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FS Earth Tiles v1.

User Documentation
1. Introduction
2. Installation
3. Start
4. Generating your very first test Scenery
5. Generating your individual Scenery
6. Area and its !eference Area
". #ater
$. Seasons
%. &' Scri(ts) *S +art, -iles can .e ada(ted/ also .y you)
10.-,e story of *S +art, -iles develo(ment.
Advanced Documentation
11. +art, Services and +art, 1ro2ection 34ercator5
12. *iles and *ile flo6
13. *S+- and *S+4 internal structure
14. *S+- (arameters 3*ile7 *S+art,-iles.ini5
15. *S+4 (arameters 3*ile7 *S+art,4as8s.ini5
16. Unsorted Information
*S+- 9 *S +art, -iles 3main e:e ; a((lication5
*S+4 9 *S +art, 4as8s 3add on e:e ; a((lication5
User Documentation
1. Introduction
&ongratulation on c,oosing *S +art, -iles) 3I always wanted to write this sentence once! 75 5
*S +art, -iles is a *lig,t Simulator tool I started to develo( for me and you/ ins(ired .y t,e cool -ile
1ro:y (ro2ect/ ,el(ing you to get (,oto<te:tures as static add<on scenery into t,e *lig,t Simulator .y
accessing eart, services.
All earth services have copyriht on their material! That means you may not distri!ute scenery
you create that includes such material. "ou are also not really allo#ed to do#nload such material
and store and use it in FS or else#here #ithout the permission o$ the services.
%. Installation
1. &reate a $older 'FSEarthTiles' $or this application and un(ip the pac)ae into this $older.

%. *pen the $ile FSEarthTiles.ini and complete the Service con$iurations!
*or legal reasons t,ey are only (reconfigured. !ead 6,at is 6ritten at t,e .eginning of t,at file. -,e
internet is a very ,el(ful source to figure out valid configurations. So use it and do an active searc,. Do
=>- (ost and as8ing me for a configuration) And dont .e la?y as8ing ot,ers to do your 6or8. It is sim(le
enoug, to figure out a valid configuration)
+. ,a)e sure .-ET %.0 .or ne#er/ is installed.
>n all modern u(dated @1 and Aista Systems t,is s,ould .e t,e case. >n older systems or rarely
u(dated systems you mig,t need to visit t,e 4icrosoft (ages and do6nload t,e .=+- 2.0 frame6or8. 3If
you dont ,ave .=+- installed at all on a((lication start you get a very ugly non inter(reta.le 4icrosoft

+. Start
< Simple dou!le clic) on FSEarthTiles.e0e
Alternative 17 Drag an individual *S+art,-iles configuration file 31artial *S+art,-iles.ini5 on
*S+art,-iles.e:e. Settings in t,is individual configuration file t,at you drag on *S+art,-iles.e:e 6ill
over6rite settings of t,e *S+art,-iles.ini default file t,at 6ill al6ays .e loaded in first. -,e individual
configuration file can .e reduced to t,e over6rites only .ut al6ays reBuire t,e Section <-ags.
+:am(le content of an individual configuration file7
AreaDefinitionMode = 1Point
AreaSize = !"#
AreaSize$ = #"%
&enter'atit(de = ))"*+,rad north
&enter'on,it(de = -"!+,rad east
A(toStartDownload = $es
A(toE.itA//lication = $es
Alternative %7 Cou can start *S+art,-iles.e:e 6it, command line arguments. &,ec8 t,e file
&ommandDine1arameters!ead4e.t:t for t,e commands.
Alternative +7 Cou can start *S+art,-iles.e:e 6it, dragging a .8ml *ile on t,e e:e. -,e E4D<*ile s,ould
contain a (olygon or line 3no single (oints5 6it, t,e la.el FAreaG. -,e minimum and ma:imum coordinates
of all t,e (oints of t,e (olygon or line s(ecifies t,e area.
1. 2eneratin your very $irst test scenery
1. Start FSEarthTiles 3dou.le clic8 on *S+art,-iles.e:e5
2. &hec) that you et a similar picture li)e the one in the Introduction. If t,e Air(ort vie6 is missing
or you see an error dis(layed li8e Hcan not accessH... t,en eit,er your services configuration in t,e
*S+art,-iles.ini file is 6rong 3&,ec8 c,a(ter 2. Installation (oint 25 or your internet connection is not
6or8ing. 3Cou need a 6or8ing internet connection for t,is of course5
3. Enter a #or)in $older. 3A folder 6,ere *S+art,-iles 6ill store intermediate files reBuired for t,e
scenery generation. -,e folder 6ill .e created if non<e:istent.
Attention. -,e default is a folder on t,e D7 Drive) If you ,ave no D7 drive c,ange t,is to &7
4. Enter a scenery $older. 3A folder 6,ere *S+art,-iles 6ill store t,e .uild scenery. -,e folder 6ill .e
created if non<e:istent including t,e t6o su. folders scenery and te:ture5.
Attention. -,e default is a folder on t,e D7 Drive) If you ,ave no D7 drive c,ange t,is to &7
=ote t,at you can also c,ange t,is folders in t,e *S+art,-iles.ini file. If you c,ange it t,ere you ,ave
t,em already set rig,t for t,e ne:t start of *S+art,-iles.

5. Select your Scenery &ompiler 6it, t,e Scen. Compiler s6itc, 3*S@ or *S20045
6. 3ress Start and en2oy t,e s,o6. 3Dont close t,e 6indo6s t,at o(ens.. t,ey ,ave 6or8 to do and 6ill
close 6,en done5
". >nce *S+art,-iles is finis, 3Status7 Done.5 close it and start your *lig,t Simulator
and add t,e scenery 3-,e scenery is in t,e scenery folder you entered in *S+art,-iles in ste( 45.
!efer to your *lig,t Simulator documentation or ,el( if you dont 8no6 ,o6 to add sceneries in t,e *lig,t
Simulator. *or *S2004 3or *S% as some say5 you need to restart t,e *lig,t Simulator after every scenery
addition. In *S@ you can continue rig,t after t,e scenery addition.
$. &hoose Free $liht: Air(ort Sestri in Genoa 3Italy5/ 44I25 nort, $I51 east
-a8e off 3.est 6it, ,elico(ter5 or s6itc, to satellite vie6 and if all 6ent 6ell you s,ould see a little (eace
of (,oto te:ture scenery. 75

4. 2eneratin your individual scenery
>nce you created your very first test scenery descri.ed in &,a(ter 4 you s,ould .e ready to .uild your
o6n scenery.
-,e .est is to start 6it, Google+art, or 66.flas,eart,.com and c,ec8 out for your location first.
=e:t you start *S+art,-iles and s(ecify t,e 6or8ing and t,e scenery folder. Its recommended to s(ecify
o6n 6or8 folder and scenery folder for every scenery you create so it 6ill never conflict 6it, old
sceneries and you can more easily find t,e scenery and its source files again.

=o6 you ,ave 4 6ays to define your location ; area you 6ant to do6nload and install as scenery.
First #ay
-,e first 6ay is .y entering t,e s(ecific coordinates and t,is again you can do in 2 6ays de(ending on t,e
Area Def. Mode selector setting you can7
13oint mode: Cou enter t,e center coordinates of t,e area of interest in t,e Center filed and rig,t
.elo6 t,e si?e 3Area field5.

%3oint mode: Cou enter t,e =ort,<#est<&orner coordinates of t,e area of interest and t,e Sout,<+ast<
&orner coordinates.
1ress t,e Display Jutton once you ,ave entered t,e coordinates to see t,e 6,ole area dis(layed in t,e
Dis(lay .elo6
-ote: -,e 6orld coordinate format is hours/ minutes and seconds.
1 ,our 9 60 minutes/ 1 minute 9 60 seconds.
If you ,a((en to meet coordinates li8e 44 25.% t,en t,is means 25 (oint % minutes and t,at is eBual 25
minutes 54 seconds 30.%K60sec5. If t,is is too com(licated t,en enter t,e 6,ole 25.% in t,e minute field.
1lease learn to 8no6 6orld coordinates .efore you (ost, li8e you can not enter t,e (lane (osition
in *S+- li8e I read in a foreign forum once.
Second #ay
-,e second 6ay is .y sim(ly dra6ing t,e Area of interest into t,e dis(lay.
-o do t,is first use t,e Loom selector and ?oom out a little so you can see more. 3,ig,er num.ers5
=avigate 3le$t clic) in display and dra the map5 to your location of interest and ?oom out so t,at you
,ave t,e full area you 6ant to do6nload in t,e dis(lay.
Cou can do a dou.le clic8 to center t,e ma( on a certain (osition.
-,en clic8 on t,e Draw Area .utton
Cour cursor c,anges into a cross. 4ove it to t,e to( left corner of t,e location you 6ant to do6nload and
le$t clic) and hold.
4ove your cursor to t,e rig,t corner of t,e location of interest and release.
=o6 you ,ave dra6n your area. If you 6ant to modify it sim(le clic8 and ,old in one of t,is !ings and
drag it around. 3.lue / green 5
If you 6ant to see t,e Area cantered and fit into t,e dis(lay again t,e sim(lest 6ay is .y clic8ing on t,e
Display Jutton any time you li8e.
Cou can also use t,is 8eys t,at sim(le centers eit,er one of t,e 4 corners of t,e area or t,e area center in
t,e dis(lay.
>nce you ,ave dra6n your Area you s,ould select t,e HDo6nload !esolutionH level/
A resolution Devel -a.le eBuates to 6,at your Scenery resolution 6ill .e in t,e *lig,t Simulator you see
dis(layed on t,e -ool7

Cou s,ould c,ec8 if t,e service ,as -iles availa.le 6it, suc, a resolution .y setting t,e Loom Devel eBual
to t,e Do6nload !esolution Devel)
Cou can try out a different Service. 36,en you ,ave configured t,em5. Cou 6ill see t,at t,e te:tures ,ave
different loo8s and different Buality.
Select your Scenery &om(iler if you ,avent done t,is fi: in t,e *S+art,-iles.ini configuration file already.
-,en 6,en ready start t,e Do6nload .
Third #ay
-,e t,ird 6ay is .y (assing a file to *S+- t,at s(ecifies t,e coordinates of t,e area.
31artial*S+art,-iles.ini or AreaE4D.8ml5
-,e *ile can .e (assed .y dragging it on t,e *S+art,-iles.e:e to start t,e A((lication or later at run time
.y dragging it directly onto t,e *S+- coordinate in(ut field grou(.
In case you ,ave named t,e file 1artial*S+art,-iles.ini or AreaE4D.8ml and (laced it into t,e #or8ing
folder you can also load it .y using t,e grey 8eys
I 3im(ort .ini5 and E 3im(ort .8ml5
-,e Eeys are7
E 9 Im(ort AreaE4D.8ml file located in t,e #or8ing *older
I 9 Im(ort 1artial*S+art,-iles.ini *ile located in t,e #or8ing *older
+ 9 +:(ort 1artial*S+art,-iles.ini *ile to t,e #or8ing *older
1 9 1aste *S+-<In(ut data from t,e cli(.oard into *S+-
& 9 &o(y *S+-<In(ut data to t,e cli(.oard.
-,e &o(y and 1aste includes t,e information of t,e s(ecified folders/ 6,ereas t,e Im(ort and +:(ort
.uttons only transfer t,e In(ut &oordinates.
Fourth #ay
-,e fourt, 6ay is dragging data from one running *S+-<A((lication into a second *S+-<A((lication.
-o do t,is you sim(ly clic8 in t,e &oordinate In(ut Grou(/ ,old t,e mouse and move to t,e second *S+-<
-,is 6ill co(y all GUI settings from one *S+- into anot,er and is very ,el(ful if you 6ant to 6or8 6it,
multi(le *S+-s running at t,e same time.
-,e coordinate datas t,at .ecome co(ied are t,e Sna((ed coordinates and =>- t,e in(ut coordinates.
Cou can drag and dro( t,e data 6it, a sim(le clic8 on t,e coordinate in(ut grou( to one and t,e same
*S+- A((lication. In t,is case t,e In(ut coordinates .ecome set to t,e Sna((ed coordinates.
-,e .est 6ay to clone *S+- .et6een one and anot,er *S+- A((lication is
15 a s,ort sim(le clic8 6it, t,e mouse into t,e coordinate in(ut grou( of t,e source *S+- to set In(ut
coordinates 9 sna( &oordinates
25 a clic8 and ,old/ drag over to t,e second *S+- A((lication and release to co(y;clone all t,e *S+-
data to t,e second *S+-.
5. Area and it6s 7e$erence Area
#,en you e:(erimented a little 6it, do6nloading an Area in earlier (re versions you ( already
,ave seen t,is message .y no67
*S+art,-iles assem.les t,e te:ture of t,e area in one large .itma( in t,e memory. If in t,e (ast you dre6
a large area and c,oose a ,ig, resolution 39lo6 resolution level5 t,e .itma( .ecame so large t,at it can
not .e ,eld in your memory.
*S+art,-iles really tries to allocate t,e te:ture in a (re 6or8 ste( and only 6,en t,e system says t,ere is
no s(ace it re(orts t,at it can no .e done. .=+- limits a large (art .efore t,e memory is used all u( on
@1 32Jit systems. >n a Aista 64 Jit you can do6nload larger areas. -,e limit t,ere is on t,e general
32Jit a((lication limit 3*S+art,-iles is 32Jit com(iled5 6,ic, is a.out 2GJyte for data.
Anot,er good indicator to see ,o6 close you are to a limit instead of t,e reBuired ram is t,e -ile count

