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Peace? You Must Be Kidding.

Jafar M Ramini

No matter how many times a lie is told, it will never be the truth.
(LONDON) - The dust has settled over
Gaza. The stench o death mi!ed with
sewa"e and rotten ruit and ve"etables is
illin" the air. The dust will soon turn into
mud when the winter rains all over this stri#
o $alestine.
The hummin" o the drones and the boom o
mortar shells have been re#laced by
announcements and #ronouncements o the
%ionist "overnment. They are bac& on trac&
s#ewin" lies that have been told over and
over a"ain or the best #art o a century and
have become to them and their su##orters a
reality. Do any o you remember that master
o #ro#a"anda in Germany durin" the Third
'eich, (ose#h Goebbels) Let me remind you.
*+ you tell a lie bi" enou"h and &ee# re#eatin" it #eo#le will eventually come to believe the
lie,* he said. The %ionists have learned their crat o lies and #ro#a"anda rom the best. They
started their ,uest to steal $alestine with the bi""est lie o all, "A land without a eole !o" a
eole without a land."
The lies continue every time they wa"e a war o e!#ansion and colonization under the ta" o
the e!istential threat to the very e!istence o +srael to the bi""er lie, o -we have a ri"ht to
deend ourselves.. /nd /merica is la##in" it u# to the tune o 01-2 billion a year. /viad
3lei"ber", $roessor o 4istory at Tel /viv 5niversity wrote on 6net in the o#inion section,
under the #rovocative headin"7 -New Nazis on the bloc&.
8hile +srael #eaceully reconciles with 9uro#ean murderers. os#rin", it re:ects any attem#t o
reconciliation with its $alestinian nei"hbours. /s ar as +sraelis are concerned, the /rabs are the
new Nazis, the s#iritual os#rin" o the old Nazis. /nd what about their lesh-and-blood
os#rin") They have been ully e!em#ted.
Not :ust them (the "randchildren, o course, cannot be blamed or their "rand#arents; crimes),
but their culture as well. Two thousand years o <hristian #ersecution have been erased. The
enemy is the /rabs= and rom the uni,ue #oint o view o the +sraeli culture, this has always
Photo of Gaza, July 2014, by Denny Cormier
been the case..
The sa"a continues. The /merican administration that #ays throu"h the nose to &ee# +srael
alive and viciously &ic&in" still stand by +srael no matter what the truth is.
/s >r. Goebbels went on to say, ?the truth is the mortal enemy o the lie and thus, by
e!tension, the truth is the "reatest enemy o the @tate.A The recent round o lies and subteru"e
under the "uise o the#eace #rocess was the maneuverin" o >r. (ohn 3erry, the current 5@
@ecretary o @tate to twist the arm o >r. >ahmoud /bbas, the $alestinian $resident to acce#t
whatever +srael has to oer to &ee# the ne"otiations "oin". That is des#ite every time an
/merican oicial visits +srael the +sraelis will announce, on cue, more land coniscations and
more buildin" o ille"al settlements.
The /mericans, no matter what, have to bend to the will o the enormously #owerul (ewish
lobby in 8ashin"ton.
/s @ir /lan Duncan >$, s#ecial envoy to the current British $rime >inister to Oman and
6emen said, *9ven when >r. Netanyahu is &noc&in" at the door o the 8hite 4ouse they
announce urther settlements insultin"ly and in deiance o international law.*
4e went on to say, *8e all &now that the 5nited @tates o /merica is in hoc& to a very
#owerul inancial lobby witch dominates its #olitics.* /ter the donors. conerence in <airo
>r. 3erry is on yet another maneuver to serve his #aymasters, the (ewish lobby in 8ashin"ton.
4e is tryin" very hard to deter >r. /bbas rom "oin" to the 5N @ecurity <ouncil and the
+nternational <riminal <ourt by wavin" the veto threat, while, in the meantime, be""in" >r.
Netanyahu to continue the charade o the so-called #eace #rocess.
/s 4aaretz News#a#er re#orted, *>r. 3erry has as&ed $rime >inister Ben:amin Netanyahu
whether he would be willin" to resume ne"otiations on the basis o the CDEF borderlines.*
(ust consider the dierent a##roach, rom orcibly shac&lin" the $alestinian $resident and
humbly as&in" the +sraeli $rime >inister whether he mi"ht consider.
Don.t you sometimes wonder i >r. 3erry is tremblin" with ear when he has to "o yet a"ain to
see >r. Netanyahu or is he sittin" or #rostratin" himsel at the eet o his actual boss) +s this
what has become o the mi"hty 5nited @tates o /merica)
