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March 2007 to September 2013

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March 2007 to September 2013
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Dream is not
what you see in
sleep is the thing
which doesnt let
you sleep


March 2007 to September 2013
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VOL I. Star Writer Question No(s) : 76,77

Chapter 1- Introduction to Star Office
1. How will you work with multiple documents in Star office Writer (March 2011)
2. How do you switch over from Insert mode to type over mode ? June 2010
3. How will you correct mistakes in Star office Writer ? June 2008
4. What is meant by text editing ? Sept 2009,2010, March 2009,2010,2013)
5. How will you select the text with keyboard ? (June 2007)
6. What is the difference between copying text and moving text in Star office writer? Sept 2007
7. What is word processing ? October 2012
8. Write any four word processing packages (June 2013)

Chapter 2- Text formatting
1. How would you create the numbered list ? June 2009, Sept 2007 ,Sept 2011
2. What are different types of paragraph alignment in Star Writer ? Sept 2008 , June 2012
3. How will you change the line spacing in Star Office Writer ? (June 2011)(Sept 2013)
4. What are the steps in creating Bulleted list in a Star office Writer document ?
March 2007,Sept 2011
5. What is meant by Define hanging indent ? (Sept 2011, March 2012)

Chapter 3- Correcting Spelling mistakes
1. How does Star office writer check spelling while typing ? Sept 2007
2. What is the use of auto correct option? June 2008

Chapter 4- Working with Table
1. How can you make selected row and columns of same size in Star office Writer, table ?
Sept 2010,June 2007, March 2012
2. How will you delete the entire table in Star office Writer ? Sept 2009, Oct 2012,June
3. How to change the width of a column in a table ? June 2009
4. How will you insert columns in a table in Star office Writer ? March 2009

Chapter 5- Page formatting
1. What are the types of page orientations ? Which one is the default type of orientation ?
June 2010 , June 2012.
2. How to create a header ? March 2010, March 2007
3. What is meant by header and footer ? Sept 2008 .March 2011
4. What is the purpose of creating a footer in the document ? March 2008
5. How will you insert page numbers in the footer area ? (June 2011)
6. What is header ? How will you insert page number in footer ? (March 2013)
7. What is meant by footer?How will you insert page number in the footer area (Sept2013)

Chapter 6 - Star Calc Question No(s) : 78,79
1. How can you edit the data present in the cell in Star office Calc? or Can you change the
data present in a cell? If so, how? Sept 2010, 2007 March 2009, June 2011, March 2012
March 2007 to September 2013
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2. What are the functions in Star office Calc ? How can you insert them in the worksheet ?
Given an example. Sept 2010,Sept 2011, October 2012,Sept 2013
3. What is the use of auto format sheet facility ? June 2010
4. What is data arithmetic ? Explain with example March 2010, March 2012 , June 2012,March 2013
5. Explain how to generate the series 33,30,27,.3. March 2010
6. Name the different types of cell referencing in Star office Calc ? Se pt 2009 , June 2007 , Sept 2011
7. Write a note on text operators in Star office Call ? Sept 2009
8. What is meant by range ? June 2009
9. Differentiate Relative and Absolute cell addressing ? June 2009
10. Define Electronic Spreadsheet. March 2009,March 2009 ,October 2012,June 2013
11. What is a cell and cell pointer ? Sept 2008
12. What is date arithmetic ? Give an example ? Sept 2008, June 2008, Mar 2007,March 2011
13. Write the spreadsheet applications ? June 2008,June 2013
14. How will you save a worksheet ? March 2008
15. Write a note on Auto format in Star office Calc ? March 2008 , June 2007
16. Write the names of popular spreadsheet packages ? Sept 2007,Sept 2013
17. What is the difference between absolute cell referencing and relative cell referencing?
March 2007,June 2011
18. List any four advantages of electronic spread sheet ? (March 2011)
19. How will you change the column width of a cell in a worksheet? (June 2012)