A Tile is a unit used !y the earth services and speci$ies a photo te0ture #ith a $i0ed si(e o$
%450%45 pi0el usually.
-,e 6ay out of t,is memory limit is to 6or8 6it, multi areas. -,at is somet,ing I never intended to do .ut
6as reBuested .y a lot users.
-,ere are t6o (ossi.le t,in8a.le 6ays to do t,is7
15 Dra6 a large area and auto s(lit it into smaller areas.
25 Dra6 a small !eference Area and assem.le a large area 6it, single areas of t,e si?e of t,e reference
4et,od 1/ as cool as it is for t,e user/ is very trou.lesome as soon as you do not ,ave freedom in ,o6
you s(lit t,e area. *or *S2004 for e:am(le 6e are .ound to ,andle;create areas of *lig,t Simulators
D>D<Grid D>D13.
Cou could t,in8 of s(litting everyt,ing into a D>D13 as smallest unit .ut 6it, a large s(ectrum of
resolution ; ?oom you eit,er create t,ousands of t,ousands of very small areas on t,e one end of t,e
s(ectrum or you ,it your memory limitation 2ust 6it, one suc, unit on t,e ot,er end. It is also ,ard to
ensure (recise Area .oundaries.
4et,od 2 is a lot .etter from a develo(ers stand(oint .ecause .y ,aving t,e user defining a reference
area t,at fits 6it,in its memory/ t,e 6ay to assem.le a large Area is all determined and trou.le free.
-,erefore *S+- (re v0.$ 3and earlier5 6ays 6as t,e t6o ste(7
1. User defines a !eference Area t,at can .e (rocessed.
2. User dra6s t,e large area t,at is t,en assem.led of !eference Areas
Di8e v0.$ and earlier *S+- v0.% and later is all .ased on assem.ling and not s(litting. It ,olds one
!eference Area and t,e desired Area.
I recogni?ed t,at for a lot users t,e Assem.ling (rocess is uncommon and users did not understand ,o6
t,is 6or8s.
In a .ig ste( to ma8e it more user friendly I too8 t,e time to im(lement an Auto !eference Area mode.
#it, t,at it is no6 (ossi.le in v0.% and later to sim(le dra6 your large area of interest and *S+- auto
s(lits t,at Area.
3Ces I said I never 6ould do t,at. Jut I did so many t,ings in *S+- I never 6anted to do .ecause t,ey all
mean a lot of 6or85
The Auto 7e$erence Area mode
If you start *S+- you 6ill .e in t,e Auto !eference 4ode.
-,is loo8s li8e t,at7

-,e KAutoK is t,e sign t,at you are in t,e Auto !eference Area 4ode.
In t,is mode you can sim(le dra6 your large area and start t,e do6nload. A users dream.
If you c,oose *S2004 as &om(iler your AreaSna( is set to D>D13 3instead off5 and you 6ill see an
additional S6itc, 3left .utton of *S+-5
#it, t,is you can select a Auto<!eference 4ode7
-,ere are 4 4odes7
1 < 4aintains t,e In(ut &oordinates .est. Sna(s to t,e Grid. 3Area Sna( is al6ays to t,e ne:t larger5 Jut
t,is one can (roduce long Stri(s. 3a (rime AreaSna( Unit count can not .e s(lit5
2 < Allo6s enlargement of t,e Area to M1 more Sna( Grid Unit.
3 < 4a:imum *reedom. -,is comes closest to t,e AreaSna( off and (roduces for your memory t,e most
o(timal Areas<Units. 3Darge Area Units are .etter for *S@5
4 < !esolves;S(lits t,e Area com(letely into AreaSna( Units. -,e !eference Area .ecomes eBual to 1
AreaSna( unit.
An Area assem.led of largest (ossi.le !eference Areas 3AreaSna( off57

-,is is your Area 6,ic, in my e:am(le consists of % sim(le 3reference5 areas.
Cou also see t,em totalled u(.
If you (ress start

*S+art,-iles 6ill start (rocessing eac, one of t,is % Areas one after anot,er. It com(letely finis, t,e
scenery of eac, area .efore starting to do6nload and 6or8 on t,e ne:t sim(le area.
The Edit 7e$erence Area mode
If you feel t,e need to edit t,e !eference Area 4anually you can clic8 on t,is Jutton
-,e Jutton Jar 6ill c,ange to7
and sign t,at you are no6 in t,e !eference Area +dit mode.
Cou can sim(le dra6 or edit t,e Area as you do it 6it, t,e large are of desire.
If you finis, you clic8 .ac8 and you 6ill .e in t,e *i: !eference Area mode.
Important7 4a8e sure you leave t,e +dit !eference 4ode .efore you start t,e do6nload .y (ressing
HstartH else it 6ill only do6nload t,e !eference Area)
The Fi0 7e$erence Area mode
-,is is t,e Sign t,at you are in t,e *i: !eference Area mode. Cou can get to ,ere from t,e +dit
!eference Area 4ode or 6,en you clic8 on t,e !eference 4ode Jutton.
In t,is mode t,e !eference Area is fro?en and t,e area you dra6 6ill .e assem.led out of t,is fi:ed
!eference Area. 3Similar to v0.$5
-,ere is anot,er 6ay to define a !eference Area 6it,out using t,e +dit !eference mode7
In t,e Auto !eference 4ode you can sim(le clic8 on t,e !eference 4ode Jutton .utton
6,ic, 6ill c,ange to indicating you c,anged to t,e *i: !eference Area mode and t,e actual
.y t,e Auto mode evaluated !eference Area .ecomes a fro?en fi: !eference Area.
-o s6itc, .ac8 to t,e Auto !eference 4ode sim(ly clic8 on t,e reference mode .utton.
Auto<!ef<4ode *i:<!ef<4ode
8. 9ater
*or 6ater creation you need a Aector Dra6ing -ool.
*or *S+art,-iles you can use
2oole Earth 34.2 Jeta5 ,tt(7;;eart,;
In)scape 30.45.15 ,tt(7;;666.in8sca(;
-,e .asic conce(t is to dra6 2 (oly lines 3(at,5 t,at enclose t,e transition from land to 6ater.
>ne (oly line you ,ave to la.el &oast and you s,ould dra6 it as e:actly on t,e coast as (ossi.le.
-,e ot,er (oly line you ,ave to la.el Deep9ater and t,is one you dra6 6,ere dee( 6ater s,ould start.
-,is line can .e coarse.
Cou can dra6 more t,an one suc, (oly line for eac, ty(e. #,ereas in Google+art, you can give t,em
e:actly t,e same name on In8sca(e a uniBue name
is reBuired. Cou can add anyt,ing you li8e to t,e la.el name to ma8e it uniBue. +:am(le &oast1 &oast2/
Dee(#ater1/ Dee(#ater2...
-,e (oly lines may .e closed and .ecome a (olygon. *S+art,-iles 6ill (rocess (oly lines and (olygons.
Internal t,ere is no difference .ecause all t,at is (rocessed are t,e single lines 6it,in a (oly line or
(olygon. 36it, v0.$5
2oole Earth
Google +art, you start :EF*7E you start *S+art,-iles.
Cou dra6 t,e 6ater transition lines of t,e #P>D+ area in advance. If you (lan to do6nload 4ulti Areas
you ,ave to cover t,e 6,ole 4ulti Area.
4a8e sure -,e *older is selected t,at contains all your (oly lines. In my case H4eine >rteH
-,en save t,e (laces 3*ile <O save (laces in..5 in the FSEarthTiles 9or) Folder you are going to use
-,e *ile =ame ,as to .e7 Area;,<.)ml
Important: "ou need to select FileType: ;ml .=.)ml/ ) -,e default google setting is Em?.
=o6 start *S+art,-iles and set t,e 6or8ing folder.
4a8e sure &reate 4as8s is set to Ces.
-,en start your do6nload.
3*S+art,-iles is (reconfigured to run 6it, t,e .8ml *ile so t,ere are no configuration c,anges reBuired.5
In8sca(e 6ill .e started from *S+art,-iles after E>E7" do6nloaded area.
-o do t,is you need to c,ange t,e *S+art,-iles.ini configuration file to7
'<<< -,ird 1arty -ools <<<
UseAreaE4D*ile 9 -o
UseScala.leAectorGra(,ics-ool 9 "es
Scala.leAectorGra(,ics-ool 9 D:?In)scape?in)scape.e0e
Cou ,ave to enter your (at, 6,ere you installed In8sca(e.
Cou can also leave t,e UseAreaE4D*ile to Ces .ut 6,en it finds a AreaE4D.8ml file it 6ill .e used t,en
also 3mi:es .ot, toget,er5
Start *S+art,-iles.
4a8e sure &reate 4as8s is set to Ces.
-,en start t,e Do6nload.
After Do6nloading *S+art,-iles 6ill fire u( In8sca(e 6,ere you dra6 t,e &oast and t,e Dee(#ater line.
Give t,em uniBue names .y adding num.ers. 3>.2ect (ro(erties/ ctrl<s,ift<o5
Its a good idea to c,ec8 if it acce(ted t,e name .y reo(ening t,e (ro(erties again. If it doesnt acce(ts
t,e name 3not uniBue5 you dont see t,is immediately.
4a8e sure you dra6 t,e Dine a good 6ay outside t,e Jitma( also)
If you cut too s,ort t,e 6ater land detection mig,t go 6rong.
#,en dra6n go to file and save as.
Important in version 0.14: Delete the .!mp $rom the $ile name!
-,en save it. It s,ould save t,e same name .ut 6it, a .svg suffi: 3auto add clic8ed on5 to t,e correct
6or8ing folder.
Cou can let t,e default In8sca(e .svg selection. It 6or8s 6it, t,at.
&lose In8sca(e 6indo6s and *S+art,-iles continues 6it, starting *S+art,4as8s t,at creates t,e 6ater
.itma( out of t,e .svg file.
9ater and FS%001
*S2004 does not 8no6 -ransitions.
#ater creation for *S2004 is ,andled as all t,e -ransition 9 #ater.
*S2004 also does not 8no6 Jlending. Jlending is ignored.

*ther ;,< &ommando@<ines
=ote7 &,ec8 for some .E4D e:am(les t,at (ossi.le comes 6it, *S+-.
#it, v0.% you ,ave a of more &ommando<Dines Da.el you can use for *S+-.7

