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% list o" all &uddha'et(s e&oos )P*+ docu,ents- with a detailed descri!tion o" each is available by
downloadin# the .i!!ed "ile at: htt!://www$buddhanet$net/eboos$ht,

)0,123 4&- 5ood 6uestion, 5ood %nswer 7Revised 8th edition9 : Ven$ S$ *ha,,ia$

This is a very !o!ular boo on ;uestions and answers on basic &uddhis,$ Read the answers to
;uestions that !eo!le o"ten as about the &uddha(s Teachin#s with Venerable S$ *ha,,ia$ The
boo covers to!ics such as <hat is &uddhis,= &asic &uddhist Conce!ts, &uddhis, and the #od
Idea, The +ive Prece!ts, Rebirth, >editation, <isdo, and Co,!assion, Ve#etarianis,, 5ood
?uc and +ate and &eco,in# a &uddhist$
@ Chinese version: 5ood 6uestion, 5ood %nswer )2,3AB 4&-
@ Sinhalese version: 5ood 6uestion, 5ood %nswer )2,A22 4&-
@ S!anish version: 5ood 6uestion, 5ood %nswer )33C 4&-
@ %rabic version: 5ood 6uestion, 5ood %nswer )213 4&-

)28D 4&- The +our 'oble Truths : Ven$ %Eahn Su,edho$

The +our 'oble Truths are the central Teachin# o" the &uddha$ This boolet was co,!iled and
edited "ro, tals #iven by Venerable %Eahn Su,edho on the teachin# o" the &uddha: that the
unha!!iness o" hu,anity can be overco,e throu#h s!iritual ,eans$ The teachin# is conveyed
throu#h the &uddhaFs +our 'oble Truths, "irst eG!ounded in 12H &C in the *eer Par at Sarnath
near Varanasi, India and e!t alive in the &uddhist world ever since$
)08H 4&- 'ow is the 4nowin# : Ven$ %Eahn Su,edho$

This s,all boo re!resents the wish o" so,e o" those "ortunate enou#h to have received
*ha,,a teachin#s "ro, Venerable %Eahn Su,edho to share the, with others$ The "irst section
describes what tain# the Three Re"u#es in the &uddha, *ha,,a and San#ha ,eansI and the
second section is co,!osed o" !assa#es "ro, three or "our di""erent tals on the subEect o"
>ind"ulness o" &reathin#$ ?astly, the boo discusses ha!!iness, unha!!iness and 'ibanna$
)100 4&- Intuitive %wareness : Ven$ %Eahn Su,edho$

This boo is a s,all sa,!le o" the tals that %Eahn Su,edho o""ered durin# the winter retreat o"
2CC0$ The ai, o" the editors in co,!ilin# this boo has been eG!licitly to ,aintain the style and
s!irit o" the s!oen word$ %s %Eahn Su,edho hi,sel" co,,ented, JThe boo is ,eant to be
su##estions o" ways to investi#ate conscious eG!erience$ It(s not ,eant to be a didactic treatise
on Pali &uddhis,$J
)0,0HH 4&- The 'oble Ei#ht"old Path K The <ay to the End o" Su""erin# : &hihu &odhi$

The essence o" the &uddhaFs teachin# can be su,,ed u! in two !rinci!les: the +our 'oble
Truths and the 'oble Ei#ht"old Path$ The "irst covers the side o" doctrine, and the !ri,ary
res!onse it elicits is understandin#I the second covers the side o" disci!line, in the broadest
sense o" that word, and the !ri,ary res!onse it calls "or is !ractice$ In the structure o" the
teachin# these two !rinci!les loc to#ether into an indivisible unity called the dha,,aKvinaya, the
doctrineKandKdisci!line, or, in brie", the *ha,,a$
)8HH 4&- The Ei#ht"old Path "or the Householder : Lac 4orn"eld$

This teGt is a transcri!t o" teachin#s #iven by Lac 4orn"eld on the Ei#ht"old Path$ These
teachin#s are ai,ed at the householder$ Each !art o" the Ei#ht"old Path is eG!lained in a
se!arate cha!ter$ The tone o" the teachin# is conte,!orary and nonKtechnical$ The universality
and relevance o" the &uddha(s teachin# are illustrated by nu,erous ;uotations "ro, ,ore recent
lu,inaries$ There are also so,e use"ul eGercises which enable the reader to eG!erience the truth
o" these teachin#s$
)2AD 4&- +unda,entals o" &uddhis, : *r Peter *$ Santina$