Chapter 7 - Star Base Question No(s) : 80,81
1. What is DBMS ? Sept 2010, June 2009, June 2007 , March 2011
2. Define Primary Key. Sept 2010, March 2009, Sept 2008,June 2007, March 2012
3. List and define the three components that make up a database ? June 2010, June 2012
4. What does it mean to filter database records ? June 2010
5. What is a database ? March 2010, Sept 2009, Sept 2007.Sept 2011
6. Explain how to use Auto filter . March 2010
7. What distinguishes information from data ? Sept 2009, June 2009, June 2008
8. What is the difference between Query and Filter ? March 2009
9. Write a short note on multiple sorting in star office base ?Sept 2008, March 2012,June 2012,
March 2013
10. How will you copy text and objects be tween star office application using drag and drop ? June 2008
11. Write the steps in sorting a database in Star office Base. March 2008
12. Write a note on filters and its types in Database March 2008,June 2011 ,Sept 2011,June
2013,Sept 2013
13. What is meant by Relational Database ? Sept 2007
14. What are the steps involved in data processing ? March 2007
15. Write a note on reports in Star office Base ? March 2007
16. Define(i) Record (ii) Field in StarOffice Base (June 2011)
17. Write a brief note on hierarchical database ? (March 2011)
18. What is a Structured Query Language (SQL) ? October 2012
19. What is a form in StarOffice base ? October 2012
20. What is the difference between Filter and Query ? (March 2013)
21. Write any four advantages of computerized data processing (June 2013)
22. What are the categories of the data management task in DBMS (Sept 2013)

March 2007 to September 2013
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Chapter 9 - Multimedia Question No(s) : 82,83
1. Define Morphing and Warping Sept 2010, June 2010, 2009, Sept 2009, March
2009,June 2011,Sept 2011, March 2012,March 2013,June 2013, June 2013
2. What is a Plug-in? What is its advantage? Sept 2010
3. Write short notes on 2-D animations. June 2010, Sept 2007,June 2012
4. What is inline sound and video ? March 2010 , March 2011
5. Write about the types of Video compressions Sept 2009, June 2007,Oct 2012
6. What is multimedia? June 2009, Sept 2008 , June 2007,Oct 2012
7. Write a note on AVI format? March 2009, March 2008
8. Write the full form of
a. MIDI b. AIFF c. MPEG d. AVI Sept 2008, March 2008, June 2011,Sept 2013
9. What are the classification of 2D animation June 2008
10. Name the special soft wares used in the multimedia content. June 2008
11. Explain the steps for creating 3-D animation March 2008,Sept 2011
12. Compare lossless and lossy video compressions. Sept 2007
13. Write a note on inline sound and video ? March 2007
14. List any four popular multimedia formats (Sept 2011)
15. Define compression and write note on its types (March 2011, March 2012)
16. Expand MIDI and write a note on it ? June 2012
17. Write a short note on Shockwave format. (March 2013)
18. What do you mean by sampling ? (June 2013)

Chapter 10 - Star Impress Question No(s) : 84,85
1. List the features of Star office Impress Sept 2010
2. What is Rehearse Timing? Sept 2010, June 2010, March 2010, June 2009, Sept 2008, June 2012,
March 2013,June 2013
3. How will you change slide background? June 2010, June 2008, Sept 2007,June 2011,Sept 2013
4. How to rename a slide? March 2010, March 2009
5. What is Custom animation ? Sept 2009, March 2009,June 2011,March 2012
6. What is slide transition ? June 2009,March 2011,June 2013
7. What is the use of Insert OLE object tool in Star office Impress ? Sept 2008
8. What is the use of slide sorter view ? June 2008
9. How will you customize a presentation ? March 2008
10. How will you record a show with rehearse timings ? March 2008
11. How will you insert pictures in presentation ? Sept 2007
12. What is the use of master page in presentation ? March 2007, June 2012,Sept 2013
13. How will you create handouts in Star office impress ? March 2007, March 2012
14. What can you do with the left pane of the presentation window ? (June 2007)
15. How will you create a custom slide show (Sept 2011)
16. How to insert, delete & rename a slide in a presentation ? (March 2011)
17. What is the use of notes view and normal view in presentation ? Oct 2012
18. What is the use of master slide in presentation ? Oct 2012
19. What is meant by Handout view ? March 2013

VOL 2.
Chap 1 (Question No(s) : 86) - Obj. Oriented Concepts using C++
1. Define Encapsulation. Sept 2010, March 2010, Sept 2008, March 2008, Sept 2007,Sept
2011, March 2012
2. What is the significance of an object ? or
March 2007 to September 2013
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3. Define Object June 2010, Sept 2009, June 2008, March 2007,June 2011,June 2012,March
2013, June 2013,Sept 2013
4. List any two advantages of Object Oriented Programming June 2009
5. Define Polymorphism. March 2009 , March 2011,Oct 2012
6. What is meant by inheritance ? (June 2007)

