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Acceleration due to gravity Lab

Shayne Rebello
Mr. Di Carlo
Monday Noveber 1!
Pur"o#e$ %o co"are the ty"e o& otion e'"erienced by t(o &ree)&alling ob*ect# (ith
di&&erent a##e# and deterine (hether a## ha# an e&&ect on acceleration due to gravity.
Hy"othe#i#$ +& t(o ob*ect# (ith di&&erent a##e# are dro""ed &ro a "oint, the ob*ect
(ith the greater a## (ill have a greater velocity and (ill hit the ground #ooner than the
lighter ob*ect becau#e o& the additional net &orce acting on it. %hi# i# due to the "o#itive
relation#hi" bet(een net &orce and a##.
) Ring #tand
) %ic-er)ta"e tier
) .uret cla"
) %ic-er ta"e
) !//)g hoo-ed a##
) 0//g hoo-ed a##
) C)cla"
) Cu#hion
1. Cla" the tier 1#et it to 1/h23 in a vertical "o#ition o& !./M above the &loor. %hread
the !./ M o& tic-er ta"e through the tier. Ma-e #ure it doe# not have any -in-# o& &old#
in it that (ould inter&ere (ith it# &ree oveent through the tier.
!. Attach a !//)g a## to the lo(er end o& the ta"e4 u#ing a#-ing ta"e
3. Start the tier4 the relea#e the !//)g a##. Ma-e #ure the a## (ill i## all ob#tacle#
a# it &all# onto a cu#hion on the &loor. Label thi# ta"e 14 !// g
5. Re"eat #te"# ! and 3 (ith a 0//)g a## and another !4/ length o& tic-er ta"e. Label
thi# ta"e !4 0// g
0. Dra( a line acro## the &ir#t ta"e through the &ir#t clear dot located on the end o& the
ta"e (here the otion began. 6ach t(o)dot interval re"re#ent# .1/ #.
Tape 1 Mass = 200g
Displacement d (cm)
Tape 2 Mass = 500g
Displacement d (cm)
0.00 0.0 0.0
0.10 0.4-0.0=0.40 2.9-0.0=2.9
0.20 6.9-0.40=6.5 16.5-2.9=13.6
0.30 22.2-6.9=15.3 39.5-16.5=23
0.40 46.2-22.2=24.0 72.2-39.5=32.7
0.50 79.9-46.2=33.7 114.5-72.2=42.3
0.60 123.3-79.9=43.4 166.-114.5=52.3
0.70 176.4-123.3=53.1
Data Collection
Date "roce##ing and analy#i#
%ie %a"e 1 a##7!//g
Average velocity 1c8#3
%a"e ! a##70//g
Average velocity 1c8#3
/./0 /.5)/7 /.5
/.58 /.17 5 c8#
!.;)/7 !.;
!.;8 /.17 !;c8#
/.10 <.;)/.57 <.0
<.08 /.17 <0 c8#
1<.0)!.;7 13.<
13.<8/.17 13< c8#
/.!0 !!.!)<.;7 10.3
10.38 /.17 103 c8#
3;.0)1<.07 !3./
!3./8/.17 !3/ c8#
/.30 5<.!)!!.!7 !5./
!5./8 /.17 !5/ c8#
=!.!) 3;.07 3!.=
3!.=8/.17 3!= c8#
/.50 =;.;) 5<.!7 33.=
33.=8 /.17 33=c8#
115.0) =!.!7 5!.3
5!.38/.17 5!3 c8#
/.00 1!3.3) =;.;7 53.5
53.58 /.17 535c8#
1<<.>)115.07 0!.3
0!.38/.17 0!3 c8#
/.<0 1=<.5) 1!3.37 03.1
03.18 /.17 031 c8#
%a"e 1 M7!// g
%ie 1 1Second#3 %ie ! 1Second#3 Average Acceleration
1c8#!3 1do(n3
/./0 /.10 <1/
/.10 /.!0 >>/
/.!0 /.30 >=/
/.30 /.50 ;=/
/.50 /.00 ;=/
/.00 /.<0 ;=/
Sa"le Calculation$
%a"e ! M70// g
%ie 1 1Second#3 %ie ! 1Second#3 Average Acceleration
1c8#!3 1do(n3
/./0 /.10 1/=/
/.10 /.!0 ;5/
/.!0 /.30 ;=/
/.30 /.50 ;</
/.50 /.00 1///
Sa"le Calculation$
0. According to the re#ult# o& thi# e'"erient4 the acceleration o& the t(o ta"e# (ere not
uni&or. %a"e nuber 1?# acceleration (a# on average uch lo(er than ta"e !. @or
e'a"le during the interval /.10 1#3 to /.!0 1#3 ta"e 1?# acceleration (a# )>>/ c8#!
