tons, ber"lliu. / to 2000 tons up to 20152
?n internal .arket 8ith phasin- output on e>ternal .arkets there 8ill be7
in iron industr" / no less than % hi-h/tech lo8/capacit" .anufactures 8ith products of hi-h
added #alue 8ill be created in Kara-anda oblast in 0ndustrial zone2 =o8/capacit" steel
production 8ith capacit" of no less than 200 thousand tons per "ear 8ill be created in Kostana"
oblast2 <nnual output of rolled steel production 8ill be increased to '50 thousand tons in
Kostana" oblast, -ranulated iron production of 500 thousand tons per "ear 8ill be de#eloped as
8ell as 1,' .illion tons of HC0 per "ear and up to 100 thousands tons of rail products per "ear2
in nonferrous/.etals industr" M the 0ndustrial zone for arran-e.ent of no less than ) lo8/
capacit" .anufactures 8ith annual production output up to 15 thousand tons of alu.inu. 8ire
rod, 20 thousand tons of rolled .etal, 10 thousand tons of shape and 50 thousand tons of allo"s
8ill be created in Pa#lodar oblast2 5here8ith, cathodic -old output 8ill be increased to 15 tons,
-old aIna-e production 8ill be de#eloped 8ith capacit" of 25 tons per "ear b" .eans of
concentratin- and processin- plants2 0n the sphere of .etallur-ical production of hi-h
processin- 25 s.all and .ediu./sized enterprises 8ill be created in ,ast/Kazakhstan, :est/
Kazakhstan, Kara-anda, <ktubinsk and Pa#lodar oblasts2
5here shall be realization of the follo8in- proFects7
Kostana" oblast / HC0 / 1,' .illion tonsP"ear+
Kostana" oblast / rolled section / &5 thousand tonsP"ear+
Kostana" oblast / rolled .etal products / '50 thousand tonsP"ear+
Jha.b"l oblast / silicon / )', thousand tonsP"ear+
<ktobe oblast / ferrochro.e M up to ''0 thousand tonsP"ear+
<k.olinsk oblast / ore e>traction / .illion tonP "ear, production of -old /15 tonsP"ear+
Pa#lodar oblast M copper production concentrate / 500 thousand tonsP"ear+ Pa#lodar
oblast M production of" alu.iniu. / 125 thousand tonsP"ear+
,ast/Kazakhstan oblast / copper production concentrate / 500 thousand tonsP"ear, copper
s.elter" / 25 thousand tonsP"ear+
,ast/Kazakhstan oblast / production of spon-" titaniu. / 1) thousand tonsP"ear+
,ast/Kazakhstan oblast / production of cathode copper / &0 thousand tonsP"ear2
Kara-anda oblast / production of steel M up to 10 .illion tonsP"ear+
<ktobe oblast / -ranulated iron / 500 thousand tonsP"ear+
Pa#lodar oblast / railin- / 100 thousand tonsP"ear2
4e#ertheless, the proFectsR portfolio can be chan-ed later considerin- priorities of the
present 1eld de#elop.ent2
2ectoral and pro3ect measures of )overnmental support
"nerg, infrastructure provision
5here 8ill be .odernization and increase of capacities of 9DP9/2 (,kibastuz cit"* and 5PP
(Pa#lodar cit"*2
&ransport infrastructure provision
5he issue of increase of railroad capacit" on the follo8in- stations 8ill be detailed7 <ksu/2
(Pa#lodar oblast*, Don (3hro.etau, <ktobe oblast*, Jhinishke (<ktobe oblast*2
7uali-ed personnel resources provision
De.and for personnel in 15 specialities of .etallur-ical industr" in <ktubinsk, ,ast/
Kazakhstan, Kara-anda, Pa#lodar oblasts 8ill be .et b" .eans of their trainin- of specialists in
uni#ersities and 10 educational institutions of 5aP,2
9"ste. of professional/ technical education pro#idin- 8ith specialists of secondar" technical
trainin- for .etallur-" and .etal8ork 8ill be rene8ed and s"ste. of % .onths .anufacture
internships 8ith indi#idual super#isors 8ill be i.ple.ented in .anufacturin- enterprises2
%dministrative barriers removal
5he parts of the la8 of the Republic of Kazakhstan B?n subsurface resources and subsurface
resources .ana-e.entB on authorities of the Ministr" of industr" and ne8 technolo-ies relatin-
to the issue of confor.ation of .inin- plan on solid .inerals e>traction 8ill be chan-ed2
5he la8 on precious .etals and stones 8ill be .ade for the 6o#ern.ent re-ulation of
precious .etals and stones occurrences e>ploration, their e>traction, production, use and also
issues of .etal Funk and 8aste .aterials of precious .etals and stones2
&echnical regulations implementation
0n order to the spheres of .etallur-ical industr" technical re-ulation, the follo8in-
parts 8ill be chan-ed7 de#elop.ent and i.ple.entation of ' technical re-ulations on
.etallur-" and .etal8ork, %11 state standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan har.onized 8ith
international reEuire.ents, includin- 1)2 of testin- .ethods, 1' of products and also 1
standard of .ana-e.ent s"ste.2 3onsidered standards 8ill be related to7 .etals / 15)+
.etallic .aterials / 5+ .ana-e.ent s"ste. / 1+ .etallic .aterials .easure.ent and testin-
.ethods / 52 5here8ith, it is necessar" to .odernize national standards on hardness scales in
order to produce hi-h/accurac" testin- blocks for .etrolo-ical assurance of .etals and .etal
-oods Eualit" .easure.ent2
!evelopment of innovations and assistance to technologic modernization
3reation of laborator" of the 3enter of .etallur-" and hi-h technolo-ies in ,ast/Kazakhstan
oblast specializin- on research of per.anent .a-nets, catal"tic a-ents for ra8 h"drocarbons
processin-, turbine blades, autocatal"sts, end products on the basis of Euartz ra8 .aterials,
tantalu., niobiu., ber"lliu., .ol"bdenu., 8olfra.iu. 8ill be detailed to 2012 for the
purpose of the 1eld scienti1c/technical de#elop.ent2
9"ste. .onitorin- of enterprises, anal"sis and control of processes of .etallur-" and
.etal8ork productsR added #alue for.ation 8ill be .ade2
0nno#ati#e -rants 8ill be appropriated for increase of business inno#ati#e acti#it"7 for
.odernization of .etallur-" and .etal8ork enterprises pro#idin- increase of labour
producti#eness for 20 K and .ore co.parin- to the present le#el+ for scienti1c researches and
e>peri.ental de#elop.ent 8orks (hereinafter referred to as / 9R,D:* in order to decrease
ener-" and resource intensit" .anufactures and also for concessional 1nancin- of eEuip.ent
#reation of attractive terms for direct investments
9ti.ulation of 9R,D: de#elop.ent b" .eans of ta> base reduction on corporate inco.e
ta> for 150 K of e>penses for 9R,D: results i.ple.entation2
@or the purpose of national content de#elop.ent 8hile realization of proFects 8ith
participation of the 6o#ern.ent, national .anufacturers 8ill be ensured 8ith priorit" ri-ht to
.etal products suppl" for proFects data realization2 5here8ith, national .etallur-" and
.etal8ork processers 8ill ha#e opportunit" to -ain ra8 .aterials on co..odit" .arket of the
Republic of Kazakhstan, 8hile bi- .anufacturers of ra8 .aterials 8ill ha#e opportunit" to .ake
Euota deli#er" of ra8 .aterials on the co..odit" .arket2
9upport of the 1eld de#elop.ent 8ill also be pro#ided b" .eans of priorit" purchase of
-oods, 8orks and ser#ices b" the 1eld enterprises, .ineral de#elopers, national co.panies and
-o#ern.ental bodies2
Measures for sti.ulation of .etals realization on internal .arket 8ill be taken in order to
-ain products of hi-h processin-2
Measures for disincenti#eness of ore and concentrates e>port 8ill be taken in order to
process ra8 .aterials in the countr"2
Resources provision
Ra8/.aterial base of operatin- .inin- enterprises 8ill be 8idened 8ith special attention to
searchin- and de#elop.ent of ore occurrences for nonferrous/.etals industr" and searchin- of
strate-ical t"pes of natural resourses in ,ast, 3entral and 4orth Kazakhstan2 4ational
co.panies 8ill be supported 8ith li.ited resource base 8hile purchasin- .inin- assets
5here shall be de#elop.ent and i.ple.entation of eAecti#e technolo-ies on processin- of
unbalanced and hard/cleanin- ore, concentrates, 8aste piles and also on use of secondar" ra8
.aterials / .etal Funk and 8aste of black and colored .etals2
;93 B?63 B5au/Ken 9a.rukB 8ill ser#e the interests of the 6o#ern.ent in ore .inin- and
s.eltin- co.ple> relatin- to acEuisition of alienate ri-hts to subsurface resources .ana-e.ent
and participation in de#elop.ent of natural resourses occurrences2
#hemical industr,
+rief anal,sis of the current situation
6ross #olu.e of che.ical industr" in the 8orld is about 2 trillion L9D2 9hare of Kazakhstan
production in the 8orld .anufacture / 0,0' K, in #olu.e of .anufacture industr" of the countr"
/ 1,)1 K, in #olu.e of processin- industr" of the countr" / ',' K2
<ccordin- to the results of 200 #olu.e of e>port products of the 1eld 8as 101 billion KJ5
or about 0,' billion L9D, of i.port products / 92 billion KJ5 or 0,&) billion L9D2
5he proble.s of the 1eld de#elop.ent are lo8 le#el of ra8 .aterials processin-+ non/" of products to the reEuire.ents of international standards+ la- in technolo-" of the
1eld+ 8ear of 1>ed assets (.ore than 0 K*+ lo8 coeIcient of 1>ed assets rene8al(1/1,5 K per
"ear*+ lack of basic .anufactures for further processin- production+ de1cit of Euali1ed
<t the present ti.e there are no en-ineerin- co.panies able to pro#ide full co.ple> of
en-ineerin- ser#ices on proFection of co.petiti#e che.ical .anufactures (anal"tical
researches, pre/proFect and proFect docu.entation, en-ineerin- eEuip.ent, technolo-ies,
control for construction and acti#ities support* in Kazakhstan2
*ain task
De#elop.ent of priorit" co.petiti#e .anufactures of che.ical industr" ai.ed at production
of hi-h/tech, e>port/oriented and inno#ati#e products 8ith hi-h added #alue2
&arget codes
12 0ncrease of che.ical production #olu.e in 2 ti.es2
22 0ncrease of hi-h processed che.ical products e>port in 2 ti.es2
Primar, areas of the branch development
?r-anization of co.ple> processin- of ra8 .aterials for the purpose of hi-h processed
che.ical production 8ill be .ade in the follo8in- areas7
or-anic che.istr" products7 or-anization of pol"thene production 8ith capacit" of 00
thousand tons per "ear and pol"propene production 8ith capacit" of 500 thousand tons per
"ear in <t"rau oblast and also hi-h processin- .anufacture (considered in the 9ection
BPetroleu. che.istr"B*+
inor-anic che.istr" products7 or-anization of .ineral fertilizers .anufacture, includin-
nitro-en/phosphoric / no less than 1 .illion tonsP"ear, potassic (includin- non/ chloride* / no
less than 250 thousand tonsP"ear, co.ple> / no less than 200 thousand tonsP"ear+ sodiu.
h"drate of .e.branous .ethod / no less than %0 thousand tonsP"ear+ increase of dippin- acid
special che.icals and che.istr"7 or-anization of e>plosi#e a-ents .anufacture /
no less than 15 thousand tonsP"ear+ s"nthetic deter-ents .anufacture / no less than )0
thousand tonsP"ear+ biopreparations and hu.ates .anufacture / no less than )00 tonsP"ear+
phosphorus/containin- fertilizers .anufacture of acid/free technolo-ies / no less than 100
thousand tonsP"ear2
Production of pol".eric constructional .aterials, a-ricultural che.istr" products,
antip"renes, Qotation a-ents, household cleanin- products, fuel additions and other lo8/ and
.ediu./tonna-e hi-h/technolo-" products for buildin-, che.ical, te>tile industries, a-riculture,
.echanic en-ineerin- and other sectors of econo." 8ill be also or-anized2
5here shall be realization of the follo8in- proFects7
production of sodiu. h"drate of .e.branous .ethod / %0 thousand tonsP"ear and other
products / chlorine, sodiu. h"pochlorite (Pa#lodar oblast*+
dippin- acid production (<k.olinsk oblast*+
nitro-en/phosphate fertilizer production / no less than 1 .illion tonsP"ear (Lshbas and 6eres
occurrences in 9outh/Kazakhstan oblast*+
construction of .inin- and concentratin- factor" and sulfuric plant 8ith capacit" of )50
thousand tonsP"ear (Jha.b"l oblast*2
5he .entioned list of proFects is not 1nal2 <n additional portfolio of proFects 8ill be for.ed
on the ne>t sta-e in accordance 8ith priorities of the 1eld de#elop.ent2
Realization of the proFects .entioned abo#e 8ill brin- opportunit" for or-anization of hi-h
processin- .anufacture enterprises of s.all and .ediu./sized businesses, 8ill allo8 to
increase research intensit" of the 1eld, to use a#ailable scienti1c researches and .eet the
de.ands of e>ternal and internal .arkets2
2ectoral and pro3ect measures of )overnmental support
nfrastructure provision
5he issue of ener-etic infrastructure pro#ision of the buildin- proFect of the nitro-en/
phosphate fertilizer .anufacture plant in 9outh/Kazakhstan oblast 8ill be detailed2
5he issue of transport infrastructure pro#ision of the buildin- proFects of the co.ple> .ineral
fertilizers .anufacture plant in Jha.b"l oblast and the nitro-en/phosphate fertilizer
.anufacture plant in 9outh/Kazakhstan oblast 8ill be detailed2
7uali-ed personnel resources provision
De.and for personnel in 12 specialities of che.ical industr" and specialit""B 8ill
be .et b" .eans of their trainin- in uni#ersities and 1% educational institutions of 5aP,2
4e8 specialities 8ill be open in educational institutions of <k.olinsk, Pa#lodar oblasts2
9"ste. of % .onths .anufacture internships 8ith indi#idual super#isors 8ill be i.ple.ented
in .anufacturin- enterprises2 4o less than 1000 specialists/ alu.nus of educational institutions
8ill be trained 8ithin the fra.e8ork of the present s"ste.2
5he internship pro-ra. for .ana-ers of technolo-ies, sale and suppl" for national che.ical
enterprises 8ill be realized in the leadin- forei-n che.ical co.panies2 4o less than 200
personnel 8ill be trained 8ithin the fra.e8ork of the present pro-ra.2
%dministrative barriers removal
Procedures in the sphere of re-ulation of precoursors production and turno#er 8ill be
si.pli1ed in order to decrease their inQuence on for.ation of che.ical productsR costs and sa#e
ti.e to obtain necessar" per.issions2
5he issue of ra8 h"drocarbons and oil/processin- products realization on internal .arket at
econo.icall" e>pedient prices for the purpose of their use in national che.ical industr" of
further processin- 8ill be detailed in order to deepen cooperation 8ith forei-n in#estors and bi-
.ineral de#elopers2
&echnical regulations implementation
9 technical re-ulations 8ill be i.ple.ented, 225 state standards 8ill be de#eloped and
i.ple.ented in accordance 8ith international reEuire.ents+ .odernization of national
standards on XY/.etrics of electric conducti#it" of chro.ato-raph" and spectro.etr" for
ph"sico/che.ical, optics/ph"sical and .icrobiolo-ical .easure.ents usin- .odern .ethods
8ill be .ade2
!evelopment of innovations and assistance to technologic modernization
0n order to achie#e hi-h inde>es of labour producti#eness and ener-"/eAecti#eness of
production the -rants 8ill be oAered for de#elop.ent and i.ple.entation of de#elop.ent
,n-ineerin- scienti1c/researches of the Pro-ra. on creation of ne8 che.ical products,
solution of technolo-ical proble.s of che.ical enterprises, use of che.ical products in
enterprises of other 1elds 8ill be .ade2
9pecialized en-ineerin- co.pan" in the sphere of che.ical production 8ill be created2 0ts
acti#it" 8ill be ai.ed at trainin- of no less than %0 Euali1ed en-ineers fro. the nu.ber of
Kazakhstan specialists, i.ple.entation of .odern .ethods and international standards on
.anufacture en-ineerin-, increase of Kazakhstan content in en-ineerin- ser#ices in the 1eld for
no less than '0 K, for.ation of s"ste.s of scienti1c/en-ineerin- support of the 1eld
enterprisesR acti#it"2
#reation of attractive terms for direct investments
B;oint che.ical co.pan"B 9a.ruk Kaz"na ==P 8ill be the .ain operator of the Pro-ra.
realization in che.ical industr" and 8ill .eet the de.ands of the 6o#ern.ent relatin- to
acEuisition of alienate ri-hts to subsurface resources .ana-e.ent, participate in de#elop.ent
of natural resourses occurrences, attract necessar" capital loans on international 1nancial
.arket and search for strate-ical in#estors2
3oncessional lendin- 8ill be or-anized (8ith ;93 BCank of de#elop.ent of KazakhstanB
(hereinafter referred to as / CDK* and second/tier banks / partners of the Pro-ra.* for
Republican in#est.ent proFects, enterprises of s.all and .ediu./sized businesses
products of national che.ical .anufactures for the purpose of hi-h processed production2
9ubsidization of a-ricultural producers 8ill be increased in order to sti.ulate consu.ption of
.ineral fertilizers of national production+ the current nor.ati#e le-al acts on 8idenin- of -oods
no.enclature (8orks, ser#ices* sold b" national potential suppliers for the 9tate reEuire.ents
8ill be chan-ed and a.ended 8ith inclusion of the products of ne8 che.ical .anufactures2
&rade polic,
0n order to create reco-nizable i.a-e of Kazakhstan che.ical products in for. of the state
order, li.ited cost reco#er" for che.ical enterprises (e>porters of hi-h processin- products* 8ill
be considered for participation in specialized e>hibition, brandin- of national products, creation
of internet/resource and printable products for spreadin- o#erseas2
Procedure of acEuisition of license for che.ical products e>port 8ill be si.pli1ed, ter.s of
a-ree.ent issuance 8ill be reduced in e#er" .inistr"2
5he proble. of obtainin- special per.ission for traIc of cisterns for "ello8 phosphorus
transportation on the territories of the ,L countries for the period of 2011 M 201 8ill be sol#ed
(in #ie8 of their prohibition in the ,L countries since 2011*2
Resources provision
9earchin- 8orks for ra8 .aterials occurrences 8ill be held in che.ical industr"2
%tomic industr,
+rief anal,sis of the current situation
5here are all reasons for de#elop.ent of e>port/oriented and the 8orld co.petiti#e ato.ic
sector in Kazakhstan2
5he" are7
presence of si-ni1cant Euantit" of de#eloped uraniu. reser#es and uraniu./.inin- and
processin- industr"+
presence of enterprises of production of propellants (93 BLMJB* and constructional .aterials
for nuclear/po8er reactors+
presence of hi-hl"/Euali1ed specialists 8ith e>perience of operation of nuclear reactors in
the countr"+
presence of scienti1c enterprises 8ith researchin- reactors, uniEue electro/phisical
installations and stands .akin- researches in the sphere of nuclear ph"sics, ph"sics and
technics of nuclear reactors, securit" of nuclear po8er units2
*ain task
3reation of #erticall"/inte-rated co.ple> 8ith full nuclear/fuel c"cle for .anufacture of
e>port/oriented products 8ith hi-h added #alue, that 8ill be co.petiti#e on the 8orld .arkets2
&arget codes
12 0ncrease of uraniu. e>traction #olu.e in accordance 8ith decisions of the 6o#ern.ent of
the Republic of Kazakhstan2
22 3reation of ne8 .anufactures of nuclear/fuel c"cle, construction of con#ersion facilit"
8ith .anufacturin- capacit" of 12 000 tons of uraniu. he>aQuoride (L@)*, construction of the
plant on Llbinsk Metallur-ical Plant of fuel asse.blies 8ith capacit" of '00 tons of nuclear fuel2
Primar, areas of the branch development
0n order to eAecti#el" use uraniu. .ineral resources base of the Republic of Kazakhstan
and de#elop the follo8in- sta-es of nuclear/fuel c"cle, the follo8in- actions are considered7
12 ,>ploration 8ork in 9hu/9ar"su" and 9"rdar"a uraniu. / .inin- pro#inces for the
purpose of uraniu. .ineral resources base production and de#elop.ent and e>traction of ne8
.ines 8ith .assi#e construction of a ne8 <P9 proclai.ed b" .an" countries2
9tartin- in 2010 the 8orks on producti#e capacit" e>traction in operatin- .ines and put
into operation of ne8 e>tractin- co.ple>es 8ith" proFect capacit" of ) 000 tons of
uraniu. per "ear 8ill be continued2
Dependin- on the .arket situation of uraniu. e>traction 8ill be deter.ined b" the
decisions of the 6o#ern.ent of the Republic of Kazakhstan2
Lraniu. e>traction calculations 8ill also depend on de#elop.ent of the follo8in- c"cles of
nuclear fuel production in Kazakhstan2
22 Participation of ;93 B493 (hereinafter referred to as /* in
the oAer of ser#ices relatin- to uraniu. con#ersion and 1ndin- its place in the present sta-e of
nuclear/fuel c"cle b" .eans of obtainin- access to hi-h con#ersion technolo-ies2
@or these purposes the proFect of construction of con#ersion facilit" 8ith .anufacturin-
capacit" of 12 000 tons of uraniu. he>aQuoride (L@)* per "ear (appro>i.atel" 1& K of the
8orld capacities upon con#ersion* on the basis of Llbinsk .etallur-ical plant 8ill be realized
Fointl" 8ith 3anadian co.pan" !$2
%2 Participation of in pro#ision of concentration ser#ices2
0n order to obtain access to concentratin- capacities, the Foint co.pan" 3H93 B3enter of
uraniu. concentrationB 8as created on the territor" of the Russian @ederation in <n-arsk cit"
on parit" basis of and ;93 B5echsnabe>portB (the Russian @ederation*2 3H93
B3L3B acti#it" is ai.ed at construction and operation of the plant of uraniu. concentration 8ith
capacit" of 5 .illion Z[[ per "ear2
'2 Participation of in pro#ision of ser#ices of nuclear fuel production2
@or creation of fuel asse.blies production and their pro.otion on the .arkets of nuclear
fuel and fuel asse.blies, the a-ree.ent on construction of the plant on Llbinsk .etallur-ical
plant of fuel asse.blies production 8ith capacit" of '00 tons of nuclear fuel 8as si-ned 8ith the
<R,S< 3o.pan" in 2002 5his plant 8ill .anufacture asse.blies for @rench desi-ned reactors
and reactors of other .anufacturers for 9outh/,ast <sian .arkets and 8ill .eet the de.ands
for fuel of national ato.ic ener-etics2
52 Realization of ne8 hi-h/tech proFects2
Modern infrastructure pro#idin- pro.otion of hi-h/tech de#elop.ents in the sphere of
nuclear technolo-ies on the .arket, their i.ple.entation in .anufacturin- and also
de#elop.ent of ne8 science/intensi#e .anufactures 8ill be for.ed on the basis of ;93 BPark of
nuclear technolo-iesB2
5echnolo-ical line on da.p/proof roof/boardin- .aterials and cellular pol"eth"lene
.anufacture 8as started on the basis of industrial electron accelerator ,=S/', 8ork on
construction of irradiation sterilization bod" 8as started on the basis of industrial accelerator
0=L/10, 8hich is a part of the co.ple> of radioacti#e technolo-ies and is ai.ed at sterilization of
.edical -oods and preparations, phar.aceuticals s"nthesis2
0t is assu.ed to i.ple.ent the follo8in- proFects7 production of ther.ocontractable cuAs
and tapes for oil/ and -as/ pipelines and housin- and utilities infrastructure+ .obile co.ple> on
cleanin- and deacti#ation of radioacti#e oil and -as eEuip.ent+ production of .otor transport
eEuip.ent for railroad transport+ i.ple.entation of h"draulic pu.p asse.blies2
Cesides the proFects ai.ed at for.ation of #erticall"/inte-rated ato.ic/industrial co.ple>, it
is assu.ed to i.ple.ent hi-h/tech proFects that allo8 de#elop.ent of alternati#e and allied
areas and sectors of ener-etics2
1/2 6ields development on the basis of domestic demand
0ntensi#e de#elop.ent of econo." in Btraditional industriesB, de#elop.ent of Kazakhstan
content 8ill sti.ulate de#elop.ent of econo.ic sectors that are the .ain accordin- to the
de.ands of .ineral de#elopers, national co.panies and the 6o#ern.ent2 @irst of all the" are
.echanic en-ineerin-, buildin- industr" and phar.aceutical industr"2
5he strate-" of these sectors de#elop.ent 8ill be -radual transition fro. .eetin- of
do.estic de.and to their e>port potential b" .eans of of co.petiti#e abilit" of
national enterprises, -ro8th of production factors, i.ple.entation of inno#ati#e technolo-ies2
+rief anal,sis of the current situation
Mechanical/en-ineerin- co.ple> includes 1% subindustries7 railroad, oil and -as, .inin-,
.etallur-ics, auto.obile .anufacturin-, a-riculture, electro/eEuip.ent, etc2 9hare of the
products of .echanical/en-ineerin- co.ple> in total #olu.e of Kazakhstan production reduced
fro. 15,9 K in 1990 to 2,9 K in 200 2 3apacit" of .arket in 200 8as 1) ))% .illion dollars,
includin- i.port / 15 '&5 .illion dollars or '1 K in total structure of i.port of -oods2
5he .ain proble.s of the 1eld de#elop.ent are7 la- in technolo-" of enterprises, lo8
co.petiti#e abilit" of products+ lack of connections 8ith the 8orld .anufacturers, lack of access
to construction docu.entation+ insi-ni1cant #olu.e of in#est.ents+ lack of interfactor"
cooperation+ hi-h le#el of eEuip.ent 8orn/out ('%/0 K*+ de1cit of Euali1ed personnel+ lo8
le#el of after/sale ser#ice of .echanical/en-ineerin- products2
in oil and -as, .inin- and .etallur-ical .echanic en-ineerin- the proble.s are7 lack of
infor.ation a8areness of .echanic en-ineerin- enterprises about perspecti#e purchase plans
of .ineral de#elopers, plans of technical rear.a.ent, de.and for products of oil and -as
.echanic en-ineerin- occurrences, re-ions, plans on products i.port2
in a-ricultural .echanic en-ineerin- the proble.s are7 use of i.port asse.blies and
.aterials, lo8 purchasin- po8er of a-ricultural .anufacturers, hardness of credit resources, the
le-al li.itation of opportunities of 1nancin- of national .echanic en-ineerin- production b"
leasin- co.panies2
in transport .echanic en-ineerin- the proble.s are7 lack of lar-e/di.ensioned cast+ use of
i.port asse.blies and .aterials2
in defense industr" the proble.s are7 practical lack of scienti1c researches+ lack of full
production c"cle (-enerall", production of asse.blies*+ lack of eAecti#e interaction 8ith the
.ain consu.ers M <r.ed @orces and other forces and .ilitar" for.ations of Kazakhstan+ li.ited
nu.ber of potential consu.ers (-enerall", Kazakhstan .ilitar" products can interest onl" the
6o#ern.ents/.e.bers of the 395?*+ lo8 pro1tabilit" of production, insuIcient 6o#ern.ental
*ain task
Ma> satisfaction of needs of internal .arket and e>port e>tension b" .eans of increase
of end -oods production 8ith hi-h added #alue2
&arget codes
12 6ross incre.ent of added #alue for &' K2
22 0ncrease of labour producti#eness in the 1eld up to 52 thousand per "ear2
Primar, areas of the branch development
Modernization of operatin- enterprises in order to create Qe>ible .anufactures of 8idenin-
of output assort.ent and de#elop ne8 t"pes of .echanic en-ineerin- products2
?r-anization of bi- asse.blin- .anufactures 8ith increase of localization le#el b"
de#elop.ent of details and asse.blies production2
3reation of ne8 .odern enterprises of .echanic en-ineerin- production 8ith hi-h added
<sse.blin- production of auto.obiles and asse.blies 8ith localization le#el up to %0 K 8ill
be or-anized in transport mechanic engineering to 20142 Production of road/buildin-
technics 8ill be de#eloped in #olu.e of 200 units per "ear2 Production of loco.oti#es, frei-ht
cars 8ill be increased in railroad .echanic en-ineerin-2 Production of specialized stora-e depot
platfor. 8ill be de#eloped 8ith capacit" of 1200 units per "ear, of railroad bo-ies M up to 5000
units per "ear, of hopper cars M up to '00 units per "ear2 Production of lar-e/di.ensioned cast
8ill be or-anized for needs of railroad .echanic en-ineerin- 8ith annual output #olu.e of %0
thousand tons2
0n agricultural mechanic engineering$ production 8ill be increased in 2 to 201',
includin- increase of co.bines production up to 00 units per "ear, asse.blin- production of
tractors and attached eEuip.ent 8ill be or-anized in #olu.e of 1 thousand units per "ear2 5he
net of nine trade/ser#ice centers of realization and ser#icin- of a-ricultural en-ineerin- 8ill be
created in bi- oblasts of the countr"2
0n oil and gas mechanic engineering$ production 8ill be increased in 2,5 to 201'
8ith increase of the share of national products up to 22 K2 Production of pipe 1ttin-s, Quid and .obile train ri-s 8ill be de#eloped as 8ell as production of -as co.pressors ( units
per "ear* and -as turbine plants () units per "ear*2 Plant for repair and ser#ice .aintenance of
-as turbine plants and eEuip.ent 8ill be put into operation2
0n mining mechanic engineering$ production 8ill be increased in 2,& to 201' 8ith
de#elop.ent of production of rollin- .ills, .ill tables, h"draulic props, h"draulic and pneu.atic
perforators, selfpropelled drillin- and loadin-/ transport eEuip.ent2
0n electrotechnical mechanic engineering$ production 8ill be increased in 1,& to
201'2 Production of accu.ulators, transfor.ers and insulated cables 8ill be increased,
production of transfor.ers 8ith pressure of 220 kS and .ore 8ill be de#eloped2
5he follo9ing investment pro3ects 9ill be implemented7
=oco.oti#e/ asse.blin- plant, <stana / 100 loco.oti#es per "ear and production of details
and asse.blies on the @,J territor" of <stana2
<sse.blin- production of auto.obiles, ,ast/Kazakhstan oblast / 120 000 auto.obiles per
"ear and technopark for .anufacture of details and asse.blies2
<sse.blin- production of co.bines / 00 units per "ear, road/buildin- technics / 200 units
per "ear and buses / %00 units per "ear in Kostana" oblast, production of details and
<sse.blin- production of .ainline electric loco.oti#es, <k.olinsk oblast / 50 electric
loco.oti#es per "ear and de#elop.ent of enterprises of s.all and .ediu./sized businesses for
.anufacture of details and asse.blies2
0n defense industr,$ pro-ra. .easures ai.ed at current proble.s solution and creation
of real potential for si-ni1cant increase of the share of Kazakhstan content 8ill be i.ple.ented
to 201' in -o#ern.ent defense order of the Republic2
Main areas of de#elop.ent of defense/industrial co.ple> enterprises of Kazakhstan 8ill be
deter.ined b" the .ost perspecti#e needs in -oods of .ilitar" character for .ilitar"
or-anization of the 9tate2
6o#ern.ental bodies and defense enterprises 8ill take eAecti#e and a-reed .easures on
increase of e>port of Kazakhstan products of .ilitar" character2
0nteraction of the 6o#ern.ent and defense co.ple> ai.ed at increase of nu.ber and
Eualit" of scienti1c/research 8orks in the sphere of defense production 8ill be acti#ated2
2ectoral and pro3ect measures of )overnmental support
&ransport infrastructure provision
5he issues of pro#ision of construction of auto.obile plant on the left bank of Lst/
Ka.eno-orsk cit" and technopark for .anufacture of #ehicle co.ponents 8ith en-ineerin-
ser#ices 8ill be detailed2
7uali-ed personnel resources provision
De.and for personnel in 1) specialities of .echanic en-ineerin- 8ill be .et b" .eans of
their trainin- in uni#ersities and 19 educational institutions of 5aP, in <ktubinsk, <t"rau, ,ast/
Kazakhstan, Kara-anda, Kostana", Man-istau, Pa#lodar oblasts2
3onstruction of 0nterre-ional center for trainin- and additional trainin- of personnel of
.echanic en-ineerin- sphere for &00 students 8ill be started in Lst/Ka.eno-orsk cit" in 20122
9"ste. of % .onths .anufacture internships 8ith indi#idual super#isors 8ill be i.ple.ented
in .anufacturin- enterprises2
5here 8ill be co/1nancin- of the Pro-ra. for ad#anced trainin- of ad.inistrati#e personnel
in pro-ressi#e .echanical/en-ineerin- enterprises of de#eloped countries2
@or forei-n en-ineerin- co.panies operatin- on the territor" of the countr" (no less than %0
K of the nu.ber of personnel per "ear* there 8ill be obli-ator" reEuire.ents for presence of
educational center in the co.panies for trainin- and ad#anced trainin- of Kazakhstan
&echnical regulations implementation
1' technical re-ulations of safet" reEuire.ents 8ill be de#eloped and i.ple.ented for7
#ehicles+ 1re eEuip.ent for site protection+ #entilation s"ste.s, lo8 #olta-e eEuip.ent+
a-ricultural and ti.ber cuttin- tractors, trailers and cars, oil and -as 1eld+ drillin-, -eolo-ical
sur#e" and -eoph"sical eEuip.ent+ stationar" co.pressor coolin- installations+ eEuip.ent for
processin- of a-ricultural ra8 .aterials and products of plant breedin-+ eEuip.ent for
processin- of a-ricultural ra8 .aterials and products of breedin-+ 8ater/heatin- and
stea. boilerss+ for .ine 8indin- plants, hoistin- and transport facilities+ eEuip.ent under the
pressure+ ele#ators and 1)9 state standards (includin- for testin- .ethods / 9, for products /
0 and for .ana-e.ent s"ste.s / &*2
4ational standard of -eo.etric #ariables and ph"sico/che.ical .easure.ents for
.etrolo-ical assurance of production and .echanic en-ineerin- products safet" and Eualit"
.onitorin- 8ill be .odernized2
!evelopment of innovations and assistance to technologic modernization
3reation of 5 construction depart.ents for ser#icin- enterprises b" se-.ents / a-ricultural,
electrotechnical, .inin-, transport and oil and -as .achiner"2
,Euip.ent leasin- at reduced rates 8ill be or-anized for rene8al of the .ain funds and
technolo-ical rear.a.ent of .echanic en-ineerin- enterprises2
9ti.ulation of 9R,D: de#elop.ent b" .eans of reduction of ta> base on corporate inco.e
ta> for 150 K of e>penses for i.ple.entation of 9R,D: results2
#reation of attractive terms for direct investments
,nablin- of leasin- co.panies to purchase a-ricultural .achiner" sellin- b" national
.anufacturers for further trans.ission to leasin- 8ithout reEuests fro. a-ricultural -oods
.anufacturers for the .o.ent of production 1nancin-2
9upport of the 1eld de#elop.ent 8ill be pro#ided b" .eans of priorit" purchase of -oods,
8orks and ser#ices b" the 1eld enterprises, .ineral de#elopers, national co.panies and
-o#ern.ental bodies2
Do.estic de.and for a-ricultural eEuip.ent 8ill be .et b" .eans of purchase of leasin-
eEuip.ent of national production at reduced rates on the basis of ;93 BKaz<-ro@inanceB2
Do.estic de.and for national .echanical/en-ineerin- products 8ill be .et b"
de#elop.ent of .echanis. of co.pensation of the part of re8ard on credits for purchase of
national .echanical/en-ineerin- products2
5he issues of purchase of auto.oti#e eEuip.ent for -o#ern.ental bodies of the e>ecuti#e
branch, their territorial bodies and institutions 8ithin their Furisdiction 8ill be detailed2
&rade polic,
Pro.otion of Kazakhstan .echanic en-ineerin- products on the .arkets of Lzbekistan,
K"r-"zstan, 5adFikistan, 5urk.enistan, <f-hanistan2
6rantin- of 1nancial sti.ulations for of e>port of Kazakhstan .echanic
en-ineerin- products2
Pharmaceutical industr,
+rief anal,sis of the current situation
<t the present ti.e the share of national production in total #olu.e of phar.aceutical
.arket in Kazakhstan does not e>ceed %0 K in natural ter.s and 10 K in .onetar" ter.s2
@or the last decade Kazakhstan .arket #olu.e of phar.aceutical products si-ni1cantl"
increased, -ro8in- annuall" for 10 K startin- in 19992 <ccordin- to the results of 2009
production of phar.aceutical -oods in the Republic of Kazakhstan 8as ',& .illion L9D2 5his is
0,1% K of the #olu.e of .anufacturin- industr" and 0,' K of the #olu.e of processin- industr"2
Durin- 2009 i.port #olu.e of .edica.ents in Kazakhstan 8as about 1),9 .illion L9D,
e>port of products / 1&, .illion L9D2
5he proble.s of the 1eld de#elop.ent are7 de1cit of Euali1ed personnel trained in
accordance 8ith 6MP standards+ li.ited in#est.ents in the sector+ lack of -uaranteed sales
.arkets+ lack of producti#e capacit" in accordance 8ith 6MP standards, lack of production of
national essences2
Production of .edica.ents can be de#ided into three -roupes7 ori-inal (patented*
.edica.ents, -enerics, production of essences2
<t the present ti.e -enerics .arket is the .ain part of .edica.ents .arket in
Kazakhstan\ / about 5 K, .arket of ori-inal .edica.ents M no .ore than 15 K2 5he .ost
perspecti#e area of phar.aceutical industr" de#elop.ent in the countr" for 2010 / 201' 8ill be
or-anization of -enerics production and also .odernization of current and i.ple.entin-
capacities in accordance 8ith the reEuire.ents of international 6MP standards2
*ain task
4ationRs health support and the countr"Rs .edicinal safet" support b" .eans of increase of
production of national hi-h Eualit" .edica.ents2
&arget codes
0ncrease of the share of national .edica.ents on internal .arket fro. %0 K to 50 K in
natural ter.s to the end of 201'2
Primar, areas of the branch development
5here 8ill be .odernization of operatin- .anufactures and construction of ne8
phar.aceutical enterprises 8ithin the fra.e8ork of the 1eld de#elop.ent2
4e8 .anufactures of solid dosa-e for.s (tablets, -elcaps, pills* 8ith capacit" of .ore than
1 billion unitsP"ear, infusion solutions / 1) .illion unitsP"ear+ a.puls / 25 .illion unitsP"ear,
soft dosa-e for.s / %0 tonsP"ear+ one/use .edical linen / ',9 .illionP"ear, essences and
che.ical ra8 .aterials / )0 tonsP"ear, .edical s"rin-es / '0 .illion unitsP"ear, containers for
secure utilization / )9 thousand unitsP"ear+ ne8 G/ra" eEuip.ent / %50 unitsP"ear 8ill be
5he issues of creation of national s"nthetical essences .anufactures 8ill be detailed2
0t is planned to i.ple.ent the follo8in- in#est.ent proFects7
3onstruction of phar.aceutical factor" of solid dosa-e for.s .anufacture (tablets, -elcaps,
pills* and antibiotics apportion in <stana cit"+
:idenin- and .odernization of operatin- .anufactures of a.pul/infusion solutions in
accordance 8ith the 6MP standards in 9h".kent cit"+
De#elop.ent of .anufacturin- base of the Plant of healthcare products (Pa#lodar cit"* in
accordance 8ith the 6MP standards and also start of ne8 lines of .anufacture of a.puls,
bioproducts, #accines, serosities and antibiotics2
0ntroduction of the 6MP standards, start of ne8 production of crea.s and acti#e in-redients
in Pa#lodar oblast+
0ncrease of .edical s"rin-es output, de#elop.ent of production of infusion s"ste.s and
containers for .edical 8astes in the Plant of healthcare products2
0ncrease of antibiotics production in the for. of tablets on the operatin- .anufacture in
accordance 8ith the standards2
3onstruction of a ne8 plant of inFections, tablets, -elcaps, BsoftB dosa-e for.s and surups
.eetin- the 6MP reEuire.ents in <" oblast2
3onstruction of a ne8 plant of tablets, -elcaps and Qacons .eetin- the 6MP reEuire.ents
in <" oblast2
Modernization and 8idenin- of current .anufacturin- base in accordance 8ith reEuired
standards, personnel trainin- for the 8ork 8ith eEuip.ent of 6, healthcare production and
pro#ision of necessar" infrastructure2
3onstruction of the plant of one/use infusion solutions inFection s"ste.s2
5he .entioned list of proFects is not 1nal2 <n additional portfolio of proFects 8ill be for.ed
on the ne>t sta-e in accordance 8ith priorities of the 1eld de#elop.ent2
Realization of the proFects .entioned abo#e 8ill allo8 8idenin- of national production up to
)00 ite.s (of 1200* and pro#ision of 50 K of .edicine assort.ent in natural ter.s2
2ectoral and pro3ect measures of )overnmental support
)overnmental purchases of medicine
=on-/ter. 6o#ern.ent purchase of .edica.ents sellin- b" national .anufacturers of
phar.aceutical products 8ill be or-anized 8ith onl" one distributor / B33" B9a.ruk/
Kaz"na$ ==P, that 8ill partiall" settle the issues of sale in the present 1eld2 9hare of -o#ern.ent
purchases in the structure of internal .arket of phar.aceutical products 8ill increase up to '5/
50 K2
=on-/ter. contracts on 6o#ern.ent purchases 8ill be oAered to enterprises 8ith obli-ator"
condition of in#est.ents in production .odernization and producti#it"
7uali-ed personnel resources provision
0n 2011 / 201' no less than '00 specialists 8ill be trained for the 8ork in the enterprises of
phar.aceutical industr" in accordance 8ith the 6MP standards+
0n 2011 about 0 specialists 8ill be trained for the 8ork in the enterprises of .edical
industr" in accordance 8ith ,uropean standards and the Eualit" standard 09? 1%'52
0t is planned to Euali1cation of personnel super#isin- phar.aceutical and .edical
industr" of the Republic of Kazakhstan2
%dministrative barriers removal
Priorities of .edicinal for.s for -uaranteed #olu.e of free .edical aid 8ithin .edical
or-anizations shall be re#ised7 instead of e>pensi#e treat.ent of s.all -roups of patients there
shall be co..on and rational pro#ision of .edicines decreasin- purchases of .edica.ents
8ith lack of e#identiar" .edicine data, i.ple.entation of analo-ue preparation substitution
s"ste.s and transition to national -enerics2
&echnical regulations implementation
0nternational 6MP standards B<ppropriate .anufacturin- practiceB and ,uropean .edical
standards on production and operation of .edical eEuip.ent in accordance 8ith Eualit"
standard 09? 1%'5 8ill be i.ple.ented in bi- and .iddle/sized enterprises of phar.aceutical
and .edical industr" of the Republic to the end of 201'2
#reation of attractive terms for direct investments
5he ta> la8s 8ill be chan-ed relatin- to increase of 8ithholdin- coeIcient of corporate
inco.e ta> for 150 K for e>penditure of the enterprise for i.ple.entation of international
standards (6MP* and ,uropean .edical standards accordin- to the Directi#e 9%P'2PZZ]2
5he 6o#ern.ent purchase of .edica.ents, .edical eEuip.ent and .edical ite.s of
national .anufacturers 8ill be .ade b" conclusion of lon-/ter. contracts 8ith onl" one
distributor deter.ined b" the 6o#ern.ent^ of the Republic of Kazakhstan2
&rade polic,
:ithin the fra.e8ork of the 3usto.s Lnion the follo8in- acti#ities are planned7
har.onization of the la8 base for .edica.ents, .edical eEuip.ent and .edical ite.s
.anufactured in the Republic of Kazakhstan, i.port of asse.blies for production of .edical
eEuip.ent, essences and other additi#es for production of .edica.ents on the analo-" 8ith
the ,uropean Lnion+
.utual reco-nition of re-istration certi1cates of .edica.ents, .edical eEuip.ent, .edical
ite.s of national .anufacturers corresponded to the standards of appropriate .anufacturin-
practice (6MP* and ,uropean .edical standards of 9%P'2PZZ]2
#onstruction engineering and constructional materials production
+rief anal,sis of the current situation
Kazakhstan construction #olu.e rapidl" -re8 since the be-innin- of the GG0 centur" and
achie#ed the le#el of )0 K in 2005 and 200)2 0nQuence of the 8orld 1nancial crisis led to
retardation of construction -ro8th rates2
Rapid -ro8th of constructional .aterials prices since the be-innin- of the GG0 centur" 8as
due to increasin- de1cit of constructional .aterials, 8hich led to the i.port -ro8th2 0n 200 the
i.port ratio on the constructional .aterials .arket 8as '),& K2
3onstructional .aterials production -ro8th in Kazakhstan 8as refrained due to nu.ber of
proble.s7 production of .ainl" lo8 processin- products+ .an" t"pes of products are not
produced+ 8earin- process of the .ain .eans of production+ lo8 labour producti#eness+
constructional .aterials production is concentrated in <", Kara-anda and ,ast/Kazakhstan
oblasts, <stana and <" cities (8ith .ore than )0 K of production #olu.e*2
0n spite of suIcient ra8/.aterials base for the 1eld de#elop.ent, onl" production of
ce.ent and bricks 8as .ainl" de#eloped in Kazakhstan2 0n 200)/200& the ce.ent i.port 8as
up to %0 K of the ce.ent used, but national factories capacities -ro8th 8ill allo8 co.plete
refusin- fro. the ce.ent i.port2
<t the present ti.e there is no plate -lass production in Kazakhstan2 Most of the end -lass
products are i.ported2 0n spite of -ood ra8/.aterials base (29 aEua/-el occurrences a#ailable
for use*, cera.ic production started its de#elop.ent Fust recentl"2 Most of the products are
i.ported fro. 5urke", 3hina and 0tal"2
0.port products pre#ail on the Kazakhstan 1nishin- .aterial .arket7
in recent "ears i.ported linoleu. co.pletel" do.inated on the .arket (.ore than 99 K*+
li.itedness of forest resources and lack of .odern .anufactures resulted in do.inatin- of
i.port on the .arket of la.inboard and bea#er board products+
on the 8allpaper .arket i.port products are &% K, still 8allpaper production acti#el"
de#elops in the countr"2 9hare of national .anufacturers .arket directl" depends on custo.s
duties of 8allpaper i.port2
5he .ain proble.s of Kazakhstan constructional .aterials de#elop.ent are7
non/" of technical re-ulation s"ste.s and standardization 8ith international
standards and outdated principles of price for.ation+
lo8 technolo-ic le#el of production and lo8 labour producti#eness le#el2
*ain task
9atisfaction of internal .arket de.and b" increase of production of national constructional
.aterials, ite.s and constructions and .anufacture of products 8ith hi-h added #alue2
&arget codes
0ncrease of -ross #alue added in buildin- industr" for no less than &) K and satisfaction of
internal .arket de.and for constructional .aterials for .ore than 0 K2
Primar, areas of the branch development
6o#ern.ental polic" on de#elop.ent of buildin- industr" 8ill be directed on de#elop.ent
of production of co.petiti#e, ener-"sa#in- constructional .aterials, articles and constructions
8ith hi-h added #alue on inno#ati#e basis, of the 6o#ern.ent re-ulation b"
architectural, to8n/buildin- and buildin- acti#it", increase of Eualit" and safet" of buildin-
:ithin the fra.e8ork of the branch de#elop.ent .odernization of operatin- and
construction of ne8 .anufactures 8ill be i.ple.ented that directed on do.estic de.and and
8idenin- of e>port opportunities7
C" 201' the output of ce.ent in the ce.ent production 8ill be brou-ht to 1%25 .illions
tonsP"ear on 5 operatin- enterprises and ' ne8 enterprises (in <k.ola oblast, Jha.b"l oblast,
,ast/Kazakhstan oblast and Man-istau oblast*, 5 clinker/ce.ent ter.inals 8ill be build in
Man-istau, <ktubinsk, :est/Kazakhstan, Pa#lodar oblasts and in <" cit" 8ith total capacit"
221 .illions tonsP"ear, technical retoolin- of operatin- ce.ent factories 8ill carried out and the
de-ree of depreciation of basic in#est.ents 8ill be decreased to %0 K2
C" 201' the output of cera.ic tiles in the cera.ics .anufacture 8ill be brou-ht up to 1%
.illion .
P"ear, the production of sanitar"/en-ineerin- cera.ics up to 1 .illion ite.sP"ear 8ill
be pro#ided in <ktobe, <" and 9outh Kazakhstan oblasts, the processin- co.bine for
processin- cla" 8ith capacit" of 200 thousand tonsP"ear 8ill be built2
0n -lass.akin- the construction of plant on output of plate -lass 8ith the capacit" up to 1'0
thousand tonsP"ear 8ill be started2
C" 201' in the prefabricated contruction 1% co.bines of the prefabricated construction 8ith
a total capacit" of % .illion .
of housin- per "ear 8ill be built in the cities of <ktobe, <",
<stana and 9h".kent2 3o.bine of prefabricated contruction supplies ser#ices for the
production of articles and constructions fro. 8hich the construction of passi#e houses 8ill be
<round the co.bines of prefabricated contractions there 8ill be created the conditions for the
de#elop.ent of at least 1%0 s.all and .ediu./sized enterprises producin- construction
.aterials (8indo8s and doors, la.inate Qoorin-, linoleu., etc2* and ser#ices (plannin- and
sur#e"in-, desi-n, 1nishin- ser#ices, etc2*2
0t is panned to i.ple.ent the follo8in- ke" proFects and the for.ation around the. a
net8ork of suppliers7
Jha.b"l oblast / construction of a ce.ent plant / 1100 thousands tonsP"ear2
<k.olinsk oblast / construction of a ce.ent plant / 552 thousands tonsP"ear2
,ast/Kazakhstan oblast / construction of a ce.ent plant b" !dr" .ethod$ / 1000 thousand
Mangistau oblast - construction of a cement plant by dry method - 2000 thousand tons/year.
Sectoral and project measures of Governmental support
Qualified personnel resources provision
System of 3 months manufacture internships of secondary and higher educational institutions alumnus ith
indi!idual super!isors ill be implemented in manufacturing enterprises.
De.and for personnel in 10 specialties 8ill be .et b" .eans of their trainin- in uni#ersities and
1%9 educational institutions of 5P,2
4e8 specialties 8ill be opened for the construction industr" in education establish.ents of
Jha.b"l, ,ast Kazakhstan, Kara-anda oblasts2
mprovement of technical regulation
5here 8ill be chan-es in the sphere of technical re-ulation in part of7
elaboration and i.ple.entation of '05 state standards in areas of7 constructional .aterials
/ 2'2+ concrete construction, reinforced/concrete construction, 8ooden construction/ 51+
construction eEuip.ent / 19+ electrical suppl" and electrical installations / ', road buildin- / +
s"ste. of .ana-e.ent / ), the desi-n of buildin-s and facilities / %1+
.odernization of national standards on the conducti#it" and te.perature #alues
accordin- to the technical re-ulations and also har.onization of up to 0K standards and
standard speci1cations 8ithin the fra.e8ork of the 3usto.s Lnion2
Refor.ation of the s"ste. of construction industr" technical re-ulation of the Republic of
Kazakhstan 8ill be carried out2
< ne8 bud-et/nor.ati#e base 8ill be de#eloped2
5he 9tate 5o8n Plannin- 3adastre 8ill be established at the republican le#el2
@or the purposes of scienti1c ensurin- of technical re-ulation s"ste. refor.ation of
construction industr" there 8ill be identi1ed and stren-thened the scienti1c structures 8hich
8ill be under Furisdiction of the <-enc" of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 3onstruction and
Municipal Housin- ,cono."2
5he le-islati#e acts on stren-thenin- of responsibilit" and standards co.pliance and
technical re-ulations in the 1eld of construction (includin- industrial, road buildin- and
construction of other infrastructure* 8ill be chan-ed and a.ended in order to increase securit"
and duration of their use, reduce the a.ount of necessar" repair operations2
@or this purposes the s"ste. of the state architecture/buildin- inspection 8ill be
!evelopment of innovations and assistance to technologic modernization
5o increase the inno#ati#e acti#it" of the business there 8ill be7
allocated funds for the de#elop.ent institutions to pro#ide 1nancial leasin- at preferential
ter.s for the .odernization of 1>ed assets+
annual -rants for inno#ations introduction in priorit" areas (ener-"/sa#in- .aterials, e>plorin-
possibilit" of the use of related industries 8aste in the production of buildin- .aterials,
technolo-" transfer of pre/fabricated, !-reen$ and !passi#e$ houses*2
0n #ie8 of scienti1c and technolo-ical de#elop.ent of the industr" the de#elop.ent of
scienti1c research 8ill be ensure" that ai.ed at de#elopin- ne8 technolo-ies in housin-
#reation of attractive terms for direct investments
@or .anufacturers of resource/sa#in- and ener-"/sa#in- buildin- .aterials and
constructions, as 8ell as for the de#elop.ent of s.all and .ediu./sized businesses created
around the co.bines of the prefabricated construction, the" 8ill be pro#ided 8ith loans at
preferential ter.s2
0n order to .aintain de.and for do.estic construction .aterials and housin- construction
de#elop.ent 8ill be pro#ided the follo8in-7
-o#ern.ent support for housin- construction, -o#ern.ent fundin- of en-ineerin-/
co..unicati#e infrastructure 8ill be continued in the areas of housin- construction, as 8ell as
credit and public rental housin-+
de#elop.ent of series of t"pical proFects for hi-h/rise and lo8/rise housin- contraction usin-
ener-"/sa#in- .aterials and technolo-ies+
elaboration of a s"ste. of lendin- secured a-ainst the certi1ed buildin- .aterials in order
to de#elop the indi#idual housin- construction2
0n order to de#elop local content the acti#ities 8ill be i.ple.ented to pre#ent unreasonable
(price, Eualit"* use of i.ported buildin- .aterials, co.ponents and structures and co.pliance
8ith technical re-ulations b" includin- representati#es of professional construction public
or-anizations (self/re-ulator" or-anizations* in the state acceptance co..ittee2
5here 8ill be chan-es in the licensin- s"ste. in the 1eld of architecture, urban plannin- and
construction, takin- into account international e>perience2 5here 8ill be reduced and opti.ized
licensed t"pes of acti#ities+ the independent audit 8ill be entered into a licensin- s"ste., 8hich
8ill reduce the interference of state bodies in the acti#ities of entities of the construction
.arket2 0ssued licenses 8ill be di#ided into cate-ories accordin- to the technical co.ple>it" of
the construction proFect, 8ork e>perience and a#ailabilit" of licenseeRs o8ned capital2
Resources provision
Mineral resources base of the construction industr" 8ill be e>panded due to prospectin- and
e>ploration for .ineral deposits used to produce buildin- .aterials2
1/: 2upport to the branches 9ith e;port potential
%gro-industrial comple;
+rief anal,sis of the current situation
<t the present sta-e due to .easures taken b" the 9tate the a-ricultural sector of the
econo." de#elops steadil"2
6ro8th of output of products of a-riculture in 2009 co.pared to 200 a.ounted to 1%,K2
6ro8th 8as achie#ed #irtuall" in all #arieties of a-ricultural crops2 5he record -rain har#est 8as
obtained in the a.ount of 202 .illion tons after processin-2
Main indicators of cattle/breedin- de#elop.ent in the countr" -i#es e#idence of
stabilization of branch, annual increase of li#estock nu.ber and poultr" production and o#erall
production of products2 0n recent "ears the annual nu.ber of li#estock and poultr"
increased on the a#era-e b" %2K, o#erall production of products / b" %25K2
3ountr"_s capacit" allo8s ensurin- in full the stabilit" of do.estic food .arket, its
-uaranteed saturation 8ith basic articles of food and access to forei-n .arkets 8ith ecolo-icall"
clean products2
0n -eneral, in the countr" the stable base 8as created to pro#ide the population 8ith
a-riculture -oods and to achie#e of countr"Rs food securit"2
*ain task
Pro#ision of co.petiti#e production of a-ricultural -oods in e>tent suIcient to .eet the
needs of the do.estic .arket and to for. the e>port resources for the purpose of takin-
leadin- positions in forei-n .arkets2
De#elop.ent of 8ater sector of the econo." and h"dro/econo.ic polic"2
&arget codes
12 Pro#ision of food independence of the internal .arket2
22 5he increase in -ross #alue added of a-riculture at least b" 1)K2
%2 labour producti#it" in the a-ro/industrial sector fro. %,000 L292 dollars per a
person e.plo"ed in a-riculture not less than 2 ti.es2
'2 Cuildin-/up of e>port potential of the branch in total #olu.e of countr"Rs e>port up to K2
Primar, areas of branch development
De#elop.ent of the a-ricultural sector 8ill be directed at increase of production #olu.e of
a-ricultural -oods 8hich has .arket outlets b" di#ersi1cation of the branch, of standards, introduction into .anufacture of conte.porar" .oisture/and/recourses/
sa#in- technolo-ies, e>tensi#e che.icalization, in#ol#e.ent in the turno#er of ne8 and
currentl" unused irri-ated lands2
0n the li#estock the .ain e.phasis is assu.ed to be done to increase the #olu.e of
production in the a-ricultural units throu-h transfer of the branch on an industrial basis, the
de#elop.ent of the brood base, of the -enetic potential of li#estock and it 8ill be
acco.panied b" a lar-e/scale breedin- on a scienti1c basis2
0n the sphere of reprocessin- of a-ricultural products, technical and technolo-ical re/
eEuip.ent of production and the transition to international Eualit" standards and on this basis
further increase of the co.petiti#eness of the output products re.ain ur-ent2
5he 8ork 8ill be acti#ated on a sin-le -rain e>port polic", saturation of .arket 8ith
food products of do.estic production, establish.ent of facilities for se.i/fabrication, processin-
and stora-e throu-h cooperation of a-ricultural co..odit" producers2
0ndustrial and inno#ati#e de#elop.ent of a-ricultural co.ple> 8ill be achie#ed throu-h the
i.ple.entation of hi-h/tech in#est.ent proFects, as 8ell as b" i.ple.entin- the principles of
inte-rated .ana-e.ent of 8ater resources2
0.ple.entation of at least 20 .aFor proFects in the a-ricultural co.ple> is en#isa-ed,
includin- the construction of production units, 2 poultr" plants, % hothouses, %
co..ercial dair" far.s, 1 .eat/packin- plant, per one plant for the production of baker"
products, sorted seed .aterial of cotton2
0t is en#isa-ed the creation of conditions for attractin- lar-e/scale in#est.ents in the
a-ricultural sector and continued interaction bet8een the state and 1nancial institutions2
3lear -uideline for entrepreneurs, 1nancial institutions, -o#ern.ent bodies and socio/
entrepreneurial corporations in i.ple.entation of in#est.ent proFects 8ill be the .aster plans
on priorit" areas of a-riculture, includin- in the sphere of de#elop.ent of production and e>port
of -rain and products of its ad#anced processin-, .eat and .eat products, oilseeds , fruits and
#e-etable production, .ilk and dair" products, 8ool and products of its ad#anced processin-,
de#elop.ent of poultr", production of 8hite su-ar fro. su-ar beets2
<lon- 8ith this, it is necessar" to de#elop related branches of econo.", includin-
production of .ineral fertilizers, che.icals for plant protection, #eterinar" preparations,
dia-nosticu.s, and a-ricultural .achiner"2
5he .echanis. of state support for do.estic enterprises/producers of a-ricultural
.achiner" and eEuip.ent 8ill be i.ple.ented b" subsidizin- the fee rate on leasin- of
a-ricultural .achiner" and eEuip.ent2
2ectoral and pro3ect measures of the state
Promotion of investments
@or econo.ical sti.ulation of the branch de#elop.ent and enhance.ent of its in#est.ent
attracti#eness the subsidization of a-ro/industrial co.ple> 8ill be continued in the follo8in-
cheapenin- of percenta-e rates 8hen lendin- of a-riculture co.ple>es entities and
pro#idin- a-ricultural .achiner" and eEuip.ent+
seed de#elop.ent+ of producti#it" and product Eualit" of li#estock+ of producti#it" and Eualit" of plant breedin- production, reduction of the cost
of oil and lubricants, and other in#entor" ite.s reEuired for the sprin- 1eld operations and
har#est 8orks b" subsidizin- the production of priorit" croppers+
cheapenin- for the do.estic a-ricultural producers of the cost of fertilizers (e>cept or-anic
cheapenin- for a-ricultural producers of the cost of processin- e>penses for treat.ent of
a-ricultural crops 8ith herbicides .ade (for.ulated* b" do.estic producers+
de#elop.ent of .ana-e.ent s"ste.s for production and .arket of a-ricultural products+
de#elop.ent of brood li#estock2
9upport for a-ricultural -oods producers 8ill also be i.ple.ented throu-h preferential
lendin- and .icro/lendin-, de#elop.ent of leasin- of a-ricultural .achiner", special .achiner"
and processin- eEuip.ent, de#elop.ent of insurance s"ste.s in a-riculture co.ple>,
infor.ation and .arketin- support, increase of the share of local content in -o#ern.ent
&echnological modernization. development of innovations and agrarian science