*r Santina covers what we ,i#ht call the basic &uddhist teachin#s over a series o" twelve
lectures$ The basic teachin#s outlined here include: the ?i"e o" the &uddha, the +our 'oble
Truths, the 'oble Ei#ht"old Path, 4ar,a, Rebirth, *e!endent Ori#ination, The Three Universal
Characteristics and The +ive %##re#ates$ *r Santina also !uts &uddhis, into its conteGt by
describin# the !reK&uddhist bac#round and #ives an overview o" &uddhis, "ro, a ,odern
!ers!ective in a very readable way$
)2,233 4&- The Tree o" Enli#hten,ent : *r Peter *$ Santina$

This boo is an elaboration o" *r Santina J+unda,entals o" &uddhis,J$ In ee!in# with the
ori#inal obEectives o" the study o" basic &uddhis,, this boo is K as "ar as !ossible K nonKtechnical$
It is intended "or the ordinary readers not havin# any s!ecial eG!ertise in &uddhist studies or in
&uddhist canonical lan#ua#es$ This boo can su!!ly a #eneral introduction to the ,aEor traditions
o" &uddhis,, but does not !retend to be co,!lete or de"initive$ This boo will serve as the
be#innin# o" its readers( &uddhist education and not the end o" it$
)8H0 4&- The &uddha, His ?i"e and Teachin#s : Ven$ Piyadassi$

This is a co,!rehensive and authentic boo on the &uddha and his Teachin#s by Piyadassi$ The
author, Venerable >ahathera Piyadassi is one o" the world(s ,ost e,inent &uddhist ,ons, a
hi#hly revered teacher o" #reat renown, a inde"ati#able worer "or the &uddha *ha,,a$ JThe
a#es roll by and the &uddha see,s not so "ar away a"ter allI his voice whis!ers in our ears and
tells us not to run away "ro, the stru##le but, cal,Keyed, to "ace it, and to see in li"e ever #reater
o!!ortunities "or #rowth and advance,entJ$
)028 4&- &uddhis, in a 'utshell : Ven$ 'arada, Thera$

This is a classic on the basics o" &uddhis, by the late Ven$ 'arada Thera: The Story o" the
&uddhaI The Teachin#s )*ha,,a- is it a !hiloso!hy= Is &uddhis, a reli#ion= Is &uddhis, as
Ethical syste,= So,e salient "eatures o" &uddhis,$ 4ar,a or the ?aw o" >oral Causation$
Rebirth$ *e!endent %risin# )Paticca Sa,u!!ada-$ %natta or SoulKlessness$ 'ibanna and The
Path to 'ibbana$
)0,28C 4&- Essential The,es o" &uddhist ?ectures : Ven$ Sayadaw U Thittila$

The contents o" this boo co,!rise a collection o" eG!anded notes on tals on &uddhis, #iven by
this "a,ous &ur,ese &uddhist ,aster, Venerable Sayadaw U Thittilla in the west over the !eriod
0B3HK0BH3$ So,e o" the the,es are: (<hat is &uddhis,(, (?ies and *islies(, (% Short History o"
&uddhis,(, (<hat 4a,,a Is(, (The Path to 'ibbana( and (The %bhidha,,a Philoso!hy($
)HBC 4&- Readin# the >ind : 4$ 4haoKSuanK?uan#$

These are insi#ht"ul teachin#s by a ?ay Thai wo,en teacher, 4ee 'anayon )0BC0K0BAH-I who
established a *ha,,a centre, 4haoKSuanK?uan# in 0B81$ U!asia 4ee attracted *ha,,a
students, and residents ca,e to include both "e,ale lay devotees and whiteKrobed nuns$ These
*ha,,a tals were ,ainly #iven to the wo,en who stayed at her centre to !ractice ,editation$
%"ter listenin# with cal, and centred ,ind, they would all sit in ,editation to#ether$
)21H 4&- Scienti"ic %cce!tability o" Rebirth : *r$ 5ranville *har,awardena$