&oast and Deep9ater are only one (air of Dines mar8ing a #ater<-ransition.
#it, v0.% you ,ave 2 more suc, -ransitions7
&oastT#o and Deep9aterT#o .est used for la8es/ rivers and suc,.
:lend*n and :lend,a0. -,is is used to Jlend a te:ture out.
Jlend means t,at t,e original *S@ .ac8ground is loo8ing t,roug,. #,en t,ere is 6ater you ,ave 6ater.
#,en t,ere is land you 6ill see land.
Its a -rans(arency you can start from 0 to 100Q.
=ote t,at also t,e #ater -ransition .y *S+art,-iles;*S+art,4as8s default is set u( as
Jlend;-rans(arency and not using #ater !eflection.
-,e 6ater loo8s muc, .etter and ,as a smoot,er transition if you do it .y a Jlend;-rans(arency effect
and dont use #ater<!eflection. 3digital on;off and color c,anging over lig,ting5
-,is means t,e 6ater transition relays on a good *S@ mes,.
Area is of interest for *S+art,-iles main A((lication only and s(ecifies t,e Area &oordinates 3min and
ma: of all (oints coordinates in t,e (olygon or line5 you 6ant to do6nload.
9ater3ool/ <and3ool and :lend3ool are an alternative 6ay to mar8 #ater/ Dand or Jlend Areas 6it,
2ust one (olygon 3no o(en lines)5.
Different to t,e -ransition 1ools ,ave a constant value) I.e. all *ull #ater/ *ull Dand/ *ull Jlend.
1ools are al6ays dominant 3,ig,er (riority t,an transitions5 and t,e order you dra6 t,em is im(ortant
also. -,e most recent is dra6n on to( of t,e one .efore.
-,e -ransitions are on t,e lo6est Devel and all t,e 3 8inds s,are t,e same level 6it, eBual (riority to
eac, ot,er. Pere at t,e end t,e 2ust at one (oint ,ig,er value in a transition 6ill dominate.
-,e -ransitions also ,ave a sort of 1ool (olygons t,at can .e used alt,oug, on t,e same and lo6est
level as t,e transitions.
-,is -ransition<(ools are 9aterA 9aterT#o and :lend. -,e value t,ey ,ave is t,e Aalue of t,e s(ecific
-ransition end.
-,e -ransition function as 6ell as t,e 1ool Aalues can .e com(letely customi?ed. *or t,is you ,ave to
c,ec8 t,e (arameters in t,e *S+art,4as8s.ini.
-,ere is also a (arameter t,at generates a 1lot gra(,ic3-ransition1lotGra(,icJitma(*ile..m(5 in t,e
6or8 folder to see t,e -ransition functions.
I ,ave no time at t,e moment to e:(lain t,is (arameters.
Rust one t,ing you need to 8no6 and t,is is t,at t,is is a function t,at consists of 3 S 6,ereas t,e first S
and t,e Dast are .ound to t,e +ntry Aalue 0 and e:ist Aalue 1. 31 9 100Q5
If you 6ant a constant value for a 6,ole transition you need to deactivate t,e first and t,e last S and only
use t,e middle one) -o do t,at you s(ecify t,e first connection (oint .et6een t,e first and t,e second S to
: 9 0 and t,e second connection (oint .et6een t,e second S and t,e t,ird S to : 9 1.0
7e@&olorin 9ater in a 9ater@Transition
Di8e you can see in t,e 1lot you can also create -ransition functions for recoloring of t,e 6ater.
3(arameters in t,e *S+art,4as8s.ini5
Important: 7ecolorin is only active #hen you let FSETBFSE, create a Summer :itmap! This #ay
the oriinal Source :itmap colorin #ill not !e altered and the process can !e repeated later.
I dont t,in8 it is so useful .ut 6ell if you need it you can do it.
C. Seasons
Cou can create Seasons 6it, *S+-;*S+4. -,is is done .y altering t,e color (i:el for (i:els. -,e routines
are original from -,omas 4. and t,eir original (ur(ose is to create seasons for t,e S6it?erland 1ro
scenery. I included t,em into *S+- and e:(anded s(ring/nig,t and ada(ted t,em a little.
Season creation 6or8s .ut you can not e:(ect too muc,. A main (ro.lem is t,at t,e services tiles are
com(ressed 3.2(g5 format and in Pard #inter for e:am(le you 6ill see 2(g rectangle artefacts. Also t,e
color .et6een t,e services and regions vary strongly so t,at t,e color detection and altering doesnt
al6ays fit so 6ell.
D. &E Scripts! FSET can !e adaptedA also !y you!
Dont li8e t,e generated Seasons Jitma(sS >r do you 6ant to include a s(ecial *S commando in t,e
InfoS #it, *S+- (re v0.% I included &' Scri(t. -,is is a t,ird (arty free6are &' Di.rary .y >leg S.
allo6ing to ,andle &' code as a Scri(t at runtime.
Cou 6ill find .cs files in t,e *S+- folders. -,is are &' Scri(ts. If you o(en t,em and loo8 at t,em you 6ill
discover t,at t,is is &' code. Different to a &' (ro2ect 6,ere t,e code needs to .e com(iled a,ead of
time/ t,is .cs Scri(t *iles 6ill .e read in and com(iled at run time.
Activate t,e &'Scri(ts ,andling .y setting t,e (arameter
Use&S,ar(Scri(ts 9 "es
in t,e *S+art,-iles.ini and t,e *S+art,4as8s.ini files.
-,en do your c,anges in t,is .cs Scri(t *ile codes. -,e ne:t time you start *S+- and;or *S+4 t,e
Scri(ts 6it, your c,anges .ecome read in com(iled and used.
4ost data you need are eit,er (assed as (arameters or you find t,em in a class suc, as +art,&onfig in
t,e *S+art,-iles (ro2ect. -o see 6,at suc, a class contains you s,ould c,ec8 6it, t,e *S+- Source
files. Jut a lot of t,ings can .e done 6it,out ,aving to loo8 for additional (arameters in t,e sources.
10. The story o$ FSEarthTiles development
#,en *S@ came out t,e disa((ointment 6as .ig. =ot only t,e ,ardly t6ea8 a.le (erformance 6as .ad/
.ut also t,e loo8) =o6 I 8no6 some 6ill disagree 6,en reading t,is.
Jut ,onestly/ do you really t,in8 t,e default loo8 of *S@ is in any 6ay acce(ta.le es(ecially if you
com(are it 6it, *S2004 6it, 3 years im(rovements form t,e *S &ommunityS
It almost loo8s li8e t,at 3 years im(rovement is 6asted. -,e *S Develo(ers did not ta8e notice of any
im(rovements in t,e scene ignored it and com(are t,eir ne6 (roduct 6it, t,eir old one instead 6it, 6,at
is 6anted. Its so sim(le7 #,at ma8es a difference .et6een a *lig,t Simulator 6e li8e and one 6e dont
li8e)S In most (art it is flig,t<(,ysics/ (erformance and loo8)
*lig,t 1,ysics7 =ot muc, to com(lain ,ere e:ce(t t,e A321. #it, or 6it,out +*&S it flys not li8e an
Doo87 *S@ default te:tures are t,e 6orst Ive ever seen. +ven 6orse t,an *S2004 defaults. -,e .igs,oc8
I got 6,en I sa6 t,at t,ey covered +uro(e 6it, a desert te:tures 3or 6it, 6,at is t,eir idea of a desert
te:ture5 in autumn) Cou can create t,e .est (roduct .ut you 8ill it all 6it, a .ad loo8. #,at ,ad it cost you
to create s,ar( Buality te:turesS
1erformance7 A disa((ointing (erformance doesnt im(rove t,e acce(tance of a (roduct. It doesnt ,el(s
if you say t,e (erformance 6ill .e acce(ta.le 6it, ne6 ,ard6are in 2 or 3 years. #e 6ant to fly no6 6it,
t,is (roduct. In 3 years you .ring out a ne6 (roduct any6ay.
As disa((ointing as *S@ 6as at first sig,t I also sa6 t,e (otential it ,ad to at least .ring .ac8 a good loo8
and t,is 6as even .efore I 8ne6 a.out -ile 1ro:y and so I left *S2004 and s6itc,ed to *S@. All 6,at 6as
reBuired is7 1 -6ea8s to ma8e t,e dis(layed te:ture s,ar( again. 2. ne6 default te:ture files.
I ,ad moderate success at first/ not,ing really ,el(ed. It all c,anged once 6,en I ,eard a.out t,e -ile
1ro:y (ro2ect t,at during t,e flig,t online streams (,oto te:tures of eart, services into t,e *lig,t
Simulator. I 6as im(ressed ,o6 it all loo8ed .etter 6it, t,is te:tures. Jut t,is .etter loo8 ,ad a (rice. It
6as too slo6 for flying 6it, a Ret. Also t,e D>D radius 6as recommended to set to minimum 6,ic,
reduces t,e s,ar(ness you can get and I ,ad to (ause a lot also on slo6er (lanes to get t,e scenery
dis(lay catc, u(. And t,en t,ere 6ere t,is Aista limitations 6,ic, made using -ile 1ro:y trou.lesome. 3*$
on .oot/ User access rig,t settings5. And t,ere 6as t,is long long scenery loading time 6,en you started
a flig,t.
In s,ort it 6as not feasi.le for my commercial Ret flying needs. I li8e to fly commercial Rets not at last
.ecause *S1assangers made it a lot more en2oya.le.
4y Idea 6as to fly from A to J and t,at reBuires detailed ground te:ture at t,e (oint A and at t,e (oint J
t,at also can ,andle t,e s(eed.
It 6as clear to me t,at 6,at I 6ant can only .e arc,ived 6it, a static scenery and not 6it, an online
#,en I sa6 t,e -ile 1ro:y configuration I 6as sur(rised to see t,at t,e eart, services ,ad t,eir material
sim(le accessi.le 6it, every #e. Jro6ser. -,ere is no encry(ting or anyt,ing its all o(en t,ere in t,e
(u.lic. -,e only (oint left to do 6as to figure out t,e ma((ing of t,e -iles 31 -ile9 a (eace (,oto te:ture
of a fi: si?e in (i:el7 256:2565 on t,e glo.e. -,is too8 me 1<2 day to figure it out. *rom t,en on I 8ne6 it
6as (ossi.le to 6rite a (rogram to create static sceneries out of t,is eart, services tiles. *S+art,-iles
(re Aersion v0.1 t,at already could to t,is 6as out after $ days develo(ing using &'.
I didnt 8no6 it t,en .ut today I ,ave t,e loo8 t,at ma8es *S@ loo8ing 6ay a,ead of *S2004 no6. I could
t6ea8 t,e s,ar(ness and 6it, *S+art,-iles I can re(lace t,e ugly default te:tures 6it, great loo8ing
(,oto<te:tures. It really ma8es a .ig .ig difference. Rust t,e .ad *S@ (erformance is still a ,andica( to
really en2oy it. It 6ill .e solved once 6,en a 6G,? 1& is out .ecause t,at is 6,at is reBuired for 20f(s 3AI
M AutoGen M .loom M 6ater5.

// FS Earth Tiles pre V0.99 HB-100 July 2008
// written / prora!!e" #y HB-100 $%opyriht HB-100&
// This prora! an" the sour%e %o"e is "e"i%ate" to the
// Fliht Si!ulator 'o!!unity
// an" it(s tireless e))ort to trans)or! the Fliht Si!ulator into an
// aweso!e e*perien%e )or e+eryone,
// The prora! an" the %o"e !ay #e use" )ree.
// -o li!itations )ro! !y si"e.
// Than.s to the )ollowin a%ti+e %ontri#utors "urin the "e+elop!ent/
// Ste))en 0. $E*pansions/1at%hes/Ser+i%e2&
// 3ol)ra! 4. $Fee"#a%./0"eas/Testin&
// 'hristian B. $Ha"n(t starte" this pro5e%t when there
// ha" #een no Tile 1ro*y&
// 6ntoine 7. $FS 7is%ussions/0"eas e*%hane&
// Tho!as 8. $'H 1ro Seasons 4outines&
// 9le S. $': S%ript ;i#rary&
// <erry
// Jo5o
// )ly-a-lot an" all the people o) the FS1asseners )oru!
Advanced Documentation
11. Earth Services and Earth 3roFection .,ercator/
*S+art,-iles is designed to 6or8 6it, +art, Services t,at use t,e 4ercator (ro2ection. #it, t,e 4ercator
(ro2ection t,e +art, surface is (ro2ected onto a flat ma(.
-,e 4ercator (ro2ection is .y far not t,e only eart, (ro2ections t,at e:ists. *or some reasons t,at I dont
8no6 t,ey c,oose t,is (ro2ection as t,eir .ase. 4ay.e it is .ecause it is a often used (ro2ection.

A 4ercator (ro2ection ma( of t,e +art, loo8s li8e t,e (icture in t,is lin87
A similar vie6 can .e generated 6it, *S+-7
-,e Areas in t,is grid ,ere all ,ave t,e same Datitude 3nort, .order T sout, .order5 and Dongitude 36est
.order <east .order5 coordinate difference.
Di8e you can see t,e Dongitude (art of t,e Grid is in a constant raster 6,ereas t,e Datitude (art is
stretc,ing to6ard t,e eart, (oles.
In fact t,e stretc,ing gro6s e:(onential to6ard infinite at t,e (oles. -,is means t,at t,e eart, (oles itself
can =>- .e covered .y a 4ercator (ro2ection ma(. -,e service coverage sto(s at a certain Datitude.
-,e e:act value 6,ere t,e ma( is cut in Datitude is e:tremely im(ortant to .e a.le to ma( any -ile of an
eart, services .ac8 into an e:act eart, location. -,e reason is t,at t,is cut value is used to normali?e t,e
4ercator (ro2ection. It too8 me a day to figure out t,e e:act value .y systematic narro6ing it. -o my
sur(rise t,e value turned out to .e 1I 3in t,e 4ercator s(ace 6,ic, transform to a.out $5.05 and some
more digits degree Datitude5. 1I is a very elegant value to cut;limit t,e Datitude of a 4ercator 4a(
.ecause it goes ,and in ,and 6it, t,e ma:imum value you get 6,en you transform t,e Dongitude
ma:imum value t,at is M1$0 degree into t,e radiant system U 1I. I am not in t,e ma((ing .usiness .ut
.ecause of t,is elegant value I guess t,at it is most ( a standard normali?ing met,od of common
4ercator ma(s.
4ore to t,e 4ercator (ro2ection you can find ,ere7
and in t,e *S+- source code (ac8age in t,e +art,4at, class 3file +art,4at,.cs5 of *S+art,-ile.
Jut for t,ose im(atient t,at li8e formulas ,ere is for e:am(le ,o6 t,e transformation formula for Datitude
1,i3in radiant5 into 4ercator value 3not normali?ed5 y loo8s7
y 9 0.5Kln331Msin31,i55;31<sin31,i555
Eno6ing t,e used transformation of t,e eart, services is one t,ing. Eno6ing ,o6 t,e (,oto ma( is
stored and accessi.le t,e ot,er.
=o6 you 8no6 -ile 1ro:y o(ened t,e door for t,is (ro2ect in a 6ay.
-,e 8ey element 6as to see t,at t,e (,oto ma( is o(en accessi.le for everyone 6it, a .ro6ser and an
internet connection. Its not (rotected. It is 2ust an U!D 3a #e. (age address5.
Det me remind you ,ere again t,at also 6,en it is not (rotected and o(en accessi.le t,at t,e (,oto
material ,as a co(yrig,t. -,e eart, services ,olds t,e rig,ts to it)
In t,e U!D you give an address code of a s(ecific -ile location in t,e 4ercator s(ace.
3In t,e 4ercator s(ace it is a ordinary raster5
>ne -ile as mentioned already is a (iece (,oto te:ture of 256 : 256 (i:el. It comes as a .2(g file.
-,e services ,ave multi(le ma(s or layers stored 6it, different resolution 3meter;(i:el5. -,is layers is
6,at you ,ave as ?oom and do6nload resolution level.
In t,e -o( level 3in *S+- it is ?oom Devel 1$5 t,e 6,ole +art, 4a( is one single -ile.