increase in producti#it" and Eualit" of plant production b" sti.ulatin- the production of priorit"
a-ricultural crops usin- ad#anced technolo-ies+
encoura-in- the production of #e-etables under co#era-e+
sti.ulation of creation of .ediu. and lar-e/trade li#estock+
de#elop.ent of 1sh rearin- for sale+
sti.ulation of output of products of 3er#us elaphus breedin- and bee/keepin- in order to
stren-then the nationRs health+
technical/technolo-ical .odernization of a-ricultural units and enterprises for processin- of
a-ricultural products and the transition to .odern Eualit" .ana-e.ent s"ste. throu-h the use
of -o#ern.ent support .easures+
concentration of researches on priorit" areas of a-riculture de#elop.ent, as 8ell as
i.ple.entation of international researches and inno#ation proFects+
introduction of .odern .ethods and acceleration of research processes throu-h
de#elop.ent of infrastructure of a-ricultural science and ensure transfer of forei-n a-ricultural
technolo-ies, as 8ell as the de#elop.ent of i.ple.entation s"ste. into the production of
scienti1c de#elop.ents and sti.ulation of the acti#ities of research 8orkers and attraction of
"oun- specialists in a-ricultural science2
&raining of competitive professional personnel
0t is assu.ed the introduction of .andator" 8orkin- oA of the a-ricultural specialists 8ho
obtained education under the state order on Euotas for citizens fro. the countr"side, in
a-riculture or-anizations of at least % "ears after -raduation fro. educational establish.ent+
consideration of issue on introduction of chan-es and a.end.ents to so.e le-islati#e acts
on .easures of social support of a-ricultural e>perts 8ho ca.e to 8ork and li#e in rural areas+
consideration of issue on increase of the state education order for the trainin- of doctors
PhD, Masters and Cachelors in accordance 8ith the needs of a-ricultural branch, as 8ell as
specialists 8ith technical and professional education on a-ricultural and #eterinar" specialties2
nfrastructural and resource<s provision
pro#ision of ph"tosanitar" and #eterinar" 8elfare of the countr"+
de#elop.ent of infrastructure for slau-hter of li#estock, pre/fabrication, stora-e,
transportation and sale of a-ricultural products+
use of 8ater resources in accordance 8ith the principles of inte-rated 8ater resources
.ana-e.ent+ econo.ic conditions and creation of incenti#es for -ro8th in co..ercial products
due to enlar-e.ent of a-ricultural production, creation and e>pansion of net8ork of
prefabrication/sale structures+
conser#ation and of a.eliorati#e condition of lands throu-h the introduction of
ad#anced irri-ation .ethods2
(ight industr,
+rief anal,sis of the current situation
=i-ht industr" includes te>tiles, -ar.ent, knittin-, leather and fur and foot8ear industries2
3urrentl", in li-ht industr" .ore than 0K of co.panies represented b" s.all and .ediu./
sized businesses2
Perspecti#es of technolo-ical de#elop.ent of the branch are connected 8ith the presence
of natural ra8 .aterials, producti#e capacities and resources2
5he successful de#elop.ent of li-ht industr" in Kazakhstan there are fa#orable factors and
conditions / in the 9outh Kazakhstan re-ion annuall" '00 / '50 thousand tons of ra8 cotton are
collected, production in the countr" of natural ra8 .aterials / cotton 1bers (1%0/1&0 thousand
tonsP"ear*, 8ool (15/20 thousand tonsP"ear* and .ore than &25 .illion pieces of ra8hide, the
abilit" to e>port te>tiles and "arns, clothin- in 8orld co..odit" .arkets 8here there is de.and
for speci1ed products fro. natural ra8 .aterials2
0n addition, about 0K of industr" enterprises are eEuipped 8ith outdated eEuip.ent, load
is %0 / '0K2
5he -eneral trend of industr" de#elop.ent is characterized b" a decline in its share of the
republic industr" #olu.e 8hich is associated 8ith Fob cuts2
Products of industr" ha#e a lo8 co.petiti#eness on price because of the presence of lar-e
nu.ber of -oods produced in 3hina includin- counterfeit ones2
*ain task
Meetin- the needs of the do.estic .arket in li-ht industr" products due to reprocessin- of
ra8 .aterials, output of products 8ith hi-h added #alue and 8ith the prospect of its access to
forei-n .arkets2
&arget codes
12 5he increase in -ross #alue added of industr" b" 201' b" 50K co.pared 8ith 2002
22 Meetin- the needs of the do.estic .arket in li-ht industr" products b" 201' up to the
le#el of %0K2
%2 0ncrease of labour producti#it" in one ti.e and half up to '29 .illion ten-ePperson (%%
thousand L9D*2
Primar, areas of branch development
0n the period, .aFor industr" de#elop.ent trends related to the creation of
incenti#es for .odernization and di#ersi1cation of productions on processin- of local ra8
.aterials (cotton, 8ool, leather* in the te>tile, -ar.ent, leather and foot8ear industr"2
0n order to create products 8ith hi-h #alue/added .easures of support 8ill be pro#ided7
sub/branches for the production of 8oolen -oods, for the .odernization of the"
processin- of 8ool in <ktobe, Jha.b"l, <" and ,ast Kazakhstan oblasts, and <" oblast
M foundation of a 8oolen cluster for or-anization of the full technolo-ical c"cle of 8ool
the .anufacture of cotton articles in the territor" of @,J !?ntust"k$ (9K?* fro or-anization
of full technolo-ical c"cle of production of carded and co.bed cotton "arn, fabrics and 1nished
te>tile products, d"ein- and 1nishin- of "arns and fabrics, as 8ell as 1nished -ar.ents,
includin- b" e>pandin- the acti#ities of the @,J !?ntust"k$ (production of silk fabrics,
production of non/8o#en te>tiles, carpets and 6obelin tapestries, cotton cellulose and its
deri#ati#es, hi-h/Eualit" paper fro. ra8 cotton and leather -oods*+
leather and foot8ear sub/branches for or-anization of ad#anced processin- of skin of far.
ani.als and release of co.petiti#e co..odit" skin, furs and foot8ear based on the leather/fur
industries in the cities of 5araz and 9e.e"+
-ar.ent sub/branches to i.ple.ent the .odernization of enterprises for contract
.anufacturin- on the e>a.ple of brand products output (products for c"clin-*2
Pro#ision is .ade for i.ple.entation of the follo8in- in#est.ent proFects7
,ast/Kazakhstan oblast M !Reconstruction and .odernization of leather industr"$+
9outh/Kazakhstan oblast M !?r-anization of the .odern te>tile industr" in the @,J
9outh/Kazakhstan oblast M !?utput of h"-roscopic cotton 8ool and cellulose$+
9outh/Kazakhstan oblast M !?r-anization of the .odern production on output of co.bed and
carded cotton "arn$2
2ectoral and pro3ect measures of the state support
7uali-ed sta0 resources provision
5he need for personnel in 20 specialties of the li-ht industr" 8ill be co#ered b" their
trainin- in uni#ersities and 9 educational establish.ents 5P, in <", Jha.b"l, ,ast
Kazakhstan and 9outh Kazakhstan oblasts2
0n 2011 in 9h".kent the construction of the 0nterre-ional 3enter 8ill be started on trainin-
and retrainin- of personnel for the .anufacturin- sector for &00 educational places2
Removal of administrative barriers
3onsideration of issue on e>clusion fro. licensable t"pes of acti#ities of the"
processin- of ra8 cotton into cotton 1ber and the liftin- of the ban for cotton processin-
or-anizations to carr" out business acti#ities not related to" processin- of ra8 cotton b"
a.endin- the =a8 of the Republic of Kazakhstan !?n the de#elop.ent of the cotton industr"$2
mplementation of technical regulations
5o ensure proper Eualit" le#el, 2 technical re-ulations and 50 national standards on
production of li-ht industr" products 8ill be de#eloped and i.ple.ented for securit" a-encies
and national co.panies2
!evelopment of innovations and science and promotion of modernization
Lnder the <" technolo-ical uni#ersit" the issue of foundation of en-ineerin- center for
research 8orks and laborator" for e#aluation of product Eualit" 8ill be considered2
&ourist industr,
+rief anal,sis of the current situation

0n recent "ears, -enerall" there can be obser#ed the positi#e d"na.ics of de#elop.ent of
tourist industr" of the countr"7 follo8in- the results of 200 the total nu.ber of #isitors
co.pared to 200& increased b" %21K, the #olu.e of do.estic touris. -re8 b" 22K, outbound
touris. -re8 b" 152%K2
5he #olu.e of in#est.ents in the de#elop.ent of tourist facilities has increased fro. '&
billion ten-e in 2005 up to 9& billion ten-e in 200&, and in 200 this 1-ure rose to 1292% billion
Moreo#er, the -lobal econo.ic and 1nancial crisis has ad#ersel" aAected the inbound
touris. the #olu.e of 8hich decreased b" 11K and a.ounted to onl" '2& .illion tourists,
co.pared 8ith 52% .illion in 200&2
?ne of the co.ponents of reduction of the a.ount of tourists enterin- the Republic of
Kazakhstan 8as a .inor attraction of tourist industr" facilities because of their .oral
deterioration and lack of infrastructure2
< s.all nu.ber of place.ents correspondin- to international standards lead to
underutilization of capacit" of pro#ision of a full ran-e of ser#ices to enterin- tourists, and as a
conseEuence it leads to lo8 econo.ic returns2
5he .easures ha#e been taken to for. a tourist i.a-e of Kazakhstan and to pro.ote the
national tourist product in 8orld .arkets2 @or this purposes, KazakhstanRs participation is
ensured at the lar-est international touris. e>hibitions in Madrid, Cerlin, CeiFin-, 9eoul, 5ok"o
and =ondon, #ideo ads are placed on leadin- tele#ision channels around the 8orld such as 344,
CC3, ,urone8s and Disco#er"2 <lon- 8ith this, the Kazakhstan 0nternational 5ouris. @air / K05@
in <" M is held2
*ain task of co.petiti#eness of the touris. industr" and the attracti#eness of
Kazakhstan as a tourist destination
&arget codes
5he increase of a--re-ate inco.e of or-anizations renderin- ser#ices in the 1eld of touris.
acti#it" b" 2015 no less than b" 12K of the le#el of 2002
Primar, areas of branch development
De#elop.ent of the branch 8ill be focused on the creation of co.petiti#e infrastructure of
the touris. industr", of national touris. products, and their pro.otion in international
and do.estic .arkets2
Pro#ision is .ade for i.ple.entation of the follo8in- in#est.ent proFects7
0nte-rated de#elop.ent of the 9h".bulak ski resort in <" cit" to recei#e up to 2000
people a da"2
5here 8ill be the construction of tourist/entertain.ent co.ple> in the @,J !Curaba"$
<k.ola oblast for reception of up to 220,000 tourists a "ear, 8here the conditions 8ill be
created for de#elop.ent of s.all and .ediu./sized businesses in the follo8in- areas7
renderin- of ser#ices in the 1eld of health pro.otion, entertain.ent, caterin-, pro#ision of
hotel, si-htseein-, infor.ation and transport ser#ices, in addition 8ith the pro#ision of transport
ser#ices the ecolo-icall" clean transport 8ill be used, includin- s.all aircraft+
renderin- of ser#ices in the 1eld of cultural/educational, ecolo-ical, business, sport and
other t"pes of touris.+
or-anization of production in .anufacturin- and output of #arious sou#enir products2
2ectoral and pro3ect measures of state support
nfrastructural and resource provision
:ithin the fra.e8ork of creation of the co.petiti#e infrastructure of touris. industr" the
follo8in- issues 8ill be 8orked out7
allocation of plots of land b" the local e>ecuti#e bodies for the construction of roadside
infrastructure obFects alon- the transport corridor+
creation of en-ineerin-/co..unicati#e infrastructure to the ne8l" created obFects of the
touris. industr"+
de#elop.ent of t"pical proFect of road infrastructure obFects construction+
subsidizin- of fee rates on lendin- of in#est.ent proFects of national touris. cluster alon-
the transport corridor !:estern ,urope / :estern 3hina$2
7uali-ed staff resources provision
9taIn- needs for the touris. industr" in 1' specialties 8ill be .et due to their trainin- in
uni#ersities and && educational establish.ents 5P,+
additional need for personnel (staA for entertain.ent, shoppin- and co..ercial personnel*
for the tourist/entertain.ent co.ple> in the @,J !Curaba"$ in <k.ola oblast and for touris.
base of the ski resort !9h".bulak$ in <" oblast 8ill be replenished due to trainin- in
educational institutions 5P, and trainin- centers for short trainin-+
conditions 8ill be created to the Eualit" of touris. education b" conductin- an
audit of one state institution of hi-her education on certi1cation of Eualit" of touris. education
!L4:5?/5edDual$ and the de#elop.ent of professional standards in the 1eld of the touris.
!evelopment of competition
0n order to pro.ote co.petition in the ser#ices pro#ision .arket for tourists the follo8in-
8ill be .ade7
ensurin- of establish.ent of the le-islati#e conditions for the consolidation of tourist
consideration 8ill be .ade for possibilit" to create a bureau of tour -uides and tourist
infor.ation centers in re-ions 8ith touris. potential2
#reation of attractive conditions for investments
5he issue 8ill be elaborated on transfer of lands of speciall" protected natural sites into
reser#e lands 8ithin the boundaries of @,J !Curaba"$, in order to attract in#estors, as 8ell as
pro#idin- subsidies of fee rates on lendin- of construction of tourist obFects of tourist cluster
alon- the transport corridor !:estern ,urope / :estern 3hina$2
1/4 !evelopment of branches the =econom, of the future>
nformational and communication technologies
+rief anal,sis of the current situation of the branch
=ar-e/scale introduction of infor.ation and co..unication technolo-ies (hereinafter / 035* is
indispensable condition for increasin- of labour producti#it" and creation of conditions for the
inte-ration of do.estic enterprises in the -lobal econo."2
5he -ro8in- de.and of business and population for teleco..unication ser#ices has led to
a si-ni1cant increase in re#enues of teleco..unication operators2 <ccordin- to preli.inar"
results of 2009, re#enues fro. co..unication ser#ices pro#ision a.ounted to '%0 billion ten-e
8hich is -reater b" &25K co.pared 8ith 2002 5he .ost d"na.ical de#elop.ent is obser#ed in
pro#ision of ser#ices on 0nternet access (increase b" 22K co.pared 8ith 200*, local telephone
ser#ices (b" 19K* and the .obile co..unication se-.ent (b" 9K*2 5he -reatest -ro8th 8hich
occurs due to the de#elop.ent of backbone net8orks of 1ber/optic co..unication of
Kazakhstan operators and the uniEue -eo-raphic location of the countr" is obser#ed in a
se-.ent of data trans.ission ser#ices and it eEuals to %&K2
0n 2009, operators of postal and courier ser#ices rendered ser#ices for the o#erall a.ount of
122% billion ten-e, 8hich is -reater b" 100 .illion ten-e co.pared 8ith 2002 5he .ost
d"na.ical de#elop.ent is obser#ed in courier ser#ices 8hich are pro#ided b" .ore than '0
co.panies, includin- do.estic s.all and .ediu. businesses2
0n the 1eld of infor.ation technolo-" follo8in- the results of 2009, the -ross inco.e of
enterprises accordin- to esti.ations 8ill decrease b" &K co.pared 8ith 200 and reach about
90 billion ten-e, 8hich is caused b" a -eneral do8nturn in econo.ic acti#it" in the countr" and
a one/ti.e de#aluation of national currenc" held in earl" 20092 0n the 035 costs the
e>penditures of procure.ent of co.puter and net8ork eEuip.ent are predo.inant+ the"
constitute .ore than &5K of all e>penditures on infor.ation technolo-ies 8hich reQects the
on-oin- co.puterization of the Kazakh societ"2 Do.estic co.panies are 8ell represented in the
sectors of the" of co.puter hard8are, s"ste. inte-ration and soft8are de#elop.ent
b" the order2
5o .aintain fast paces and accelerated de#elop.ent of the 035 sector in the Republic of
Kazakhstan it is necessar" to sol#e a ran-e of e>istin- proble.s7
ad.inistrati#e barriers for co.panies operatin- in the 1eld of infor.ation technolo-"
(i.perfection of custo.s clearance procedures and re-istration of infor.ation products*+
lo8 share of percenta-e of !local content$ in the procure.ent b" the -o#ern.ent a-encies
and co.panies 8ith participation of the state ser#ices related to infor.ation technolo-"+
proble. of staA pro#ision of co.panies operatin- in the 035 sector+
lo8 in#est.ent acti#it" in attractin- #enture capital to 1nance inno#ation de#elop.ents2
*ain task
@or.ation of the co.petiti#e e>port/oriented national sectors of info/co..unication
&arget codes
5he share of the 035 sector includin- the info/co..unication infrastructure in 6DP in 201' M
is %2K2

