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... through Bertha Dudde

Hour of death....
The soul's separation fro the !od" is usuall" a painful e#perien$e
for the !od" !e$ause a $ertain degree of aturit" is ne$essar" for a
painless separation% &hi$h is rarel" a$hie'ed !" the person.
The huan !eing's hour of death &ill al&a"s a(e hi a&are that
he no longer &ill !e a!le to stri'e% that he no longer &ill !e a!le to
a$hie'e an"thing !" hiself &hen he has left the huan shell. )nd
depending on the state of his soul the hour of death &ill then
!e$oe ore or less diffi$ult for hi.
)s long as the huan !eing is on earth he still has the $hoi$e to
purif" hiself% and the soul in the !e"ond &ill than( its *reator for
ha'ing !een gi'en this opportunit" !efore its departure that it &ill
not ha'e to suffer as u$h in the !e"ond.
+in$e God is righteous the soul has to a$$ept its fate in the !e"ond
and needs far greater suffering to attain the degree of aturit".
,e'ertheless it is not possi!le to enter the spheres of light &ithout
it% $onse-uentl" this higher degree of aturit" has to !e a$hie'ed
through suffering and pain and thus a long struggle before
death should always be viewed as an ascent.
.t is true that people onl" see the state of suffering% &hi$h
$ontri!utes to&ards their fear of death sin$e the hour of death
sees un!eara!le to the% and "et it is onl" !esto&ed upon the
huan !eing !" the greatest lo'e to pro'ide for hi a !righter light
in the !e"ond. )nd this lo'e is the foundation of e'er"thing....
God onl" sends suffering and pain to earth for the purpose of
reo'ing a person's ph"si$al desires% that he then &ill pa" ore
attention to his soul and attept to perfe$t it. /'er" suffering &hi$h
results in this is !lessed !" God....
Tie on earth passes -ui$(l" and &ith good &ill $an !e used to
a!andon e'er"thing &orldl"% then the soul shapes itself in
a$$ordan$e to God's &ill and at the end of its earthl" life re-uires
no further e#$eptional suffering to enter the (ingdo of light.
However, suffering always contributes towards higher
maturity and is therefore a blessing for the human being &ho
other&ise &ould ha'e to dispose of his errors and failings in the
!e"ond &hi$h &ould also !e rather &ret$hed.... thus his suffering
$annot !e pre'ented e'en though the hour of death apparentl"
pro$eeds silentl" and &ithout pain.
God (no&s e'er" huan !eing's state of soul and his &illingness to
fight all ipurities0 hen$e He $oplies &ith the huan !eing !"
offering hi the opportunit" to a$$oplish his goal.... !" allo&ing
the hour of death to !e his last opportunit" for arri'ing in eternit"
purged and purified....
1u!lished !" friends of ne& re'elations of God 2 .nforation%
do&nload of all translated re'elations% thee3!oo(lets at4


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