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art-1|me rogram D|rector Cpportun|ty w|th C|v|c Lega| Corps (CLC)

Chlcago, lL | lall 2014| [ClvlcLegalCorps |

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Cverv|ew: Clvlc Legal Corps (CLC)-Lhe counLry's flrsL naLlonal organlzaLlon dedlcaLed Lo
closlng Lhe [usLlce gap Lhrough a blend of soclal enLrepreneurshlp, legal advocacy, and
publlc servlce-ls seeklng a parL-Llme rogram ulrecLor Lo help launch lLs flrsL Legal
Access Pub ln Chlcago by Lhe end of 2014. 8ulldlng on lLs success generaLlng lnLeresL ln
our lnnovaLlve approach Lo closlng Lhe [usLlce gap, CLC ls polsed Lo help relnvenL Lhe
legal professlon and provlde unprecedenLed access Lo [usLlce for underserved
communlLles ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes.

kespons|b|||t|es: 8eporLlng Lo CLC's LxecuLlve ulrecLor, Lhe rogram ulrecLor wlll:
Pelp develop and lmplemenL CLC's lnnovaLlve legal dellvery model Lo serve Lhe
legal needs of low-Lo-moderaLe lncome people ln Chlcago,
Co-faclllLaLe Lhe launch of CLC's Legal Access Pub faclllLy ln Chlcago, where
volunLeer ALLorneys wlll provlde quallLy and affordable clvll, crlmlnal, and
lnLegraLlve legal servlces on a varleLy of maLLers such as houslng law, famlly law,
publlc beneflLs, lmmlgraLlon, consumer debL, and mlnor crlmlnal maLLers,
Pelp develop an lnnovaLlve soclal enLrepreneurshlp Lralnlng program, where
new aLLorneys wlll learn how Lo run a legal soclal enLerprlse,
Pelp supervlse Lhe work producL and professlonal developmenL of CLC's
volunLeer ALLorneys,
AsslsL Lhe LxecuLlve ulrecLor wlLh oLher organlzaLlonal and operaLlonal Lasks as
needed, lncludlng fundralslng and parLnershlp bulldlng lnlLlaLlves ln Chlcago.

ua||f|cat|ons: CLC seeks a rogram ulrecLor wlLh Lhe followlng characLerlsLlcs:
An aLLorney ln good sLandlng llcensed ln llllnols and resldlng ln Chlcago,
An aLLorney wlLh a mlnlmum of 3 years of pracLlce experlence, ldeally ln publlc
lnLeresL law,
An aLLorney wlLh slgnlflcanL experlence supervlslng [unlor aLLorneys, parLlcularly
ln a legal ald or publlc lnLeresL legal conLexL,
An aLLorney wlLh a demonsLraLed commlLmenL Lo publlc servlce, publlc lnLeresL
law, and/or soclal enLrepreneurshlp,
An aLLorney famlllar wlLh new legal Lechnologles and pracLlce managemenL
An aLLorney wlLh a flexlble schedule who can commlL a mlnlmum of 10 hours per
week Lo Clvlc Legal Corps,
An aLLorney wlLh a sense of humlllLy, humor, servlce, and passlon for soclal

8enef|ts: CLC's rogram ulrecLor wlll recelve Lhe followlng beneflLs:
1he opporLunlLy Lo Lake on a leadershlp role ln a dynamlc, enLrepreneurlal Leam
dedlcaLed Lo susLalnably expandlng access Lo [usLlce for underserved Chlcagoans,
1he opporLunlLy Lo galn real-world legal managemenL experlence worklng on a
varleLy of clvll and mlnor crlmlnal maLLers, wlLh a focus on provldlng quallLy,
llmlLed scope represenLaLlon,
1he opporLunlLy Lo [oln a new organlzaLlon aL Lhe ground level, wlLh Lhe
poLenLlal for slgnlflcanL personal and professlonal growLh ln Lhe Chlcago legal
communlLy and aL Lhe naLlonal level,
1he ablllLy Lo work remoLely and on a flexlble schedule,
1he opporLunlLy Lo supporL Lhe personal and professlonal growLh of new
aLLorneys, as well as help close Lhe [usLlce gap for low-Lo-moderaLe Chlcagoans.

CLC w||| prov|de a modest st|pend to the part-t|me rogram D|rector to defray ||v|ng
expenses, as we|| as hea|th |nsurance and student |oan repayment ass|stance. CLC
ant|c|pates that the rogram D|rector pos|t|on w||| u|t|mate|y become a fu||-t|me,
sa|ar|ed pos|t|on.

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Clvlc Legal Corps (CLC) ls an lnnovaLlve soclal enLerprlse Lralnlng program LhaL
empowers new aLLorneys Lo expand access Lo [usLlce for low- and moderaLe-lncome
Learn more abouL us aL and on 1wlLLer and lacebook.

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