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Strategic Marketing

Yakult Marketing Plan

Presented To
Osama Javaid Butt
Presented By
Section C
Group name: Clique
Group No. !
Group Mem"ers
Madi#a Na$ %&'()'**+
S#a,ana Javaid %&'()'--+ Javaid %&'()'-/+
Submission Date: 14
November 2012
Table of Contents
010C23450 S2MM67Y............................................................................................ 2
&. 4N37O82C34ON................................................................................................ 4
'. 0N547ONM0N369 6N69YS4S............................................................................. 4
'.&. Macro 0nvironment 6nal.sis............................................................................. 4
'.&.&. 8emograp#ic 0nvironment......................................................................... 4
'.&.'. 0conomic 0nvironment.............................................................................. 4
'.&.-. Political and 9egal 0nvironment...................................................................4
'.&./. 3ec#nical 0nvironment.............................................................................. 4
'.'. Micro 0nvironment......................................................................................... 4
'.'.&. Market 4ntermediaries............................................................................... 4
'.'.'. Customers.............................................................................................. 5
'.'.-. Competition............................................................................................ 5
'.-. Porter:s ;ive ;orces Model............................................................................... 5
'.-.&. 3#reat o< Ne, 0ntrants.............................................................................. 5
'.-.'. Bargaining Po,er o< Bu.ers........................................................................5
'.-.-. Bargaining Po,er o< Suppliers.....................................................................6
'.-./. 3#reat o< Su"stitute Products.......................................................................6
-. S37630G4C ;OC2S 6N8 P96N............................................................................ 6
-.&. Non<inancial O"=ectives................................................................................... 6
-.'. ;inancial O"=ectives........................................................................................ 6
-.-. Competencies and Competitive 6dvantage............................................................7
-./. S>O3 6nal.sis............................................................................................. 7
-.). Market(Product ;ocus and Goal Setting................................................................8
/. S0GM0N34NG 6N8 367G034NG M67?03S..........................................................8
/.&. 3arget Market Pro<ile....................................................................................... 9
/.'. Point o< di<<erence.............................................................................................. 9
/.-. 3arget 5olume................................................................................................... 9
). M67?034NG M41 S37630G40S............................................................................ 10
).& Marketing Program............................................................................................ 10
).' Positioning Strateg............................................................................................ 10
).- Product Strateg................................................................................................ 10
).-.& ;eatures.................................................................................................... 10
).-.' Brand Name............................................................................................... 10
).-.- Nutritional 5alue......................................................................................... 11
).-./ Packaging.................................................................................................. 11
)./ Pricing Strateg................................................................................................. 11
).) Placement Strateg............................................................................................. 11
).* Promotion Strateg............................................................................................. 11
).@ 6dvertising 6ppeal............................................................................................ 12
*. M67?034NG S372C3270................................................................................ 12
@. 4MP90M0N3634ONA 05692634ON 6N8 CON37O9 PB6S0....................................13
B4B94OG76PBY..................................................................................................... 14
3#is report presents t#e marketing plan o< YakultA a drink %pro "iotic milk+A ,#ic# is to "e
launc#ed in Pakistan ". t#e a<<iliation ,it# ?ra<t ;oods. 4t is a #ealt#. drink as it #elps in
digestion due to t#e <riendl. "acteriaA Bacterium 9acto"acillusA present in it. 6s stomac#
pro"lems are <aced ". people o< all ageA so t#is product ,ill provide t#e solution to digestion
pro"lems in an en=o.a"le and eas. ,a. especiall. <or t#e c#ildren. 3#is report anal.$es t#e
environmental trendsA competitorsA target market and a marketing plan <or t#e launc# o< t#e
3#is product is recommended <or all age groups including c#ildren a"ove & .ear and t#e
elderl. as it is a #ealt# en#ancer "everage. 3#is product is ne, in Pakistan and does not #ave
an. direct competitors in t#e market so ,e ,ill "e <ollo,ing value "ased pricing strateg. as
,e #ave to a,are t#e customers a"out t#e product and create t#e demand. Bence t#e ,ill "e
positioned as a #ig# qualit.A #ealt#. and nutritious product.
?ra<t ;oods #as a ,ell(esta"lis#ed distri"ution net,ork ,#ic# takes care o< all t#e
transportation needs. 4t is not a ver. lo, priced product #ence t#e target audience are t#e
social class o< S0C 6 and S0C B. 3#e product ,ill position itsel< as an eas. and en=o.a"le
.et #ealt#. solution to t#e digestion pro"lems in comparison ,it# t#e medicine.
