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5S Kaizen Framework
5S Kaizen 5S 5S Analysis Five S 5S Framework 5S Business Methodology 5S model is
an approach to solving business problems. Below sample images are examples of 5S used in business
5S is a Lean Six Sigma structured method to getting a workplace cleaned up (eliminating waste),
organized, standardized and then sustaining the improvements made. Five S name is based on the
five Japanese words starting with S. Below is the image of this framework and key benefits of 5S


5 Why Analysis
5 Why 5 Why Analysis Five Why 5 Why Framework 5 Why Business Methodology 5 Why
model is one of the fundamental lean six sigma frameworks and is essential in looking for the root
cause of waste and business challenges.
Level after level, 5 WHYs are meant to unpeal symptoms to get to the root cause of an issue. The
limit is placed on a number five because looking beyond may not be as viable and will probably go
as far as a psychological issues of the business owners; Lean recognizes that psychology is not its
competence and that the focus is to be at a business level. Below sample images are examples
of 5 Why-s used in business management.
5 why analysis

Kaizen Continuous Improvement
Kaizen Kaizen Analysis Continuous Improvement Kaizen Framework Kaizen Business
Methodology Kaizen model is a lean approach to continuous improvement of business processes
and is at the heart of the Lean Six Sigma philosophy.
Kaizen worldview or mind frame is meant to be a continuous cycle consisting of the following
stages: make problems visible, develop countermeasures, determine root cause of the business issues,
hypothesize solution, test hypothesis, implement solution, standardize work. Below sample images
are examples of Kaizen used in business management.

Project Cycle
Project Cycle Project Cycle Analysis Lean Project Cycle Project Stages Project Cycle
Framework Project Cycle Business Methodology Project Cycle model developed as part of Lean
methodology and is one of the top business frameworks to structure a lean six sigma project.
Project stages are as follows: Request, Scoping, Planning, Training, Redesign, Implementation,
Review and Feedback. Below sample images are examples of Project Cycle used for lean project
project cycle

Sipoc Sipoc Analysis Sipoc Framework Sipoc Business Methodology SIPOC model is high
level view of the process that specifies who the suppliers and customers are, what are the inputs and
outputs and what is the high level process. Sipoc is one of the key Lean Six Sigma tools.
SIPOC is quick way to document a business process and ultimately be able to resolve a business
issue. Below sample images are examples of sipoc used in business management.

Lean Eight Wastes
8 Wastes Lean Eight Wastes 8 Wastes Analysis 8 Wastes Framework 8 Wastes Business
Methodology 8 Wastes model also known as seven wastes or eight wastes of lean is one of the top
Lean Six Sigma business frameworks aimed at establishing various inefficiencies within an
There were 7 wastes in the lean methodology originally however an 8th waste, namely the waste of
human intellect, was added to recognize the importance of human beings and their creativity in the
business process. Below sample images are examples of 8 Wastes used in business management.
8 wastes

Cost Of Poor Quality COPQ
Cost Of Poor Quality COPQ = Cost Of Poor Quality Analysis Cost Of Poor Quality Framework
Cost Of Poor Quality Business Methodology Cost Of Poor Quality model is a Lean framework
stating that organizations only see symptoms of poor quality such as rework, scrap and rejects.
However, what they do not see is that poor quality affects sales, results in longer cycle times and
affects many other business aspects.
The classic depiction of COPQ is an iceberg with only a small portion of the symptoms visible above
the surface. COPQ is a Lean Six Sigma approach to solving business problems. Below sample
images are examples of Cost Of Poor Quality used in business management.
cost of poor quality

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