Chapter 2( Question No(s) : 87,88,89) Overview of C++
1. What will be the value stored in the variables x,f and c in the following snippet ?
int x,f,c; x=12,f=22;
c = x++ + ++f; Sept 2010, March 2010,Sept 2009, June 2009
2. Write a note on storage classes in C++ ? Sept 2010, June 2009, Sept 2007
3. List the use of the operator asterix (*) when it is used as a unary operator. Sept 2010
4. Write note on size of operator ? June 2010
5. What is a pointer variable ? Give example ? June 2010, Sept 2008, June 2008,Sept 2011
6. What is the purpose of void data type ? June 2010, March 2007, March 2012
7. What is meant by type definition ? March 2010, Sept 2008, March 2008,March 2013
8. What is the impact of modifiers ? March 2010, March 2009, March 2007, March 2011, March
2013,Sept 2013
9. Define Token / Classification of tokens Sept 2009, June 2008,March 2012,Oct 2012
10. What is type cast ? Sept 2009,June 2011,Sept 2013
11. Write a note on String Literal ? June 2009
12. What are keywords ? Give examples ? March 2009,March 2013
13. Evaluate the following C++ expressions March 2009
Assume a=5,b=3,d=1.5,c is integer and f is float.
a) f = a+b/a; b) c = d*a+b;
14. Determine the order of evaluation of the expression Sept 2008
(b * b) 4 * a * c
15. Which operators are specific to C++ ? June 2008
16. List out the relational operators associated with C++ March 2008
17. How is a pointer variable different from ordinary variable ? March 2008
18. Define Conditional operator Sept 2007 , March 2007,June 2011,Oct 2012, June 2012, Sept 2013
19. Write a short note on enumerated data type Sept 2007
20. Write a note on assignment operator (June 2007), June (2012)
21. List out user defined data types (June 2007)
22. What is the use of operators related to pointer variable ? (June 2007)
23. List the important purposes of void data type (June 2011)
24. What is meant by association in C++ ? (June 2011)
25. What is a data type in C++ ? What are the different data types (Sept 2011)
26. Write C++ equivalent expressions using the conditional operator (Sept 2011,March 2012)
(a) f = 0.5 if x = 30 otherwise f = 5 (b) f=0.9 if x >=60 otherwise 0.7
27. Write a short note on identifiers in C++ ? (March 2011)
28. List any four punctuators in C++ and write a line about them (March 2011,Oct 2012)
29. What is escape sequence ? Give example (June 2012)
30. Define constants (June 2013)
31. How are operators classified based on operand requirements ? (June 2013)
32. Define derived data type (June 2013)

March 2007 to September 2013
Email :

Chapter 3 (Question No(s) : 90 ) Basic Statement
1. int x = 3,y=4,ctr=2,rex=x; Sept 2010
while(ctr <=y)
{ res *= x;
ctr+=1; }
Answer the questions given below based on the above snippet.
a. Identify the control variable used.
b. How many times will the loop be executed ?
2. List the rules for the formation of nested loops. June 2010, March 2009, June 2008,Sept 2013
3. Write down the syntax of the following a) if..else and b) do..while. March 2010
4. Write the syntax of switch-case statement ? Sept 2009
5. What are the various sections of a C++ program ? June 2009
6. Write the syntax of nested if statement Sept 2008
7. What do you know about assignment statements in C++ ? March 2008
8. What are control statements ? What are the two main categories of control statements ?
Sept 2007
9. Find the errors in the following snippet March 2007
{ case 1 to 2 : cout << one << two;
i. break;
case 3 to 4 : cout << Three << Four; }
10. What is the purpose of continue statement ? (June 2007, March 2012)
11. Define Control statements/Control Structures in C++ ? (Sept 2011 , Oct 2012)
12. Write a brief note on break and continue statements (March 2011)
13. What is the use of insertion (or) put to operator ? Give example (June 2012)
14. Write an appropriate if structure for the following : Set grade to A if marks is above
90 otherwise set grade to B (June 2012)
15. What is loop ? Write their types (March 2013)
16. Give the rules for nested loops (June 2013)

Chapter 4 (Question No(s) : 91 ) Functions C++ Enhancements
1. Write the different between call by value and call by reference. Sept 2010, June 2009,
March 2012
2. What are the advantages of function ?March 2010 , Sept 2009, Sept 2007, June 2007,
June 2012 , Oct 2012,Sept 2013
3. What is the main purpose of function prototype ? March 2009
4. What is an inline function? June 2010,Sept 2008,June 2008, March 2008, March 2007,March
5. List the types of scope rules of variables in C++ ? (June 2011)
6. Write a note on file scope (Sept 2011)
7. Give the general syntax and example for function prototype? (March 2011, June 2012)
8. What the rules for actual parameters ? (June 2013)