In t,e ne:t Devel 3?oom lvl1"5 t,e of -iles .ecomes dou.led in eac, dimension 1 -o( -ile <O 4
lo6er -iles

-,e 6,ole eart, is no6 covered 6it, 4 -iles. +ac, -ile is still 256:256 (i:el t,at ma8es 512:512 (i:el in
total. #it, ,ave a .etter resolution 3meter;(i:el5 no6
And t,is dou.ling or Buadru(le in -ile num.ers goes on for every level 6e go do6n6ard.
At Devel 1/ 6,ere 6e ,ave a.out 1meter;(i:el and an interesting resolution for t,e *lig,t Simulator/ t,e
-ile count is e:tremely large) It is 4 W 31$<15 9 1"1"%$6%1$4 -iles.
If 6e consider t,e memory for one true color -ile in native format7 256K256K3 9 1%660$ Jytes
-,en 6e get 1"1"%$6%1$4 K 1%660$Jytes 9 33""6%%"2052"$"2 Jytes
Seeing t,is it is sim(le to gras( t,at you can not ,ave t,e 6,ole 6orld 6it, 1meter;(i:el
resolution in your *lig,t Simulator.
There are t#o #ays ho# the Tile addressin is done.
*ne is startin at the Top <evel and t,en going do6n Devel for Devel 6,ere on eac, Devel you c,ec8 in
6,ic, Buadrant -ile of t,e Buadru(le your 6is,ed (osition is. If 6e assign a Detter for eac, Buadrant -ile
li8e a.ove A/J/&/D 6e can create an address code .y doing t,e level ste( do6n (lay.
+:am(le 6e 6ant to find t,e -ile t,at covers Genoa 3default location5
Its in +uro(e t,at is Buadrant J so 6e note J. >ne level do6n 6e figure it is in t,e sout, 6est Buadrant of
J. -,at 6ould .e a &. #e no6 ,ave J&. And t,is 6ay 6e go dee(er and dee(er and get somet,ing li8e7
J&A&&DJA&J&A ..
-,e result is t,e address of t,at -ile t,at covers t,e location Genoa. As more letters 6e add as .etter
resolution 3meter;(i:el5 6e get. >f course 6e cover less and less of a region 6it, t,at ,ig, resolution -ile
t,en also and you ,ave to load more and more -iles for t,e same region.
=o6 t,is can .e different from service to service 6,ere you ,ave to enter t,is address in t,e U!D. *or
t,is in *S+- is a (lace ,older Qs in t,e service U!D you enter in t,e *S+art,-iles.ini file.
-,is Qs .ecomes re(laced 6it, t,e code.
Instead t,e letters A/J/&/D for t,e Buadrant coding services can use different letters 0123 for e:am(le..
-,ats 6,at you s(ecify in t,e Service&odeing (arameter in *S+art,-iles.ini

The other Tile addressin met,od services use is a more direct addressing.
Instead going do6n Devel for level you s(ecify t,e level of t,e ma( direct 6it, a (arameter in t,e address
3U!D5 e:am(le ?9" for ?oom level "
>n a given Devel you 8no6 e:actly ,o6 many -iles you ,ave to cover t,e 6,ole 6orld. -,ats 6,y you
can (ut a sim(le @;C -ile coordinate grid on it to address t,e -iles.
An e:am(le Address t,en can .e :91230/y9401%/?9"
#,ere t,e origin of t,e -ile num.ering coordinate grid is de(ends on t,e service.
Interestingly is t,e I *S+- internal use t,is system to address -iles and it almost ma((ed e:actly on one
of t,e services t,at lyn: later added.

-,is -ile Address code :9/ t,an also (laced some6,ere in t,e U!D. *or *S+- t,e same (lace
,older is used7 Qs Po6ever t,e identification for suc, a service is different. #it, Service&odeing 9 :y?
is told to use suc, a s(ecific addressing. In t,is ty(e of addressing t,e services usually are very different.
-,at means if you 6ant to add more services 6it, :/y/? codeing you need to generate a recognition
Service&odeing 9 myrecognition 3anyt,ing t,at is not 4 letter long and not :y?5 and code it yourself in t,e
-ile&odeingScri(t.cs Scri(t. 3Activate t,e Scri(ts in t,e ini file for t,is5.
Dont ,esitate to do t,is. It is sim(le and t,e scri(ts are meant to do e:actly suc,)
1%. Files and File $lo#
-,e (icture loo8s a little overloaded I ,ave to confess. Jut it is 6ort, to study it.
-,e sim(lest case is t,e US+! starts *S+-/ dra6s t,e Area and starts t,e do6nload.
And t,e rest is done automatic.
If US+! 6ants #ater t,en t,e US+! starts Google +art, first and creates t,e AreaE4D.8ml file 6it, t,e
#ater information and may.e an area (oly line. -,en t,e US+! starts *S+- eig,ter im(orts t,e
AreaE4D.8ml file or dra6s t,e Area and starts *S+-. And t,e rest is done automatic.
If t,e User 6ants Seasons t,e User ,as to select t,em first in t,e *S+art,-iles.ini
-,e User can also do ada(tation in t,e *S+art,4as8s.ini *ile and in t,e Area+art,Info.t:t *ile t,at is
created .y *S+- and delivered to *S+4.
-,e Area+art,Info.t:t contains t,e information for t,e *S+4 6,at to generate. *or e:am(le 6,at
Seasons. >r for 6,at *lig,t Simulator.
-,ere is also a 1artial*S+art,-iles.ini file not dra6n ,ere. -,at one is created on t,e + .utton 3e:(ort5
and can .e read again in 6it, t,e I Jutton 3Im(ort5. It is t,e same format as t,e *S+art,-iles.ini file
and indeed you can s(ecify everyt,ing you li8e t,at you can in t,e *S+art,-iles.ini configuration file.
Its a full configuration file li8e *S+art,-iles.ini 2ust 6it, a s(ecific name for t,e + and I .uttons.
-ote that you can also dra and drop an FSEarthTiles.ini $ile or that 3artialFSEarthTiles.ini $ile on
FSET at runtime. That can !e very practical i$ you #ant to try out di$$erent con$iurations.
Cou can also drag and dro( t,e AreaE4D.8ml file on *S+- at runtime to define t,e Area if it ,as an 6it,
Area tagged (oly line.
Its also (ossi.le to drag and dro( t,e .8ml file or t,e .ini file on t,e *S+art,-iles.e:e to start *S+- 6it,
using t,em.
1+. FSET and FSE, Internal Structure
*S +art, -iles A((lication
*S +art, 4as8s A((lication
>riginal it 6as not my intention to 6or8 6it, &' Di.raries 3DDDs5. If it is not a large (ro2ect 6,ere suc, a
ca(suling ma8es sense t,en using li.rary ma8es t,e t,ing only less ,andy. Po6ever 6it, including of
>legs &' Scri(t it 6as set t,at I ,ave to create at least one s,ared DDD 3*S +art, -iles Internal DDD5 in
order to ma8e it (ossi.le to access *S +art, -iles common information structures;ty(es and data.
&reating one DDD you can as 6ell create t6o. >nce 8no6. So t,e 4ain DDD 3*S +art, -iles
DDD5 ca(sules *S+- for t,e outer 6orld. #it, t,e (u.lic Interface .ound on *S+-s *orm 3Dialogue
#indo6;GUI5 and main control code *S+- can .e steered and ordered to do6nload Areas .y o6n .uild
a((lications. Cou only need to include t,e *S +art, -iles DDD into your a((lication to do t,at.
An e:am(le ,o6 t,is is done you can find in t,e source file *S+art,-ilesDDD-ester.cs
-,ere is also an Internal Interface .ound on *S+-s *orm. -,is is used to give .ac8 status information to
t,e form t,at 6ill .e dis(layed in t,e status .ar from t,reads ot,ers t,an t,e main t,read.
Di8e you can see t,e *S +art, 4as8s A((lictaion ,as got t,e same structure.
*S +art, -iles -,reads and +ngines
=e:t to t,e main t,read 3*orm5 6it, an set<u( timer 3,eart.eat5 t,at calls a timer event ,andling met,od
every 25ms *S+- contains 4 internal self running tile reBuest and getter engines. -,ere are usually
6aiting idle 3Auto!eset+vent5 till *S+- (uts t,em some -ile reBuests into its *I*> Bueues.
Some +art, Services ,ave more t,an one server;U!D 3mostly 45 6it, t,e same -ile coverage.
In *S+art,-iles.ini you can s(ecify t,is 6it, t,e (arameter FServerAariationsG. If you s(ecify 4 variations
eac, engine .ecomes assigned to one and is serving one of t,e server.
*S+- is (olling t,e engines for t,e results. >n every timer event 25ms it c,ec8s t,e engines if t,ey ,ave
a -ile ready.
If t,e user decides to use t,e #e. Jro6ser *S+- sto(s filling t,e +ngine Bueues and leads every -ile
reBuest over t,e #e. Jro6ser. -,e #e. Jro6ser ,as no Bueue and is eBual one engine in ca(acity. -,is
means t,e -ile flo6 rate 6ill usually dro( a factor 4 if you use t,e #e. Jro6ser.
>nce all -iles for one area are do6nloaded and in t,e memory *S+- starts and after do6nload t,read
t,at does t,e after (rocessing including starting *S +art, 4as8s and t,e *S scenery com(iler
3resam(le.e:e5. -,is 6ay t,e main t,read is free from ,eavy calculations t,at 6ould .loc8;free?e t,e
#indo6 on t,e des8to( .y non reacting on user events any more.
For developers:
=ote t,at &' +:(ress Studio 2005 seems to ,ave trou.le 6it, de.ugging t,reads (ro(er. -,erefore for
de.ugging it is ,el(ful to run t,is after 6or8 in t,e main t,read. -o do t,is you can set t,e mDe.ug4ode
varia.le to true. *S+- ,o6ever 6ill not continue after t,e after 6or8 ,as .een done .ecause in t,e timer
event met,od it is 6aiting for t,e t,read end t,at never .ecome started.