(herea# ta"e !?# acceleration (a# );5/ c8#!. +n addition it al#o too- ta"e 1 longer to
achieve an acceleration o& );>> c8#! co"ared to ta"e !.
<. %he acce"ted acceleration value &or a &ree &alling ob*ect i# );;> c8#! 1;.>8#!3.
%a"e 1 M7!// g
6rror in recorded acceleration
%ie 1 1Second#3 %ie ! 1Second#3 A o& 6rror
/./0 /.10 </A
/.10 /.!0 11A
/.!0 /.30 1!A
/.30 /.50 1A
/.50 /.00 1A
/.00 /.<0 1A
%a"e ! M70// g
6rror in recorded acceleration
%ie 1 1Second#3 %ie ! 1Second#3 A o& 6rror
/./0 /.10 >A
/.10 /.!0 5A
/.!0 /.30 1A
/.30 /.50 !A
/.50 /.00 A
/.00 /.<0 !A
=. 6rror# in the e'"erient ay have been the re#ult o& incorrect ea#ureent#. Since the
ea#ureent# (ere ta-en (ith a large eter #tic-4 it i# "o##ible that #oe o& the
ea#ureent# (ere not co"letely accurate. A# a re#ult4 thi# ea#ureent error ay
have re#ulted in the #-e(ing o& re#ult#. Al#o4 #ince there (a# no #tand to hold the tic-er
tier in "lace4 oveent# by the individual holding the tier ay have re#ulted in
>. Budging by the re#ult# o& thi# e'"erient it can be concluded that a## doe# not have
an e&&ect on the acceleration due to gravity. Although one ay concluded that the heavier
a## under(ent greater acceleration4 both a##e# endured an acceleration o&
a""ro'iately );>/ c8#! 1the acce"ted value3. Although the acceleration &igure# (ere
not al(ay# in accord (ith the acce"ted value4 one can attribute #uch deviation# to huan
error. +t can there&ore be concluded that a## doe# not e&&ect the acceleration o& gravity
and that acceleration due to gravity i# con#tant.
.a#ed on the re#ult# o& the e'"erient both a##e# under(ent non)uni&or otion. %hi#
i# con&ired by the curve on the "o#ition) tie and velocity)tie gra"h &or both a##e#.
%a"e 1 1!//g3 reached a a'iu velocity o& )031 c8# (hile %a"e ! 10//g3 reached a
a'iu velocity o& )0!3 c8#.
%hroughout the e'"erient4 %a"e ! 10//g3 "o##e##ed a greater average velocity at ever
interval than ta"e 11!//g3. %hi# di&&erence in average velocitie# i# not the re#ult o&
di&&erent acceleration rate#4 but rather di&&erent net &orce value#. %he &act that acceleration
i# con#tant i# "roven in the e'"erient4 a# the acceleration rate# &or both a##e# are
a""ro'iately );>/ c8#! . %hu# by u#ing the eCuation @7a 1a##uing that acceleration
i# con#tant3 that an increa#e in a## bring# an increa#e in net &orce. A# the a## o& an
ob*ect increa#e#4 there i# a greater net &orce acting u"on4 (hich cau#e# it to ove &a#ter.
%here&ore it can be concluded that net &orce i# variable (herea# acceleration due to
gravity i# al(ay# con#tant.
%he #hortcoing# o& thi# e'"erient (ere ainly the lac- o& nece##ary aterial# and
"reci#e ea#uring eCui"ent. +n#tead o& u#ing a cla"4 the grou" (a# &orced to u#e an
individual to hold the tic-er ta"e in#tead. +n addition4 #ince the grou" u#ed a eter #tic-
to ea#ure4 the re#ult# (ere not a# accurate a# they could have been. A# a re#ult thi#
cobination o& #hortcoing# re#ulted in an error o& </A. Ho(ever4 i& thi# e'"erient
(a# to be conducted again4 u#ing a longer tic-er ta"e and dro""ing the a##e# &ro a
greater di#tance4 (hile utili2ing ore "reci#e ea#uring eCui"ent (ould reduce the
e&&ect o& huan error and "rovide ore accurate re#ult#. La#tly4 accuracy could be &urther
i"roved by u#ing a #aller tie interval. +n#tead o& u#ing 1/H24 a !/H2 tier (ould
double the nuber o& reading# and "roduce ore detailed re#ult#.

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