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16 Worksheet (AS)

1 Which of the statements about stationary waves is true? [1]

A A node occurs where the vibration is at a maximum.
B An antinode occurs where the vibration is at a maximum.
C The distance between consecutive antinodes is one wavelength.
D The distance between consecutive nodes is one wavelength.
2 The diagram shows the fundamental mode of vibration on a string. The string is vibrating with a
frequency of ! "#.
Which diagram shows the second harmonic$ with the correct frequency of vibration? [1]
3 The diagram shows the a%%aratus used to measure the wavelength of microwaves.
As a detector is moved from the transmitter to the metal %late$ maxima are found at %oints
P$ Q$ R$ S and T. What is the wavelength of the microwaves? [1]
A & cm
B ' cm
C 1! cm
D &! cm
A( and A )evel *hysics +riginal material , -ambridge .niversity *ress /!1! 1
frequency 0 1! "#
frequency 0 /! "#
frequency 0 1/! "#
frequency 0 12! "#
16 Worksheet (AS)
4 Which diagram shows the fundamental mode of vibration in an o%en %i%e? [1]
5 A vibrating tuning for3$ held above a tube$ sets u% a standing wave in the air in the tube.
Which of the following statements is correct? [1]
A At the antinodes the %articles vibrate bac3 and forth$ %arallel to the length of the tube.
B At the antinodes the %articles vibrate from side to side$ %er%endicular to the length of the tube.
C At the nodes the %articles vibrate bac3 and forth$ %arallel to the length of the tube.
D At the nodes the %articles vibrate from side to side$ %er%endicular to the length of the tube.
6 +ne end of a ro%e is fixed and the other end is sha3en rhythmically. A stationary 4standing5
wave is formed on the ro%e. 6x%lain how such a wave is formed on the ro%e. [/]
7 The diagram shows a stationary wave on a string.
a 7ar3 the %ositions of the nodes 485 and the antinodes 4A5. [/]
b 6x%lain what is meant by a node and an antinode. [/]
c 9etermine the wavelength of the %rogressive waves on the string. [/]
8 A string of length 2! cm is fixed at both ends. The middle of the string is %luc3ed. This creates
a stationary wave %attern on the string with one com%lete :loo%;. The string is vibrating in
fundamental mode with a frequency of /! "#. -alculate<
a the wavelength of the %rogressive wave on the string [/]
b the s%eed of the %rogressive wave on the string. [1]
A( and A )evel *hysics +riginal material , -ambridge .niversity *ress /!1! /
=' cm
16 Worksheet (AS)
9 A tuning for3 vibrating at a frequency of &>! "# is held above the o%en end of an em%ty bottle.
When the length of the air column within the bottle is 1= cm$ a fundamental mode of vibration
is set u% in the air within the bottle and a loud sound is heard.
a (3etch a diagram of the stationary wave %attern. 4Assume the air within the bottle is a
uniform cylinder of air.5 [/]
b 9etermine the wavelength of the sound waves. [/]
c "ence determine the s%eed of sound in air. [1]
10 A string of length 1. m is held under tension. When the string is made to vibrate at a frequency
of &!! "#$ three antinodes are formed along this length of the string. 9etermine the s%eed of the
%rogressive waves that form the stationary wave %attern. [']
11 The diagram below shows a stationary wave %attern formed in the air between the o%en ends
of a tube when a vibrating louds%ea3er is held at one end. The %ositions of the nodes 485 and
antinodes 4A5 are also shown.
The length L of the tube is ! cm. The s%eed of sound is 1&! m s
9etermine the frequency of sound from the louds%ea3er. [']
A( and A )evel *hysics +riginal material , -ambridge .niversity *ress /!1! 1
16 Worksheet (AS)
12 @n a resonanceAtube ex%eriment$ a tuning for3 vibrating at
a frequency of /' "# is held over the o%en end of a tube
4as shown in the diagram5.
A stationary wave can form in the air between the o%en end of
the tube and the surface of the water. The antinode at the o%en
end of the tube does not occur exactly at the end but at a small
distance c from this end. The distance c is 3nown as the :endA
correction;. The value of c for a %articular tube does not
de%end on the harmonic.
This ex%eriment ta3es into account any errors that may occur
due to the endAcorrection. The tube is fully immersed into the
water. The o%en end of the tube is slowly raised. A loud
sound is first heard when the to% of the tube is 1! cm above
the surface of the water. The next loud sound is heard when the
to% of the tube is >' cm above the water surface.
.se this information to determine the s%eed of sound in air.
(core< B
A( and A )evel *hysics +riginal material , -ambridge .niversity *ress /!1! &

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