*S +art, 4as8s -,reads
Again t,e t,read design structure for *S +art, 4as8s is eBual to t,e one of *S+-.
-,ere is a 4ain t,read 3#indo6 GUI5 6it, a timer sending an event every 25ms and an 3after<56or8
t,read doing all t,e time intense calculation to ensure t,e *S+4 6indo6 is not fro?en during t,at time.
-,ere is also a mDe.ug4ode varia.le you can set to( true for de.ugging.
11. FSET parameters .File: FSEarthTiles.ini/
-,e *S+art,-iles.ini file contains 3 sections or ta.s.
GService=H 6,ere t,e K is a of 0 till D
-,e GService=H tag is for t,e connection configuration to eart, service/
-,e service configuration is t,e one t,ing t,at you have to com(lete .efore *S+art,-iles really 6or8s
.ecause t,at configurations are on legal reasons left in a tem(late form only.
1lease read t,e ,eader of t,at file and do researc, on t,e internet to figure out eart, services you can
connect and 6or8ing configurations. I 6ant to remind you ,ere again/ t,at -iles of eart, services are
under co(yrig,t .y t,e services.
-,e Service Section or -ag. Cou can create u( to % services.
Service&odein I Jrts
-,e Service -ile address codeing. If you 6rite 4 letters or num.ers t,an t,is signs to use t,e Buadrant
met,od 6,ere every Buadrant is s(ecified .y one of t,e letters or num.ers you (ut ,ere.
If you 6rite 0y( t,em t,e 3D coordinate addressing 3:9/ y9/ ?95 6ill .e used. =ote t,at t,is 3D coordinate
addressing is very service de(end and it mig,t .e reBuired to 6rite an o6n codeing in t,e &' scri(ts.
*or t,is 2ust invent a uniBue Da.el different to :y? and everyt,ing .ut not 4 letter or num.ers long.
-,e Address 6ill .e inserted in t,e U!D for t,e (lace ,older Qs in t,e ne:t (arameter.
ServiceUrl I http:BBEarthServiceServer1.e0ample.comBtilesBKs.Fpe
-,e U!D 3#e. address5 tem(late for t,e -ile access of an eart, service. 3Pere it is 2ust an e:am(le5
-,e Ks .ecomes re(laced 6it, t,e coded address of t,e -ile.
7e$erer I
Some #e. 1ages on t,e internet 6ant to 8no6 from 6,at 6e. (age you called t,em. If you dont tell
t,em t,ey .loc8 t,eir content. I found no eart, services 6,ere t,is information is reBuired. And so t,is is
.y default mar8ed as comment only 6it, a E
UserAent I A:ro#ser*rApplication-ame
Same as for t,e !eferer some 6e. (ages 6ould li8e to 8no6 6it, 6,at Jro6ser or A((lication you
access. Cou may or may not tell t,em 2ust as you li8e. It is usually not a reBuired information and
t,erefore mar8ed as comment only 6it, a E
Server>ariations I ServiceServer0AServiceServer1AServiceServer%A ServiceServer+
#,enever an eart, service offers more t,an one server as -ile source 6,ic, all ,ave t,e same -iles
accessi.le you s,ould ma8e use of t,at and s(ecify t,is server ,ere. Cou can add u( to 4 server.
-,is is a re(lace for a (art of t,e U!D in t,e ServiceUrl. *S+- c,ec8s if it can find any of t,e 4 names/
,ere ServiceServer0/ ServiceServer1/ ServiceServer2 and/ ServiceServer3 in t,e ServiceU!D string.
If so it 6ill create 4 U!Ds 6it, t,e variations and assign 1 of t,e 4 U!D to eac, of its internal -ile
gat,ering +ngines. If every of t,e 4 +ngines accesses an o6n Server it is s(eed o(timal for you and load
o(timal for t,e eart, services also. -,ats 6,y you s,ould do t,is 6,enever t,is (ossi.ility for an eart,
service is given.
Cou can give a list of (ro:ies. >n t,e *S+- GUI you can clic8 t,roug, it 6it, t,e Fne:t conG .utton.
4y original idea 6as to go t,roug, t,e list automatic. Jut I didnt im(lement an automatic.
=ote t,at you can connect to 6,ole (ro:y nets 6it, 2ust one address. -,ats 6,y I dont sa6 an
automatic really reBuired and s(are t,e time.
A pro0y address loo)s li)e that: 1%
6,ereas 12".0.0.1 is t,e I1 of t,e (ro:y and $11$ t,e (ort of t,e (ro:y..
Use t,e 6ord direct to mar8 a direct connection 6it,out using a (ro:y. #it, t,e 6ord direct you ,ave t,e
same .e,aviour as you ,ave 6it, no 1ro:y list. U a sim(le direct connection.
+very ot,er initialisation or configuration (arameter of *S+art,-iles ,as to .e .elo6 t,is -ag.
9or)inFolder I D:?FSEarthTiles?#or)
Pere you s(ecify t,e 6or8ing folder for a scenery creation. -,e 6or8ing folder is only reBuired for *S+- to
do t,e 6or8 it is not reBuired for t,e flig,t simulator once t,e scenery is com(lete .uild and can .e
deleted. Po6ever you mig,t 6ant to 8ee( t,e one or t,e ot,er intermediate file so you can do c,anges
and recom(ile a scenery to a later time. -,e directory and 6ill .e created .y *S+- if
Attention. If you dont ,ave a D7 drive you need to re(lace t,e D7 6it, a &7 .ecause *S+- can not create
a folder on a non e:isting drive. All 6indo6s com(uters ,ave &7 drive. Jut most (eo(le 6or8 6it, a D7
drive for data storage and so do I. It is general recommended not to use t,e 6indo6s .oot drive 3&75 as
data and 6or8 drive.
SceneryFolder I D:?FSL?Addon Scenery?FSEarthTiles
-,e directory 6,ere you 6ant t,e scenery .e generated. Jest if you c,ec8 6,ere your flig,t simulator add
on sceneries are installed and set t,at directory ,ere. -,e directory and 6ill .e created .y
*S+- if non e:istent. A scenery and te:ture directory in t,at directory you s(ecify ,ere 6ill also .e
! t,at 6,en t,e scenery generation is com(letely t,at you still ,ave to add t,e scenery in t,e
*lig,t simulator. &,ec8 your *lig,t Simulator manual for ,o6 to do t,is if you dont 8no6 ,o6.
Do#nload7esolution I 1
Initial Do6nload !esolution Devel. &,ec8 t,e -a.le of t,e *S+- 6indo6 for t,e Devel to resolution
relations,i(. >n standard t,e setting 1 corres(onds to 1 meter;(i:el. A good resolution.
3=ote t,at *S2004s ma: scenery te:ture resolution is 4meter;(i:el. Cou can do6nload a ,ig,er resolution
.ut it 6ill .e converted in a 4meter;(i:el resolution .y t,e *S2004 scenery com(iler 3resem(le.e:e5
Allo6ed values for t,e Do6nload!esolution are @1 till MC
Start9ithService I Service%
Initial selected eart, service.

SelectedScenery&ompiler I FSL
-,e selected scenery com(iler FSL or FS%001
AreaSnap I *$$
-,e Sna(<Grid of t,e Area. Allo6ed values are7 *$$A <*D1+/ <at<on and Tiles
*S@ 6or8s 6it, all of t,em.
For FS2004 you have to select LD!" ### else you get a 6ater .order around your scenery. -,ats a
*S2004 restriction.
>ff means com(letely freedom. D>D13 is a *ig,t Simulator *S2004 and older Grid System.
DatDong sna(s t,e Area on 6,ole minutes in Datitude and Dongitude. -,at ma8es it sim(ler for you to
8ee( trac8 of an area coverage if you (lan to attac, more scenery in an region later.
&reateArea,as):mp I "es
If you 6ant to 6or8 out 6ater t,en you need to set t,is to yes. If it is set on yes t,en *S +art, 4as8s
A((lication 6ill .e started t,at creates a 6ater mas8 .itma(. If you ,ave created an AreaE4D.8ml file 6it,
google eart, t,e information 6ill .e used to create t,e 6ater mas8 .itma(. If not an em(ty 6ater mas8
.itma( 6ill .e created. Cou also need to set t,is s6itc, to Ces 6,en you 6ant to generate Seasons and
=ig,t Jitma(s. -,is are also generated .y *S +art, 4as8s.
&ompileScenery I "es
-,at starts t,e *lig,t Simulator scenery com(iler to generate t,e scenery. 3..gl5
Auto7e$erence,ode I 1
*or AreaSna( ot,er t,an >ff t,e Auto !eference Area System can 6or8 in 4 different modes.
1 9 matc, t,e e:act Area dimension. Cour dra6n Area .order 6ill .e ,old at all cost.
% 9 allo6s to violate t,e .order a little ans sna( to t,e over ne:t grid line if t,is allo6s a more o(timal
reference area si?e.
+ 9 ma:imum freedom in increasing t,e Area si?e. -,is forms t,e .est 3:;y relation5 and largest
reference Area and .e,aves closest to AreaSna(9>ff. I recommend to use t,is mode 6,enever (ossi.le.
1 9 t,e reference area 6ill .e t,e smallest unit in t,e AreaSna( Grid.
Noom I 1
Initial Loom level. Allo6ed values <4 till M1$
AreaDe$inition,ode I 13oint
Initial Area definition mode7 13oint or %3oints
AreaSi(eL I 1
AreaSi(e" I 0.5
-,e Area dimension in nautical miles XnmY for t,e 11oint area definition mode.
&enter<atitude I 11de %4min 00sec north
&enter<onitude I Cde 41min 00sec east
-,e centre of t,e Area for t,e 11oint area definition mode
-orth9est&orner<atitude I 11de %1min 00sec north
-orth9est&orner<onitude I Cde 4%min 00sec east
SouthEast<atitude I 11de %5min 00sec north
SouthEast<onitude I Cde 40min 00sec east
-,e area corner coordinates for t,e 21oints area definition mode.
Te0tureUndistortion I 3er$ectOihPualityFS3re7esamplin
Cou can c,oose .et6een7 *$$/ 2ood/ 3er$ect/ 3er$ectOihPualityFS3re7esamplin
$he te%ture undistorted is important for scenery accuracy# &ou should never set it to off ###
-,at a te:ture distortion is reBuired ,as to do 6it, t,e mercator (ro2ection t,e eart, services uses.
+very -ile 6e get from t,e eart, services is distorted 6it, t,e t,e mercator (ro2ection. -,e 6,ole .itma(
of t,e area 6e get .y assem.ling t,e tiles in memory is in C direction mercator distorted to a ,ig, degree.
-,is distortion is a s larger as ,ig,er 3=ort,<sout,5t,e Area is. -,e effect is unfortunately not marginal
and unless you create only very slim Areas 3not more t,an D>D 13 ,eig,ts5 you ,ave to correct it.
-,e selection 2ood is doing 2ust t,at/ correcting t,e mercator distortion in C.
-,e selection 3er$ect is also correcting t,e little @ error you get .y s(ecifying t,e area Dongitude
coordinates 6it,in a -ile (i:el. -,is is usually t,e case since you dont 8no6 6,ere you cut.
#it, t,e correction in @ and C you avoid a dou.le (i:el .et6een t6o Areas you do6nload. Po6ever t,is
costs a lot more time t,an 2ust t,e Good mode.
-,e 3er$ectOihPualityFS3re7esamplin does eBual to t,e 1erfect mode correct t,e @ and C
distortion of a te:ture. Jut it does more t,an t,at. It resam(les 3-,e (i:el count;Jitma( si?e c,anges5 t,e
6,ole te:ture into *lig,t Simulators native scenery resolution 3-,e D>D system5 and t,is 6it, a ,ig,
Buality resam(ling met,ode. -,e met,od or *ilter used is Dancos 3. If you ,ave a (aint (rogram t,at
offers t,is met,ode to resi?e a (icture you 6ill notice t,at t,is is one of t,e .est resi?eing met,odes 6,en
it comes to Buality. -,e reason 6,y I integrated a resam(ler in *S+- is .ecause t,e *lig,t Simulators
o6n resam(le distorts t,e te:ture Buality to a ,ig, degree. -,is is es(ecially t,e case if you c,oose
Gauss 3default5. Gauss is an uns,ar(ening filter and ma8es te:tures uns,ar(. #,y anyone 6ants
uns,ar( te:tures I dont get. -e:tures .ecome uns,ar( in *S 6,en dis(layed more t,an enoug, already/
its almost not to .ear ,o6 muc, everyt,ing is filtered into uns,ar(ness in modern soft6are.
-,e 1erfectPig,Zuality*S1re!esam(ling mode cost not more time t,an t,e 1erfect mode.
It cost some6,at more 4emory si?e 3-,e Auto reference Area are a little smaller5 .ut t,ats a fair (rice for
t,e Buality you get or .etter 8ee(. -,e 1reresam(led te:ture is feed to t,e *S resam(le 6it, t,e (oint
sam(ling mode. *S resam(le ,as a lot less 6or8 to do t,en and is faster. It 2ust (ic8s t,e (i:el 171 from
our ,ig, Buality (re resam(led te:tures.
I recommend to ,ave it al6ays set to 1erfectPig,Zuality*S1re!esam(ling mode.
-,e *lig,t Simulator e:(ects -e:tures 6it, a ordinary (i:el raster in t,e #orld coordinate Dat<Dong
-,e 3er$ectOihPualityFS3re7esamplin mode does t,e same as 1erfect. Jut t,e (i:el count
In t,is connection you s,ould also 8no6 t,e out(ut of *S +art, -iles7
Pere is an e:am(le 6,at ,a((ens 6it, undistortion off. I .elieve t,e Area ,eig,t 3nort,<sout,5 6as 40nm
And ,ere it is undistorted