Primar, areas of the branch development
0n the 035 sector in the Republic of Kazakhstan the follo8in- directions are planned to
:ithin the fra.e8ork of de#elop.ent of electronic ser#ices and !electronic -o#ern.ent$ in
order to ensure the needs of business and population, si.pli1cation and opti.ization of the
8ork of the state bodies the follo8in- 8ill be i.ple.ented7
establish.ent of tar-et architecture of !electronic -o#ern.ent$+
creation of info/co..unications infrastructure for infor.ation e>chan-e 8ithin the 3usto.s
elaboration of ne8 electronic ser#ices includin- ser#ices in the sectors of social protection,
health, transport and co..unications and a-riculture+
introduction of infor.ation s"ste.s of electronic licensin-, electronic notariat and electronic
<s part of de#elop.ent of the Kazakhstan se-.ent of 0nternet net8ork in order to ensure
the population_s de.and for Kazakhstan_s content the follo8in- 8ill be i.ple.ented7
creation of electronic co..ercial platfor. for business+
creation of national 0nternet/resources, includin- ne8s, .ulti.edia, social net8orks2
:ithin the fra.e8ork of de#elop.ent of do.estic production of hi-h/tech eEuip.ent and
.icroelectronics in order to .eet do.estic de.and and the phased access to forei-n .arkets it
is planned to7
establish.ent of enterprises for" and .aintenance of eEuip.ent of international
co.panies that are .aFor suppliers of public sector, based on the @,J !0nfor.ation 5echnolo-"
Park !<latau$ in <" cit"2
:ithin the fra.e8ork of pro-ressin- of the sector of soft8are and ser#ices de#elop.ent to
.eet the needs of business and -o#ern.ent 8ith phased access to the forei-n .arkets the
follo8in- 8ill be i.ple.ented7
establish.ent of the co.panies de#elopin- and operatin- inno#ati#e infor.ation s"ste.s
and products based on the @,J !0nfor.ation 5echnolo-" Park !<latau$ in <" cit"2
:ithin the fra.e8ork of de#elop.ent of education in the sphere of info/co..unication in
order to ensure the needs of the industr" in the Euali1ed specialists of technical and
professional le#el the follo8in- 8ill be i.ple.ented7
pro#ision of de#elop.ent of the 0nternational Lni#ersit" of 0nfor.ation 5echnolo-"+
establish.ent of three professional/technical educational institutions in info/co..unication
2ectoral and pro3ect measures of state support
*eet the demands for ?uali-ed sta0 resources
58ofold increase of the nu.ber of state -rants for info/co..unication specialties to stud"
in uni#ersities of Kazakhstan, co.pared 8ith 2009+
chan-e in trainin- pro-ra.s for 05 specialists at the le#el of hi-her and professional/
technical education accordin- to accepted international standards2
mplementation of technical regulations
De#elop.ent of base of standards in the sphere of info/co..unications up to the
international le#el2
!evelopment of innovations and promotion to technological modernization
issue of -rants for i.ple.entation of the proFects on de#elop.ent of Kazakhstani se-.ent
of 0nternet net8ork 8ithin the #enture 1nancin- of the proFects in the 1eld of info/
co..unications throu-h the !40@$ ;93, !9cience @und$ ;93+
release of radio/freEuenc" spectru. 8ithin '50 MHz band for the de#elop.ent of
teleco..unications net8orks usin- the technolo-" 3DM<+
redistribution of at least 50K of radio freEuencies fro. % kHz to '00 6Hz fro. the cate-or"
of !Foint use$ in the cate-or" of !ci#ilian use$2
#reation of attractive conditions for direct investments
De#elop.ent of infrastructure @,J 05P !<latau$+
allocation of land -rants for proFects to build data centers, i.ple.ented under the Pro-ra.+
establish.ent of a s"ste. of state support of de#elop.ent of Kazakhstani se-.ent of
0nternet net8ork+
increase in the nu.ber of ser#ices rendered b" the state throu-h a 8eb/portal of !e/
-o#ern.ent 1nancin- of social proFects in Kazakhstan_s se-.ent of the 0nternet net8ork
includin- children_s social net8ork+
?r-anization of intellectual part of @,J 05P !<latau$ in <" for the use of research
and technolo-ical potential of leadin- Kazakh uni#ersities2

+rief anal,sis of the current situation
0n Kazakhstan in the fra.e8ork of i.ple.entation of the research pro-ra.s on
biotechnolo-" there 8as de#eloped the .anufacturin- technolo-" of reco.binant #accine
a-ainst s8ine inQuenza <PH141 and H541 #accine a-ainst a#ian inQuenza for health care2
Preclinical studies are co.pleted and clinical trials of #accines data are started2
<t present the o8n production of .edical dru-s in the Republic of Kazakhstan is 11K
(includin- #accines M 121K*, #eterinar" dru-s &K (.ainl" the .anufacture of dru-s fro.
i.ported substances*, 8hile other dru-s are bein- i.ported into the countr"2
5he .ain proble. is the lack of ori-inal do.estic biotechnolo-ical dru-s in the presence of
perspecti#e e>peri.ental de#elop.ents2 5o date, #irtuall" the production of -eneticall"
en-ineered dru-s is not adFusted, 8hile there are ori-inal do.estic or Foint de#elop.ents that
passed or passin- phase of preclinical and clinical studies2
@or further de#elop.ent of the crop sector it is necessar" to create and introduce into
operation the hi-h/Eualit" co.petiti#e #arieties of a-ricultural plants, in connection 8ith 8hich
a it is reEuired the transition of the selection on the le#el of Eualit"2

3onser#ation and breedin- of hi-hl" producti#e breeds of ani.als is a ke" issue in
pro1tabilit" and eIcienc" of li#estock, so there is the need to use -enetic en-ineerin- to create
ne8 t"pes and breeds of ani.als2
0n the 8orld annuall" about 50 .illion tons of oil is e.itted in the en#iron.ent2 5he .ost
perspecti#e .ethods of puri1cation of 8ater and soil fro. a 8ide ran-e of pollutants, includin-
petroleu. h"drocarbons, are biore.ediation techniEues based on the use of bioche.ical
potential of biolo-ical obFects, pri.aril" .icroor-anis.s and plants2
?ne of the priorit" areas of biotechnolo-" is the de#elop.ent of starter cultures, enz".es,
dietar" supple.ents and probiotics for the needs of food and processin- industr"2
*ain task
3reation and i.ple.entation of hi-h technolo-" and co.petiti#e biotechnolo-ical products
for health protection and a-riculture, en#iron.ental protection, food and processin- industries2
&arget codes
12 0ncrease of share of industr" in total #olu.e of e>port up to 1K b" 20152
Primar, areas of the branch development
@or the purposes of eAecti#e and Eualitati#e de#elop.ent of biotechnolo-" the follo8in-
.easures 8ill be i.ple.ented7
creation of ne8 do.estic test s"ste.s based on the use of -eno.ic technolo-ies for the
dia-nostics of sociall" si-ni1cant diseases+
de#elop.ent of technolo-" and pilot production of ori-inal .edicinal dru-s based on
-eneticall" en-ineered reco.binant substances+
creation of a center for de#elop.ents in the 1eld of transplantation of or-ans, ste. cells,
.edicine of lon-e#it" and elaboration of a .ethodolo-ical basis for their use in re-enerati#e
.edicine and cell therap"+
creation of production on output of dia-nosticu.s and #accines that .eet international
standards of -ood .anufacturin- practice (6MP*+
creation of collection of .icroor-anis.s and biotechnolo-ical productions on output of
starter cultures, food protein, a.ino acids, enz".es and bio/conser#in- a-ents+
nurture of hi-hl" producti#e, co.petiti#e #arieties of plants for a-ricultural purposes+
de#elop.ent of ecolo-icall" clean biolo-ical .ethods of protectin- plants fro. pests and
creation of consortiu.s of .icrobial strain to use for the purpose of biore.ediation of oil/
conta.inated soil and 8ater ecos"ste.s+
de#elop.ent of .ethods for ph"to/re.ediation of soils conta.inated 8ith hea#" .etals
and pesticides throu-h the use of plants/h"per/accu.ulators+
nurture of hi-hl" producti#e breeds of ani.als2
2ectoral and pro3ect measures of the state support
7uali-ed sta0 resources provision
Retrainin- and ad#anced trainin- of scienti1c personnel and technical personnel for the
sphere of biotechnolo-"2
nfrastructure and resource provision
:orkin- out of issues of necessit" to build a technolo-ical buildin- and creation of
infrastructure for s.all/scale production of biotechnolo-ical .edical and dia-nostic products,
inacti#ated and li#e #accines, as 8ell as the purchase of eEuip.ent for use in re-enerati#e
.edicine and cell therap"2

2pace activities
+rief anal,sis of the current situation
?bFecti#e prereEuisites for the for.ation of the space industr" in our countr" are the
presence of a uniEue co.petiti#e ad#anta-e / the 8orldRs lar-est space air1eld !Caikonur$ 8ith
functionin- space .issile 8eapon s"ste. (9M:9* !Proton$, !9o"uz$, !Jenit$, !Dnepr$ and
bein- at the sta-e of construction 9M:9 !Caiterek$+ -round control of space co..unications,
the basic ele.ents of the 4ational 9pace Monitorin- 9"ste. (49M9* includin- three Reception
centers of space data fro. the satellites ,R9+ the .ain ele.ents of scienti1c and technolo-ical
infrastructure 8hich includes cos.ic/ra" station, science laboratories and astrono.ical
:ithin the fra.e8ork of the 1rst space pro-ra. for 2005/200& there ha#e been
i.ple.ented the proFects of creation of broadcastin- and co..unication satellite !Kaz9at/1$,
or-anization of special desi-n/technolo-" oIce of space/s"ste. en-ineerin- (9K5C K5*,
subs"ste.s of 49M9 ha#e been de#eloped2 ProFect .aterials 8ere de#eloped for creation of
space .issile 8eapon s"ste. (9M:9* !Caiterek$, co..unication and broadcastin- satellite
!Kaz9at/2$, the space ,arth re.ote s"ste. (,R9*, the <", 0nte-ration and 5estin-
3o.ple> of spacecraft (<053 9*, the space/based s"ste. of scienti1c purpose, the s"ste. of
hi-h/precision satellite na#i-ation2
0n Kazakhstan toda" a si-ni1cant need has been for.ed for the #arious space ser#ices, in
particular the need in the ser#ices of space co..unication s"ste.s, space s"ste.s ,R9 and
the s"ste. of hi-h/precision satellite na#i-ation (HP94*2
5o .eet these needs it is necessar" to sol#e a ran-e of proble.s on creatin- a full/Qed-ed
space industr"7
insuIcient de#elop.ent of do.estic .arket of space ser#ices (co..unications, ,R9,
na#i-ation, production of space technolo-", launch ser#ices*+
lack of re-ulator", le-islati#e and technical fra.e8ork for the de#elop.ent of space
lack of s"ste. of pro#ision of space acti#ities 8ith staA2
5o sol#e these proble.s it is necessar" to i.ple.ent the follo8in- tasks7
creation and de#elop.ent of tar-et space s"ste.s and the obFects of -round space
de#elop.ent of scienti1c and technolo-ical base of space acti#ities+
trainin- and ad#anced trainin- of professional personnel+
establish.ent of contractual and re-ulator" fra.e8ork of space industr"
*ain task
0.ple.entation of the 1rst phase of creation of the full/Qed-ed space industr" as a science/
intensi#e and hi-h/tech sector of the econo." assistin- to acceleration of industrial/inno#ati#e
de#elop.ent of the republic, stren-thenin- of national securit" and defense, de#elop.ent of
science and hi-h technolo-"2
&arget codes
12 6ross #alue added -ro8th shall be not less than 520 bln ten-e b" 20152
22 6ro8th in e>ports shall be not less than 1520 bln ten-e b" 20152
%2 5he de-ree of satisfaction of needs of the countr" in the channels of 1>ed satellite
co..unications shall be 0K, the needs in ser#ices of hi-hl"/precise satellite na#i-ation (K of
co#era-e of the territor" of Kazakhstan* shall be %0K2
'2 5he share of data fro. Kazakh spacecraft ,R9 in the total a.ount of space data pro#ided
to consu.ers shall be 50K2

+rief anal,sis of the current situation
3reation and de#elop.ent of tar-et space s"ste.s and their use in#ol#e7
s"ste.s of the satellite co..unication and broadcastin- !Kaz9at$ for pro#ision of ser#ices
of space co..unication s"ste.s in the do.estic .arket 8ith a phased e>it to forei-n .arkets+
the space s"ste. ,R9 for deli#er" of ser#ices for data reportin- ,R9 in do.estic and forei-n
space s"ste. 8ith scienti1c purpose for solution of tasks of de#elop.ent of the space
science and technolo-", research of earthEuake precursors2
Pro#ision is .ade for the de#elop.ent of the 4ational 9pace Monitorin- 9"ste. (49M9* to
.eet de.and in the do.estic and forei-n .arkets in the ,R9 data 8ith a hi-h le#el of
processin- and #alue added2
3reation and de#elop.ent of -round space infrastructure pro#ide7
,n#iron.ental safet" of the 9M:9 !Caiterek$ at the !Caikonur$ to pro#ide launch ser#ices
in the do.estic and forei-n .arkets+
<053 spacecraft to pro#ide ser#ices of desi-nin-, .anufacturin-," and testin- of
spacecraft under -o#ern.ent orders and forei-n orders+
-round infrastructure of the s"ste. of hi-h/precision satellite na#i-ation (HP94* to pro#ide
ser#ices of satellite na#i-ation and on certi1cation of na#i-ational eEuip.ent in the do.estic
production of na#i-ation eEuip.ent for do.estic and e>port .arkets2
@or the purpose of pro-ressi#e transfer of the space air1eld !Caikonur$ to Kazakhstan
pro#ision is .ade for the participation in the proFects of co..ercial use of the 9M:9 !Jenit$
and !Dnepr$ e>istin- at the space air1eld !Caikonur$ to pro#ide launch ser#ices in the do.estic
and forei-n .arkets2
0t is planned to i.ple.ent the follo8in- in#est.ent proFects7
establishin- the s"ste. of s"ste. of satellite co..unication and broadcastin- !Kaz9at$
(!Kaz9at / 2, %$, reser#e -round control*+
creation of an en#iron.entall" safe 9M:9 !Caiterek$ at the space air1eld !Caikonur$+
creation of", inte-ration and testin- co.ple> for spacecrafts+
creation of space s"ste. of ,arth re.ote sensin- s"ste.+
establish.ent of -round infrastructure of s"ste. of hi-h/precision satellite na#i-ation of the
Republic of Kazakhstan+
participation in proFects of co..ercial use of the space .issile 8eapon s"ste.s !Jenit$ and
!Dnepr$e>istin- at the space air1eld !Caikonur$2
5he suppliers of 8orks and ser#ices on the proFect of the 9M:9 !Caiterek$ are the Russian
co.panies, the suppliers on proFects of creation space s"ste. ,R9 and <053 are the @rench
2ectoral and pro3ect measures of the state support
7uali-ed sta0 resources provision
0.ple.entation of the pro-ra. of trainin-, retrainin- and ad#anced trainin- 8ill be
continued for the space sector2
5rainin- of specialists 8ill be held at the branch !Soshod$ at the Mosco8 <#iation 0nstitute
(Caikonur cit"*, as 8ell as at uni#ersities in Kazakhstan on the pro-ra. !Colashak$ in the
countries near and far abroad2
Retrainin- and ad#anced trainin- 8ill be or-anized 8ith the assistance of forei-n e>perts2
5he de#elop.ent of ad#anced space technolo-ies is pro#ided in the contract 8ith a strate-ic
partner on creation of the space s"ste.s ,R9 and <0532
Pro#ision is .ade for preparation and retrainin- of specialists of space pro1le up to &00
Removal of administrative barriers
5he la8 on space acti#ities 8ill be de#eloped for the i.ple.entation of state re-ulation of
relations in the area of establish.ent, operation and co..ercial e>ploitation of space s"ste.s2
mplementation of technical regulations
Re-ulations 8ill be de#eloped in the 1eld of technical re-ulation of the industr"
de#elop.ent7 concernin- the securit" reEuire.ents of .issile and space s"ste.s, concernin-
the securit" reEuire.ents of auto.atic spacecrafts, securit" reEuire.ents of con#e"in-
eEuip.ent for ite.s of space/rocket technolo-" and co.ponents of rocket/en-ine propellant2
!evelopment of innovations and promotion of technological modernization
5he de#elop.ent of scienti1c and technolo-ical base of space acti#ities in#ol#es the
de#elop.ent of scienti1c and technolo-ical support for the creation of space eEuip.ent and
technolo-ies, de#elop.ent of scienti1c and e>peri.ental base of astroph"sical and space
research, the stud" of optical and electrod"na.ic processes in the at.osphere / the ,arthRs
ionosphere, creation of a s"ste. of space/-round -eod"na.ic and -eoph"sical .onitorin- the
,arthRs crust2
%lternative energetics
+rief anal,sis of the current situation
?ne of the priorit" direction of de#elop.ent of the electric po8er industr" and sol#in- of
en#iron.ental proble.s of Kazakhstan is the use of rene8able ener-" resources2 5he potential
of rene8able ener-" resources (h"dropo8er, 8ind and solar ener-"* in Kazakhstan is #er"
3urrentl", h"dropo8er resources of Kazakhstan are usuall" characterized b" the follo8in-
5otal (theoretical* potential 1&0>10
5echnical (possible for use )2>10
use* potential
,cono.ic potential 2&/%0>10
5hrou-hout the territor" of Kazakhstan the h"dropo8er resources are distributed une#enl",
.ost of the. are concentrated in three re-ions of Kazakhstan7
0n 9outh/,ast zone in the basin of the 0li Ri#er, fed b" ri#ers Qo8in- do8n fro. the
.ountains of Jaili"ski" <latau, in the basin of eastern Calkhash and the -roup of <lakol lakes
fed b" ri#ers Qo8in- do8n fro. Jhet"susk" <latau2
0n the ,astern zone in the basin of the 0rt"sh Ri#er 8ith .aFor tributaries2
0n the 9outh zone in the basins of ri#ers 9"rdar"a, 5alas and 3hu2
?ne of the .ost perspecti#es t"pes of rene8able ener-" resources is 8ind ener-etics2 a
8ind 5he 8ind atlas of Kazakhstan has been de#eloped2
<t present there 8ere studied 10 sites for the construction of 8ind po8er stations
(hereinafter / :P9* in Kazakhstan2 <ll of these sites can be used for the construction of lar-e
:P9 8ith total capacit" of 1000 M: for the co..ercial production of electric ener-" in the
a.ount of 2/% billion k:h of electric ener-"2
Despite the northern latitude of the -eo-raphical location of Kazakhstan, the solar ener-"
resources in the countr" are stable and acceptable due to fa#orable cli.atic conditions2 <s a
result of research the potential of solar ener-" in the south re-ions of the countr" reaches 2500
/ %000 hours of sunshine a "ear2

*ain task
0ncrease of share of rene8able ener-" sources (s.all h"droelectric stations, solar
installations* in the countr"Rs balance of ener-"2

&arget codes

12 <chie#e.ent of the #olu.e of -enerated electric po8er in 201' b" rene8able ener-"
sources has to be 1 billion k:h per a "ear2
22 5he share of rene8able ener-" sources in total #olu.e of electricit" consu.ption has to
be .ore than 1K b" 20152
Primar, areas of the branch development
0t is planned to i.ple.ent the proFect on buildin- of the 1rst 8ind po8er plants2 5he
assu.ed location re-ions are <stana, <k.ola, Dzhun-arian 6ates and 9helek corridor / in the
<" oblast2 5he esti.ated po8er of -enerated electric po8er at the 1rst sta-e .a" a.ount
to 50/100 M:2
C" 2015 it is planned the construction of 8ind turbines 8ith installed capacit" of 125 M:
8ith -eneration of electric po8er '00 .illion k:h2
5ill 2015 in the Republic it is planned the co..issionin- of ne8 s.all h"dropo8er stations
8ith total installed capacit" of o#er 100 M: 8ith planned production of electric ener-" / %00
.illion k:h2
5akin- into account the produced electric ener-" fro. facilities for use of rene8able ener-"
sources at the present ti.e, -eneration of electric ener-" in 201' b" rene8able ener-" sources
is e>pected to reach 1 billion k:h per a "ear2
<lso in the current "ear it is e>pected to continue the 8ork on de#elop.ent and
i.ple.entation of proFects of construction of s.all h"dropo8er stations in <" and 9outh
Kazakhstan oblasts 8ith total capacit" M 2' M:2
Pro#ision is .ade for de#elop.ent of plan for placin- of facilities for use of rene8able
ener-" sources2
:ork 8ill be continued to and e>pand the 1rst 8ind atlas of Kazakhstan2
Pro#ision is .ade for de#elop.ent and adoption of subordinate acts in order to i.ple.ent
the =a8 of the Republic of Kazakhstan !?n supportin- the use of rene8able ener-" sources$2
2ectoral and pro3ect measures of the state support
Pro#ision is .ade for 8orkin- out of issues on support of rene8able ener-" sources
includin-7 redundanc" and priorit" in the allocation of land plot for construction of facilities of
rene8able ener-" sources+ obli-ations of ener-" trans.ittin- or-anizations on purchase of
electric ener-" produced 8ith use of rene8able ener-" sources+ e>e.ption of rene8able ener-"
sources fro. fee for the transportation of electric ener-" throu-h the net8orks+ support in
connectin- the facilities for use of rene8able ener-" sources to the net8orks of the po8er
trans.ission or-anization2
%tomic energetics
+rief anal,sis of the current situation
<t the present ti.e, Kazakhstan has all the obFecti#e preconditions for the de#elop.ent of
ato.ic ener-etics2 5he" include7
presence of a lar-e nu.ber of the e>plored reser#es of uraniu. and de#eloped uraniu./
.inin- and uraniu./processin- industr"+
presence of the fuel .anufacturin- enterprises and constructional .aterials for nuclear
po8er reactors+
presence in the countr" of hi-hl" Euali1ed specialists 8ith e>perience in operatin- of
nuclear reactors+
a#ailabilit" of scienti1c enterprises eEuipped 8ith research reactors and uniEue electro/
ph"sical installations and stands that carr" out researches in nuclear ph"sics, ph"sics and
en-ineerin- of nuclear reactors, safet" of nuclear electric po8er installations2

*ain tasks
5he de#elop.ent of nuclear ener-etics infrastructure2
De#elop.ent and i.ple.entation of ne8 hi-h/tech proFects for the ato.ic industr"2

Primar, areas of development
0n order to de#elop nuclear ener-etics and to create conditions for accelerated industrial
de#elop.ent of the countr" it is assu.ed to carr" out the follo8in- acti#ities7
Fusti1cation of the la"out chart and identi1cation of para.eters of the ato.ic po8er units+
or-anization of de#elop.ent and desi-n of the ato.ic po8er plants and other nuclear
facilities in the Republic of Kazakhstan+
pro#ision of nuclear, radiolo-ical and industrial safet", ph"sical protection and safet" of
strate-ic facilities of the ato.ic branch+
.onitorin- of nuclear tests+
de#elop.ent of international cooperation in the sphere of peaceful uses of ato.ic ener-"2
2ectoral and pro3ect measures of the state support
De#elop.ent of technical re-ulations and re-ulator" le-al acts for i.ple.entation of the
uni1ed state polic" in the ato.ic branch2
Duali1ed professional staA pro#ision2
2/ Ke, measures to support the development of priorit, sectors
5he state support of industrialization 8ill be carried out throu-h the i.ple.entation of
s"ste.atic .easures of econo.ic polic" at the .acro/ and sectoral le#els, as 8ell as selecti#e
support .easures for speci1c sectors of the econo." and proFects that 8ill be i.ple.ented on
the basis of a co.bined packa-e of .easures of 1nancial and non/1nancial support, throu-h
the for.ation of fa#orable .acroecono.ic en#iron.ent+ e>pansion of 1nancial instru.ents to
support the Pro-ra.+ infrastructural, resource and staIn- pro#ision, of business
en#iron.ent+ technolo-ical .odernization, de#elop.ent of inno#ations and science+ creation of
fa#orable conditions for attractin- forei-n direct in#est.ents+ eAecti#e trade and tariA policies2
9"ste. .easures of .acroecono.ic policies 8ill include a balanced and a-reed use of
instru.ents of .onetar", 1scal and structural policies that 8ill be i.ple.ented in accordance
8ith the obFecti#es of industrialization2
3onsistenc" of .onetar" and 1scal policies 8ill be pro#ided throu-h annual adoption of the
;oint state.ents of the 6o#ern.ent, the 4ational Cank and the <-enc" of the Republic of
Kazakhstan for Re-ulation and 9uper#ision of @inancial Market and @inancial 0nstitutions on the
.ain directions of econo.ic polic"2
0n the fra.e8ork of .onetar" polic" the .easures 8ill be taken to ensure the stable
functionin- of the do.estic 1nancial s"ste., as 8ell as a stable e>chan-e rate of ten-e and
stabilit" of the countr"Rs balance of pa".ents throu-h7
e>chan-e rate polic" ai.ed at ensurin- a balance bet8een internal and e>ternal
co.petiti#eness of KazakhstanRs econo." and not allo8in- for re#aluation of e>chan-e rate of
the national currenc"2 ,>chan-e rate polic" 8ill adeEuatel" respond to chan-es in 8orld prices,
ter.s of trade, thus creatin- the foundations for the de#elop.ent of do.estic econo."+
lo8 rate of inQation .aintained to-ether 8ith .easures of anti/inQationar" polic" of the
6o#ern.ent (the annual inQation rate in 2010/201' 8ithin the li.its of 520/20K (Dece.ber to
Dece.ber of pre#ious "ear*+
re-ulation of short/ter. liEuidit" of the banks in order to .aintain it at adeEuate le#el 8ith
use dependin- on the situation in the .one" .arket and inQation rate of instru.ents of
adFust.ent of rates the 4ational Cank transactions, includin- the oIcial re1nancin- rate2
@iscal polic" 8ill be ai.ed at creation of conditions for the .odernization and di#ersi1cation
of the econo." throu-h 1scal sti.ulation of industrialization processes, 1nancin- for
de#elop.ent of industrial infrastructure, science and inno#ations, capital2
<n .odel 8ill be for.ed for attraction and allocation of capital to the econo."
throu-h public institutions channels in the coherence 8ith the para.eters of the state bud-et2
Polic" of for.ation and use of assets of the 4ational @und 8ill be focused on au-.entin- of
sa#in-s in the 4ational @und 8hich 8ill ensure .acroecono.ic stabilit" and create necessar"
conditions for raisin- the so#erei-n ratin- of the countr" and reduction of the cost of e>ternal
borro8in- of public and corporate sectors2

2/1 "nsuring energetic infrastructure
+rief anal,sis of the current situation
Production of electrical ener-" is carried out b" 59 electric po8er stations of national
i.portance, industrial and re-ional purpose of diAerent pattern of o8nership, the total installed
capacit" is 1, 9922& M:, a#ailable capacit" M 1', 5520 M:, 0K of the po8er plants run on
@ollo8in- the results of 2009 the -eneration of electrical ener-" at po8er stations of the
countr" a.ounted to &2' billion k:h+ consu.ption a.ounted to &&29 billion k:h2
<ssets of the electric poer industr" ha#e a hi-h le#el of depreciation includin-7
-eneratin- eEuip.ent / &0K+
electrical net8orks / )5K2
0n connection 8ith the -ro8th of depreciation of po8er -eneratin- eEuip.ent of the po8er
stations and lack of in#est.ents since Ma" 2009 a ne8 tariA/.akin- .echanis. 8as
introduced for electric ener-" 8hich pro#ides introduction of li.ited, calculated and indi#idual
electricit" tariAs for the ener-"/producin- or-anizations and accordin-l" the i.ple.entation b"
the ener-"/producin- or-anizations of in#est.ent obli-ations on reconstruction, .odernization,
e>tension and ne8 construction of po8er -eneratin- facilities2
,lectric ener-" li.ited tariAs 8ere appro#ed on 1% -roups of the ener-" producin-
or-anizations for the period fro. 2009 to 2015 8ith di#ision b" each "ear, 8hich .a" be
adFusted annuall" takin- into account the need for pro#ision of in#est.ent attracti#eness of the
Cet8een the Ministr" of 0ndustr" and 4e8 5echnolo-ies and the ener-" producin-
or-anizations there are %) a-ree.ents on the i.ple.entation of in#est.ent in
the fra.e8ork of li.ited tariAs for 2010 a.ountin- to .ore than '22 billion ten-e2
0n cases of lar-e/scale in#est.ents as the construction of ne8 po8er stations the in#estors
can operate on calculated tariAs or indi#idual tariAs2
0ntroduction of ne8 tariA/.akin- .echanis. 8ill allo8 raisin- in#est.ent attracti#eness of
the industr", to create conditions for attractin- in#est.ents into the sector and to calculate
possibilities of the ener-"/producin- or-anizations to ensure the repa".ent of in#est.ents2
*ain task
*eeting of electric po9er demands of the econom, and achievement of energ,
independence of the countr,
&arget codes
12 Crin-in- the electricit" -eneration in 201' to 9&29 billion k:h in the forecast consu.ption
of 9)2 billion k:h2
22 Pro#idin- the #olu.e of coal production in 201' up to 12% .illion tons2

