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Name : Esa Mayasari

Class : 1B (D3-Chemical Engineering)

Zeolit Modification by Adding Active Carbon from Reed (Imperata silindrika) as Carbon Monoxide Adsorbent
on Motorcycle
Tugas Akhir, 038 / 2012 / TKI
Undergraduate Theses from JBPTPPOLBAN / 2013-11-07 15:21:27
Oleh : Ika Suartika - 091411080 & Tira Cangtika - 091411093
Dibuat : 2013-09-27, dengan 4 file


Gas buang kendaraan bermotor memiliki kontribusi dalam pencemaran udara. Salah satu cara mengurangi pencemaran
udara tersebut adalah dengan proses adsorpsi menggunakan adsorben seperti zeolit. Pada penelitian ini, zeolit dimodifikasi
dengan menambahkan karbon aktif dari alang-alang (Imperata silindrika). Zeolit yang dimodifikasi ditempatkan ke dalam
tabung stainless steel sebanyak 50 gram kemudian dipasang ke kendaraan bermotor untuk menguji kinerja dari adsorben
tersebut. Pengukuran dilakukan terhadap gas karbon monoksida (CO) menggunakan Exhaust Gas Analyzer pada kondisi
idle, yakni kondisi mesin dalam keadaan hidup tapi tidak diberi beban. Efisiensi penyerapan terbaik dari zeolit modifikasi
yaitu 88,57% pada menit ke-70. Zeolit yang sudah dimodifikasi tersebut merupakan campuran zeolit dan karbon aktif dari
alang-alang dengan perbandingan 2:3. Kata kunci : zeolit, alang-alang, zeolit modifikasi, adsorpsi, gas CO


Motorcycle's exhaust gas has great contribution in air pollution. One solution that can be done in decreasing the pollution is
by applying adsorption process by using zeolite as the adsorbent. In this research, zeolite is modified by adding active
carbon from reed (Imperata silindrika). The modified zeolite is placed in stainless steel tube as much as 50 grams, and
then put onto motorcycle to test the adsorbent's work. The measurement is done toward monoxide (CO) by using Exhaust
Gas Analyzer in idle mode. It is when the machine is on without any load. The best adsorption efficiency of modified zeolite
is 88.57% on the 70th minutes. The modified zeolite which is used is the combination of zeolite and reeds active carbon
with the comparison 2:3. Keywords : zeolite, reed, modified zeolite, adsorption, carbon monoxide gas


Motorcycle's exhaust gas has great contribution in air pollution. One solution that can be conducted in decreasing the
pollution is by applying adsorption process by using zeolite as the adsorbent. In this research, zeolite is modified by adding
active carbon from reed (Imperata silindrika). The modified zeolite is placed in stainless steel tube as much as 50 grams,
and then put onto motorcycle to test the adsorbent's performance work. The measurement is fixed done toward carbon
monoxide (CO) by using Exhaust Gas Analyzer in idle mode. It is when the enginee is on without any load. The best
adsorption efficiency of modified zeolite is 88.57% on the 70th minutes. The modified zeolite which is used is the
combination of zeolite and reeds active carbon with the comparison 2:3.
Keywords : zeolite, reed, modified zeolite, adsorption, carbon monoxide gas

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