8hen will >r. 3erry and the entire /merican administration realise that +srael will never,
never, ever entertain any accommodation with the $alestinians at all)
$lease allow me to enli"hten >r. 3erry and his collea"ues o what most o the current members
o the +sraeli "overnment have to say on the two-state solution, which is the core and the sole
#ur#ose o this so-called #eace #rocess.
Natali Bennett, +srael.s 9conomy >inister has told a 53 national news#a#er, The Guardian7
*There is not "oin" to be a $alestinian state within the tiny land o +srael,* he said, reerrin" to
the area rom the (ordan 'iver to the >editerranean.
*+t;s :ust not "oin" to ha##en. / $alestinian state would be a disaster or the ne!t GHH years.*
+nstead o a two-state solution, Bennett has #ro#osed the unilateral anne!ation o /rea <, the
EHI o the 8est Ban& that contains all (ewish settlements and is currently under +sraeli
military control. $alestinians livin" in /rea < could *either ta&e +sraeli citizenshi# or relocate
to the $alestinian-"overned 1HI o the 8est Ban&.*
>oshe Jei"lin, De#uty @#ea&er o the 3nesset, echoes his views.
*+t;s about time that it will be very clear to the /rabs and to the entire world that the land o
+srael belon"s only to the (ews, it was "iven to us by God.*
This is the same >r. Jei"lin who called or all the "esidents o!
#a$a to %e sent to concent"ation ca&s in the 'inai dese"t.
>oshe 6a.alon, >inister o Deence said, *8e need to ree
ourselves o the notion that everythin" boils down to only one
o#tion called a $alestinian @tate. /s ar as + am concerned let
them call it the $alestinian 9m#ire. + don;t care. +t is an
autonomy on a demilitarized territory.*
Jrench >$ and +sraeli resident, 9mir 4abib, couldn.t be denied
the o##ortunity to drive the nail urther into the two-state
solution when he said that Israel has been trying to reach peace
agreements since the state was founded and is willing to make
painful concessions for peace, while the Palestinians refuse to
recognize Israel's right to exist.
<ome on, >r. >eir, everyone reco"nizes +srael.s ri"ht to e!ist, even 4amas since GHHE, which
was reairmed by >r. 3haled > :ust ater the recent massacre o Gaza durin" an
interview with /l-(azeera TK.
/nd the lies continue when the +sraelis describe >r. /bbas as not a #artner or #eace and as&
the $alestinians to ma&e hard com#romises. 4aven.t the $alestinians com#romised enou"h by
ac&nowled"in" the e!istence o +srael and conse,uently le"itimizin" the thet o LHI o our
The /rab Lea"ue oered +srael ull reco"nition in GHHG or #eace and end o occu#ation and it
was thrown bac& in their aces.
>r. /bdul Jattah /sisi, the $resident o 9"y#t and the irm riend and ally o +srael, ur"ed >r.
Netanyahu to acce#t the /rab hand in #eace only last wee&.
>r. /sisi, the /rab Lea"ue and the $alestinians are still waitin".
/nd inally, to ma&e it clear to the world that they are not listenin" and they will not divert
By Carlos Latuff,
rom their do""ed determination to swallow u# the entire landmass o $alestine, >r. Netanyahu
stated on many occasions that uniied (erusalem is the eternal ca#ital o +srael.
Durin" his recent visit to 8ashin"ton, when the /merican @tate De#artment criticized the
announcement o a new G,EHH housin" units in 9ast (erusalem, he said, *criticizin" +srael or
(udaisin" (erusalem is li&e criticizin" /merica or /mericanisin" 8ashin"ton.*
+sn.t this the bi""est lie o all)
>r. 3erry, sir, tryin" to revive the shambolic #eace #rocess and the two-state solution is li&e
administerin" medicine to an already dead body.
Child of Al Shifa - Gaza - August 2014, Photo: Denny Cormier
(a!a" M )a&ini is a Palestinian w"ite"* co&&entato" and anal+st on Middle
,aste"n a!!ai"s li-ing in .ondon.
/e was %o"n in (enin* no"the"n Palestine* was educated in ,ngland and sent
the ea"l+ +ea"s o! his wo"0ing li!e in the A"a%ian #ul! and 'audi A"a%ia. /e has
t"a-eled !a" and wide* sea"ching !o" the answe" to a 1uestion that still eludes
2h+ does the 3nited 'tates o! A&e"ica suo"t the 4ionist line in such a %lind
!olded wa+ while igno"ing the legiti&ate "ights o! the indigenous Palestinian
eole? Pa"ticula"l+ as the Palestinian eole ha"%ou" no ill !eelings towa"ds A&e"ica and its
eole no" has e-e" caused the& an+ ha"&. 5t is* (a!a" sa+s* a conund"u&.

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