2trateg, of actions
Reliable electricit" suppl" of the econo." and population of Kazakhstan 8ill be connected
8ith the construction of ne8 electric po8er facilities, e>pansion and reno#ation of e>istin- ones,
up-radin- the national electrical net8ork, the eAecti#e use of a#ailable ener-" resources on the
basis of de#elop.ent of forecast balances2
?n the basis of the forecast balances of" resources takin- into account business
needs pro#ision 8ill be .ade for the coordination of lon-/ter. plans for de#elop.ent of
industries and inte-rated de#elop.ent of infrastructural and resource potential of the countr"2
0n the plannin- period due to co..issionin- of ne8 facilities and .odernization of e>istin-
ones, the total a.ount of electric ener-" produced in the countr" 8ill e>ceed the foreseeable
le#els of consu.ption2
,>cess #olu.e of electric po8er production in the 4orth ener-" band due to .odernization
of the ,kibastuz and <ksu 6R,9 (9tate District Po8er 9tations* 8ill be redistributed to the 9outh
and :est ener-" bands e>periencin- shorta-e of electricit" throu-h inter/re-ional po8er
trans.ission lines 4orth Kazakhstan / <ktobe oblast and the 4orth / 9outh2
0n order to eli.inate the proble. of ener-" shorta-e in :est Kazakhstan, it is e>pected the
co..issionin- of the Lralsk 6as 5urbine Po8er Plant and e>pansion of the <t"rau Heat ,lectric
6eneration Plant in the southern re-ions of the countr" / construction b" 2012 of the Moinak
H"droelectric 9tation, the <kshabulak 6as 5urbine Po8er Plant, b" 2015 t8o ener-" units of the
Calkhash Po8er 9tation, the construction of a nu.ber of po8er suppl" net8ork
facilities includin- substations !<l.a$ and po8er trans.ission lines on deli#er" of po8er of
Moinak H"droelectric 9tation, the reconstruction of e>istin- electric net8orks and the step/do8n
substations 8ill be carried out2
Pro#ision is .ade for the follo8in- proFects7
12 <t"rau Heat ,lectric 6eneration Plant2 5he cost of the proFect i.ple.entation is 1)2'
billion ten-e2 Po8er is &5 M:2 0.ple.entation period is 200)/20102
22 Lralsk 6as 5urbine Po8er Plant2 5he cost of the proFect i.ple.entation is 92 billion
ten-e2 Po8er is 5' M:2 0.ple.entation period is 2010/20122
%2 Calkhash Po8er 9tation2 5he cost of the proFect i.ple.entation is %)02& billion
ten-e2 Po8er of the 0/.odule is 1%20 M:2 Period of i.ple.entation is 2010/20152
'2 Moinak H"droelectric 9tation2 5he cost of the proFect i.ple.entation is 5'21 billion ten-e2
Po8er is %00 M:2 0.ple.entation period is 200)/20122
52 6as 5urbine Po8er Plant at the <kshabulak 1eld2 5he cost of the proFect i.ple.entation is
1&2& billion ten-e2 Po8er is & M:2 0.ple.entation period is 2010/20122
)2 ,kibastuz 6R,9/2 (buildin- of unit # %*2 5he cost of the proFect i.ple.entation is 112%
billion ten-e2 Po8er is 525 M:2 0.ple.entation period is 2010/201'2
&2 ,kibastuz 6R,9/1 (rebuildin- of unit # *2 5he cost of the proFect i.ple.entation is 2%2'
billion ten-e2 Po8er is 500 M:2 0.ple.entation period is 2010/20122
2 Rebuildin- of ener-" unit # 2 of the <ksu 6R,92 5he cost of the proFect i.ple.entation is
1229 billion ten-e2 Po8er is %25 M:2 0.ple.entation period is 2009/20112
92 Modernization of the 9hardarinska"a H"droelectric 9tation2 5he cost of the proFect
i.ple.entation is 1%2) billion ten-e2 0.ple.entation period is 2010/20152
102 Deli#er" of po8er of the Moinak H"droelectric 9tation2 5he cost of the proFect
i.ple.entation is 102% billion ten-e2 Period of i.ple.entation is 2010/20122
112 3onstruction of substation !<l.a$ 500 kS 8ith connection to the 4ational electric
net8orks of Kazakhstan b" the lines of 500 and 220 k:2 5he cost of the proFect i.ple.entation
is %0 billion ten-e2 ProFect i.ple.entation period is 2010/201'2
122 Modernization the 4ational electric net8orks of Kazakhstan, 00 sta-e2 5he cost of the
proFect i.ple.entation is 52 billion ten-e2 Period of i.ple.entation is 2010/201)2
1%2 3onstruction of substations in the cit" of <" and in <" oblast for
<siada/20112 5he cost of the proFect i.ple.entation7 1929 billion ten-e2 ProFect i.ple.entation
period7 2009 / 2011 "ears2
Pro#ision of -ro8th in coal production 8ill be achie#ed due the follo8in- proFects7
the open pit coal .ines of ,kibastuz coal basin7
the reconstruction proFect of the transport sche.e of the open pit .ine !Co-at"r$, the
transition to the ne8 auto.obile/con#e"or technolo-" 8ith 8hich the production at the open pit
.ine 8ill be up to ' .illion tons of coal a "ear+
co.pletion of the construction proFect of the c"clic/and/continuous o#erburden co.ple>
(33?3* on the open pit .ine !Sostochni"$2 Producti#it" of the 33?3 8ill a.ount ot 10 .illion
cubic .eters o#erburdens per a "ear / in the .ines of the Kara-anda coal basin throu-h the
introduction of hi-hl" producti#e .inin- eEuip.ent and technolo-ies pro#idin- the a#era-e
dail" load on the breaka-e face at the le#el of %000 /7/ 5000 tons+
construction and co..issionin- of a carboniferous deposit !Jhal"n$ in the Kara-anda
oblast 8ith desi-n capacit" of 500 thousand tons of coal per "ear2
7uali-ed personnel resources provision
5he need for specialists in 1& specialties 8ill be co#ered 8ithin the fra.e8ork of their
trainin- in uni#ersities and 0 educational establish.ents 5P,2
3ontraction of the 0nterre-ional 3enter 8ill be co.pleted for trainin- and retrainin- of
personnel for the fuel/ener-" industr" for &00 educational places in ,kibastuz cit"2
2/2 Provision of transport infrastructure
+rief anal,sis of the current situation
3urrentl", in the sphere of transport the i.ple.entation of infrastructure proFects is carried
out7 the .odernization of the rail8a"s is carried out, construction of rail8a" lines is be-an /
Lzen/state border 8ith 5urk.enistan and Jhet"-en/Kor-as+ the pro-ra. for .odernization and
de#elop.ent of -round infrastructure facilities is i.ple.ented, reconstruction of the 5 ke"
airports (<stana, <", <ktobe, <t"rau, <ktau* has been co.pleted+ a ne8 air ter.inal at the
airport in <ktau 8as co..issioned+ the further 8ork on of technical condition of
roads 8as be-an, e>press free8a" !<stana/9chuchinsk$ 8ith a )/band pass 8as opened,
annuall" the 8ork on .aintenance of na#i-able 8ater8a"s is carried out, i.ple.entation of the
proFect on reconstruction of Lst/Ka.eno-orsk and Cukhtar.insk" locks is started2
<t the sa.e ti.e, si-ni1cant part of the .otor transport infrastructure is operated be"ond
the nor.ati#e period, the other part approaches this period, in connection 8ith 8hich the
situation of transport operation securit" is si-ni1cantl" 8orsen2 5he hi-h depreciation of the
e>istin- road and operational eEuip.ent can be noted2
0n the rail8a" industr" the rail8a"s net8ork is not suIcientl" de#eloped, depreciation of
1>ed assets in the rail industr" is -ro8in-, as 8ell as the lack of passen-er rollin- stock+ the lo8
le#el of ser#ice and lack of co.petition+ lack of fundin- of rene8al and de#elop.ent of rail
transport+ the e>istin- principles of tariA/.akin- and .echanis.s of re-ulation e>clude the
client/orientedness of the carrier2 0t is necessar" to i.ple.ent .ost eAecti#el" the countr"_s
transit potential and to attract ne8 (pri#ate* entities in the de#elop.ent of rail8a" lines 8hich
in its turn 8ill allo8 creatin- the co.petiti#e en#iron.ent in the transport and co..unication
co.ple> and increasin- the Qeet of #ehicles2
0n the 1eld of ci#il a#iation the .ain proble. is the park of outdated re-ional aircrafts not
.eetin- the standards of the 0nternational 3i#il <#iation ?r-anization (03<?*, the shorta-e of
a#iation personnel, especiall" aircraft personnel2
0n the 1eld of 8ater transport there is insuIcient capacit" of the port infrastructure, poor
ser#ice infrastructure de#elop.ent, lack of Euali1ed local professionals, the necessit" for
reconstruction of shippin- locks2
*ain task
De#elop.ent of transport and co..unication co.ple> capable to full" .eet the needs of
the econo." and population in transport ser#ices2
&arget codes
12 0ncrease of .ain indicators of transport and co..unication co.ple> to achie#e -ro8th of
-ross #alue added for transport b" )%K b" 20152
22 Reconstruction of about & thousand k. and repair of 10 thousand k. of roads of national
i.portance and 12 thousand k. of local i.portance2
%2 6ood and satisfactor" condition of 5K republican and &0K local hi-h8a" net8ork2
'2 5he introduction of fee/pa"in- s"ste. in so.e parts of hi-h8a"s of national i.portance2
52 3onstruction of '5% k. of rail8a"s2
)2 6ro8th of #olu.e of transit traIc throu-hout the territor" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
b" rail transport b" 25K2
&2 0ncrease b" 2015 of the rate of frei-ht traIc b" 15/20K, and on .aFor international
transport corridors / b" 20/%0K2
2 3arr"in- out in 201' of reconstruction (construction* of airstrips, passen-er and car-o
ter.inals in 1' airports in the Republic2
92 0ncrease of nu.ber of international aircraft traIcs in t8ofold co.pared to 2010 and the
i#$%&"'($)&# of ,uropean a#iation standards2
102 Crin-in- by 2015 the of trade Qeet nu.ber to 11 units includin- 9 tankers and t8o dr"
car-o #essels2
112 Lp-radin- and .odernization of the state technical ri#er Qeet in the a.ount of '0 units
b" 20152
122 Reconstruction and .odernization of the Lst/Ka.eno-orsk, Cukhtar.a and
9hulbinska"a locks b" 201'2
1%2 3reation b" 201' of .ana-e.ent s"ste. of #essel traIc and rescue eAort at sea2
2trateg, of actions
De#elop.ent of the industr" 8ill be focused on pro#ision of needs of the econo." in
transport ser#ices and the countr"_s inte-ration into international transport net8orks2
5o acco.plish the assi-ned tasks the .easures 8ill be taken on7
brin-in- the e>istin- rail8a" net8ork to 8orld standards of safet" and speed of .o#e.ent
alon- 8ith opti.ization of the net8ork throu-h the construction of ne8 sites+
reconstruction of the .ain international transit corridors, hi-h8a"s of international,
republican and local si-ni1cance+
the phased .odernization of air na#i-ational infrastructure and on co.pletion of
reconstruction of the airport net8ork of the Republic, the acEuisition of ne8 .odern aircrafts+
@urther eEuippin- of the .arine trade Qeet 8ith .odern #essels, de#elop.ent of port and
ser#ice infrastructure, pro#ision of securit" of na#i-ation and .odernization of shippin- locks
and ri#er technical Qeet2
0n the road sector the follo8in- proFects 8ill be i.ple.ented7
reconstruction of sections of .otor roads of the .ain transit corridors7 !:estern ,urope /
:estern 3hina$, !?.sk/Pa#lodar/Maikapsha-ai$, !<strakhan/<t"rau/<ktau/border of
5urk.enistana$, !9chuchinsk/Kokshetau/Petropa#lo#sk$, !Russian @ederation border Lralsk M
<ktobe$, !<stana/Kostana"/3hel"abinsk$, !<ktobe/<t"rau$, !<stana/`erei.entau/9hidert"$,
reconstruction of sections of .otor roads of national i.portance !<"/Lst/
Ka.eno-orsk$, !Lsharal/Dost"k$, !Jhezkaz-an/Petropa#lo#sk$, !K"z"l/?rda/Pa#lodar/Lspenka/
border of the Russian @ederation$, !Ceineu/<kzhi-it/border of Lzbekistan$, as 8ell as
i.ple.entation of .easures for the reconstruction of the local hi-h8a" net8ork2
3onstruction issues 8ill be 8orked out on a concession basis of sections of roads and
i.ple.entation of 059 (intelli-ent transport s"ste.* on hi-h8a" !<stana/9chuchinsk$ follo8ed
b" the introduction of fee2
0n the rail8a" industr" the proFects on construction of rail8a" lines !Lzen / the state border
8ith 5urk.enistan$2 !Jhet"-en/Kor-as$, !`eralie#o/Kur"k$ 8ill be i.ple.ented2
0n the 1eld of ci#il a#iation it is planned to reconstruct the Qi-ht strips at 9 airports of the
cities of K"z"lorda, Kokshetau, 9e.e", Kostana", Lralsk, 5ald"kor-an, Petropa#lo#sk, Lst/
Ka.eno-orsk and <ktau, reconstruction of passen-er ter.inals in the cities of Kokshetau and
Lralsk, also it is planned to build the second Qi-ht strip at the airport in <stana and ne8
passen-er ter.inal at the airport in <", 9h".kent and the ne8 passen-er and car-o
ter.inal in the cit" of <t"rau2
0ssues of buildin- of a ne8 international airport Kenderli on a concession basis 8ill be
8orked out2
0n the 1eld of 8ater transport the .ana-e.ent s"ste. of #essel traIc in ports Kur"k,
<t"rau, <ktau, the re-ional .ana-e.ent s"ste. of rescue eAorts in the Kazakh sector of the
3aspian 9ea 8ill be created, as 8ell as pro#ision 8ill be .ade for construction of the tanker and
dr" car-o Qeet, continuation of 8ork on the reconstruction and .odernization of Lst/
Ka.eno-orsk and Cukhtar.a locks, construction of protecti#e h"draulic structure of 9hulbinsk
lock, updatin- and .odernization of the state technical ri#er Qeet, technical .odernization of
the infrastructure of the <ktau port2
!evelopment of innovations and assistance to technological modernization
0t is planned to conduct scienti1c applied researches in the hi-h8a" industr" in ter.s of
forecastin- of resource of reinforced/concrete superstructures of hi-h/8a" brid-es+ in the 1eld
of hi-h8a" transport on the issues of dispatch control of passen-er transportations in .aFor
cities+ in the area of transit potential for stud" of the co.petiti#e en#iron.ent in the transport
ser#ices .arket 8ithin the fra.e8ork of re-ional econo.ic or-anizations2
2timulation of investments
attraction on the Kazakhstan .arket of rail8a" passen-er transportation of strate-ic
in#estors fro. the nu.ber of Euali1ed international passen-er operators subFect to conditions
of public/pri#ate partnership+
the liberalization of the rail8a" industr" .arket and the refor. of state re-ulation in
accordance 8ith the tar-et .odel of the rail8a" industr"+
takin- of .easures on subsidization of rail8a" passen-er transportations on sociall"
i.portant inter/oblast ser#ices and re-ular do.estic and international air transportation2
&echnical regulation
C" 2015, in the sphere of ci#il a#iation the ,uropean a#iation reEuire.ents 8ill be full"
i.ple.ented, 12 airports 8ill ha#e the cate-or" of 0nternational 3i#il <#iation ?r-anization
b" 2012 in the hi-h8a" transport the ecolo-ical standards ,uro/%, as 8ell as the auto.ated
s"ste. of 8ei-hin- of #ehicles in .otion 8ill be i.ple.ented, the di-ital tacho-raphs in
international transportations 8ill be introduced+
introduction of s"ste.s of .ana-e.ent and Eualit" in accordance 8ith international
standards 09? 900172000, 09? 9001, 09? 1'001 and ?H9<9 1001 at the e>pense of
enterprisesR funds2
7uali-ed personnel resources provision
5rainin- of the specialists of the transport industr" 8ill be i.ple.ented in the educational
establish.ents for technical, professional and hi-her education, the trainin- centers of
enterprises, at the e>pense of the state educational order, the -rant and funds of enterprises2
5he need durin- 2010/2012 in the 1eld of transport and co..unication co.ple> is .ore than
&02000 Euali1ed specialists+
the need for staA on specialties of transport and co..unications 8ill be pro#ided due to
their education in the hi-her education establish.ents and 109 educational establish.ents
professional education of the 8orkers on &5 Euali1cations and professions related to the
ensurin- of safet" of trains .o#e.ents 8ill be carried out b" the branches of !43 !Kazakhstan Jhol"$ ;93 M the educational centers for rail8a" 8orkers in the cities of <ktobe,
Kara-anda, Pa#lodar, 5araz2

mprovement of the legislation
0ntroduction of chan-es to the =a8s of the Republic of Kazakhstan7
12 ?n the .erchant shippin- in the part of reducin- of licensin- functions in order to
sti.ulate pri#ate sector acti#it", prolon-ation of the ri-ht of the shippin- co.panies to attract
forei-n citizens in the co.position of ship cre8s+
22 ?n auto.obile transport in part to enable the introduction of di-ital tacho-raphs in the
countr" 8hen i.ple.entin- the international auto.obile transportation2
%2 <doption of the =a8 of the Republic of Kazakhstan !?n the use of airspace of the Republic
of Kazakhstan and of a#iation acti#it"$2
2/: nfo-communication provisioning
+rief anal,sis of the current situation
Pro#ision of the population, business and -o#ern.ent 8ith info/co..unication ser#ices and
technolo-ies is one of the conditions for the countr"_s transition to inno#ation econo." and
infor.ation societ"2
5he penetration of info/co..unication technolo-ies is characterized b" the follo8in-
indicators2 4u.ber of 0nternet users reached 521 .illion subscribers (%2 per 100 persons*2
0ndicator of co.puterization of societ" in 2009 reached 122& co.puters per 100 people (1122
co.puters per 100 people in 200*2 4u.ber of 1>ed/line subscribers in 2009 8as .ore than %2&
.illion subscribers that are .ore than in 200 b" 100 thousand subscribers2 5he a#era-e
telephone densit" reached 2%2' subscribers per 100 inhabitants (2222 subscribers per 100
inhabitants in 200*2 4u.ber of .obile subscribers a.ounted to 1'29 .illion subscribers 8hich
corresponds to the densit" of .obile subscribers of 9525 subscribers per 100 inhabitants2
5he .ain proble. of info/co..unications pro#isionin-7
infrastructure proble.s (lack of radio freEuencies necessar" for the i.ple.entation of
teleco..unication technolo-ies of ne8 -eneration+ outdated .aterial basis of the broadcastin-
barriers to co.petition de#elop.ent (loss of rural postal and local telephone
co..unications+ hi-h 8holesale rates of do.inant operators for the secondar" pro#iders of
0nternet ser#ice*2
*ain task
De#elop.ent of info/co..unicational technolo-ies for transition to an infor.ation societ"
and inno#ation econo."2
&arget codes
12 0ncrease of the le!el of di-italization of local teleco..unications net8orks / 100K2
22 9ubscriber densit" of broadband net8ork of 0nternet / 22 per 100 persons2
%2 5he densit" of .obile co..unication users / 1%5 per 100 persons2
'2 0ncrease of the le#el of co.puter co.petence of the population up to '0K2
52 Pro#ision of transfer of at least 50K of sociall" i.portant public ser#ices to electronic
)2 5errestrial di-ital telecastin- co#era-e of the territor" of Kazakhstan / 95K2
&2 3onstruction and .odernization of 5)0 rural depart.ents of postal ser#ices2
2trateg, of action
De#eloped infrastructure of info/co..unications pro.otes the co.petiti#eness of
KazakhstanRs econo." and pla"s an i.portant role in the de#elop.ent of the corporate sector
and solution of a nu.ber of other social proble.s7
.odernization and de#elop.ent of info/co..unication infrastructure in order to .eet
do.estic de.and for teleco..unication ser#ices (di-ital tele#ision, broadband access to
0nternet* and postal ser#ices+
de#elop.ent of co.putation centers in order to pro#ide the de.and for 8eb/hostin-
ser#ices," and backup stora-e of data and 8ith phased access to forei-n .arkets2
:ithin the fra.e8ork of the de#elop.ent of teleco..unication infrastructure pro#ision 8ill
be .ade for full co#era-e of households of the Republic of Kazakhstan 8ith telephone ser#ice
and broadband 0nternet access+ the le#el of di-italization of local telephone co..unication 8ill
reach 100K b" 20152
Prior to 2015, there 8ill be co.pleted the transfer of the teleco..unications to the
technolo-" of 464 8ith capacit" of 1 .illion users, 8hich 8ill allo8 to transfer to pro#ision of
con#er-ed ser#ices 8hich are user/oriented and are the ne>t step on the 8a" of de#elop.ent of
.odern teleco..unications2
Modernization of the rural teleco..unications net8ork usin- 3DM< technolo-" 8ill allo8
pro#idin- the rural users 8ith data trans.ission ser#ices and 0nternet access at speeds up to
15%2) kbps2 5he total nu.ber of base stations in the teleco..unications net8ork of rural
co..unication 8ill reach 900 units b" 20152
Modernization of postal sa#in- s"ste. 8ill be i.ple.ented .odernized in order to pro#ide
hi-h Eualit" postal and 1nancial ser#ices in conditions of free co.petition, pri.aril" in rural
areas throu-h the de#elop.ent and auto.ation of rural depart.ents of postal ser#ices2
Ke, pro3ects are$
introduction of di-ital broadcastin-+
pro#idin- re-ional co#era-e 8ith an inte-rated transport en#iron.ent of the state bodies of
the Republic of Kazakhstan+
creation of a ser#er platfor. for pro#idin- hostin- ser#ices for the state bodies+
co.pletion of technolo-ical eEuip.ent for the ser#er center+
introduction of cellular trans.ission standards %6 and '6+
.odernization of the radio spectru. .onitorin- s"ste.+
creation of the reser#e ser#er/based center+
creation of co..ercial data centers2
2/4 !evelopment of mineral-resources comple;
+rief anal,sis of the current situation
Mineral/resources co.ple> of the republic is able to pro#ide the priorit" sectors of the
econo." 8ith necessar" resource base, to ser#e as a !loco.oti#e$ to lead/out Kazakhstan on
the rail track of sustainable de#elop.ent2
Kazakhstan has a strate-ic role on the 8orld .arket of copper, uraniu., titaniu.,
ferroallo"s and steel, is a .onopolist on the ,urasian subcontinent for chro.iu., has a
si-ni1cant i.pact on the re-ional .arket for iron, .an-anese, coal and alu.inu.2 :ith the
resolution of transportation issues Kazakhstan 8ill be able to dispose eAecti#el" 8ith oil and
take its ri-htful place in the 8orld oil .arket2
5he obFecti#e realit" of the current state of .ineral/resources co.ple> are the conditions of
reproduction of .ineral ra8 .aterials reser#es .ore co.plicated 8ith each passin-
5he de#elop.ent of a perspecti#e resource base of the .ineral resources co.ple> of the
countr" reEuires searchin-, prospectin- and e#aluation 8ork in order to increase reser#es2

*ain task
Pro#ision of sustainable and inte-rated usa-e and reproduction of .ineral resources for the
acti#e de#elop.ent of all branches of industr"2
&arget codes
12 Percenta-e of replenish.ent of e>tracted stocks of basic t"pes of .inerals to repaid ones
up to 50K b" 201'2
22 Percenta-e of co#era-e of the territor" of Kazakhstan a#ailable for re-ional -eolo-ical
sur#e"s, fro. &K in 2009 to 95K b" 201'
&he main directions of development
5he" direction of stren-thenin- of the .ineral resources of the countr" is the
introduction of ne8 technolo-ies for prospectin-, reco#er" and holdin- in si-ni1cant a.ounts of
-eoph"sical operations for solid .ineral products and h"drocarbon .aterial2 5o radicall" the entire process chain of e>ploration 8ork there 8ill be pro#ided .odern
.ethodolo-" of -eolo-ical sur#e" 8ork, be-un at a ne8 le#el of research ai.ed at de#elopin-
of .odern .ethods of e>ploration, assess.ent of stocks that .eet .odern reEuire.ents and
standards and on this basis M e>ecution of re-ional, search, and prospect e#aluation sur#e"s 8ill
be pro#ided in order to increase reser#es
Kazakhstan_s Foinin- of the 8orld .arket necessitates the s"nchronization of national and
international standards in the 1eld of subsoil use (in particular, classi1cation and cate-orization
of .ineral resources, sta-in- of e>ploration 8orks, etc2*2
0n order to or-anize eAecti#e control o#er rational and co.ple> utilization of subsurface
resources there 8ill be the .echanis. of state e>a.ination of subsurface resources,
and also there 8ill be i.ple.ented a -radual transition to the ne8 ad#anced technolo-ies for
e>pertise of stocks based on co.puter .odelin- of deposits occurrences of .ineral products,
auto.ated s"ste.s for assess.ent and calculation of reser#es2
?n the -roup of priorit" sectors 8ith a satisfactor" state of ra8 .aterials bases(iron ore,
coal, uraniu. and oil and -as* the .ain directions of de#elop.ent should be considered the
follo8in-7 replenish.ent of decreasin- reser#es, rational de#elop.ent of e>istin- pro#en
reser#es, the ti.el" transfer of pre/priced stocks in the industrial cate-ories, their de#elop.ent
and public support in pro.otion of products on the 8orld .arket (uraniu.*, incre.ent of
capacit" of .inin- and processin- co.ple> (.an-anese*, the creation of internal transport
co..unications (oil and -as*2
@or the -roup of industries 8ith less satisfactor" condition of the .ineral resource base
(.an-anese, alu.inu., iron ore and chro.ite base* the .ain directions of de#elop.ent are
the follo8in-7 e>ploration, de#elop.ent and pro.otion of resources to the forei-n .arket, the
replenish.ent and consolidation of ra8 .aterials bases b" readil" a#ailable, proli1c and hi-h/
Eualit" ores2
@or industries 8ith acute proble.s of ra8 .aterials (copper/ore, lead/zinc/ore, -old/ore and
titaniu.* the .ost i.portant direction of de#elop.ent should be the funda.ental
stren-thenin- of ra8 .aterial bases 8ith ne8 co.petiti#e obFects b" pro#idin- perspecti#e
areas of search and e>ploration of deposits2
5o continue the eAecti#e de#elop.ent of .ineral resources co.ple> the follo8in- .easures
are en#isa-ed7
suspension of further reduction in stocks of ferrous, nonferrous and precious .etals,
increase of e>ploration 8orks #olu.e+
pro#ision of priorit" of incre.ent of a 8ide ran-e of .ineral products in the traditional
.inin- areas of the countr" in order to .aintain the .ineral resource base of e>istin-
-radual increase of #olu.e of oil stocks -ro8th 8ith condensate and -as+
continuin- of 8ork on the -eolo-ical and econo.ic re/e#aluation of .ineral resources base
takin- into account the conditions of .arket econo." and 8orld business en#iron.ent+
creation of conditions for the de#elop.ent s"ste. of ore deposits in order to
reduce losses of .ineral products in the -round and their dilution+
creation of econo.ic conditions to the de#elop.ent s"ste. of oil and -as deposits
takin- into account the current le#el of scienti1c and technolo-ical pro-ress to increase the
percenta-e of the initial stocks of oil and -as (especiall" #iscous oil*, use of associated -as,
h"dro-en sul1de, condensate and hea#" fractions, e>ception of practice of selecti#e and forced
8orkin- of lar-e oil and -as deposits and deposits 8ith hi-h speci1c producti#it" inde>+
pro#ision of 8ide introduction of -eolo-ical/technical .appin- of e>ploited ore deposits for
the plannin- of current production and a#era-in- of ore Eualit" before concentratin- in order to
si-ni1cantl" the perfor.ance of the concentratin- .ills and reduce the loss of useful
acceleration of creation of hi-hl" eIcient eEuip.ent and criticall" ne8 technolo-ies for
concentration of .ineral ra8 .inerals, the transition to a deep concentration to the
Eualit" of the concentration Eualit", a--lo.erate, pellets (additional costs at this sta-e should
be paid for in later sta-es of redistribution in the for. of heat sa#in-s, coke, Qu>es, of .etal Eualit" etc2*+
creation of necessar" conditions for the inte-rated use of produced ore ra8 .aterial in
order to e>tract on a rational econo.ic basis of passin- #aluable co.ponents7 .ol"bdenu.,
rheniu., os.iu., scandiu., indiu., -alliu., and others+
-eneral conduction of audit testin- of tailin- and .ine for the content in the.
of passin- #aluable co.ponents, their re#aluation and in case of positi#e results e>ecution of
e>ploration acti#ities 8ith the de#elop.ent of feasibilit" studies (@9* of repeated concentration
of accu.ulated tailin-s of concentration and stored .assi#e .aterials+
ensurin- of .ore co.plete use of occasionall" e>tracted o#erburden in the econo." of the
creation of econo.ic conditions for the .a>i.u. use of secondar" ra8 .aterials and
ener-" .aterial/sa#in- technolo-ies and alternati#e ener-" sources to ensure the rational use
of .ineral resources+
introduction of alterations in the le-islation on pro#ision of of subsoil users to
create a productions 8ith hi-h added #alue2

2/@ Provision 9ith ?uali-ed human resources
+rief anal,sis of the current situation
9ustained econo.ic -ro8th and associated structural chan-es in the econo." 8ere
acco.panied b" increase of capacit" of the national labour .arket and chan-in- of its
structure2 0ncrease of de.and for labour resources to a certain e>tent 8as due not onl" to the
e>pansion of production, but also it 8as connected 8ith preser#in- at that the relati#el" lo8
producti#it" -ro8th and the use of cheap labour2
5he countr" re.ains shado8 e.plo".ent in the 1eld of construction, food production,
transport, on street food and Qea .arkets, on seasonal a-ricultural 8orks2 :ithin it a particular
-roup of ille-al .i-rant 8orkers re.ains (1025 thousand people / in 2000, 2'2& thousand people
/ in 2005, 5'20 thousand / in 200, and %02' / in 2009* 8ho co#er the unsatis1ed de.and for
labour despite the presence of une.plo"ed people in the labour .arket in Kazakhstan2
0n recent "ears the -ro8th of occupational .obilit" of 8orkers is traced, .an" of the.
recei#e the second or third professional education, as 8ell as increase of nu.ber of 8orkers
8ith hi-her and secondar" special education2
:ith that, the structure and for.s of occupational trainin- for citizens are inadeEuate to
chan-es in labour de.and in the professional section2 5here is an i.balance bet8een
occupational trainin- and hi-her education2
5he structure of hi-her and post-raduate education of the Republic of Kazakhstan .eets
the international standard classi1cation of education L4,93?2 5here 8as introduced a three/
le#el .odel of specialist trainin-7 Cachelor / Master / Ph2D2
9taA trainin- on direction of the Pro-ra. is carried out in )9 institutions of the republic 8ith
a total enroll.ent of 2%210' people on 199 pro-ra.s of hi-her and post-raduate education2
Lni#ersities are 8orkin- on the de#elop.ent of inno#ati#e educational infrastructure, also
on creation of diAerent pro1les to pro.ote inno#ati#e scienti1c centers, ne8 technolo-ical
parks 8hich are interlinks bet8een education, science and industr"2
5rainin- of Euali1ed staA in technical, technolo-ical professions and occupations of a-riculture
is carried out in 5'% educational institutions 5P, (5echnical and Professional ,ducation* on 1)
specialties, 8here 2)029 thousand people ha#e been learnin-2
<t the sa.e ti.e there is a ran-e of proble.s that inhibit to ensure the needs to train
professional personnel for industrial inno#ati#e de#elop.ent of the countr"7
@orecastin- of de.and for staA for the lon- ter. is not i.ple.ented+
inadeEuate le-islati#e fra.e8ork to attract e.plo"ers to the staA trainin-+
outdated .aterial and technical base of educational institutions 5P,+
unresol#ed Euestion of the or-anisation of practical trainin- and probation of students of
educational institutions 5P, at the enterprises+
content of educational pro-ra.s of hi-her and post-raduate education does not full" .eet
the reEuire.ents of e.plo"ers e>pressin- chan-es in the labour .arket+
insuIcient de#elop.ent of social partnership2 5here are no .echanis.s to pro#ide 8ith
databases of practical trainin-, e.plo".ent of -raduates, and attraction of e.plo"ers to the
process of establishin- professional standards2
*ain task
Pro#ision of Euali1ed staIn- resources of needs of the priorit" sectors of the econo."
8ithin the industrial and inno#ation de#elop.ent2
&arget indicator
12 0ncrease of percenta-e of schools 8ith .odern eEuip.ent up to &0K2
22 0ncrease of percenta-e of -raduates participatin- in assessin- of the le#el of professional
trainin- and assi-n.ent of Euali1cations up to 100K2
%2 0ncrease of percenta-e of e.plo"ed -raduates of technical and #ocational education
studied on -o#ern.ent orders up to &K2
'2 5he de#elop.ent of 100 conte.porar" professional standards in the priorit" sectors of
the econo."2
52 Pro#idin- of ad#anced trainin- and probation of 5000 teachers of special subFects and
.asters of industrial trainin-2
)2 Pro#ision of teacher trainin- and industrial .asters trainin- for educational institutions of
technical and #ocational education on account of the state educational order for staA trainin- in
hi-her educational institutions in the a.ount of 5000 persons2
2 3reation on the basis of %5 co.panies %5 bases of practical trainin-s2
92 5he speci1c densit" of hi-hl" skilled labour force in the forei-n labour force 55K / b"
2trateg, of actions
5o achie#e the -oals on pro#ision 8ith Euali1ed staA of the econo." needs and de.and for
labour in the labour .arket 8ill be i.ple.ented throu-h the actions on creation of a .odel of
continuin- education includin- the interconnected s"ste. of technical and #ocational
education, en-ineerin- and additional #ocational trainin-, the de#elop.ent of balanced,
d"na.ic labour .arket, cooperation bet8een the -o#ern.ent and business to attract
specialists to the priorit" sectors of the econo.", as 8ell as the use of internal and e>ternal
5akin- into account the shorta-e of skilled 8orkers and specialists of .id/tier priorit" 8ill be
-i#en to the 5P,2
De#elop.ent of technical and #ocational education 8ill be i.ple.ented in the follo8in-
1* De#elop.ent of infrastructure and stren-thenin- .aterial/technical base of educational
institutions 5P,7
updatin- of .aterial/technical base of the e>istin- educational institutions oriented to the
needs of priorit" sectors of the econo."+
construction of ne8 schools 5P,2 5he selection of proFects to build schools 5P, clai.ed b"
aki.ats 8ill be done on a co.petiti#e basis, takin- into account the" of reEuire.ents
for the proFects included in the .ap of industrialization2 ProFects 8ill be i.ple.ented under the
co/1nancin- fro. the republican and local bud-ets 8ith the participation of lar-e enterprises+
construction of inter/re-ional trade centers in the cities of <t"rau on oil and -as industr", in
,kibastuz on fuel and ener-" sector, the processin- sector in 9h".kent and in Lst/
Ka.eno-orsk on the en-ineerin- industr"+
creation of basic trainin- centers at e>istin- institutions 5P, on proFects of industrial and
inno#ation de#elop.ent2
2* Lpdatin- of the structure and content of educational pro-ra.s in line 8ith de.and in the
labour .arket and international standards throu-h the de#elop.ent of7
national Euali1cation s"ste. 8ith the in#ol#e.ent of association of e.plo"ers and 8orkers+
professional standards+
inte-rated (.odular* trainin- pro-ra.s for preparation of Euali1ed professionals2
%* the structure and .ana-e.ent s"ste.s 5P,7
ensurin- of interaction of national, re-ional and industr" de#elop.ent councils on
de#elop.ent of 5P, 8ith the coordination councils at the national and re-ional le#els for
tar-eted trainin- of staA of priorit" sectors of the econo." and proFects of 0ndustrialization
in#ol#e.ent of e.plo"ers and industr" associations to staA trainin- 8ithin the social
partnership b" si-nin- the rele#ant a-ree.ents, establishin- funds to support the 5P,
de#elop.ent, educational institutions and trainin- centers in enterprises, pro#idin- Fobs for
.anufacturin- practices, probations, stud" -rants2
'* ,nsurin- the Eualit" of trainin- of Euali1ed personnel to sol#e the proble.s of
i.ple.entation of sectorial s"ste. of certi1cation of Euali1cations of specialists includin-
international certi1cation+
stren-thenin- of resource capacit" of 5P, or-anisation on the base of inter/re-ional
centers for ad#anced trainin-+
trainin- of teachers and .asters of industrial trainin- for educational institutions 5P, in
hi-her educational institutions2 of the s"ste. of hi-her education in order to ensure industrial/inno#ati#e
de#elop.ent 8ill be i.ple.ented in the follo8in- areas7
3onclusion of a-ree.ents on the for.ation of bases of production practices bet8een
uni#ersities, research institutes and industrial institutions the s"ste.+
i.ple.entation of Foint educational proFects of do.estic and forei-n uni#ersities in#ol#in-
fundin- of national and transnational co.panies+
.an"/sided cooperation of uni#ersities 8ith leadin- do.estic and forei-n industrial
co.panies and leadin- research institutes for ad#anced trainin-, retrainin-, probation of
teachin- staA in hi-h/tech enterprises, do.estic and forei-n uni#ersities2
0n presentin- the need in staA the industr"/-o#ern.ent a-encies 8ill for. the state
educational order for all professions and specialties necessar" for i.ple.entation of proFects
(includin- sin-le/piece, e>clusi#e trainin-*2
Retraining and advanced training of personnel
Mana-e.ent staA trainin- is crucial to ensure co.petiti#eness in the -lobal .arket both
indi#idual businesses and the econo." of the countr" as a 8hole2
@or this purpose there 8ill be i.ple.ented cooperation 8ith local and forei-n partners in
the 1eld of further trainin- of e>ecuti#es and .ana-ers in the 1eld of econo.ics 8ith orderin-
the. abroad for trainin- on probation2
?r-anisation of for8ard/lookin- trainin- of personnel is based on creatin- conditions for
continuous updatin- of kno8led-e and skills throu-hout the 8hole life2 @or this purpose a three/
le#el s"ste. of trainin- and retrainin- of personnel in institutions of hi-her, secondar" and" education 8ill be further de#eloped and used+ in the 8orkplace (intraco.pan"
trainin-*+ trainin- and retrainin- of the tar-et population b" the authorized bodies of
:ithin the li.its of .easures taken to retrain and ad#anced trainin- of Euali1cation of
8orkers in priorit" order there 8ill be co#ered the follo8in- cate-ories of citizens7 8orkers
e.plo"ed in part/ti.e 8ork or 8ho are facin- the threat of staA reduction and representati#es
of tar-et populations2
@or this purpose on the basis of public/pri#ate partnership .easures 8ill be taken for
e.plo".ent of persons 8ho 8ere retrained2
?n the interaction of -o#ern.ent and business to attract specialists to the priorit" sectors
the follo8in- acti#ities 8ill be i.ple.ented7
de#elop.ent of a .echanis. of partl" paid practical trainin-+
holdin- of career fairs+
or-anisation of social 8ork places and "outh practice+ and constant updatin- of the !6raduate$ database2
Asage of internal and e;ternal migration
<lon- 8ith usa-e of educational s"ste. opportunities to pro#ide 8ith skilled
resources the .echanis.s of internal and e>ternal .i-ration 8ill be 8idel" used b" .eans of7
9earchin- of necessar" staA (e.plo"ees* in the re-ional labour .arkets includin- those 8ho
are une.plo"ed+
in#ol#e.ent of labour resources fro. other re-ions of the countr" 8ith e>cess of labour
resources includin- rotatin- sche.e of 8ork+
attraction of forei-n labour in accordance 8ith the de.and for speci1c proFects throu-h the
rational allocation of Euotas for forei-n 8orkers attraction2
Re-ulation of forei-n labour .i-ration 8ill be focused on .eetin- the de.and for hi-hl"
skilled labour force, reducin- of stress on the do.estic labour .arket, pro.otion of in8ard
Particular attention 8ill be paid to curb of i..i-ration Qo8s and the transfor.ation of the
!brain drainR to the !enrich.ent of .inds$ in the for. of in#itations to hi-hl" Euali1ed
specialists (includin- fro. countr".en* for 8ork, lecturin-, conductin- of business on a
te.porar" andPor per.anent basis2
5o de#elop a balanced and d"na.ic labour .arket the follo8in- acti#ities 8ill be
0n 20107
?n the basis of 0ndustrialization .ap there 8ill be deter.ined the need in staA for speci1c
occupations for the period includin- the construction and operation phases+
5here 8ill be held a one/ti.e statistical sur#e" of suppl" and de.and for labour for the lon-
Pro#ision is .ade for establish.ent of s"ste. of continuous .onitorin- of current and
future needs of the labour .arket for personnel of diAerent Euali1cations includin- considerin-
international trends of the -lobal labour .arket2
C" 201' at the national le#el it 8ill be necessar" to create a co..on infor.ation database
8hich includes attractin- and usin- forei-n labour, the need of e.plo"ers for staA on
professional and Euali1cation content in re-ion/8ise2
:ithin the infor.ation database it 8ill be necessar" to create a Eualitati#el" ne8 s"ste. of the public about the state of suppl" and de.and in the labour .arket and
si-ni1cantl" e>pand the net8ork of infor.ation and consultin- ser#ices2
?n the basis of a republican databank creation there also 8ill be de#eloped re-ional
forecasts of de.and and suppl" of labour po8er2
(egislative improvement
0ntroduction of chan-es and a.end.ents to la8s and codes7
12 5he =abour 3ode of the Republic of Kazakhstan in a part of creation of national
Euali1cation s"ste. and establish.ent of co.petence for the de#elop.ent of professional
22 5he =a8 of the Republic of Kazakhstan !?n pri#ate entrepreneurship$, !?n the state
enterprise$ in the part of pro#idin- of places for practical trainin- in or-anisations and
intraco.pan" staA trainin- (at the 8orkplace*, follo8ed b" assi-n.ent of Euali1cation+
%2 5he =a8 of the Republic of Kazakhstan !?n ,.plo".ent$, in the part of assistance to
e.plo".ent of -raduates2
'2 <doption of the =a8 of the Republic of Kazakhstan !?n Mi-ration$ (ne8 #ersion* and !?n
introduction of chan-es and a.end.ents to so.e le-islati#e acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan
on issues of population .i-ration$2
2/B Reducing of administrative barriers
+rief anal,sis of the current situation
<s part of i.ple.entation of the 3oncept of the authorization s"ste. in the
Republic of Kazakhstan for 2009/2011 there 8as prepared proposals for the abolition of %'
procedures fro. the identi1ed 100' t"pes of authorization procedures that in#ol#e reducin-
licensin- and per.issible Qo8 of docu.ents for about 02000 units per "ear co.pared 8ith
200 (it 8as issued nearl" 29 .illion authorization docu.ents*2
0n 2009 the =a8 of the Republic of Kazakhstan !?n introduction of chan-es and
a.end.ents to so.e le-islati#e acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on issues of pri#ate
enterprise$ 8hich .ade chan-es in the &2 le-islati#e acts includin- codes2
5he la8 allo8ed opti.izin- and nor.alizin- the inspections of business entit" conducted b"
-o#ern.ent bodies #ested 8ith control and super#isor" functions2 ?pti.ization and
nor.alization of inspections are achie#ed throu-h the introduction of s"ste.s for risk
assess.ent, appro#al of checklists for.s and depart.ental statistical reportin-2
*ain task
Reduction of ad.inistrati#e barriers that hinder the de#elop.ent of entrepreneurial acti#it"2
&arget codes
12 5he reduction b" 2011 of runnin- costs of business associated 8ith re-isterin- and
conduction of business, and b" 2015 M b" another %0K2
22 of Kazakhstan_s indicator in the !Doin- Cusiness$ ratin- of the :orld Cank
b" ) positions2
%2 Reduction b" %0K co.pared 8ith 2009 licensed t"pes of acti#ities and si.pli1cation of
procedures for issuin- licenses, authorizations, appro#als and other per.ittin- docu.ents2
'2 Reduction up to %0K of a.ount of planned inspections carried out b" public authorities
(e>cludin- ta> authorities* #ested 8ith super#isor" o#ersi-ht functions, the eli.ination of
checks on -rounds not rele#ant to le-islation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
2trateg, of actions
Measures to reduce ad.inistrati#e barriers that hinder to business de#elop.ent 8ill be
focused on the follo8in- areas7 of licensin- and per.issible and re-istration s"ste.s7
12 !3o.pression$ of authorization s"ste.7
reduction of the nu.ber of docu.ents and procedures and appro#al of their
e>hausti#e list at the le-islati#e le#el+
narro8in- of the scope of licensin-, includin- e>clusion fro. the list of licensed t"pes and
subt"pes of acti#ities unsecured 8ith Euali1cation reEuire.ents+
introduction of international e>perience in the sphere of licensin-, includin- self/re-ulator"
or-anisations e>cept the 1nancial sector2
22 9i.plif"in- and the procedures of authorization7
disse.ination of the principle of !one/stop shop$ for all authorization docu.ents and on all
public bodies e>cludin- the 1nancial sector2 <ll necessar" a-ree.ents 8ith public bodies 8ithin
the fra.e8ork of issuance of one authorization docu.ent 8ill be e>ercised b" the public bod"
8hich issues this docu.ent+
reducin- ti.e costs and e>penses in connection 8ith obtainin- authorization docu.ents b"
.eans of7 of ti.e for consideration of docu.ents to be co.plete up to 2 da"s+ e>ception
of .andator" notarization of docu.ents, introduction of the principle !silence .eans consent$,
i2e2 if the public a-enc" does not issue a docu.ent on ti.e or did not pro#ide a reasoned
refusal to issue, the docu.ent is considered as issued one and the procedure is considered as
consistent one+
e>pandin- of application scope of the noti1cation and reduction of ad.inistrati#e procedure
for ad.ission to the i.ple.entation of entrepreneurial business+
introduction of standards and re-ulations for pro#idin- of public ser#ices on licensin-
e>pansion of e/licensin-, e>cludin- the 1nancial sector7
2010 / 2011 / 3entral -o#ern.ent a-encies / licensors includin- their territorial
2011 / 2012 / =ocal -o#ern.ent a-encies / licensors2
%2 @acilitation of procedures for openin- and closin- of businesses2
'2 9i.pli1cation of procedures for re-ulatin- forei-n econo.ic acti#it"2
52 of the nor.ati#e le-al re-ulation of business acti#it"7
introduction of re-ulator" i.pact anal"sis (hereinafter R0<* procedures of de#eloped
nor.ati#e le-al acts to the acti#ities of each public bod"+
increase of representation of public associations of business.en in the e>pert
councils on issues of business de#elop.ent under -o#ern.ent bodies+
re#ision on the principles of R0< the e>istin- le-al acts establishin-
.andator" reEuire.ents for the subFects of pri#ate enterprise, 8hile increasin- their le#el
(.ore than 10 thousand* b" ;anuar" 1, 2011+
pro#idin- of uni#ersal free access to a database of nor.ati#e le-al acts of the
Republic of Kazakhstan b" 20112
)2 ?pti.ization and orderin- of inspections of business entities7
opti.ization, reduction and re-ulator" action of the inspections of business
conducted b" la8 enforce.ent a-encies+
consideration of the possibilit" of reducin- the -rounds for 8ithdra8al of ori-inal
settle.ent of the pre/in#esti-ation checks of la8 enforce.ent bodies in order to
a#oid undue interference in business acti#ities2
&2 9tren-thenin- of -o#ern.ent -uarantee of protection of the le-iti.ate ri-hts of
pri#ate enterprise includin- throu-h re-ulator" of procedure for unscheduled inspections of
2 ,nsurin- liberalization of -o#ern.ent re-ulation of business acti#it" b" enhancin-
of i.ple.entation of the principles of technical re-ulation of business acti#it"2
92 the nor.ati#e le-al base in the 1eld of de#elop.ent of Kazakhstan local

mproving of the legislation
0ntroduction of chan-es and a.end.ents to the la8s of the Republic of Kazakhstan7
12 ! ?n Cankruptc"$2
22 !?n Rail8a" 5ransport$2
De#elop.ent and adoption of the la8s of the Republic of Kazakhstan7
%2 !?n introduction of chan-es and a.end.ents to so.e le-islati#e acts on issues of the authorization s"ste.2$
'2 !?n introduction of chan-es and a.end.ents to so.e le-islati#e acts of the Republic of
Kazakhstan on issues of co.petence re#ision of the 6o#ern.ent of the Republic of Kazakhstan
and authorized state a-encies to adopt nor.ati#e le-al acts that set reEuire.ents for the
audited entities2$

