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ASSIGNMENT IN THY1: Salvation History

Lorraine L. Lacuesta Ms. Maria Corazon C. Sanin

1LM2 September 24, 2014

Reflect p.51 (Salva Vida)
1. If Jesus would ask you the question, Why do you say that I am? how would you respond?

Honestly, its very hard for me to answer that question. At first, I really dont know
what to answer. Most especially I know in myself that I dont want to answer him not only
based on what other people say about him. But based on what I truly see in him and his
worth in my life. I want to answer him honestly basing the difficulties that I surpassed
because of him. I want to answer him that you are Jesus because you are my saviour, my
dear friend and of course the son of God. I want to answer him that youre not only Jesus
because of what most people say or hear. You are Jesus because we believe that you are.
Youre existence in our lives makes you whole that you are Jesus. You also completes us,
same as what you did when you died in the cross. We both complete each other as we both
believe to each other. Thats what makes you Jesus.

2. To what extend does belief in Jesus influence your values and your choices?

My belief to Jesus extended up to where I have to be baptized once again. This time,
under the Roman Catholic Church and its my own choice. Even though there are still some
unclear things running on my mind during that time, I gave my trust to Jesus and decided to
be baptized along with my twin sister.
Aside from that, it also influenced me on which school I should choose after I was
baptized. To be enrolled on a Catholic school become a factor to me. For me to be enrolled
to one, can give some answers on some questions that I have before. The lessons that I will
learn in Christian Living subjects become significant to me during that time. Whenever I am
in my class, I feel that I start to know more about Jesus and how it to be a good Christian is.

3. Do you think of salvation as a gift or a reward? Why?

At first yes. I was greatly influenced by those who are around me that think it was a
reward. But then now, I think it was only a challenge if youre really going to live your life as
a good Christian or not because of the reward. I also think that its only a motivation for us to
keep on living our lives according to the word of God. It is also a guide for others who are
still on their way to understand themselves and their faith. It is our guide to fully understand
and uncover the true meaning of our faith.

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