Chapter 5 (Question No(s) : 92,93 ) Structured Data Type - Arrays
1. What are the different ways to indicate the dimensions (row/columns) of an array ? Sept
2. What would be the output of the following program ? Sept 2010

March 2007 to September 2013
Email :

# include <iostream.h>
void main( )
{ int a[] = {1,2,3,4,5};
for(int i = 0; i<4 ; i++)
a[i+1] = a[i];
for(int i=0 ; i<5;i++)
cout << \n << a[i]; }
3. Write a note on array of strings ?Give Examples Sept 2008,June 2010,June 2011,March
4. How is memory represented for 2-d array. June 2010, March 2007,Sept 2011
5. What is the use of strcmp( )? March 2010, June 2009
6. Write down the syntax of a 2D array declaration. Write an example ? June 2009, March
2009, June 2008 , Sept 2013
7. Define array Sept 2009, Sept 2007
8. Find the errors in the following C++ snippets. Sept 2009
a. int a[5.5]; b. float num[A];
9. Write a note on write( ) function ? June 2009, March 2011
10. Explain the function strcpy( ) ? March 2009,June 2013,Sept 2013
11. What is an array ? What are the two types of arrays ? Define them ? Sept 2008 , June
2007.,June 2011,Oct 2012 , June 2012
12. What is the purpose of strlen( ) function ? June 2008, March 2012,Sept 2013
13. Write about any two sting functions in C++. March 2008
14. Write the purpose and value returned by strcmp( ) string manipulator ? Sept 2007
15. What is meant by array of characters ? March 2007
16. Write the output of the following c++ program March 2008
# include<iostream.h>
# include<conio.h>
void main( )
{ char ch[ ] = {c,o,m,p,u,t,e,r};
for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
cout << ch[i];
for(int j=0;j>=0;j--)
cout <<ch[j]; }
17. Write the syntax of gets( ) (Sept 2011)
18. How does an array behave when passed to a function ? (March 2011)
19. Find the number of elements and memory size of the 2-D array
int product [2][4];
20. int x[][2]= {0,1,2,3,4,5}; what is the value of x[1][1] ? Oct 2012
21. What is the output of the program.
# include <iostream.h>
void main( )
{ char ch[] = {END\0};
cout << ch; } (June 2012)
22. Write the syntax of single dimension array with example (March 2013) (June 2013)

Chapter 6 (Question No(s) : 94,95 ) Classes and Objects
1. Define data hiding. Sept 2010, June 2007 , March 2011,June 2013
2. Write a note on static data members. Sept 2010 , June 2007 , March 2011
3. Define Data Abstraction June 2010, Sept 2009, March 2009, June 2008, June 2011,
Sept 2013
March 2007 to September 2013
Email :

4. List out any four characte ristics of member function use d in program deve lopme nt. June 2010
5. How is memory allocated to an object of a class ? March 2010, March 2008
6. Define class and List the specifications of a class. March 2010, Sept 2007,June 2012,Sept
7. What is meant by array of objects in C++ ? Sept 2009, March 2008, March 2007
8. Define Encapsulation June 2009
9. What are the different way of creating objects ? June 2009, Sept 2008
10. Explain the access specifiers of a class. March 2009 , Oct 2012
11. What is a class ? Give example Sept 2008, Oct 2012,March 2013
12. How are the class members accessed ? June 2008
13. Write the general form of class declaration ? Sept 2007,June 2011,Sept 2011
14. Write the characteristics of member functions March 2007
15. What does a class comprise ? (Sept 2011)
16. What effect does the visibility label private has on the members of a class? (March 2012)
17. Write a note on static data members of a class (March 2012)
18. Write about static Data members ? (March 2013)
19. What is meant by Nesting of member functions ? (June 2013)

Chapter 7 (Question No(s) : 96 ) Polymorphism
1. List the rules for function overloading ? Sept 2010, June 2010
1. How are functions invoked in function overloading ? March 2010, Sept 2009, March
2007, June 2007,June 2011,March 2011, March 2012
2. Mention any two rules for operator overloading ? June 2009
3. What is operator overloading? March 2009,Sept 2011,Oct 2012,Sept 2013
4. What is function overloading? Sept 2008,March 2013,June 2013
5. List out the operators that cannot be overloaded? June 2008, Sept 2007
6. What are the various processes involved in operator overloading? March 2008

