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.Describe the media that you rely on to get information about world
events. (newspapers, radio, TV, etc.).
You should say:
What your favourite way of accessing the news is
How often you use this media
What topics interest you most (e.g. local news /
world news / sports / business) and explain why you
prefer this form of media to others.
1. Do you thin newspapers are a reliable source of information
about world and local events!
". How important do you thin it is to now what is going on in
other parts of the world# and why!
!nternet: ! have internet access at home, so it"s very easy to
search or #nd out about anything $ust by a clic% everyday.
There are so many %inds of news on the !nternet. &bove all, !"m
often interested in 'rom this, ! can %now di(erent
types of life from which ! can learn a lot of lessons for my life,
such as: how to solve a problems, how to behave to evryone, etc.
). well, it depends on the %ind of information. !f it show sth about
scienti#c issues, ! thin% it is reliable. *owever, if it is information
about social life, we should base on many respects. !n short, we
can"t say for sure whether it"s reliable or not.
+. ,ure, it"s very important to %now what"s going on in other parts
of the world. &s ! %now, our society can only develop from other
countries" improvement as well as mista%es. !f we don"t %now
them, how can we #nd solutions easily when we"re in trouble-
). .ompare the coverage of domestic/local newspapers with that of
overseas newspapers and e0plain some di(erences between the two.
as we %now, there are so many di(erentces between domestic and
overseas, such as: languages, culture, law, etc. and these are
di(ereces between two %inds of newspapers. 1esides, foreign news are
often more serious than that in our country.
+. 2hat are some of the features of good newspapers-
2ell3it"s really to tal% about about the features of good newspapers. !n my
opinion, good media must tell the truth. 1ut how can we %now writers tell the
4. 5valuate the e(ectiveness of di(erent media.
di(erent media include di(erent %inds of information. ,o that is the
source of news. &lso, we can compare the e0actness of the news so
that we can have the right remar%s.
6. To what e0tent do you thin% $ournalists have a responsibility to the
,ure, yes3in fact they have the main responsibility for what they
Journalists should report the truth and try and find out the truth in whatever story they are
tackling. However too many are biased and affected by outside influences. The great
journalists are those who tread their own path, report on what they see and hear and give
the world stories we would not know about if it were not for them. They can make a huge
- 2ell3$ournalists have a signi#cant in7uence on the public. 2hat they
write a(ects everyone a lot. 8ost people believe in it. !f they tell the
truth, it"s o%ay. 1ut if they distort everything, trouble will come. !n fact,
it"s very hard to say9 !t depends on personal purposes.

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