6s t#ere is no a,areness regarding t#e product in PakistanA so t#e promotion campaign ,ill
"e reall. aggressive and t#e main <ocus ,ill "e on 35Cs ,#ile "ill"oards print and social
media ,ill "e t#eir part and complement t#e 35Cs. Ot#er t#an point o< purc#ase
advertisement in super marts and convenience storesA ,e ,ill also advertise t#e product in
di<<erent institutions. 4t ,ould increase or "rand in<ormation and "rand recall.
3#e product ,ill "e availa"le in a small "ottle o< *)ml and a <amil. pack containing * o<
t#ese "ottles. 3#e edge t#at ,e currentl. #ave is t#at t#ere is no direct competitor in t#e
market. So ,e ,ill "e a"le to gain t#e <irst movers advantage in t#e #ealt# en#ances milk
drink market and gain t#e maCimum market s#are.
Yakult is <ermented milk drink containing pro"iotic "acteriaD Bacterium 9acto"acillus. Yakult ,as
<irst introduced ". Yakult Bons#a Compan. 9imited ". 8r. Minoru S#irota in Japan. ?ra<t ;oods
Pakistan is eCpanding its line eCtensions ,it# ne, and improved products in Pakistan. Yakult ,ill "e
launc#ed in Pakistan as a su"sidiar. o< ?ra<t ;oods Pakistan in ,#ic# ma=orit. o< t#e voting s#ares
are o,ned ". t#e parent compan.D Yakult Bons#a Compan. 9imited.
>e #ave done our industrial anal.sis ". micro and macro environment and Porter:s <ive <orces model
6nal.sis. 4t is descri"ed in detail "elo,A
2.1. Maro En!"ron#ent Ana$ys"s
2.1.1. De#o%ra&'" En!"ron#ent
Population o< Pakistan is over &!@million. 7e<er to ta"le &D t#e age structure o< Pakistan s#o,s t#at at
ver. age levelA people are concerned a"out t#e qualit. o< li<e and sound #ealt#. 9iterac. rate o<
Pakistan is *E ,#o understands t#e need o< #ealt#. products ,#ic# does not onl. taste good "ut are
nutritious as ,ell. %8emograp#ics o< Pakistan+ 3#usA Yakult prides in providing t#e intestinal "alance
"ecause #ealt# concern issues are rising da. ". da. not onl. among c#ildren "ut elderl. as ,ell.
2.1.2. Eono#" En!"ron#ent
Pakistan is t#e '@
largest countr. regarding t#e purc#asing po,er parit. and it is semi industriali$ed
econom. ,it# <ood processingA teCtiles and ot#er industries. 3#e value o< consumer price indeC
reac#ed its maCimum o< &!.@! in '& ,#ic# s#o, t#at t#e c#anges in prices o< goods "oug#t ".
consumers #ave increased ,#ic# s#o,s t#at population o< Pakistan are "etter standard o<
living. 3#ere<oreA a #ealt# conscious societ. ,ill result in more demand o< nutritional products like
Yakult. %0conom. o< Pakistan+
2.1.3.Po$"t"a$ and Le%a$ En!"ron#ent
3#e trade de<icit in Pakistan is a"out F &) "illion ,#ic# means t#at t#e overall trend o< Pakistan is
going to,ards t#e imports ,#ic# account o< F - "illion. 3#ere eCist a large num"er o< <ood la,s in
Pakistan. Bo,everA most o< t#em deal ,it# control o< productionA distri"ution and suppl. o< <oodA in
addition to dealing ,it# #oarding. 4ts aim is to ensure purit. o< <ood "eing supplied to people in t#e
market. %Sira=+ Yakult ,ill "e imported <rom 4ndia. 3#is ,ill give t#e <irm cost advantage due to
G6man ki 6s#aH.
2.1.(. Te'n"a$ En!"ron#ent
6s Yakult ,ill "e imported <rom 4ndiaA 3#e e<<icienc. o< t#e distri"ution net,ork and deliver. to t#e
consumers is a signi<icant aspect o< t#e "usiness to ensure t#e convenience o< t#e consumers to "u.
t#e product.
