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AS I was surfing the website to know healing through divine love, I saw this sit
e on zensight process and saw the contents. Amazing. Please look into it.
Zensight Process
Twenty-two self-healing protocols
'All About Love'
by Sophie Merle, EFT-cc-adv
Whatever you have been wishing to experience without ever being able to realize
it, Zensight can help you make it happen (often in a matter of days or within a
few short weeks.)
The twenty-two easy to follow self-healing protocols presented in 'All About Lov
e' have the power to bring tremendous change in your life by healing all that st
ands between you and the fulfillment of your dreams and wishes, things like ...
All of your reasons for not already living those dreams and wishes.
Beliefs that are working against your best interests
Damaging attitudes and ways of behaving.
Decisions made by any parts of you that are running your present life.
Inner conflicts about deserving to have whatever it is that you want
Etc, etc, HEALING, CLEARING, GENTLY REMOVING everything held at any levels of yo
ur being that are currently blocking your chances to ever live your dreams.
And all that simply for the asking!
Your job with Zensight is just to read aloud (or silently) a set of custom made
statements, finishing each sentence with a short repeat of a healing word or vis
ualizing a healing symbol for a few seconds.
There is nothing more to it. Stepping into the life you really want to live can'
t get simpler than that . . .
You just state to yourself a bunch of statements specifically
designed to heal your issues. And bingo!
Zensight Process
Twenty-two self-healing protocols
'All About Love'
by Sophie Merle, EFT-cc-adv
A step by step guide to performing your own healing,
easily, smoothly, permanently.
Each of the twenty-two self-healing protocols presented in 'All about Love' are
aimed at making your love life a true delight to live. Here are a few of their t
itles just to give you an idea of the type of common issues they tackle:
"One too many betrayals, can't trust anymore!"
"Help, I am stuck in a rut!"
"I am single and I hate it!"
"I receive so little, what can I give?"
"From powerless to powerful!"
"Thriving, at long last!"
"And many more.
Zensight will help you heal any hurts you have experienced in your past or prese
nt relationships, while becoming infused with deeper and stronger feelings of lo
ve for yourself and for those that you care about. The quality of your life will
be enriched in ways you never thought possible.
Those protocols will help you target and heal the very patterns that have contri
buted to the conflict and pain you have encountered in love and in life. Whether
you experience low self-esteem, difficulties asserting yourself, a lack of conf
idence, or difficulties with trust, 'All About Love' includes healing exercises
to begin gently, directly and rapidly healing these concerns.
Even those who find themselves chronically and unhappily alone - or unable to ex
perience the joy of easily giving and/or receiving in the relationships they do
have - will experience a new place of peace inside of themselves, as a result of
following the suggestions in 'All About Love', Once internal peace is found it
is so much easier to attract new and healthy loving relationships into your life
, as well as to fully enjoy the relationships you already have!
If you have tried personal therapy in the past, you know that it only gets you s
o far. Insight is wonderful, but you can rationally "know" what your problems an
d patterns are, and still find yourself unable to change them!
Furthermore, the "positive thinking" that is recommended in many self-help books
is a great suggestion, there is no question! However, how do you "think positiv
ely" when you are sad, upset, angry or depressed?
How exactly does one go from being in touch with all of their problems and conce
rns to suddenly thinking only good thoughts? And how do you focus on positive th
oughts when you are preoccupied with concerns that maybe it has been your "negat
ive thoughts" before now, that have created the situation you are in?
Zensight goes far beyond recommending positive thinking. Instead this process he
lps you to first bring rapid healing to the problems, patterns, emotions, and co
ncerns that stop you from being able to think positively. Once you have cleared
that upset, not only will you feel better, but thinking positively - and attract
ing new and positive relationships and experiences into your life - becomes almo
st second nature, rather than something that needs to be "worked at".

Give yourself the gift of healing!
Zensight Process
Twenty-two self-healing protocols
'All About Love'
by Sophie Merle, EFT-cc-adv
Is available in e-book form by instant download.
[Click here to read an excerpt]
Zensight Process is simple:
You can start healing your issues immediately.
Zensight Process acts fast:
You will see your life swiftly transform. Easily and joyfully.
Zensight Process is fun:
Unexpected, delightful new opportunities will come your way. Things that you wou
ld never have dreamed possible.
Zensight 'All about Love' gives you total freedom:
No more driving in traffic to see your therapist. No more conflicting scheduling
. No more expenses. You heal your issues at zero cost!
Zensight 'All about Love' comes with tremendous help:
Join the Zensightdiscussion list on Yahoo! All your questions will be personally
, thoroughly and swiftly answered by Carol Ann Rowland, (founder of Zensight and
psychotherapist specialized in the treatment of trauma) by myself or other peop
le who are well versed in the solo practice of Zensight.
Zensight 'All about Love' is the real deal!
You get hours and hours of Zensight Process self-healing sessions for a tiny fra
ction of the hourly rate charged by most professional therapists.
Zensight 'All about Love' is offered at an incredibly low price!
If you act NOW, you can purchase 'All about Love' at less than half its normal p
rice. You only pay the low price of $ 29.95 (instead of the normal price of $65.
You'll want to JUMP on this offer FAST, because I'm only holding this LOW PRICE
for a very SHORT time.
Zensight 'All about Love' comes with an iron clad guaranty!
If you're not completely satisfied with your purchase of 'All about Love', you c
an get a full refund within 60 days. No questions asked.
Zensight is a self-healing phenomenon!
For those who want to improve (tremendously) the quality of their lives by tappi
Zensight is the right tool for them.
You'll love 'All about Love' and cherish it for many years to come!
Created especially for you, this one-of-a-kind, step-by-step guide, walks you th
rough twenty-two full length self-healing sessions from start to finish, to help
You'll want to share 'All about Love' with everyone you care about!
'All about Love' is copyrighted material. Sole proprietor of its rights, I could
easily have put a lock on this ebook to prevent those who haven't paid for it t
o get it for free. INSTEAD, I have decided that since Zensight is such a innovat
ive self-healing process, that it would be nice to enable you to share it with f
riends and family members. THUS, you can forward 'All about Love' to all those y
ou care about with my full blessings!
It doesn't matter where you are right now. You can change any unpleasant situati
on with Zensight. Try it and you'll be amazed.

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