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Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach focusing on the

improvement of quality and performance in all functions, departments, and

processes across the company to provide quality services which exceed
customer expectations. TQM expands the scope of quality of every
department from top management to lower level employees. It enales
management to adopt a strategic approach to quality and put more e!ort on
prevention rather than on inspection. Through TQM, all employees are trained
in a professional manner and encouraged to ma"e decisions on their own to
improve the overall quality and attain higher standards. This is "ey to
achieving the TQM results desired, ecause without your employees on oard
and feeling empowered, you might as well e swimming upstream.
Through TQM, companies increase customer satisfaction, reduce costs, and
foster team wor". #ompanies can also gain higher returns on sales and
investment. The aility to provide quality services allow for higher prices to
e charged. Total quality means etter access to gloal mar"ets, greater
customer loyalty, wider recognition as a quality rand, etc.
TQM is roadly ased on the following principles$
#ustomer #entric %pproach & #onsumers are the ultimate 'udge to determine
whether products or services are of superior quality or not. (o matter how
many resources are pooled in training employees, upgrading machines and
computers, incorporating quality design process and standards, ringing new
technology, etc.) at the end of the day, it is the customers who have the *nal
say in 'udging your company. #ompanies must rememer to implement TQM
across all fronts "eeping in mind the customers.
+mployee Involvement & +nsuring total employee involvement in achieving
goals and usiness o'ectives will lead to employee empowerment and active
participation from the employees in decision ma"ing and addressing quality
related prolems. +mployee empowerment and involvement can e
increased y ma"ing the wor"space more open and devoid of fear.
#ontinual Improvement & % ma'or component of TQM is continual
improvement. #ontinual improvement will lead to improved and higher
quality processes. #ontinual improvement will ensure companies will *nd new
ways and techniques in producing etter quality products, production, e
more competitive, as well as exceed customer expectations.
,trategic %pproach to Improvement & -usinesses must adopt a strategic
approach towards quality improvement to achieve their goals, vision, and
mission. % strategic plan is very necessary to ensure quality ecomes the
core aspect of all usiness processes.
Integrated ,ystem & -usinesses comprise of various departments with
di!erent functionality purposes. These functionalities are interconnected with
various hori.ontal processes TQM focuses on. +veryone in the company
should have a thorough understanding of the quality policies, standards,
o'ectives, and important processes. It is very important to promote a quality
wor" culture as it helps to achieve excellence and surpass customer
expectations. %n integrated system ensures continual improvement and
helps companies achieve a competitive edge.
/ecision Ma"ing & /ata from the performance measurement of processes
indicates the current health of the company. 0or e1cient TQM, companies
must collect and analy.e data to improve quality, decision ma"ing accuracy,
and forecasts. The decision ma"ing must e statistically and situational ased
in order to avoid any room for emotional ased decisions.
#ommunications & #ommunication plays a crucial role in TQM as it helps to
motivate employees and improve their morale during routine daily
operations. +mployees need to e involved as much as possile in the day to
day operations and decision ma"ing process to really give them a sense of
empowerment. This creates the environment of success and unity and helps
drive the results the TQM process can achieve.
It requires immense e!orts, time, courage, and patience to successfully
implement TQM. -usinesses successfully implementing TQM can witness
improved quality across all ma'or processes and departments, higher
customer retention, higher revenue due to improved sales, and gloal rand

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