2.2. M"ro En!"ron#ent
2.2.1. Mar)et Inter#ed"ar"es
3#e main emp#asis o< t#e <irm is t#e accessi"ilit. o< Yakult to its target customers. Yakult ,ill "e
distri"uted t#roug# various distri"ution c#annels. 4t ,ill "e distri"uted <rom ma=or supermarkets
%MetroA MacroA B.perstar+ to '/ #our convenience stores. Yakult ,ill also "e distri"uted to g.msA
educational institutionsA o<<ice canteensA #ospitals and p#armacies so t#at consumers ,ill #ave greater
2.2.2. C*sto#ers
Yakult is recommended <or all age groups including c#ildren a"ove & .ear and t#e elderl.. >e #ave
anal.$ed our customers on t#e "asis o< consumer " "e#avior ,#ile <ocusing upon social and
personal <actors. 6s <amil. pla.s an important role in consumer:s " "e#aviorA target consumer
market o< Yakult is ;emale #ouse #old s#opper "ut c#ildren and #us"ands in<luence on " pattern
s#ould not "e neglected. 6s parents ,ould #ig#l. regard t#eir c#ildren in Pakistan ,#ile s#opping
t#en Yakult is targeted as #ealt# en#ancer "everage as it is milk miCed ,it# "acteria ,#ic# #elps in
2.2.+. Co#&et"t"on
Yakult ,ill "e t#e onl. <ermented milk drink ,it# pro"iotic "acteria in Pakistan. 3#usA t#ere ,ill no
direct competitors. But Nestle #as step up in t#e market o< pro"iotics and #as introduced pro"iotic
da#i %6cti(plus+ ,#ic# ,ill "e t#e indirect competitor and ot#er pro"iotic medicines and also
considered as indirect competitors o< Yakult.
2.+. Porter,s -"!e -ores Mode$
2.+.1. T'reat o. Ne/ Entrants
7egarding to our industr.A t#e <uture prospects to eCpand are #ig# ,it# t#e passage o< time as t#ere is
demand <or pro"iotics in t#e market. 3#e capital requirement to setup an industr. is #ig# as it requires
a lot o< investment to setup t#e "usiness.
0conomies o< Scale
Capital requirements are
2.+.2. Bar%a"n"n% Po/er o. B*yers
>e #ave su"divided our "argaining po,er o< suppliers into <urt#er components. Bu.ers are ver.
important stake#older in an. "usiness. 4n our industr.A t#ere is a #ig# concentration o< "u.ers ,it#
kno,ledge a"out t#e cost o< t#e supplier. 6ccording to t#e cumulative cost advantage t#eor. ,e can
save cost ". <irst mover advantage.
PioneerA 3#us no direct competition
Back,ard 4ntegration
Produce ra, materials <or t#e
6ll <irms producing Bakelite
PioneerA 3#us no direct competition
Back,ard 4ntegration
Produce ra, materials <or t#e
6ll <irms producing Bakelite
94S3 O; COMP0343O7S
PioneerA 3#us no direct competition
Back,ard 4ntegration
Produce ra, materials <or t#e
6ll <irms producing Bakelite
Concentration o< "u.ers relative to t#e supplier
5olume o< purc#ase kno,ledge a"out supplier:s cost
Pro<it <rom "u.ers
Cost Savings
Product 8i<<erentiation
2.+.+. Bar%a"n"n% Po/er o. S*&&$"ers
>e #ave su"divide our "argaining po,er o< supplier into t#e <ollo,ing componentsA
Concentration relative to " industr.
Su"stitute Products %none+
4mportance o< customers
S,itc#ing cost o< t#e "
Concentration relative to " industr.
4mportance o< customer to t#e supplier
2.+.(. T'reat o. S*3st"t*te Prod*ts
Milk is not a su"stitute o< Yakult. Presentl.A t#ere are no su"stitutes o< Yakult in Pakistan.
Pro<ita"ilit. o< industr. producing su"stitute
+.1. Non."nan"a$ O34et"!es
Provide a drink ,#ic# not onl. taste good "ut is nutritious as ,ell
3o position product as t#e "est possi"le solution to "uild immunit. s.stem ". "alancing t#e
gut <lora ,it# no side e<<ects
+.2. -"nan"a$ O34et"!es
3o invest t#e pro<its and revenues in suc# activities t#at ,ould earn t#e maCimum <inancial
"ene<its <or our <irm
;inance <uture eCpansion ,it# internall. generated <unds and eCternal <inancial resources
+.+. Co#&eten"es and Co#&et"t"!e Ad!anta%e
No direct competitor in t#e market
No side e<<ects o< t#e product
4t ,ill cater t#e needs o< a ,ide(targeted market ranging <rom & .ear to t#e elderl.
