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Rubric for external analysis

Task description: Working individually, students will develop an analysis of the airline
industry as a whole. This analysis should include the following major components: a orter
!"force analysis, an assessment of industry strategic groups, an evaluation of industry key
success factors #$%&s', and a review of the driving forces changing the industry #macro"
environmental analysis'. The body of the paper should be ()"(! pages in length, typed,
double"spaced, (*"point font. The student can also have as many additional appendices as
they deem necessary, but at a minimum, the student must include at least one appendix for
each major topic. +oreover, the body of the paper and the appendices must each stand
independently of the other. That is, , must be able to read through the body of the paper
without having to reference the appendices, and the appendices should be intelligible apart
from the body. -owever, the body of the paper must incorporate and summari.e the
material contained in the appendices.
,tem / Weight 0xemplary 1ompetent 2eveloping
Spelling & grammar*
Weight: 2 points
The paper is free of all
spelling and grammatical
The paper has between one
and three spelling or
grammatical errors.
The paper has more than
3 spelling or grammatical
Weight: 2 points
The paper is diided into
clearl!"identified section
with headings and bridge
The paper lac#s section
headings and other diiders$
b%t it does hae some
%nderl!ing organization.
The paper is a mish"
mash. &t is '%mbled and
has no clear foc%s.
Weight: 2 points
The bod! of the paper and
the appendices each stand on
their own. The! can be read
independentl! of each other.
The bod! refers the reader to
the appropriate appendices$
and the appendices are
referenced bac# into the
releant section of the bod!.
The st%dent draws
concl%sions in the
appendices$ and these
concl%sions are bro%ght
forward into the bod!.
The bod! of the paper and
the appendices each stand on
their own. (oweer$ the
st%dent does not refer to the
appendices in the bod!$ so
the reader has to loo# for
There is no apparent
relationship between the
material contained in the
bod! of the paper and the
appendices. The st%dent
does not draw
concl%sions from the
wor# the! do in their
Weight: 2 points
The st%dent has a f%ll and
complete bibliograph!.
The st%dent refers to man!
so%rces. The references the
st%dent refers to are alid.
There is a bibliograph!$ b%t
it is not in a recognized
The st%dent refers to onl! a
few so%rces.
The st%dent does not
incl%de a bibliograph!.
The st%dent refers onl! to
the compan!* website and
Weight: 2 points
The st%dent ma#es e,tensie
%se of in"te,t citations to
s%pport the data the! %se in
their paper.
The st%dent ma#es some %se
of in"te,t citations$ b%t
misses citing man!
important pieces of data.
The st%dent does not %se
an! in"te,t citations.
Total points possible for
presentation: 1- points
.orter*s /"force anal!sis &n the bod! of the te,t$ the &n the bod! of the te,t$ the &n the bod!$ the st%dent
0 st%dent who scores a leel of 1deeloping2 on this item will hae their paper ret%rned
to them %ngraded. The! will need to correct all spelling and grammar errors and ret%rn
the paper for regarding within one wee#. The st%dent will be penalized one f%ll letter
grade. &f the st%dent*s reised paper also scores a leel of 1deeloping2 on this item$ the
paper will be graded$ b%t the ma,im%m grade the st%dent can receie is a +".
,tem / Weight 0xemplary 1ompetent 2eveloping
Weight: 3 points st%dent draws concl%sions
abo%t the strength of each of
the forces and how attractie
the ind%str! as a whole is.
st%dent draws concl%sions
abo%t the strength of each of
the forces$ b%t not abo%t the
oerall attractieness of the
ind%str!$ or ice ersa.
draws no concl%sions
abo%t either an! of the
indiid%al forces or the
ind%str! as a whole.
Weight: 12 points &n the appendi,$ the st%dent:
lists each of
.orter*s forces
s%mmarizes how
strong each force is
states the logic
behind their
assessment. The logic
is clear and correct
draws a concl%sion
abo%t the strength of
each of the forces
draws a concl%sion
abo%t the oerall
ind%str! attractieness
the logic %sed to
moe from the leel of
the indiid%al force to
the ind%str! as a whole
is clear and acc%rate
&n the appendi,$ the st%dent:
lists some b%t not
all of .orter*s forces
presents logic
which is fa%lt!
regarding the strength
of the forces
the concl%sion the!
draw ab%t the oerall
attractieness is at
odds with their logic
&n the appendi,$ the
fails to list all
of .orter*s forces or
conf%ses one force
with another
fails to consider
the strength of one
or more of the
does not
present the logic
behind their
does not draw a
concl%sion abo%t the
strength of one or
more of the forces
does not draw
an oerall
concl%sion abo%t the
attractieness of the
Strategic gro%ps
Weight: 3 points
&n the bod! of their
paper$ the st%dent
identifies the strategic
gro%ps in the ind%str!.
The st%dent clearl!
states which strategic
gro%p the firm the! are
e,amining fits in$ and
presents clear logic to
s%pport their assertion.
The st%dent clearl!
states how their
concl%sions abo%t the
.orter /"force model
need to be modified to
reflect the strategic
gro%ps in the ind%str!. .
4ot able to get an
relationship amongst
While the st%dent
mentions that the
different strategic
gro%ps are differentl!
affected b! the / forces$
s5he does not state how
the! are differentl!
affected or wh!.
+oncl%sions are
not f%ll! %sed in the
The st%dent
does not consider
the presence of
strategic gro%ps.
The st%dent
does not indicate
which strategic
gro%p the firm the!
are e,amining fits
The st%dent
fails to consider
how .orter*s /
forces will
differentiall! affect
the different
strategic gro%ps.
