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Marquis Hicks


Experiment 2a
Begin experiment by setting up the apparatus on a level surface close to a drainage source and
make sure it is left. After hanging the empty weight tray balance the apparatus by rotating the counter
weight on the right. Once balanced, add an appropriate amount of water into the reservoir, as water is
added the beam will gradually become more unleveled. Make sure to record and the measure the depth
and temperature of the water. After filling, add mass to the hanging tray to balance out the apparatus,
once balanced record the mass added and the current water level. Repeat at least three times be adding
or removing water to get levels for partially submerged, fully submerged and over fully submerged.
Record data and analyze.
Experiment 2b
Fill a graduated cylinder with an appropriate amount of water, then record the temperature and
depth of water in the graduated cylinder. Next hang an object of mass on a spring scale and measure the
dry weight of the object. Record the data. Afterwards submerge the object into the graduated cylinder
without allowing it to touch the sides. Measure and record the difference in weight off the spring scale,
and record the depth of water change in the graduate cylinder. Repeat by re-submerging the object
deeper into the liquid, record and analyze the data.

Experiment 2a
Water Temperature (C): 23

Experiment 2b
Water Temperature (C): 23
Dry Weight (N) Submerged Weight (N) Initial Volume (ml) Final Volume (ml)
2.8 2.6 830 870
2.8 2.5 830 870
2.8 2.5 830 870

Experiment 2a
For comparison lets start with the calculations of the measured force. We can accomplish this by setting
the summation of the moments about the pivot point equals to zero. For the measured calculation we
can use either WL=F
[W=weight, L= distance from pivot to weight, F=buoyant force, L
= height to
center of buoyancy]. From the experiment we have W from the recorded mass times gravity, the length
L was given, and L
which needs to be calculated which will result in the buoyant force..
The theoretical force is simply calculated by * h
* area.
Area 1/4piab Force
9810 57
9810 48.5
9810 29

Depth (mm) Mass (grams)
114 255 Overly Submerged
97 190 Fully submerged
58 75 Half submerged

Experiment 2b
The goal of the experiment is to measure buoyant force. The measured buoyant force is the different
between the dry weight and the measured submerged weight. Averaging the three trials together the
buoyant equals to roughly .27 N. To confirm the accuracy of the measurement, it is necessary to
calculate the theoretical value for the buoyant force. This is obtained from calculating the volume of the
liquid displaced which results in the volume of the submerged object, since water is an incompressible
fluid, the two are one in the same.

With the above data from experiment 2b, the theoretical buoyant force can be found with the equation
=pgV, where:
P = density of fluid (water @ approximately 20. 998 g/ml
g= gravity (9.81m/s
V= the volume of water displaced (40 ml)
As a result the buoyant force on the apparatus is approximately 392 N which is the weight of the
displaced water.
Error 99.9%
Based on the results the buoyant force does not change with the depth of the object, because the
buoyant for depend on the volume of the object and not the weight, Therefore if you were to have two
object of same weight [assuming they are placed in the same liquid] but one was twice as large the
larger item would have more buoyant force acting on it because it has more volume. Even if the object
measured was made of diamond or Styrofoam [with the same volume and shape, fully submerged] the
buoyant force acting on it would be the same, however because of the mass difference between the
two objects one would sink. Even though the buoyant force is the same the force acting on the object
due to gravity plays a role in whether or not it would sink, which is different than whether or not is has
buoyant. [insert fbd]
Another factor to include in consideration is the shape of the object, however the buoyant force would
still be same [given same density and volume] because the only factor in calculating the buoyant force
as pertaining to the object is its volume. The shape of the object pertains the surface area which
according to Bernoulli principle Fb=pgV has no factor in the buoyant force acting on the object.

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