2/C #ompetition development
+rief anal,sis of the current situation
5he si-ni1cance of co.petition increases 8ith sol#in- the proble.s of the crisis
and the preparation of future econo.ic -ro8th2 5he tendenc" of the -lobal econo.ic crisis has
aAected the de#elop.ent of co.petition in -eneral2
5he results of anal"sis conducted in 2009 indicate that the .onopolized and hi-hl"/
concentrated .arkets for a lon- ti.e ha#e been re.ainin- the rail8a" industr", fuel and
ener-" sector and teleco..unications sector2 5hese industries, bein- econo."/
industries si-ni1cantl" aAect the de#elop.ent of co.petition in related industries2
5here is insuIcient de#elop.ent of co.petition in the food .arket2
5here is hi-h percenta-e of state participation in the econo." includin- increase of the
nu.ber of enterprises 8ith state participation 8hich ne-ati#el" aAects the co.petiti#e
en#iron.ent, but Eualit" of .ain ser#ices b" pro#ided the public enterprises re.ains #er" lo82

*ain tasks
3reation of conditions for -ro8th of econo.ic acti#it" of business throu-h de#elop.ent of
free co.petition and pro#ision of eEual access to the .arkets of -oods and ser#ices2
&arget codes
12 3arr"in-/out of anal"sis of -oods .arkets2
Lnit of
2010 2011 2012 201% 201'
3arr"in-/out of anal"sis of
-oods .arkets
unit 20 20 20 20 20
22 <d#ocac" (propa-anda* of fair co.petition
Lnit of
2010 2011 2012 201% 201'
De#elop.ent of infor.ation .aterials
about ad#anta-es of fair co.petition
and results of 8ork on .ain acti#it"
(publication in .ass .edia, public
speakin- throu-h 5S and radio*
Lnit 120 1'' 1'5 1'9 150
Public functions for representati#es of
business and -o#ern.ent bodies on
restriction of .onopolistic acti#it" and
non/ad.ission of unfair co.petition
(includin- conferences, round tables,
Lnit '0 50 55 )0 )5

2trateg, of actions
0n order to i.ple.ent the obFecti#es it 8ill be necessar" to reduce the share of -o#ern.ent
participation in the .arkets of the Republic, de/.onopolization of industries, as 8ell as of the anti.onopol" control tools7
1* orderin- of acti#ities of public enterprises, ==P and ;93 8ith participation of -o#ern.ent
b" increasin- the anti.onopol" control and transfer of non/core assets in the pri#ate sector+
2* inclusion of the obFecti#es of co.petition and de/.onopolization of industries and
sectors, as 8ell as speci1c .easures for their i.ple.entation of the strate-ic plans of the
-o#ern.ent bodies+
%* on the .arket of transportation b" the rail transport7
appro#al of the in#est.ent rate+
ensurin- non/discri.inator" access to the backbone net8ork and other infrastructure+
increase of ter.s of eli-ibilit" for the route on sociall" i.portant transportation of
passen-ers b" rail transport fro. 1 "ear to %/5 "ears, 8ith introduction of appropriate chan-es
in the le-islation+
eli.ination of cross/subsidization and ensurin- a transparent polic" of rates for.ation for
the ser#ices of transportation of loads and passen-ers for eEuitable tariA for.ation2
'* on the .arket of air transportation and airport ser#ices7
separation of the airport and transport acti#ities+
de#elop.ent of co.petition in the .aintenance, ba--a-e handlin-, load and .ail, ser#icin-
on the platfor., deli#erin- of food stuA, , free trade, parkin-, etc2+
De#elop.ent and i.ple.entation of the rules of non/discri.inator" access of the airline
co.panies to the ser#ices of airports and air na#i-ation ser#ices+
creatin- of conditions for e>pansion of lo8/cost airline transportations, de#elop.ent of
business and s.all a#iation+
creation of eEual co.petiti#e conditions for air carriers (includin-, b" .onitorin- the
pro#ision of public assistance*+
pro#ision of opportunit" for airlines and airports to conclude direct contracts 8ith
.anufacturers of a#iation fuels and lubrication .aterials, b"passin- inter.ediar" structures+
ensurin- pro#ision of airport ser#ices on a#iation fuel stora-e b" air carriers and the
possibilit" of buildin- alternati#e fuelin- facilities2
5* in the teleco..unications .arket7
sale in the stock .arket of block of shares and partnership share !Kazakhteleco.$ ;93 in
operators of 1>ed, .obile co..unication and 0nternet in order to reduce in the in the .ediu.
ter. the de-ree of econo.ic concentration of the .arket for teleco..unication ser#ices+
carr"in- out of -roup of actions for the con#ersion of radio freEuencies in order to release
the. for the needs of line operators+ ensurin- of eEual open access to teleco..unication
net8orks of -eneral use, as 8ell as transparent and non/discri.inator" inter/operator
)* in the .arket of oil products and coal7
,nsurin- of eEual access to ser#ices of the processors of oil to the ser#ices of the oil
0n order to eli.inate the shorta-e of petroleu. products in the do.estic .arket it is
necessar" to consider the issue on processin- of Kazakh oil in the re1neries of the Russian
@ederation and the PR3 on the tollin- sche.e+
e>ception of unproducti#e inter.ediaries in .arkets for the sale of -asoline, diesel fuel,
abcadcVeeVWV U\XVTcea kerosene natural and liEue1ed -as, coal2
&* in the food .arket7
to eli.inate the facts of dictate fro. the side of retailers at the le-islati#e le#el it is necessar"
to re-ulate .echanis. of relations bet8een retailers, suppliers of food products, ensurin- non/
discri.inator" access of suppliers to lar-e retail chains, 8hile a#oidin- the i.position of #arious

mprovement of the legislation
0ntroduction of chan-es and a.end.ents to e>istin- le-islation and adoption of the
follo8in- nor.ati#e le-al acts7
1* de#elop.ent and adoption of the =a8 of the Republic of Kazakhstan !?n introduction of
chan-es and a.end.ents to so.e le-islati#e acts on issues of public .onopolies in order to
brin- a nu.ber of la8s in" 8ith <rticle %2 of the =a8 of the Republic of Kazakhstan
!?n co.petition$+
2* de#elop.ent and adoption of the =a8 of the Republic of Kazakhstan !?n introduction of
chan-es and a.end.ents to so.e le-islati#e acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on issues of
%* introduction of chan-es in the 9ubsid" rules of the carrier losses related to the
i.ple.entation of passen-er traIc on sociall" i.portant ser#ices, as appro#ed b" the
6o#ern.ent of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 4o#e.ber 11, 200' # 11, in a part of the .echanis. of subsidizin- of sociall" i.portant transportations of passen-ers b"
rail transport in a part of increasin- the period of pro#ision of routes fro. 1 "ear old to % "ears
'* re#ision and introduction of a.end.ents to the re-ulator" docu.ents -o#ernin- the
order of transportation of passen-ers, ba--a-e, load and rail8a" stations 8orks in accordance
8ith the appearance of the institute of pri#ate carriers+
5* the har.onization of le-islation on air transportation in ter.s of brin-in- bilateral
inter-o#ern.ental a-ree.ents on the use of the airspace in" 8ith the nor.s of
anti.onopol" le-islation (supple.ent the. b" co.petition rules ai.ed at eli.inatin- of
discri.ination or unfair co.petition polic"*+
)* introduction of a.end.ents to the =a8 !?n rail8a" transport$ and other le-islati#e acts
in a part of appro#al of the in#est.ent rate+
&* adoption of the Rules of non/discri.inator" access to the ser#ices of the oil re1neries2

2/D &echnical regulation and creation of ?ualit, infrastructure
%nal,sis of current situation
3urrentl" there is a tendenc" of econo.ic niches conEuest b" .ethods of re-ulator"
e>pansion / throu-h lobb"in- in the technical re-ulations, standards, .ethods of accreditation," assess.ent and other for.s of access to the .arket2
Proble.s of securit" products pro#ision for the life and health and the en#iron.ent,
national securit", reduction of pressure on business, restrictions on access to i.ported products
.arket are sol#ed throu-h the adoption of technical re-ulations2
5echnical re-ulations for consu.ers are the -uarantee of securit" of products,
and for .anufacturers, i.porters and sellers of technical re-ulations is the docu.ent
containin- the co.prehensi#e reEuire.ents of the state to ensure safet" of the 1rst ones2
0n accordance 8ith the Plan for the de#elop.ent of technical re-ulations for 200&/2009
there 8as planned adoption of the 199& technical re-ulations, a.on- the. )1 8as appro#ed2
<ccordin- to the induced corrections it is necessar" to de#elop and adopt '% technical
5he 8ork on creation of the sin-le custo.s union is in the acti#e phase, and one of the
i.portant directions is a technical re-ulation2
<ccordin- to the appro#ed 9chedule of de#elop.ent of hi-h/priorit" technical re-ulations of
the ,urasian ,cono.ic 3o..unit" it is e>pected to de#elop and adopt %2 technical re-ulations,
thereat there is or has been de#eloped Kazakh analo-ues on 2' technical re-ulations2
0n this re-ard consideration of interest of Kazakhstan to the adoption of technical
re-ulations of ,ur<s,3 is i.portant, in the basis of 8hich .ust be laid the 8ell de#eloped
technical re-ulations of Kazakhstan2
0t is reEuired the adapted i.ple.entation of technical re-ulations 8hich .ust balance the
interests of the state and business2
@or full i.ple.entation of the reEuire.ents of technical re-ulations on a#era-e it is
reEuired at least one "ear, durin- this ti.e there should be taken .easures to eli.inate
depart.ental re-ulator" actions, reducin- ad.inistrati#e pressure on business en#iron.ent,
8hen needed the .odernization of productions, creation of test base, the har.onized standards
are de#eloped and adopted2
3urrentl" the 9tate @und for 5echnical Re-ulations and 9tandards contains .ore than 5)2%'2
nor.ati#e docu.ents on standardization, 8hich include -o#ern.ent, international, national and
re-ional standards2 <t the le#el of state standards 22&91 units are adopted, a.on- the. 12')
units are har.onized 8ith international standards that eEuals to the o#erall percenta-e of
har.onization / ))K2
=e#el of har.onization of national standards b" industr" is7 12 .achiner" and en-ineerin-
products (02%K* 22 po8er en-ineerin- and electrical en-ineerin- (5&2'K* %2 road transport
eEuip.ent (&22K*, '2 buildin- .aterials and construction (&22%K*, 52 =i-ht industr" (%229K*, )2
a-riculture ('&21K*, &2 food industr" ()0K* 2 che.ical en-ineerin- (&021K* 92 .etallur-" and
.inin- en-ineerin- (592&K*, 102 oil and -as2 related .anufacturin- (922'K*2
<nnuall" about %50 state standards are adopted2 5his is to so.e e>tent can increase the
o#erall le#el of har.onization b" 1/2K2
0n #ie8 of forcin- of 8ork in the fra.e8ork of industrialization each "ear it is necessar" to
adopt additionall" 500 standards and 8ithin 5 "ears to adopt at least 2500 state standards,
8hile pa"in- -reat attention to their har.onization 8ith international reEuire.ents2
9ince 200, there 8as created a national accreditation s"ste. 8hich includes 12059
structures, 1) of the. are certi1cation bodies, 5'1 are testin- laboratories and %%2 are
.etrolo-" ser#ices2
4et8ork of accredited certi1cation bodies and testin- laboratories is distributed hi-hl"
irre-ular, .ainl" in the cit" of <", there are no accredited testin- laboratories to identif"
-eneticall" .odi1ed sources, correspondence of fuel and auto.obiles to en#iron.ental
reEuire.ents of ,uro, 1re safet" and others2
*ain tasks
<pplication of technical re-ulations tools in the process of industrialization and the creation
of Eualit" infrastructure for7
12 =i.itation of the do.estic .arket fro. dan-erous and defecti#e (non/standard* products2
22 3reation of conditions for production of products .eetin- international standards,
i.ple.entation of .ana-e.ent s"ste.s and technolo-ical rear.a.ent2

&arget codes
12 De#elop.ent and adoption of at least 50 state standards each "ear, e>cept 20102
22 5he i.ple.entation of 1) re-ional and 10 sectoral plans for standards i.ple.entation2
%2 C" 2012, the concentration of all technical docu.ents in a one fund and ensurin- of their
-eneral a#ailabilit"2
'2 C" 201', brin-in- to the le#el of har.onization of national standards 8ith international
reEuire.ents fro. )5K to &)K ()K in 2010, &0K in 2011, &2K in 2012, &'K in 201%, &)K in
52 C" 201', increase of the nu.ber of enterprises i.ple.ented and certi1ed the
.ana-e.ent s"ste. fro. 20%5 to %000 co.panies (2200 in 2010, 2'00 in 2011 and 2)00 in
2012, 200 in 201%, %000 in 201'*2
)2 C" 201', brin-in- of the nu.ber of i.ple.ented technical re-ulations to 90, here8ith it
is assu.ed to be their actualization in connection 8ith the needs of industries2
&2 C" 201', )0/fold up-radin- (retro1ttin-* of at least %0 state standards and reference
2trateg, of actions
:ithin the fra.e8ork of task on restriction of do.estic .arket fro. dan-erous and
defecti#e (non/standard* products there 8ill be carried out7
de#elop.ent and i.ple.entation of technical re-ulations that set e>clusi#e standards for
product safet" and special conditions of access to the do.estic .arket of production b" central
and local e>ecuti#e bodies+
state control based on the principle of .ini.u. inter#ention and eAecti#e risk
creation and .odernization of testin- laboratories includin- 8ithin the construction of
border trade centers, special econo.ic zones, as 8ell as in the capital in#est.ent proFects+
takin- of .easures for the conclusion of .ultilateral and bilateral a-ree.ents on the
eEui#alence of accreditation s"ste.s, certi1cates and protocols includin- 8ithin the fra.e8ork
of inte-ration associations+
inclusion of representati#es of the authorized bod" in the 1eld of technical re-ulation and
.etrolo-" to ensure carr"in- out of reEuire.ents of technical re-ulations and standards in the
contents of co..ittee on 1nancin- and the acceptance of in#est.ent proFects at national and
local le#els+
8orks on creation of professional -o#ern.ent bod" for de#elop.ent and i.ple.entation of
polic" of technical standardization and state control o#er obser#ance of technical re-ulations
and standards2
:ithin the fra.e8ork of task to create conditions for the production of products
to international standards, i.ple.entation of .ana-e.ent s"ste.s and technolo-ical
rear.a.ent the follo8in- acti#ities 8ill be carried out7
de#elop.ent and adoption of the state standards based on ad#anced international
standards reEuired for output of products 8ithin speci1c .anufacturin-+
or-anisation of .easures ai.ed at the introduction of product standards, as 8ell as the
social infrastructure taken b" the central and local e>ecuti#e bodies+
creation of a sin-le fund of nor.ati#e technical docu.ents and the i.ple.entation of its
co.pletion b" docu.ents of the international or-anisations+
or-anisation of .easures to pro.ote the i.ple.entation of .ana-e.ent s"ste.s
standards and product Eualit", de#elop.ent of .echanis. of subsidizin- of s.all and
.ediu./sized businesses 8hen introducin- the .ana-e.ent s"ste.s standards+
resu.ption of the practice of specif"in- of -oods co.pliance, 8orks and ser#ices 8ith
reEuire.ents of state standards in the annual creation and appro#al of a plan of public
creation of a sin-le center for trainin- and ad#anced trainin- of specialists in the 1eld of
technical re-ulation and .etrolo-"+
.odernization of the national reference base for the .etrolo-ical pro#ision of industries and
con1r.ation of eEui#alence of the reference base at the international le#el2

mprovement of the legislation
0ntroduction of chan-es and a.end.ents to the 3ode of the Republic of Kazakhstan !?n
<d.inistrati#e #iolations$, the la8s of the Republic of Kazakhstan !?n technical re-ulation$, !?n
accreditation in the sphere of" assess.ent$, technical re-ulations2 0n particular, the
ti-htenin- of ad.inistrati#e pressure a-ainst co.panies failin- to" 8ith the reEuire.ents
of technical re-ulations+ brin-in- to" 8ith the a-ree.ents adopted in the fra.e8ork
of ,ur<s,3 and the 3usto.s Lnion2
2/E "nerg, saving
+rief anal,sis of the current situation
3urrentl", Kazakhstan is characterized b" lo8 prices for fuel and ener-" resources
(hereinafter / @,R* relati#el" to 8orld prices, unsatisfactor" eIcienc" of their use on the sta-es
of e>traction, production, processin-, deli#er" (transportation*, stora-e, distribution and
consu.ption (refor.ation* 8hich de#eloped due to lo8 prices and access to @,R2
0ndustrial sector on ener-" consu.ption is 1#e .ore than analo-ous indicator of the
,L countries2 5akin- into account the increase in ener-" prices in conditions of 8orld .arkets
the issues of co.petiti#eness beco.e .ore acute2
< lar-e proportion of public institutions (schools, hospitals, etc2* as 8ell as residential
buildin-s are eEuipped 8ith ineIcient ener-" s"ste.s and reEuire updatin-2
0n the 8orld econo." the ener-" sa#in- in recent "ears is a reliable .eans of sol#in- the
-lobal ener-" proble. 8hich is characterized b" a decrease in stocks and depletion of non/
rene8able @,R, en#iron.ental proble.s associated 8ith cli.ate chan-e, the need to reduce
-reenhouse -as e.issions2
5he e>perience of de#eloped countries sho8s that in#est.ent in ener-" sa#in- has beco.e
a full alternati#e to the construction of ener-" subFects and in so.e cases e#en .ore
0n conditions of adaptation of the countr" econo." to the international .arket relations the
ine#itabilit" of price rise tendenc" is assu.ed in the do.estic .arket of @,R practicall" to the
8orld le#el2
,>perience of sur.ountin- the ener-" crisis b" industriall" de#eloped countries of &0th of
the last centur" sho8s the ur-ent need to sol#e so.e critical proble.s in the 1eld of ener-"
sa#in-, turn ener-" sa#in- into a continuous process of i.ple.entation of co.ple> of tar-eted
proFects ai.ed at the scienti1call" and technicall" sound reduction of ener-" consu.ption,
especiall" in the sphere of .aterial production2
5herefore the ai. of polic" in this area is unconditional achie#e.ent of the planned
strate-ic directions of -ro8th of ener-" eIcienc" usin- a 8ide ran-e of re-ulatin- and
sti.ulatin- consu.ers of ener-" resources, pro#idin-7
9tructural chan-e in fa#or of lo8/ener-"/intensi#e processin- industries+
0.ple.entation of the potential of technolo-ical ener-" sa#in-2
0t is necessar" to i.ple.ent a co.plete s"ste. of le-al, ad.inistrati#e and econo.ic
.easures to sti.ulate eIcient use of ener-"2 Lnder this s"ste. the follo8in- should be
introduction of chan-es to the e>istin- nor.s, rules and re-ulations de1nin- the
e>penditure of fuel and ener-", in the direction of ti-htenin- the reEuire.ents for ener-"
sa#in-+ of the rules of accountin- and control of ener-" consu.ption, as 8ell as the
establish.ent of ener-" consu.ption standards and .andator" certi1cation of ener-" appliances and eEuip.ent for .ass application on their co.pliance 8ith standards
of ener-" consu.ption+
e>ecution of re-ular ener-" audits of enterprises (.andator" for lar-e enterprises and
state/1nanced or-anisations*+
creation of additional .oti#ations for ener-" sa#in-, of it into an eIcient
sphere of business+
8ide popularization b" the state of eIcient ener-" use a.on- the population, .ass trainin-
of staA+ accessible database containin- infor.ation on ener-" sa#in- .easures, technolo-ies
and eEuip.ent, nor.ati#e and technical docu.entation+
carr"in- out of conferences and se.inars on e>chan-e of e>perience, propa-anda of ener-"
sa#in- in the .ass .edia, etc2
5he task is to create stable and eIcient s"ste. of interest of ener-" resources consu.ers
in in#estin- in ener-" sa#in- due to a -oal/oriented polic", pro#idin- a .ore attracti#e
en#iron.ent for in#est.ents in this sphere of acti#it", reducin- possible 1nancial and econo.ic
5he .easures on ener-" sa#in- and eIcient use of ener-" should beco.e a co.pulsor"
part of the re-ional inte-rated pro-ra.s (plans* of socio/econo.ic de#elop.ent of the re-ion,
includin- re-ional ener-" pro-ra.s2
0n the re-ional pro-ra.s (plans* it is necessar" to pro#ide a .echanis. for e#aluation of
acti#it" of the s"ste. carr"in- out of ener-" sa#in- polic" in the re-ions b" the local e>ecuti#e
*ain tasks
Reduction of ener-" intensit" of production in order to increase co.petiti#eness of
Kazakhstan_s econo."2
Restructurin- of the econo." 8ith an increase in lo8/ener-"/intensi#e processin-
Realizin- the potential of technolo-ical ener-" sa#in-2
0.ple.entation of an inte-rated s"ste. of le-al, ad.inistrati#e and econo.ic .easures
sti.ulatin- the eIcient use of ener-"2

&arget codes
12 De#elop.ent and adoption of subordinate acts for the i.ple.entation of the =a8 of the
RK !?n ener-" sa#in-$2
22 3o.pletion of for.ation of the re-ister for enterprises inspection of 8hich is .andator"
under the =a8 of the RK !?n ener-" sa#in-$2
%2 De#elop.ent of inte-rated re-ional plans on ener-" sa#in- for 2010/2015 b" aki.ats of
oblasts and cities of <stana and <"
2trateg, of actions
5he ener-" sector pro#ides li#e acti#it" of all sectors of national econo." and in .an"
instances deter.ines the for.ation of the .aFor 1nancial and econo.ic indicators2 ,Icient use
of natural ener-" resources, industrial, scienti1c and technical potential of the ener-" sector
creates the necessar" preconditions for sustainable de#elop.ent ensurin- -ro8th in prosperit"
and raisin- of li#in- standards of population2
3o.pliance 8ith the reEuire.ents of .odern can onl" be pro#ided b" a ne8 fuel and
ener-" co.ple> (@,3* / 1nanciall" sustainable personnel, econo.icall" eIcient and
d"na.icall" de#elopin-, but acceptable for the en#iron.ent, eEuipped 8ith ad#anced
technolo-" and hi-hl" skilled one2
Priorit" strate-ies for actions are7
reduction of costs per unit for production and use of ener-" resources due to rationalization
of their consu.ption, use of ener-"/sa#in- technolo-ies and eEuip.ent+
9ti.ulation of creation of s.all inno#ati#e and #enture businesses in the area of ener-"
eIcienc" for creatin- co.petiti#e inno#ations+
<ttraction of forei-n in#est.ents for i.ple.entation of proFects on ener-" eIcienc"2
<t this sta-e the priorit" task is the adoption of the =a8 of the Republic of Kazakhstan !?n
ener-" sa#in-$, a nu.ber of nor.ati#e le-al acts in the i.ple.entation of the =a8, as 8ell as
the de#elop.ent of the 9tate Re-ister of ener-" sa#in- and or-anisation of .onitorin- of lar-e
consu.ers of @,R 8ith a #ie8 to ener-" sa#in-2
Here8ith accordin- to the le-islation it is necessar" to7
en#isa-e .easures of tariA, ta>, custo.s and anti.onopol" re-ulation+
introduce the s"ste.s of pro.isin- technical re-ulations, national standards and nor.s, the .ana-eabilit" of the process of ener-etic de#elop.ent and encoura-e ener-"
encoura-e and support strate-ic initiati#es in the 1eld of in#est.ent, inno#ation and ener-"
sa#in- acti#it" of econo.ic a-ents2
Pro#ide 8ith .ethods and .eans of standardization of increase of use eIcienc" of fuel and
ener-" resources2
,stablish the no.enclature and le#el of indicators of use eIcienc" of fuels and
ener-" resources and e#aluation .ethods rele#ant to the .odern achie#e.ents of science and
Pro#ision of of accountin- s"ste. and consu.ption of fuel and ener-"
resources, introduction of .odern .eters of -as, 8ater, heat, po8er consu.ption .eters,
eIcient appliances, li-htin- eEuip.ent and s"ste.s of soft8are controls of ener-"
,nsurin- of ener-etic .arkin- of ener-"/ products throu-h the de#elop.ent of
standards for ener-" .arkin- of household electric appliances and electronic eEuip.ent that
8ill create conditions for the acEuisition b" the population the .ost econo.ical instru.ents
and stren-thenin- of internal co.petition2
<cEuire international, re-ional and national standards of forei-n countries for the
de#elop.ent of the har.onization oa nor.ati#e docu.ents in the priorit" sectors of
Kazakhstan_s econo."2
0n order to the s"ste. of statistical reportin- and .onitorin- in the sphere of
ener-" eIcienc" it is necessar" to introduce an order of pro#ision of statistical reportin-
(de#elop.ent of special for.s, reportin- procedures*, as 8ell as to de#elop a .onitorin-
s"ste. in the sphere of ener-" eIcienc" in the countr"2
0n order to sti.ulate the acti#ities of public institutions for the rational use of ener-"
resources it is necessar" to ensure the functionin- of the .echanis. of rein#estin- of
bud-etar" funds econo.ized b" the state/1nanced or-anisations resultin- fro. introduction of
ener-" sa#in- .easures2
Particular attention should be -i#en to enhancin- the in#est.ent attracti#eness of the
acti#ities and proFects in the area of ener-" eIcienc" and con#ersion of ener-" sa#in- into
eAecti#el" functionin- for. of business2 5he e>perience of de#eloped countries sho8s that the
.ost appropriate .echanis. for ener-" eIcienc" in state/1nanced or-anisations is a sche.e
of ener-" ser#ice contracts2
@or these purposes, it is necessar" to de#elop .echanis.s of interaction bet8een state/
1nanced or-anisations and ener-" ser#ice co.panies i.ple.entin- ener-" sa#in- proFects and
.easures to reduce the consu.ption of ener-" resources2
<nother one priorit" of action strate-ies is the follo8in-7
De#elop.ent of cooperation 8ith the ,cono.ic 3o..ission for ,urope b" the Lnited
4ations, includin- the industrial de#elop.ent+
cooperation 8ith the co.petent authorities on ener-" sa#in- of the countries of the
,uropean Lnion+
establish.ent of stable contacts 8ith or-anisations dealin- 8ith issues on increase of
ener-" eIcienc" in .e.ber states of the 3o..on8ealth of 0ndependent 9tates2
0.ple.entation of Foint proFects2
mprovement of the legislation
0n the i.ple.entation of the =a8 !?n ener-" sa#in-$ there 8ill be de#eloped nor.ati#e
docu.ents aAectin- industrial, ener-etic, construction and other sectors, as 8ell as the ne8
state standards and technical re-ulations on ener-" sa#in-2
2/10 !evelopment of innovations and assistance to technological modernization
+rief anal,sis of the current situation
5oda" in Kazakhstan the share of e>penditure on science is 022K of 6DP of the countr",
8hereas the share of e>penditure reco..ended b" the 0nternational <cade.ic 3ouncil for
de#elopin- countries is 1/125K of 6DP2 @or e>a.ple, in Russia the 1-ure is 12%K of national
6DP, in 3hina M it eEuals to 12'K, in" M 225K, in L9< M 22K, in ;apan / %2%K2 4u.ber of
patents issued in Kazakhstan is 1)&1, 8hile in Russia 19 )'1 patents 8ere issued, in 3hina M 2)
292, in the L9< / 15' &)0, and in ;apan / 21& %)'2
0n Kazakhstan the <cade." of 9ciences 8as reor-anized into a public association, and
fundin- for research institutes is e>ecuted centrall" throu-h the national research centers under
the Ministr" of ,ducation and 9cience, and is not connected 8ith the needs of Kazakhstan_s
econo.", in fact, bein- the fundin- of on-oin- acti#ities of research institutes, and participation
of the uni#ersities and pri#ate sector is .ini.al2
Kazakhstani industrial enterprises do not tend to en-a-e in the research and de#elop.ent
acti#it" independentl" and are not inclined to in#est in the purchase of products of the research
and de#elop.ent acti#it", e#en those enterprises 8hich are en-a-ed in .odernization of
production are relati#el" inert2 <ccordin- to statistics fro. the le#el of inno#ation acti#it" of
enterprises in Kazakhstan in recent "ears ho#ers around %/'K, and it is si-ni1cantl" lo8er than
in ,L countries2
9ince 199& to 200 the share of scienti1c and technical ser#ices in the costs of enterprises
has increased .ore than '25, indicatin- increased de.and for the products of the
research and de#elop.ent acti#it"2
Most enterprises prefer the !turnke"$ proFects 8hen technolo-ical solutions are alread"
e.bodied in the i.ported .achiner" and eEuip.ent2 <t the sa.e ti.e the licensed technolo-"
and patents are rarel" purchased ('K of 1r.s*2
:hen anal"zin- the full structure of the do.estic research co.ple> it 8as established that
0K of all scienti1c area of the republic is the research part and less than 20K is the research
and de#elop.ent acti#ities2 5he ratio of scientists, en-ineers and 8orkers of pilot productions in
Kazakhstan is 257'71, 8hile in de#eloped countries the ratio is 1727'2 5he fundin- s"ste. for
science 8ill be in the follo8in- proportions7 20K for basic researches, %0K for applied
research, 50K for the de#elop.ent 8ork, 8hich 8ill create an eAecti#e s"ste. for the
introduction of inno#ati#e technolo-ies
*ain tasks
12 of the eAecti#e national scienti1c inno#ation s"ste. and de#elop.ent of
inno#ation infrastructure2
22 3reation of conditions sti.ulatin- lar-e/scale and accelerated assi.ilation of inno#ati#e
de#elop.ent of ne8 t"pes of products and ser#ices2
%2 Modernization of technical, technolo-ical and .ana-erial le#els of do.estic enterprises2
&arget codes
12 0ncrease of nu.ber of internationall" reco-nized patents up to %0 b" 201'2
22 0ncrease of nu.ber of the i.ple.ented ne8 technolo-ies and the e>ecuted de#elop.ent
acti#ities b" 201' up to 200 and 1)0, respecti#el"2
%2 3reation and de#elop.ent of e>istin- inno#ation infrastructure in the period up to 201'7
the nu.ber of industr" e>pertise centers / 2 units+ the desi-n oIces / % units+ technolo-ical
parks / ' units2
'2 0ncrease of inno#ation acti#it" of enterprises in the countr" up to the le#el of7
b" 2015 10K+
b" 2020 20K2
2trateg, of actions
2cienti-c support of accelerated industrialization science in Kazakhstan 8ill focus on the de#elop.ent of uni#ersit" science and
application of -rant s"ste. of 1nancin- 8ith re-ard for the identi1ed priorities2
5he .ain purpose of science de#elop.ent in the Republic of Kazakhstan is the creation of
national scienti1c inno#ation s"ste. focused on the solution of clear scienti1c and technolo-ical
tasks for the de#elop.ent of priorit" sectors for the period2
5he hi-hest scienti1c and technical co..ission 8ill identif" national priorities for research,
takin- into account the orders of the President and the priorities of the Pro-ra., as 8ell as
.ake su--estions on the bud-et for science and 8ill deter.ine the a.ount of basic and applied
research2 5here 8ill be pro#ided the three t"pes of fundin- of scienti1c in#esti-ations7 -rant M
the 1nancin- of the research proFects that .eet national priorities of the countr", pro-ra./
oriented / the 1nancin- on the strate-ic directions, and basic M the 1nancin- for scienti1c
or-anisations throu-h the state tasks2
Lnder the Ministr" of ,ducation and 9cience of the Republic of Kazakhstan there 8ill be
established the 9tate scienti1c and technical e>pertise (995,* 8ith the participation of forei-n
e>perts and scienti1c councils on priorit" directions 8ith participation of the line .inistries,
business co..unit", scienti1c co..unit" and non-o#ern.ental or-anisations2
Research applications 8ill be sub.itted b" scientists, uni#ersities and research institutes
8hich in#ol#e scienti1c freedo. in sol#in- the set proble.s2 <fter carr"in- out of the technical
e>pertise of the 995, applications 8ith in#ol#e.ent of forei-n e>perts on the subFect of
inno#ation, perspecti#e and scienti1c soundness, the scienti1c councils 8ill .ake a decision to
a8ard a -rant based on the preferred directions of in#esti-ations2
@or acti#e in#ol#e.ent of uni#ersities to scienti1c researches a sin-le scienti1c net8ork 8ill
be created bet8een uni#ersities, research institutes and scienti1c centers, as 8ell as pro#ision
of eEual conditions of co.petition for applicants to recei#e -rants2
?n the basis of the 4e8 Lni#ersit" of <stana (4azarba"e# Lni#ersit"* and e>istin- .aFor
uni#ersities of Kazakhstan there 8ill be a net8ork of research centers, national laboratories and
the plannin- and desi-n oIces2
5he essential condition of de#elop.ent of eAecti#e science 8ill be co.prehensi#e and
reliable protection of intellectual propert"2
:ith a #ie8 to co..ercialization of scienti1c de#elop.ents and in#est.ent attraction it is
reEuired the acti#e participation of pri#ate business for 8hich there 8ill be pro#ided the initial
state support in the for. of state loan or state order2
9"ste. of .ana-e.ent and ad.inistration of scienti1c acti#ities 8ill be reoriented fro. the
8ork on the principle of !a scientist M an oIcial / a scientist$ to the principle of !business / an
oIcial / a scientist M business$2
5he structure of science 1nancin- 8ill be chan-ed in the follo8in- proportions / basic
research 20K, applied research %0K, de#elop.ent 8ork 50K2
< ne8 infor.ation resource !5he base of the needs of the real sector$ 8ill be created in
8hich results of the sur#e" of industrial enterprises 8ill be brou-ht to-ether, includin-
enterprises_ needs and 8a"s of sol#in- the. (research or-anisations and read" technolo-ical
solutions that ha#e the potential to .eet the needs of business*
nnovation polic,
5he Ministr" of 0ndustr" and 4e8 5echnolo-ies of Kazakhstan before the end of 2010 8ill
ha#e been de#elop the inter/industr" scienti1c and technolo-ical plan of the countr" 8ith clear
obFecti#es on the priorit" branches of industr" for the .ediu. ter., 8hich 8ill ensure the
achie#e.ent of a ne8 le#el of technolo-ical de#elop.ent of the republic includin- clearl"
identi1ed technolo-ical tasks of the countr" on priorit" branches of econo."2
:ithin the fra.e8ork of the 0nter/industr" plan the necessar" public support 8ill pro#ide
(-rants, en-ineerin-, ser#ices, business incubation, etc2*, the institutes, research institutes,
uni#ersities, local businesses, in#estors, etc, 8ill be as perfor.ers of technolo-ical proble.s2
5he .ain focus of inno#ation polic" for the ne>t 2/% "ears 8ill be placed on sti.ulation of
econo.ic eIcienc" of enterprises throu-h technolo-" transfer, technical .odernization,
business process and introduction of .ana-e.ent technolo-ies2 C" the second
half of the 1#e/"ear period it is planned the displace.ent of support #ector in the direction of
pro.otin- Eualitati#e of the characteristics of products, de#elop.ent of ne8
co.petiti#e products and processes for their .anufacture2
5o ensure inter/industr" coordination of this 8ork a 3ouncil for 5echnolo-" Polic" 8ill be
created 8hich the .ain task 8ill be to create and i.ple.ent inno#ati#e policies of the countr"2
,#er" "ear the research on scienti1c and technolo-ical forecastin-, anal"sis of the state of
the 8orld and the national inno#ation .arket and prospects for technolo-ical de#elop.ent of
the eIcac" of the inno#ation polic" 8ill be carried out (8ith the assistance of the best forei-n
and do.estic e>perts*, the speci1c reco..endations to the 6o#ern.ent are pro#ided,
includin- the de#elop.ent of nor.ati#e le-al acts2
5he ratin- assess.ent of the central and local e>ecuti#e bodies on technolo-ical
de#elop.ent in ter.s of industries and re-ions 8ill be carried out2
5he follo8in- .easures to support inno#ation 8ill be i.ple.ented7
issue of inno#ati#e -rants, includin- subFect to conditions of co/1nancin-+
proFect 1nancin-, includin- those ai.ed at creatin- a Foint #enture 8ith the cornerstone
(brand* in#estors in priorit" branches+
i.ple.entation of a co.prehensi#e propa-anda 8ork 8hich includes the i.ple.entation of
PR/strate-", co.petition a.on- the "outh and 8orkers of enterprises, businesses, se.inars,
e>hibitions, con-resses and other e#ents that for. a fa#orable opinion a.on- the population
about inno#ations and inno#ators2
0n 2010/2012 the technolo-ical parks 8ill be set up in the ,ast Kazakhstan, 9outh
Kazakhstan and 4orth Kazakhstan oblasts and in <stana, the 3enter for 5echnolo-"
3o..ercialization the .ain task of 8hich 8ill be the introduction and pro.otion in the .arkets
of do.estic inno#ation de#elop.ents and also creation and .aintenance of a database of the
needs of industrial enterprises in sol#in- real en-ineerin- and technolo-ical proble.s and the
a#ailable scienti1c and technical de#elop.ents proposed b" the do.estic researchers for
<s additional ele.ents of inno#ation infrastructure in 2010/2011 the 3entre of
.etallur-" 8ill be established in the ,ast Kazakhstan oblast, in 2011/2012 on the basis of the
or-anized 3aspian ,ner-" Hub the 3entre of oil and -as technolo-ies 8ill be established2
5he created branch desi-n oIces 8ill pro#ide ser#ices to the Eualit" characteristics
of the used eEuip.ent, output products and technical assistance in creation of e>peri.ental/
industrial sa.ples2 Desi-n oIces 8ill also assist in acceleratin- the introduction b" the
.achine/buildin- enterprises of ne8 products throu-h the transfer of desi-n and proFect
docu.entation subFect to conditions of ro"alt" and other 1nancial .echanis.s2 <ll the
do.estic enterprises 8ill ha#e access to ser#ices of e>peri.ental desi-n oIces under unifor.
5he 0nstitutes of inno#ati#e de#elop.ent 8ill acti#el" 8ork throu-h the issue of attractin-
funds fro. international de#elop.ent institutions to i.ple.ent inno#ati#e proFects2
@unds for the i.ple.entation of state support 8ill be pro#ided throu-h the institutions of
the inno#ation de#elop.ent 8ithin the fra.e8ork of the state task2
*odernization of industr,
:ithin the fra.e8ork of the 0nter/industr" plan the technolo-" a-ree.ents 8ill be
de#eloped and si-ned 8ith .aFor national co.panies and .inin- co.panies, 8ith a description
of technolo-ical control points for the .ediu. ter. (5 "ears*2
5his 8ill allo8 to eAecti#el" carr"in- out tar-eted -o#ern.ent technolo-ical polic" in#ol#in-
of do.estic s.all and .ediu./sized businesses in solution of these proble.s2
9ti.ulation of -ro8th of technical, technolo-ical and .ana-erial le#els of do.estic
enterprises and the realization of their latent potential of eAecti#eness 8ill be conducted
introduction of .odern .ana-e.ent and inte-rated en-ineerin- solutions2 Here8ith
assistance 8ill be rendered in 1ndin- and attractin- of Euali1ed e>perts, international
en-ineerin- or-anisations, or-anisation of se.inars and post/i.ple.entation support of
e.bedded en-ineerin- solutions+
soft lendin- and leasin- of do.estic enterprises to up-rade 1>ed assets2 <nnuall" the funds
8ill be allocated to subsidize the credit rates for eEuip.ent replace.ent, soft lendin- throu-h
the !De#elop.ent Cank of Kazakhstan$ ;93 (hereinafter / DCK*, !@RP !Da.u$ ;93 (hereinafter /
D<ML* and the pro#ision of eEuip.ent in leasin- on fa#orable ter.s+
sti.ulation of do.estic enterprises to product Eualit" and technolo-ical processes2
Pro-ressi#e standards and technical re-ulations 8ill be introduced, for the obser#ance of this
the co.pan" 8ill .ake acti#e search, de#elop.ent and i.ple.entation of ad#anced
technolo-ical solutions includin- throu-h do.estic scienti1c or-anisations+
co/1nancin- b" the authorized bod" in the 1eld of inno#ations of R f D acti#ities .ade b"
lar-e co.panies ai.ed at enhancin- their co.petiti#eness (up to 25K fro. the cost*2