*r$ *har,awardena !oints out that the reason why classical science cannot eG!lain rebirth is due
to inherent li,itations in classical science$ >odern science has transcended these li,itations, and
there"ore rebirth is within the sco!e o" ,odern science$ >odern science acce!ts rebirth as a
scienti"ically acce!table !heno,enon throu#h the sa,e tests used to !rove scienti"ic
acce!tability o" #enerally acce!ted ,odern science !heno,ena$
)0,8D0 4&- % Tree in the +orest : % Collection o" %Eahn Chah(s Si,iles$

JPeo!le have ased ,e about ,y !ractice$ How do I !re!are ,y ,ind "or ,editation= There is
nothin# s!ecial$ I Eust ee! it where it always is$ They as$ JThen are you an %rahant= *o I now=
I a, lie a tree in the "orest, "ull o" leaves, blosso,s and "ruit$ &irds co,e to eat and nest, and
ani,als see rest in the shade$ Met the tree does not now itsel"$ It "ollows its own nature$ It is as
it isJ$ K %Eahn Chah$
)3,2H0 4&- <ind in the +orest : Poe,s by Ven$ SuEiva$

This boo is a uni;ue collection o" !oe,s, writeKu!s, illustrations and !hotos$ In Venerable
SuEiva(s sincere and heart"elt writin#s, readers ,ay "ind ,any touchin# incidents related by hi, in
his ,any years o" teachin#$ They will also co,e to understand hi,, his co,!assion and lovin#K
indness as well as the *ha,,a by si,!ly "lowin# with his !en$
)B8H 4&- *har,a >ind, <orldly >ind : *avid S,ith$

The "irst !art o" the boo tells us what we need to !ut in !lace "or co,!lete *har,a !ractice K the
Ei#ht"old Path, #oin# "or re"u#e, and the &odhisattva s!irit$ In the second hal" the boo shows us
how to turn those re;uisites into a #enuine livin# !ractice that e,braces the whole o" our li"e thus
surely leadin# to the !ro"ound trans"or,ation that we all desire$
)03C 4&- &uddhis, as a Reli#ion : Ven$ *r$ 4$ Sri *ha,,ananda$

The contents o" this !o!ular !ublication are a si,!le eG!osition o" &uddhis, as a ,odern way o"
li"e$ This hi#hly ;uali"ied Sri ?anan &uddhist scholar has a s!ecial #i"t o" inter!retin# the
&uddha(s Teachin#s "or !eo!le "ro, every wal o" li"e$ His whole a!!roach to the eG!osition o"
the *ha,,a is #overned by his dee! concern "or #ivin# the ancient teachin#s a conte,!orary
relevance, and has a ,eanin# that cuts across the boundaries o" ti,e, s!ace, race, culture and
even reli#ious belie"s$
)2,22C 4&- <hat &uddhists &elieve )EG!anded 8th edition- : Ven$ *r$ 4$ Sri *ha,,ananda$

This eG!anded 8th edition o" J<hat &uddhists &elieveJ answers ,any ;uestions which are ased
about &uddhis, by &uddhists and nonK&uddhists alie$ There are so ,any ,isconce!tions
re#ardin# su!erstitions and ,isinter!retations which are associated with this noble reli#ion that it
has beco,e i,!erative to eG!lain the Teachin#s in a ,anner which has conte,!orary relevance$
)A31 4&- The &uddhist <ay : Ven$ *r$ 4$ Sri *ha,,ananda$

*r 4$ Sri *ha,,ananda eG!lains so,e &uddhist cultural !ractices: 5oin# "or Re"u#es, Reli#ious
Rites, %l,s 5ivin#, >arria#e, &uddhist Education and Cultural Practices, I,a#es, Holy <ater,
Holy Thread, Talis,ans and %,ulets, &lessin# Services "or Children, *eath, Post >orte,,
+unerals, &urial and Cre,ation, *is!osal o" the %shes, Period o" >ournin#, PostK+uneral Rites
and >e,orial Services$
)03C 4&- &uddhis, "or the +uture : Ven$ *r$ 4$ Sri *ha,,ananda$

So,e o" the to!ics *r 4$ Sri *ha,,ananda addresses here are: &uddhis, as a +orce %#ainst
<arI Unity in &uddhist Schools o" Thou#htI Ecu,enis,, Role o" the San#ha, The &hihuni
Order, Proselyti.ation, &uddhist Values, The Third >illenniu,, The ?ay Person, Social Concerns$
)182 4&- +acin# the +uture : &hihu &odhi$