8ue to its sa<e ingredientsA it can "e used ". people su<<ering <rom an. disease
4SO certi<ied transpiring its premium qualit. and sa<e manu<acturing process
Sponsors#ip o< Yakult ". P#armac. Graduates 6ssociation ,ill #elp t#e compan. to market
t#e product
+.(. S1OT Ana$ys"s
Interna$ -ators Stren%t's 1ea)nesses
Management is eCperienced and
diverse ,it# t#e tec#nical
kno,ledge o< t#e product.
Ne,l. esta"lis#ed product ,it# no
market eCperience."n%
Big# qualit. YakultA a drink
,#ic# not onl. taste good "ut is
nutritious as ,ell
2ncertaint. o< t#e customer:s response
as t#e product is introduced <or t#e <irst
time in t#e market.
0<<ective marketing program
,ill #elp esta"lis# Yakult
reputation and name in t#e
Big# cost o< marketing in initial .ears to
spread a,areness among t#e consumers
a"out t#e product as muc# as possi"le.
R 5 D
8etailed pre<easi"ilit. stud. #as
"een done to evaluate t#e
Big# researc# and development cost.
4SO '' certi<ied product
,it# sa<e ingredients
9ack o< tec#nological advancement in
0*#an Reso*res 7ecruit personnel <or ,are#ouse
in ?arac#i.
9ack o< educated sale personnel.
E6terna$ -ators O&&ort*n"t"es T'reats
So"a$7C*sto#er &. ;ocusing on #ealt# concern
'. Providing customer
-. 4mproving t#e a,areness o<
Eono#" &. ;inancial gro,t#
'. 0conomic sta"ilit.
/. 4n<lation
&. Government policies
regarding international trade
,ill a<<ect t#e various
activities o< t#e <irm.
'. 3rade t#roug# 6man ki as#a
;uture restriction and la,s regarding
Te'no$o%"a$ Ne, 7 I 8 developments to
increase t#e <lavors.
6s Yakult ,ill "e imported <rom 4ndiaA
3#e e<<icienc. o< t#e distri"ution
net,ork and deliver. to t#e consumers is
a signi<icant aspect o< t#e "usiness to
ensure t#e convenience o< t#e consumers
to "u. t#e product.
Co#&et"t"!e Ne,(to(,orld as t#ere is no
eCisting competitor in Pakistan.
Success and consumer demand ,ill
"ring in competitors.
+.8. Mar)et9Prod*t -o*s and 2oa$ Sett"n%
3#is section o< t#e report #ig#lig#ts t#e marketing o"=ectivesA target marketA point o<
di<<erence and positioning statement.
One(Year Marketing O"=ectives
Create a,areness o< Yakult among / percent o< t#e consumers in 9a#oreA ?arac#iA
and 4slama"ad.
3o position t#e product as a drink ,#ic# ,ill not onl. taste good "ut it ,ill "e
nutritious as ,ell
Stimulate trial and repeated purc#ases ". &)E o< consumers in target market segment
3o "e recogni$ed ". t#e consumers "ecause o< its use<ul <unctions and results <or t#e
;ive(Year Marketing O"=ectives
Become ,ell kno,n all over Pakistan.
3o "e ,idel. accepted not onl. ". t#e target market "ut ot#er t#an our target market.
Sustain t#e status o< a market leader ". continuous improvement and innovation in
t#e product.
Based on di<<erent dimensionsA consumers are segmented into di<<erent segmentations as
Ma"n D"#ens"ons Var"a3$es Ty&"a$ Brea)do/n
8emograp#ic Gender
Male and ;emale
Ps.c#ograp#ic 9i<est.le
Social class
Business ,orkers
Not in good #ealt# %digestion
Be#avioral 2sage rate 4n<requentD ;requent
Bene<its soug#t &.4mprove "o,el movement and
aid digestion
'.Maintain "alance o< good and
"ad "acteria
-.7educe toCins in our "od.
/.Belp "uild t#e immune s.stem
No side e<<ects
(.1. Tar%et Mar)et Pro."$e
3arget market o< Yakult includes %c#ildrenA old peopleA #ealt# conscious people etc+ a"ove
& .ear in S0C 6 and S0C B as it is a drinkA sa<e .et en=o.ed ".