Weight: 6 points &n the appendi,$
the st%dent presents a
graphical representation
of the strategic gro%ps
in the ind%str!.
The st%dent is able
to e,plain the reason of
each parameter.
The st%dent
e,plains partiall! b%t is
not able f%ll! '%stif!ing
the same.
(e is not able to
e,plain the reason for
the a,es.
The st%dent is
not able to represent
The st%dent
fails to e,plain their
choice of a,es for
the map.
,tem / Weight 0xemplary 1ompetent 2eveloping
Oerall ind%str!
Weight: 2 points
&n the bod! of the
paper$ the st%dent draws
a clear concl%sion based
on their .orter*s /"force
The concl%sion is
able to define the
attractieness of
The st%dent draws
a concl%sion abo%t how
attractie the ind%str! is$
b%t does not s%pport
their concl%sion with
The st%dent
reaches an oerall b%t
does not consider the
attractieness of the
different strategic
gro%ps within the
The st%dent
fails to draw an!
oerall concl%sion
abo%t how attractie
the ind%str! is.
7riing forces of
Weight: 1 point
&n the bod! of the paper$ the
st%dent indicates and
e,plains their logic for:
Which of the
forces will e,ert the
strongest infl%ence on
the ind%str! oer the
ne,t 3"/ !ears
The magnit%de
8how big9 and direction
8positie or negatie9 of
those forces on the
While the st%dents indicate
which of the forces will hae
the biggest impact$ the! fail
to indicate
The magnit%de
and direction of the
Whether the
impact is %niform across
strategic gro%ps$ or
whether it 8the!9 will
differentiall! affect the
different strategic
&n the bod! of the paper$
the st%dent does not
indicate which of the
forces will hae the
greatest impact oer the
ne,t 3"/ !ears.
* Weight: 1 point &n the appendi,$
the st%dent identifies
both obio%s and non"
obio%s trends in the
economic macro"
The st%dent
differentiations between
ma'or and minor
economic trends.
&n the appendi,$
the st%dent identifies
economic trends$ b%t
does not classif! them
as ma'or or minor
The st%dent
considers the impact of
economic trends on the
ind%str! as a whole$ b%t
not on each strategic
&n the
appendi,$ the
st%dent fails to
identif! economic
trends$ or
The st%dent
fails to assess the
impact of economic
* Weight: 1 point &n the appendi,$
the st%dent identifies
both obio%s and non"
obio%s trends in the
law and ethics macro"
The st%dent
differentiations between
ma'or and minor law
and ethics trends.
&n the appendi,$
the st%dent identifies
law and ethics trends$
b%t does not classif!
them as ma'or or minor
The st%dent
considers the impact of
law and ethics trends on
the ind%str! as a whole$
b%t not on each strategic
&n the
appendi,$ the
st%dent fails to
identif! law and
ethics trends$ or
The st%dent
fails to assess the
impact of law and
ethics trends.
* Weight: 1 point The st%dent
identifies both obio%s
and non"obio%s trends
&n the appendi,$
the st%dent identifies
diersit! trends$ b%t
&n the
appendi,$ the
st%dent fails to
,tem / Weight 0xemplary 1ompetent 2eveloping
in the diersit!
8demographic$ c%lt%ral$
and social9 macro"
The st%dent
differentiations between
ma'or and minor
diersit! trends.
does not classif! them
as ma'or or minor
The st%dent
considers the impact of
diersit! trends on the
ind%str! as a whole$ b%t
not on each strategic
identif! diersit!
trends$ or
The st%dent
identifies onl!
triial diersit!
trends$ b%t misses
ma'or diersit!
The st%dent
fails to assess the
impact of diersit!
* Weight: 1 point &n the appendi,$
the st%dent identifies
both obio%s and non"
obio%s trends in the
technolog! macro"
The st%dent
differentiations between
ma'or and minor
technolog! trends.
The st%dent
considers the impact of
technolog! trends on
both the ind%str! as a
whole and on each
strategic gro%p.
&n the appendi,$
the st%dent identifies
technolog! trends$ b%t
does not classif! them
as ma'or or minor
The st%dent
considers the impact of
technolog! trends on the
ind%str! as a whole$ b%t
not on each strategic
&n the
appendi,$ the
st%dent fails to
identif! technolog!
trends$ or
The st%dent
identifies onl!
triial technolog!
trends$ b%t misses
ma'or economic
The st%dent
fails to assess the
impact of
technolog! trends.
* Weight: 3 point &n the appendi,$
the st%dent identifies
both obio%s and non"
obio%s trends in the
s%stainabilit! macro"
The st%dent
differentiations between
ma'or and minor
s%stainabilit! trends.
The st%dent
considers the impact of
s%stainabilit! trends on
both the ind%str! as a
whole and on each
strategic gro%p.
&n the appendi,$
the st%dent identifies
s%stainabilit! trends$ b%t
does not classif! them
as ma'or or minor
The st%dent
considers the impact of
s%stainabilit! trends on
the ind%str! as a whole$
b%t not on each strategic
&n the
appendi,$ the
st%dent fails to
s%stainabilit! trends$
The st%dent
identifies onl!
s%stainabilit! trends$
b%t misses ma'or
economic trends.
The st%dent
fails to assess the
impact of
s%stainabilit! trends.
Total points possible for
content: 3- points
Total points possible for
assignment: /- points
:e!: * ; will be eal%ated for program assessment p%rposes as well as for co%rse p%rposes.

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