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Concept of qwl:

Orgs need to be fexible

Alternative to the control approach of managing people. Satisfy org objectives
and employee needs.
Nadler and Lawler: QWL is a way of thinking about people, work and
Cherns: QWL is the area of humanization of the work place. t is about
work place democracy, work reconstructing, or !ob redesign and kind of
work gi"en to the employees.
!" has # distinct elements:
$. A concern for the wellbeing of employees as well as for organi%ational
#. 'he promotion of employee participation in important wor( related problems
and decisions.
)eq*irements of employees:
$. Safer envt.
#. +air and reasonable pay
,. -mployee bene.ts
/. 0ob sec*rity
1. 0ob satisfaction
2. -mpowerment
3. Career opport*nities
4. 'ransparency
Activities constit*ting !" program:
Opport*nities for growth of employees
5articipation of employees
6mplementing S*ggestion systems
6nnovative reward systems
!or( design
+reedom in forming wor(gro*p
+lexibility in wor( sched*les
Approaches for improving !" within organi%ations:
7evelopment of 8igh involvement organi%ations 986O:
7eveloping parallel str*ct*res li(e q*ality circles and *nion managements
cooperative projects
+lexible wor( options
+eat*res of 86O:
Organi%ational str*ct*re: +lat; lean; team based; foc*sed on employee
0ob 7esign: 6ndivid*ally enriched 9more s(ill variety added in the jobs; hish
tas( identity and signi.cance; more a*tonomy on the job and feedbac( to be
given for jobs done; etc
6nformation systems
Career systems: 7i&erent trac(s for advancement and mentoring employees
for long term relationship
Selection of employees: Selection of right person for right job
'raining: -&ective training for s(ills which help employees in ta(ing correct
Open reward systems: )eward systems is open. 6t is based on sharing gains
from improved performance. )eward distinctions between people from
di&erent hierarchial levels are minimal
5ersonnel policies: 'hese enco*rage participation of employees at every level
5hysica layo*t: 'he physical layo*t s*pports team str*ct*re and red*ce
stat*s di&erences among employees and reinforce s*pportive c*lt*re.
5arallel str*ct*res:
6nvolves members in resolving ill de.nes; complex problems and b*ild
adaptability into b*rea*cratic organi%ations. Operate in conj*nction with
formal str*ct*res. 'hey provide members with an alternative setting in which
to address problems and sol*tions free from existing formal organi%ation
str*ct*re and c*lt*re.
Cooperative management
Steps followed in parallel str*ct*res: the p*rpose and scope of parallel str*ct*re 9<=C5>C: in the
+orm a steering committee for *ncp>qc
Comm*nicate with the orh members to create awareness among them
regarding f*nctioning of parallel str*ct*res 9<=5C>C:
+orm employee problem solving gro*ps
Address the problems and iss*es
6mplement and eval*ate the changes
C programs:
C is a gro*p of employees that meet reg*larly to solve problems a&ecting
its wor( area
Str*ct*re of OC programs
o Steering committee
o +acilitator
o "eader
o =embers
+elxible wor( options:
+lexible wor(ing ho*r
5rt time
0ob sharing
Compressed wor( wee(
+lexi pace

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