mprovement of the legislation
12 <doption of the =a8 of the Republic of Kazakhstan !?n 9cience$ in the ne8 edition2
22 0ntroduction of chan-es in7
the 5a> 3ode in the part of referrin- to the deduction on corporate inco.e ta> in the a.ount
of 150K of R f D e>penditures+
the =a8 of the Republic of Kazakhstan !?n state support of inno#ation acti#it"$, in part of
sti.ulatin- the de#elop.ent of inno#ations throu-h the introduction of ne8 t"pes of -rants+
the Resolution of the 6o#ern.ent of the RK dated <u-ust ), 2009 # 1202 !?n appro#al of
Rules of pro#idin- inno#ation -rants and reports on .easures taken to i.ple.ent intellectual

2/11 &ari0 polic,
%nal,sis of current situation
3urrentl" in the spheres of natural .onopolies about 1000 entities carr" out their acti#it",
552 / in the area of 8ater and draina-e s"ste.s+
'0& / in the area of electricit" and heat po8er industr"+
1&& / in the area of transport+
% / in the area of oil and -as transportation2
0n the areas of natural .onopolies there is a proble. of 8orn/out state and technolo-ical
back8ardness of production and associated lo8 eIcienc" and losses 8hich aAect the Eualit" of
ser#ices pro#ided and the le#el of tariAs for consu.ers2
3urrentl" the depletion of basic in#est.ents on all spheres of natural .onopolies of the
residential sector in a#era-e a.ounts to )0 / )5K2
0n addition to the hi-h le#el of nor.ati#e losses the enterprises ha#e the e>cessi#e losses
8hich lead to ineIcient operations and reduced attraction as an in#est.ent2
Dualit" and accessibilit" of ser#ices of the natural .onopolies entities associated 8ith their
technolo-ical up-radin- and increase of in#est.ent attracti#eness, as 8ell as the predictabilit"
of the tariA le#el are the .ost i.portant factors of successful industrialization2
*ain tasks
3arr"in- out of eAecti#e tariA polic" based on pro#ision of balance of interests of natural
.onopolies and consu.ers of their ser#ices2
&arget codes
12 Percenta-e of reduction of e>cessi#e losses (if an"* of basic natural .onopolies entities
(hereinafter M 4M,*7
Lnit of
2010 2011 2012 201% 201'
0n electrical net8orks7 K 125 125 120 025 /
0n heatin- net8orks7 K 220 225 220 025 /
0n h"dro econo.ic net8orks7 K 225 120 025 02' /
22 Percenta-e of reduction of nor.ati#e technical losses of the basic 4M, fro. appro#ed

Lnit of
2010 2011 2012 201% 201'
0n electrical net8orks7 K 12% 120 025 022 021
0n heatin- net8orks7 K 125 12 120 02% 021
0n h"dro econo.ic net8orks7 K 22) 220 220 120 120
%2 @orecast of tariAs for re-ulated ser#ices (subFect to the stabilit" of national currenc", the
cost of -as, coal, fuel oil and stabilit" of #olu.e of ser#ices rendered*2
%212 <lterations of disbursin- prices for electric ener-"
4a.e of ser#ices Lnit of
2010 2011 2012 201% 201'
<#era-e in the Republic of
5en-ePk: 1021' 11209 122%% 1%2' 1'2)5
%222 @orecast of tariAs for transportation of loads b" rail transport
5"pe of ser#ice Lnit of
2010 2011 2012 201% 201'
0n inter/oblast ser#ice K 1&2) 15 15 15 15
0n e>port ser#ice K 1&2) 15 15 15 15
'2 Pro#ision of stabilit" of the le#el of re-ulated tariAs7
Lnit of
2010 2011 2012 201% 201'
4u.ber of natural .onopolies
8orkin- on .ediu./or lon-/ter.
piece 12 15 11 10 12
2trateg, of actions of the tariA desi-n s"ste. of the re-ulated .arkets entities 8ill be
i.ple.ented usin- tools of assess.ent the inQuence of tariAs on de#elop.ent of branches of
0n the period it is pro#ided7
enhance.ent of eIcienc" of natural .onopolies b" practical application of a ne8 .ethod
of incenti#e re-ulation / a co.parati#e anal"sis to establish tariAs that take into account the
de-ree of eAecti#eness of the re-ional electric/-rid co.panies (hereinafter / R,3* 8hich 8ill
create a incenti#es of natural .onopol" entities to opti.ize acti#ities and technolo-" of
renderin- of ser#ices+
the introduction of diAerentiation of tariAs for 8ater suppl" ser#ices on -roups
and dependin- on the #olu.e of consu.ption in deter.inin- the #alue of 8ater consu.ption
8hich 8ill allo8 to ensure social Fustice stipulatin- diAerentiation of ser#ices pa".ent in
accordance 8ith enhanced conditions of co.fort, as 8ell as usin- 8ater for co..ercial
introduction of price ceilin-s for ser#ices of the re-ulated .arket entities pro#idin- the
re-ulated .arket entities 8ith possibilit" for Qe>ible response to chan-es occurrin- in re-ulated
.arkets not e>ceedin- the established price le#el2 0n this case, the re-ulator" bod" has the
ri-ht to reduce prices durin- e>ecution of e>a.ination2
5ariA chan-es aAectin- the de#elop.ent of industries are pro#ideb 8ith a #ie8 of the
planned corridor of inQation, as 8ell as the contribution of re-ulated ser#ices in the inQation
rate 8hich is deter.ined b" the 6o#ern.ent2
Methodolo-" for tariAs calculations to sti.ulate natural .onopolies entities to increase
producti#it" and reduce costs throu-h the eli.ination of e>cessi#e nor.ati#e losses and
reduction of nor.ati#e losses 8ill be
mprovement of the legislation
0ntroduction of chan-es and a.end.ents to the =a8 of the Republic of Kazakhstan !?n
natural .onopolies and re-ulated .arkets$2
0n order to i.ple.ent the =a8 of the Republic of Kazakhstan !?n introduction of chan-es
and a.end.ents to the =a8 of the Republic of Kazakhstan !?n natural .onopolies and
re-ulated .arketsB7
de#elop.ent of rules for deter.inin- the reasonable #alue of consu.ption #olu.e b"
indi#iduals of re-ulated ser#ices in the areas of 8ater .ana-e.ent s"ste.s, Methods of
calculation of tariA usin- the .ethod of co.parati#e anal"sis+
introduction of techniEues of diAerentiated tariAs for the re-ulated ser#ices of 8ater and
se8er s"ste.s, a co.parati#e anal"sis to establish tariAs that take into account the de-ree of
eAecti#eness of the R,3s+
introduction of a.end.ents to the Rules of pricin- in re-ulated .arkets appro#ed b" the
6o#ern.ent of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March %, 2009 # 2% pro#idin- for the ri-hts
of the re-ulated .arket entit" to lo8er and raise independentl" the prices of .anufactured
(sold* -oods (8orks, ser#ices* not e>ceedin- a .a>i.u. price reco-nized b" the co.petent
authorit" reasonable on the results of carr"in- out of the cost e>a.ination2

2/12 %ttracting investments and development of special economic areas
+rief anal,sis of the current situation
Durin- the period since 199% includin- 9 .onths of 2009 10229 billion L292 dollars of forei-n
direct in#est.ents (hereinafter / @D0* 8ere attracted to the countr"_s econo." includin- those
in non/ra8 sector M 1'2) billion dollars (1'22K of total #olu.e*2
<.on- the factors that ne-ati#el" aAect the attracti#eness of .an" pro.isin- for
Kazakhstan_s econo.ic sectors the ke" ones are the follo8in-7
lo8 capacit" of the do.estic .arket+
re.oteness fro. .aFor .arkets and lack of con#enient lo-istics entail si-ni1cant costs for
transportin- of -oods+
relati#el" hi-h labour cost 8ith a shorta-e of skilled personnel and lack of infrastructure+
the absence of a centralized s"ste. on 8ork 8ith in#estors, includin- forei-n ones, as 8ell
as insuIcientl" eAecti#e .easures of state support of in#est.ents2
3urrentl", the e>pansion of attractin- of @D0 is .ade throu-h increasin- the in#est.ent
attracti#eness of @,J, industrial zones (hereinafter / 0J* and the de#elop.ent of .echanis. of
public/pri#ate partnership (hereinafter / the PPP*2
12 5he current state of the @,J 0J
0n total in Kazakhstan it is created ) @,J 8hich con#entionall" can be di#ided into -roups7 1*
industrial production areas M !9eaport <ktau$, !?ntustik$,$4ational industrial petroche.ical
technolo-ical park$ and !<stana / ne8 cit"$ in the part of the industrial sub/zone (0J of <stana
cit"*, 2* ser#ice M !Curaba"$ and !<stana / ne8 cit"$ in the part of buildin- sub/zone, and %*
technicall" de#elop.ent zone M !0nfor.ation 5echnolo-" Park$2 0n addition, there 8ere created
2 0J in the cities of <stana and Kara-anda, at that 0J of <stana cit" is included in the @,J
!<stana / ne8 cit"$2
:orld e>perience sho8s that the establish.ent of 9,J and 0J is a factor of accelerated
econo.ic -ro8th throu-h acti#ation of international -oods turno#er, in#est.ent .obilization,
enhancin- of inte-ration econo.ic processes2
0n#est.ent attracti#eness of Kazakhstan @,J and 0J currentl" is not hi-h enou-h since the
conditions of their functionin- are not co.pletel" focused on real needs and interests of
22 5he current state of PPP
0n Kazakhstan in conditions of societal needs -ro8th for infrastructure facilities and Eualit"
renderin- b" the. the ser#ices, increase of .oral and ph"sical depreciation of 1>ed assets and
the absence of suIcient 1nancial resources of the state for the reno#ation and creation of
infrastructure facilities, the use of PPP can pro#ide the tasks in the 1elds of traditional state
responsibilit", it 8ill allo8 to i.ple.ent and de#elop the capacit" of pri#ate in#estors and to
raise funds of institutional in#estors2
,>perience of i.ple.entation of the 1rst concession proFects in Kazakhstan sho8s the
possibilit" of attractin- si-ni1cant in#est.ents in transport infrastructure throu-h the use of
PPP .echanis.2
Despite the presence of e>perience in i.ple.entin- of concession proFects it is necessar"7
1* to attract pri#ate in#est.ent in the sector of traditional state responsibilit"+
2* create an enablin- en#iron.ent for in#estors and creditors under in#estin- in capital/
intensi#e facilities (infrastructure, ener-", etc2*+
%* introduction of eAecti#e .ethods of state propert" .ana-e.ent of housin- and utilities
sector b" attractin- pri#ate capital2
*ain tasks
3reation of attracti#e conditions for direct in#est.ents in non/reco#erable e>port/oriented
and hi-h/tech productions and also infrastructure de#elop.ent2
&arget codes
12 4u.ber of attracted focused in#estors fro. the list of co.panies included in the 6lobal/
20007 2010 / 2, 2011 / %, 2012 / ', 201% / ', 201' / 52
22 3onclusion of a-ree.ents 8ith forei-n states on .oti#ation and .utual protection of
in#est.ents2 2010 / 2, 2011 / 2, 2012 / 2, 201% / 2, 201' / 22
%2 <chie#e.ent of indicator of 6lobal 3o.petiti#eness 0nde> of the :orld ,cono.ic @oru.7
!5he i.pact of the rules -o#ernin- the forei-n direct in#est.ents in business (101 position*$ /
2010 / 5he 100 position, 2011 / 99, 2012 / 9, 201% / 9&, 201' / 9)2 !@orei-n direct in#est.ent
and technolo-"$ (10' position* / 2010 / 10% position, 2011 M 102, 2012 M 101, 201% / 100, 201'
/ 992 of Kazakhstan_s positions in the rankin- of !Doin-Cusiness$ on indicator
!Protection of in#estors$2 2010 / 52 position, 2011 / 51, 2012 / 50, 201% / '9, 201' / '2 0nde> of
the :orld Cank on the countr" co.petiti#eness up to )0 position in 201' ()& position / 2009*2
'2 0ncrease of the nu.ber of participants in the @,J / %9 in 2009 to 159 in 2015 and at the
0J up to '2 b" 20152
52 0ncrease of in#est.ents in non/reco#erable e>port/oriented and hi-h/tech production in
the territor" of @,J / 15 bln ten-e b" 2015 and in the 0J territor" up to / 151 bln ten-e2
)2 0ncrease of production #olu.e of -oods and ser#ices (8orks* in the territor" of @,J fro.
2129 billion ten-e in 2009 up to &1 billion ten-e b" 2015, 0J up to &19 billion ten-e b" 2015,
includin- product e>ports of at least 50K of output #olu.e2
&2 0.ple.entation of at least 15 PPP proFects per "ear totalin- o#er 900 billion ten-e b"
2trateg, of actions
?ne of the .ain tools of forced industrial/inno#ati#e de#elop.ent 8ill be the attraction of
direct in#est.ents2
<lon- 8ith .easures to create an o#erall fa#orable in#est.ent cli.ate the special
conditions 8ill be created for lar-e and .ultinational co.panies on proFects i.ple.entation in
the territor" of Kazakhstan2
5o do this it is planned to create an inte-rated s"ste. to attract direct in#est.ent 8hich 8ill
include a ran-e of incenti#es and institutional .echanis.s for dealin- 8ith forei-n in#estors2
5here are the follo8in- .easures to sti.ulate in#est.ent2
12 @or in#est.ent proFects in priorit" sectors of the econo."7
in#est.ent preferences pro#ided b" la8 of the Republic of Kazakhstan !?n 0n#est.ents$+
special procedure of issuin- entr" #isas for forei-n professionals to the operational and non/
rei.bursable basis2
22 @or in#est.ent proFects in the territor" of @,J7
special order of ta>ation, takin- into account international best practices2 <llo8ances 8ill be
-ranted to enterprises selected accordin- to criteria de1ned b" the present Pro-ra.+
special .echanis. for the i.port of forei-n labour2
%2 ?n the lar-est and priorit" in#est.ent proFects 8ith participation of reco-nized forei-n
in#estors, transnational co.panies the separate in#est.ent a-ree.ents 8ill be concluded
pro#idin- special .easures of state support7
ta> allo8ances and preferences+
ensure of a .ini.u. lon-/ter. public order and national co.panies order+
other 1nancial and non/1nancial incenti#e .easures2
9olution on this support .easures under in#est.ent a-ree.ents 8ill be taken at the
-o#ern.ent le#el2
0n order to increase in#est.ent in" sectors of econo." indi#idual ne-otiations 8ill
be carried on 8ith each potential .aFor in#estor2
5he i.ple.entation of an indi#idual approach on attraction of forei-n direct in#est.ent 8ill
include the follo8in- acti#ities7
search and identi1cation of potential tar-et in#estors, pri.aril" fro. a.on- the
5ransnational corporations+
de#elop.ent and i.ple.entation of !road.aps$ for the 8ork 8ith each tar-et in#estor
assist in the i.ple.entation of necessar" for.alities related to the openin- and doin-
business in Kazakhstan+
arran-in- of .eetin-s 8ith ke" political leaders and leadin- co.panies in Kazakhstan+
renderin- of consultation ser#ices both at the sta-e of in#est.ent proFect de#elop.ent and
durin- its i.ple.entation+
post/in#est.ent support2
5o i.ple.ent an indi#idual approach the institutional .echanis.s of cooperation 8ith
forei-n in#estors 8ill be 0t is pro#ided7
enhance.ent of the 0n#est.ent 3o..ittee of the Ministr" of 0ndustr" and 4e8
5echnolo-ies of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a sin-le coordinatin- bod" for dealin- 8ith
forei-n in#estors operatin- on the principle of !1rst call address$ and !sin-le consultant$ for the
forei-n in#estors2 <lso it is planned to deter.ine the specialized co.pan" under the Ministr" of
0ndustr" and 4e8 5echnolo-ies of the Republic of Kazakhstan to attract forei-n in#estors and
8ork 8ith forei-n in#estors+
creation of an international net8ork 8ill be achie#ed throu-h the use of resources of
diplo.atic .issions abroad, trade .issions, the 0nstitute of honorar" consuls, and also b"
8orkin- out of issues of deter.inin- staA units in the countr"_s diplo.atic .issions abroad in
the diplo.atic rank of the Minister/3ounsellor, appointed on the proposal of the Ministr" of
0ndustr" and 4e8 5echnolo-ies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and accountable to hi., and the
attach in the e.bassies of Kazakhstan in the indi#idual countries to create an institution of the
representati#es for in#est.ent issues, trade and technolo-"2 5he ratin- scores for assess.ent
of their acti#it" 8ill be i.ple.ented+
creation of a standin- co..ission on forei-n in#est.ent under the leadership of the Pri.e
Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to coordinate and .onitor the acti#ities of state
bodies and national holdin-s in attractin- forei-n in#est.ents into Kazakhstan_s econo." and
protect the ri-hts and interests of forei-n in#estors2 5he 3o..ission 8ill ser#e as
!$ for forei-n in#estors2
5he 3o..ission 8ill consider proFects and .ake decisions about enterin- into in#est.ent
a-ree.ents for the pro#ision of special conditions for in#estors in .aFor proFects2 :ith separate
.aFor in#estors in e>ceptional cases the in#est.ent a-ree.ents 8ill be concluded for proFects
i.ple.entation outside the 9,J pro#idin- a speci1c packa-e of bene1ts and preferences
includin- the possibilit" of co.pensation of the part of in#est.ent2
5he selection of the lar-est in#est.ent proFects and decision on all the bene1ts and
preferences 8ithin the fra.e8ork of in#est.ent a-ree.ents 8ill be .ade b" the 6o#ern.ent
of the Republic of Kazakhstan2 <lon- 8ith a personal approach to 8ork 8ith in#estors the 8ork
on pro.otion of attracti#e in#est.ent i.a-e of Kazakhstan (-eneral approach* 8ill be
continued includin-7
conduction of infor.ati#e/presentational acti#ities (publications, e>hibitions, oIcial
.eetin-s, foru.s, print, tele#ision and electronic .edia, 0nternet resources*2 5he ke" e#ent in
this area 8ill be creation of a sin-le 0nternet portal for forei-n in#estors+
assist to in#estors in 1ndin- partners, establishin- business contacts, pro#idin- the
necessar" infor.ation2
0n order to focus on attractin- @D0 the acti#ities of Kazakh part of the inter-o#ern.ental
co..issions 8ill be structured, 8here these issues 8ill be coordinated b" the 0n#est.ent
3o..ittee of the Ministr" of 0ndustr" and 4e8 5echnolo-ies of the Republic of Kazakhstan2
ncrease of investment attractiveness of 6"8 and 8
@,J and 0J 8ill be one of the basic tools to attract pri#ate in#est.ent2 5he branch linkin- of
special econo.ic zones 8ill be cancelled, the .ain criterion for the co.panies 8ill beco.e the
e>port oriented production and producti#it" of labour2
< ne8 la8 on @,J 8ill be 8orked out 8here in addition to e>istin- bene1ts the follo8in- is
:orkin- out of issue on pro#ision of -uarantees to participants of 9,J on the stabilit" of ta>
re-i.e for the period of the proFect i.ple.entation+
introduction of a special .echanis. for the i.port of forei-n labour in the territor" of @,J+
0ntroduction of a .echanis. of pro#idin- ser#ices to participants of @,J on the one stop/
shop principle2
5he issues on e>pandin- the net8ork of @,J 8ill be considered2
4e8 @,J and 0J 8ill be created takin- into account the presence of suitable routes of
co..unication for the deli#er" of ra8 .aterials and supplies of end products2
?n this principle in 2011 there 8ill be 8orked out the issues on creation of ne87
!C5,J (border trade econo.ic zone* Khor-os / ,astern 6ate$ on the basis of 03C3
(international center of border cooperation* Khor-os$/ for the de#elop.ent of #arious t"pes of
.anufacturin- acti#it" and transportation and lo-istics ser#ices+
in Kara-anda on the base of 0J of Kara-anda cit" / for the de#elop.ent of .etallur-" and
.etal8orkin- .anufacturin-2
in <" cit" / for the de#elop.ent of en-ineerin-, .anufacturin-, a-ricultural processin-
and the creation of the construction cluster+
in Pa#lodar cit" / for the de#elop.ent of .etallur-" and .etal8orkin- .anufacturin-,
che.ical, phar.aceutical, ener-etic and a-ricultural processin-2
0n addition, the issues on creation of ne8 0J in <ktobe, Lst/Ka.eno-orsk and Lralsk 8ill be
8orked out2
@or eAecti#e i.ple.entation of the Pro-ra. 8ithin the @,J and 0J hi-h/Eualit" ph"sical
infrastructure 8ill be created that .eets the needs of potential in#estors2
0n 2012, the construction of the industrial sub/zone of @,J !<stana / ne8 cit"$ (0J of <stana cit"*
and the additional infrastructure of @,J !?ntustik (1re station, a car-o ter.inal and an
inte-rated ser#ice and technolo-" center* 8ill be co.pleted as 8ell as connection of e>istin-
businesses to electrical substation 8ill be pro#ided+ desi-n 8ork on the @,J !0nfor.ation
5echnolo-" Park$ 8ill be carried out takin- into account the alteration of territor"+ and also
construction of transport and en-ineerin- infrastructure (electricit", 8ater, se8a-e* of 0J of
Kara-anda cit" 8ill be co.pleted2
0n 201% the construction of transport and en-ineerin- infrastructure (electricit", 8ater, -as,
and teleco..unications* of subzones # 1 and # % of the @,J !9eaport <ktau$ 8ill be
0n 201' the desi-n 8orks 8ill be held for the subzone # 2, # ' / # ) of @,J !9eaport <ktau$+
puttin- into operation of the 1st sta-e of the @,J !0nfor.ation 5echnolo-" Park$ 8ill be
pro#ided, the desi-n 8orks 8ill be held takin- into account the alteration of the territor" and
puttin- into operation of the 1st sta-e of the @,J !4ational industrial petroche.ical
technolo-ical park$ 8ill be pro#ided+ reclassi1cation of lands of special protected natural sites
to the reser#ed lands 8ill be pro#ided and puttin- into operation of the 1
step of the @,J
!Curaba"$ 8ill be .ade2
0n addition, in 201' the ne8l" created free econo.ic zone and the 0J 8ill be pro#ided 8ith
suIcient infrastructure to carr" out proFects 8ith the #olu.e of output products7
@,J !C5,J Khor-os / ,astern 6ate$ / o#er ' billion ten-e+
@,J in the cit" of Kara-anda / o#er 20 billion ten-e+
0J of the cit" of <" / o#er 1%5 billion ten-e+
0J of the Pa#lodar cit" / o#er 29& billion ten-e2
<n i.portant factor in increasin- the eIcienc" of the @,J and 0J 8ill be the attraction of
cornerstone (strate-ic* in#estors includin- forei-n ones for the production of non/ra8 hi-h
technolo-" products 8ith an e.phasis on .arket de#elop.ent of the 3usto.s Lnion, 3hina
and 3entral <sia2
:ith a #ie8 of o#erall control and .onitorin-, .ethodolo-ical and le-islati#e support of @,J
and 0J, the Ministr" of 0ndustr" and 4e8 5echnolo-ies of Kazakhstan in 2010 8ill be deter.ined
b" a sin-le co.petent authorit" for @,J and 0J2 C" the coordinatin- bodies of @,J and 0J 8ill be
deter.ined rele#ant local and central e>ecuti#e bodies2
5o .ana-e, 1nd, and attract in#estors and to pro#ide basic and specialized ser#ices to
participants of @,J and 0J professional co.panies/operators (international* 8ill be in#ol#ed
usin- the .echanis. of partial rei.burse.ent b" the state2
!evelopment of public-private partnership
<ttractin- in#est.ent in the sector of traditional state responsibilit" 8ill be .ade on the
base of the transfer to the pri#ate sector of the state/o8ned facilities 8hile reser#in- the ri-ht
to direct the state b" concludin- the follo8in- t"pes of contracts7
desi-nin-, 1nancin-, construction and operation (concession* on 8hich the pri#ate sector
perfor.s functions to 1nance the construction or reconstruction, operation, .aintenance and
operation of the entit" of concession+ the state reser#es the functions of control o#er the Eualit"
of ser#ice and .a" also pro#ide a .easure of public support2
0t is supposed to transfer to concession the follo8in-7
sections of hi-hroads7 !<stana/Kara-anda$, !<"/Khor-os$, !5ashkent/9h".kent/border
of Jha.b"l oblast$, !<"/Kapcha-a"$, !Lralsk/Ka.enka/border of R@ (on ?zinki*$, !<stana/
sections of rail8a"s7 !Jheti-en/Kor-as$2 !`eralie#o/Kur"k$+
construction of a ne8 international airport Kenderli+
operation and .aintenance for 8hich the pri#ate sector rents production facilities and liable
to the, as a ser#ice pro#ider the state retains responsibilit" for in#est.ents in the
construction and operation on 8hich the pri#ate sector perfor.s the function of the
construction (reconstruction* and operation of the facilit", the state is responsible for fundin-
the proFect durin- the operational period+
.ana-e.ent and .aintenance (trust .ana-e.ent of propert"* for 8hich the pri#ate sector
i.ple.ents functions on .ana-e.ent and .aintenance of state propert" facilities, the 9tate
retains the o#erall responsibilit" to consu.ers for the pro#ision of ser#ices for the solution of
proble.s of e>pansion, reconstruction and repair of facilities2
0.portant role in the i.ple.entation of infrastructure proFects 8ill pla" accu.ulati#e
pension funds to raise funds 8hich 8ill be applied to the .echanis. of production of
infrastructure bonds under the -uarantee of the state2
9tate 8ill continue to carr" out the 8ork on introduction of the principles of proFect
1nancin-, structurin- and .aintenance of the PPP proFects 8ith use of the .echanis.s of
s"ndicated 1nancin- and securitization2 5he le-islation 8ill be a.ended to ensure the abilit" to
create special proFect or-anisations 8ith a special le-al status2

12 <doption of the =a8 of the Republic of Kazakhstan !?n special econo.ic zones$ in the
ne8 edition2
22 0ntroduction of chan-es and a.end.ents to the =a8 of the Republic of Kazakhstan !?n
%2 0ntroduction of chan-es and a.end.ents to the =a8 of the Republic of Kazakhstan !?n
'2 0ntroduction of chan-es and a.end.ents to the ta> le-islation of the Republic of
52 0ntroduction of chan-es and a.end.ents to the rele#ant re-ulations of the Republic of
Kazakhstan in ter.s of the in#est.ent attracti#eness of the special econo.ic zones2

2/1: &rade polic,
%nal,sis of current situation
3arr"in- out of eAecti#e trade polic" is an i.portant co.ponent of industrial and inno#ation
de#elop.ent2 0n the conte>t of -lobalization and se#ere co.petition Kazakh e>porters need to
retain e>istin- !niche$ and 8in ne8 ones in the 8orld .arkets 8hile upholdin- the rules of
international trade2
0n connection 8ith this obFecti#e condition is the inte-ration of Kazakhstan into the -lobal
econo." throu-h enterin- the :orld 5rade ?r-anisation and the 3usto.s Lnion2
3urrentl" a -eneral le-al base of the 3usto.s Lnion is de#eloped2 @ro. ;anuar" 1, 2010 in
the territor" of the 3usto.s Lnion co..on .easures of custo.s/tariA and non/tariA
re-ulations of forei-n trade 8ith respect to the third countries are applied2
4e-otiations on entr" to :5? of three countries/participators of the 3usto.s Lnion are
reco..enced b" a sin-le ne-otiatin- dele-ation fro. the three countries2
<lon- 8ith inte-ration into -lobal .arkets, to .eet the obFecti#es for the de#elop.ent of
e>port/oriented non/ra8 sectors of econo." it is reEuired to for. an eAecti#e s"ste. for the
pro.otion of econo.ic interests and rapid eli.ination of trade and non/trade barriers in forei-n
.arkets and institutions of pro.otion of non/ra8 e>ports2
Positi#e trends in the de#elop.ent of internal trade are acco.panied b" a conser#ation of
nu.ber of issues2
Lnde#eloped stock e>chan-e tradin-, .odern trade for.ats2 ?n the tradin- .arkets a
si-ni1cant a.ount of shado8 econo." is focused, there is hi-h le#el of realization of
contraband and counterfeit -oods, the 8idespread use of fake certi1cates of Eualit" on traded

&he main tasks
12 3reation of eAecti#e and eIcient s"ste. for the pro.otion and protection of econo.ic
interests of the republic throu-h the inte-ration into the -lobal tradin- s"ste.2
22 <ssistance to de#elop.ent and pro.otion of e>ports of Kazakh production of non/ra8
sector of econo."2
%2 the eIcienc" of internal trade, increase of producti#it" labour in trade throu-h trade infrastructure2

&arget codes
C" the end of 201' it is planned to7
12 0ncrease of the :orld ,cono.ic @oru. rankin- on in#ol#e.ent in 8orld trade up to 0
22 0ncrease of share of non/ra8 e>ports in total #olu.e of e>ports up to '020K, accordin- to
the classi1cation b" broad econo.ic cate-ories (statistical classi1cation of the L4 9ecretariat*2
%2 <chie#in- an annual -ro8th rate of retail turno#er in K to the pre#ious "ear be-innin-
fro. 201' no less than 10)20K, and e>cept that in 2010 / 100K, 2011 / 102K, 2012 / 10%K, in
201% / 10'K2
'2 Crin-in- the share of .odern trade for.ats in total #olu.e of retail trade turno#er up to