Cr"ter"a Tar%et Mar)et
Market Si$e 9arge
0Cpected Gro,t# 9ocal : Stead. >orld,ide: 9arge
Competitive Position No direct competition
4ndirect su"stitutes are availa"le %Nestle 8a#i and
pro"iotic medicines+
Compati"ilit. ,it# organi$ation:s o"=ectives Yes. 3#e "acteria in Yakult #elp to improve digestion
and "uild immunit. ,#en consumed ever. da..
(.2. Po"nt o. d"..erene
Yakult #as <ollo,ing distinguis#ing c#aracteristicsA
3ast. and nutritious
Positioned as a #ealt#. drink t#an a medicine
No side e<<ects
0as. to keep
No preservatives
(.+. Tar%et Vo$*#e
4ncome Statement %;or t#e Year 0nded -&
8ecem"erA '&-+
8.1 Mar)et"n% Pro%ra#
0ac# Product goes t#roug# a di<<erent li<e c.cle. 8i<<erent stages require di<<erent marketing
programs and tactics <or di<<erent stages o< a product li<ec.cle. 6s a ne, productA Yakult is in its
introduction stage so t#e marketing strateg. #as to "e ver. aggressive to spread its a,areness and to
"uild its "rand image among its prospective customers.
8.2 Pos"t"on"n% Strate%y
Positioning strateg. <or Yakult ,ill "e G8i<<erentiated Strateg.H ,it# "road scope due to its a"ove
mentioned points o< di<<erences and also due to t#e reason t#at it is t#e onl. product o< its kind in t#e
market at t#e moment. 4t is positioned as strong pro"lem solving <ood. 4t:s a delicious milk drinkA not
medicine. 6s a general <oodA it contains no #arm<ul side e<<ects and needs no prescription <rom
Sa$es /))AA
Cost o. Sa$es 'J*A-@)A
2ross Pro."t &)!A*')A
Less; O&erat"n% E6&enses
6dvertisement 0Cpenses JAA
7esearc# I 8evelopment 0Cpenses 'AA
3otal Operating 0Cpenses &&AA
O&erat"n% Ino#e /!A*')A
Less; Ad#"n"strat"!e E6&enses
Salaries -A--*A
Net Pro."t Be.ore Ta6es /)A'!JA
Ino#e Ta6es &!A&&)A*
Net Pro."t A.ter Ta6es '@A&@-A/
8.+ Prod*t Strate%y
8.+.1 -eat*res
3#e ke. <eature o< Yakult is t#at t#e "acteria in Yakult #elp to improve digestion and "uild immunit.
,#en consumed ever. da..
8.+.2 Brand Na#e
Yakult name is glo"all. recogni$edA appreciated and ,idel. accepted.
8.+.+ N*tr"t"ona$ Va$*e
Yakult containsA
Sugar %sucroseA deCtrose+ to "alance sourness ,it# s,eetness
Skimmed milk po,der
Natural <lavors
9ive 9acto"acillus casei S#irota strainA *.) "illion per *) m9 "ottle
8.+.( Pa)a%"n%
Yakult ,ill "e distri"uted in a *)ml "ottle and a <amil. pack o< * "ottles.
8.( Pr""n% Strate%y
4n line ,it# t#e "rand imageA Yakult is t#e <irst o< its kind in t#e marketA so Gvalue "ased pricing
strateg.H ,ill "e used. 3#is strateg. ,ill also suit t#e interest o< positioning o< t#e product as a #ig#
qualit.A #ealt#. and nutritious product.
Price per Bottle: 7s -
Price o< ;amil. pack %a pack o< * "ottles+: 7s.&)
8.8 P$ae#ent Strate%y
?ra<t ;oods #as strong distri"ution net,ork in Pakistan. 4t distri"utes products t#roug# direct store
deliver. s.stem and ,are#ouse s.stem. 3#e imported Yakult ,ill reac# ?ra<t ;oods distri"ution
,are#ouses in 9a#oreA ?arac#i and 4slama"ad and t#en Yakult ,ill "e distri"uted t#roug# Gintensive
distri"utionH directl. to point o< sale. 3#is ,ill en#ance t#e availa"ilit. and accessi"ilit. o< t#e
product. 4t ,ill "e distri"uted <rom ma=or supermarkets %MetroA MacroA B.perstar+ to '/ #our
convenience stores. Yakult ,ill also "e distri"uted to g.msA educational institutionsA o<<ice canteensA
#ospitals and p#armacies so t#at consumers ,ill #ave greater access. 3#e distri"ution center ,ill take
care o< t#ese <unctionsA
Mediums o< advertising to t#e consumers
Sale promotions suc# as incentives to consumers
3rade promotions
8.< Pro#ot"on Strate%y
6dvertisement and promotion o< Yakult is greatl. emp#asi$ed to spread a,areness and to position it
in a desired manner in its introduction stage. Yakult ,ill "e advertised t#roug# di<<erent mediums likeA
digital media and print ads to create a,areness in t#e targeted areas.