Chapter 8 (Question No(s) : 97 ) Constructors and Destructors
1. What are the functions of a constructor ? Sept 2010, June 2008, Sept 2007,March 2011,
March 2012 , Oct 2012 ,March 2013
2. When is a copy constructor executed ? June 2010, Sept 2009, June 2007,June 2011
3. Write down any four rules for definition and usage of destructor? March 2010
4. List the rules for constructor definition and usage? June 2009, March 2007,Sept 2011,June 2013
5. Tabulate any two differences between constructor and destructor? March 2009,Sept
6. Match the following for the class myclass Sept 2008
i) myclass( ) a) copy constructor
ii) myclass(int x, int y) b) method
iii) void show( ) c) default constructor
iv) myclass(myclass &x) d) parameterized constructor

Chapter 9 ( Question No(s): 98 ) Inheritance
1. List the advantages of Inheritance Sept 2010, March 2009, Sept 2007,March 2011,June 2012, March 2013,
Sept 2013
2. What is accessibility? June 2010,Oct 2012
3. What are the types of inheritance? March 2010, March 2007, June 2007,Sept 2011
4. Write the syntax for deriving a class from its base class. Sept 2009
5. What is Inheritance multilevel? June 2009,June 2011
6. What are the three access specifiers used to inherit a derived class ? Sept 2008
March 2007 to September 2013
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7. What is an abstract class? June 2008, March 2012,June 2012, June 2013
8. Write the syntax for creating a derived class from a base class. March 2008
Chapter 10, 11 & 12 (Question No(s): 99, 100 )
1. What is call centre? What is its use? Sept 2010, March 2010,June 2011,June 2012
2. Define Computer Crime? Write any two computer crime Sept 2010, June 2009, March
2007,March 2013
3. What is meant by theft of computer time? June 2010,March 2011
4. How are computers used in Education? June 2010
5. Define virus March 2010, Sept 2007,Oct 2012,June 2013
6. What is the use of call centre? Sept 2009, June 2007
7. Write a note on cracking Sept 2009, Sept 2008, March 2008, March 2012
8. What is meant by digitization? June 2009, Sept 2008
9. What is e-banking ? March 2009,March 2011
10. What is IT enabled services ? March 2009
11. What is medical transcription ? June 2008
12. Write the benefits of data digitization June 2008
13. What is ATM ? What is its use ? March 2008,Oct 2012
14. Define Data Management Sept 2007 , June 2012
15. What is meant by e-learning ? March 2007
16. What is meant by Piracy ? June 2007,June 2011
17. What is meant by emotion containers ? Sept 2011
18. Define computer ethics (Sept 2011)
19. What is memo frame? (March 2012)
20. Write a short note on Data Digitization (March 2013)
21. What are the three technical elements a common man need to reach out the benefits of
IT ? (June 2013)
22. What is e-learning and e-shopping ? (Sept 2013)
23. Write any four IT enabled service (Sept 2013)

5 Marks
Volume 1 Star Office ( Question No 101-105)

Star Writer (Question No ; 101, 102)
1. How will you create the bulle ts and numbered list ? (Se pt 2010) , June (2010) , March (2010)
2. How would you carry out the spell check after the entire document is typed?
(Sept 2010), (June 2009) , (June 2007) (March 2011, March 2012) (June 2013)
3. How will you make use of page style dialog box and ruler to change margin?
(June 2010) , (March 2009) (June 2011) (Sept 2011)(Sept 2013)
4. Explain the various functions of icons of the Table formatting tool bar (March
2010),(Sept 2009),(Sept 2008),(Sept 2007),(June 2007),(March 2007) (March
2011)(Oct 2012)(March 2013)
5. Explain the different ways of selecting text in Star office writer document (Sept
2009) (Sept 2008) (June 2011)(June 2013)(Sept 2013)
6. Give the steps involved for replacing a word with another word in a given text
and explain? (June 2009) (March 2007)
7. How to find and replace text in Star Office Writer? (June 2008 ,March 2008
,Sept 2011 ,Oct 2012 , March 2013)
March 2007 to September 2013
Email :

8. How will you indent a given text by using paragraph dialog box ? (March 2009,
March 2012 , June 2012)
9. Explain creating header & footer and adding remarks and page number in a text
document ( June 2008)
10. How will you add an entry to the auto correct list in Star office write r ? (March 2008)
11. What are the various types of paragraph alignment that can be made ? Explain
(Sept 2007)
12. How will you add and delete rows, columns in a Star Writer Table ? (June 2012)

