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V&U Ltd.

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Our Software for Your Business

V&U Ltd.
D-r Petar Skorchev 25, ap. 18
BG-9010 Varna
Phone: +359 88 4617123

Rapid Application Development Environment
For Windows 8 Store Line-Of-Business Apps
VFP databases
SQL Server databasses
And others

Alvenos Power Tools
Alvenos is a rapid application development environment for Windows 8 Store line-of business apps.
Alvenos comes with a template solution for the Windows 8 Store app. This template solution has all capabilities
to create powerful line-of-business apps.
For the server side Alvenos has another template solution. This template solution has the functionality to
access data via ADO.NET Entity Data Model drivers. The data are published over the internet by the SOAP
protocol. This template solution also contains a VFP COM server. By this COM server VFP databases and ODBC
data sources are accessible.
The data access classes are created by wizards.
Also forms can be created by a powerful wizard. Just by using a few wizards a whole Windows 8 Store line-of-
business solution gets generated.
Alvenos Windows 8 apps can be executed at the platforms x86, x64, and ARM.
Capabilities of Alvenos Apps
Data Access
Local SQLite databases, remote access via SOAP protocol; VFP, SQL Server and other databases at the
server side.
Client database management
Optional client selection dialog at startup allowing to select between different client side and server
side databases.
Login dialog
Optional user management and login dialog with rights management.
User management
Dialog to manage user data and passwords.
User rights
Set up view, edit, new, and delete rights for forms per user.

V&U Ltd.
We and You
Our Software for Your Business

User groups
Manage user groups and assign rights to groups. A user can inherit the rights of multiple groups.
Data-driven desktop
Open dialog to start forms similar to the Windows 8 desktop.
Forms to search for and edit data.
1:n forms
Forms to search for and edit data in a 1:n relationship.
App bars
Upper app bar to control app behavior change language, switch between forms.
Lower app bar to control form behavior activate pages, advanced capabilities.
Charm bar integration
Search, app settings, printing with standard Windows 8 features.
Optional runtime localization for several languages.
Print engine
Preview and print reports.
Pick lists
Let the user pick an item from a list at the left or right side of the screen.
Let the user pick an item from a drop down list.
Alvenos Windows 8 template project
This project is template for all Alvenos Windows 8 apps. This template project comes with the Alvenos Project
Wizard which creates the data access to SQLite, or SOAP and generates the data classes. The wizard also allows
to make settings of the application object.
Alvenos template form
The Alvenos template form is the base for all forms in Alvenos projects. When adding a form based on the
Alvenos template form the Alvenos Form Wizard starts. This wizard allows to select the data sources for the
form and creates controls.
AlvenosServer template project
This project is the template for server side projects. It publishes services using the SOAP protocol.
Alvenos Builder

Alvenos VFP Wizard
This wizard generates a VFP COM server and integrates it in an AlvenosServer solution. The VFP COM server get
cursoradapter classes to work with a selected VFP database. In the server solution the needed data classes are
Alvenos SQLite Upsizng Wizard
This wizard upsized a VFP database to a SQLite database.

V&U Ltd.
We and You
Our Software for Your Business

Download Alvenos, get more information, video tutorials at

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