FS3re7esampleinAllo#Shrin)Te0ture I "es
Allo6s to s,rin8 t,e te:ture si?e 6,en resam(ling instead enlarging. #,en your Parddis8 s(ace is limited
t,en s,rin8ing t,e te:ture is more o(timal in term of s(ace;Buality.
+:am(le7 you 6ant a scenery resolution of 1m;(i:el.
De(ending on t,e location 3latitude5 of t,e Area of interest t,e eart, services due to mercator do not offer
*S native 1meter;(i:el resolution .ut 1.5meter;(i:el or 0."5meter. =o6 6e can do6nload less -iles
c,oosing t,e 1.5meter;(i:el and enlarge t,e te:ture to 1meter;(i:el resolution or do6nload more -iles
6it, 0."5meter;(i:el resolution and s,rin8 it to 1meter;(i:el for t,e same area.
>f course t,e s,rin8ing leaves you 6it, t,e .etter Buality .ecause t,e source ,ad more (i:el .etter
resolution. -,e disadvantage is you ,ave to do6nload more -iles and sometimest,e service sim(le do
not offer t,e ,ig,er resolution t,at you can do t,e lu:ury s,rin8ing.
FS3re7esampleinShrin)Te0tureThreshold7esolution<evel I +
-,is is .est e:(lained 6it, t,e ta.le you see on *S+art,-iles.
A t,res,old value of 3 means everyt,ing u( to Do6nload !esolution level 3 .ecomes s,rin8. >f course
only 6,en *S1re!esam(leingAllo6S,ring-e:ture is set to Ces.
In t,e -a.le you see t,at Devel 3 .ecomes s,rin8 3no a(ostro(,e5 to a 4 meter;1i:el scenery.
Devel 4 is a.ove t,e -,res,old value and .ecomes enlarged 36it, a(ostro(,e5 to a 4 meter;1i:el
:rihtness I @5.0
&ontrast I M1%.0
&olor .rig,tness and contrast correction in (ercent.
Cou s,ould set t,e Jrig,tness value to eBual minus a ,alf of t,e &ontrast value.
In cities it is recommended to ,ave a ,ig, contrast so t,at t,e s,ado6s .et6een t,e ,ouses give a 3D
loo8. If t,e s,ado6s arent .lac8 enoug, t,e 3D effect is not ,a((ening.
Do#nloadFailTime*ut I 1C00
In seconds.
#,en t,ere 6ere no successful -ile access anymore 6it,in t,is time. 31$00 sec5 t,en *S+art,-iles 6ill
a.ort t,e (rocess/ give u( t,e do6nload and does not com(lete a scenery.
=ote t,at 6,en you 6or8 6it, 1ro:y =ets or resting your internet connection 36it, a scri(t5 you need to
set a large enoug, time.
,a0Do#nloadSpeed I %0
-,at is t,e s(eed limit 6it, 6,ic, *S+art,-iles is allo6ed to do6nload t,e -iles. Cou can reduce t,e
s(eed .ut not increase it. *or fairness reason and to reduce t,e tension for t,e services I (ut in a ,ard
coded ma: limit of 20tile;sec in *S+-. -,at is fast enoug,. !eally. -,e after 6or8 costs muc, more time.
Cou 8no6 you do6nload 6it, ma: s(eed if t,e tiles are flo6ing and t,e +ngine Bueues stay em(ty.
,a0,emoryUsaeFactor I 1.0
-,is is an im(ortant (arameter. >n startu( *S +art, -iles detects ,o6 muc, memory is availa.le and
ad2usts t,e auto reference area si?e accordingly. It ,as to ta8e care t,at all (rocesses in t,e area
(rocessing c,ain 3includeing *S+art,4as8s5 are a.le to (rocess t,e large area .itma(s. Cou can reduce
t,e 4emory usage and t,e Auto !eference Area si?e .y ma8ing t,is factor smaller.
Je a6are t,at if you start ot,er a((lication ne:t to *S+art,-iles t,at you steel memory a6ay from your
system and it mig,t cause *S+- area (rocessing to sto( 6it, an out of memory error.
9e!:ro#ser7ecoverTimer I 14
in seconds
#,enever a -ile reBuest lead to t,e #e..ro6ser is redirected to anot,er address or t,e user enters
manual addresses during t,e (rocess t,e #e.Jro6ser engine enters a .loc8ing .y 6aiting on t,e result
t,at 6ill never come. After 6aiting t,is time 315sec5 t,e -ile reBuest 6ill .e cancelled and and ne6
reBuest 6ill .e send to t,e Jro6ser.
9e!:ro#ser-oTileFound;ey9ords I -ot FoundAOTT3 Error 101A:ad 7eJuest
-,ere is no real error ,andling (ossi.le 6it, t,e #e.Jro6ser .ecause t,ere is no (ro(er access
feed.ac8. -,is ma8es it reBuired to analyse t,e #e.1age conte:t in order to decide if an access 6as
successful or not. #,enever a 8ey 6ord in t,e a.ove list is detected on t,e (age t,at a((ears on a -ile
reBuest t,e -ile is ,andled as F=o -ile *ound.G
=ote t,at t,ere are #indo6s System internal +rror (ages t,at a((ear and error (ages of t,e services.
So you need to select t,e 8ey 6ords 6ell. Internal (ages often mean t,at your internet connection sim(le
.ro8e and t,en you dont 6ant F=o -ile *oundG for t,is event .ut a retry. So only add 8ey 6ords 6,en you
are sure t,at is a (age t,at a((ears from a service t,at mar8s a F=o -ile *oundG and t,e 6ord does not
a((ear on your systems internal (ages. In dou.t dont add it.
All t,is trou.le;mess mess you dont ,ave 6it, t,e *S+- internal engines.
-,at is really only t,e disadvantage of using a #e. Jro6ser for do6nloading.
Use&SharpScripts I -o
#,en you 6ant to use &' Scri(ts t,en set t,is to yes. If t,is is set on Ces t,e Scri(ts 6ill .e read in and
com(iled and used at runtime eac, time you start *S+art,-iles.
;eepAreaIn$File I "es
;eepArea,as)In$File I "es
;eepArea,as)SeasonIn$File I "es
;eepAreaEarthIn$oFile I "es
;eepSource:itmap I "es
;eepSummer:itmap I "es
;eep,as):itmap I "es
;eepSeasons:itmaps I "es
-,is are files t,at 6ill .e generated in t,e 6or8 folder to com(ile and create t,e scenery.
If you ,ave less Parddis8 s(ace or you are sure you dont every 6ant to edit and recom(ile;regenerate
t,e scenery manual you can consider to let FSEarthTiles al#ays delete the $iles or some o$ them.
The OD si(e usae durin the processin #ill shrin) sini$icant i$ you do so .ecause *S+art,-iles
t,en 6ill only 8ee( t,e files reBuired for .uilding one Area at a time in t,e 6or8 folder.

FS%001;eepT2As I "es
If t,is is set to yes *S+art,-iles 6ill store t,e tem(orary -GAs for a *S2004 scenery generation in a
su.folder of t,e te:ture folder of t,e Scenery. I .elieve you need t,e -GAs for editing somet,ing you can
not 6it,out t,em in *S2004. Jut dont as8 me 6,at. Autogen (er,a(sS
-,e scenery generation for *S@ does not go t,e 6ay over creating -GAs. -,ere I 8no6 you dont need
t,em every. Its all in t,e *ile. -,e Autogen you do 6it, t,e .gl.
UseIn$ormativeArea-ames I "es
Instead t,is Area..m(
it creates a name 6it, t,e 6orld coordinates in it li8e t,is
Ponest I dont 8no6 6,at ,a((ens if you set t,is to =o.. does t,is still 6or8 t,en)S
Its suc, an old t,ing and it s,ould al6ays stay on yes.
Shu$$leTilesForDo#nload I "es
#ell as t,e name says it reBuests t,e -ile in a random order from t,e services.
Pm/ I t,oug,t I ,ave left t,is on =o. I am sur(rised to see its on yes .y default. Jut it doesnt (lay any
Shu$$leAreasForDo#nload I -o
-,e same for t,e Areas. If you 6ant to do6nload t,em in a random order you can.
AutoStartDo#nload I -o
As soon as *S+art,-iles ,as started it 6ill start t,e Do6nload if you set t,is to Ces.
AutoE0itApplication I -o
As soon as *S+art,-iles ,as finis,ed t,e Scenery generation it e:its if t,is is set to Ces.
*pen9e!:ro#sers*nStart I -o
>(ens t,e #e. Jro6ser rig,t on *S+-s start.
Sho#DisplaySelector I -o
Ae,m.. .etter dont touc,. -,e selector allo6s you to s6itc, t,e dis(lay into an old single -ile dis(lay
mode. It is only of interest if you 6ant to study -iles. Jut you can do t,at 6it, t,e #e. Jro6ser as 6ell
no6. I dont 8no6 if t,is single -ile dis(lay mode is still o(erating safe.
Suppress3itch:lac)3i0els I -o
#ell sometimes it is ,el(ful to e:clude a s(ecific &olor of a te:ture. If you set t,is to Ces t,ere 6ill .e no
(i:el in t,e area source te:ture 3t,e one generated .y *S+- directly5 6it, t,e &olor !ed90/
Jlue90/green90. I t,oug,t it could .e reBuired for somet,ing.
&ompile9ithArea,as) I "es
S,ould stay on Ces.
It decides 6,at .inf file is send to t,e *S resam(le. -,e one 6it, t,e 3#ater<54as8 or t,e one 6it,out.
An old (arameter.
Use<*D<imits I "es
,inimumDestination<*D I 1+
#it, t,is t6o (arameters and settings you advice *S+art,-iles to 6rite t,e .inf file for t,e *S resam(le
t,e 6ay t,at it creates at least a D>D 13 te:ture. -,is 6ay you can avoid t,at *S@ is s6itc,ing to its o6n
te:ture in close (lane (ro:imate 6,en your do6nloaded te:ture resolution is gross 3level 4 and a.ove5.
*S resam(le ,as a setting for t,is .ut it may only .e inserted 6,en you dont ,ave a ,ig, resolution
te:ture or it limits your su(er cool ,ig,resolution to D>D13. =ot 6,at you 6ant) -,erefore *S+- ,as to
steer t,is and *S resem(lers sd8 renders once more unusa.le.
&ompressionPuality I 100
-,e &om(ression Zuality you li8e *S resam(ler to com(ile t,e scenery 6it,.
Dont .e fooled. &om(ressionZuality 100 is =>- a lossless com(ression as t,ey state in t,eir sd8. A
.latant lying of t,em. Some (eo(le li8e to set t,is to $0 to safe PD s(ace. Po6ever I suffer from lost
te:ture Buality already 6it, t,e setting 100.
FSLScenery&ompiler I resampleFSLS3%.e0e
FS%001Scenery&ompiler I resampleFS%001.e0e
FS%001SceneryImaeTool I imaetoolFS%001.e0e
-,e *S resam(le tools. 4a8e sure t,ere are all in t,e *S+art,-iles folder and not one missing.
FSEarth,as)sTool I FSEarth,as)s.e0e
*S+art,-iles add on A((lication for generating #ater 4as8s and seasons.
4a8e sure it is in t,e *S+art,-iles folder and not missing.

&reate9ater,as):itmap I "es
&reateSummer:itmap I -o
&reate-iht:itmap I -o
&reateSprin:itmap I -o
&reateAutumn:itmap I -o
&reate9inter:itmap I -o
&reateOard9inter:itmap I -o
-,e Jitma(s ; -e:tures *S+art,4as8s s,all generate for you and include in t,e scenery.
=ote t,at seasons use a lot PD s(ace and lead to very large ..gls 3reduce t,e reference area si?e5.
Also t,e *S resam(le ta8es a lot time to com(ile scenery 6it, seasons. -,e *S2004 resam(le mig,t run
in a memory if you dont reduce t,e reference area si?e or t,e memory usage factor of *S+-. I ,ave
o.served t,e *S2004 resam(le.e:e trying to load every .itma( of t,e season in in advanced 6,at I guess
can not go 6ell 6it, t,e limited memory 332Jit a((l ,ave 2G limit5 6,en a single Jitma( is already
0.5GJyte. =ote t,at t,is are sim(le (i:el color fa8ed seasons. -,e eart, service do not offer seasons.
-,erefore dont e:(ect too muc,. Its 2ust a teaser.
The Summer :itmap plays a special role. Usually t,e source te:ture/ t,e one you do6nloaded/ is used
as t,e summer .itma(. #,en you set &reateSummerJitma( to yes t,en a co(y of t,at Jitma( 6ill .e
done 6,ere *S+art,4as8s can do color ada(tion;c,anges. -,e original Source Jitma( is never touc,ed.
9henever you #ant FSEarth,as)s to do color correction !e it eneral or in transitions you have
to set &reateSummer:itmap to yes!!!
:lend:orders I -o
>n reBuest of some user I inserted t,e o(tion to let automatic create a .lend out .order 3a 4as85 of t,e
scenery. -,e .order si?e is s(ecified in *S+art,4as8s.ini. Jlending an Area smoot,ly out or over to t,e
standard scenery loo8s nice .ut isnt so ,andy if you (lane to cover more of t,e region 6it, (,oto te:ture
UseArea;,<File I "es
Advices *S+art,-iles or more correct *S+art,4as8s 3(arameter 6ill .e (assed to it5 to use of a E4D file
3AreaE4D.8ml5 t,at you create 6it, Google +art, and ,as to .e (laced in t,e 6or8ing folder.
UseScala!le>ector2raphicsTool I -o
Scala!le>ector2raphicsTool I D:?In)scape?in)scape.e0e
As an alternative to Google +art, you can create a .svg file for t,e 6ater information using a free6are
vector tool li8e in8sca(e.
3attention7 as an e:ce(tion you ,ave to s(ecify t,e full (at, of t,e tool e:e ,ere and not 2ust t,e e:e
Different to google eart, 6ere you ,ave to create t,e 6ater information file in a,ead/ t,is tool 3in8sca(e5
6ill .e started for every 2ust do6nloaded area.

14. FSE, parameters .File: FSEarth,as)s.ini/
&reateTransition3lot2raphic:itmap I -o
If you set t,is to Ces *S+4 creates a transition function (lot .itma( 6it, t,e file name
-ransition1lotGra(,icJitma(*ile..m( in t,e 6or8ing folder.