Product availa"ilit. in p#armacies
4nstitutional 6dvertisements
Point o< purc#ase advertisement ,ill "e used.
3rade activation to ensure t#e in store visi"ilit. and product availa"ilit. t#roug# t#ree trade
o 4nternational ?e. 6ccounts
9ike MakroA MetroA B.perstar
oModern Stores
9ike B?BA 6l(;ata#
o 3raditional Stores
Small Grocer. Stores
4nternet advertisement
o Social net,orks %;ace"ook+
3elevision and radio advertisement
oCele"rit. endorsement
8.= Ad!ert"s"n% A&&ea$
7ational 6ppeal ,ill "e used in advertisements in televisionA radio and print ads emp#asi$ing upon
products ,#ic# not onl. taste good "ut are nutritious as ,ell. Optimal #ealt# starts ,it# a gut t#at is
<unctioning ,ell. >#en gut is #ealt#.A person remain #ealt#. as @E o< immune s.stem lies in t#e
gut. 4ncluding pro"iotic <ood ,it# proven #ealt# "ene<its in dail. diet is an eas. ,a. o< ensuring t#e
"alance o< t#e gut <lora.
Yakult Marketing 6ctivities Plan
Yakult marketing activities plan in its initial p#ase are as <ollo,sA
1'en 1'o 1'at
8ecem"er '&' 3op management Conduct ,orks#ops ,it# ;ood
association o< Pakistan to
en#ance a,areness o< Yakult
8ecem"er '&' 3op management and marketing
Print and outdoor ads
Sponsor an 0vent
Januar. '&- 3op management and marketing
Organi$e lectures to promote
Yakult ". emp#asi$ing t#e
importance o< pro"iotics.
Januar. '&- K June '&- Marketing department Point o< purc#ase
advertisements and promotions
6 separate department <or marketing ,ould "e t#e <irst step to implement t#e ,#ole plan. 6 #ig#l.
dedicated and eCperienced marketing team ,ould get to t#e "usiness to implement t#e promotion
strategies as t#e aggressive marketing ,ill create t#e "rand a,areness.
0valuation ,ill "e done as <ollo,sA
;inancial 0valuation: Budget and 5ariance 6nal.sis
6nnual sales ,ill "e anal.$ed ". comparing t#e actual sales ,it# t#e "udgeted sales <or "udget and
variance anal.sis. ;inance 8epartment ,ill #elp and suggest steps <or t#e improvement ,it# t#e
;inancial 0valuation: Marketing Metrics and 7atio 6nal.sis
>e ,ill anal.$e di<<erent marketing metrics suc# asA sales vs. E marginA sales vs. cost o< sales and
anal.sis o< contri"ution o< sales and margin to track t#e c#annels and results o< all promotional
Non(;inancial 0valuation
3#e <igure o< t#e rate o< product consumption ,ill #elp us anal.$e t#e customer satis<action and
acceptance as t#ese t,o <actors are ver. important <or a product at introductor. stage.
Demographics of Pakistan. %n.d.+. 7etrieved <rom ,ikipedia:
Economy of Pakistan. %n.d.+. 7etrieved <rom ,ikipedia:
Sira=A M. %n.d.+. ;ood Sa<et. 9egislation in Pakistan: 4denti<.ing 0ntr. Points <or Pu"lic
Pro4eted sa$es .or 1
year; &-AA per .ear
Pro#ot"ona$ Te'n"?*e Cost
35Cs !A)A
7adio Commercials 'A)A
Bill"oards @AA
3otal 6dvertisement 0Cpenses JAA
Cost o. 2oods So$d
Co#&onents Cost
Material ''@A)A
4mport dut. %')E+ )*A!@)A
3ransportation cost &'AA
3otal Cost o< Sales 'J*A-@)A
Sa$ar"es E6&enses
E#&$oyees No. o.
Bas" Sa$ary
Tota$ Sa$ary
Per Mont'
Marketing and Sales
& &&A !A %<uel+ &&!A
Marketing 3eam ! 'A &*A
Salaries 0Cpense per Mont# '@!A
Salaries 0Cpense per Year -A--*A

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