2trateg, of actions
3reation of s"ste. of pro.otion and protection of econo.ic interests of the republic,
inte-ration into the 8orld tradin- s"ste.2
12 0n order to create eIcient and eAecti#e s"ste. of pro.otin- and protectin- the
econo.ic interests of the republic throu-h the inte-ration into the -lobal tradin- s"ste. the
for.ation of the 3usto.s Lnion of Celarus, Kazakhstan and the Russian @ederation 8ill be
@ro. 1 ;anuar" 2010 the practical i.ple.entation of the 3usto.s Lnion of Celarus,
Kazakhstan and the Russian @ederation 8as started2
3usto.s union supposes in addition to free trade the application of a sin-le trade polic"
to8ards third countries and the eli.ination of internal custo.s borders2
5his 8ill be ne-otiated 8ith third countries, includin- 309 countries, in order to standardize
trade operatin- in three states toda"2
@urther.ore, in accordance 8ith the decisions of the Heads of 9tate fro. ;anuar" 1, 2010
the authorit" to conduct a uni1ed custo.s tariA and the use of non/tariA .easures 8ere
transferred to a supranational authorit" (3o..ission of the 3usto.s Lnion* 8hich 8ill be
distributed in three states and for.ed on the basis of proposals fro. the parties2
@ro. ;ul" 1, 2010 custo.s clearance at the internal custo.s borders 8ill be abolished, and
before ;ul" 1, 2011 the custo.s control 8ill be cancelled2 5hus, b" re.o#in- ad.inistrati#e
barriers and ensurin- free .o#e.ent of -oods bet8een our t8o countries a sin-le custo.s
territor" of the custo.s union 8ill be created 8ith the do.estic .arket capacit" of about 1)5
.illion people2
,>pandin- the do.estic .arket 8ill be a .aFor incenti#e to attract forei-n in#est.ent, ne8
business de#elop.ent, co/operation of co.ple.entar" businesses, and eli.ination of
ad.inistrati#e barriers and also it 8ill create conditions for Foint #entures and the -ro8th of
.utual in#est.ents2
22 Lntil 2012 the 3o..on ,cono.ic 9pace of Celarus, Kazakhstan and the Russian
@ederation 8ill ha#e been created2
@or.ation of the 3o..on ,cono.ic 9pace pro#ides for eEual access to the internal
infrastructure of participatin- states 8hich is especiall" i.portant for Kazakhstan as a countr"
that has not access to the sea2
<lso it is pro#ides for the establish.ent of unifor. conditions of the ser#ices .arket
functionin-, free .o#e.ent of labour and capital, the uni1ed rules of co.petition, industrial
subsid" assistance, co..on .easures to support a-riculture, i.ple.entation of a uni1ed
econo.ic polic", tariA polic", uni1ed public procure.ent rules2
@or this purposes there rele#ant international docu.ents 8ill be de#eloped that create the
le-al fra.e8ork of the 3o..on ,cono.ic 9pace2
%2 Proposals on the conclusion of preferential trade a-ree.ents 8ith third countries and
associations of the countries 8ill be initiated2
4e-otiations 8ill be held on conclusion of free trade a-ree.ents 8ith 5urk.enistan, the
participatin- 9tates of the ,uropean @ree 5rade <ssociation (98itzerland, =iechtenstein, 4or8a"
and 0celand*, 9erbia and Montene-ro, on preferential trade 8ith ,-"pt, ;ordan, 0srael,
<f-hanistan, the 6ulf countries (Kin-do. of 9audi <rabia, Ku8ait, Cahrain, ?.an, Datar, L<,*
and other countries takin- into account .e.bership in the 3usto.s Lnion2
'2 3o.pletion of ne-otiations and accession to the :orld 5rade ?r-anisation (hereinafter /
the :5?*2
@ull .e.bership of Kazakhstan in the :5?, as 8ell as co.pliance 8ith rules and re-ulations
of the international or-anisations to ensure access of Kazakh -oods to the .arkets of :5?
.e.ber countries on a non/discri.inator" basis, and also it 8ill allo8 eAecti#el" protect the
interests of Kazakhstani producers in third countr" .arkets throu-h access to international
:5? .e.bership 8ill increase the inQo8 of forei-n direct in#est.ents due to the
predictabilit" and transparenc" of forei-n polic", and eli.inate trade barriers and discri.inator"
treat.ent in trade proceedin-s to the Kazakhstani -oods2
52 Pro.otion of econo.ic interests and strate-ic re.o#al of trade and non/trade barriers in
forei-n .arkets2
0n establishin- the trade restrictions a-ainst Kazakhstan_s -oods the initiation .echanis.
and procedures for resol#in- international trade disputes 8ill be used, or the application of
retaliator" .easures in accordance 8ith international a-ree.ents2
)2 <pplication of .echanis.s of custo.s/tariA and non/tariA re-ulation2
?n an on-oin- basis the stud" 8ork on e>istin- production and plans 8ill be .ade, on
results of this 8ork proposals 8ill be de#eloped for increase of custo.s duties on -oods 8hich
produced in Kazakhstan, as 8ell as for reduce of custo.s duties on -oods for 8hich there is
interest in i.ports fro. forei-n countries2
<lso on the basis of anal"sis of the i.pact of business en#iron.ent chan-es on the
do.estic .arket in the 8orld .arket proposals 8ill be de#eloped for the application of other
.easures of custo.s tariA and non/tariA re-ulation of forei-n trade on co..odities2
0n addition, in order to pro#ide do.estic enterprises 8ith the necessar" ra8 .aterials, as
8ell as to e>clude the appearance of a critical shorta-e of -oods in the do.estic .arket the
appropriate proposals to restrict e>ports 8ill be de#eloped2
5he proposals 8ill be for8arded for re#ie8 of the 3usto.s Lnion 3o..ission2
Pro.otion of de#elop.ent and pro.otion of e>ports of Kazakhstan production of non/ra8
sectors of the econo."
12 Pro#ision of infor.ational and e>pert support to e>porters2
5o enter the .arkets of the tar-et of interest 8ith speci1c Kazakh non/ra8 sector of the
econo." there 8ill be re-ular re#ie8s of countr", industr"Pproducts of the countries of tradin-
partners, the anal"sis of trends in 8orld trade (5rade Perfor.ance 0nde> (5P0*, publishin- of an
annual director" of e>port production of Kazakhstan, a series of -uidance .aterials !5o assist
the e>porter$, -uides !,>port 6uide$ and publishin- of infor.ation about Kazakhstan_s
enterprises and products in the international specialized catalo-ues2
5o de#elop ne8 e>port niches acti#ities 8ill be i.ple.ented to de#elop and pro.ote
trade.arks of concrete products of .anufacturin- sector of the econo." to e>ternal .arkets2
9tud" pro-ra.s for specialists trainin- on .ana-e.ent of e>port acti#ities 8ill be
i.ple.ented+ #isits to the leadin- forei-n e>port industries 8ill be or-anized for the purpose of
application of best practices on the enterprises of Kazakhstan2
@or the for.ation of the ideolo-" of !e>port orientation$ the propa-anda oriented on e>port
8ill be carried out 8ith in#ol#e.ent of the pri#ate and public sectors2
22 @inancial support for e>port tradin- operations2
9ince 2010, e>porters of -oods (ser#ices* of non/ra8 sector 8ill be pro#ided 8ith e>port
-rants in the for. of rei.burse.ent of e>penses for acti#ities related to .arketin- researches+
brandin- of national products abroad, the production of ne8 t"pes of -oods to forei-n .arkets,
ad#anced trainin- of specialists, the openin- of representati#e oIces abroad, the creation of
0nternet resources and .anufacturin- of printed .aterial for distribution abroad2
@or the i.ple.entation of 1nancial support for trade e>port operations of representati#es of
s.all and .ediu. business of non/ra8 sector of the econo." 8hich includes the insurance of
e>port and credit 1nancin- of e>port tradin- operations, as 8ell as a nu.ber of related ser#ices
the e>port credit a-enc" (,3<* 8ill be established2
%2 Pro.otion to the e>porters in access to distribution channels to tar-et .arkets2
5he creation of the follo8in- entities is pro#ided7
international net8ork throu-h the use of resources of diplo.atic .issions abroad, trade
.issions, the 0nstitute of honorar" consuls, as 8ell as elaboration of issues on deter.inin- staA
units in the countr"_s diplo.atic .issions abroad in the diplo.atic rank of Minister/3ounselor,
appointed on the proposal of the Ministr" of 0ndustr" and 4e8 5echnolo-ies of the Republic of
Kazakhstan and accountable to it, and attaches in the e.bassies of Kazakhstan in the indi#idual
countries to create a institution of representati#es on issues of in#est.ent, trade and
technolo-"2 5he rankin- score for assess.ent of their perfor.ance 8ill be i.ple.ented+
specialized state tradin- co.pan" to -uarantee the pro.otion of production of do.estic
producers and e>porters to facilitate access to distribution channels of -oods 8ith hi-h added
specialized structure for the de#elop.ent of e>port packin- as one of the .ain ele.ents of
the s"ste. of e>port support on e>a.ples of international best practice2
0n order to direct co.prehensi#e assistance to Kazakh producers in the e>portin- countr",
fro. 2010 to 201' the net8ork of a-encies abroad of the 4ational ?r-anisation for
De#elop.ent and Pro.otion of ,>port (;93 B3orporation for De#elop.ent and Pro.otion of
,>port !K<J4,G$ of the Ministr" of 0ndustr" and 4e8 5echnolo-ies of Kazakhstan, 8hich is the
operator of de#elop.ent s"ste. and e>port pro.otion of non/ra8 sectors of the econo."* 8ill
be opened2
0n order to de#elop a Foint strate-" and coordination of actions of state a-encies on issues
of assistance to de#elop.ent and pro.otion of e>port, as 8ell as re.o#al of ad.inistrati#e and
bureaucratic .easures that i.pede the de#elop.ent and pro.otion of e>ports and ensure the
needs of the business the 8ork of the 3ouncil of e>porters under the Ministr" of 0ndustr" and
4e8 5echnolo-ies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, inter-o#ern.ental 3o..issions on 5rade/
,cono.ic, 9cienti1c/5echnical 3ooperation (063* in protectin- the interests and proble. sol#in-
of Kazakh e>porters 8ill be acti#ated2
0n order to ensure eAecti#e action b" the state for Kazakh e>porters in 2010 the
inte-ration of Kazakhstan to the nu.ber of suppliers 8ill be carried out in the fra.e8ork of
hu.anitarian assistance2
Realization of the KazakhstanRs potential as an international tradin- hub bet8een ,urope,
Russia, 3hina and 3entral <sia throu-h the of .odern transport and lo-istics
infrastructure b" sti.ulation of creation of transport/lo-istics centers2
5o facilitate direct contacts bet8een do.estic producers and potential forei-n bu"ers, the
e>chan-e of infor.ation on Eualit" and price inde> of production, discussion of the details of
e>port contracts re-ular trade .issions of Kazakhstan abroad, .eetin- in the !Cu"ers
and 9ellers$ in diAerent re-ions of Kazakhstan, the acti#ities of the tar-et pro.otion of speci1c
products 8ill be or-anized2
,nhance.ent of the eIcienc" of internal trade
0n order to for. a transparent pricin- s"ste. takin- into account international practice a
.odern stock e>chan-e tradin- infrastructure 8ill be created2
0n order to de#elop .odern for.s of trade the lar-e retail for.ats and retail chains 8ill be
de#eloped2 5o reduce costs in the chain !producer M$ the trade/purchasin-
cooperation s"ste. 8ill be established throu-h concessional 1nancin- of the purchase of the
processin-, packa-in- and co..ercial eEuip.ent, and throu-h association of s.all co..ercial
for.ats (tradin- houses such as h"per.arkets, super.arkets, discounters, etc2* under a sin-le
brand and unifor. assort.ent and pricin- policies2
0n order to de#elop re.ote access to the products of do.estic producers the cashless
electronic pa".ent s"ste. in the 0nternet 8ill be set up 8ith suitable .odules for inte-ration to
online shops, incorporatin- all the second/tier banks into a sin-le processin- center (like", Pa"pal*, as 8ell as a uni1ed republican electronic tradin- site2
@or the de#elop.ent of re.ote deli#er" of -oods, an increase in retail turno#er and of ser#ices to consu.ers the post/lo-istics centers in the cities of <stana and
<ktobe 8ill be created and also functionin- of sortin- centers under the. that pro#ide
deli#er" sche.e (accordin- to international standards*2

mprovement of the legislation
12 Crin-in- of the national le-islation into accordance 8ith :5? reEuire.ents, as 8ell as the
international le-al base to be concluded 8ithin the fra.e8ork of inte-ration associations2
22 0ntroduction of chan-es and a.end.ents to the =a8 of the Republic of Kazakhstan !?n
re-ulation of co..ercial acti#ities$ in part of 1>in- the le-al status of the 4ational ?r-anisation
for De#elop.ent and Pro.otion of ,>port and tools of econo.ic incenti#es for e>ports, as 8ell
as the re-ulation of trade structure2
%2 of le-islation in the 1eld of electronic co..erce2
2/14 &he instruments of -nancial support of the Program
+rief anal,sis of the current situation
5he -lobal 1nancial crisis has suspended the fundin- of the do.estic econo." b" forei-n
credit funds, and therefore the access to e>ternal fundin- for do.estic 1nancial institutions turn
out to be closed or restricted2 9econd/tier banks ha#e no !lon-/ter. .one"$ to 1nance lon-/
and .ediu./ter. in#est.ent proFects included in the Pro-ra.2 0n this connection there is a
need to increase the and instru.ents of 1nancin- of the Pro-ra. 8ith the participation
of de#elop.ent institutions2
*ain tasks
0ncrease of in#est.ents in priorit" sectors of the econo." b" e>pandin- the a#ailabilit" of
instru.ents and sources of 1nancin-2

&arget codes
<ttraction of in#est.ents to the 1>ed capital of priorit" sectors in the plannin- period in the
a.ount of at least ) 20 billion ten-e2

2trateg, of actions
0t is pro#ided the for.ation of a uni1ed s"ste. of instru.ents, operators and a-ents of
1nancial support for do.estic enterprises and in#est.ent proFects at national and re-ional
le#el2 0n this case, .arket .echanis.s sti.ulatin- acti#ation of in#est.ent acti#it" in the
priorit" sectors of the econo." 8ill be laid into the basis of state 1nancial support2
5he .ain e.phasis of polic" of state instru.ents application 8ill be .ade for .obilizin-
pri#ate 1nancial resources and the focused credit acti#it" of second/tier banks and other
1nancial institutions for the ai.s of industrialization2
9"ste. of 1nancial support 8ill co.e to increase of 1nancial resources a#ailabilit" for
do.estic .anufacturers, oAerin- fa#orable 1nancin- conditions to .eet the needs of
in#est.ent proFects, their inde> of pa"back and pro1tabilit"2
6o#ern.ent 1nancial resources 8ill be directed throu-h public and pri#ate operators2 5he
follo8in- entities refer to the operators of the public sector7
9a.ruk/Kaz"na, !4ational .ana-in- holdin- !Kaz<-ro$ ;93 (hereinafter / Kaz<-ro*, CRK,
!CRK/=easin-$ ;93, !0n#est.ent @und of Kazakhstan$ ;93, !4ational 0nno#ation @und$ ;93,
!Kaz"na 3apital Mana-e.ent$ ;93, Kaza-ro1nance, !<-rarian 3redit 3orporation$ ;93, !@ood
contract corporation$ ;93, D<ML, socio/entrepreneurial corporations, !3orporation for Pro.otion
of ,>port !K<J4,G$ ;93, !9tate 0nsurance 3orporation for insurance of e>port loans and
in#est.ents$ ;93, and other or-anisations2
5he follo8in- entities refer to the pri#ate operators7 second tier banks, international
de#elop.ent institutions, leasin- co.panies, in#est.ent co.panies and other sponsorin-
or-anisations2 0n this case the criteria for selection of pri#ate operators 8ill be transparent and
open to the public and 8ill be reEuired to pro#ide eEual (non/discri.inator"* access to all
potential participants in the proFects i.ple.entation2 5he criteria and procedures 8ill be
deter.ined b" the 6o#ern.ent2
@unctionin- of operators and instru.ents 8ill be or-anized on the principles of rational and
eIcient use of 1nancial resources, oAer of a 8ide ran-e of sources and instru.ents of support
and sharin- of risks of -o#ern.ent 8ith the pri#ate sector2
?perators of the public sector 8ill establish .echanis.s for pro#idin- 1nancial support,
stable operation, based on the follo8in- principles7
balance of pro#ision of 1nancial support+
ti.eliness of decision .akin- on the 1nancin- and pro#ision of necessar" -o#ern.ent
support .easures+
specialization of -o#ern.ent a-encies in certain operations and acti#ities+
cooperation bet8een public and pri#ate 1nancial institutions in 1nancin- and inte-ration of
#arious instru.ents in a particular in#est.ent proFect2
<cti#ities of operators of the public sector 8ill be oriented on achie#e.ent of .a>i.u.
eAecti#eness of Pro-ra.Rs -oals and tasks2 0n accordance 8ith the a.ount of reEuired 1nancin-
the production capacit" and nu.ber of e.plo"ees of or-anisations 8ill be increased or reduced,
the internal business processes 8ill be opti.ized, e>a.ination procedures 8ill be brou-ht under
re-ulation, etc2
0n#est.ent polic" and priorities of the operators of the public sector 8ill be concentrated
and focused on the needs of industrial de#elop.ent2
5he operators of the pro-ra. 8ill pursue a polic" of in#estin- in proFects that contribute to a
Eualitati#e chan-e in the structure of the econo." and its sustainable -ro8th2 5he .ain criteria
for fundin- proFects are7
co.pliance 8ith the priorities of the Pro-ra.+
necessaril" o8n participation in the proFect+
to be e>port/oriented+
production of co.petiti#e -oods and ser#ices2 0n addition, products .ust .eet the si.ilar
international standards and be co.petiti#e on price+
.anufacture of products 8ith hi-h added #alue, 8hile priorit" 8ill be -i#en to proFects that
contain the .ost added #alue, or ite.s that -i#e the opportunit" to enter the 8orld .arkets+ the labour producti#it"+
reduction of ener-" consu.ption+
increase of eIcient use of resources+
production contributin- to the de#elop.ent of local content, the in#ol#e.ent of s.all and
.ediu./sized businesses+
de#elop.ent and introduction of inno#ations and ad#anced technolo-ies2
5he s"ste. of state 1nancial support 8ill contribute to the creation of .arket .echanis.s
to encoura-e in#est.ent acti#it", utilizin- the follo8in- ke" instru.ents7
lease 1nancin-+
shared 1nancin-+
subsidization of fee rate on loans+
pro#ision of corporate -uarantees (sureties*+
ser#ice support+
pro#ision of -rants for e>porters+
pre/e>port 1nancin- / trade 1nancin- and insurance of e>port operations of e>portersR
lon-/ter. contracts to purchase products+
-rant 1nancin- for research and de#elop.ent acti#ities+
conditional obli-ations of the state in the for. of state -uarantees and state suret"
9tate 1nancial support 8ill be pro#ided in accordance 8ith the priorities of the Pro-ra.
takin- into account the follo8in- conditions7
fee rates / .easures 8ill be taken to reduce fee rates to the le#el belo8 .arket rates,
takin- into account the industr" a#era-e pro1tabilit" and pa"back of in#est.ents in the
ti.e M the e.phasis 8ill be .ade on len-thenin- the ter. of 1nancin- to achie#e the
appropriate pa"back on proFects and repa".ent of funds+
1nancin- criteria / 8ill be de#eloped in accordance 8ith the strate-ic -oals and obFecti#es of
the Pro-ra. and other pro-ra. docu.ents+
li.its of 1nancin- / 8ill be deter.ined takin- into account the branch orientation and size of
business entities (lar-e, .ediu. and s.all businesses*2
5o 1nance the co.panies and the capital in#est.ent proFects, deter.inations of the share
of -o#ern.ent participation in proFects, operators and support instru.ents, as 8ell as the
in#ol#e.ent of the pri#ate 1nancial sector the correspondin- bud-etar" support pro-ra.s 8ill
be for.ed at the national and re-ional le#el2
5he tar-et #alues to be achie#ed, the al-orith. of .onitorin- of e>ecution, as 8ell as
.ethods of e#aluatin- the eAecti#eness of these bud-et proFects and .echanis.s for
.onitorin- the proper use of allocated 1nancial resources 8ill be 1>ed2
:/ 6ormation of the centers of economic gro9th on the basis of rational territorial
organisation of economic potential
*ain task
Pro#ision of concentration of the econo." in the territories that ha#e co.petiti#e
ad#anta-es for industrial de#elop.ent 8ith the for.ation of -ro8th poles, consolidatin-
econo.ic acti#it" in the countr", actin- as !loco.oti#es$ for the rest territor" of the countr"
and ensurin- the countr"_s inte-ration 8ith re-ional and -lobal .arkets2
2trateg, of actions
5he territorial aspect of the polic" of industrialization of the Republic of Kazakhstan up to
2015 8ill be i.ple.ented in t8o interrelated 8a"s2
5he 1rst 8a" / is placin- of production of priorit" sectors in the re-ions in the conte>t of
ensurin- their balanced de#elop.ent2
5he second one / is the creation of zones of ad#anced -ro8th on the basis of countr"Rs
.e-a/cities under for.ation and adFacent areas2
Durin- the period under re#ie8 the industrial .odernization 8ill be deter.ined .ainl" b"
the de#elop.ent of the traditional e>port/oriented branches of econo.", as 8ell as related
branches that oriented on de.and in these sectors on the basis of intensi1cation of production
Placin- of traditional production and production oriented on do.estic de.and of sectors 8ill
be i.ple.ented in the e>istin- centers of localization in relation to sources of ra8 .aterials,
electric ener-" and transport infrastructure, or close to .arkets outlets2
De#elop.ent of ne8 e>port/oriented industries in the area of a-ricultural co.ple>, li-ht
industr" and touris., considerin- the reEuire.ents to Euali1cation of 8orkers in these sectors
and the relati#el" lo8 .obilit" of labour force of the countr" 8ill be i.ple.ented in the areas
that are traditional for these industries 8ith a focus on .arkets of lar-e cities or in the labour/
redundant re-ions2
5he prospects of lon-/ter. and Eualit" econo.ic -ro8th 8ill be deter.ined b" the
concentration of ne8 hi-h/tech, inno#ati#e productions in the for.ed a--lo.erations of <stana
and <" and territories related to the. that ha#e necessar" scienti1c, technical and
educational potential and co..unications infrastructure2
<--lo.eration eAect contained in sa#in- fro. the scale, .obilit" of labour and capital,
increase of returns fro. factors of production, in the a--re-ate 8ill allo8 pro#idin- these cities
8ith the ad#anced -ro8th of the econo." 8ith .ultiplication of ne8 opportunities for other
re-ions of the countr"2
5he instru.ent for the allocation of the production potential of the countr" 8ill be
the 9che.e of rational location of production capacit" M the re-ularl" updated instru.ent
allo8in- coordination of actions of business, industr" and territorial bodies of the state2
Mean8hile the 9che.e of rational location of production capacit" 8ill beco.e the part of
the ,>pected sche.e for spatial de#elop.ent of Kazakhstan, 8hich is the basis for the
de#elop.ent of the 6eneral 9che.e of or-anisation of the territor" of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, as 8ell as other cit" plannin- docu.ents (inter/re-ional of territorial
de#elop.ent, co.prehensi#e of urban plannin- of the area, the -eneral plans of
populated localities, drafts of detailed plan*2

:/1 &erritorial organisation of production potential in frame of priorit, sectors of
12 !5raditional industries$ (oil and -as, .inin-/.etallur-ical, che.ical, nuclear industr"*2
5he deter.inin- factor for location of ne8 productions of traditional e>port/oriented sectors
of the econo." of Kazakhstan 8ill be the pro>" to sources of ra8 .aterials, ener-" and
transport infrastructure2
MaFor oil and -as co.panies are located in the 8estern re-ions and the K"z"lorda oblast
that are areas of location of .ineral resources base and oil and -as production2 Perspecti#e
location of ne8 productions 8ill be associated 8ith the de#elop.ent of deposits of Kazakhstan_s
sector of the 3aspian 9ea2
=ocation of ne8 productions related to deep processin- of h"drocarbon ra8 .aterials
(production of bitu.en in the cit" of <ktau, pol"eth"lene and pol"prop"lene on the base of
inte-rated -as and che.ical co.ple> in the <t"rau oblast* 8ill be focus on sources of ra8
.aterials and reconstruction of three oil re1neries (<t"rau, Pa#lodar, 9h".kent re1neries* / on
e>istin- infrastructure and .arkets outlets2
3o.panies of .inin- and .etallur-ical co.ple> in future 8ill be predo.inantl" located in
the north8estern, central and northeastern parts of the countr" 8ith the centers of industr"
specialization in the cities of Kara-anda, Kostana", <ktobe, Pa#lodar, Lst/Ka.eno-orsk,
Jhezkaz-an, near the sources of ra8 .aterials and cheap electricit", e>istin- .anufacturin-
facilities, infrastructure and Euali1ed labour forces2
=ocation of ne8 productions and up-radin- of e>istin- productions of hi-her processin- in the
.etallur-" and .etal 8orkin- 8ill be bound to7
e>istin- enterprises of" processin- / production of steel (Kara-anda oblast*, titaniu.
in-ots (,ast Kazakhstan oblast*, ferrochro.iu. (<ktobe oblast*, the production of rails and .ill
products (Pa#lodar oblast*, (Jha.b"l oblast*, production of special steels
(Kara-anda and Kostanai oblasts*2
sources of cheap electricit" / the production of alu.inu. (Pa#lodar oblast*, cathode copper
(,ast Kazakhstan oblast*2
=ocation of che.ical industr" enterprises 8ith the initial processin- associated 8ith bindin-
to ra8 .aterial sources (Jha.b"l, <ktobe, <t"rau and 9outh/Kazakhstan oblast / nitro-en,
phosphorus, potassiu., co.ple> .ineral fertilizers*, hi-her processin- is linked to e>istin-
production capacities, to labour resources 8ith necessar" skills, scienti1c and technical basis
and de.and fro. the population, industrial enterprises (special che.icals and
che.icals / Pa#lodar, Kara-anda, ,ast/Kazakhstan oblast and <" cit"+ caustic soda /
Pa#lodar cit", production of sulfuric acid / <k.ola, K"z"lorda and Jha.b"l oblast* production of
rubber products / Kara-anda oblast2
3enters of industr" specialization7 5araz, 9h".kent, <ktobe and <"2
=ocation of enterprises of nuclear industr" as before can be aAected b" factors such as
a#ailabilit" of ra8 .aterial sources, production and technical and scienti1c base, as 8ell as
historicall" for.ed territorial localization of industr"2
5akin- into account the speci1cit" of the nuclear industr", its de#elop.ent 8ill continue to
be i.ple.ented in traditional re-ions of e>traction of uraniu. ra8 .aterial / in southern
Kazakhstan, in the <k.ola oblast+ the processin- / in <k.ola (9tepno-orsk .inin- and che.ical
co.bine* and ,ast Kazakhstan (Llbinski" .etallur-ical plant* oblasts2
3enters of industr" specialization7 Lst/Ka.eno-orsk, 9tepno-orsk2
0n -eneral, the released surplus labour resources of .aterial sectors of the econo." in
connection 8ith intensi1cation of production 8ill be reallocated to the ne8 hi-h/tech enterprises
focused on deep reprocessin- of ra8 .aterials2
22 0ndustries based on do.estic de.and (.echanical en-ineerin-, phar.aceuticals,
defense industr", buildin- industr"*2
@or the de#elop.ent of industries based on do.estic de.and, the do.inant factor 8ill be
the e>istence of de.and, production/infrastructure and technolo-ical base, includin- the, idle
industrial areas of the cit" but that need to be restored, 8ith supplied en-ineerin-/transport
infrastructure, lo8 transportation costs for deli#er" of products, co.ponents and eEuip.ent2
=ocation of ne8 productions of this -roup of industries 8ill be .ade near the enterprises of
traditional sectors and in the cities of <" and <stana2
4e8 enterprises in the .achiner" accordin- to the pro1le 8ill be located7
a-ricultural en-ineerin- / in the re-ions 8ith the hi-hest acti#it" of a-riculture / the
northern and eastern re-ions (the proFect for the production of a-ricultural .achiner" in
Kostana", .anufacture of tractors !Celarus$ in 9e.e" cit"*+
?il and -as en-ineerin- / in the 8estern re-ion for the purpose of technolo-ical support of a
rapidl" de#elopin- oil and -as production 8ith focus on de.and for oil and -as production and
processin- enterprises in the specialized eEuip.ent, e>pandable .aterials and constituent
parts (proFects of oil and -as .echanic en-ineerin- in <t"rau and Lralsk* and e>istin-
.anufacturin- facilities M in <", 4orth Kazakhstan and ,ast Kazakhstan oblasts+
.inin- .echanic en-ineerin- / in the central and eastern re-ions, 8ith a focus on the
de.and of lar-e co.panies of .inin- and s.eltin- co.ple> (proFects in ,ast Kazakhstan,
Pa#lodar and Kara-anda oblasts*+
electrical en-ineerin- / in the southern and central re-ions, 8ith a focus on the e>istin-
production basis (proFects in 9outh Kazakhstan, <" and Kara-anda oblasts*+
transport .echanic en-ineerin- / in northern, central and eastern re-ions, 8ith a focus on
the a#ailabilit" of skilled labour resources, the production of constituent parts and spare parts of
related industries (production of road/buildin- eEuip.ent and buses in Kostana", loco.oti#e/" plant in <stana," of .otor cars in Lst/Ka.eno-orsk," of electric
loco.oti#es in <tbasar cit" of <k.ola oblast, frei-ht 8a-ons in Petropa#lo#sk and ,kibastuz*+
defense .echanic en-ineerin- 8ill be based on e>istin- factor" capacit" of .echanic
en-ineerin- throu-h the state order .echanis.2
3enters of industr" specialization7 <stana, <", Kostana", 9e.e", Lralsk, Lst/
Ka.eno-orsk, Petropa#lo#sk2
5he enterprises of phar.aceutical industr" 8ill be located in relation to a pre#iousl" created
scienti1c/industrial base (9outh Kazakhstan and <"*, as 8ell as to the a#ailabilit" of
educational infrastructure, skilled 8orkforce (<ktobe, ,ast Kazakhstan, Kara-anda oblast and
<" and <stana*2 5he lar-est of these is the construction of a phar.aceutical factor" in
3enters of industr" specialization7 <", 9h".kent, <stana, Kara-anda2
=ocation of ne8 production of buildin- .aterials industr" 8ill be tied to local sources of ra8
.aterials, a#ailabilit" of local .arkets outlets, the established industrial and technolo-ical base2
Realization of in#est.ent proFects for construction and .odernization of ce.ent plants, as
8ell as production of cera.ics, -lass, -"psu. blocks, li-ht 8ei-ht buildin- panels, dr" buildin-
.i>es 8ill be focused on ra8 .aterials base and .arket outlet (<k.ola oblast, <t"rau oblast,
Jha.b"l oblast, :est Kazakhstan oblast, Man-istau oblast, Kara-anda oblast, ,ast/Kazakhstan
oblast, <ktobe oblast, K"z"lorda oblast, 9outh Kazakhstan oblast*2
5he .ills of the industrial construction 8ill be oriented to .arket outlets (the cit" of <stana,
<", 9h".kent, <ktobe*2
3enters of industrial specialization7 <", <stana, 9h".kent, Lst/Ka.eno-orsk,
%2 0ndustries that ha#e e>port potential (a-ro/industrial co.ple>, li-ht industr", touris.*2 5he
a-ricultural industr" 8ill be de#eloped in the center, north, south and east of the countr"2
=ocation of processin- enterprises of a-ro/industrial co.ple> and 1sheries 8ill be tar-eted
both to sources of ra8 .aterials and .arket outlets of bi- cities2
Priorit" 8ill be the a food zones around <stana and <"2
5he .ain production of a-ro/industrial co.ple> ai.ed at the deep reprocessin- of -rain and
.eat, .ainl" 8ill be located in the northern re-ions2
3enters of industr" specialization7 Petropa#lo#sk, Kostanai, Kokshetau, 9h".kent, 5araz,
5ald"kor-an, <", K"z"l/?rda, <t"rau2
=i-ht industr" enterprises 8ill be placed in <", 9h".kent, 9e.e" in conFunction 8ith
the established industrial/technolo-ical base, to the presence of ra8 .aterials and labour
resources, as 8ell as to presentin- and prospecti#e do.estic and -lobal de.and2
3enters of industr" specialization7 9h".kent, 5ald"kor-an, 9e.e"2
5ouris. acti#ities 8ill be for.ed near .aFor recreational areas, cultural/historical and
business centers of the countr" 8ith a de#eloped transport/co..unication infrastructure2

'2 9ectors of the econo." of the future (infor.ation and co..unication technolo-",
biotechnolo-", alternati#e po8er -eneration sector, space acti#ities*
=ocation of productions of kno8led-e/intensi#e sectors of the econo." of the future and
for.ation of centers of inno#ation s"ste.s 8ill be conducted in the cities of <stana and <"
ha#in- educational/inno#ati#e and business/technolo-ical potential, hi-hl" Euali1ed specialists
and suppliers of specialized ser#ices2
5he base for de#elop.ent of industries in the area of infor.ation technolo-" for the
do.estic and e>ternal .arkets and inte-ratin- the potential of processin- centers of leadin-
forei-n co.panies 8ill be @,J !0nfor.ation 5echnolo-" Park !<latau$2 <" 0nte-ration and
5estin- co.ple> of spacecrafts 8ill be placed in the cit" of <stana2
0nno#ations in the biotechnolo-" area 8ill be de#eloped on the basis of pre#iousl"
established scienti1c/i.ple.entation base, and .edical cluster in the cities of <stana and
<", and in the area of alternati#e (rene8able* sources of ener-" and ne8 .aterials / based
on 4azarba"e# Lni#ersit" in <stana, the Kazakh/Critish 5echnical Lni#ersit" and Kaz45L na.ed
after K202 9atpa"e# in <"2
=ocation of infrastructure facilities
=ocation of ener-" production enterprises and construction of .ain electrical suppl"
net8ork 8ill be deter.ined b" perspecti#e de.and for electric ener-", and bud-eted balance
sheet of electric ener-" until 2020, de#eloped takin- into account the needs of industrialization,
as 8ell as pro>" to ra8 .aterial sources2
5o take the issue oA the table concernin- the ener-" shorta-e in :est Kazakhstan, it is
supposed to acti#ate Lralsk -as turbine po8er plant and e>pansion of the <t"rau po8er
plant in the southern re-ions of the countr" / construction b" 2011 Moinak h"droelectric station,
<kshabulak -as turbine po8er plant, b" 201% / t8o po8er -eneratin- units of the Calkhash po8er plant and po8er deli#er" of these obFects throu-h the lo8erin- station 500 kS
0n the northern ener-" bands takin- into account the additional reEuire.ents and the
a#ailabilit" of cheap coal of ,kibastuz basin up-radin- of <ksu and ,kibastuz state district
po8er station and e>cess #olu.e of electric ener-" production 8ill be reallocated to the
9outhern and :estern ener-" bands e>periencin- shorta-es of electricit"2
5he for.ation and location of transport/co..unication infrastructure 8ill be focused on
solution of proble.s of pro#ision of access to e>ternal .arkets and connecti#it" of internal
<t that the for.ation of a de#eloped transport and co..unications infrastructure 8ill
beco.e strate-icall" i.portant in the 8est and south of the countr" 8here there is its de1cit2
5hus, the i.ple.entation of proFects to de#elop transport and ener-" infrastructure 8ill add
to the spatial de#elop.ent .ore d"na.ic character and reduce the risks associated 8ith
ener-" suppl"2
:/2 6ormation of centers of economic gro9th
0n accordance 8ith the international e>perience di#ersi1ed bi- cities beco.e the centers of
econo.ic -ro8th -eneratin- co.petiti#e ad#anta-es in a .ultiplicati#e scale based on the
eAect of a--lo.eration2 0n Kazakhstan the cities of <stana and <" located on the .ain
routes of trade Qo8s possess a si.ilar potential2 5he" ha#e beco.e the .ost i.portant centers
in the ,urasian s"ste. of co..odit", 1nancial, technolo-ical and cultural e>chan-es2
@or this purposes in the cities of <stana and <" and related territor" of <" oblast
and <k.ola oblast the for.ation of .ultifunctional zones 8ill be sti.ulated7
hi-h/tech industries focused on technolo-" transfer, processin- centers of the leadin-
forei-n co.panies (Foint #entures, branches*+
inno#ation de#elop.ent (05P !<latau$ in <", 4azarba"e# Lni#ersit" in <stana*+
nation8ide and in perspecti#e the 3entral <sian distribution (trade and ser#ices*+
transportation/lo-istics and lo-istics/processin- ser#ices 8ith for.ation in perspecti#e of
the lar-est in 3entral <sia trade/lo-istics centers (b" the e>a.ple of 9in-apore, Hon- Kon-*, air
transit centers (!hubs$*+
touris./recreation specialization / on the basis of lar-e concentrations of recreational
resources in adFacent areas of <" and <k.ola oblasts, as 8ell as the entertain.ent
industr" (e2-2, establish.ent of centers for -a.blin- business in the cit" Kapcha-a", 9huchinsk/
Coro#oe zone*+
sports specialization (the transfor.ation of <" cit" into an international center for
8inter sports*+
.edical and educational specialization (for.ation in the cities of <" and <stana of the
national centers and subseEuentl" at the re-ional le#el*+
or-anisation and conduct of business (pro.otion of the dislocation in the cities of <stana
and <" of representati#e oIces and oIces of international or-anisations, branches of the
lar-est transnational co.panies*+
@ood specialization (!food zones$ of .e-alopolises*2
<" a--lo.eration in perspecti#e as -ro8th center 8ill include the satellite to8ns in
Kapsha-a" direction2
De#elop.ent of <stana as the -ro8th pole .ust be transfor.ed to the for.ation of a
net8ork zone of -ro8th throu-h the for.ation of de#elop.ent corridors and subseEuent
in#ol#e.ent in perspecti#e of Kara-anda a--lo.eration and 9huchinsk/Coro#oe resort zone2
<ccelerated de#elop.ent of the cities of <stana and <" pro#ided .ainl" b" the
concentration of ser#ice functions, 8ill ha#e a .ultiplier eAect for the sectors oriented to
do.estic de.and2
9upport to the de#elop.ent of the cities of <stana and <" in order to for. in the. the
centers of econo.ic -ro8th 8ill be i.ple.ented throu-h #arious .echanis.s to sti.ulate
econo.ic acti#it" and in#est.ent attracti#eness includin- throu-h state in#est.ents in the
de#elop.ent of pro#idin- infrastructures2
4/ Provision of e0ective interaction of the state and business in the development of
priorit, sectors of the econom,
:ithin the Pro-ra. i.ple.entation the state_s role 8ill be to create a s"ste. of institutions,
instru.ents, .echanis.s of support for priorit" sectors of the econo." and eAecti#e
interaction 8ith business2
3oordination of i.ple.entation of the Pro-ra. at national le#el 8ill be carried out b" the
9tate 3o..ission on the Euestions of Modernization of ,cono." of the Republic of Kazakhstan
(hereinafter / 9tate 3o..ission* and the Republican control center for accelerated industrial
and inno#ati#e de#elop.ent, headed b" the Pri.e Minister M the 6eneral coordination+ the
@orei-n 0n#estors 3ouncil under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter / @03* /
the interaction 8ith forei-n in#estors, the Cusiness 3ouncil under the President of the Republic
of Kazakhstan / interaction 8ith local in#estors, the 3oordination 3ouncil for accelerated
industrial de#elop.ent under the 6o#ern.ent of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter / the
3oordination 3ouncil* and sectoral 8orkin- -roups created under it on de#elop.ent of priorit"
sectors of the econo." (hereinafter / sectoral 8orkin- -roups* / issues of direct i.ple.entation
of industrial polic", the 3ouncil of e>porters under the Ministr" of 0ndustr" and 4e8
5echnolo-ies of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter / the 3ouncil of e>porters* / interaction
8ith do.estic e>porters2
<t the re-ional le#el coordination of the i.ple.entation of the Pro-ra. 8ill be carried out
b" the re-ional coordinatin- councils and re-ional control centers for accelerated industrial and
inno#ati#e de#elop.ent, headed b" the aki.s of correspondin- re-ions2
Coth at the national and re-ional le#els the consideration of business interests 8ill be
carried out b" the representati#e of business or-anisations, enterprises and independent
e>perts in the abo#e consultati#e and ad#isor" bodies2
9tate bodies pro#idin- interaction bet8een central and local e>ecuti#e bodies to i.ple.ent
the Pro-ra. 8ill be the Ministr" of 0ndustr" and 4e8 5echnolo-ies, ,cono.ic De#elop.ent and
0n order to i.ple.ent the Pro-ra. the sectoral pro-ra.s and .aster plans 8ill be
de#eloped 8hich 8ill ha#e speci1ed sectoral s"ste. and selecti#e support .easures for priorit"
sectors (sub/sectors and se-.ents*, and 8ithin the fra.e8ork of elaboration of territor"
de#elop.ent pro-ra.s (hereinafter / the re-ional pro-ra.s* / re-ional support .easures2
9upport for speci1c proFects en#isa-ed for the i.ple.entation of sectoral and re-ional
pro-ra.s 8ill be i.ple.ented b" pro#idin- a co.bined packa-e of selecti#e .easures of
1nancial and non/1nancial support 8ithin i.ple.entation of the re-ularl" updated .aps of
industrialization2" .ap of the industrialization of Kazakhstan for 2010/201' 8ill consist of national
and re-ional .aps of industrialization 8ith certain sources of fundin-, schedules and plans for
their i.ple.entation2
0nfrastructural support .easures 8ill be i.ple.ented throu-h of rational
allocation of production capacities 8hich is constantl" updated instru.ent for sol#in- proble.s
of infrastructure and resource pro#ision of proFects, rational distribution of .ineral resources
and labour resources, .arket outlets2
9a.ruk/Kaz"na, Kaz<-ro 8ill pla" the .aFor role in i.ple.entin- the Pro-ra., at the
re-ional le#el / social, business corporations, as 8ell as specialized ser#ice or-anisations2