+our essays on the social relevance o" &uddhis,: % &uddhist Social Ethic "or the 'ew CenturyI %
&uddhist %!!roach to Econo,ic and Social develo!,entI The Chan#in# +ace o" &uddhis,I
San#ha at the Crossroads$ In this collection o" essays, Ven$ &hihu &odhi uses the &uddha(s
teachin# as a lens throu#h which to eGa,ine so,e o" the con"usions about social values that
have en#ul"ed us at the dawn o" the new century$
)3BA 4&- Snow in the Su,,er : Ven$ Sayadaw U Lotia$

This boo is a co,!ilation o" eGtracts "ro, letters written by Sayadaw U Lotia, a &ur,ese
&uddhist ,on, to his <estern students ten to "i"teen years a#o$ These letters have been collated
under the to!ics indicated by these cha!ter headin#s: >ind, >ind"ulness and >editationI
SolitudeI Parental ?ove and 5uidanceI ?i"e, ?ivin# and *eathI ?earnin# and Teachin#I Value and
Philoso!hyI +riendshi!, Relationshi!s and ?ovin#Kindness$
)8DB 4&- %ni,al >a#netis, : +rancis Story$

Subtitled: The %ttraction o" S!iritual ?eaders by +rancis Story$ This boolet is a #ood re,inder to
us, so that we always strive in the ri#ht direction$ Practice is the only way$ Even thou#h "aith and
devotion to one(s teacher can be a !ositive thin#, we ,ust always re,e,ber that Jan eGcessive
"aith is acco,!anied by corres!ondin# de"iciency o" wisdo,J$
)03H 4&- +ro, <o,b to <o,b : +rancis Story$

>eta,or!hosis o" a >other$ +or twentyK"ive years +rancis Story lived in %sian countries, where
he dee!ly studied the &uddha(s !hiloso!hy o" li"e$ His research into the teachin#s on rebirth
started while in >yan,ar )&ur,a- and was later continued with care"ul investi#ation o"
s!ontaneous rebirth recollections$ This boo includes (% Readin# 5uide to *eath and Rebirth(, by
Ven$ &odhisara which o""ers an overview on so,e to!ics o" death and rebirth: near death
eG!eriences, !ast li"e eG!eriences, dyin# and carin# "or the dyin#, etc$
)33D 4&- Handboo +or >anind : &uddhadasa, &hihu$

The Princi!les o" &uddhis, eG!lained by &uddhadasa, &hihu$ %s a #uide "or newco,ers to the
&uddha *ha,,a )the Truth which the &uddha awaened to and subse;uently tau#ht-, this boo
is an invaluable #uide$ In it are contained the essential teachin#s o" &uddhis,$ The Handboo is
es!ecially use"ul "or those who a!!roach the &uddha(s teachin# not as a subEect "or scholarly
study but as a ,eans to understand and ennoble their lives$ It includes cha!ters on (?ooin# at
&uddhis,( and the (True 'ature o" Thin#s($
)01C 4&- The 'atural Cure "or S!iritual *isease : &uddhadasa, &hihu$

The 'atural Cure "or S!iritual *isease is a #uide to &uddhist science, it includes three tals #iven
in 0BHD by this worldKrenowned Thai &uddhist teacher: (The Scienti"ic Cure o" S!iritual *isease(,
(The Use o" *ha,,a( and ('ew ?i"e o" Peace($ Venerable &uddhadasa is well nown "or the
readiness with which he #ives nonKliteral inter!retations o" &uddhist teGts$ He does not hesitate to
reEect as naive a wordK"orKword inter!retation that has no bearin# on real li"e$
)H8C 4&- &uddha *ha,,a "or University Students : &uddhadasa, &hihu$

The "or,at to J&uddha *ha,,a "or StudentsJ is as answers to ;uestions a nonK&uddhist is liely
to as about the "unda,entals o" &uddhis,$ It is the results o" two tals #iven by %Eahn
&uddhadasa in Lanuary 0BDD to students at Tha,,asat University, &an#o$ %Eahn &uddhadasa
always has tried to set both youn# and old strai#ht as to what &uddhis, really teaches$ He #oes
bac to the ori#inal !rinci!les !ointed out by the &uddha, eG!lainin# these si,!ly and directly,
and showin# that their relevance is ti,eless$
)0,CC2 4&- Only <e Can Hel! Ourselves : Ven$ *ha,,avuddho$