3&oast5 3Dee(#ater5
-,is ,el(s you in tuning t,e (arameters and creating o6n transition function.
-,e transition functions are a((lied .et6een t,e t6o lines you dra6. *ar left is t,e &oast< *ar rig,t t,e
Dee(#ater line. -,e green line s,o6s t,at t,e trans(arency rises very fast at t,e &oast to 1;3 of t,e
ma:imum and t,en smoot,ly rises to full trans(arency in an S form till to t,e Dee(#ater line.
-,ere is no #ater !eflection a((lied/
Unfortunately t,ere e:ist only a trans(arency 3.lending5 and 3reflection5c,annel in *S@ for 6ater
generation. Cou dont ,ave a default *S 6ater c,annel as you ,ad it in *S2004. -,e default 6ater
c,annel .ecame t,e reflection c,annel. Jut reflection and default 6ater is somet,ing com(letely different.
Adding reflection ma8es your te:ture e:tremely .rig,t/ ne:t t,at you only ,ave an on ;off c,oose 31.it5
!eflection renders unusa.le. -,erefore I dont use it as default. Instead reflection 6e ma8e use of t,e
trans(arency;.lending c,annel and .lend over from our te:ture to *S@s default te:ture. Pere at least you
can do t,is more smoot,. Its not 2ust an on;off .ut ,as 4 .its. 316 ste(s5/ -,e rest ,ave to .e done .y
dit,ering. *S+4 does t,at. Using trans(arency ,o6ever reBuires t,at t,ere is 6ater in t,e default *S
scenery .elo6 our scenery in order to ,ave 6ater. And t,is reBuires an accurate &oast mes,.
If you you dont ,ave an accurate coast in *S@s default itself or t,roug, an add on t,e 6ay to generate
one .y yourself is unfortunately very trou.lesome. Jasicly you ,ave to delete t,e coast vectors in *S@ for
a 6,ole large region 3D>D115 and create ne6 ones 6,ere you do not ,ave t,e datas of t,e old one. And
t,is you ,ave to do 6it, an SDE t,at does everyt,ing to ma8e it unusa.le for a normal user.
#,y t,ey made it t,at im(ossi.le to generate *S@ default 6ater at any (lace is .eyond my ,ori?on of
gras(. If you really 6ant to try and ad2ust t,e default scenery coast in order to ,ave (ro(er 6ater I
recommend to c,ec8 t,e F*S@ E4DG (ro2ect. I am told 6it, t,is you can do t,at more or less.
I .ounced my ,ead at t,e ne:t 6all and said to me once again 6ell done microsoft.

Transition3lot2raphicSi(eFactor I 1.0
Cou can ma8e t,e -ransition (lot .itma( larger or smaller to see more details. Allo6ed range7
X0.5 ... 10.0Y
&reate&ommand2raphic:itmap I -o
#,en you set t,is to Ces *S+4 creates a .itma(;mas8 6,ere you can see t,e land3green5/ 6ater3dar8
.lue5 and 6ater transition region3.rig,t .lue5 ne:t to ot,er transitions. Pere is ,o6 it loo8s for a river.
>f course you only get t,is 6,en you ,ave created an AreaE4D.8ml 6it, t,e 6ater lines.
Sho#>ectorsIn&ommand2raphic:itmap I -o
#,en you set t,is to Ces t,en also t,e vectors 36ater lines5 6ill .e dra6n including t,e 2oints (oints.
-,is is useful 6,en anyt,ing 6ent 6rong in t,e 6ater;land detection. *or e:am(le if t,ere is a ,ole/ a line
missing or a 2oint o(en/ t,e 6ater can flood 3t,ere is a flood fill algorit,m 6or85 t,e land.
-,e .=+- isnt t,at great 6,en it comes to dra6ing lines connected to eac, ot,er 6it,out ,oles. After
fi:ing ,oles after ,oles I 6as very close to (rogram even t,e line dra6ing function my self.
Use&SharpScripts I -o
If you 6ant to 6or8 6it, &' Scri(ts/ for e:am(le creating your o6n season routines/ you need to set t,is
to Ces t,at *S+4 reads t,em in/ com(iles t,em and uses t,em at runtime.
It only reads in and com(iles t,e files t,at are really used. If you dont create t,at season it 6ont read in
t,at &' Scri(t for it.
Use7everse3ool3olyon*rderFor;,<File I "es
Some -ools li8e Google +art, store t,e 1olygon order .ac86ard in t,e file 3t,e last first5. So a reversing
of t,e order is reBuired to (lace t,e rig,t one 3t,e last dra6n5 on to( of t,e ot,ers.
:lend:orderDistance I 40.0
If you set JlendJorders 9 Ces in *S+art,-iles.ini t,en t,is is t,e distance in 1i:el or t,e 6ide used for
.lending t,e .orders.
&reate9aterForFS%001 I "es
-,is affects *S2004 only. If t,is is set to yes 3it s,ould al6ays stay on yes5 t,en t,e .itma(s if com(iled
for *S2004 6ill .e e:(anded 6it, a 4. &,annel 332 .it5 t,at ,olds t,e 6ater information for *S2004.
#ater and transition .ecomes mar8ed as 6ater t,ere. *S2004 does not 8no6 transition
,ere9aterForFS%001 I -o
If t,e Jitma(s already contains a 6ater c,annel/ t,e ne6 6ater information 6ill .e merged in instead
over6riting t,e conte:t if you set t,is to yes. -,is is only of use if you manual .uild t,e season again 6it,
manual 6ater c,anges directly in t,e .itma(.
Spare*ut9aterForSeasons2eneration I -o
If set to yes t,en t,e 6ater in t,e te:ture 6ill not .e altered t,roug, t,e season routines.
-oSno#In9aterFor9interAndOard9inter I "es
If set to yes t,en no sno6 6ill .e created on t,e 6ater (arts in #inter and Pard#inter.
9ater7esolution:its&ount I 1
-,is is t,e .it resolution of t,e reflection c,annel 36ater5. *S@ only 8no6s on;off so t,is is 1 .it.
If you create a smoot, transition for t,e reflection *S+4 a((lies dit,ering to a((ro:imate t,e value.
-,is ,o6ever loo8s usually .ad. Cou s,ould create smoot, transitions for t,e reflection c,annel .ut .etter
full on;off. Cou can also set t,is to $ 3$.it5 so no dit,ering 6ill .e done. -,e 6ater t,en sim(le 8ic8s in at
a t,res,old level only 8no6n .y *S@. 3It seems to .e1;4 and not [5
:lend7esolution:its&ount I 1
-,e .lend c,annel ,as 4 .its 316 ste(s5 ,o6 I figured 6it, trying it out.
-,at is 2ust enoug, t,at dit,ering to .oost it to t,e full $ .its3256 ste(s5 6or8s 6ell and still loo8s good.
Alt,oug, t,e dit,ering is done very (recise and correct 3c,ec8 t,e generated 4as8s5 6it, *S@ you still
can see t,e 16 ste(s if you loo8 at t,e 6ater in some s(ecific 6eat,er condition an direction. -,ats a *s:

' <<<< General/ a((lied on 6,ole -e:ture<<<

2eneral<ihteness I 1.0
2eneral:rihtness I 0.0
2eneral&ontrast I 0.0
2eneral&olorin7ed I 0
2eneral&olorin2reen I 0
2eneral&olorin:lue I 0
Cou can do general color correction 6it, *S+art,4as8s. Jut t,is 6ill only 6or8 if you let generate a
Summer Jitma( 3Set &reateSummer:itmap In FSEarthTiles.ini to yes5
!eason t,at a Summer Jitma( is reBuired for color c,anges7 -,e source .itma( ,as to stay unaltered so
t,e (rocess can .e re(eated manual later anytime.
A Summer Jitma( cost PD s(ace and is really only used if you 6ant to c,ange t,e color. -,erefore it is
set to no as default.
2eneral<ihteness is a multi(lication factor.
=e6 1i:el+lement&olorAalue 9 -,is*actor K 1i:el+lement&olorAalue\
2eneral:rihtness and 2eneral&ontrast are the same li)e in FSEarthTiles.
Unit7 (ercent. Jest is to ma8e Jrig,nessAalue 9 < 0.5 K &ontrastAalue.
9ith 2eneral&olorin7edA 2eneral&olorin2reen and 2eneral&olorin:lue
Cou can sim(le add a value to t,e s(ecific &olor com(onent. 3A color com(onent value goes from 0 to
' <<<<<<<<<< #ater -ransition >ne 3&oast/ Dee(#ater/ #ater5 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
9aterTransitionTransparencyEntrySFunctionFirstOal$*rder I %
9aterTransitionTransparencyEntrySFunctionSecondOal$*rder I %
9aterTransitionTransparencySFunctionToSFunction&onnection3oint10 I 0.04
9aterTransitionTransparencySFunctionToSFunction&onnection3oint1y I 0.+
9aterTransitionTransparencyTransitionSFunctionFirstOal$*rder I %
9aterTransitionTransparencyTransitionSFunctionSecondOal$*rder I +
9aterTransitionTransparencySFunctionToSFunction&onnection3oint%0 I 1.0
9aterTransitionTransparencySFunctionToSFunction&onnection3oint%y I 1.0
9aterTransitionTransparencyE0itSFunctionFirstOal$*rder I %
9aterTransitionTransparencyE0itSFunctionSecondOal$*rder I %
9aterTransitionTransparencyFlipFunction I -o
9aterTransitionTransparencyUseEntrySFunctionDistance<imit I "es
9aterTransitionTransparencyStretchTransitionSAndE0itSFunctionToFillAny2ap I "es
9aterTransitionTransparencyEntrySFunctionDistance<imit I %4
9aterTransitionTransparencyEntrySFunction<inearSlope:ein I 0.4
9aterTransitionTransparencyEntrySFunction<inearSlopeEnd I 0.4
9aterTransitionTransparencyTransitionSFunction<inearSlope:ein I 0.1
9aterTransitionTransparencyTransitionSFunction<inearSlopeEnd I 0.5
9aterTransitionTransparencyE0itSFunction<inearSlope:ein I 0.4
9aterTransitionTransparencyE0itSFunction<inearSlopeEnd I 0.4
9aterTransitionTransparencySFunctionToSFunction&onnection3oint1Slope I 0.0
9aterTransitionTransparencySFunctionToSFunction&onnection3oint%Slope I 0.0
-,e a.ove values give a transition t,at loo8s li8e t,is7
*irst 6e need to 6or8 out some .asics to understand it and 6e do t,is 6it, t,e #ater2-ransition.
All transitions are .uild t,e same 6ay and ,ave t,e same (arameters. So 6e can (ic8 2ust one.

3&oast-6o5 3Dee(#ater-6o5
-,e 6,ole transition function ta8es (lace .et6een t,e t6o lines &oast-6o and Dee(#ater-6o.
#e (ut an @;C coordinate system on it 6it, :90.0 6,ere t,e &oast-6o line is. -,e Dee(#ater-6o line is
at :91.0. -,e .ase is y90.0. 3or off5 And t,e to( of t,e gra(,ic is y91.0 3full;ma: value;trans(arency5
=o6 a transition consists of 3 sections 3functions5.
An +ntry<S section;function.
An -ransition<S section;function
An +:ist<S section;function
-,is 3 sections ,ave connection (oints.
Jet6een t,e +ntry<S and t,e -ransition<S is t,e connection 1oint1
Jet6een t,e -ransition<S and t,e +:it<S is t,e connection 1oint2
-,e location of t,is connection (oints you s(ecify 6it, t,is7
9ater%TransitionTransparencySFunctionToSFunction&onnection3oint10 I 0.1
9ater%TransitionTransparencySFunctionToSFunction&onnection3oint1y I 0.%4
9ater%TransitionTransparencySFunctionToSFunction&onnection3oint%0 I 1.0
9ater%TransitionTransparencySFunctionToSFunction&onnection3oint%y I 0.4
-,is are t,e most im(ortant (arameter;value. Cou can to a large degree 2ust ad2ust t,is 2 connection
(oints to .uild t,e transfer function you li8e 6it,out touc,ing anyt,ing else.
If for e:am(le I set 1oint1 to 30/ 0.55 and 1oint 2 to 31.0/ 0.55 I get a constant transition 6it, t,e value 0.5
>r I can set 1oint1 to 30/05 and 1oint2 to 31.0/1.05 and get a transition 6it, 2ust t,e -ransition<S going in
an S from from 0.0 to 1.0

=o6 6e can also c,ange t,e *orm of t,e -ransition<S
Pere fore 6e ,ave t,is (arameters
9ater%TransitionTransparencyTransitionSFunctionFirstOal$*rder I %
9ater%TransitionTransparencyTransitionSFunctionSecondOal$*rder I %
-,is tells *S+art,4as8s to use second order 3(ara.le5 as start and sto( of t,e S<function.
#e can ma8e it 2.5 and 4.5 and see 6,at ,a((ens7
#ater2-ransition-rans(arency-ransitionS*unction*irstPalf>rder 9 2.5
#ater2-ransition-rans(arency-ransitionS*unctionSecondPalf>rder 9 4.5
clearly t,e form c,anges. 4.5 is a ,ig, order.
=o6 6e are not 2ust ,a((y. -,e 6,ole transition is all .o6n every6,ere. Jut 6e 6ant to ,ave a linear
(art also.
*or t,is 6e ,ave t,ose (arameters7
9ater%TransitionTransparencyTransitionSFunction<inearSlope:ein I 0.4
9ater%TransitionTransparencyTransitionSFunction<inearSlopeEnd I 0.4
-,at means .et6een 50Q and 50Q of t,e -ransition<S function 6e ,ave a linear (art.
-,at ma8es it inactive.
#e 6ant to ,ave a linear (art .et6een 30Q to "0Q of t,e -ransition<S function7
#ater2-ransition-rans(arency-ransitionS*unctionDinearSlo(eJegin 9 0.3
#ater2-ransition-rans(arency-ransitionS*unctionDinearSlo(e+nd 9 0."
and no6 6e get t,is7
*or t,e ne:t ste( 6e c,ange t,e connection 1oints 11 to 30.2/0.35 and 12 to 30.$/0.$5 to ,ave all 3
sections 3+ntry<S/-ransition<S/+:ist<S5
-,at loo8s li8e t,is7
*unny I 8no6. Jut its only an e:am(le to e:(lain t,e t,ings.
>ne t,ing stic8s out ,ere. -,e (lateaus at t,e connection (oint 11 and 12. It 6ould .e good if 6e dont
,ave to connect flat .ut give a slo(e. *or t,is 6e ,ave t,is Slo(e (arameters for every connection (oint