4/1 2cheme and instruments of implementation of
Program at the republican level

4/1/1 Role of s,stem-forming large private companies and entities of ?uasi-public
sector in implementation of the Program
0nitiators of pro.otion of lar-e/scale proFects 8ill be 9a.ruk/Kaz"na, Kaz<-ro, lar-e s"ste./ co.panies of fuel/ener-" and .etallur-ical sectors of the econo.", as 8ell as strate-ic
forei-n in#estors, their role in the sti.ulation of ne8 business opportunities for s.all and
.ediu. businesses 8ill stren-then2
0n the fra.e8ork of the Pro-ra. the s"ste./ lar-e co.panies and 9a.ruk/Kaz"na,
Kaz<-ro stipulate the follo8in-7
e>ecution b" 9a.ruk/Kaz"na, Kaz<-ro of role of !operators$ in the i.ple.entation of
indi#idual sectoral policies+
i.ple.entation of .aFor in#est.ent proFects+
increase of local content in the procure.ent of -oods and ser#ices+
participation in in#est.ent proFects of s.all and .ediu. enterprises in the de#elop.ent of
local content+
deli#er" of part of products on the do.estic .arket 8ith the purpose of or-anisation of
productions of hi-her processin- b" s.all and .ediu. enterprises+
for.ation around the ne8l" created lar-e/scale productions of the cluster/net8ork
structures of s.all and .ediu./sized enterprises+
transfer of a part of non/core business functions for s.all and .ediu./sized enterprises+
sti.ulation of polic" of non/core assets2
0n accordance 8ith the role of 9a.ruk/Kaz"na and its branch or-anisations in the
i.ple.entation of industrialization polic" its assets 8ill be re-rouped and consolidated in line
8ith their sectoral belon-in- and functional characteristics7
0ndustr" 6roup7
Maintainin- and de#elopin- the e>tracti#e sector of Kazakhstan_s econo." and the
transition of" productions to hi-her processin-, sti.ulatin- de#elop.ent of reprocessin-
and associated .anufacturin- sector2
0nfrastructure 6roup7
De#elop.ent of strate-ic transport, co..unicational and ener-" infrastructure, ensurin-
the processes of industrialization2
@inancial -roup7
9ecurin- of 1nancin- and i.ple.entation of in#est.ent proFects in priorit" sectors of the
econo."2 <ssistance in attractin- pri#ate in#est.ent fro. do.estic sources and forei-n
in#est.ents in the econo."2
5he .ain instru.ent to support .aFor in#est.ent proFects 8ill be to pro#ide concessional
1nancin- of !De#elop.ent Cank of Kazakhstan$ ;93 as 8ell as eEuit" participation in proFects of
9a.ruk/Kaz"na and its branch or-anisations2
Kaz<-roRs role 8ill be to sti.ulate the de#elop.ent of a-riculture b" e>pandin- the
instru.ents of 1nancial and non/1nancial support2
@or 9a.ruk/Kaz"na, Kaz<-ro the tar-et #alues for attractin- in#est.ents into the econo."
8ill be set2
0n#est.ent polic" of national .ana-in- holdin-s, national holdin-s and national co.panies,
the attraction and allocation of 1nancial resources 8ill be coordinated 8ith the polic" of
@or these purposes it is stipulated the re#ie8 and appro#al b" the Republican Cud-et
3o..ission of de#elop.ent plans proFects and forecastin- para.eters of bud-ets of national
.ana-in- holdin-s, national holdin-s and national co.panies 8ith state participation, takin-
into account the forecast of socio/econo.ic de#elop.ent and bud-etar" para.eters for the
correspondin- period2
0n the process a transparent reportin- on debts of national .ana-in- holdin-s, national
holdin-s and national co.panies 8ill be put to a#oid concentration of risks in a Euasi/public
sector and !o#erheatin-$ because of the debt load includin- b" li.itin- the le#el of their
5o the eAecti#eness of control o#er obser#ance, the declared indicators of local
content in procure.ents of national .ana-in- holdin-s, national holdin- and national
co.panies, as 8ell as to sti.ulate in these indicators on a .onthl" basis the
checkin- of calculations of share of local content in the procure.ents 8ill be i.ple.ented2
?n the basis of such checks the ke" perfor.ance indicators (KP0* of national .ana-in-
holdin-s, national holdin-s and holdin- co.panies 8ill be deduced on achie#e.ent of plan
1-ures of local content in the procure.ent at "ear/end2
<ctions of national .ana-in- holdin-s, national holdin-s and national co.panies 8ill also
be concentrated on the follo8in-7
inte-rations of business acti#it", support of cooperation and pro.otion of e>ports+
ser#ice support of enterprises includin- ser#ices for technolo-" transfer, support of
inno#ation, consultin-, en-ineerin-, trainin- and personnel de#elop.ent2
0n order to a#oid duplication and the for.ation of a co.ple> infrastructure of support of
entrepreneurship the acti#ities of the specialized ser#ice or-anisations 8ill be structured such
as !4ational 0nno#ation @und$ ;93, !3enter for ,n-ineerin- and 5echnolo-" 5ransfer$ ;93,
!3orporation of de#elop.ent and support of e>port$ ;93, D<ML, !9tate 0nsurance 3orporation
on 0nsurance of ,>port 3redits and 0n#est.ents$ ;93, !3enter for 5rade Polic" De#elop.ent$
;93, !Kazakhstan 3ontract 3orporation$ ;93, !Kaza-ro.arketin-$ ;93, !Kaz<-ro0nno#ation$ ;93,
!3enter of the transfer and co..ercialization of technolo-ies$ ;93 under the
!Kaz<-ro0nno#ation$ ;93 8ith a focus on the needs of business2

4/1/2 *echanisms of implementation of the Program at the republican level
9ectoral support .easures7 sectoral pro-ra.s and .aster plans
@or the purposes of i.ple.entation of the Pro-ra.s and coordination of actions of all
participants of the Pro-ra. 1% sectoral pro-ra.s 8ill be de#eloped deter.inin- the .aFor
de#elop.ent of sectors, s"ste.ic .easures of state support includin- scienti1c and
technolo-ical support of the industries de#elop.ent, trainin- of Euali1ed labour resources and
others, in 8hich .easures to support speci1c proFects in this sector 8ill be deter.ined2
0ndustr" pro-ra.s 8ill be appro#ed b" decisions of the 6o#ern.ent of Kazakhstan after
discussion at the .eetin-s of the 9tate 3o..ission2
<.on- ') priorit" sub/sectors on 2% ones reEuirin- a .ore detailed anal"sis the .aster
plans 8ill be de#eloped in 8hich the speci1c .echanis.s for the i.ple.entation 8ill be
stipulated on institutional, infrastructural and in#est.ent aspects, the support .easures on
these sub/sectors and speci1c proFects in this sub/sector 8ill be concretized2
ProFect support .easures
Pro-ra. of forced .odernization of e>istin- productions and creation of ne8 productions M
!Perfor.ance 2020$
5he pro-ra.Rs ai. is to increase the producti#it" of e>istin- enterprises and sti.ulation of
0nstru.ents of i.ple.entation of the pro-ra.7
9ubsidizin- of fee rate on leasin- and loan to purchase 1>ed assets+
inno#ation -rants+
introduction into production of ne8 products b" the desi-n oIces+
introduction of .ana-e.ent technolo-ies ensurin- opti.ization of production processes2
Participants of the pro-ra. can be the enterprises operatin- in the priorit" sectors of the
econo." and contributin- their o8n funds 8hich acti#ities are ai.ed at7
increase of producti#it"+
to be e>port/oriented+
-ro8th of in#est.ents to 1>ed assets+
-ro8th of inno#ation acti#it" of enterprises2
Pro-ra. operators 8ill be the le-al entities de1ned b" the 6o#ern.ent of the Republic of
9ubsidization 8ill be i.ple.ented both on ne8 loans and on alread" recei#ed loans (lease
5he applicant_s o8n participation in the proFect should be at least 20K of total in#est.ents2
5he eAecti#e fee rate on loans .a" not e>ceed the threshold of .arket fee rate deter.ined
b" the M,D5 2 a "ear2
0t is pro#ided a pro-ressi#e scale of subsidization of percenta-e rate on loans dependin- on
labour producti#it" -ains2
0.ple.entation arran-e.ent
5he Pro-ra. ad.inistrator 8ill be the Ministr" of 0ndustr" and 4e8 5echnolo-ies of the
Republic of Kazakhstan2
@inancial support of subsidizin- of percenta-e rate on loans, the for.ation of lists of
borro8ers to obtain subsidization and .onitorin- of the tar-et eAecti#e and ti.el" use of funds
8ill be .ade b" 1nancial a-ents identi1ed b" the 6o#ern.ent of the Republic of Kazakhstan2
5he cost of a-enc" ser#ices 8ill be rei.bursed fro. the bud-et2
Mechanis., procedure and conditions for subsidization of fee rates 8ill be deter.ined b"
the 6o#ern.ent2
Cet8een the Ministr" of 0ndustr" and 4e8 5echnolo-ies, ?perators and 1nancial a-ents a
6rant <-ree.ent 8ill be si-ned2
0nno#ation -rants 8ill be .ade a#ailable to inno#ators, na.el" to enterprises, in#entors,
rationalizers, scientists and scienti1c or-anisations for the i.ple.entation of .easures to the eIcienc" of technolo-ical and other processes used in the econo.", b" a
specialized or-anisation in the 1eld of technolo-ical de#elop.ent in order that appro#ed b" the
6o#ern.ent of the Republic of Kazakhstan2
9er#ices of desi-n oIces 8ill be to acEuire the technical and desi-n docu.entation,
adaptation and i.ple.entation of technolo-" in enterprises, de#elop.ent b" the. of
production of ne8 products in de.and in the .arket2
5he introduction of .ana-e.ent technolo-ies ensurin- opti.ization of production
processes 8ill be carried out b" le-al entities identi1ed b" the 6o#ern.ent of the Republic of
Kazakhstan on conditions of co/1nancin- of at least 50K of the applicant_s proFect and on
co.petiti#e basis2
9er#ices of co.panies/operators 8ill be rei.bursed fro. the bud-et2
Pro-ra. of de#elop.ent and pro.otion of e>ports M !,>ports 2020$
5his pro-ra. 8ill be focused on pro.otion of do.estic co.panies to forei-n .arkets and
its .ain directions of i.ple.entation 8ill include7 -rants for e>porters, trade 1nancin- and
insurance+ ser#ice support of e>port+
5rade 1nancin- and insurance of e>port trade operations, as 8ell as a nu.ber of related
ser#ices for s.all and .ediu. enterprises of non/ra8 sector of the econo." 8ill be carried/out
throu-h the e>port/credit a-enc"2
9er#ices support of e>port 8ill consist in7
pro#ision of infor.ation, e>pert ser#ices+
pro#ision to producers of .arketin-/anal"tical infor.ation on e>port .arkets+
publication of instruction .aterials to assist e>porters+
pro.otion of trade.arks of particular products+
or-anisation of trade .issions of Kazakhstan abroad+
creatin- a net8ork of o#erseas representati#e oIces of the ?perator2
6rants for e>porters pro#ide 50K rei.burse.ent of e>penses of e>porters for acti#ities
related to pro.otion of their products for e>port, includin-7
brand buildin- (brandin-* and pro.otion of speci1c products (ser#ices* in the e>ternal
procedures for re-istration and certi1cation of trade.arks abroad+
trainin- of e.plo"ees of the co.pan" en-a-ed in the 1eld of e>port .ana-e.ent+
representationPrepresentati#ePsho8 roo.PoIce abroad durin- the 1rst three "ears of
catalo-ues of e>port products of industr", .arket se-.ents and re-ions+
in#ol#e.ent of the franchise+
creation and start of a :eb site of the e>porter in ,n-lish lan-ua-e+
.arketin- researches on enterin- a particular .arket 8ith a speci1c t"pe of product
9er#ices support of e>port and pro#ision of -rants to e>porters 8ill be pro#ided to potential
and e>istin- e>porters of priorit" non/ra8 sectors of the econo." throu-h a ser#ice institution
de1ned b" the 6o#ern.ent2
Pro-ra. ad.inistrator 8ill be the Ministr" of 0ndustr" and 4e8 5echnolo-ies of the Republic
of Kazakhstan2
?perators of the pro-ra. 8ill be the le-al entities de1ned b" the 6o#ern.ent2
0.ple.entation of the pro-ra. at the re-ional le#el2
Pro-ra. ad.inistrators at the re-ional le#el 8ill be the local e>ecuti#e bodies 8hich in order
to i.ple.ent this pro-ra. 8ill be pro#ideb 8ith funds in local bud-ets2
Measures on ser#ice support of e>porters 8ill be carried out 8ith interaction and
coordination 8ith the ser#ice institution identi1ed b" the 6o#ern.ent2
Casic conditions for trade 1nancin- and insurance, pro#ision of ser#ice support to e>port
and the pro#ision of -rants to e>porters, the .echanis.s of allocation of funds, the tar-et
#alues for -ro8th of e>port and producti#it" in non/ra8 sectors 8ill be deter.ined b" the
Pro-ra. of support and sti.ulation of direct forei-n in#est.ents M !0n#estor M 2020$
5his pro-ra. 8ill be focused on creation of attracti#e en#iron.ent for direct in#est.ents in
non/ra8 e>port/oriented and hi-h/tech production 8ith application of the follo8in- instru.ents7
in#est.ent a-ree.ents+
ser#ice support of in#est.ents+
increase of in#est.ent attracti#eness of special econo.ic and industrial zones2
0n#est.ent a-ree.ents 8ith in#estors in#estin- 8ithin the fra.e8ork of priorit" sectors of
the Pro-ra. 8ill be concluded on the basis of 6o#ern.ent decisions on the reco..endations
of @orei-n 0n#est.ent 3o..ission under the leadership of Pri.e Minister of the Republic of
Kazakhstan in order to pro#ide -o#ern.ent support .easures2
Pro#ision of ser#ices to forei-n in#estors and representati#es of Kazakhstan_s business 8ill
be done throu-h a specialized ser#ice or-anisation established b" the 6o#ern.ent 8ith
application of the follo8in- instru.ents7
infor.ation/presentation .easures to pro.ote in#est.ent opportunities in Kazakhstan
(business foru.s, road sho8s, printed .aterials, infor.ation reports in international .ass/
infor.ation/anal"tical acti#ities (accountin- function, database, researches*+
.easures to support forei-n in#estors+
de#elop.ent and support of the national in#est.ent on/line 8ebsite and 0n#est.ent atlas
of the countr"2
0ncrease of in#est.ent attracti#eness of special econo.ic and industrial zones 8ill be
i.ple.ented throu-h7
ta> incenti#es+
si.pli1ed .echanis. for i.port of forei-n labour+
renderin- of ser#ices on the !one/stop/shop$ principle+
re-i.e of free custo.s zone in the @,J2
9election of proFects for @,J and 0J 8ill be carried out takin- into account the priorities of the
Pro-ra., production output of hi-her processin-, e>port/orientedness, hi-h le#el of labour
producti#it", as 8ell as the nu.ber of Fob places created2
Pro-ra. <d.inistrator / the Ministr" of 0ndustr" and 4e8 technolo-ies of the Republic of
?perator of the pro-ra. 8ill be the 0n#est.ent 3o..ittee of the Ministr" of 0ndustr" and
4e8 5echnolo-ies of the Republic of Kazakhstan2
Participants can be the le-al entities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in#estin- in priorit"
sectors of the econo."2
&he Republican map of industrialization
5he Republican .ap of industrialization is the .ain instru.ent for i.ple.entin- in#est.ent
proFects stipulated b" sectoral pro-ra.s and .aster plans2
5he selection process for proFects in the Republican .ap of industrialization of Kazakhstan is
iterati#e, i2e2, list of proFects included in the Map of industrialization can be supple.ented 8ith
ne8 proFects in proportion to applications recei#ed and the appropriate appro#al of the. on a
Euarterl" basis2
5he selection of proFects of national i.portance 8ill be as follo8s7
12 Presentation b" in#est.ent proFects <pplicants of the application of sectoral 8orkin-
22 3arr"in- out of industr" anal"sis b" the :orkin- -roups and an initial selection in
accordance 8ith the follo8in- criteria7
1* the strate-ic i.portance of the proFect+
2* industr" classi1cation / correspondence of the proFect to priorit" directions of the
'* inno#ati#eness i2e2 it is those proFects that in#ol#e the for.ation of hi-h/tech productions+
5* e>port/orientedness M it is the de#elop.ent of traditional e>port sectors 8ith
di#ersi1cation of products and the continuation of the technolo-ical chain+
)* econo.ic indicators7 the le#el of added #alue, labour producti#it", 1nancial/econo.ic
indicators (0RR, ,C05D<* shall be abo#e the industr" a#era-e -lobal indicator2
%2 3ollection of proble. issues and deter.ination of the reEuired support .easures7
1* 9tate support (trade, in#est.ent preferences, pro#ision of -o#ern.ent -uarantees and
8arranties, -uarantees of de#elop.ent institutions*+
2* resource support (pro#ision of labour forces, electricit", .ineral ra8 .aterials, transport/
co..unications infrastructure*+
%* 1nancial support (.eans of de#elop.ent institutions, second/tier banks, state bud-et,
the participation of national co.panies, subsidization of rate*2
'2 <ppro#al of the proFect at the .eetin- of the 3oordinatin- 3ouncil 8ith distribution on
three -roups accordin- to the de-ree of readiness7
the 1rst -roup 8ill include proFects that do not ha#e proble.s in i.ple.entation (there is
the desi-n and esti.ate docu.entation (D,D*, issues of fundin-, infrastructure and .arketin-
ha#e been resol#ed*+
the second -roup 8ill include proFects that ha#e precedent conditions / particular proble.s
for 8hich there is D,D (@9*, the sale issues ha#e been 8orked out, the issues of 1nancin- are
bein- 8orked out+
5he third -roup / the proFects in the de#elop.ent sta-e (D,DP@9 in the de#elop.ent sta-e,
the ke" issues of the proFect i.ple.entation are not resol#ed*2
52 <ppro#al of the proFect at the .eetin- of the 9tate 3o..ission on issues of .odernizin-
the econo." of the Republic of Kazakhstan2
)2 0nclusion in the appropriate cate-or" of the base Map of industrialization and appro#al of
schedule and realization .easures plan of the proFects2
5he schedule of proFect realization is intended to describe the sta-es of the proFect
realization and 8ill pro#ide an indication of responsible e>ecutors, and resources
5he Plan of .easures on proFect i.ple.entation 8ill focus on e>ecution of .easures of
state support on proFects and business includin- responsible e>ecutors as 8ell as
ti.e of e>ecution and supposed e>penses2
0n order to sol#e proble.s arisin- durin- the i.ple.entation of the proFects included in the
Republican .ap of industrialization national and re-ional control centers 8ill be created for the
accelerated industrial and inno#ati#e de#elop.ent headed b" the Pri.e Minister and the aki.s
of the re-ions2
Lse of these instru.ents for the i.ple.entation of the Pro-ra. 8ill pro#ide interaction
bet8een state and business on proFects i.ple.entation throu-h pro#idin- b" the state of
support for proFects and carr"in- out b" the business co..unit" of assu.ed obli-ations2
9.all and .ediu. business based on infor.ation about the intentions of the state and
.aFor in#estors on lon-/ter. de#elop.ent of sectors of the econo." and infrastructure 8ill be
able to assess the eAecti#e de.and and to plan in#est.ents2
ProFect .onitorin- 8ill be carried out on a .onthl" basis b" the Ministr" of 0ndustr" and 4e8
5echnolo-ies in conFunction 8ith the 3oordination 3ouncil on the basis of the 0nfor.ation
s"ste. of the authorized bod" on state plannin-2
5he infor.ation s"ste. 8ill pro#ide an interacti#e process of collection, infor.ation
processin- and coordination of solutions on the. usin- .odern 05 technolo-ies2
4/2 2cheme and instruments of implementation of the Program at the regional level
4/2/1 Role of the development institutions. national companies in implementation of
the Program at the regional level
Responsible entities for the pro.otion of entrepreneurial initiati#es in the 1eld of
industrialization on the local le#el 8ill be aki.ats of re-ions, inte-ratin- the acti#ities of
business, de#elop.ent institutions, national co.panies and 1nancial institutions2
5he aki. of the re-ion 8ill head the follo8in- entities7
re-ional 3oordination 3ouncil established 8ith the purpose of .akin- reco..endations on
the issues of i.ple.entation of forced industrial/inno#ati#e polic", proposals for the selection
and de1nition of .easures of state support for the business proFects in the re-ional Maps of
industrialization, and consistin- of representati#es of -o#ern.ent a-encies, de#elop.ent
institutions, national co.panies, business or-anisations, second/tier banks and independent
re-ional control center for forced industrial/inno#ati#e de#elop.ent created to sol#e
proble.atic issues arisin- durin- the i.ple.entation of the proFects included in re-ional .aps
of industrialization2
0n the aki.atRs structure the post of the 1rst deput" of the aki. of the re-ion 8ill be
introduced 8ho 8ill be responsible for i.ple.entin- the polic" of industrialization in the
fra.e8ork of state and re-ional pro-ra.s2
0nstru.ents of inte-ration of business acti#it" and creation of infrastructure to support
entrepreneurship 8ill beco.e the 5erritor" de#elop.ent pro-ra.s and the bud-et pro-ra.
!Cusiness Road Map 2020$ 8ithin 8hich the role of each institution_s de#elop.ent, .echanis.s
of their interact 8ith local e>ecuti#e bodies and business as 8ell as sources of 1nancin- of
.easures to support entrepreneurship 8ill be clearl" de1ned2
9ocial/entrepreneurial corporation (9,3* 8ill act as re-ional de#elop.ent institutions
throu-h participation in conFunction 8ith business in i.ple.entation of in#est.ent proFects,
attraction of forei-n in#estors, de#elop.ent and replicatin- of net8ork proFects that are not
attracti#e for pri#ate business but that ha#e i.portant social i.portance (for e>a.ple,
establish.ent of a ser#ice/procurin- centers, and others*2
9,3 and structures of Kaz<-ro are also concentrated on the follo8in-7
or-anisation of sales and procure.ent cooperation+
support of the .arket and co..odit" producers throu-h purchases of ra8 .aterials and
e>port and pro.otion in forei-n .arkets of products of Kazakhstan producers under the
!u.brella$ brandin-s includin- consolidation of s.all lots, certi1cation and other operations2
D<ML acti#ities 8ill be focused on pro#idin- a 8ide ran-e of business support ser#ices7
lendin- of business entities throu-h second/tier banks b" conditional place.ent of funds+
direct lendin- 8ithin the pro-ra. !Da.u/Koldau$+
concessional 1nancin- of leasin- transactions and conditional place.ent of funds in the
leasin- co.panies+ the dut" of the 1scal a-ent of the local e>ecuti#e bodies to subsidize the
percenta-e rate of loans+
for.ation of a s"ste. of -uaranteein- and suret" on liabilities of businesses entities to
second/tier banks+
securitization of lendin- portfolios of entrepreneurship under the -uarantee of D<ML and
other 1nancial instru.ents+
de#elop.ent of franchisin-+
pro#ision of infor.ation and consultin- support of entrepreneurship acti#ities b" creatin- a
net8ork of ad#isor" and trainin- centers, issue and distribution of specialized publications on
assistance to de#elop.ent of specialized 1nancial institutions, includin- .icro1nance
institutions, credit and rural cooperati#es 8ill be e>ecuted b" the structures of Kaz<-ro2
5he !4ational 0nno#ation @und$ ;93 and national holdin- !Parassat$ 8ill focus on supportin-
and pro.otin- inno#ations throu-h7
pro#ision of technolo-" transfer, kno8led-e transfer, purchase and transfer of licenses,
start/up f spin/oA of proFects+
pro#ision of inno#ati#e proFects 8ith -rant 1nancin-+
de#elop.ent of #enture 1nancin-+
de#elop.ent of research and de#elop.ent acti#ities+
creation of s"ste. of infor.ation/anal"tical support and .aintenance of inno#ati#e
processes includin- the in#ol#e.ent of forei-n e>perts+
i.ple.entation of co.prehensi#e pro-ra. on propa-anda of inno#ation and eIcienc"
support for business processes 8ill be i.ple.ented 8ithin the fra.e8ork of acti#ities of the
specialized ser#ice or-anisations b"7
renderin- of ser#ices of technolo-ical parks and business incubators+
renderin- of consultin- ser#ices in the 1eld of .ana-e.ent, business de#elop.ent,
includin- throu-h the establish.ent of the net8ork of consultin- and trainin- centers+
renderin- of en-ineerin- ser#ices in the 1eld of de#elop.ent, Fusti1cation and
i.ple.entation of proFects, pro#ision of trainin- ser#ices+
carr"in- out of .arketin- researches+
carr"in- out of technolo-ical e>pertise of the proFects+
assist to entrance to the forei-n .arkets2
4/2/2 *echanisms of implementation of the Program at the regional level 4+usiness
road map up to 20205
0.ple.entation of the bud-et pro-ra. !Cusiness Road Map 2020$ 8ill be focused on
de#elop.ent of entrepreneurship, pri.aril" the s.all and .ediu. entrepreneurship, and the
creation of per.anent Fob places2 @inancin- of this pro-ra. 8ill be .ade fro. the state bud-et
in the follo8in- directions7
reco#er" of business sector+
subsidization of percenta-e rate on loans+
-uaranteein- of loans+
de#elop.ent of industrial infrastructure+
ser#ice support to conduct of business+
personnel trainin- for entrepreneurship2
5he entrepreneur can appl" for a co.bined packa-e of state support .easures en#isa-ed in
this pro-ra., as 8ell as other bud-et pro-ra.s stipulated in the Pro-ra.2
5he .ain criteria for support7
,>port/orientedness andPor increase of local content 8ith further access to forei-n .arkets+
creation of ne8 Fob places2
@or each re-ion, the central e>ecuti#e bod" established b" the 6o#ern.ent, on the basis of
the de#eloped techniEue 8ill deter.ine the total li.its of 1nancin-, calculated 8ith re-ard to
the re-ion_s econo.ic potential2
5he aki.ats 8ill independentl" distribute the total of 1nancin- on directions of this
:ithin the fra.e8ork of acti#it" of the re-ional coordination council the selection and
re#ie8 of proFects to subsidize and -uarantee, ensurin- the coordination of industrial
infrastructure de#elop.ent, ser#ice support and personnel trainin- for entrepreneurship 8ill be
carried out2
9teps 8ill be taken for reco#er" of business sector2
9ubsidization of percenta-e rate on loans 8ill be carried out on proFects ai.ed at
.odernization, e>pansion and or-anisation of ne8 productions 8ith hi-h added #alue in the
priorit" sectors of the econo."2
Coth ne8 and pre#iousl" -ranted credits on i.ple.ented proFects 8ill be subsidized 8ith the
.a>i.u. subsid" period % "ears 8ith possibilit" of e>tension up to 10 "ears2
Mandator" condition of support 8ill be the participation of the proFect applicantRs o8n funds2
9ubsidization of the percenta-e rate on loans 8ill be .ade in accordance 8ith decisions of
the re-ional coordination council on the basis of the positi#e conclusions of the second/tier
@inancial support of subsidization of the percenta-e rate on loans and .onitorin- of the
purposeful eAecti#e and ti.el" use of funds 8ill be carried out b" the 1nancial a-ent identi1ed
b" the 6o#ern.ent of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 8ith the e>ecution of the rele#ant procedures
under the -eneral a-ree.ent concluded bet8een aki.ats, second/tier banks and 1nancial
5he cost of a-enc" ser#ices 8ill be rei.bursed fro. the bud-et2
Mechanis., procedure and conditions for subsidizin- of fee rates 8ill be deter.ined b" the
6uaranteein- of loans to entrepreneurship 8ill be .ade b" the 1nancial a-ent identi1ed b"
the 6o#ern.ent of the Republic of Kazakhstan, accordin- to the decisions of the re-ional
coordination council on the basis of the positi#e conclusions of the second/tier banks directed in
or-anizin- of ne8 enterprises 8ith upper of not .ore than 50K of the a.ount of loan and
8ith -uarantee period of no .ore than the duration period of the loan a-ree.ent2
Mandator" condition of support 8ill be participation of the proFect applicant_s o8n funds2
Reser#es to co#er losses of the 1nancial a-ent 8ill be for.ed at the e>pense of this
Mechanis., procedures and conditions of -uaranteein- the loans 8ill be deter.ined b" the
0ndustrial infrastructure 8ill be pro#ided to support the i.ple.entation of proFects included
in this pro-ra., as 8ell as to i.ple.ent the potentiall" perspecti#e proFects on the basis of
decisions of the re-ional 3oordination 3ouncil2
9taA retrainin- for entrepreneurship includin- ad#anced trainin- and or-anisation of 8ork
places 8ill be funded throu-h the allocation of funds b" aki.ats based on the pro#isions and
criteria appro#ed b" the 6o#ern.ent of the Republic of Kazakhstan2
Monitorin- of this pro-ra. 8ill be held in conFunction 8ith the 4ational ,cono.ic 3ha.ber
!<ta.eken$ and other public or-anisations of business2

4/: ncrease of the role of business combinations
:ithin the fra.e8ork of de#elop.ent of interaction bet8een the -o#ern.ent and business 8ill
be pro#ided the follo8in-7
representation and protection of interests of .e.bers of business associations in the
central and local e>ecuti#e bodies, the Parlia.ent of the Republic of Kazakhstan and
international or-anisations+
i.ple.entation of the e>pert/consultati#e functions of associations of entrepreneurs to
de#elop the re-ulator" and le-al fra.e8ork in the 1eld of entrepreneurship on econo." red/
tape reduction, re.o#al of unnecessar" ad.inistrati#e barriers, opti.ization of licensin-/
authorization s"ste. and control/re#ie8 ser#ices of the -o#ern.ent bodies+
participation in the public procure.ent s"ste.+ in ter.s of business2
5o consolidate the business en#iron.ent the follo8in- 8ill be sti.ulated7
-ro8th of .e.bership base of the associations of entrepreneurs+
support of s.all enterprises throu-h lar-e corporations b" institutional .echanis.s of
business associations+
coordination of acti#it" bet8een sectoral, re-ional associations for enterprisers and their
De#elop.ent of social partnership 8ill continue 8ithin the fra.e8ork of tripartite
cooperation bet8een the 6o#ern.ent, trade unions and e.plo"ers2
5o reduce transaction costs 8hen resol#in- co..ercial disputes bet8een econo.ic a-ents
the follo8in- 8ill be supported7
acti#it" of reference tribunals and the arbitration courts, includin- under the cha.bers of
co..erce and industr"+
.echanis.s of non/le-al proceedin-s2
<s the business/inte-rators the associations of entrepreneurs 8ill carr" out #arious functions
for support of .e.bers of associations7
Foint pro.otion of e>ports+
de#elop.ent of #arious for.s of cooperation+
pro#ision of ser#ices+
support to .arkets and other functions2

@/ 6inancial provision of the Program
@or successful i.ple.entation of the Pro-ra. the 1nancial resources of the state and the
pri#ate sector 8ill be consolidated, in this connection the state 8ill focus on 1nancial securit"
s"ste. and sectoral support .easures, infrastructure de#elop.ent, and the pri#ate sector and
national .ana-in- holdin-s, national holdin-s, national co.panies 8ill focus on proFect
5o achie#e the tar-et #alues of the Pro-ra. the esti.ated #olu.e of direct costs for
in#est.ent proFects i.ple.entation 8ill a.ount to about )25 trillion ten-e and 8ill be pro#ided
fro. the follo8in- sources7
funds fro. pri#ate do.estic and forei-n in#estors+
funds of the national .ana-in- holdin-s, national holdin-s, national co.panies and other
or-anisations 8ith state participation+
the state bud-et for i.ple.entation of the infrastructure proFects, as 8ell as the 1nancin-
of sectoral and s"ste./8ide .easures of state support for industrialization2

B/ &he results of the Program
9uccessful i.ple.entation of the Pro-ra. for accelerated industrial/inno#ati#e de#elop.ent
8ill contribute to ensurin- sustainable and balanced -ro8th throu-h its di#ersi1cation and
co.petiti#e -ro8th in the lon-/run period2
5he .ain Eualitati#e results of the Pro-ra. 8ill be the increase of producti#it" of production
factors, de#elop.ent and stren-thenin- of the national inno#ation s"ste., reducin- the le#el of
concentration of the econo." and stren-thenin- of the role of s.all and .ediu. enterprises in
the industrialization process, the rational or-anisation of the producti#e forces of the industrial
sector, the -ro8th of capital Eualit"2
5raditional e>port/oriented industr" sectors 8ill perfor. the role of loco.oti#e of
industrialization throu-h de#elop.ent of productions of subseEuent processin- and pro#ision of
broad .ultiplicati#e eAect of their de#elop.ent on the Fointed econo." sectors2
,nterprises of ne8 sub/sectors of industrial productions / petroche.icals, aerospace
industr", infor.ation co..unications, production of fertilizers, phar.aceuticals, specialized
.achiner", cera.ics, and -lass production 8ill ha#e sustainable de#elop.ent2
@orced de#elop.ent of a-ro/industrial sector and li-ht industr" based on inno#ation
introduction 8ill reduce the econo."_s dependence on i.port of -oods of de.and
and 8ill e>pand their e>port potential takin- into account the .arket of the 3usto.s Lnion 8ith
a capacit" of 1&0 .illion people2
3reation and i.ple.entation of hi-h technolo-" and co.petiti#e products of the sectors !of
the econo." of the future$ 8ill enable Kazakhstan to create the foundations of postindustrial
0n the structure of the econo." the share of non/ra8 sectors 8ill be increased 8ith -ro8th
of the share of non/ra8 e>port up to a le#el not less than '0K in the total #olu.e of e>port2
@aster -ro8th of ener-", transportation, infor.ation co..unication infrastructure 8ill be
C" reducin- ad.inistrati#e barriers and creatin- of conditions for the de#elop.ent of free
co.petition, increase of local content, conduction of eAecti#e tariA polic", the purposeful
creation of a net8ork of s.all and .ediu./sized businesses around the .aFor industrial
producers, there 8ill be a decisi#e turnin- point in the de#elop.ent of do.estic
9"ste.ic conditions 8ill be created for the transfer of standard technolo-ies and
de#elop.ent b" the do.estic industr" of inno#ation elaborations throu-h further de#elop.ent
of inno#ation infrastructure, the creation of infrastructure of Eualit", the for.ation of the
nor.ati#e le-al base in the 1eld of ener-" sa#in-, introduction of results of research and
de#elop.ent acti#ities in the priorit" sectors of the econo."2
Due to a balanced 1scal burden the le#el of in#est.ent attracti#eness of Kazakhstan in non/
ra8 e>port/oriented and hi-h/tech production 8ill be increased2
5he for.ed uni1ed s"ste. of instru.ents and .easures of state support 8hich includes a
special bud-et pro-ra.s 8ill allo8 coordinatin- and focusin- eAorts of -o#ern.ent and
business and 8ill lead to s"ner-etic eAect in the industrialization of the countr" and 8ill allo8
achie#in- the tar-ets of the Pro-ra.2
<cti#e carr"in- out of the forced industrial/inno#ation polic" 8ill increase the stabilit" of the
do.estic econo." relati#e to the c"clical crises and the 8elfare of Kazakhstani

5o the decree of the President
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated March 19, 2010 # 95

of certain cancellated decrees
of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
12 5he decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated Ma" 1&, 200% # 109)
!?n the 9trate-" of 0ndustrial/0nno#ation De#elop.ent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 200% /
2015B (3ollection of acts of the President and the 6o#ern.ent of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
200%, # 2%/2', art2 21&*2
22 5he decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated <pril 11, 200) # ) !?n
the 5ransport 9trate-" of the Republic of Kazakhstan up to 2015$ (3ollection of acts of the
President and the 6o#ern.ent of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 200), # 1%, art2 121*2
%2 5he decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated Dece.ber 29, 200) #
2%1 !?n 9tate pro-ra. of touris. de#elop.ent in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 200&/2011$
(3ollection of acts of the President and the 6o#ern.ent of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 200), #
'&, <rt2 '99*2
'2 5he decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated ;ul" 2, 200 # )2& !?n
introduction of chan-es in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated Ma"
1&, 200% # 109)B (3ollection of acts of the President and the 6o#ern.ent of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, 200, # %%, art2 %'0*2
52 5he decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated @ebruar" 11, 2009 # &%5
!?n introduction of a.end.ents to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated Dece.ber 29, 200) # 2%1B (3ollection of acts of the President and the 6o#ern.ent of
the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2009, # 9, art2 %5*2

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