4a,,a is an interestin# subEect because it concerns everyone and there are ,any di""erent
as!ects o" it$ There are ,any natural laws that #overn our lives but the ,ost i,!ortant is the law
o" a,,aKvi!aa$ In a discourse )%$'$ D$D3- the &uddha said, JIntention, ,ons, is a,,a I say$
Havin# willed, one acts throu#h body, s!eech and ,indJ$ This ,eans that intentional action is
a,,a, and vi!aa is the result or e""ects o" it$ The result ,ay ri!en i,,ediately, later in this li"e
or in a "uture li"e$
)8HC 4&- The %rt o" ?ivin# : Ven$ >aster Chin 4un#$

The %rt o" ?ivin# with Ven$ >aster Chin 4un#, a >aster o" the Pure ?and School o" &uddhis,$
The %rt o" ?ivin# has cha!ters on: The Education o" &uddha Shaya,uni, our Ori#inal TeacherI
The +our 4inds o" &uddhis, TodayI How Ho,e,aers Can Cultivate the &odhisattva <ay in
*aily ?i"e, and an eGcellent 6uestion and %nswer section$ Included is a #lossary and a contact list
o" Ven$ >aster Chin 4un#(s teachin# centres around the world$
)83B 4&- To Understand &uddhis, : Ven$ >aster Chin 4un#$

These are *har,a Tals #iven in %ustralia by Ven$ >aster Chin 4un#$ The teachin#s o" >aster
Chin 4un# are based on true sincerity towards othersI !urity o" ,indI e;uality in everythin# we
seeI !ro!er understandin# o" ourselves and our environ,entI co,!assion by hel!in# others in a
wise and unconditional way$ See throu#h to the truth o" i,!er,anenceI let #o o" all wanderin#
thou#hts and attach,entsI accord with conditions to #o alon# with the environ,ent$ &e ,ind"ul o"
%,itabha &uddha K wishin# to reach the Pure ?and and "ollow His Teachin#s$
)320 4&- &uddhis, as an Education : Ven$ >aster Chin 4un#$

% *har,a Tal #iven by Ven$ >aster Chin 4un# at %nK4an# Ele,entary School, Tai!ei 0BHB$
Transcribed and translated into En#lish by the *allas &uddhist %ssociation$ In this tal Venerable
>aster Chin 4un# #ives us an eG!lanation o" his understandin# o" &uddhis, as an education
rather than as a reli#ion$ There are cha!ters on the author(s own eG!erience o" &uddhis, and the
,ethodolo#y and sy,bolis, o" the &uddhist Educational Syste,$
)320 4&- The ?i#ht o" %sia : Sir Edwin %rnold$ )TENT O'?M-

In the su,!tuous &uddhist literature o" the world, JThe ?i#ht o" %siaJ, by Sir Edwin %rnold, is
without any doubt, a uni;ue wor$ It is !ri,arily because, this is the only ori#inal !oe, written in
En#lish on the &uddha, throu#hout the lon# history o" &uddhis,$ This distinction is ;uite
necessary to be established, because there are translations o" ori#inal Pali wors into En#lish
and other lan#ua#es$ So,e o" these are outstandin# instances o" s!iritual !oetry$ Sir Edwin
%rnold, the %uthor o" this e!ic !oe,, was initially !ersuaded to co,!ose this sacred wor, as a
result o" his dee! and abidin# desire to aid in the better and ,utual understandin# between East
and <est$
)D,8CA 4&- The ?i#ht o" %sia : Sir Edwin %rnold$ )TENT <ITH I??USTR%TIO'S-

%n Illustrated version o" the (?i#ht o" %sia(, with teGt$
)0,CH3 4&- &uddha(s Constant Co,!anion K Ven$ %nanda : by Ven$ <era#oda Sarada$

In this li"e o" the &uddha(s !ersonal attendant, Venerable %nanda, we see that in his character
and outloo, %nanda was touchin#ly and ,ovin#ly hu,an$ This was !artly because o" his si,!le
and char,in# behaviour, and his everK!resent readiness to hel! anyone who was in distress or
di""iculty$ In s!ite o" his ad,inistrative and or#anisational res!onsibilities as the &uddha(s
attendant, %nanda dis!layed a dee! intellectuality and a !ro"ound #ras! o" abstruse !hiloso!hic
)AB1 4&- <o,en in &uddhis, K 6uestion O %nswers : Ven$ Chatsu,arn 4abilsin#h Ph$*$