9ater%TransitionTransparencySFunctionToSFunction&onnection3oint1Slope I 0.0
9ater%TransitionTransparencySFunctionToSFunction&onnection3oint%Slope I 0.0
=o6 t,e Slo(e is defined as DeltaC divided t,roug, Delta@.
If you rat,er li8e to deal 6it, angles calculate t,e slo(e value 6it,
slo(e value 9 tan3Slo(eAngle5/ 6,ere tan is t,e tangence.
*or 45degree t,e slo(e value is 1.
*or 30degree t,e slo(e value is tan330deg5 9 0.5$
#ater2-ransition-rans(arencyS*unction-oS*unction&onnection1oint1Slo(e 9 0.6
#ater2-ransition-rans(arencyS*unction-oS*unction&onnection1oint2Slo(e 9 1.0
6e get t,is7
=egative slo(e 6ill 6or8 as 6ell.
9ater%TransitionTransparencyFlipFunction I -o
Setting t,is (arameter to Ces *li(s t,e function ,ead over7
9ater%TransitionTransparencyUseEntrySFunctionDistance<imit I "es
9ater%TransitionTransparencyStretchTransitionSAndE0itSFunctionToFillAny2ap I "es
9ater%TransitionTransparencyEntrySFunctionDistance<imit I %4
=o6 t,is is somet,ing s(ecial .ut yet im(ortant.
Dets go .ac8 to our original #ater<-ransition function used for t,e 6ater 3one5

3&oast5 3Dee(#ater5
It consist of 2 sections. -,e +ntry<S and t,e -ransition<S.
-,e entry S is mainly ,ere to create an >ffset. A (re trans(arency t,at seems reBuired for *S@. Cou see
it is 8e(t very small. #e could rig,t start 6it, an offset and let t,e +ntry<S a6ay .ut t,at 6ill ma8e t,e
vectors you dra6 visi.le .ecause t,en you ,ave a ,ard ste( from ?ero trans(arency to t,at offset. #it,
t,e +ntry<S 6e ma8e sure it is a smoot, entry. -,e (ro.lem no6 is t,at 6,en t,e Dee(#ater line is far
a6ay t,e 6,ole transition .ecomes far stretc,ed and t,e offset is .uild far a6ay of t,e coast. -,at
doesnt loo8s good any more. -,erefore 6e need to limit ,o6 far t,e +ntry<S function my stretc, to 8ee(
t,e trans(arency offset close at t,e coast inde(endent of ,o6 far out t,e Dee(#ater line is.
-,is 6e do 6it, setting t,is to
9ater%TransitionTransparencyUseEntrySFunctionDistance<imit I "es
and give a ma:imum stretc, distance limit7
9ater%TransitionTransparencyEntrySFunctionDistance<imit I %4
-,is Dimit is in meter in case of a E4D file and in (i:el in case of a .svg file)
If 6e dont stretc, t,e +ntry<S function a.ove t,at limit any more 6e create a ga( .et6een t,e +ntry<S
and t,e -ransition<S and +:ist<S section. -,e ga. .ecomes filled 6it, a constant value/ t,e last value of
t,e +ntry<S section. -,at means 6e get a (lateau. -,is is not t,at .ad .ut also not t,e .est t,ing.
-o avoid t,is 6e set t,is (arameter to yes7
9ater%TransitionTransparencyStretchTransitionSAndE0itSFunctionToFillAny2ap I "es
-,is tells *S+4 to stretc, t,e -ransition<S and +:ist<S more t,an usual to close t,e ga(. Its li8e t,at t,e
(oint 1 is ada(ting dynamical in @ de(ending on t,e &oast to Dee(#ater distance to create no ga(.
-,is 6ay 6e get our smoot, (re defined transition form .ac8 6it, no ga( and can ,ave an offset close to
t,e coast.
I suggest to let t,is al6ays on Ces and Ces and only ada(t t,e DistanceDimit.
#e are done 6it, t,e transition function (arameters<
Cou see understanding t,e transition function (arameters isnt t,at com(licated. Dont ,esitate to (lay
6it, t,em and figure out t,e for you .est 6ater transition. -,e tastes are very different.
I li8e large transitions/ as larger as .etter/ ot,er dont.
Cou ( figured t,at t,ere are transition curves you can determine7
TransitionA 7e$lectionA <ihtness and &olorin
#,ereas t,e first 2 first are c,annels t,at are feed in a se(arate Jitma( 3Area4as8..m(5 to *S@
3alternative to a second .itma( you could create a -iff 6it, 5 c,annels5 t,e t6o ot,ers are no c,annels
.ut alter t,e color of t,e te:ture itself.
-,is is only 6or8ing 6,en you let *S+art,-iles create a Summer Jitma( 3&reateSummerJitma( 9 yes5
.ecause t,e (olicy is not to alter t,e source .itma( in order t,at t,e (rocess can .e re(eated manual
-,ere are additional (arameters t,at 6or8 in connection 6it, t,e Dig,tness -ransition and t,e &oloring
9aterTransition<ihteness I 1.0
9aterTransition:rihtness I 0.0
9aterTransition&ontrast I 0.0
-,is is similar to t,e values 6it, t,e different t,at t,e strongness of t,is values are managed .y t,e
Dig,tness -ransition function.
9aterTransition&olorin7ed I 0
9aterTransition&olorin2reen I 0
9aterTransition&olorin:lue I 0
-,is is also similar to t,e values 6it, t,e difference t,at t,e strongness of t,is values are managed
.y t,e &oloring -ransition function.
I .elieve t,e less 6ill use t,is coloring. I self dont use it. Po6ever you can. Rust dont forget t,at you need
to set t,e &reateSummerJitma( in *S+-s ini to yes t,at t,is 6or8s.
' <<<<<<<<<< #ater1ool 3#ater1ool5 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
9ater3oolTransparency I 1.0
9ater3ool7e$lection I 0.0
9ater3ool<ihtness I 1.0
9ater3ool:rihtness I 0.0
9ater3ool&ontrast I 0.0
9ater3ool&olorin7ed I 0
9ater3ool&olorin2reen I 0
9ater3ool&olorin:lue I 0
=e:t to t,e -ransitions you ,ave 1ools. A (ool is 2ust a closed (olygon 6it, s(ecific and constant values.
1ool sim(lifies t,e dra6ing of 6ater .ecause you do not ,ave to dra6 2 lines. Po6ever you 6ill ,ave no
smoot, transition and see t,e vectors .ecause of sudden c,anges.
1ools are ,ierarc,ical. -,e last you dra6 over covers t,e one .efore.

' <<<<<<<<<< Seasons <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Oard9interStreets&ondition*n I "es
Oard9interStreet&ondition2reyTolerance>alue I C
-,is are 2ust (arameters used for generating fa8e seasons .itma(s.
#,at t,ey do is .est seen in t,e &' Seasons Scri(ts itself.
4ind you t,at t,e Seasons is 2ust an add on to t,is (ro2ect rat,er t,an somet,ing really 6or8ed out.
Po6ever you ,ave a mig,ty tool in ,ands t,roug, t,e &' Scri(ts. It allo6s you to (rogram your o6n
seasons .itma(s creation. 3dont forget to set Use&S,ar(Scri(ts to yes5
15. Unsorted In$ormation
Area hal$in ;eys B FSET parallel #or)in
In t,e 2 1oint definition mode you ,ave t,is 8eys t,at allo6s you to ,alf t,e Area.
-,is is ,el(ful if you li8e to run multi(le *S+art,-iles a((lication (arallel.
31 *S+art,-iles a((lication reBuires 1 core and 2GJyte of memory5
#,en you ,ave set u( everyt,ing in one *S+- you can sim(le clic8 in t,e .lue field and drag and dro(
t,e settings into a second and t,ird and fourt, *S+-. 3Buadcore/ $GJyte5
=o6 you can set eac, *S+-s Area to a Buadrant of t,e full Area and do6nload t,e 6,ole region in a
Buarter of t,e time t,at you 6ould need 6it, one only.
Jut (lease consider t,e im(act it ,as on t,e eart, services 6,en you do massive do6nloading li8e t,at
over a longer time.
3anic :utton
-,e (anic Jutton ,as only effect on t,e #e. Jro6ser 3666 .utton5.
In case t,e #e. Jro6ser is ,anging in an endless attem(ts to get a s(ecific -ile of t,e service you can
(us, t,is .utton to set t,e #e. Jro6ser into t,e (anic mode t,at ma8e it (ass t,e .loc8ing.
In t,e (anic mode t,e Jro6ser acce(ts everyt,ing as -ile regardless 6,at is t,e root 3for e:am(le .ro8en
-,e 1anic 4ode .ecomes automatic rested as soon as t,e do6nload for one area is com(lete.
A &a(tc,a is an offer in a 6e. .ro6ser to enter a certain code t,at is dis(layed in an in(ut field to identify
as ,uman. >nly if you do t,at t,e service 6ill give free furt,er access to its content.
If an eart, service reBuires a ca(tc,a t,an you can only furt,er access it 6it, t,e integrated #e. Jro6ser
.ecause only t,e #e. Jro6ser is dealing 6it, t,e ca(tc,a. *S+art,-iles itself is not dealing 6it,
ca(tc,a. If t,e (age t,at is dis(layed offers you no ca(tc,a t,en you need to c,ec8 6it, your coo8ies.
-,e coo8ie is t,e 8ey and you usually get it from t,e main (ages of a services 6,en you visit it.
I dont 6ant to say more ,ere.
The Area,as) :itmap
-,e Area4as8 Jitma( is an invention from me.
-,e (ro.lem in *S@ is t,at you ,ave to ,old 2 additional &,annels 3trans(arency/ reflection5 to t,e usual
3 color c,annels 3red/ green/ .lue5. -,at ma8es it 5 &,annels. Jut a Jitma( can only ,old 4 &,annels in
ma:imum. =o6 you eit,er ,ave to use t,e .tiff format instead .itma(s format 6,ic, is not t,at far
distri.uted and 6it, every (rogram reada.le li8e t,e .itma( format or you store t,e 2 c,annels in a
se(arate .itma(. -,e last ,as t,e advantage t,at multi(le sources 3seasons5 can s,are t,is 2 c,annel.
#it,in *S+art,4as8s t,e 2 c,annels trans(arency 3red5 and reflection3.lue5 are created (ositive. -,at
means 19 on/ 09 off. -,is is stored toget,er 6it, t,e green c,annel containing a grey color
re(resentation of t,e Area te:ture. Jefore saveing t,e Jitma( .ecomes inverted .ecause *S@ reBuires a
negative logic 09on/ 1 9off for t,e reflection and t,e trans(arency c,annel.
-,is creates t,e (in8 loo8 at t,e end.
-,e idea 6as to invert it again for manual 6ater 6or8 in t,e mas8. Po6ever Ive seen t,at some ,ave
started to 6or8 6it, t,e inverted Jitma( directly. Jy coincidence 3t,e invert of t,e red trans(arence
c,annel5 t,e 6ater loo8s .lue t,ere.
*ptimal FSL settins
In order to get t,e .est Buality loo8 3s,ar(5 for t,e ground te:tures I can recommend t,e follo6ing
3also c,ec87 ,tt(7;;i.lueyonder.6ord(;200";05;31;fs:<relief<for<t,e<.lurries;5
in *S@.cfg7
4i(Jias 9 6
and in t,e =AIDIA driver7 =egative D>D Jias set to &lam(
-,is ma8es t,e loo8 s,ar(.
If you ,ave a fast dual core or even .etter a Buad core I ,ig,ly recommend to also set t,e D>DV!ADIUS
to ".0 in t,e *S@.cfg7
D>DV!ADIUS 9 ".0
-,is ensures t,at it is not only s,ar( 2ust e:act .elo6 t,e (lane.
Unfortunately t,is D>DV!ADIUS 9 ".0 setting you ,ave to re(eat 6,enever you ad2ust t,e settings in
*S@. -,e *S@ slider only 8no6s a value of 4.5 in ma:imum.
#,enever (ossi.le create sceneries 6it, a resolution of 1meter;(i:el 3level 15 or .etter. -,at gives a
good loo8. A.ove 1 meter;(i:el t,e loo8 in *S@ .ecomes fast not satisfying.
-,e difference in t,e loo8 .et6een a resolution of 1meter;(i:el com(ared to a 4meter;(i:el in *S@ is
really significant. *S@ te:ture Buality de(ends on ,ig, resolution.

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