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I think it looks good, and there are a couple good gameplay videos that show

a lot of interesting steal mechanics. But I also like Call of Duty, and this
community has made it clear that puts me on the same social rung as
pedophiles and necrophiliacs. The plot does look like a mess but thats not
really a change for this series. !ho really remembers what the "rst #plinter
Cell games were even about$
%pparently the &th 'reedom is the 'reedom from self(awareness because that
was about the most ridiculously douchy thing Ive ever seen.
That was it$ )eally$ Did that really deserve a trailer, *bisoft$ +e ,*-C+.D %
/*0. %nd whats with calling melee attacks 1Closer Than .ver2$ !ill they be
calling sniping 1'urther Than 3ost2, shooting a gun 1/unpowder ,owered
Termination2 and climbing a ladder 13uscular 4ifting #ystem2$
Dark #ouls has a shitty reputation as a niche 5hardcore5 game. Its more than
that. Thought I5d share my thoughts on why I en6oy it.
,eople 6ust don5t make games like Dark #ouls anymore. !hen was the last
time a game was about adventuring into the unknown$ -o other game of the
past & years, with perhaps the e7ception of 8elda has had a world that begs
to be discovered. Its ama9ing once you delve into the lore. %lmost every npc
and boss you encounter has an agenda they wish to ful"ll. 3ost of them have
something to say about the world, and if not, about each other. There are
religious orders, people, and distant lands that are only ever mentioned, but
even so they help to :esh out the world. Connecting all the dots brings a
veracity to the setting, despite how fantastical it may be. It5s a profoundly
awesome feeling, returning to early areas of the game, when you were
ignorant to the underlying "ction that de"ned it.
Its a damn shame that the game was advertised on the merits of di;culty.
Dark #ouls is a lot more than a hard game. 'or the same reasons I have
en6oyed adventure games like The Dig and the 3yst series, I en6oy Dark
plotters< this includes the 1turtle geometry2 systems. ,en plotters have a
drawing pen that moves over a :at sheet of paper. The commands available include
=a> pen
up, which lifts the pen up from the surface of the paper, =b> pen down, which lowers
the point
of the pen onto the paper, and =c> move-to=x, y>, which moves the pen in a straight
line from
its current position to the point with coordinates x, y. !hen the pen is up, it moves
drawing< when the pen is down, it draws as it moves =see 'igure I.?>. In addition,
there may be
commands for switching to a di@erent color pen as well as convenience commands to
make it
easier to draw images.
%nother e7ample of vector graphics devices is vector graphics display terminals,
traditionally are monochrome monitors that can draw arbitrary lines. An these vector
display terminals, the screen is a large e7panse of phosphor and does not have
pi7els. %
traditional oscilloscope is also an e7ample of a vector graphics display device.
Bector graphics displays and pi7el(based displays use very di@erent representations
images. In pi7el(based systems, the screen image will be stored as a bitmap, namely,
as a table
containing all the pi7el colors. % vector graphics system, on the other hand, will store
image as a list of commands for instance as a list of pen up, pen down, and move
#ucha list of commands is called a display list.
-owadays, pi7el(based graphics hardware is very prevalent, and thus even graphics
that are logically vector based are typically displayed on hardware that is pi7el based.
The disadvantage is that pi7el(based hardware cannot directly draw arbitrary lines
and must
appro7imate lines with pi7els. An the other hand, the advantage is that more
"gures, suchas "lled regions, can be drawn.
3odern vector graphics systems incorporate more than 6ust lines and include the
ability to
draw curves, te7t, polygons, and other shapes such as circles and ellipses. These
systems also
have the ability to "ll in or shade a region with a color or a pattern. They generally
are restricted
to drawing two(dimensional "gures. %dobes ,ost#cript language is a prominent
e7ample of

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