Ven$ Chatsu,arn 4abilsin#h !rovides answers to ;uestions o"ten ased about wo,en and the
ordination issue and related to!ics$ She res!onds to such ;uestions as: In the &uddha(s ti,e
what role did wo,en !lay in &uddhis,= <hy cannot wo,en beco,e buddhas= <hat is the
&uddhist attitude towards !rostitution= <hat is an attitude o" a &uddhist towards abortion= <hat
is the uni;ue characteristic in %,erican &uddhis, which ,i#ht interest a "e,inist=
)8C0 4&- The Position o" <o,en in &uddhis, : *r$ )>rs$- ?$S$ *ewaraEa$

Today, when the role o" <o,en in Society is an issue o" worldwide interest it is o!!ortune that we
should !ause to loo at it "ro, a &uddhist !ers!ective$ In the recent !ast, a nu,ber o" boos
have been written on the chan#in# status o" wo,en in Hindu and Isla,ic societies, but with
re#ard to wo,en in &uddhis,, ever since the distin#uished Pali scholar, >iss I$&$ Horner, wrote
her boo on <o,en under Pri,itive &uddhis,, as "ar bac as 0B3C, very little interest has been
taen in the subEect$ It see,s, there"ore, Eusti"ied to raise a#ain the ;uestion whether the !osition
o" wo,en in &uddhist societies was better than that in nonK&uddhist societies o" %sia$ <e will
loo brie"ly into the !osition in Sri ?ana, Thailand, &ur,a and Tibet, at a ti,e be"ore the i,!act
o" the <est was ever "elt$
)0,C0C 4&- One +oot in the <orld : ?ily de Silva$

<hile walin# alon# the !ath to liberation a &uddhist has to live in the world and deal with the
conditions o" worldly eGistence$ This !roble, is liely to be "elt es!ecially acutely by the lay
&uddhist, who ,ay "ind that the de,ands and attractions o" secular li"e tend to !ull hi, or her
away "ro, the !ath to deliverance$ However, the &uddha was not unaware o" or unconcerned
about this dile,,a con"ronted by his lay disci!les, but #ave it his care"ul attention$ He tau#ht his
lay "ollowers how to or#ani.e lay li"e in accordance with the ethical !rinci!les o" the *ha,,a and
how to lead success"ul lay lives without deviatin# "ro, the !ath o" rectitude$
)0BB 4&- Pre!arin# "or *eath O Hel!in# the *yin# : San#ye 4hadro$

This boolet is based on ,aterial used durin# a se,inar that I have tau#ht in Sin#a!ore and
elsewhere, entitled PPre!arin# "or *eath and Hel!in# the *yin#$Q This se,inar answers a #enuine
need in todayFs world, as eG!ressed by one !artici!ant: PI a, interested to now ,ore about
death and how to hel! dyin# !eo!le, but itFs very di""icult to "ind anyone willin# to tal about these
thin#s$Q The ,aterial "or the se,inar is taen ,ainly "ro, two sources: traditional &uddhist
teachin#s, and conte,!orary writin#s in the "ield o" carin# "or the dyin#$ This boolet is ,eant as
a brie" introduction to the subEect rather than a detailed eG!lanation$
)0,CH8 4&- % 5uide to a Pro!er &uddhist +uneral : 4o!erasi &uddhis,e >alaysia &erhad$

This is a hand boo on &uddhist +unerals, with sections on !ractical advice as to what is to be
done when a "a,ily ,e,ber is critically illI the "inal ,o,entsI when death taes !laceI !re!arin#
"or the "uneralI !ayin# last res!ectsI the "inal ritesI verses "or conte,!lationI the burial / cre,ation
cere,ony and the ,e,orial service$
)8H1 4&- The >any +aces o" *eath : Lac;ui La,es$

