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Enigma of the Sun-Star and

Cross (Mandala)
April 29, 2012 13 Comments
Introduction Nazca Lines
Stretching across the Nazca plains like a giant map or blueprint left by ancient astronauts, lie the
famous Nazca Lines of Peru. Peru is associated with the Inca Ciilization!
"he Nazca #ines are an engima! No one has proof who built them or why. Since their discoer$, the Nazca
#ines hae inspired %antastic e&planations %rom ancient gods, a landing strip %or returning aliens, a celestial
calendar created '$ the ancient Nazca ciilization ( putting the creation o% the lines 'etween 200 )C and
*00 A+, used %or rituals pro'a'l$ related to astronom$, to con%irm the a$llus or clans who made up the
population and to determine through ritual their economic %unctions held up '$ reciprocit$ and
redistri'ution, or a map o% underground water supplies!
"here are also huge geogl$phs in ,g$pt, -alta, .nited States /-ississippi and Cali%ornia0, Chile, )oliia
and in other countries! )ut the Nazca geoglyphs, 'ecause o% their num'ers, characteristics, dimensions and
cultural continuit$, were made and remade throughout the whole pre1hispanic period, %orming a most
impressie, as well as enigmatic, archeological group!
"he Nazca #ines are located in the Nazca +esert, a high arid plateau that stretches 'etween the towns o%
Nazca and Palpa on the pampa /a large %lat area o% southern Peru0! "he desolate plain o% the Peruian coast
which comprises the Pampas o% San 2ose /2umana0, Socos, ,l Ingenio and others in the proince o% Nasca, is
300 4m! South o% #ima, coers an area o% appro&imatel$ 350 6m2, o% sand$ desert as well as the slopes o%
the contours o% the Andes!
They coer nearly !"" s#uare miles of desert$ Etched in the surface of
the desert %am%a sand a&out '"" hundred figures made of straight
lines( geometric sha%es most clearly isi&le from the air$

Nazca )lain
Nazca Plain The Nazca %lain is irtually unique for its ability to
preserve the markings upon it( due to the com&ination of the climate
(one of the driest on Earth( *ith only t*enty minutes of rainfall %er year)
and the flat( stony ground *hich minimizes the effect of the *ind at
ground leel$ With no dust or sand to cover the plain, and little rain
or wind to erode it, lines drawn here tend to stay drawn$ These
factors( com&ined *ith the e+istence of a lighter-colored su&soil &eneath
the desert crust( %roide a ast *riting %ad that is ideally suited to the
artist *ho *ants to leae his mar, for eternity$ The %e&&les *hich coer
the surface of the desert contain ferrous o+ide$ The e+%osure of
centuries has gien them a dar, %atina$ -hen the grael is remoed(
they contrast *ith the color underneath$ In this *ay the lines *ere dra*n
as furro*s of a lighter color( een though in some cases they &ecame
%rints$ In other cases( the stones defining the lines and dra*ings form
small lateral hum%s of different sizes$ Some dra*ings( es%ecially the
early ones( *ere made &y remoing the stones and grael from their
contours and in this *ay the figures stood out in high relief$ The
concentration and .u+ta%osition of the lines and dra*ings leae no dou&t
that they re#uired intensie long-term la&or as is demonstrated &y the
stylistic continuity of the designs( *hich clearly corres%ond to the
different stages of cultural changes$

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