Star Calc (Question No ; 103, 104)
1. Describe briefly a spreadsheet and list some of the main advantages of electronic
spreadsheet (Sept 2010 , June 2007 , Oct 2012, June 2012)
2. How will you generate a series of values in Star Office Calc ? Explain with examples
(Sept 2010) , (June 2010) , (June 2009) (June 2007) (June 2011) (Sept 2011)(March 2011)
(March 2012)(Sept 2013)
3. Explain the procedure of deleting a cell, row or a column in worksheet in Star Calc (June
4. List and describe the other features available with spreadsheet software in addition to
its ability to calculate numbers (March 2010)
5. Explain how to create a chart in worksheet (March 2010) (Sept 2011)
6. What are functions? How can you use them in your worksheet? Explain with examples
(Sept 2009) , (June 2009) , (Sept 2008) , (March 2008) , (Sept 2007) , (March 2007),
(June 2012)(March 2013)
7. How will you insert cells, rows and columns in Star office calc? (March 2009) ,(June
2008) , (March 2008) (June 2011)
8. What are the various formatting options available in Star office calc? (March 2009)
(June 2008)(March 2012)(June 2013)
9. What are the various icons in the insert object floating tool bar of worksheet? Mention
their functions and uses? (Sept 2007)(June 2013)(Sept 2013)
10. Explain how to insert objects in Star Calc worksheet (March 2011)(Oct 2012)(March

Star Base (Question No 105)
1. Explain various manipulations of a database in Star office base (Sept 2010) (June 2009)
(Sept 2008) (June 2008) (March 2008) (March 2011)(March 2012)(Oct 2012)(Sept 2013)
2. What is Query? Write the steps involved in generating a query? (June 2010) (March 2007)
3. Write any 5 advantages of computerized data processing (March 2010)
4. How will you generate reports in Star office base? (Sept 2009) (March 2009)
5. Explain filter and its types with example (Sept 2007)
6. Explain different database types (June 2007) (June 2012)(March 2013)(June 2013)
7. Explain how to insert cell Calc range into text document (June 2011)
8. Explain how will you create a form in Star office base (Sept 2011)

March 2007 to September 2013
Email :

Volume 2 C++ ( Question No 106-108)
C++ (106, 107 & 108)
Chapter 3- Basic Statement Chapter 4- Functions Chapter 7- Polymorphism
Chapter 8-Constructors & Destructors Chapter 9-Inheritance

1. Explain the for loop structure in C++. Explain with an example (Sept 2010) (June
2011)(Oct 2012)(March 2013)
2. What do you mean by scope? Explain the different types of scopes in C++ (Sept 2010)
(June 2010) (March 2009) (Sept 2008) (June 2007)
3. Explain the types of inheritance (Sept 2010) (Sept 2008)
4. Explain switch statement with example (June 2010) (March 2010) (March 2009) (Sept
2008) (Sept 2011)(Sept 2013)
5. What is operator overloading (June 2010)
6. Explain call by value with an example (March 2010) (June 2011) (June 2012) (Oct
2012)(March 2013)(June 2013)
7. Explain function overloading with an example (March 2010) (March 2009)(March
8. Explain Nested if statement with an example (Sept 2009) (Sept 2007)(June 2013)
9. Differentiate between call by value and call by reference of functions in C++ (Sept
2009) (June 2008) (Sept 2007) (March 2007) (March 2011)
10. What are the rules of operator overloading? (Sept 2009) (June 2008) (March
2007)(March 2012)
11. What are Entry Check loops? Explain any one of them with example (June 2009)
(March 2011)
12. Explain inline functions with an example (June 2009)(March 2012)(Sept 2013)
13. Define function overloading. Give an example. What are its various rules ? (June 2009)
(June 2011) (June 2012) (Oct 2012)
14. Explain if & switch statements (June 2008)
15. Explain any one of the loops in C++ with example? (March 2008)
16. Explain call by reference method with suitable example? (March 2008)
17. Write the rules for function overloading and operator overloading (Sept 2007) (March 2011)
18. Explain Entry check loops? (June 2007)
19. Discuss about the general working of for loop in C++ ? (March 2007)
20. Explain the types of parameter passing in function? (Sept 2011)
21. Define inheritance? Write a detail note about the advantages of inheritances?(Sept 2011)
22. List the different types of loop in C++. Explain any one with syntax and suitable
example (March 2012)
23. Explain if and if..else with suitable examples ? (June 2012)
24. Define Base class and Derived class. What are the points that should be observed while
defining a derived class ?(Sept 2013)

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