I,a#ine a li"e !artner, a "a,ily ,e,ber or a close "riend o" yours is dyin#$ How ,i#ht she or he
be "eelin# K "acin# death, bein# in !ain ,aybe= <hat are her or his inti,ate needs and wishes=
<hat ha!!ens to us when stayin# with a dyin# !erson= How can we deal with the sorrow, the
con"usin# thou#hts and the tryin# situation= How should we co,,unicate with her or hi, and
with the "a,ily ,e,bers and "riends= <hen a beloved !erson is dyin# we are touched to our
dee!est core$ *i""icult, !ain"ul e,otions ,ay rush u!, stirrin# in our hearts$ *yin# and death
beco,es a #reat challen#er, breain# into our lives R which we try so hard to ee! s,ooth and
under control$
)8,2CH 4&- To Cherish %ll ?i"e : Roshi Phili! 4a!leau$

% &uddhist View o" %ni,al Slau#hter and >eat Eatin#$ J'o discussion o" ani,al wel"are would be
,eanin#"ul that did not deal with the ,orality o" "lesh eatin#$ Since I have chosen to !ut this
subEect in the conteGt o" &uddhis,, it see,s desirable, "irst o" all, to discuss the si#ni"icance o"
the "irst !rece!t in &uddhis, o" not tain# li"e$ This in turn raises two "unda,ental ;uestions: Can
the "irst !rece!t be "airly construed to !rohibit ,eat eatin#= and second, Is there reliable evidence
that the &uddha sanctioned "lesh eatin#= $ $ $ J Phili! 4a!leau, Roshi$

)3,388 4&- &uddhist Pil#ri,a#e : Chan 4hoon San$

The idea o" a !il#ri,a#e ca,e "ro, the &uddha hi,sel"$ &e"ore He !assed into
>aha!arinibbana, the &uddha advised !ious disci!les to visit "our !laces that ,ay be "or their
ins!iration a"ter He was #one$ They are ?u,bini, where He was bornI &uddha#aya, where He
attained Su!re,e Enli#hten,entI *eer Par in Sarnath, where He !reached the +irst Ser,onI
and 4usinara, where He !assed into >aha!arinibbana$

)B2B 4&- &eyond &elie": % &uddhist Criti;ue o" +unda,ental Christianity : %$ ?$ *e Silva$

The !ur!ose o" this boo is three"old$ +irstly it ai,s to critically eGa,ine the "unda,entalist
a!!roach to Christianity and thereby hi#hli#ht its ,any lo#ical, !hiloso!hical and ethical
!roble,s$ The second ai, o" this boo is to hel! "unda,entalist Christians who ,i#ht read it to
understand why so,e !eo!le are not and will never be Christians$ The third ai, o" this boo is to
awaen in &uddhists a dee!er a!!reciation "or their own reli#ion$

)3,CD8 4&- Phra &uddha *ha,,acara : <at Phra Ra,a$

This is an account o" the !rocess o" castin# a &uddha statue: a case study o" the ,ain# o" Phra
&uddha *ha,,acara$ The !rocess o" castin# eG!lained and illustrated$ %n Introduction o"
&uddhis,$ Rudi,ents o" >entalKcollectiveness$ *ha,,acara >udra: the ,eanin#$ Chantin# "or
the Phra &uddha *ha,,acara$ The !lace,ent and inau#uration cere,ony o" the Phra &uddha

)0,C2D 4&- ?iaoK+an(s +our ?essons : ?iaoK+an Muan$

?iaoK+an Muan ori#inally wrote ?iaoK+anFs +our ?essons in the siGteenth century in China$ The
boo was intended to teach his son, TianKChi Muan, how to reco#ni.e the true "ace o" destiny, tell
#ood "ro, bad, correct oneFs "aults and !ractice ind deeds$ It also !rovided livin# !roo" o" the
rewards and outco,es o" !eo!le who !racticed ind deeds and cultivated virtue and hu,ility$
Relatin# "ro, his own eG!erience at chan#in# destiny, >r$ Muan hi,sel" was a livin# e,bodi,ent
o" his teachin#s$
)8,ADA 4&- The Seeer(s 5lossary o" &uddhis, : Sutra Translation Co,,ittee o" US%/Canada$

'OTE: This is a revised and eG!anded edition o" The SeeerFs 5lossary o" &uddhis,$ The teGt is
a co,!endiu, o" eGcer!ts and ;uotations "ro, so,e 31C wors by ,ons, nuns, !ro"essors,
scholars and other lay!ersons "ro, nine di""erent countries, in their own words or in translation$
The editors have ,erely or#ani.ed the ,aterial, addin# a "ew connectin# thou#hts o" their own
"or ease in readin#$
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