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Name:Natasya Amira bt.


Class:2 Kamil

Teachers Name:Sir Gunasegaren

Balance Diet
A balanced diet is one that provides an adequate intake of energy and nutrients
for maintenance of the body and therefore good health. A diet can easily be
adequate for normal bodily functioning, yet may not be a balanced diet. An ideal
human diet contains fat, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, water and
fibre all in correct proportions. These proportions vary for each individual
because everyone has different metabolic rates and levels of activity. Malnutrition
results from an unbalanced diet, this can be due to an excess of some dietary
components and lack of other components, not just a complete lack of food. Too
much of one component can be as much harm to the body as too little.
Deficiency diseases occur when there is a lack of a specific nutrient, although
some diet related disorders are a result of eating in excess. An adequate diet
provides sufficient energy for the performance of the body to function.
Carbohydrates, fats and proteins provide energy. Proteins are a provider of
energy in an emergency, but are primarily used as building blocks for growth and
repair of many body tissues. We also need much smaller amounts of other
nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals. Despite the small quantities needed
these are essential to provide a healthy diet. Within the cells of our body, the
nutrients ingested are converted to other compounds, which are then used for
metabolism and other cellular reactions. Starch, a major carbohydrate is
converted to glucose which can be then synthesised into fat for storage, proteins
are synthesised from amino acids, and phospholipids are made from glycerol and
fatty acids. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are a rapid source of energy; they are
the body's fuel. The bulk of a balanced diet should be made from carbohydrates.
If eaten in an excess of the dietary requirements carbohydrates are easily stored
as fats in the cells. An average adult requires about 12,0.

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balanced diet
1.a diet consisting of the proper quantities and proportions of foodsneeded to ma
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balanced diet
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A diet that contains the proper proportions of carbohydrates, fats, proteins,vitami
ns, minerals, and water necessary to maintain good health.

Name:Natasya Amira bt.Osman

Class:2 Kamil

Teachers Name:Sir Gunasegaran


Biodiversity is the presence of a large variety of plants and animals in
the environment. Biological interaction is the interaction between living
organisms and the environment. There are various types of biological
interactions such as prey-predator, commensalism, mutualism, parasitism,
and competition. There are many reasons on why biological interaction is

One of the importances of biological interaction is that it maintains
the food web. A food web shows the food relationship among living
organisms and most food webs start with green plants. An example of a
food web is that of grass eaten by a grasshopper, a grasshopper eaten by
a frog, a frog eaten by a snake and an owl. If biological interaction doesnt
exist, many animals would die from starvation as the food web wouldnt

Secondly, another reason on why biological interaction is important is
because it controls the population of living organisms. A predator is a living
organism that hunts other living organisms for food and a prey is a living
organism that is hunted by predators. For example, a lion is a predator and
a zebra is its prey. The population of living organisms would be overloaded
if biological interaction didnt exist.

Thirdly, the importance of biological interaction is it allows the living
organisms to protect each other. This can be shown by mutualism which is
an interaction between two different species of living organisms in which
both parties benefit. A fungus and an alga live closely together to form a
lichen, together the fungus and the alga are able to survive in harsh
environments where neither organism would be able to live on its own.
Many living organisms would be destroyed if biological interaction didnt

Finally, another reason on why biological interaction is important is
because it provides the Earth with natural resources. For example, the
process of photosynthesis by green plants releases oxygen which is
inhaled by animals and humans. Another example would be when an
animal defecates, its faeces would be used by plants as fertilizers. These
natural resources are important as they play a role in maintaining the
balance of nature and they would seize to exist if biological interaction
didnt exist.

As a conclusion, these reasons prove that biological interaction,
which is the interaction between living organisms and the environment, is

Advantages of Biological Control:
1. Biological control is a very specific strategy. The vast majority of the
time, whatever predator is introduced will only control the population of
the pest they are meant to target, making it a green alternative to
chemical or mechanical control methods. For example, whereas weed
killing chemicals can also destroy fruit-bearing plants, biological control
allows the fruit to be left uninterrupted while the weeds are destroyed.
2. Natural enemies introduced to the environment are capable of
sustaining themselves, often by reducing whatever pest population they
are supposed to manage. This means that after the initial introduction,
very little effort is required to keep the system running fluidly. It also
means that biological control can be kept in place for a much longer
time than other methods of pest control.
3. Biological control can be cost effective in the long run. Although it may
cost a bit to introduce a new species to an environment, it's a tactic that
only needs to be applied once due to its self-perpetuating nature.
4. Most important of all, it's effective. Whatever pest population you want
controlled will no doubt be controlled. Because the predator introduced
will be naturally inclined to target the pests, very often you'll see the
pest population dwindle.
Disadvantages of Biological Control:
1. Biological control can be fickle. Ultimately, you can't control whatever
natural enemy you set loose in an ecosystem. While it's supposed to
manage one pest, there is always the possibility that your predator will
switch to a different target - they might decide eating your crops instead
of the insects infesting them is a better plan! Not only that, but in
introducing a new species to an environment, there runs the risk of
disrupting the natural food chain.
2. It's a slow process. It takes a lot of time and patience for the biological
agents to work their magic on a pest population, whereas other
methods like pesticides work provide immediate results. The upside to
this is the long-term effect biological control provides.
3. If you're looking to completely wipe out a pest, biological control is not
the right choice. Predators can only survive if there is something to eat,
so destroying their food population would risk their own safety.
Therefore, they can only reduce the number of harmful pests.
4. While it is cheap in the long run, the process of actually setting up a
biological control system is a costly endeavor. A lot of planning an
money goes into developing a successful system.

Importance of Photosynthesis on Earth:
The Earth's atmosphere contains many different gases. Two gases that are of
special importance to living organisms are oxygen and carbon dioxide. These two
gases are used during respiration and photosynthesis. The atmosphere must have a
proper balance of these gases to support life.
Carbon Dioxide and Photosynthesis

Plants obtain energy from sunlight and use it to convert carbon dioxide into
energy-rich carbohydrates like glucose. This begins when small pores on the
underside of the plant's leaves called stomata open to allow carbon dioxide to enter
its cells. Inside organelles within the cells called chloroplasts, carbon dioxide
combines with water from the plant's roots to form glucose and oxygen.

Oxygen and Life on Earth

The oxygen released as a waste product of photosynthesis is a vital resource for
respiration. Plants and other organisms convert oxygen back to carbon dioxide
through respiration. The carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere is then
available again for photosynthesis. This cycle allows organisms to survive on

Glucose and Life on Earth

Plants use some of the glucose produced from carbon dioxide and water during
photosynthesis for growth and reproduction during their life. According to
Raymond Lindeman, 15 to 70 percent of a plant's energy is put to this use. In 1942
Lindeman was the first to realize that this burned energy is not available to the
herbivores that consume the plant.

Primary Production

The energy that is transferred to the animal that consumes a plant is partially used
up in growth and maintenance of the animal. That energy is also unavailable to the
predator that consumes the herbivore. The energy that is consumed, as Lindeman
pointed out, is between 5 and 20 percent of the prey's total assimilated energy.
Because the energy assimilated during photosynthesis is the first made available to
organisms on Earth, photosynthetic organisms are called primary producers. The
rate of their energy assimilation is referred to as their primary productivity.

Human Impact

Loss of plant life on Earth through activities like logging or land development pose
a threat to the primary production of the Earth. Without enough plant life, oxygen
and energy in the form of carbohydrates will dissipate. People can take measures to
balance the development of land and rate of photosynthesis. These may include
planting trees in the place of those destroyed and practicing selective logging, in
which forests are carefully cultivated in a way that promotes new growth.


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